#nothing changes a woman like forced confession
dollybites · 7 months
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blessing you with the jesus sign
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italofobia · 10 days
i think my father is having a (physical) affair
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mellowsadistic · 8 months
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“That’s it, baby, let it all out,” I cooed. “Have a big cry. Daddy's here, little girl." I stroked my wife's hair gently while she bawled her eyes out like a two-year-old, sat on the floor of our bedroom wearing nothing but her sopping wet diaper.
She gasped in big lungfuls of air, her bare chest heaving with every shaky breath. “You… did something… to me!” she said between hiccups, batting my hand away and glaring at me accusingly. It seemed that I'd finally been found out.
"What did I do to you, sweetheart?" I asked softly.
"You... turned me... into... a cry... baby!" she sobbed, almost hyperventilating now, her words barely intelligible. "You... want me... like this!"
“That's right, darling," I said, and I saw her tear-filled eyes widen in surprise at my ready confession. "I want to be your Daddy. I want to take care of you. But you've always been so strong and independent. I knew I had to do something to change that, so I used some special hypnosis files, hidden in that night-time background music you like to listen to, to erode your emotional control. It's the same technique I used to take away your potty training.”
She looked at me in horror, but I just chuckled and reached out to stroke her tear-stained cheek lovingly with the back of my fingers. “It’s so sweet that you can’t control when you go pee-pee or poo-poo anymore." I patted the front of her soggy diaper. “And you look so pretty in your princess nappy!”
“You did this to me?” my wife whispered, so shocked that her wracking sobs had come to a halt. Her hand drifted down to the huge disposable diaper bulging between her thighs. "You made me need these?"
"Yes, baby," I said. "I thought making you incontinent would be enough, but even then you were still trying to be self-sufficient; insisting on changing your own nappies, refusing to let me comfort you after an accident. So now you're going to be emotionally incontinent as well, sweetie. No more bottling things up. No more self-control. When you get even the slightest bit upset about something, you'll be in tears."
“But whyyy?!” she wailed, her sobbing returning in full force. "Why did you... do this... to me?!"
“It’s not good for girls to hold in their feelings,” I said, running my fingers through her hair again. She seemed too appalled by what I was saying to even notice. “It’s so much cuter, so much more feminine, when you lose control and have a little meltdown instead.”
“But I don’t… want to be… like this!” she cried.
“I know, darling,” I said soothingly, “but this is how I want you. Daddy knows best. Being a tearful toddler suits you much better than being an adult woman. In any case, there's no undoing the effects of the hypnosis now, little one. I made sure it was completely permanent."
“No!” she wailed, bouncing on her wet bottom and beating her fists impotently against the floor. “It's not fair! I wanna be a grown-up! I wanna use the toilet! I don't wanna be a stupid crybaby! I don't wanna! I don't wanna!" Her words trailed off into incoherent blubbering as she devolved into a massive temper tantrum.
I couldn't help but smile. She looked so adorable! "Hush now, princess," I cooed, shoving a large pink pacifier between my wife's lips. Her mewling was cut off abruptly, and she started sucking on it at once - another product of the hypnosis files. She was left sniffling and whimpering quietly, her dummy bobbing rhythmically in her mouth. "Now I know you're very upset because Daddy turned you into a big baby," I said, pushing her back gently onto the floor, "but I'm sure a nice dry diaper will have you feeling better in no time. Legs up, baby! It's time for you to let Daddy take care of everything."
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dia-souls · 3 months
Diabolik Lovers Cute and Sweet Confessions (Based on DF and LE Games and CDs) part1
(❤️ fluff moments, cute confession, OOC, ... ❤️)
Shu to Yui: I...lose all meaning in life when you’re not with me. From here on out, I’ll protect both you and my family with my own two hands. To live alongside my precious family, and the woman I love. Komori Yui. I...love you. (DF Vampire.End)
Shu talking about Yui: Forcing her way into my heart, she’s a meddlesome, bothersome, and precious woman. Until she takes her final breath, I’ll continue to love her. (Zero CD track.04)
Shu talking about Yui: I’m well aware. Even so, I don’t plan on letting her go. If I fall into misfortune, I’ll simply drag her along with me, no matter how deep we may drop. (Zero CD track.04)
Reiji to Yui: My beloved Yui... No matter what kind of destiny lies ahead of us, we will always be together. Forever, and ever. (DF Vampire.End)
Reiji to Yui: Please make a promise. Vow that you will entrust your future to me, and me only. I love you. (BB CD track.05)
Reiji to Yui: The flowers right here are in full bloom right now. It is a beautiful garden. Let us pluck one of them. I am sure it will look lovely in your hair. (Daylight CD track.05)
Ayato to Yui: You’re right here in front of me. That’s why I want to touch you. Want to embrace you. Don’t want to let you go. Want you by my side... I love you Yui. No matter what becomes of the world, let’s be together. That’s simply how I feel. (DF Vampire.End)
Ayato to Yui: Don’t ever let go again, understood? …Well, I’m not lettin’ you even if you tried. Haha…I’ll love you and only you…forever. (BB CD track.05)
Ayato to Yui: I love you. More than anyone else in this world. I won’t let you go until death parts us. ...No, scratch that. Even if one of us dies, I’m not givin’ you up. (LE Vampire.End)
Kanato to Yui: Yui-san I’ll live on for your sake. So please be there by my side. Stay with me forever, and ever. This love is eternal... (DF Vampire.End)
Kanato to Yui: Your place to be is by my side. Likewise, you are the only person I wish to keep my by side. I won’t hand you over to anyone! (Zero CD track.04)
Kanato to Yui: You...were always the one holding me in your arms, while I failed to do anything for you. I was always on the receiving end, making demands...Even if it may be too late, is there really nothing I can do for you right now? For your sake, I will... (Daylight CD track.04)
Kanato to Yui: Honestly, the fact I’m able to hold your hand again like this...It feels like a miracle to me. I truly...truly am so relieved. I think I finally realize how valuable you and your life are. ー And what it means to have to part one day. ...As well as that it is something unavoidable. (Daylight CD track.05)
Laito to Yui: My life has been worth it, simply because I was able to meet you. ...Thank you. Even if I have been nothing but a marionette my whole life, my love for you is genuine. It’s such a trivial matter, when I consider I could have lost you. (DF Vampire.End)
Laito to Yui: Thank god...To think that for the longest time...I believed that I did not need something precious...or special to me...Yet right now, I can’t even phantom a life without you...That’s a huge change of heart...for me personally. So, please? From here on out, till forever. Or till your life comes to an end is fine as well... Stay with me, okay? (BB CD track.04)
Laito to Yui: You truly are a strange girl. You are probably the only one...who can rouse my emotions this much. It hurts. Very much so...I want you to love me from the bottom of your heart. (PS CD track.04)
Subaru to Yui: Thanks to you, I was able to change. I found something I wish to protect. All I want is for my precious family to smile. Because I realized there is no greater joy which exists in life. Thank you. (DF Vampire.End)
Subaru to Yui: I was able to break through the darkness, and overcome my own cruel fate.I’m never lettin’ you go again. Yui I will love you forever. (DF Vampire.End)
Subaru to Yui: No matter what the future holds for us, I’ll protect you so don’t ever leave my side again...Okay? I love you. (BB CD track.05)
Ruki to Yui: I didn’t think we’d one day tie the knot under the blue sky like this. ...I wonder if this warmth in my chest is what one would call ‘happiness’? ...I would have never gotten the chance to experience this feeling if I hadn’t met you. ...So thank you. ( DF Vampire.End)
Ruki to Yui: It’s because you’re here. You’re the one who makes the sky, and the whole world seem that much more beautiful. You are the one making me feel so fulfilled inside. You were my joy, my luck...and my hope. I doubt that will ever change. We will live and pass away together. That’s how I truly feel. I love you Yui. (DF Vampire.End)
Ruki to Yui: Let’s be together and love each other. Just like we vowed on this ring. Until the bitter end. (Daylight CD track.04)
Ruki to Yui: No need to be scared. I’m right here with you. Even if I were to leave, it would only be for a short while. Once you open your eyes, I’ll be there in front of you again. No matter where you find yourself waking up. I will come to see you at once. So...Don’t worry about a thing, and rest in peace. (Daylight CD track.05)
Kou to Yui: You’re so beautiful! I almost want to show you off to the whole world and brag about how you’re MY bride! Thank you so much for choosing me...I will treasure you for life. (DF Vampire.End)
Kou to Yui: Even if death tries to separate us...I won’t give up on you so easily again. I will vow my eternal love to you. Until the very last second. I love you Yui. (DF Vampire.End)
Kou to Yui: Please…Smile? …So I can burn the image of your smile...in my mind forever. (Daylight CD track.01)
Yuma to Yui: Try holding my hand. It’s warm, right? Hehe...It’s the same temperature as yers now, right? (DF Vampire.End)
Yuma to Yui: Still...Don’t ya think it’s ironic? I once survived a fire, yet here I am once again, surrounded by flames. ...I’ll love ya forever, and ever...Yui. (DF Manservant.End)
Yuma to Yui: Take a look. The sun has appeared in the sky. Right now, we’re the very first people on this earth to witness the sunrise. (Daylight CD track.05)
Azusa to Yui: I will never let you go again...I love you, Eve...Let’s savor these moments we spend together from here on out, okay...? (DF Vampire.End)
Azusa to Yui: I’m so happy to be able to live here together with you in this Paradise. A Paradise for just the two of us, where nobody will get in our way, or disagree with our relationship. Now it can be just the two of us, for eternity. (DF Vampire.End)
Azusa to Yui: If you were to become a flower…I promise I will continue to treasure you, just as much as I do right now…I’ll tell you how pretty you are every day, and give you water. And every time the petals move…I’ll think of it as you smiling. (Daylight CD track.05)
Carla to Yui: I promise that I shall forever protect you...as well as our child inside your belly, to show my thanks for granting me with such warm feelings. (LE Vampire.End)
Carla to Yui: I thought happiness was something I would never get to experience. But I believe that I have finally come to somewhat understand what it means. (LE Vampire.End)
Carla talking about Yui: To think she would seem so fleeting, in such a fragile physical state. Even so, she continued to strongly express her feelings for me. My irreplaceable partner. (Daylight CD track.05)
Shin to Yui: You are all I need. There is nothing else I want. ...Be with me forever, okay? (DF Vampire.End)
Shin to Yui: I-I’m begging you…!! Don’t leave me…! …Ugh…Why? …Just when…I finally saw the light thanks to you…This just can’t be, right? (Daylight CD track.05)
Shin to Yui: Right now I realize that being able to submit to others when needed is a sign of strength as well. It does not matter if this other person belongs to another race, or if they’re the enemy of us Founders. …I refuse to give up. Not until the bitter end. No way in hell! This is my chance…to show you how strong I truly am! (Daylight CD track.05)
Kino to Yui: You taught me many important things...Such as how to love someone...and trust others. Thank you so much, truly. (LE Vampire.End)
Kino to Yui: At this Promised Land, I want to live together forever. With you, the person more dear to me than anything or anyone else in this world. I love you Yui. (LE Vampire.End)
Kino to Yui: I honestly didn’t think there would ever come a day where I get to speak these words but...Let me say them. I love you Yui. More than anyone, or anything else. You are precious to me...even more so than my own life. (LE Heaven.03)
Kino to Yui: Hehe, I can’t believe just hearing you say my name…fills me with so much joy. If only I had realized this sooner. (Daylight CD track.05)
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elliaze · 2 months
Don't take my love away | j. velaryon
Warnings: spoiler! for the book, HEAVY!angst, twincest (let's be honest they are targaryen), their age has been changed, mention of sex (nothing descriptive), inspiration from Billie Eillish - CHIHIRO
Word Count: +1900
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She remembered their first kiss. 
Innocent, because it was both their first time doing it.
Forbidden, because they shouldn't do it.
Jace was her twin brother. He was born just a few minutes after her. They were always together.
Maybe that was why it seemed inevitable. Or maybe that night, when they were both two–and–ten and fought with Aemond, they needed each other more than usual. 
Which wasn't true, because they had spent every moment together for years. 
Maybe it was the emotions that were running through them. Certainly hers, because even though the stealing of Vhagar was behind them, the maesters had dressed the wound on Jace's head and the one she had on her forehead, the adrenaline was still pumping through them. 
She remembered that they had both escorted Lucerys to his chambers and waited until their younger brother had fallen asleep from exhaustion. That evening – or even that morning – they both said Luce had been incredibly brave in standing up for them and taking Aemond's eye. They had also known that, as his older siblings, they should have been defending him, not the other way. They both felt a pang of guilt, and maybe that was the reason they had kissed.
She remembered that when they had finally reached Jacaerys's chambers, he had kept saying that he should have been faster, braver, more observant. He panicked, and she was afraid her brother wouldn't be able to control his breathing.
And then she kissed him. It had been a completely innocent kiss, but it had also been a confirmation that they meant so much more to each other than mere siblings.
She remembered his first touch. One where he touched her like a man could touch a woman.
They were six–and–ten, and the whole act seemed uncertain, even awkward. They didn't know what they were doing, and all they thought about was being as close to each other as possible.
This time, it wasn't just emotions that influenced it. They were completely aware of what they were doing and didn't think for a moment about stopping it. 
They wanted each other, their kisses and touch.
They didn't care about the consequences, or that they shouldn’t have done it. They both knew that sooner or later they would be forced to marry someone neither of them loved, and they shouldn't get so attached to each other when it was only a matter of time before they had to part ways.
But they couldn't stop. 
The thought of not being by each other's side was destroying their hearts to the core.
She remembered the first I love you he said to her, not as a brother, but as a man.
It was the day their mother found out about their forbidden affair and she couldn't do anything else but announce that they would get married. That evening, Jace came to her chamber, or rather rushed inside. She was sitting nervously in front of her mirror and combing her hair, when the sound of the door opening made her turn around.
“Jace…” she started, but he was quickly at her side. He grabbed her by the shoulders, lifting her up, and then placed his hands on her cheeks. “What are you doing?"”
“I just wanted you to know how much I love you,” he confessed as honestly as she had never heard it. She felt as if her whole insides were melting under the influence of his words, as well as his gaze full of love and devotion. “You are my whole world. My life. Without you, there is no me. I love you like nothing else. I love you more than I love myself. You are the only one. You will always be.”
She had tears in her eyes when she heard his words, and at the same time she was unable to stop the charming smile and the blush that spread across her cheeks. She was happy and finally understood all those love stories she had read. In books, the couple in love were never related to each other, but in their case, she thought that it only worked in their favour.
It was inevitable.
“I love you too, Jacaerys. And I don't want to live without you. You’re everything I have and what matters to me. Our hearts are connected forever.” She confessed a moment before she connected their lips.
The kiss was calm at first, as if she just wanted to confirm her words with it. However, it quickly turned into a hot, lustful one. Her hands quickly landed in his curls, and his lifted her nightgown to her waist and stopped at her completely exposed thighs and hips. Jace lifted her up and led them to her bed. He laid her on the satin sheets, joining her immediately.
This time they knew exactly what they were doing. They both knew their bodies and knew how to extract the sweetest sounds of pleasure from each other. Their hands were clasped together the whole time, as if to make sure that it was real. She felt shivers every time he kissed her body, and Jace did not hold back to show her that everything she did was the sweetest pleasure for him.
When he entered her, their eyes met and they both connected their lips in a thirsty kiss. Their bodies moved in complete sync, as if this was what they were made for – to be together in the most intimate way possible, the closest they could be. She saw stars in her eyes, and when she came with his name on her lips, and Jace right after her, she thought this was exactly what she wanted. 
A future with Jacaerys. 
She saw them together, their children, and the whole happy, long life that lay ahead of them.
But that future didn't include them being embroiled in a bloody war. The Dance of the Dragons, they called it.
From the very beginning, they had to deal with the loss of loved ones. Lucerys, Rhaenys... Death came to them one by one, and both feared that it would eventually come for them. But every time it didn't, the fear was still there. Maybe it was their stupid luck that kept them alive. Or – as she liked to say – this world wouldn't be able to accept their deaths. They had to live because they loved each other so much that they wouldn't be able to survive without the other.
And she was rarely wrong.
And yet, this time she was.
The Battle of the Gullet was completely chaotic. The Velaryon fleet was fighting against the Triarchy with exceptional ferocity. But she didn't pay attention to which side had the upper hand at the moment. Her only goal was to find Jacaerys and Vermax. 
She didn't think she should even be there. Even though Vermithor, who had been her companion for many years, burned every enemy ship to ashes, giving the Velaryon fleet a slight advantage, all she could do was look around for the sight of the familiar dragon and its rider.
She remembered how the four of them had gone for rides many times. The young Vermax had always been relatively witty and ready to have fun with Vermithor. The old dragon might seem to ignore his younger brethren, but in the end, the two were very much bonded, in the same way as their riders.
Finally, she spotted Vermax, and somewhere on his back sat Jacaerys. Bolts and arrows flew towards them, and her heart was pounding as she realised that Jacaerys was too low and much more vulnerable to attack. She needed to do everything she could to protect them together with Vermithor, not even caring about her own safety.
However, she was unable to stop the bolts that hit Vermax. The dragon let out a terrible scream and began to fall down with its rider.
“JACE!” She screamed in horror. Her eyes misted and tears filled, and at that moment Vermithor was responsible for what had to be done. He fell down after the dead dragon, and all she could see was Vermax's body falling into the water. 
"We have to find him" she said to the dragon and Vermithor just screamed loudly and breathed fire that consumed one of the enemy ships. They circled for a while looking for Jacaerys until she finally managed to spot him on the beach not far from the fight. She could hear the sounds of battle clearly, so when she saw Jace standing on his own two feet, she knew she had to get him out of there as soon as possible before someone realised he was still alive.
Vermithor landed hard on the beach, and she slid down on his wing and ran to her brother. 
Jace was weak and wet. She also noticed an arrow in his arm, but the wound didn't seem serious enough to prevent them from escaping together.
“Y/N” she didn't hear him say her name, but she saw his lips moving. 
Jace breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was okay, and she did everything to get to him as quickly as possible. 
They were only a few metres away. 
A few steps away and then she would be able to take him in her arms and save him.
However, fate can be cruel. It takes away what we love without warning.
Neither she nor Jace noticed the arrow that was shot straight into his back. Jace stopped mid–step and staggered on his feet, and she had the impression that he was experiencing some worst nightmare. However, she didn't give up and still believed that they had a chance to survive. That she would manage to save him and get him to Dragonstone, where the maester would heal every wound on his body. 
There was still a chance. 
She believed in it with every fiber of her being, because if she lost him, she would die with him.
She was almost there when another arrow whistled. Jace watched her as she approached, as if he knew what was about to happen. 
There was no other thought in his head but her.
They had come into the world together. And she was also supposed to be there when he was about to leave it.
“Y/N” he ​​said to her before the last arrow hit his neck.
Jace fell, and she caught him in her arms at the last moment.
“Jace?” She whispered nervously, her voice breaking. “Jaecerys, wake up!” She touched his face, and his skin was still hot, just like it was always when she touched her. Hot dragon blood. “Jace, I beg you. I can’t live in a world without you.”
Her prayers were in vain, and when she kissed him for the last time, he was already dead.
She remembered their first kiss, touch, and declaration of love.
But she never wanted to remember the last time she tasted his lips, how he looked at her with love and told her he loved her. Their story had no right to end in such a drastic way.
They were only twenty. Their whole lives ahead of them. They deserved more time. 
They were supposed to be king and queen after they helped their mother get back what was rightfully hers. 
He had no right to die in front of her, and above all, to leave her alone in this cruel world.
She never believed in gods, but if one of them stood before her and asked her what she wanted, her answer would be only one.
Don’t take my love away from me.
She didn’t want to stay in this world when he was gone.
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luffysinterlude · 3 months
This is my first time requesting something so I don’t really know how to do it lol but would you be able to write a shanks x reader where shanks is readers captain and confesses to her? Thank you!
★ summary: shanks confesses his love for you. (fem!reader)
★ warnings: one piece antics, ooc!shanks, reader is extroverted, angst if you squint, idiots in love, reader and shanks might’ve manifested each other (soulmates basically), assassin!reader, fluff/somewhat suggestive (thanks beckmann!!), WC: ≈1.8K…is this a drabble?!
★ an: never really thought abt writing for shanks so thank you for this request! i tried my best so i hope its somewhat something you wanted, anon! ^^
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shank’s sure you’re secretly a witch that has some sort of past-life soul tie to him.
he thinks maybe it’s because he’s somewhat always drawn to you; it’s subtle, but whenever he feels your presence near him, he searches for your figure. it’s also somewhat obvious, to everyone but you. maybe you did know of his infatuation with you, maybe you didn’t.
but shanks felt his life change the day you were found hiding in his ship, demanding that he and his men accept you, claiming you have nothing else better to do with your time and that you’ve always wanted to explore the world. he didn’t have much of a choice, considering the red-haired pirates had already been at sea for three days since their last stop.
you snuck on the red force during a party thrown by locals for the pirates, hiding in a supply closet, discovered by the right-hand man of the captain. at first, you were worried of what they might do to you, but then remembered that they were just men.
“well, sweets,” the man said. “i’m sure a woman wouldn’t just waltz her way onto a very notorious pirate ship and not know how to fend for herself…?”
you smirk at him, a spark in your eyes as the tone of your voice held a slight challenge. “i was trained to be an assassin.”
it was then he felt a sudden shift in the air, chuckling at your remark. he’s always up for a new challenge.
“well, we got a reason to party boys!”
again, he’s sure there’s a past-life connection between the two of you. (he thought how easily he was able to trust you, after blacking out.)
it’s been two years since you’ve joined the red-haired pirates, time flying as you enjoy the thrills of life. you’ve never felt this free before, coming from a noble family and being able to escape thanks to a certain red-haired man. you’ve dreamed of life feeling this way since you were a little girl, wondering what beauties your family had kept hidden from you.
you’ve learned so much. you’ve experienced so much. truth be told, you’re not sure if life could feel any better than this. though, you do wonder what would happen if you fell in love.
you’ve been courted by many suitors your entire life, growing up only to be taught two things: how to kill, and how to be a wife. the word love was something you associated with the tortures of your old self, but you feel as if you’re finally ready to experience it on your own; without people in your ear scolding you on how to act and how to ‘love’. you think you have a grasp of what the feeling feels like, but you’re still somewhat unsure.
you’ve accepted that your next suitor — someone you already know — is someone who won’t make you feel restricted or tied down. you’ve decided that you deserve nothing but the best treatment, and so far on this journey of freedom, one charming pirate captain has set your standards to the sky.
“food for thought?” a familiar voice breaks your thoughts as you blink back to consciousness, your eyes focusing on the waves in front of you. you’re standing on the observation deck of the red force, a light breeze brushing through your [h/c] locks as your captain stands next to you. in his hand there’s half of a cookie, a giggle escaping your throat when you notice it.
“is said food present?” you reply back, taking the half-eaten sweet treat anyway. a small chuckle reaches your ears as he leans over the railing, eyes watching the smooth waves. it’s night time now, stars sprinkling the sky. “just thinking,” you answer his question.
captain shanks. the shanks. a name that’s feared by many, though it’s one that brings you peace and joy. he’s a charming man, always looking out for not only his crew, but friend and foe alike. your mind can’t help but start thinking about marineford, the first time you’ve ever seen shanks in the flesh. a beautiful man, you first thought. a powerful one at that too. he looks like freedom.
“hmm. you shouldn’t let your thoughts consume you so much.” he states. it’s late and he knows he should be resting, but for some reason he wasn’t able to ease his restlessness. when he saw your figure out on deck, he then knew it was you keeping him up. “not sure what you’re thinking so hard about but if you need a reminder: you’re everything everyone says you are — powerful, beautiful, and intelligent according to the tabloids. a threat to the world, you’re quite the star.”
his words make heat rush to your cheeks, a sudden wave of nervousness hitting you. your relationship with the captain has always been full of back and forth teasing with a few intimate gazes, but to hear him state a compliment so sweet to you makes you want to shy away. instead, you put your brave face on, and return the gesture.
“yeah? and how does the big and scary emperor ease his mind on nights like this?” or maybe not. you internally cringe at your comeback, a feeling of disappointment lingering wishing you had said something more flirty, but as your eyes finally find the captain’s face, a tint of pink painted his cheeks.
“well this big and scary emperor, usually finds something — or someone — to spend his time with,” this time, shank’s the one cringing internally, the weight of his words settling on him. great, now she must think i’m a whore, he thinks.
you realize you’re both tip-toeing around each other. you both want to say something — which usually isn’t this hard — but you’re also both unsure of how the other feels, so you’re holding back.
you sigh as you physically feel your guard being lifted.
“i wonder…” you start quietly. “how it feels to be in love.”
shank’s eyebrows raise at your confession, something he’s never been told before. he’s had plenty of interactions with women — lovely ones at that — but he’s never heard a woman speak of love so vulnerably. he turns his body to face you, arm resting against the railing of the deck. he takes in your side view, the moon shining down on you so brightly.
and then he feels it, a feeling so foreign yet so familiar to him.
you suddenly turn to face him, eyes catching his in a soft gaze. he looks different, you think. the way his eyes shine brightly from the moon’s rays. the way his hair seemed to be brighter as well, despite the lack of light. you tilt your head, silently questioning his silence, wondering if you had said something stupid.
“have you ever been in love, captain?” you ask, watching as his eyes widen slightly, your question throwing him off guard.
one of the things shanks admires about you is your curiosity. in the time he’s been around you, he’s noticed many things about you — how you love dancing, eating [f/d], scolding the boys — but your curiosity makes you different from everyone else. people always assume you’re just nosey and full of gossip, but really, you’re just curious.
he’s never heard of you spreading rumors or telling lies, so he knows how genuine you are.
sure, you might overstep boundaries with some people, but shanks never minded answering your questions. you’ve confided in him before, telling him how your parents basically shielded you from the outside world. how caged in you felt.
“i think…” shanks starts. he steps closer to you, staring down at you. stars reflect in his eyes as he cradles your cheek suddenly, your body relaxing under his touch. “that’s the feeling i feel when i’m around you.”
you let out a choked breath at his sudden confession, the world around you both going silent. your eyes are wide and your jaw is slightly wide, chest swelling with warmth.
the captain who’s been helping you to experience true freedom just confessed something so delicate to you.
you’re unsure what to say. it hits you so hard that you feel tears well in your eyes and you feel your throat go dry.
“y-you — you what?!” you say. “you can’t just say something like that out of nowhere, idiot!” you scold the tall man, his eyes closing as he chuckled at your reaction. “sorry, cap’n. got a lil carried away there…but do you mean it?” you ask, averting your gaze away from his.
he rubs his thumb across your cheek, looking at you with eyes full of love, as if he’s trying to imprint this image in his head. he thinks about all the teasing the both of you throw, how you’ve never been scared to bite back. he thinks about the times he’s watched you publicly shame men who make you disgusted in bars, how your strength impresses him every time. he thinks about the times where he’s been lucky enough to witness you on the battlefield, so full of life despite being surrounded by death.
“yes.” he finally answers, the tension suddenly gone. “you’ve always been so curious about others, it’s made me curious in you. i’ve watched you grow over the past two years and somewhere along the way,”
“i fell in love with you. the way you naturally take on responsibility and the way you’re not scared of anything. i fell in love with the way you’ve faced death with a smile on your face, how optimistic you are.”
“i fell in love with the way you look in the mornings, the afternoons, and the evenings. and for the first time ever, i’m seeing you this late at night. and you look as beautiful as ever.”
“i fell in love with your presence, how you’re able to shift the energy in the air wherever you go. i’m not sure you even realize your effect in the places we visit. you bring such a lovely, warm spirit into the room, you have no idea how many bad days you’ve turned good.”
his words made you sick. your breathing got heavy as he confessed everything he’s learned to love about you, and a feeling you’ve desperately tried forgetting crawled its way back into your chest.
this time, your body accepted the feeling and for the first time in your life, your body filled with love. a warmth that’s somewhat familiar but so distant. something that’s new, almost sort of a craving you didn’t know you were capable of having.
and then, you kissed your captain.
you hoped he felt the love you had for him, words not being enough to describe the emotions running through you. he kissed you back; hand grasping the back of your head gently, pulling you closer to him.
you threw your hands around his neck, shanks’ body jerked forward, his eyes slightly widening at your strength. he relaxed and smiled into the kiss, giving you one last peck before pulling away from your grasp — before you accidentally hurt him.
“what? never handled a strong woman before?” you tease, smiling at his small tumble backwards. “i think i feel love when i’m around you too.”
the next morning, a tired shanks dragged himself into the dining area, pouring himself a cup of coffee. he fails to notice beckmann sitting across from him, too lost in his thoughts; the previous night replaying in his head.
“you’re an asshole,” beckmann starts. “i get you all had a great night, but not everyone needed auditory confirmation.”
★ an: ahhh!! ty for reading ^^ please feel free to request head canon scenarios!! i’ve never written for shanks so i hope i did him somewhat justice…as always, constructive criticism is always appreciated and welcomed!!
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balteredsworld · 3 months
turning point. gregory house
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🥼🩺 | you and house despise each other. today's supposed to be any other night, but house kisses you.
warnings/tags! light enemies-to-lovers, angst if you squint your eyes, younger woman x older man, emotional revelations, no dialogue, and they kiss!
masterlist : greg house n all
a/n: i can't believe people are sending in things in my inbox wow if you have any requests/ideas or little topics of conversations don't shy away and send them my way! enjoy ducklings <3
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house reaches for your wrist, taking you into his grasp, and pulling you flush against his body. you jolt at the sudden motion, left hand landing and pressing on his chest. sure eyes linger on your face for a fraction of a second. beauty eclipsing any and all thought working the cogs in his busy mind. all he thinks to himself is how breathtaking you are in this moment.
many a time the two of you would rather bicker, almost estranged in your sidings with cuddy. but you were legally bound by contract to side with her, serving as a board member this year.
tonight’s no different, you’re here because of house’s opposition to a hospital policy you and the board proposed. he’s been on a childish campaign to get you to concede to his wishes, after all he does whatever he wants in the hospital. but he makes a deductive confession that changes the tune of your usual argument. and tonight’s a little different, with it being the annual gala.
you wear this burgundy dress off some runway that he makes note of, and he’s in his well-pressed, well-tailored suit. you came here to declare a truce, but instead you let house press your buttons, somehow finding yourself ending the argument against his chest.
house’s hand snakes its way to the nook of your back. then, his lips were latched onto yours. he's kissing you.
gregory house is kissing you.
your tense body melts into his touch, reciprocating the kiss despite your initial surprise. you loop an arm around his neck, pushing him closer to you, causing the two of you to wobble, but he steadies your weight and deepens the kiss.
it’s sweet, passionate, and almost desparate, as if this was years of yearning. but you’re not so illusioned that you mistake this as something other than all your anger and hostility towards each other finally being squeeze out by the force of your locked lips—into this kiss.
it’s a kiss the two of you unknowingly wanted, hidden underneath the veneer of your harsh and clashing words. you’re not afraid to argue with house, equally venomous with your tongue during your time as a defence lawyer. and house is the same, sharpened tongue to prove his correctness in principle.
but you two fear that you’ve exposed yourselves to the possibility of tragedy. maybe it's because you two have been really eyeing each other all along, testing how you could handle each other. never once have you failed, nor has house. that scared you shitless, but the moment’s well worth it. house makes good work with his lips, and you float in some sort of heaven, feeling the frustration finally rupture. and he feels the same.
slowly, you both pull away from each other, breathless and flushed. you don’t pull away immediately, staying interlocked in his grasp. your eyes are both down cast, not quite refusing to look at the other, but rather frozen and unsure where to look. despite it, house’s eyes radiate blue.
it’s too intimate for you and house, and yet you keep still. he’s kept to himself all these years, only to have you cut into his bubble between the hookers he distracts himself with. he thinks that’s where his resentment of you stems from, but it’s never really been quite hatred, he realizes. you’re the same, lonelier than you would like to admit. no one, so it seemed, could tug on your heartstrings except this man you found nothing but annoyance for.
house is perplexed. his mouth is agape, nothing quite registering to allow his neurons to fire and form words. something of his old self manifests, and a warm feeling feathers his heart. a touch like this was no stranger to that ghost, but all the other flirtations he makes falls in comparison. there’s only you and him
his sense are faint yet heightened, just from his proximity to you. biologically speaking, he’s doing really well, and he can hear his pulse pounding, and feel yours mirror his. he’s forgotten what this feels like, but sure it was this, and that makes his heart race faster. it’s almost dizzying.
house continues to direct his eyes on your curled hair, unsure of how to look at you. he considers leaving without another word, but he feels stuck to you.
you mirror house, too dazed to do anything. an overwhelming euphoria shoots through you, the sort of nervous excitement that makes you feel like a teenager. you’re younger than house, and you bite your cheek like you were 17 with your crush. you’re all too aware of your inexperience now, unsure with your wild heart. nevertheless, you muster the courage to finally break your trance. so you push on his chest lightly, finally meeting his eyes.
you blink. he’s tall.
the realization makes you swallow nervously. you open your mouth, but like house, nothing quite comes out. your hand still rests on his chest, feeling the rhythm of his pulsing heart. you try again, this time with house. both of your lips fall open, tongue failing again. but his eyes are enough. all you want to do is kiss him, so you lean in and kiss him again.
luckily for you, house always wants to kiss you.
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lovezbrownies · 5 months
Long live the queen. (Yan!Queen x Reader)
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Synopsis: A queen is nothing without her lover.
Queen Nia x Reader
Warnings: Forced marriage, abuse of power, violence (not against reader), not edited.
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(Set years before Gen and Grim.)
Being the Queen right hand was never easy. But being her beloved wasn’t any easier.
Queen Nia has been ruler of Xelera since she was 16 years of age. However due to tradition she still hasn’t shown her face to the public, or any part of her to begin with. Any of her decrees were announced via the Board of Chiefs. The Xeleran tradition calls for a queen to be crowned at age 30, so a young princess cannot show her face until her coronation at 30. And in regard for princesses crowned before 30, they still were not allowed to show themselves.
Stupid old tradition no one really cared for since every queen was crowned at the perfect age. Except Nia, whose parents were brutally assassinated during some announcement, forcing Nia to take to the throne and own up to her responsibilities at a young rebellious age.
She liked this tradition. Only to use it to her advantage and sneak out of the palace and seek her favorite person. You. Her loved one. You were a servant, but you had the night shift, where you assisted residents and nobles whenever one called for you from 8 pm to 5 am, excluding anything sexual of course. That was a different type of servant and they don’t work nights due to how aggressive nobles can get by then.
There were two sections of her large palace, a section for the public and any noble visitors (Named Pulica), and a section for Nia, a carefully selected team of servants to tend to her, and a few guards (Named Khas). So, when Nia got too bored of her life as queen at age 20, she decided to sneak off into Pulica or even outside the palace entirely and cause some form of mischief with some rando.
But as she finally slinked her way into Pulica, ready to head to the gates exiting the palace she bumped into someone. Ready to flee back to her cozy room, but instead she had her breath stolen right out of her. She was looking at the most attractive person she has seen! And instead of appreciating her beauty as much as she did with you. They just dusted themselves off, bowed deeply, apologized and asked if she needed any assistance.
When she slowly shook her head no, still stunned, you smiled brightly at her. “My name is Y/n, please call for me if you need anything, esteemed guest.” Nia felt incredibly ashamed when she stuttered when telling you her name, how dare you fluster the queen to the point of stuttering. The queen was above that, but of course to preserve her identity she didn’t say any of this outloud.
Since then she would seek you out for entertainment during late nights, you’d stay up with her and play games, paint, knit, whatever hobby Nia felt like participating in that night. The more Nia spent with you she realized how perfect you were for her. So cute, so obedient, so indulgent in her needs. That was your job. That was because you loved her. 
There came one night where she went off to your designated shift area. Nia could not find you, she kept seeing this other servant rather than you. So eventually pulling herself up by her big girl boots she approached them, demanding to know where you had gone. “Y/n? My apologies however they’ve been switched to the day shift.” She raged that night. Her room was in disarray, she looked like a complete mess, and she demanded answers from the Chief of Management. 
Nia had threatened the answers right out of their throat. They confessed to coming to know of her late night activities from a few gossiping servants talking about how some random woman would only appear at night to take up a certain servant’s time. The chief confessed to changing your schedule so Nia can prioritize her time on her duties. Nia saw red, she never saw herself as the aggressive type, not at all, but something completely possessed her at that moment. 
Her tiny 5’4 frame somehow manages to beat the shit out of them, to the point where the big bad Chief of Management ended up on the floor, lying in the fetal position. Nia beat them black and blue, her hands, clothes, and face covered in blood she fired them immediately after. And the first time Nia has ever done any real work since she’s been crowned was to get you back to your old shift.
The next day there was a lot of discussion on who will be the new Chief of management throughout Khas, Nia’s mind, however, was set on you. So, she just picked the first candidate her Board of Chiefs suggested and started getting herself ready and pretty for her beloved.
Years pass as you two keep meeting up at night, you admittedly had fallen for her at one point due to her charm. However, you thought she would never like you back due to her social status, so you moved on. It may have taken a while to move on but you did! It was far easier since you only saw her at nights and she hardly accepts leaving the palace for a night out.
It was always odd for you how she was against leaving palace grounds but you eventually came to the conclusion that she must be the queen’s right hand maid. Those servants aren’t allowed off palace grounds, out of Khas in general, which might be why she only comes out at night. There were a few times you two ended up outside the palace and in the city but Nia would spend a lot of her time looking behind her in paranoia.
5 years left until her coronation and Nia was being pressured to look at suitors to rule her kingdom right beside her. Of course none of them are allowed to meet or see her, most of these suitors were chosen by the board from what they already know from past diplomatic meetings. Nia couldn’t care whose picture and portfolio she was presented. She was bratty, she didn’t want anyone other than you.
While the Board of Chiefs at the time were sick of how snotty she was about you, they realized there would be no way she’d ever marry if it wasn’t you. So they accepted it, they allowed her to propose to you and marry as soon as time will allow it.
Nia was overjoyed! Years of tantrums and abuse of power finally worked! She has you completely to herself! Bingo! It was quite a sight to see a 25 year old Queen dance and jump around in joy. She then ignored all her duties (as usual) and pampered and made herself pretty for you, she put on her prettiest dress, her best makeup, her cutest jewelry. 
That night was special for her. So special, and it’ll be special for you too! Whether you liked it or not. You denied her at first but she knew that it was just because you were scared to be ruler. It’s okay, she will teach you and assist you along the way! Or you two can throw your duties onto other people, as she normally does, and go out and have fun! Nia will ensure your complete happiness.
Nia did not take no for an answer, she guessed you’d be too nervous to accept the Queen as your wife so she had guards follow her until she called for them. And when she did that she commanded them to take hold of you and send you off to Khas, where you two shall spend eternity together, forever.
It was quite a sight, you trying to refuse to sign the contract that will forever bind you to the psycho you called a friend, and Nia threatening to execute your friends and family publicly. With no other choice, you reluctantly signed, making her swear not to hurt your loved ones.
Nia made sure to emphasize that there was no escape. If you do try to escape she will execute someone in your family, and every attempt to escape will end in the death of an innocent life. You were stuck. Forever Queen Nia of Xelera’s arm candy.
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copinghex · 20 days
Behind the curtains | T.S
Summary: You, who once dreamed of being an actress, find out Tommy wasn't supportive as you thought he was | dark!AU
A/N: In dark!Tommy we (should not) trust.
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The street was bustling far too much for a Thursday evening. With the sunset near, the cold breeze brought a shiver under your delicate shawl, a gift from Tommy, the pattern gave you a soft yet elegant look, just like every clothing he provided.
Inside Small Heath's church, everything could be heard, a tiny ginger woman thanked the priest in the confessional and walked away, her heels against the wood floors echoed in the whole building. Outside, cars drove by the street and groups marched on the sidewalk.
The few remaining sun rays shone through the stained glasses, painting colored shapes on the walls. At the altar, the candles burned warm orangish on the hem of Mother Mary's veil.
Your heart stung, tears threatening to run down your face, not even the sacred place served some relief, perhaps only going back in time would, back before you ever rented a room on Watery Lane.
“Alone for once, Mrs. Shelby?” the priest asked.
“I'm never alone, father, not for long,”
“Well,” the old man smiled in pity, “would you like to confess?”
“No, I just-” few tears ran down which you quickly brushed off, “I thought I was marrying a sinner, but I guess I married the devil himself,”
“These are strong words, some sins might be worse than others, nonetheless are all sins, worthy of forgiveness for those who regret,” he reprimanded, “is it alright if I leave you alone? I promised to visit a sick child,”
You nodded and he left, it was the first time you were alone in a long while. Tapping your feet on the floor, there was nothing more to do than wait, peeking at the watch on your wrist, it wouldn't take long for you to be found.
The devil walked through the door exact twelve minutes later, you didn't even have to look, only recognize his walking pattern.
“Know the truth and the truth shall set you free,” you said.
“John, eight thirty-two,” he stood beside your bench, “this doesn't seem like a theater to me,”
Earlier that day, you told Tommy you'd watch a play for the evening, the sudden change of events led you to the local church, “I couldn't stand watching it knowing I could be on the stage,”
“It's really a shame, isn't it?”
“Oh, stop it!” you snapped, “The director told me everything! He showed me a resigning document I never signed!”
Tommy's face closed off, taking a cigarette from his pack, he sat near you, “Mr. Thompson talks too much,”
“He showed me proof, my signature in a paper I never saw! How could you do this to me?!”
“How could you do that to me?” he challenged, “I let a woman go to New York with my baby in her womb, I let her sail away for a promising life with you,”
“Oh,” you scoffed, “the woman who betrayed you?”
“She was more willing to marry me than you ever was,” the comparison and disdain in his words hurt you, “I had proposed to you, you said you needed to think, but you know what hurts the most? I knew if Thompson casted you for another play, you'd had left me without question,”
Your chest weighed in tension, Tommy never talked to you so frankly and the impact your previous insecurity had on him seemed to turn at you with full force. To you, it was simply being divided between a career and marriage. To him, it was an ultimate act of betrayal, a spurn of his love.
“Why didn't you take her then? Why not sail to New York? To a more certain future?” you hesitated.
The humiliation of the first answer to cross Tommy's mind would never leave his lips. Because he loved you. He gulped, looking at you with squinted eyes.
“You don't know what you're saying,” he drawled, “you'd be nothing without me,”
“You took away my choice! I spent months waiting to be casted, waiting for a call I'd never get and you knew it,”
“I did, I spared you from a life of supporting roles,”
“Is that what you tell yourself? To feel less guilty?”
“What about this,” Tommy offered, “this item is done, I lied and you found out, now you go to the car, we go home and I treat you right for the night,”
“You can't possibly think sex will fix this,” standing up, you walked past him heading to the door.
Pragmatic as you were, the next logical decision would be leaving him. Tommy ruined your dream, sabotaging and betraying you, he also rooted himself deep inside your heart.
As pragmatic you were, the possibility of leaving him never existed and as tears ran down your face, you walked straight to his car.
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imtryingbuck · 7 months
Twenty Five
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky comes from a well respected family, he falls in love with a girl who prefers the simple things in life. Follow their journey through the years.
Word count: 3,014
Warnings: fluff, angst, heavy use of pet names, smut but no smut – you know?. swearing
A/N: No description of reader other than she has curly hair.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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“…I mean I’m in love with you, I’ve known since I was fourteen”
“I’m in love with you too James”
After being released from the hospital a few days after waking up the boys all but forced her to live with them until she found somewhere else, somewhere where she felt safe.
Brock had gone to prison for the attack done to Y/n and some other things he had done that had finally caught up to him.
Not that Y/n paid any attention to that.
As the months passed turning into years after that night in the hospital bed where she and Bucky had confessed their love for one another things had changed between them. And not necessarily for the better.
No they became distant despite Y/n living in the same apartment with him. Their conversations were short and curt, whenever one walked into the room the other walked out with a nod.
Nobody knew what happened, nobody understood why the two who had regained their friendship and became joined at the hip like they were when they were younger had now become distant.
Sam walked in the apartment after finishing work sighing deeply when he saw Bucky sat on the couch with some random woman on his lap kissing, her shirt on the floor. “Buck seriously?”
“You’ve got a room for that and plus Y/n will be up in second” just as he finished his sentence Y/n walked behind him.
“Sammy move I’m dying for a wee”
At hearing her voice he knocked the girl whose name he had completely had forgotten off his lap, when she cried out Y/n looked around Sam’s body.
“Oh, hi”
The girl looked at Bucky then at Y/n rolling her eyes she picked up her shirt putting it back on “you didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend James”
He didn’t answer the girl he just stood there staring at Y/n, her eyes were casted down. He felt guilty for some reason.
“Fuck you James” the girl huffed and stomped out of the apartment making sure she knocked her shoulder into Y/n’s.
“Ow, rude. Sam can you move please, still need a wee”
“Yeah yeah sorry” Waiting until Y/n shut the bathroom door behind her Sam’s eyes not moving away from Bucky.
“I know alright I know I’ve fucked up”
“Ever since she’s been back from her trip you’ve not brought a girl home always going to theirs so why now?”
“I don’t know”
“Bullshit you knew me and her were coming home together” Ever since Y/n had gotten Sam his new job at her workplace Sam was taking them both to work and though Sam always finished a little earlier he always waited for her so they could come home together. “Ever since she came here from the hospital you’ve both been acting strange around each other so what gives?”
“I-I told her I loved her” Bucky admitted quietly.
“That’s great-wait didn’t she say it back?”
“No Sam I told her I was in love with her”
“I got that like I said did she not say it back?”
“She did…”
“So what’s the problem then?”
“I don’t know”
“You two need to sort yourselves out, I’m serious Buck or it’s going to be too late and you’ll lose her for good.”
The thought of losing his Bunny for good terrified him, his father had to pin him down on the ground when Bucky was told that Y/n had left for boarding school. For months he keep begging and begging Howard and Maria to let him see her but each time with fruitless.
He knew in his heart, his soul and mind that he was in love with Y/n more than anything in this world. She was the first thing he thought of when he woke, the last thing on his mind as he fell asleep. Y/n was there for him just as much as he was for her, she helped him more than she ever and would ever know, in ways he could never explain. To him loving Y/n was nothing he ever had to think about to him it was as easy as breathing. Falling in love with his Bunny came so natural to him, when he dated Dot he did love her but it felt forced, unnatural.
Being with Dot and all the unnamed girls after always had Bucky pretending he was something that he wasn’t, his laugh was fake, his smile was forced, he was made to feel stupid whenever he said quotes either from films or books. But with his Y/n his laugh was always real and loud, his smile would be big enough to cause his cheeks to start aching and whenever he said quotes his Y/n always understood them, always there laughing along when he did his impressions and voices. Always there looking at him like he hung the stars in the dark sky as they camped in the backyard. Never once judged him when he cried, matter of a fact she would pull him into her arms and cry with him.
No one knew other than him that late at night he replayed their first encounter, over and over every night without fail. Maybe it was at seven years old Bucky had fell in love with Y/n, as he couldn’t remember or try and pinpoint the exact moment he had fall for his untameable curly haired best friend.
Bucky didn’t think much about marriage or having children and growing old, of course not he was young and good looking – he had other things to worry about such as not calling the girl he had under him the wrong name, he did that once and ended up with a black eye, Carly got him good-wait was it Carla? But whenever he was asked by his grandmother when he was going to get married he always thought ‘Whenever Bunny wants to’ or when his grandmother then would ask when he was going to give her great-grandbabies and once again his thoughts where ‘Whenever Bunny’s ready’.
His thoughts about his future always circled back to Y/n. Married – to Y/n. Having children – Y/n’s the mum. Growing old – right by Y/n’s side. Hell he knew he would be taking his last breath right next to her and there was nothing to change his mind and no one to change the future he had planned for himself.
Bucky had to second guess a lot in his life, but he never needed to second guess his love for Y/n.
Y/n’s voice brought him back to the present as she spoke from the kitchen asking him, Sam and Steve what they wanted for dinner, he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even register Steve coming home from work.
“Bunny go on a date with me on Saturday, please” He blurted out facing his love.
“Go on a date with me?”
“No my other Bunny, of course you”
“But you literally had a girl on your lap not even thirty minutes ago…”
“I know and that was because I’m a scum bag but baby its always been you that I’ve always wanted, so…date…Saturday?”
Looking at Sam and Steve who both stand there with huge smiles on their faces, the blonde nodding encouragingly she looked back to her Ducky not believing it was really happening, she had been wishing that those words would come out of his mouth, even more since they confessed their love to each other. When he started being distant with her she thought that she heard wrong, that he never actually proclaimed his love for her but she had him and since he didn’t feel the same way he thought it was better to put distance between them both.
But standing in the middle of the kitchen her hand still on the freezer door she didn’t know what to think.
“Saturday. Okay” she smiled, Bucky released a breath he wasn’t sure how long he had been holding in.
“Saturday” he echo’s.
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It was finally Saturday and to say Y/n was nervous was the understatement of the century. Pacing a hole nearly on Sam’s bedroom floor she kept muttering to herself under her breath when a knock came from the door it startled her.
“Sunshine it’s me…Sam, can I come in?”
“Are you naked?”
“Yes and that’s why I said-“
“You’re a liar. You’re not naked.” Sam grumbled then smiling cheekily when Y/n rolls her eyes. “What’s up? And don’t say nothing because me and Steve can hear you stomping around like you’re in a marching band”
“I’m scared…”
“Of what?”
“The date, what if something goes wrong? What if Bucky realises that he doesn’t love me and he leaves me alone? Is he taking me to a restaurant? What do I order? How do I sit? Oh my God I-I-I forgot how to sit!”
Normally Sam loves it when she rambles on but seeing the tears in her eyes he wastes no time in crossing the room and pulling her into his arms.
“Sunny firstly nothing is going to go wrong, I promise you. Buck won’t realise that, babycakes he’s madly in love with you even a blind person can see that and you know for a fact that Buck will never leave you alone. I can’t say where he’s taking you but it’s going to be okay and I assure you that you will love it. And you haven’t forgotten how to sit numpty”
“B-b-but Sammy-“
“No buts Sunny, it’s going to be perfect and you’re going to have a wonderful time and you’ll come back here and tell me all about it, okay”
“Now show me what you’re going to be wearing, come on Sunshine don’t leave me hanging”
Pointing at his bed Sam sees the outfit. A black vest top, a nice black flowy skirt that he knew had a split down the side of the right side. The cardigan was long and dark green, flower patterns on the sleeves.
“I-I was thinking about wearing my dark green doc martens?”
“It sounds perfect, go and get changed before Buck comes back” Sam shoos her off into the bathroom.
Just less than ten minutes later Y/n re-enters the bedroom feeling slightly less nervous for her date. Sam whistled, spinning his finger around in the air signalling for her to spin around for him.
“Do you really think I look okay?”
“Should I leave my hair down or should I put it up?”
“Down. Oh and wear that cute little butterfly necklace”
“Okay” taking said necklace out of the jewellery box “Can you-“
“I got you Sunshine.”
“Thank you”
“Buck’s back by the way”
Nodding and spraying herself with her perfume one more time, Sam stands by the door with his arm held out so she could hold onto. Stepping over the threshold and walking down the corridor to where Bucky was waiting patiently.
It’s just Ducky. It’s just Ducky. It’s just Ducky.
She repeated in her head over and over as she watched him look up at her, the way his jaw dropped as his eyes raked up and down her figure but the silence was having her nerves skyrocketing.
“Buck” Steve whispered nudging his best friends’ shoulder when he noticed Y/n starting to twist her a strand of her hair, a thing she did when she was nervous.
“B-Bunny…your stunning”
“You think so?”
“I know so. God you are so beautiful”
Steve and Sam managed to get both of them out of the apartment after Steve sternly tells Bucky to have ‘his little princess back before midnight’ and Sam telling the blonde to cut them some slack, winking at Y/n who just rolls her eyes at the pair. Bucky leads her downstairs and helps her into the car.
The way he fidgeted in his seat was a dead giveaway that he was nervous just like she was.
“So where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see as soon as you see it-I just hope you like it”
“Of course I’d like it Ducky”
Smiling bashfully he takes her hand in his and brought her hand to his lips, placing a delicate kiss among her knuckles all while his eyes concentrated on the road ahead of him.
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The familiar street before her had her wondering where on earth he was taking her.
“Bun, close your eyes for me and keep them closed until I say it’s okay to open them, okay?”
“I’m nervous now” she laughs but complies with his instructions.
The car comes to a stop she hears him getting out of the car, keeping her eyes closed she flinches when the passenger door opens and Bucky leans over to unbuckle her seatbelt. He notices the movement and kisses her temple whispering “It’s okay”. Helping her out of the car he places his hand in hers and starts to guide her along the pathway.
“I’m right here Bun. I’ve got you my love”
A few minutes later Bucky brings them both to a stop and moves to stand behind her, wrapping his arms around her stomach and leaning his head on her shoulder. “You can now open your eyes Bun”
Doing so her eyes adjusting to the sight in front of her. She knew instantly where she was.
The large pond sat undisturbed in the middle of the woodland area she spent many days of her childhood exploring, her safe haven, her happy place.
Just to the right and a five minute walk stood the tree she first met her Ducky.
However it was different now thanks to Bucky, in between two trees hung fairy lights casting a beautiful glow in the darkening sky. On the ground was a large blanket with a picnic basket sat on top.
So simple. But so beautiful.
“If you don’t like it I can book a tab-“ he started – scared of her reaction, more like lack of one.
“It’s perfect”
Guiding her over to the blanket he helped her sit. The food was eaten pretty quickly. They both unknown to each other felt silly for ever being nervous for their first date.
“It’s just Bunny”
“It’s just Ducky”
They told themselves. Though they did have to admit that this was different now, they were on a proper date and not like their friendship dates they always went on. This was a huge step for them.
“How did you get the lights up there?” Y/n asked as she leaned against Bucky.
“With my father and Steve's help, it was a lot harder than we expected”
“Well I appreciate what you three went through to do it”
“Anything for you Bunny, you know this”
Sitting up and looking at him her breath hitched when she saw that his blue eyes that seemed to shine under the bright fairy lights were already on her.
“Bun, when I told you that I’m in love with you I wasn’t lying. I can’t begin to explain why I started to be a dick towards you afterwards as I don’t even know myself, I’m sorry”
“I wasn’t lying either, honestly it’s always been you Buck. And none of that matters no more, just promise me you won’t do it again as I hate not talking to you”
“I promise”
The way his eyes kept darting from hers to her lips had her licking them nervously and before she could process the words in her mind they were spilling out.
“Kiss me Ducky”
“Are you sure?”
“More than anything”
Ever so slowly he moved closer towards her and even more gently he takes her face in his hands and places his lips against hers. Both sighing contently as the tingly sensation tickles their lips.
The kiss grew more heated as their tongues danced together, hands reaching and touching each part of each others bodies. A small squeal of surprise left her mouth when Bucky knocked her onto her back and climbed on top of her, his lips never leaving hers even when she pulled back needing air his kissed-swollen lips never left her skin.
“You are the most prettiest thing I have ever laid my eyes on” he stated, she heard no indication of a lie not like she would have because to him it was the truth. There was nothing in this world that would have him changing his mind.
“I’m…” Y/n started to say but trailed off, hoping that he would catch on to what not only was she trying to say but to hint also.
“Your what Bun?”
“You know…”
“I don’t I’m afraid”
“I still have my flower” she says hoping that would make him understand but all she got was him raising his eyebrow in confusion. “I’m a virgin” she blurted out, cheeks and neck flushing bright red with embarrassment.
“Oh. That’s okay-hey look at me Bunny- it is okay, there isn’t any need to rush it”
“But I want to-with you I mean-now-well that is if you’re okay with that”
“Never mind it was silly-.”
“Baby I want to, God knows I do but-but what if you regret it?”
“I won’t”
Kissing her once, twice, thrice he nods and starts to lift up. “W-where are you going?” she asks, panicking that she’s overstepped and overthought this whole date.
“Taking you home so we can make love”
“No, here. Please Ducky”
“Here? Are you sure my love?”
“Yes Ducky”
He leans back over her and kisses her passionately and feverishly. His hands and lips explored every crevice of her body. Explored the one place nobody had done before him.
“Are you sure Bunny? We can stop if you want” he asked before taking her flower.
“Ducky please, you’re the one, please”
“You’re the one for me too baby. I promise to go slow, tell me to stop if it gets too much and I will, okay”
Underneath the fairy lights and the stars that shined brightly in the dark sky, the cold air sweeping past the two, as they made love.
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ashherahh · 1 month
confessions of a scorpio moon
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TW: SA, SH, themes of abuse and assault, neglect. Read at your own discretion.
This post does contain themes which are not suited to every audience.
You might wonder why I would create something like this. I am a firm believer that we can see everything we need in our birth chart. We can see our challenges as well as how we can overcome them.
What drew me to astrology was this overwhelming feeling that I needed to understand what was going on and I needed to make changes. I started to do the charts of myself and my family members and I saw trends. I saw similar placements. I noticed patterns.
This post does contain parts of my story, but please don't take it personally. I'm in no way saying that you will have the same experience as me because we might share the same Moon sign. Not at all.
All experiences are different because all birth charts are different.
This is my experience.
Moon trine Sun -5° A
Moon trine Jupiter 7° S
Moon trine Uranus -9° S
Moon square Neptune 4° A
Moon trine North Node -3° A
Moon trine MC 8° S
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There is a great connection between my emotions, my identity, and my purpose; yet all of this seems to be outdone by my tumultuous inner world. I feel as though a fog has fallen over me, and I live life through a haze.
Escapism is my oldest and bestest friend. I have learnt their trade since I was old enough to talk. It seemed to be the only thing that could keep me safe, forming a cocoon around me while my entire world collapsed.
When you're a child, your entire world is your parents. Mine was my mother. Seeing her succumb to a mental illness in an environment that didn't want to understand it and swept it under the rug, was absolutely harrowing. She never accepted the help she received because she never saw it as help, but rather as everyone trying to surpress the truth she saw.
My relationship with my mother is an absolute mess. It seems as though my maternal inheritance is both her blessings and curses. I look at her and it's like looking in a mirror. Will I become as mad as her? How can you call someone you barely know mother?
I lived under the same roof as her for 20 years but it was like we were on two different planets. How funny it is to have the same face as someone who is basically a stranger.
Yet, we are two sides of the same coin. Some days, I feel my life is an extension of hers, one which I might never escape. Hers an extension of her mother.
The Scorpio Moon is an inherited Moon sign in a sense. At times it is a byproduct of a culmination of turmoil in the ancestral line. It comes to end the cycle or it begins it. Unfortunately, that is life, everything has a start.
My grandmother has the same Sun and Moon placements as myself, and her story started with abandonedment. She was a child born because of sexual assault. Her mother had given her up for adoption. She stayed in that adoption centre until one day while travelling by train across the country, she too became a victim of assault.
She became pregnant because of this and she was forced to marry this man.
Years went by and my grandmother finally tracked down her mother, but she wanted nothing to do with my grandmother. So the wound festers and grows and consumes.
She tried to take her own life by jumping in front of a train. There were attempts after that but none were successful.
Then I am born, years later, her son's youngest child. The son she adored but cursed, giving him the same name as his father and trying to use him as some sort of compensation. I'm born and I look just like my mother, the woman who took her precious son from her.
She hated me.
She hated me even more when my grandfather assaulted me as well.
There's that saying: "The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself."
Sometimes I think about how she would've felt. Other times, I am reminded by how cynical life can be, to throw our pain back in our face in so many different ways.
As a Scorpio Moon, betrayal and abandonedment are the first knives in your back and the first ones you hold.
The cycle begins and the only way out is to understand and purge. Sometimes understanding comes through the act of doing and the sickening feeling thereafter that you are no better than others and so a great awakening begins.
Abandonedment and neglect are major trends as well. The maternal figure can physically abandon you or emotionally abandon you. They are also the ones who introduce you to your first betrayal.
If not that, the maternal figure uses their child to live life through them. Creating a strong tie that is often difficult to break because of the control exerted over them. The decision to do this is usually made young by the maternal figure once they recognise the potential latent in the child.
If the child has siblings, those siblings are often overlooked and ignored by the parents. It builds jealousy and hatred from their siblings towards them, which pushes them closer to their parents who seems to "understand" them best.
The pedestal is made of glass, and if you look down, you'll see the abyss. So, you hold you head up high and keep smiling.
It is scary to think of a different life for these individuals. Who are they if not who their parents has always told them they are?
Intensity doesn't have a name until a Scorpio Moon is older. Then it either becomes a taboo word the individual wants nothing to do with or it becomes everything they have been looking for. To fear or be feared.
To me, I never saw it as intensity. That just was me. The upbringing I had made me draw away from being intense in front of others. I saw intensity as insanity.
I kept up a good façade. I studied hard, I did my best to always be kind and helpful. To never argue, to never shout, to never share my true feelings. I was a pushover in a sense, for years. I never stood up for myself. Yet, always, when I was alone and in secret I was drawn to the darker parts of myself.
I felt like I was starving, and some days I still do.
As exhausting as it may be, having a Scorpio Moon is about death and rebirth, and the constant act of it. You would think something has ended, but years later you find yourself staring in the face of it again. It always comes back, it has to.
Nothing is ever really over until the memory of it dies.
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amsgrey · 7 months
request for a kaz brekker x reader one bed trope! literally some of my favorite fics to read ever!!! def with some angst maybe reader gets injured on the heist and kaz has to help. reader insists that they should sleep in the same bed and they end up confessing feelings or something. SO GOOD
Thank you for the request! Sorry it took so long but hey, it's alright.
Warnings: Violence, Blood, typical canon violence, kind of OOC!Kaz, semi-bad writing.
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“Hey,” Nina didn’t bother knocking as she stepped into your room, “There’s someone here to see you.” 
You looked up from your small desk, “Who?” 
Nina shrugged, “Wouldn’t say, but she won't leave until she speaks with you.” 
You frowned, getting to your feet and following after Nina. A million possibilities ran through your mind as you descended the stairs, you didn’t know many people from Ketterdam, or you didn’t know anyone that Kaz also didn’t know. WHo had come to speak to you was a complete mystery to you and judging by the way the Crows were gathered at the bottom of the stairs, it was a mystery to them too. 
“Who is she?” Jesper broke the heavy silence first.
You rolled your eyes, “How am i supposed to know, Jes?” 
Walking past him and the others you looked for the woman. There were a few dregs hanging around in the slat, like always. Hiding from the damp Ketterdam air or filling in their afternoons with ale and gambling. It meant the woman stuck out like a sore thumb. When you finally saw her, your blood ran cold. 
“Oh, my,” The woman stepped forward, she grabbed your hands and smiled at you, “Look how grown up you are, my dear.” 
She pulled you into a hug, an awkward show of affection that she had never done before. 
She hadn’t changed in the 7 or so years since you saw her last, a few graying hairs and wrinkles around her eyes were the only evidence time had passed. She still wore the same turquoise dress, the fabric stained and dirty where it spent too many years dragging on the dirt. She had tied a knitted shawl around her shoulders, to stave off the cold of the barrel and to make herself look more presentable. When you were a child on the farm with your parents, your mother would refuse to do any of the hard labor or household duties, always dressed in her ‘fine’ clothes and sitting by a window like the queen of Ravka. 
You hated her for it then, the way she forced you to conduct her duties. The hard labor with your father on the farm, the chores inside the home, raising your three younger siblings. Looking at the woman before you now, you hated her just as much. 
“What do you want, mother?” You forced out through gritted teeth. 
The woman batted your hand she still held, a sharp smack to chide you for your tone, “Is that how you speak to the woman who raised you?” 
She didn’t raise you though. Your father was the one who taught you everything you knew, cared and loved you. The marriage of your parents had been of convenience, a rich farmer up the road had fallen on hard times so he married off his only daughter to your father. Something neither of them wanted. 
When your father had died suddenly in a farming accident, your mother had sold you to slavers, without a second thought. You had spent years in Ketterdam trying to bury the memories of your younger brothers screaming for you to stay, the chains that chaffed and burnt your skin and the cruel men who didn’t care about anything but making coins. 
Standing with your mother before you, her soft hands gripping you so tightly, you felt like a young girl all over again. Begging for affection from a woman who hated your existence, cursed to always be nothing to her. You could still remember the beatings and the screaming, the bruises that you tried to hide and the permanent split in your lip which took years to properly heal. 
Kaz was watching the whole encounter, quiet and calculating like he always was. The other crows were growing concerned, there was an air of uncertainty that settled over them all. 
“What can we help you with?” Kaz finally spoke, he stepped closer to you, towering over your mother. Having him at your side brought you ease, a feeling of calm that always came over you when he was near. Kaz was prepared for anything, he always looked out for you and the crows. 
“And you are?” Your mother snapped, glaring at Kaz. 
Kaz didn’t seem bothered, “Are you here for something? Or to terrorize your daughter?” 
You glanced back at Kaz, he had a look of pure rage in his eyes. You hadn’t told Kaz the details of your past, but he knew your mother sold you to slavers. You realized suddenly you didn’t want to be in the middle of Kaz and your mother fighting. 
You grabbed your mothers arm, dragging her away from the gathered Crows and Kaz’s glower and pulling her outside. In the Ketterdam air things were immediately colder, you hadn’t grabbed your coat so you could feel it even more. 
“What are you doing here?” You demanded. 
“Can I not come see my daughter?” 
“You never cared before, I didn’t even know you knew this is where I lived. You sold me to slavers,” You cried, stepping away as you started to get upset. “What in Sankta Alina could you want?” 
“I am married,” Your mother boasted, “He lives in the Zelver district, we want you to come have dinner.” 
You were reeling, so much information was thrown at you all at once. You gapped to answer. 
“Your brothers will be there too,” Your mother waved her hand like she was dismissing your concerns, “They stayed on the farm.”
“Why- why do you want me there?” 
“To make amends, my love,” She took your hands again, “It is time we act like a family again. Perhaps you could bring that guard dog of yours, act civilized.” 
You wanted to say yes, straight away you wanted to say yes and trust that she had true intentions. But there was something nagging in your mind. 
“Who is it that you're married to, mother?”
“A Merchant, trades with the Ravkan crown, Alexei Berezin.” 
You recognized the name immediately, he had one of the largest mansions in the Zelver district, rivaled only by foreign dignitaries. He had brought in a large shipment of Ravkan gold and silk, Kaz had stolen half of it almost immediately, because Berezin had thought himself untouchable. 
“When's dinner?” You forced out, trying not to let your knowledge of the man show. 
“Tomorrow, be there by seven.” 
She wandered away, slipping into the crowd of foot traffic and joining the mess of colours. 
“Alexei Berezin.”
You forced a smile, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
The man looked over you and Kaz like you were nothing, he grunted in greeting and disappeared towards the drinks cart. 
You looked at Kaz, “Too late to leave?” 
Kaz smiled, it made him look softer somehow, “We don’t have to stay long, let's hope Inej and Wylan are quick.” 
A servant greeted you as you walked further into the drawing room, she offered you and Kaz wine in crystal glasses. You had played being rich at banquets and galas before, it was easy to hide in a crowd of rich people to steal from them, but here holding the crystal glass made you feel so exposed. The only thing that was stopping you from running out the door was Kaz by your side. He always looked out for you, tonight would be no different. 
Your mother had lied, your brothers were not at the dinner. She had spun some more lies about how they hadn't been able to make the journey but you wondered if they were even invited in the first place. You, Kaz, your mother and her new husband all sat at the ridiculously long table, eating silently except for a few forced comments. 
“So,” Berezin belched, downing his fourth glass of brandy, “Mr Brekker, how is business?”
Kaz looked at you from across the table, “As good as yours, Berezin.” 
Berezin snared, “So then you admit to taking my shipment?” 
“A shipment?” Kaz leant back, starting to enjoy the game. 
Berezin started getting red in the face, rage barely contained in his eyes, “You know exactly what I’m talking about, Dirty Hands.” 
A smile ghosted across Kaz’s face, “Is this why you extended the invite, Berezin? Hoping to get your silks back?” 
You jumped when Berezin slammed his fist on the table, he stood abruptly, his chair falling backwards loudly, “You listen to me here boy! You will pay me back what I am owed or I will make your life a living hell!” 
“A living hell?” 
“You have no idea who you are messing with, you and your little whore will pay-” 
Kaz was on his feet faster than you had time to process, “Watch your mouth, Berezin, or silks won't be the only thing you lose.” 
Berezin started shouting in rage, his words mostly coming out as jumbled insults and threats which didn’t mean anything for you and Kaz. 
“We’re leaving,” You said to your mother, not bothering to bid her a proper goodbye as you joined Kaz’s side and retrieved your coats. 
You were both halfway through the foyer when things took a turn. 
Somewhere in the garden outside a fire roared to life, a green chemical fire that was Wylan's emergency beacon. Kaz urged you to walk faster, his cane striking loudly against the marble floor as you both tried to leave before Berezin caught on. 
Kaz grabbed your hand, and both of you ran the rest of the way out of the house and down the garden path. Berezin was screaming from inside the house, shouting orders to his few guards and screaming for someone to alert the Stadwatch. You and Kaz didn’t stop running until you reached the canal, skittering to a stop and dropping into the waiting boat. Matthias and Wylan were already there, Wylan was heaving like he had just finished a mad dash too. 
“Did you get it?” Kaz demanded as Matthias started to row the boat towards 4th Harbor. 
Wylan was nodding, “Handed it off to Inej, she and Jesper are heading to the warehouse now.”
You had to give it to Kaz, when he had explained the plan this morning after all-night scheming, you didn’t think you would be able to pull it off. But yet again, he proved he knew everyone's skills. 
The plan was somewhat simple, you and Kaz would entertain Berezin while Wylan posed as a servant and slipped into Berezin's office. Wylan would swipe the key to Berezins safe which sat in his warehouse; it was old and Ravkan, protected by small science. You didn’t have enough time on the first job to try and crack it, so now was the perfect time. The original plan was for you and Kaz to stay all through dinner and whatever other pleasantries were to be had, while Wylan snuck through undetected. His Green fire beacon was a sign he had been caught, so you and Kaz hightailed out before things got too nasty. 
 Inej and Jesper were on their way to the safe now, while you, Kaz, Matthias and Wylan drew attention in the opposite direction. Headed towards 4th Harbor meant the four of you could lead the following guards and Stadwatch into the twisting streets and narrow wharves and hopefully escape into the crowd. 
As Matthias moored the boat to the side of the canal, you and Wylan climbed out and surveyed where you were. 
“Are you alright?” You asked him, still aware of how his hands shook. 
Wylan nodded, but you were unconvinced. 
Matthias and Kaz climbed out of the boat after you, the four of you standing at the canal edge for a moment while you tried to compose yourselves. 
“Hey! Stop right there!” 
“Bastards,” Kaz swore, already ushering the three of you to run before they started to shoot. 
“Kaz, they're after us, not Wylan and Matthias…” You shouted as you ran down the street alongside the canal, headed towards the Council of the Tides Watchtower. 
Kaz ordered everyone to stop, “Y/N’s right, Wylan, Matthias, head back towards the slat, take the long way and check for tails, we’ll go the opposite way.” 
Matthias started to argue, “No, we should-” 
You all ducked as gunfire echoed through the streets. Bullets ricochet off the cobbles at your feet, dangerously close to hitting one of you. 
“Go!” Kaz yelled over the noise, blindly reaching for your hand and pulling you along with him as you headed away from Matthias and Wylan and towards the government district. 
You were right, the three or four guards from Berezin's estate followed you, not your friends as you rushed through the dark streets. At this time of the night, the Crow Club and the surrounding area would be buzzing with life, but in this part of town, everyone was shut inside asleep. There weren’t many lights, aside from a few lanterns left on in people's doorways, so as you and Kaz ran you stuck to shadows and unlit alleyways, hoping to lose your stalkers in the maze of buildings. 
Kaz pulled you to a stop after running for ten minutes and started to take a toll on him and his leg. The two of you ducked into an alley, Kaz leaned heavily against the wall and his cane, heaving as he regained his breath. You glanced over him, worried that he wouldn’t be able to continue for much longer. 
“Maybe we lost them,” You whispered, peaking around the corner to the main street, which was completely deserted aside from a rogue tabby. 
Kaz nodded, unable to speak a reply. You kept glancing from the main street to the end of the alley, which appeared as if it curved around and kept going. You had no idea if it was a dead end or not, but staying here was making you anxious, it was still too exposed. 
“I Have a safe house not far from here,” Kaz said, pushing off from the wall and leaning on his cane. 
“A safe house?” You replied, “In the government district?”
Kaz rolled his eyes, “You underestimate me.” 
If he hadn’t been hurt you would have pushed him away, chuckling at his comment. Instead, you opted for offering him your arm so you could walk out of the alley together, hopefully, Stadwatch who patrolled the area would think you were a couple returning home. 
The two of you walked arm and arm down a few streets, smiling pleasantly at the passing Stadwatch or the rare delegate returning to their boarding. After a few turns Kaz said you weren’t far from the safe house, which was an old apartment above a tailor.
“How did you even get an apartment above a tailor?” You teased, “Hiding a side business?”
The sound of a gun cocking stopped you both in your tracks. 
“You even twitched, I put a bullet in the girl.” 
The barrel of the gun was jammed into your back, the voice behind you ordering you both to turn with your hands up. 
The two men before you were guards for Berezin, you could tell from the crest that was pinned to their jackets. You looked around for the other two men, but they weren’t around. Hopefully, they were far away, you weren't sure if you could win a 2-1 battle tonight.
You moved to pull your flint from your pocket, you had stowed it away safely the first time you and Kaz had run for your lives tonight, now you wished you stayed holding it. Your hand slipped into the pocket of your coat, your fingertips brushed the cool material, pulling into your fist and preparing yourself to summon. You only had one chance at this. The sound of the gun firing struck you first, the deafening crack that bounced from the walls. The searing pain in your right side forced your fist open in shock, your flint clattering to the cobbles as your other hand came to cradle your side. Immediately your blood started seeping through your fingers, soaking through your coat and dripping onto the street below. You looked up at the man who shot you, just in time to see Kaz bring his cane cracking into the side of the man's face. It sent him sprawling, the force of the blow knocking him off balance. You used your opportunity to kick the second man in the shin, stunning him for long enough for Kaz to incapacitate him too. 
Kaz wound his arm around your waist, pulling you away from the two men as they groaned on the ground and dragging you up the street. 
“Just hold on a little longer,” He spoke as he led you down another side alley, “We’re almost there.”
He forced you to stop before an old door as he fiddled with the lock. The dark green paint was peeling, revealing the chipped and water-stained wood. Kaz flickered with the lock for a few seconds and the door swung open, revealing a steep staircase into the safe house. 
“You’re kidding,” You groaned, letting Kaz shuffle you into the small space as he shut and locked the door. 
“Go on then,” Kaz smirked, pushing you up the stairs. 
The two of you climbed up the stairs, silent as you struggled together. When you reached the top, Kaz opened the final door and you both tumbled through over the threshold. The safe house was less of a house and more of a safe room. Filled with crates and shadows of objects you couldn’t make out, it felt much more cramped than your room in the Slat. Kaz pulled out his bone light, casting the room in the pale green light. With the new light, you could see the space clearer. A sink in the far corner close to the only window, and a bed pushed as far from the window as possible. You stumbled over to the sink, holding yourself up on the basin as you tried to get a look in the small mirror at your wound. 
“Let me help,” Kaz ordered, pulling out a crate from the wall and forcing you to sit down. 
Kaz looked over your side, letting you know the bullet had gone straight through, but would need some stitches and to be cleaned. There was a pause where you both realized you would have to remove your coat and top so Kaz could see better. With shaky hands, you slowly unbuttoned your coat. Kaz helped you guide it off your shoulders, letting it fall out of the way. 
“You’ll have to unzip my dress,” You whispered to Kaz, hands going back to your throbbing side. 
Kaz cleared his throat, nodding and stepping around you to follow your instructions. You could feel the smooth leather of his gloves ghost over the skin on your neck as he fiddled for the zip. He couldn’t get a good grip, abandoning one of his gloves on the floor so he could hold the small tab properly. Kaz’s fingers were freezing, When he touched the skin on your back the chill seeped under your skin and into your bones. You focused all your energy on not shivering against the feeling. He gently folded the dress down, letting it fall around your hips so he could see the bullet wound clearer. It left you in your bra and skirt half of your dress, yet you didn't feel exposed. Kaz was nothing if not respectful to you and you truly felt nothing but trust for him now.
 There were no words between you as Kaz stepped to your side and crouched down. You could see him out of the corner of your eye, but he was focused solely on your wound, his brow scrunched up in a frown. 
The two of you stayed silent as Kaz worked. You handed him what he asked for, a wet rag, sutures and a needle, a bandage. When he had finally tied off the last stitch, he started to bandage your waist. By now he had abandoned his other glove to the floor too, both of them covered in your blood and useless to him. He focused on the warmth of your skin as he wrapped the bandage around your waist, making sure to wrap it a few times to ensure it was secure. When he was finished, he noticed how quiet you had gotten, staring down at the floor with slightly glazed eyes. 
“Are you alright?” Kaz’s voice came out more of a croak, just above a whisper. It pulled you from your dissociation, pulling you into the moment. You turned to look at him, The bastard of the Barrel kneeling by your side, hands stained with your blood and the most caring, almost loving look in his eyes. 
You must have lost more blood than you thought, Kaz did not love you. 
“I’m fine.” 
Kaz nodded once, shakingly pushing himself off the ground and turning on the water to wash clean his hands. You didn’t move from the crate, mostly because you were unsure of what to do and also because there wasn’t exactly space to move in the room anyway. 
“You should sleep.” Kaz said, refusing to look up at you from the sink. 
“We both should. You can take the bed.” 
Kaz shook his head, “No. You're injured, you take it.” 
You rolled your eyes, “Did you sleep last night Kaz?” 
There was a heavy silence. 
“So you need to sleep now. There's plenty of room for both of us anyway.” 
You knew as soon as you said it the atmosphere had changed. It was well known Kaz kept his distance when he wasn’t wearing gloves. You had rarely seen him without them no matter where he was. After the longest silence, Kaz finally nodded, letting out the quietest, “Okay.” 
He turned to you, “There should be a stash of clothes in one of these crates, I could find them?” 
You smiled, nodding. Sitting with the top of your dress folded down was starting to get cold and sleeping like this would only make things more awkward. 
Kaz riffled through a few crates, finding ammo and whiskey before finding the crate filled with shirts and trousers. He pulled one of each out, setting them on the bed and turning his back so that you could get changed with some semblance of modesty. It was amusing for you, that he had already seen enough but he was too kind to even risk a glance now. 
When you had gotten into the clothes, with a little struggle trying to lift your arm into the sleeve, you pulled back the quilt on the bed. Kaz helped, letting you shuffle across the bed to where it pressed to the wall. The bed was so much bigger than your one, more likely double the size. Your bed hardly fits you in it, slightly too short and skinny because of the awkward rooms of the Slat. This bed was different. Although not as soft as your own, the size meant you and Kaz both had enough room so that you weren’t too close. 
Kaz was about to lie the quilt down and get on top when you stopped him. 
“Are you mad?” 
“What?” He scoffed, confused as to why you were heckling him now.
“Kaz Brekker, you will get cold. Just get under the quilt and stop acting like we’re some teenagers who can’t get ahold of ourselves.” 
Kaz stared at you in shock, blinking down at you with pure perplexion in his eyes. 
“Jesper was right,” He sighed, getting situated under the quilt to please you. 
“Right about what?” You pressed, turning in the bed to fix him with a glare. 
“You are cranky when you're tired.” 
“Oh shut up,” You scoffed, rolling back to stare at the ceiling and now him. 
Kaz chuckled, by now the bone light was fading steadily, the pale green light becoming nothing more than a faint glow from the corner of the room. You couldn’t see Kaz’s face too well, barrel able to make out the faint outline of his features in the dark. 
For a while, the two of you lay in silence, the only noise coming from the far-off sound of waves in the harbor. With no one else on the streets, every time footsteps echoed around in the streets below, you held your breath. 
“They won’t find us,” Kaz whispered, feeling you tense next to him. 
You didn’t respond, trying not to panic yourself further. 
“Listen to me,” Kaz shifted, the bed shaking slightly under you both, “We’re safe here, I won’t let anything happen to you, not again.” 
“Wasn’t your fault,” You responded, mirroring Kaz’s movements to face him, “Jobs go wrong sometimes.” 
Kaz didn’t react, “Sleep. We’ll head back to the salt when the city wakes up.” 
You wouldn’t say it out loud, but Kaz being by your side to protect you filled you with a sense of ease. You could relax back into the pillow and trust that he was going to look after you, no matter what. As you slipped into sleep, you thought dreamily about how much you cared for the bastard of the barrel, even if he didn’t share the same feelings. 
Kaz was thinking the same as he watched over you. He sat up in the bed as soon as you had fallen asleep, staring at the door in the dark, prepared for anything that might come barreling through it. He cared too much about you to let you get hurt again, especially when he was the only one around to protect you. He would never say it out loud, like you, but he would do anything to protect you from harm in the city where no one mourned. 
269 notes · View notes
crow-raven-crow · 1 year
could i maybe request an enemies to lover between larissa and an 18+ student ?
the plot is up to you :)
𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐚
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 - [𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰]
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
Larissa Weems x Young Professor f!reader words: ~4.5k specific warnings/content: FLUFF, slight nsfw
summary: see above
AO3 link in title ✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
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a/n: ok so i did change this a little bit to young professor because i can't really imagine Larissa being with a student of her school, so i hope thats okay. Otherwise ! the creative liberty was so freeing. I hope yall like the concept - i was really excited for this one
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This weeks potion for your class was definately taking a toll on you - you sat in your office staring at your email as the moonlight shined on your skin, doing nothing to help the chill that filled the room. It had gotten late but you took the hours of sweet, quiet sanctuary to work ahead and save yourself some time later on. The blue glow of your computer screen casted a bright gleam on your face and illuminated the corner of your dark, empty classroom, forcing your mind onto the sight of how late it had gotten.
The Potion of True Intentions was one that could be helpful in one hand and dangerous in another. It was a potion that could reveal multiple truths about someones actions, even make them unable to lie in higher potencies - taking away the mask they put on in day to day life and revealing anything and everything that stood behind it. It was part of the curriculum, so, regardless of who your students were, it had to be taught. You had spent the last hour trying to wrap your head around how you would teach this, who exactly you would use for an example.
The thought was risky, especially with teenagers, especially with teenage outcasts. One could reveal their undying love for another while someone else might confess to attempted murder - a certain raven haired girl slipped into your mind and the thought alone making the possibilities shocking. There were so many twists and turns that could come up that you pinched the bridge of your nose as you groaned out in frustration.
You flew back to rest fully against your desk chair as you blankly stared at the already typed email on your screen. Dread filled you at the thought of sending this email, at the thought of sending this email to her.
Your relationship with Larissa Weems, the principal, your boss, was nothing less than complicated. You thought all had gone well when you were swiftly hired just months ago, being met with a kind smile and what you thought was genuine banter from the woman as she gave you a tour, as she walked you through the halls and to the quarters you would be moving into, all with her arm brushing against yours, all with her hand meeting the small of your back, all with reassurance and a light blush and a beautiful laugh that you still wished to hear ring in your ears..
That is, if you didn't grow to hate the woman.
It was more like a strong dislike but it was so close to hate that it was the word that made the most sense. But hate was dreadful, hate was all consuming, hate was confusing, full of longing, full of.. care? Full of lust?
You just hated that she hated you, so you always tried to give her no reason to.
Surely, no.. this was a different kind of hate than what you have been met with before. But you still couldn't help the feeling that climbed deep into your chest and settled itself there, like a fire - warm and anxiety induced, jittery and build on.. need? It riled you up and curled your hands into fists whenever she challenged you, but the willpower you had, the need to not back down always shot you farther than you always intended.
This would be an interesting class..
You let out a deep sigh as you steadied yourself to rest your hands back on your keyboard, your oversized sweater falling off one of your shoulders as you scanned over your words for any errors, but, with the way she treated you, there was no doubt you had to spice it up a little.. You always sent every email with the hope of making her seethe and her jaw clench at how absolutely perfect you could be, at how absolutely perfect you could be for her.
You were one of the youngest among the staff, but that didn't stop you from being heavily qualified and experienced - something that she seemed to absolutely pick at whenever possible.
Good Afternoon, Larissa.
I hope your evening has gone well so far. I have a request for you that I think aligns with our values of safety and education within the walls of Nevermore.
The potion that I am teaching to my students tomorrow can be potentially dangerous if ended up in the wrong hands - the Potion of True Intention. I'm sure you're well aware of what this can do, so I've gone ahead and told them that I would be the only one creating a batch of this particular potion - though, this may not stop them from creating one of their own.
If you're available, could you please attend my mid-day class tomorrow as an extra set of eyes? Your presence will surely make the lot feel safer and bring more authority into my statement to prevent them from making their own with ill intentions while also letting them be able to put their whole focus on taking in the information and learning about such a beautiful potion.
Maybe you could learn a thing or two as well
-Professor Y/N
Your body immediately relaxed as you clicked send, a large weight falling from your shoulders as a deep sigh left your lungs. Though, a wild smirk rose onto your features at what you could do tomorrow in her presence, about who you could use as an example if she were to show.
Your heart laughed in mischief at the endless possibilities - oh, what a show it would be to see how much she truly hates you, to see her try and hold back every comment, every action as her teeth grind together in anger and her hands turn to fists at her sides.
The familiar 'ding' of a message popping into your inbox filled the room. You don't even have to look at it to know it was her - sure, it was late, but you knew the woman would still be up.
You adjusted in your seat as you moved your mouse to click on the email. You read over her words, your blood boiling a bit at the small email, but it didn't matter as your lungs filled with satisfaction at her reply.
Professor Y/N,
I'll make sure to be there - Be sure not to start without me.
L. Weems
You propped the classroom door open as the bell signaling the end of lunch rang, knowing that students would filter in slowly as you gathered all the ingredients you needed at the front of the room. You were nearly buzzing with excitement at what was to come, spending most of the morning making sure everything would go perfectly.
This was one of the few times you knew Larissa would be in your classroom while you were teaching, other than teacher evaluations and any other potion you deemed more dangerous than others. It made you slightly anxious as well.. She was still your boss, at the end of the day. This would be a way to prove yourself as a professor and gather some insight on the woman who did a complete 180 on you.
You grabbed the final bowl with a gentle touch, knowing that it was the main piece of the rather tedious puzzle you were about to build.
Early this morning, you wandered into the greenhouse, Marilyn Thornhill's domain. You loved stopping by and seeing what she had in store. You often worked together to grow the flora and fauna within the academy - you taking care of and helping her research more plants while she grew anything you needed for future lessons. It had jumpstarted a kind friendship between you two, especially since you both were on the newer side.
You were in search for a very specific flower as your eyes filtered over the dozens upon dozens of plants that were held on shelves and hung from the ceiling. You loved how she made the greenhouse something of her own - there was no doubt so much of her personality within every aspect.
She came into view after seeing you from her office window, your confused and slightly overwhelmed expression making the redhead chuckle to herself before standing.
"Was there something specific you were looking for today, Y/n?" Her voice had startled you a bit, her office being slightly hidden by some of the bigger plants, but her warm aura always settled your nerves. You let out a sigh as you waved at her to come closer.
"I know I didn't ask for any, but I was hoping you had some Browallia Speciosa flowers.." Your eyes didn't stop scanning the room, hoping she had the blue version of the flower and not only its violet or white form. "I have a special guest coming to class today.. and the blue hues of the flower remind me of her eyes. Do you have any, by chance?"
You finally looked over at the woman only for more confusion to come up to your features. There was a knowing look on her face, like there was something you didn't quite know, something that she didn't plan to tell you - it peaked a big wave of curiosity to course through you, though you decided against mentioning anything of it.
"I'm pretty sure that there's sommmee…" She dragged out the word as she walked towards one of her far walls. You watched her struggle on her tippy toes for a few moments before finally grabbing a large vase off one of the shelves. "…here!"
A smile rose to your face as you saw how proud she was at her small victory. She brought the vase to one of the desks as she went to grab some sheers. "Take as many as you need. They seem to be blooming perfectly at this time of year. What potion are you working on today?"
She handed you the sheers with a soft touch then watched how carefully you started to cut the flowers away - she always seemed so interested in your work, and it was something you heavily appreciated. "The Potion of True Intention.. I figured out who I would use as an example late last night, so I didn't have enough time to wait for another type to grow."
You handed her the sheers and placed the flowers in the bowl. "You always seems to be a lifesaver when it comes to this, so I wasn't surprised to see that you had some, though hidden.. Thank you."
You offered her a kind smile before watching her put everything away. When she was back to you, she walked you to her classroom door. "Who are you using as an example? I'm very curious to hear about everything, I'm not gonna lie."
You turned around to face her completely, a mischievous smirk rising onto your face. "Larissa Weems."
Her expression turned into shock before converting into a wide smile. She knew about your.. let's say, distaste for her best friends hatred towards you. She, however, would knew both sides, but told nothing to the other person - something you heavily appreciated as you trusted the redhead. It had shocked her at how bold you were being, and she said she would come by when the lesson was done to hear about everything.
You placed the bowl down next to your other materials before looking up towards your students, immediately watching them calm down and settle under your gaze. You threw them all a gentle smile as you ran your fingers along the edge of your cauldron. They always seemed to love potion days the most - always so focused as they hung onto every word, taking in the information with ease - so you were glad that your teaching style called for a lot of them.
"Alright, everyone.. Let's do this." You took a deep breath as you clapped your hands together. "Good afternoon!!"
"Good afternoon!!!" You watched as their faces lit up along with yours, laughter echoing through the room after their booming response. "How lovely. Seems everyone's excited for today, yes?"
The energy of your students after a lunch break was always something that was hit or miss when it came to taming it, but you grew to use it to your advantage and have them feel really engaged with the material - ensuring that their knowledge was growing instead of having information constantly just thrown at them. Small conversations died down, once again, as you took an inhale to speak. The words, however, died on your tongue when you noticed a flash of white by the door.
"I hope I'm not late! Hello, everyone," She said with a smile. She wore a cream colored dress and gold jewelry, making her signature red lip pop more than it usually did. Something about her presence today made the air get pulled from your chest as you gripped the side of the cauldron. Her piercing blues landed on your form and soaked you in from head to toe. If you weren't so focused on reining in your own emotions, you would've noticed the faint blush fill her features as her posture wavered.
Your dress complimented your features very well - the sleeves ran long but still showed your collarbones, long enough to pronounce your height but short enough for your calves to be visible. The dark colors of the outfit along with your make up and silver accessories really fed into the notion that you would know you entered a potions room, just at the glance in your direction.
You made sure to put a little more effort into your appearance whenever you knew you'd be around Larissa. You always wanted to look good for the woman, your looks always adding to your confidence. There was a part of you that still craved her validation, though, she never gave it to you. There was always a small victory raining inside you whenever you were able to make her falter, to make her breath pause, for her breath to hitch with your presence alone..
You wondered just how far she would let you go..
"You're not late at all - don't worry!" You threw a sickly sweet smile at her, your head tilting to the side slightly. "We've actually just started. Okay, everyone.. so.." You turned back to face your students, feeling her presence shift and come close right after. "I asked Principal Weems to be here today because, like I said before, this potion can be used in multiple ways - even in the dangerous sense. Though I'm using it in a light hearted matter, I'm required to really teach about it's history and uses.. which is why I hid nothing from you all. I wanted her here to really press the matter of it's danger and because I thought another set of eyes would help settle you. Understood?"
Your eyes fluttered around the room to meet all directions, being met with some saying a small 'yes' and others nodding their heads.
"Good.. Who can tell me what today's potion is just by looking at the ingredients that I have up here?"
Many of their hands shot up and a sense of pride filled your chest. You knew this was from your teaching alone, but you couldn't help and love how they were all behaving with Larissa there - really pushing the fact that you were genuinely good at your job and making her see it for herself, even if you were younger.
You gestured to a student in the front row. "The potion of True Intention."
"Yes, good! And what does it do?"
"It can reveal one of many things, depending on what the brewer wants to know. While making the potion, you have to put your own intentions into it - asking questions or giving demands on what you want to know from your person."
The next ten minutes continued on like that - you asking your students questions and them all ready to answer. You gave more of the history and reminded them of some of the uses of the potion before calling two helpers to pull the curtains to cover the large windows that consisted of one of the classroom walls. You took your lighter and lit three blue candles and placed them on opposite sides of the cauldron, lighting up the sides and front with a golden oranger glow.
"You want the colors of the flowers and candles to be around the same. When you light your candles, you want to already be thinking about your intensions. A good potion always comes from a clear mind." You placed the lighter down and took one of the flowers from your bowl. "You want to use a flower or plant that you think can link back to them, capturing their personality or looks within the nature. We're lucky enough to be growing some Browallia Speciosa - a flower that links to spiritual wisdom and clarity."
You walked around and placed the bowl in front of a student in the first row, urging them to grab one and pass it down. As you walked back to the bubbling liquid, you held the flower in front of Larissa so she could see it, then moved it into the light. "I got the blue ones because the color reminds me of a certain guest that we have here today."
You peaked a glance to your side and saw her shocked expression, making a wild smirk form on your lips. You placed it down for a moment before saying your next words, then grabbed a paper and started to tear it to ensure only a name would be thrown into the mixture.
"If you have a belonging from the person, whether it be hair, their handwriting, a photograph, just to name a few, you want to throw that in. If you don't, then you can write the persons first and last name on a sheet of people and throw it in. If you have both, do the name after the item - it's preferred if you do to have a clearer potion."
You looked down to see that you had successfully isolated Larissa's signature off of the permission slip you submitted to teach this potion - killing tow birds with one stone as you threw it into the starts of the potion.
"Take your flower and dip the petals into the mix gently, pulling them out and letting any excess drip off until it stops. Once it's not soaked anymore, lift the flower in front of you and slowly start to pull off each petal, dropping it into the cauldron while you whisper your intentions over and over until none are left. Once all petals are in, put the stem in gently while saying.." You leaned closer to the bubbling liquid, seeing that it has already grown thicker than the start. "'The truth shall show itself, as it seems to time and time again..'"
The potion was accepted and made correctly, a light blue smoke emitting from its sides and flowing down to the floor. You watched the smoke swirl with the flames before taking a glance over to Larissa. She seemed so invested in your lesson - her eyes were glued to your work as she absorbed every word and action that came from you. The smoke put out each flame with a harsh breeze, the classroom becoming completely black before the potion glowed a light blue, illuminating the room with it's success.
You asked the students to open the blinds back up as you bottled up a small amount of the mix. "Now, you can put this potion in food or drinks, create it into a spray, or keep it as an oil. As long as it's absorbed, whether it through the skin or with digestion or smell, it should work."
You shook it slightly before you twisted the lid off and squeezed the top of it, moving some of the oil into the dropper before presenting it to Larissa. You held it out to her, one hand staying underneath it to prevent any spilling, silently asking for permission.
She seemed uneasy at first, but, in the end, moved closer to you to allow it. You put a few drops onto your fingers then smeared the liquid between your fingertips. You set the dropper down before starting to apply it along some of her pulse points, your fingers grabbing her wrists in a gentle hold as you applied some there, then moved your fingers up and placed some along her neck.
The close contact and gentle touch seemed to make Larissa flustered, but you couldn't help but think she was fuming behind the mask of it all. You gave her a smile, and she rolled her eyes subtly. You took a few steps back, afterwards, and took in her form.
Her breathing picked up slightly and her eyes scattered around the room, being sure to land on anything other than you. You tilted your head to the side in mock curiosity as finally she faced you. You saw her jaw clench before her throat bobbed in a harsh swallow.
The students seemed to be on the edge of their seats - the room growing quiet enough that you were sure you could hear a pin drop. It looked like she was struggling to keep herself from saying something, the words nearly being forced out before the ring of the bell filled the room.
You were cruel, but not as cruel as her.
You had planned it to go this way. This was still your job, and you weren't going to risk it or your professionalism by forcing the woman to put herself this far out there.
Your students groaned and complained as they threw their items into their bags and got up to leave the room. "I'll be sure to let you all know what happened!" You said before closing the door behind the last student.
"I know you hate me.." You stated, breaking the silence. "I wanted to know why and how much.. But I wasn't going to risk anything and have your image be tainted in front of the students. I hope you understand.. because I-"
Just as you turned around, you were pinned back against the very door you just closed, firm hands meeting your hips as hot breath tickled the side of your neck. Your breath had been forced out of your lungs at the impact, your face flushed as you finally acknowledged exactly what was happening. Her perfume was intoxicating as it met your lungs, the smell causing your heart to flutter, and her touch was so warm.. so easy to melt into, so easy to crave..
"I don't hate you, Y/n…" Her voice was low as it ghosted along your ear. You couldn't help but be confused at her words, but, before you were able to say something, her voice cut you off. "It's quite the opposite, really.. I just couldn't accept how easy it was to be myself around you, to get lost in the time, how easy it was for me to fall for you.."
Your breath hitched as one of her hands took hold of your chin, forcing your eyes up to hers. She took in your expression and it seemed to be one she approved of, her eyes fluttering down to your lips before she pressed into you more.
"But, it seems, I no longer have the willpower to hide my desire now.. do I?"
Her lips ghosted along your own, you gripped the fabric at her strong shoulders. Your eyes fluttered shut as you leaned forwards, only to open when her lips didn't meet your own. A lustful smirk graced her features as her eyes darkened. "And it seems I'm not the only one.."
She crashed her lips into yours after her words, a whimper leaving your throat at the desperation and need found within it. Her hands wandered your torso before bringing one of your legs up to her waist. Her leg slid into the space and pressed firmly against your core. A deep moan left your chest at the contact, and she took the opportunity to explore your mouth.
Her tongue danced with yours, swallowing each of your whimpers and moans for her only. She broke the kiss, pulling your bottom lip between her teeth while doing so. The desire found within your own eyes seemed to surge her forward - she was reeling in how absolutely delicious you looked. Her lips traced down your jaw before moving down to your neck. She licked along your pulse point, causing a satisfied hum to leave your throat before sucking a dark, purple mark onto the skin.
The action sent a shiver down your spine as you melted into her touch. She kissed along the canvas of your skin, biting down at the junction of where your neck and shoulder met, pulling a gasp out of you.
Just after the sound, a loud knock was heard against the wood behind you. You both froze before softly breaking away from each other. She stood right behind you as you opened the door back up, a deep blush still apparent on your features as you calmed down slightly, as your eyes landed on Marilyn.
"How did it go! What ended up happening?" She said the words as you were opening the door, a small gasp leaving her as she noticed that you were not alone. Her eyes took in both of your forms, gaze moving between you both before her eyes widened as she noticed the new mark along your neck. "You know !! I-I actually forgot something!! I'll come back later, you know??"
She quickly shuffled down the hall and out of view before you closed the door at her loss of presence. You turned around to meet a heavily flustered and smiling principal, the sight of her and the situation making a loud laugh leave you, her following in your foot steps.
You walked up to her and wrapped your arms around her shoulders, pulling her close to enjoy her warmth. "Y/n.. I suppose, we should talk about this, hmm?"
Her arms wrapped around your waist, and you couldn't help but notice how well your bodies fit with each other. Her smile reflected your own as you finally understood some of the truth behind her actions. You spoke with butterflies in your chest, a newfound clarity filling your being."I suppose we should.."
"I was thinking tonight. Over dinner, if you'd like?"
You loved the hope that filled her eyes, a new sparkle settling there as she looked back at you. You giggled at her forwardness, something you never would've thought you would see in such a kind light. You nodded as you gave her your answer, relaxing in the comfortable energy that coursed through you both.
Seems you were right about your feelings.. Hate always seems to linger close to love, after all..
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it's fine though because that's important - it's just taking up much more of my time than I thought it would, especially now that im working again.
i hope you liked this because i've literally been thinking about it for DAYS. I wanted to write so bad but i was flooded with assignments this week. it was so fun to write whenever i had the chance and just clear my mind from anything else. this is why i love writing
ty for the submission ! my reqs are currently on pause ! you can read more about it here but I'm going to be working on what i have before starting anything new
i also changed my pfp - sorry if you recognized me by my picture but i do be making a new one every now and then
~ 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐯𝐲𝐧
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: (tagged anyone who asked/wanted to be on the "all works" taglist)
@eveymay @weemssapphic @readingtheentrails @finnja555 @barbarasstar @s-crambledegggs @vendocrap8008 @gwendolinechristieiscute @lilfartbox1
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357 notes · View notes
saltywinteradult · 6 months
“Why are Alicent's choices only Feminist and Radical when they benefit Rhaenyra?” because that’s the point of the show! It’s about a woman taking back what’s rightfully her’s, Rhaenyra wasn’t “forced” to turn on Alicent, no one forced her to seize her throne. Alicent on the other hand was forced and manipulated into everything she does that goes against Rhaenyra:
Otto scared her into thinking Rhaenyra would kill her siblings, nothing has ever suggested she would. We know deep down Alicent knows Nyra won’t kill them because in 1x08 she tells her she’ll make a good Queen, you don’t say that if you seriously think your kids and grandkids will be put to death.
She misheard Viserys, if it wasn’t for this misunderstanding Alicent would be Team Rhaenyra.
Alicent may be shown as Rhaenyra’s adversary in the posters but the reality is Otto’s the de facto leader of Team Green. He’s the one who planned the coup with the rest of the men, leaving Alicent in the dark because he knows where her heart truly lies.
I can believe Rhaenyra would have children with Harwin no matter who she’s married to, what I can’t believe is that Alicent would have children if she had a genuine say in the matter. That’s why it’s feminist and radical for Alicent to choose love over duty, because she’s finally putting herself first!
This post explains this perfectly: tumblr(.)com/rhaenicentdaily/746232908284559360/i-actually-agree-with-the-confession-of
(In reference to this post)
Oh, honey, no. This is not a story about a woman taking what's "rightfully hers". Did Rhaenyra have the legal right to the throne? Arguably, but it doesn't matter because the entire system of feudal hereditary monarchy, which Rhaenyra has every intention of upholding, is bad and should not exist, and that's largely the point of the Dance. Having a woman sit on the Iron Throne is not going to make a damn bit of difference for the thousands of people who died in the war to put her there.
If Rhaenyra intended to make any systemic changes, she would advocate for absolute primogeniture, like for Baela to inherit Driftmark - but she doesn't. She advocates for her son, who is a bastard and has no inheritance rights, to inherit it because all Rhaenyra is doing is fighting to put herself and her children in power. She's being every bit as selfish and power hungry as the Greens, and from a storytelling perspective there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. As far as I'm concerned that makes her a far more interesting character than flattening her into a cookie-cutter heroine does, so I don't know why her stans insist on doing just that. Rhaenyra is a war criminal, same as her husband and, yes, her brothers. The fact that she says Aemond should be "sharply questioned", which is just a nicer way of saying "tortured", for simply speaking the truth is all the proof Alicent needs to know that Rhaenyra is absolutely willing to hurt her siblings if it benefits her. Like it or not, Otto is completely right about that. Rhaenyra's not the Feminist Girlboss Hero you think she is, so it's no more feminist for Alicent to choose her than to choose the children she loves just as much.
And for the record, you can't use what-ifs to justify misunderstanding Alicent's canon character and actions. It doesn't matter whether or not Alicent would've chosen to have her kids. They exist and she loves them despite not having chosen to have them, and she is fighting tooth and nail to keep them safe because she loves them. It doesn't matter if she misheard Viserys - she already has very good reasons to advocate for Aegon over Rhaenyra. Otto may be a scheming, power-hungry asshole and the main orchestrator of the events that lead to the Dance (though the largest blame falls on Viserys) but Alicent is the figurehead of the Greens and as I've already explained, in my opinion that's the right choice for this story.
Since you're clearly not considering any of the arguments I've laid out to support my opinion, nonny dearest, I request that you stop sending me these asks. I'm not going to be reading or answering any more of them.
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fleet-of-fiction · 9 months
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Jake Kiszka // Female reader
Summary: You finally give in to a night of passion with Jake. The sexual tension building through a succession of late night texts and chance encounters. When finally you find yourselves at the same event, a game of sexual cat and mouse ensues until you find yourselves behind a door you can finally lock.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content. Public sex. Use of sex toys. Voyeurism. Masturbation. Dirty talk. Oral. Fingering. Rough sex. Butt stuff.
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Jake had that unrelenting darkness, just simmering below the surface quality about him. That was why you'd chosen him. His inherent sweetness was why you'd trusted him. But there was nothing that ever tasted so sweet that wasn't bad for you. You knew he was bad for you the moment you had crossed paths with him.
Just that burning intensity which had drawn you in had immediately disarmed you. Even though he'd smiled and been cordial and shaken your hand when it was offered to him, you'd felt the thorns of a blooming rose in his touch. And you liked it. The prickle of his gaze, hidden beneath a politeness that was confident and at first glance; intimidating. He made you question his intentions from the first instance.
Time had served you both well. Presenting you with moments where you continued to encounter each other both socially and professionally. These happenstances creating a mounting friction with each hand shake evolving into cheek kisses and brief embraces. Conversations which had started with innocence slowly sank into depravity. Finding opportunities to speak alone simply to melt into debauchery and mirth in the shared merriment of erotic confessions.
You couldn't. You wouldn't. Would you? It was all just an egotistical game, wasn't it? To see which of you would blush first. Until phone numbers were exchanged and the rules were irrevocably changed. Turning it from inadvertent flirtations into entirely intentional desires.
He used his words with such careful candour. Like poetry. His physical presence distracted you so often that the reprieve from it was welcomed whenever you laid in bed at night; the recipient of sexually deviant messages that drove your morals into untenable question.
The truth was that Jake was charismatic in a way that forced you to pay attention. His wit and kindness; forebears to a wicked shamelessness that toyed with your own. He derived from you that which could not speak it's own name. The type of arousal that made you feel perverted from the mere mention of wanting it.
But you did want it. You wanted him to be unable to look you in the eye the morning after. To actualise all that midnight prose of desecrating your body until you were sexually ruined. You wanted him to put his vulgarity to good use. To know that he had meant every single sinful word.
"If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"
You were standing in the middle of an over zealous banquet hall. The type of place that often held these black tie events that required the sort of attire that was not remiss on a red carpet. You clutched a champagne flute in your hand, the delicate glass stem sitting snugly against your cleavage as you cast an eye across the room.
He had approached from behind. Predatory in the way he had been watching you carefully for several minutes before bringing his mouth so close to your ear that the heat of his breath had drawn your lips apart before the sound of his voice.
Playful in his advance, you couldn't help but respond indifferently with a facetious smile and refusal to turn around and face him.
"I don't know what kind of girl you think I am."
Your response was indicative of the roles you had taken. Him, with his possessive need to compel you into bed with him. And yours, to uphold the pretence that it was all an illusion. That you were untouchable. That you would never allow him to truly have his way.
"The sort of girl that draws my attention away from every other woman in the room." He continued, bringing his lips even closer.
You were satisfied. Content that you had played the narrative well enough that if you turned around he still would think you intended to go home that night without knowing what his cum tasted like. Without the knowledge of his body and the way it moved against yours.
Enough talk. Enough coltish brushes of your hand against his forearm and tentative fingers at the small of your back. Enough willingness to participate in this endless foreplay that had yet to jump off the page.
"Is that so?" You replied, twirling on the balls of your feet in a pair of stiletto heels.
He was wearing a roguish grin. The sort of expression that you had come to know as one that served as an aperitif to the way you knew he would dance you into a corner in order to have you all to himself.
You were wearing a backless gown. Pitch black. He had already studied the flow of it, that much you were certain of. His eyes settled on the deep cowl of the front. The curve of your breasts tempted him to lower his gaze, but he was staunchly refusing to give you that gratification.
You were unintentionally matched. His waistcoat and jacket of the same pitch and ilk of your dress. The chains around his neck that sat against his open chest were ancient silver. Not too dissimilar to the tone of the clutch bag in your other hand.
"Am I to believe that you intend to behave like a gentleman tonight, Jacob?" You asked, keeping his eye contact as he reached for a passing tray of drinks and took one without so much as a cursory glance.
"Absolutely not." He retorted, taking a cautionary sip of what could only be described as sparkling wine. "How I'm expected to endure these types of evenings without your company to keep me captivated is beyond me."
You were bored. Or perhaps it was a boredom borne of knowing that he wasn't going to arrive until a little later in the evening. When you had completed a rotation of the room with small talk and mind numbingly monotonous chatter that by the time he had made his presence known, you were practically ready to make a hasty exit.
"Is that all I am?" You queried salaciously, taking note of the subtle way he had styled his dark, shoulder length hair that night. "A distraction from all the tedium?"
He would have you play this game a thousand times until he won it. The small tremble of his upper lip as he regarded you belied his need to remain formal and polite. He was already faltering. Without even knowing you were going to give in to him that night.
"As far as I am concerned, there is no one else here."
He was smug in that self confident sort of way. He knew that you were attracted to him but there was just enough doubt there that allowed you to hold a fractious tension between the two of you.
"Hmmmm, to be alone in a room with you."
You left him with that sentiment. Turning back around, not wanting to witness the inflection in his response as you edged a little closer to letting him know you were done playing games.
You felt the chill of his Atocha coins on the curve of your spine. Quite literally he pressed himself into your back, with the intention of speaking so quietly only his close proximity would bring enough volume for you to hear.
"We don't need to be alone in a room for me to wish that my tongue was buried deep into your pussy instead of this poor imitation champagne."
You kept your eyes trained on the ornate chandelier hanging from the centre of the room above. Conscious of the fact you were without underwear. The dress you had chosen simply did not allow for it.
"Imagine the looks on their faces." You purred devilishly, "If you were to sink to your knees where you stand."
He exhaled a plume of laboured breath against your shoulder, bringing a solitary hand to the slim spaghetti strap which sat there. Venturing into territory he had yet to step into, holding his breath to see if you would allow him to remain there.
"You've caused me nothing but a persistent need to masturbate of late." He confessed, taking the strap down with a fluid stroke of his palm. "I hope you understand that I wont be able to tolerate our musings for much longer. There will come a time where I truly need to have my face buried between those tremendous thighs."
You turned your head just enough for him to catch your jawline against his lips. The tendrils of hair which tumbled down from your intricate up-do brushed against his cheek.
"How about tonight?"
The intimation that you weren't stringing him along was not lost upon him. You felt the immediate stiffening of his body against yours. Your breathing synced up with his, shallow and deep. He took a moment to process what you had said. As if truly you were the only two people in the room. Stilled against each other like the silence after a storm.
"Don't you trifle with me, woman." He whispered brutishly, signalling the true pain of his torment.
"I wouldn't dare." You replied assuredly, allowing the hand in which you held your flute to lower just enough to catch the burgeoning swell of his manhood.
The banquet hall was situated in the grounds of a prestigious country club. The sprawling buildings were late 19th century with curated gardens and an interior of neoclassic art prints framed on high vaulted walls with lavish sculptures lining the narrow corridors.
It reminded you of the drafty old mansions in romance novels that were always home to a dastardly lord who would ravish his handmaidens in all manner of raunchy ways. And if you were going to be ravished yourself, you couldn't think of a more appropriate backdrop.
Jake took your flute out of your hand and dashed it on the nearest surface. Wrapping his hand around yours as he snaked you through the hustle and bustle. You would follow him wherever he intended to take you. Smiling as you passed by familiar faces, who watched on with subtle intrigue as to why you were being whisked away from the melee.
He cared very little for the enormity of the sound of his fist slamming into the ornately carved french doors at the back of the hall, allowing it to swing open as he led you into an empty stone pillared corridor. The thud of the door swinging back still echoed into the void as he checked to ensure you were completely alone.
"Wanted your arriving at Helm's Deep moment, did you?"
You eased yourself back against the nearest pillar, clutching your bag to your waist. Your bottom lip tucked beneath your teeth. He did not waste any time in furthering the torment. Staring at you like you had no right to look at him like that.
"You know I love it when you talk Tolkien to me." He jested a little, easing you into a light hearted subterfuge that would allow him to continue luring you into his debauched manifest.
"How else would you like me to speak?." You asked, tilting your chin to invite him closer. "Like your little handmaiden, my lord? Or would you prefer me as your harlot?"
There was a slit in your dress that extended almost entirely up to the curve of your hip. A daring choice, given the lack of underwear. As he approached, he lifted the fabric with the tip of his finger and moved it aside. Revealing your cunt to him for the first time.
He licked his lips and lowered his gaze. He studied the form of it, the soft strip of pubic hair that ran the centre of your mound and the way your labia sat like two pink ribbons beneath.
"I'm going to ruin this..." He ghosted the most feather light touch across your pussy lips. "Until you can't speak at all."
You dropped all the pretence. All the running commentary had brought you to a moment that required a certain level of honesty. If Jake had wanted to perform the most incredulous amount of proliferation in this foreplay, he had succeeded. You were throbbing incessantly. Your chest heaving against shallow breath at the sight of him looking at your cunt like that.
You reached forward and took his chains in your fist. Wrapping fingers around the silvery links that tinkled against each other as you lifted them into the narrowing space between you. Pulling him in, demanding that he put an end to this provocation.
You dropped your bag as he violently shoved you against the rough stone. His mouth crushed against yours, lips parted and softer than you'd anticipated given his urgency. His tongue was a delightful curiosity, enveloping yours as you finally gave in to him. You teased a pitiful moan from him as you tilted your head, hands rushing to his cheeks to deepen what was certainly the most tantalising kiss you'd ever had.
The rush of blood to your genitals was welcomed. What had been an errant throb of anticipation for most of the evening flooded to your swollen clitoris and engorged lips. Jake was irrepressibly hard, the fabric keeping you apart strained against the strict outline of his cock. You felt it pressed into your mound, coupled with the sensation of his tongue in your mouth and felt the bitter sting of overstimulation begin to rise.
"Turn around."
Although the words had been spoken softly, with a mouth that was still open against yours, the way he handled you was in direct conflict. You were savagely pulled around, made to hug the pillar as you were pressed into it. The rough surface of the round edge felt like sand against your exposed flesh. The juxtapostion of his body at your back had you feeling brutally and beautifully confined against the rough and the smooth.
A swift tug of the slit in your gown and your cunt was riding against the phallic stanchion, Jake moving behind you to keep his erection rubbed against the curve of your ass. Entirely at whim, you were certain he'd put very little thought into the action. He just needed the friction.
"You'll be my whore tonight." He decided, teasing a hand around your breast, your nipple growing hard against the pressure he applied. "And permit me to do as I please."
He already had you precisely where he could please himself. Your responding moan signalled consent as he rolled your nipple between his thumb and index finger. Sending thousands of your nerve endings into disarray. The river of arousal that ran down the centre of your body was flowing in opposing directions as your pussy continued to grate against the old stone. And the constant reminder of his raging blood at your back only served to assist you further in your journey to destruction.
"Be merciful, Jake." You pleaded, arching your back a little as it became too much for your clit to endure. "What do you intend to do with me?"
The way he tapered back, standing a little apart from you to catch his breath had you feeling cold. His lips were glistening with the moisture of your kiss, wiping them with the back of his hand as he stepped back. You moved to alleviate the pressure, noticing a darkened wet patch on the lighter coloured stone of the pillar as you let your gown fall back around your front.
"Hmm, look what you made me do." You professed, straightening out your hair and retrieving your bag from the ground as Jake continued to step further apart.
He looked at the obvious wet patch and smirked devilishly. Raking a hand down his stubbled upper lip and chin.
"Such a good girl for me, you don't need to worry about what I intend to do. I'll treat you right, you know that."
Right did not immediately mean that he would treat you within the confines of universally accepted rules. He'd read enough of your late night confessions to know that you didn't want to be placated with vanilla flavours. And neither did he.
"I'm not worried." You responded seductively, ensuring your eye lids were hooded just enough to make him do a double take.
You took great pleasure in seeing him charmed. The way he pulled on the tailored cuffs of his jacket and rounded his shoulders was a clear indication that you'd unsettled him. He cleared his throat and adjusted his crotch, attempting to hide his erection to no avail.
You handed him your clutch bag to hold and slipped your arm into the curve of his as he sank his hand into his trouser pocket.
"You look like you need to get fucked." He pointed out, escorting down the corridor as if he hadn't just moistened your pussy against one of the historical features of the house.
"First, I'd like a proper drink." You proposed, gesturing towards the dimly lit gentleman's lounge at the furthest end of the passage. "None of that cheap champagne muck."
He turned the corners of his beautiful mouth down and nodded. Raising eyebrows that silently agreed to your request. He took the lead once again, opening the door for you to step into the more intimate setting.
The lounge was peppered with high backed leather chairs and small round tables. A roaring fireplace with a tanned couch facing it and a mahogany backgammon board set out against an art deco lamp was where he placed you.
There was a low din of masculine voices, intimate conversations and the scent of expensive whisky being poured. You sat diligently by the fire, opening your compact mirror to check the state of your face as Jake went to get you something a little more refined.
There was a rosy hue to your cheeks and your lipstick had all but faded. Ordinarily you would have reapplied it, but it seemed futile knowing that he would only ruin it again. Instead, you fished around for your chap stick. Eager to put some cherry on your next kiss.
Your hand settled on the small, bullet shaped object that certainly wasn't your chap stick. And you certainly couldn't remember putting it in your bag. You looked over to where Jake was standing at the bar, one leg raised on the brass foot rail as he tapped his credit card against the surface.
Your breathing elevated as you pulled it out, the sleek chrome elliptical whirring to life as you pressed the dome shaped head. Whatever memory you had of a night where you'd decided to sneak it into your clutch evaded you, but you were secretly pleased with yourself as you watched him approach.
"I've got a surprise for you."
He placed a glass of crisp white wine in front of you, a glass of something resembling nectar in his own. Taking his seat at your side, his arm extended out on the back of the couch, he slipped his wallet back into his breast pocket.
"A surprise? For me?!" He replied, with excited inflection.
You quite liked it when the veneer slipped a little. When that playful sweetness dripped out from behind the brooding exterior. All of which evaporated as you slipped the shiny little bullet into his hand and waited for his reaction.
He studied it, turning it around in his fingers like a guitar pick.
"You came prepared."
You picked up your glass and savoured the taste. "A former version of myself must have predicted the outcome of this evening."
Jake scanned the room. There were a few men standing at the bar, an apparent card game was unfolding at one of the tables on the opposite side of the room. But with the high backed chairs shrouding most of the lounge guests, it felt perhaps as if you were greeting a destiny neither of you could fight. The stars had aligned.
"Why don't you come here?" He said, inviting you into the space between his lap and the back of the couch. "Give my hands something to do."
You exchanged a daring look. He was deadly serious. Your tongue was in your cheek, your legs crossed as you took another sip of wine for dutch courage.
"You don't intend to use that on me here, surely?" You arraigned his intention, skirting around it playfully.
"Come over here and find out." He insisted, reaching to draw you into the little nook he'd created for you. "Seems a shame not to make you cum in that stunning little dress."
You felt the heat of his body as you nestled in. Your arm extended out on top of his, both of you facing the fireplace with your backs to the rest of the lounge. With your legs still crossed, he pushed the fabric away from your knee, allowing the slit to open and completely reveal your leg.
You felt a rush of adrenaline course through your veins as he planed a clammy palm up from your knee into the flesh of your inner thigh with his opposite hand. Breathing heavily into your ear, not dissimilarly to the way he had initially greeted you. The force of your legs being parted made you gasp. His hand roughly moving your knee away, allowing you to be fully exposed for him.
"Jake..." You whispered, eyes closed as he brought his lips to your lobe and sucked it between his gentle teeth.
"Be still." He instructed, "Don't draw attention."
You could hear the quiet whimpers in his breath as he brought his hand between your thighs. Kneading the flesh there, revelling in the wetness which had spread between them. You tried to keep yourself as composed as possible. Consciously aware that any betrayal of sound or movement would give your position away.
"Let me do all the work." He uttered in the lowest register of his voice, a sultry sound that made you tremble beneath the folds of your gown.
You were awakened there, on that leather couch, holding your tongue against feral screams. Jake ran fingertips down your pussy lips, the ghost of a touch that made you hold your breath until he savagely plunged them inside you. Two fingers tucked away within your walls.
He held you firm. Kept you rigid within the circle of his arms as you fought against him.
"Oh, no you don't..." He warned, wrapping solid arms around your waist. "You be a good girl for me now and don't move."
He pulled his fingers out slowly, gauging your facial expressions before thrusting them back inside. The bullet was poised in his opposite hand, vibrating in his palm as he ran it across your mound.
"You have no idea how fucking hard this is..." You moaned, leaning your head back into his shoulder.
"I do..." He replied comfortingly, letting the bullet roll across the hood of your clit, keeping it there with his thumb as he continued to pull his fingers in and out of you. "I know how badly you want to scream. Roll your hips against my hand. I know you want to fight me, but you're doing so well."
His praise sent you into orbit. Breathlessly panting, it wasn't so much a fight as it was an entire battle within to keep your body from physically responding. You could hear footsteps behind you, voices as they passed. All it would take would be one step too close to see your predicament.
"That's it, let me have this pretty little pussy..." He urged, hooking deep within you, laying soft pressure on the sweetest spot he could find.
"Oh, fuck..."
You knew the moment the words slipped out of your mouth that somewhere in the room a conversation fell silent. Jake tutted, stilling his ministrations until he could be certain you would do precisely as you were told.
"Can't have you many declarations like that, little vocalist." He remonstrated, "Seeing as my hands are a little busy I'll have to give your mouth something to do."
He pulled his fingers out of you. Dripping with your juice, he made you watch him catch a taste as he brought them to his lips. Leaving you weak and powerless as the bullet slipped down into your entrance. You flinched and it made him smile.
"You taste sweet." He mentioned casually, as if he'd just swallowed a spoonful of sugar. "Why don't I give you something sweet to taste?"
You would have submitted to anything, you were melted into his touch. All you could do was sit there whilst he reached for his whiskey and took a languid sip. Before you could process his mindset, your lips were burning as he brought the whiskey to your mouth and spat it straight from his into yours.
You weren't averse to the taste, but it felt like tiny little needles were popping in your tongue. He wiped the back of his hand across his mouth and eyed you tentatively.
"Don't you dare swallow it." He cautioned, bringing a hand to cup your chin as you held the dark liquid in your mouth. "I want you to keep that there until I'm finished with you."
A tiny droplet escaped the corner of your mouth. Jake's tongue was there to lap it up as he pressed the bullet inside you a little further. You could feel yourself want to swallow, pining to feel it slip down the back of your throat. You could only beg with your eyes. Your mouth was completely immobilised. And you'd never seen such a look of sweet satisfaction on his face. The natural curve of his lips turned upward, his eyes were soft and half closed as he teased the bullet in and out of you.
Your own hands were sat idle at either side of you. Your body bouncing a little with his careful thrusting. You could feel how unbearably hard he was. You were consciously aware of keeping your mouth clamped shut, too. Despite every fibre of your being telling you just to swallow it. Entirely overstimulated. On the verge of spitting it back into his mouth just so you could have your voice back.
"Such a naughty lil' thing, aren't you? Letting me do this to you right here where I'm supposed to be a gentleman."
The fingers were inching back inside, clutching the bullet along for the ride. Easing in slowly, you could hear Jake groan under his breath as you held steady.
"I didn't make that promise, though. Did I? Quite the opposite, in fact. You make me want to be anything but gentlemanly."
You were becoming desperate and he could see it there in the way your brow knitted into deep furrows. Your lips began to tremble, allowing more droplets to spill down your chin and onto the back of his hand. You hummed from behind your closed mouth.
"Alright, sweet girl." He allowed, "You can have your voice back. Swallow for me..."
He strummed your lower lip with his thumb, pulling it until he was certain every drop had gone down. You were dizzy, on the fringes of a climax you were certain he would deny of you given your setting. Feeling your heart sink into your stomach as he pulled out the bullet and silenced it. He brought your knees together and pulled your dress back into place. Leaving you with a brief kiss to the corner of your mouth. And a sense of bereavement that you'd been left like that.
Jake leaned back into the couch with the rest of his drink in his hand and allowed you a moment of space. Scarcely able to blink into reality what he had just done, you picked up the rest of your wine and downed it in one venomous gulp.
"You are a cruel master." You said weakly, your dress peppered in patches of your mess. "And now you dare to sit there with a cock so hard I can see the shape of your tip through the fabric."
He was unrepentant. But still, he ran the bullet across his lip and took a deep breath before slipping it into his inside pocket. Drawing from you the most debauched giggle.
"My cruelty is only to serve you better." He explained, swilling the last drops of his whiskey with a cool hand. "Imagine if I had just allowed you to cum? The mess you'd have made. You'd have brought the room to shame."
He was playing with you. Searching for a hint of remorse for what you had just done and finding you wanting.
"Who's shame?" You fired back, "Certainly not mine. I'm at my best when I have a beautiful man's hands inside me."
He polished off his drink. "Consider me your puppeteer, then."
You were at an impasse. Drinks finished and an inescapable rising tension as you held each others gaze.
"You know, I never actually told you just how attractive I consider you to be. Have I?" He stepped into a realm that had yet to be explored. "But you should know that I thought you were the most beautiful woman in every single room I have found you in since we first met."
You rolled your eyes playfully. "He won't let me cum but he will tell me I'm pretty. I suppose I should be grateful."
He held out his hand for you to take. "Come on, I need a cigarette."
The air was crisp and cool as you stepped outside. The guests who were leaving awaited the valet by the gravel driveway. Spot lights on the lawn illuminated the grandiose entrance, and you felt the chill of the twilight breeze through your hair.
"Are you cold?" He asked, running the outer side of a curved finger up the gooseflesh of your naked arms.
You shuddered against the unexpected touch and the tenderness laced within his question. The weather was tolerable, but before you could respond he had slipped off his jacket and placed it around your shoulders, guiding you towards the heavily sign posted smoking courtyard.
"What happened to your pledge to be ungentlemanly tonight?" You reminded him, the scent of his cologne drifting heavily into your senses as you pulled his jacket around you a little tighter.
"Cigarette break." He shrugged, pulling out a pack of smokes from the inside pocket, the back of his hand smoothly coming to rest against your hard nipple.
He tapped the pack against his knuckles and offered you one. You pulled out the marlboro light and placed it at your lips as he struck a match for you. Cupping his hands around the tip as you sucked it to life.
"Do you think anyone knew what we were doing back there?" You dared to venture, exhaling a plume of smoke into the ether.
Jake was blowing smoke rings absently, leaning against the wall as he watched people coming and going. He was entirely at ease, letting his gaze fall to you every now and then. Looking away when he noticed you looking back.
"You care?" He replied nonchalantly, "I bet some of those cocks haven't been hard in years judging by the clientele."
You almost choked on laughter, your throat only used to the smoke on the odd occasion you chose to accept one when offered. You weren't a smoker, per se. But Jake was adept, letting it rise from his mouth back into his nostril without any difficulty.
"I hope they enjoyed the show."
He was looking at you peculiarly. Leaning against the side of the building with one leg bent, as if he was seeing you for the very first time. There was a curious smile on his lips, with an edge of mischief and wonder.
"What?" You asked pertinently, wondering if it was obvious that you weren't a regular smoker, becoming a little insecure about the way you were holding the cigarette between your fingers.
Jake took a heavy drag and flicked his cigarette into the gravel. Careful to blow above and not in front of you, he back you into a corner. The cigarette fell from your fingers as you stared up at him, not caring where it landed. His hand was at your throat as you were pressed against the courtyard gate.
"You like to be watched?" He asked, rolling his thumb against the underside of your chin. "You want every dick in the room to be hard over you?"
The untenable ache that had begun in earnest back in that banquet hall began to throb incessantly. The way he turned your head from side to side a little, studying your features for an answer that would satisfy him was making your heart beat significantly faster.
"No..." You mumbled, swallowing hard as he drew his lips closer. "Just yours."
He kissed you with more purpose now. The taste of smoke and whiskey slaked your tongue, deep and soft. His hands ventured into the folds of his jacket, coming to rest at your sides. The sound of his whimpers and yours rising as his mouth travelled into the curve of your neck.
You couldn't stop yourself from it. The interminable need to know how his cock felt in your hands. He'd been lilting from hard to soft ever since he'd snook up from behind you, the need for relief must have been unbearable.
You could feel it pressed against your stomach as he deepened the kiss even further. Lacing his tongue across your collar bone, shoving his jacket a little off your shoulder to sink his teeth into you. Leaving his mark right there in your flesh.
Your fingers ran across the edge of his belt. Deftly pulling the buckle apart as you continued to kiss him. The shy tinkle of it as you yanked on it made him smile against your mouth. The button snapped open at your command, the zipper slid down with ease. And the moan which escaped his lips as you wrapped your fingers around his shaft was like a symphony.
He rested his forehead against yours, his gaze pointed down as he watched you pull his cock out. In the soft glow of the courtyard lights, you could make out the tones of it. The raging veins that danced up his shaft beat hard against your palm. The sweet pinkness of his tip coupled with white droplets of pre-cum that pooled against your coiled fingers was like art. And when you sank your hand down, the sounds he made were melodic.
"Yeah, just like that..." He whispered, keeping a watchful eye on your slow and deliberate strokes.
You wanted to tug on him harder, make him spill into your hand. You wanted to hear him pant and moan and beg for it. Just the sweet little breaths he was making now was enough to make you feel like you could throw caution to the wind and fuck him right there under the lights, under the direct view of the cctv camera that was pointed right at you.
But you could hear footsteps on the gravel. Jake growled fiercely as he pulled away, leaving your hand coiled around air. He tucked himself back into his pants fastidiously, cursing under his breath as you watched with slight amusement.
"I can't keep doing this." He affirmed, bringing a tensed hand to the gate behind you as he pulled it open. "I've imagined it a thousand times. What it'd be like to fuck you. And this is not what I had in mind."
You stepped aside as a group of guests from the banquet hall event trickled in. Drunk and loud, they were people you both knew from the Nashville music scene. They tried to engage you both, not picking up on the residual sexual tension that was still hanging in the air. Jake was cordial. You were delightful. Trying to hold drunken small talk, standing there while Jake was funny and charming.
And it did nothing to quell your hunger. Only serving to make you more ravenous. He was confident and jovial, keeping his hand at your back protectively. The type of foreplay you hadn't anticipated. There was just something about standing at his side that made you irrevocably turned on.
"Well, if you'd excuse me I really should be getting my lady here a cab home." He said eventually, taking his opportunity once there was a lull in the conversation.
You were ushered out of the courtyard. Beyond the line of shrubs on the patio extended an expanse of freshly cut lawn, the bottom of which was shrouded in darkness. But you could see the trees swaying in the night breeze, their shadows against the starlit sky.
"You're getting me a cab, huh?" You teased, tucking his hair behind his ears as if you were more familiar with him than you truly were.
He didn't seem to mind.
"If I thought I could get away with everything I want to do to you here, then I would take you back inside." He reasoned, inspecting the teeth marks on your shoulder. "But as it stands I need this sensational dress off of your body before I do something I'll fucking regret."
You took a piece of his hair between your fingers. Twirling it around, letting him wrap his arms around your waist. You could still feel the flushes of his closeness, how it felt to be in his arms after imagining it night after night. He was truly an enigma. The sexual way he'd pursued you leaving no other aspect of him laid bare. You felt as if you'd just been given a glimpse. And he deserved to know what sort of woman he'd been chasing after, too.
"Come with me." You said, leading him back inside.
You slid off his jacket and handed it back to him as you confidently strode into the lobby. Letting your hips do all the work, like you were strutting down a catwalk.
The reception was always manned while ever there were guests present, especially on event nights. You'd had occasion to attend these several times before, and knew something of the managerial structure of the place. You'd even had tennis lessons over on the courts a few summers ago, taking advantage of an ex-lover's membership.
As luck would have it, a young man was standing behind the desk. His attention somewhat drifting between the computer screen in front of him and the noir dream walking towards him.
You clocked his name tag as you leaned onto the desk, palms flat and your breasts hunched together as you fawned over him.
"Hey there." You said casually, as if he was your friend. "...Benjamin."
He couldn't have been a day over twenty, you presumed one of the college students who made up a bulk of the hospitality staff. The way he shyly smiled, trying to keep a grip of his composure as you flirted with him was a clear indication of his naivety.
"Oh, I can't wait to see this..." Jake said underneath his breath, his jacket over his folded arms as he stood back to watch.
You shot him a fiery look before turning back to your young acquisition.
"Can I help you tonight, Ma'am?" He asked, like he was reading off a script.
"Oh, sure you can Benjamin." You replied, "Do you mind if I call you Ben?"
He blinked rapidly. Like a deer in the headlights. "Of course, what can I do for you this evening?"
You leaned even further onto the reception desk. "Well, you see Ben... I'm having a terrible time locating the manager's office. You know, Beverly Seagrave, her and I are old friends and she promised me the keys to the Platinum Suite tonight. God bless her soul, her husband Jerry is just sick as a dog right now and I told her...Beverly, Sweetie...it's fine. But she insisted that I have those keys tonight. Something of a belated birthday gift and since I had to be here tonight anyway for a work thing... well, she was kind enough to leave the keys in her office for me."
The little kink in his brow indicated that he wasn't entirely on board. You dared to reach a timid hand over the counter, resting it against his forearm.
"The Platinum Suite is booked tonight, Ma'am. Are you sure that she didn't mean one of our Gold standard suites?"
You clutched his arm tightly. "Yes! Oh, I'm such a ditz. Thankyou, Ben. If you could just point me toward her office, I'll go grab them."
He hesitated. "I'm not supposed to let guests back there..."
"You won't even know we were there, you have my word." You crooned, tracing the line of his cuff. "I'm just going to scooch on back there, grab my birthday gift, and I'll be out of your hair."
You could see the uncertainty. The way his chin wobbled under your intense scrutiny. He hadn't covered this in his country club training manual. You'd gone completely off script and you could feel his body tense as a wet rope beneath your subtle touch.
It was your intention to sequester somewhere in a room with an inner lock. Somewhere that nobody would think to disturb. A cloak room or an office, all you had to do was get past the receptionist.
"Uh, there's nothing here in the notes about a guest collecting anything..." He continued, tapping away on his computer with one hand, too afraid to move the one you'd commandeered.
"No, well there wouldn't be." You replied, dropping your tone into something a little more authoritative, pulling your hand away to inspect your nails. "This is a private arrangement between myself and my dear friend, Beverly."
Jake snickered. Clearly amused by your attempt.
"Ben, please don't make my companion here have to make any unnecessary phone calls. I'm sure Beverly wouldn't appreciate being disturbed at home whilst poor Jerry is feeling so unwell. And I know she would be entirely displeased so discover one of her oldest friends was denied such a thoughtful gift."
You noted the bead of sweat collecting at his temple. He seemed to be shaking, licking his lips nervously as he looked over at Jake.
"I, uh...I think her office is locked for the weekend, but..I...uhh...I guess I could let you have a set of key cards that I have here...I'd just need a name for checking you in..."
Without missing a beat, you reverted back to your previous flirtations. Under no illusion that you had most definitely flown too close to the sun.
"That was...interesting." Jake said, following you up the stair case that meandered towards the back of the club. "If you wanted to get a suite, all you had to do was ask."
Emboldened by what you had achieved, you were running on sheer adrenaline. Confounded that you'd managed to pull it off, the audacity of it. The way he'd stood there and watched you wrap that guy around your little finger. Confident in your ability to do so. You turned to him on the stairs, towering above him in your heels on the step above, and sank your teeth into his bottom lip.
The rush of arousal was overwhelming. The shift in the power dynamic was unmistakable. Jake hissed in pain as you sucked his lip into your mouth. But he didn't flinch against the way you pulled him in. Taking a fist of his hair and pulling his head back, biting across his jawline until you were sucking in the flesh at his throat.
"When we get into this room, I don't want a fucking safe word. Do you understand me?" You growled, lips pressed against his cheek.
He'd never seen you like this. The animal within rising, it was a revelation to him to see you consumed by passion. Your chest heaving against ragged breaths. He stepped up until you were beneath him.
"Understood." He whispered, "But after tonight, you're mine. Do you understand?"
His claim to you was enough to knock you off your perch. You went from savage creature to doe eyed in a single breath.
"Understood." You echoed.
You walked the rest of the way to the suite in mounting silence. Embroiled in a sense of rekindling desire, it had felt as if you'd been chasing that elusive climax all night. Jake had been all manner of things. Subservient. Dominant. Far too bold and far too charismatic for you to withstand.
He was, within himself, your orgasm.
You stepped into a modest room with a four poster bed as the centre piece. Throwing your bag onto the mahogany dresser, in keeping with the decor that was spread throughout the rest of the club. You ran a fingertip over the edge, pretending to inspect for dust, and then nodded your approval of the place.
No sooner had the door closed, Jake was removing his waistcoat. Watching you float around the room, pretending to be interested in the pieces of art on the walls and the white linen drapes hanging off the four bed corners.
You watched him pull his belt out of the loops in one smooth movement. Pulling the leather through his hands as he threw it onto the bed before shedding the rest of his clothes.
You picked up the belt. Continuing in your audience of his body. Your eyes darkened at the sight of him naked. His cock so rigid it stood away from his stomach and made you flood with moisture for what felt like the thousandth time that night.
"Are you mine, too?" You asked, raking the belt through your closed fist.
His answer was simple. "Yes..."
You ran the belt buckle down the underside of his shaft. "Then prove it."
He slid his hands into the straps of your dress. Rounding them off the curve of your shoulders and let the entire gown fall to the ground. His breath hitched in his chest at the sight of you. You saw him genuinely fall to nerves for the first time.
"Go and stand by the bed column." You instructed, giving him a moment to drink you in. "Arms up."
The way he did as he was told, keeping his eyes trained on you as he walked away felt like he was channelling all his power to you. The way he submitted so perfectly but could easily wear the dominance you needed for balance was astounding. Your soul cried out to know how he felt inside you. But you also needed to ride this wave of being at the helm of the ship.
He was smirking at you as you wrapped the belt around his wrists.
"I'll wipe that smile off your face." You hummed, pulling tightly on the leather strap, making him wince. "Not so hot now, are you?"
He took it so well. He didn't put up a fight. His beautiful face returning to that shit eating grin as you wrapped your hand around his cock.
"Oh, Jacob... you really have no idea, do you?"
You left him standing there like a work of art. You picked up his jacket from the floor and went inside the pocket where he had previously stashed your bullet.
You hadn't bothered to remove your heels. Slowly snaking your way towards him in nothing but your black stiletto's. Pressing the bullet into the head of his penis as you drove your hand down his shaft. Watching him fall to absolute pieces in the palm of your hand.
"Such a good fucking boy." You purred, "So so fucking good for me..."
Your tongue found its way back into his open mouth. The whirring of the vibration and his feral moaning damn near pushed you to the edge. He was leaking incessantly, sticky mess covered your fingers as he silently pleaded with you through unrestrained groans to give him a moments reprieve.
"Too much?" You presumed, "I'm just getting started..."
You knew that you would reap what you had sown. That he was gathering all the ways in which you touched him and was plotting your downfall. And you wanted it all. Ached for it all. Would savour every last drop of this night.
He'd earned his cock in your mouth. Every last inch. You didn't fall to your knees, you squatted down. Letting your pussy open, letting him see the lips spread wide apart. With one hand you slid the bullet against your clit, the other curled around his base. And without breaking a moment of eye contact, you looked up at his face as you ate his cock down.
His eyes rolled back. His jaw slack. His breathing shallow. You took the initiative to let him sink to the back of your throat, to let him completely consume your mouth. His grateful moans kept you spurred on, licking heavy stripes up and down, sinking his head into your mouth before sucking down on it until he hissed. You slaked your tongue over his balls, sucking the flesh there into your mouth and making him gag for breath.
"Dirty fucking bitch..."
You hummed your approval of his name calling as you continued to suck his dick, letting the vibrations between your pussy lips carry you into a further realm of arousal.
"Is that so?" You reckoned, shoving the head of his cock into the pocket of your cheek. "What am I?"
"A dirty fucking whore." He spat, rolling his hips into your mouth. "A filthy little cock sucking whore who needs to untie me right fucking now so I can punish her."
He wanted his power back.
"On one condition." You sighed, sliding yourself up the length of his body. "Make it hurt..."
The leather broke free. His wrists fell. He paused for the briefest moment to gaze into your eyes. A rare moment of romance in this pursuit of completion. And then it was gone, like two trains speeding past one another, you were gathered up in his arms and being slammed onto the mattress.
He parted your thighs with his knee, keeping one hand on your head. And then you felt the formidable snap of his palm across your ass. You squealed in equal pleasure and pain, the delight in your smile shrouded from him as he pulled back your hair so that he could get a better look of you.
"You like that?" He asked, rubbing his hand over the reddening cheeks.
You nodded profusely. Again he sent his palm raging across the curve of your ass, kneading the flesh there after each slap. Every spank making you cry out desperately.
"Oh, you like that don't you? My little whore." He almost sang to you, "Fuck, you're so damn pretty when you let me talk to you like that..."
You didn't know where it came from. The way Jake made you feel. So safe, so cherished. So completely aroused by his man handling of you. The way he reduced his words down to such degradation, and it did nothing except serve in your arousal.
"Ass up, pretty girl..." He grabbed you by the waist, positioned you the way he desired.
You held your weight on forearms, your up-do positively ruined. You blew wayward hairs out of your face and arched your back. Sinfully moaning as Jake opened your ass cheeks wide and sank his mouth into you without any prior warning.
"Oh, fuck...Jake...oh my god..." You cried out, rattling against the sensation of his tongue riding between your ass and down into the folds of your dripping cunt.
You could feel his mouth exploring your entrance whilst his nose languished above. Pressed deeply into parts of your body you'd neglected to explore yourself, let alone allow another into. He'd taken the liberty of it, and you were far too gone to be shy now. Even when he dared to slide the tip of his thumb inside, you snapped your head back and wailed for him.
Your hair spilled down your back as he pulled out the pin holding it together. Curls cascaded down your spine. When he wrapped the tendrils around his fist, you could scarcely breathe.
"You liked my tongue in your ass, didn't you?"
You were flushed pink and covered in a sheen of sweat, as was he.
"Give it to me, Jake. I can't take it anymore." You begged, lifted on to all fours by your hair.
He would have. He'd have given it all to you. Pressed against your back, his cock resting in the crook of your ass cheeks, he was planting a seed. Massaging his thumb down there, on the cusp of taking whatever he wanted from you.
But you were rudely interrupted by surreptitious banging on the suite door. A succession of loud thrums sounded over your heavy breathing.
"Open the door please!"
A voice boomed from the other side.
"We have reason to believe you have not paid for this suite! Open the door immediately!"
Jake buried his face into your shoulder blades, his body shaking against hysterical laughter.
"I guess someone called Beverly!" You giggled, turning around to meet his beautiful laughter.
You held each other for a moment. Falling into each other, the laughter unbearable as the bangs came more aggressively.
"If you don't open the door immediately, I will be forced to call security!"
"I don't feel like getting caught tonight, do you?" Jake asked, scrambling to gather his clothes.
You were already stepping back into your dress as he jumped into his pants, peering out of the window for an alternative exit. He slid up the pane, a rush of cold air fanned his hair away from his rosy cheeks.
"Do you trust me?"
You blinked at him, slipping your heels back on as you tried in vain to pile your hair back up. You hesitated on the way he peered downwards, throwing his jacket and waistcoat along with his shoes out of the damn window.
"Have you lost your fucking mind?!"
The door handle started to rattle. "I've called security. You have sixty seconds to vacate the suite!"
What choice did you have? You took Jakes hand and let him assist you down onto the roof below. He was like a cat in stealth mode as he climbed out, closing the pane down behind him as he took your hand and ran you across the top of the adjoining building.
You flew over puddles in your slim heels, his hand felt solid in yours as he pulled you along on bare feet. It was exhilarating. You'd never felt more alive. More like you could do anything. Your shadows moving where none could see, high above the lights of the merriment below.
"How the fuck do we get down?!" You cried, pulling him back as he neared the edge.
You didn't see the ladder until you were upon it.
"Don't worry, I'll go first." He assured you, slipping his shoes and jacket back on. "If I fall, well you'll just have to fall with me."
He flashed you a devilish grin. Raising your hand to his lips and placing a solitary kiss there as he descended.
"Jake, be careful!" You admonished, leaning over to watch him climb down with the same ease he'd breezed you over the roof with.
"Tuck your bag under your arm and slowly climb down..." He instructed, waiting on the rails until you were safely where he could grab your feet.
Your shoes and attire were not for climbing. Your dress catching on each rung. Almost slipping to your death a few times until Jake reached the ground and took the liberty of letting you fall into his waiting arms.
When he placed you safely on the ground, only then did it hit you. What you had done. What you had almost done. The ache that had yet to quit. Immeasurable pain in your core from being withheld from your ending. A need that went entirely unspoken. You were numb from it, the desire and the desperation.
"Lets get out of here." You breathed, kissing him softly in the flashing lights of the dancefloor beyond the window. "I don't want to play this game anymore."
His hand grazed your cheek, pushing back your hair that was now down and free.
"Neither do I." He replied, "Cheated death, I guess we should celebrate."
You huffed out a little breathy giggle and let him softly kiss you. Igniting something entirely different in your belly. Something warmer, heating you up from the inside out. Churning your stomach, radiating out from the space between your chest.
You'd never felt anything quite like it.
"We'd better be quick, I don't think they were bluffing about security."
You noted the bodies rushing out from the side of the building, flash lights in their hands. It seemed a little excessive, but still you were hot on your heels as Jake dragged you away and down the lawn into the darkness. You spotted the illuminated tennis courts as you rushed past, down into the curated garden behind and into a folly of trees.
"If they catch us down here, I swear to damn god..."
You didn't let him finish. Cutting him off with your mouth, pressing him into the trunk of the nearest tree.
"It has to be now, Jake..."
The first drop of rain hit as he spun you around. The rough bark of the tree against your back, the faded lights from the tennis courts illuminating just enough of his eyes for you to see him giving into the hunger there.
He lifted your leg into the crook of his arm, holding it as he swept your gown aside. As he freed himself, you spread a little wider for him. The rain coming down a little harder, the sound of it hitting the canopy above shrouding your unrelenting screams.
Finally, he entered you. Thrusting heedlessly, rutting like a man starved of affection. The heat of his breath against your mouth and the echo of his moans chimed with yours. His rhythm was delicious, his size just enough to burn your walls until it slipped in and out like a knife through melted butter.
"Fuck, you're so tight..."
Pleased with yourself, you clenched around him. He buried his face into the curve of your neck, driven to insanity.
Thunder rolled ahead. The scent of wet pine devouring your senses as Jake fucked you against the tree. His hair saturated in rain, you pulled it away from his face and stared at his desperate expressions as he held you up.
"It's you, you're so big..." You replied playfully, "And you fuck me so good with it..."
He hit you so deep, violently and with such force you knew you'd end up with scars. You could feel the flesh of your back torn open against the bark, not caring. Any blood spilled was worth the tangible connection forming under those stars. You'd earned this. You deserved this. And nothing would keep you from it, even if they found you. You knew you wouldn't let him pull out until both of you were spent.
"Damn it Jake, cum inside me..."
The urgency was heeded. Lightening streaked across the sky. Grunting ferociously into your mouth, tongues meshed and breath shared, he succumbed to your cunt in an explosion of light and painful climax. Your body felt tethered to the earth somehow as you felt every single nerve in your body shot with electricity. Not from the sky, but from Jake.
"Look at you..." He dragged a thumb down your cheek, taking your mascara with it. "Look what a mess I've made of you."
You were certain that you looked bedraggled and soaked. And he, no better. You stayed in the trees until the storm raged on. Emerging from the shadows, covered in cum and fallen leaves.
"Too beautiful a night not to sin with you." You said, "Maybe we should have just gotten a cab in the first place?"
@caprisunsister @thewritingbeforesunrise @takenbythemadness @katuschka @its-interesting-van-kleep @lvnterninthenight @writingcold @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @edgingthedarkness @velveteencatch @lyndz2names @nina-23-45 @itsafullmoon @vikingisthenewsexy @char289
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notlhecxzsa · 1 year
Accidents - Scarlett Johansson
Hiii, this is a very very sensitive fic and everything is not a real happenstance. Hope you enjoy!
WARNING ⚠️: Forced sex, super mean drunk Scarlett, physical abused, mental abused, hurt reader.
You never had a very good past relationships.
But, that was before Scarlett.
At the age of eighteen, you started having boyfriends who did nothing but to hurt you, mentally, and sometimes... physically. You had 3 boyfriends inside of 5 years, 18 to 23, and that was it, you are now 29.
You were done with love, you've always been saying that to yourself after the last relationship you had, which very far much more toxic that the two just broke you mentally, but the last one didn't just broke you mentally, he physically hurt you.
You were a broken chaotic mess for almost 3 years, not believing in love anymore and the other things along that word, but everything changed when you met Scarlett. Scarlett changed everything, so willingly, she badly wanted you to be hers, just as she will be yours that she didn't gave up on courting you even though it took her 3 years, almost 4.
You two met, instantly clicked on, became best friends till she caught feelings for you, which she soon confessed. She knew about your past relationships, hell, she knew about everything. She became your shoulder to lean on, and you became her new found hope to continue on living inside her dull world that is full of toxicity with having sex with random girls, or random artists and going off to the club as her rest.
To say the least, she understand why you were very scared on letting her in to you romantically, though, you would be lying if you said that you didn't caught any feelings for the woman. Ever since the two of you developed your relationship, you felt it, you saw it, you're not an idiot to not see her obvious movements and steps that is screaming the words; "I Like You."
You knew it from the start, and then she confessed, but you weren't ready for anything. But, Scarlett being the charming woman she is, and ofcourse, with all her wealth, she did everything just to get you.
She changed, for you.
She changed you, just like how you changed her.
She stopped sleeping around, she focused on her work, but the rest of her time was spent on you without fail. Though, being a doctor can be a really busy job at times, it didn't stopped Scarlett to woo you and was determined to wait hours and hours until you're free. Most of the timesz she would always find herself outside of your footsteps, outside the house that your parents brought for you for your 25th birthday, wanting you to stop renting. She would always have something in her hands that she brought for you, most of the times, it was foods and anything that she thinks you might like, or anything the she likes for you to wear.
God, everything she'd done for you.
You guys are now 7 months in a relationship, everything was going well, no fights or anything bad has happened between the two of you, fortunately. Until, now.
You went to a party, a friend of hers, she wanted you to tag along, she always wanted you to tag along, being this cocky woman she is, wanting to show everyone that she got the most beautiful girl, it was no lie though, you are a very beautiful girl, a worth giving everything up for.
Along the years, you glowed up, becoming into this woman that looks so well written by a goddess, everyone wants you but, mostly for pleasure, nonetheless, it was no lie that anyone could easily fell for you.
But, being described as that brought some cons to you.
Being sexualized here and there, recieving so many catcalls, some would get have the pass cards, but not when you're with Scarlett, who will definitely punch the shit out of them not even a second.
But, right now, someone's making you feel very, very uncomfortable, and Scarlett's not here, infact, she's nowhere to be seen, which you mentally cursed her for taking so long to wherever she went.
"Come on, don't be such a stranger, sweet face. Why don't we go and have some fun, I'm sure it's lonely to be alone..." A drunken, beefy man from your side, who is invading your personal space already, said drunkenly.
You wanted to get up, maybe punch his face if you would get a chance since he's been bothering you for what felt like an hour already, then run to Scarlett, and get enveloped in her beefy arms.
But, this man got you caged in his arms, almost caged in his arms. And you were scared, you're not really that good in socializing, and running from him would for sure will bring some audience to look at you, and Scarlett might come looking for you in just a few seconds already, so you just scooted as far as you can, only for the man to pull the stool you're sitting on closer to him, almost making tears welled up in your eyes, thankfully, you girlfriend is just in time.
You don't know where she was going with her hurtful words.
She was a bit tipsy. A little bit tipsy for your liking.
It wasn't your fault. You know it wasn't your fault. You tried your best to make him go away, she might now saw that, but she saw how you scooted away from him before a fight between her broke out. Leaving the man's face bleeding before she practically gripped your wrist while her other hand went to your waist possessively.
She was almost carrying you out, she guided you to your seat in the red sports car she owned out of many. She slammed the door in front of your face, too harshly for your liking, it made you flinch, it made the beats of your heart became fast than it already was.
God, you know, it wasn't your fault. But, right now, it feel like it is. With all the words being thrown at you as soon as you both stepped inside the house, you following after her, wanting to know what's gotten her upset, wanting to know why she didn't hold you like she does whenever she sees you like this, in fear.
You were very scared.
Now, you felt more scared with her actions and confused with the way she's treating you right now.
Maybe, she wasn't just a little bit tipsy after all.
"I told you that I would get back immediately. I went to get us some drinks, but then you decided to whore yourself around behind my back. What were you thinking, Y/n?" She shouted, throwing the set of keys on the coffee table as you followed her to the living room.
You watched as she paced around the room, while you just stand there with your arms around yourself, as if it will protect you on what is coming. As if it would give you the comfort that you lack off, the comfort that Scarlett could only give.
She rubbed her face up and down with both of her hands, before the both of it raked her pixie hair. "Fuck, Y/n!" She stomped her foot on the ground, before turning around to look at you appropriately.
Her suit is messy and her sweats are a around the place. You don't know where she was being mad and upset about. Her words hurt. It was the first time she called you that, this was the first time she acted like this around you.
You didn't like the way she is acting.
The way she cursed your name in a harshly manner.
The way she was so mad at you for no complete reason.
"Wh-why are- w-what are you saying-" You couldn't even get to finish your sentence when she was again, shouting at you.
"Oh please..." She laughed as if it was funny, but now, tears were already streaming down your face as your heart started to hurt badly. She was drunk, maybe she can't see you clearly, she can't see the tears and how you started shaking so badly. "Don't act so innocent now. God, fuck!" She shouted once again, pacing around the room.
"How- god, Y/n. You don't- you don't know how that hurt me-" You couldn't help but to cut her off. What did hurt her? Did something hurt her the way you were hurting right now?
"What did? Did- did I do something-" Once again, it feels like you weren't allowed to talk when she cut you off, storming towards you that you couldn't help but walk backwards in fear.
"Who fucking told you to interrupt me?!" She was screaming straight to your face, before you felt her strong hands gripping your small biceps.
"Ah, Scar-" You whimpered, and she seemed to snapped out a little as she took her hands back before turning  around, her hands on her head as if she's going crazy.
You think so too.
She's going crazy.
She's hurting you.
You were sobbing when you heard her sniffles. 
She once again turned around to face you, there was something dark and dull in her eyes. You knew, in that moment, she's not the Scarlett you know. And, you could only pray to the gods above to bring that Scarlett back to save you from this woman in front of you.
She walked towards you until she was towering over you already. You couldn't help but to bow your head and tighten your arms around yourself.
"Do you know him?" She asked in a very darkened voice, you can't tell if it was just the alcohol speaking or it was really her. Your Scarlett.
"N-no, I don't..." This time you looked up at her, while you felt ome of her arm coming up to one of your biceps gripping it just as tight as earlier, that you tried to get away because of how much it hurts.
"The truth, Y/n. Tell me thr truth." Now, one of her hands was gripping both of your jaws, you couldn't help but to hold her wrist with both hands, but she was strong.
Much more stronger than you.
You couldn't get away because she was holding you bicep tightly.
Can't she hear your sobs? She once said it hurt her to see you crying, in pain, but now, she seems like a very different person.
Maybe, this was just a dream. A bad dream that you need to awake.
"It's the truth, Scarlett. P-please, believe me..." You tried to take deep breaths because you felt you chest tightening along with your anxiety starting to kick in. "Please..." You begged to the unknown shakily.
She only chuckled a little before harshly taking her hand off of your face, making your face turn to the other side, before she once again, dragged you up into the stairs, then to your room.
Your feet was barely touching the floor as you tried to keep up with her big and heavy steps.
"S-Scarlett, it hurts..." You tried so hard to take your arm back, but to no avail, you didn't. Your heart is beating so loudly, it feels like it wants to get out of your chest as your mind started to spiraling into the darkess unknown where you found yourself being into years ago.
You don't want to get back there.
Oh god, you don't want to go back.
Moments ago, you found yourself trying to be set free from her painful grasp, but now, you found yourself being so defeated that you just conceded to the defeat and just let her have you in ways that you didn't know she'll have you.
You found yourself being forced down on the soft king bed, both of your wrists were gripped tightly by one of her hand on top of your head, her other hand forcing one of your legs apart.
God, she was so strong while towering you over.
She was ripping you apart with her manhood, she already taken you while being bent over to the bed, your feet was barely touching the floor, it was now the second time that she forced a climax in you.
You felt your body getting in and out of consciousness as you continued receiving hittings everywhere her hands chose to land on.
You just know that tomorrow, you will be black and blue. Bruises will be littered on your skin. God, how did you go to this?
You pleas and begs seemed to be unheard by her. Your loud and broken cries was muffled by her bruising kiss whenever she would put her lips on yours.
"Scarlett! P-please... Stop! R-red! Red! I-I can't- I can't anymore. It hurts!" You started, only to be smacked in the face.
"Isn't this what you want? Huh? I'm giving you what you want, Y/n! Or, you like it more when it's that man who's doing this. Do you like that? I bet you do." There comes her sinister laugh, before you knew it, she was already throwing you to the floor before continued to rutting in you.
Your vision started to become blurry, until your voice started to become slurry. You felt wet liquid started to stream its way down on your face starting on your forehead down to the floor.
You were laying on your stomach, she was moving so harshly and so fast behind you. The pain was too much that you starting to feel numb.
You felt your chest becoming more tight, and before you knew it, darkness have already swallowing you over.
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