ashherahh · 9 days
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ashherahh · 9 days
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The Sacrificial Lamb, 17th century, by Josefa de Óbidos (1630–1684)
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ashherahh · 13 days
your next major relationship
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Note: Please take it if it resonates, leave it if it doesn't. Meditate before making your decision. It's completely okay if you don't resonate with this reading. The collective is huge and I'm sure you'll receive the messages you need in due time.
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Cards: Seven of Wands, The Fool Rx, Five of Pentacles, Two of Cups Rx.
You're very close to achieving your goal.
Luck is on your side.
I am surprised that you actually still believe in relationships and love after the absolute shit shows of the past. You must feel like the most unlucky person when it comes to love.
Past relationships always brought out this kind of cold war with you and your partner, as though you were always at odds with your partners. Part of you felt like you were the problem for the longest time because you know, common denominator but upon more reflection, you've come to terms with the fact that you were asking the wrong people for what you need.
Those experiences hardened you. I'm seeing that it'll bleed into this next relationship to a certain degree. Your next relationship will heal a lot of those wounds of the past. You'll go from someone who always finds themselves explaining themselves and having that turn into a fight, to someone who no longer has to worry about being misunderstood.
When the cards first popped out, the messages were quite clear. Past relationships may influence your next major one, but you can always turn that around. You literally have luck on your side, your next major relationship is going to be a good one if you let it.
Love requires trust, and that might be the most difficult thing for you now but it'll be worth it.
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Cards: Two of Pentacles Rx, Two of Cups, Nine of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles Rx.
The answers you need are coming.
A time for healing.
You build something in your next relationship. Possibilities are endless, but it'll definitely redefine how you see yourself and your life. It's a leveling up in life.
Gone are the days of feeling uncertain and uncomfortable about making decisions about your life. This next major relationship kicks everything into gear, an inspiration is birthed from this union that brings you closer and closer to the life you've always dreamed of living.
It'll come in suddem but it'll last. This is a relationship you'll have for years and years, this person will be around and see you through so many phases of life.
Maybe you have some planets in the 7th house or some of them are in Libra. Those placements usually thrive in partnerships because it acts as a reflection, it helps them delve deeper. Even if you don't have those placements, that is what this relationship will be.
This will truly be a beautiful partnership. One that is filled with mutual trust and love and ways of thinking. It'll be one that is so understanding and deep. This is someone you can truly be yourself with.
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Cards: Strength, Five of Wands, The Emperor, The Moon.
Believe in the impossible.
Balance spirituality and practicality.
This will hit you like a freight train. No one truly expects to meet someone who will become an integral part of their life, it usually builds slowly over time. Not this person though, you'll know when you meet this person. It'll be so immediate and in your face, you won't be able to deny the importance this person will have going forward.
Your connection will feel surreal at times. It's giving Edward and Bella. Get a room, honestly. The emotions are big in this relationship, it's very intense. But it's the kind of partnership that is strong through all trials and tribulations.
You know you can depend on this person no matter what you face, they are solid and strong. Their strength gives you strength in a way.
This next major relationship really exhances who you are. It influences you in a way that solifies your character and who you are. The relationship is quite balanced, giving and receiving is done in great degrees and in your own unique ways.
This is not the kind of relationship you lose yourself in at all. Individualism is respected by both you and your partner.
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ashherahh · 13 days
"Someone is going to cry during sex" ok the fact for past few weeks ive been listening to stargirl interlude 👁👄👁
🫢 that song tells me all I need to know
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ashherahh · 15 days
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look at this cutie!
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ashherahh · 15 days
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hand of glory
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ashherahh · 15 days
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ashherahh · 16 days
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ashherahh · 18 days
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Nina Mclaughlin, from "Wake, Siren," originally published in November 2019
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ashherahh · 18 days
how your future partner matches your freak +18
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Note: Please take it if it resonates, leave it if it doesn't. Meditate before making your decision. It's completely okay if you don't resonate with this reading. The collective is huge and I'm sure you'll receive the messages you need in due time.
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Cards: Page of Wands Rx, Seven of Pentacles, Three of Swords Rx, Two of Wands. BOD: King of Swords Rx
Um, dunno how to put this but you two teach each other. Getting to that point of knowing each other intimately takes proper communication and lots of consistency. The two of you do not shy away from that. You just see it as a challenge to overcome, and you like challenges.
Carnal desires much?
The attraction is there, as I'm seeing your relationship eventually develops into one which leaves both of you quite satisfied. So, strongly picking up on the energy of someone who is so accustomed to reaching orgasm by themselves that when they have a partner they are a bit...selfish in bed.
Yeah... They haven't had sex in a hot minute so they struggle to last the first few times or they take a while to orgasm. It's quite common, actually.
Eventually, with practice comes improvement. Not everyone is a sex god immediately their first time, so you two are pretty patient with each other. Learning your likes and dislikes, you cultivate your intimacy (which should always be the case, but some couples just click).
You do click with your partner in every other aspect of your life, but sex is the one you both work on together. You're a bit awkward with it, but oh so eager. This energy is so cute, I dunno how else to describe it. There's a curious excitement to it.
Sex is also pretty frequent, like really frequent. A lot. You two have a lot of sex. I'm not seeing major power plays, you're pretty much are comfortable switching roles and you're definitely open to trying out as many positions and toys and roleplaying to see what works for you.
This is such a nasty group. I'm blushing. You both seek each other out. There's no demure, there's no mindful but there's a lot of dropping the draws on sight. There is little restraint.
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Cards: Two of Cups, The Moon, Queen of Swords Rx, Ten of Cups Rx. BOD: Knight of Swords
Someone is going to cry during sex. There will be tears. Composure for who? What is that? When you are intimate with them, it's like you lose your mind. You don't even know what you're saying, you just be saying stuff. Both of you actually. I'm seeing your partner making promises and you just doing the same thing.
Really, y'all? Really? You both whisper sweet nothings to each other.
Your partner likes to run their mouth during the act. They talk you through it. They know what their words do to you. You're the kind of couple who ends up using sex to voice things, like you leave it all out on the floor. Or should I say bed. Actually, you do it whenever you want. Exhibitionistic individuals.
Emotions run high in this pairing. Sex is an almost lethargic act for the two of you. It's like your chakras open up, and it's addictive. You really can't get enough of each other. Angry sex, all kinds of sex. You use it to process feelings, not intentionally, it really just happens with the two of you.
I'm seeing that you knew you connected well emotionally, but I'm not seeing that either of you were expecting to literally unravel when together. That's exactly what sex feels like with your future partner, like there are layers being stripped away and it's just you two feeling what you need to feel through the act.
You two go deep together.
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Cards: Queen of Wands, King of Swords, Three of Cups, The Lovers. BOD: The Magician
Power dynamics are a thing with you two. Both of you have strong personalities and are quite dominant in nature. So, it's all about seeing who's going to gain the upper hand.
There's a feeling of having met your perfect match. Previous partners just didn't seem to scratch that itch you two had. Sex was good but not mind blowing and not nearly what you were actually craving.
You both want someone who "earns" you in a way. Like, not everyone deserves you. Not everyone deserves to see either of you come undone. Not everyone is worthy of it. This future partner, they go the extra mile. They don't back down, they don't shy away. You don't scare them, your desires entice them. It's vice versa.
There's a mutual giving, a mutual respect and flow of energy. You recognize that they are someone who will be able to match you in everyway, they are someone who is able to satisfy you, and you them.
Libidos are highhhhhh.
You two worship each other. This pairing adores every inch of each other. If you are shy about any part of yourself, that goes out of the window. They make you feel like you are the most precious person on earth, and you are to them.
I'm seeing that sex is treated with a lot of respect and trust. You two really let yourself go with one another. There's no holding back, no masks in place, no feeling like you're too much.
It feels like heaven with them.
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ashherahh · 19 days
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ashherahh · 19 days
how you shine
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Note: Please take it if it resonates, leave it if it doesn't. Meditate before making your decision. It's completely okay if you don't resonate with this reading. The collective is huge and I'm sure you'll receive the messages you need in due time.
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Cards: The Moon Rx, Page of Wands Rx. BOD: Two of Swords
Gifts: Observation, grounded, wisdom, the ability to study and understand. Rationality.
You're very down to earth. You don't allow your pride or passions to control you, but rather you contemplate before taking action. To others it might seem that you are slow to move or that you are on the fence about everything. But intuitively you just know that the best course of action for yourself is to take a step back and reflect.
To others, situations might seem like you either know or you don't know, but you don't think in black and white. Your greatest gift is you're able to see all angles before taking action.
Do you feel good about yourself going at your own pace? It's as though everyone is in always such a hurry to decide but no one wants to understand and learn first. No one seems to want to reflect these days, everyone is always rushing onto the next best thing. Not you though, you like to savour life, to savour experiences. You like to explore your options and gather a deeper understanding.
To the outside world, you are withdrawn but you have a rich inner world. You have deep perspectives and knowledge. You're not quick to reveal yourself because you know the wisdom in observation.
pile 2
Cards: Death Rx, Nine of Pentacles Rx. BOD: Nine of Cups
Gifts: Teacher, regeneration, rising out of circumstances, overcoming. Guide. Providing sound advice.
It seems as though your generosity is infinite. You are able to pour into the cups of others. When you come into someone's life, it's as though their mindset shifts. They are able to embrace new beginnings when you're in their life.
I see you as someone who has dealt with much loss in their life, in various aspects. At times, the loss came from an inability to act and so you have worked through that and are able to teach and guide others who are in a similar situation.
You've worked through so much because you were dealt the short end of the stick, but through adversity, you prospered. You flourished.
You are able to guide others through extreme changes. A lot of people are comforted by your presence. The guidance you offer, you acquired through hardship so people respect you because of this.
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Cards: The Chariot, Knight of Swords. BOD: Nine of Pentacles Rx
Gifts: Bold, courageous, leadership. Trendsetter. Decisive. Diplomatic.
You're usually the first to do something, and even if you're not, you're the one people end up following. Your energy is bold, and making decisions comes easy to you. You might find yourself in situations where you're being followed or you find yourself leading others.
You're a very likeable individual and people are drawn to you. You're kind of fearless and you're not afraid to make the first move.
People think you're superficial at times and rash, but it works for you. Taking action is in your nature and it gets you the results you need. Some people are just naturally more driven than others, and that's nothing to feel bad about. But you already know that. When something is an integral part of your nature, it works for you.
Your drive doesn't stem from greed, neither does your ambitions. That's just how you are. It's a blessing, truly. Take comfort in the your innate abilities and cultivate it. You might have people jealous of you but don't pay them any mind.
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ashherahh · 20 days
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ashherahh · 20 days
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Scream (1996)
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ashherahh · 20 days
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ashherahh · 20 days
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ashherahh · 20 days
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— Sally Owens
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