#not technically but for the sake of blog organization
weighted-paintbrush · 8 months
Meet the Artist!
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It's me, boy. I'm the PS5—
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pixlokita · 2 months
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Oop I forgot I can mix my hyperfixations :v also wondered how a team Glamrock would look ^^
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nvoc · 10 days
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basilknell · 29 days
Vasily's Rank
I've seen it pop up a couple times that people point to Vasily's cockade and say that he's canonically low-rank because of it. I've addressed this before in previous blogs, but I figured I'd separate out the information here for a better, more in-depth discussion.
First and foremost: Vasily has more evidence he is an 'officer' than that of being a low rank enlisted man.
It's prudent for me to go ahead and say that, as this blog is in English, Imperial Russian military ranks are categorized differently from how you see the military organized in England and the USA. I will, however, try my best to lay things in terms without one needing to know much about any of these military rank systems.
For ease of sake, I will be splitting Imperial Russia's rank system into three categories: Enlisted Men (EM for short. This refers to those who had no prior military schooling when entering the military, and are colloquially 'low ranking'), Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs. These are enlisted men who have risen through the ranks to become officers but have no military schooling. They are officers technically, but are more simply called NCOs), and Officers (those who have completed military schooling and begin as a second lieutenant).
So, to start with the most commonly cited piece of evidence, is Vasily's cockade.
Below, I've attached the three sperate ways the cockade is illustrated between the anime, manga, and Noda's detailed illustrations. Since there is only a single image of the latter, I'd like to state that the design of the cockade is consistent across the anime to itself, and consistent across the manga to itself.
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An equally important thing I'd like to note -- Vasily's cockade was not added into the manga until his 'resurrection'. Additionally, when the official volume that first contained Vasily (Volume 16) was released in 2019, only then did Noda go back and heavily edit Vasily (and the other Russian soldiers') designs. From adding Vasily's eyelashes and changing his equipment, to his papakha gaining a cockade. Hence, when reading non-volume scans of the border crossing event, is why Vasily missing his cockade and looks a tad different.
So, one might argue the manga has the most correct design of the cockades, as season 3 of the anime (the season in which Vasily first appears) was also announced in 2019. While the season did begin airing in 2020, there could be a couple reasons for why his cockade appears different from the manga. Firstly, it could be the animators were given the uncolored panels and told he wears an Imperial Russian cockade, of which search results would give the cockade design Vasily does wear in the anime. Secondly, and the more likely case, is animators were given the outfit reference Vasily's almost entire outfit is based upon: Johan Somers' Imperial Russian Field Uniform and Equipment 1907-1917.
Having the book myself, here's a quick photo of someone that might be a bit familiar:
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Of course, there are some minor changes between Vasily's design and the one in the book. But, surprisingly, Noda changed Vasily's design to be more towards the WWI time period (such as giving him model 1916 ammo pouches). Regardless, while you can't see the cockade on this mannequin, other outfits displayed on its surrounding pages have that same cockade design that Vasily has in the anime.
So, it could have been that the animators were handed an incorrect design, and Noda either did not care or forgot about doing so, as it is quite an insignificant detail in the long run. After all, given the problems with Vasily's outfit and gear I will not specify in this blog, he did not have too much care for making Vasily's outfit completely correct. Regardless, this would explain the discrepancies between the anime's cockade design, and the one in the manga.
But is there actually a significant difference between these two (three) cockade designs? Actually -- yes!
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[Photo belongs to RDSTRPV]
Cockades were a way to differentiate between ranks from a distance when it was hard to see shoulder straps. The cockade on the far left is one of an EM. As you can see, it most resembles the one Vasily wears in the anime, and the most common design to find in general because there were so many EM in the army. The design in the middle is an officers cockade. While one could argue Noda's illustration of Vasily looks an an artistic rendition of this cockade, it otherwise bears no importance. The third cockade is that of an NCO, and resembles manga Vasily's cockade the most with its large ring of silver. Again, an argument could also be made that illustration Vasily has a stylistic choice to appear most similarly to this cockade as well. At the very least, illustration Vasily's cockade looks the least like the EM cockade.
This is all to say: the manga and illustration Vasily appear to be wearing an NCO cockade. There exists argument and reasoning for why the animators would accidently be drawing an EM's cockade as well. However, this is not the sole evidence towards Vasily being an NCO.
Let's examine some of his other equipment: namely his Nagant revolver and his binoculars.
To be quite frank -- Vasily should have neither of these things if he was an EM. Even if he was an NCO, he'd need to be of a certain NCO rank to be issued a Nagant as well.
Vasily is either infantry or cavalry, the latter of which is only likely if he is a Cossack (refer here for Cossack Vasily discussions). Regardless, for both divisions, a single-actioned Nagant was only issued to NCOs of Feldwebel rank, an NCO rank that is three ranks above counting as an EM. Just as well, binoculars were also only issued to those of Feldwebel or higher ranks. While one might be able to argue that, as a marksman, Vasily had special permission to have binoculars, this does not explain why he owns a Nagant either. Even if Vasily proclaims in the series his revolver is a back-up for close combat, it would not justify supplying it to a soldier who technically does not have a strong need for a sidearm.
The only feasible explanation for why Vasily could be an EM and have both these items is that he stole them off a dead officer (in the case of the binoculars particularly -- he could have also stolen the revolver off certain division EMs such as artillery). But the more likely scenario is that he is, at the very least, a Feldwebel NCO and was issued these items.
Now, on to one-off evidence.
For whatever reason in this singular panel below, we can see Vasily wearing a double-breasted overcoat, something only officers were issued. However, we never see his coat drawn like this again so I don't think it is solid evidence. Also, at times soldiers often bought their own clothes when their own wore out, but it'd be strange for a non-officer soldier to pay so much more extra for a double-breasted coat at the risk for being berated.
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Vasily's bashlyk is also of a unique point. The embellishing of it is of a brown-tan consistently through his illustrations and anime. However, bashlyk were not issued with this type of embellishing color. EM were issued bashlyk with gray embellishments, NCOs with silver embellishments, and officers with gold embellishments. Obviously, this brown-tan is closest to gold in appearance, but its still most definitely not gold, nor would it make sense for Vasily to have been high ranked enough of an officer to receive a gold-trimmed bashlyk when that would have required military schooling for him.
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This leaves us conjecture evidence based on circumstance.
We can, at the very least, assume Vasily is not a private because he is stated to have served in the Russo-Japanese War. Unless he committed some grave offense during or post-war, and seemingly was not removed from the military for it, he perhaps could have been demoted back to private. Otherwise, there was only one other EM rank above private: Gefreiter (Yefreytor), loosely equivalent to private first class. It is not a stretch to believe he'd at least ranked up twice during the war if he was as excellent of a marksman as Vasily holds himself to be (and that Ogata states him to be as well). If he had ranked up at least twice, then he would count as an NCO.
Following that, it would be odd of the Russian government to have sent a group of EM to apprehend a known Tsar assassin. For the same reason they didn't issue Nagants to lower ranks (they believed EM couldn't be trusted not to waste ammo), why would they trust a group of EM to capture the assassin? Though, conversely, one might argue that Vasily's group were the only soldiers around, in which case they were the governments only option to send to the border.
Of course, even after all of that, Noda strictly avoided rank shoulder straps on both Vasily's overcoat and gimnasterka (his undershirt). Whether this was intentional or he either didn't want to do the research or did not realize shoulder straps were needed, I'm unsure.
Much of what I stated and pointed out has reasonable counters against the facts. Thus, one can easily still headcanon him as an EM if they so wish. However, the strict evidence does stack in favor of Vasily being an NCO -- particularly one that is at least of Feldwebel rank.
Anyways, have fun with this information! I just was surprised at the amount of people I've seen claiming him to be canonically an EM based solely on his cockade, which isn't quite right.
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max-nico · 8 months
Shadow's development Headcanons
Started off looking like more of some .. creature than a hedgehog
Like way too many or not enough limbs, especially because of the Black Doom DNA
I'm imagining him having one eye and being more of a scaly texture but still oddly goopy lol as well as not having hands or fingers and instead having some tentacle type things
Between getting experimented on and his normal growth he eventually grew to look like a normal mobian hedgehog with some key differences
The differences being, the whites of his eyes having a light green tint, too many teeth, every joint is double jointed, quills that are unable to fold down/look relaxed, sharp claws, etc, etc
I also think it'd be fun if one of his feet had one or two extra toes :3
I think at some point during his development he looked like Stitches alien form (from Lilo and stitch)
Whether he can still regrow the limbs now, Gerald manually rewrote his DNA, or one day he just lost the ability to use them is up to you bc idk
Maria watched Shadow grow up essentially from a weird amoeba looking splotch to a semi grown Hedgehog
I headcanon that Shadow's body didn't look like it does now when he originally went into stasis, and he grew while in containment
Hedgehogs aren't supposed to lose quills unless they're under high stress. I think Shadow sheds a lot by nature, and he frequently has to brush his quills to make room for the new ones growing
Teaching Shadow to talk was a rough process. Mostly because he didn't always.. have a mouth.. or hands... so Maria and Gerald had to be on top of figuring out new ways to communicate, just in case
Perfecting his design was painful, Shadow could gain or lose random parts of his body, organs could be grown wrong and bones had to be corrected and moved over and over again, just for the sake of a "perfect" life form
They'd put Shadow back in the Green Tube when they knew a long process was going to be painful, but sometimes he would need to be awake so they could watch his development, but I would hope at least Maria would fight for these processes to be as few and far between as possible
The first words Shadow said were "Maria", "sister", and "pick up"
It took years before Gerald was finally happy with Shadow's look, and even after that he was still being experimented on to track the progression of his steadily growing powers
Things like his enhanced memory, speed, agility, strength, etc
I think Shadow was given his inhibitor rings for ease of retrieval and containment, and it was an easy way to keep track of his powers while not letting him over use them
This is not to say there was nothing redeemable about his childhood. He technically still has good memories to look back on, after all he still had Maria
Anyways uhm yeah, I'm going to post this without proofreading it hopefully that doesn't backfire :D
Feel free to add your headcanons or whatever !!!!
I'm a Tails centric blog, but please hop into my ask box or DMs, I love meeting new people :33
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
So this is a post from a blog that’s part of the BT fandom but with the twist (how sad this is considered a twist these days 😭) that the blog owner the anon popped the post from understands Tommy’s role as a plot device for Buddie and as such never allowed Lou’s cameos to influence their view of things which has obviously ruffled some of the more dedicated bt shippers feathers. But it’s just such a well balanced and logically thought out response.
And then this was a follow up they had to that lovely think piece above
Which again, well thought out and logical. And extremely true of the situation.
Clickable link to the posts here and here.
Those posts are very well written. I think the hype surrounding the excitement that Buck is bi has died down and numbers are stopping being inflated because the people who were on the fence seem to be back leaning towards buddie. Which was bound to happen anyway, buddie is the relationship that's being set up for a while and they didn't really try with Tommy, so it's hard to keep going to war for him if you stop to think about it, settling for rep for the sake of rep with buddie is right there and ready is hard to justify when they keep making T look worse. I know the scene technically doesn't count as canon, but it is another way to show they are writing T in a very dismissive way, we all know that now having Hen's approval is a bad sign. I think Lou was told to stop the cameos, but I go back and forth on whether I think it was his own team telling him to shut it once things started to get out of control or if it was the 911 team once they realized he had created an actual problem to their marketing because he was literally selling a story that doesn't align with what the show is doing. Things really got out of control because it all led to the way a portion of the fandom is treating Oliver because he's not feeding into what they want. Like the op said, obviously, if it comes down to it Oliver and Ryan get a say, Lou is not even invited to the conversation. Lou was very clearly brought in to make one half of buddie queer so that buddie could get with each other. It has always been about Buck's identity not the relationship, so whatever makes Oliver more comfortable is what goes. Enjoying the relationship for what it is is fine. But the level things reached is not it. It got to a point where they're ignoring Buck and Buck is the only thing that matters in that ship, he's the one the general audience loves, he's the one the creators care about. And the fact that they got fed this narrative by Lou really pushed Buck to the background. This is not what anyone wants. And we're finally seeing that in action, because we're organically making enough noise to drown them out, and we will continue to show the production that we are still in it waiting for buddie and that's what was always gonna happen because we've been in it for years and no one showed me a reason to believe Buck and Eddie aren't meant to be. On the contrary, they made a season that made it seem they are going canon eventually.
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reanimated-owl · 3 months
under a readmore for the sake of not clogging anyone's dash; i wont put EVERY character i've done but I wanna talk (i.e. ramble) about a few of them
Past Characters:
Xe/phos (Yo/gscast) (slashes to avoid appearing in tags)
Oh man. I think this was the first character I ever made an RP blog for. From what I remember, Xep/hos was an alien/human thing that worked with a couple other people.
In/k Sa/ns (undertale AU)
I know, I know, AUs are polarizing. I happen to enjoy a lot of them, and Ink's probably one of my favorites. The problem is that he's not really portrayed correctly by the vast majority of the fandom... I think he's also only an AU by name only, the original creator I believe has since made him more into an OC? This is one I didn't have a specific blog for, but I did RP him on Amino and technically ran a ship blog with a former friend of mine.
Glitchy (Port/al)
So... Po/rtal is a HUGE interest of mine. I actually set up a blog (I still have it, actually), but I don't think I ever used it. Glitchy's a core from a series on Youtube; his whole thing is that he doesn't know what his purpose is, so he does all sorts of things to find it. He's also known for spontaneously bursting into flames ('Glitchy' is actually a nickname given to him by the other cores).
Fun fact, this is where I got the name 'Glitchy' from; I thought it sounded cool and I desperately needed a new name for the Internet lol.
Virgil (PS/M)
Another core, because I love me some robots. He's a maintenance core, so his entire job is fixing the other robots and the test chambers. Glitchy is a frequent flier of his repair wing. Virgil is a very snarky guy, but for some reason everyone thinks of him as a cinnamon roll who did no wrong and it drives me NUTS (I have an ongoing list of instances of virgil being an asshole for this reason). There are a lot of really good android designs of him out there, too.
Finally, character(s) I'd like to do in the future:
Med/ic (TF/2)
So... this is kind of my current hyperfixation, lmao. I don't know why I latched onto this guy, but I did. He is the reason I am currently learning German. He's a (formerly) licensed physician whose entire role is just keeping the rest of the team alive. He likes doing experiments involving non-human organs. He also keeps a flock of doves that he just lets... fly around his OR. He is a liiittle bit on the crazier side, but he is still really smart and he does try to help others. I'm also making a costume for him rn and it's... gonna take a while :(
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lesbianoms · 1 year
Technically this is not my first post on this url, but for the sake of simplicity let’s say that it is. Read this if you're on mobile; go to my website layout for more organized pages and info.
(I am still currently in the process of making separate pages for my url/website layout if you do not use the app)
Hey all, Noms here!
Gay disaster
Vore kink
Prey (I loooove to be teased by preds who are girls/not men)
Hopelessly into older women
Big advocate of wlw vore content
I would reeeallly prefer if you had your age in your bio before following
This is my NSFT/kink sideblog. I am not giving my main because I do not want any of this stuff traced back to my main blog in any way. Serious about that.
As I said above, I have a vore kink. Vore is a sexual thing for me. Here you will find
Soft vore
Safe vore/Endosoma
Female preds (Absolutely no male preds. I don’t ljike them)
(Painless!!!) Digestion + Reformation
Fatal (I reeally hate the cruel and detailed emphasis on the prey suffering— especially if the prey is female— so this is essentially just digestion w/o any mention of reformation)
Miscellaneous writing (romance and angst with hurt/comfort mostly)
Also!! There will be belly stuff here. I love bellies. I want to be in one. I mean what-
Note: Not all content here will be vore-oriented. All of it will be gay though. And kind of stupid.
In the rare case I don’t post about vore or bellies, here’s what you may find:
NSFW sapphic musings
Petplay/Dom & Sub dynamics
Hypnosis <3
Stuff about actual sex
all non-vore/non-belly content can be found under the #sapphic tag!
I have OCD! For a lot of my life I’ve felt really ashamed over certain parts of my sexuality, but lately I’ve been getting a lot better about accepting myself and certain preferences I may have.
When I was 10 or 11 I was exposed to a lot of sexual and disturbing online content (most of them involving the violation, killing, and suffering of women). And some of it kind of still sticks with me.
Vore was grouped into these, and so this has like… manifested weirdly for me as I’ve been growing up. I don’t like the death aspect but after realizing I’m into fatal, it’s like… idk man it’s weird. Some days are better than others.
Just wanted to give context in case I ever take long inactivity breaks or if my preferences shift drastically from time to time.
Here’s some more about if it you want.
This blog is NSFW!! You should only be here if you’re 18 or older. I post fluffy vore stuff from time to time but IT IS STILL 18+!!
If I reblog something from you and it makes you uncomfortable, let me know and I will fix it right away! Vore is a kink for me and I know some people don’t vibe with that completely. The last thing I want to do is make someone uncomfy.
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 6 months
Okay, I know I've literally never talked about Supernatural before on this blog but I actually am a massive fan of the series. I could honestly run an entire separate blog about it. Anyway I rediscovered Milo Greene's song "What's the Matter" earlier and it got me thinking about the episode Bitten.
People have eased up on this episode in recent years but overall the general opinion is still pretty negative, which I think is sad since this is probably one of my personal favorites. Keep in mind it's been a couple years since I've rewatched the show, so I'm running mostly on memory here.
First things first, I think it helps keep the series connected to its roots. After season 5, they kept trying to one up themselves in terms of stakes, ultimately leading to such events as "Satan's son's birth opens the multiverse". And we were sitting in the aftermath of Dick and the Leviathans™ where the show was heading back on its stride, so it feels really nice to just remind us where we began. Saving people, hunting things.
Second, it actually does a lot for the worldbuilding. We get to actually see the perspective of both the people being saved and the things to be hunted, all while they have to grapple with it. While they may not be the most compelling, it was really important we got to see the evolution of these friends, a view into the mundane yet interesting history of these regular people's lives. That way it really hits when things go to shit, you (or at least me) genuinely wish things could have gone differently for them. These people had dreams and goals, loved ones, and now two of them are dead and the other is on the run. All that and they still manage to convey it in a way that feels mostly organic.
On top of that, we get a particularly interesting glimpse into how Sam and Dean look from the perspective of strangers, including some interesting character details. Their shenanigans, their work. We really never get to see people who recognize them from other things (like don't they technically still have warrants for their arrest?) so I thought it was cool how the characters pick up on that.
The found footage aspect is usually hated by people, but I thought it was a really cool way to see it unfold. Cause remember, they could have easily just given us an episode from someone else's POV. But instead, we experience it as the brothers experience it. Context for certain things is missing, there are time jumps and finally it ends with a message directly for them both.
It makes sense that they would film what they do too (for the most part). We see that these are people who record fun and mundane things just for the hell of it, so of course they would record one of the most strange and harrowing events of their lives. In an era where people record strangers for internet points, it's honestly refreshing to see people record mostly just for the sake of capturing memories or entertainment for themselves.
I know a lot of people like it, but it holds a special place in my heart. When I think of the heart of the show, I don't think about the world ending or the multiverse or any of that, I think of stuff like this. Things that really stick in your mind.
And also that song fucks.
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alterchaos · 4 months
Hi everyone! I’m back with another update!
After watching the poll this past week, I am happy to officially announce that Alter Chaos will be continuing in writing as a full and complete story!
I’m honestly so excited to put my attention and effort into making sure this story is written with proper love and care. I feel like a novelist! ♡ Since I no longer have to put equal focus on the art and visuals, I plan to really take my time plotting everything out, closely revising my pieces, and sharing a wider range of stories to help build the world and central lore better. With that in mind, there are a few specific things I want to point out:
1. I would like to go back to the drawing board on most elements concerning Seven Rings and the Moonbeast Saga. I won’t be altering the central plots but I was never fully satisfied rushing through these stories given the limitations the technical/art focus placed on my imagination. Seven Rings especially needs more attention, as I originally planned to go through every boss and adventure with Sinbad and Ali Baba, but rushed it for the sake of continuing the following saga. I even want to rewrite the saga’s ending to be more in line with this structure and to be a proper build up for what follows, so only expect the original pieces to be posted after I get to that more as a bit of behind the scenes than anything.
Moonbeast, thankfully, just needs some tweaks and rewrites to the script apart from the arc that was already posted (Roses - Tears). The central plot for this saga in particular has gone through MANY changes and variations since the beginning of this series. For instance, I ditched the Chip/memory plot in favor of a more unique storyline concerning the mysteries of the world known as Gaia (I’m especially excited to reveal more details on that). I need to go back with these ideas and properly lay them out, every detail, to ensure this saga maintains structure and a more natural sense of progression.
2. Since I will be reworking these sagas, I would like to pick up all the way back at the start, following Tale of Two Brothers and work from there. I had already written the immediate next episode/chapter and plan to post that alongside a drawn one following Party Hardly. From there, I may not write a full chapter for EVERY episode of Sonic X, but most, including some brand-new tales to add to the mix.
As we work through these stories, I also plan to write smaller side chapters called Mobius Adventures. These will revolve around side games such as Sonic Rush and Sonic Riders, or even little unique stories such as Silver eating a chilidog for the first time or Chaotix detective/band shenanigans or Eve helping out in the town etc. I want these stories to flesh out Mobius as a world not too far removed from our own despite the crazy adventures. It will also help more pivotal and central plot elements hit that much harder (muehehehee♡).
3. I can’t promise a weekly schedule, so I will be posting when I feel like it from now on. One week I may be free and want to write 3 chapters and another week I may be offline. Who knows. What matters is enjoying the adventure and having fun! ♡
4. Just because this path won the poll doesn’t mean I will never draw or post things such as random pages or character art. They will just be rare. I at least plan to share what I already sketched out when I post their respective chapters and will also be finishing a certain chapter (coming soon) in comic format since I was almost done, it’s my favorite episode in the show, and the physical comedy would be lost in writing.
5. I will release a couple posts/documents in the future laying out a proper timeline for the series as well as important lore elements to help readers keep track of the world and plot at large. I’m also learning more about how Tumblr functions as a site and may be experimenting with extra blogs/sites to create pages or “tabs” to help organize everything. If any major changes are made to my blog, I will be sure to send updates to help you all locate where things have moved. My goal is to make chapters as easily accessible as possible rather than being forced to scroll through months of posts.
That’s all I have for now. Thank you all for reading and supporting this series and I will see you all in the next post! ♡
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moondragon618 · 4 months
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~ About Me ~
You can call me Moondra or Moon, Lunar/Luna, Cynder, Dream, or Reverie :) My pronouns are they/them, it/its, she/her, and multiple neos which I'll list here:
Feel free to use any of these or you can ask for my preference, but I'm not picky lol :)
I'm a bi + grey aroace genderfluid enby, I'm fine with all gender neutral terms, and gendered terms (excluding woman/man & female/male) are fine too especially if it's funny :) I'm also (self-diagnosed) ADHD + Autistic and have social anxiety- be warned I'm often very slow to respond to asks/reblogs/DMs/etc and that's probably why lmao. I'm also fictionkin with my kins being c!Dream/Divine c!Dream, Protegeinnit/Divine c!Tommy, and Cynder from the Legend of Spyro trilogy :)
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~ Interests ~
I'm currently a dsmp/c!primeboys enjoyer as you've probably noticed lmao, and I'm a fanfic writer and occasional sort-of artist :)
Some of my other interests include Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Undertale/Deltarune, the MCU (specifically Irondad lol), Markiplier/Unus Annus, and the Legend of Spyro trilogy (my first fandom <3)
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~ Some tags I use ~
c!prime thoughts for all of my c!Prime analysis posts :)
my writing which has all my fics + me talking about my writing lol
Immortal c!Prime- Immortal c!Prime AU (also includes Divine c!Prime where c!Dream becomes a god and makes c!Tommy into an angel)
Shapeshifter c!Dream AU (exactly what it sounds like lol)
Hybrid c!Prime AU (in which c!Dream in an ender dragon hybrid and c!Tommy is a cardinal avian)
ad infinitum :) - My c!Dream kin tag, also includes Immortal/Divine c!Prime :)
everlasting daydream ❤️- My Protegeinnit kin tag, technically also my Protege AU and c!Dream butterfly chat AU tag lol (though for the sake of organization I may make a separate tag for that later)
rp c!Prime :) - posts reblogged from my c!Prime RP blogs :)
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~ Before You Follow ~
First and foremost: I absolutely Do Not support cc!dream in any way. I enjoy c!Dream strictly as a fictional character. I completely understand if others personally find c!Dream posting uncomfortable and if that's you, then you might want to block me. If you harass me over this, or for not supporting cc!dream, or any other reason lol, enjoy getting blocked on sight <3
As for a DNI, I don't really care as long as you're not on some terf shit, generally just hateful and/or bigoted, super NSFW, or shipping incest or adult/minor ships (p*ppytwit/blr this means you too stay tf away from me istg). cc!dteam and cc!wilbur stans will also be blocked on sight, and same goes for c!Dream apologists I Do Not fucking trust you lmaooo
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~ Links ~
My Ao3
My Writing Masterlist (I desperately need to update this lmao)
My RP blogs:
c!Prime- @haver-of-wives & @your-eternal-nightmare
Divine c!Prime- @your-divine-nightmare & @/angel-of-reverie (this one's having some technical difficulties rn, tumblr stop immediately flagging it as explicit the second I try to remake it challenge (impossible difficulty))
Please check out Stemms, my beloved QPP <3333
Please check out Midnight, my wonderful friend <3
Anyway that is all enjoy my deranged fandom blog lmao :)
(Post dividers by @cafekitsune)
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Do you know where you are?
For my sanity's sake, this is an info and technical OOC post.
What is this?
This is my ... I guess personal interpretation / "rewrite" of regretevator! This will mainly focus upon already built on canon to a point (specifically before the Dream Parasite is revealed as of today, April 22nd.) and then build outwards on specific concepts.
This isn't just an AU blog to hold my thoughts but rather also a technical askblog for specific characters! I would love to write everyone but that's impossible and also this is for fun.
So... who do you plan to write here then?
So that really depends on how I feel. I almost was tempted to make "groups" to organize everything but honestly it's impossible for me to properly do so.
I will say, I want to focus on characters that are of GENUINE interest to me versus popularity. Which means I will ALSO be writing these characters similarly to canon- not the fanon. (Like I plan to write Poob out but not the version everyone sorta associates easily with the character.)
Which I will say I am not the world's perfect writer, if I do accidentally write something that is offensive please tell me.
Who are you?
Good question! You can call me Kri or, for here, Flesh! I have @codeopathy as my main!! I'm the only one writing and drawing everything so it's gonna be a time I think...... Anyways! I use He/They/Ask prns and am an adult! PLEASE DO NOT BE WEIRD. This blog will NOT be used for any discourse in the fandom.
regretalore - LORE posting
regretanpc - in character posting
regretart - any art done for the au by me
regretfanart - any fanart done for the au (HELLO?)
ooc - admin posting
That said! You can start sending in asks if you want! I plan to make a few posts to write out some of the lore of specific things (such as MR and the Fleshcousins) but you can generally ask about anything.
Again do keep in mind this will focus on pre dream parasite things, I would love to work on DP stuff at this moment but it's better to keep it simple.
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sparrow-in-boots · 1 year
Organic life (animals and/or living plants) in Lost Archive DLC, a study.
i don’t think i need to explain the significance of seeing living beings in this DLC. if lore serves, the Lost Archive happens entirely in “raw code”, in what we can only assume is the human mind experiencing being inside a computer’s head. “no simulations, no environments”. to say that the brutalist aesthetic works like a charm to convey the dryness and inhospitability of such an experience is an understatement. but, as Desmond’s Journey in the ACR main story shows, when memory impressions escape into the code, they begin to make a more tangible appearance in the landscape, and affect the user’s experience.
now, given the DLC is not technically portraying a human mind experiencing code, but an artificially intelligent construct based off a human being’s experiences and thought patterns, itself experiencing said human’s memories... things are gonna get whacky. so i thought i’d make a quick study on when said impressions make a presence. i might do other posts on game mechanics being used to portray stuff like weather patterns, and of course the sceneries and furniture sets, but i thought organic life contrasts against the overall setting of the game and thus leave more of a mark.
read more for the sake of not clogging your blogs <3
the animus island. rip bestie, you’ll be dearly remembered. though the overall layout of the island is the same as the one in ACR’s main story, it’s missing the overcast sky, the blue tinge saturation, and quite a bit of decay from the blocks of brutalist cement piercing the island or floating about. it’s also sliiiightly smaller, so one can imagine this is what it looked like before the coding of the blackroom got all wonked up.
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flowers at Clay’s funeral. ngl it’s still a punch to the stomach. still, what’s a funeral without some flowers? a few bouquets by the headstone and a garland, they got the basics covered at least.
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roots inside grave path. as you delve through the pathway of the grave plot, you can spot a few stray roots and some leaves poking from a rift in the ground above. it really sells the imagery, for better or worse.
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flock of pigeons. ah yes, good trusty pigeons, always there to let you know when there’s a soft haystack just out of sight, or in what direction to aim your leap of faith. not the last we’ll see of them, but their first appearance so early and in such an inhospital setting sure breaks a bit of the tension from the earlier scene. brings you back to simpler, easier times, i suppose. a measure of safety if you will.
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Memory 3, ABSTERGO:
garden courtyard. given the setting and the possible european location of the memory, it’s likely to stand for an inner courtyard in an assassin hideout. the cozy warm lighting and overall layout also gives that sense, and it’s a stark contrast for the following office maze hallway you’re sent into when Harold addresses Clay.
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flock of pigeons. i know right, what a place for them to show up again. feel like they (read Juno) are mocking you more than anything. nothing else to be seen when it comes to living things in this memory, to no one’s surprise. i have my own theories on why they are here to begin with, but maybe another day.
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second garden courtyard. i think it’s quite safe to say this is the code representation of the animus island. not just because of the overall layout but it’s clearly timed to be soon after Clay Prime is on the out bus and uploading the construct into the animus.
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the stairway weeds. the first loop flashback makes an appearance at last! it still breaks my heart to see the loop bits finally pay off, but i don’t think this staircase would have stuck with players as much if not for the little overgrowth on it.
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seagulls. are you teary-eyed? i sure am. it’s all poetic and shit but, i love that it’s a reassurance that even if he falls, he won’t fall far. seagulls are a sign of land nearby after all, so yeah, back to the start we go~!
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
ohhh HELL no. saw a blog about a synpath of mine. immediately followed and went through reblogging tons of posts of him. then I come across fanart of him and his brother… naked and embracing each other. already about to nope out, but then I see op’s caption - which claims that it technically isn’t incest because they’re not biologically organisms that were born, but constructed ones, thus they aren’t brothers. this completely ignores that they call each other brothers in the source material, as well as that a lot of my synpath’s character arc is showing that his being a constructed being does not take away from his personhood and his bonds with others. what the hell. like dude, just admit to yourself that it’s incest and for god’s sake TAG IT AS SUCH. I regret that I left so fast I forgot to block them. I don’t really want to go back and see that again just to block, but it’s probably best if I do… eugh. just had to get that vent out of my system.
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milqueskin · 1 year
I made a sideblog for my Candle Cove-related stuff because this blog here is technically my main and I don't want it to become filled with just one fandom.
I reblogged my CC stuff on this blog to that blog for organization's sake (even though some of it is out-of-date and kind of cringey tbh). I'm not deleting anything from this blog, though.
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liminevator · 2 months
Basic terminology list
(This is just a quick rundown of terms you may see a lot here on this blog, just so everybody's on the same page about things)
"The Outer Bounds" - This is the name of the realm The Liminevator was designed to traverse, the name does also apply to every world within it but purely by itself it is just a void of nonexistence in between the different floors.
"Floors" - What good is an elevator without floors? Floors are the nickname for the different worlds in The Outer Bounds that the Liminevator goes to, these worlds are often strange, nonsensical, and have a strong sense of being woefully incomplete no matter how large they may be, they can either be terrifying and a woefully regretful experience to visit or leave you with a strange calm and an odd bittersweet feeling that you have been here before, even if you haven't. Floors are the bread and butter of the Liminevator.
"Elevator Denizen" - This is the most commonly agreed upon term for those from reality who now reside in The Outer Bounds and The Liminevator, although some Anomalies can also be considered Elevator Denizens.
"Anomalies" - A blanket term for all living beings that originate within the Outer Bounds, although it's primarily used for things that are not known to be sapient it does technically apply to some denizens too.
"Home Floor" - A "home floor" is a concept not always fully understood by denizens, but the long and short is that it means once you have grown emotionally attached enough to a certain floor for one reason or another The Liminevator will recognize it as your new home, and should anything happen to you on another floor (usually death) it will bring you back there through unclear means (almost) completely unharmed, having a home floor is extremely important due to how dangerous using The Liminevator can be, the process can't be forced though- the connection has to be organic.
"LEET" - This is an acronym that stands for "Liminevator Exploration Team." The LEET are a group thats formed in hopes of understanding and cataloging the various happenings of the Liminevator, it's especially been important in helping explore and better understand most floors that wouldn't have been otherwise, as well as helping discover new anomalies. Yes they are well aware that their name sounds silly.
"LEDAXT" - This is also an acronym that stands for "Liminevator Destruction and Exit team." LEDAXT are a group dedicated to finding a way to somehow deactivate or destroy the Liminevator, believing this is the key to freeing everybody trapped inside The Outer Bounds. They are not often seen because the Liminevator tends to try and actively avoid floors with members located there, so members of LEDAXT usually have to traverse between floors the old fashioned way.
(And for clarity, some extra terms not exclusive to this place but worth clearing up for readers sake continuing past here)
"Crafengoverse" - The name of my primary OC project, in the context of here it's primarily a blanket term for the reality almost all elevator denizens come from, it's an incredibly flawed reality and these crack and flaws within it are the reason The Outer Bounds even exist to begin with, like a cell undergoing a cycle of aggressive cancerous growth.
"Phonian" - Earth does not exist in this world- or well, not in the same way it does for you the readers, Phonia is a planet with its own long history too long to summarize here but the long and short of the info needed here is that it is where the origins of The Liminevator reside as well as where many of the denizens come from. (Other terms along this vein also just mean they are from another planet besides Phonia)
(I may add more terms here as needed but for now this should be alright)
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