#sth hcs
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max-nico 1 year ago
Another installment of random Sonic Headcanons
Sonic doesn't like buttercream frosting, Tails doesn't like whipped frosting, and Knuckles always wipes 90% of the frosting off his cake
When Tails is doing something, whether it's working in his lab or just making dinner, Sonic will shadow box the air behind him. He stops when Tails turns around to look at him, but the fox very much knows that Sonic is throwing fake punches at him lol
Tails, Cream, and Charmy play animal crossing (or the Sonic equivalent lol) together
Matter of fact, I think like all the characters play video games together. I'm sure they have different types of video games they like (I can see Sonic playing animal crossing but Jet? Not so much) but it's not odd for them to enter an online lobby
Tails loves crunchy foods
Espio once asked Vector to death roll him to "see if his body could take it".... Vector obviously said no
I don't think any of the cast really feel famous, except for maybe the Babylon Rogues bc they're (probably) sports stars
No matter how often they get asked for an autograph or approached in public they're all like "???? Yeah ??? I guess I can take a picture with you ???"
I think hedgehogs are one of the most common races (species??) of Mobian
If the Robotniks were Mobian they would be robins (<- pretty sure I've said that before) and possibly various other red and black birds
Barry and Tails keep in contact, but they don't get a lot of chances to hang out
I don't have anything for Blaze and Silver rn but just know that I love them dearly and I'm always thinking of them
Cream is determined to befriend Shadow. She will stop at nothing until he admits that they are friends
Sonic hates being on talkshows, and talkshows hate having him on, so it's mutual lol
The Rookie (whose name i cannot remember rn it's on the tip of my tongue omg) keeps the most contact with Knuckles, but everyone still stops to chat when they get the chance
Shadow suffers from memory loss after... Falling out of a spaceship and... Losing his memory...
I think for a while he was too prideful to write things down or set reminders because heaven forbid the ultimate lifeform needs help. This led to Shadow forgetting where his own place was and refusing to ask how to get there
Maybe this is my new explanation for why Shadow is always in caves and is never shown in a house of his own, instead of the actual explanation lol
Sonic often talks to Gaia/Chip when he's alone, Tails caught him a few times and has also picked up the habit, though he does talk to him less than Sonic does
Charmy doesn't like bananas
I've said this before in this post about shadows development, but I think he sheds a lot. Hedgehogs aren't actually supposed to lose quills unless they're super stressed, but because Shadow's DNA is only partially Mobian Hedgehog, a few things are off
Okay, that's all for now. I feel like this one's kinda short, but it's whatevs !! Feel free to talk to me about your own hcs I LOVE hearing about them. Happy year of Shadow everyone !!!!!!
I am a Tails centric blog but feel free to hit up my DMs or askbox about any of these characters !!!
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elizabeths-dumbassery 2 years ago
Headcannon that wisps go fucking insane for beads, sprinkles and cereal. Stuff like that
Like someone's necklace breaks and the beads go everywhere? Tough luck the wisps are goin at it like:
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That's theirs now. The tiny clacking colorful objects? Theirs.
One of the wisps wander off? Just shake a thing of sprinkles and watch all of the wisps within a ten mile radius come BARRELING through with eyes dilated looking for the colorful objects
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myymi 2 years ago
Any popular tails headcannons that you aren鈥檛 as keen on?
there's actually quite a few tbh didbjdbd
also, before i do this, just remember that this is my personal opinion, and i am in no way saying you're bad or smthn for having these headcanons!!! don't come at me for this kendjdndn
with that our of the way;
tails growing taller than everyone else when older
like i said, i myself am the youngest and smallest of my siblings, so this is a bit of projection but i do have actual reason; tails went through the beginning years of his life damn near starving to death, which would stunt his growth. he's gonna be a little guy forever imo :]
tails's age being 11+
tails is a child prodigy and, while that age range is still a child, i just don't see him being that old. not yet. he's smarter and more mature than the rest of the cast, but he's still really younger. his voice sounds younger than 11 to me (bonus; one of the writers for idw said kit's 11 because that's how old starline thought tails was, but he was much younger)
tails not being afraid of chaos in forces
no, i don't like tails's characterization in forces, but i don't like how the fandom's doing it either most of the time. people say he shouldn't have been scared at all because he beat chaos 4, but he also watched chaos (+zavok, metal, & shadow) defeat and, supposedly, kill sonic. he's allowed to be scared even if he beat a stronger version of chaos before, especially since he's still a child. (i also wish he would've fought back instead of classic coming in, but you can fight a threat and be afraid at the same time.)
tails being anything other than aroace+enby
nothing wrong with this at all, just not for me :]]
there's definitely more, but i can't think of them rn so didndjdnd
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scribbsrambling 2 years ago
reminder that:
Silver is italian
Evan Stanley hcs Tangle as italian
and Espio is fluent in 17 different languages
i hope you know where i鈥檓 going with this
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criiitter 1 month ago
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mercurio-shadowz 14 days ago
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The ultimate BABBY
Ready for duty 馃
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hinamie 5 months ago
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post-graduation trip airport looks
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zer0expektation 2 months ago
The (almost) Perfect Assistant
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thatshadowcomic 5 months ago
To The Artist: what are some of your favorite headcanons for sonic and shadow?
To Shadow: whats it like living with Rouge?
To Sonic: do you have a house
(love your art!)
WOW so long ago-- I love you all so much.
As for HC, I have a lot of weird/stupid ones, but really, I don't write them down, it's more based on how they perceive/interact the world around them, so I'm really bad at answering this directly. But Sonic making music and Shadow being cuddly under the right circumstances is top 5. Please don't bully me.
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imagine listening to music and rouge is just like, "bad taste" because she can hear it through your headphones.
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duckngk 4 months ago
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max-nico 1 year ago
Shadow's development Headcanons
Started off looking like more of some .. creature than a hedgehog
Like way too many or not enough limbs, especially because of the Black Doom DNA
I'm imagining him having one eye and being more of a scaly texture but still oddly goopy lol as well as not having hands or fingers and instead having some tentacle type things
Between getting experimented on and his normal growth he eventually grew to look like a normal mobian hedgehog with some key differences
The differences being, the whites of his eyes having a light green tint, too many teeth, every joint is double jointed, quills that are unable to fold down/look relaxed, sharp claws, etc, etc
I also think it'd be fun if one of his feet had one or two extra toes :3
I think at some point during his development he looked like Stitches alien form (from Lilo and stitch)
Whether he can still regrow the limbs now, Gerald manually rewrote his DNA, or one day he just lost the ability to use them is up to you bc idk
Maria watched Shadow grow up essentially from a weird amoeba looking splotch to a semi grown Hedgehog
I headcanon that Shadow's body didn't look like it does now when he originally went into stasis, and he grew while in containment
Hedgehogs aren't supposed to lose quills unless they're under high stress. I think Shadow sheds a lot by nature, and he frequently has to brush his quills to make room for the new ones growing
Teaching Shadow to talk was a rough process. Mostly because he didn't always.. have a mouth.. or hands... so Maria and Gerald had to be on top of figuring out new ways to communicate, just in case
Perfecting his design was painful, Shadow could gain or lose random parts of his body, organs could be grown wrong and bones had to be corrected and moved over and over again, just for the sake of a "perfect" life form
They'd put Shadow back in the Green Tube when they knew a long process was going to be painful, but sometimes he would need to be awake so they could watch his development, but I would hope at least Maria would fight for these processes to be as few and far between as possible
The first words Shadow said were "Maria", "sister", and "pick up"
It took years before Gerald was finally happy with Shadow's look, and even after that he was still being experimented on to track the progression of his steadily growing powers
Things like his enhanced memory, speed, agility, strength, etc
I think Shadow was given his inhibitor rings for ease of retrieval and containment, and it was an easy way to keep track of his powers while not letting him over use them
This is not to say there was nothing redeemable about his childhood. He technically still has good memories to look back on, after all he still had Maria
Anyways uhm yeah, I'm going to post this without proofreading it hopefully that doesn't backfire :D
Feel free to add your headcanons or whatever !!!!
I'm a Tails centric blog, but please hop into my ask box or DMs, I love meeting new people :33
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blueeblurb 2 months ago
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been getting cold lately
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butterflyscribbles 1 month ago
Is Sonic closer to Tom than Maddie because he imprinted on Tom as a bestie first? I've wondered this since seeing the trilogy for the first time...
It鈥檚 hard to imagine that he wouldn鈥檛 be at least a little closer with Tom than he is Maddie simply because of the events in STH1.
He even described Tom as his favorite person before even meeting him and Tom was the first person he went to when he needed to feel safe.
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I know a lot of people sometimes see his outrage when Tom announces he plans to move to San Fransisco as out of character or over the top, but all I see is a kid with separation anxiety hearing the one pillar he had in Green Hills is leaving him behind.
All this is to say that im sure he loves and adores Maddie too. That鈥檚 his mama after all馃挋
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12neonlit-stage 7 months ago
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Artist's Rendition:
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scribbsrambling 2 years ago
Sonic HC's:
Sonic is a huge fantasy nerd and loves D&D
Sonic wears contact lenses because his glasses "Make him look like a nerd" (He looks adorable when he wears them)
Sonic post Unleashed has a severe, incurable case of the Midnight Munchies.
Sonic taught both Tails and Shadow how to play an instrument
When Sonic was a Werehog, you could blackmail him into doing a lot of stuff using headpats and scritches behind the ear. Tails took full advantage of this every chance he got.
Sonic is extremely clumsy, and uses his speed to often cover up his many, many failures to do something cool.
Sonic is not allowed to play Tennis against Shadow. The last time the two were in a match, the ball ended up being blasted through an entire city and was found in orbit around the moon.
Sonic is actually really, really smart. Almost as smart as Tails. He's just never applied his intelligence all that often.
Sonic usually plays guitar in order to relieve stress. He plays guitar a lot these days.
Sonic doesn't take the best care of his quills, but he wishes he had the time to do so.
For safety reasons, it is illegal to serve Sonic anything with Caffeine in it. This is because it works a little too well for him, especially if combined with sugar. He will appear to be standing still, but will actually be literally everywhere on the planet at once, and it freaks people out.
Although Sonic would never use a gun, he isn't the least bit averse to slapping someone with his guitar, full-force. It was specially made just for this purpose, and everyone knows that if he's reaching for his guitar, it's okay. If he's brandishing it like a bat, it's time to make peace with whatever God you believe in, because he's gonna send you to them right then and there.
Sonic will never grow up to be tall, but he will have the ability to eat as much as he wants and never gain any sufficient amounts of weight.
Sonic has a love-hate relationship with cheese. He loves cheese, but cheese doesn't love him back.
Sonic sleeps like a dead man. If he's out, he is out, and nothing will wake him, save for the aforementioned Midnight Munchies.
Sonic has a terrible habit of using humor to mask trauma, anxiety, and depression, among other issues.
I hope you enjoy these, and use them however you wish
ok but why do most of these already seem canon lmao??
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qcoded 2 months ago
most normal game night with sonic & friends 馃檹馃徎
dumb little animatic with my Sonic gijinkas... I don't think I've posted my design for Amy yet BUT I FINALLY DREW KNUCKLES 馃槶 Hopefully it's obvious who is who
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