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Oh God.. uuhhhh.. been a minute since I tried one of these..
Skipping 1, hate first person, just can't do it, not even read it.
2 is 100% Andlàtkyn. There's some issues here and there but it will always be my pride and joy.
Due to not posting on AO3 (even though I really should be), 3 is mostly ineffective. Except Wattpad has tags. I'd say UTAU, dragons and crossover.
4, lol. Literally. Lately I keep using that (only when texting others) and it's bothering me. I feel like a simpleton because of how much I'm saying that, eugh.
5 I've honestly learned a lot while researching fics. For one, I found out lantana berries are toxic to humans yet taste like blueberries, and I have them growing in my backyard. They're actually my favorite plant! I love their flowers; so pretty, and they have such a uniquely funky smell as well. Part of why I adore them, it stands out so much without being a bad smell. And the leaves have a sort of citrus smell? I love lantanas.
6 I don't know. I've thought about requests due to the money, but I feel like I'd either struggle to start writing it or get carried away with it- or straight up not finish in a reasonable timeframe. Commissions? Like art commissions? Maybe in a few years when I'm more confident in my skills and also somehow have a drawing tablet to properly draw digitally. Something like that.
7 Either or. I love making sickeningly sweet coffee or various different teas.
8 Is honestly hard to decide! Off the top of my head I can think of Dust initially meeting Killer with the hilariously absurd question of "What do you mean you don't have a mouth? How are you speaking right now? Your ass?"
9 Believe it or not it was basically when I first got a phone and commented a short story in the comments of a YouTube video. Someone replied with a suggestion of Wattpad. The rest is history, lol.
10 Off the top of my head I can't think of anything beyond something very specific for the fic I've been thinking about again lately, Ninjagaësia. Only time I've written outside of the UT fandom too, I specifically want to get around to writing that version of Zane more. What I had planned for him is fun as hell. An absolute badass.
11 Lots of comments, votes and people enjoying it. Which, continuing the above mention, Ninjagaësia doesn't qualify for. Pretty unsuccessful, but for once I don't really care.
12 Undertale AU's. I doubt I'll ever leave, either.
13 No. Hell, my ultimate fic of Andlàtkyn was written throughout the later half of highschool. I am technically working on an original story on the sidelines, I call it my worldbuilding project because I'm building up so much lore in this world before I actually touch on the story itself outside of a vague idea. About 60-ish different species of people, including the were-diseases. Last I counted, anyway. I'll be working on it for years, I know it, and I don't mind that either.
14 Comments talking about my fics on said fics. Actual interactions! It brings me joy. 🧡
15 My family is well aware. I don't bring up a lot of details but the last time I went into vague detail with my mother it was over a scene in Andlàtkyn (no direct spoilers) and she interpreted it weirdly and now she teases me by asking if I'm killing babies again! A bit awkward..
16 Actually finishing a damn story. I don't mind the periods of no writing until I get inspired again, but what annoys me is when I can't seem to finish anything. Only ever finished Andlàtkyn. I still have yet to write anything for the sequel to it, either! Zeradelsída is still just a bunch of loose plot points..
17 I am semi successfully writing benevolent eldritch horror. It doesn't intend harm, but it is truly.. horrifying nonetheless. The uncertainty of someone knowing he died, feeling his own heart stop beating, and feeling something OTHER seep inside and force it to start again, pulsing in his veins, fusing with his anatomy, permanently altering both him and itself into something completely unknowable.. I'm rambling. Anyone who hasn't seen my Wattpad, read Awakened. If you don't mind ridiculously long fics, read Andlàtkyn too!
18 I have at least 7 I mostly expect to finish, with at least 4 others just kind of.. there. I don't think I've posted any of those, either. I also have ideas inspired by dreams that I'd love to write down someday, though don't really expect to actually codify.
19 I kind of just don't. I work on different projects as the inspiration hits, take a backseat for a month or so, then come back to either the same project or a different one.
20 Hmmm.. Hard to think of something specific. I'm leaning towards stuff in Andlàtkyn. I don't really have a favorite kiss scene because I don't do romance. I write adventure! Andlàtkyn has some side romance though- not that any of it is my favorite. Platonic stuff, though.. I'd say my favorite is honestly Lust and Alter incidentally befriending each other and becoming venting buddies. It's the cutest thing, their friendship is adorable and wholesome despite the background angst. I didn't write nearly as much of them as deserved.
21 Honestly it's mostly lack of inspiration that I'm pretty sure stems from depression. If I could get an ADHD prescription or depression meds I'd probably be a lot better but like. I am completely broke. So much so that those issues aren't even in the top 10 of pressing problems solved with money.
22 Given I've literally only done it once.. not really. I guess I post it around everywhere I can think of in excitement?
23 That one continuous dream I had that went on over a month centered on a Nightmare that was freshly corrupted. He was honestly so nerdy and adorable despite putting on the brave and mildly "evil" front. The boy. Him. Goddamnit I want to write that at some point.
24 Honestly I can't think of anything for this one.
25 Oh yeah, I can't think of anything off the top of my head but there's a lot I'd like to fix in all of my stories, lol.
26 Kind of? It's a more recent development, did it for Zeradelsída which still has yet to be written, did it for that Ninjagaësia too. A little bit of a broad, even vaguer outline for things I want to happen in Awakened, too? More like events, no particular order or connection.
27 A few of those WIP's that haven't been posted... Okay technically just one. There's also the very first fic I wrote that is subsequently the only one I've ever deleted.
28 Angstiest often coincides with cursed for some reason, so I'll just go with the ending of Andlàtkyn for the Apple Twins.
29 I kind of just.. don't. If I do, I start hating everything, and because I'm not THAT bad at spelling and grammar I think it's mostly fine the way it is.
30 Oh absolutely. It's particularly obvious when one looks at Andlàtkyn, which I wrote over the course of 4 years. Really neat transition, if I ever manage to do it, I'd rewrite the beginning a little to match the rest when crossposting to AO3. If I ever get around to that.
31 Again, Andlàtkyn. That fic is my baby, man. It's so precious to me.
32 Honestly I don't know for this one, which is weird.
33 100% Ink of Awakened. My little boy. I have some friends that would rib the hell out of me if they ever found out, lol. Thankfully the main one doesn't even remember that he has a Tumblr.
34 I was not expecting how hard of a question this is! I thought it was Andlàtkyn, but thinking about it.. I don't think so? It might simply just change depending on which one I'm currently fixated on, but at the moment I think my favorites to get that on is Awakened and Ninjagaësia, second of which already has basically nothing to begin with.
35 I don't have anything, oof.
Fanfic/Author Ask Game
Write a scene from [insert fic] in another character’s POV
Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
What are some words or phrases you feel like you overuse?
What’s something you learned while researching a fic?
Would you ever accept requests or commissions?
Coffee or tea while you write?
What is your favorite line/section from [insert fic]?
How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Is there a character or ship you'd love to write for, but haven't yet?
What makes a fic 'successful' in your opinion?
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing?
What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
Does anyone you know in real life know you write fanfiction?
What do you struggle with most when writing?
What is something you recently felt proud of in your writing?
How many WIPs do you have and how many do you expect to finish?
How do you get over writer's block?
Share your favorite kiss scene from [insert fic]. If there's no kiss scene, share your favorite moment of intimacy (romantic or platonic)
What stops you from writing more in your free time?
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Which scene/theme was the inspiration for [insert fic]?
Are there any moments in [insert fic] that feel "blurry" to you? Is this a stylistic choice, or would you go back and clarify the descriptions if you were given the chance?
Do you ever "prep" your fics with outlines or warmups before you start writing, or do you just dive right in?
Are any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Have you noticed your style change over time?
What fic meant the most to you to write?
A character you enjoy making suffer.
A character you want to protect.
What is your favorite fic to get comments/messages on?
Wild Card: Ask me something else!
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requests open again🤭 tehehe okay….
maybe a jj x reader fic where they just got married and are on a honeymoon somewhere at a resort. they go to the hot tub and night when no one is there…smut…??
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff & Smut
Words: 3.4k+
Summary: You two just got married, now you were across the globe at a romantic resort that was nearly empty and JJ wanted to take the opportunity to enjoy it, and you, to the fullest.
Warnings: alcohol mention, semi-public sex, fingering, clit play, hot tub sex, JJ topping from the bottom, bottom!r, top!JJ, praise kink, let me know if I forgot anything...
A/N: So... have a quick fluffy, smutty fic while I work on some angstier, more fucked up ones lol
(gif not mine, credit to luthqrs)
“I can’t believe it,” JJ hummed as she walked around towards you, a glass of champagne in either hand.
“Can’t believe what?” You smiled back at her as she handed you a glass and took a small sip.
“That you’re Mrs. Jareau now.” She let out a soft chuckle to herself, liking the sound of that more and more each time she said it. Which, she had honestly lost count at this point of how often she kept repeating that to herself.
You just rolled your eyes at how cheesy she was being and took another sip.
“I also can’t believe,” JJ continued, “That we’re here together… with this beautiful view of the mountains, just you and me.”
“No work to interrupt us,” you jumped in with a giggle. JJ just nodded with a guilty smirk. It was the first night of your honeymoon and also, miraculously, the first time you’ve ever gone on a romantic trip with JJ.
The two of you had tried often in the past, but it never worked out. There was always an emergency at work– or worse, JJ had gotten hurt and traveling would’ve slowed down her healing process. This time, the wedding went on with no problems and then you both packed and got on a plane with the same lucky streak. Now, here you both were, staying at a resort out of the country (JJ had insisted that the farther away she was the less likely it was for her to get called into work) with a beautiful view of the snow covered Alps. And, surprisingly, the resort wasn’t even that busy this time of year so there was really no stress, no fuss, nothing. It was just you, her, and the scenic view that took your breath away almost in the same way JJ’s dazzling smile did.
Your eyes took in the snowy peaks as you kept taking small sips of the champagne. JJ was behind you, her glass half empty already as she watched you and the content expression on your face as you took in all the nature. For all the horrors and ugliness of JJ’s job, it was these moments of beauty that meant the world to her. JJ has had so many moments like this since you came into her life and now you had just promised each other a lifetime more of them. As she stood next to you on the deck of the resort, the stars shining in the sky, the soft glow of the string lights illuminating your sparkling eyes, JJ didn’t think she had ever been happier in her entire life.
JJ moved to step behind you and wrap her arms around your waist. You immediately leaned against her and closed your eyes for a moment at the feeling of her warm body. Her chin rested on your shoulder and she took in the same view that had you so in awe. “You know,” she whispered, “this is gorgeous but it’s nothing compared to the beautiful view of my wife.”
You couldn’t help the bright smile at those words. Honestly, you couldn’t believe you were now her wife, that you had agreed to take her last name and you promised to spend the rest of your days together. It was a dream come true. Sure, you weren’t the biggest fan of what JJ did for her career, but you supported her and were proud of her. It’s just that you didn’t get a lot of moments like these, where everything was perfectly peaceful. So, as you soaked in the amazing feeling of being surrounded by the woman you love in a beautiful place that looked like it was straight out of a fairytale, you were determined to enjoy every comfort this honeymoon had to offer.
When a breeze blew through the deck of the resort that’s when JJ finally let go of you and stepped back. The shiver that went through your whole body was an indication that maybe it wasn’t the best thing to be standing out in the cold this long, especially not when she already had plans for you that would heat you up quite quickly. “Maybe we should get in?” JJ encouraged as she took the now empty champagne glass from your hand.
So caught up in the beauty of everything, you had totally forgotten why you were on the deck in the first place. But then you turned from the view back to JJ and realized that she was probably right. It might not be the best idea to stand out on a deck, with snow everywhere else, in nothing but a fuzzy towel and a two piece swimsuit. The plan was to enjoy the outdoor hot tub after all. Especially since no one was using it and you both thought, with how empty the resort was this time of year, that would remain the case.
“Yeah…” You took JJ’s offered hand as she pulled you towards the tub. “That’s probably a good idea.” You let her guide you to the hot tub and when JJ dropped her towel you still couldn’t get over the stunning image of your now wife in nothing but a bathing suit.
She was truly gorgeous, and even though you’ve seen her naked quite a lot since the two of you got together, you were always in awe of her body every single time. The way her two piece accentuated her toned figure had you blushing and you really needed to calm down all the thoughts going through your head, because this was just supposed to be an innocent dip in the hot tub.
Except, JJ had entirely different plans. Risky plans, in fact. She wasn’t sure if you’d go along, but she was going to try. It was her honeymoon after all, it was a time to live her life to the fullest and enjoy every opportunity she got. So when she took the towel off your body, she was already a little more handsy than you expected.
Her hands moved immediately to your waist. She pulled you close and whispered in your ear, “this looks…” her hands trailed down to your ass as she spoke, “so good on you.” She squeezed and you let out an embarrassing squeak before swatting at her shoulder.
JJ just gave you a mischievous grin before guiding the both of you into the tub. The water was refreshing compared to the cold air and you knew this was the type of relaxation you both needed. JJ sat down first, her arms spread on the lip of the hot tub and her head leaned back as she took in a deep, satisfied breath.
“This feels so nice,” she sighed.
“It really does,” you chuckled as you took a moment to adjust to the temperature before also sitting down next to her in the hot tub. Your head leaned back to rest on her outstretched arm and you sighed contently as your eyes slipped closed for a moment. It was silent, but peaceful, the only sounds were that of nature and of the jets from the tub pushing the water and gently massaging your back. For a moment you thought you never wanted to leave this place, just you and JJ and this warm hot tub, nothing else. The thought made you let out a soft laugh to yourself and JJ just looked over at you with a gentle smile.
She let you relax for a moment, watching as you took in a few deep breaths and settled into the warm water, but then her eyes began to travel down. She took in the way the top of your swimsuit showed off your cleavage, and the way she could see, even through the water, the bottoms hugging the curve of your hips. It was hard to keep herself at least a little behaved.
But then you turned your head to her, your eyes hooded and relaxed, your fingers tracing the outline of her muscles on her abdomen beneath the water– a move that was totally innocent on your part, but was driving JJ wild– and she couldn’t help it anymore. Totally unexpectedly for you, and with great speed, JJ moved so that she could reach for you. Her hands snaked down your body until they were under your ass, and with the help of the water, she scooped you up and placed you right onto her lap.
“JJ,” you giggled as your hands went to her shoulders so you wouldn’t fall backwards into the water. “What are you doing?”
“Having some fun,” she grinned and gave you a wink. Before you could even respond her lips were on yours in a slow, but heated kiss. The hands that were resting on her shoulders tightened as you, yourself became breathless from how deeply she was kissing you all of a sudden.
She didn’t even waste time, running her tongue along your bottom lip before letting you part them for her. When her tongue met yours, her hands, which had been resting on your ass, squeezed and pulled you even closer to her body.
You let her kiss you like that for a while, her tongue licking into your mouth and your hands moving to tangle in her hair as she took your breath away. But then, the kissing paired with the way you felt her half naked body pressed against your own in the warm water, was starting to get to you. You couldn’t stop the slight grind of your hips down onto her lap as her teeth grazed your bottom lip.
There was a moment where you didn’t want to stop at all, but then a snap of a branch in the very far distance made you realize exactly where you were and pulled back slowly. JJ looked at you with the same, devilish smile and held onto you tighter so you wouldn’t move from her lap.
“What are you doing?” You whispered as you looked all around to see if anyone was nearby. Of course, the deck was empty except the two of you. It was late, the resort was barely populated, but still you were worried about what would happen if someone came out to enjoy the hot tub and saw the two of you in the position you were in.
“Relax,” JJ chuckled, “I’m just enjoying my new wife, is that so wrong?” JJ leaned forward before you could respond and kissed your lips again. You couldn’t stop yourself from immediately melting into her again and the hands that were once trying to push her away wrapped around her neck to pull her closer.
“Well…” you murmured against her lips, “I guess not.” It was really hard to resist JJ when her hands were guiding your hips ever so slightly to keep grinding down into her lap and her tongue was brushing against your own every once in a while as you kissed. Yes, there was a risk that at any moment someone could decide they wanted to have a dip in the hot tub, but you highly doubted that and honestly you couldn’t really begin to care. Not when JJ was letting out soft sighs at the way your own tongue was running against hers.
You were so lost in the way she was kissing you that you didn’t even notice that one of her hands had let go of your waist. It wasn’t until you felt fingers slip into your swim bottoms and trace lightly against your clit that you actually registered that your wife wanted more than just a heated makeout session in this hot tub.
“Maybe–” you stumbled on your words as you felt those same fingers press a little more firmly and start making slow circles. “JJ, maybe we should go to the room?” JJ’s lips had just moved from your own down to your neck so you were finally able to get some words out.
“Why?” She hummed against your neck before nipping at the sensitive skin. The circles her fingers were making were getting a little faster now and even though you were trying to remain logical, the way your body was moving and bucking into her hand was definitely not the rational response you were trying to make. “No one is going to come out, baby,” she purred against your skin before running her tongue down to your collarbone.
“It’s just you,” she said before placing a kiss to your bare shoulder, the strap to your swimsuit top having been pushed aside by her at some point, “and me.” She sank her teeth in and you hissed at the sensation of slight pain mixed with pleasure.
She wasn’t really trying to make a solid argument, but with the way one of her hands kept playing with your clit while the other one snaked its way up your body until it reached under your swim top to get to your nipples, she could say just about anything and it would work. Your head was lulling back as her lips continued to attack the most sensitive parts of your neck. JJ, the whole time, was just enjoying the way she didn’t need to guide your body anymore into rocking into hers, you were doing it all on your own.
“I guess you’re right,” you mumbled as your arms tightened around JJ. Your hips were moving a little bit faster now, but JJ had stopped marking up your neck with her lips and was now leaning back so she could watch the way you had given into the building pleasure she was giving you.
You looked beautiful like this to her, your body grinding into the way her fingers were working your clit, your eyes shut tight, and your lips parted slightly as soft sighs fell from them. You looked like a goddess to her, and she was determined to treat you like one for, not just the honeymoon, but the rest of your lives together.
Your body was starting to tremble. It was slight, but with how focused JJ was on you, she noticed immediately. She didn’t want you to cum just yet though, not by her just playing with your clit. No, she needed to feel you fall apart on her fingers. So, when you felt her stop playing with your clit the whine of protest you started to let out turned into a low moan as you felt two of her fingers slide down and enter you with ease.
Your head fell forward and you buried your face in her neck as you felt her push them deep inside, up to her knuckles. She gave you a moment to adjust, her other hand moving away from your breast to go back down to your hip before she started to gently move your body in a way that showed you how she was wanting you to move. With your arms still wrapped around her and your face still pressed to her neck, you followed her guidance and began to rock your hips in the exact way she was hoping you would. JJ’s fingers curved inside you and she couldn’t help the small moans that were falling from her own lips as she watched the way you began to ride her fingers faster.
The water made it a little bit easier for you to rock yourself on them, whimpering and moaning here and there with each time she curved her fingers a little bit more for you.
“You’re doing so good for me,” JJ cooed as she began to pump her fingers into you in time with the way you were fucking yourself on them. “You’re such a good girl for me.”
You were a sucker for praise and JJ learned that about you very early on. Anytime she said things like that it would get you worked up, and they had the exact response she was hoping for. Your pace quickened and your hold on her tightened. At this point, you were using her neck to muffle the sounds of your moans, which had gotten a little louder and harder to control.
“That’s it, pretty girl,” JJ groaned as she felt you tighten around your fingers. “Make yourself cum on top of me, baby.” In that moment JJ picked up the pace, while simultaneously using the hand that had a hold of your hip to move your body down harder onto her fingers. You were fully riding her fingers at this point and your nails were digging into her back as you held her even tighter.
JJ loved the way she could feel your thighs shake as you got closer and closer to the edge. She kept up the praises as she felt the way your pussy tightened around her two fingers. “You’re being so good,” she purred as you moaned her name. “Come on, baby, cum on my fingers.”
After just a brief moment, with a few stronger pumps of her fingers up into you, you were falling apart on top of her. Her neck only muffled the way you cried out for her a little bit. If you were thinking this through you might have been embarrassed and worried that people inside the resort could’ve heard the way you just, slightly loudly, came for your wife outside in the hot tub. But in this moment, with the way JJ was helping you ride out your orgasm, humming soft praises as you came down from your high, you did not really care if other people heard.
When your body finally stilled and she pulled her fingers out, you lifted your head to look at her. The way she looked back at you made you almost ready for round two right then and there. Her pupils were blown, her lips were parted as she took in heavy breaths, and her face was slightly flushed. It could’ve been from the warmth of the hot tub, but something told you it was most likely from what had just transpired. At that moment, you knew you both needed to get out of this hot tub soon. Not because you were worried about overheating, but because you needed your wife to throw you on the bed back in the room and keep giving you all those praises she was before.
“You’re gorgeous,” JJ said, her voice low, raspy, and filled with want.
You pressed the palm of your hand to the side of her face and kissed her, deep but briefly. “I love you,” you whispered against her lips before trying to lean back.
JJ pulled you back for another kiss, long and lingering, before replying. “I love you too,” she whispered. “Shall we head back to the room?
You nodded and gave her a soft smile. She gave you a bright one right back before helping you up from the tub. Though, she took a moment before getting up herself, wanting to admire the view of you dripping wet in a small swimsuit. She couldn’t believe you just let her take you in a hot tub. She couldn’t believe how gorgeous you looked, riding her fingers in a public place without a care in the world. She couldn’t believe she made you moan so loud it practically echoed off the mountain tops. Although, that last one, she wasn’t sure you were aware of just how loud you had been when you came. All JJ knew was that she wanted to make you make those sounds again. And she very much intended to do that for the rest of the trip.
When she finally got out and you helped her dry off, JJ pulled you into her arms one more time, pressing your wet bodies together for a moment, before leaning in to whisper in your ear. “I brought a few surprises.” Your face immediately flushed at the suggestive tone she was taking. “And tonight, I want to try a few of them out. Will you be a good girl and let me?”
Your mouth fell open. JJ didn’t wait for you to respond before pulling away, wrapping the towel around her body, and swaying her hips purposely as she walked towards the door to her resort. You stood there in disbelief for a second, but when she looked back at you and winked, you finally got the sense to start moving your feet.
Tonight was the first time you’ve ever done anything remotely suggestive with so much risk in a semi-public space. Something told you that wouldn’t be your only first that night. JJ really did have a lot in store for the honeymoon.
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#jennifer jareau x reader#jennifer jareau x you#jennifer jareau fluff#jennifer jareau imagine#jennifer jareau smut#jennifer jareau#criminal minds#jj x reader#jj x you#criminal minds fic#five-bi-five-mind
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It’s bearly been two days since Yuuna has been revealed and I’ve already seen fanart and fan animations of her. I’m half convinced someone’s gonna make a cosplay of her by tomorrow.
[Referencing the Episode of Scarabia!]
To be fair, Yuuna’s clothes don’t look super complicated or difficult to recreate. You could easily find lookalike items by shopping around or even digging around in your closet. The makeup and hair will probably going to take some effort though 🤔 and probably the phone case + strap if someone wanted to get it down to the details.
It’s been really fascinating seeing the outpouring of excitement for Yuuna. The Twst fandom is usually very fast when it comes to putting out fan works (it’s not unusual to start seeing fanart literally minutes after the monthly schedule drops), so that’s nothing new. What’s interesting to me is how Yuuna has been exalted in the English-speaking fandom. She’s enjoyed in the JP fandom too, sure—but EN seems to have taken quite the liking to her, and I wonder if that’s because EN fans have been wanting a “canonized” hyperfemme Yuu for a while.
There seems to be this trend of looking to official Twst materials to validate the existence of one’s own creations in the English-speaking space, and while I don’t agree with fans needing canon to affirm the art we create (we should be happy with our art regardless of what canon says), I can see why this would feed into the hype for Yuuna. She is a very femme-presenting Yuu, and many Yuusonas I’ve seen are similarly very femme. Yuuka may have been our first girl Yuu, but Yuuna is our first ���girly girl” Yuu. If you’re not aware of it, some fans disparage the existence of female Yuus, claiming that an all-boys school like NRC would never allow a girl to study there. Honestly, I never quite understood that argument, especially since it’s clear Yuu enrolled under special circumstances and not by the usual method of enrollment. It feels kind of silly to impose arbitrary rules and who Yuu “can” and “can’t” be when the whole point of them is that they can be anyone, because Yuu is you, the player. Any race, any socioeconomic background, any age, any spiritual beliefs, any occupation, any orientation, any hobbies/interests/skills, and, yes, any gender.
Anyway, due to that whole debacle, many EN fans see Yuuka and now especially Yuuna as important symbols for validating the existence of femme Yuus, both tomboys and girly girls. I suspect that this plays a large part in why Yuuna’s been receiving so much fan content—and, if memory serves correctly, even more than Yuuka received. Yuuka mainly got excited screaming rather than fan works, but I’ve seen Yuuna getting fan art, edits, animations, and a whole lot more. There’s even more excitement for Yuuna because of how openly and unrelentingly girly she is—and how that indirectly represents and validates girly Yuusonas present in the fandom. (Oh, by the way!! There's an official updated PV featuring the manga!Yuus--Yuuna included!)
#twisted wonderland#twst#disney twisted wonderland#disney twst#Yuu#Yuuka Hirasaka#Hirasaka Yuuka#Yuuna Oujou#Oujou Yuuna#notes from the writing raven#twst en#twisted wonderland en
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hiii! i have a question i thought you might be able to answer: how did aftg originally get so popular? i know it was mostly word of mouth on tumblr (still is, i think) (who says this website is unmarketable!!) but what were the early days of the fandom like? personally i've "only" been here since 2016, and by then the series was already decently popular. i remember at that time that the fandom was really welcoming and kind in a way that felt really exceptional to me, and it definitely contributed to me picking up the books, which is the only explanation i can really think of for why it got a bigger following than some to other books which did receive a whole big-publisher marketing campaign aside from it just being well-written. do you have any theories for why it got so massive on here? and do you know how the first readers found it? i hope you don't mind me asking you this, but i remember your blog from wayyyy back when and thought that if anyone had the answer, it would probably be you :)
Hello! I always get so happy when I can talk about the early days of the fandom <3 Sit down here around the fire, let me tell you about this wondrous tale.
So, story time: it was spring 2013, I had just finished a thorough read of In The Company Of Shadows and I was starving for another black hole. It was automatic for me to look up the goodread lists ICoS was featured in, to see what other titles I could pick up, and ended up on the list called "Online M/M stories that deserve to be published". The Foxhole Court was right there (it's not anymore because it IS published <3), so I read it. That was the start of the end lmao
If I remember correctly I didn't wait too long before reading TRK, but TKM didn't come out until the end of the following year, so in the meantime I all but shelved it as something that had incredible potential but that was possibly doomed to never be completed. Fast forward I think the start of 2015 when I accidentally stumbled upon TKM and I couldn't believe I could finally know how the story ended. Nora had a blogspot where she talked about the books (including updates between TRK and TKM), and I remember trying to get as much info as I could on this series. And that was it. For a bit.
So, by the first half of 2015, the fandom was made by people commenting on her blogspot, on her livejournal, the book pages on goodreads, and Ao3 literally had 2 fics ( webarchive gives you what we saw - btw Don't Speak Against The Sun is FIRE and instantly became a new standard for f/f for me). You can still find all this content online. Tumblr had a handful of scattered posts about TFC, mostly Nora's mutuals/friends on tumblr, and a couple of readers screaming into the void with no one answering their call.
I was pretty active on here, especially in the bellarke fandom, and I engaged with mutuals and other blogs often enough that I knew if I talked about something, at least someone would reply. A mutual was reading The Raven Cycle and got me curious enough to liveblog it myself. Instant love, of course, and if you've read TRC you know how strong the found family vibe is. So at the end of my liveblog (we've reached July 2015) I threw out a comment where I recommended AFTG as another worthy title. With the first book being free while the other two were only a dollar each, it sounded a fairly easy commitment. One mutual decided to read it (if you're reading, hi!!!) and liveblog it, and that got the party started.
A party of 2, and I'm not kidding. While we chatted and made up headcanon after headcanon on the phone, the intention was to get others interested in this story. But they'd never do it if there wasn't enough content around to engage with and motivate them to blog themselves, so we started with quote posts, liveblog reactions, a few timid edits and poems. An important choice was figuring out which tag to use (at the time tumblr search only scrolled through tags, not post content): "all for the game" was an actual sports tag, "the raven king" was the title announced for the next TRC installment, "the king's men" was the last book of the trilogy and it wasn't even the free one, so we settled for "the foxhole court" which was an empty tag. Even now my blog content is organized around "tfc" because of it, even though we took over all the relevant tags. A couple other mutuals I had from bellarke fandom got curious as well, and now we could consider ourselves a proper group. We were so starved for fan content that whatever you put out would be automatically reblogged and enthusiastically engaged with. It was a happy little fandom bubble. Then Nora noticed us and started interacting with us, and you got the birth of what would become the extra content page as she replied to our questions.
I possibly had a little bit too much time on my hands because I appointed myself as fandom archivist and tour guide. I reblogged every single post I saw in the tags, and I started a welcome page where I could keep track of everyone announcing they were reading the series. It was meant as a way to find mutuals to interact with since tumblr hadn't yet "canonized" all the tags, and it was entirely possible to lose each other in dashboard chains. I used to reply to everyone reading the series by "officially" welcoming them into the fandom, linking them the page where they could find mutuals, Nora's blog, and the extra content present up to that point. Oh and there was a fictional exy team where you could choose your position and then put it in your blog for fun or roleplay it. I also used smashword's gift system to buy the series for whoever said they couldn't pay for it, just to try and avoid pirating the book (good for word of mouth, bad for sales). This was on my side, but this fandom had so many people pouring their entire heart out I still get emotional thinking about it.
Everyone (before January 2016) made as much content as they could, be it meta, fanart, fanfics, headcanons, edits, wikia pages etc. We had fandom challenges where we pronounced the names of the characters and aftg keywords with our native accent, others where we said our favorite scene. Every headcanon was the first headcanon ever seen in the fandom. The fun thing was that at the time there was a strong etiquette toward "if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything" so fan content really went in all directions with basically no limits. We tagged for triggers and that was it, we had free reign. For those who were around at the time, the sin squad was a group of us fans churning out the saddest/filthiest/fluffiest/most problematic content we could think of.
Then we reached January 2016. We were around 300 in the fandom at that point (I know because I counted them, literally), it had been slow but constant growth where each new fan brought at least other two people with them, and we had around 20 posts per day in the main tag. Then someone bridged the gap between us and the TRC fandom. If you ask me how the fandom got really popular, that's it. The TRC fandom was stuck in hiatus waiting for The Raven King, and now you had 300 rabid foxes spamming aftg content on tumblr, using trk as tag, too. Popular fanartists that were active in that fandom helped making aftg known, and semi viral posts did the rest. We went from 300 to 700 people in a couple of months, and shortly after I had to stop adding people to the welcome page because the post broke. I didn't even know that could happen. It wasn't long after that we were featured in the tumblr end of year recap for book ships. We were so many it was suddenly possible to meet in real life! Cosplays, tattoos, merch. You name it, someone in the fandom did it.
But how did it feel when we were only 20 people and a cardboard dog cutout? It felt like the most chaotic book club ever, and every new fan was automatically a friend. Nostalgia is a lying bitch, but I really don't think I'm making shit up here. We had fun and made great memories.
By the way, if you want to see how things were in 2015, you can! Just go through my archive starting from July 2015 (I think 17th) and onward. You can also search my blog for the tags "fandom history" and "started from nothing and now we're here", whereas here you can find a list of aftg fandom tags I used.
Tl;dr We were starving for good content, we wanted to have fun together, and we were lucky enough to half-hijack a bigger fandom in hiatus. That was all the marketing AFTG needed on tumblr.
#aftg#all for the game#tfc foxes#fandom history#started from nothing and now we're here#the foxhole court#the sunshine court
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one of my favorite fandom jokes is how mid-to-later seasons sam suddenly becomes a total health nut — exclusively eating salad, chastising dean about junk food + drinking and jack about too much sugar etc — and we just never let him forget he drank entire cartons of straight blood half a decade or two earlier.
on one hand it’s very intriguing and perhaps even worth discussing how he shifted his diet to being completely herbivorous/omnivorous after several very low carnivorous periods, but on the other hand it’s probably really funny to resident non-eater Cas to watch the guy who infamously drank a nurse and frequently has life or death situations with his family suddenly start Nanny McPheeing them about what they decide to eat . Like
“hey dean I think we should stop buying all those coffee filters and teabags, theyre wasteful and all have those micro plastic things in them.”
“oh really? the guy who drank blood is worried about micro-plastics? the guy who drank blood is gonna preach to us about what we put in our bodies? get real man.”
“here jack try this, it’s artificial sweetener to substitute sugar so you can still have sweet stuff that’s more healthy for you 🤗”
jack has been shot and stabbed multiple times and killed + resurrected twice.
#there was also the angle of ‘they have been brutalized and killed numerous times so healthy eating is the least of their concerns’#but I couldn’t work it in. and I think it’s funnier to end it on that note honestly#cal.txt#spn#supernatural#sam winchester#dean winchester#castiel#jack kline#tfw2.0#w*dni#just in case it. breaches containment#reading this in that one specific tiktok voice elevates the experience btw
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I know you hate labels on them, but if you HAD to label the Robins, how would you do it?
The first one, the second one, the third one...
Ok, out of jokes-
Dick: The first one.
With all that this implies: Dick being the one who founded the bases to follow, the one who made the mistakes that he later taught to correct, the one who saw the empty spaces that others later filled. The first one who had to be everything and learn on his own.
Jason: the DC experiment.
DC DIDN'T know how to deal with Dick's exit as Robin, it's like they never really planned on letting him out, but it happened. Jason became a character of trial and error.
At first he was an exact copy of Grayson, since the first one was successful... But obviously the fans didn't want a Dick Grayson with another name. So what did they do? They gave it a twist and did the opposite... It doesn't work well either.
And instead of continuing to try (even though Jason already had a fan base by that point), they chose to "get rid of" the character and then revive him as a "blank canvas."
A character who had a lot of potential, but they didn't know how to handle him and now the most relevant thing about him is his death because DC doesn't know how to give him continuity.
Tim: the robin of the fans for the fans.
Tim is often referred to as a fandom self-insert, and honestly, it's understandable why.
It's the Robin that gave off vibes similar to the original that was the most loved at the time, but at the same time, had real characteristics that fans could identify with.
Tim is the one with the most "normal" story, he is the one who could be any civilian, the one who seems like he wasn't meant to be, but he was.
In my opinion, the one who best balanced his personality as Robin and as a civilian.
(And that the fandom decides to totally ignore haha </3)
Although DC needs to learn to let go of Tim and let him grow. At this point I think half of the fandom doesn't even know how old he is or what hero he is.
Steph: the Robin who deserves better.
I don't just mean story-wise, obviously none of the characters deserved the shit they suffered and deserve a better life... I mean in general.
The real forgotten Robin is Steph, not Tim, and I'm not going to discuss it with anyone.
They (DC) keep writing the same story over and over again, rewriting the other Robins' history (especially Dick), but never giving us more about Steph.
Give my girl her story. Just like Jason, she has so much potential, give her her moment to shine!
(although, here I have to open parentheses for this: Steph has a much more consistent story than Jason, her role is more defined, but it feels outdated at this point. And, in any case, I feel like Steph shouldn't even really be a "bat", but rather someone independent... Or similar to Nightwing at least, who doesn't wear a bat on his suit).
Damian: the one who deserves not to be Robin.
Let me clarify: "the one who deserves not to be Robin", not "the one who does not deserve to be Robin".
Damian needed to be Robin, it was the key point in his development and I think Dick did the right thing by giving him the role of Robin...
But I feel that he deserves to stop being Robin too.
I think he's going to stop being Robin? No, not with DC writing him. DC has a history of resetting their characters to a certain point, they always bring them back. I don't think they're going to release Damian soon.
But while every character deserves to have a life outside of being heroes, I feel like Damian deserves it the most out of all of them.
The others are adults who have already chosen this, but Damian is a child, a teenager by now... And letting him be something more than the one who was created to be in the underworld, I feel that is the best for him.
I think he should stop being a vigilante? I'm not that sure, but that his life should definitely NOT revolve around that.
"The mission" should not be HIS mission.
So... Yeah, that.
I'm not sure if this makes sense to you tho-
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I’m not the first person to say this, but mischaracterization of Bumblebee in the TFONE fandom is honestly kind of crazy.
The infantilization aspect of it is really problematic, because it treats a full-grown man like the “kid” of the group. Bumblebee’s been slotted into this role because he’s often depicted as playing a son-like role to Optimus, which I of course *love,* generally speaking, but that’s not the role they went with in this movie, and B is still getting slotted into this role.
But in TFONE, B is actually quite possibly older than Orion Pax and D-16. We don’t know, but he’s been in Sublevel 50 for so long, he very well could be, and there’s nothing at all suggesting he’s younger than them.
Unlike in other iterations, B isn’t an “apprentice” to Optimus, either. He’s been at his side since *before* the Autobots were founded, which, since the Autobots will no doubt continue for millions of years, establishes him as a senior Autobot, not the “new kid” role he usually plays, either.
Then there’s B’s personality. B is talkative and energetic and eager to make new friends. He’s the comic relief character, which casts him in a less serious tone, but certainly not that he’s a kid. Orion doesn’t play a mentoring role to him throughout the movie, nor do any of them try to manage or babysit him. He’s an equal part of the group, even if he feels less “mature” because of his talkative personality.
B can also be read as neurodivergent, which makes the infantilisation of him in the fandom more problematic, since it treats hyperactivity and other traits found in neurodivergent *adults* as “kid” traits.
Like, why is B interpreted as the kid of the dynamic? He’s the weird uncle they found in the basement, obviously.
Not to mention, B’s primary trait as the movie goes on is his violent tendencies. Based on the fandom, you’d guess he was the most innocent lil guy, when in the movie, he actively takes joy in creating chaos and going on violent outbursts.
While his violence is made out to be a joke in the movie, in a potential sequel I would *love* to see it taken seriously as a character flaw. B is unpredictable and chaotic, and this could make him hard to work with in the Autobot cause.
B’s violent tendencies are genuinely concerning; the amount of joy he gets from slicing drones in half and holding the security team at knife point is uncharacteristic of your usual Autobot hero, and I wish people would talk about that aspect of his character instead of downplaying it when he gets turned into a lil baby in the fandom.
It reminds me of the infantilization of Tailgate in the MTMTE fandom. He’s treated like a lil baby because he’s small and emotional. This sucks because
1) I’m short and I *hate* seeing physically small characters babified to an extent I know they never would be if they were the same height as the rest of the cast around them
2) it treats being emotionally vulnerable as “child-like,” when MTMTE literally makes a point about the fact that Tailgate is one of the only people who can healthily process his feelings, since he doesn’t have war PTSD, and crying and having other big shows of emotion aren’t childlike, it’s healthy.
3) not to mention that Tailgate was a victim of emotional manipulation. Infantilizing him treats him like he was “gullible” for being tricked when Getaway was literally painstakingly planning a longterm relationship to groom him. Don’t infantilize victims, it’s treats it was their fault for being manipulated and not the abuser… you know, manipulating them.
Tailgate also is powerful/violent like Bumblebee, and this similarity gets downplayed. I haven’t been in as much of the MTMTE fandom (I’m still reading Lost Light, and I’m trying to avoid spoilers) but I have seen the Tailgate infantilization to an extent, and the B infantilization is literally the only way I ever see B being treated by the fandom.
#transformers#maccadam#rant#TFONE#transformers one#transformers one b127#transformers one bumblebee#transformers one optimus#transformers mtmte#mtmte#more than meets the eye#lost light#transformers more than meets the eye#transformers lost light#mtmte getaway#transformers tailgate#tailgate#tf tailgate#tf bumblebee#transformers bumblebee#MTMTE tailgate#lost light tailgate#lost light getaway#bumblebee#b-127
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Oh boy here I come with some headcanons from my experience circling barely outside the fandom. They're not much. Lmk if these are wack, I don't remember much of these guys rn.
Finn sleepwalks. Finn has gone up to someone who was half awake in their bed and gone "blub blub :)" loudly in their face. Finn also wears a cork in his head when he sleeps.
Shrimpo's room is barely decorated, save for his bed, a sidetable, lamp, rug, and the few posters that actually feature him. He's not in there much, anyways.
Astro has glow in the dark stars (a given I think)
Glisten gets lost in his own reflection, but only 87% of the time it's because he's checking himself out. The other 13% he's looking deep into the reflection of a reflection of a reflection going on.
Rodger, as a side effect of being rather good at his detective-work, knows what little things the others do when they're sad but trying not to show it. Like Astro usually retreats slightly into his blanket, Finn tends makes more jokes to lighten the mood, Toodles starts looking away from the others and hiding her face, stuff like that.
Shrimpo loves baseball!!!!
If a toon came out they woulvde gotten in all the pride pictures and been put into insane amount if pride merch for photoshoots
Once Astro said he was the rizzler and then didn't leave his room for like a week when he found out what it meant.
You could get a toon to say or sing happy birthday to you at Gardenview. Mains costed a fair amount, side characters were a bit less. Shrimpo was free. There are two types of people who ask Shrimpo to tell them happy birthday. Young ones who selfshipped themselves x Shrimpo because they would be the one person he liked, and older teens who really want to see Shrimpo grimace and suffer.
That's all for now
-🧤🌱 gardenon
*Plants some Night Sky Petunias in your askbox*
woah...pretty flowers.thank you gardenon !!
#🔒mod lockstep🐾#🧤🌱 anon#gardenon#dandys world#dw#dandys world headcanon#dw headcanon#headcanons#headcanon#dandys world headcanons#anon ask#ask#dandys world finn#dandys world shrimpo#dandys world rodger#dandys world astro#dandys world glisten
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So before I say anything, I have to let you know I probably hate the golden core discourse as much as you do. However, there’s one thing I see brought up a lot in discussions surrounding the golden core transfer and I just wanna know: How dangerous was the golden core transfer to Jiang Cheng? What would’ve happened to Jiang Cheng had the transfer failed?
Obviously, I know if the transfer failed and he didn’t get a golden core, he would not be emotionally or mentally okay. But I do see some of his stans argue that Wei Wuxian was recklessly putting him in danger and that if it failed, Jiang Cheng would’ve been seriously injured, have severe complications, and possibly even lose his life.
When I read the novel and got to the golden core reveal, I never really got the impression that JC was the one who would’ve been harmed if the transfer failed. But I have also never read any cultivation stories except for MDZS, so idk much about the details surrounding golden cores, hence why I don’t normally participate in these discussions.
So I’m really just asking: How valid is that argument?
Literally nothing would have happened to Jiang Cheng had the golden core transfer failed except that he would have remained without a golden core. Jc stans do this sleight of hand with picking excerpts where if you aren't actually reading the text and only know the story through vibes or you've forgotten details and don't go back to look, you'd fall for it, but the reason why they argue that Jiang Cheng "was in danger" is from this convo:
Lan WangJi, “What were the chances?” Wen Ning, “About half.” “Half.” Soundlessly, Lan WangJi took in a deep breath. He then shook his head, repeating, “... Half.”
—Chapt. 89: Loyalty, exr
The context of the above excerpt is that Wen Ning had just finished describing the torture Wei Wuxian went through to remove his golden core for Jiang Cheng—a procedure that nobody except the Wen siblings and Wei Wuxian even knew was a possibility—and Lan Wangji asked him what the chance of the transfer succeeding was. Jc stans, however—banking on the idea that most of fandom is either illiterate or too lazy to fact check them and that neither character explicitly says what the "chance" they are talking about is because based on the context it's obvious—will tell you that this quote is about "the chance of someone dying."
Imagine: the best doctor in the world operates on you with the best anesthesia but tells you that your chance of dying from only this very basic, entirely non-fatal operation they are leading is 50%. Somebody's either stupid or lying. At no point was anyone's life in danger in the transfer, least of all Jiang Cheng's who got to sleep through the whole thing with all the anesthesia he could have ever wanted. The only person who suffered and lost out was Wei Wuxian, who either way would have been without a golden core.
#mdzs asks#purpleinfluenced#side character stans only survive so long in this fandom#because they bank entirely on people never revisiting the books#and thus relying on them as 'authorities' on what the text says#so they can pull out quotes devoid of context that would destroy their every argument#but no one will call them on it because only a few people will ever look it up themself#and those few people will all have been preemptively blocked by the stan brigade as 'antis'#mdzs quotes
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I certainly don't want to gatekeep horror fandom, but at the same time, I do want to be able to tell people when I think they don't know what they're talking about. Especially if they're coming in to denigrate horror movies but it's clear that they are aware of exactly two horror movies, and it's Friday the 13th and Saw. (It's never any other kind of movie, you ever notice that? Slashers or torture, that's it. Admittedly if those were my only options I would not be much of a horror fan either.)
I don't care if people only really like one or two horror subgenres, really, as long as they don't pretend expertise in, or moral superiority to, a different subgenre they've watched one and a half movies in. Some of us are ecumenical perverts and some have very specific tastes, and both are okay. In the same way, I don't mind when people hate all horror movies as long as they don't get weird and judgmental or make shit up. Plenty of my friends just can't stand movies where a scary monster Gets people, and that's okay too.
Tumblr has me locked into a vicious loop about horror movies, because I cannot go longer than a month without seeing:
"I don't watch horror movies at all, but I've noticed that [blatantly incorrect statement] and [factually untrue assumption] so I think we can consider [fundamental misunderstanding of horror in general]." Followed by hundreds of responses agreeing.
"I don't watch horror because I can't stand horrible things because those make any movie fundamentally bad, but I really liked [popular, generic, oscar baiting thriller]." Followed by hundreds of responses agreeing, and doubling down on how including anything beyond the most basic tension is bad filmmaking.
"Here's the best horror I've seen, I love horror so much." [List of a single, very narrow type of film, accompanied by general denigration of anything outside that narrow set] Followed by hundreds of responses going omg I need to see that now.
I'm not trying to discourage people from horror or be an asshole about it or nothing, but I do think talking about horror movies should include knowing something about horror movies, understanding how different horror elements are used, and an appreciation of the diversity in the genre. That's why I'm always digging through different styles and low budget stuff and old stuff - because to me, liking and talking about horror movies means trying to be open to all kinds of different types of horror movies.
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not sorry for loving you is so funny to me because calypso got on that manipulation grindset so hard that she also won over like half the fandom
#not really half the fandom but you get it#the switch up after vengeance saga is so insane to me#i remember people on tiktok literally slammed some artist over. saying they liked drawing calypso 💀💀 and now we got apologists#ochi orates#calypso#epic the musical#epic the vengeance saga
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Hi it's just to let you know that the official romanization of Revaan's name is Raverne ! Also they have romanized Baul's name to Baur !
Twst coming back at us again with the least expected romanization! thank you everybody (oh god my inbox) (no it's great, I literally asked for this and the reactions have been INCREDIBLE, thank you all!)
I do like Raverne though, I think it's got a nice fancy sound to it! (I had kinda suspected it was going to be an R instead of an L, so the fact that it's SO close to Laverne except for that is hilarious to me personally.) and Dragoneye Duke is honestly probably the best translation for his title, I wasn't envying the localizers that one. :') Baur instead of Baul I was NOT expecting, but in retrospect I think his name's supposed to be a reference to the Bauru crocodile, so that actually makes way more sense!
someone else also said Meleanor has become Maleanor, which is the REALLY weird one to me, because I was so surprised it was written as Mel instead of Mal in the first place?! oh god no I can't decide which one I like better. 😭 (I wonder if they might change it to Mal...they have made romanization changes before) (like I remember House of Distraction being corrected to House of Destruction in Playful Land) (I did check and she's still Mel for now, but I dunno, they might Mal her up and some point and save me from having to make a decision about which one to use) (HECK I CAN'T DECIDE)
uhhhh thank you for letting me ramble about anime names, let's just say MONOGRAMMED SWEATERS FOR EVERYONE
#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 4 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 4 spoilers#mel is so cute but mal fits with the rest of the draconias better#eng version no you were supposed to save me not make things MORE confusing#anyway raverne huh#that uh. that sure feels like it's supposed to evoke raven doesn't it.#what does it mean WHAT DOES IT MEAN#hold on i'm going to flail around embarrassingly about anime character theories now#(okay first a disclaimer: i do think we need to sit down as a fandom at some point)#(and have a discussion about exactly what is actual canon versus meta speculation versus jokes)#(because i think there has been. some confusion. over that re:crowley and raverne specifically)#(but i do feel justified in being like THEY ARE PROBABLY CONNECTED SOMEHOW RIGHT?! right now)#like i really don't think it's as simple as crowley being raverne but with memory loss or something#(and if they pull that on us i'm going to need an EXTREMELY good explanation to go with it to justify that)#they've gone out of their way several times now to make a point about them acting and sounding different and it feels very intentional to m#(and once again: i super 100% absolutely do not believe that lilia wouldn't recognize him with the top half of his face covered)#i just think the contradictions are a lot stronger than the connections right now but there ARE some connections and i'm 👀ing at them#to be fair the connections are mostly meta like crowley being diablo/raverne being evocative of raven#also the general 'raverne mysteriously disappeared and apparently had distinctive eyes' thing#versus 'crowley's past is unknown and he never shows his eyes'#(i will argue that crowley DOES seem to have some kind of canon connection to briar valley)#(since he is clearly some sort of fae and the masks are a briar valley thing)#and that is kinda it right now isn't it#okay hold on i had to delete some tags because i used too many (thanks tumblr for letting me know and not just vanishing them OH WAIT)#so tl;dr: i'm in the 'crowley is connected to raverne somehow but it's more complicated than just him being in disguise' camp personally#but that will probably change as we get more info and also don't take this as an anti-speculation thing because i love theories HOORAY
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Popping in with astronomy interest here bc it feels relevant to the topic and I see a lot of inaccuracies in this fandom...
As much as I loveee north star imagery and still frequently use it in my art there would not be a north star from the island and certainly not a north star visible from south of the island (aka in Vaugarde)! If you want to give the planet a bright star near its south celestial pole (which Earth currently does not have) you can do that but it would ofc be in the opposite direction and not very useful for doing fun imagery with a forgotten guiding star leading the way to an island that is no longer there.
Just south of the equator, the stars would move through the sky like this over the course of the night if you're facing north (I just scribbled with a star scatter brush so these are random but just to give a picture). Note that the north celestial pole--the point in the sky directly above Earth's axis to the north, around which all the stars in the sky appear to rotate--is below the horizon! Directly at the equator, the north celestial pole would be on the horizon (and so would the south pole, exactly opposite it). Over the course of the year, constellations you can see in a given night slowly shift due to the position of the earth relative to the sun. Again this is a really rough diagram so don't worry abt the scales of the constellations or relative sizes of anything.
When the planet is at position A (winter in the southern hemisphere), constellation 1 will be high at midnight. But by the time it gets to position C (summer), the sun is between the planet and contsellation 1--the constellation is at its highest at noon, when it obviously isn't even visible! However, at the same time, constellation 4 will now be visible, when it wasn't during the winter. The same goes for the other constellations--the constellations visible at each time of year are those on the opposite half of the sky from the sun at that place in its orbit.
Ok bear with me because this part is kinda hard to describe without a bunch of diagrams and I'm tired of making those. The constellations i drew here are intended to be placed so that the sun will "pass through" each constellation over the course of the year--during the time when the constellations aren't visible, the sun will be directly in front of that area of the sky. This apparent path of the sun through the sky is called the ecliptic and the constellations that lie along the path are the zodiac constellations!!! And I really like the idea of using zodiac constellation stuff with the island. They don't even have to be the same constellations/signs we have obviously. (also zodiac signs are assigned based on which constellation the sun is in during a given month so your zodiac constellation is NOT visible during the month you were born. theyve also shifted by like a month since they were assigned due to axial precession but whatever)
However!!! The island DOES seem to have sailing as a pretty important part of its culture (being an island implies that, for one thing; also, Siffrin knowing how to take out the boat on his own at probably a fairly young age) so if the planet does have a star at its north celestial pole, you can absolutely still give them references to the idea of a north star. (Or a south star, but north star imagery would resonate more closely with viewers lol since we actually have one of those at the moment on earth)
Um. ramble over. i just see a lot of astronomy stuff thrown around this fandom and its a big special interest of mine so i hope this helps :3 also if you wanna give ur isat fics real world constellations... https://stellarium-web.org/ is a great tool for visualizing the movement of the stars throughout the night and year and you can set your location to be somewhere just south of the equator and check out what you can see!!!
sorry if anything in here is inaccurate or badly explained i tried to make it accurate but this stuff is easy to get mixed up and im tireddd
Hey I did some speculation on the forgotten island’s geography..!!!! If you want you can use this for writing purposes perhaps. I dunno
Things that have been confirmed in game or otherwise:
island is north of Vaugarde. We can see in the map that most mentioned countries are very close to the equator, but the island is the closest.

ANDDDD the country is really hot during the day and cold at night.
(Also the island is inspired by guadeloupe but I won’t be pulling anything from there)
Equator: the island is going to be hot, of course. It’s… honestly a toss up as to how humid the island would be. winds would also have an impact on this. It just depends. Lush, humid island, or dusty, dry island. You can pick your favorite! I like a very pretty green island…
All noted countries in the game (aside from ka bue) are close enough to the equator to be impacted by the tropical rain belt! (Which… isat planet *should* have? It would be strange if it didn’t.) Since the country is south of the equator, from October to March they would have a wet season, and a dry season for the rest of the year.
Mountains: depending on how big and tall the mountains are, there may or may not be a rain shadow? I think winds also have an impact on this… I like to imagine the islands mountains as very very tall! “Closer” to the stars, if you will. Anyways, there could be a desert or shrub-land or something like that on part of the island. Do what you want with this.
Flora and fauna: because of island syndrome (island species are smaller) we can guess that if the island has any species native to the island, they’re somewhat smaller to their mainland counterparts. I also don’t think the island would have large native predators. Islands can cook up some strange things! Might have some interesting kinds of plants and animals…
Black sands: two possibilities… actually three?
1. Placer deposit. Placer deposits are collections of (valuable) minerals from a specific source rock. You know those streaks of black sand you might find at the beach? Those are placers. You CAN have a beach that is entirely placers!
2. Volcanoes! Basalt, self explanatory. This is popular, especially since it can tie into the mountains, but… I’m not a fan. I’m REALLY not a fan! See, these kinds of black sand beaches are usually short lived. Hawai’i keeps their black sand beaches by making it illegal to remove the sand. If you want your island to have black sands from lava, you could say they have frequent eruptions, or nobody can take the sand, orr the currents replenish the black sands back.
3. Wish did it.
I lean towards placers because that’s the easiest answer to me.
Culture and economy: oh man there could be a lot of money in selling off the theoretical island native plants and animals. Not saying that’s good or bad… but there’d be money in it!
In tropical mountainous regions it’s more common for people to live in higher regions, BUT I think being so close to so many other countries would make it more profitable for some to live on the lower coast, where ships are going to be coming in and out.
There’s going to be more money rolling around on the coast, would probably be more urban to suit all the people coming in and out. All the people coming by also means that they’re going to be bringing over different beliefs, practices, etc etc. They’d be more accepting, and open to new things. If Siffrin was living on the coast, they would be a city kid!
Meanwhile those who stick to the higher ground would have more rural communities. Could possibly even be more faithful to the Universe belief? Closer to the stars, and farther away from all the foreigners on the coast, they’re going to have less exposure to different cultures and beliefs. They may be more stiff in their beliefs, and possibly more faithful. At least, in their eyes maybe?
The darkness of the sands, the sea, the sky….. seeing the moon and stars reflected in the water….. you get it you understand. I think living in this specific area didn’t necessarily CAUSE the universe belief, but I do think it made them more pre-disposed to possibly having a connection to the stars and sky.
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Steve’s known to be very good at charming girls.
He’s used to making them blush and giggle at his sweet words. Used to them giving him the bedroom eyes as their delicate hands slowly moved up his arm, squeezing the muscle there while begging for him to take them to his room and fuck them.
He never left them unsatisfied.
So, it wasn’t any different when he used the same technique on Eddie.
They had been sitting on his couch, a movie playing in the background when Steve had finally made the first move after months of them tiptoeing around each other and their feelings.
He’d made the older boy laugh at his dumb jokes before he had scooted closer, slowly moving his arm to rest on the back of the couch, very close to the Eddie’s shoulder and then… he had leaned in.
And Eddie had responded so well.
He kissed Steve back with the same type of desperation, arms finding their way around Steve’s waist and Steve felt like he was buzzing with excitement as he deepened the kiss, softly caressing the back of Eddie’s neck.
”Let’s go upstairs,” He had said, voice deep and low and it had made Eddie moan.
When they got to his room, Steve was all but ready to push Eddie to his bed and make him stay there looking all pretty while Steve did all the work.
But instead, he felt Eddie pushing him towards the bed and soon he was the one laying there, big brown eyes looking up as Eddie came to lay between his spread legs with a wide grin. He grinded down on him, making their clothed dicks brush against each other and Steve let out a soft moan out of surprise.
It was a total switch up from the nervous Eddie from earlier and it had made Steve feel many, many things as the older boy started to kiss his neck.
Steve had to bite back a moan when he had licked his pulse, but Eddie wasn’t having any of that, apparently.
”C’mon, let me hear the real you, sweetheart.”
Steve hadn’t known what he had meant by that. Wasn’t this the real him?
When he has had sex before, he’d always focus on his partner and their pleasure over his as he’d try to make them as loud as possible when they cum. That’s what he does and what he loves.
But once Eddie was cock deep inside Steve’s tight heat, holding onto him and praising him of being such a good boy and the most gorgeous creature he’s ever laid his eyes on, Steve couldn’t help the way he whined.
Couldn’t help how he moaned with every thrust his lover was giving him. How he begged for more as he held onto Eddie’s shoulders and cried when Eddie answered to his pleas and fucked him harder.
How he came untouched for the very first time.
After that, when they were laying in his bed, both sweaty and panting from the sex, Steve realized he’d been so so wrong about himself and the sex he loved.
It made him a little irritated how much he had held back his own pleasure.
So, it hadn’t taken long until he was already up for a second round, riding Eddie with earnestness as he took control of the pace this time, listening to his own body and the things it liked. The things it needed.
Which was the way Eddie’s dick felt inside him. How full it made him feel and how it always hit that spot inside him that made his whole body tingle.
Steve was never coming back from this.
#Oh Steve the people pleaser that you are#Steve is a charming dude and he’d definitely get Eddie all hot and bothered but he’s in for a surprise when Eddie’s the one to take control#And NOT him like he’s used to being#And he really really loves it#Good for him#❤️#steddie#I got you in the first half#You will never see me writing top Steve LOL#steve harrington#eddie munson#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#steddie fandom#my writing#ficlet#text#headcanon
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Hello good sir, I am sure you have well intentions! :)

I wanted to do some lighting practice for fun and now I have this sly devil. I'm pretty proud of how he turned out and how fast I was able to make this! :3
Welp. Now I kinda wanna turn him into a character. we'll see if I ever do, hehe :P
#Either being sleepy gives me power#Or i just have really lucky days#bud-dum-tissss#but also fr though#how did this only take an hour and a half#Did I figure out the method???#the method probably involves doing close ups-#But yea take this dangerous individual#*Throws him at you*#Don't worry he seems pretty happy about it#probably will play with your hair or pinch your cheeks before getting bored#just wait him out you're fineee#Okie bed time yippieeee#LD Queue#dca fandom#dca community#fnaf dca#daycare attendant#dca fnaf#dca au#dca oc?#Either a variant of#fnaf sun#or#fnaf eclipse#I have someee ideas#I'm sure good ol sleep will help mimimimi#Also doing hw before doing anything more yeah that's also probably a good idea-#dca art#my art
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After a conversation with a friend about this weird trend of fic readers who only want epic length fics (and also what seems to be a massive misunderstanding between parties on terms and their definitions), I went searching for the fandom sources I cut my teeth on. I don't have much bookmarked from those days anymore, but googling got me to this fiction length/terminology breakdown from a Livejournal blog. (Which also has good fandom definitions for other terms like A/N and fanon too, so if you're super new to fandom, go check that out.)
The definitions come from the publishing world (hence the page counts), but fandom and fanfic has always borrowed heavily from official publishing terminology. Flash fiction (aka, anything less than 1k words) is called a 'ficlet' within fandom. We call everything else a fic until it reaches the novella mark -- which may start at 20k words but as synecdochic breaks down on their Dreamwidth blog, there's a lot of overlap between short stories and novella word counts. Because, when you're not constrained by physical page counts, the real dividing line between short stories and novellas are the number of plots and themes you're using. (Seriously, go read their meta on this topic. It's fantastic!) Either way, once you're hitting tens of thousands of words, you're in longfic territory. And then if your fic is even longer than that -- 100k+ like shown in the screenshot above -- it's called an epic fic.
And these terms, longfic and epic, are important because they're used to differentiate these stories from the average fic. Because, at least in the 2000s up until the 2020s, the most common fic lengths you ran into were between 1k-20k words. "Fic" made the reader assume only a few thousand words at most. It's only when you changed the term to drabble or ficlet or longfic that they would realize 'oh this is going to be shorter or longer than normal'.
I don't really understand why that baseline assumption has changed amongst the newer demographics (and maybe amongst some long-running fandom members too?). I've seen a lot of theories and 'tiktokification' complaints, but I honestly don't know what's true. And I don't want to start a fight or even try to change anyone's minds if they are dead set against reading short story length fics. You can do what you want!
Just maybe shift your attitude about it a little bit? Remember that it's a personal preference the same way tropes are, and that one story length isn't better than another. Just like tropes, each story length serves its purpose. Some stories are best told in 1-2k words. Some are best told as 100 word drabbles -- or even a single sentence! And then, yes, some stories do need to be 100k+ in order to be told properly.
But that's not every story. And it shouldn't be expected of fic writers to pad a 1500 word plot into some sprawling epic just because they left it on a cliffhanger. The cliffhanger is probably the point of that fic! Short stories are an entirely separate art form to novels and as such are able to cover different topics than novels can or cover the same topics differently. And that's what makes them special!!
And look at that word count breakdown by genre! That's mainstream publishing standards! Now, go back up there to the definition of a novel and notice that the average published novel is 80k words long.
Let me repeat that:
The average length of a published novel is 80,000 words long.
Could a novel go longer? Sure! And if you're dipping into adult sci-fi or fantasy, absolutely it will be longer! But does your fic need to be longer than the average novel in order to be good? In order for you to feel satisfied when you finish reading it? Why does the length of the fic matter more to you than the content?
idk just some rambling food for thought, but I guess too long, don't read:
~✨~ Every story length is valid ~✨~
It just depends on the plot you have and the structure you want to use to tell it.
#fandom history#writing#fanfiction#my meta#I mean my god people Big Bang challenges traditionally required 50k because it was a CHALLENGE#and most people didn't even try to attempt them and only like half the people who signed up actually completed their fics on time#BECAUSE 50K WORDS IS A FUCK TON OF WORDS!!!#And do you know what Big Bang challenges did in order to survive all these years? THEY LOWERED THE WORD COUNT REQUIREMENTS!#The femslash challenge I just signed up for only requires 10k even though they're still giving us months to finish it#And there are people out there pooh-poohing on that effort because it's not novel length???#FANFICTION HAS NEVER BEEN NOVEL LENGTH#Those were always the exceptions! Never ever the rules!#I just don't get it#Excepting more from writers feels so disrespectful of their time and energy and skill#No one's expecting full color art with multiple subjects and detailed backgrounds from fan artists every week!#(Or I don't know maybe they are which would really suck too.)#😩
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