#not really but I’ll tag it anyway just in case
mollymijh · 10 months
I’m realising that being a Stede girlie is really affecting how I interpret ofmd and there’s some opinions out there that I really just can’t get behind because I’m so focused on my little guy.
Like I saw a tweet the other day saying how mean and unfair Stede was in ep3 when he walks away from Izzy and I’m just like????
Not only does he think he had a hand in killing the love of his life but also the last time they saw each other Izzy had sold him out to the British navy and he was about to be executed. Like I think he can be a little bit of a bitch to him after that but maybe that’s just me
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cutesnowybunny12 · 7 months
Lucifer moves into the Hazbin Hotel
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven’t made an actual upload here in a long time (that’s not just reblogging other ppl’s posts) I will definitely do this again
Normally I only upload to my TikTok or yt buuut this seems like a video tumblr would like so I’ll post it here too I guess
I was randomly reminded of this video and realized this fit Lucifer perfectly so I of course had to make this immediately
Yes… in case you’re wondering he’s texting Alastor… why? It’s implied Lucifer might be moving into the hotel and be a part of the main cast next season (which I’m hoping for)
This isn’t necessarily a radioapple post but you can choose to interpret this how you wish
I personally just like to see them argue with each other cuz it’s hilarious. I hope to see more of that next season lol
Here’s the og video in case you want to see it!
That’s it hope you enjoy!
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robin-with-a-pen · 5 months
Okay I’m having ideas I need someone to stop me-
Anyways, so we all know that Chilchuck probably doesn’t have the healthiest relationship with food? Right?
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I don’t think he has an eating disorder but more so disordered eating- that hellish middle space, right? I mean “maintaining his body weight at an acceptable level” really sticks out to me
So picture this- my man retires, he doesn’t need to control his weight anymore, no worry about setting off or anything, but he realizes that the unhealthy habits he’s developed over he past ten years are harder to break than he thought
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tainebot01 · 6 months
Another Ace Attorney animatic, this time inspired by a video by @arcticflakes here!
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
“I’m mom’s favorite,” Scar says cheerfully. “You know normally she’s less obvious about it but today—”
“You know that wasn’t mom, right?” Bdubs says, crossing his arms, closing his eyes, and tapping his feet. “Mom would never kill Etho like that.”
“She really would,” Scar says.
“No, Etho’s too good at PVP. That wasn’t Cleo. An imposter!”
Scar pauses.
“Ohhhhh. I mean I knew it wasn’t Cleo,” Scar says.
“What?” Bdubs says.
“I still want to call her mommy though,” Scar says.
“SCAR,” Bdubs says loudly as Scar giggles. He decides words will no longer work at that point, and tackles him.
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forourtomorrows · 9 months
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me ? drawing ? i guess so..
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thedogofchristmaspast · 3 months
underrated dynamic i think is peter and dave’s implied rivalry. like they have History
i like to think that since peter was so strangely good at his job the company wasn’t eager to lose him and kept reusing him for many different locations even if multiple closed down. and those locations ended up with dave at them a LOT. we know that dave filled One of them with hot cheese. and peter is at least aware of dave’s crucifixion. and dave knows him well enough by the time he’s building the fazbunker that he knows about his fear of clowns and red-haired girls (dee……). dave hated Him in particular
i think not enough is done with this it could be Such a fun dynamic they HATE each other. Worsties you could say. opposites subtract
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zorosdimples · 9 months
Kae Kae Kae I think the thing about Zhongli is that he's so endlessly patient. He's not hotheaded, he won't snap if you make a mistake. He's watched empires rise and fall, he's more than willing to take the time to train you to his satisfaction.
It's not too different from training a dog. Clear expectations and a firm hand is all it should take really. Introduce a behavior or expectation, repeat and reward until you've learned it. If you start to show regression (if the tea is lukewarm, or the wine spills as you're pouring, or you forget your "sir") it's back to square one.
But if you choose to act out, that's another thing. Defiance is not something that's going to be tolerated. Much like a puppy that jumps or nips, swift corrective action is needed to correct that behavior. If you want to bite, you'll lose your teeth privileges.
Serving him tea with a bit in your mouth... glaring daggers at him but he just smiles...
your lifetime is a mere fraction of zhongli’s. he was an archon for 6,000 years; a measly year or two of training his new pet is nothing to him. time and wisdom have gifted him with an endless supply of patience. puppies have accidents: they pee on the rug, they gnaw the baseboards, they nip your fingers. but that’s because they don’t know better. firm correction is enough to set them straight, to remind them who’s in charge.
but once a puppy has grown and chooses to flout authority—no matter how convincing their reasoning may be—punishment is necessary. you quickly learn that no matter how slightly you bend a rule, you will face the consequences. having your mattress taken away and sleeping instead on a bed of cold, hard mora is physically painful (“a greedy thing like you will surely sleep soundly here,” zhongli mused). but nothing tops the psychological pain of losing clothing privileges, of losing walking privileges, of losing bathroom privileges.
if you want to act like an uncivilized animal, zhongli will surely treat you like one.
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nico-the-overlord · 1 year
After seeing the new sketch video like 5 times, this is all my brain can think of
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rottika · 7 months
B rug. My voice dysphoria has been getting so bad lately. I am royally Fucking Done with sounding like this. Give me that sweet, succulent testosterone right now.
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glacierbash · 7 months
Endwalker spoilers!! Thinking about Ysayleverelle!!
So I already have decided that post atiascope, iverelle gets a blue eye after basically capturing a smidge of shiva’s Aether, after she protects the party from Amon. But. What if I let her and Ysayle talk one final time. And it’s not some beautiful closure, but it’s iverelle pissed off and railing against the world, crying about how it just isn’t fair, and Ysayle just softly agree. This, “I don’t care about the next life, I deserved you in this one, a chance with you is the one thing I wanted and it’s not right that after EVERYTHING I have gone through, I couldn’t have even gotten that.”
And maybe Ysayle tries to mention the other shards, how they existed thirteen and one times over, how there’s still five, six other worlds where their souls might’ve met, and Iverelle just gets angrier, because she doesn’t CARE about the other shards, she doesn’t care about the other fragments of Azem and whoever Ysayle once was, SHE is the only iverelle that’ll ever live and it’s not fair that SHE had her first, and perhaps true, love taken from her.
It’s this absolutely selfish meltdown, where Iverelle just finally talks about what she wanted, and it was just to be happy with the woman who changed her for the better, the woman who told her, “you are more than just a weapon, a tool to be used, you’re a person,” when Iverelle needed to hear it most. She’s grieving the loss of a future, and the death of who she might’ve been. She’s angry about emet-selch and his light-Aether schemes changing her, she’s angry about azem not helping Hermes, she’s angry about Venat not being able to avert the final days, she’s angry about how so much of her life was dictated by people she’ll never meet, because of a soul she didn’t ask for, and how the one time she wanted something for herself it was doomed from the start.
There’s nothing Ysayle can say to that, of course, so she just holds her face, as Iverelle starts to cry. The scions are calling Iverelle on, but she’s just. Breaking. And the eye changing is less Iverelle catching a piece of shiva, but rather Ysayle offering a tiny piece of herself. There are no more words spoken, before Ysayle is gone—and that’s it. Iverelle spends her last goodbye angry, and missed her chance. But Ysayle doesn’t blame her; iverelle is just left blaming herself.
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“Those photos go hard”
No they don’t??? I’ve already ranted to the people in my life about this but all I’m gonna say is that they literally remind me of this:
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That’s all I’m going to say right now, though I do have a lot of thoughts about not only real world politics but also comparing them to The Hunger Games (which is what I literally, hypocritically just did…which is why I mentioned it)
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autism-disco · 1 year
i can’t believe for a brief amount of time when i didn’t like requiems holy shit they’re so good??? i mean some movements can be boring but like if you listen to dies irae from mozart and don’t somewhat explode i do not understand you, also verdi’s dies irae it’s really the fucking song ever
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bearlytolerant · 1 year
Detective when they face Sin:
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theflannelwizard · 2 years
i hope it changes soon. i hope the good parts stay and the bad parts become memory.
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nofacednerd · 2 years
Any thoughts on how Hughie's mother will factor into Season 4? I 'm guessing she's either working for Vought (or worked for them in the past) or for Neuman? It's probably present day since her and Simon Pegg are close to the same age.
I was thinking that if she shows up in present-day, it would be interesting conflict if she worked for the presidential campaign that Neuman is running in?
(Mostly because I feel like if she already worked for Vought, we would have already maybe known about it? Like if your son is causing issues for the company you work for, I feel like you’d get fired LMAO)
It would make for both a good internal conflict for her because she’d be against her son like “oh I don’t want to fight you but I can’t go against my boss :(“ and then just cut to Hughie who’s just sitting there fucking fuming like “that’s nice mom :))” agshdgsh
Alternatively, it’s such a fanfic-y concept, but it would be a wild plot twist if she turned out to be a supe or something
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