caniswim · 1 year
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caniswim · 1 year
I know a lot of folks don't understand the danger but a Black woman and a Trans woman becoming unhoused is a death sentence especially with multiple illnesses. A death sentence. In the deep south. 100 degree heat advisories and highest crime rate in the country. A death sentence.
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caniswim · 1 year
We NEED to reevaluate how we view people with "red flags" that don't actually indicate harm to anyone. Things like "doesn't like animals," "doesn't have pets," "my pets immediately distrust them, so that means they're Secretly Evil."
I have a psychotic disorder. I suffer from flat affect. I have zero control over how I am emoting, and very often my emotional readout is completely blank. A LOT of animals (dogs especially) have exhibited aggression and fear around me ever since this started. (There are only TWO dogs I've met in the last five years that didn't BITE ME.) Dogs are unsettled by me because of a symptom of my psychosis--a condition that is out of my control that IS NOT DANGEROUS and doesn't harm anyone.
I also have a severe autoimmune disease and severe allergies to basically all animals. Whenever I tell people I can't come over because they have pets, or I don't have/want pets of my own, the IMMEDIATE response I always get is "why don't you like animals?" So I'm always pretty pissed off when I have to say, "I'm severely allergic. Don't fucking assume I have an undesireable quality just because I'm not a pet owner."
Another ableist red flag we need to talk about is "has no other friends/all their friends break up with them." Hi. I'm physically disabled with a digestive disease and a degenerative disease in my spine. That means my dietary restrictions are stupid and I can't sit/stand/walk for more than 15 minutes without being in pain. Most of the friends I break up with, I do so BECAUSE THEY ARE INCREDIBLY ABLEIST TO ME with no visible potential of changing. From people relentlessly harrassing me about lifestyle changes to not accepting correction or feedback when I tell them "hey, you CAN'T do x because it triggers y condition." If they argue or blow me off, I'm not their fucking friend!
Tl;dr: Disabled, chronically ill, and people with "scary" mental illnesses are often lumped in with "bad people" for characteristics that hurt no one and aren't in their control. Stop using "my dog is uncomfortable around them" as a litmus test for everyone you hang out with.
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caniswim · 1 year
Help save my life (2nd post)
Hi,,it’s Jay again. I’m deemed terminally ill by my doctors here. I’m in my 20s, with chronic kidney disease, and can’t face the fact that I’m dying just yet because I got ahold of one of Canada’s most renowned nephrologists and she said she’d be willing to take on my case. I just need to be able to get there and pay for accommodations. Your help would mean the world.
We are trying to raise $6000 overall, which is the cost of the trip, accommodation, food, etc.
PLEASE SHARE. I need support. We are using my friends PayPal and will update what we got frequently. We already got $500 raised.
**Make sure to send funds as a ‘friends/family’ transaction so my friends account isn’t flagged as selling stuff like a business**
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caniswim · 1 year
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only at the introduction of ‘queer palestine and the empire of critique’ by sa’ed atshan and i will simply cry now
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caniswim · 1 year
So things are a lot worse than I thought
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I've been poor as fuck lately thanks to numerous factors, the primary one being that my old job sold us all out to a venture capital firm that announced the closure of the factory as SOON as we filed with the labor board for a union election. We all got laid off at the beginning of May. I started a new job recently, but my first paycheck won't come until two weeks from now, and even then it's not gonna be big since I had to delay starting work. My roommate was out of town for longer than planned due to a shooting (he wasn't hurt, thank god), and I had to take two days off to continue taking care of his pets and doing chores.
A few months ago I had to pay my rent with a credit card, now even that backup option is closed off to me.
I'm a broke af black transfem, I just spent my last $20 on bus fare so I can even GET to work and back. All I have is the $92 in savings, and I can't even spend it because overdraft fees will immediately swallow it up. I know everyone is going through it, but I feel like I'm going to vomit. I'm currently picking through my things to find what will be the best to sell, but if anyone can donate ANY amount of money I would be so so so thankful. I could even write you a little song if you'd like. I don't have enough money to even pay for immediate needs, let alone rent in a few weeks.
Just, anything you can spare. Please.
$app: $Uboathulhu
PyPl + Vnno: @ deadryn
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caniswim · 1 year
So I had to unexpectedly move recently due to splitting up with my partner that I was living with and am now living alone for the first time in my live, which means I've had to (and will continue to have to) pay for new appliances, furniture, cookware, etc. I also had the flu recently and had to get a doctor's note for work, which wound up costing almost $500 (America!)
I just got paid and it looks like I'll have enough for rent on the 1st, but just barely. That means I'll be completely broke until my next paycheck in 2 weeks, with no money for food, meds, all the home goods I still need to get, or any more surprises that come up in that time
If you're in a position to help a boi out, my ko-fi is here, my patreon is here, and paypal/venmo are available on request. Reblogs also help tremendously. I really do appreciate y'all coming through whenever I need help 💖
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caniswim · 1 year
funds for indigenous communities affected by the canada wildefires
grassy meadows first nations (ontario) needs funds for an escape route
odawa first nations (quebec-ontario) is raising funds for evacuees
algonquins of barriere (mitchikanibikok inik in alberta) lake mutual aid request 
you can drop donations for the odawa first nations at 815 st laurent blvd in ottawa
you can drop off food donations for mitchikanibikok inik at the ramada plaza in gatineau; you can also email info/@/health.rapidlake.com with mutual aid donations. please note that the maniwaki native friendship center is now closed to donations
if you’re directly affected, the pueblo action alliance has developed a guide for DIY filtration for the smoke
i’ll update this as i find more fundraising initiatives and please free to share your own. reblogs with anything than sharing resources/mutual aid requests/fundraising opportunities get blocked. 
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caniswim · 4 years
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (2020) *UPDATED* -- 7/10 The sea creatures you can dive for really makes the swimming in this game feel fun and like an important part of the game. The swimming is kind of limited, but jumping into the sea is very satisfying.
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[image description: Four screenshots from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The first shows Isabelle, a yellow dog, smiling and sitting at a desk as she gives an announcement. The announcement reads "As you were previously notified, the ocean surrounding our island has been deemed safe for swimming!"
The second screenshot shows a pale, blond person jumping off a wooden pier into the ocean. Most of his face and body are obscured by the splashing water.
In the third, the same person is swimming in the ocean. He is wearing a black and white striped wetsuit and a black snorkel. A column of bubbles rises from the ocean in front of him.
In the last screenshot, the person is swimming below the surface of the ocean. The ocean floor consists of large rocks. /end id]
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caniswim · 4 years
[image description: Four screenshots from the game Celeste. In the first, the player is in a dark room with a large window on the back wall. The window has a hole in it. The floor is covered in water and Madeline, a woman with long red hair, is submerged between a pile of purple towels and a pile of blue and green books. A stream of water flows from the ceiling into the pool at the floor. To the top left are more towels hanging from the ceiling, and some brown boxes float in front of the window. There is another room visible to the right and a vent with steam coming out of it on the wall between the two rooms.
The second shows a dark, open area with a grainy filter over it. A round monster with a large mouth and tentacles on its back swims through the air. Scattered around the area are black platforms with green near the edges. Thin red webs connect the different platforms.
In the third, Madeline is in the middle of a large area submerged in water. There is a stream of water above her and a large waterfall to her right. The submerged area leads off to the bottom right, underneath a grassy area that is at the surface. There is another grassy area below Madeline that is part of an underwater mountain. Above the water are green, broken geometric shapes floating in front of an orange and pink background.
In the fourth, Madeline swims behind a waterfall that comes from the top of the screen. The water she is in is shallow and there is another puddle of water to the right, leading to another area offscreen. The background is orange with large pink crystals floating in it. Green geometric shapes and green crystals float in front of those.
Celeste (2018) – 5/10 Not a lot of swimming in this game, but it gets points both for having water areas in a few different levels and for having sort-of swimming in the mirror temple when you’re the monster. The lack of breath meter is nice, you can just chill underwater!
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caniswim · 4 years
Celeste (2018) -- 5/10 Not a lot of swimming in this game, but it gets points both for having water areas in a few different levels and for having sort-of swimming in the mirror temple when you're the monster. The lack of breath meter is nice, you can just chill underwater!
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caniswim · 4 years
[image description:  Four screenshots of a Minecraft world. In the first, the player is in a blue ocean and there is a snowy forest visible on an island. In the water there is a small school of fish and the game subtitles say "Splashing." It is daytime in the game and the sky is filled with white clouds.
In the second, the player is underwater in a blue ocean. Tall kelp comes up from the bottom and a small school of fish is swimming above it. The in-game subtitles read "Block broken" and "Swimming."
In the third, the player is underwater and is viewed in third-person from behind. They are swimming through a blue ocean. The ocean floor comes up in a hill on the right, and on the left there is a kelp forest. The in-game subtitles read "Water flows," "Bat takes off," and "Swimming."
In the fourth, the player is viewed in third person from the front and they are swimming at the surface of an ocean with their arms out to the sides. Behind them, a shoreline is visible with a snowy forest on the left half and a snowy beach on the right half. The in-game subtitles read "Bat takes off" and "Swimming."
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Minecraft (2011) – 8/10 There’s lots of water to swim in and while the breath mechanic means you can’t swim infinitely, it’s also more realistic. Since 1.13, swimming is has its own model/animation and you can swim faster. Also, water-related enchantments! Good swimming.
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caniswim · 4 years
[image description: Four screenshots from the game A Short Hike. In the first, Claire, a black bird with a red shirt, swims in the ocean. To the left is a part of an island, with rocky cliffs and a small sandy area with a tree on it. Claire is swimming through light blue water and leaving a trail of circles behind her. To her right, the water is darker.
In the second, Claire swims in a pond surrounded by green grass and trees while it rains. There is a large willow tree in the middle of the pond, and a brown path near it. Claire is next to a lily pad with a flower on it in the pond.
In the third, Claire swims in a light blue pond surrounded by snow and trees. Steam comes off the pond and a brown path leads through the snow next to the pond. There are eight golden feathers in the bottom left corner showing how many the player has collected in the game.
In the fourth, Claire swims in another light blue pond surrounded by snow. The lighting is dimmer as if it were late evening. Off the side of the mountain she is on, the sky is pink and purple and filled with clouds. A path winds around the pond she is in, which has tall tendrils of steam coming out of it. In the bottom left corner there are now thirteen feathers.
A Short Hike (2019) -- 10/10 Boot up this game, bam, you can walk straight into the ocean. There are so many places to swim and they all look, feel, and sound like places you would extremely want to swim. The pinnacle of swimming mechanics.
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caniswim · 4 years
[image description: Two screenshots from Animal Crossing: New Horizons showing a pale, blond boy wearing sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt and standing on a beach next to the ocean. There is a lighthouse in the background and a shell next to his feet. In the first image, he is frowning with a heart over his head. In the second, he is bent forward and the heart over his head is broken in half. /end id]
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (2020) -- 0*/10. No swimming. You can only look longingly at the sea. However, it's rumored that swimming will be added in a future update, so this rating is subject to change.
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caniswim · 4 years
[image description: Four screenshots from the video game Portal. In the first, Chell is looking out of the doors of an elevator into a white hallway. She is holding the portal gun, which is partly visible from the bottom of the screen. The in-game subtitles show that GLaDOS is saying, “Do not look directly at the operational end of The Device. Do not submerge The Device in liquid, even partially.”
In the second, Chell is looking at an illuminated panel on another white wall. The panel has several icons on it, some of which are illuminated to show that they are hazards present in this puzzle. The icons that are illuminated are a stick figure being hit with a moving sphere, a moving sphere traveling towards the ground, a stick figure mostly submerged in water with squiggly lines coming off of them, and a stick figure leaning over something with a “no” symbol over it. The in-game subtitles show that GLaDOS is saying, “Please note that we have added a consequence for failure. Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an ‘unsatisfactory’ mark on your official testing record followed by death. Good luck!”
In the third, Chell is looking down at the floor, which is covered in a brown, green, red, and yellow liquid. The walls are the same white panels and there is a futuristic platform near the far wall.
In the fourth, the floor is visible. The floor is made of black square tiles. Above the floor is a greenish, brownish, grayish color. The portal gun is no longer visible.
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Portal (2007) –  1/10. You are actively discouraged from swimming in this game. However, you are not unable to swim. This game gets one point, because you can swim, but only once.
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caniswim · 4 years
Minecraft (2011) -- 8/10 There's lots of water to swim in and while the breath mechanic means you can't swim infinitely, it's also more realistic. Since 1.13, swimming is has its own model/animation and you can swim faster. Also, water-related enchantments! Good swimming.
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caniswim · 4 years
I realized I can do alt text on twitter and image descriptions here (not sure how to actually make them as alt text here but I do know how to put image descriptions in the post body) so going forward all ratings will have image descriptions and I'll add them to the ones that are already up!
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