#twc b3 spoiler
bearlytolerant · 1 year
Detective when they face Sin:
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artsyaprilmr · 1 year
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POV: you are seconds away from confessing
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aprilmr · 1 year
Hey guys do you think Rebecca straight up lied about Rook's death and her knowledge of it because she was the one who actually sent him on this suicide mission, and she desperately tries to forget and remove herself from these memories by voluntary choosing not to know the details of it? Hm??
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endlesswoods · 1 year
The problem I have with "it's a romance book, enjoy the romance and ignore the plot" is that it's not how it works?
If an author sets an event in motion and doesn't deliver, it's on them. It doesn't matter what genre they're writing.
We know that plot is the weakest part of TWC, we've known that since book one. But with B1 and B2, the author managed to do a better job at conducting the plot because the stakes were slightly higher.
If B3 was supposed to be just an interlude before the rogue supernaturals saga starts in B4, then why were we getting children being kidnapped and the whole Sin and auction storyline?
Why not make a plot that revolves around the detective and the RO getting to know each other and use that as a conflict instead? A human x vampire relationship has so much potential.. Explore the detective training and discovering more about the agency, explore them and Rebecca having to confront their relationship. Literally anything would have worked better in this case.
Either create high stakes situations and develop them properly, or go another route.
I hope M*shka gets a good developmental editor, and that she'll run the whole series through them so that this type of thing doesn't happen again.
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dumortains · 1 year
some of my b3 predictions
A kiss followed by them avoiding the detective
i love you from F
M asks the detective to stay the night / sleeps in the detectives room
towards the end of the book lt!N will finally admit to themselves that A seems to have feelings for the detective
they'll have the detective give blood but will try to change out the bags without anyone noticing
bobby will get sooo suspicious that the detective seems uneasy about donating blood (might even try to like steal the blood/get a sample if enough suspicion points)
N and F will be upset about the detective looking into their past while M won't care and A will be more upset at themselves for opening up and hence encouraging them to do that in the first place / think it's wise the detective wants to know who they're working with
A will break something personal/important to the detective
all spicy f/f scenes will have scissoring
the dates will be N - billiard, F - movie, A - car, M - antique store
tina will get a drunk at the dinner and spill all our business to the li
douglas will mess up at the blood drive (maybe trip while carrying blood bags or smth) and the mayor will go off on him but we'll get to step in
the captain hints at knowing about the supernatural / the agency
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ambrosykim · 1 year
i also want to point out that you're literally punished by the narrative if you don't accept rebecca's help???
from what i get from the game is if you have rebecca go with you to the auction, then you get the chance to go inside and actually try to execute your plan BUT if you outright refuse her help you won't even make it to the auction itself? (based on routes, either bobby or douglas shows up)
also sidenote: i get that there's no real stakes in any case, bc so far it's been very clear that books always end on a positive note, plus our detective can't even die (sera said she's not gonna kill the mc), and each branch, with or without rebecca, will always have the same end result anyway, with the bad guys being taken down and everyone happy and together so ultimately it shouldn't matter
HOWEVER. still, the fact that the whole plan is sidetracked by bobby/douglas showing up??? and it has nothing to do with rebecca either! it's not like she could've thwarted them without revealing herself so? it's literally just the variable is coded that way, which i assume could've been done differently! maybe how much bobby suspects or douglas is hardened?
but no, those detectives who don't want rebecca's help (i.e. likely don't have a positive relationship with rebecca) are instantly just thrown into a cell and end up getting sold at the auction? i wonder if sera wants us to forgive rebecca or sg🤔
tl;dr: so the ways it can go: you accept or refuse her help - if you accept, you get inside the auction where it's basically up to you to mess it up or not (but no real stakes either) - if you refuse, bobby/douglas shows up and gets you both taken by the trappers, messing up your plan and leaving you locked up and literally sold at the auction
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magesmiths · 1 year
so anyone got any theories ab why the antagonist at the end places a knight chess piece on rook's grave?
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crowsintheisland · 1 year
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flaine1996 · 1 year
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Wayhaven has decided to once more to filter through my brain so here have my detective <3 I even have more drawings of her throughout book 3 in no particular order. 
Credit to template here: https://www.tumblr.com/denerims-archive/617857834624991232/wayhaven-detective-template-i-caved-and-made-my?source=share
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Getting attacked by Sin (left), Training (middle), Blood drive (right)
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Want to add this because her tattoos are hot and because this is what A sees when she gets soaked with water during the *bathroom incident*.
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Lastly the dress she wore during the auction <3.
Thank you for viewing! I love my girl so much and decided to share her with you <3
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badboypoirot · 1 year
Rear View Mirror
> Book 3 Spoilers <
Fandom: The Wayhaven Chronicles
Relationships: F!Bobby / M!Detective; Ava / M!Detective
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, I guess? If the Comfort is a bad idea?
Word Count: 531
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When the Detective has his heart broken, he finds a distraction in a certain journalist.
Author’s Note: This takes place after Book 3 on the Ava and Bobby routes, so beware spoilers.
I love the idea of Bobby becoming a confidant — and something more — for the Detective even though it’s a terrible idea. This is how I imagine it starts.
Read on AO3
If you asked Detective Lucas Langford why he was making daily drives to the Facility to visit a certain journalist, he would answer earnestly.
Not too long ago he had been in her position: stuck in bed, reeling from the revelations of the supernatural and trying not to implode. Yes, he and Bobby hadn't been on the best of terms. But this he had experience in. He could help.
And this was all true.
But it wasn't entirely honest.
No, the real reason sat heavily on his heart. It was in the rear view mirror as he drove down the forested path away from the warehouse. It was the confusing mix of relief and disappointment when he would round the corner and a certain commanding agent wasn't there. It was Farah's gentle hand on his shoulder one night as he sobbed in his bedroom.
It was the emerald green eyes that he saw every time he closed his own.
It was the kiss that he constantly relived in his mind.
It was the supernova in his chest that exploded into a black hole when Ava finally said what he yearned to hear and how it could not be.
And that's how Lucas found himself in Facility every day, sitting beside Bobby Marks as she recovered.
First, it was just a distraction, a sorely needed escape. He didn't relish playing both counselor and orientation guide for his ex-girlfriend. But it was a good enough excuse and less pathetic than moping at the station. He could return to the warehouse hours later, confident that he wouldn't run into Ava.
Over the next days, their talks shifted. They had graduated from "Do vampires drink blood?" to Lucas's own work. And it was like the script had flipped: Bobby listened, patiently and without a hint of smugness, as Lucas recounted what an utter rollercoaster the past months had been. Despite spending hours with Unit Bravo and seeing a new side of Rebecca, he confessed one day, the role of Liaison had been incredibly lonely. It was then that Lucas felt a warm hand on his. He looked at Bobby, confused first at the motion and then at her intense gaze, as she said, "You don't have to feel alone anymore."
And for the first time in all the years they had known each other, he felt that he could truly see her.
Soon, his visits to the Facility weren't just escapes. During each drive, he reviewed their conversations from the day before, thought up new topics for them to talk about. Memories from their time together in college began to resurface -– not in the familiarly bitter way but fondly instead. Sometimes, alone in the car or in his room, he thought of her and simply smiled.
Finally, Bobby was released. Lucas drove her home, of course. The drive to Wayhaven, boring at best, felt like it took no time at all as conversation flowed easily between them, punctuated with laughter and the occasional teasing.
He pulled up to her apartment building and watched her walk away -– until she turned back and leaned towards him through the rolled down window.
"Would you want to come inside?"
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artsyaprilmr · 1 year
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Okay, but "you don't seem like you are interested in much of anything and especially me"?? Ouch, Detective.
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masonscig · 1 year
Writer Rant: Am I the only one who finds it kind of strange how many people are complaining about how the detective didn't have a choice but to join the agency? Like I totally get thinking its too soon (I personally expected it in book 4 at least, so I have no issue with the opinion it should have happened later in the series) but there's been multiple posts I've seen of people saying they're upset that choice was forced upon them/the 'no' option didn't work, and I'm kind of wondering what they expected? Idk I feel like there's this growing trend in the IF/COG community where people are mad that they can't go completely against the status quo of the story, but like...there's a difference between taking away choices for the protag/taking control out of the players hands and some plots just *needing* to happen in order for the story to proceed as intended, especially when they relate directly to the protag and their environment and not a mostly offscreen situation like the aftermath of whether Sanja survives/the treaty is signed in Book 2.
The detective being a full time agent is a major development and would effect most if not every agency/station related scene going forward - if saying no was a legitimate option that carried over as a major choice, Mishka would basically have to write a second version of each subsequent book to account for the differences until they finally join. Not allowing that to be an option isn't taking away the players choice because it was *never* a choice to begin with, its a set part of the plot already. I get the frustration of it maybe not being the most in character, but the author in me wants to scream that it's not on the author to adapt their story to fit each OC every time, especially when that OC is made to intentionally break what 'should' be happening. For all the legitimate criticism about book 3 that I've seen, this is the one that I genuinely Do Not Understand unless there's just a lot of folks in the fandom without experience writing longer, connective works, because they either don't recognize or respect just *how much* would have to change going forward based on that one call.
i completely get where you're coming from, i really do, but i have to disagree with some points here
i think that the reason people are upset is because mis/hka has like. stripped the agency (haha no pun intended) from the mc but it doesn't quite feel as intentional as she wanted it to be – (idk if i'm explaining correctly bc it makes sense in my head) let's say you're playing with an mc that has little to no agency points, they've fucked up majorly at every stat check (murphy got away, sanja died, falk didn't sign the treaty, falk was hostile, fucked up at the auction), and they're scared of supernaturals? in what world would that qualify the mc for an agency position?
if you're thinking "okay well, maybe it's because the agency is trying to keep a close watch on the mc" – okay, well, mis/hka isn't going to flesh out the idea of the agency being evil or even explicitly morally grey. she's said herself in asks before that the agency are the "good guys" (i don't feel like looking for it lmao if you do, godspeed. there's a lot of asks to sift through) – so the choice just doesn't make sense unless she's been playing the absolute longest con and they'll be revealed to be the true antagonists in the end.
if they are, i'll record myself a jean jacket with no sauce :) xoxo
but like others have said before, mis/hka is writing this series as a utopia of sorts – the mc is a fucking cop, working for a federal agency. and they're presented as the good guys. that alone means that any weird things that they do are going to be pushed aside and blamed on an "individual" rather than the "structure" itself, if that makes sense. (an option available towards the end of book 3 depending on what route you're on is being able to erase bobby's memories if they find out about supernaturals. a cop? possibly forcibly suppressing a journalist? yeah. no thought put into that option.)
what i'm getting at is, she's stripping the choice to join the agency from the mc's who don't want it, and similarly, from what she's shown us, it's not going to amount to anything, because she doesn't seem to criticize any of the systems she's established in a larger sense outside of the mc's dialogue. so if that doesn't matter, then what are the mc's working towards? <- this is a rhetorical question, food for thought if you will LMAO
sorry this is all over the place, but to tie it all back together, i think that yes, if your oc doesn't fit the universe, i completely agree – you can't blame the author for not fulfilling every fantasy you have about the series – but similarly, i think that if mis/hka is giving us the option to make mc's who are untrustworthy of the agency, it's her job to follow through with that to some degree. and that means not just pandering to mcs that love their job, love being a cop, love supernaturals, love the agency, always pass stat checks, etc.
all of my thoughts are based on things she's said about her own story, and how i think that contradicts some ideas she may be unintentionally setting up.
but again, i totally get where ur coming from – branching stories are difficult, i just think that if you're going to offer options in a story, then choices should matter, and they feel like they don't in b3. i get that things need to happen in order for the story to progress, but some of these choices the mc is able to make feels like dead ends? like it's not going anywhere
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endlesswoods · 1 year
I can't believe that was Book 3.
I am so disappointed... The plot was so convoluted, and the "supernaturals being auctioned" part was so underwhelming. I can't believe how uninteresting that was. A cartoonish villain, a very powerful supernatural being who had no agenda and just did as they were told... So many missed opportunities to give the story more conflict and risks.
Seems like, as the series gets more complex with the amount of choices and variations that carry on from previous books, the plot is suffering so much.
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dumortains · 1 year
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ambrosykim · 1 year
to add onto your post about the rebecca/douglas/bobby thing: am i missing something? why would the chamber allow MC to decide if bobby keeps their memories or not? bobby is an opportunistic (and now traumatized) reporter who deadass in most routes SAYS they're going to be exposing the supernatural to the rest of the world asap. i understand the chamber not wanting to upset MC, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for them to not be more concerned about bobby's pull with the town??? and we also don't hear more from others about what their opinion is?? idgi
LMAO LITERALLY. i really don't like that it was basically swept under the rug with bobby saying nobody would believe them and would think they're crazy like??? okay??? it's just sooooo wild that it would literally be up to mc, who can also be bobby's ex and possibly hate their guts??? and ur right, bobby really has an important voice in town (which tbf is like,, 1500 people lol) but that would still be a lot of people to find out about the supernatural if bobby actually decided to expose the supernatural??? i also dont get it anon lmao
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whowhatifs · 1 year
A brief thought about N in b3
one thing that pains me about N's route in b3 is that I just... feel like that unwavering and intense love of humanity is missing? it's been such an integral part of their character in the previous two books and is one of the things I adore about N. I feel like most of what we see of that is what was in the demo and not much after that and don't get me started about their casual thoughts of the detective becoming a vampire.
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