#not real at all but related to toads!]
mayo-is-an-instrument · 3 months
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I made a boo oc!! I'll make more drawings to use them for when I start making "serious" YouTube videos :3
#mayodraws#dont really know what else to tag so#TIME FOR RAMBLING WOOHOO#im thinking of just getting rid of the name Mayo tbh#ive grown sick of it#honestly might just stick to my real name for everything atp#i use it for the entirety of discord now so 💀#i just feel like its not me if its not my actual name#its like its a separate identity of myself even if im the same person you know?#i like feeling that i am me even through a screen i am still me and not some offbrand representation of myself#so hey everyone my name is Hailey :3 feel free to call me that#soon enough ill change all my socials or the ones I actually use to be some form of 'Hailstorm' because it sounds cool imo#and its a nickname my sister gave me so it also means something special to me <3#should I have made a separate post for this? yes#is it too late? also yes#since im in a ramble session i may as well say more on my mind#im in a server for discord and i so badly have been trying to become friends with people there but holy shit even after like 2 months#i still cant gather courage to speak most of the time#hopefully ill open up more soon but man i need to just not be so shy 😭#are you having fun reading through the tags 💀💀#i would be surprised of anyone actually read all if them#if you did i hope you have a wonderful day 👍👍#also Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its Christmas totally#back onto the youtuve thing most of my videos are just shit like “toad screaming” or editing zelda cutscenes but at some point i want to#make scripted videos for nintendo related stuff#i already finished a script for ttyd and i know its not the best script but for being my first its good enough and ill learn along the way#okay im done yapping Happy St Patrick's Day
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bluesthebest · 9 months
PokemonHistory | Closed
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"Howdy Clay, curious about your little pal here, huh? They got some interesting, albeit, disgusting factoids on some of our past discoveries down the murky lakes with some culture relevance. I’ll let Rotomdex give you the breakdown."
He taps on his pokedex with the pokemon in question showing it on screen and it’s robotic cheery voice comes up.
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"Number 536, Palpitoad, the Vibration Pokémon. Semi aquatic, often plays a crucial role in its pokemon ecosystem by controlling insect populations, often seen in Unova located around large swamps. Areas within: Moor of Icirrus, Icirrus city, Route 8 waters, and Pinwheel Forest. They have also been spotted in areas throughout Galar but only in stormy weather, overcast, foggy, or sandstorms. With the exception of Bridge Field and in Kalos through the Friend Safary as of recent date. Their primary source of foods are bug pokemon, including but not limited to: Sewaddles, Karrablast, Shelmet, and many other small insects that dwell in wetlands.
Palpitode has the ability to sense vibrations through its skin and remove debilitating effects when it rains thanks to it’s sticky and webbed layer of mucus that coats it’s entire body. Previously it was discovered that it would actually absorb it into it’s skin and form welts rather than reject it completely, it was a way for it’s body to use as a defense mechanism if it were to be bitten or eaten. Demographical and environmental factors point to this creature being fully water/ poison type once. (product of being exposed to bug types like Venomoth or Spinarak) but was reclassified to water/ ground when it was determined that it had grown into this evolutionary advantage to not only make transport easier through a highly conductive terrain but also counter the large influx of Joltiks and Galvantula giving it’s resistance to electric types and paralyzing slime. Humans have used it's slime for it's effects that had helped create medicine for anti-inflammatory,antivirus, anti-infection, and analgesic or harmful poisons. Be advised not to kiss or lick Palpitode’s or any of it’s evolutionary line, toxins are debilitating and life threatening if consumed in high dosage even if it has significantly reduced over the century.[1] A discovery in Unova region on the outskirts of Mistralton City very close to Moor of icurrus,fossils showing a part of the Palpitode evolutionary line. Akin to many of it’s kind linking back to one predecessor that lived before humans, having an enormous skeleton and completely terapod, with a large mouth and eyes on top of it’s head to see through the murky depths. It could barely see around itself but it’s mouth was large enough to break many shields and swallow most things whole, that was unfortunate enough to step into it’s muddy home. The bones show that it too had welts, or curvature showing traces of it so this trait has been passed down through many of it’s generations. Despite this creatures size has significantly reduced even Seismitoad being only a half of what it used to be.[2]"
"Also doesn't have the giant sharp teeth or stubby legs " Blue interjects.
"It's pre-evolution, Tympole older counterpart had developed unique sound to it’s advantage to navigate and help keep itself withing it's own circle but it also had a rather strange defense mechanism. It's eyes. Mainly the warts around them. Speculation arises that it's warts grew close to it’s face causing them to leak through looking like they're crying when a predator showed up, it's speculated to turn most of them away. Evidence from what could be seen as tissue scars on the mummified specimen, that was fossilized but almost perfectly preserved Tympoles cluster with Palpitoad near them. The Palpitoad itself had curves in areas behind it's eyes but seemed to be able to preform the same action. [3] It’s modern iteration warts grown on the side of it's head with not nearly as much warts, it used its vibration and sounds to help navigate the dark trenches of mud it safely guides itself and many other Tympoles rarely ever found alone, always following a much larger Palpitoad. Method of transport, some would be stuck on Palpitoads' skin as another form of travel. Or inside Seismitoads mouth." [press continue to resume] "
"Alright I'll give it a pause here before it goes on forever. Hope that was informative"
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The Rotom hid itself away again.
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bogleech · 1 year
Hey about your cartoon vs Real life Animals post, can you elaborate on the lenght of frog tongues? This is the one that shocked me, i study in a Field closely related to zoology and never heard that their tongues are human-like short, unless you were trying to make a point about their shape and not lenght, then Please disregard my inquiry :p
When I say their tongues are "more human-like" than chameleon-like, I mean, this is a chameleon's tongue:
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And this is a frog's tongue:
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A chameleon has an astonishingly long, thin tongue that launches like a grappling hook, and almost all media thinks this is also true of frogs and toads.
The tongues of frogs and toads DO come out farther than ours, especially because they attach at the front of their mouth, rather than the back, and "flip" outward to grab prey:
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But yes, between the two, their tongues are nowhere near like those of chameleons, but broad and flat like ours. The very farthest they can stretch is like this:
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When you google frog or toad tongues, unfortunately, you get many more fakes than the real thing, to the point that even science articles have been known to use them
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And, the first time I ever posted about this subject, someone retrieved exactly this fake photo to try and prove that I was making all this up. Frogs have never done this! Cartoons simply exaggerated it for fun at first, and then I guess confusion with chameleon tongues lead people to believe they worked similarly!
It's such a pervasive misunderstanding that I didn't know about until my teens, and I was a biology nerd well before that too. It felt like a betrayal. I was never made to believe in Santa Claus but finding out frogs Don't Do That felt how I imagine that feels. Frog tongues were my Santa Isn't Real moment.
But, frog tongues are in my opinion just as interesting as chameleon tongues. Besides the weird flip-out structure they are extremely adhesive and also so soft and membranous that they practically "shrink wrap" to the prey! Terrifying!!! Getting got by a giant frog would be like getting wrapped up in a giant stretchy sheet of cellophane covered in glue!
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Okay, buckle up, friends and neighbours, because it's time for:
(Obviously, you should take all of this with a HUGE chunk of salt, since I'm not only an internet-poisoned fandom blogger, but also a former English major with a penchant for over-reading.
Still, I spent a long time writing this, so I'd appreciate it if you gave it a read.)
So before we talk about Doopliss himself, I feel like we should talk about Creepy Steeple, since a lot of the topics I'm going to be touching on relate to the actual building.
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Neither the original Gamecube version nor the Switch remake really bothers to explain what Creepy Steeple actually is.
None of Goombella's tattles say anything about the building's intended purpose. The name vaguely implies that it's a church of some kind -- in Japanese, it's called Odoron Jiin, or "Astonishing Temple" -- but that's still not very helpful.
Still, for the purposes of this analysis, I'm going to assume that it's meant to be a church.
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This brings me to the Steeple's stained glass window, which shows a scary-looking Doopliss standing over some piranha plants.
From a design standpoint, I'm guessing that this detail was added to give the location a spooky vibe, but from an in-universe perspective, the implications are wild.
Like, who designed this? How long ago? And why? What the heck is it supposed to represent?
Unsurprisingly, the game offers no real answers, but I have a couple of theories.
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The first is that the people of Twilight Town (or their ancestors, or something) created the window in Doopliss's honor.
Stained glass windows often depict saints or angels, so maybe the Twilighters used to worship him? Like, maybe Creepy Steeple was once dedicated to him and then, for whatever reason, the worshippers decided to leave?
It's not super likely, but I didn't want to rule out any possibilities. This is a weird freaking temple. Literally anything is possible, as far as I'm concerned.
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My second theory is that Doopliss designed the window himself. He seems like a guy with a lot of spare time, so it's not too much of a stretch to say that he came up with the idea and then spent weeks building it by hand.
He could have also bullied the Boos into constructing it for him. I dunno. I just have this mental image of him pulling pranks on them and generally being a nuisance until they caved.
The bottom line is someone wanted to Doopliss's face to be front and center. And if that someone is Doopliss himself, then hoo boy, there is a lot to unpack here.
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Maybe I'm projecting, but it feels like Doopliss is wrestling with some major self-esteem issues.
Despite being an incredibly powerful shapeshifter who somehow cursed an entire town, he seems very childish. He spends all his time watching TV and coming up with new jokes. He throws tantrums when he loses. He wears a party hat, of all things.
Based on that, I'd say that he's probably starved for attention. He's probably pretty lonely living in Creepy Steeple all by himself (doubly so if my theory about the Twilighters is correct).
I'd even go so far as to say that his scheme to turn the Twilighters into pigs is motivated by this need for attention. I mean, what better way to get people to notice you than to cause a town-wide panic?
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I feel like the disguises he uses over the course of the main story also support this theory.
Though Mario, Zip Toad and Professor Frankly are quite different from one another, they all have one important thing in common: they're famous. Mario's a world-renowned adventurer, Zip Toad is a well-known actor and Frankly is a tenured professor whose students love him.
Doopliss even alludes to this after stealing Mario's body, telling him, "You're so popular around here! I just love being you!"
By transforming into beloved figures, Doopliss can get the attention he craves.
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I also think that this is why he joined the Shadow Sirens. Sure, Beldam abuses him almost as badly as she abused Vivian, but at least she notices him. That's better than nothing.
The most conclusive piece of textual evidence is found in the epilogue. In her letter to Mario, Goombella explains that Doopliss has joined Flurrie on-stage in her production of "Paper Mario".
Obviously his shapeshifting abilities make the play a lot more realistic, but why would he bother participating in it at all? This guy was a villain for most of the game. Why would he suddenly decide to join up with one of his enemies?
Because, as far as I can tell, he's not a villain. Just a guy who's sick of being ignored.
I dunno. Doopliss's motivations have never been super clear, but I feel like there's more to him than meets the eye.
If you have any thoughts or ideas of your own, feel free to comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
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janmisali · 6 months
As the only supermariologist I follow, I wanted to know your opinion on a shower thought I had regarding the Mario franchise, specifically, what might be considered the “Main Cast” of the super Mario franchise.
I’m mostly curious about:
A) is there an official or semi-official set of characters defined in this way?
B) if not, what is your personal opinion (if any) on who that might be and what criteria that would require
Considering Mario, Peach and Bowser are almost certainly part of that cast (though Bowser is an antagonist…) I would say characters that appear or are playable in most if not all of the games who’s plot revolves around Bowser kidnapping Peach should be counted. That leaves me with Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad (but is he a single character?), Yoshi, and Bowser.
I imagine that this is one of those things like “what is a mainline super Mario game” that has multiple ambiguous answers, but simply interested to know your way of approaching it!
this is a great question!
so there actually is a semi-official list of "main characters" for Mario in the same way there's an official list of mainline Super Mario games. over on mario dot nintendo dot com slash characters we can see that the main characters are:
Princess Peach
Bowser Jr.
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
whether or not this list is an actual satisfactory answer to "who are the main characters in Mario" is another question altogether of course. besides the obvious questionable things here, I'd like to point out the odd inconsistency of referring to "Princess Peach" by her full title while being on a first-name-only basis with Bowser, Daisy, and Rosalina. fun!
personally, I'd say there are a few different "tiers" of main character status in the Mario games. the main main characters are Mario, Luigi, Bowser, and Peach. like, literally only those four. those are the four characters where it is always remarkable when a Mario game doesn't include one of them in a major role.
tertiary main characters would include all the recurring playable characters in ensemble multiplayer games, like Waluigi and Diddy Kong. (Diddy Kong would count as a main character if we were talking about Donkey Kong characters, but the question is about Mario characters, and Diddy Kong is definitely a tertiary main character in Mario games specifically) the real interesting question is who counts as being a "main character" at the layer between these two tiers.
I think Yoshi, Toad, Wario, and Donkey Kong are all a given for secondary main characters, but beyond that I'm really not sure! should Toadette count? what about Nabbit? Daisy? Kamek? Bowser Jr.? the Koopalings? Toadsworth? who knows! it's all very debatable, and there's no definitive answer here. nintendo's official list certainly isn't helping!
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maxwell-grant · 4 months
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Playing Princess Peach: Showtime got me the Mario brainvurms again so I wanna ramble a bit: As much as I adore and put a lot of stock into Wario and Waluigi's dynamic (and as much as Waluigi's my favorite character), I actually don't think Waluigi should be in the Wario games. Particularly Ware, but that also goes for Land in case that ever comes back from the grave. And it's not because of anything wrong or lacking with Waluigi as a character, quite the opposite: I think a lot of what defines him, what makes him interesting in different ways than Wario, actually makes him a terrible fit for Wario's narrative real state. Not an issue when they're together filling in a necessary dynamic in Mario territory, but it gets trickier when Wario's supposed to be the lead in an actual story.
In regards to Land, the central appeal of Wario Land is in the fact that you can play as Wario. I'd said as much before that, generally speaking, where as Mario is altered to fit his games, Wario's games are built to fit him. As much as WL did to flesh out Wario as a character, the core concept for Wario Land 1, and every subsequent game, comes back to the idea that you are playing a bigger, nastier Mario, who can't run as fast or jump as high, but is stronger and full of stranger surprises, so he engages with different kinds of obstacle courses and yyou have to figure out what he can and can't do to solve them. Every alteration made to the Wario Land series over the years, not just in relation to the Super Mario Land platformers it spun out of, was built around turning Wario's existing traits into gameplay mechanics.
He is a bully and a brute and thus you shoulder bash your way through problems, his propensity for comedic slapstick turned into full blown immortality and the source of his power-ups, he is far more interested in sniffing for gold than actually saving anyone so his adventures are less linear, your endgoal is to get the biggest treasures possible, his thieving bastard explorer nature eventually allowed for a timed Indiana Jones boulder escape at every level, Shake It lets you literally shake down enemies for cash, etc. The one time they took the opposite route and really altered Wario to fit a pre-ordained gimmick was in Master of Disguise, and soundtrack aside there's some good reasons why that one's so unpopular it's not even considered a Wario Land game.
All of these are traits that are built to fit Wario, and mainly Wario, and you could argue that these by extension apply to Waluigi because of his traits that overlap with Wario's, and for sure the spin-offs demonstrate that Waluigi does tag along on Wario's treasure hunts sometimes, but if we concede this and add Waluigi as a Player 2, then: A: What is so great and unique about Wario, if other characters can also do all the absurd things he does? And B: What is so great and weird about Waluigi, if all he's doing is just the stuff Wario already does?
The Mario platformers don't really have this issue with Luigi not just because Luigi as the Player 2 is grandfathered in, but because mechanically speaking Luigi isn't very different from Mario, and because the gameplay mechanics for Mario platformers are nowhere near as specialized as Wario's is. Everybody runs and jumps and collects power-ups and does the same things Mario does, that's why the Toads and the princesses can jump in on it just fine. Wario sharing the glory of being Wario is just not what Wario does, and it's Waluigi's thing even less. With everyman all-ages Mario, everyone's invited to join in the fun, but when the whole point is you reveling in "you get to play as Wario!", WHERE BEING BAD IS GOOD AND GREED IS GOOD HEHEHEHEHEH, you really lose a lot of the appeal turning it into "you get to play as Wario, and another guy (or even more) who can also do the things Wario does, turns out Wario's willing to share I guess". Even working in a different set of paths and solutions per level so Wario and Waluigi could solve problems differently would just be splitting levels by half of the work and half of the fun.
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For comparison's sake, Pizza Tower has a second playable character in the form of The Noise, a rival who is opposite to Peppino personality-wise. Despite having more or less the same proportions (and in prior builds playing identically to Peppino), in order to accomodate his personality that is also his main selling point, he plays in a different manner through levels that weren't designed around him (not different enough that it excludes co-op though), and so he actually breaks the game, and that is in fact worked into everything he does: Pretty much the main running gag through The Noise Update is that he is brazenly cheating and easily clearing through the things Peppino worked so hard to beat "fairly", and that he is a piece of shit with no emotional stakes in what he's doing, turning every hardship or battle into a joke.
Pizza Tower is just as much built around Peppino's character as Wario Land is (which is part of why the game became faster and more stressful, and thus played increasingly less and less like Wario Land over every subsequent build up until release), and it was only ever going to accomodate the Noise's personality by either designing new levels (and thus a new game) around him, or going all the way on him breaking the existing ones and occupying an opposite role to Peppino's, which fits him. Again, you could argue this dirty cheater angle fits Waluigi. The problem is, again, redundancy, and it not fitting Wario Land. Gameplay-wise, Wario is already breaking and even cheating through levels to clear them, he is already flipping the middle finger to traditional Mario-style platforming the way The Noise is doing to Peppino's playstyle. And story-wise, Wario doesn't let himself be outdone, he is not getting upstaged from his own adventures. Peppino doesn't WANT to be in his own adventures, that's why the game plays him for pathos and The Noise gets played for pure satire. They get to do completely different things in a way I'm not sure you could do with Wario and Waluigi without significantly overhauling the way Wario Land works, and at that point, why bother.
That being said, I definitely do want there to be a way Wario and Waluigi could star in a platformer together, it would be a dream for me. But I don't think that's going to work for Wario Land, and not doing Wario Land runs the risk of doing Master of Disguise again so, it'd take a lot of work. I want to say there is at least a possibility of making it work, which is definitely not an argument I'd make for Waluigi joining the WarioWare cast.
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The thing about how WarioWare's cast works, and how it manages to keep Wario recognizably Wario even in a drastically different role than the one he occupies in Mario spin-offs and Wario Land alike, is a very simple but effective dynamic: Wario is the boss, and everyone else is your friend/co-worker. Wario is the ringmaster, and the circus freaks need your help to keep the show afloat. Wario is Michael Scott/J Jonah Jameson, and you're in the Dunder Mifflin/Daily Bugle trenches with everyone else.
All of the WarioWare characters are lovable weirdos, it comes with the question of "what kind of person would not just be friends with, but willingly work for Wario?". They are weird, they are dorks, they are (mostly) nice, they (mostly) get along, but above all, they are accomodating. Of their weirdness, of your weirdness, even of their boss' weirdness. Their goal is to guide you through the challenges and fun and encourage you to succeed. They do all the hard work in making these games fun to play. They are directly, proportionately opposite to how much of an dynamic jerk Wario is, and that's why Wario gets to keep on doing Wario things.
He gets to cause problems and lead the gang into trouble, he gets be mean, he gets to hijack proceedings and directly insult and mess with the player, he gets to be the villain, he gets to be the butt of the joke, he gets to crash and fail. The Ware crew gets to be people you come to know and relate to and love, while he gets to be the GOTTA WIIIIN guy. It's a fine balance and a very good deal on their end.
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It also has no room whatsoever for Waluigi, anti-social party crasher conniving drama queen extraordinaire, in anything other than a cameo or a one-off antagonistic competition with them. He isn't going to take Wario, or anyone's place, and his dynamic with Wario in the spin-offs just doesn't translate to Wario's role in WarioWare. And he belongs even less in the WarioWare crew (especially with characters like Jimmy T and Crygor, who have significant overlapping traits with Waluigi already), he is just not made for playing nice with others like that. It's not that he can't, his player interactions can be remarkably non-antagonistic and chill even, but it's not his thing.
He is Waluigi, as they reiterate in every bio, he is dastardly and mean and also a tryhard loser who "thinks" he's Luigi's rival more so than he actually is, and who doesn't seem to get along with anyone other than Wario, in fact he barely plays nice with Wario a lot of the time, they're partners in crime first and foremost and are depicting bickering over spoils when they work together. He'd just break the balance that makes this cast dynamic work so well without offering anything in return, and would be worse off for it. If anything Waluigi should be the last person to work for WarioWare, it has nothing to do with what he's about and the dude knows firsthand how little Wario intends to pay anyone ever. You could get stuff out of playing him as a rival trying to muscle in their gigs, or beat Jimmy T on the dance floor, and even that's stretching a bit.
I think the biggest problem comes down to the fact that the main thing with Waluigi, much like Wario, IS his outsized personality and the role it offers him, and with how Wario's games are precision-built around him and him alone as the center, putting Waluigi in those is dooming him to get sucked into Wario's orbit in roles that just don't work for him and dillute the chief appeal of putting Waluigi in stuff. Even if he's already secondary to Wario in the spin-offs, in there they fill in a niche together, two halves of one idiot, Camelot's favorite boys and all that, that you can't carry over when Wario has bigger things to do than just play along and be a nuisance to Mario.
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I was very happy with Princess Peach: Showtime in part because of how committed it was to the idea of putting Peach and Peach alone in the spotlight, with NO Mario elements whatsoever tagging along for the ride. There is not a single trace of Mario or Bowser anywhere, the Toads leave at the opening cutscene and don't come back until the post-credits when their only role is to give her crown back. The game is just Peach going on adventures, righting wrongs and trying new personas and putting on a show with the people she's saving.
It's short, sweet, it's kind of a baby game and it has to be for the target audience, and it doesn't seem to be super popular in general but I'm glad it sold well, I'd like for Nintendo to make more games like it. It got me to like Peach more than I ever have before, and it got me feeling very good about the fact that this exists at all. Seems like there really has been a creative renaissance for Mario over the past years. Not that I ever expect it to happen anymore, but I always dreamed of Waluigi getting to have something like this, although I'll say that Peach's was a very long time coming (especially given the failure of Super Princess Peach) and I'm glad this premise was made with her. I never thought it'd happen and that makes the former dream seem, y'know, a little less impossible. Maybe.
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Semi-unrelated but I am also extremely glad that Madame Grape exists, definitely a character I'd like to see return to occupy a position akin to King Boo or just go-karting with the others. And by no means was this intentional, but I definitely get a kick out of the fact that the villain in Showtime is an overlooked purple-clad drama queen who creates and leads a group literally called "Sour Grapes", who wants to claim her role in a world of happy shining people who don't APPRECIATE her work unless she makes them, who wants to plaster her face and name and colors everywhere, and who is incredibly invested in making Peach her nemesis and foil, even though this story was supposed to be about Peach taking a break for a change and Grape is very far from being the worst thing Peach has to deal with on a regular basis. Just reminded me of another guy who tried to hypnotize "the rhythmless masses" with sweet dance moves once.
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
Can i request the hexsquad with a reader like stolas from helluva boss?without all his creepy attitudes obviosly,a young noble that goes to hexside with an terrible parent and a very young fiance that is scared of,just some comfort to the reader with real friends(i cant imagine what would happen if stolas reader comes out as teenage parent💀but sure a loving one if u ask me)
Howdy! My límit is 4 characters, so i'm gonna pick up the ones i find more acurrante for this situation. Thanks for the Request ❤️(You didn't specify so i go for a Platonic one)
Hunter/Willow/ Amity x Stolas! Reader
Genre: headcanons
Reader: male
Warnings: Bad parents, Bad parenting, High espectetions, low self esteem, arranged marriege, i didn't use the case of the baby bc the guys have like 14 so no☠️, Reader has a Bad relationship with his "fiancee", Fluff.
Hunter Noceda
Hunter probably knew Stolas! reader when he joined the Hexquad or through Willow, because I don't see it as very likely that he had friends in the emperor's coven (I'll do a drabble about that one day).
to try new things (and be away from his fiancée) Stolas! reader decided to join the Flyer Derby team, which was a surprise in itself because he seemed like someone...very...weak, at least in Hunter's eyes.
but the demon quickly became almost the opposite, summoning monstrous specters with his haunted items and his book (grimoire?) and honestly left him in disrepair.
although Stolas!lector was definitely "weak" in other ways, mostly because he was so SOFT.
He had great destructive potential, yes, but when I got to talk to him, he was so damn nice that it was suspicious (to him).
At first Hunter pretended to be angry at the constant reader talk, but little by little he lets down his walls and joins in a little in their talks, especially if they have to do with magic.
Hunter has a LOT of questions about how Oracle magic works ESPECIALLY from Stolas' family! Reader, how do you see the future with such precision? How do you control so many monsters at the same time? they might even compare research notes :D
When Hunter comes into trust with the reader, it is quite easy for him to see through him and how things affect him. like the thing with his fiancée for example.
Now, Hunter, unlike the following cases, firmly believes that THE FIANCE is the problem of everything and is willing to go for blood (he's like, how dare you make my friend cry?)
Hunter PERSONALLY doesn't think it's appropriate for Stolas! Reader and his fiancée try to be friends, make things happen? Sure, but being friends after all the bad times they've been through? titan no...
As for the terrible father thing...he can relate...A LOT.
Similar to what he did with Gus, he would share his experience with the reader and try to make him feel better.
but MOST OF ALL he goes into big brother mode when the reader is around his father (Hunter would have an inhuman amount of BEEF on the man)
Hunter knows what it's like to be manipulated by the person who's SUPPOSED to take care of you and someone you ADMIRE on top of it, so if necessary he gives the reader a reality shock when they need it.
Does being like Stolas include being fluffy and like an Owl? If so, there is no WAY Hunter doesn't end up sleeping (whether on purpose or accidentally) on the reader's soft fur (he gets very embarrassed later)
I imagine Stolas! reader tends to be very VERY dense and Hunter would definitely make some harmless jokes about it (like when someone is BLATANTLY flirting with him and he's just like "do you know what the differences are between frogs and toads? :D")
Reader's gardening hobby definitely helps him serve as a matchmaker between Hunter and Willow, whether leaving them alone on purpose or leaving a nice atmosphere ;)
Despite this, Hunter definitely thinks that reader plants are a bit too nippy for his good 😅
Hunter doesn't understand much about Astronomy or how it relates to the Oracle, but he will happily listen to the reader talking about it and tries to listen and understand as best he can. instead the reader hears about his fixation on Lobos :D
When Hunter and Willow are together, Stolas! The reader becomes his third wheel, or rather, his "practice son" is quite funny.
In general you could say that Hunter is slightly more protective of Stolas! reader for his naivety and gullibility, but he does not believe that he is any less capable for that.
He is still a great friend to him :3
Willow Park
Willow knew a little about Stolas reader, precisely because of how relevant his family was and that apparently the boy would be in her same year.
low key, Willow was nervous about this news at first, she was afraid of running into Stolas! reader for fear that he would become a Bully on her similar to Amity and her group in the first season.
but one day she ended up drinking with Stolas! reader as he ran to class, both dropping several things.
To Willow's surprise, Reader was really friendly and apologized A LOT for bumping into her, helping her pick up the books while talking about how he was new and got lost easily and how his locker tried to eat his hand.
In addition, he was completely amazed when he saw the copies of Erbology books that Willow had for her plant class, and he began to ask her MANY questions.
What were the types of plants like? Do they have carnivorous plants? Can you see them? Can you feed them? Do they have species from all the islands? and the list goes on..
Willow was so stunned by all the questions and the fact that who she thought would be her worst nightmare turned out to be a super innocent kid that she almost forgot she had class.
After that, Stolas reader would spend his time looking for Willow to talk about plants, to his joy and Willow's dismay, who on the one hand couldn't say that he disliked reader, on the contrary, he was very sweet and friendly, but he feared this. It would end in him being swallowed.
But when he met his "fiancee" with certain frustration problems...
At first Willow tries to help Stolas reader hide, but eventually tries to get them on good terms at least.
If it works, great!
If it doesn't work and you still hate each other, well, you can try that plant that reader has been studying so much--
reader is very supportive of Willow with her grubgy Flyer career! He is going to encourage her with his carnivorous plants with signs to encourage her🤣
Willow helps with Stolas Reader Gardening Hobbies!, whether it's reminding him when to water the plants, helping him get rid of the weed that bites him, or even growing plants he wants when he's feeling especially down.
Stolas reader has even tried to use his Oracle magic to make Willow get better grades, sometimes it works and other times they spoil half their lives, at least they know they will be friends in 20 years!
Willow is very emotionally supportive of EVERYONE, this does not exclude Stolas! reader, not only with his complicated fiancée, but also with the fact that his father is a TERRIBLE role model and treats him TERRIBLE.
Willow has tried to suggest that the reader take two classes, both Oracle and Plants, but the reader is TOO afraid of her father to tell her that she doesn't want to study what he says, which leaves Willow quite sad.
One thing's for sure, there are sleepovers at the Park house! and definitely try to include the reader in plans with friends as much as possible.
just like Willow is a safe place for Reader, Reader is a safe place for Willow, they are each other's shoulders to cry on, in a way.
Reader is definitely the ultimate shipper Hunlow (although he threatened Hunter that if he did anything to Willow he would put a curse on her, tear her to pieces and feed it to his plants. Hunter understood).
Both can be terrifying when angry or using all their power, although they are usually rays of sunshine.
In short, two rays of sunshine that help each other to relate to the group (don't mess with them, they are much more dangerous than they look)💚
Amity Blight
ohhhhh boy, she understands ☠️
She probably know Stolas! reader thanks to his parents being friends and/or business colleagues, similar to Boscha's parents.
Odalia insisted that Amity try to be her friend so that she could improve her relationship with her family (a very important one among the covens, especially the Oracle's).
So Amity took note and prepared herself for a capricious and pedantic prince, similar to Boscha.
Imagine his surprise when Stolas! reader ended up being the complete opposite, someone very reserved, shy and wanting to make REAL friends.
If we talk about Amity from the first season, at first she had difficulty accepting Lector, precisely because of his reputation, but they found that they had several things in common.
books for example.
Amity ended up running into Reader several times in the library while working, mainly in the reptile and botany areas, which seemed strange since he was in Oracle classes.
They would end up having conversations about frogs and what they were like outside of the boiling islands, it turns out that the reader's family could use Oracle magic even in the human world, but he loves to see the "rare" specimens they had, like the opossums or giraffes.
Being the least mean to him, Reader spent his time stuck next to Amity, and she eventually warmed up to him and she would keep him company, even open up to him.
He definitely knows about her arranged marriage, and he didn't like how it scared him, he can bet that on a couple of occasions Amity threw her away with her abobinable.
(although I think it is not impossible for him to accept her as a friend of himself and the reader if he shows he really wants to change or at least try not to take out his frustration on the reader)
defends him when someone tries to take away from his abilities as a member of the Oracle, he's like "do you think you know more than HIM??" and it definitely gets into hands sometimes😅
Amity HATES the reader's father, she considers him to be even worse than ODALIA. What kind of father commits his 14-year-old son?? (she hopes he finds out that they have been engaged since they were 11😬) and can't stand the way he talks about his son . If I could, I would send you the Alador abobinables.
✨bonding through shitty parents ✨
She highly encourages reading hobbies, especially plants and reading, you can even read to the kids together!
she defends Stolas a lot! reader from her family when she has to see them, especially from her father, if she and the reader's fiancée get along at this point, they will most likely make an alliance to protect Reader.
Amity even tells him about Azura's books that she reads! and compare notes and drawings they make of the characters
Listen to any babbling or rant that the reader has to give, whether it be frogs, plants or prophecies he saw on his own in the stars, astronomy, etc. Even if she doesn't understand shit, she just nods and won't let anyone take away that beautiful moment from the reader.
Imagine Amity introducing Luz to the reader! she would be SO happy to see that they would both get along because they are "nerdy" in different ways, but that they complement each other well.
I think Amity is definitely rooting for Stolas! reader to confess directly if he has a crush, after all, he is cute, comes from a good family and has a big heart, who wouldn't want to be with him? It even helps you make a note!
She wants the reader to find REAL love and not be forced to have a partner for something like status.
She supports the reader all the way when she decides to reveal herself to her family, she knows how scary it is, so she even offers him not only a shoulder to cry on, but also to stay with her for a while.
She tells him how brave he was and how happy she is for him.
Overall, rich, misunderstood best friends who stick together 💜
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️
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jessythebunny · 2 months
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🚂Duck the great western engine🦆
💚Duck is the first great western engine who came to the island, and he was the number 8 engine in Tidmouth sheds before Emily
💚Duck doesn't like his real name "Montague" and he prefers to be called "Duck" instead, because the other engines in the great western railway were saying he waddles like a duck
💚Duck is a really hard worker and takes everything too seriously and he does the things in the great western way
💚Duck was working in a station in London called "Paddington" before he came to Sodor, so that's why he has a big pride on his work
💚Duck wears that olive green tie on his left knee because he got shot at it one night, which cause a dammage that makes him waddle
💚Duck hates when someone's telling him that he does things the wrong way, like Oliver when he said this to him, he's almost going to kill him If Toad wasn't there
💚he's enjoying listening to the electro swing and dancing with it, Even though he has a disabled leg, he is one of the best dancers
💚He loves anything related to the sea, and spends all his time there relaxing and looking at the waves and relaxing himself. He also loves sailing, swimming, and diving, he also wears that shell necklace because he loves the sea
💚Duck has very rare hair and it has been like this since he was born. This means that over time his appearance has not changed at all, but it is very difficult to tie or comb it. Even James tried a lot with him until he lost his temper because, it is truly a mystery that has no solution.
💚Duck loves to drink british green tea, Sometimes he makes it by himself, sometimes Mia or Oliver makes it for him
💚he has a huge crush on Oliver and he's his husband, Even if they are cousins, they love each other, and a little crush on Donald too
💚He speaks with that west country accent that sometimes makes the ladies swoon (Especially Daisy)
💚Duck collects plastic ducklings
💚he loves singing and humming while he's working
💚Very close with Oliver and Toad, the scottish twins, Skiff, Boco,Edward, Marina(oc), Emily, Percy, Toby, Gina, @lovable-chica's oc Abby
💚good friends with Thomas, James, Henry, Daisy, Rosie, Gordon, Mia(oc), Jenny(oc), Rebecca, Nia, Lady, Molly, Bill and Ben, and very nice to everyone
💚He still feels sad and angry at Diesel after what he did to him and he told the three big engines those lies about him
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blorbologist · 2 months
Okay so - as a blorbologist, I would like your assistance. I thought I knew the difference between a blorbo and a babygirl but I am questioning my precious understanding.
I always thought blorbo was a morally grey loveable cranky character and babygirl is a cinnamon roll. Basically blorbo was the “could kill you” end of the “cinnamon roll to could kill you” spectrum.
Please enlighten me- am I correct? What is the different between babygirl and blorbo. Thanks.
(Imagine, if you will, a little toad in a labcoat)
Before I say anything, I need to make it clear that all tumblr-related classification is constantly evolving with trends and time, like some antibiotic-resistant bacteria. So a lot of the definitions tend to be malleable! For the sake of simplicity, I'm using Urban Dictionary as my definitions, informed by my own time in fandom, though it can lag behind fandom trends and lack nuance. So take the following with a grain of salt:
A blorbo is your favorite character; it is a definition free of any connotations in regards to their morality, attractiveness, or how pathetic they are. Blorbos are usually from fictional media, but I've rarely seen it apply to celebrities. Your blorbo could be literally any character ever, regardless of screentime or role in the story - or even the actors portraying them!
Meanwhile, babygirl is a far more restrictive term that generally is intended somewhat ironically; the babygirl is, in fact, not a baby nor a girl, but an adult man*. The babygirl is usually also attractive to the poster (but might not fit media standards of what's attractive). Babygirl is more universally given to both characters and real people (e.g. Pedro Pascale), and can apply to men* anywhere in terms of morality (though you will find some communities lean toward babygirl being as ironic as possible and applied to only morally grey or evil male characters, vs others that mean it a bit more genuinely).
(I say men* because, at least from my observation, more and more babygirls are breaking the gender binary and are not actually characters/people who ID as men. But it's 'historically' been a fandom term predominantly given to men.)
Now, you'll notice that neither blorbo nor babygirl matches up really well with the 'could kill you' <--> 'cinnamon roll that could kill you' scale you presented in your ask! I think the definitions you might be looking for are 'poor little meow meow' (awful/morally grey character/person who is absolutely not a poor little anything) and a 'cinnamon roll' (firmly good, often infantilized character/person).
This graph by @luulapants helps get the distinction across well (though I've seen people's blorbos be cinnamon rolls and poor little meow meow, so I would quibble with blorbo being implied to be the middle ground between the extremes).
TLDR; blorbos are favorite characters, babygirls are usually attractive adults, poor little meow meows could and likely would kill you, and cinnamon rolls are good (and would probably be sad if they killed you). Your blorbo can be a babygirl, or a poor little meow meow and a babygirl and a blorbo at once!
Hope it helped! 🐸
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wuzhere75 · 2 years
I love WoF AUs that go “what if different eggs got taken for the dragonet prophecy” and we get a different set of dragonets for an alternate version of the 1st arc.
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So yeah I decided to make my own (I’ve gone through a couple of different iterations, but this is the most current.
The quirk here is that I basically thought “wait what if the dragonets where everything Morrowseer had wanted”. Like they just ended up with with a perfectly normal set of a Mud, Sand, Sea, Night, and Skywing. No replacement-that-is-of-a-different-tribe-because-one-of-the-guardians-fucked-something-up. No obvious hybrids. They get left alone for another year, and emerge from the cave to the chaos of the events of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd arcs all at once.
(Also another quirk is that they are all related in some way to a canon character; Asha and Hviter are also still alive)
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Bigshadow (She/They)
-She’s the big soft himbo-type character. Due to severe nearsightedness, they’ve always had difficulty reading/writing. The guardians just assume she’s dumb, but she really loves learning and art.
-I can’t remember if it’s canon that Secretkeeper and Morrowseer had tried to had dragonets before Moonwatcher and that they had “lost” them, but I decided for this AU, an attempt had produced a viable egg and Morrowseer decided “what would be a better dragonet to lead the dragonets of destiny than my own”, stealing the egg and flying through the night to the cave.
-Due to this, Bigshadow was partially exposed to the moonlight of the Brightest Night, giving her somewhat unreliable psychic powers. Most of the time she misinterprets them as being very weird dreams/intrusive thoughts.
-Shortly after Morrowseer did his year-prior check in, they start to feel a strange presence in their dreams and swear they hear someone calling to them from outside the cave when things are quiet (*cough* *cough* Darkstalker).
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Mangrove (He/They) (yes I know there is already a canon character named Mangrove; it’s a sick name)
-Gumpy quiet sad man who’s in to medicine and nature
-In this universe, Gill gets a “funny feeling” during the Brightest Night and decides to take what would be Tsunami’s egg so he can “be with his new daughter during her hatching”. Webs, then, takes one of the male eggs instead when he breaks into the hatching room.
-The AU Sandwing minder; Jackal (more on her later), was a little too rough on him when was younger during fight practice (maybe I should have featured a scar somewhere in his design?). Due to this, he abhors violence.
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Mole (She/Her)
-The softly spoken nerd who gets picked on for not being the big strong meatbag Mudwing the guardians had wanted. She has a secretly love for war history and is probably really good at strategically fighting (in a real world AU she would be an American Civil War or WWII nerd).
-Asha couldn’t get Cattail to give up Clay’s egg, so Crocodile (remember that lady?) gives Asha “her” blood red egg (she actually stole it from her sister, Toad) at the last minute.
-I originally had her as being from a non-blood red egg Crocodile just painting red but the Sandwing minder probably just would have incinerated her.
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Coyote (Any Pronouns) (I’m not sure about the name; I wanted something related to new world deserts but not named after a cactus and I don’t feel like Gila or Mesa fit).
-Apathetic bastard who hates everyone except her adoptive siblings (basically as far as you could get from Sunny without being an outright evil asshole).
-In this AU, Dune never left the Outclaws (the dragonet that would have been Sunny is raised among them). Due to this, a different Sandwing minder was chosen from the TOP; Jackal.
-Jackal was…umm…very devout to the prophecy and willing to “weed out anything that wasn’t promised in the prophecy” (she probably would have killed both Glory and Sunny immediately, Starflight not having psychic powers probably would have set her off as well).
-Jackal stole the egg of her brother, Corsac, a general in Blaze’s army. Corsac and his wife, Bison, caught her in the middle of the act, but she got away (they would later have a son, Pronghorn, like the one from JMA).
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Shrike (They/Them)
-The artsy goth kid who loves supernatural stuff (they go wild every time Hviter or Webs starts talking about amunism).
-Kestrel in this AU either doesn’t have Peril/Sky in the first place or chooses to fuck off into the mountains with her kids (perhaps with the help of Soar/Chameleon?). Maroon (name also pending), a different Skywing, is instead chosen. Due to Maroon being less “high profile” than Kestrel, he is chosen to steal the Skywing egg, being more familiar with what hatcheries are more or less highly guarded than others (unlike, say, Hviter).
-This version of the dragonets have made a giant cave mural with the help of Asha and the Maroon. Shrike is the primary contributor to this mural even though the other dragonets have “grown out of it”. Mostly, they paint Bigshadow’s “dreams”.
-They are intrigued by Bigshadow’s dreams and is the only one who thinks they are more than just dreams.
-They make jewelry out of bones from the prey animals the guardians bring them (originally I was going to include a necklace with some skulls and stuff, but that shit’s hard to draw).
-I had no smooth way of tying to fit this in but he is either the half-sibling or cousin (I haven’t decided) to the Skywing False Dragonet, Flame.
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peaches2217 · 1 year
Ask and you shall receive and ask lmao 🤭🤭Ok, but gimmie some of your best Mario headcanons or favorite moments of his from games/ other media 👀
Yay! Thank you!! Have some assorted Mario headcanons (mostly related to my own take wherein he marries Peach and becomes royalty because I am, if nothing else, predictable).
✨ Who was it that came up with the theory that the bros' last name is a shortening of Marionetti, which itself is a variation of Marianetti? Because it's brilliant and I've adopted it.
✨ Hopeless Romantic Mario is REAL, God bless. Boy's believed in true love and soulmates all his life; he was popular(ish) in high school, but he never dated (or even went on a date) because he never felt That Spark with anyone, and he decided at an early age that he wanted to wait for The One™. "True love is love worth waiting for, Weegee!" he'd lecture as Luigi rolled his eyes behind his back.
✨He and Luigi speak exclusively in Italian at home and when talking amongst themselves. If they're both telling a story to their friends in tandem, they'll sometimes lapse into Italian without even realizing it.
✨ He's granted a knighthood at some point, and he gains the title of King Consort when he marries Peach. King Consort is rarely used IRL; here, it's used to denote that he has more political influence and say-so than a Prince Consort would typically have, thanks to his extensive history of heroism and the sheer level of trust he's gained with both the government and the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom. So he's like... halfway between a Prince Consort and King Regent.
✨ He's trained to be able to do everything Peach does so he can step in for her if need be (temporarily, and with assistance), but at the end of the day, she still holds significantly more power than he does (which he's more than happy with; ruling is overwhelming, and his wife is awesome.)
✨ His full title is His Royal Highness Sir Mario Marionetti the Honorary Second, King Consort of the Mushroom Kingdom. The "Honorary Second" part was supposed to be a joke; Mario, bewildered at how unnecessarily long the original title felt, snarked that they could make it longer by acknowledging him as the "honorary second" Mario in his family (as Mario was his father's nickname, though it was in reference to his last name rather than his first). Unfortunately for him, the Toad recording the meeting didn't quite grasp the sarcasm, and it stuck.
✨ Even after becoming king, he heavily prefers blue-collar work to sitting in committees and meetings and doing paperwork and all that fun royal stuff. More often than not, he's either assisting with practical tasks around the castle or is in town helping people fix plumbing and repair roofs and such.
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stars-of-my-eyes · 3 months
Intro Post ✨
Hi I’m Sage- considering a different name for my starkin though
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This is my side blog- my main blog is @eye-of-toad which is where I will be reblogging and following people. I also have a blog called @sages-thinkies for all real posts that are not starkin related
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I use he/xe/bug/star pronouns but am always looking for more neopronouns
I am a star/divine kin as well as a shapeshifter Therian
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This blog will be mostly reblogs and my own star-themed thoughts. I may do moodboards or collages in the future. Send any asks you may like, whether star/divine confessions, or just questions about me :)
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transbeeduo · 1 year
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Hey! Welcome to my Blog! Call me Crunch! I'm fine with whatever pronouns, but I mostly alternate between He/She/They! I identify as Asexual, Ambiamorous, and Panromantic! Also I’m an adult 👍
https://linktr.ee/transbeeduo (I also have a Discord, which Mutuals are free to ask/dm for!)
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I'm primarily a MCYTBLR blogger! I mostly tend to stick to the DSMP side of things, although I'll often post about OSMP and QSMP, and occasionally dabble in other MCYT related fandoms! Along with that I post about Five Nights At Freddy's, Pokémon, or whatever else I'm interested in at the time!
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SYSTEM TAGS (Not used super often due to mostly just being me here)
⛏️ : Posts from C!Crunch (NOT Crunch Transbeeduo!! Two different people!)
🎸: Posts from Monty (Montgomery Gator Fictive)
📼: Posts from Cassette/Cass (Generation Loss/CC!Ranboo Factive. DON'T FUCKING NOTIFY RANBOOLIVE ABOUT THEM BTW DON'T DO THAT SHIT)
🪓: Posts from Ares/Techno (DSMP/OSMP Technoblade fictive)
📺: Posts from Lolbit (Lolbit Fictive)
🎁: Posts from Oleander/FMAN (FMAN122 Fictive)
🔥: Posts from Pyro/Sapnap/Saps (C!Sapnap Fictive)
🌋: Posts from Groudon (C!Tubbo/Groudon/Q!Tubbo fictive)
☁️: Posts from Bo (Pine AU Q!Tubbo fictive)
⚓️: Posts from Bucky (Bucky Beaver Shipwrecked 64 Fictive)
Anything not tagged: Almost always Crunch Transbeeduo! Just assume it's them!
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I quite like every DSMP character, so they'll all tend to show up on this blog, but the most discussed here are C!Beeduo (if it wasn't obvious), along with Michael + my Fankids for them! (Found under "#Bug Posts" and "#Wizard Posts") but I also quite like The Eggpire/Badlands, The Syndicate, and Las Nevadas!
For OSMP I'm usually going to stick to O!Beeduo, while for QSMP I'm quite a fan of Q!Tubbo and Q!BBH! (I don't watch QSMP, only really absorb it through the dash! I do have plans to watch it soon though!)
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(Credits for these!)
CC Banner: @////tmmyhug (X added by me)
Beeduo Banner: @////cannosoup
Loves Beeduo: @////thedialup
Technoblade, Sootings, and Parasocial Blinkies: @////block-toad
Michael Feed: @////doodlebloo
Genloss Banner @////Pathtrick
Tommy/Tubbo/Phil: @////Offishly
QSMP Eggs + Theory/Analysis Blinkie: @////etoilesbienne
Alliumduo/Peerpressureduo Banners: @////theenderwalker
Koraidon Banner:@///sweetpeauserboxes
Quackcicle/Ranboo Banners: ???? (Couldn't find the OP, if anyone knows please tell me!)
All other banners: Mine!
If it's not incredibly obvious, I do NOT want you here if you support the CC! DTeam or William Gold/Wilbur Soot. Get outta here go. Scram
I block somewhat liberally!!!!! Please do not follow me if ur under 15, I post suggestive things on here sometimes!
PLEASE ask if something I discuss needs Content/Trigger warnings!
I'm not the best with words, or articulating the things I'm thinking about really well. If I say something that doesn't make sense or is confusing I'm sorry.
Please do not be weird in my Inbox. Don't ask me about discourse, don't spam me or ask me to follow you or promote your things, don't like be weird to ME. (Also please don’t ask me anything personal, I am uncomfortable sharing that kind of information online)
I AM NOT A DISCOURSE BLOG!!!!!!! I'll discuss it sometimes but that's just because I like being a hater sometimes. Don't treat me as a discourse blog
PLEASE don't send me C!Beeduo /neg shit unprompted, or if you do at least tell me it is.
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elitadream · 2 years
I was just wondering, what impact do you think the Power Ups have on the culture and storytelling around the Mushroom Kingdom? Like, are there any folklore about them? Are people afraid of what they can do? Are they just another casual part of the absurd world they live in, or are they somewhat isolated from normal life?
Personally, I like to imagine that there are lots of folktales and ancient myths surrounding the Power Ups, some good, some bad, and some are rather unsettling. They aren't- and often can't be -portrayed as good or evil, but just existing in their own ways.
Oh, absolutely. 🙏💯 Whenever I think of the Power-Ups, I always have this image in my mind of a very old manuscript carefully preserved inside a glass box in a guarded room at the Castle's librairy. One dating all the way back to the Kindgom's very origins, and which would contain every legend, myth, prophecy and folktale related to the Land's many items and artefacts; Some well known and others completely shrouded in mystery. 🎇
There would be many ancient beliefs surrounding those, as even the most 'common' ones (such as the Super Mushroom and Fire Flower) would possess a cryptic sort of magic that is hard to explain or fully comprehend. It would be said that certain Power-Ups can bring good fortune, heal illness or grant wishes, and that other capabilities - such as the power to glide through the air or throw fire - can also occur; though no Toad had ever truly witnessed or experienced an effect this extraordinary before Mario came along.
What used to merely give warmth to a citizen and a few ones the ability to generate sparks would now manifest as bright and lively flames through this man. What used to make one's steps lighter and their fall less abrupt would make this man able to fly. It would be both unprecedented and incredibly exciting for the people, as it would not only be very clear to everyone that Mario is special, but this would also incidently give significant weight and veracity to these legends.
And, of course, it would also beg the question: "What if?" 👀 ...What if the 1-Up Mushroom and Power Star are indeed real also?
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beoneofus · 1 year
What do you think the boys’ favorite hobbies are?
I was gonna make a joke about paul's being masturbation but let me be actually serious 😭.
okay, okay. so I've kinda thought about this...
marko likes art, and I see him being into many different varieties of it. however, I don't think it's necessarily his favorite hobby nor past time... that's his passion. his favorite hobby; sunrise watching. he can't be on the sun or near it, but watching from afar through cracks in the cave soothes him. it doesn't necessarily make sense either, but he remembers as a human that the color orange always signified a warmth in him. that's why he uses it a lot when he paints, when he draws, when he looks for a new patch or pin to add to his jacket. I don't think the little vampire actually remembers much of his past because it was so long ago, he just knows that the most enjoyable moments were circled around orange and warmth. so he loves to watch the sunrise, because the color is so pretty - the way the sun beats off of the horizon is gorgeous, and he can only imagine how the feel of the heat from it actually feels. he misses it, being able to soak in the sun, but just watching it gives him closure.
for paul, I see him as someone who loves to collect things. you'd think he'd love to maybe play an instrument or do something music related, but once again that's his passion. when he's high, he often gets lazy and likes to either lounge around or go on a short walk because his legs don't hold out for long; with this, he learned that there's some pretty rad things out in the world. for instance, leaves. he finds the texture and colors of different ones really cool. however, I think his favorite thing to collect would be insects or small critters. they become his little buddies. he actually ended up adopting a toad he discovered in the grass not too far from the beach. it was so chill, that paul just had to keep the dude and name him olly. sick, right? he thought so too.
dwayne is definitely the one to revolve his being around things soothing yet... mysterious, in a way. so he took on the art of scribble journaling. he writes out his feelings, thoughts, takes on thw world and so on - but in a messy manner, with doodles and jagged drawings in between. he also likes to add stickers sometimes, but of course they have to fit his persona or else the entire journal is ruined. overall, he's a quiet guy, so I think him documenting shit is a perfect fit. correct me if you think otherwise.
ah, david.. now this is pretty hard to say. he's easy to read on one hand, but on another I'd have to say he's a tough case to crack. buuuut... I think david may be into something mediocre and calm, yet fun in a way. perhaps thrifting; fixing up old leather jackets, boots. I can see him adopting old wear and fixing it up to be more durable or overall new looking. it'd be a surprise at first when the others’ find out, but david wouldn't be too bothered. I actually see this as something he'd truly enjoy, which is why it won't be a problem to share it with his coven. cause, let's be real, the man has a funky style we all adore. It's his calling to be one with the wardrobe.
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moonsanoverthinker · 7 months
Here’s a series of thoughts I had while listening to episode 7 (I’m loosing my mind and these are the most random thoughts!)
I’ll stick them under the cut just incase people haven’t got to it yet! <3
Also edit: I’ve seen things about how these dots were too easy to connect and that theory makes sense. Now questioning are the dots easy to connect because they were supposed to be followed or are they easy so we all go on a goose chase…
Celia why are you mentioning the tape recorders…
“Spoken cases have anything in common” What like one specific voice reading about loosing loved ones? Or the one where the horrors follow people? Or the need for power and to be recognised? OR THE ONE ABOUT THE INSTITUTE?
Celia, dear, why are you asking about flesh and being buried alive? (The Flesh and The Buried perhaps…)
Is Mr C.Clayton dead? Or is there just something pretending to be him?
“It’s all for a good cause” I’m sure it is!
Also random thought most of this takes place in 2015 which lines up with series 1 of TMA (this more than likely means nothing just thought about it)
Right time to start noting every single item down!
Also isn’t this how Breekon and Hope took over that guys removal business?
Those new worker 🤝Mikaele Salesa 🤝ton of weird objects that may or may not be spooky
Mmm yep those descriptions are fucking awful thanks for that!
Is the man in black clothing a friend or a foe I wonder?
Feeling very Stranger coded this one (I know the fears might not be a thing in this universe but still)
“Whiny little toad” Wonder who wrote that…
“Do you know who voices Chester?” They don’t but you might Celia
“Doesn’t matter. I’m sure it wasn’t anyone important” CELIA. 1. It does matter. 2.NO
Johns learnt how to send emails then?
Or is it John or Jon? Are we getting Michealed or this is him?
Was the random name Sims, Sam?
“The real stuff” What is the real stuff? Is what they look at not the real stuff…
“It’s already recorded too…” Colin. What does this mean. Are the horrors listening? Perhaps some might say waiting?
Lena and Gwen! That’s it that’s the thought.
“It’s really quite amusing actually” “Trust me” GOD GWEN. Is she from the violent side of the family? Or the Elias before the horrors side?
“Most people would consider directly confronting me like this a rather foolish idea” Why’s that Lena…
“According to my source” Gwen how did find the source? Family connections?
“Maybe with your job” GO OFF GWEN
“I am not a wealthy woman, certainly not compared to your own family” Every episode I am getting more convinced she is directly related to Elias OR she is the non-Jonah version of Elias and is just cut throat?
“I want ‘in’” WHAT IS ‘IN’
“Step up too the real work” Is…is this not the real work. More horrors await I assume?
“I hope you’re ready for it as you think you are. Consider yourself ‘in’” This will either go splendidly and in Gwens favour or everything is going to be awful! (For now I’m going to assume awful)
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