#i still cant gather courage to speak most of the time
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I made a boo oc!! I'll make more drawings to use them for when I start making "serious" YouTube videos :3
#mayodraws#dont really know what else to tag so#TIME FOR RAMBLING WOOHOO#im thinking of just getting rid of the name Mayo tbh#ive grown sick of it#honestly might just stick to my real name for everything atp#i use it for the entirety of discord now so 💀#i just feel like its not me if its not my actual name#its like its a separate identity of myself even if im the same person you know?#i like feeling that i am me even through a screen i am still me and not some offbrand representation of myself#so hey everyone my name is Hailey :3 feel free to call me that#soon enough ill change all my socials or the ones I actually use to be some form of 'Hailstorm' because it sounds cool imo#and its a nickname my sister gave me so it also means something special to me <3#should I have made a separate post for this? yes#is it too late? also yes#since im in a ramble session i may as well say more on my mind#im in a server for discord and i so badly have been trying to become friends with people there but holy shit even after like 2 months#i still cant gather courage to speak most of the time#hopefully ill open up more soon but man i need to just not be so shy 😭#are you having fun reading through the tags 💀💀#i would be surprised of anyone actually read all if them#if you did i hope you have a wonderful day 👍👍#also Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its Christmas totally#back onto the youtuve thing most of my videos are just shit like “toad screaming” or editing zelda cutscenes but at some point i want to#make scripted videos for nintendo related stuff#i already finished a script for ttyd and i know its not the best script but for being my first its good enough and ill learn along the way#okay im done yapping Happy St Patrick's Day
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knowltonsrangers · 8 months
theoretically pt.5
TURN!Benjamin Tallmadge x F!reader
part one , part two , part three , part four
The light of the candle isn’t what has been keeping you up, but it isn’t necessarily helping your venture on attempting to get some rest.
Your cheek firmly pressed against your crossed arms, you stare absentmindedly at Benjamin’s back, watching the way his shoulders tense with annoyance as he has to scribble out words of his official report, then begin the sentence again.
Your eyes follow to his desk, absolutely littered with letters and maps, enough that you squint to attempt a better glance at their words and images.
If he had any idea that you were awake, he simply ignored the fact.
Part of you was raked with guilt, weighed down by the idea that most of this was entirely your fault with little way to fix the problem.
You wanted to stay irate, remain bitter at the fact it wasn’t he who was stuck here with you, it was you who was stuck here with him.
Yet, if anything, your resentful attitude did nothing to aid your cause, so maybe you could stand to be a bit nicer to the man who did nothing to harm you just yet.
“Cant sleep?”
It startles you, your eyes bouncing around the tent, surprised that he had moved from his desk without as much as a sound.
You must’ve zoned out, for him to have now be seated at the end of the cot, arms across his chest as he stares down at you.
“Sorry, I did not intend to startle you.”
“No…it’s okay. And yeah, I can’t sleep. Something like that.”
“Something on your mind?”
“No. Today just wore me out.”
You watch him warily, your cheek returning to your arm as you now stare at the wall of the tent.
“I was pleased with how you spoke to the General, at least.”
His words are soft, almost a whisper, still looking at you, as if there was something more he wished to ask.
“I did okay?”
The validation was not expected, but extremely comforting, finally daring to move onto your back so you could properly speak to him.
“Besides your ramblings, sure.”
Ben expected you to bite back, some comment about his teasing, but all you do is feel the waves of relief wash over you in droves.
“I ran your name, and as far as I know, not a soul knows of you.”
“Unless a relative is walking around, I doubt anyone would. A last name may match, but my full name, no one.”
He hums, fingers tapping against his arms, the words rolling around on his tongue for a moment before they come out of his mouth.
“The dress annoyed you so much? I thought you looked very nice,”
The candlelight does little to help hide the twinge of red that blossoms on your cheeks.
“Let’s just say I appreciated you keeping these around.”
You gesture to your t-shirt and joggers.
“Well, you look nice in those too. If that happens to be standard for your time.”
You snort.
“No, this would be considered sleepwear, probably because that’s what I was doing when I woke up here.”
Ben seems mildly interested in this, scooting a little closer to you, so you sit up and draw your knees to your chest so he can sit next to you on the cot.
“I think I owe you an apology, Major.”
Solemnly, your gaze lowers to the white sheet, wrinkling your nose in defeat.
“Whatever for, y/n?”
“Besides…our first encounter, you’ve been nothing but nice to me. And I’ve been a sarcastic, annoying drama queen, probably.”
Ben actually laughs, throwing his head back before quickly collecting himself, realizing where he was and the hour of the night.
“I wouldn’t think you were such. Though I don’t know entirely what ‘drama queen’ means, I am putting the pieces together.”
“Anyway though, I do owe you one. I really am sorry. I hope through all this we can be besties—friends. I’d like that, if that’s okay with you.”
Ben mulls it over for a moment, is heart beating in his ears so loudly he’s positive you can hear it, before answering your proposal with a firm nod.
“I’d like that as well.”
There’s a passing moment of silence, then Ben gathers the courage to ask one more question for the night.
Your gaze lifts, meeting his, and he can’t help the way he nearly swoons over the way you look at him.
“If I can’t find a way to help you…whatever the situation may be,”
He counts off on agitated fingers.
“Confusion, illness, injury, time travel—“
A sigh escapes his chapped lips.
“What are you going to do?”
It’s what’s been keeping you awake, terribly sad and lonely. You want to burst into tears at the thought of it, but you didn’t feel right throwing some of that burden on Ben, especially after the meaningful moments you’ve just exchanged.
Instead, you shrug, swallowing down a building sob.
“Y’know, Ben, I hadn’t really thought about it.”
A sad smile finds its way to your cheeks.
“I trust you. And I trust that we’ll figure it out. Together.”
Your teeth sink slowly into your bottom lip, hesitant to touch him, but move forward all the same. Patting his hand softly, you hope your comforting motion is enough to get you through this conversation.
“I’m inclined to agree.”
He goes to say more, but you slink back down onto the cot, knees drawn to your chest as you grab at the warmth beneath the sheet.
“Good night, Ben,”
You try your best to say it without sounding too warbled.
“Sleep well, y/n.”
He pushes off the cot, and as he blows out the candle, the tent is enveloped in a darkness that you welcomed with open arms.
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baeshijima · 2 years
do it you coward 👺👺👺
i am (aggressively) enabling you rn
and its been awhile since i sent you an ask since ive been busy w school (which sucked for like 4 days since i didnt have anyone to talk to but FINALLY i gathered enough courage to atleast talk to my seatmate ;w;
>:0 i am NOT a coward. the audacity rn smh
so basically, instead of you being the transmigrator (i already have an otome game one in the works where ur the transmigrator so this balances out) you're one of the "characters" from the original. aether and lumine will take the place of the transmigrator since canonically they also come from another world anyway !!
the basic premise of this falls in line with usual transmigration stories, except you're not an all-knowing being but someone else is, so you would be an unreliable narrator in this case where the twins seem a bit too all-knowing and perceptive. i think having you be a favourite character of theirs from a novel would be fun, but you would be a side character as opposed to the main character. honestly i don't think you would be from a romance novel, maybe apocalyptic or mystery based could be more fun to explore, where you were unfairly killed off — unprovoked — which caused a massive stir amongst the readers. obviously the writer did it for the plot development and as motive for the main character, but the twins in particular left a lengthy review saying your death was extremely unnecessary and cheap. sure enough, they find themselves in your world only mere moments before you're struck down.
they save you, you're grateful, and they vow to protect you from here on out after successfully saving you from your original demise (not that you know that of course). of course, this affects the original plot line significantly as you're no longer a catalyst for the main character's motive for revenge on your behalf, so everything could be thrown off course, but who were the twins to worry about that? you're still alive, and that's all that matters!
what they didn't take into consideration, however, is that plot is there for a reason, and they only realise that after the nth attempt against you. through that they encounter the rest of the cast:
the main character, diluc, who you share a close childhood bond with. his appearance in front of them is disheveled and panicked, chiding you about not contacting him with the recent rise in casualties in your area. they didn’t think much of it, and even felt touched considering this meeting with you wouldn’t be possible if not for their intervention. though their empathy is short-lived when he begins to tag-along with your small group, constantly appearing between them and you. (is he doing this on purpose?)
the investigator, heizou, who has been following this case for quite some time now. the twins have wondered how long they would be able to evade the sly detective, though perhaps they should have held their tongue as he came hurtling after seeing you, identifying you as the one who’s had the most attempts directed towards — this didn’t bode well with diluc, who instigated a long-lasting lecture about safety with you. heizou was curious to know why they seemed so hell-bent on going after you so he, too, joined your reluctantly growing group.
(there are more but i cant think of them rn so im leaving this blank but they do include childe, ayato, albedo and maybe zhongli)
a man they’ve never heard or read about turned up beside you uninvited one day, and they soon learned his name to be dainsleif. he was of the rather cryptic sort and had countless suspicions surrounding him, but he provided them with useful intel on the attackers so he was, begrudgingly, allowed to stay. somehow he seemed to have formed a friendship with you, something that kindled the protective instincts within a few members, but seemingly ignored or brushed off the rest. he was indeed a mystery, but his instincts and prowess speak volumes for his capabilities.
tldr; ur caught in the middle of a mystery murder and a bunch of guys & lumine form a circle to protect u from the outside world
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mayans-sauce · 3 years
Shy, Dorky & Strong
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Gif Credit: @pedropcl
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, unprotected sex, mention of bodily fluids.
Request by anon which you can find HERE
Request by @madgirl-spacegirl-stargirl which you can find HERE
Request by @admirehermind which you can find HERE
A/N: found a way to combine all of these so I hope that’s ok and that it turned out good. Hope you all enjoy <3 !No spoilers for season 3 in this writing!
Sign up HERE to join my taglist! Or let me know in a comment/ask/private message :)
GROUP CHAT for updates!
•• Main Masterlist •• Angel Masterlist ••
You were a shy individual. You always had been. Growing up, you mostly kept to yourself in your nerdy fantasy world. It was what brought you joy and security. People were mean, and you didn’t associate yourself with so many people. You only had a few good friends, and that was enough for you. A boyfriend had never been in your life. It wasn’t something you sought after, and you also didn’t think boys liked you in that way.
How your relationship with someone the complete opposite of you started was in pure luck. One of your friends had begged you to pick her up at some party because she was too drunk to drive. She didn’t answer her phone when you had arrived, so you had no other choice than to walk inside.
You were dreading it because she was at some clubhouse that belonged to an MC. An MC wasn’t something you associate yourself with, so you were scared to go inside. But your friend wasn’t answering her phone, and you weren’t one of those people to flop out on someone.
Gathering the little courage you had left, you entered the noisy and crowded room. It didn’t seem like anyone noticed you, which was nice. You scanned the room but found no sign of her.
You walked over to what seemed to be the bar. A man decorated with a few tattoos on his arms sat alone nursing a beer.
“U-um… excuse me… uh I’m looking for my friend Alex. She said she would be her.”
The man had a bemused look on his face as he looked you up and down. “Yea… she went to the backroom with a friend of mine. She will be out soon.”
“O-oh… ok… thank you.” You were about to walk out to wait in the car for her, but the man introduced himself.
“I’m Angel,” he offered you his hand to shake.
“Y/N,” you took it with caution but smiled at him regardless.
“Nice to meet you. You can wait here with me if you want.”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” You sat at the barstool next to Angel. He seemed like an ok man, but you still kept your guard up.
“Yo prospect! A beer for the beautiful lady.”
Beautiful? You never saw yourself as a beauty but just more like a little less than the average girl. Your skin was heating up at him calling you that.
A chubby-looking man served it to you in an instant, he was a little clumsy, but it made you calm down in a way.
You grew to like this Angel dude. He seemed like a nice man. He made you feel comfortable right away. He asked you questions about yourself, your interest, and whatnot, and you loved how easy it was to open up to him.
He didn’t seem to mind when you share a bit of your dorky side with him. He loved it. He wanted to know more, so when the time came when your friend Alex emerged from wherever she had been, and it was time to go, he asked if you would be down to go eating lunch with him tomorrow.
You usually didn’t do stuff like this. You had a bad experience with men and didn’t trust them that much, but it was just something about him that made you say yes.
And it was the best decision you had ever made.
The lunch with Angel had gone so well and smoothly, and it only got better from there.
He was the best thing that ever happened to you. You felt so loved and protected with him.
He would indulge in your interests. Watching the newest Marvel movies with you or playing a new game you had been excited about for a long time. Your favorite pastime together would be to binge-watch shows. You introduced him to new ones he didn’t even know existed. Angel loved when you talked nerdy to him. How excited and open you became when you talked about your passion.
He always complimented you on your wardrobe. You dressed differently than the women he usually hangs around with, but Angel loved it. He always told you how cute and innocent you looked and would brag about you to his boys on what a beautiful girlfriend he had.
“Look how cute and beautiful my girl is.”
You also knew how to kick it up a notch when needed. Dressing a little bit sexier and revealing when you wanted. It wasn’t for anyone else but Angel, and he couldn’t keep his eyes away from you when you did. His touches would be all over you in an attempt to go home a little early to have some fun in bed.
“Let’s go home before I take you right here right now in front of my brothers.”
Speaking of fun in bed, Angel was the first man to make you feel seen and comfortable in the bedroom. You hadn’t had that much sexual experience, but with what you had, it was all a horrible time. None of the guys you had been with ever care about your pleasure. So it came as a surprise to you when all Angel wanted to do was give you his.
He spent his time worshipping your body with kisses, licks, and bites, already making you come twice without even having to fuck you before he came to the most important part.
His length lined itself up with your desperate entrance, coating himself with your wetness from your dripping folds.
“Do you trust me?” His eyes looking soft into yours to look for any hesitation in them. He found none.
“With my life Angel.” Your hand tangled in his hair to bring his lips to yours for a brief second.
“I won’t hurt you. I promise.”
“I know you won’t. I’m just nervous.”
“Whenever you want to stop, tell me, and we’ll stop right away, ok?”
He pushed himself into your warm and tight walls. He needed a minute to calm himself down as not to fuck you completely raw right away.
He kept his pace slow, to begin with, but gradually sped up at the request from you.
Your fingernails clawed at his back from the pleasure he brought you. You were in cloud nine, and you had never experienced something as intoxicating as the feeling of him fucking your tight and wet walls. His thumb coming down to give attention to your desperate clit, making you whimper out at the sensation, your eyes fluttering.
“Hey hey hey, look at me,” he grabbed your chin so that you could focus on him as his hips slammed into you repeatedly.
“Look at me as I make you come for the first time with my dick.”
“Y-yes… please, it fe-feels so good.”
It didn’t take long for the both of you to climb to the end. His expert body was making you both come undone in a matter of minutes.
“Let go for me.”
Your walls convulsed around him as he coated you with his warm seed.
A few tears ran down your cheeks at finally experiencing what sex is all about, feeling good and satisfied.
“Thank you, Angel.”
What came as the most surprise in the relationship was how good you could hold your own when needed. Angel thought that you were just a shy and innocent girl, but when you needed to be strong for yourself or others, you had no problem in doing so.
The first time it happened was when you and he were waiting together for a coffee, and the man in front of you started to get extremely rude to the barista, almost yelling and screaming at her for doing his order wrong. You didn’t hesitate to call him out for being a dickhead and told him that he better get the fuck out.
You weren’t sure if he scrambled away because of you or the big bad biker that you called your boyfriend, but either way, Angel was in shock when he saw what you had done, and it made him love and respect you so much more.
Yes, you were shy and dorky, but when it came time for you to be that strong, badass bitch you didn’t think about it for a second.
Thank you for reading❤️ a quick reblog and feedback would be so appreciated❤️
GENERAL TAGLIST: @everyhowlmarksthedead @-im-fantastic- @idorkish @megantelford @witching-hour @rosieposie0624 @jessprins13 @skyofficialxx @glamourglambert @jasminee97 @starrynite7114 @gemini0410 @rocketqueen @mack-jay @megapeacelovemusic-blog @weasleytwins-41 @achievement-hunters-blog54 @taurean-brat @multifandom-girlie @anythingandeverything97 @spookyboogyuniverse @armiehammersleftsock @sariche @Pietschalexis26
MAYANS MC TAGLIST: @blessedboo @60shannon @bellisperennis0 @capnsaveahoe @diaryofkali @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @xvvalx @missswritings @theocatkov @pinguinstudiert @chibsytelford @encounterthepast @rawrlittlepanda-95 @beeroses @siriussnape07 @adaydreamaway08 @miss-nori85 @oldstuffnewstuff @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @jatriciaaa @browneyes912 @cole-winchester @blackksunflower12 @phoenixhalliwell @cant-decide-at-this-moment @love-mesome-me @holl2712 @jennisdirtyimagines @balladbloodwrites
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atzuums · 3 years
thirteen : just friends !
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when suna told you that he wanted to meet in the sunflower field it made you nervous. the last time you were here, with him, you were happy. you both laid down, surrounded by the flowers, and just talked. you talked about the future that you hoped to have together. now, you won't get to have that. especially after you tell him the truth or at least parts of the truth. you can't be with him, no matter how much you love him and he will have to understand that. 
you work up the courage to walk through the field. you finger run over the petals of the large flowers as you walk through. you slightly stop in you tracks as you see suna sitting ahead. his back is faced towards you which gives you time to study him. the last time you saw him he was crying and yelling you so you didn't get to really look at him. 
looking at his hair makes you miss running your fingers through it. you remember the times when he would lay his head on you chest while you run your fingers through his hair. those intimate moments you will never experience again. 
as you near him you clear your throat to catch his attention. this makes him whip his head around to look at you, startled. you awkwardly smile at him, which unsurprisingly he doesn't smile back. your eyes dart away from him, now feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. 
"hi." you say quietly as you take a seat next to him. 
he doesn't reply, he just stares at you. suna doesn't mean to stare but being this close to you again just reminds him of how much he still loved you. he's so angry at you, he is. though with all of that anger aside he still gets that warm feeling in his stomach when he looks at you. 
when you start to shift uncomfortably he realizes how long he's been staring at you. 
"sorry. just missed you is all." 
he mummbles the last part, not meaning for you to hear it but you do. you so badly want to tell him how much you missed him too but you feel like now is not the right time. a long and awkward silence fills the air, neither of you knowing what to say next. he's not sure how to ask you to tell him the truth and you're not sure if you should speak first. you take a deep breath for speaking up, figuring that he wont.
"i'm sorry. i know that i hurt you and believe me when i say that's something that i never wanted to do. i had no choice though." 
suna doesn't understand what you mean by this. of course you had a choice in breaking his heart or not. you must mean something else but he doesn't know what. he doesn't say anything, wanting you to continue
that's all you planned to tell him, but when you looked in suna's eyes you could see his confusion. you could see his pleading eyes begging for clear explanation. you know he doesn't understand. how could he jump to the conclusion that your mother forced you to break up with so that you could marry another man. your mother doesn't want you to tell suna any of this, especially not the whole truth. she's not here though, which is why you continue. 
"my father is dying-" 
"what?" suna cuts you off. 
"...my father is dying and if i didn't break up with you and starting dating the man that she wanted me to then she would've stopped me from seeing him." suna doesn't know what to say. he cant even full comprehend what you just said and he doesn't know how to feel. 
"i never stopped loving you rin." 
suna's heart stops for a moment. his eyes search yours, desperately trying to confirm that it's the truth. the tears gathering in your eyes more than confirm that. 
"i love you so much, but we cant be together. we have to be just friends, at least for now."
watching you tears silently fall down your face only brings tears to suna's eyes. how can this be true? how can your mother be so cruel? finding out that you didn't want to break his heart only makes him feel a little better but your still in obvious pain. most importantly he still cant have you. 
he slowly inches his hand toward yours, not sure if he should touch you. he link his pinky with yours and when you don't pull your hand away from his he takes your whole hand in his. 
"you have to move on rin." rin shakes his head at this. he doesn't want to move on. he knows that he cant have you but he could never love anyone the way he loved you.  
you notice him shaking his head so you squeeze his hand tightly before speaking up.  
"please move on. for me, please." 
suna tightly closes his eyes. he doesn't want to agree,. he doesn't want to let you go.
he nods anyway. it's a lie. he's agreeing but he knows that he never will move on.  
"okay, for you."
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old flames !
“breaking up with suna over text before leaving the country may not have been the right thing to do. when he sees you at a skateboarding competition he can’t help but wonder why you didn’t at least tell him you were back.”
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An anonymous love (Part 1)
Summary : Y/N sees Sirius Black running away after a particulary rough letter from his mother. She wants to cheer him up and decide to send him a letter, anymously, she knows how much he hates her house.
Warnings : Slytherin!Reader, female!reader, reader is worried about Sirius, not proof read
Word count : 1.8k
English is not my first language, sorry if there is any mistakes
You're here - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
Y/N loved receiving letters but even more sending them, she loved including all sorts of little gifts in hers; flowers, drawings, photographs, candies sometimes, she loved it even more now she was a witch,  she started doing experiments with her magic. She learned how to make the drawings moves, charms the flowers so they would reopen as fresh as new, she even found a way for the letter to be read out loud if desire, in a way were it doesn’t fold and destroy itself the ways howlers do, so it could be listen to over and over again, her family especially loved that one.
She wanted to see now if could even include kisses, or even hugs, the feeling of arm wrapping around you to squeeze you tight was one of the best feeling to her and she wanted to be able to send it to anyone, so they could feel it whenever they wanted.
She was able to put the hugs and the kisses on little cards who had to be unfold, it took many mistake, accidents and retry but she was able to do it after some times. It wasn’t as reusable has she had hoped, only three uses who doesn’t last more than five seconds, but she was confident enough to know she will do better in the future.
She had send her last version to her parents a few days ago, one she was the proudest of, and was now waiting for their respond. Making sure everything was perfect was important as the first time she tried to do it the message felt like a dagger stabbing her chest. Thankfully she had no injuries, Mrs Pomfrey assured her there were nothing, the pain stayed a few hours though and she could have kissed the nurse for excusing her from the morning class that day, she would have not been able to work anyway.
Y/N was now waiting at the slytherin table next to the few friends she was able to make among her own house, quietly eating while listening to the crazy story of the friend on her right, laughing joyfully. She turned her head when she saw the owls starting to enter the room, eager to find if she will receives the respond of her parents, she watch as the other student opened their own mail, including the raven-haired boy at the gryffindor table, Sirius Black.
He had catch the eye of Y/N like many others, girls and boys, but she never dared to make a move, she was a slytherin and she knew how much he hated them. She had thought many times to send him an anonymous later but what for ? It would be a lost cost and she rather let the feeling die rather than being hurt. Well, at least she thought her feelings would disappear as time went by but she was incredibly wrong, it only got more intense.
Being in most of his classes was of no help, his cocky behavior, his stunning looks and charming smile. What bugged her the most was how brilliant he was, she never saw him study or even really paid good attention in class but was somehow able to earn good marks. She was a bit jealous of him for that if she was honest with herself, she wasn’t a bad student per say but did have to be focused and study to have good grades. They talked a few times before, mostly him helping her out with classes but he was nothing but nice and patient with her despote the green of her tie.
She fell for him even more when she saw him helping first years travelling the corridors and defending a third year against her bully, the punch was perfectly aimed for Merlin’s sake ! She loved every story he told her, all the pranks, the aventures, the quidditch match. The more she learned about him, the more difficult it was for her to keep her eye away from him.
“You’re drooling again”, Jacob snapped her out of her mind “ ‘m not !” swipping her lips just to be sure, making her friends laugh, she was red of embarassment, so out she hadn’t notice the owl giving her her parent’s letter. She gratefully took it before giving a bit of food to the owl who then flied away. Y/N got interrupt has she was opening the enveloppe.
“C’mon, you cant’ keep looking at him from afar for the rest of school ! Talk to him for once and save us the lover eyes !” said Olivia, “I can’t, you know he hates slytherins” her friend opened her mouth to protest before being cut. “Plus, he is way out of my league, he is like-" Y/N hesited a bit on her words, waving her hand around “- a sun giving life around him and I’m just somekind of, I don’t know, insect in the dirt”. Her friends around all gave a chorus of long sighs, they heard that a million times before, she rolled her eyes “My point is, I will never have the courage to ask him out”.
Before anyone could talk, a loud sound was heard comming from the gryffindor table, followed by the sound of turn up paper. When Y/N looked, she frowned, seeing Sirius almost running out of the room. “Wait mate !” James Potter, his best friend, tried to follow him but Remus Lupin stopped him. Y/N didn’t quite catch what they were saying, something about him needing to be alone.
And alone he stayed, she didn’t see him for the rest of the day, and she learned during the dinner that night it was because of the letter he received from home, it was quite known by most of the people who cared enough to be aware of the disastrous relationship of Sirius and his family, as it wasn’t unusual to see the boy upset because of his mother. Y/N’s blood boiled every time it would happened, how could someone treat their child that way ? Taking their time to write every horrid words just to cause pain ? Using something she loved so much to cause trouble instead as it should be : for the one you loved.
The scene earlier that day worked her up so much, she put her parent’s latter away without reading it, and it is only now in her bed she remembered even having it. She smiled at the curved letters, it was her mother’s handwritting, she very enthousiatly explain how her and her dad loved the hug, that coupled with the speaking spell “It was like you were right here with us !”, well not quite as she precised right after, but it felt nice to feel and hear their daughter after so many weeks apparts. She laughted when her father this time wrote she should find a way to commercial it, as she will become the richest witch of the wizard world. “Sure thing dad” she thought to herself. She carefully fold the paper before putting it in her “letter box”.
Then when she laid down, she couldn’t stop feeling sad for Sirius, he had such terrible parents but deserved so much more. She turned and turned and turned around in her bed, searching for a way to cheer him up and then she stopped, thinking of the letter of her parents and the success of the hug in the message, perhaps, she could send him something ..? She blushed at the idea, what could she says ? “Hey, your parents suck but your butty could send me in outter space”, sure, yeah, what a great idea Y/N.
She sighed, fine, maybe not that harsh but she could try to remind him how much is he loved here and how much of a great person he is. So she sat down in her bed, took a piece of parchment, her ink and her quill, careful to not wake up her roomates as she closed her curtains. She blow air through her mouth for a minute, gathering some courage, and then she start to write, hoping he would like it.
The next day when she woke up, or more like when it was time to get ready since she didn’t close her eye all night, wanting the message to be perfect : the drawing, an illustration of a dog, a stag, a rat and the moon, remembering the nickname and the jokes the marauders gave and made to eachothers, she charmed it for the little animals to run around the paper, leaving paws or hooves print behind –which disappear after a few step of course-, the curves of the words, the ink, she had opt for her favorite dark purple, the flowers had she picked, some wind-flower and cyclamen, that she carefully stuck to the parchment.
And of course the final touch : a kiss on the forhead. She had thought of a hug but decided it was too much, it could be scary to suddenly feels arms around you. A smol kiss was more appropriate, a bit bold yeah, but more fleeting, less intimidating and still a tender gesture.
When she was happy with the result and check any error in her words she put the message in an envelopt, decorated with stars, showing the cannis constellation, because of Sirius name obviously. And then put it in her bag, careful so her friend would not see it.
Once she was ready and out of her room with her friends, she realised she had no idea on how to give it to him. Surely not by hand, she didn’t put her name anywhere for a reason, maybe slide it into his bag during class ? But she was to scared to be caught.
She didn’t have to worry about it to much, since Sirius wasn’t at the class she shared with him, his friends looked troubled and worried, calmer than usual. Y/N felt a weight setting in her stomach, was the letter that bad he didn’t want to show up today either ? When he wasn’t at lunch either, she decided to send him by owl.
She excused herself from her friend, saying she had to send a letter, it wasn’t unusual for her to do so, so they didn’t even flinch. Once at the owl aviary and once she gave it to an owl and walked away, trying not to think to much, she stop. What if the letter only made him more upset ? Of course nothing she wrote was mean, but what if he didn’t like at all the idea of some unknown person looking in his private life ? Feeling arrogant enough to think they could cheer him up when his friends, those whom he consider family, weren’t able to do it ? Y/N turned around to take the letter back but it was too late, the bird had fly away, and since he was at hogwarts, he will have it in a few minutes only.
She felt the weight in her stomach get heavier, she hoped so much it will not make things worse.
Hoped you liked my first fic ! I don't know when the second part will be posted but I'll do my best for it to be soon.
Have a nice day ! Love you <3
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Can we get Cedric x reader, when the reader found a bunny in the forest at night and trying to sneak it to her bedroom but getting cought by perfect Cedric? Like we cant take animals from forest because its dangerous. Sorry if my english is badd, hope you have a nice dayy 💕💕
Yours To Keep (Cedric Diggory x Reader)
Additional info: Cedric is in his 6th year and he is a prefect.
Y/L/N = Your last name
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Fifth year Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws are gathering around a clearing somewhere in the outskirts of Forbidden Forest. Hagrid standing in the center of it with one hand on the unicorn, the creature that they’re studying today. It is a magnificent view for sure. Hagrid said that unicorns preferred a woman's touch but the young ones were more trusting and don’t mind men as much. Such as this one that they have the pleasure of meeting, it is still silver in colour and its horns are just starting to grew in.
Y/N was standing in the back near the bushes, it’s not because she’s not fascinated by today’s lesson, in fact as a kid she was obsessed with anything unicorn related. At some point she had even asked her mother to do a unicorn horn inspired hairstyle for her (which didn’t turn out great might I add, she looked more like a saiga antelope). The reason why she chose to be in the back because something near the bushes has caught her eyes, it’s a cute little white bunny. It looked soo lost and Y/N had spend a considerable amount of time watching it, thinking that a fellow bunny might appear, but it seems like this one is a lone rabbit.
She discretely flicked her wand and build it a mini fort from fallen twigs and leaves, not that anyone would notice her seeing that all eyes are dead set on the unicorn. The bunny jumps into the air with all four paws off the ground and twists in mid-air before landing, it looks like it’s very happy about its new makeshift home. Adorable little thing... Y/N wishes that she could take it in but Hogwarts has a strict policy on what kind of animals are allowed as a pet and sadly rabbit is not on the list.
But then again.... nobody needs to know right?
Y/N mulled it over, concocting a plan inside her head to abduct the bunny and make herself the new owner. It’s much safer with her anyway than roaming alone inside this sinister forest filled with unknown dangerous creatures. It’s been decided then, tonight she’s going to pull a bunny heist.
Night has fallen over Hogwarts and almost all of the students have crossed over to the dreamland, everyone except Y/N maybe. She’s laying in her bed under the cover of blanket but sleep is the farthest thing from her mind. All the girls that share a dorm with her are already fast asleep, now is her window of opportunity.
She carefully put one foot on the wooden floor, pulling the blanket off her body and tip toe across the room towards the circular door that leads to the tunnels that connects their dormitories with the common room. So far so good, the common room is empty, illuminated just slightly by warm copper lamps so students who come in late won’t trip over something.
Times like these are when she’s most grateful about Hufflepuff’s basement location. They are one floor below the ground, near the Hogwarts Kitchens. The chances of running into a fellow student is slim because they are so far away from other houses dormitories. Y/N proceeded stealthily, wrapping her robe tighter around herself as the chily night air starts to creep in. She go up a flight of stone steps and arrived near the Great Hall, where she then took a right turn towards the entrance hall and courtyard. ———————————————————————
Y/N managed to found the clearing where they held the Care of Magical Creatures class earlier in the day with little to no trouble since she has memorized the path. She walked to the bushes and sigh happily when she find the white bunny still lying down inside its mini fort. Its front paws pointing forward and rear legs stuck out sideways in a relaxed manner. Y/N kneel down and slowly reached out a hand, watching it’s reaction but found no sign of it being scared or aggravated, then scratch the bunny’s ears softly.
“Hi there cutie... would you like to come with me?” She cooed, knowing that it wouldn’t understand her anyway but still that doesn’t stops her.
The bunny looked up to her with its round innocent eyes and Y/N carefully scoop it into her arms. Rocking it from side to side like what you usually do to put a baby to sleep. It looks pretty content so she took it as a sign that it likes her.
“Alrighty then, time to go back” She mumbled to herself.
Y/N put the bunny inside the hidden pocket inside her robe, concealing it from sight just in case, and trudge her way back to the castle.
Everything was going smoothly up until she made the mistake of looking behind her back the whole time, she forgot to watch where she’s actually heading and bump into something tall and hard, probably a wall. Or so she thought.
When she looked straight ahead, she took a huge gulp and let out a quiet “Uh oh” as she realized that it is most certainly not a wall, but rather a person.
And not just any person, it’s Cedric Diggory, a Hufflepuff prefect, her house’s prefect. Bloody hell, damn her luck.
The impact of the collision also caused the very thing that she’s trying to hide to poke out of her robe. Cedric actually look dumbfounded when he saw two pointy white ears peeking out. He flicked his illuminated wand between the illegal creature to the guilty face of an underclassman, one who surprisingly bears a Hufflepuff symbol on her chest.
“Do I get a say in this, Prefect Diggory?” She muttered weakly, trying her best to look innocent although she just got caught red handed.
“Breaking 2 rules in one night huh? I never took you as the troublemaker kind” Cedric replied, one eyebrow raising up. One would say he actually look rather amused than cross.
Y/N still hasn’t found the courage to make up an excuse seeing that it wouldn’t help her case by much anyway, she couldn’t believe her own audacity when she finds herself ogling over the handsome boy in front of her instead. Of course she’s aware that Cedric Diggory is ridiculously good looking, I mean he’s literally one of the most sought after guy in the entire school. It’s just that she never really stood this close to properly see his features before, he was always surrounded by his friends or admirers so it’s kinda hard to have a closer look. Not until now.
“Cat got your tongue, Y/L/N?” His teasing tone snapped her out of her reverie.
An incredulous gasp escaped from her mouth, “Wait a minute... you actually know who I am?”
“Well I am the prefect of our house you know..” He said sarcastically, “—I make it my business to know all those under my supervision and that includes you”
Y/N hums, looking very much impressed at the amount of effort that he’s putting into his responsibility. When she thought he couldn’t get more perfect, Cedric Diggory proved her wrong again.
“So mind explaining to me what were you doing in these hours of night? I wasn’t aware that fifth year student has the liberty of roaming the corridors freely as they pleased” Now the tone of his voice took a serious turn but besides that he still keep his face in a friendly manner, encouraging her to speak.
“I found a bunny earlier during Care for Magical Creatures class and it’s just soo cute I can’t help myself, so I sneaked out to come and take it in because I couldn’t possibly do that under broad daylight, could I?” She replied sheepishly, now that she spoke it out loud, it sounds silly and childish. Not exactly the impression that she would like to make on this stud in front of her but oh well.
Y/N is taken by surprise when Cedric let out an amused snort and his mouth tugged up into a huge grin, charming. “Sorry for causing trouble” She added for good measure.
“Nahh.. it’s no trouble at all” He said good naturedly.
“So does that means i’m off the hook?” She asked hopefully, pulling her puppy dog eyes on him.
“Yes, Y/N... i’m letting this slide but don’t you go and get yourself in trouble again, understood?”
“Thank you so much” She half shout as she flung herself to him, giving him a hug out of excitement and relief. But when she realizes what she’s doing, she awkwardly pulled herself back. “Sorry ‘bout that, I got carried away”
Cedric chuckles at the girl, she really is entertaining. He has actually known her from some time, looking at her from afar on several occasions because she may or may not have caught his eyes. It’s just that he never has any excuse to talk to her seeing that they’re in a different year and has no mutual friends. He’s really glad he’s on patrol duty tonight because he got more than he bargained for, not that he mind it one bit.
“You planning to keep the bunny?” He asked curiously.
“Well yeah... if that’s okay” She said, biting her lower lip, eyes darting nervously.
“It’s yours to keep” He shrugged his shoulders, trying to play it off nonchalantly, “I mean you did find it after all”
Cedric watched as Y/N beamed from ear to ear, it’s adorable really, seeing her light up like that certainly got him smiling back.
He put his hands on both of her shoulders gently, making her look up to him quizzically, “Take care of yourself, angel”
Y/N can feel her cheeks burning up at the endearment term. Finding it hard to meet his intense gaze back, he seemed to enjoy making her fluster though, smirking to himself.
Oh no he didn’t... two can play at this game
“If getting myself in trouble daily means that it’s you who will deal after me, it just tempt me to cause even more ruckus” She half purred, now that certainly startled the poor boy he even let out a chocked noise.
Y/N grinned widely at the reaction that she’s getting, she definitely made the Cedric Diggory hot and bothered just like that. What an accomplishment indeed.
She then winked at him, “I’ll see you around, lover boy” before she sauntered off, leaving the prefect with his mouth gaping.
A/N : Hi there anon! thank you for requesting this💛 I hope this is good enough, I had such a blast writing for Cedric since he’s actually one of my favorite characters and I don’t think I would ever get over his death 😢
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The Worth of a Bird
This is a Joffrey x Reader that I’ve wanted to write for a while now. I debated several ideas for the plot, but I settled on this one after my cat brought in a bird this morning. This story takes place during season two. I do not own the characters or the gif.
Description: At first, Joffrey doesn’t understand why the reader would save the life of a tiny bird. Little does he know that this encounter will affect his life more than he realizes.
Warnings: none, other than Joffrey being Joffrey and a spoiler at the very end
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It was a warm and sunny day in King’s Landing. Y/N of house L/N was spending time with the two youngest siblings of the royal family, Tommen and Myrcella. Despite Tommen being eleven, and Myrcella only eight, Y/N enjoyed their company. They were all currently sitting in the gardens.
“Let’s play hide and seek,” Myrcella said in an excited voice as she ran off to hide.
“I want to play too,” Tommen shouted as he ran after his sister. Y/N couldn’t help but smile as she began to count down from twenty. On the other side of the garden, Joffrey and Cersei were sitting at a small table, the lion of House Lannister entwined in the metal. Cersei was drinking wine, and her son was staring at the young woman as she continued to count. Joffrey had been betrothed to her for over a year, and now that he was king, Y/N would soon be his queen.
“Can you believe this,” Joffrey scoffed, “I cant believe that she would be playing such childish games.”
“I think it’s kind of her to play with your younger siblings. They will soon be her family through marriage, and it is for the best that they get along,” Cersei replied as she too looked at Y/N.
“I don’t care what my siblings want, or what is best for this family. She’s going to be my queen soon, and she should start acting like one.”
Suddenly, a loud scream echoed through the garden, and Y/N, along with Cersei and Joffrey, perked up at the sound. The scream came from Myrcella. Cersei launched up from her seat and ran in the direction of the scream. Y/N soon followed, her scarlet and gold dress flowing behind her. When they reached Myrcella, she was crouched on the ground crying.
“Ser Pounce has a bird! Please do something mother,” Myrcella wailed as she looked up from her spot on the ground. Cersei didn’t move, but Y/N continued to get closer to the small feline. Tommen was chasing the cat around the garden, but Ser Pounce soon jumped into a large bush, his prey still in his jaws.
“I got it,” Y/N stated as she gracefully reached into the bush and pulled Ser Pounce from the lime green plant. “Spit it out, Ser Pounce.”
The cat simply growled in response, angry that a human was trying to take away his afternoon snack, but Y/N wasn’t going to give up so easily.
“I said let it go,” Y/N asserted as she tried to reach for the small bird. Tommen was now at his mother’s side, and Joffrey had finally made his way over to where they were gathered. Eventually, Y/N got a firm grip on the bird, and Ser Pounce stopped struggling.
While Y/N examined the bird for injuries, Ser Pounce ran away from the scene. Tommen sprinted after the cat to make sure he was safe. Cersei left shortly after to clean Myrcella’s tear stained face. That left Joffrey and Y/N alone in the garden.
“Isn’t it lovely,” Y/N exclaimed as she stroked the small birds tan feathers.
“How can this filthy creature be lovely? It’s just a stupid bird. There’s plenty of them in the world,” Joffrey spat as he put his hands on his hips.
“Well, there are plenty of humans in the world, and not all of them are stupid.”
“Of course they are! All of the dirty peasants in King’s Landing are proof of that.”
Y/N simply shook her head. When she first heard of her betrothal to Joffrey, she was unaware of how cruel he could be. It wasn’t just to the people he thought were below him. He could often be harsh with his own flesh and blood. Despite his horrid words and death glares, she knew that deep down Joffrey wasn’t a terrible person. She only wished that he would open up more about how he felt. Then again, woman were suppose to be quiet and obedient, and they most certainly shouldn’t question their soon to be husband.
Y/N let go of the bird, and it flew off into the twists and turns of King’s Landing’s roof tops. She then turned to Joffrey as she whipped her hands on her dress. “Even the smallest and lowest of creatures deserve a second chance at life.”
The next day, Joffrey and Y/N were seated in the throne room. People from outside of the city were coming to place their complaints and hopefully receive aid from the king. Person after person were dismissed with a wave of Joffrey’s hand. Y/N could tell how bored and irritated Joffrey was getting, but there was nothing she could do about it.
Yet another man approached. His clothes were torn and his face was unshaven. He cautiously walked towards the Iron Throne, scared of the words that might fall from Joffrey’s lips. Finally, the man mustered up the courage to speak.
“My King, I come to you in my time of need. My house has burned down, and I don’t have enough money for food. All I ask is for a small amount of coin to rebuild my home,” the man said as he glanced up at the blonde.
“How much money will it take,” Joffrey asked as he rested his chin in his hand. He had listened to what felt like a million people, and all of them wanted money. Oh how he wished for the opportunity to get up and leave his boring duties behind.
“I need about a hundred gold coins, my King.”
“A hundred coins?! This throne is made of iron, not gold. You should go back to the dirty hovel you came from and never-,” Joffrey suddenly froze before he could finish his sentence. He pondered what Y/N had said to him yesterday, and his features turned from a stern scowl to one that was a bit more relaxed. “I will give you fifty gold coins, and I’ll have a servant bring you enough food to last you for a month.”
The man let out a sigh of relief, and smiled up at Joffrey. “Thank you so much, my King,” the man stuttered. “It is very gracious of you to offer me the money and food.”
“As a very wise person once said, even the smallest and lowest of creatures deserve a second chance at life,” Joffrey remarked as he looked over at Y/N. She couldn’t help but blush at his subtle compliment, and she smiled at him. Surprisingly, Joffrey smiled back at her.
Later on as they lay in their shared chamber, the thin sheets covering the two of them, Y/N raised her head to gaze into Joffrey’s deep green eyes. “What you did today was very sweet.”
“It wasn’t sweet. I was getting tired of hearing all of the people complaining about their lives, so I simply gave him the gold and food so he would shut his stupid mouth,” Joffrey grumbled. Y/N raised an eyebrow at his words, clearly not believing any of it.
“Fine, I took what you said to heart. I thought that it would be good to give him a second chance. Guess there was more worth in that bird than I thought,” Joffrey confessed.
“I’m glad that my words were able to change your mind. You know, I could get used to you being this nice,” Y/N giggled.
“Don’t get to used to it. I have to remain strong or people will start to question me,” Joffrey pointed out as he wrapped his arm around Y/N’s waist and pulled her closer to him. “For you though, I think I can make a small exception.”
“I’m honored,” Y/N said as she playful placed a hand on her chest. The two then broke into light laughter as they slowly began to drift off to sleep.
“I love you, Joffrey,” Y/N whispered as she closed her eyes.
“And I love you, Y/N,” Joffrey quietly replied as he too let sleep overcome him.
Joffrey’s future actions would still be cruel, but Y/N loved him till the very end. For despite his harsh actions, Joffrey had seen the worth in a bird, and that one moment helped to solidify Y/N and Joffrey’s relationship until his final breath.
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iris-westallen1 · 3 years
The Happiest Day Of Our Life
‘’Well today was the worst day ever’’ iris said as she dove right on the couch. Barry just sat there staring at his beautiful wife so mesmerized he didn’t even realize she was talking to him but he couldn’t help it he was married to the most gorgeous woman on the planet he still doesn’t know how he got this lucky to have her in his life… ‘’ BARRY!!’’ he was immediately withdrawn from his thought blushing and rubbing his neck a habit he had formed since he was little.    ‘’ are you even listening to me’’ iris said with a slightly annoyed face mixed with concern.
‘’ sorry honey but it’s your fault I wasn’t paying attention’’ Barry cheekily replied.
‘Look at him looking so smug with that cocky smile ugh I could just slap him and fuck him at the same time, gosh why is he so hot making my ovaries explode’’ iris thought to herself.
‘’ you know honey cocky is not a good look on you’’ said a smiling iris
‘’oh, you love it and me’’
‘’ well, I supposed that is true’’ iris slaps his knee as she get’s up from where she was laying on the couch to come snuggle into Barry’s side ‘’ hmmm I missed you today’’ iris said as she coos into Barry
‘’ babe I am sorry your day didn’t go as you wanted it to.’’ Barry strokes her arm and side ‘’ do you want to tell me what was going on’’
‘’ I know it might sound petty or whatever but its team citizen if I can even call it that Kamilla’s gone and Allegra she’s never there she’s always at star labs and I get that she ha powers and whatever but I would like her to take her job more seriously and not for her personal gain, I feel bad for what happened to her cousin I seriously geniounly do but the only time you hear her talk about the citizen is if she needs something from us and its making me seriously regret promoting her.’’ Iris took a deep breath she knows how this might sound and it might just be her hormones but she is seriously tired of Allegra’s behavior.
Barry saw how distressed his wife was about this so he decided not to say anything until she has gotten it all out her chest.
After taking a deep breath iris continued ‘’ so today I was in the office getting ready to go investigate karma, Kramer whatever the fuck her name is and I find myself missing and employee so I called her just to learn she is hanging around frost and Caitlin for what reason I do not know I’m her mentor not them I’m not paying her to hang out with them and I was just like you know what its fine so I just left her and went about my way to go investigate Kramer in doing that surprise surprise my dad is investigating her with Cecil when I was the one who brought this case to him and he brushed me off like it was nothing. And that’s another thing I am so fed up with my dad.’’ At this point iris is bawling her eyes and all Barry wants to do it take that pain away from her.
‘’ my dad hasn’t been acting like my dad for a while now and it took me getting stuck in a mirror to realize it. You know he never once asked me how I was doing when I came out of the mirror, he just brushed it aside like I wasn’t gone for 3 months he could at least show some emotions.’’ Her voice was cracking at this point ‘’ h- ho- how I- is it * sniff sniff* that his more of a father to you than he is to meeeeeeee’’ her chest and shoulder moving frantically.
Barry finally goes in soothing her ‘’ I am so so sorry you feel this way, how long have you been holding this in and I didn’t even notice, I am so sorry baby, just let it all out’’ Barry said as he rubs his hands in soothing circles on her back ‘’ just let it out I’m here’’
When she is calm enough she continues ‘’ I just feel so neglected as a daughter by him and Cecil Cecil doesn’t even try to bond with me, she’s been with my dad for so long and I don’t even know anything about her and when we do talk she always uses her powers to invade my privacy and when she does that she can’t even be subtle about it she always has to my extra and do to much’’ by this time iris is finished crying now what she feels is rage towards these people. ‘’ she is literally everywhere when there was still  a team citizen was still a thing she became our ‘lawyer’ and no one even asked her to no offence to her but she suck as a lawyer’’ Barry starts laughing and nodding his head because it the truth. ‘’ I’m serious hahaha but it’s funny though but seriously I don’t even know why we hired her as your lawyer for your trial she couldn’t even win it she had to use ralph pretend to be devoe for her to win and I thought she was the best Caitlin and frost are dumb to hire her as a lawyer she couldn’t even win their case and if she cant win any of our case what is her use at star labs her powers are useless there no offense she could be home with Jenna and speaking of Jenna it sucks that we never see her they never talk about her unless its to say they are talking to their babysitter so instead of her to go take care of her child she’d over here acting like a child and sticking her nose in everyone’s business. I am so sick of her.’’ Barry just sat there looking at iris and after hearing all she said he can’t help but see the truth in what she’s saying, how could he have been so blind to this. As he continues to rub her back iris gathers even more courage to finally let this all off her chest ‘’ after cisco left the one person at star labs besides you I could stand was gone he was my sunshine twin he would always try to cheer me up when we lost Nora and even when I lost you to the speed force he was always there for me and I miss him and I miss Kamilla because she understood me we where becoming close friends before we got stuck in the mirror together and now we have an unbreakable bond because of that experience and now she’s gone too not only did I lose my best worker but I lost my best friend too. All of a sudden Iris seemed to get angrier Barry didn’t know why but his about to.
‘’ Caitlin and frost’’ she said their names with as much annoyance as she could muster up ‘’ they are the biggest entitled people I have ever met before frost was a thing it was the way Caitlin always looked at me like I was beneath her or something like she couldn’t get rid of me fast enough then frost came and bitch tried to kill me because she wanted dick and some other issues I had never did anything to her never spoke to her but all of a sudden she wants to kill me why I have no idea and what pisses me of is the way we just forgive her just because she did the right thing in the end and blasted Savitar she came to h.r funeral and she left to go find herself or whatever you went into the speed force and she abandoned me, Wally, cisco, and dad to fend of the bad guys on our own. Then Caitlin came up in her in her high horse to bring you out of the speed force like she’s been here all along, then she lost frost with the whole devoe thing Caitlin literally put your life and gypsy’s life in danger all because she wanted frost back and despite my better judgment I went up to her during the baby shower we threw for Cecile to offer up my help to find the bitch frost for her and she was just snarky with me saying no she will find her I just gave up on that hoe what still confusing is how she can perform all this surgery’s she’s doing since she hasn’t done them since med school like isn’t she a bio scientist or whatever like how did she become team doctor she literally has no experience in that field all she does is just stitch you up with pretty much all of us can do now and she acts like she has the most important job there dragging Allegra and Cecile along with her.’’ Iris shakes her head ‘’ you know what’s do funny’’ iris asked Barry ‘’ what’’ Barry genuinely curious ‘’ that whole frost trial and how Caitlin was like we have to get her out she’s my sister, since when though, anyways they arrested frost for a crime that she actually committed its not like she didn’t commit them she literally tried to kill me and she wanted her to go Scot free when you went to prison for a crime you actually didn’t commit it just pissed me of and instead of dumb bitch to just take the cure she volunteered her self for life in prison thinking she was doing sum, I might not like Kramer but what she did to frost was not a bad thing she all she did was try to make frost take responsibility for her actions. But she never does like always she literally gets out of prison after like two days.’’
‘’ and another thing that pisses me off is the way they treat Chester that boy is so sweet and deserves to be treated with kindness so that why it irritates and makes me so angry to hear that Caitlin was yelling at him for getting hit even sue warned Allegra not to pursue after her cousin but she did anyways and brought her to star labs without our permission knowing she’s a dangerous criminal when her and Allegra get into it she blast Chester who was just there to bring them snacks and somehow Caitlin made it Chester’s fault? Like how does that even make sense. I am just sick and tired of all of this. I am supposed to be happy right now basking in love with my husband trying to conceive our daughter and we can’t even have the privacy of knowing if were pregnant or not because of Cecile invading your thoughts once again the negative result you got was meant to be shared with me not her and I know this is wrong but I am glad that the test came negative because it would be so unfair of her to know that I am pregnant before I know all because she’s nosy.’’ Iris finally finished her rant with a deep breath, she looks up at Barry and all she finds in his eyes are adoration, understanding, anger, disappointment, and love.
‘’what?’’ iris asked
‘’ you are the strongest person that I know’’ Barry whispers to her ‘’I don’t know how you let this in for this long because one thing I know for sure is that I certainly would have burst long ago.’’
‘’ I am so sorry that you’ve had to keep this all in for this long’’ Barry said caressing her cheeks ‘’ and I’m sorry If you felt like you couldn’t tell me, thank you for bringing it to my attention and after listening to you things need to change for one our personal life needs to stop being discussed at star labs where everyone can hear and the second is that Caitlin needs to not be our doctor and she is certainly not going to be delivering our baby and most importantly we need to set boundaries for Cecile’’
‘’ thank you, babe, for listening to me and letting me get this rant of my chest, I feel so much lighter.’’
‘’ its my job iris there is no need to thank me I will always be on your side ALWAYS.’’
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boltwrites · 4 years
this week has all the best kinks! i was too early last time so i'm sending it again but could you do sub!bolin x afab dom!reader with a fucking machine?
kinktober 2020 | this week’s list
A/N: oh here we go boys (this is another long one, so be prepared)
by clicking read more you verify that you are at least 18 years old
so, you’ve definitely been introducing Bolin into kinkier shit at this point
you’ve been pegging him for ages now, and while in public he’s as sweet and loving and supportive as ever, in the bedroom, he feels like he can really open up with you and share that more submissive side of himself
so, you secretly ask Zhu Li for some help designing a fucking machine
you were a little disappointed that when you fucked Bolin, you couldn’t see his face all the time, since it was easiest to give it to him from behind. you wanted to be able to watch him come apart, and this seemed like the perfect idea
and you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Zhu Li could not only make one for you, but also wouldn’t tell a soul. she was in your book club - you two were tight, and she was more than willing to help
Bolin probably gets concerned at some point during the design and construction process because you keep taking “long shifts at work.” while he doesn’t think you’re cheating on him (at least, he fucking hopes you’re not) he is a little worried that he’s boring to you and that you would rather be out somewhere else instead of with him
in reality, you and Zhu Li are not only having a bunch of fun designing the contraption (”Y/n, I have to say, as much as I love Varrick - you’re so much easier to work with” Zhu Li laughed) but have started to add a bunch of extra features. not to mention the safety measures you two were installing so that you were positive you wouldn’t hurt Bolin
Bolin was like, a few days away from finally gathering the courage to confront you when you approached him - home early, before him - excited, bouncing on the balls of your feet
“hey, babe,” you grinned at him, giving him a little kiss as he entered. he was clearly shocked to see you
“hi?” he replied, a little confused. “I thought you were at work?”
“i took off early,” you replied, still grinning wide. “you know these past couple weeks? I haven’t actually been taking extra hours,” you admitted. “I’ve been working on something special for you”
Bolin immediately felt horrible for thinking otherwise “you have?” he asked, hopeful. his heart was probably flipping in his chest - he loved you very much, and he was so excited that you had done something with him in mind. 
“yeah. it’s in the bedroom,” you looked at him with lidded eyes, hoping he would get the message, and he blinked, quickly turning red. oh, so it was that kind of surprise. he shivered, even more excited now. what would have take you so long? “wanna see it?”
“yeah,” he mumbled, his voice a little softer, already anticipating his fall into subspace. you tugged him towards the bedroom
and when you opened the door - 
his jaw dropped
the machine itself was decently large. it, of course, had its own motor, which was around 2 feet on either side (we’re working with lok tech, remember?). it rested on an adjustable base so that the height could be corrected for any situation, and next to the machine, a remote rested on the bedside table. 
Bolin’s mouth fell open and he went absolutely beet red
“is that...”
“yeah,” you nodded, grinning broad. it already had the dildo you usually used on your strap attached to the machine, all ready for him
you waited a beat, and when Bolin didn’t say anything, you got concerned.
“Bo? is this... is this ok?” you asked, getting a little worried
he jumped like he had been shocked, still so red.
“no, no it’s - uh,” he tugged at the collar of his shirt “...when can we try it out?” he squeaked, his voice quiet
spirits, he was fucking adorable. you giggled, wrapping your arms around him in a big hug. you thought he would like it, but you were glad he was just as into it as you were
“whenever you want, baby” you mumbled, covering his face in little kisses. he made a soft noise, wrapping his arms around you 
“now?” he mumbled, grinding against you, and oh boy, he was hard. you were so fucking excited.
“yeah, let’s get it set up”
Bolin was just as interested in the machine itself as what it could do to him, so you had him help set up the scene - pulling the bench that you usually had at the bottom of the bed out, to be used as a platform to him to bend over on. you had him lay on it as you adjusted the machine, and he whimpered at the feeling of it, even through his clothes
you told him a little about it, told him how much you wanted to watch him fall apart, wanted to see him get fucked good from a different vantage point, and as you told him all these dirty things, he started breathing deeper, slipping further into it all
by the time he was finally naked and bent over the bench, the machine poised at his entrace, Bolin already prepped, you were breathing heavy too, spread out on the armchair on the other side of the room
“ready, baby?” you asked him, breathless. he looked at you with such lustful eyes - needy for it, as you watched his hips rock against the cushions on the bench
“yeah, please-” he mumbled, pressing his cheek into the bench and nuzzling into it. you gasped at just the look of him already - so ready and waiting
you turned the the machine onto its lowest setting, so that it could enter Bolin at first slowly, to make sure he was properly prepped
he moaned as it pressed into him, pressing back, canting his hips beautifully as the machine pressed into him and bottomed out. he moaned, so pretty, like when you fucked him, except this time, he eyed you from across the room, and you could see from his expression just how much he needed it
“i’m ready, please -” he begged, but his voice was still somewhat composed. it was your job to fix that. you grinned devious, leaning on your elbow as you kicked the machine into its base setting - a steady pace, one you’ve used on him before, one you know he likes. the machine whirred to life, fucking into him deep and without hesitation
Bolin screamed in pleasure, his jaw going slack as he grabbed at the fabric in front of him, searching for anything to give him some grip
“oh, fuck - Y/n-!” he moaned, his body practically vibrating as the machine fucked into him without pause. you looked at him, worry in your eyes
“Bo, green?” you asked, concerned. you were using one of the methods common in your play - green was an enthusiastic yes, yellow was a stop and re-evaluate, and red was a full stop “i’m done with sexy stuff for the night”
“Spirits, yes, more -” he keened at the end, the room filled with obscene noises as Bolin was fucked into the bench, his body tense as he was overstimulated - but he loved it. he had no control over the pace, no control at all, and it was hard and deep and he needed more, even though his nerves were on fire. he wanted more
“more?” you asked, a quirk to your grin as you turned the machine up a notch. while this was your typical pace, the machine didn’t have to worry about stupid things like stamina. the higher settings were paces you would never dream to keep going for more than maybe a minute, at most
“yes - ah!” Bolin arched hard when you turned up the dial, the machine fucking into him faster, and his mouth fell open, plastering him to the bench, unable to do anything but take it - unable to even rock his hips in time, just assaulted by sensation. he felt like jelly, and he needed - 
“more,” he moaned, and you could barely make his voice out. he was a mess - he was drunk on it, but he was clearly loving it, so you made the executive decision to do as he asked - and turned it up one more setting
“oh!” Bolin’s voice was knocked out of him as the machine pushed him harder into the bench, this setting not one that increased speed, but instead, power. Bolin moaned louder than you’d ever heard him, a cry that could have made you come just from how full of pure bliss it was. 
Bolin saw stars - he was close already, but this setting had him coming untouched, pressing his face into the cushions of the bench as he painted it, his grip almost ripping the upholstery
you saw him arch hard, then go limp, his body convulsing as the machine kept fucking him, and you turned the settings down to something slower, something you hoped would help ease him through his orgasm. Bolin keened soft at it, looking at you with such love as he thanked you with his eyes for being so attentive, and knowing exactly what he needed
he opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a low whine as he nuzzled into the bench. you grinned, carefully stopping the machine so that the toy would still be inside him as you stood up - your own legs wobbly just at the sight of him, to pet through his hair, lean down to kiss his forehead, his cheeks
“how was it?” you asked, gentle. Bolin moaned in response, his entire body slack
“great,” he mumbled, his voice cracking, but you could tell he was sincere. you showered him in kisses, before you started your aftercare routine. oh, you were very glad you had taken the time to make this for him
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artemiseamoon · 4 years
Refuge - Finale
Catch up here
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Warnings: None. | Credit: Me  | Words: 936
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As you stroll the isle of the party store, you’ve yet to find what you need. It was a strange little habit you picked up, but on your road trips, you liked to buy one thing from a party store and bring it back; some funky little trinket that symbolized one more place on your tour of freedom.
Back where you settled for home, you had a small shelf with 3 trinkets on it; this would be your 4th. You liked the idea of that, 4 being the number of home, stability. This one felt extra important.
As you enter isle 6, you stop dead in your tracks. A familiar voice grumbles a mix of words and curses. A voice you know well, a voice which has embedded itself deep in your bones, in your DNA, in your heart.
A voice of a man who you shared the most profound intimacy with despite never actually having sex with him. A man who haunted you every single day, and every single day you still longed for him.
You gather courage and prepare yourself, you tell yourself, I’m just making this up. It cant be- won’t be, him.
As you near isle 7 your heart stops, it is him. In the flesh right before you. He’s holding a crumpled up list in one hand, a basket in the other. His hair is a little longer and a bit disheveled, you know he ran his hand through it a few times. He looks like a stressed-out man and a young kid all at once.
As you will your feet to move, your voice to work, you can’t help but notice what he’s wearing. A plaid shirt with dark jeans.
“Javier.” You finally speak, finding only his name to say.
What you didn’t know was that your voice hit his ears like a siren song. A phantom of an angel from his past. At first, Javier didn’t turn around, he didn’t believe it. You repeat this name,  he turns around.
Javier's jaw drops ever so slightly as his eyes widen, there’s almost a puppy dog look to his eyes.
You smile wide, wider than you’ve ever had before. You float more than walk to him. Javier takes two strides toward you, pulling you into the warmest hug. The hug feels like medicine, healing, like hope.
Once you part just enough to speak, while still holding on to each other, Javier talks first,
“It’s you -” He’s visibly breathless.
You realize, at some point, he must have dropped the basket, as his hands are now free and around your body. Javier observes you longingly and holds your face with his hands.“Y/n.”
You giggle, “Javier.”
He hugs you again, you melt into him. There is so much you want to say, to ask, to know. As he holds you for dear life, Javier feels the same.
As your bodies become two once more, his hands slide down to capture yours.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?”
“Driving through, its a long drive through. Texas is huge.”
He smiles, “It is.”
“My turn, what are you doing here?” You squeeze his hands.
“Home town, I have some family gathering to go to.”
“And the list, you pulled the short stick and have to pick up the last minute items?” You free one of your hands to touch his hair.
He doesn't reply, only nods with that heart-stealing smile on his lips.
“Let me help you with that,” you pull the crumbled list from his pocket, where he must have shoved it when you were too distracted by his face, “before you pull your hair out, I like your hair."
You laugh together and he backs up, retrieving the basket while keeping his eyes on you.
“You look great y/n, happy.”
“I am, thanks to you.”
In need of your touch, he takes your free hand back, holding it, “I’d do it all over again.”
“Me too.” You wink at him and look over the list, leading the way. You only take a few steps when he stops, you look over your shoulder to see why.
“Y/n, that family thing. Would you like to come with me?”
“Like, on a date?”
“What else would it be?” His response sending you over the moon, you touch the stars, You want to jump for joy.
“Yes, yes a hundred times.”
Later that night
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You were enjoying the party, you even met most of his family and most of Laredo. Still, Javier was the most important part of today. You feared you’d never see him again, but fate worked in your favor and crossed your paths.
At one point, Javier whisks you away from the festivities. You stop outside under a tree, his hand still resting on your waist.
The look in his eyes is enough to make you want to kiss him. Instead, you wait, you have to get something off your chest. You hope it meant something to see him again,
“Javier, I’m glad you asked me to come. In case I never see you again, I have to tell you this. A lot happened to me in Colombia, but I’m grateful I met you. You did so much more than proved refuge, you showed me something I thought I’d never have. I fell in love with you, Javier. I-I still love you.”
That smile you love so much reappears before his lips meet yours. Once he pulls away, his hands lovingly caress your arms before returning to your cheeks.
“I’m not going anywhere. Now that I have you again, I’m not letting you go. I love you too y/n.”
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kenobis-kyber · 4 years
From the Stars
Thank you so much to my fans! I appreciate you all for staying along for the ride.
Rating: M for mentions of abuse, swearing, light smut
Chapter 6
She awoke the next morning with bags under her eyes from the crying she did last night. Thinking about his lips on her last night even for the briefest moments. His warmth and passionmade her heart flutter, but a new set of tears were threatening to fall. In all honesty she was dreading having to face him this morning.
How could I be such a fool? How could I interrupt it as having feelings? He was just being kind and friendly. Such a gentle soul. Ughh I better get up and face the music.
Finally working up the courage, she started to get out of bed. She slowly opened her door looking around for him, sighing in relief she tip toed out. Passing his room she saw that it was well made as if no one slept in it. Making her way to the kitchen she saw no sign of him but she saw a note on the fridge.
I am off for a hike, I figured you could use the space given last nights events. Don’t worry I will return.
She breathed a sigh relief knowing she wouldn't have to face him right away. Deciding to run some errands outside the house she got ready and headed out the door.
He walked up the trail trying to center himself as he went along. Letting the force guide him he arrived to a small hill overlooking the woods and small town below. Sitting down in the meditative position he closed his eyes and opened himself to the current around him. As he sat there he heard the faint hum of disoriented voices. It almost sounded like his Masters calling to him. But was that even possible? He didn't know.
Why didn’t I try harder to find you master? I lost focus and got too comfortable. I should have known better. I am such a fool to let myself get attached and feelings for her. Maybe it’s because she is the only friend I have in this world.
Focusing harder his thoughts turned to Vanessa. How her laughter was music to his ears, her strength and her kindness and lastly the way her lips felt on his. He knew that attachment was forbidden but there didn't seem anything dark about this. It was like a pure white light within his very being.
She is too kind and so giving considering what she has been through. She could have left me to die. But she didn’t, instead I was taken into her home and treated like an old friend. It has been some of the most memorable experiences. Am I stuck here I don’t know? But I need to do what is right.
Snapping his eyes open, he realized it had gotten to twilight and he should be heading back home. Home. Yes that was his home now, Vanessa made sure of it. They took care of each other and he knew he had to do something. He silently thanked the force for showing him the way.
Vanessa had gotten home an hour ago to still no sign of Obi-Wan, she did worry but knew he was more than capable of taking care of himself. She started gathering the ingredients for dinner debating if she should cook for him as well. Fuck it. She started heating up the pan for the dinner. She was so focused in her work she didn't hear the stealthy Jedi come in to the house. He stood leaning against the counter watching her and took a deep breath. She was stirring the ingredients when she felt a pair of arms circle around her waist, she jumped up getting scared out of her wits. She turned to look at him with anger in her eyes.
“For Fucks sake! I am trying to….” she was abruptly cut off by his lips smashing against hers. To say that she was shocked was an underestimate. It was passionate and full of emotion. She broke away from the kiss and looked at him confused.
“What is this about?”
He grabbed her hand and brought planted a soft kiss on her knuckles while looking deep into her eyes. Her breath shuddered when he did that.
“This is me making up for being a fool.” with a small dreamy smile.
She was taken back by that answer and stared into his eyes with a bit of doubt in hers.
“But I thought it was forbidden.”
Taking a deep breath and caressing her hand gently, his blue eyes staring deeply into hers. “Well I have come to the conclusion that the council isn't here nor would the force bring me to such an amazing woman.” The corner of his mouth twitched into a lopsided smile.
“Really? Are you sure you want this?” she asked still a little cautious.
“Yes darling as sure as I am in the force. Yes it is forbidden, but who knows if I will ever figure out away to go home. But as of right now, you are my home and I want to be yours.”
Her heart skipped a beat and her eyes watered. He wanted her. She threw her arms around his neck and reached up to kiss him. It started off soft and tender. When he wrapped his arms around her waist he deepened the kiss. His tongue darted out and swiped against her lips silently asking for entrance. She granted it and their tongues did an erotic dance. His moans at the taste of her caused her to pull herself closer to him. He reached behind her to shut off the stove and pulled her even harder against him. She took that as a cue and jumped to wrap her legs around his waist.
Holding her against him he walked over to the couch and sat with her straddling him. His hands rubbed on her thighs as her fingers gently tugged the on the ponytail on the back of his head. He groaned as his hands began to wander up her legs to her waist. She shuddered and he continued up and underneath the hem of her shirt passing over a raised scare. She suddenly grabbed his wrists and moved them away for her.  He pulled his lips away from her and rested his forehead against hers.
“Are you OK, darling?,” he whispered gruffly.
“Yes. I just cant go this far with you yet, Its my past. I haven't been with anyone since….” She swallowed trying to hold back the tears.
He cupped her face and looked at her with his ocean eyes. “I understand. We don't ever have to do that. It would be an added bonus I cant lie. But that doesn't have to define our relationship, yeah?” He smiled then placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Now I believe you were cooking dinner? I think you should finish that because I am starving,” taking a playful nip at her lips.
She giggled, “Alright, alright but you have to clean up. Those are the rules.” Getting up off of his lap she made her way to the kitchen.
He sat back and let out a deep breath and smiled. Never thought he would feel something so right and blissful. He knew he would have to tread lightly given her pass traumas but he didn't mind, after all she was absolutely worth it. Hershey looked at him from his doggy bed in the corner.
“So...are you OK with his boy?” The dog waved his tail quickly and looked as though as he smiled. “Thank you.” he said while calling the dog over to pet him. Meanwhile Vanessa was in the kitchen finishing dinner and smiling to herself. She was so happy to have Obi Wan in her life but at the same time was scared. Even if he has been nothing been nice she couldn't help but feel scared. She thought Simon was kind and then look what he turned into. But Obi is different he helps and is patient with her. She sighed and finished plating dinner before calling him to the table. They ate and talked with such ease, the very base of their relationship.
When they finished Obi went about cleaning up and Vanessa went outside with Hershey to play with him. She picked up a stick and threw it, the goofy dog bounding after it. There was always such a joy playing with him.
Obi walked outside with 2 mugs of hot tea in hand watching the scene before him. He smiled to himself and walked over to the bench that was sat on the porch. He sat down and watched the simplicity and calmness of the situation. She looked up at him and smiled before making her way over to the bench. Sitting next to him, he draped her arm over her and she cuddled into his side. They sat like that for awhile before she raised her head to look at him. She brought her lips to his and they kissed slowly and tenderly. After a bit she pulled away and smiled at him.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being so good to me, so far as a friend and hopefully as a partner.”
“Of course darling, thank you for rescuing me all those months ago. And bringing a strange man into your home”
She laughed. “Best risk I have ever taken.” She kissed him on the cheek and settled into his side again enjoying his warmth. As the evening went on he heard some soft snores coming from her. He gently shook her awake. She mumbled before opening her eyes. He chuckled at her being sleepy as she looked so adorable.
“C’mon bedtime, before you drool all over my clothes.” giving her a cheeky smile.
“I don't drool!” she said slapping his arm. Then got up and started to make her way towards the house. He stood up behind her and followed her in. After they closed up the house and Hershey had settled, they embraced in one last kiss.
“Good night, sleep well.” he said while moving a strand of her raven hair behind her ear.
She reached to his braid and touched it gently.
“You as well.”
She went off to bed and had sweet dreams of her dear Jedi. Meanwhile Obi wan dreamed of his a familiar voice.
Padawan…..where are you? Speak to us…..We will find you….”
Obi-wan shot up in his bed after hearing the voice of his Master Qui-Gon. Flashes of the incident that got him here played through his mind as well. He breathed in deeply to calm himself down. After a bit he settled and was able to sleep with dreams of his Raven Haired beauty.
Tagging: @princessxkenobi @supermoschi @blondekel77 @ayamenimthiriel
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Hey lovelies,
I wrote another Dewey Finn x reader fanfic.
The reader is really insecure and of course our Dewey is the sweet jellybean to help her out and calm her down. Fluff is on the way. Hope you guys enjoy.
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Pretty odd.
You tiptoed to your secret new hobby.
Well... you hoped none of your neigbours noticed it yet. You would be so embarrassed you might have to move if anyone found out.
You recently started to learn how to play ukelele. The instrument was small, fun, bouncy, upbeat, and a bit odd. Like yourself.
If only you had some more courage... you felt insecure about a lot of things. Daily. Your new hobby wasnt an exception.... Especially since Dewey-'rock-god'-Finn lived at the appartement above your own.
You sighed thinking about Dewey... he was just... perfect.
Too perfect for someone like you. Secretly you'd been crushing on him the moment he moved in.
He played the guitar like it was as easy as breathing. With 101% chill. It was listening to Dewey that had put the idea in your head in the first place, the sound of his voice humming and the different tunes calmed your anxious mind. Not that he knew all that. Pfeww. Hell no. You would be suprised if he'd even remember your name.
You checked the time as you took your chord-book and your ukulele to the balcony.
It was friday. Meaning there was a 80% chance most of your neigbours were at the bar, welcoming the weekend. Which ment: less-anxcious playing time for you, since you could practice in piece.
You walked over to your balcony. The cool summer breeze welcoming you as you opened the door. You peeked upstairs to Deweys appartment, luckely there was no light to be seen. You havent heard him around today. He was probably at school or preparing some gig, you figured. Smiling to yourself as you imagined Dewey Finn rocking out on some stage in a bar. He got so excited as he played, joy practically radiating off him.
A little while back he asked if you wanted to check out his band, as they had to play at the local bar two blocks away. You gathered all your courage and said yes to that. You werent the bar-type. Or going-out type. But you were glad you did that night. The memory of Dewey on stage made your heart tingle again and you couldnt supress a smile forming on your lips.
The breeze on the balcony snapped you back to reality. As you were lost in thoughts you forgot your mission to come here in the first place. You took a seat, placed your ukelele gingerly on your lap and glanced around one last time to make sure u were alone. Then you started your first chord.
Dewey jolted upright from the slumber he was in. He'd had a long week at school, teaching the kids and was planning to go the bar tonight. He glanced at the time... could still work. It wasnt that late. He stood up from the couch and glanced around the room, looking for his jacket. Then he remembered he left it outside, after brainstorming for some new songs on the balcony last night. He ruffled his hair, trying to get the sleep out of his head as he walked to the door of his balcony.
You started to get the hang of it. Your fingers moving slightly faster and more secure then a few minutes before. Still sounded like a beginner. But... less a beginner then 20 minutes ago.
As your fingers struggled to do what your head wanted, you paused and checked your chord-book again. You smiled, your eyes finding the needed chord. Your fingers moved again to make the chord you needed, but you winced slightly at the sound you produced. That wasn't right.
You tried again. Fingers failing you again and you sighed deeply in annoyance.
You were just about to give up for the night when you heard a deep voice above you hum: "try a G, love.... it suppost to be a G, not an Am."
FUCK. Someone heared you.
You winced, but noticed it sounded very sweet and helpfull instead of judging.
You almost dropped your ukelele as you registered who that voice belonged to. You knew even whitout looking up.
You heard a soft chuckle from upstairs, and your face flushed deep red in embarrasment. You clung on your instrument as if your life depended on it. Reminding yourself you had to breath.
Concern now seeped trough his voice as you heard him say: "Uhm... You okay down there sweetheart? I was only trying to help..."
You gathered all your courage to look up, to see the face of the man, the myth and the legend, that held the name: Dewey Finn.
The look on his face was nothing but excitement mixed with a little bit of worry. This helped you calm down your nerves a bit, and you nervously smiled at him. He beamed a genuine happy smile back.
You stuttered: "gosh... this is embarrassing... i... i am... just... i was just..."
He moved a hand trough his hair, his smile was amused but kind. God he was handsome. He helped you out by speaking: "you were... just... killing it on the ukelele?"
You stared at him in shock. Mouth slightly open. "I... i... just... i fucked up the chords... i was definetly... not killing it." you mumbled, still very self concious. Looking at the floor, stress creeping up your chest.
Dewey frowned as he noticed your anxiety... "you weren't fucking up... you are learning. That's okay. Y/n, look at me... im trying to help, okay love?"
Shocked that he knew your name you looked upwards.
"Sorry for disturbing you..." you mumbled. "You probably have better things to do..."
Dewey shouted a "wait a second y/n...!" As you heard him moving around on the balcony moving some things around. Sounded like he was looking for something.
His head popped up over the balcony again, triumphantly holding his hand up with a goofy smile on his face. Before you knew what was happening you heard him yell: "CATCH!" As you saw something falling down the balcony towards you, you grasped it quickly, right on time. When you opened your right hand you noticed it was a guitar pick. You squinted your eyes at the words written on the pick itself. Scribbled on it, in a messy handwriting it said: "stick it to the man"
You looked upwards towards Dewey again. You remembered this song. You heared him play it a couple of times right above your head, practicing it in his appartement.
He smiled at you, his hand anxiously rubbing his scruff. You beamed back at him, anxiety and worry starting to fade.
You heared him say: "Y/n... Stick it to the man... you are rocking the ukelele, okay?"
You nodded, picking up your ukelele again. "Now..." he hummed above you "try a G for me, love..."
You moved your fingers slightly against the instrument. Strumming a perfect G-chord. You chuckled softly to yourself as you heard him yell: "Whoow!!! Yeah! Rock-star to be! Crowd goes wiiiiiiiild!!! Yeahhhhh!"
Suddenly an idea bubbled up inside you: "Hey Dewey..." you called up towards your neigbour.
He replied: "Yeah this is Dewey Finn... please leave a message after te beep...."
You laughed at that. Oddball.
You ripped a sheet out of your chord-book as you scribbled something on it. Folding it in a paper plane, right before you threw it to him, you yelled: "hey... CATCH!"
After 2 missed attempts of him catching it, and you laughing your ass off during the process, he managed to get hold of the plane you threw him.
You watched his eyes go wild as he was reading what it said.
-you wanna teach me how to play the ukelele?-
"Whoow!! Hell to the yeah! Anytime babe. You free tomorrownight?"
"Depends..." you smiled to him. "Is it gonna be a private-lesson Mr. Finn?"
He beamed at you, voice low: "well... only my best students get a one-on-one session... so... if you want to play that perfect G for me again... maybe we could arrange something."
As you chuckled your trembling hands proceeded to play indeed a wobbly G-chord. "Perfect babe... told ya. Rocking the uke already... what else could a man want? Pick you up at 8, okay?"
The smile on your face never leaving your lips as you spoke to Dewey, looking upward and winking as you did so: "I cant wait... You know were i live, mr. Finn..."
"Awesome doll. Keep rocking okay? Your doing great..." Dewey said.
Later that evening you heard the door above you close, footsteps thumping on the floor above you. As you noticed someone loudly whooping, sound muffled through the closed door and the appartement floor above you.
You smiled again. God what a dork. You couldnt wait untill your date tomorrow. Feeling incredibly happy with what your new hobby had brought you so far.
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love-toxin · 4 years
cocktails; yuri.
request: “I saw u could write for trans readers! I know this is weird but could I request a ftm darling? Any oc would be fine, lately ive been feeling dysphoric so ive been doodling and reading fics ya know the usual. Thank you tho, if u cant thats fine! I really love your account becuz I honestly feel so happy and comfortable here?? Its unimaginable, like wow, stay safe please and make sure u wash ur hands!”
a/n: yuri hasn’t had a cocktail party since before his little prince came along, so understandably they’re a bit nervous...and not just because they’re mingling with strangers. implied kidnapping, transgender reader (FTM), male reader, possessiveness, marking. 
word count: 1.7k 
The house hadn't been so lively in quite a while...in fact, you could seldom remember a time that Yuri's home had ever had more than two people inside it. It had been just the two of you for so long, you had started to forget how to interact with people other than your husband. And yet, that wasn't the only reason you still stood frozen at the top of the stairs, listening to the gathering below but not making a step down to join them. 
A laugh broke you from your momentary stupor, your heart warming suddenly at how familiar it was...how comforting it had become. From the beginning you hadn't fought Yuri, and he had been so full of glee at how agreeable you were, which gave him the chance to smother you with his love and shower you with all that you wanted. In the end you really didn't even consider it a kidnapping, even though you still had yet to leave the house by yourself or have an account password he didn't know. Yuri loved you feverishly, unconditionally, and in all honesty that was more than you could ever ask for, and his appreciation for you far outweighed any of the potential red flags. 
"...Yes, he's just adorable. I'm sure you'll get to meet him soon, he may just be freshening up a bit. My treasure tends to be terribly shy." 
Suddenly you were brought back to the present, and your hands resumed their trembling as you stood at the top of the stairs. Yuri's voice was clear, and soothing, and you could only imagine by the snatches of conversation that he was talking you up like you were a celebrity, just like he did on the phone with his sister or to his parents all the time. And that thought was what gave you the courage to take a deep breath, and take your careful steps down the staircase to enter into the scattered fray of people Yuri had invited over for a cocktail party. 
The stares were immediate. But with a practiced ignorance, you blew past them and gingerly weaved between the people milling about in their fancy dress and with their expensive drinks, to nearly come crashing into your husband just as he was turning to face you.
"Oh-! Sweetheart, there you are.."
In a flash, Yuri grabbed hold of your elbow to steady you, his teeth glimmering like pearls in the light as he looked down on you with an enraptured gaze. Already you had stolen his attention, to the point that he nearly forgot about the couple he had just been speaking with--but with a dazzling smile as always, he turned back to the two strangers, and released his hold on your arm only to slip his own around your waist. 
"This is my husband. Handsome, isn't he? I've always said he should have been a prince.."
Though they seemed friendly, you were already starting to shiver under their scrutinizing eyes, and your beloved certainly wasn’t helping by holding you snug against his side, and brushing the hair from your eyes himself.
You worked up as much of a warning tone as you could, and still it wasn’t enough to phase him, your partner replying with a kiss to your cheek before picking up the conversation they’d been steeped in. By the time the couple whose names you’d already forgotten had meandered away, you only felt more anxiety creep up in your throat at being around so many people...and Yuri apparently sensing this, brought out his most handy tactic of escaping another conversation, in the form of pulling out a handkerchief and starting to cough into it. 
“Y-Yuri...here, you need some water..”
Gently, you led him away from the people and their subtle attempts to grab his attention, and slipped into the kitchen where no one dared to enter for fear of walking over his sparkling linoleum. Though most of his guests were happily-paying clients of his interior decorating business, they all seemed to be drawn in to your husband like moths to a candle...he just had that alluring way about him, just as he had a natural talent for sneaking you away so he could have some privacy with you. 
“...My love, you seem disturbed. What’s wrong?”
Yuri took the glass you had been filling from the tap and set it back on the counter, effectively pinning you to it in the process. His hands raised to cup your cheeks, and he resisted the urge to pinch them like he always did...and instead he pressed his mouth to yours, and stole away the breath you felt as though you’d been holding in the whole night. 
It made you even more nervous to think of someone walking in to this, but it was much harder to worry when Yuri was holding you and smiling like a saint in your direction. He seemed to just pull the words out from your lips, when they felt so hard to bring up otherwise. 
“...I feel like everyone’s staring at me, Yuri. I feel like they all know...like I don’t look the part..”
Your sentences just fell off, too painful to finish when the reality was right in front of you. Yuri had been supportive of your transition from the moment he found out, and you truly felt blessed that he treated you so well and made sure you had everything you needed...but even so, the rest of the world could be so much more cruel, and it terrified you to this day to even walk amongst other people without knowing if you really passed. Styling your hair and wearing the suit Yuri picked out filled you with confidence, but even then you still wondered if people could see through everything...and if they wouldn’t treat you with near enough kindness that your husband did. 
“...God. I’m sorry, love. I shouldn’t have brought it up...I don’t want to ruin your fun.”
At once, you wished you hadn’t said anything at all--he so rarely had company in the first place, and between spending time with you, his job, and caring for his health, there were so few opportunities for him to go out with friends and spend time with them. And what was he supposed to do? You knew complaining would get you nowhere...but as you tried to inch away to either try and enjoy yourself or give up and go back upstairs, Yuri lowered his hands and grabbed the lapel of your jacket, only giving you a moment to breathe before he dipped down and kissed you again. 
“You could never ruin anything for me. You’re the most important man in my life. You..You are my everything.” 
The clicking of heels and engaged conversation in the next room made you tense up a bit, but Yuri’s lips always seemed to melt away everything else. His tongue probed past your teeth and eagerly mingled with yours, and you allowed yourself to get swept up in it so much, you didn’t realize he had cupped your behind in his hands, until he lifted you up with a grunt and sat you on the counter. 
“And yes, they are staring at you, and I hate it...I hate it so much. I had a woman ask me four times if you were going to be here. Do you know how impossible it was for me not to claw her eyes out?”
It was almost cute, now that you sat higher instead of him looming over you, that Yuri fussed so much about everyone else getting to look at you. With your legs apart so he could stand between them, and his arms around your waist so he could keep you close, your cheeks were set alight in a blush and you struggled to keep your smile down. When Yuri wanted to--which was always--he really could lift your spirits no matter how scared, anxious, or depressed you felt...and still he went on, nuzzling at your neck as he tugged your tie a little looser. 
“Everything stops when you enter a room...because no one can seem to pick their jaws up when they see how handsome my husband is. My husband.” 
As he finished, you let out a yelp at the feeling of teeth sinking into your skin, before he sucked down on the mark and left a bruise that would surely be impossible to cover with your collar. When Yuri got possessive, there was very little he wouldn't do to lay his claim on you...which could be both a very bad and excitingly good thing. 
“Mnh...how I wish I could just kick all these people out and have you on the dining table...but it seems the stars aren’t in my favour, darling. But I’ll make it up..”
From the other side of the wall, you could hear people asking around for your husband, eager to make a toast--and Yuri sighed against your neck, slowly sliding you off the counter to place you back on your feet. You knew for a fact that he would much rather sneak away from the party if he got to spend time with you...and it made your heart flutter in your chest. Yes, perhaps people might be cruel or close-minded, but as long as you had your loving husband to turn to in those times...it might be okay.
Of course, it was difficult to be lost in your thoughts when Yuri was getting in as much private time with you while he could, sucking softly on your lower lip as he finally pulled away from your addictive kiss. And bringing your hand up, he tenderly kissed your knuckles, his thumb rubbing the band of your wedding ring as if to ensure it was still there...before he leaned in to your ear and whispered, tone so smooth and velvety, you could have just melted right there. 
“...After all, I intend to finish tonight underneath you...so keep your chin up, love. You’re going to need your strength, so you can plow me into next week.” 
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hanawrites404 · 4 years
Part 2 :
"J-Jojo" the ravenhead approached the purplenette and tugged at her pants. Jonita snapped from her trance and looked down at the boy.
"D-Did I say something wrong to Mama?? Why did she become so upset?? Is it not right to love boys for me??" Jotaro shot her with numerous questions. Tears were threatening to fall from his emerald green eyes.
Jonita slightly chuckled and shook her head. She then kneeled down and held Jotaro by his shoulder.
"Who said that you have to love only girls if you are a boy?? In fact, you can love anyone in this world". "R-Really??" Jotaro asked with some hope. Jonita then smiled and nodded in reply.
"E-Even dolphins?!!" Jotaro asked with excitement. "U-Umm...sure. You want to marry dolphins??". "What?? No. I want to marry that red boy only" Jotaro bashfully said. "Wow, from love to marriage already. This is escalating very quickly" Jonita whispered to herself.
"Anyways, the reason why your mother reacted like this was because, boys don't usually fall in love with other boys. There is a universal law saying that boys have to love only girls as humans are made to function like this only".
"So you are saying that I'm.....mel-fuk-sion-ing??". "You mean malfunctioning?? No, not at all. It just means that you are...........different". "Different?? What do you mean Jojo??"
Jonita scooted closer to Jotaro and then cupped his cheek.
"Listen Joot, you are not the only one who loves people of their own gender. In fact, I have seen girls who like girls and also some people who like both boys and girls!! There are also some people whose gender you cannot even tell, and people fall in love with such persons too"
"Really??". "Yes. My husband used to like boys too". "Then what about you?? Why did he marry you then??". "Well, that question can be answered by him only. But if I speak of it, then maybe because he saw something in me which he never saw in others".
"Wow......If I ever meet your husband once, I will make sure to ask him why he chose you". "S-Sure, why not".
Jonita didn't really like the sound of that. "A-Anyways.......
Jotaro, who has the right to tell you whom to love?? Only you have. Not me, not Holly, not even God, only you and yourself. Love anyone you like. A boy, a girl, a dolphin, anyone!!! Just love them so much that you make them feel like they have found their home in you" she then pokes Jotaro's chest.
"B-But what if someone makes fun of me??". "Don't listen to them. They are just jealous that a handsome boy like you just had his heart been stolen by an equally handsome young man" she then squished Jotaro's cheeks to which Jotaro giggled.
He then hugged Jonita and buried his face in her chest.
"Thank you so much Jojo, you are the best!!". "Hehe, I know" Jonita rubbed Jotaro's back.
They stayed like this for a few seconds, and then Jonita spoke. "Well, I remember that I had bought some extra ice-cream from the shop. You want to have some, Joot??". "Yaay!! More ice-cream!!!" Both the Jojos then invaded the kitchen to devour the cold confectionery.
"Hello?? Papa??". "Holly, my baby!!! How are you doing??". "I'm fine, thank you for asking". "Holly, you sound sad. Is everything alright?? Are you hurt or something?? I-I'm coming right away then!!"
"No no Papa, I'm really fine. I just wanted to talk to you about something". "Shoot up Holly". "......I-it's about Jotaro". "Jotaro?? What about him?? Is he alright??". "He.........he is in love".
"OOOOHHHH MMYYYYY GOOOODDDD". Holly had to turn her head away from the phone to avoid her eardrums to be destroyed. She could literally imagine her father jumping happily all around wherever he was speaking from.
"TELL ME QUICK!!! WHO IS THE LUCKY GIRL?!!!". "T-That is what the problem is, Papa". "Huh?? What do you mean??". "J-Jotaro has fallen for a boy instead". "A boy??". "Y-Yes Papa".
There was silence at the other side of the call. Until another scream came.
"OOHHHH MY GOOOODDD, THAT IS EVEN BETTER!!!!!". Holly was kind of shocked from her father's reaction. She hadn't expect her father out of everyone else to react like this. She had expected him to be just as worried as she was.
"Papa, I'm worried about Jotaro". "Worried?? Why??". "Jotaro is a boy. He should be attracted towards girls and not with the children who is of his same gender" Holly said.
"So what?? It is his choice. Let him love whom he wants to". "But Papa--". "Listen, Baby. Do you remember Caesar??". "You mean Uncle Caesar??". "Yes Dear. I.....I was in love with him once".
"What??" Holly was astonished. She didn't expect this at all. So Jotaro wasn't the only one she knew who was attracted to people of his gender?? Her own father was as same as her son??
"W-Why didn't you tell me earlier Papa??". "I wanted to, but I wanted the right time to come. And I think right now is the best time".
Joseph then cleared his throat and the he started the tale of his and Caesar's battle tendency.
"Your uncle and I were enemies at first. We fought even for the most little things and your grandmother and Jonita used to scold and beat us up for that. But we never changed".
Joseph took a small pause, then he continued. "Though we fought, we were really close to each other. I didn't know about him but, I had realised that I had fallen in love with him. With his funny Italian accent, with the way he wore his suspenders wrong, and also how he used to boast about his Zeppeli bloodline, everything".
"That's.......very delightful, Papa" Holly said, a smile forming on her lips. "I know. But unfortunately, our relationship didn't last long".
Holly's smile dropped. "What happened then Papa??". "W-We both had gotten into a very big argument and I had said something to him which offended him a lot. He then punched me and left, and that was the last time I saw him".
Holly held the phone tighter, she was really curious to know what happened next.
"When me, Jonita and your grandmother went to look for him........w-we found his dead body crushed......under a massive rock...........and his headband was lying there.... covered with his blood............And I--"
Joseph couldn't complete his sentence as Holly heard soft sobs coming from the other side. Holly's heart ached as she heard her father crying on the phone. She became worried and asked "P-Papa?? Are you OK??".
"Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine. Don't worry". She then sighed from relief and continued to listen to Joseph.
"Damn, I can't believe his memories are still making me cry after so many years" he said to himself with a laugh. Holly chuckled and said.
"So you really loved Uncle Caesar??". "My Dear, he was my loveliest salad. But I knew that if he had a chance, he would beat me up from Heaven if I kept crying in his memories and not move on, that's why I married your mother and then you came, and slowly did Jotaro".
"So you never told him that you loved him??". "I never had the courage to tell him, and even if had been able to gather some, it had already been too late. Now I don't want my grandson to do the same mistake as me, so please encourage him to let his feelings reach the one whom he loves. Will you help him do it Holly??".
"Yes Papa". "Good!!". Holly smiled. She could literally feel his father grinning from the other side.
"Well, your mother must be waiting for my call. I'll talk to you later then". "OK Papa. Bye". "Bye Honey" and then they both cut off.
Holly kept the phone down and sighed. She then twirled round and round happily while giggling.
"My baby is in love~!!" she happily exclaimed. She then walked to her kitchen while skipping like a happy schoolgirl.
"I shall make make red rice tonight!! I'm sure Jotaro would love it!!" and so the three of them celebrated Jotaro's new found love for the rest of the day.
10 Years Later.......
It has been a decade and Jotaro had turned from a cheery toddler to a forbidding teenager. He had started to get into fights with his classmates and secretly smoke cigarettes.
Not to mention, he had also started to disrespect his teachers and his elders and he called every woman he met a bitch, including his own loving mother.
Holly had stayed the same even after 10 years. Her unconditional love for Jotaro never diminished even a bit. But it seemed like Jotaro had changed his attitude towards her, but it never bothered Holly.
As for Jonita, she had left Japan after Jotaro's 10th birthday. She promised the young man that she will return after she was done with her unfinished business. Yesterday she called home and said that she was going to come back home today, and Jotaro was surprisingly anticipating eagerly for her arrival.
But that didn't mean that he was going to bunk his school for her, so he went to his school in his long, unbuttoned uniform coat revealing a t-shirt underneath and his signature black hat, and as usual, swarms of girls started to surround him as soon as they spotted the giant delinquent.
Some of them greeted him while some of them tried to hold his hand. Obviously he ignored them all. He was focused on reaching school and that's all. But then he heard two girls fighting over him and shouting insults at each other, and he shouted.
"SHUT UP!!! YOU ARE FUCKING ANNOYING!!!" he yelled back. But instead of keeping quiet, the girls squealed and blushed, and then it eventually turned into a fight about which girl had he shouted on.
Jotaro ignored them once more and started to walk away, and the rest of the girls followed behind him while calling his name.
Meanwhile, a young man with red hair and purple eyes, wearing a complete different uniform from Jojo and the girls, was stalking him from the bushes. With a paintbrush in his hand, he looked at the picture he had made of the delinquent on the canvas menacingly.
"Jotaro Kujo, one of the most dangerous delinquents in this town, huh??" the man said to himself. He then smirked as he dipped his brush in red paint.
"Well well, let's see how dangerous you really are against me"
To Be Continued.........
(I know this a lot to ask but, 28 likes please?? And when the goal is achieved, I will post the continuation. I hope you all enjoyed).
PART 1 :
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“Enthusiastic Sobriety programs tearing families apart and convincing parents to kick their kids out onto the streets.” Originally posted on OnTheEmmis.com in 2004. ICECAP is the former incorporation and has since dissolved due to the efforts of OnTheEmmis.com
There is a thread on the other message board that I think the parents need to be informed about. This is about the harm that is caused to the children from parents that are still in an ICECAP program. These are true stories (not edited) just copied and pasted for you to read.
What Bob AND Joy teach parents about "tough" love and their version of "unconditional" love are just that "their version".
Does this seem as though families are being brought together and healing to you?
This is a great example of the pain that is caused when one person in the family (the child) wants to leave ICECAP and another person (the parent) believes the lies that they have been taught (that they are or will get high, can't live without being in the program, etc.) They, ICECAP, breed the fear that you as a parent have when you see them making choices that YOU don't like. What is the true meaning of letting go? Or the true meaning of unconditional love?
This is not to make any parent feel guilty for their time in an ICECAP program. I truly believe you thought you were doing the best thing. You were also a victim of the cult and it's way of thinking. That is the very reason I am posting this thread. To show the harm and hopefully save some pain for others.
Bailey [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ]
Date Posted: 13:27:44 12/22/04 Wed
Getting kicked out of your house by your once all loving supporting do anything for you family
As most of you know my family is ALL involved in Crossroads and sense I've left its been hell, Thursday night my dad and step mom freaked out on me and my dad started pushing me and threatening to "lay me the fuck out" My dad has never so much as spanked me before we used to get along great until x-roads we got high together went to concerts movies dinner and what not, But now its as tho i don’t exist to them they call me ungrateful bitch and many other names after all that happened he told me to pack a bag and he didn't want to see me anymore, Luckily i see a therapist and he talked to my dad and calmed them down they still want me out of the house tho. I cant leave now because i belong to the state until me 18th birthday which thank god isn't far off but if they kick me out or i move out i have to spend the next month and half in juvenile again, this has happened to many of my friends who have left too they end up homeless because if there not in the group they cant be at there house, i was just wondering if anyone else's parents went crazy after they left and if it does get better?
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[> Subject: It happened to me Part 1
Date Posted: 17:59:18 12/22/04 Wed
I lived threw this every time I left the group, but especially the last time.
The last time I left I bailed the group with a guy, I knew from prior experiences that my parents would not tolerate me living in their house and not be in Pathway. So I did what I knew how to do, and hopped on a bus to California. When we got there we had no money or anything. At that point and many points throughout my time in Pathway I was willing to be a street person rather than be involved in the group. To say it didn't last long was an understatement; he was scared and refused to talk to anyone. His parents agreed to fly us back to AZ. I almost did not go because I knew that upon arriving I would have no place to go. Mind you at this point I had over a year sober. I did not bail because I wanted to get high.
When the plane touched down in PHX he had people from the group waiting to take him back. They shunned me. I had been in the group for about 5 years at that point and they could care less if I had a place to go. I now know it was because my parents would not shell out even more money for me to go into IOP (that would have been the third time).
I truly did not know who to call; I had been in the group since I was 14 years old. Not many people I knew had left and were around or willing to talk to a program drop out.
I finally gathered enough courage to call a friend of mine that had left the group, I knew she was getting high but at that point I didn't care. The streets of Phoenix were a lot more cruel than the streets of Hollywood. Her mother answered the phone, she did not sound very happy to hear my voice, on a previous runaway trip I bailed the group with her daughter and a few other people and we stole her credit cards and over $1000 dollars cash if my memory serves correctly. So this was a lady that I had fucked over to say the least. This kind woman opened her home to me. More than what my own family was capable of at that point. She allowed me to stay at their house and helped me try and find a job. At the same time unknown to me she was in contact with my parents trying to convince them to take me home, that I was actually doing fine and wasn't what the group was telling them about me.
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[> [> Subject: Re: It happened to me Part 2
Date Posted: 18:00:08 12/22/04 Wed
For some reason on Christmas Eve my parents called and told me I could move back in, but I had to live in the garage. They would set up a cot in there. I would not be allowed to use anything in the house, except the bathroom but my parents had to escort me to and from it. I agreed I didn't care; I just wanted to see my father.
When we were driving to my parents house the kind mom who allowed me to stay at her house explained to me that this was all my mothers doing, my father wanted nothing to do with my and had informed her that I was dead to him. It was because of him I would be sleeping in the garage until I could find my own home (mind you I was 18 and had never held down a job, paid bills, etc.) I lost it, this man, my father, my hero wanted nothing to do with me. This was a turning point for me. This is when I decided in my crazy still experiencing the effects of Kool-Aid that I needed to get high in order to get in the house. Because, try and follow this it is way crazy thinking looking back, if I just got high I would have something to cop to, the group would take me back, I could make amends and therefore my father would allow me in his life again. Crazy I know.
Well living in the garage lasted about 2 hours before my parents (read mother) got sick of it. My father sulked in his room and wanted nothing to do with me. Christmas Eve with all the family and Christmas day were rather awkward, to say the least. My father still did not speak to me. I believe that year they even attended the round robin. I sat at home. I soon got a job and almost immediately began getting high, smoking speed, snorting coke, and shooting heroin. This went on for about 2 years. I worked therefore my parents didn't care. They had both left the program (details of that have never been disclosed to me, I do not know why or how). And my father and my relationship finally started to re solidify.
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[> [> [> Subject: Re: It happened to me Part 2
Date Posted: 18:01:09 12/22/04 Wed
Except by this time I was strung out on heroin. Believe it or not I did go back to the group. After my parents discovered my horrible habit and asked me to check myself in to a detox center, I made an appointment with the then OG counselor. He told me to that I was going to die, that I needed to go into some Step something or other. I told him I had no money. He told me to sell my cars, I told him he was on crack my parents would never let me do that. At the same moment I was absolutely terrified they would. I told him to call them and if he could convince them I was willing. From what I understand that counselor did call my father and my father told him he was full of shit. That was the day my father became my hero again and not some brain washed ego maniac. I wound up getting off heroin a few months later. My father and my relationship has been wonderful ever since, for Christ sake we even work together. My mother is still struggling with the fact that I drink . But her and my relationship is better than it ever has been my entire life.
Sorry this was so long and detailed I never knew I would share all of this. I hope this helps you to realize to hear that some else has been threw a similar nightmare.
Good luck and if you ever need anything or need to talk about the ‘rents and the evil things they can do when they are still slugging down the Kool-Aid but you are not, email me. I am more then willing to listen.
Also if a parent reads this who is considering throwing their child out on to the streets because they are no longer in the group, let me tell them from being that child: They have no place to go! The situation that they are in worsens, they feel abandoned, and the people that they turn to are usually using drugs much heavier than they are or ever have!
PLEASE DO NOT BUY INTO ICECAPS TOUGH LOVE- this is what killed Bob’s son, this is what almost killed me, and what almost killed or even did kill many people I knew.
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[> Subject: Re: Did this happen to anyone else
Date Posted: 22:27:49 12/22/04 Wed
ok bailey, i know you've already heard this but there are some who haven't... the first time i left stl i was 16. i lived on the streets and 20 dollar hotels and at my old sponsee's house. it was bad but didn't compare to when i left atl. that time i was 18. my dad had driven a car down for me. i eventually got myself kicked out. i knew it was coming. i packed up my car with at much crap as i could and then i left. i went to stl then kc. stealing gas the entire way, oh yeah and wrote a bunch of bad checks. i had to go back down to atl to pick up more of my stuff. so i took a friend with me. i got there and packed up more crap. i made it all the way back up to nashville, then my car broke down. to anyone who lives in there car it's the most important thing to you. it's your bed, your transportation, your only way to and from work. it makes your whole life work. my friend's parents wired her money and left me 60 miles south of nashville, in manchester. i took what i could from my car and started walking. i hitch hiked from there to kc. it took me 3 days almost. i looked like complete shit when i got home. think the garage is bad? my mom made me sleep on the back deck for 3 weeks. like a dog. i woke up went to work (walked my happy ass) came home and then when my mom got home from work she would let me in to go to the bathroom and shower, then i got kicked back out. when i finally proved my self she let me in the house. well that's the most important parts i guess. there's more but i wanna go to sleep. point is that things did get better. i just had to fight so hard for it. i've never had to fight for anything harder then to survive. but i'm still here. and to everyone who will ask, i never touched a truck driver, and they never asked. actually the fed me and let me sleep.
[> Subject: Re: Did this happen to anyone else
Jen from AZ
Date Posted: 02:27:25 12/23/04 Thu
It's stuff like this that really gets me riled! It bothers me that the "Family" (talk about dysfunctional families!) pushes parents to treat their own flesh and blood like animals! I'm sorry - but tough love is bullshit! As parents, we are to care for our kids - whether we love them or not - they are a gift from God and these parents ought to be damn grateful that they have children! Do these parents not realize that there are LAWS about this?! As long as their kid is under 18 they are required BY LAW to give their kids food, clothing and shelter. Parents, if you are kicking your kids out of your house - YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE THEM!
I will NEVER turn my back on my child! I don't understand how any parent can do that! How can a parent look Their child in the eye - no matter how old they are - and turn their back on them? How can they sleep at night not knowing if their child is dead or alive? How can Bob and "friends" push this kind of treatment?! This is just totally beyond my comprehension! My blood is boiling right now!
I would give ANYTHING to have more kids at home! I cry almost every night because I want a houseful of children! Yes, I love my son with all my heart - but yes! I also want a houseful of laughing - hell, even screaming - children running around! And quite frankly it fucking pisses me off that parents treat their children like this! Sleeping in the fucking garage? On the damn patio!? Wake up you parents who are in ICECAP! I don't care if you believe the Bible or not - I do and I believe it with all my heart and it says in there that "whatever you do to the least of these, you have done to me". Guess what parents! When you treat your kids like this, you are treating God like that! I pity you! I pity the fact that one day you will have to answer for the way you have treated your kids! And I pray that you get the justice you deserve!
Sorry webmasters for going off and for using the language I used. I haven't talked like this in years, but this is a hot button for me. I get into a lot of trouble when I'm out and about in stores and see a parent yelling and/or cursing at their child. One of these days I'm probably going to get punched - but I will not keep silent! The treatment that ICECrAP pushes parents to do to their kids is abuse - pure and simple! And I refuse to hold my tongue when I see it going on!
To those of you who are experiencing this treatment or have in the past - please know that I am thinking of you and praying for things to change. Especially that your parents wake up and seek your forgiveness for the treatment they have given you! NOTHING a child does - NOTHING - warrants throwing your kids out on the streets! The atrocities that are out there... it just makes me shudder! And want to scream and rip out Bob's eyes with my bare hands. Not much gets me this worked up.
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