#hopefully ill open up more soon but man i need to just not be so shy 😭
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I made a boo oc!! I'll make more drawings to use them for when I start making "serious" YouTube videos :3
#mayodraws#dont really know what else to tag so#TIME FOR RAMBLING WOOHOO#im thinking of just getting rid of the name Mayo tbh#ive grown sick of it#honestly might just stick to my real name for everything atp#i use it for the entirety of discord now so 💀#i just feel like its not me if its not my actual name#its like its a separate identity of myself even if im the same person you know?#i like feeling that i am me even through a screen i am still me and not some offbrand representation of myself#so hey everyone my name is Hailey :3 feel free to call me that#soon enough ill change all my socials or the ones I actually use to be some form of 'Hailstorm' because it sounds cool imo#and its a nickname my sister gave me so it also means something special to me <3#should I have made a separate post for this? yes#is it too late? also yes#since im in a ramble session i may as well say more on my mind#im in a server for discord and i so badly have been trying to become friends with people there but holy shit even after like 2 months#i still cant gather courage to speak most of the time#hopefully ill open up more soon but man i need to just not be so shy 😭#are you having fun reading through the tags 💀💀#i would be surprised of anyone actually read all if them#if you did i hope you have a wonderful day 👍👍#also Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its Christmas totally#back onto the youtuve thing most of my videos are just shit like “toad screaming” or editing zelda cutscenes but at some point i want to#make scripted videos for nintendo related stuff#i already finished a script for ttyd and i know its not the best script but for being my first its good enough and ill learn along the way#okay im done yapping Happy St Patrick's Day
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
Lady Wife Falling Asleep Headcanon (Aemond, Aegon, Daemon, Jacaerys)
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I haven’t written a headcanon in a minute so I wanted to give you guys a story that explained what I think they would do, hopefully you enjoy my take on it
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Everyone was raving about the tourney, it was Aemonds name day so the celebrations were in full effect, (y/n) on the other hand as much as she adored her husband she would be content with laying in bed by his side. Slowly but surely her eyelids felt too heavy to be open and (y/n)s head hung a bit to the side.
Aemond was always a man that noticed details so it didn’t take long for him to realize (y/n) has drifted to slumber, alarmed by just how tired his lady wife was and torn between taking her in his arms or staying at the name of duty, he simply raised his hand for her sworn knight to come closer.
“Take her in our chambers, call the maester, and let him know of this incident”
The knight only nodded before he took her away as gently as possible, Aemond was aware that if he left it would seem inappropriate, his mothers' hawk eyes were already on him so he felt it was best to have his lady wife taken to a more comfortable and private setting while he suffered through the tourney.
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Aegon always scoffed at small council meetings, however once in a while he would attend just so he can get his mother and grandsire off his back, albeit having his (y/n) by his side made it less boring.
He was holding (y/n)s hand the whole time and sometimes communicate with her via looks or counted squeezing of hands, (y/n) on the other side was fighting with herself to keep her conscious awake, she did not know if it was the long monologue of the grant maester or just the ridiculous time of hour she would go to sleep due to inability to get comfortable but now the beautiful sensation of rest was engulfing her like a warm blanket.
Aegon squeezed her hand once more but surprisingly he did not get a response, her hand remained gentle so he turned his head over to her in a way to figure out what was happening, Aegon had to hold back a giggle when he heard her muffled snores as he found it adorable.
“Is the lady alright?”
“Yes she is quite alright, we must be excused, lady (y/n) is a prime example of how utterly dull this is”
Aegon guessed that (y/n) had been awoken by the drag of Aegons chair or his voice, whatever it may be she was staring at him with confusion, only to be met with a kind smile on Aegons lips as he offered his hand for her to take, it was certainly amusing to him to see (y/n) blatantly disregarding everyone around her so she can rest.
“Nothing my love, come along now I know a very comfortable bed you are probably looking forward to laying on”
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Dinners were usually (y/n)s favorite part, howbeit the past few days she seemed to feel a bit weak and her stomach was quite sensitive, the smells of certain food stirred up nausea but today they were visiting kings landing, it was a must that they attend.
As everyone talked about everything and anything (y/n) only toyed with her food and soon enough she just laid back on her chair, like a thief in the night the sense of sleep took over and the idea of resting her eyes became a deep sleep.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)”
As (y/n) was stirred awake her eyes met Daemons, he was visibly concerned by her unusual behavior of her, combining it with the illness that was circling her he was worried that it was getting to her even more.
“I apologize, the trip was quite long”
“It was, you must excuse us, I want to escort my lady wife to our chamber”
“We can call the maester for her”
“No, she needs some warm tea and to stay abed so she can sweat it out, she will be fine”
Daemon dismissed his brother as he linked (y/n)s arm with his to assist her with walking, Daemon was never a supporter of Maesters, he did not want them to taint his wife and the last part was mostly for him to hear more than anyone else.
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Rhaenyra was looking for her son all day, thankfully one of the servants informed her that he was attending his Valyrian lessons with his lady wife (y/n), as she walked in the room she expected to be met with the voice of Jacaerys and the maester as they went over a book or something of that nature.
Imagine her surprise when she was met with utter silence, with worry written over her face she scanned the room with her gaze to find them, there they were, lady (y/n) that was resting her head on Jacaerys lap while Jacaerys endearingly caressed her hair.
“She fell asleep, I brought her to my lap, I did not want her neck to stiffen”
“Mayhaps we should wake her, she will rest better in her chamber”
“No, no, she is so peaceful”
He whispered while he admired her calmness, (y/n) would always attend her lord husband's lessons, as newlyweds she wanted to get to know him and learn his schedule and so did he, duty United them but they both craved love to be the one that kept them together.
Rhaenyra smiled at her son, she raised a sweet boy, a gentleman that abruptly stopped his lesson to tend to his lady, Rhaenyra also agreed that she looked too serene to be disturbed, the scene that was unfolding in front of her was perfect, a memory she would bottle in her mind to be able to reminisce with her grandchildren.
“Alright then, I shall leave you to it”
“Thank you, mother”
Requests are open!
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oneofthetorturedpoets · 3 months
based on 505 by the arctic monkeys.
(not proofread)
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
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you walk down a darkened street, only thing to light up the sidewalk you walked on, is one flickering street light. you look to your left, across the road.
how'd you end up here? out of all places, what lead to here? you knew what it was. it was your thoughts. too busy thinking too notice were your mind was taking you.
you turn to look both ways before running across the street. you look up at the opened sign before opening the door. the classic ding, ringing in your ear.
"you need a room?" the man at the desks asks as he sits up.
"uh yeah... for the week" you step closer to the counter.
"any specific floor?"
"yeah actually, do you have room 505 open?" he clicks around on his computer, you tap your foot, impatiently.
"we do, can I get your name and your payment?" you dig in your front pocket for your wallet.
"y/n y/ln" you toss your cash on the counter. he inputs your info into the computer before taking the cash.
"alright, you're all set, here's your room key and the wifi password. enjoy your stay."
you walk down the parking lot, like deja-vu, you look up to see '505' printed on the door. you insert the key, opening the door. the smell of the room bringing you back to your thoughts from earlier. you look towards the bed and could almost see Natasha laying there on her side. you blink and the image is gone. you should've known she was going to haunt you.
"here's the key, our room is 505. i'll grab the bags" Natasha says before jogging to the stolen car. you sigh before walking down the parking lot, reading each door as you pass. you find the room and open the door just as she's shutting the car door. you hold the door open for her as she slips in, dropping your bags to the floor.
"it's nice" you try, she nods shortly.
"yeah, hopefully we don't get bored of it." she walks over to the bathroom area, taking off her jacket at the same time. you follow, grabbing the jacket before she tosses it to the floor. she smiles shyly at you. you look down at her blood-stained white tank top. she goes to pull it off but flinches. you urgently step forward.
"let me, nat" you lead her arms through the holes and slowly pull it over her head, revealing the dirty gauze on her side. you reach for it, pulling it off as gently as you could. "it looks infected." you comment. you lead her into the small toilet area and push her to sit down on the lid. you grab the motel towel and get it damp before starting to clean her wound. you try to ignore her staring.
"you think they followed us?" you shake your head.
"no, I saw them crash."
"how long do we have to stay here?" nat questions as she paces back and forth, her phone close to her ear. "are you serious? what about food and the payment for the motel?" she sighs "alright, ill talk to you soon, bye" she throws her phone on the bed, she sits by it.
"how long are we staying?" you lean on her, she lightly rubs your head.
"5-7 months."
"as long as its with you" she smiles tiredly.
you lay facing Natasha as she sleeps, trying to memorize every detail of her face. its been two months into your hideout, you've fallen for her. you both had no other choice but to get to know each other, going from strictly co-workers to something that has to be more than friends, you're not sure.
Natasha begins to stir, knocking you out of your thoughts, she opens her eyes, smiling she meets your stare.
"goodmoring, detka." she mumbles, before stretching out her arms. she goes to get up but you pull her back down. she inches away, close enough to kiss. her eyes flash to your lips, back up to your eyes. she leans in, laying her lips on yours. you lean into her, putting as much passion you could into the kiss. she melts into, kissing back harder. she climbs on top of me, one hand on my check, they other on my waist. she lightly pulls my hair, then pulls away.
“i’ve been wanting to do that for so long” she laughs as she talks.
“so have i” she just stares at you for a while, running her hand along your check, laying kisses on your neck.
weeks after your first kiss, you were confused by the situation. you guys didn’t mention the kiss, it was like it never happened.
Natasha sits at the desk, typing on her computer. you watch as she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, focusing on what she was writing.
"Natasha" you call out, she doesn't respond. "nat" she peaks over her shoulder. "can we talk?" she nods and closes her laptop. you watch her walk over to you, sitting next to you.
"what's wrong, baby?" you turn to face her.
"what are we?" her eyebrows pinch in confusion.
"what do you mean?" you shake your head.
"you know what I mean, nat... you kissed me and its like you forgot about it. I just want to know if it meant something to you." she grabs your hands, gently squeezing them.
"it did mean something, im sorry for not clarifying my feelings for you. I've been in love with you since the start of this mission, I couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else. If you would take me, I want to be yours." you can't help the smile that spreads on your face.
now five months into your mission, Natasha is getting antsy.
"I don't think I can be in this room any longer, I feel like I don't have any space away from you." Natasha said exasperatedly.
you knew what she was saying because you felt it too. every time you too disagreed, there was no where for you to cool down. you both felt trapped. "Natasha-"
she interrupts your sentence. "shut up. I can't stand to hear you talk. just- let me use you for tonight." she walks up to you, pulling you into an mind-breaking kiss.
that's how most of your nights ended. her using you for her own pleasure. not that you minded, necessarily.
"you two are good to leave, please make your way back to the compound as soon as possible." both you and Natasha sigh in relief.
after you two pack up the little things that you had, Natasha grabs both of your hands. "I promise to be better to you when we are out of here. I know I haven't been what you deserve but when we are able to have our own normal lives, things will get better."
you smiled gently at her. "I know, my love." you kiss her, trying to show that you forgive everything.
"I just need space for a few more days, baby. I swear it's nothing you did, it's just- the whole hotel and all of the time we spent together nonstop, I just want to have a few nights for myself to recuperate." Natasha said as she shut the door to her room.
you two went from spending every waking second together to only seeing each other passing in the hallway. it didn't feel like you two were a couple anymore. you couldn't even remember the last time you two had kissed. it felt like 5 months you two were dating, didn't mean anything to her.
you show up at her room door, you knock a few times. "Natasha, it's me. we need to talk." the door slowly swings open, revealing Natasha in a white robe, looking as beautiful as ever. her curled red hair laying just below her shoulders, her green eyes holding your world. this is going to hurt worse than you thought.
"hey, y/n. come in." she moved over, creating space for you to walk past her. when you did, her perfume took over your senses. "is everything okay?"
you shook your head. "no, nothing is okay. why do I feel like I'm losing you? I mean I get that the months we had in the hotel were rough, I felt it too, but why does it feel like you don't even want to try to have a normal relationship? it feels like we're back to were we started." Natasha grabs your hand.
"i'm so sorry I'm hurting you, y/n. I just- I don't think I can do the whole relationship thing. the time we shared together was amazing but I think I realized I can't do it. commitment scares me and I don't want to do anything to hurt you more." with every word she says, it feels like your heart is being ripped from your chest.
after the break up, the team took Natasha's side. you had obviously expected that, they were closer to her than they were to you. what you never expected was the way they treated you.
every time you entered the kitchen and they were there, you got at least one dirty look, almost as if you did something wrong. Tony took everything he has given you away, including your dresser, night stand and bed frame. Steve has gone ten times hard on you during your sparing sessions. Bruce has refused to fix the hole in your suit, causing many malfunctions during battle. Clint has outright cussed you out, yelling at you for 'hurting' Natasha. Thor was the only one who was nice enough to ignore you.
you weren't sure what hurt you the most, the fact that none of them ever asked what happened, they just assumed you hurt Natasha and deserved to be punished or the fact that Natasha never corrected them.
it's now been a year since Natasha broke it off with you and you're still haunted of her. as you sit in the same hotel room that changed your life. since the break up, you have since quit the avengers, you felt more like a prisoner than a friend to all of them. you have been on the run from them for a few months now, since they declared you a fugitive.
you're not sure why you're back here. you thought you had moved on from Natasha. the whole in your heart half way patched up. as you sit in the old chair that was sat in the corner of the room, you stare out the window, watching as the rain starts to pick up. you see a figure just outside, in the middle of the parking lot. you slowly stand up, peeking out of the blinds as you watch it walk forwards. as it inches closer, you recognize her curves, the same ones you spent every night studying. you open your door, the wind slightly catching you off guard. Natasha finally close enough for you to see her face.
"what are you doing here?" Natasha says, you scoff.
shaking your head. "I could ask you the same thing... how did you find me?"
she chuckled. "I didn't mean to. I think we are here for the same reason. I'm running from the law now too." hearing her voice hurt more than you thought it would. "do you mind if I stay with you? I don't have any more money for a room, I figured id just break into one and stay for a night... but if you don't mind, I think it would be easier?"
you contemplate for a minute, your gut is telling you not to let her in, but you do anyways, slowly moving over for her to come in. she walks in, sighing at the warmth. she takes her jacket off, about to throw it on the floor but you take it from her before she can. the deja-vu making your stomach turn. she smiles at you, innocently.
"you know... I've missed you. I really have. when I found out you left, I felt like I really lost you." you roll your eyes at her statement.
"you lost me a while ago, Natasha." her eyebrows raise at your hostile tone.
she looks down at her feet, almost nervously. "I know, and I regret that night everyday. I was stupid to let you go."
she steps closer to you, clearly holding herself back from reaching out to you. "Natasha" her name came out more pathetic than you wanted, as you hold back tears.
"detka, I am really sorry for the way that I was. I swear I took this time to reflect on how everything played out and I am embarrassed for how I treated you." you turn around, not wanting her to see you cry. you brought the sleeve of your long sleeved shirt, up to your eyes, trying to stop your tears from falling. Natasha turned you back around, gently grabbing your hands, holding them. "you deserve so much better than how I was... I know I never said it before but I love you. with every inch of me, I love you. you have set my world on fire and I stomped it out because I was scared of how much I loved you. please, let me make it up to you." all of your tears seemed to fall at once as you practically fell into Natashas chest, looking for the comfort you never had.
taglist: @natashamaximoff-69 @allamanamedearl @ricejucie @marvels--slut
to join the taglist, send in an ask!
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louloulemons-posts · 10 months
Cuddles and Stew
StepDad!Eddie X Mom!Reader
Summary : The third instalment of Margot - you get sick and Margot calls Eddie
Word Count : 2.2k
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Warnings : Not proofread, half was written at 4am lol, petnames, cuteness, talks of illness and pain meds, margots just adorable, girl dad eddie, mainly margot and eddie content - not much reader.
A/N : sorry for lack of updates, i’m working hard on the multi part fic and am going into a writers block lmao 🫶🏻 sorry loves, hopefully more should be coming soon.
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Lay underneath his vans, Eddies hands were dirty as he tried to fix a ticking sound. He heard the faint ringing of the phone from inside the trailer and Wayne pick it up.
The squeak of the trailer door, made him slide from under the van, “Eddie it’s for you,” the man said, urgency in his voice. It made Eddies brow furrow as he wiped his hands and jogged to him.
“Hello?”he spoke.
“Eddie?” A voice he wasn’t expecting.
“Mar? That you sweet girl?”
“Yes,” she spoke softly.
“Is everything okay? How come you’re calling me?” he asked, obviously he adored that she was, but he was concerned he couldn’t hear you whispering to her in the background.
“Something wrong with Mama. Mama said this number for ‘mergecy.”
“Hey I’ll be right there okay? You got sit with mom and do not answer the door, I’ll be there soon baby I promise.”
“Okay,” the young girl said softly.
Ripping his greasy clothes off, changed into the first things he found. “Hey I need to borrow your car,” he spoke to Wayne, panicking.
“Yeah son sure, everything okay? Little Miss doesn’t normally call.” Eddie explained, shoving his foot in his trainers and grabbing Wayne’s car keys.
“Well call me and let me know how she is son,” he said, as Eddie climbed into the vehicle. Speeding away, he knew the neighbours would complain to Wayne about reckless driving.
He didn’t care, he needed to get to his girls.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Putting his key in the lock, he pushed open the door. The house seemed fairly quiet, TV chattering away faintly. “Baby?” he called out.
No answer. Your car was here so you were home. “Margot? Margot are you here?” he tried again peeking round into the living area.
“Daddy!” A whisper shout came from the top of the stairs. There was Margot, hair frizzy from sleep, her favourite pyjamas and one sock. “Hi Sweetheart, where’s mom?”
“Here!” she did a summoning motion with her hands, so he bounded up the stairs to meet her. She took his hand and led him down the hallway.
You were sat at the end of the bed, on the floor. Head between you knees, breathing deeply. “Mama,” Margot said gently, kneeling next to you, “Mama wook, Eddie.”
With eyes scrunched in pain and confusion, you lifted your head. Meeting his brown eyes, you couldn’t fathom why he was here. “E-Eddie, what are you doing here?” you asked.
You looked awful, skin pale and flushed at the same time. You looked exhausted, body breaking down in a way. “Margot called me.”
“Numbers for ‘mergencies Mama.”
Tears welled in your eyes, you felt awful. You’d sat down because your head wouldn’t stop spinning, you thought it would be the safest place. “Oh Mar I’m so sorry,” you sniffled.
Eddie came and crouched next to you now, holding your head gently. “It’s otay Mama, Eddie make you bedder,” she spoke, resting her head on you.
A large palm was on your forehead, lovely and cool. “Babe, you’ve got a fever. Come on we’ve gotta get you into bed. Rest, fluids, sleep.”
“What? No! I can’t, I gotta get up,” pushing yourself up the ground, it wasn’t even a full second before you were coming back down.
Head buzzing and pounding.
“Sweetheart, you’ve got to let me look after you.”
“B-but, Margot and work!” you panicked.
“Baby, come on calm down,” he held your face in his palms, “I’m gonna look after Mar, and hey it’s a long weekend. So you can rest up.”
Sighing you nodded, “I need new pyjamas.”
“I ged dem!” Margot spoke, running to your draws. Her voice made your head pound, the volume of everything seemed to be amplified.
Pulling out your favourite pair, ones that matched those she currently had on, she brought them to you. “Thanks baby,” you said, gently stroking her hair.
“Okay, get changed okay, me and Nurse Margot will get you some water and other things you need,” Eddie spoke, helping you to your side of the bed.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Margot stood on her step-stool, filling your water bottle at the tap. “Da, it’s done,” she said, so he could come and do the lid. He grabbed pain killers, tissues, cold juice from the fridge. He was also heating some water for a hot water bottle.
“Good job Bubby,” he smiled, kissing the girl on the head. Soon enough the kettle whistled letting him know it was done, “You stay over there okay? This is very hot.”
After he filled the water bottle he let Margot carry the tissues and your cold water bottle up the stairs to your. You were lay under the covers, eyes closed, now clad in your new pyjamas.
“Here you go Mama,” the small girl said quietly, placing the water and tissue next to you. Eddie did the same, but lifted the blanket slightly so he could put the hot water bottle under it.
Pulling the curtains closed, he hoped that’d help your head. “You stay with Mom for a second, I’m just gonna get a compress for her head,” he said to Margot.
Wetting a washcloth so it’d cool you down, although you were freezing right now, he had no doubt you’d be sweating in a minute or two. “Here you go,” he pushed you hair back, letting the refreshing feeling take over your body.
“Sweetheart, you need to take these too,” he handed you the medication and drink, helping you sit up. Eyes still shut, unable to deal with any kind light.
Once you laid back down he spoke again, “You rest now. Me and Margot will go make us all something yummy and come back later to check on you.”
Picking the small child up from your side, you head a faint, “Bye Mama, wove you.” Which you repeated in a slurred and sleepy way. Snoozing away moments later.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Mama gone be otay?” The young girl asked from Eddies arms, as they went to the kitchen. “Yeah Sweetheart she’ll be okay, she’s just gotta get lots of sleep.” Margot hummed and cuddled into Eddie.
“We’re gonna make her some soup okay? Make her feel better.”
“I help!”
“Of course, we’ve gotta get some veggies from Aunt Maeves patch.”
The pair went into the garden, Maeve had said they can always help themselves. Updating everyone one what was ready to be harvested and what to leave.
In all honestly, Margot was the best person to have with him, she knew what plants were what and if they were ready - she spent lots of her days with Maeve in the garden becoming sun kissed.
“Okay so we need some potatoes, carrots, onions and I’m not sure what else.” Holding Margot on his hip as she was still only wearing the one sock, she pointed out all the different veggies they needed.
“Think we’re gonna need to make a few trips Love,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to her hair. “Auntie Mae has a bwasket,” she told him. “A basket, let’s go get it then.”
“Me help!”
“Bubby your feet will get grubby.”
“My boots!” She wriggled from Eddies hold, and ran to get her welly-boots. She looked a picture, pyjamas, crazy hair and wellies. Pulling a large basket behind her, Margot returned to Eddie.
Pulling a hair tie from his wrist, he comb it all into one hand and sat a loose bun on her head. She didn’t have much hair cause she was still small, but there was enough to annoy her. “Twanks Da,” she said, and went to the potatoes.
“I got-ta big one!” she squealed as she shook the dirt off. “Good job Mar, we need 3 more of those okay?” Eddie crouched down beside her, putting the basket between them so she could put the veggies in.
“And Two! … And ree! … And dats Fo-wr.”
“Good job! Let’s go and get some carrots.” Running away, Margot boots stomped on the group. “Well hello you two.” Maeve stood at the door.
“Auntie Mae!” Margot smiled, waving with grubby hands. “Hello my dears, what’s going on here?” she asked, coming out into the garden. “We’re making soup,” Eddie said.
“Mama, not well. I call-ded Eddie and now we make soup!”
“Mom isn’t well?” she said, caressing the little ones hair, looking up at Eddie. “She’s got a fever. We’ve taken her everything she needs and she’s sleeping now, so we thought we cook her something nice.”
“That’s very kind of you. I can cook it if you’d like?” The older woman offered, kindly.
“Would you mind, I honestly have no idea what to put in it.”
“I’ll write you a recipe,” she smiled, crows feet by her eyes.
“Why don’t I finish getting all of this, and you can help Margot get ready for the day,” she smiled to Eddie, taking the basket from his hand. “Thank you Mae, Margot come on Sweetheart.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Soon enough Margot was clean and dressed, clad in a little blue dress with a white tshirt underneath. Both feet now covered by socks and hair under control.
“Hey Sweetheart, why don’t you go and see if you can help Mae,” Eddie spoke, and the small girl ran off. He headed into your room, you were snoozing away, you seemed to have cooled down. Placing a soft kiss to your sticky cheek.
He found Margot and Maeve in the kitchen, the little girl stood on her stood, helping chop the veggies with her plastic knife. She caught sight of Eddie and smiled, “Wook Da I choppin’!”
“You are, that’s some super good chops bubby.”
“How’s she doing?” Maeve asked.
“She’s still sleeping, she seems to have cooled down a lot.” Maeve hummed and continued to dice an onion.
“Eddie!” Margot said in a sing song voice, he hummed and stood behind her. “Can you put dem in the pot, pwease.”
“Sure babe,” he kissed her head and took the roughly chopped potatoes and carrots to the pot.
Soon enough it was simmering away, and Maeve had added some chicken. “It shouldn’t take too long,” the older woman said, taking Margot to living room you sat her on the couch.
“Eddie, is Mama otay?” the small girl asked.
“She will be, I promise. She just needs to sleep.” As soon as those words left his mouth, he heard the bedroom door open and soft padding feet down to the bathroom.
“Stay here,” he said to the small girl, jogging up the stairs. Knocking on the bathroom door he spoke gently, “Baby you okay?”
“Yeah,” you said faintly, exhaustion clear in your voice.
Opening the door up, you smiled weakly at the curly haired man. “How you feeling?”
“Tired. Thank you for looking after Mar.”
“Hey it’s no trouble, Maeves watching her right now. We’re making you stew? Soup? I’m not sure,” he laughed.
“It smells good,” you hummed.
“I’ll bring you some up when it’s done, I’m sure Mar will be joining me too. Let’s get you back to bed.” Helping you down the hall and to the bed, you sipped some water.
“Do you need another compress?” he asked. “No I’m okay, I’m feeling a little cold so.”
“Okay baby, well the water bottles still warm so it should be okay. Let’s tuck you in,” he smiled.
Placing your quilt and a thicker blanket over you, you hummed in contentment. “How’s your head?”
“It’s not hurting as much and I’m not as dizzy anymore.”
“Good good, it’s going then. How come you didn’t call me babe?”
“It started a few days ago, I didn’t think it was anything. Apparently I was wrong. I can’t believe Margot called you, what if I’d collapsed! What if she got hurt!” your eyes welled.
“Hey hey,” Eddie sat down beside you, “Baby it’s okay, she’s alright. She did so good, you taught her so well. She explained what she needed too and she stayed safe near you.”
“I just feel bad.”
“I know, but it’s not your fault. You’re sick, you can’t blame yourself baby. Okay?” you nodded at him. “Now get some sleep.”
Closing your eyes, the door clicked closed and Eddie headed back down to Maeve and Margot. “Mama otay?”
“Yeah she was just telling me she’s starting to feel a bit better.”
Maeve squeezed his shoulder, “Well the food should be done in a little while, why don’t we watch one of your movies?”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The three of you sat on the bed, a tray on your lap. Big bowl of warm soup and some crusty bread. “Oh it taste delicious! You guys did such a good job.”
“Feel better Mama?”
“Yeah Mar I feel better, thank you for looking after me. You did so good calling Eddie.”
“You did,” Eddie smiled, squeezing the little one who sat in his lap.
“Just did what chu said Ma,” she smiled.
“You did the best babe, that’s why you’re my best girl. We’ve gotta be careful though or you two will definitely get sick.”
Margot coughed. “Oh no.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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dreamingofep · 6 months
Sinned Awakening pt. 19 🩸
An AU Elvis fic
(Vampire!Elvis/Vampire Austin!Elvis × reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Request: No
Prompt: Getting promoted to be Elvis full time housekeeper, you realize the man holds secrets beyond belief and your undeniable attraction makes you fear the unknown. [Fem!Reader]
TW: Cussing, tension, abduction, mentions of blood/gore!!!
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: Hello and welcome to part 19! We're closing in on the end very soon and it is making me a little sad! I haven't felt so attached to anything I've written before so its all so weird! I'm sure I'll write random blurbs about Vampire!Elvis in the future so he's not going anywhere😉 Hope you enjoy this next part!
A reminder, this is Vampire!Elvis so there is going to be mentions of blood/gore from here on out. If that's not your thing, sorry but it's needed for the story.
If you'd like to start from the beginning, start here I hope you enjoy and message and comment what you think!
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You paced aimlessly upstairs, trying to plot your escape out of there. Every scenario you came up with, ended up with you getting bit by one of these vampires luring in the house. The number of them in the house was unknown to you and that made it even more dangerous to try to escape. Your stomach growled and your head felt weak. You honestly don’t remember the last time you ate a meal. So much has been happening and you haven’t made time to take care of yourself. You peer out the window and see two men at the front gates. Getting through them would be tricky and almost impossible. You look down and see it would be a far fall from the second story and you’d probably break a bone making your escape an impossible one. The city lights illuminate in the background of the dark desert. You had to be a few miles away from the hotel and there wasn’t much foliage to hide behind if you made it that far. Vampire’s eyesight was perfect even from miles away, you knew you were going to get caught either way.
You curse under your breath and close the curtains again, making the bedroom pitch black. You turn on the lamp on the side table and sit on the bed, covering your face in your hands. Your mind wandered and missed Elvis more than anything right now. He was looking for you, you were sure of that. You just wished he could find you sooner. You look down at your bandaged wrists and see blood coming through the wrapping. The stinging still coursed through your arms and winced if you moved your wrists a certain way.
The clock on the wall ticked menacingly, reminding you that you’re running out of time sitting here. Your head continued to pound and the added nerves didn’t help anything. You had to eat something or you’d pass out. You were too afraid of that happening in a house with starved vampires. The possibility of there not being any food in the house made you ill at ease. Why would there be anyway? Usually, the food comes to them…
You had to go and look anyway. Hopefully, Raphael wasn’t downstairs and wouldn’t make you stay down there with him. You quietly make your way down the carpeted stairs, taking one step at a time. You were sure it was pointless being this quiet as they could probably hear your heart racing away. Peeking over the banister, you don’t see anyone in the living room and you let out a slow sigh of relief. 
You remain stealthy and try to not make any noise once you’re in the kitchen. The space was huge and the cold marble floors made you shiver as you carefully treaded on. There was hardly anything on the countertops other than a few small arrangements of white azaleas on the far ends of the counter. There was a butcher block of knives by the sink and various items of cooking utensils in a container next to them. 
You find a pantry closet and peek inside. It was dark and the air smelled musty. You open the door a bit further hoping the light will light up the pantry more. The first thing you find is a box of crackers. It doesn’t look like they’ve ever been opened, which is a good sign they haven’t been tampered with. You carefully rip the plastic wrap off of them, trying not to be too loud. 
“Surprised you left your dungeon,” a man’s voice says behind you, making you nearly jump out of your skin. 
You quickly turn your head to look at who it is and find yourself disgusted when you discover it’s Daniel. 
“What do you want,” you say through your teeth. 
“You really must work on your manners. That’s no way to talk to a man,” he grumbles. 
“Go fuck yourself. I don’t owe you anything and do not need to talk to you nicely. Not after everything you’ve done to me.” You spat. 
“There’s so much hatred inside you. You were never like this when you were with me,” he says smartly. 
“Trust me, I was. I just knew how to hide it better.”
He takes a few more steps closer to you in the kitchen. His eyes were still red and he looked gaunt. You scoff at his current state. He looked pathetic and weak. Nothing like how powerful Elvis looked. While he was a new vampire and one whose power was unparalleled, it still didn’t scare you. 
“So this is what you wanted? The entire time you wanted to serve someone like Raphael? Because that’s what you have done to yourself. There’s no free will with him.” You seethe. 
“You wouldn’t understand,” He grumbles. 
“No?! Try me. What was the purpose of being with me if you knew that all you wanted was to be a vampire? That doesn’t include me at all in that picture,” you yell quietly. 
He stays silent and looks at you with disgust. 
“You weren’t going to be in the picture. I was going to leave you,” he says low. 
You nod your head and try not to laugh. 
“Yeah… that’s what I thought. Selfish bastard,” you mutter under your breath. 
“How did you find out? What they are?” You continue. 
“After some time of working for him, he told me. He said if I wanted to work for him, I’d have to handle the truth of what he is. He showed me his fangs and it scared me to death. But I pulled it together and tried to not let it freak me out. If it did, he said he’d compel me to forget and I didn’t want to,” he explains. His admission was surprising to you, the slightest amount of change that came into your lives freaked him out and he always deflected issues when you both were together. You were shocked you never noticed any strange behavior from him when he found out about Raphael. But then again, you two were never together and always working.
“What was your job with Raphael? Because you were gone all the time,” you ask annoyed. “Vampires don’t need ‘bouncers’ to protect them 24/7.” You say snarkily.
He takes a pause and starts explaining nervously, “I was the one bringing him… food whenever he wanted. That’s why I was never around.” He explains. 
“And how the hell does Raphael think he’s better than Elvis when he goes around doing that? He says Elvis has a control issue when in fact it’s him who has the problem. The only difference is he made you do his dirty work,” you say with disgust. 
Daniel stays quiet and clenches his jaw. 
“It wasn’t like that,” he says. 
“And you call me stupid. That’s exactly what it is,” you scoff. “But now what? What are you going to do now that he changed you?” You ask. 
“I uhh… I don’t know. Raphael hasn’t really explained anything to me yet,” he says timidly. 
You laugh at him, not surprised at all by Raphael’s actions. 
“Typical. I guess nothing has changed in the last fourteen years.” You mutter.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He snaps at you. 
“When Raphael bit Elvis in the army, he left him to figure out everything on his own. He went crazy because there was no one to guide him or knowledge of how to live with this newfound strength he possessed. I wouldn’t doubt you have the same fate,” you say. 
“He wouldn’t do that to me,” he grumbles. 
“Mhmm sure. Whatever gets you to sleep at night,” you say rolling your eyes at him and then realizing what you said. “Oh wait never mind...” you say smartly. 
He stares daggers at you, anger boiling off of him and he takes another step closer to you.
“Be honest with me, what do you see in Elvis? How could you possibly want him?” He asks.
You chuckle softly and shake your head at him, “That’s funny, Elvis asked me the same question in regards to you.” He looks at you annoyed and clenches his fist at his side. You continue, “But I’ve told you before, it’s none of your business. He takes better care of me than you ever could, that’s all you need to know,” you say coldly.
“You have to be lying. There’s no way that man would ever show a human any mercy,” he laughs at you.
“You don’t know Elvis! All you have heard about him are lies and rumors from either the newspapers or straight from Raphael’s blasphemous mouth,” you seethe, “How can you hate someone this much?!”
“The moment I knew he was fucking my fiancee! That’s when! I already didn’t like him, so it didn’t take much for me to push me over the edge. But when you told me what you let him do to you, I had never felt such rage. You were supposed to be my wife,” he growls.
“No! You already said you’d leave me once you were turned so you have no right to think you had a claim on me! You just became jealous of what you couldn’t have anymore. I didn’t want you anymore. It took me a while to come to terms with, but I can’t undo the past. We were not meant for each other,” you sneer. 
"All he ever does is lie to get his way darling. He might say he cares for you, but that can all be over in a blink of an eye," he snarls.
“You know nothing! Did you ever meet him before the night of the after party or was this hate you have for him based on only what Raphael told you?”
He shoots you a confused look and you sigh realizing he doesn’t remember any of it.
“He compelled you, the night of the afterparty we went to. I know you don’t remember obviously but I’ve always wondered… what made you lose your temper so bad? Do you remember any part of the night? I had never heard you yell like that…” you ask.
Daniel’s eyebrows furrow and he searches for answers.
“I don’t know… I’m sure it was because I knew things about him I had thought you did not know of… That entire night was such a blur… I remember what you wore and…I do remember watching how he would look at you from across the room. That hungry stare he had, the way he was practically drooling, taking in every last square inch of your body… that was enough to set me off. I guess in a way, I knew then he was having his way with you,” you say disgusted. 
You hum quietly to yourself and have to look away from him. The events of that night flood your mind and you can’t let him see your reddened cheeks.
“But now, you’ll have to live with the memories of him and that’s all. Raphael isn’t letting you out of his sight and won’t let you go back to him… guess you’ll be stuck with me after all,” he laughs menacingly. 
“You should probably get back upstairs. Unless you want me to tell Raphael his meal is waiting downstairs for him," he growls. 
You scoff at him and shake your head. 
“You don’t scare me. You’re the same pathetic excuse for a man that I met years ago. The only difference now is you have fangs.” You hiss at him. 
He gives you one last look of disgust and turns to leave you in the kitchen. You take a pack of crackers with you and throw the box in the pantry quickly. Before heading back upstairs, the glint of the stainless steel knife handles catches your eye. You had no idea how to hurt a vampire, but you knew they bled. That was part of the process of changing a human into one. You had to drink their blood to complete the process. If you could get close enough to Raphael and use on him… maybe you had a chance to run. Cause him to slow down in some way so he couldn’t hurt you as easily. You chose a shorter-bladed pairing knife and hoped it wouldn’t be as noticeable and would be easier to hide somewhere on you. 
Nibbling on the crackers you found, you watch as the clock’s minute hand inches closer and closer to six o'clock. You knew you had to get down there eventually or you were going to be dragged out by your ankles. You weren’t going to change clothes or anything. He didn’t deserve anything nice from you. You hid the knife under the mattress in the meantime just in case anyone decided to come in unexpectedly. You lift the mattress and take it out. You step in front of the mirror and slip the blade in your sleeve. The sleeves were already long on the sweater so it wouldn’t look out of place that your hands didn’t show very much when you walked. You test it out in the mirror and make sure you try to move as casually as possible. 
There was a sharp knock at the door and it makes you gasp. 
“What is it?” You ask, quickly glancing over at the clock to see it is a quarter til six. 
“Raphael wants you downstairs now. Don’t keep him waiting,” the voice says darkly. 
A chill runs through you and you know you have to go. This was the time to try and make your escape. It would haunt you if you didn’t even make the effort. It was a long shot, but it was worth the try. You prayed Elvis was coming. He has to find you or it might be too late…
You tread slowly down the stairs, gripping the knife handle firmly in your hand. The air felt thick and it felt like you could cut the tension clean with your knife. You struggled to breathe and every breath you took felt like poison going into your lungs. Every last instinct told you to run away from this man and not take another step. It wasn’t that simple and you wish there was another way. 
“Hello, honey. How are you this evening?” Raphael asks as you take the last few steps down the stairs. 
“Fine, thank you,” you say courtly, making your way to the couch he’s sitting on. 
“Please, take a seat with me. We should talk,” he advises, making a gesture to the spot next to him on the sofa. 
You hesitantly make your way to the sofa and leave space between the both of you. He was wearing a suit tonight and a red rose tucked into his jacket’s top left pocket.
“What did you need to talk to me about?” You ask carefully. 
“I was planning on giving you a proposition,” he says as his eyes look over you hungrily. He carefully pulls the rose from his pocket and hands it to you. It had thorns on it still and you handled it gently, making sure to not prick your skin and cause yourself to draw blood. You give him a forced smile and set the rose down on the small coffee table in front of you.
“Okay? In regards to what?” You prod. 
“Your future. You need to decide what you want.” He explains.
Your heart drops because you know what is coming. Anything he was going to offer you was going to be awful and you didn’t want to hear it.
“I-I’ve already told you what I want,” you say shakily.
“Yes but you see, that isn’t an option. So I’m giving you an alternate,” he continues.
“You can either work for me and do as I say or, I turn you and you live freely as you wish…” he says darkly.
You hold your breath, not liking anything that he’s said to you. Both options sounded terrible and seemed like your life would end either way. His gaze is intense and unwavering, piercing into your very soul; the thing he wants most.
“Work for you… as in getting you something to eat whenever you wanted or?…” you ask carefully.
He chuckles amused, “Mhmm… that will be one of your jobs… and anything else I desired…” his eyes trail down, taking in your body with his eyes. You feel repulsed, not wanting to be here another second next to him.
“How long would I have to decide?” You ask.
“Sooner the better my dear,” he says darkly.
You want to hurt him right here and now, but you have to be patient. 
Wait for the right moment.
You take a deep breath before speaking and soften your eyes when you look at him.
“I’d really appreciate… if you gave me a little more time. This is something I should give some thought to. You do understand, don’t you?” You say sweetly, cracking a soft smile. You boldly reach out to touch his knee, trying to get him to trust you and get him distracted. He quickly looks down at your hand on him, puzzled by your physicality. You quickly take your hand off and try to play it off as an accident.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep,” you say quickly.
He looks at you stunned, unable to say anything right away after your bold move.
You keep smiling at him, your eyes pleading for him to keep looking at you.
“No, not at all…You are fine. How much time do you need?” He asks softly.
“Maybe a day or two? Is that okay?”
“I don’t know-,” he says hesitantly.
“Please,” you interrupt, “give me some time. I’ll do anything you want. I’ll let you feed from me whenever you please, just give me more time,” you instigate, getting closer to him, and placing your hand back on his leg, a bit higher than before. Your thumb rubs soft circles there and you can feel him tense up. 
His eyes wander, looking at every inch of you and his breathing is beginning to hitch. You couldn’t let your nerves get the best of you. You had to act now or there would never be a tomorrow. He places his hand on top of yours and slowly lifts it up to his mouth.
“How about now? Can I take a bite?” He asks darkly, looking intensely into your eyes.
Your heart races and your head pounds away. You can’t control your breathing as you look back at Raphael. His eyes start to change in color and the monster inside him starts to gain full control.
“Yes,” you softly whisper. 
“Come closer. Sit down,” he says patting his leg softly. You clench your jaw, trying to not show the disgust you have. 
You carefully get up and sit down on his knee, displaying your wrist out in front of him. Your other arm drapes along his shoulder, making sure to not let him feel the cold blade of the knife.
“Go ahead,” you say with the most reassuring smile you can conjure. You couldn’t prepare yourself for the pain he would cause you again. The wrist you had reached out in front of him was not one he’d bit yet so he would have to open up another wound or bite on the mark Daniel left.  
He greedily grabs your wrist closer, taking a deep breath, and licking his bottom lip. He quickly unwraps the bandage on your wrist and squeezes your forearm tightly. You squirm a bit, the pressure making you uncomfortable, and not prepared for the agonizing pain. 
His fangs pierce your skin before you can look away and the pain shoots through your whole body like a lightning bolt. You close your eyes tight and let out a loud scream. His bite felt like he was about to take a chunk of your arm out. He wasn’t just drinking your blood, it seemed he was trying to mark you with the imprint of his fangs. Making it known that he bit you. You hear him start to gulp down your blood quickly, feeding much more than he did yesterday. The pain sears through you like a hot branding knife.
Your eyes shoot wide open and fear takes over every last thought. You feared that if he fed like this for much longer, his venom would enter your system, beginning your change. Your head pounded away and your vision began to blur. You grab onto the handle of the knife tighter in your other hand, knowing you have to act now or it’s going to be too late.                                                                                            
He takes a pause and takes his fang out of you, taking a look at your fragile and weak state. He grabs your face, making you look right in his dangerous eyes.
“Jesus, I don’t think I can ever get enough of you. You’re absolutely delicious,” he growls.
You whimper out in agony, not ready for him to take another bite. He lets go of your face and sinks his teeth in your fragile flesh once again and drinks more. Your body felt limp and your breathing was labored, you knew there was not much more time for you. 
You cry out again and feel the tears fall down your face. You knew it was time. You mustered every last ounce of strength you had left in your body and took a deep breath. In one fluid motion, you pierce the blade into his neck, forcing the knife to go as deep as it will go, and watch as blood seeps down his skin. He makes a loud gasp followed by a groan and lets go of your wrist. Still having a hold of the blade, you pull down on it as you get off of him and try to make your escape. He falls back onto the couch and groans loudly. 
Your legs can’t keep up with your thoughts and you stumble at every other step you take. Your vision was doubled and your head felt like it was going to burst open. You can see the front door, or at least you think that’s the front door, and hobble to it as quickly as you can. You fall and the cold marble floors make you feel paralyzed. Your blood smears on the floor and leaves a trail behind you. You had no more strength in your legs and could only crawl from here on out. The door seemed closer and you could taste freedom.
Suddenly, you feel a hand grab a fist full of your hair, and your body gets thrown against the banister of the stairs. You gasp as more pain radiates through you and through heavy eyes, you see Raphael walk toward you. You can see him pull the knife out of his neck and he grunts as he does so. The clank of the knife hits the floor and he kneels in front of you. His blood was still gushing down his neck and he looked like he was about to go on a rampage. His hand wraps around your neck and pushes you up against the railing.
“You fucking bitch! Did you think that was going to hurt me? For a second I thought I could trust you!” He yells, tightening the grip he has on your neck. You gasp for air and try to push his arm off of you but it's no use. You’re so weak you can barely keep your eyes open. He shakes you, making you look at his bloody red eyes.
“You’re going to clean this up. Guess I’m not giving you a choice anymore; I’m turning you now. Drink. Now.” Raphael commands, pushing your head to his neck.
The metallic smell of his blood filled your nose and it felt like you could vomit. You groan in protest and try one last failed attempt to get free from his grip. He doesn’t let you move and pushes your lips into his bleeding neck. You try to keep your lips shut, hoping none of his blood will be tasted.
You feel your body weaken and your eyes droop heavily, no longer being able to keep your body working properly. His fangs enter your neck with a crunch and the front door bursts open. Your body goes limp and your head hits the floor. The taste of blood hits your tongue and you try to spit it out. Through blurry vision, you see Elvis standing there in the doorway, eyes red and his face and hands covered in blood.
“El…” you weakly whimper, feeling your eyes close and your world start to go black around you.
Pain ached through your bones and you didn’t want to open your eyes. You were too afraid the pain would only get worse and be too much to bear. You hear a loud beeping coming from the side of you and you feel something covering over your nose and mouth. Moving your fingers, you felt rough sheets and a cold shiver ran through you.
Slowly, your eyes flutter and the bright luminescence of the overhead lights burn your eyes. You wince and slowly lift your hands to your face but cry out in pain. Cold hands grab your wrists and you scream, afraid it is Raphael who has you in his clutches. You thrash your hands and head, trying to get him off of you quickly. 
“Baby, baby it’s okay. You’re okay. Don’t move too much, you’re going to hurt yourself,” a man’s voice says. The southern twang in this man’s voice made your heart flutter in ways you couldn’t describe. 
“Baby, open your eyes. Please, let me see those beautiful eyes,” he pleads. 
You take a deep breath, hoping this was all a bad dream. Your eyes flutter open once again and try to adjust to the harsh lighting. 
You look up into gorgeous cerulean eyes, soft and loving. His black hair fell in small strands on his forehead and he looked at you like you were the only soul on earth. The glint of gold that hung around his neck sparkled even in this lighting.
God you missed him. He looked like an angel standing over you. Maybe you had died and gone to heaven. You had always thought he looked like an angel, too perfect to ever be real and living on this earth. Maybe, just maybe, he was your angel and was ready to guide you into the next life.
You raise your hand slowly up to his face, caressing his cool, sculpted cheek. You sigh when you feel he’s real and not some hallucination.
“El… you’re here,” you whimper.
He smiles at you, letting out a relieved sigh, and softly caresses your face. 
“Yes baby, I’m right here.” He coos. He hums pleased and kisses your forehead.
Your throat hurt when you tried to speak but you wanted to talk to Elvis. Ask him all these questions that were floating in your fuzzy head.
“El…w-what,” you hoarsely say and start to cough. You reach for your throat and feel it burning. It hurt like never before and then it hits you.
Did Raphael turn you?
You grab onto Elvis’ forearms tighter, fear encapsulating every fiber of your being. You try to clear your throat to try to speak again but it hurts too much. He calms you down, hushing you softly and tenderly.
“Shh, baby It’s alright. Don’t talk I know your throat hurts. It’s okay now, you’re safe,” he assures you.
It still didn’t answer your question. Were you turned? Was this what it felt like? The burning and the pain that you are dealing with right now?
Your eyes plead for more information from him. You needed answers.
The door swings open and you cry out, scared it was someone coming to hurt you. A woman in a nurse's uniform comes in with a clipboard and stops in her tracks when she sees Elvis hovering over you. He slowly stands up and straightens out his jacket.
“Not now. Come back later,” he instructs. Without blinking, she turns around and closes the door.
You look up at him and stare, watching the power radiate off of him so easily.
You wince as the pain in your neck increases and grab for his wrist. He looks down at you concerned and kneels down again next to you. You groan in pain and your eyes are full of panic. 
He calms you, rubbing his hand in your hair, pushing the loose strands out of your face.
“Shh honey stay calm. You’re alright. You lost a lot of blood, you almost died on me,” he says weakly, tears pooling in his eyes.
“You’ve been out for a few days honey. Your body was so weak. He nearly broke you…” he says through his teeth. You feel tears start to form in your eyes and the throbbing pain on your neck doesn’t cease to stop. Your fingertips lightly graze the bandage on your neck and look up at him with concern.
He closes his eyes like he’s in pain too, rubbing circles on your hand.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry he did this to you. I should have protected you.” He says sorrowfully, placing a kiss on the back of your hand. Your heart pounds frantically, scared that your worries have come true. He turned you.
He takes a deep breath before speaking again.
“He didn’t turn you. I got there just in time. I’ve never seen such horror… What he did to you… I’m just so glad I was able to stop him,” he says with a sigh.
“The way he bit you, caused a lot of damage. He bit too deep and it leaves a mark on the skin when a vampire does that. That’s why it hurts so much to speak. He was trying to mark you… as his…” he growls. Your tears fall freely and sigh in relief and pain.
You weren’t a vampire at least. But now you carried Raphael’s bite mark. Making it known that he bit you and to taunt Elvis about it forever. You’re heart sank, not only did the pain that wracked through your body hurt, but your heart ached for Elvis. This couldn’t have been easy on him seeing you in this condition and now have to deal with another man’s bite mark on the woman he believes is his Chosen.
You sniffle, wishing you could talk to him and ask him more but you felt so tired and knew it would only cause you more pain to try and speak. He wipes some of the tears away from your eyes and smiles at you.
“Don’t you worry about a thing baby. No one is going to hurt you now. Raphael is… taken care of.” He assures you, looking away momentarily. You were relieved to hear such words and it gave you a bit more ease to relax.
“Please, rest honey. I’m not leaving your side. When you feel well enough to travel, we’ll head home to Memphis okay?” He asks with a smile. You nod your head and feel your eyes grow heavy, no longer able to fight the need for rest. You feel him kiss your hand and you fall back into the peaceful arms of sleep.
@powerofelvis @burninlovebutler @neptuneismysister @velvetelvis @ccab @presleyenterprise @loving-elvis @theresalwaysep
@prompted-wordsmith @sillybookmarks @dkayfixates @ellie-24 @rktismylife-blog. @myradiaz @tacozebra051
@18|kpeters @flwrs4aust @emma181873
@austinswhitewolf @eliseinmemphis
@everythingelvispresley @chasingwildflowers @idontwanttoputanything . @ohjustpeachy
@elvisalltheway101 @austinsmutler @kingdomforapony @generoustreemystic @kendralavon7 @lettersfromvenus @claire-elvisgirl
@ashtag6887 @burnthheparaphilia @richardslady121
@returntopresley @iloveelvis @rjmartin11 @that-hotdog @louisejoy86 @misspresley @cattcb @annapresley8
@arrolyn1114 @raginginkedslut @epthedream69
@mh777ep1938 @50sexyshadesfashionista @oldh0llyw0od @hooked-on-elvis @livelovedilfs
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slamdunkhcs · 1 year
Hello!!! Just wanted to say I love all your posts and dissections on the characters, I'm getting a lottt of sd brain rot and hopefully I can start writing for it soon!! Thank you for keeping the Fandom alive <3
ps. Top 3 characters?
Thank you so much, it makes me really happy hearing this. I haven’t been very active for a while but i will try responding to more requests. I’m not good at ranking characters but i will list out some of my favorites and why i like them
my favorite slam dunk characters
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Okay I haven’t made many posts with her included (which im gonna do 😂) but I LOVE Ayako
She’s very beautiful and i think in a way that’s unconventional compared to many mangas. Curly haired female characters are really uncommon in manga, so seeing a girl like ayako was really surprising. I think her features overall make her look really realistic. Like she looks morrocan or dominican, and the fact that she’s portrayed to be canonically beautiful makes it so that her features are portrayed in a positive light
Also she’s literally the backbone of the team? Part of why Miyagi stayed for hs basketball was because she encouraged the team so well. She’s been there since before the team was good, like how akagi and kogure were. And throughout the series, she gave the boys ALOT of support. Like girl was literally the one who taught Sakuragi the basics??
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If you don’t alr know, I love this boy sm. Like that’s my man right there
Sawakita is also very different from other sports manga rivals. I mean he gets made fun of by his own team, mf cries SM. He has fangirls and I think he treats them well (shown by how he wore a t shirt one of them gifted).
He’s not a bad person either, he even helped Rukawa up when he fell down. He was very encouraging towards his teammates too when he was benched. DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS PARENTS?? He’s so respectful to them, boy was out there thanking them for everything when he was drunk on a plane. Plus from his backstory, i think it shows he really loves his dad. Some yall mfs could never LMAOOO
I think his dynamic with Rukawa and Sakuragi too. He was funny asl with Sakuragi. And I like that Sawakita was part of what pushed Rukawa to improving as a player (as well as Sendoh). ALL THAT AND HES GOOD LOOKING???
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He grew on me BIG time
Mf is funny asl?? Like his interactions with Sakuragi, especially when they went on that trip together?? I just know that mf is the class clown. I feel like he’s hella popular too because of how goofy he is
I feel like he’d treat a girl mad good too. Like he would be the type to make his gf’s sides hurt from laughing LMAO. And i think hed be really sweet and talk about his girl to everybody and get her gifts. He’d love me lets be fr
I like that he’s chaotic too. LIKE he gives me black airforce menace energy
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This boy is so cute and sweet i just know it
I like that he was a chill rival too. Like he was just so down to earth, he wasn’t an asshole to NOBODY (except maybe the fish). He aint insulted nobody, not rukawa, not sakuragi. He just minded his business and played basketball
His appearance had a big glow up through the series too. People like rukawa were always drawn as good looking ecen in the beginning but sendoh was drawn to be ugly?? Like he did NOT look good. But towards the end of the series, dude was honestly stunning asl. Like he needs to put me on to whoever threaded his eyebrows
Honestly he seems like such a chill person to be friends with?? He seems so open minded, i fr cant see him as the type to judge anybody or treat anybody badly. I think at his school everyone likes him for how down to earth he is (and his looks LOLLL)
Also, I really like Miyagi, Minami, Mitsui, Maki, Fukuda, Rukawa, and Haruko too, I’m not sure ill do a pt 2 tho
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arazialotis · 11 months
Get Him to the Con - Part 7
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Pairing: Jensen × Reader
Word Count: About 6000
Summary: The reader stumbles into Jensen at her favorite bar, a very drunk Jensen. She soon realizes Jensen was booked for a con this weekend and has to be eight hours from town in only two.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Warnings: Language
Although this is an RPF, it is a character I created and should not reflect back IRL. I intend no hate or ill wishes to him or his family. This is purely just for writing and wasting my time as coping skill. Maybe some of you will enjoy it too. I apologize in advance for any mistakes or grammatical/spelling errors. I appreciate any feedback or suggestions!
*** Saturday ***
“Hey man,” Jared greeted Jensen, clasping hands and pulling him in for a half hug. “Glad to see you’re still alive. How was it?”
The entirety of the trip was still catching up to him. He was tired, from being in constant motion for three days straight to sleeping on crappy motel mattresses. But it was more than that. He had made it blatantly clear how he felt for you and still held no inclination on your stance. That wasn’t true; if you had any affection, it would have been reciprocated. Sure, there was the flirtatious banter and the natural ease in each other’s presence, but twice he had laid it all on the line only to be met back with a block of ice. And that last one… Hell, it had been magical. Sparks flying, gravity-defying. But your response confused the hell out of him. He’d been misinterpreting signals and your friendship the entire time. And god, he was such an idiot. He practically forced it upon you. If you felt uncomfortable or violated, his reputation would be in shambles, as he knew it should be.
“It was fine.” He grumbled. There was no need to get into all this with Jared, for the fact alone he would gloat about being right for months on end.
Jared did not let his relief show. Maybe Jensen was finally coming back to his senses. He feigned empathy instead.
“Just fine?” He asked.
No, it wasn’t just fine; it was amazing. You were amazing, and perfect, and hilarious. And he fucked it up just like he predicted.
“Yeah,” Jensen responded curtly.
“So, no Y/N then?” Jared pressed, a little confused by Jensen’s abruptness. “I thought she’d be here.”
Yeah, you and me both, pal. “Nah, she knew we’d be busy all weekend and wanted to hike the mountains instead. I don’t blame her. I’d rather be doing that myself too.”
“Are you okay?” Jared persisted.
“Yeah.” Jensen squeaked. “Let me get cleaned up. Then we can scout out some dinner before the craziness starts.”
Jensen left Jared in the hotel lobby. Jared sighed, unsettled. Something was clearly bothering Jensen, but getting him to open up would be hard. All Jared knew is it was centered around you. Ultimately, if the road trip didn’t go as planned or wasn’t everything Jensen had dreamed up, it was for the best. Sure, Jensen was down now, and it hurt to see him this way, but hopefully, this would help him move on and snap out of these unrealistic fantasies.
Jensen didn’t sleep well that night. The mattress was too plush, the sheets too silky, and the space beside him was too cold. He’d been informed that a few videos of the kiss had been circling some fan accounts and to expect questions about it at the panels. Followed by a scolding lecture on how to respond. He knew the expected response but wondered what he would say if he hadn’t been coached. It didn’t settle right with him. Maybe he’d get up early and call you in the morning. Just rip the bandaid off and ask what you wanted him to say. He tossed and then tossed again—the sheets tangling around his calves. He reached for his phone, the light momentarily blinding him. His heart raced as he scrolled through Instagram. It was easy enough to find. Replaying it, he could still imagine your lips against his, the back of your neck in his grasp, the fabric of his shirt straining as you pulled against it. It was a very good kiss. That is when your text came through.
‘Thanks again for an amazing trip! If you’re looking for a buddy on your next road trip, let me know. And don’t worry, the ghosts here are all bark, though I can’t say the same for those in room 217.’
He didn’t think his heart could drop further, but it did. There was no second-guessing it this time. The word repeated in his mind. Buddy. He had officially and unequivocally been friend-zoned.
*** Sunday Afternoon ***
If AllTrails had been tracking your time, they would have sent you a medal for the record time in which you descended that mountain. Even paying no heed to the speed limit, you couldn’t make it to Denver until mid-afternoon. You called Jensen twice, hoping to explain that you were on your way and wanted to talk, hoping he could spare a few minutes of his day. If you held these pent-up emotions in your chest any longer, you would explode. On the third attempt, you hung up early, logically knowing he was predisposed.
“Come on, come on, come on,” You chanted through the city streets, the consistent string of red lights taunting you.
The wheels of the rental car screeched as you pulled into the parking lot with a little too much tenacity. Upon exiting, you backtracked, realizing you had left the vehicle running. You ran through the hotel lobby to the adjoining convention center. The hall was filled with fans and staff alike, all eagerly waiting for the next event. Booths were filled to the brim with Supernatural merchandise, shirts, photos, and trinkets. Cosplayers caught your eye, Castiels and a human version of Baby. It was overwhelming and distracting from your overall mission to find him.
You pulled open large double doors leading to the main ballroom.
“Ma’am.” Someone called, and it took you a moment to realize they were speaking to you. “Ma’am. You need a wristband to enter here.”
Security personnel dressed in black pants and a yellow shirt with a conspicuous earpiece halted your progress further into the room.
“A wristband?” You questioned.
“Yes, you have to check in outside. Exchange your ticket for a wristband.” They explained.
“I don’t have a ticket.”
“You’ll have to buy one to enter.” Their patience drawing thin, tired of a weekend of over-explaining processes.
“Okay,” You held up your hands in defense. “Okay, where can I buy one?” You started to back away, signaling you wouldn’t be a problem.
You followed the directions back through the hall’s entrance to a booth where two bored attendants scrolling through their phones sat. Most attendees had already checked in at this point.
“Hello,” You tentatively called them from their screens. “I’m here to see Jensen.”
The one with pink hair sighed. “You and everyone else, sweetheart.”
Their concentration broke from the phone, and puzzlement crossed their face. Only then did you realize what state you were in from the morning hike. Tangled hair, sweat-crusted clothes, dried dirt down your entire left side, and a series of angry red scrapes on your calve. But they quickly recomposed themselves. Apparently, it wasn’t the oddest thing they had encountered today.
They grumbled as if you should know the process. “Ticket?” They held out their hand for a paper stub or your phone.
“You see, I don’t have a ticket.” You gritted your teeth, knowing how the next bit would sound. “But Jensen and I are actually… friends. So maybe he left my name or something on a list so I could get in?”
Something between a scoff and a laugh escaped the second’s mouth, covered up by a following cough.
“There’s no list. Friend or not, you still need a ticket to get in.” They held firm.
“Right, totally understandable.” You attempted to present as sane as possible, realizing passersby were staring too long for your comfort. “May I purchase a ticket?”
“If you want to meet Jensen in person, photo ops are done for the day, but we have a few silver packages that include autographs.” They explained.
“Great, that sounds wonderful. How much?” You asked compliantly.
Now it was your turn to scoff. “You must be joking.” Even for romantic prospects, paying that absurd amount would take hell freezing over.
From their facial expression, they were not joking. “You could get general admission for 95, but that will only get you to the day's last panel, starting in about an hour.”
You raised an eyebrow. “A 100 dollars to hear them talk for what, forty minutes, an hour max?” Fucking ridiculous.
“You need a ticket.” They crossed their arms.
“Listen.” You pulled out your phone. “I literally drove the man here. I have the pictures. I think it will be okay if I go see him.”
You realized how much of a ‘Karen’ you were coming across as, but something inside you was starting to boil. The further you were being pushed away from him, the more you needed to fight.
The second attendant leaned into the collar of their polo, whispering. “We have a potential code gray.”
Fuck. You tucked your phone away. “You know what, it’s okay.” You slowly back away. “I’ll wait until it’s over. This is a big misunderstanding and does not need to get out of hand. I’ll talk to him tonight, and it will all be fine.”
You weren’t sure if you were trying to settle them or yourself, but you turned back down the hall and hastily walked out. Back in the hotel lobby, you weighed your options. You looked at your phone, and he still had not responded to the missed calls. Your stomach rumbled, and you smirked, knowing Jensen would tease you about not making the most rational decisions on an empty stomach. And you know what else? He’d encourage your spontaneity. Rather than wait in the lobby until the evening, you’d find another way in. There couldn’t be watching eyes everywhere. And once you did find him, he’d explain everything to whoever was being called in for code gray or whatever that meant.
Exiting the lobby, you circled the building and found a little courtyard where fans sat, chatted, and indulged in a quick meal. A hint of envy glossed over your eyes as you caught sight of an In-N-Out bag. You anticipated the doors to be locked, circumventing fans to use the one entrance, but they easily gave way. With feigned nonchalance, you went through another hall as if you belonged and knew exactly where you were going. Having quickly mapped the layout, you went around the ballroom to the back.
You were quickly met with a barricade of metal fences and high black curtains. An obvious sign to keep out and most likely where cast and crew could walk through unimpeded. You were close to out of ideas when an unmistakable figure in black jeans and a blue denim shirt walked past, followed by a posse.
“Jensen!” Your voice cracked.
It didn’t sound like your voice. It was higher and sharper. But through the sways of fabric, you saw him briefly hesitate. He was quickly ushered along.
“Oh, I think not.” You mumbled to yourself.
One leg was over the fence railing before your brain could comprehend your actions. Two shadows approached from behind the curtain as you straddled the cold metal. The crackling of their radio startled you, and you realized too late your mistake.
“Ma’am, we’ll need you to come with us.”
Double fuck. You ran for the exit back to the courtyard. Pausing once outside, you texted Jensen.
‘You remember that bucket list item I was talking about? Yeah, well, it might be much closer in the future than I anticipated.’
You tucked your phone away and continued your circle of the building. At this point, you were in too deep. You either had to leave the premise or find Jensen so he could bail you out. Well, fuck it. Unwittingly, he was the one to get you into this situation in the first place. He could get you out. You came across a stairwell entrance requiring a keycard for access. But gods, be blessed; whoever was watching you sent an answer. Someone came out for a cigarette break, and they even held the door for you as you stepped in.
You plotted the path in your mind, where you were positioned, and the direction he was headed. You took a left, scanning the area for any threat. A hall stemmed down to the right, and you saw more black curtains, but this time, you were successfully on the other side of them. You had to be close. A mischievous smile crossed your lips. This was fun. The adrenaline coursing through your system giving you a temporary high. Soon the Ocean Eight team would be knocking down your door, begging you to join their next heist.
Your false confidence shattered as you collided with the solid frame of a man. You looked up and up some more. His expression was far from pleased. A small, terrified giggle escaped your lips. As you turned, you found his double blocking your exit. Handcuffs came down upon your wrists, and you were escorted away.
Jensen sighed a breath of relief, making it to the holding room, where he joined Jared. He made it through photo ops; all that was left today was the panel and autographs. The panel earlier today for VIPs went better than expected too. The kiss never came up, and he was holding out hope that this next one would mirror it. Clif, his long-trusted security guard, closed the door behind them.
Jared had already gone through a pour of bourbon and was now cracking the seal of a Russel’s 13.
“Make mine a triple,” Jensen instructed.
Jared laughed. “That kind of day, huh?” And handed Jensen a generous double.
“I can almost see the finish line.” Jensen sniffed the top of the Glencairn and took a testing sip.
He prayed that the whiskey would loosen his nerves or, at the very least, get you off his mind. Logically, he knew you were in Estes Park but couldn’t stop thinking about you. It only worsened as the day progressed. In this last hour alone, he thought he glanced at you exiting the lobby and later heard you calling his name. He shook the feeling off as he took a bountiful swig. He smirked, knowing you’d call him out for not slowly savoring the whiskey’s intricacies, and he would retort with you being a snob. He poured himself another round, this time to take it more slowly. Jared scoffed and was about to condemn him when the Barrell Seagrass caught his eye.
The radio crackled, and a stern voice came through. “Tiny, we have a situation. Require your assistance.”
Clif, who was also about to help himself a pour, cursed under his breath upon hearing his codename. It had almost been a flawless con. He had jinxed himself by celebrating too soon.
Jared’s brow furrowed. “Everything alright?”
Clif grumbled. “It will be once I get there.” And exited the room.
Jensen was unconcerned and too focused on the palate of cherry and leather.
“What’s that about?” Jared chuckled.
“I find it better for my mental health not to dwell on the possibilities.” Jensen teased back.
He went to his phone charging on the gray console to check the time, wondering when he’d needed to start hyping himself back up. Immediately his brow furrowed upon seeing your three missed calls and your message. Bucket list? Bucket list? He had to think back. The alcohol already clouding his memory. His eyes popped. Immediately setting the glass down, he dialed your number. You didn’t answer. He dialed again. No answer. He resorted to texting.
‘For the love of god, pick up your damn phone.’
Followed by, ‘I swear to god if your ass is in jail, I’m not bailing you out.’ Though he fully would.
“Jesus Christ.” He muttered. How was he supposed to get through the day now?
The holding room you were kept in was less of a room and more of a closet. The several monitors that observed the conference center’s layout indicated that you were not as stealthy as you had initially thought. One security guard sat across from you while the other stood behind them. Both of their arms crossed.
“Come on.” You reasoned. “One of you has to be the good cop and at least pretend to believe my story. At least offer me a coffee.”
“You think you are hilarious, don’t you?” The one seated said.
Deadpan, you said, “I think I’m adorable.”
They did not engage further, only held the stern expression.
“I’m not fucking crazy.” You would have gestured to the phone if your hands weren’t cuffed behind you. “You saw the pictures, the texts.”
“It’s amazing what Photoshop can do these days.” The one standing remarked.
“What about the video with the kiss?” You pressed.
They both scoffed. As you watched it with them, there was no clear angle of your face.
“That doesn’t prove anything.”
You rolled your eyes and clenched your jaw.
“Then bring him here, and he will vouch for me.” You demanded. “If he doesn’t, I will willingly walk away and accept whatever restraining order you see fit.”
There was a knock on the door, and your hope lifted. The one standing stepped out. Thus commenced a staring contest with the one across from you. As your phone rang, you lost.
“That’s him!” You exclaimed.
They didn’t move, still engaged in the staring contest. He let it ring to voicemail. Immediately it rang again.
“Goddammit! Answer the phone!” You demanded.
“Just because you named someone Jensen on your phone doesn’t mean it’s him.” He held his head high. “But then again, I’m fully aware there is no use rationalizing with a delusional person.”
Your breath became ragged and sharp. You were forming venom on your lips when the door opened, and the man you saw yesterday approaching Jensen appeared in the room. A couple of texts came through, but you couldn’t read them. The man took one look at you and sighed with disappointment.
“Let her go.” He instructed.
It was all you could do not to stick your tongue out in victory.
“Y/N, I thought you were supposed to be in Estes Park?” He said with an agitated tone.
The cuffs clicked as they released, and you rubbed your wrists.
“How do you know my name?”
You were equally concerned yet grateful this stranger was on your side.
“It’s my job to know.”
The other two whispered back and forth to each other.
“Speaking of jobs,” He remarked. “Why don’t you do yours and look for an actual threat?”
“Yes, boss.” They hung their heads and left you alone in the room.
“Let me guess,” You started. “Good cop?”
He chuckled. “No, not at all. The name’s Clif. I’m the head of Jared and Jensen’s security team. You caused quite the stir these past couple of days.”
“Yeah,” You agreed. “I may have gone a little off the deep end at the end there. Am I in trouble?”
“Only if Jensen wants to press charges.” You could tell he wasn’t joking. “Which I imagine he won’t. Not after a kiss like that.”
Your cheeks grew warm. “I’m here to talk about that with him, actually. To talk about that and a lot of other things. I know he’s busy, but…”
Clif checked the silver watch around his wrist. “He’ll be getting ready to go on stage in about 15 minutes. Something tells me you’ll need more time than that.”
You nodded in agreement though slightly disappointed.
“If you’d like to sit in, it might make the time go faster,” He continued. “I can grab you afterward. There’s a dinner break between the panel and autos. I think he would be agreeable to see you then.”
You held up your bare wrist. “I don’t think they’ll let me in.”
Clif chuckled and fished through his back pocket, producing a bright orange wristband.
Before you left with Clif, you found Jensen’s texts and shot him one back, hoping he would see it before he had to go on stage.
‘False alarm. I’ll explain later. Have a great panel.’
The conversation was already in full swing by the time you arrived. Clif was escorting you there when he commented on your leg. Now that the adrenaline and pain meds from earlier had worn off, the pain was catching up to you. He made a quick pit stop on your behalf, getting you some additional painkillers and water. He insisted on cleaning it up better, but you insisted harder you wanted to see the panel and that it could wait.
The door echoed as it shut behind you. Jensen’s head snapped in your direction, but from the lights blinding him and dimming the crowd, he could barely make out a figure. He continued the banter with Jared as they began taking questions left and right.
As your eyes adjusted to the low lighting, you scouted out empty seats, yet the throbbing in your hip protested. It had already been cramped on the drive down here and again in the security room. You opted instead to lean against the back wall. Their antics riled up a laugh in you, but you couldn’t help to notice Jensen was on edge. He was fidgeting more than usual, wringing the microphone with his hands, combing his fingers through his hair, twisting in the barstool. You couldn’t help but feel a slice of guilt knowing you had caused some of it.
A girl walked up through the crowd, and as she got closer, her face felt familiar. She leaned against the wall a few feet away from you.
“Oh, I remember you.” You said aloud. “We took pictures with you at the Colorado sign.”
She glanced out of her peripheral and then fully at you when the realization hit.
“Oh my god, yeah. You were with Jensen, right?” She confirmed.
“Yup, that’s me.” You followed her gaze over you and remembered how dirty you were and most likely smelled of sweat. “Sorry, I went hiking this morning but wanted to make the panel.” You explained.
“No, I didn’t mean to stare. Sorry.” She gulped. “It’s just, yesterday you said you were only friends, but then we saw you kiss outside the hotel, and, like, that was a kiss to end all kisses. You’re totally together now, right?”
You gulped and stared ahead.
She didn’t wait for an answer. “What was it like? Kissing him?”
You inhaled sharply, remembering his taste, his scent, the feeling of his strong fingers against your flesh, wondering where else his hands and lips might wander if you gave him the chance.
“That good, huh?” She concluded.
“Are you having a good time at the convention?” You asked, hoping to move on to other topics.
“Oh, absolutely, but the crowds,” She gestured outwards. “They get a little overwhelming at some points.”
You nodded understanding. “Y/N.” You introduced yourself and held out your hand.
“Casey.” She said and shook.
As if proving her point of crowds further, Jensen used the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face. The crowd went feral upon seeing a hint of skin.
“Stop it.” Jensen’s voice boomed over the system.
Then with a wave of his hand, he called for more praise which the crowd was more than happy to oblige. This went back and forth for at least three rounds. Jared and Jensen shared a private small conversation.
“Alright, alright, simmer down,” Jensen called. “We have more questions to answer.” When he finally drew command over the crowd, he turned to the girl on the right. “Hey, we ran into you at the border, didn’t we?”
The girl nervously chuckled, flabbergasted that he would remember.
“Oh, that’s my friend.” Casey pointed.
You were standing obviously next to flight, and based on the girl’s response, she must have been freeze.
Finally, she regained her composure and stumbled out of the question. “My question is for Jensen, and I’m a little shocked it hasn’t come up yet,” Jensen’s face dropped as she continued. “Since a lot of people saw you yesterday and the video of you kissing that girl has been circulating, I was wondering if you are officially off the market?”
Jared’s head whipped to Jensen. He held his microphone down as he hissed, “What kiss?”
Jensen gulped, realizing he had discussed it with Clif and his PR team but forgot to loop in Jared. Well, maybe purposefully forgot so as not to relive the humiliation. The crowd was so silent you could hear the air conditioning humming. Only the pounding of your heart was louder.
The lights seemed to grow brighter as the seconds ticked by. He raced through what his team had suggested and how he should respond. He breathed into the microphone, then paused as if halting a thought before it even started.
“It’s complicated,” Was all he said.
Jensen gave Jared a pleading look for aid.
Jared breathed in deeply, thinking he was going to save the situation. “I know every heart in this room just broke but don’t worry, everyone needs a good rebound, and Jensen was due for one, give it a few weeks.”
“No.” Jensen stopped him. “No, that’s not what this is at all. I…” His voice cracked, and he paused again. He was exhausted from being careful with his words, hiding shit, and painting a face that would create appeal. And so he decided to let it all go. He picked a loose thread in his jeans as he confessed to the world. “A few months ago, I met someone. And I was a complete ass, but she gave me a second chance anyways. She’s not just a rebound from Elena. She’s kind, and funny, and a smart ass, but most of all, she is real. And she sees me not as Jensen Ackles, but just as…”
“Dean Winchester?” Jared grumbled.
A few fans yelped, but most stayed respectful.
Jensen’s jaw tightened. “She sees me as I am.” He huffed. “I like her. Like, like her.” He said as if he was in middle school, and there was a collective aw in response from the audience. “I saw a future with her.”
“Okay, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” Jared piped in.
“Calm down,” He snipped back. “Not wedding bells, two kids, a dog, and a white picket fence. Not yet, anyway. Just taking it a few months at a time. Having someone other than you to confide in, to care for and be cared for in return, someone I can laugh and cry with, someone to share adventures with, I don’t know…” He sighed, defeated, getting away from himself, feeling like he wasn’t making sense. He turned to Jared, “It’s not like you aren’t my best friend, but you have Gen. You have someone you can go home to, someone you can talk to when I’m annoying the hell out of you, someone you can be vulnerable with and don’t have to act around.”
Jared sighed.
“That doesn’t sound complicated.” The shy voice peeped up.
Jensen smiled mournfully, addressing the fan again. “The thing is, she doesn’t feel the same. I got friend-zoned. Hard. Which is okay. It is completely her right. And I mean, I’m a lot to deal with, so I get it. So it’s complicated because we have to figure out if we can stay friends now that I screwed us over with that kiss half of you witnessed.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. It took a second for you to process it all.
“This is utter bullshit.” You gasped, Casey taking it all in, though you had completely tuned out the rest of the world as if you were talking directly to him. “Friend-zoned, how did I friend-zone you? Maybe, and here’s a thought: if you had the ability to confess your feelings to me with as much ease as to hundreds of people, I could have told you I felt the same. But you just kissed me, and I panicked because I didn’t know what you wanted, and I thought I wanted more than you. Because I do see you as you are, but I acknowledge that you are still Jensen Ackles, and I’m still a crazy little fan that shouldn’t even know you in the first place. It’s not either, or, asshat; it can be both. I’ve been waiting for your lead this whole time. And now that I’m here, you are telling everyone it’s over before we even had a chance. Fuck!”
Although it was a rageful whisper, Casey heard everything and ferociously typed away on her phone.
Before Jared tried again to regain control of the situation, Casey’s friend jumped back on the mic. “Y/N says that if Jensen had confessed his feelings to her in the first place with as much ease as he can in front of thousands of fans, she wouldn’t have accidentally friend-zoned him.”
Jensen stood abruptly. “Y/N’s here?”
Panic rose again, seeing heads turn, looking for an imposter in the crowd.
The girl continued. “She says she was waiting for him to decide if he wanted to take the relationship to the next level, probably because she’s just a fan like us, and well, fuck, he’s Jensen Ackles. And I’m looking at her right now, and she is head over heels. Well, okay, she’s a little furious, but if Jensen wants her to have his babies, she would totally have his babies. Girl, we have to help her lock that man down…”
Again, silence in the room.
“What did you do?” Your eyes were wide.
Casey kept typing, ignoring your panic. “Trust me.”
You felt eyes on you and slid down the wall in mortal dread.
“Sorry,” The friend at the mic said. “Those were texts from my friend. I probably shouldn’t have read every single one.”
“Y/N’s here?” Jensen asked again.
“Yeah,” The girl looked through the crowd and pointed. Thankfully, it redirected some of the gaze to the back. “She must be sitting with my friend over there somewhere.”
Jared stood, but Jensen waved him away. “How do I know it’s really Y/N, and you're not making this up?” He asked skeptically.
Casey looked down at you as you were hiding your face between your palms. She nudged you with her foot.
The girl’s voice sounded throughout the ballroom. “I spy something yellow, clouds or mountains, the nasty-ass ball pit, Neil Diamond, or Bate’s Motel; any one of those should do.”
Jensen snickered and shook his head back and forth. “God dammit, Y/N. Do you want to try and make this work? Be more than friends?” He was still searching the crowd but couldn’t find you.
“Sign an NDA,” Jared sarcastically commented, believing Jensen’s previous analysis of your commitment to privacy was shockingly misguided.
“She says you can ask her face-to-face on a proper date.” Some of the crowd chuckled; others held a sadness that the window of his singleness was closing.
“I didn’t say that.” You snipped at Casey.
“We can’t make you seem too eager. Not after that baby comment.” She retorted.
Jensen chuckled again. “How does ten tonight sound? You pick the place.”
From a distance, he could see the door in the back crack open, light flooding the darkness momentarily, and he knew it was you. A small smirk escaped his lips.
The friend at the microphone continued to telephone Casey’s messages. “She left, I think, 'cause I embarrassed her and exaggerated certain details. But if I didn’t completely mortify her, I say it’s safe to change your relationship status.”
From the main lobby, you could hear the cheers and applause. This was not how you expected the day to go, especially almost getting arrested and working things out with Jensen over a panel. There was the sound of heavy footsteps and keys jingling as Clif rounded a corner.
“You keep making my job more and more interesting.” He jokingly scolded. “Come on,” He gestured with a nod of his head. “Let’s get you out of here before the panel ends, and people put two-and-two together.”
You stepped in line. “Let me make the record clear that Jensen was the one to kiss me and could have been more tactful in answering that question. I will only take the blame for momentarily losing it and breaking a few convention policies that may or may not be criminal offenses. I don’t know how this stuff works.”
He turned to look back at you and wiggled his eyebrows as if keeping you privy to a secret. “Something tells me I’m going to have to keep an eye on you.”
“Not when you should have both eyes on Jensen.” You teased back.
He laughed as you continued down the hall, and he parted a black curtain for you. “Oh, I like you.”
He led you to the holding room. It was nearly as messy as a frat house after a championship victory. Bottles of whiskey lined a TV stand, jackets and sweatshirts were strewn about, devices of all kinds were plugged into outlets, and piles of eaten and unopened food sat everywhere. You found a clear spot on the couch, and exhaustion finally hit you. Exhaustion from traveling non-stop, to restless nights, to hiking earlier this morning, to internally debating everything that was happening. You leaned your head back and shut your eyes.
The temporary relief was short-lived as the click of the door opening jolted you from the micro-nap. You stood up as Jensen and Jared entered the room. They looked equally exhausted but somehow maintained their brightness and energy. Jensen’s face glowed upon seeing you.
“Y/N!” Jensen exclaimed.
“Hi.” You greeted sheepishly.
He bounded over to you and took your cheeks in his hands, pressing his lips against yours. Jared went for another round of whiskey.
“What the hell are you doing here?” He pulled away and looked you over. “What the hell happened?”
You didn’t know where to begin. “I met a park ranger.” You said, accompanied by something between a laugh and a huff.
Jensen took in your scrapped-up leg, and his face grew stern. “Are you okay? We should get a doctor to come look you over.”
“I’m fine,” You promised. “The ranger did a thorough examination and knocked some sense into me. I should be back to normal in a couple of days.”
“Was he cute?” He asked.
You grinned. “Very.”
He pinched his lips together in a smile. “Well, then I better up the antics for our date tonight and really try and impress you.”
“Oh my god,” You giggled. “I never said any of that!” He gave you a questioning glance. “To be fair, not most of it.”
“So, no babies then?” He teased, and your cheeks turned ten shades darker. “Hey Jared, it’s time I officially introduce you; this is Y/N. Y/N, Jared.”
“Pleasure,” Jared stated coldly.
“It’s great to finally meet you,” You offered.
“Hey, we should order some food before autographs.” Jared bypassed you and spoke directly to Jensen.
“Yeah,” Jensen agreed. “I’m starving. You want anything?” He asked you.
You shook your head no. “What I need is a shower and clean clothes.”
Jensen smiled and dug through his wallet, fetching out a key card. “Room 912. If you need anything, text Clif. I’ll send you his number.” He handed it to you. “See you later tonight? Then maybe we will have the chance to talk about all this.”
“Yeah.” You bit your lip, accepting the key and trying not to get ahead by wondering if you would be sharing a room tonight.
Starting a relationship with him required a plan, including expectations and boundaries. As much as you wanted to rush into things, taking it slow was for the best. Waiting for him to finish autographs would give you time to make a list and develop some questions on what a relationship with him would entail beyond the normal stuff. This wouldn’t be as easy as it seemed, but you trusted he would be there to guide you. Before parting, he placed another peck on your lips, leaving you craving more.
Part 8
GHTTC Tags: @maggiegirl17 @foxyjwls007 @djs8891 @deans-spinster-witch @tmb510 @ghostofjoharvelle
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
(The Fever)
V was laid out in the back of his car, a headache had hit him and he had to pull over. Now, he was writhing in pain in the back seat with his head rested in Johnny’s ‘lap’.
“Call Ker.” Johnny repeated for the fourth time, knowing this was more than a headache. V’s temperature was slowly rising and it was making Johnny sweat.
“Don’t wanna bother ‘im.” V whispered back, content to lie in the back of his car with Johnny until he was well enough to drive again. He was having the thoughts again that Johnny didn’t like, ones of his time being soon. Johnny would drag his ass to the cure if he had too.
“Then call Vik.” There was no reason he couldn’t call Vik, but Johnny knew V would find a way to excuse why they couldn’t call Vik.
“‘S late-“
“It’s his job, V. Call him or I will.” Johnny knew he should not be taking over V’s body right now, not in the state he was in, but he had to do something or else they were just gonna lie here in misery. And he knew V was just gonna chose to lay here.
V opened his eyes and frowned, leaning into Johnny’s hand. He thought about it for a moment before nodding. Finally, some sense.
He called Vik up, and no surprise, the ripperdoc answered on the first ring and could see the state of his adopted son. And that was that, V needed to get his ass to the clinic immediately, or Vik would come and find him. V admitted it would probably be safer for Vik to come find him.
Johnny knew V hated admitting defeat.
It took no time at all for Vik to find his son, and Johnny felt grateful for once about this. Vik’s ability to just find V anywhere came in handy once or twice.
Vik got him back to the clinic, V was more or less asleep. Vik was gentle, trying to be careful even with a full, chromed up, grown man leaning on him. V woke up enough to help try to lug himself into the chair, looking over when Johnny appeared next to him.
“I feel like ass.” V’s mouth didn’t move, but a smile formed when Johny snorted
“You look like ass.” Johnny wished in this moment that he could comfort V. That why he had wanted him to go to Kerry, for comfort. Vik could hopefully fix whatever the issue was no problem, but he knew from personal experience that Kerry made any illness feel like nothing.
Oh fuck, here they go again.
“V, I said stop it-“
“Just shut up and listen.”
Johnny obeyed, because he didn’t want V to get worked up while Vik worked on something to make the headache go away. A cold shower would have broken the fever, again something he would have rather done at Kerry’s.
“I’ve worked too goddamn hard on this body, don’t you fuck it up.”
Johnny nodded, letting V have his little rant.
“You don’t have to keep the hair dyed, I think it’s part of my charm but it’s a lot of up keep. The good stuff, not whatever the fuck you used back in the day.” Hey it got the job done.
“Check in on uh…” Johnny’s heart dropped. He knew who he was about to say but V didn’t seem to remember for a moment.
“Judy. Check in on Judy once in a while.” He frowned a bit, as if wondering why he struggled so hard to remember her name.
“And Kerry. You gotta go back to him… you make him happy-“
“Alright, I got it. We’ve been over this five times now… get some rest, baby.” Johnny ran his hand over V’s hair and frowned, watching him open his eyes to look at him.
“Promise me.” He whispered out loud, his voice weak and exhaustion laying heavy on his bones.
“I promise you, V. Told you I wouldn’t fuck us up.”
Johnny decided then, in that moment, if he ever took V’s body, he’d never be ‘I’ again.
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harpieisthecarpie · 1 year
What's pathologic about? It sounds cool and I might want to get into it
okay hell yeah now is my time to shine! thank you for the ask you're giving me the excuse to ramble about my new hyperfixation to not-just-a-brick-wall (tho sorry to all my orv followers and friends for having to deal with my patho bs).
Take my words with a grain of salt because I'm playing through Pathologic 2 and reading Pathologic Classic HD's transcripts right now, so I don't have the full perspective, but I should be able to explain the essentials in a way that will (hopefully) intrigue you.
Essentially, at the very bare bones, Pathologic is a psychological survival horror game where you play as one of three healers stuck in an isolated town in the Russian Steppe (in the early 1900's iirc), struggling to keep its citizens alive even as your own fragile life is in the balance. Of course, there is a LOT more, but that is the most basic of the basics.
Each of the healers has a vastly different experience with the town and relationship with its inhabitants that colors their perspective and solution to the plague, though I will try to avoid going into spoilers here. The various factions in the Town-On-Gorkhon will treat each healer differently, actively hostile to one while being pleasantly manipulative to another.
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The Bachelor, also known as Daniil Dankovsky, is a pathologist and bachelor of medicine who is part of Thanatica, an institution in the City determined to defeat Death itself. He comes to the town at the behest of Isidor Burakh in order to learn from him and Simon Kain, a man the locals claim to be immortal. Daniil's precious Thanatica is under threat of being destroyed unless he can provide substantial results. Rather unfortunate that the two men were both found to be brutally murdered right before he arrives...
Daniil is an outsider to the Town and is treated as such, often being manipulated by the most powerful and belittled by the rest because of his lack of knowledge about the Town and its traditions. This leads him to becoming alienated from many of them and their culture. He can also be a massive asshole depending on how you want to play him (though each healer can) and my favorite characteristic is his habit of sprinkling Latin phrases into his speech without translating them.
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The Haruspex, Artemy Burakh, is a local of the Town who was sent away by his father, Isidor Burakh, to become a surgeon. He never completed his degree, entering into the front lines instead, but he still knows how to cut people open (and fix them up). He returns to the Town after receiving a mysterious letter from his father beckoning him home. When he arrives, he is immediately jumped by three men.
Why? They were hunting down Isidor Burakh's murderer, whom people believe is Artemy himself. Patricide is a harsh charge, and Artemy soon finds himself known as the Butcher. This sends his reputation plummeting and makes his life just that much harder. Guy has shit luck, what can I say.
A fascinating element of this route is Artemy's relationship with the Kin, the native people of the Steppe, whom he is related to on his father's side. Isidor was a menkhu, a spiritual leader and healer in Kin society who is the only one allowed to cut into human flesh. Menkhu are the ones that "know the lines", essentially meaning that they see the connections between all things.Now that Isidor is dead, that honor and duty fall upon Artemy.
There's a lot of lore surrounding the Kin but I'll stop here because I will go forever if I don't.
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Clara is the Changeling. At the beginning of the game, she wakes up in a grave. She can heal the dangerously ill with her hands, but if they're not on the edge of death it just kills them instead. She also has an evil twin who she has to chase after and keep from committing atrocities every day. Clara is going through some shit, okay?
I love her but I don't know nearly as much about her as I do the other two. She's an elusive little gal who speaks like she knows more than you because she does.
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There is also the whole meta framing of the game as a play. Before you pick a character in Pathologic Classic, there's a whole scene on a stage where they argue about who has a better solution to the plague. Every night during the game there is a performance about the coming day's strife. There are characters called Executors, bird masks, and Tragedians, blank masks, that often speak to the player rather than the player character. Artemy "knows the lines" (THE LINES OF THE PLAY THE LINES OF THE PL-).
It gets more meta as the game goes on but that's spoilers.
I'm not going over the basic mechanics right now because I am TIRED but I'll get to them in the morning so stay tuned for that.
Pathologic Classic HD is the original with all three routes. Pathologic 2 is a sequel/remaster/reexamination of the first game that goes over the same twelve days but with a few changes. I've heard it's a bit more accessible than Classic HD, but so far only the Haruspex route is out. You do not need to play Classic before you play Patho 2. They are both usually discounted very cheap on Steam!
(If you want to get into the game but don't want to play, there are lots of analyses and a few playthroughs on Youtube. I'll link some in a reblog of this!)
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brunos-wife360 · 25 days
Hell-A Proposal
Plot: Ryan x Reader were Ryan Proposes, fluff. This Event takes place after the games main story and reader is on the chopper with Sam and Emma and Ryan comes back to safety later on with a surprise in mind.
Tags: @hyunjinbiased-blog
You sat with Emma and Sam against the chopper on the Hollywood boulevard as you awaited your boyfriend Ryan’s return from the supposed ‘Lab’ that Jimmy mentioned when you couldn’t find the doctor.
You look over to the two people beside you, Emma holding Sam as he was getting weaker by the second. You reach over and feel is forehead as to check his temperature, he was burning up more.
You pull your hand away as you continue to sit in silence, not speaking a single word, you knew they were having a moment, the first since 15 years ago.
You knew Emma still loved him deep down, you could tell she is torn apart at the thought of having to kill Sam if he continued to get worse. If only there was a cure.
Suddenly Emma spoke up “You know, I really thought we would make it out of this together but I guess the universe is given one final ‘fuck you’ because it just doesn’t care about us anymore”
You rub her back to comfort her and she doesn’t say a word, she just enjoys your kind gesture.
“I know hopefully Ryan comes back soon then we can get out of here and get him help” you assure her.
She nods and focuses her Attention back to Sam and you back to the ground in front of you not before looking up at Patton who was also nervously awaiting Ryan’s return.
A little while later you heard the gate open and close and you look up to see Your Handsome Man in all his glory wielding a modded fire axe in his hands.
He puts it away before he embraces you and gives you a quick kiss.
He then makes his way over to The others and pulls out a tube.
“It’s a one shot cure, it was meant for me but..” Ryan’s says and points to Sam.
He then goes to press the injection into The weaker man’s head before Emma stops him
“Not his head” she said with warning
“Oh sorry” Ryan replied
Once Sam got a dose of the one shot cure he was like himself again.
“You see I will always come back for you” he reaches to grab Emma’s cheek and she blushes.
“It’s perfect” Patton said looking at the happy couple on the ground in front of him.
“We can get out of here now?” You ask Ryan giving a little smile.
He smiles in return before it quickly drops “ You guys are, I’m not”.
Your face never changed so quick as you look at him in confusion .
“What the fuck do you mean you’re not coming?”.
Ryan cups your face in his hands before looking right into your eyes.
“Honey, I’m not the cure, Tisha is, the doc’s daughter but she ran off after he…yeah I need to find her”
You were upset but you knew Ryan..he wanted to help the world especially in this instance.
You knew he was doing what he had to.
“I understand that you want to rid the world of whatever the disease is..at least you can be a hero and do good” you smile through tears that appeared in your eyes.
Ryan noticed and he grabbed your hands kissing your forehead.
“Hey listen to me, I promise you that after I find the girl, I will make my way to safety, back to you I promise” he said smiling at you which you return.
“I love you” you say.
“I love you too baby”
He leans forward and finally connects his lips with yours as he brings you closer pouring all of his love for you into the kiss.
When you pull away Sam taps him on the shoulder “Here you might need this” he hands Ryan his Hammer.
“Thanks” Ryan smiles before he turns to Patton
They both salute each other and say “Good luck” before finally He turns to you and gives you one final embrace..for now.
“And I’ll see you soon hopefully” he says as you get onto the chopper with the others his hand going down to his pocket were he could feel the tiny box.
“Yeah I hope so too”
The doors close and off you went to saftey.
You Finally made it to saftey and immediately met with the authorities who checked you guy’s for any sign of sickness or illness you may have brought with you.
You were all given the all clear before you were directed out of the building and into an area with other people.
You all realised that you were in a place with REAL LIVING people who weren’t infected with whatever affected everyone in LA which was far away now as it was a full 4 hours away but it was currently being quarantined and authorities were looking for other survivors within that area.
You hoped they find Ryan and Tisha, You needed Ryan more than anything, you loved him with your whole heart but for now You definitely need to get used to this after a bit of surviving infected humans.
Sam and Emma offered their comfort as you guys sat on a chair.
“I’m sure he’ll be a’right he will be here soon he is one tough motherfucker” Sam said.
You laugh “yeah that’s true”
“WE HAVE MORE SURVIVORS!” Shouted an Officer and the other officer replied with “well let them in”
A few moments later Ryan walks in looking as good as always.
“See I promised you I’d come back” he said wrapping his arms around you as you cry and laugh that he is finally safe and finally home, home to you
You press your lips to his in a passionate kiss which he accepts giving just as much passion back. You feel him smile before pulling away and he looks into your eyes.
“Look I love you (Y/N) and I can’t imagine my life without you, you bring me happiness in the dark times, you are my joy and I’ll be damned if I don’t say it” Ryan begins
He pulls out the box and gets down in one knee and you gasp as your hand flys to your mouth and you cry more.
“So (Y/N) (L/N), will you marry me?” Ryan asks. You couldn’t say no, Ryan was your everything.
“Yes, a million times” you say as he slips the ring on your finger and spins you around and puts you down and looks at you with the most shit eating grin ever.
Sam filmed the whole thing while Emma celebrated silently.
“I love you so much” Ryan says the happiness in his voice never faltering.
“Love you too” you say as Ryan kisses your temple.
“I can’t wait to marry you” he says holding you close to him.
Finally you guys didn’t have to worry about anything trying to harm you.
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pumpkzsafeplace · 10 months
Hello 👋 I suffer from terrible anxiety attacks lately that make me feel like I can't breathe. I have this feeling that I'm choking and can't get any air in my lungs. I decided to write down some things that help me in the worst moments and I thought ,,why not post them here in case anyone else might need it?"
Here are things I do that help me with nervous shortness of breath:
First and most important thing: calm down.
Sometimes this feeling comes out of nowhere and it is difficult to locate its cause. Try to stay calm! Panic only makes it worse. If you're panicking really bad you might start to feel how your muscles tense up and kind of squish everything inside of you. Your head might start to hurt and your vision can get blurry. If you're in a really bad state like this and you can't seem to calm down here's what I'd recommend to do 👇
\→ try thinking about your favourite thing like a favourite colour/movie etc. but when you're thinking about it try to describe everything in EXTREME detail. For example: my favourite show is Sherlock BBC and my favourite character is Mycoft Holmes who's Sherlock's older brother. He's a middle aged man with short dark hair etc. Saying it out loud helps a lot.
\→ I've realised recently that an adrenaline shock can really help when you're panicking really bad so my recommendation is a cold shower. Turn the water as cold as it can get and jump in. This gives you kind of a shock wave and your body will hopefully kind of ,,reset". Now you're mad because you're cold but the panic should be over.
\→ if you're afraid that ,,what if I'm actually suffocating and I should go to the hospital?" Stay calm!!! I've been in ER many times because of my breathing but everything had always turned out to be just fine. What you're gonna do is try to find a pulse oximeter if you have one and if you don't check if your phone has a function of checking your blood oxygenation level. You should find it in a system health app. Remember to remove any nail polish you have on one of your fingers before the test! If your oxygen percentage is above 94% you're most likely not suffocating and have to calm down. Soon everything should go back to normal.
Now you might be wondering... ,,Why is it happening?"
Humans have something called autonomic nervous system which controls our heart rate and blood pressure, breathing, salivation etc. The most important thing is it can not just stop working out of nowhere. You can have a feeling like you're suffocating or your heart isn't working right but try to stay calm. It's probably just your stress that makes you feel this way. The more you think about it the worse it gets. Your nervous system can be calmed through stress and tension-reducing activities such as exercise, including stretching, yoga, and meditation. It's nothing dangerous when you know how to deal with it :)
But how to breathe properly in this situation?
Inhale - 5 seconds
Hold - 5 seconds
Exhale - 9 seconds
Repeat until you've calmed down.
Try distracting yourself!
Thinking about it will only make it worse so it's best to distract yourself. Personally taking with my friends or family members really helps. Try to do something that causes your breathing to go in ,,autopilot" mode. Singing or talking might help - you kind of start to breathe automatically when you're speaking. Try eating something or if you're feeling well enough you can even try to go for a walk. Don't force yourself to do that though if you're still panicking!!! Regulate your breathing manually first using the 5-5-9 method from above.
Fresh air!!!
Open the windows or even go outside. Find yourself a fan. That helps a lot too. Try to lay down on your back and bring your legs to your chest. Tilt your head slightly backwards. This will help clear the airways in your body.
Things to remember
If you don't have any basis to think that cause of your shortness of breath is related to any illness don't panic! It's most likely caused by stress. It can be sudden and have no particular cause but as long as your oxygen level is above 94% you're fine. Try to calm down!!! Distract yourself and try not to overthink it. Use the 5-5-9 method to regulate your breathing. Remember it's nothing dangerous when you know how to handle it, and as I hope - now you do :)
I hope this helps. Stay safe littles ❤️‍🩹
- 🐅
hihi lil bug’ 🌼
thank you so much for sharing these tips!
anxiety & panic attacks can creep up on anyone when they least expect it! at least knowing these key things will help you tackle it when it gets too much <3.
big big big hugs to you & any littles who are struggling right now <3,
you've got this i promise! <3.
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top five concerts you've been to?
(just top concerts if you havent been to five)
GREAT QUESTION!! i have a lot to say abt all of these so sorry for my ramblings in advance but in no particular order we have:
1. MCR Boston2 - its hard for me to pick my favorite of my MCR shows but the setlist for this one juuuust pushes it over my first show i think. got to gear sooo many of my faves that night- SCARECROW and Deathwish and Summertime and Boy Division and Best Day Ever and Cancer!!!!! they played a lot of danger days song which obviously i fucking LOVED and idk something abt Famous Las Words really got to me that night. maybe its bc even tho our seats were kinda shitty that meant i could see basically the whole crowd as well as the stage and i just remember feeling so at home like "oh yeah. you all understand too huh?". i was also dressed as party poison that night so a lot of cool people came up to talk to me lmao
2. Set It Off at the Palladium for the Dopamine Tour - my most recent time seeing the boys AND MY FIRST TIME MEETING THEM!!!! they were all so sweet and they played an acoustic version of Bleak December which had me Felling Things. AND THEN THE SETLIST FOR THE SHOW ITSELF WAS INCREDIBLE AND THEY FUCKING PLAYED MISS MYSTERIOUS WHICH US LIKE MY FAVORITE SONG EVER OF ALL TIME AND ID RATHER DROWN WHICH IS ANOTHER ONE OF MY FAVES AND FUCKING ILL SLEEP WHEN IM DEAD WHICH WAS MY ANTHEM IN MIDDLE SCHOOL- and also Scene Queen opened and she was fucking spectacular and im really glad i lost my dad in the crowd before her set bc i lost my shit screaming along with her sings and he Did Not need to hear that 💀
3. Fall Out Boy at Darien Center - first time seeing fob the seats were so fucking good and i met so many cool people AND HEARD HEADFIRST SLIDE AND YOURE CRASHING AND 27 AND GET BUSY LIVIN AND- also i was at the park connected to the venue and i fucking left before the rest of my family to get some rest before the show. and literally as soon as i get to the fucking hotel my dad texts me a picture of PETE FUCKING WENTZ. IF I HAD JUST WAITED LIKE TEN MINUTES I COULDVE MET PETE WENTZ BUT NOOOO I WANTED TO REST SO J WOULDNT GET A HEADACHE IM STILL NOT OVER THIS MY DAD WHI DOESNT LIKE FOB SAW PETE WENTZ AFTER I HAD BEEN JOKING ABT JT ALL DAY GOD HATES ME BUT ITS FINE BC AT LEAST I GOT TO LOSE MY SHIT TO HEADFIRST SLIDE ONLY SONG EVER OF ALL TIME
4. Set It Off at Toad's Place for the Welcome to Elsewhere Tour - yes of course they're on here twice idc if theres other vands i could mention THEYRE THEM. this show was incredible, i managed to push my way almost to barricade by the end of the show AND i caught one of zach's guitar picks!! the openers were both killer too, but Cherie Amour in particular stood out to me so obviously i bought a CD after their set (which was SIGNED and i got to meet/take a photo with Trey and Brendan and they were both so nice it was awesome)
5. The Used & Pierce the Veil (i forget where this was and im too lazy to look it up rn 💀) - VICS VOICE LIVE HELLO????? HOW DOES HE SOUND LIKE THAT IM IN LOVE WITH HIM RAAAAGH- and look even tho i love ptv im much more of a casual fan when it comes to them so it was nice bc i had fun during their set but still had so much energy left over for THE MOTHERFUCKING USED. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW LOUD I WAS SCREAMING WHEN BERT CAME ON STAGE MAN AND GE WAS HOLDING A TRANS FLAG WHEN HE WALKED OUT AND THAT ALONE NEARLY MADE ME CRY THEY WERE SO AMAZING IM VERY INCOHERENT ABT THIS SHOW BC I LOVE THEM SM IT WAS SO FUN AND I CANT WAIT TO (HOPEFULLY) SEE THEM AGAIN NEXT MONTH
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ladyfenring · 1 year
Aethelred asks Aldhelm for advice. Aldhelm tries to oblige.
for @aadmelioraa 💚 Happy Birthday, Kat!
read it on ao3
As soon as Aldhelm stepped inside the Starbucks and saw Aethelred arguing with the barista, he very seriously considered turning around, getting in his car, and blocking Aethelred’s number. 
But too late, Aethelred saw him and waved him over, and then Aldhelm had no choice.
“Thanks for agreeing to meet with me,” Aethelred said, grabbing his cappuccino from the counter. He turned to the barista and said, as if speaking to someone who might be hard of hearing, “I asked for extra hot. And it had better not have any foam!”
The barista stared sullenly back at him.
“You want anything?” Aethelred asked, not waiting for an answer as he headed towards a table near the back of the coffeeshop.
Aldhelm gave the barista an apologetic look and followed the other man, taking the wobbly chair across from him. “So you need legal advice?” he asked with no small amount of trepidation.
“Yes.” Aethelred sipped his coffee and scowled. “They put foam in this.”
“I think all cappuccinos have foam,” Aldhelm said delicately.
“I think that’s what makes them cappuccinos.”
“No, it isn’t,” Aethelred said with so much confidence that for a moment, even Aldhelm wondered if he might be wrong.
As it was, he decided not to press the matter. “What sort of legal advice do you need?”
“Ah.” Aethelred set down his coffee. “It’s about the divorce.”
“Well, I won’t be of much help; I practice copyright law, not family law,” Aldhelm pointed out.
“Yes, but it’s all the law,” Aethelred said.
Aldhelm opened and closed his mouth. “Well…”
“Look, I just want your perspective, as a lawyer, before I pursue anything.”
Well, that seemed reasonable enough. Certainly more reasonable than most things Aethelred did. “Alright. Shoot.”
Aethelred took another sip and frowned, though whether because of the foamy cappuccino or the divorce, Aldhelm was not sure. “As part of the financial agreement, Aethelflaed and I agreed that I would keep my cryptocurrency assets while she got the lion’s share of my pension and other investments.”
Oh no, Aldhelm thought, already struggling to keep a straight face. 
“When we negotiated last spring, the crypto market was doing well, and my source said it would continue,” Aethelred continued, oblivious to Aldhelm white-knuckling the table. “But there was a crash recently, I don’t know if you heard…”
“I hadn’t,” Aldhelm choked out.
“Yes, well, my assets have more than halved in value,” Aethelred said miserably. “I’m now far worse off than Aethelflaed, and I’ll be honest, I’m a bit worried about my finances. I tried talking to her about it–”
Aldhelm pressed his hand against his mouth lest he make an ill-advised comment. 
“She says I only have myself to blame and she refuses to discuss the matter further.” Aethelred looked up at Aldhelm. “So, what do you think? Can I take her to court and renegotiate the financial agreement?”
Aldhelm stared at him for a long moment. Finally, he lowered his hand and said. “You can, and I think you should.”
“Really?” Aethelred asked hopefully.
“Absolutely. Judges so rarely get the chance to openly laugh at people.” 
Aethelred’s face turned red. “If you think it’s a bad idea–”
“Oh, I think it’s a terrible idea,” Aldhelm said cheerfully. “For you, at any rate. No judge in their right mind would take your side. Now, maybe if you got a very, very good lawyer, you might be able to work something out, but seeing as you are, in your own words, far worse off than Aethelflaed and worried about your finances, I don’t see that happening.”
Aethelred scowled. “Oh, what do you know? You practice copyright law,” he snapped.
“You’re right, I probably don’t know anything,” Aldhelm said in a pleasant tone, getting to his feet. “Just my perspective before you pursue anything.” He started to leave, stopped, and turned back. “And cappuccinos are supposed to have foam. If they didn’t, they’d just be an espresso.” He turned back towards the door.
“Thank you,” the barista said timidly.
Aldhelm opened and closed his mouth, and then settled for an awkward two-fingered salute before he left the Starbucks.
Silence descended over the coffeeshop, broken a moment later by, “Did you charge me for a large? I asked for a medium in a large cup! That still only counts as a medium!”
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jaimebluesq · 2 years
Do you take requests? Would love a h/c fic with NHS and NIe Zonghui, either gen or preslash. Even better if its injured!NHS during Sunshot.
Or a NHS/Gu Yu fic. Reincarnation? Does he remember his old life and Dage, JC?I’ve only found one and the idea is charming.
Are you on ao3? I think I’ve read some of your CQL fics before there.
Best wishes!
I love taking requests! I'm working on a lot of longer fics at the moment, which is fun in the long run, but leaves me feeling un-productive because I haven't FINISHED anything (so I also don't get that “oooh, comments!!!” dopamine shot and go into withdrawal), so shorter prompts are always a welcome change of pace :D
I think I'll tackle NHS & NZH this time, though I'm going to save the Hikaru No Go crossover for future use (and omg I just had an image of Chu Ying maybe having been alive playing Go back during cultivation days!!!!! Maybe he met NHS, maybe even played with him and definitely Lan Qiren, and when Shi Guang meets Gu Yu, Chu Ying finds he looks familiar, says something that Shi Guang repeats, and that's what kick starts Gu Yu's past life memories!!!! or something lol).
And I'm definitely on AO3 – you can find me there as JaimeBlue and feel free to read and comment on anything you like! I write both Gen and ship-type stuff and am a multi-shipper (and yeah, I'm the weirdo shipping NHS with Jin Zixun), so hopefully there's a little something there for everyone.
Now, on with the fic! (Will also post to AO3 when I finally think of a title lol).
~ ~ ~
Nie Zonghui's heart beat madly in his chest as he flicked the reins of his horse. He had left the sounds of battle behind but he couldn't be certain he wasn't being followed. H didn't want to take the risk, but he needed to stop if only for a few short minutes...
There was a pained whimper from the young man between his arms, who was only just conscious enough to keep himself from sliding off the horse's back, one of his hands loosely holding onto Nie Zonghui's leather bracer. Nie Zonghui decisively led his horse off the beaten path and into a copse of trees that was hopefully far enough from the path that they wouldn't be spotted by anyone passing through. They stopped and he listened for several moments, and only when he could hear no other sounds than the occasional birdsong did his heart begin to slow. He patted his mount's neck in thanks before placing his hands on his charge's shoulders.
“Huaisang?” The boy's eyes opened but were hazy and unfocused. Nie Zonghui felt along an arm whose sleeve was soaked through with blood, more so than when they'd left the battle behind. He carefully dismounted and reached up to take Nie Huaisang into his arms, lowering the boy to the ground and ripping the sleeve off of his robes to better access the injury beneath.
The wound was deep and charred at the surface, the result of a Wen blade whose heat cauterized half the wound as it had sliced into Nie Huaisang's arm, ironically saving the young man from bleeding out too soon. He tried to ignore how he could see what appeared to be bone through the blood and parted muscle, a sight that he'd seen far too often during the course of the war but that still made him feel ill. He focused on tearing up the sleeve in his hands, making strips of fabric that he began tying around Nie Huaisang's arm to keep the skin together and hopefully prompt the deeper part of the wound to stop bleeding, and a final one to place extra tightly above the wound to minimize the flow of blood. Only once he was assured that he'd done all he could for the physical wound did he look into Nie Huaisang's face, which was far too pale and sallow.
His jaw tightened as he pushed back the flow of emotions crawling within him. There would be time enough for those thoughts later when they were safe.
“A-Sang?” Nie Huaisang's eyes blinked, but otherwise didn't react. “I've got you, I won't let anything else happen to you.”
He didn't know if Nie Huaisang had actually heard any of his words, but they made him feel better, at least a little.
He somehow managed to get his charge back on the horse and lifted himself up into the saddle behind him, cradling him between his arms once again as he set the mount to galloping. They were somewhere near Lanling, having been travelling from Qinghe to Gusu with a small but well-armed escort, and he tried to remember his maps for what towns or cities were nearby. He immediately discounted several small villages – they would be strangers and would stand out too much in lesser populated areas, and there was no telling whether the Wen might have spies there – but he remembered a mid-sized city that was within a few hours' ride. He looked at Nie Huaisang and prayed to the heavens that he would make it that far.
He tried not to think of the other soldiers that had come with them, who he'd left behind to fight the Wen scouting party that had looked surprised to run into a group of Nie riders (who had been just as surprised to run into them), but who had still taken advantage of the opportunity to attack them. He hoped the Wen still didn't know the purpose of the Nie presence in the area, who they'd been escorting... Nie Zonghui sent another prayer for his comrades; hopefully they had proven victorious and he would eventually meet up with them in Cloud Recesses.
The sun had half-set by the time they reached the city. Nie Huaisang was growing worryingly cold in his arms and he needed to find a safe place to stay and a doctor to look at the boy's wound. He did quick mental calculations before directing his horse toward the area where they were most likely to find boarding by people accustomed to discretion.
They passed by several potential buildings before finding one that satisfied Nie Zonghui. They rode to the back where a small informal door stood, and he carefully dismounted to knock on it. A beautiful woman in expensive rose-coloured silk robes, parted at the neck just enough to be considered indecent, answered the door and looked at him curiously.
“Welcome, gongzi. We are always happy to see clients, but not often do men come to our back entrance.”
He ignored the flirtatious way she had spoken and bent into a proper bow. “Guniang, we have no need for your house's 'services', merely a room to stay with no questions asked, and a doctor to look after my companion.”
The horse made a small grunt, attracting the woman's attention. She looked to Nie Huaisang's barely conscious body then back to Nie Zonghui, her eyes momentarily focusing on the blades slung on his back. “You're cultivators.”
He stood upright and nodded, waiting to see if she would help them or sell them out. He'd bypassed several other brothels, deeming them poor enough to be willing to sell out well-paying clients for a higher fee. This one had appeared of a higher class, perhaps accustomed enough to rich clients that they had no inclination to turn them in to a higher bidder. He hoped he was right.
She leaned back into the building for a moment. “Have the Pearl Room prepared, and send someone to bring Hu Zihan,” she said to another woman inside before turning back to Nie Zonghui. “Get your friend and come inside. We'll have someone take care of your horse.”
Minutes later, he was laying Nie Huaisang down on a soft bed. His charge had stopped whimpering over an hour ago and Nie Zonghui had been trying not to worry, but seeing him on the pale bedsheets, his skin looked worse than ever. A woman dressed in lavender covered Nie Huaisang with a warm blanket and Nie Zonghui sat on the mattress next to him, brushing the hair out of his eyes.
There was a knock at the door and a serious-faced woman entered with a bag in her hand. The lavender woman greeted her immediately and escorted her to the bedside. “This is Hu Zihan. She mostly serves as a midwife, but also helps us with other serious matters.”
“Give me room to work,” Hu Zihan muttered, waving Nie Zonghui off the mattress; he rose up with great reluctance. “What happened?”
“He took a sword to the arm.”
“This is not the work of a regular sword,” she accused, prodding the blackened and puckered flesh beneath the makeshift wrappings. “Fucking Wen.”
For the first time since leaving the battle, Nie Zonghui's shoulders began to relax.
“Many of our clients are cultivators,” the lavender woman explained at his side, “and one of our sisters was saved from a yao a few years ago. The Jin receive most of our requests these days, but we used to have a local sect...”
“Let me guess,” he replied, “they were absorbed into the Wen.” She nodded.
“I thought your kind were supposed to handle injuries better than this.” Hu Zihan had her fingers pressed against Nie Huaisang's wrist. “I'm barely getting any sign of those golden cores you develop.”
“His cultivation level is very low.” Despite the circumstances, he couldn't help a small, fond smile. “He's not a fighter. He was born into the sect, and trains reluctantly.”
The lavender woman placed a comforting hand on his arm. “He'll be fine.”
“He will,” Hu Zihan affirmed with a professional nod. “I'll need to sew his arm up, and he's lost a lot of blood. He will need to rest for several weeks, though it's hard to tell how long without knowing how much help his golden core will be. But he will live.”
Could they afford to remain here several weeks when they were expected in Cloud Recesses? Could he take the risk of sending word to Qinghe to let Nie Mingjue know they were safe? What if the Wen realized where they were headed and somehow managed to track them here? He thought to the money he had in his pocket, entrusted to him by Nie Mingjue for expenses along their journey, and wondered if there was even enough to stay in the brothel for as long as Nie Huaisang needed to heal.
“Is there something I can call you, gongzi?” the lavender woman asked.
“You can just call me Zonghui.”
She nodded. “While Hu-guniang works, could I borrow you for a few minutes? I thought it would be a good idea to bring a copper bathtub into the room should your friend wish to wash later, but it's far too heavy for me to lift.”
Though he was reluctant to leave Nie Huaisang's side, he already felt nauseous at the thought of watching the healer sewing flesh back together, and so he agreed to the request. He followed the lavender woman to the kitchens and was not just enlisted into moving the bathtub, but several other items from firewood to crates of wine bottles, helping wherever a woman asked for a pair of strong arms. It helped to keep his mind off of everything that had happened that day and he was thankful for the work.
He also had to fend off several flirtatious offers. He made it very clear immediately that he had no interest in such things; after that, they continued to flirt but thankfully in a more teasing manner.
Finally, he was brought back into the Pearl Room in time to watch Hu Zihan closing up her bag. Nie Huaisang was snoring lightly but his colour was already slightly better than when they had first arrived. She gave him a few instructions to follow as well as a satchel of herbs and a pot of cream, and told him to have her brought back if there was any turn for the worse. He thanked Hu Zihan as she left, offering his services to repay the great favour she had done him. She shook her head, patting his chest and casually saying she'd send him a request for help should she run into a ghost or a fierce corpse.
The only woman left in the room was the lavender woman. Nie Zonghui pulled the money pouch from his robes and began handing it to her. “I don't know if this will be enough to cover our stay, but we can compensate for any further debt. Our sect can more than pay whatever we require.”
She pushed the pouch back towards him. “We will keep a tally of expenses and give you a bill afterwards to take to your sect leader. For now, all you need to worry about is your friend. We'll have some food and tea brought in for you, but you should rest as well. Would you like a second bed brought in?”
He almost said yes, worried his presence would disrupt Nie Huaisang's healing sleep, but had a nightmarish vision of a group of Wen bursting into the room and reaching Nie Huaisang before Nie Zonghui was even aware of what was happening. He shook his head. “I would prefer to guard his sleep.”
She nodded and wished him a good rest.
In all honesty, he was exhausted after the long day. As he lay down next to Nie Huaisang, feeling the warmth at his side, hearing the soft, sleepy snuffles that reassured him that the young man was alive and safe, he was finally able to close his eyes... and fell immediately to sleep.
~ ~ ~
He startled awake upon hearing his name. Judging by the light coming through the window, the sun was only just beginning to rise. He turned his head at the feel of a familiar hand on his arm, shaking him gently.
“I'm sorry to wake you, but I don't know where we are and I need to go.”
Nie Zonghui nodded and stood up. When he saw that Nie Huaisang was having difficulty moving without disturbing his injured arm, he reached out to help him to first sit up, then stand. He waved to the corner of the room where a screen had been set up, then crossed his arms as he waited for his charge to be out of sight.
“We're in a town just outside Lanling,” he explained. “In a brothel. They hate the Wen as much as we do so they'll keep our presence here secret.”
“How did we get here?” Nie Huaisang asked from the other side of the screen, tell-tale tinkling sounds accompanying his words.
“We rode. You were hurt when we ran into the scouting group and they attacked. I got you out of there before they could realize who you were and why we were escorting you.”
“And the others?”
His lips tightened. “They were still fighting when we left. They know our destination and should head for Cloud Recesses; we'll meet them there.” If they survived.
He didn't know if the moment of silence on the other side of the screen was a bad sign. Nie Zonghui would never regret the choice he had made – he'd made a promise to his sect leader, and to himself, to protect Nie Huaisang with his life if need be – but he also knew Nie Huaisang and knew he might not see things the same way.
“Zonghui? Can you... help? Please?”
He stepped around the screen to see that Nie Huaisang had removed his outer robes and his pants hung loosely on his hips, held up by his good hand. He shamefully looked at Nie Zonghui as he tried to tug his pants up higher. Nie Zonghui did his best to look professional as he approached the half-naked young man, trying to keep his eyes on the task before him of helping his charge get redressed. He took the little thrill he felt at seeing Nie Huaisang thus undressed and pushed it far to the back of his mind, with all of the other thoughts and feelings the past day had forced on him, to be managed at a more convenient time.
If nothing else, years of working in Qinghe Nie had made him excellent at compartmentalization. He had yet to decide whether it was for good or ill, it simply was.
He was very careful when sliding Nie Huaisang's robes over his injured arm and couldn't help noticing how he winced upon seeing the torn sleeve. Then Nie Huaisang's eyes seemed to take on a mischievous gleam as he looked innocently up at Nie Zonghui.
“Did you cut my sleeve, Zonghui?”
“You're a menace, Nie-er-gongzi,” he accused, but his heart felt lighter. If Nie Huaisang was in a teasing mood, then he was doing much better than when they'd first arrived at the brothel. “How does it feel?”
“It hurts,” Nie Huaisang replied in a familiar plaintive tone. “And I feel a little fuzzy.”
“The healer gave you some herbs last night, and left a few for you to take today. It's probably helping with the pain.” He finished tying up Nie Huaisang's robes and helped to lead him back to the bed.
Once Nie Huaisang was once again comfortably placed on the bed, Nie Zonghui turned, intending to go find one of the courtesans to ask if there had been any other visitors in the night searching for them, but was stopped by a hand on his wrist. Nie Huaisang tugged gently, and Nie Zonghui had very little resistance left in him.
“Please? I don't want to be alone.” Nie Zonghui nodded and lay down next to him, and the next thing he knew, he had his arms full of the other man, Nie Huaisang's good arm wrapping around his waist. “Thank you for saving me,” he whispered, sounding more serious than Nie Zonghui had ever heard him.
“I would protect you with my life,” he replied softly, resting his chin on Nie Huaisang's head and closing his eyes. He could smell soap and a trace of the incense Nie Huaisang liked to use, but there was blood and the scent of burned skin as well. His mind unwillingly filled with memories of the battlefield, of the Wen sending fireballs to startle their Nie riders' horses and send the riders falling to the ground. He remembered pulling his twin sabers and fighting the moment the Wen were within reach, stopping when he heard a cry behind him, panicking upon realizing the voice had belonged to Nie Huaisang, leaping to stop an attacker's second swing from doing further damage, holding Nie Huaisang in his arms as he whistled for the nearest horse to stop...
He felt his arms shake; it wasn't until he heard Nie Huaisang murmuring comforting words that he realized he was the one shaking.
“It's all right, Zonghui, we're here and we're safe.” Nie Huaisang seemed to burrow deeper into his arms, and he wrapped them tighter around him. “And we're together. There's no safer place in the world.”
Nie Zonghui began to get control of his shaking and began stuffing the thoughts and feelings to the back of his mind once again, but one kept returning to him, reluctant to be shoved aside. If he'd died, I don't know what I'd do. I would rather die bringing him to safety than to live without him.
That thought too joined the others in its tiny little box where it would wait to be opened and examined.
Some day. But not today.
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rd0265667 · 1 year
A notch up(Chapter 9)
Y/N's POV As I set Yuna down in her room, I turned to leave the room. There was much to be handled regarding this assailant. Alice was on her way too. As I turned, I heard soft sniffling, "Don't go..." I saw Yuna tearing up a little, I immediately knelt next to her bed as I smiled. "I need to handle some important things Yuna." "Please?" Yuna said with puppy dog eyes. "Okay then." I said as I sat down, as Yuna held my hand in hers and closed her eyes, her breathing slowing down and her eyes slowly closing. Seeing that, you slowly slipped your hand out of her grasp, looking at her sleeping form. She's so beautiful...I'm never gonna let her get hurt ever again. I smiled as I looked over her, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead. Just then, the door opened, a concerned Yeji on the other side. She stared at me, and smiled gently. Thankfully she knew that was not creepy in intent. I walked out as I smiled back at her, gently closing the door. "How is she?" Yeji asked, worried for her beloved maknae "A little shaken, I think she's still a little uneasy about it, but hopefully she feels better soon." "Y/N ah, I have a small request to make, and I know I can trust you enough for this, before you ask." "Yeh?"
"Can you sleep with Yuna tonight?" My head jolted towards Yeji as I struggled to comprehend what she just said. "No no, not like that Y/N, just, could you bring your blanket and pillow to Yuna's room. Her room only has one bed but the floor is big enough. I know it's tough for you but I feel uneasy leaving her in there by herself. At least if you're there, if she wakes up from a nightmare or something, you can calm her down." I was a little uneasy, who wouldn't be...Yes Yuna was a great person, and it's highly likely that I like her a little, but I'm not sure if I trust anyone/or myself,enough to sleep in the same room as them, defenseless. The last time that happened I.... "Y/N? You okay?" Yeji asked, a little concern on her face "Oh, yeh, I'm fine. I guess for Yuna's sake, I will." "Thank you Y/N ah, I'll get going to my room now, I think Alice-unnie and Jake are looking for you." I nodded as Yeji entered her room
"The man was a sasaeng fan, apparently he's been using the girl's Instagram pictures to figure out the approximate location of their dorm. He's been arrested and JYP plans to slap him with a restraining order, that is....if, you know, he survives." Alice said, a little uneasiness in her voice as she glanced at me with her last sentence. I don't blame her. That was like, some kind of berserker rage... "Alice, could I talk to Y/N privately?" Jake said, putting his hand on my shoulder as Alice nodded
"I need you to be honest with me Y/N, what was that?" "I'm sorry Jake, I have no idea, I don't think that has ever happened to me." "Those moves you pulled, based on the injuries the man suffered, wasn't just self defense atacks Y/N.  Those are moves that fighters with killing intent would used. You critically injured that man." Jake said, a grim look on his face "I've talked to JYP, this event has given him even more reason to allow the girls to take Martial Arts class from me, and by extension you, to protect themselves. I trust that you only went into such a rage because you saw Yuna being hurt, but if it at all possible, please keep this violent tendency at bay as much as possible. I would hate for the girls to look at you differently..." I nodded as Jake smiled back. " In the mean time, don't be too different alright? The girls are probably all on edge from this issue so do try to let them feel as normal as possible. The attacker has some links to other sasaengs apparently, on some online forums, and some of these guys are good, untraceable. They all have ill intent towards the girl, and now that the girl's dorm has been found, they are very at risk. I'll get an increase in security around this area, but for now, I'll have to place the girls on 'lockdown', for their safety, I can't let them leave the house." "Okay Jake, Thanks."
I slowly entered Yuna's room, careful not to wake her up. I set my blanket and pillow on the ground, settling down as I slowly fell asleep, as a Dream started to surface?
Italics is dream
I was holding a scythe in my hand, as I was faced off against 21 opponents. They all bowed to me as I reciprocated. Three lunged at me first as I swung the scythe in front of me, stopping them dead in their tracks, as I delivered a kick to the stomach to the person on the left, spinning and whacking the middle guy in the face with the end of my scythe. Slowly, the others started charging at me, and though I held my own, I felt myself get overwhelmed slightly, and I got blindsided, as one of them delivered a strong kick to my side. That made me stumble as I fell slightly, the scythe falling from my hand. I tumbled as I grabbed my weapon once again, but then, just like before, I slowly got overwhelmed and blind sided, knocked down. I slowly started to see red, as I saw me fly into a rage, the same rage. I slowly pummeled each of my opponents, some beaten bloody. "THATS ENOUGH!" I felt myself get lifted up a little, as I saw an older man with a staff walk into the room. He slammed me to the ground, knocking me out. As I regained consciousness, I heard that same older man and a slightly younger woman(compared to the man) standing over me. They were clearly talking about me, but their words were muffled as I still slowly regained conscious, but one word spoke out to me. Bloodlust
I jolted up in my bed as I saw Yuna holding a small pair of scissors in her hands, pointing it at me, trembling and shaking. I quickly got up and slowly backed away from Yuna, who's eyes widened as she recognised me. "Yuna... what are you doing?" Yuna shakily dropped the scissors and curled into a ball. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I woke up to you growling and I thought.... I thought that man was back." My eyes widened in realisation, as I quickly bent down, grabbing the scissors, putting it at a safer place before embracing Yuna. "I'm so sorry Yuna, I'm here to protect you. I just had a bad dream, I didn't mean to startle you." Yuna nodded, lightly sniffling as she sat back down. I was about to sleep when, "Y/N, could we cuddle? I'm scared." I hesitated a little, this is kinda inappropriate isn't it... but, she was terrified. This wouldn't hurt would it. I climbed into the bed apprehensively, as Yuna smiled at me, backing up into me as I basically enveloped her, with her grabbing my hand and putting it over her, like a protective shell for her. "Thank you Y/N ah" She said, then whispered something to herself "No worries, just have a good rest okay?" After that, I stayed awake, I didn't want to startle Yuna with another nightmare again. And... as I took a deep breath, I sighed a little
She smells amazing.
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Somehow, I managed to get about 100 miles out of town before something caused me to become so sick, I needed to pull over. It was as if every mile I put between Caldwell and me, the illness became more and more severe. By the time I was near the 100 mile mark, I could barely breathe and the nausea was so bad, I was just about keeled over in pain. I put the camper in park along the side of the highway and ran back to the bathroom, where I kissed the porcelain throne for a good two hours. I couldn’t imagine what was causing this illness, nor how it came on so abruptly. But, I decided I would just have to sleep it off where I was. Hopefully, no one would bother me.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t going to be that lucky. I’m not quite sure what time it was when I heard a loud rapping on the door. My body was so wrought with exhaustion that my eyes could barely open, and as the pounding on the door got louder, so did the pounding in my head. I knew I couldn’t answer it, not while the sun shone outside. At least, I was pretty sure the sun was up. So, I kept my eyes closed and tried to ignore the onslaught. Finally, after about 10 minutes, it all stopped and I quickly slipped back into unconsciousness.
Next time I woke up, the camper was tilted up toward the front and it was moving. Crap! I was being towed. To where, I had no clue, but there was no way in hell this was going to turn out well. I steadied myself enough to sit up and look at the clock. 12:37 pm. Even worse. The sun was still up, my camper and car were being towed, and with the few hours of sleep I had gotten, I wasn’t feeling any better. In fact, I was feeling worse, if that were possible.
Gently, I rolled over and pulled my knees into my chest. There was nothing I could do about the situation at the moment, especially with the condition I was in, so I attempted more sleep. It wasn’t likely to happen though. When we arrived at the destination. There were more shakes and jiggles of the whole camper, before we were finally, quietly resting in some tow lot, in Scribe knows where.
Finally, exhaustion and weariness washed over me.
The clock read 1:22 am when I finally woke up. I was still feeling completely under the weather, but I had to get moving. I needed to get as far away from Caldwell and this tow lot as possible. So, I made my way to the front of the camper and raised the shudders. I was definitely in an impound lot, full of other vehicles. Thankfully, it looked like a small town lot, one that didn’t have it’s lot manned overnight. There was a padlock on the gate that would be easily cut with cutters.
Quietly, I made my way out of the camper and over to the gate. As soon as I was satisfied no one was around, I took my bolt cutters and clipped off the chain. Once that was done, I opened the gate and as fast as my sick legs could take me, got back into my camper and drove as fast as I could to get out of town.
Problem was, about 25 miles out and my illness so bad I could barely function. I wasn’t going to get towed this time, though. So, I pulled over and looked for the nearest camping site. Checking myself in, I closed down all the shutters and put myself to bed. Hoping that I could nurse myself back to health soon and continue on my way.
As a vampire, I didn’t get sick like this, so I was intensely concerned as to what was going on. Even in all my time working in the medical field, I had never seen anything like this. I was half tempted to call Havers and see if he knew what might be going on. But, calling Havers brought up more emotions than I wanted to think about. It was only a day and a half ago that I was last at Havers, almost offering up my blood to Lohre, before walking out without any notice. I wasn’t sure Havers would want to help me, if I asked. So, I crashed out on my bed and let nature take over, hoping that I just needed a little rest.
#ExhaustionAndWeariness #SASBDB #BDBRPG
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