#yuna fanfic
chaerybae · 6 months
take a picture now – shin yuna of itzy 𓆩❤𓆪
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synopsis: after you requested a room change, you were put in the last available dorm. just one problem... you can't figure out your new roommate. does she want to be close to you? or does she want to vaporize you on the spot?
cast: yuna, ryujin of itzy, haewon of nmixx, lily of nmixx
genre: roommates, enemies to friends to lovers, fluff, college au
wc: 2.9k || warnings: cursing, eating/food, yuna is just a little mean
a/n: this is my first fic here! feedback is welcome :D also might make a part 2 more about the photos later. lmk if you’d read that!
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“Are you sure this is the right room?”
“I’m sure, Lily. Do you think Seungmin would mark the wrong dorm?”
“Oh, just come on!”
You and Lily were bringing your belongings into a new dorm, part of your escape from Ryujin, your former roommate who just had to bring her pet spiders to college with her. Now don’t be mistaken, you love Ryujin, after all, she persuaded Yuna to let you move in with her. Although, it’s not like Yuna had much of a choice.
Yuna had been given a two-person dorm, even though she wasn’t assigned a roommate. Seungmin, the ra, had told Yuna someone might move into her dorm last minute, but she was willing to take the dorm for the luxurious possibility of solo living. After hearing about your predicament from both Ryujin and Seungmin, she had two choices: let you become her roommate or get rid of Ryujin’s tarantulas. And it’s not like the latter would happen anytime soon.
At midnight, your best friends had finally gone back to their own dorms. Only five minutes later, Yuna herself arrived, probably coming from hanging out with her own friends, it was a Friday after all. She looked perfect, like she had just come back from the salon. Although if you looked closer, you would have seen the exhaustion in her eyes.
“Hi, Yuna! I’m your new roommate. Ryujin probably told you about me alre-”
She had walked straight to her room and closed the door before you could even finish speaking.
If you’ve learned anything about Yuna in the past month and a half it’s that she’s an art major, and you don’t need to ask her to know (even though, in an effort to have a real conversation with her, you did ask about her major). With the Halloween season fast approaching, Yuna had already decked out your dorm in the latest Halloween fashions, while looking the happiest that you had ever seen her.
She even spoke to you without a scowl on her face as she started to carve mini pumpkins on the kitchen counter. You took this as a sign.
“Could I… carve one?”
“A pumpkin?”
“Yea. If you don’t mind.”
“No no! Here take this one.”
Maybe she just really liked Halloween. Yuna had rarely spoken to you like this before, with a huge smile on her face. It was probably because her pumpkin was turning out really cute, but you pretended that your roommate was smiling because you had finally made her happy enough to be around you for more than five minutes.
You and Yuna began to talk more, run errands together, and you even started to eat breakfast together before morning classes. If anybody saw you two skipping to the convenience store after late study nights, they wouldn’t be able to tell that your friendship was nonexistent a couple weeks prior. But they would be able to see the way you clung to her– with your eyes, with your hands that were trying to hold onto her arm. They would see the way she avoided your gaze, and the way you eventually just put your hands in your pockets, choosing to simply walk by her side.
Finally, the long awaited day you two had been preparing for arrived, but your roommate was nowhere to be found. Yuna had left early Halloween morning and you hadn’t seen her all day. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little bit disappointed. Looking at the paper bats hung in the living room made you wish that you could turn back time and carve pumpkins with her again. You had spent so long moping around your living room that Haewon and Lily almost kicked down your door before dragging you to their dorm to have a movie marathon.
When Yuna finally came back from Yeji’s place, she was surprised to find the dorm empty. She crashed onto her bed immediately, too tired to question why she correlated the emptiness of the dorm to your absence, instead of the living room's pitch-darkness.
The next morning, Yuna exited her room to find your room closed. She guessed that you had come back from your friends’ dorm after she had fallen asleep. Yuna knew her flurry of morning preparation might wake you up. Did she feel a little sorry? Maybe. But she had begun to grow used to walking to class with you, and how could she do that if you were sleeping? After ten minutes of Yuna sitting in the kitchen alone, you finally walked into the kitchen. The way Yuna’s face lit up when you appeared was a complete contrast to the cold-shoulder Yuna of early September. Surprised flashed across your face when you saw her smiling at you, only to be quickly replaced with a pink flush and a shy smile of your own.
“Do you want to get breakfast with me?”
“As in … going somewhere?”
“Well, just the vending machine.”
“Oh, well… lead the way!”
Yuna ended up following you as you skipped down the hall with your tote bag to the vending machine. To Yuna, it had begun to feel like she was actually living with you, instead of just living in the room next to yours. But to you, your friendship still felt… incomplete. As Yuna put your soon-to-be shared three packs of poptarts in her bag and pulled you into the elevator, you wondered if you were beginning to over-analyze things.
You decided that you could forget the way that you wanted to hold her hand as Yuna pulled you by the wrist, like she always did when she decided you were walking too slowly. Maybe you walked slowly on purpose, but she didn’t need to know that. It's not like you wanted to spend more time with her or anything. Now outside her department’s building, the absence of Yuna’s hand on your wrist snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Can you drive me to the museum later? Ryujin’s busy, and well…”
“You failed your driver’s test… again?”
“… I’ll buy you dinner after.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll see you after your last lecture then.”
She let out a little scream of excitement. “Thanks a million, babe,” Yuna turned to walk into the building, “what would I do without you?”
Yuna walked slowly through the building’s door, so she could turn back around at the last second to watch you walk into the library on the other side of the street. She had meant what she said, fuck the solo living shit she told herself over the summer, if you hadn’t become her roommate Yuna would have been dreadfully lonely. And, of course, she wouldn’t have gotten to know you outside of being Ryujin’s friend.
Now, she woke up earlier so you had more time to walk together. Now, she stayed home more often, so you could go out together on the weekends. At one point, Yuna had even wished she shared your major so you could have classes together.
Oh, but what could a girl do? It seemed that this girl could only survive the day's classes and wait for you to pick her up for your museum trip.
While Yuna suffered through art history lectures, you suffered, not from the increasingly boring textbook sitting in front of you, but from your own internal dilemma. The two of you were alike in thoughts and feelings.
You had long abandoned your studying in favor of overthinking. Friends always walked to school together right? Maybe some did. Roommates drove each other around town right? That’s normal friend behavior. Roommates overthink all their past interactions with their roommate before it’s even 9am right? Probably not… Friends who call each other “babe” think about it hours after the fact right? No… oh. oh.
Neither of you mentioned their thoughts to the other. And regardless of your inner turmoil, you happily drove Yuna to the museum, the latest hits blasting on the way. The museum was within walking distance. You didn’t even know why Yuna needed someone to drive her. But you’re willing to ignore that, after all you’re getting some time with Yuna outside of your now outdated Halloween dorm.
Once in the galleries, you were really questioning why Yuna asked you to come along. The only thing worth looking at, in your completely unbiased opinion, was Yuna. These strange paintings were really not your cup of tea. Your feet hurt from walking through the same few exhibits in the back of the museum. Your head hurt from all the talking children, middle-aged people muttering nonsense, and all of your own thoughts. Worst of all, Yuna didn’t even pay attention to you, only speaking to ask for your opinion on the pictures she was diligently taking. You guessed she had an assignment to do, being an art major or whatever, but–
“I can see you out of the corner of my eye, you know. Why aren’t you appreciating the art?”
“What do you mean?” you knew you had been caught staring.
“You’ve only been looking at me.”
“You're prettier than these paintings…” you whispered to yourself.
Yuna faced away from you, unsuccessfully trying to contain her blush. “You can look at me later…” Her blush must’ve been contagious, since you became quite rosy as well.
Needless to say, you two left the museum ten minutes later. You walked next to Yuna and got in your car, all while avoiding eye contact. “Do you want to get dinner now?” Yuna said, breaking the silence. You had completely forgotten about the promise of dinner, since that’s obviously not why you agreed to drive Yuna in the first place. “Yeah, where do you want to eat?”
By the time dinner was over and you and Yuna were back in the car, the awkward air had left, and been replaced by a different feeling. Dinner had consisted of both of you making small talk, that occasionally delved into deeper topics like your classmates or the strange freshmen in the dorm below yours. Not awkward, but not quite comfortable. You could feel that Yuna had something to say, and questions to ask, but neither of you said anything of importance on the trip back to your dorm.
Once the door was locked, you headed straight for the kitchen, sitting down on top of the counter. Maybe it was stress eating, but you told yourself that you just needed a little treat for being normal around your roommate today. You devoured a pack of oreos as Yuna opened her computer on the other side of the kitchen island.
“What were the pictures for?” you said, anxious to keep the somewhat meaningless conversation alive in the weird atmosphere.
“It's an assignment for Professor Hwang,” she replied, like she was asking a question, “we're doing a special unit on contemporary paintings soon, so– um– we need pictures of our favorites for the next unit.”
Flustered Yuna was cute. But Yuna getting flustered over being asked about paintings? Still cute, but strange.
“I'm going to take a shower. It's already 11, and I have an 8am tomorrow,” Yuna hastily said. She left so quickly that she forgot about her laptop, leaving it open on the counter in front of you. And upon the closing of the bathroom door, you got up to take a look.
I'm not being nosy at all! I'm just looking to see… oh.
The picture left on the screen was a beautifully photographed painting, but a different folder was also opened. And the majority of the other pictures in the folder weren't paintings. How had you never noticed? In that folder, there were more pictures of you than you could count. You lean over the kitchen counter, curled up on the couch, posing next to one of your pumpkins, in the hallway, mid-bite into a poptart. You walking to the campus library… driving your car… and you, in the museum, staring at the floor with a subtle smile on your face. You closed the computer, quickly turning around to resume stress eating your oreos. Those last couple of pictures were taken today? How had you not noticed, when you were staring at her the whole time?
Do friends take pictures of each other while they're driving? While they're absentmindedly staring at the museum floors? No. But you already knew that. All you had to do was find out if Yuna knew that too, if only you could find the courage to take that risk.
Yuna thought she understood you. So why were you acting so unlike yourself? Did you lose your taste for vending machine poptarts? Or, even worse, were you bored of her company?
No! Yuna wouldn't allow herself to think like that. You had begun to leave earlier for school, leaving her to walk to class by herself. Yuna treated the occasional dinner with you like a blessing from heaven, but, even though you two shared a dorm, she was still seeing less and less of you. But she always knew that one day you might get bored, that you'd drift away before Yuna could tell you–
“You know, I don't think they would ever want to stop being friends with you, Yuna.” Her thoughts faded as Ryujin, a totally certified relationship expert and best friend, talked away. Yuna had gone to Ryujin’s to get her dilemma out of her head and into words, so the two were having a sleepover. The beloved spiders that had triggered this whole affair were in a terrarium behind the two.
“You really think so?”
“I know so. Why don’t you just ask them why they've been spending less time with you! Or better yet, tell them about your absolutely enormous crus–”
“I do not! I only see them as a friend!!” Liar.
“Being louder doesn't make you right. Go to sleep and just talk to them tomorrow.”
Yuna fell asleep, knowing her last words of the day were a complete lie. But she would only admit Ryujin was right after she went home to you and tried to do something about it.
You were asleep, after all it was Saturday, and the fact that it was past 2pm was irrelevant. As it had been for the past several weeks, Yuna was not in the dorm. She was probably at Ryujin’s again; she never seemed to be home anymore.
But as you poured yourself a cup of orange juice in the kitchen, Yuna walked in.
“I have something to tell you.”
“You're not at Ryujin’s?”
“Well, I was yesterday, but um- I wanted to talk to you before you left…”
“We don't have school on Saturdays, Yuna.”
“Oh… right.”
Well, this was getting awkward. You put away the orange juice, all while trying to maintain eye contact with Yuna. The girl across from you desperately looked anywhere that wasn't you, finally setting her eyes on a lone pack of oreos.
Yuna moved to sit on the counter, eating oreos as she waited for something to happen, for you to say something so she wouldn't have to.
“Weren't you the one who wanted to tell me something?”
Oh right. Great job, Yuna.
“Yeah, well um- I just wanted to ask you why you've been… avoiding me. Did I do something or… do you not want to be friends anymore?”
You moved closer to her with every word, trying to come up with a response, until you were close enough to grab an oreo yourself. Yuna’s words got slower and quieter the more she said. You were motionless, stuck at what couldn't have been more than an inch away from her face.
But it's not like you just wanted to see her up close. Liar. It's not like you wanted to be this close to her all the time. Another lie. Or like you wanted to feel her lips on your forehead. Your cheeks. Your-
Lips. Yuna grabbed the front of your shirt and kissed you.
It was quick, but it was enough to make you blush profusely. But before you could even say anything, Yuna had ran out of the kitchen, with bright red ears, to sit on the sofa.
“Yuna…,” you said quietly, after walking over to Yuna and sitting on the floor so you could see her face. “Come on, babe. You can’t just run away after you do something like that.”
Her ears turned redder, if that was even possible, and she looked at you through her fingers, not moving from her place on the couch. You got up from the floor and took a seat next to her, wrapping your left arm around her shoulders to get her to face you.
“I have something to tell you too.”
“Oh… what is it?”
You smiled softly at her, cheeks still flushed from Yuna’s kiss, her lipstick could be seen on your lips. It only made her cover her face to hide her blushing cheeks more. You were definitely riding the high from finally kissing her, but this confidence boost wasn’t going to last forever. You took a deep breath and forced the words out of your throat.
“Does this mean you’ll let our next dinner date be an actual date?”
Another deep breath. “Let me take you out on a date, Yuna.”
At this, Yuna finally took her hands off her face, putting them on yours instead, pulling you in for another kiss.
“Safe to say that’s a yes,” you said through giggles.
“That’s a yes.”
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© chaerybae 2024. please don't repost, modify, or translate. thanks for reading!!
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revelwrittenscenes · 2 years
About Last Night, Part 1
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Idol: Yuna (Itzy)
{ Angst, Fluff }
Summary: It’s been months after your breakup yet Yuna is still on your mind. With a few drinks in your system, you try to fix things between you.
-   -   -
Note: Hi everyone! I’m back with a new post featuring Yuna! I’m planning a part 2 soon. Enjoy the read~
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Yuna. Yuna. Yuna.
All you could think about was her. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t get her off your mind. And you had really tried.
Had it been a mistake to break up with her? After all, she never seemed to have time for you. Was being in a relationship with someone who hadn’t made you a priority worth the heartache? 
Still, even after 2 months, you constantly thought about her. Her face, her eyes, her smile.
On one particularly lonely evening you couldn’t take it anymore, turning to the numbing effect of a strong drink. Then two, three and four. You’d be lying if you said you knew exactly how many you had poured. Regardless of the alcohol in your system, your thoughts of her were as persistent as ever, if not more.
“I-I need to talk to her.” You slurred, to nobody but yourself. You headed for the door, managing to clumsily lock it behind you.
I’m going to fix this, you thought, I need to fix this.
You shook your head. In your haze, you had somehow successfully made your way to Yuna’s place. You located her window, knowing very well which one was hers. You picked up a small rock and threw it at the glass. It hit the window, making a soft tap. You waited.
Yuna appeared at the window, looking out to find the one responsible for the noise. She quickly spotted you standing there, her annoyed demeanor changing to concern. She opened the window.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” She paused, looking you over. “And why aren’t you covered up? It’s freezing outside!”
You sobbed, your emotions taking over in your drunken state. “I’ve made a mistake, Yuna! I need you in my life and I can’t stop thinking about you!”
“Y/N, you’re drunk. Wait right there, I’m coming down.” She appeared a moment later, wrapping a warm jacket around your shoulders.
“Oh, Y/N.” She murmured, her soft voice sympathetic. “Let’s go inside, okay?”
You simply nodded, letting yourself be led to her apartment. It had been a while since you’d last been inside; everything looked the same.
“You can stay here for tonight. Let me grab you some blankets to warm you up.” She left but promptly returned with comfy looking throws.
“Here, let me…” She wrapped you up, securing the blankets around your body.
She patted your thigh. “There, that should be enough to keep you warm.” She smiled before adding, “Good night, I’ll see you in the morning.”
Before she could leave, you grabbed her arm.
She looked at you in confusion.
“I know we’re broken up, but I still love you.” You continued, “I think about you every day.”
You let out a breath.
“And every day I regret breaking up with you.”
“Y/N, you know I’ll always love you, but right now you’re drunk. I don’t think you know what you’re saying.” She smiled sadly.
You furrowed your brow. Why was she not listening to you?
“I don’t want to be alone,” you said. “Can you stay with me?”
She hesitated. “Are you sure? This couch isn’t that big…”
“I don’t mind.” You patted the space next to you. She studied your face for a moment before nodding and sitting down next to you.
“Well, are you going to share the blankets with me or not?” Her teasing words brought a smile to your face. Delicately, and a bit clumsily, you spread the blankets around you both.
“There. Now you won’t be cold.”
“Thanks.” She said softly. “You should try to get some sleep now, it’s getting late.”
You breathed out. “Okay. But you’ll stay with me, right?”
“I will.”
“Okay, then…” You settled in, letting your hazy thoughts fade into the background, focusing on the weight of the blankets around you. “I…think I’m…”
Your body relaxed and Yuna could tell you’d fallen asleep. She let out a sigh.
“Good night, Y/N.” She paused. “I’ve missed you too.”
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ryujworld · 1 year
touch me
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Shin Yuna + Reader
Romance colegial, fluffy, livre para todos.
n/a: trouxe o penúltimo imagine da saga do itzy <3 espero que possam se sentir em casa enquanto leêm. estou passando por diversos processos difíceis mas escrever e postar me animam bastante e sei que logo voltarei a vida normal. obrigada por apoiar!
Shin Yuna era o seu compromisso em finais de tarde. Vocês tinham um pequeno acordo, e obviamente que nenhum dos lados perderia com isso. Você ajudava Yuna com os deveres de inglês e ela te auxiliava em matemática ou química.
O preço dos seus serviços variavam, mas você sempre cobrava um beijo ou outro dela. Já ela, adorava uma aventura, então além de beijos, Yuna adorava que você bebesse, dirigisse ou cantasse um karaokê com ela.
Você percebia que ela adorava passar tempo com você, mas você preferia ter os toques dela muita das vezes. Você estava tentando arrumar um jeito de sugerir que vocês aumentassem o contato sem ofendê-la ou sem fazer com que ela pensasse que nada que fizessem era o suficiente. Yuna tinha alma de jovem, ela queria se aventurar a mercê de sua própria sorte, já você, queria uma estadia, um conforto.
Era inegável que você se divertia muito com Yuna quando topava as loucuras dela, mas precisava admitir que queria que ela fosse mais ousada, e te levasse a beira do delírio sem mesmo sair do lugar.
Vocês tinham um lugar secreto, uma pequena cabana. Vocês se encontravam lá quando queriam ajuda, e procuravam manter sigilo sobre onde estavam, para que ninguém estragasse o romance. Você estava se apaixonando, lentamente, mas não sabia se Yuna estava também.
Ela parecia muito imatura mas também, muito experiente. Você nunca soube decifrar ou descrever a menina com suas próprias palavras, e optava por apenas seguir com o cronograma de estudos e diversão que vocês tinham.
Yuna era muito alegre e repleta de energia, portanto, nunca parava quieta. Você percebia que aquilo era bom para ela, ela era realmente jovem.
Você então, foi encontrá-la numa sexta, as cinco da tarde. Yuna inventou que iria para a casa de um amigo e você mentiu que ia para o parque tomar um sorvete. Ninguém pareceu desconfiar de vocês, e logo, estavam dividindo o mesmo lugar.
Naquele dia, Yuna parecia mais focada do que nunca, e você percebia que o olhar dela era sempre focado e centrado em você. Você até pensou em argumentar, mas teve medo que Yuna pensasse que se incomodava com a atitude dela, logo, ficou retendo o que pensava. Yuna parecia mais radiante, mais estonteante e convincente. A cada explicação sua, um pequeno sorriso no canto da boca ou uma sutil ação de concordância vinham dela.
- S/n, pare só por um instante.
Você arregalou os olhos e largou a caneta de seus dedos.
- Estou tentando te dizer com meus olhos, mas acho que palavras vão te convencer melhor. Eu acho que você já deve ter percebido.
Você abaixou a cabeça e observou quando Yuna tocou suas mãos de forma delicada.
- Eu sempre adorei o que temos. Nós sempre nos demos tão bem... Eu te fiz conhecer todos os lugares que mais amo, para demonstrar meus sentimentos. Você sabe, não?
Você sentiu uma pequena culpa agora. Como conseguiu julgar Yuna sem antes tentar entender que se tratava de um gesto de amor?
- Claro, Yuna. Eu sei que me levou para seus lugares favoritos para me demonstrar amor, porque demonstra assim.
Vocês sorriram e seus olhos encontraram os dela novamente.
- S/n, você está com uma lerdeza enorme em seus ombros, para não ter percebido que sou completamente apaixonada e obcecada por você, oras!
Você pareceu se surpreender e Yuna riu.
- Yuna?! Você quer dizer que...
- Sim, s/n. Estou dizendo que estou apaixonada por você. Agora, o desejo ardente de te beijar mais vezes, te fazer sentir o amor e te demonstrar ele também, é mais do que presente em mim. Eu não quis tantas iniciativas anteriormente, tive medo de que pensasse algo negativo ao meu respeito, e...
- Yuna, você é perfeita.
Yuna corou por um breve instante. Você a admirava ardentemente com o olhar.
- Você é. Mas é sério, s/n. Se você quiser, eu te darei tudo de mim.
Você achou que palavras seriam vagas demais para o sentimento e rumo que a conversa havia tomado, portanto, apenas tomou uma das mãos de Yuna e puxou com certa força, fazendo ela vir e colidir os lábios com os seus.
O beijo envolveu vocês e deste modo, Yuna passeava com as mãos pelo seu corpo, e você o mesmo com ela. Quando estavam prestes a ficar sem fôlego, vocês se separaram.
- Eu te amo, Yuna.
- Também te amo, s/n. Muito.
Vocês sorriram. Yuna deitou o corpo sobre o seu, beijando o seu pescoço. Ela não parava mais, até que você sentiu uma leve ardência.
- Ai!
- Me desculpe, s/n. Você estava irresistível para mim.
- Yuna... Pare...
Ela beijava cada vez mais, mordiscava... Você sentia a necessidade, a dependência do toque indescritível dela.
- S/n, você quer mesmo que eu pare?
Ela te observou, e você negou na hora.
- Continue. Me toque. Profundamente.
Ela sorriu, concordou, e voltou a beijar a região avermelhada. Você suspirou, e percebeu que tudo ali ocorria de forma natural, ou seja, era amor.
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rd0265667 · 1 year
Lobo(Chapter 11)
Y/N's POV "Right there, third warehouse from the left." I whispered to Jake as we perched upon a nearby cliff "Okay, the Authorities have been alerted, they should be, wait what is that?" Jake exclaimed, as we saw 3 black vans pulling up at the warehouse. "Shit, they're moving Ryujin. We have to hold them here long enough for the police to come." I said, face stoic as Jake looked in shock at me.
"Are you insane? Who knows what they have?" Jake asked, gesturing to his gun "They're probably just sasaengs Jake. They have good planning but I doubt they have heavy arms. If they leave, we might not be able to find them again. I'm not asking you to risk your life with me, just watch the perimeter, tag any runners, and get their wheels" I said, glancing at his gun and his swiss army knives "Fine Y/N, I don't know how you plan on doing this but I guess I can't stop you." Jake said with a sigh As I glanced around the warehouse, I saw a metal staff, about my height 'Close enough to a scythe I guess.' I thought to myself as I turned to Jake "I'm going to go down there, I'll get the metal staff and hold them off as long as I can, I'll take the drivers out first, get their wheels then get to a safe distance away but not too far to where you can't tag them." I ordered, as Jake looked at me with shock "How do you know you can use that staff properly? You said you can't fight!" Jake said, worry evident in his tone "Call it a hunch. Wish me luck." I whispered, running down to the vans.
Third Person POV
Y/N ran down to the first van, knocking on the door. The driver got out of the van, checking out the disturbance, only to be met with a swift thwack right across the face. He did the same thing for the other two vans, they were clearly not fighters, but from his cliff, Jake looked in wonder at Y/N. 'Who the hell is he?' He thought, as Y/N gave him the all clear signal, prompting him to run down and starting to pop their tires
As Y/N walked into the warehouse, he saw as there were around 20 odd people standing in the warehouse. So many obsessive fans, staring at an unconscious Ryujin, who was tied to a chair. From the side, you could recognize the look on some of these horrible men's faces. Lust. "Who the hell are you!" A rather muscular man shouted, alerting the rest to Y/N's presence. Many of them quickly faced Y/N, with knives, machetes, but no guns, much to his relief "I have come with an offer. Let Ryujin go now, and I'll let all of you go." The men all laughed at Y/N "What are you going to do little man, huh?" One of the men taunted, as the others laughed "If you let Ryujin go, this will be the end of it all. I will not harm you, I will not hurt you. But if you don't, I'll kill you all. Last Chance boys." Just then Ryujin seemed to open her eyes, as she saw Y/N surrounded by men, men armed with weapons She tried desperately to shout for you to run, but she was gagged, and all that came out was muffles. "Ryujin, don't worry, close your eyes, and don't open them until I tell you to alright? You'll be free soon. Listen to me alright?" Y/N said tenderly "Yes my princess, close your eyes, I wouldn't want to scar you by making you watch this wannabe bleed out on the ground." One of the men said, running his hand down Ryujin's cheek, who headbutted his hand away. "Now you've done it. Ryujin, now." Y/N said as he closed his eyes, he felt it coming, he knew it was coming.
Ryujin's POV
Y/N came for me... he came. But he's gonna get himself killed... He looked at me with a reassuring smile, saying, "Ryujin, don't worry, close your eyes alright? You'll be free soon. Listen to me alright?" Then, one of the disgusting guys ran his hand down my cheek, saying, "Yes my princess, close your eyes, I wouldn't want to scar you by making you watch this wannabe bleed out on the ground." I recoiled in disgust, hitting his hand away with my head, as I heard Y/N said "Now you've done it. Ryujin, now." I quickly closed my eyes, as for about a minute, nothing happened. It was torturous, as a minute of eerie silence engulfed us, and I was terrified. Is Y/N going to be okay? Soon, I heard someone shouting, before I heard a nasty crunch, then a squelch. I began to tear up. If something happens to Y/N just because I wanted to meet my friend, I would never be able to forgive myself. "Who's next?" That was Y/N! I breathed in slight relief, knowing that Y/N was still fine, at least for now. The next two minutes passed by like a blur, as I heard screams, bodies thudding to the ground. I cringed every time I heard someone yell, or I heard a blade pierce someone's skin with a squelch. Through the fight, I felt something splattering onto my face. I didn't see it, but I could smell it. Blood "WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!" I heard a loud gruff voice yell, followed by a deep booming laugh. Was that Y/N? It sounds like him, but it's a little distorted weirdly. Then, suddenly, I heard as the room was engulfed in silence, except for one sound. Blam, Blam, Blam
Someone was continuously punching someone else, and that was all that was happening, as I felt a knot in my stomach. Was that Y/N getting punched? Then, I heard sirens as I heard Jake shouting, "Y/N! Y/N!" Oh no, is it really Y/N getting pummeled? No Ryujin, keep your eyes close, Y/N said keep your eyes closed Then, I heard a familiar voice. Yuna's voice. "Y/N, please calm down, Ryujin's okay, you can calm down okay? Ryujin's safe, you can calm down now."
Then, I felt as my bonds were cut, and I was lifted up, bridal style. After walking a short distance, I heard Y/N say, "It's okay Ryujin, you can open your eyes now." As I opened my eyes, I saw Y/N's face and hands, with quite a bit of blood on it "OMG, Y/N, are you okay?" I asked frantically, as Y/N set me down on a chair. "I'm okay Ryujin, I'm just happy you're fine, here, take this handkerchief, clean yourself up okay? Once you're cleaned up, go to that white van over there, they'll bring you back to the girls, and I'll take care of some things around here." Y/N smiled reassuringly as I quickly hugged him "Thank you so much Y/N, and I'm sorry for sneaking out." I said as I teared up "Its okay Ryujin, just don't do it again alright. And you're safe, that's all that matters."
Y/N then walked over to Jake and Alice, Alice seemed visibly shaken, and as I walked past the warehouse. Blood. Blood was everywhere. What the hell happened?
For those who don't like blood or violence, skip this part, some might be a little uncomfortable
Third Person's POV (I based this fight off a nightclub fight in sifu lmao, I'll add the video for extra immersion if I can  , and side note, I'm bad at the game)
By now, the men had surrounded him in a circle, encircling him, waiting for him to make the first move. The first man charged at Y/N with a pocket knife, but Y/N was ready. As he grounded himself, he dodged toward the right, avoiding the stab as he used the staff to hit his arm upward, knocking his knife into the air, delivering a sharp kick to his stomach, before grabbing his falling knife and throwing it into another person's shoulder. Seeing that, the rest seemed to falter a little, fear slowly overtaking them. "Who's next?" Y/N taunted, pointing the staff at the guy who had taunted Y/N previously. But this wasn't Y/N. This was a monster, and everyone there knew it. Y/N charged forward, swiping at the feet of three of the assailants, knocking them off their balance, before Y/N threw his staff at one of them, lunging and nailing him in the stomach, before grabbing the still airborne staff, clubbing another in the face. As Y/N saw someone slashing down at him, he quickly rolled over a nearby table, dodging the blow. Y/N delivered a strong kick in the gut to another man, before charging at him, and pushing him towards two other attackers. Y/N began attacking the off balance attackers, as one of them tried his best to block the attacks with a baton, got overwhelmed and knocked onto the ground. Y/N quickly rolled over to the man he threw a knife at earlier, plucking the blade from his unconscious body, now dual wielding the staff and knife. One of the big muscular guys walked up to Y/N, crossing his arms to intimidate him. Big Mistake. Y/N jabbed at his stomach with the staff, delivering a sharp kick to his side, before immobilizing the big man's arm with his staff, before swiping the blade across the man's throat, as blood splurted out, staining the area around him. The men still standing slowly backed down in fear, as some tried to run
"WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!" Y/N yelled out, stunning the fearful men, as he raised his hand, smelling the scent of the blood, before laughing like a Demon. Of the 20 or so men, only 10 or so were left. Y/N bolted to them, with his knife and staff, it was an easy feat. In the blink of an eye, all of them were on the ground, some with their throats sliced, while some just laid on the ground, their limbs bruised and battered, bloodied by many open wounds. One man, was having it worse than the rest though. The man who had touched Ryujin earlier, laid in quivering fear on the ground as Y/N clubbed him across the face, before stabbing him in the wrist and ankles, as the man yelled in pain. After that, Y/N started beating him up, punching his face in, as loose teeth clattered to the ground and blood splattered.
Then, Jake ran into the warehouse, together with some police, yelling "Y/N! Y/N!" He saw this coming, and thankfully, came prepared. He quickly slid his phone next to Y/N, where Yuna was waiting on the phone, saying, "Y/N, please calm down, Ryujin's okay, you can calm down okay? Ryujin's safe, you can calm down now." With that, Y/N slowly calmed down, looking at his blood drenched hands. He quietly wiped his hands clean, before walking over to Ryujin, freeing her and bringing her to safety
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capslocked · 6 months
male reader x shin yuna
9k words
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Yuna shuffles into your office with the same sneaky smile, the same easy slouch, and she settles into one of the chairs across the table. There is, apparently, more to talk about.
It's a matter of image, of perception, is what she knows. 
You know every good lie starts with the truth.
So you swallow. You pause. Some other part of you understands Yuna can't ignore who she really is, and you’re not sure you can either.
Look - Shin Yuna is the kind of woman that turns heads, even with the best of intentions. A long, lithe silhouette; an easy, rosy sort of youthfulness clinging to the swell of her cheekbones, the curve of her waist. Take a dress that's cut to show a little thigh, or a hairstyle pushed back on one side - earrings, or heels, or just the subtle swipe of red over her lip - it doesn't take much for men (or anyone else) to figure that out. A girl who, more times than not, really ought to have a boy's hand planted on her ass, in possession.
So the opportunity to capture such a form perfected - all toned and graceful and flush for curves, her legs never seeming to end, the slithering fit of the dresses - these were the things they wanted. Package it, put a logo on it - better yet, a ribbon or a bow - and ship it straight to the consumer.
Somebody everyone wants, somebody no one can ever have.
“So,” Yuna asks from the other side of your desk, lips slanting halfway coy. “Are you going to treat me like an adult?"
Her fingers play idly with the hem of her skirt, and she lets a long, slender leg slowly slide out from beneath her.
“In what way,” you answer, half paying attention.
"The photos." She doesn't have the slightest qualms about lifting it higher. The soft creak of leather, and a deepening smile. "Am I not allowed to be a little racy?"
"That's certainly... one way of looking at it."
You glance away from where her stockings wrap around the soft curve of her thighs to flip back through the photos in your lap, one after the other, each a little different from the last. The beach, the sun, a flimsy white slip of a bikini top that hides exactly nothing, her muscles wet and glistening and perfect. Beyond suggestive, it's considerably inappropriate.
But then to a lot of people, Yuna is a lot of things. 
She’s more clever than anyone gives her credit for. And she’s fucking gorgeous, sure. That’s definitely not up for debate, but god is she young - she's barely twenty. And here’s some rather uninteresting food for thought: you couldn't even technically take her for a drink without faking an ID or breaking some law or another, like a real one. So go ahead, chew that down. Girls her age are typically studying, or working a retail job and getting wasted on the weekends. And they aren't typically making six, seven figures turning their head to the camera and asking how much more skin?
You have some thoughts.
Prudently, you’re her publicist, and it’s your job to make sure that the public gets a good look at her and sees exactly what you want them to see. It's unfair. She wields sex like a weapon. She's got the face, the body; it's an easy sell, commodified and commercialized down to the finest detail, the softest curve, the slightest arch of her brow. The idea's to not let anyone look too long, should they catch something you haven't approved yet, or the fact that she's quite possibly a real person with a real life and real feelings, which could easily fuck up her brand, so unfortunately, that's a bit of a no-go.
Sign of the times maybe, no ethical consumption under another something, yadda yadda - it's a shitty business, really, and the whole thing usually leaves a sour taste in your mouth.
(And just to be upfront, as an important disclosure: you are fucking her brains out on the side, which is a different kind of ethical dilemma, with a different kind of flavor to it. 
You’re supposed to be something of a role model - and she’s gone and fucked up bad by falling for you. From her perspective, it probably makes sense. Girl gets boy, bespoke song, credits roll and it's fine. No sin to atone, no 'after'. 
It was supposed to be a one time thing. It’s metastasizing into something you’re not even going to attempt to put into words. It’s a lawsuit waiting to happen, you know that. And you know the girl has daddy issues, but then you've never had a problem whatsoever playing into it. The possessiveness, the control - she gets off on it. You're pretty sure that she'd do just about anything if you asked her, and you'll admit that the thought alone makes your stomach stir, your mouth run dry.)
Yuna taps her knuckles on the wood of your desk. “What’s the verdict?” 
"Well, professionally," you say, caveat in hand, and you give the photos one last flip through. "I'd say they're fine.”
"Oh?" Yuna cocks her head to the side. Her long, blonde hair curtains over her shoulder, and the smile that shadows in at the corner of her mouth is almost wicked. She leans forward, chin propped on a palm, and you see that her expression is bright, glittering with interest. "And unprofessionally?"
Sure. It's a fair question.
Though she's wearing her stage face, the one that looks all big eyes and doe lashes, a hint of a pout on her plush bottom lip, and she's staring at you expectantly, the way she might look at a man she's just asked for the time.
You've seen her look a million other ways. You've seen her with her knees spread, her cheeks flushed, on all fours, straddling your lap, face pressed into the sliding glass door of your shower, her eyes screwed shut as she chokes out your name. And god, doesn’t she look good in all of them.
Your fingers tap against the photos.
“Unprofessionally," you tell her, and the smile on your face is tight - unknowable. "I think they’re a little… gaudy."
Yuna frowns, and it's just a flash before her expression is carefully blank again, the stage face back in full swing. She's been doing this since she was a teenager, so the mask is impeccable, but you know her, and you know that she's thinking: about the photo shoot, the way the photographer was looking at her, and the way you had looked at her later, too.
She knows what you've seen. She's wondering if that's why.
"Really," she asks, a note of disappointment in her voice.
"Really," you confirm with a small sigh, though you're still smiling. It's a small, private sort of smile, like you're remembering a joke. You don't miss the way she glances down at your mouth either. "Let me be clear, you have a shot at real success. I mean, you have a chance at a career. A real, sustainable career.”
She's sitting there with her legs crossed, her foot tapping restlessly, and when she's silent for a moment too long, the way her eyes narrow just a smidge, her head tipped slightly, you realize how it sounds. Patronizing.
"Look," you amend. You're not the best at apologies, but you try. "I just mean - I think that you could be doing something that you actually enjoy."
"Who says I don't enjoy this," she says, and there's a bite in her tone, a challenge. She's leaning back in her seat now, arms crossed.
"What, taking your clothes off for the camera?" You laugh, a quick bark. Isn’t that a cruel question, and you can see it in the way her eyes flash. "You could do a lot more than that, I'm just saying."
"Right," she says, and she doesn't blink, doesn't even move. Her gaze is fixed, unwavering. "Because I'm not pretty enough."
You open your mouth. Close it.
It's not a question. It's a statement.
"That's not what I'm saying-"
"Do you know what makes me different from the IT-girl-of-the-month? The Jang Wonyoungs, the Bae Irenes, the Kim Jisoos of the world?" Yuna cuts in.
"Yuna, this isn't-"
"You should know. " She laughs. "It's your job, knowing things, isn't it?"
The silence stretches thin between you. She's not wrong. There’s the quintessential beauty, the timeless classic, the fantasy-wrapped-up-as-a-daydream - oh, it's all sexual, but the product there is palatable (read: marketable). An idea the general public wants to take home to their mother, not take to bed. A beauty so docile and innocent, you feel guilty harboring those untoward thoughts it makes you have.
Yuna is somewhere possibly, someway probably the opposite. You’ve sold her as such, as fantasy in sheep's clothing. She's neither afraid to put the images to words, nor speak her desires aloud. It's her own brand of sensuality, and it's what the public wants - has always truly wanted, since the dawn of man and of popstars fucking their publicists - what the public wants but turns itself in knots just to pretend they don't. The only way it’ll end up in anyones’ parents' home is under the guise that it will be smuggled upstairs and held down into the springs of a mattress. Hand over her mouth, or maybe around her throat, just so she'll shut up.
She's not a nice girl, or the girl-next-door, a bride-in-a-box, but you'd known that before. The line between fact and fiction is fine indeed.
"You're different," you tell her, finally.
"When I first came in here, you had no qualms, no issue to raise, and now all of a sudden, everything is too much," she says, and she's not smiling, her tone flat. "If it was a problem from the jump, you would've said so."
“I just think a little subtlety would be a nice change of pace. It could go a long way, I mean, I could show you the data- "
"So you're going soft on me, is that it?"
You blink, and the realization hits.
"Just where was this noble version of you when we first started out? You had no problem then, remember? Put a sixteen-year-old in front of a camera, in this industry, and all of a sudden-"
“And suddenly it's all 'oh no, that's a little too much, we need to dial it back'." She sighs, a single sharp burst. "Why is that? Is it because you think that now you own me? I fuck you, swallow your cum and call you daddy, and now these are your decisions? Is that it?"
She’s standing now, her chair shoved back so fast it nearly clatters to the floor. There's a storm on her face, almost a rage. This now become a familiar story. The one where the girl's too pretty for her own good. Too much, too soon.
"I'm not a child," she tells you, her tone measured, a sharp contrast to the fire in her eyes. "I know what I want. I know how to get it. You're not telling me anything I don't already know. I'm different. You're right."
She's different, but the girl's clever, too. And she's stubborn. It's a dangerous combination.
You breathe slow. "Then why don’t you act like it."
“If they’re going to call me a slut,” she hisses, and she's walking forward. Her palms land on your desk, hard, and you glance down at her clenched fists, at her neatly kept nails, "you know, after we leak them all those steamy photos online-"
Your mind clicks. You reach to slam the cover of the photo book shut. She's caught your hand, though, in hers, holding it firmly to the desk.
Yuna glances at the photos over again, at the tight fit of the swimwear, or how the ties slip in an invisible breeze. And she's biting her lip, trying not to smile, you can tell. "You know it might be worth it for once," she says, slipping a finger between the buttons of her shirt.
There's a long, tense moment, and before you can register it, Yuna has rounded your desk; she’s closing the distance, fast. 
And she’s lowering her eyes. Putting her lips on yours.
It knocks the wind from your sail, for just the instant. You're speechless.
Because her fingers. Her mouth. Her hair. Yuna's everywhere, and she's warm. It's utterly selfish, you understand: you want her to be yours. You want her to be yours and no one else's.
She’s realizing she might be.
You feel her grabbing for more of you. Wanting. She tilts her head, her breath hot, and you kiss her back, her mouth slick against your own, and the kiss is a fast, deliberate kind of messy. Your teeth catch her bottom lip, and her tongue slips past yours, licking into your mouth, her hands clutching at the collar of your shirt. It's not like it is when you're fucking, which is slow and hot, and she's on her back, legs around your waist, her nails biting into your skin, or when she's bent over the arm of the sofa, her ass in the air and her back arched, her breathless moans a chorus of yes, yes, please. This kiss is more battle, more heat, less gentle and less finesse. It's the kind of kiss that's just short of an argument.
"You're an asshole," she breathes into your mouth, and it's not a compliment.
You smile against her.
"So are you," you murmur, and her lips are parted, her eyelids fluttering shut, her breath coming quick and hot.
"Then maybe you should just fuck me," she says. She's not asking. “Yeah.” You press your words right into her neck, her collarbone. “Maybe I should.”
Your hands are on her hips faster than you can realize what it is they’re doing, palms pressing into her, and then you're walking her backwards, shuffling a few steps until the small of her back collides with the edge of your desk, and you're lifting her up onto the surface, the photographs falling to the floor, scattering.
"I thought we weren't supposed to do this here," she murmurs, pulling away for just a moment, her mouth swollen and wet, her eyes dark. She knows exactly what it does to you: the goading, the taunting - the looks of faux-innocence later over a bare shoulder, her ass in the air. How it can get you to fuck her within an inch of her life. What it’ll get her, the return on investment.
"And I thought we agreed to longer skirts."
Her thighs are smooth, silky, and they part, the lace of her underwear stark against her skin. You slide a hand beneath the elastic band, sinking down, and down, until she inhales sharply.
"The fuck do you end up doing going up the stairs?" you add, and your fingers are tracing the swell of her hip, and you can feel the goosebumps on her skin.
She bites her lip. You sink down to press a kiss to her thigh, and then the other.
"Nothing," she tells you, and her eyes are wide. "I guess it all just hangs out."
She simply smirks right back into you, throws her arms over your shoulders. You’re snared, caught - she’ll always be able to fuck what she wants right out of you.
"Jesus, Yuna." Your hand curls around her wrist, thumb pressed to her pulse, and her shoulders roll back.
You push her down, and she's sprawled across the desk, legs stretching wide, her head tilted back and her chest heaving. “God, you’re so fucking wet, and I've barely touched you. That turns you on? Being a brat?"
She sucks air past her teeth, and you can measure each rise and fall of her chest. The lace under her hips is soaked, her pussy swollen and pink. Like if she doesn’t get your hot, open mouth on her clit this instant, you’re both going to have a problem.
You slip two fingers into her instead, and Yuna keens.
"I know it does," you say, and your voice comes out lower, drier than you expect. She's hot, so wet around you, her pussy fluttering. "It fucking turns me on, too."
"Please," and “god,” is what all you receive back in half whispers, while her legs are spread, her heels now really dug into the square of your back, and she's got a fistful of your hair like she owns it. Her voice is high, her eyes squeezed shut. “Don’t be such a fucking tease."
You're not going to make it easy. She's not going to make this quick.
"What, and you aren’t?"
You curl your fingers inside her, and the noise that leaves her is positively obscene. She's grinding against your palm, her hips bucking, and her lips are parted, her eyelashes dark and thick, fanning her cheeks. She's panting, her thighs trembling.
"No," she breathes. If she’s shaking her head, you can’t tell. "I'm exactly what you tell them I am."
Your hand stills, and it takes a moment for her to realize that the pressure inside her is gone. Her eyes snap open, her mouth twisted.
"Fuck you," she spits. "Put them back."
You're already sinking down to your knees, and you've got her skirt shoved up, the lace panties pulled aside, her hips canted, her pussy glistening. The stockings can stay, fuck, the heels, too. She's so fucking hot, her legs spread apart and her lips red. Her palm shoved into her brow, and her breath just barely more than a ragged huff of air. You can feel her body wound tight and ready, her eyes on the ceiling.
You put your tongue against her, flat and slow. Inaccurate, indiscriminate, licking up her wet cunt. And her whole body arches off the desk, a cry leaving her mouth with her head thrown back. Her thighs are shaking, and her heel presses into your shoulder, and god, she tastes incredible.
"Please." It comes like music, really, a song of desperation. You can hear it. She's singing it for you now. "Oh god, please, fuck-"
So you do her one better. You put your whole mouth over her, and she fucking shivers. You don’t even try to ease into it - you're devouring, ravishing her, working your lips and tongue all over her pussy, lapping the length of her in broad, hot strokes, and she's almost shrieking, her body going taut. You suck on her lips, pressing your tongue into her clit, and when you pull off her, your hand takes over the place where your tongue can't quite reach, her wetness slick around your fingers. Yuna's close - you can see that she is, you can hear that she is, and it's her gasp that lets you know.
"I'm -" she says, her voice reaching higher, her nails digging into the flesh of your shoulders, the wood of your desk. The sound she makes is wretched and beautiful. "God, I'm cumming, I'm cumming - fuck!"
The licking, the lapping, the fucking fingering. You can feel her slicked cunt pulse and throb in a satisfied, anticipatory kind of way. Even if she wasn’t audibly wet around your knuckles, you’d read Yuna like a map.
Your thumb taps across her clit, once - twice, thrice, and it’s just that.
She arches off your desk, thighs trembling as your tongue works her over, This hard, hungry kiss, and she tastes as sweet as she looks - as filthy as she acts, too. Her pussy is slick, her hips rolling, her body trembling, and she's making soft, little ah, ah, ah, sounds into the wet seal of your mouth. She's trying to keep it quiet, because she knows as well as you, everyone in the damn office does, probably - it's one thing to play at being a slut. A complete other to really fuck like one.
Your finger slips in and out of her pussy, and then another. They fill her up. The knuckles bending and pushing deeper. Yuna's fucking ruined - your desk is ruined.
But then there you are, complicit, and perhaps a little evil: licking and licking and licking right into her, making her grip twist in your hair and her thighs clench around your face. You can feel it in how her breathing is coming fast, faster, her whole body growing taut, and it was never going to take long, you figure, the way her hips were rolling the moment you got your hands on her. You can tell. She's close, and she's so pretty, all flushed and writhing, her skirt hiked up, her ass perched on the edge of your desk, and when her mouth falls open and her breath catches in her throat, you pull yourself up to watch her, the heel of your hand pressed against her clit, and she's shaking.
"Look at me,” you tell her, a kiss trailing unsatisfyingly into the crease of her thigh, your voice running coarse.
She does, her gaze glassy, and the sound that leaves her mouth is a sob. That’s all it really takes.
“Show me. What face you make when you cum on my fingers sweetheart, show me what a slut you actually are-"
You can watch it all in real time, the panting, the heaving. The sculpted lines of her pretty face screw up, real tight, and she lets out another moan, breathier this time, her mouth hanging open. She does it again when you press down. And Yuna fucking shakes, her hands balled, white-knuckling, and the desk rattling beneath her.
It's all a matter of slight degradation, you’ve learned, the barest humiliation. Like the paradoxical freedom she knows she can find in a hand clenched tight around her throat or her hair pulled and twisted into a fist or the sharp sting of a smack across her ass. Her pretty face. She likes a little something that burns. Something sinewy, visceral, raw: you call her a whore, a filthy fucking cumslut and it makes her body curl like she has hot metal pressing into her skin. Makes her breathless, like she wants you to own her.
Sometimes it's better than being fucked.
Because just look at her: she’s in the middle of coming apart, mouth fallen slack, brow furrowed - and she gets real quiet when she cums, the absolute opposite of the journey she’d taken to get there, all those loud little, uh-uh-ah, fucking please god, her moans, her whimpers - her orgasm ripping right through the middle of her, the hourglass of her entire body stiffening on borrowed time as it washes across her features.
You let out a loud sigh, something she can moor herself to that isn’t your fingers, the desk, or your hair at the roots. Yuna can be every bit as uncomplicated as she can be complex, but god, you love her most like this: an unrehearsed, beautiful mess.
"Baby," you tell her, because it's easier to just call her that, and because you don't know how else to end the statement, because you know if you ask, she'll let you - hell, she'll beg for more, and that’s got your brain feeling rather mushily incoherent at present.
"Daddy," she responds - because of course she fucking does; she’s gasping, and her cheeks are still so pink, her body sated, and your heart leaps into your throat. 
It's a problem; you've been trying to work it out for a good few months now, and by this, you mean the little moment you have right after you're done, where your eyes meet, and you smile at her. A problem, too, her lips. A problem, because she kisses you, soft, and slow, and easy. A problem, because her heart's probably already yours.
If anyone were to ask, you would have said there's no greater pleasure than knowing a girl that's almost died to take your cock, but maybe that's the point: it's just supposed to feel a bit better if you're a little head over heels, a little stupid about it too.
"I'm going to use this perfect pussy now," you warn her - just simple formality - because you're already rolling her down onto her back, your cock hard and aching against your trousers.
You've got your hands on her stockings, tugging them down to her ankles, the lace of her panties around her thighs, the neat garter of her garter belt wrapped around her hips, her cunt bare beneath it. You unzip, too slow. You tug yourself out.
“I’ll be good,” she says to you, a promise.
“Yeah,” you return to her, “I know.”
And you slip your cock into her cunt, just barely - maybe an inch, maybe more - and you hear a little noise leave her throat, low. Broken. 
“Fuck,” she murmurs, and god, you just can't help it, it's easy; you sink deeper, nice, slow, everything smooth inside her, until another broken sort of gasp spills off her lips. 
And then another: "oh my fucking god."
You snap your hips back in, bottoming out this time in the wet heat of her perfect cunt, and she just fucking collapses. Yuna looks like an absolute dream in this state of half-dress, half-distress: black suede around the ankles, stilettos, with just the perfect heel. There are worse things, you can imagine, and she looks perfect sprawled out against your notes and portfolios, all this hot, aching want. As gorgeous as she is fucked. You tear into her stockings, a little. You’ll tear more. 
You already know you're going to hell. Or at least that’s where you should already be, but you hips crash into hers again, fucking her legs wider apart, spreading her open across your desk for you, getting her slick all over the photos, her career - it’s all so perfectly unfair.
"You have no idea, the things I want to do to you right now," you breathe, your tone hushed, and you're talking again, like you often do. There goes your mouth - but your hips drag back, and then again, her pussy clenching, vice tight and impossibly wet.
It's a long, torturous, lazy sort of a pull, that draws these pretty thin moans from the very center of her.
And the way that feels, your cock buried deep in her cunt: better than good - heaven, if you care enough about labels for it, or the names of things. You haven’t any real way to tell; the gates haven't opened or anything, so all you're working from here is an educated guess. From the fact that Yuna’s eyes have slid closed, her lips parted, and her whole body starting now to tremble gently with it.
"Jesus, this perfect, tight pussy grips me so good, god - such a good girl, always so fucking wet for me," and your mouth is pressed to the arch of her ear, whispering every last thing you know will make her cum again, like a dream.
And she is, she does.
She's twisting up to grip at your hips, her head falling to one side. When you drag your cock through her cunt, slowly, you watch her lips purse and the way the flush moves all the way down the column of her neck, past her collarbone, her shirt half undone and her tits heaving against the white, sheer fabric. You fuck her for a little, and then you roll your hips slow, so slow. 
Until your pace is fucking punishing, deep, and so hard. You can’t help it.
Because it's unbelievable - she's so perfect, so tight around you. Fit snug like a glove, like she was made to take your cock, to whimper and mewl at your mercy. Her lips part further and she keens, her brows twisting in similar disbelief as you pound your length into her. The heat pooled in your belly, the way she looks under your desk: fuck, she's so beautiful like this, properly fucked. 
You'd let her ruin you for life - it's that simple.
"Yuna, you - fuck," you barely say, and you sound more than slightly stunned, so she’s filling in the gaps, elaborating in the spaces you cannot - that she loves it, that you’re so good for her, and so is that, and that, and that - the way it hits, right there, keep fucking her just like that, because right there, right there, right there, right there - the way she props herself up on her elbows to tell you, "you're fucking me so deep, oh my god - yes, oh my god, fuck."
By the time Yuna shudders through another orgasm, a silent ghost of a wail leaving her pretty frozen mouth, her lashes are batting against her cheeks, and she's biting her lip, so hard you're certain she's going to break the skin, her back strung like a bow. It's the look on her face, that soft sort of reverence, and how her lips are swollen and spit-slick, the pretty hollow of her throat. Your thrusts become faster, shorter - your own moan thick in your throat, your jaw hanging slack.
“Here,” you say, and she’s just putty between your fingers, on your cock.
You’re flipping her around, onto a different angle. You know she likes it, the way her tits are pressed against your desk, and it's hot the way her ass tilts right into your hips, arched. Proffering. "Be good for me, and spread yourself open."
She's already so meek when she complies. "Anything, sir. Stretch me out; I want you to make me yours."
God, she's practically purring when she talks like this. She knows exactly what that fucking does to you. Knows that when her eyes draw back, big and watery and full, you're a goner - if your cock wasn't deep in her pussy, fucking her open and raw, the view would nearly be enough. And all of this, the pretense, the pantomime, she knows how to bend the line of your body to her own, because when she turns, and presses her red mouth to the crest of her shoulder, you are hers.
You could probably cum, right now, deep down into the molten hot of her cunt: if your hips keep up their ruthless pace, if her ass was sticking up the slightest bit more - the sound that would come from her.
"Take that perfect cock - and fuck my pussy up," Yuna mewls, her voice saccharine and slurring, a touch whiny. She rolls her hips. Your cock grinds, still, though it stutters now - shallow and quick.
"All this pussy, for daddy's cock," and you're sure that the entire office can hear her now, the moans that escape from her mouth - but you can't even find it in you to care. You're caught, all of her a net you've willingly been ensnared by, and here you figure that's the slightest bit appropriate; you're so fucked, and it's funny, too. Funny enough to laugh about, later. "Nobody fucks this tight little pussy the way you do, sir."
It's a smile she hears in your voice when you say, "is that right? Go on then, let’s hear all the things you'd have me do to your slutty little cunt."
The line's crossed again, in some indecipherable direction. Where, again, exactly, does it matter? There are lines and lines, and none of them quite mark the beginning, the end, the periphery. This time you don't pull back; you dig deep, and it makes Yuna cry out like you’re killing her. Which, in a way - you already have.
So your hips stutter forward again, once more, and you lean into the slant, so fucking deep it's practically impaled. There’s nothing quite like holding this girl’s hips and pounding her from behind. Her pussy alone is fucking incredible. And the sound her ass makes against the flat of your stomach, the crease of your thighs - it's unimaginable, the way Yuna makes these little squeaks of a noise, like half-broken moans, when you fuck deep, deep, deeper into her. The way her arms splay wide and search frantic across your desk. And as you grab her slim, dainty wrist, pin it back and pull her tight - fixing her upright until you have her head lolling back against your chest - you simply fucking pound away.
Fucking all these little curses and sounds of appreciation out of her throat. Your cock forcing out each syllable, "yes," and "fuck," and "god, oh my fucking god - I cannot believe," now on repeat, how her tone grows tighter. How she moans - a lot, like something's being worked loose.
"Uh-uh," and you're holding her steady now, with one broad, strong hand at the back of her neck. "Keep telling me, and maybe I'll let you cum."
Your free hand finds purchase in her hair. Yuna's groan coming out pathetic and wanting, her mouth half open. You wrap her silky golden locks around your fist, her hair thread neatly through your fingers, and then give the slightest of yanks.
Christ, her pussy just fucking soaks onto you. Greedy. Needy.
"Shit," and Yuna gasps when she can, where she's allowed to.
"Oh, is my little girl into getting her hair pulled?" and you can see the signs of affirmation: the muscles inside her flexing, grasping you as you roll in, a small, soft nod, and the way she sighs your name, like a prayer on her lips.
Listen, she can barely speak, the way you're fucking her apart. Yuna's body is wound like a bow, like string and taught wire. Bent into the side of the desk and open for you, her pussy pulsing tight around you with every stroke.
"Sir, I'll do - whatever you need, just - just - let me have your cum, please -" and there, she's begging now, and her voice is tinny, breaking, breathless and airless.
Then it’s her fucking hair. You pull so much on it harder this time, with another measured thrust inside her, your body flush against her ass. Fingerprints searing down onto where her hips flare and taper, impossibly narrow.
You’re probably hurting her. You’re probably ruining her for anyone else - nothing will ever satiate her more than the way she sobs as your fingers twist tighter through her hair. Around her fucking miracle of a waist. It's an obscene sound that echoes down to your cock, as deep, hot and fucking filthy as her cries when she cums for the third, fourth?
"Just," Yuna barely makes, her eyelids heavy, her gaze flitting somewhere behind her. "Just look at you, fucking me so hard, filling up my tight little pussy, making me take everything your cock has to give. God, you love wrecking my perfect little hole, don't you?"
No, or yes, or probably. You’ll figure out the details later.
"God, I love it when you get real messy, when I get you like this-" your words run seamlessly into the searing heat between your bodies, like punctuation, like the end of days -
"Use me." She doesn't just say it. "Take me, and cum in me, wherever you want. Daddy, you can have my mouth, or, or, you can - you can finish inside me."
And god, you could, you really could: just the timbre of her voice does things to you, the way that it curls around the words daddy, and sir, and you're fucking me so goddamn good. She's saying them now, her whimpers breaking into outright moans and all: shit, please, please - you're gonna make me cum - oh - oh fuck! And when she's wound that tight, a quivering, sopping mess of a girl, you put your fingers against her clit, circling and pressing in tempo to the thrust of your cock.
The cruel metronome that makes. Hell, it fucking sends her.
She’s begging you to finish inside her. It's fucked up - and she knows it. She wraps her heels around the square of your back, and the tension rises, and rises, the coiled spring tight and waiting - just a push away, so you slam into her once, then twice more, the push of a hand splayed between her tits and your fingers digging into the muscle of her thigh. She wants you to cum in her pussy, fill her right up; she tells you that, again, that she wants it, and her voice is raspy, high. That she wants you now, as if she didn't before, and how does this compare, because she needs it now.
You hold out for just a little. You’re holding your breath. Just a little, just until Yuna’s eyelashes flutter open over her shoulder and she says your name, so sweetly, and says, "please, just, inside."
You shouldn't.
You can't.
So here, barely able to think at all, you end up doing the unthinkable - thinking all the while of pumping her right to the finish and draining your balls straight into the deepest reach of her cunt, how fucking tempting it may be - you muster an ounce of good judgment still adrift in a sea of lust. Your throbbing cock draws out of that wet, inviting heat and into your fist, and watch how that makes her begin to unspool: the way she tries to press her knees shut. She's sobbing for it, pleading, her lashes dark with tears. "No, no, fuck me, please, I'm begging you. Please, I'm going to be so good - god, please -"
You tug her back, look her in the eye, and let out a loud, shaky exhale. "Knees, princess."
She's too wracked with need to do anything other than comply. Her jaw drops. “But-”
"Mouth," you cut in, sharp enough that her gaze lifts, and you're right there - on the precipice, so close, watching her tongue dart out of her mouth to run across the swell of her bottom lip.
Watching her knees fold into the carpet, her stockings down loose around her thighs, her underwear hanging off an ankle. The rise and fall of her chest like rolling waves, and you can see her hands fisting on her knees, and her face: you watch the emotion flash over, like water on glass, and a moment is all it takes. She leans her face forward to your hand, as you wind her hair into your fist, her lips parted and her gaze lowered. She's obedient, taking the weight of your cock with her pretty pink mouth like the fucked-up-little-fantasy that she is, opening so nice and wide.
Her eyes flit up to yours, her mascara-ringed lashes fanned against the pink of her cheeks.
"My face," she tells you, or something close to it, "fuck my face. Go ahead, use it - cum all over me."
Your cock slides halfway home, her cheeks hollowing, and when it presses to the back of her throat, she gags. You curse and tip your head back, the wood of your desk digging into the flesh of your palm.
"What did you say," you half groan out. "Baby," you add, just for good measure, just to play along, "c'mon."
The tip of Yuna's tongue sweeps and swirls just beneath your cockhead, and she moans her answer around your length, lapping at a leak of precum. "I said," she's repeating now, her cheek brushing across your shaft, and you shudder. "Fuck, what I said was I want you to cum all over my face.
You bury your cock into her mouth once, twice. Let it sit there. Let her really struggle for it, the angle just a tad awkward from above. Let her lips stretch wide, and her shoulders shake a little - tears start to gather, pricking her eyes, her lipstick a mess, the way your cock fits, plugging up her throat so full. You hold her like that for just a second, a little less - until Yuna's moaning, the vibration low in her mouth, and her eyes flutter open, closed.
"Fuck," you spit out, and "perfect," and your voice is shot, your whole face warm, and you're going to cum on her - everywhere on her. Yuna, who’s been staring up at you in wide-eyed submission, gives you a little nod, like she means it.
Like she’s earned it.
And maybe she has: it only takes one last look to seal it - her hand curled around your cock, her cheek matted with her own spit and lipstick, the bright smudge of her own cum from the point of her chin to the cleft of her cupid's bow, and her eyes are locked on yours, eager and hot. Maybe she hasn't - and maybe you should make her beg, fuck her mouth some more - it's almost cruel, how she looks. A perfectly pretty picture, poised and pliant and waiting, and she's right there, beneath you, and fuck - this is so wrong, and you'll ruin her, you'll mark her up like this. She'll be painted like a work of art.
Your pulse thickens. Stands right up in your veins.
Then, your control, snapping: her pretty lashes flutter, her mouth gone slack, her jaw still tilted up like she expects a gift, an offering, her palm wrapped so nice and snug around the base of your cock, her expression dazed, and so easy, and perfect, so eager. You tilt your hips just a fraction further, and she fucking swallows, her tongue tracing the underside where you throb harder, heavier - her body lilting up as you press in so deep.
“God,” you breathe in, out. It hits hard. It hits fast. “Yuna-”
A tensing of your stomach coils up through like smoke, and your grip tightens on the edge of your desk, the other in her hair, a helpless, desperate thrusting, and there - it's a wonderful, brilliant sort of explosion, like light, the white-hot burn of a fever breaking. You cum all over her face and into her hair, spilling out streaks of hot, filthy white onto her sculpted features and the sweet line of her throat, and god, there's so much, she's taking it so easily, all her breathing hot and heavy and loud.
Her skin alabaster and porcelain; cotton and canvas; she lets you fucking paint her, all messy and ruined.
In fact she’s even smiling like she’s holding in a laugh, all gooey-soft with satisfaction, and you're jerking your cock slow through her slender fingers, even after there's nothing else left to give and every inch of her face is marked - the way she wears your cum like new skin. You feel the shockwave tear your nerves open, and then the calm, right on its heels, spreading out from your core to your fingertips, out through the roots of your hair.
"Ah," you exhale, a tight gasp. Yuna takes the entirety of you into her mouth, sucking down your length - harder - as she swallows back a final, sticky load, her own hair sweat-slick to her face.
Just look at the damage: that’s a story not even you’d be able to spin. There's cum on her nose, dribbling past her cheek. On her jaw and on her cheek. Filthy white streaked all over her parted lips, her neck. Down her shoulder blades, and soiling her hair, and leaking down past her collarbones.
(Christ, was this better or worse? You can't even tell. Every version of her that's been served on a plate for you has seen fit to make you sweat.)
When the dust begins to settle, you’re left panting and spent. Yuna, the collateral on this fine, whiny, disaster of a deal. A collection of photos, and some thoughts and ideas, that now sit disheveled on the ground. There's a scathing voice inside your head that's demanding to be heard, reminding you all-too-casually that this is not any way to manage a client. She could snap her fingers, call out to that sycophant at the top floor, and your career would be over - she could do anything she should ever desire.
You know, on a baser level, this, and worse: the duality of the thought. Her tight cunt on your desk, you on your knees; the sharp gasp you can steal from the top of her throat, perhaps when she feels the gentle pressure of teeth around one rosy nipple. The pinch of your thumb and index finger around the other. Her nails down your back in ten angry lines, and the throb in her throat, while you slide the whole width of a hand, rough, over the flesh of her ass.
Maybe the desk, like everything else, can just join the pile on the floor.
"Yuna," you say, the vowels pitching like a sigh.
Her palms find the sharp crease in your pants and slide upward. She's gazing up at you, bright, her face sticky with you.
"You can't send me out like this," she tells you, matter-of-factly, letting a smile cross the lines of her lips - or a smirk. A wordless extension of the previous sentence - of a few.
You pull out and away from her: a white and gray dotted tie hanging loose, unknotted; a button still fastened somewhere mid-center, your trousers pulled off and loose down just below your knees, the fly gaping open. She's in a similar state, the cups of her bra slipping loose, her mouth flushed, lips swollen and red, the outline of how she’d let you use her in a smeary, runny stain across her cheek.
"Maybe let your manager know," you tell her, pulling your belt in place, and you think you catch her eye rolling. "That you're going to be late."
Yuna doesn't hesitate.
"Tell her yourself," she responds, "I'm sure she'll be relieved to hear I'm not actually dead - just having gotten fucked stupid on my PR person's cock."
"I might forget to include a couple details."
"You shouldn’t." Her eyebrows jump. And she's chewing, lazily, on the full curve of her lower lip, her teeth glinting like razors. "Here, before you throw all this to the sharks -"
So, so very dramatic, and with this: her thumbnail pressed beneath your chin. It draws your gaze up - up, and down: from the splay of her legs and the gleam of wetness between them, a brief rest along the arcs of her chest - the room's a total fucking wreck. Your necktie, her skirt, her blouse, her pantyhose. The papers and books all spread, bent, broken, the stack knocked clean onto its side. The skirt's probably still pulled too far up her hips for decency, her breasts shoved up to her neck and the collarbone, and then there's her face - her chin streaked with cum. Yuna smiles then, the corner of her mouth pulled upward.
She might kiss her if you'd let her.
Cum on her lips be damned, she's beautiful like that, like she isn't even trying. And in fact, she never really had to - this girl, she'd do it alone. The idea that someone could be as universally loved as she, is enough, a marvel even, but here she is in front of you, every atom and curve a siren, a study in perfection and composition. Like she’s not just all your mistakes laid out to bear.
"Take a second to take a proper look, hm? Get all the memories in, while they're fresh."
"You can remember I'm only the person you say I am, for you."
"Oh, of course," and the laugh that leaves your throat sounds dry, cracked open. The band of her skirt stretches, snaps back, so neatly that it leaves a pale line on her flesh. And now there are your hands, fitting around her hipbones, a sigh: a short, sudden motion, tugging her up. Yuna gasps: something surprised, delighted. She's all grins and teeth, all clean, bright incisors. 
"Mine," you're breathing, the flat of her stomach underneath the fingers you've placed upon it. "This is mine - you. Yours - you're all mine."
It’s possessive, but, you’re not all incorrect.
"Yeah," she more than agrees. 
There's a ribbon-taut quality in the way it leaves her mouth, the tension in her body coiled up through to the bones. She makes it sound like the beginning of a promise, the beginning of something much larger.
And by the way." She’s still buttoning her shirt. Putting herself together. You’ve seen the triage, the damage control. This is the Yuna you get. 
So, she needs the second - a respite to lick a stray stripe of slick and cum off her wrist - blotting her cheeks with a ball of wet tissue, until all that's left is the smeared lipstick, her stockings splayed around the floor. The pattern you've worn, where your fingerprints would've shown, gets covered up under her skirt and her coat, wrapped up in a scarf.
The smug satisfaction in her tone pulls your focus, just in time, her hair's falling in waves down her shoulders - perfect, but not flawless: there's a creased line, a hint of her throat, just beneath the collar. There's a slight wisp out of place. The buttons aren't arranged all the way from her collar to her sternum.
"I'm going to go with that photoset, with the white top, in the sand - gonna post 'em online and generate some buzz. You even said it yourself: they're fine. " She pauses, pushing away a strand of hair. "Professionally, of course."
"Professionalism." You smile. "Of course."
She walks out carrying the stilettos: pumps in either hand.
"Always. Catch you soon," she promises, and you do catch a last flash of her expression, lips parted, the lower curving into a satisfied smile, right as she flicks the lock on the door open and your office goes back to quiet.
For a split second, it's unbearable: the silence.
And you think again.
She can have anything, get any boy, girl, whoever, any designer, photographer, make-up artist in the world; there's something so unmistakably intoxicating about the fact that the thing she's decided she wants, is you.
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smuttysabina · 16 days
Born To Be A Slut
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(Male Reader x Shin Yuna x Hwang Yeji, 5k words) Tags: Romantic sex, Dating an Idol, Lovey dovey stuff, Adorable cuddling, Teasing, Lesbian sex, Some cuckolding, vaginal sex- hey what was that last part?, Oh, well if EVERYONE is cucking each other isn't that just a polyamorous relationship?, Yeah so group sex, Anal sex, Deepthroating, Cum eating, Threesome, Oral sex of all kinds, forceful sex (I mean, Yeji is involved, what did you expect?), Rampant sluttery, And smatterings of mutual understanding, Oh and fat sloppy creampies.
It was a particular agony to be a personal trainer for idols. The more mundane aspects of it certainly held painful tensions, sculpting the taut, supple flesh of gorgeous girls into ever more enticing shapes would be a temptation in and of itself. But the methodology of idol training requires a rather hands-on approach, which makes the sexual pressures nigh unbearable. Normally this stress would be easily resolved by the idol in question, in fact many "trainers" were on hand for precisely such an occasion; since the ladies themselves were hardly immune to the arousing effects as well. Unfortunately for the true professionals however, they were far too expensive to be used as fuck-meat and discarded. And so they would suffer from their pent up lusts, morosely watching as others were fucked senseless by the very luscious idols they had been training mere moments before. Of course, the more kindly or salacious girls would surreptitiously assist the poor trainers, briefly allowing them to drain their tensions into them before returning to a strictly professional relationship. Which was what was supposed to have happened to you, but sadly some idols simply enjoy breaking the rules...
You really shouldn't be doing this with Yuna. But it's hard to say no to her when this nubile vixen is staring up at you with such needy eyes. She had been teasing you for months, constantly glaring at you hungrily, wordlessly demanding your attention as well as your love. Yuna had put her body through its paces for you, relentlessly showing herself off during training, moving subtly so that your hands strayed where they should not. Which is not to say that she had not been quite verbal about her interest either, her sweetly innocent voice had been encouraging you to take liberties with her the entire time. Yuna's constant attentions had locked you in a sordid spiral, unable to think of anything but being here, yet unwilling to simply leave and end your misery. The easiest thing to do would be to give in, but that would create a whole host of problems, since you knew that you would be unable to resist giving into her demands after falling the first time. Lia had noticed your predicament, and a week ago had sympathetically led you into the bathroom and sucked you to completion; willingly swallowing your painfully bloated load that had festered in your balls for ages. But now...
Yuna presses against you, hot and sweaty from her exercise, her toned body lithe and ready for more intense... exertions. You awkwardly pry the young idol off of you, you're here to help her with her workout, not engage in unwholesome activities. Yuna submits to your entreaties with a sly smile, sighing dramatically as she returns to her stretching routine. A routine that seems to have gained some rather exotic positions since you last ran through them. Yuna presents her body to you from all imaginable angles; arching her back to show off her smooth abs and perky bodice, bowing down and thrusting her tight butt into the air, spreading her legs wide and leaning down to reveal her bulging camel-toe... All the while she watches you like a hunting cat, her poses growing ever less useful and ever more erotic as she slowly whittles down your will to resist. Yuna doesn't even bother averting her gaze from the obvious bulge in her pants. She knows you want her, so what are you waiting for? Give in.
Eager to shatter the final chains of restraint, Yuna flows upright and stalks towards you; hips swaying, chest thrust out with clear seductive intent. You stumble backwards into the wall, sliding down its mirrored surface, trying to find a way to escape, but Yuna will not be denied. She joins you on the floor, crawling the last few feet and between your legs until her face is inches away from yours. Her face is flushed with arousal, her eyes begging you wordlessly for everything you have. Kiss her, caress her, grope her, please her, fuck her, fill her, fill her with your seed, fill her until she is swollen with your love, love her, loveherloveherloveher- With a snarl you savagely kiss Yuna, your tongues wrestling greedily as you pull her body against yours. She moans in ecstasy, her legs wrapping around waist as she gyrates on you, her hands already groping at your crotch. Your hands clench around her petite ass before sliding lower to grip the fabric of her leggings. Fueled by lust, you rip them open at her crotch with brutal strength, exposing her already dripping pussy to the cold air. With mirrored enthusiasm Yuna painfully wrenches your cock out of your pants, before slamming herself onto your rigid manhood with a groan of pleasure. This virile slut had been teasing you for months, ever since you started working with her, and you pay her back for every excruciating second with interest. You jackhammer her tight cunt, pounding into her crotch with such speed that the wet slaps echo noisily throughout the empty room. Yuna blubbers with joy, taking every thrust with salacious enthusiasm, loudly begging you for your hot cum... Unable to resist her encouragements any longer, with a tortured groan you empty yourself into Yuna, making her squeal as she follows suit. Her pussy milks your cock greedily, squeezing out every last drop until your shaft has been fully drained.
Yuna lets out a content purr, her legs locked tight around your waist, her hands idly rubbing up and down your back. She stares deep into your eyes, her own wet with tears of joy, and kisses you possessively, you are hers now, got it? You belong only to Yuna...
Yuna howls as she squirms beneath her lover, her lithe body writhing as she takes every last inch of him, her greedy little cunt squeezing tight around his manhood. Her eyes roll back and she spasms as his seed erupts into her, her legs locking tight around his waist so that she receives every last drop of his love. Yuna snarls as he withdraws, but is quickly mollified as he is replaced by another fan whose cock is already dripping with excitement. This one takes her from behind as she slobbers on another member that appears like magic in front of her face. Yes, fill her up! Give her more...
"Oh! Be gentle," Yuna exclaims as you slowly push inside of her pussy, "I'm still so tight baby, so go slow with me..." She simpers as your cock fills her belly, nodding shyly in encouragement while pressing one hand against your chest, the epitome of an innocent lover. Once Yuna had caught you, her continuous seduction had mellowed, well comparatively so, she still teased you endlessly, just more in private now. And now whenever her temptatious stretches filled you with lust, you simply took her in whatever position she so happened to be in; it had gotten to the point that Yuna had joked that she should wear crotchless yoga pants, since you tore hers open so often. She hadn't, of course, she knew full well that nothing was more exciting than the anticipation that led up to the act itself, and kept her puffy lower lips shrouded to fire your imagination... Yuna moans sweetly as her legs bounce on your shoulders, you are so deep inside of her that a bulge forms in her belly from where your cock is buried in her, "Please, you're stretching me out, I'm not used to taking-"
"MORE! Give me more!" Yuna screeches as twin cocks piston her gushing cunt, her pussy slobbering fluids all over the pair of them as they plow her. The pink of her insides are clearly visible as her hole fails to grip them tightly enough, the slut too busy orgasming to even consider clenching down on their dicks. It's still not enough to fully satisfy her though, and soon another meaty cock is cramming itself into her already gaping cunt. Yuna wails with pleasure as her pussy is stretched out by three pounding dicks, gleefully scrabbling at the floor as her guts get brutally rearranged...
Your member noses curiously up Yuna's soaking slit before prodding gently against her anus, causing her to squeal in protest, "Wait! I want to save that for a special occasion! I'll need time to prep too you know!" She looks back at you and pouts, her ass still raised high in the air while her chest is pressed fully against the ground in a perfect arch. Yuna smiles affectionately as you lower your ambitions and push into the now-familiar warmth of her pussy, its wet folds welcoming you inside lovingly. You had been seeing Yuna for a couple months now, meeting with her in a disused practice room to provide a thin veneer of deniability; ostensibly she was growing stiff and required some extra assistance in working out the kinks. You certainly had been helping her stretch out, though the main area you focused on was her crotch and core. For her part, Yuna remained adorably endearing, lavishing you with attention whenever possible, even if it was mostly sensual in nature; her love language was undoubtedly sex. But still, you sensed she was holding back somewhat, contrary to the rumours about her, Yuna was delightfully wholesome and submissive once you got her clothes off; she was aggressive while teasing, but once your cock was inside of her she was like putty in your hands... You shudder with pleasure as your seed pours into Yuna as you hold her perky butt tight against you, causing her to gasp with delight, "I feel so warm inside..."
Semen spews out of Yuna's gaping asshole like a fountain as her guts empty themselves in a torrent of foul liquid after getting mercilessly pummeled by a gargantuan cock. The whore wails in distress as all the creamy love her fans had filled her with gushes out of her, as she desperately tries to squeeze shut her blown out asshole. Yuna's frantic bawling eventually draws Yeji's attention, who sighs in annoyance before assigning yet more meat to pump Yuna full again. Soon the slut is once more spasming in delight as her butt gets refilled once more, her filthy cunt drooling from the stimulation of having her ass violated by countless cocks...
Several weeks later, you and Yuna had secreted yourselves once more in the unused studio, going through actual stretches for once, as Yuna had strained her leg the other day while dancing. Though things had certainly started to hint at a more intimate sort of physical therapy, when the door suddenly slams open; and in saunters Yeji. Wearing naught but a towel, and crowned with the same, Itzy's leader appears fresh out of the shower, and more than a little amused to see you, "So this is where you've been hiding then," she smiles evilly, "don't think I haven't noticed you running off all the time, Yuna." Yuna sits upright from where she had been touching her toes and rolls her eyes in exasperation, "Well yeah, where else would I go to do some physical therapy in private?" Yeji sighs and stalks closer, as Yuna scoots between you and her protectively, glaring up defiantly at her senior, and Yeji meets her gaze with ease, "Yuna, tell me the truth, is this your new lover? It's been months since I found your last one, or have you finally grown up?" Yuna's pretty face twists petulantly, "No, he's just helping me do therapy, I've been a good girl, I promise!" Yuna's posture shifts from rebellious to submissive, affecting sadness at Yeji's lack of trust in her. It seemed all for sure, but even you felt a little moved by her performance, and it seemed Yeji did as well as her lips part slightly, "Oh, you promise?" her voice suddenly reduced to a husky whisper, the tension between the two felt like a familiar one, as Yeji stands directly in front of Yuna, so engrossed in her junior that she ignores you entirely; or you are merely beneath her notice, "So have you been a good girl Yuna?" she breathes. Yuna tilts her head forward and gives Yeji her best puppy-dog eyes, her face the very definition of purity, it was hard to refuse Yuna when she looked like that. Yeji twitches. Yuna lays it on like butter, "I promise I have not been a naughty girl, Yeji..." She flutters her eyelashes, smiling sweetly up at her leader, adorably shifting slightly from side to side as she maintains constant eye contact. Yeji's face flushes, as her lips draw back revealing clenched teeth, until with a snarl of pure lust she grabs Yeji's head and shoves it into her crotch.
"You lying slut," Yeji hisses as she forces Yuna's mouth against her cunt, "you filthy little whore, you've fallen in love again, haven't you?" Yuna lets out a whine of protest, even as she gorges upon Yeji's pussy, doing her best to try and pull away but unable to match her senior's strength. Yeji's towel falls to the ground from the violence of their sex, revealing her well-toned body and perky breasts; if she had any shame at being nude in front of a male coworker while forcing her junior to eat her out, she did not show it. Instead she groans brazenly as Yuna pleasures her, that nimble tongue and soft lips you knew so well now put to good use stimulating Yeji's hairy pussy; she crouches slightly as she pushes back against Yuna's head, hand gripping her hair tightly. And as much as she seems to struggle, Yuna still satisfies Yeji skillfully enough that soon she is shuddering as she approaches climax, "Oh fuck, eat it, eat it," Yeji moans loudly, even as Yuna squeaks in distress, which only seems to excite Yeji even further until she cannot hold on even longer, "Oh fuck, Yuna!" Yeji eyes roll back and she screams as her cunt squirts all over Yuna's mouth, forcing her to gulp down her fluids even as she struggles for breath, until Yeji stops quivering and regains her composure. Exhaling slowly, she releases her grip upon Yuna and allows her to collapse onto the ground like a piece of trash, where she coughs pitifully. Finally, Yeji acknowledges your presence, glancing at you with a sneer that conveys all too well her relish in cuckolding you, "Now then, strip."
You hesitate, knowing full well that company policy protected you from the idols' sexual demands, but unsure where your protracted tryst with Yuna left you on the scale of things. Were you still a professional trainer, or were you just an intern now, to be used and abused at will? Yeji cocks her head, "I said strip, or else I'll do it for you, meat." Yuna squawks in protest at this, but Yeji just laughs mockingly, "What? I thought he wasn't your lover, so why do you care so much?" While Yuna scrambles her brain for a response, Yeji returns her attention to you and menacingly raises an eyebrow, indicating you should get on with it. She eyes your nude form with the mild disinterest of a lady whose body count was in the thousands, before shrugging slightly and lazily stalking forwards. Her slow advance halts though when Yuna scrambles in front of her, arms outstretched, still bravely defiant, "You can't have him, he is mine!" Yuna snarls fiercely, you are unable to see Yuna's expression, but it must have been serious as Yeji blinks in surprise, "No, he is fuck-meat, he exists to be drained and discarded." "No," Yuna spits, "I love him, and he is mine!" Yeji groans in irritation, "How many times... Yuna darling, if you really loved him, would you have fucked literally hundreds of fans while he was yours?" You knew obviously, but you still feel a pit open in your stomach, before Yuna replies, "Those don't count! Those were just dicks, he is different! He is special!" she turns her head and gives you a reassuring smile before returning to staring down her leader; and the knots in your belly disappear, she did love you! Yeji rolls her eyes, and glance past Yuna to give you an exasperated look, before sighing wearily, "If he really loved you Yuna, would he be hard for me right now?" Yuna sniffs haughtily, contemptuously not even bothering to check to see if it was true (it was), Yeji continue as if by rote, "So if I were to fuck him right now, he would not stay hard at all, and would not enjoy himself?" Yuna nods confidently, "Of course not! But you would be able to force him to cum anyways!" Yeji smiles wanly, "See? If he can't stop himself from breeding whatever hole is wrapped around his cock, what makes yours so special? For all you know he's been plowing Chaery and Lia as well." "What, no!" Yuna stammers, "He's been giving all of his love to me! Plus he's a professional, so he's off limits!" "And what if I made him love me, would he just be fuck-meat then?" Yeji smiles slyly. Yuna laughs at that, "There is NO way you could do that, his love belongs only to me!" Yeji merely smirks, "Well let's find out then, shall we?" she looks at you, "On the ground meat, time to get fucked..."
You shiver slightly as you lay down, nervous about the ordeal to come, but Yuna gives you several kisses for support before pulling back and giving several more for your cock; as if claiming it for herself once more. Then Yeji arrives, "Oh good, you're getting it ready for me," as she grabs your cock and points it up, before slamming Yuna's head into it. Yuna's arms flail as she chokes on your meat, but Yeji simply leans forward, applying her body weight on her juniors head to keep her occupied. Giving you a faint smile, she murmurs in your ear, "Sorry, but this is going to be rough. Her lovers rarely last this long, so I'm going to have to make this... memorable," her smile becomes genuine for a moment, "enjoy this, because I will." Yeji pats your cheek before returning her attentions to Yuna, whose face is growing steadily redder by the moment as spit pools around the base of your shaft. She eases up enough for Yuna's head to jerk up, allowing her to gulp down what air she can with your cock still occupying her mouth, before Yeji forces her down again, "Didn't I say to get him ready for me? Fuck, you suck at this," she starts to piston her junior's head up and down your cock, uncaring of the massive mess she was making as Yuna slobbers and gasps desperately for air. You meanwhile are too busy groaning with pleasure to worry much about your lover, her wet tongue and throat driving your cock wild; you even start to thrust a little in time with Yeji's rhythm. At some indeterminable point Yeji grows tired of her sport, and hauls Yuna's drooling face off of your meat before depositing her nearby. She gives you a ravenous glare, "Time to fuck..."
With languid grace Yeji orients herself above your slippery member, holding position just low enough that her coarse folds kissed your tip. She gently sways her hips, running your cockhead through her moist, hairy slit, smirking as you shudder from the stimulation; she can tell how badly you want it. Yeji licks her lips as your hips begin to unconsciously hike upwards, your body desperate to breed her, no matter the implications, "You see Yuna," Yeji purrs to the prostrate form of her junior who was only now raising herself up onto her elbows, still hacking as she recovers from having her throat used like a fleshlight, "just a little teasing and now he is mindlessly desperate for me already. And this is why men are all worthless fuck-meat." Yuna whines despondently at this, but fixes you with a stare that wordlessly conveys her confidence in you; she nods in encouragement, she knows your love will not waver even if you are balls deep inside of Yeji. Speaking of which, Yeji finally decides to put you out of your misery, and with a feral groan slowly slides your length inside of herself until her folds kiss your crotch. She pauses her for a few moments, savoring the feeling of being filled, allowing you to feel the differences between hers and Yuna's insides; then with a crooked smile she rides you. Her pace is ferocious, almost feral, fucking you as if she were an animal in heat, her sopping cunt massaging your cock ceaselessly. Unlike the smooth tightness of Yuna, Yeji's cunt was practically drooling with fluids, roughly dragging against your shaft as she bounces atop you. After several minutes of this voracious sex, you can feel your balls already pulsating needily, and no matter how hard you tried to hold on for your beloved, you knew you were going to breed Yeji. Or not. Pausing on the precipice of your climax, Yeji waits until the moment has passed, before slowly starting again, hungrily she leans forward, her dark nipples rigid, and growls, "Say you love me." You refuse, and so she continues.
What feels like hours pass by, but it must have surely been far less, as Yeji continues to pry at your determination, urging you to give in. And oh how you want to, your balls throb in agony from being denied so many times, and your brain feels melted from being edged for so long by this cruel sexual goddess. All the while Yeji smugly provides a running commentary for Yuna, who is out of your view by this point, and no doubt worried sick about you. But even the thought of your dearest Yuna could only sustain you for so long, and like the experienced slut she was, Yeji could tell without you even needing to say anything. So when she runs her hands up your sweaty chest, and clasps your cheeks, she knows exactly how you will answer before she even asks, "Do you love me?" Despairing, you moan an affirmative, feeling absolutely wretched for betraying Yuna, but unable to resist your body's demands that you impregnate the woman atop you. Yeji smirks, her body similarly coated with sweat, her breasts heaving from her protracted exertions, her legs bulging with muscles, and lets out a little laugh, "No, you don't," Before finishing you off with a furious burst of riding that has your head spinning as your balls empty themselves into Yeji's fertile cunt. Who groans with delight as her pussy is filled, her narrow eyes widening slightly as the sheer quantity of semen pouring inside of her surprises even her. She slowly grinds on you as your cock finishes leaking its load into Yeji, "Fuck," she murmurs, "That was a lot, I'm almost impressed," she turns around and calls behind her, "Yuna dear, time to clean up! Oh stop masturbating and get over here already!"
You frown up at Yeji in confusion, masturbation, what was she talking about? Yeji grins mirthlessly down at you, "What, didn't you notice? The entire time you were doing your best to hold on for her, your supposed lover was busy finger-blasting herself silly like the perverted little cuck she is. That's right, she was enjoying your suffering, she was aroused by watching you getting taken by another girl. Pitiful, isn't it?" With that Yeji smoothly unmounts you, uncaring of the slick of semen leaking from her cunt down her glistening thighs; she was about to get cleaned off anyways. Then she drags the now completely naked Yuna towards you, who blushes shyly as she approaches, stammering awkwardly in embarrassment, "Honey! You're okay! You um, held on for so long! I'm so proud of you!" she gives you a sickly sweet smile, as if trying to distract you from the fact that her legs were absolutely drenched with fluids. The look of jealousy that flashes across her face is genuine though, as she smells the stench of another girl slathering your nethers. With a determined expression, she gets to work sucking and licking the evidence of your copulation off of you; cleaning you so enthusiastically that your member improbably starts to rise to the occasion once more. But Yuna's chore is not yet finished, after all, your delicious load belongs to her, so she takes her due.
Yeji groans as Yuna devours her sloppy cunt once more, the slut's lithe tongue scooping out its creamy contents before undulating it back down its length and into her throat. Yuna's ass is raised high in the air as she works, the tempting sweep of her hips put on full display, showing exactly why she was so often taken in this position. Your interest does not go unnoticed, even as her pussy is getting emptied, Yeji beckons you closer, leaning forward slightly so that she can spread her junior's cheeks, "Ready again? Good, now fuck her ass this time," Yuna lets out a surprised noise at this pronouncement, but Yeji uses a hand to keep her on task by holding her head in place, "Oh and don't worry about lube, she likes it rough. So, are you going to fuck her or not?" You hesitate, Yuna had said that she had wanted to save anal for a special occasion, but she had not helped you while Yeji was ravishing you, and instead had been aroused by your suffering... Your tip prods at her entrance, causing Yuna to quiver slightly until you grasp her wide hips to hold her in place as you force yourself into her asshole. You push inside of her vigorously, expecting to have to press through the cramped confines of her unused rear; instead, you slam yourself inside of Yuna's guts to the hilt. A muffled squeal emanates from Yeji's crotch, as Yuna's entire body jolts in surprise, and a gush of squirt splatters against your balls. The tight hole which you had been aching to fuck for so long, was loose from overuse, stretched out from countless cocks that had been plowing it while you had patiently waited. So you jackhammer Yuna's worthless asshole, now beyond caring about her discomfort as you relentless fuck her guts, causing Yeji to coo in delight, "See I told you she was a slut, make her pay for cucking you..." And oh how you do, you treat her asshole like a cheap fleshlight, uncaring of the pain you might be causing; though judging by the sporadic sprays of squirt that hit your thighs in balls, the whore was enjoying it. And you were too, though her anus was no longer the snug hole it used to be, her coils still had enough strength to massage your shaft as it slams past them. Your balls start to clench upwards once more, your thrusts deepen and grow in force, Yeji notes this and urges you on, "Do it, claim her fucking asshole, fill this bitch's guts with your cum," groaning loudly, you comply, spurting your seed deep inside of Yuna's innards while she spasms with ecstasy from having her ass bred.
Still shuddering, you pull out of Yuna's ass, and are unsurprised when it closes immediately after you leave, sealing your semen inside of her. Panting, she looks up at Yeji for approval, her face flushed with arousal, her face smeared with Yeji's cunt juices. Yeji pats her cheek affectionately, "Fuck, you were born to be a slut, Yuna," the girl in question giggles shyly, before glancing back at you apologetically, "I'm sorry dear, I guess it wasn't love after all, I'm just a slut after all..." Yuna continues to breath heavily, and whines, "I need mooore," she pouts, "does nobody love me enough to give some?" Yeji lets out a knowing sigh, "I'm sure some of the interns are absolutely bursting with love for you Yuna, why don't you go ask them?" Yuna brightens noticeably at this, and beaming happily scampers up onto her feet and races out of the room, not even bothering to spare you a parting glance. And thus ended your relationship, if it could be called that, with Yuna. Yeji gives you a sympathetic look as the pair of you sit on the wooden floor, both uncaring of the fact that you are seated in a puddle of sexual fluids. Yeji clears her throat, "We're going to have to let you go, but don't worry, we know a few other companies with openings so you shouldn't have any troubles finding work. IVE in particular seem to be needing good physical trainers, those lazy brats," she gives you a level stare, "But first, fuck-meat, I am going to use you until I am satisfied. After all," she smiles cruelly, "I don't have to worry about being down a professional trainer any more..." Her smug boasting is cut off however as you jump up and shove your cock into her face, forcing her to clean the stinking ass-juices off of your cock as her eyes narrow dangerously. Once you are erect once more, you push her back onto the ground, where she growls huskily, "Feisty, I think I'm going to enjoy this more than I expected," Yeji smoothly assumes the position, sticking her butt up into the air and giving you a meaningful glance,
"Well pick a hole already, and don't worry, I won't let you stop until I'm satisfied. Now show me how you fuck an actual woman, and not some mincing slut..."
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sinswithpleasure · 8 months
Bucket List Interlude — Five.Six [Queen & Princess]
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Proud to release my second (technically first, but our actual second released first) collab with @co-reborn set in the Bucket List universe.
Enjoy this (mostly unedited) little gift before NNN.
[Im Squirtle has sent a message:]
Oi, Pervert.
Let's try something new later on.
I know you’ll like it too
Head to the audi after your class ends
Come over quick :)
You keep your books in the locker once you’re done for the day. With these types of Nayeon texts, you know you're definitely not studying for the next few hours. 
You shuffle past the crowd of students heading to their next class as you make your way to the auditorium. There shouldn’t be anyone using it at this hour, so why would she ask you…?
With the door to the auditorium right in front of you, you reach for the handle. The door swings open smoothly, and as expected, it is empty, lights off. You step in and place your bag onto one of the chairs, before grabbing your phone from your pocket. 
[To: Im Squirtle]
I'm here, where ar |
In the middle of typing your message, the lights switch on. First, the room is dimly lit, but it begins to brighten slowly. You look around, and that's when you spot Nayeon at the bottom, on the stage. You scan her outfit—open blouse paired with a bright pink crop top, hearts and lines and other designs printed on the cloth,  coupled with jeans, deliberately left open and rolled around her waist. Cute pigtails, by far your favourite style on her, steel rimmed glasses perched atop her nose, and a loose tie hanging around her neck.
She looks like a star. Maybe in another world…
"Yah, Pervert!" Nayeon waves enthusiastically, the brightest grin across her ethereal features. Even at the bottom of the auditorium, you're blown away by her beauty. Not that it's a surprise any more, but her beauty is definitely one of a kind. 
"Say hi to our junior!"
Behind her, another girl steps out. You wonder how you haven't noticed her hiding behind Nayeon.
"Eh, Shin Yuna?"
Shin Yuna—the next Queen of Seoul U, currently nicknamed "Princess". You've seen her around a lot—it's quite hard not to notice the other beauty of Seoul U. Nayeon is easily #1, but Yuna's a damned close second, and she'll ascend the ranking once Nayeon graduates, you're sure of it. 
"Hi, Oppa."
"Come down! Come say hi!"
You oblige, and take quick steps down. At the bottom, you awkwardly nod towards the younger girl, causing Nayeon to giggle. She steps closer to her "successor" and lightly grabs her shoulders. 
Peeking from the side, she asks, “What do you think of her?”
You gulp. You can’t deny Yuna’s beauty. “Yeah… she’s pretty.”
Nayeon then steps behind Yuna before running her hands over her chest. The younger girl visibly tenses up, even more so when Nayeon begins to pop open the buttons on her blouse. 
“I, for one, think she’s beautiful.” 
The white top is pulled open, Yuna's bare breasts now exposed for your viewing pleasure. Nayeon lightly kneads the soft flesh of Yuna’s breasts, eliciting light gasps from her. Her hands continue to move down Yuna’s body down to her hips, halting at her tight abs to run circles atop the defined muscles. 
"She's got such a perfect body, doesn't she?"
Nayeon gives Yuna a soft kiss on the cheek, before she licks a long stripe from the younger's shoulder up to her left ear. Reaching her skirt, Nayeon undoes the clasp and zipper at the back, a small push all it needs for the cloth to fall down her long legs, leaving the girl in white panties. You stare at the big damp spot right at the crotch of her underwear, and you gulp as your cock twitches beneath your pants.
"Go on, tell Oppa what we're doing today."
Nayeon's hands roam Yuna's body again. Her fingers ghost over the younger's smooth milky skin again, paying special attention to her nipples. 
"Come on, Yuna-ya~"
Nayeon's fingers softly knead the soft flesh of Yuna's nubile body, her fingers expertly drawing the primal lust out of Yuna. You can't help but watch as Nayeon literally plays with the new toy in her hands, Yuna having all but submitted willingly to her senior. 
Yuna's call dripped pure sex. You couldn't help the rush of primal lust at her moan, and as Nayeon slides her fingers underneath the waistband of Yuna's panties, you wish you were the one in Nayeon's place instead.
"Mmh, Daddy, she's so wet, oh my God."
Yuna's loud moan paired with the buck of her hips is all you need to know that Nayeon has penetrated her with her long fingers.
"Yuna-ya, go on, tell Oppa what you're here for."
"Oppa… mmgh—I…"
"I…?" Nayeon prompts.
"I'm—ohGod—I'm here to, fuck, I'm here to…"
Yuna shudders, her words temporarily halted by the waves of pleasure that wrecks her body with Nayeon's fingers deep in her. 
"Oppa, I'm here to have sex, Oppa, I'm here to have sex with you and Nayeon-unnie, please… please take care of me, please…"
"That's right Daddy, Yuna's here to join us today."
Nayeon withdraws her fingers from Yuna, who moans at the loss of contact. Her fingers are drenched—not one inch of her middle and ring fingers, as well as the surrounding skin, is dry. Strands of slick cling to Nayeon's skin as she plays around with it, and she giggles. 
"Ehe, Yuna-ya, you're so wet…"
She holds her fingers in front of the younger bunny's lips. Yuna takes it in without any hesitation, tasting her own pussy off her unnie's fingers.
"Good girl." Nayeon strokes the younger girl's hair. She melts under her unnie's touch and praise, and the smile across her face widens when Nayeon kisses her cheek.
"Sit back and relax Daddy, I'm going to show you how our good girl cums under my touch."
Nayeon smirks at you when you curse under your breath. You're so fucking hard—a tent has formed under the zipper of your jeans, and you've had to undo your pants so you could be more comfortable. Yuna's eyes are locked on to your bulge, and she stares with dripping lust.
"Daddy, Yuna wants to see that cock. Show her what you'll be fucking her with?"
Phrased like that, there's no way you'd say no. You undo the button and zipper, then reach beneath the waistband of your briefs to fish out your hard shaft, exposing yourself to the younger bunny. Yuna's gasp is all it takes to stoke your ego—you look up to see Yuna's eyes fixated on your hard cock, but what seals the ego boost is Nayeon's hand back to rubbing Yuna's clit, and you watch in slow-motion as Yuna's pussy drips, wetting the floor with her lust. 
"Isn't it big, Yuna? That's the cock that fucks my pussy. Daddy always fills me up so well…"
Yuna chokes back a moan as Nayeon penetrates her again. This time, her knees buckle when Nayeon's skilled fingers glide between her drenched walls, and you watch as Nayeon curls her fingers within Yuna as she thrusts in and out of the younger girl's pussy. 
"Doesn't it feel good, Yuna? You're doing so well for me, so well for us. Look at your Oppa, look at how hard he's jerking his cock for you."
You're unable to resist the urge—the sight of Nayeon masturbating Yuna might be one of the hottest sights of your entire sex life so far in college. Yuna can't tear her eyes off your cock, and similarly, you can't tear your eyes off Nayeon's fingers plunging deeply into Yuna's cunt as well, her other hand firmly kneading the younger girl's right breast, fingers tweaking her nipple. The wet sounds of Nayeon fingerfucking Yuna echoes around the empty auditorium, and so do her moans. Yuna's lustful, sultry moans go straight down to your cock, and you take a bit of time to spread the beads of precum at your tip all over your cock.
"Oh, Yuna-ya, come on, moan louder. Let Oppa hear how much you want him.”
Yuna moans softly, her words muffled. Nayeon tuts disapprovingly.
“No, no, louder. Oppa wants to hear you. Let everyone hear you.”
"—ppa, Oppa, Oppa, Oppa~!"
Yuna’s broken moans go straight to your cock, and you have to pinch the head to resist the urge to cum. Her high-pitched whines for you have you nearly blowing your load, and you’re not about to cum before she does—you want to watch her come undone right in front of your very eyes. The wet sounds of Nayeon’s fingers thrusting deep into Yuna’s cunt get louder, and stray droplets of Yuna’s slick fly off Nayeon’s knuckles. The younger girl in question is breathless, her eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure wracks her body. Nayeon’s hot breath brushes against her ear, whispering pure filth to push her closer and closer.
“That’s right, you’re doing so well Yuna, Oppa’s so happy watching you. Look, look at how hard he’s jerking, look at how hard and wet his cock is…”
“Imagine how good you’d feel with Oppa’s cock fucking this tight cunt of yours.”
“Yes, yes, YES!”
“Mm, go on, think about how big the stretch is, think about how good it’d feel when he empties his balls deep in your cunt.”
“Oh my God, Unnie, Nayeon-unnie, I’m—I’m gonna cum, I’m—!”
Everything seems to move in slow motion—Yuna’s loud cry of pleasure, her back arching, her body shuddering, her knees buckling. You gasp as a huge gush of squirt splashes all over the stage, and your eyes widen in shock as Yuna's gushes keeps on going. She doesn't orgasm in bursts like Nayeon does—with every buck of her hips, the stream only seems to get stronger as she cums in one continuous gush. Yuna thoroughly showers the stage with her cum, almost as if she is urinating. It overflows down over the fake plant boxes below, and that's when the stream tapers off, and Yuna collapses backwards against her Nayeon-unnie, sweaty, exhausted, but blissed out.
"You came so much, baby… such a good girl~."
Nayeon raises her fingers to her eyes, and she admires the glossy sheen of Yuna's slick and squirt covering her fingers and her palm. Her eyes glint in satisfaction, and she licks the stray droplets of cum that run down her arm, all while she stares deep into your eyes. Her next action is to wave her fingers in front of Yuna's lips. 
"Have a taste, baby."
Yuna obliges, her lips wrapping around Nayeon's digits. 
"Good girl."
The praise draws something out of Yuna, something more submissive, more eager. You watch as her eyes soften, and she becomes more pliant, more obedient. She sucks on her Nayeon-unnie's fingers, her hand holding her unnie's at the wrist to steady it as she licks it clean of her cum, all while Nayeon praises her with every swipe of her tongue. Yuna seems to beam under the praise, and you watch breathlessly as you take note of this new information. 
"Did I do good, Nayeon-unnie?"
"I think you did a very good job, baby. How about you, Oppa?"
You rise to your feet and smirk. 
"I think you've been a very good girl, Yuna."
The younger girl beams tiredly, the blush evident across her face. She squeezes her legs together unknowingly, a fact that doesn't escape Nayeon's and your notice. 
"Do you want a break, baby?"
"Yes, please, unnie."
“Take your break, Yuna. Sit right here so you can get a good view of how Daddy fucks me.”
Your cock is desperately aching for action at this point, and you hastily respond to Nayeon’s words. You take off your pants before hopping onto stage and moving towards her. She kisses you harshly and pulls you closer into her. Both your hands work instinctively on undressing each other. You push the blouse off her shoulders while she works on the button on her jeans. You break the kiss momentarily to remove your shirt and her crop top, before immediately diving back into her mouth. You feel up each other’s body, your hands choosing to fondle her tits while she focuses on your abs. Heat builds up between both of you, and the kiss intensifies until she cannot take it anymore. 
When Nayeon pulls away from you, you begin to plant a trail of kisses down her neck, shoulders and chest until you reach her waist. With the button undone already, you simply pull it down her legs. Nayeon is just left standing on stage in her ruined panties. A touch on her inner thighs is enough to make her shiver. You then pull down her panties and expose her dripping pussy for you and Yuna to see. The confident Nayeon from moments ago fades away, replaced by a quivering mess in need of you. You move behind her and push her closer towards the younger girl, fingers rubbing across her nether lips a few times before they dive into her pussy. She leans on your chest as her legs lose their strength. Her walls tighten around you and you feel more of her juices staining your fingers. You withdraw your fingers and hold them in front of Nayeon, and she licks it up without hesitation. Yuna looks in awe as the Nayeon she’s familiar with is stripped away, replaced with a Nayeon utterly overwhelmed with lust. 
When she’s done cleaning your fingers, she looks over her shoulder to face you, whispering, “Fuck me hard, Daddy. Let’s give our good girl a show.”
You oblige, hurriedly bringing your shaft by her entrance. Slick immediately stains your tip as you make first contact with her pussy, and Nayeon’s body reacts to you immediately. She sinks herself backwards on your shaft and takes in the first few inches of your cock. With her snug flesh already clenching around you, you can’t help but to thrust your hips to insert the rest of your length into her.
The instant you’re hilt deep, three moans ring across the auditorium—yours, Nayeon’s and Yuna’s. Having watched the two girls indulge in sin earlier, it’s about time for you to have your own fun. Familiar with Nayeon’s body, you begin to pound and use her without hesitance. She’s quickly reduced to a mumbling and cursing mess, unable to form coherent words other than “Fuck!” and “Daddy!”. 
You briefly look over Nayeon’s shoulder to see the younger girl’s reaction. Yuna’s eyes quiver, yet they remain laser-focused on your cock and Nayeon’s pussy. She’s biting down on her finger, saliva beginning to pool and seep out the corner of her mouth. Her other hand gently works between her legs, seeking out the pleasure she was bestowed by her unnie earlier. 
You’re glad she’s enjoying the show, but what about the main actress?
Leaning over to her shoulder, you sigh, “You naughty slut. You want to be watched getting fucked so bad that you brought someone, mm?"
“Yes, Daddy, yes, I did—mmgh!”
Nayeon's admission amidst loud moans of pleasure has you fucking her harder.
"Fuck, yes, fuck, Daddy, you—hngh~!—feel so good inside me!"
While Nayeon takes your cock, you're more than aware of the younger girl paying her full attention to the erotic scene in front of her. An idea pops into your head, and you pause for a split second, to Nayeon’s disappointment, and wrap a hand underneath her thighs. Lifting it up, you give Yuna a clearer view of your cock spearing Nayeon’s pussy. 
“Unnie, y-you’re so wet.” Yuna's voice is raspy with lust, and you field a glance at the Princess. She has her bottom lip between her teeth, a hand dangerously close to the dripping slit between her legs. You know it's only a matter of time before she breaks.
“Your cute little protege has her eyes glued on you, on your body, on your perfect pussy taking my cock. You like that, hmm?”
A deep moan is all that comes out of her mouth. She’s incapable of thinking, unable to process your words, fully concentrated on you and your cock and how good you’re making her feel. The thought of being watched whilst getting fucked hard all the times you teasingly whispered the possibilities of someone stumbling upon the dirty side of her have always been a turn on. Now, she has made her fantasy become reality—her featured guest sits by the side, having had her own fun, Yuna watches her, stares at her getting pounded hard, and Nayeon gets off from it, more than ever. 
However, Nayeon isn’t the only one enjoying this precarious situation. You’re sure many would kill to be in your position—not only are you a part of Nayeon's closest circle, you're regularly fucking her as and when she wants it. You're even more aware of this now—Nayeon has introduced Yuna to the mix for today, and with her widely reputed to be Nayeon's "successor, she's not unpopular herself. Yet, here you are, with both of them naked, fucking one of them while the other watches. You love it when Nayeon is reduced into this crumbling mess, far from her prim and proper self. This side of her is yours to admire and enjoy, and enjoy it you definitely will. 
You have the perfect view—Nayeon’s body rocks back and forth as you relentlessly pound her, cheeks flushed while she drowns in ecstasy, and from the corner of your eyes, you catch Yuna with her legs spread wide open, fingers driving in and out of herself. You’re immensely turned on, your balls aching and about to explode at any moment, but not yet, your job’s still not done. 
Yuna has her eyes glued to your bodies the whole time, mouth gaped open in awe at how rough you’re being with Nayeon and how well she’s taking it. Heart beating in anticipation, she can’t help but to wonder how good it will be when it’s her turn to be fucked like that. Nayeon did promise her it’ll be mind blowing and she’s now getting a live preview. She subconsciously starts to thumb her clit as well for more pleasure, her gasps growing in volume. “Fuck unnie…”
You lean over and whisper into Nayeon’s ear. “Open your eyes, baby girl. Look at your precious junior.” She barely registers your words and struggles to do so with the immense rush of pleasure in her head. Through half lidded eyes, she sees what you see—Shin Yuna deeply engrossed in the show you’re putting out, her face red, fingers and thighs thoroughly stained with her slick. 
“Look at her. She’s so wet and it’s all thanks to you.”
“Yes, you. Such a pretty slut taking cock so nicely. Maybe you should have invited more people to join. Maybe you should've called the entire school to gather here to watch you take this fucking cock like the slut you are.”
The thought of the auditorium filled to the brim with the school population, thousands of eyes watching her true self has Nayeon moaning louder. Maybe that’s what she wants all along. Such wild thoughts continue to fill her head, more ideas of how to push her fantasy further. 
“Cum for me, Nayeon-ah. Let Yuna see how beautiful you can be when you cum.”
Nayeon doesn't last longer than your sentence. With a scream, her legs buckle under the pressure and you hold her up by her hips as you keep thrusting into her orgasming pussy. Bursts of squirt shoot out and make a mess of your bodies and the stage. You persist with your fucking and maintain your thrusts into the tight, sensitive pussy, eliciting moan after moan from Nayeon. The auditorium echoes with her cries—any passerby could easily hear them, check it out and catch the three of you in this illicit act, but that’s the least of your concerns at the moment.
A few more pumps into Nayeon later, you tumble out of control and your orgasm hits you. You cum inside her, mindlessly thrusting and burying your load deeper into her pussy until you’re properly drained. Shot after shot of thick cum fills Nayeon's tight pussy, and you pull her close and tight, softly cursing at the pleasure you enjoy right into her ear.
When everything subsides, you hear Nayeon's soft "Thank you, Daddy", and you give her a soft peck on the cheek before pulling out of her. Thick white drops of semen drip out of Nayeon's pussy onto the floor, and Yuna gasps at the sight. Both of you turn to look at the younger girl, and you're both so turned on at the sight that greets your eyes: the Princess of Seoul U is a mess. Yuna is pent-up—she clearly hadn't orgasmed, probably saving herself for the inevitable fucking she knew she'd get. Her eyes burn with lust, chest heaving with every deep breath she takes, nipples taut with arousal. The blush on her face hasn't left, and a puddle of her juices pools between her legs. When she pulls out her fingers from within her, slick drips from her digits onto the stage. 
"Oppa, Unnie… that was so hot…"
Both you and Nayeon admire the sight in front of you for a second more. You're still fully hard, already wanting to fuck Yuna for the first time. However, Nayeon has different plans. 
"Come here, Yuna-ya~"
The younger girl almost lunges for her senior, the desperate look in her eyes akin to that of a feral puppy compared to the bunny she commonly is likened to. She crashes her lips against her senior's, and you swear your cock gets harder watching both women make out with each other. Yuna can't resist kneading Nayeon's breasts, and Nayeon has a palmful of Yuna's plump ass, her fingers kneading the soft flesh. The lustful moans from both girls echo around the empty auditorium, and you can't help but stroke your slick cock in anticipation of what happens next. 
"Mm, Yuna, baby, you kiss so well."
The younger girl only blushes at the praise. She looks down at Nayeon's body shyly, a bright smile across her features.
"I have a little something for you to taste, baby girl~." Nayeon runs two fingers over her pussy, her voice shaking as the pleasure of her own touch creeps into her system. When she retrieves her digits, they're coated in a thick sheen of your semen, and with a push of Yuna's shoulders, the younger girl kneels almost immediately. She looks up, eyes wide in desire, lust, anticipation, and Nayeon gently lowers her cum-soaked fingers to Yuna's mouth. The younger bunny immediately takes them into her mouth, her tongue thoroughly cleaning her unnie's fingers of the mixture of her juices and yours. When the taste hits her, you watch as her eyes roll back and she moans, almost as if your cum was a delicacy. 
"If you want more of Oppa's cum, baby, come eat it out of unnie's pussy."
You're more than happy to put aside your desire to fuck Yuna—the sight of her eating your cum out of Nayeon's cunt is a worthy substitute. The blonde girl looks up at her unnie as her lips get closer and closer to Nayeon's cunt, and Nayeon smiles down at her junior, stroking her hair ever so gently. When Yuna's tongue first touches Nayeon's pussy, the older girl lets out a sultry moan, her hands gripping Yuna's head and pushing her crotch against the younger girl's face. The younger bunny sticks her tongue out and begins to lick along her unnie's slit, and she herself moans when your excess cum drips all over her tongue. It is at that moment where she wraps her lips around her unnie's pussy, and Nayeon throws her head back, enjoying the pleasure of her junior eating her out. Yuna fervently eats your cum out of Nayeon's cunt—when she pulls herself back to catch her breath, your semen and Nayeon's juices stain her lips and chin. 
"Oppa's cum tastes so nice, unnie." Yuna's tongue glides across her lips to collect the mixed fluids across her face, and you bite your bottom lip when she gives you a lustful stare, her eyes lingering especially on your hard cock. She even leans over to lick the precum off your tip, and you curse when she gives you a few strokes along the length with every swipe of her tongue.
"It does, doesn't it?" Nayeon strokes her junior's head, and when Yuna looks up at the both of you again, Nayeon gives her next instructions. "You'll get to taste it again later, baby. Oppa's been waiting so long for that pussy, your tight virgin pussy, and I don't think you should make him wait much longer~."
When Yuna rises from the floor, her eyes meet yours in a blazing gaze of lust. She bites down on her lip, her eyes travelling to your hard, twitching cock and back up, the desperation behind her eyes only further adding to your desire for her. You watch in burning anticipation as the lithe girl in front of you turns around. Your eyes follow her hourglass figure, from the soft curves of her neck to the sharp juts of her shoulders, down her thin waist. You drool at the sight of her hips swaying as she takes steps towards the podium, at the sight of her long legs, and best of all, at her supple ass as she bends over when she reaches her destination. Your eyes immediately lock onto her pussy, drenched and dripping, her thighs glistening with arousal, the floor beneath her wet as well. The killing blow Yuna delivers is through her next few actions—she turns back to you, her puppy eyes pleading with you to finally fuck her, and she spreads her pussy open with her right middle and ring fingers. Fresh slick drips and runs down her skin, along her hand. 
"Oppa, I'm ready for my fucking."
Yuna doesn't expect how quick you can be.
In two steps, you cover the distance between you and her. You grab your cock and aim it right for Yuna's spread hole, and the younger girl squeals in surprise when your pussy breaches the opening of her cunt. Before she can even speak, your hands grip her hips tight, and you send one hard thrust right into her cunt as you pull her right onto your cock, your pelvis slapping right against her ass. 
Yuna cries out when your thick cock stretches her virgin pussy out with your one stroke. You waste no moment—you're already pulling out until your tip is left in her before thrusting back in. As you begin to fuck the younger girl, you forcefully grab her by her face to watch her reaction, and you begin to pound her harder when you see her eyes roll back in pleasure, unintelligible moans echoing around the auditorium with each stroke. 
Yuna's pussy is tight, so damn tight, tighter than Nayeon's. Her walls quiver around your cock, the first she's ever taken, and they squeeze you so perfectly you swear you're in heaven. A rush of slick runs along your cock—did she just have a mini-orgasm or something, you wonder—and her body shakes as she attempts to take deep breaths. You knock the air out of her with every thrust you send into her, each stroke ending with you hilted deep in her, just like how you'd fucked Nayeon earlier. Yuna takes it all—she wants it, needs it just as much as you do.
"Oppa, Oppa, Oppa!!!!" Yuna can't stop repeating the word like a mantra—she can't seem to remember anything else. 
Next to both you and Yuna, Nayeon has her fingers in her pussy again, fucking herself at the sight of you railing Yuna. Your semen drips from her fingers as she plunges then into her cunt over and over, her free hand kneading her own breasts for pleasure. She moans just as unrestrainedly as Yuna does, and Nayeon swears you almost seem to rail Yuna harder knowing she's watching. As your cock appears and disappears into Yuna's tight body, Nayeon fixes her eyes on how Yuna looks—like a proper slut. Her junior's eyes are rolled back, jaw slack, tongue sticking out of her mouth. The ahegao fixed upon Yuna's face draws Nayeon towards her, and the older girl steps up to pull her close. You shift Yuna back to create space for Nayeon, and you watch as the older girl pulls Yuna into a torrid kiss. The hot sounds of both women kissing mixed with their moans leads you to groan as well, and you fuck Yuna harder to satiate your lust. Nayeon holds Yuna's head close to her chest with one hand, and you watch as the older girl reaches between her legs to masturbate again. 
"Unnie, uhn—!" Yuna's eyes are glazed over from pleasure, her speech broken up by moans and loud claps of your flesh against hers. The girl can't seem to hold steady—she almost falls over a few times as her hips buck on every brush of your cock against her G-spot. "Oppa fucks me so well, Oppa's fucking my pussy so good!"
"That's right, he is, because you're such a good girl. Good, pretty girls like you deserve poundings like that." Nayeon bites her lip at the pleasure she brings herself. "In fact, a good girl like you should suck on Unnie's tits."
Almost instantly, Yuna has her lips on one of Nayeon's breasts. She is completely pliant to any instruction—the praise is all she craves. Nayeon moans out loud as her junior helps to pleasure her, and you hear another set of wet thrusts join with the sounds of your sex with Yuna as Nayeon resumes fucking herself. 
"That's right, Yuna, keep sucking Unnie's tits like that, fuck, fuck!"
You can't believe how blessed you are. Just like that, you're balls deep in the Princess of Seoul U and thoroughly pounding her freshly deflowered cunt, fucking it hard and using it like you've used Nayeon's so many times before. Both girls are similarly wet and messy—your shaft glides against Yuna's walls just like how it would in Nayeon's, and Nayeon's thighs always glisten with slick during sex, just like Yuna's are right now as well. The entire situation right now is obscenely hot—many dream to fuck both Nayeon and Yuna, and here you are living it, with both women desiring your cock so much they're having sex with you together. Yuna's been fucked almost entirely silly, and Nayeon's enjoying it as she fucks herself with Yuna's help. 
Nayeon is the first to crack—Yuna's tongue, teeth, and hands are her undoing. The younger girl pinches and tugs at the older girl's nipples, occasionally playing with them between her fingers while her tongue flicks the sensitive nubs, and Nayeon's moans only get louder, whinier, her fingers plunging and thrusting harder, deeper—
"Daddy, I'm going to cum!"
Nayeon barely makes it to the end of her sentence before squirt explodes out of her. You watch in pure lust as the older bunny throws her head back, her guttural moans, the hiss of her squirt gushing from her cunt, and the loud splatters of her cum forming puddles on the floor echoing around the empty auditorium. Jet after jet of girl cum drenches the floor, and you feel Yuna tighten around you when she watches Nayeon orgasm. The younger girl begins to whine seeing her senior's body buck and writhe as she orgasms, her legs unstable, breasts jiggling with every shift of her body. 
"Oppa, Unnie, Yuna's gonna—"
Yuna's sentence ends in a scream as her hips buck, and squirt sprays out of her freshly-fucked pussy. Your cock is forcefully ejected from her cunt, and you have to hold the younger girl up as her legs buckle, the pleasure of her orgasm washing over her entire body. Both Nayeon's and Yuna's cum mix on the floor beneath them, the huge puddle of squirt evidence of how much pleasure they drew from this session.  You enjoy the sight of both girls orgasming together in each other's embrace, but that doesn't last for long—you have yet to get your release yourself, and Yuna's pussy was the only hole you hadn't filled with your cum. With one hard thrust after lining yourself up, you draw another scream from Yuna as you plunge your hard shaft into her still-orgasming pussy, and you pound her right through it, chasing your own high and prolonging hers. 
"Yuna, baby, I'm going to fill you."
"Yes, Oppa, yes~!"
When you begin to thrust hard into Yuna, Nayeon pulls her into a sloppy kiss. Both girls' bodies rock with your thrusts as they engage in a hot, sloppy makeout—tongues swirl, moans escape their kiss, and hands roam across bodies to further pleasure each other. Even as Nayeon's orgasm subsides, Yuna doesn't relent in rubbing her Unnie's clit and playing with her breasts, drawing more pleasure from her body.  You feast on the sight in front of you, enjoying the show that your two partners are putting up for you, and you work towards your own sweet release with every thrust. The friction that Yuna's tight, heavenly walls provide pushes you closer and closer, until… 
"Fuck, Yuna, fuck!"
Your cock twitches and pulsates before the first burst of semen is fired deep into Yuna's cunt. Yuna moans at the feeling of you firing shot after shot of semen into her at the tail end of her orgasm, and you squeeze your eyes shut as white-hot pleasure washes over you with each rush of cum that you leave in the younger girl. You never stop thrusting throughout your orgasm, every upstroke fucking your cum deeper and deeper into her.  
When you pull out of Yuna, a thick stream of cum leaks from her pussy, down her thighs. Some of it drips to the floor, mixing with the puddle of cum beneath you and her, and you stagger back, your cock softening after the intense sex session you've just had. However, the glint in Nayeon's eye tells you that it isn't over—you're not done for the day yet.
"Yuna, baby, now that we both have your Oppa's cum in our pussies…" Nayeon begins, pulling Yuna against her, their sweaty bodies flushed together. "...we should thank Oppa, mm?"
You're just as confused as Yuna is, but you're also willing to play along. Nayeon leads Yuna to a dry spot on stage, and she directs you to step back. Nayeon leans to whisper a few words into Yuna's ear, and you know you're in for a world of trouble when Yuna's face turns red, and she bites her lip in arousal, her eyes locked onto you, lust burning once more.  When both girls begin to lower themselves to the floor, Nayeon leaves you with her new instructions.
"Enjoy the show, Daddy~"
When each girl crosses a leg over the other's, and both of them shift closer to each other, it clicks. Your cock begins to stir once more as you watch Nayeon and Yuna meet each other in the middle, moaning out loud as they grind their pussies together. 
"Oppa, look at us, Oppa!"
Yuna's desperate call for your attention has your cock twitching as it hardens to its full length. The younger girl has a wanton look of lust all over her features, and Nayeon's expressions mirror Yuna's as well. You watch as both women's pussies get messier—they "share" your creampies in them through sex, their skin coated in a mixture of their slick and your semen. Yuna is the more eager one—she actively grinds down on Nayeon's pussy as if this would be the last time she'd be having sex, and Nayeon reciprocates with the same effort, pleasuring herself and her junior well as they put on a show for you. You can't resist stroking your cock anymore with the live sex show right in front of you. 
"Fuck, Daddy, it feels so good, I feel so good~!" Nayeon's loud moans for you have you jerking harder. "Look at us sharing your cum, look at us having sex!"
With how sensitive both women are—Nayeon having orgasmed a short while earlier, and Yuna only finishing recently, it doesn't take too long before they're both close, desperately grinding against each other as they chase their highs together. 
"Unnie, unnie, I'm going to cum soon, unnie!"
"Me too, Yuna-ya, let's cum for Daddy, let's cum for him to watch!"
You feast your eyes on how the Queen and Princess bring each other to orgasm—Yuna and Nayeon both grind down on each other hard, and Yuna is the first to scream before a huge gush of squirt sprays from her pussy, showering both herself and Nayeon in her cum. Nayeon takes a short while longer—she rubs her clit with her hands before her hips buck, and her own spray of squirt jets out to cover Yuna. Both girls drench each other's bodies with their cum, and you watch while pinching the tip of your shaft, unwilling to cum just yet. A short jet of white spurts from your cock as you watch, your semen dripping to the floor as you enjoy the deliciously wanton sight in front of you. You're almost delirious with pleasure, partially physical, partially from the almost unreal situation you're in. You enjoy the sight of both Nayeon and Yuna making messes of each other as well as the stage, their cum pooling into a massive puddle beneath them. 
When both girls finally come down from their highs, they move themselves towards you. 
"Oppa, it's time for you to cum too."
Nayeon wastes no time in taking your shaft into her mouth, her hand reaching to jerk you off. Yuna's lips and tongue reach for your balls, and you rest a hand on both of their heads as they please you together as a team. Both women share your cock as if it were a delicacy—when Nayeon would release you from her warm, slick mouth, Yuna would take over with a gentle suction and her tongue gliding under your cock, leaving you twitching. It doesn't take long for the familiar feeling to bubble back up. 
"Fuck, Nayeon, Yuna, I'm close."
Both girls immediately focus their efforts right at your tip. Their tongues glide up and down on your cock before they make out with each other at the head of your cock, pushing you closer and closer.
"Cum over our faces, Daddy. You've earned it for fucking us so well."
With a loud groan, a thick burst of cum erupts from your cock, and Yuna immediately aims your cock right at herself. You watch in ecstasy as your hot load paints Yuna's pretty features, a smile wide on her face as your hot white semen lands on her face and breasts. Immediately, Nayeon pulls your cock over to her, and it's her turn to receive bursts of your cum all over her pretty face and body. You swear you're cumming forever—burst after burst of semen showers over Nayeon and Yuna, and when you inevitably come down from your high, you're greeted with the hottest sight of the night—the Queen and Princess of Seoul U, covered in a mixture of semen and squirt, servicing you and cleaning your cock with their mouths after rounds of hot sex where you'd filled their pussies full of your hot cum.
There's nowhere else you'd rather be at this very moment.
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oakparchment · 8 months
No Nut November with Itzy
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Male Reader x Yuna, MR x Lia, MR x Chaeryeong, MR x Ryujin, MR x Yeji
Length: 1,479 words
Tags: cumplay, edging, blue balls, creampie, facials, NNN, cum slut
Summary: How each member of Itzy handles you going through NNN (No Nut November).
A/N: For a NNN post this story has a lot of cum.
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Yuna is a cum slut. Neither of you have any chance of surviving NNN.
After just the first day or so she’s already begging for it: “I’ve been a good girl, don’t you think I deserve to be fucked by your cock? Don’t you think I deserve to be painted with your cum?”All whilst looking at you with the wildest fuck me eyes and pushing her clothed tits into you.
Your will was simply not strong enough to resist Yuna when she gets like this, and so you give her what you both want. You nut on her, in her, sometimes both in the same day. Yuna turns No Nut November into something more like Never stop Nutting November. Her day isn't finished unless she gets at least one load, and you're more than happy to give it to her.
Oh well, maybe she'll be less cum hungry this time next year?
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Lia is very subservient to you during November and goes along with your whims. If you persevere throughout the weeks then she’ll support you along the whole way, doing her best to distract you whenever you get horny. When she feels you getting hard against her ass at night, she’ll turn over and make conversation instead. Or if she can sense you’re about to boil over, she’ll make plans for you both to keep yourselves busy.
But if you instead completely give in, then in a moments notice she’s either on her knees with her tongue out, or bent over with her lips spread apart, ready to use her own body purely to give you pleasure and to extract your cum.
Even when you’re tracking well throughout the month, it’s not like you can completely keep your hands off each other. She likes to suckle on your sensitive balls, massaging them in her mouth whilst you run your fingers through her hair and scalp. 
Schrodinger's Cat. Whether you succeed or fail is completely up to you.
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When you present the idea to her, Chaeryeong goes along with it initially but quickly gets impatient and horny. When you’re home she’ll try to hide the fact that she's fucking wet to help you push through, but when you’re out she’ll send you nudes. Scandalous pictures of herself bent over in front of the mirror, her ass wide on display. Or an upwards angle that shows both her dripping wet pussy and her best ‘fuck me’ face. The messages under it read "Can't wait until this month is over so you can be inside me again" or “I've been a good girl and haven’t touched myself yet, can you tell?”
It’s obvious. She wants to break your will down so that you can pound her creamy little pussy and fill her up with cum. Chaeryeong tortures herself along with you, choosing to participate in NNN together, refusing to cum unless you both do. You reply back with videos of your 
You last a week, maybe even two if you're lucky, but you can only tease each other for so long before you find yourself racing through the door, bending her over before you even reach the bedroom. Fucking her on the floor like wild animals in heat. Her body quivers, milking your cock as you dump a massive load inside her. Chaeryeong's pussy is a creamy mess, yours and her cum oozing out of her hole.
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Ryujin's favourite month of the year is November. Apart from little teases here and there, she doesn’t touch you at all. The most you get is ‘accidental’ grazes of her hand on your hard-on as she walks past. Or when she stretches in bed at night and for one fleeting moment she grinds her ass into your bulge. If you try to initiate anything, or touch yourself, dommy Ryujin comes out. She’ll clutch your balls a bit too hard, or slap you just to let you know who’s in control.
Ryujin will make you watch as she rides on her thick dildo, saying things like “I know you wish I was bouncing up and down on your cock instead. You want to feel my pussy walls suffocating that pathetic throbbing cock, hmm?” From start to end, you have to watch Ryujin fuck herself whilst she humiliates you, and you’re not allowed to do anything about it. “This dildo probably feels better than you anyway, I’m glad I don’t have to feel you inside of me.” You are both well aware this is a blatant lie, but for the course of the month you grit your teeth and go along with it.
On the last day of November you’re so sensitive that even just playing with your balls sends shocks throughout your body, which Ryujin is acutely aware of. Without ever giving attention to your cock, she sucks and plays with your balls for what feels like an hour straight. You’re so touch deprived and tender that this alone eventually makes you cum. That’s right. Ryujin went through all of that just to make you lose NNN on the last day without even touching your cock. She’s a fucking cunt and she knows it.
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Yeji edges you, using you like a sex toy to get herself off without ever letting you finish. She'll suck you off or fuck you as usual, but anytime you get even remotely close to cumming she’ll stop. If you’re in Yeji’s mouth then she’ll release you from her warmth with a loud pop and then sit on your face. If you’re pounding away at her pussy then she’ll pull you out and finish herself off with a vibrator. You can’t do anything but watch as she squirts all over you.
Your balls ache. Badly. And the further into the month you go, the shorter your edging sessions last before you’re about to nut and she switches to getting herself off. Numerous times you get so damn close to spilling over, but she knows just how to ride the edge. The last week is torturous, and it makes going about the rest of your life difficult.
At midnight of December 1st, the month rolls over (a moment that you have been waiting for since the first night she edged you). Yeji is fast asleep but not even the world ending could stop you now. With your pulsing cock in hand, you pull her silk pajama shorts to the side and thrust balls deep. Yeji’s gentle breathing turns into high pitched moans, announcing that she's awake. You fuck her pussy hard and fast. This was never going to last more than a minute or two, you’re only after one thing here; to ravage her until you came. Now it was her turn to be nothing but a slutty little sex toy.
As much as you appreciate her, this past month of torture has also built up a small amount of resentment towards her that could not be ignored. It was something that you know will wash away as soon as you finally release this load. Wanting to punish her a little, you pull out and switch holes, fucking into her tight ass instead. Yeji groans deeply, but you slap her face and spit in her mouth in response. Given that she wore no panties and her ass was prepped, she clearly knew something like this would happen. How can she be such a good yet bad girl at the same time? After another handful of thrusts, your inevitable peak arrives. A blinding orgasm follows. The only reason you don’t black out is through sheer will of not wanting to let this nut go to waste after waiting 30 days. You pump a couple loads into her ass, then pull out and thrust back into her pussy. After sufficiently painting her guts white, you find your cock still spurting, so you jerk yourself off onto her abs, her tits, her face, and finally depositing the last few drops onto her stretched out tongue. You step back and admire your masterpiece. An entire month of your built up edging load lays inside and on Yeji, who looks up at the ceiling, panting with a wide smile and fucked out exprssion on her face. Her double creampie starts to drip out of both her holes. A trail of your cum spans from her stomach to her perky tits, and of course she also has what appears to be a full load of a facial despite all the cum throughout the rest of her body. She is a cum dumpster, through and through.
Would you go through all that again next November? Almost certainly not. But in this moment would you say it was worth it? Yeji licks up the cum around her lips whilst fingering your cum deeper into her, chasing her own nut.
Absolutely it was.
NNN with Yeji. Success.
A/N: If you're one of the people who chooses to participate in NNN, I hope this smut didn't make you cum. But then again if you're doing the challenge then should you really be browsing porn?
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lustspren · 1 year
P.S.T EP. 6 | ‘Til We Meet Again ft ITZY.
length: 14k words ✦
ITZY & Male Reader.
genres: blowjob, oral sex, sixsome, hard sex, handjob, anal, creampie, bit fluffy, voyeur, facial
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"Huh? U.S.A?" Yeji asked, puzzled, standing by the glass door that led to the Jacuzzi, one side of her face illuminated by the sun, "Why?"
Chaery had gathered the girls in the living room for something that in her own words, was something of the utmost importance. They all thought it was something related to her or the group, or something more delicate like some family stuff, but everything had resulted in her telling them what you told her the day of your 'date'. All of them were gathered there, some sitting on the sofa and others, like Yeji, standing.
"Is he going on vacation or something?" Ryujin asked, seeing Chaery while hugging her own legs attached to her body, at one end of the sofa.
"Uhm… yes," Chaeryeong nodded, "but not exactly," she sighed, going to sit on the edge of the sofa with her gaze lost to the floor, "Noze has her eye on him, I think he'll leave with Aespa."
"WHATT?!" they all yelled in unison, with faces ranging from astonished to disgusted.
"Yeah, I know it's hard to believe," Chaery sighed, "but that's what he told me."
"God, he must be fucking stressed carrying all that pressure," said Lia, who was eating a green apple while cutting it into pieces with a knife.
"I'm not surprised Noze has her eyes on him," Yuna said, taking pieces of the apple from Lia as she cut them, "his work is impressive."
"That's true, but has he even seen the girls in person?" Yeji asked, going to sit next to Ryujin, who spread her legs to rest on top of Yeji's thighs.
"Obviously not," Chaery replied, "he's been busy with us all this time, this has to be a manager-nim thing."
"Fuck, I almost forgot he's close with Noze," Yeji clucked, "that's what we get for not pretending to stay stressed and irritated all the time, manager nim realized how helpful he was to us with his services. "
"Now those bitches are going to take him away," Yuna said with a disgusted tone, then spoke with a piece of apple in her mouth, "it's not fair."
"It certainly isn't, but it's not like we can do anything about it," Lia said, eating the last piece of apple, "it's still a job for him, after all, and it would be a great opportunity," they all nodded in agreement. 
"We can't do anything," Yeji reaffirmed, "however, we can do something for him in the meantime..." her face lit up with a mischievous smile.
The tide at your job had been pretty flat that week, you took the whole weekend to be home, rest, and hang out with Chaery again on Sunday. This time your date had no interruption or inconvenience, you took her to your apartment, you had a nice lunch, you played board games and you watched random videos on Youtube until the time to take her back to her house came.
The road was undoubtedly a moment that you were going to treasure for many years, driving at night with Chaery, listening and singing your favorite songs, among which Ne-Yo's Because of You stood out. Your eyes were fixed on the road, but every moment you turned to see her you were met by a beautiful and happy face illuminated every few seconds by the streetlights. Few moments in your life had been as happy as that, she made you feel comfortable, she made your heart feel in the place where it always wanted to be, and you didn't know where all that wave of emotions and feelings was going to end, but what if you knew it was that you were willing to do whatever it took to not let it die.
However, the week following your second date with Chaery had started out anything but calm. It was Monday at 8 in the morning when you received a message of what you considered at that moment, it was Lucifer himself going for your neck: Noze, and she told you something that left you completely paranoid and lunatic for the rest of the week. The first had been a message of encouragement, telling you that you had been doing an excellent job and that she was certainly impressed, but the second was that there was one more test to pass.
That was not what made you paranoid, it was the fact that she told you that during that week a mystery client was going to visit the spa, she did not tell you who she was, or what day she was going, she just dropped that bombshell on you out of the blue, so that you could decide how to process and cope with that information.
As expected, you didn't swallow that information well at all. Throughout the week you seemed like a complete lunatic always looking to give the best deals and overexerting yourself with absolutely every single client that came with you. You were sure that it had become something strange for someone, but in your paranoia for not knowing who it was or receiving any kind of clue, you never thought about it.
That same week two separate clients arrived that made your head ache when you came home later. Kim Taeyeon, and Red Velvet's Yeri, both SM idols, labelmates with Aespa. In your head it was them, they had to be, you also thought it would be too obvious from Noze, but that didn't stop you from behaving like the lord of sex himself when the two of them presented themselves before you with their towels wrapped around their incredibly hot bodies. You did not know if they were the mystery clients, but what you were sure of was that they had left your spa room well satisfied and de-stressed. Yeri even allowed you to eat her tits as a thank you.
Friday finally arrived, that day when you knew that all your worries had disappeared and your mind would go to a completely different plane. That morning you did not stop looking at your phone, waiting for the long-awaited message that certainly did not take long to arrive. You got Yeji's text just as you were clocking in at work. She told you to go home as quickly as possible after leaving the spa, and also to bring a backpack with clothes to spend the whole weekend.
At that point you didn't even care if you passed the test or not, you were so stressed and tired that just thinking about spending the whole weekend with your current favorite girls was like a sunny day after the storm. You completed your day satisfactorily, a fairly normal day considering what you were used to lately, where more and more famous idols arrived, and you signed your departure time at the reception before collecting your things and driving directly to the girl's house.
You expected to notice something strange when you arrived, but curiously everything seemed too quiet and in order, you even noticed that the surroundings of the house were better cared for and maintained than before, they had cleaned up dead leaves, bushes and weeds, which before made it look like the house in the middle of a Silent Hill forest. There was also no trash of any kind, and all the walls had had a fresh paint job.
After parking the car and you got out to go inside, that's when you noticed the first big difference. Behind the glass door was a sky-blue rug that stretched in a path and around one of the hallways leading upstairs, suspiciously too similar to the same kind of rug you used at work. You frowned in confusion, and followed the path until you reached the corridor where it turned, meeting a pretty woman with shiny hair.
"Good afternoon sir," Lee Chaeyeon said in a polite and calm voice, dressed almost exactly the way the receptionist at your spa would dress, dark blue button-down scrubs and pants from the same color, "it's good that you have arrived."
"Uh… may I know what you're doing and why are you dressed like that?" you asked with a frown due to the confusion. Chaeyeon's hospitable little smile disappeared for a moment, she sighed.
"Please play along, the girls put a lot of effort into making something nice for you," she said, smoothing her uniform down with her hands and standing upright, hands behind her back. You already had an idea of what it was all about.
"Oh, okay okay," you nodded slowly, and then cleared your throat to face her again, "Good afternoon miss," you said back, and Chaeyeon returned to character.
"You have an appointment with the five hostesses of this establishment," she said, "may I take you to your room sir?"
"I'd be delighted, miss, please," you replied, smiling back at her.
"Follow me," Chaeyeon turned and started up the stairs, and you followed her.
You reached the second floor and immediately turned to take the following stairs to the third, the carpet continued to mark the way up there, you turned through a couple of corridors, until you reached the door of a room that you already had more than familiar with. It was the spa room.
"Are you going to join us, miss?" you asked, when she stopped in front of the door next to you.
"The hostesses did this between themselves exclusively for you, I have no place there," she said with her hands clasped on the pit of her stomach, "besides, I agreed to do this because my little sister asked me nicely, and I see how happy you make her. "
"Thank you so much, I'm sure it meant a lot to her," you smiled.
"Don't you dare leave without saying goodbye to me, okay?" she broke her character once more and grabbed you by the shirt to give you a little kiss on the lips.
"You know I never would," you winked at her.
"Yeah, you'd better," she let go of your shirt, and put her hand on the doorknob to open it wide, "your room, sir," Chaeyeon smiled, and took a step back.
The girls were waiting for you inside, standing side by side in nothing more than a sexy uniform black lingerie set for each of them, and both the bra, panties, and thigh-high stockings were see-through. The door closed behind you, and you were left alone with your five hostesses. The first one you saw was Chaery, who winked at you with a small smile on her face, you smiled back.
"All in us! Hello, we are ITZY," they greeted at the same time, making their typical hand sign before a bow.
"Hi!" you greeted back making a small bow, "thanks for having me."
"Thank you for coming to take our services, sir," Yeji said, hands clasped at her crotch.
"Should I explain what today's session will consist of?" Lia asked, looking at Yeji, who nodded, "Okay, we have a total of 4 stations, first we'll give you a handjob, then a blowjob, then you'll have access to our pussies, and finally we'll end with anal."
"I'm more than happy with that," you replied, scrutinizing the girls' bodies one by one, each one looking utterly hot and irresistible with the pieces of lingerie on.
"Should we start then?" Ryujin asked, clearly eager to get her hands on you.
"Yeah, undress him girls," Yeji ordered with a nod to you, and just like a pride of lions, they began to surround you as they undressed you.
Chaery made sure to take her place in front of you, making sure your eyes were on her as you pulled down your pants and she took off your shirt. You wanted to kiss her, but she stopped you.
"Nuh-uh," Chaery put a finger to your lips, pulling you back a few inches from her face, "you're not supposed to kiss me, darling, not yet at least," she giggled, then knelt down in front of you along with the other girls and they lowered your boxer shorts with a single pull.
"Lie here, sir, face down," Yeji said, the girls stood up, and when she removed the towel covering the mattress, you saw the same damn hole from last time there. It was that again.
"Oh shit..." you muttered, and took a few steps forward to stand next to the bed, you stared into Yeji's eyes for a moment, and she couldn't help but flash an evil smile. You did as you were told, and lay face down on the bed, making sure that your cock and balls had gone through the hole.
"Go ahead girls," Yeji ordered, and you watched as Lia and Chaery crawled under the bed.
"Don't worry darling, we're not like Yeji, we'll take good care of you," Lia said, and Yeji frowned, not expecting that roast. You smiled, holding back a laugh.
You didn't have time to say anything when you felt the first hand wrap around your still flaccid cock, and seconds later, another one went to your balls to cradle and massage them slowly and carefully. You didn't know whose hand each hand belonged to, but you did notice an obvious difference in the treatment they gave you compared to the one Yeji gave you. Despite trying to be careful, Yeji simply could not put aside that rudeness and coarseness that characterized her, instead, Lia and Chaery being the ones who appreciated you the most, made their hands feel as if they were lined with the softest of wool.
The hand around your cock began to move slowly, gradually making it completely hard while the other hand was replaced with a mouth, which doled out little kisses and licks on your balls. You felt how they switched places when you felt a different hand around your cock, but you also stopped feeling the kisses on your balls. Now one hand was holding the base of your shaft with two fingers while the other moved slowly from the tip to the middle.
The hand that was stroking you separated and immediately after you heard a spit, that hand returned to your cock, and began to spread saliva as it moved with more and more intensity. You gasped, already starting to feel tingles all over your body. There was another change, and now you felt the other hand move much faster than the other, which returned to your balls to squeeze and caress.
Your slippery cock was already throbbing between hand and hand, and your constant panting let them know they were doing an outstanding job. Soon the delicacy disappeared, and the two of them just concentrated on making you feel your best with quick and precise movements whose main intention was nothing more than to make you release a thick and powerful load.
You no longer even bothered trying to guess who was masturbating you at what time, you just closed your eyes, clenched your fists and pursed your lips between small grunts as Chaery and Lia gave you one of the best handjobs you could ever receive. Your blood began to pump towards your cock, and you saw fit to let them know you were about to cum.
"Girls, I'm so fucking close," you said against your clenched teeth, and soon you felt a pair of tongues press against the tip of your cock as they used their hands to stroke it quickly.
A few seconds passed when between frantic strokes your load began to shoot out in thick spurts against the tongues of Lia and Chaery, who took turns taking a little more of your cum each, as you moaned loudly since they continued moving their hands rapidly through your orgasm. It wasn't until your cum stopped coming that they stopped, and you let out a deep breath.
Lia and Chaery came out from under the bed, and you saw them with their mouths and chins smeared with little strips of white liquid, which they wiped away with the backs of their hands.
"Was the first phase satisfactory for you, sir?" Lia asked, licking her lips, "you came a lot."
"Fuck… yes, yes I did," you sighed, feeling your cock still throb slightly.
"Then you'll enjoy the second phase even more," Yuna chimed in, exchanging knowing glances with Ryujin, "could you stand up over here sir, please?"
"Sure, but could you give me a second? I need a breather," you propped yourself up on your elbows, then ran a hand through your hair.
"Sorry sir, breaks have no place in this spa," Ryujin said with a false wail, "as you understand, we have limited time," what a fucking liar, you didn't have limited time, they didn't even count the minutes.
"... As you say, Shin Ryujin," you said after a little silence as you sighed, then got off the bed, and stood in the middle of the room. Lia and Chaery stepped back with their hands clasped across their bellies, giving way to Yeji, Yuna, and Ryujin, "Wait, can Yuna be in the middle?" you asked before they crouched down, not wanting to give Yeji the spotlight you knew she wanted.
"Uh… sure, sir," Yeji snorted, trading places with Yuna.
With their positions established, the girls got down on their knees in front of you. Ryujin on the left, Yuna in the middle, and Yeji on the right. Yuna started taking your semi-hard, still slippery cock and brought the tip of it directly into her mouth, without any kind of foreplay or warning. She sucked just the tip, swirling her tongue around it and moving her lips just the necessary inches until your cock returned to full hardness.
Ryujin and Yeji got in on the action too, with wet little kisses and licks on either side of your shaft as Yuna took more and more inches of your cock into her warm mouth. You gasped, placing each hand on Ryujin's and Yeji's heads as your erection slowly filled with their saliva. Yeji moved to your balls, and Ryujin followed seconds later, each taking one of your balls into her mouth to apply slow sucks and licks that made you gasp for breath.
Yuna deemed it the opportune moment to take more than half of your shaft into her mouth, you locked gazes with her, and she gave you a mischievous wink before beginning to slowly pump her head. Meanwhile, Ryujin and Yeji were making sure your balls were really drenched, also using her tongues to stimulate them and the back of your shaft as Yuna moved her head back with each pump.
It didn't take long for your mind to completely weaken thanks to the deadly combination that was playing with your cock at that moment, Yuna had improved a lot since the last time she gave you head, and Ryujin and Yeji knew more than well how to use their abilities, that never changed.
Yuna continued to pump her head faster and faster for a few long seconds until she pulled you out of her mouth, grabbing your cock at the base to press it against your abdomen and kiss the back of it.
"Do you like it that way, sir?" Yuna asked seductively, rubbing the tip of your cock up and down before joining Ryujin and Yeji in licking and kissing your balls and the rest of your shaft.
"I don't have to answer that question, brat," you gasped, as the three of them coordinated to lick you from base to tip, where they met to swirl their tongues in a triple kiss with your cock in the middle. You moaned out loud, tensing your entire body at the whirlwind of pleasure you were experiencing.
"Actually yes," Ryujin said, as Yuna and Yeji kissed with your dick between, "otherwise we'll have to change the method, sir," she gave a mischievous little smile.
"Don't you even fucking dare," you growled, your breath getting heavier, "yeah, I love it that way, just keep going."
"Oh of course daddy," Ryujin didn't mind going out of character just to tell you that, and in a slight act of selfishness, she took your cock and removed it from Yuna and Yeji's mouths to now take it inside hers.
Ryujin brought her lips almost to the base of your cock, and started pumping her head frantically giving you a messy and extremely rough blowjob, but it still felt so fucking good. You moaned, holding Ryujin's head while Yuna and Yeji just watched intently as she devotedly slurped your cock.
"Hey! Don't be a selfish bitch!" Yeji protested, as Yuna sucked and licked your balls and Ryujin pretended not to hear her, "I want to too!" You couldn't help but smile for a moment, knowing that you had done well not to leave her in the middle.
After a few seconds Ryujin gave you a short deep throat, which made you growl and throw your head back, at that moment, she finally took you out of her mouth to give someone else's turn. Yuna tried to take you again, but Yeji was faster and she directly caught you with her mouth without even grabbing you first.
Already having you inside her mouth, the first thing Yeji did was take you directly to her throat, keeping eye contact with you at all times while her nose rested against your pubis. She showed no gag reflex, and after a few long seconds, she took you out of her mouth with a strong gulp of air as she furiously masturbated you. While Yeji rested, Yuna took the opportunity to suck on your dick for a few seconds, but soon Yeji stopped her to replace her mouth with hers.
"Daddy, are you going to paint our pretty faces with that delicious fucking load?" Yuna asked with a sexy and innocent tone seeing how you had your mouth ajar as you panted, "I bet you must be very close," she also didn't mind breaking her character at that moment.
The overload of stimuli didn't allow you to answer Yuna's question, just like Ryujin, Yeji was sucking on your dick frantically with long and quick movements of her neck, letting the saliva spill from her mouth straight down her thighs. Yuna was certainly right, you were too close to cumming, but you didn't have enough mental strength to announce it out loud, so you just made a hand sign that Yeji immediately knew how to interpret.
"Oh yeah, daddy is going to paint our pretty faces," Yeji stated, pulling you out of her mouth and placing her hands on her thighs with her tongue sticking out. Ryujin did the same as Yeji, and they both came together towards the center while you quickly stroked your cock in search of your orgasm.
"Huh? He's not your daddy, fucking sl-" Yuna was about to complain to Yeji, but at that moment she was interrupted by the long and thick strips of cum that came from your cock. She completely forgot what she was going to say and joined Ryujin and Yeji to receive your load, which you distributed between each of their faces between loud moans.
You made sure that their faces were painted with your cum as evenly as possible, most of your load falling on their tongues and noses. Once you had emptied your balls again, the three girls swallowed the accumulated cum on their tongues and plunged into your cock to leave it clean and shiny, taking turns taking you inside their mouths.
"Oh god, I'm going to miss swallowing your cum so bad, sir," Ryujin said, wiping her chin with the back of her hand, giving you a mischievous smile.
"You..." you looked at Yeji, "did you really call me daddy?" you asked with a teasing smile.
"I don't know what you're talking about, stop slandering me," she huffed, licking her lips to get to her feet.
"You called him daddy indeed," Yuna said with a hint of jealousy.
"Shut up, slut," Yeji snapped, "you two," she pointed at Chaery and Lia, who had been watching the whole thing in utter silence with thighs clenched together and legs twitching slightly. You already knew them well enough to know how horny they were.
"You don't even have to say it," Lia interrupted, taking a step forward and pushing her to get in front of you. Chaery rushed in to join too, and nudged Lia away with her forearm only to cup your face in her hands and kiss you first, "Agh I almost did!" Lia complained, somehow knowing that this was going to happen.
You wrapped your arms around Chaery's toned little body, still covered by the sexy, tight lingerie set she was wearing that you were eager to take off. She moaned against your lips as you shared a fiery kiss, your hands caressing her back and then down to her ass, giving each cheek a hard squeeze. You felt another set of hands on Chaery's body, but it was just Lia, who was helping you remove all of Chaery's lingerie while you focused on her lips.
When Chaery's body was naked in your arms your hands went to her ass once more, only to bring one hand between her buttocks and rub her pussy and her butthole with your two fingers. Not wanting to be left out but wanting to help both of you, Lia took your cock with one hand and began to rub it up and down against Chaery's pussy, which felt extremely wet. It took her a few long seconds, but finally your cock was fully hard again, your tip moving up and down between her folds.
"Okay stop, please fuck me honey," Chaery begged, rubbing her thigh between your legs.
"Yeah, go ahead sir, it's time for you to enjoy your next station," said Lia who was now standing behind you, giving you a little kiss on the shoulder blade.
"God, am I in heaven?" you asked, looking at the ceiling, and then meeting Chaery with a smirk.
With your arms around Chaery's body, you lifted her up into the air causing her to wrap her legs around your torso, and you sat her on the lower edge of the massage bed. Chaery spread her legs wide and leaned back with her elbows resting on the mattress, she watched you intently, as you took your cock and slowly rubbed it up and down between her folds, and with a subtle movement of your hips forward, you slid your cock inch by inch into the pussy you were lately addicted to.
"Fuck!" Chaery moaned, pursing her lips and throwing her head back, "I'm the one in heaven," your cock completely disappeared into her folds, you gasped, feeling the silkiness of her pussy walls caress your shaft from every angle.
"Hey, stop making me jealous, I know his dick is amazing," Lia said, climbing onto the massage bed with Chaery to sit behind her and caress her hair while watching how you were balls deep inside Chaery.
"Hey, don't be jealous darling, you'll have some dick soon too," you winked at her and she blushed, then concentrated on cradling Chaery's face in her hands as you held on to her waist and began to rock slowly back and forth.
"Fuck, I wish I could go with you on that stupid plane," Chaery moaned, watching your cock slide all the way in and out of her pussy. She leaned her back against Lia's abdomen, letting her play with her tits and her pretty nipples. You brought a hand to her face, inserting your two fingers, with which you were rubbing her pussy before, into her mouth.
"Quiet sweetheart, just enjoy the moment," you said, biting your lip as she sucked and licked your fingers into her mouth. You rested your free hand on her left thigh, squeezing the soft flesh between your fingers and giving her pussy faster and faster thrusts.
"Sweetie, please fuck her with all your might," Lia asked you, her mouth agape, her brow furrowed with excitement and her cheeks flushed, "my pussy is dripping and I need something inside me as soon as possible," you looked into Chaery's eyes, her expression imploring you to fuck her like you always did, with love and sensuality, but Lia was right, and you didn't want to keep her waiting so long. 
"I'll take you home later, baby, don't worry," you winked at her, took your fingers out of her mouth and clung to her tight waist with both hands. Chaery held on to Lia's thighs, which were now on either side of her body, and she pursed her lips to stifle a loud squeal as you began pounding her pussy fast and hard.
Chaery arched her back and covered her mouth with her hand, moaning against it as you pumped in and out of her pussy harder than any time you'd fucked her before. A small bead of sweat ran down your temple, which then fell on your cock and joined the rest of the fluid inside her pussy. It was obvious that she wasn't used to that roughness because at first she had a small wince, but as the seconds passed her face relaxed and turned into one of pure pleasure.
Lia kept playing with Chaery's tits while she shook in her arms with each of your thrusts. You brought both of your hands from her waist to hers thighs, pressing them back and using all your mileage to fuck her as hard as you could, making the bed shake as well. Chaery tensed her thighs under your fingers, and also slightly lifted her pelvis in an omen of what would be her imminent orgasm.
"That's it honey, don't stop," Lia gasped as well, then leaned forward to help you rubbing Chaery's clit with her index and middle fingers, while your cock hammered into her pussy, "your girlfriend is so close to cumming, drive her crazy."
The word 'girlfriend' made you and Chaery blush in the midst of all the frenzy, you and she stared at each other, and it only took a slight nod of your head for her to explode around your cock. Her body went crazy between spasms and screams, you considerably lowered the pace of your pumping, and she, despite writhing in Lia's arms, sought every possible space to look into your eyes while her orgasm passed.
"I never thought I'd see Chaeryeongie being fucked this hard, what an accomplishment," Ryujin said from the corner of the room next to Yeji and Yuna, who were watching everything between small smirks.
"So girlfriend huh?" Yeji teased, raising an eyebrow, followed by a giggle.
"Shut up bitches," Lia snapped, laying Chaery down on the bed and then getting off, standing facing the opposite edge, "if you want to tease him, do it later, I need that cock inside me."
You had a hard time getting the blush off her cheeks, Chaery just kept looking into her eyes, and when you got out of her pussy, you couldn't help but stand next to her and lean down to kiss her forehead.
"Awww!" Yeji, Ryujin and Yuna said at the same time, putting their hands to their mouths. You didn't know if it was genuine tenderness or just trying to get on your nerves. You rolled your eyes, and went to stand behind Lia.
"Hey, you look like an idiot," she said, looking at you over her shoulder, you were still blushing, and with her right hand she gave you a small slap on one of your cheeks, "you make it very easy for them."
"Do I need to remind you that it is your fault?" You pressed your erect cock against her lower back, and she leaned her torso onto the bed, pressing her chest into the mattress and leaving her juicy ass exposed to you.
"I'm not to blame for anything, I was just stating the obvious," she said, "now put that dick in there, you're torturing me."
"And I would keep doing it if it wasn't for the fact that I’m crazy about you," you took your cock and rubbed it a few times between her buttocks, brushing your tip against her wet pussy.
"Wait, you wha-" you didn't even let her speak as you slid with one firm thrust inside her, "Oh fuck!" she moaned, clutching the sides of the bed, and you gasped as you felt her silky smooth pussy again.
"Exactly what you heard, don't ask," you said, brushing her blonde hair off her back and tucking it behind her right shoulder, allowing you to see every inch of her pretty back.
After doing that, you placed your right hand on her lower back and after a few seconds letting her ass rest against your pelvis, you began to move your hips back and forth slowly, stretching Lia's walls with every single inch of your manhood, she looked over her shoulder at you and moaned, as she felt your cock caressing her inside.
"So you're crazy about me huh?" she asked between moans, with a seductive and sexy tone before biting her lower lip, "it's because I'm the only one who treats you like the sweet boy that you are and not like a sex toy, right?"
"You're not the only one, but fuck yeah, and I love that," you gasped, looking into her eyes and then watching as your cock disappeared between her round buttocks.
"It's because you're the sweetest boy ever, honey," she pulled her back up to press against your chest, you wrapped an arm around her neck to hold her upright, and she turned her head to meet your lips.
"You telling me that only turns me on more, Julia," you gasped mid-kiss, moving your hips faster and faster and causing your pelvis to slam into her ass with each single pump.
"Then you should fuck me like only you can, honey," she moaned, biting your lower lip and holding on to your forearm with both hands as you pounded into her pussy.
You pulled away from the kiss and put a hand on her back to lean her body back against the bed, then grabbed her left leg and pulled her knee up onto the bed. She stared at you, and you gave her left ass cheek a spicy spank that made it jiggle like jelly, Lia moaned louder, and then put your right hand on her waist to fuck her now with all your might, pumping your cock in and out of her dripping pussy from that hot new angle.
Chaery, who had her head on the side of Lia's, turned to cup her face with both hands and kiss her, Lia muffled her moans against Chaery's lips, and you gave her ass another hard spank that made her squeal. Second by second your body began to fill with a light layer of sweat due to the intense movements of your hips. Seeing the hot scene of Chaery and Lia sharing a sensual tongue kiss made you grunt with pleasure, which instinctively led you to spank her other butt cheek.
Lia's ass was full of bright red marks on both sides, and just like Chaery a few minutes ago, she was holding on to the black-haired girl with both arms while you pounded her pussy at full throttle. You could have been watching them kiss all day, but you needed to make Lia cum as soon as possible, and in order to do that, you grabbed a handful of her blonde hair in your dominant hand and yanked it back, pulling her away from Chaery's lips and making her scream.
Lia's entire body began to jerk with each slam of your pelvis against her ass, and once again she clung tightly to the side edges of the bed. Your hand went to her waist as the other continued to pull back her hair, and it wasn't long before Lia smacked the side of the bed hard as her orgasm electrified her from head to toe.
You released her hair, letting her seek refuge in Chaery as you now clung to her waist with both hands, very pumping slowly in and out of her pussy as she sailed through her orgasm with intense spasms and shrieks. Her silky pussy choked your cock with her tight walls, and you had no choice but to pull out of her before you came.
"You're both going to get my load, come here," with your cock in hand, you stood on the side of the bed, Chaery and Lia's faces just below, one with her body to the right and the other to the left. They both stuck out their tongues, and after a few seconds of rapidly rubbing your cock, you came all over her pretty, exhausted faces.
You made sure that most of your charge landed inside their tongues, intentionally feeding more of it to Chaery, who gobbled it all up as did Lia. The rest of their faces, from their noses to their cheeks were covered with thick white liquid.
"Thank you for thinking of both of us, you're so sweet, honey," Lia told you with a smirk and then she winked at you.
"Why don't you help each other to get clean?" you asked, looking at Chaery, who bit her lip and nodded.
They both settled so that they were kneeling on the bed facing each other, and in a scene that you were sure would never be erased from your head, they began kissing and licking each other's faces to clean and share your cum between their mouths.
"Damn, that's fucking hot, I'm not going to lie," Ryujin said from behind you, "but it's about time our client got their last station, girls," she waved at Chaery and Lia, who glared at her before helping each other off the bed and going to rest.
"Sir, I hope you don't mind that my two colleagues are inexperienced in anal," Yeji said standing next to you, already completely naked with her lower back resting against the edge of the bed and a bottle of massage oil in hand.
"Not at all, it'll be quite fun," you smiled, watching as Yeji was joined by Ryujin and Yuna, also stark naked next to each other.
"Do you need to get some rest, sir?" Yuna asked, standing in front of you and caressing your shoulders, "you look quite exhausted."
"Fuck, I am," you sighed, looking at your limp, fluid-soaked cock.
"How about preparing us for what's to come while your cock rests for a few minutes?" Ryujin said, spreading out a large towel on the floor and getting down on her hands and knees on it, with her ass facing you.
"That's not a bad idea at all, actually," Yeji said, shoving the bottle of massage oil into your hand and then moving closer to your ear, "you know what to do, big boy," she whispered, and went to get on her hands and knees next to Ryujin. Yuna followed them, landing on Yeji's right.
You knelt behind them, Yeji's ass just in front, Ryujin's on the left and Yuna's on the right. You opened the bottle of massage oil, and in a patient job, you began to lubricate each of their asses as best you could, leaving the three pairs of buttocks shiny and slippery.
"I'm," you said, giving Ryujin a very hard spank making her moan, "gonna start," now the spank went to Yeji, who let out a small squeak, "from left to right," the last spank went to Yuna, who just looked over her shoulder at you and frowned in pleasure, "understood?"
"Yes sir!" They all said in unison, all three leaning on their forearms with their backs arched and their asses perfectly raised and appetizing to you.
With that being said, you started with the fun part. You filled your fingers with oil and started dilating her buttholes one by one, Ryujin took it perfectly like the good slut she was, you used three of your fingers at all times with her, and you were surprised how easy it was to get her used to it. Yeji was already more than an expert at it, so you didn't have to spend too much time with her. The real challenge for you was Yuna, who wouldn't stop complaining and whining when you were only using one finger, with the passing of the seconds she gained confidence, and you ended up using three fingers with her as well as with the other two. She had been the one who had complained the most, but for some reason you felt that she would end up enjoying it more than Ryujin.
"Alright, are you ready, fucking slut?" you asked Ryujin, kneeling behind her with your already fully hard cock between her buttocks.
"I'm always ready for your cock, daddy," she winked at you, and rocked her ass from side to side, playing with your cock.
You put a hand on her waist to keep her still, then with your free hand you took your cock and positioned the tip of it in her butthole, rubbing it a few times before pressing forward with your hips. Ryujin tried to play tough when your cock began to slide into her ass, but when half of it was already inside her, she couldn't help but groan with a little squeal of pain.
"You said you were always ready, right?" Yeji teased, playing Ryujin's chin with her fingers, "take that cock, you fucking bitch."
Ryujin seemed to take that as a challenge, as her countenance completely changed to a serious and concentrated one.
"Put it all inside me, now," Ryujin ordered, looking into your eyes.
"I'm certainly not going to say no," you said, and with your hands on her waist, you drove the rest of your cock deep into her ass with a single thrust. Ryujin growled and clenched her fists, her eyes closed and her face wrinkled.
"That's a good girl," Yeji said with a wicked smirk.
Wanting to test her, you started pumping in and out of her butthole, not too fast but not too slow either, just at the perfect pace to start warming up as she got used to having something so thick inside her ass.
"Oh my fucking god," Ryujin moaned through pursed lips, "it hurts, but I have to admit this feels good."
"You'll feel even better when the pain goes away," Yeji assured.
"It's already going away, actually..." Ryujin stared into your eyes as you began to pump your cock slightly faster in and out of her ass, your hands gliding in circles on her butt cheeks between little squeezes, "and fuck, I can understand why you love it so much."
"And you enjoy it more when someone else plays with your pussy..." Yeji gave a mischievous smile, reaching under Ryujin's body and reaching for her pussy, rubbing up and down her folds before inserting her two fingers inside her.
"Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me!" Ryujin dropped her face against the towel, and soon began to whimper with her two holes being fucked faster and faster.
It didn't take much effort for you and Yeji to work together and drive Ryujin crazy. You spanked her again, and then planted your feet on either side of her knees, now hammering her ass up and down with strong pumps, while Yeji finger-fucked her pussy with frantic movements of her wrist.
From that position it was easy for you to lean forward a bit to grab fistfuls of Ryujin's hair with both hands, pulling her head back hard. She started moaning like crazy, and for the first time in your memory, you had managed to make her cry with pleasure.
"Come on bitch, cum on daddy's dick and on my fingers," Yeji said in Ryujin's ear, pumping her fingers rapidly in and out of her pussy, while you kept a firm grip on her hair and a constant aggressive pump against her butthole.
Ryujin squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated on her own pleasure, letting herself be carried away by her body until she was completely still and silent, a fact that preceded the strongest and most violent orgasm you had seen her have since you knew her. You released her hair, letting her face fall back against the towel. You didn't notice it at first, but once her orgasm passed and you came out of her ass, you saw that the towel under you, Yeji's hand and wrist were completely drenched from a Ryujin squirt that you couldn't see.
"Holy shit, you did like it, right?" you asked amused, with your breath agitated while you looked at Ryujin and she looked at you out of the corner of her eye, with her eyes full of tears and her messy hair.
"Yeji had a lot to do with it... but fuck yeah daddy," she closed her eyes, concentrating on regulating her breathing and swallowing hard after you'd destroyed her ass.
"Speaking of Yeji, are you ready, ma’am?" you asked, looking at her.
"Actually, I think I'll give my turn to Yuna," Yeji looked at her as she just looked at you and Ryujin with a worried face.
"Oh yes? And why is that?" you asked, you didn't expect Yeji to give her turn to anyone.
"Our pretty maknae must try getting fucked in the ass, right?" She cocked her head at her looking at you, "I wouldn't want to make her wait that long."
"Mmm, I understand," you nodded, looking at her with some suspicion before looking at Yuna, "are you ready, princess?"
"Not quite, but if you promise to be patient with me, let's do it," she sighed, and you were about to kneel behind her to take her like that, but she stopped you, "uhm… I want to see you, can I?"
"Of course baby," you let her roll over and lie on her back, spreading her legs wide for you and playing nervously with her hands on her chest.
"I know it's easy to say, but you need to breathe really well and relax," Yeji said, lying on his side to Yuna's side, leaning on her elbow.
"You better not say anything, okay? You make me more nervous," Yuna said, taking a deep breath, watching you position yourself between her legs with your cock in your hand.
"Hey, just trust me, you'll like it," you told her with your free hand resting on her flat, toned abdomen, "here I come."
You repeated the same as with Ryujin, pressing the tip of your cock against her butthole and pushing forward as slow and steady as you could. Yuna let out a small cry when only your tip was inside her, and she placed a hand on your lower abdomen to stop you.
"Fuck, it feels so different to your fingers," Yuna was already starting to breathe harder than normal, "be careful."
"I'm being careful, Yuna," you said, looking into her eyes, "you're too tense, calm down."
It was a constant tug of war for a few minutes in which you were extremely patient, but thanks to your perseverance, soon your cock was completely inside Yuna's incredibly tight ass. Every single inch.
"Oh my fucking god," Yuna clung tightly to your wrist, still assimilating that she had something so big up her ass, "Oh my fucking god!" she screeched, bringing her other hand to her mouth.
"The hardest part is over, pretty girl," Yeji affectionately caressed Yuna's hair as a reward, "now just enjoy it little by little."
And she certainly did. You placed one of her hands on her waist and the other on her hand, holding her firmly to give her confidence as you began to move slowly in and out of her. Her grimace was one of pain at first, and at a certain moment you thought she was going to tell you to stop, but just like Ryujin, the pain disappeared as soon as she expected it, that's when she realized that your cock was hitting sensitive places for her that she would never have known she had until now.
"Fuck daddy..." she moaned through her mouth, gasping as she watched your cock move in and out of her butthole faster with each passing second, "I didn't know this was going to feel so fucking good!" she arched her back slightly, and you let go of her hand to now place both on each side of her small waist.
"I told you," Yeji said with a giggle, giving Yuna pecks on the temple and discreetly playing with her tits and her pretty nipples. At first it was just that, but as you fucked Yuna's ass harder, her hand discreetly went down from her tits to her abdomen, finally reaching her wet pussy, that's when you realized her true intentions.
"You're fucking amazing, Hwang Yeji," you just said with a laugh, before concentrating on frantically pounding Yuna's tight ass.
"Oh yeah? Why am I amazing?" she asked, bringing two fingers to her mouth and then taking them to Yuna's pussy, where she rubbed her folds and also began to rub her clit little by little. You didn't even answer. The reality was that Yeji had given her turn to Yuna just to make her cum quickly so that you wouldn't have time to cum. She was making sure that she herself was the recipient of your load.
"Don't fucking stop daddy!" Yuna moaned loudly, going crazy as your cock hit every sensitive spot inside her ass and as Yeji knowing her so well also rubbed her pussy in a way that was perfect for her liking, "I can't believe how fucking good that cock feels inside my tight little ass!"
Yeji went from rubbing her pussy to now taking those two fingers inside her, she had no mercy on her, moving her wrist as fast as she could to fuck her pussy while you complemented your thrusts with two hands on the maknae's neck. Yuna's face was completely distorted with pleasure, and she could no longer even produce a sound from the firm grip of your fingers around her neck.
You didn't think it was possible, but Yuna's ass tightened even more around your cock, you growled, and squeezed her neck harder as you and Yeji fucked her two holes as fast and hard as you could. Yuna clung to both of your wrists, and seconds after her orgasm hit her as hard or even harder than Ryujin. Her entire slender body jerked and she began to spasm violently beneath you, Yeji immediately pulled her fingers out of her pussy, letting you slowly fuck her through her orgasm.
"That dick sure is magical, huh?" Yeji teased, kneeling to one side of you and reaching between your legs to cradle your balls and squeeze them gently as you gave Yuna the last few thrusts. You removed your hands from Yuna's neck, letting her take a long breath of air.
"Fuck... I really regret not trying this sooner," Yuna moaned under her breath, watching your cock come out of her ass, "I might develop a fixation now," she looked into your eyes, biting her lip and giggling.
"Then I hope my cock will always be the owner of this tight little ass," you slumped forward in front of her, placing your hands on either side of her head to place a small kiss on her lips.
"Of course, daddy," she agreed with a smile, "I was all yours before."
"Blah blah blah whatever," Yeji said from the side of you, "it's my turn daddy."
"He's not your daddy!" Yuna exclaimed with a frown.
"Aha, whatever you say slut," as you knelt up Yeji put her hands on your shoulders and pushed you back, you fell backwards out of the towel, and like a skilled cat, she straddled you, pinning you to the ground, "hope you don't mind me taking control this time daddy."
"Not at all, but you have to stop calling me that before Yuna scalps you," you laughed, placing your hands on her waist.
"Gosh," she snorted, rolling her eyes, "you're so boring," Yeji planted both feet on either side of your hips, cupping your cock with one hand to straighten it up and press it against her butthole. Within seconds she was completely impaled on your cock, "Oh fuck yeah honey," she moaned throwing her head back with a sexy smile and eyes closed.
You both moaned in unison, and instinctively your hands went to her perky tits to cup and squeeze them hard. Yeji began to move her hips slowly up and down, hitting your pelvis hard with her ass every time she pushed down. She placed her hands on the sides of your abdomen, slightly digging her nails into your skin and staring into your eyes before beginning to move faster.
"You should be up more often," you gasped, as you stared at each other with lust and desire, "you look fucking sexy being in charge."
"True?" she tilted her head, tossing all her hair to that side to lean her body forward and start to give you little kisses, "I don't know why they say I have delusions of grandeur," she murmured between kisses, as she bounced faster and faster against your cock.
"I won't comment on that," you smirked, bringing your hands to her buttocks as her hips rocked up and down harder than she had a few seconds ago.
"Yeah, you better not do it and give my ass that fucking load," she said pulling away from your lips to look into your eyes, mere inches from your face. She pulled you out of her butthole, only to turn her back to you and get into the exact same position, only this time you got a better look at her pretty buttocks.
Yeji impaled herself on your cock again, which you saw disappear between her buttocks straight to the bottom of her ass. She rested her hands on your thighs, and in a matter of seconds she resumed the hard bouncing of her ass against your pelvis. The room was filled with the sounds of meat colliding, and you graced it with sharp spanks to each of her buttocks, which made her squeal and dig your nails into her thighs.
You were already conditioned by your turns with Ryujin and Yuna, so you weren't going to be able to hold your ecstasy for much longer, especially considering that Yeji was putting all of her soul and dedication into jumping on your dick. You weren't sure how close she was to her orgasm, but you wanted to make sure, and in order to do that, you grabbed her shoulders to make her lean back, she rested her hands on your chest, and all her hair fell in your face, but you didn't care.
"Huh? What are you doing?" she asked between moans, but you didn't answer, and you brought a hand between her legs straight to her pussy as she continued to jump frantically on your cock. You decided that the best thing was to give her her own medicine, so you rubbed your fingers a couple of times between her folds, feeling how wet and lubricated she was before putting your two fingers inside her pussy, "Oh you motherfucker!" she complained, yelling at the ceiling.
Then a fierce war began between you, her jumping as hard and rough as she could on your cock and you moving your wrist as fast as you could, fucking her pussy while your cock did wonders in her ass.
"Two can play the same game, whore," you smirked, holding onto her waist with your free hand.
"You cheating bastard!" she whimpered, clearly going crazy with pleasure but not wanting to lose her pride.
"Shut up and cum with me," you growled, squeezing hard around her waist and pumping your fingers in and out of her pussy.
Despite being stubborn, Yeji took each of your orders always and without question, so it took a few seconds until she exploded against both your fingers and your cock. Her nails dug even more painfully into your chest, and her shrieks were so loud that even Yuna and Ryujin to one side of you covered their ears. Just seconds after Yeji reached her ecstasy you followed her, and without announcing anything to her, you planted your feet on the floor and gave her ass a hard upward thrust, starting to shoot all your thick load inside her butthole between loud moans.
"Holy fuck yes!" she growled, feeling her ass being filled with your cum, "give me all that load, fuck!" she dropped her back against your chest relinquishing control to you, which you used to move your hips up and down while letting every drop of your seed inside her.
Seconds ticked by, and as your ecstasy wore off, you pulled your cock out of her ass so that all of her cum poured out in a thick waterfall.
"Girls, come clean up," you said to Ryujin and Yuna, who got up quickly to do your bidding, they got down on their hands and knees, leaning forward between your legs to collect all your accumulated cum on your pubes and still pouring out of Yeji's ass, which they also kissed and licked without hesitation.
"Fuck, be careful, I'm still very sensitive," Yeji complained, grabbing both of their heads.
"I would have loved to have that load for myself, but you're a fucking cheater," Ryujin said to her, and Yuna nodded.
"Oh come on, you're too whiny!" Yeji defended, sitting on your abdomen, "you have to wake up, that was a very obvious dirty move on my part!"
"And that's why daddy paid you back, you fucking bitch," Yuna said and then looked at you, half dead and gasping for your own breath, "oh god, we drained him to his very soul," Ryujin, Yeji, and even Chaery and Lia across the room laughed at your condition.
"I'll take care of him today, get off him you whores," Lia said, standing to one side of you, "it's not optional, it's an order," you were used to Lia giving authority over everyone else, but not Yeji, who got off of you in a matter of seconds. You looked up at Lia, dazzled by her figure and how fucking sexy it was to see her act like that.
"And why you?" Ryujin asked, wanting to challenge her with no argument, just wanting to annoy.
"And who will do it, you?" She raised both eyebrows, "You're a fucking nympho, Yeji is extremely rude and carefree, Chaery will have him for the rest of the week to herself like she deserves, and Yuna couldn't even take care of a helpless little bird without it dying the next day."
"Hey! It wasn't my fault what happened to Tango!" Yuna complained, crossing her arms with a frown.
"Say it several times until you believe it," Lia laughed, and then squatted down to look at you, "come honey, let's take a bath," you didn't have the energy to say anything, but you were more than happy to have arms as safe and warm as Lia's caring for you.
Later that night, after taking a nice and peaceful bath with Lia, you all gathered in the living room just to chat and drink hot chocolate in comfortable pajamas, you didn't talk at any time about your trip or anything like that in order not to get sad on a weekend that was supposed to be your potential farewell, instead you just dedicated yourselves to coming up with funny topics and getting to know a little more about each of them and about yourself.
However the night ended quickly for all of you due to how extremely tired you all were, only you, Chaery and Lia were left.
"Uhm... I know that wasn't in your plans, but can I sleep with you?" Chaery asked, sitting across from you two, she was wearing one of your t-shirts and pajama bottoms just like Lia.
"Of course, but he will hold me at night," Lia clung to your arm, leaning into your shoulder.
"But that doesn't mean you can hug me," you winked at Chaery, who gave a charming little smile.
"Then come on, I'm dying of sleep," Chaery was hugging a cushion, which she put next to your pillow to lie on.
You settled on one side of Chaery, your head resting on your pillow as did Lia, who turned her back to you and snuggled her whole body against yours, you lay on your side, pressing your chest against her back and hugging Lia's soft, warm body with your arms. Chaery also lay on her side, and you felt her snuggle against your back and then hug you tight.
"I love you girls so much, really," you murmured loud enough for both of them to hear, "you're amazing…"
"We love you too, darling," Lia turned her face to place a peck on your lips, "rest well."
Chaery didn't say anything, but you were sure she was pressing her flushed face against your back. In this way, you three cuddled close together, and with the wide blanket up to your shoulders, you fell asleep peacefully and calmly.
The next morning your body completely lost track of time. You woke up alone on the sofa, with the sunlight filtering through the wide windows and disturbing your vision when you opened your eyes. A few minutes passed before you could finally open your eyes normally, you sat up, letting the blanket fall into your lap to reach over and pick up your phone from the floor. There were no new messages, but it was 1:12 PM.
You stood up and went straight to the kitchen to drink a glass of water that refreshed your dry throat, after that you went to the bathroom, not finding any of the girls on your way. You brushed your face and teeth, and when you went out to the living room again you went to the window that led to the jacuzzi to slide it and go outside. That's when you knew where the girls were.
The residential area in question was quite calm and quiet, so you could easily hear how a few floors down near the entrance how the girls were giggling and splashing the water over and over again, you couldn't see anything from that balcony, so you immediately went down to the pool.
You expected them to be playing in the pool in a healthy and innocent way, but you didn't even know why you expected such a thing from them. The five of them were in the pool, completely naked, playing with a volleyball and some pool toys.
"Oh, look who's awake!" Yuna announced as she noticed your presence while you were standing at the edge of the pool, with your hands behind your back and looking at them with an amused expression.
"Come here right now!" Yeji invited you, waving to them.
"Do I have to be completely naked too?" you asked smiling, looking first at Chaery and Lia, who nodded to you discreetly.
"I don't even know why you're asking that, idiot," Ryujin said, a large water-spewing rubber shark in hand.
They all had their eyes fixed on you, and you had no choice but to happily give in to the social pressure they exerted on you. You quickly undressed, and took a few stepping steps to join them in a splash that splashed them all and made them whoop in celebration.
Your games started out innocent and quite funny, you joined them in their game with the volleyball, making teams of three at all times. You, Chaery and Lia against Ryujin, Yeji and Yuna. Everything was going as normal, but in a pool with 6 naked and wet people things started to heat up much faster than you expected.
You and the girls were kissing intensely and passionately in the same circle where Chaery stayed by your side at all times. You kissed each one of them, but in a matter of seconds couples began to form in every corner of the pool, Ryujin tried to convince Chaery to go with her for a second while you stayed with Lia, but Chaery flatly refused, clinging to your body with arms and legs, so Lia went instead.
Things got intense next, the girls were touching themselves underwater, and Chaery was slowly masturbating you, while she was giving you little pecks on your neck and you were playing with her ass. Everything was going downhill, destined to become one big orgy, but something happened that you would not have imagined under any circumstances. You heard the gate beep several times, the same beep it made when it was about to open.
The gate began to open, and you tested all your agility to get out of the pool as quickly as you could without breaking your neck in the attempt, you managed to get out, but when you were about to grab the towel to put it on, you saw someone standing in front of the gate out of the corner of your eye. You were screwed, and trapped. But it wasn't the fact of being trapped that screwed you the most, it was the who. Noze.
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She looked as beautiful as you remembered her, this time she wasn't wearing a hat, but her hair loose with bangs that suited her quite well. She was wearing a long-sleeved black polo shirt with white patterns and dark brown pants. You didn't have time to see her in detail, because all you saw was her astonished face.
You were all completely paralyzed and surprised by the unexpected situation. The gate began to close behind her, and when you finally reacted and tried to put the towel on your hard cock it was already too late, because she had taken the phone from her and had taken a picture of you unawares.
"Fuck, please delete that!" you begged, putting on the towel and covering your erection with your hands. Your cheeks felt too hot, and to your right, in the pool, you heard the occasional giggle. What a fucking shame you were going through.
"Mother of God, Jiminnie is going to love you," Noze stated, biting her lower lip and giggling. You grunted bitterly knowing that you couldn't do anything, and brought both hands to your face to rub it a couple of times. The girls had also come out of the pool in a way that was too serene, and had sat on the nearby beach chairs, not caring to remain completely naked in front of Noze.
"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked confused, unable to even meet her eyes out of embarrassment, "why didn't you text me?"
"Well, the girls' manager told me you were here and you hadn't left yet, so I figured this was a good time to come over," she looked back down at your cock, then back at the naked girls with hungry eyes, "but my calculations were off, apparently."
"And what about the message?" You raised an eyebrow, taking a few steps towards her, "I've been waiting all week for a measly message in the midst of fucking absurd paranoia."
"The news I have for you isn't the news you give out in a text message, boy," she crossed her arms, daring to stand very close in front of you, "SM approved you, you're going on tour with us," she said, looking into your eyes. You instantly felt a headache, and that the world began to spin around you. You already knew that this would be the most likely, but still you could not believe it.
"Oh... well, that explains everything," as you said that, Noze's phone started ringing with multiple notifications one after another, she checked the messages, and smiled as she watched a chat.
"Congratulations, the girls approve of you too, pretty boy," she laughed, still looking at the screen of her phone, which she showed you after a few seconds.
It was a group chat where she and the girls from Aespa were. Noze had sent the photo that she had taken of you to the group telling them that it would be their toy for the tour, and the reactions were not long in coming. Ningning just responded with some: "🤤🤤🤤🤤". Winter made a joke about how big your dick was and how it could perfectly break her in half if you wanted to. Giselle asked if they really had to wait for the tour to start before they could try you out, and Karina just commented that she was genuinely impressed.
"At least Winter is funny," you sighed, resigned to all that lay ahead.
"Everyone is in their own way, don't worry about it pretty boy," Noze winked at you and patted your shoulder, "anyway, I gotta go, I'll see you Monday morning at 10 am to sign all the paperwork and meet up with the girls," she started to turn to leave and walk towards the gate, "I'll send you the location as soon as I get home," you stared at her leaving, and just as she was about to leave, she looked over her shoulder at you, bit her lip, and blew you a seductive little kiss.
You remained completely still, with your eyes lost and your arms crossed, there was silence for a few seconds, until suddenly the girls burst into cheers from the other side of the pool towards you, applause, shouts of encouragement and so on, all of them managed to transform an awkward moment into one that managed to make you smile broadly.
They infected you with happiness very quickly, and it was then that you realized that this was a huge opportunity for you and your professional career, but that also made you think that this would be the last time you would see them for a long period of time.
"Wooooh!" Lia yelled at you, "that's my boy!" all her faces were illuminated by a smile of genuine pride, but among all of them, Chaery looked the least happy. She cheered and applauded you just like the others, but you could clearly tell the difference in mood.
"Why don't we go to the living room? I have the perfect way to celebrate this," Yeji said with an innocent smile, and after drying off, you all went to the living room.
While there you all sat on the sofa still extended after you had slept there. Yeji reached for the remote control of the TV, and after a couple of buttons and selected options, she began to play a very detailed recording of your session from the night before, with cameras from all possible angles.
"What the fuck?" you said, with your mouth ajar. You looked at the girls, who were just as shocked as you.
"I thought after my session you'd want to see yourself getting fucked too, so there you have it," she said with a giggle.
As expected, the sparks were lit in the blink of an eye, and you were all turned on from your little interrupted pool session, but this time there was absolutely nothing stopping you. One thing led to another, and you all ended up fucking like rabbits, all with each other.
After an intense session of unadulterated sex of about two hours, you all took turns bathing in pairs, Yeji bathed with Yuna, Lia bathed with Ryujin and you bathed with Chaery. You were all completely fresh now, damp hair and comfortable clothes, and even though you wanted to stay another night, it was time to go.
You were in the parking lot outside the gate, right next to your car. You already had your backpack on your back, and the girls were all gathered a few meters from you, the only one who wasn't was Chaery, who was waiting next to you. It was already afternoon, the wind was blowing pleasantly, and the sun was beginning to hide behind the mountains.
The first in line was Yuna, who looked at you with a small affectionate smile.
"I don't even know what to tell you, oppa…" she started looking into your eyes, "I think I should just say thank you," you smiled, and so did she, "thank you for teaching me so many things about my body that even I didn't know. And… uhm, I'm going to miss you so much," she wrapped her arms around you in a warm hug that you gladly reciprocated.
"Take care of yourself princess, please don't do anything stupid and don't kill any other little birds," you teased, and gave her a peck on the cheek.
"Hey!" she complained, and you pulled away with a giggle. Next up was Ryujin. You crossed your arms, and raised an eyebrow as you stared at each other.
"Well?" you asked.
"Well what, fool?" she was also crossing her arms, imitating your expression.
"Don't you have something to tell me?" you cocked your head.
"Mmmm, yes, I'll keep the sweater you left here the first time you stayed over," she said with an innocent little smile, and you had no choice but to hug her yourself. She returned your hug with pleasure, and you knew perfectly well that she was going to miss you too, it didn't matter that she didn't tell you.
"You better not fuck any other asshole in my absence, baby," you murmured in her ear in your embrace.
"I won't daddy, I promise," she murmured back to you, and you broke away from her to go to the next one, Lia.
"God, I'm going to miss you so much darling," Lia hugged you immediately, burying her face in your neck. You wrapped your arms around her, imbuing her with your warmth before she looked up to see you from her, her hands on your chest, "Please eat well and sleep well, just stay healthy, okay?"
"I promise I will, Julia," you gave her a peck on the nose, "thank you for being so kind and attentive to me from the beginning, you're a wonderful girl," you said, looking straight into her eyes. Lia blushed.
"And you're a wonderful boy," she pursed her lips, and just then her eyes turned teary, "Ahhh god! I didn't want to cry," she complained, and you laughed, wiping her eyes before her tears fell, "please call me often, don't you dare forget my existence, boy."
"What are you talking about? That will never happen, always keep an eye on your phone, okay?" you cradled her face with both hands, and gave her a little kiss on the forehead.
"I will," she nodded, and she released you to go to the last girl, Hwang Yeji.
"Ever since I saw you I knew you were a born fucker, look where you are now," she teased, and they both laughed, "enjoy, ok? an opportunity like that doesn't fall from the sky."
"Oh believe me, I'll really enjoy it," she spread her arms wide, and you went straight to hug her tight.
"You might enjoy it, but they'll never fuck like we do," she said into your ear, followed by a giggle.
"I have no doubt about it," you laughed, "take care, boss, I hope you treasure those recordings well."
"Yeah yeah, now go away, my baby is patiently waiting for you there," she pulled away from you, and jerked her chin at Chaery, who was dressed and ready to go with you, two large bags to one side of her and her hands clasped on her belly. You walked towards her, and you stood in front of her.
"Ready to go, honey?" you took her from her hands and gave her a little kiss on her lips.
"Of course I am," she agreed with a little smile of pure happiness.
"Then get in the car, I'll put this in the trunk," you said, taking the bags from her. She nodded, and you went to store her bags while she climbed into the passenger seat.
"Bye girls, we'll be in touch, I promise!" you said, saying goodbye one last time before getting in the car and starting it.
"Bye oppa!" they said goodbye in unison, waving their hands to you.
You pulled the car straight onto the road, and looked at the girls one last time before driving away, away from the house and soon out of the suburbs, Chaery holding your hand the entire way to your apartment.
That night in your apartment, after unpacking Chaery's things, showing her around the house, making dinner and watching a movie, you two were ready to sleep peacefully in your bed, which you found extremely surreal, since you never thought that a kpop idol would ever be lying in that bed, and certainly not one as famous as Chaery.
"Honey, I have something to tell you…" Chaery said, her chin on your chest and one of her hands timidly playing circles on it, "well, I think it's pretty obvious, but I'd like to make it clear."
"Oh yeah? The what?" you asked, patting the back of her head, she hadn't even said anything when her cheeks were already red with embarrassment.
"It's just... you really drive me crazy, really," she said, still avoiding your gaze, "I like you, a lot... and I already know everything your job entails, that's why I'd like you to be honest with me if you ever develop feelings for... you know, one of the Aespa girls."
You also blushed before Chaery's words, and you were stunned.
"Chaery... we feel the same way," you said, "I like you a lot too, I don't think there are words to describe how happy you make me," you started giving her little kisses on her face, "my heart belongs to you, to no one else, and none of those girls will be able to change it."
Chaery's face turned into an adorable pout and a pair of teary eyes, she was about to burst into tears, and you were ready to snuggle her.
"But please, promise you'll tell me if it happens," she said, two tears already rolling down her cheeks.
"I promise to tell you darling, but it won't happen, trust me," you gave her multiple pecks on the nose, and wiped away every tear that ran down her cheeks.
"Thank you so much sweetheart, it's just that I'm madly in love with you and I don't want to let you go," she sighed, finally calming down and wiping at her own eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere, silly," you snuggled her against your chest and placed a long kiss on her lips, ending with a peck, "let's sleep, okay? I'm exhausted."
"Yeah, me too," she agreed, leaning her cheek against your chest and closing her eyes, "rest well, darling."
"You too, darling..."
From the next few days, you and Chaery spent the rest of your remaining days in Korea together, living as a perfectly functional and happy couple in everyday life. Living together was always a typical problem that many couples faced, but the chemistry between the two of you was more than perfect, you complemented each other perfectly, and Chaery was simply the most tender, empathetic, loving and understanding being in the world.
The day on which your flight with Aespa was scheduled began like any other. You and Chaery were doing your usual routine, a healthy and nutritious breakfast adjusted to your tastes while watching the news and ready to go to the airport, but the routine was interrupted by an anomaly, constant horns from a car in the street below your building. You two exchanged confused glances, and you went to look out the window.
"Should we go downstairs? He won't stop honking," you said to Chaery, "maybe it's another Noze master move and that car is from SM."
"I highly doubt it, honey, but let's go," she sighed, and you packed up and put everything in order in the living room and kitchen before going downstairs, suitcase in hand and backpack on your back.
As you got downstairs and were walking slowly toward the waiting car parked at the curb, the tinted pilot's window rolled down slowly. And you three burst out laughing. It was Chaeyeon.
"Did you order a personal driver, sir?" Chaeyeon teased with her hands on the wheel.
"Not really, but I appreciate the gesture," you laughed, "are you seriously going to take me to the airport?"
"Well yes, what do you think?" she saw you with a poker face, wanting to tell you that you were an idiot without telling you that you were an idiot, "get that thing in the trunk," she said, pressing the button that opened it.
You left your suitcase inside the trunk and got on the passenger seat, Chaery got on the back seat, sitting right in the middle so she could see you both.
The way to the airport was one of the situations in which you had felt the most anxiety in your entire life, you did not stop asking Chaery if you had not forgotten anything at home, and making up to four verifications that all your documents were in order. When you arrived at the airport the atmosphere became heavy and sad. Chaeyeon helped you get the suitcase down from the trunk, while you and Chaery were standing on the sidewalk holding hands.
"Time will pass faster than you think, my love, you'll see," you assured, rubbing the back of her hands with your thumbs, and once again, Chaery was crying.
"Please be careful, honey," she clung to you in a tight hug, "you're one of the most beautiful things that's ever happened to me, just don't forget about me," she said against your chest.
"That won't happen babe, you have my word," you said, cradling her face in your hands and giving her a little kiss on the lips, "You take care of yourself too, and take care of the apartment and the car too, okay?"
"I'll take good care of everything, I promise darling," she nodded confidently, taking a small step back away from you, "go, I don't want you to miss your flight for me," she wiped away her tears.
"Okay," you smiled and nodded, then looked at Chaeyeon as you picked up your suitcase, "'you can stay in my apartment with her if you want."
"That's good to know," Chaeyeon smiled, reaching out to give you a warm and loving hug, "take care of yourself donkey, we'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too," you gave her a peck on the cheek, and then parted ways with your suitcase in hand, walking towards the airport entrance. You looked back once more, with only a face in your line of sight, you waved for a second, and finally turned your back on the Lee sisters, heading into the airport and going straight to catch your flight. It was then that you couldn't help but shed a couple of tears.
Everything in your documents was perfectly in order, you passed all the controls faster than you thought, and in a matter of a few minutes you were boarding the plane. Your seat was nothing more and nothing less than first class, which certainly surprised you but didn't make you complain either. You walked through the plane, until you finally reached the first class floor. You went through a couple of doors, and when you got to your corresponding row, you were faced with the four wolves sitting together around your seat, all four of them staring at you from head to toe.
"Welcome to our world, sweetness..." Karina said, and then all four of them giggled.
Spren Notes:
Well, with this first part of the series we say goodbye to ITZY for a long time :'). Honestly this was a pretty wild and crazy ride, but it's definitely been fucking fun. Thank you very much to all of you who follow this series and show your love continuously, I hope you enjoyed this last piece!
If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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chunksworld · 1 year
A Helping Hand
ITZY Yuna x Male Reader | (Tags: Smut)
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A/N: Damn I've been so down bad for her lately. Thanks @kaedespicelatte as always for beta reading.
Clank. Clank. Clank.
Missed shots after missed shots—some of them aren’t even hitting the rim, that’s how bad it’s gotten. It’s safe to say that basketball practice isn’t going particularly well for you. You’ve had to resort to either passing the ball in the perimeter or going for a layup instead, which makes you easier to defend against. And it’s not like you were making your shots in shootaround either, the rim could probably be as wide as the ocean and you would still somehow miss it. It’s as if you forgot the fundamentals of the sport you grew to love and dedicate your life towards.
Nothing frustrates you more than when your shots aren’t falling. You’re a basketball player after all—well to be more exact, you are the school’s star basketball player and the team captain. Your teammates look up at you for inspiration and to lead them to victory every single game. Sure it’s just practice, but you didn’t get this far by slacking off and you want to lead by example. No one criticizes you more than your own self and perhaps it’s that double-edged sword that has led you to become so hard on yourself. It’s a trait that has led you to success but at times like this, you are your own worst enemy.
You make brief eye contact with your coach and the look of disappointment he gives you is so gut wrenching, his hands on his hips and his eyebrows furrowed. You can already hear the rant he’s about to give once scrimmage is over, he’s not exactly a player’s coach and just because you’re the star player does not mean that he’s going to be nicer to you—in fact, it’s the opposite. You’ve gotten yelled at in front of your teammates so many times that you’ve become numb to it. He wants the best from you as much as you want the best from yourself but his yelling is what you didn’t wanna hear at this very moment. All you want to do is get some rest and perhaps sleep it off.
“Cut! Cut!”
Coach yells and you’re scrambling to remember how to defend the play. He introduced it earlier during this practice but it obviously never stuck with you. You’re so distracted trying to remember m that you didn’t even realize that you’ve blown your defensive assignment as your opponent drives past you to receive the pass for an easy layup, following the coach’s instructions perfectly and you’ve absolutely lost it. It’s one thing to not make shots but it’s even worse that you can’t even defend properly. You might as well be a drill come out there. Enough is enough. 
The expletive rings throughout the gym, much louder than you’ve anticipated and your coach blows the whistle. Your teammates can only look at you in pity, they know how frustrating it is to be in your situation plus the wrath you’re about to receive is not going to be pretty. You stop in your tracks and pant heavily, sweat dripping down your face as the intensity of the scrimmage takes over you. Silence, except for your teammates also trying to catch their breath. Your coach then takes a slow walk towards you with his clipboard in hand and you are already bracing your eardrums for the berating but then signals all of the players to leave for the day and walks up to you with his clipboard in hand. Huh, guess he’s sparing you the embarrassment for today. He probably already knows that you’ve embarrassed yourself enough already.
“Listen, I don’t know if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning but I’m not having this okay? We’ve got a game later today and I need you to be completely focused and locked in. You’re not leaving this gym until you’ve made 100 threes in a row, got it?”
Somehow, that’s a better punishment than being yelled at in front of your teammates. You look pathetic as it is for their team captain and that would’ve made it worse. Maybe it was the prospect of getting yelled at but suddenly your shots were falling again, and it’s a great thing that it was a morning practice because it still took you five hours to make that many threes in a row. You were pretty sure that more threes than you’ve ever made in your entire career but it was all worth it. You were completely drained and exhausted and all you wanted to do was pass out. You found yourself laying on the hardwood floor and looking up on the banners, some of them you’ve helped raise in the rafters. It would be nice to ad—
“Tough practice, huh? Coach Lee looked like he was gonna knock your head off.” A familiar voice echoes throughout the empty gym. It’s the sound of a woman nonetheless and you’re damn sure that you must be hallucinating with how completely tired you are but that was immediately debunked the moment a basketball landed on your face. You look up and that signature bunny smile is enough to send your heart running throughout this facility. What the hell is she doing here? She’s never been here, hell does she even know what basketball is?
Shin Yuna. The school’s most popular student and the president of the student council—rumors has it that she’s turned down a record 200 male students during her time here so far (you can confirm at least 19 of those male students because everyone of your teammates have asked her out already). And it’s as clear as the bright blue skies as to why she’s highly sought after; insanely smart, stunning visuals, and an amazing body to go along with it (you definitely have not been taking notice of the last part, absolutely not). Plus, you see her face everywhere. There’s 100 clubs to join in this campus and she’s the leader for a handful of them. “Fuck me, did he broadcast to the entire school how shitty I was today?”
You lay back down on the hardwood floor, probably not good advice because your jersey is now completely dirty. But that’s the least of your concerns at this very moment. Yuna continues walking towards you, the heel of her boots making a resounding noise with each and every step. “No he didn’t, but I was running some errands and I wanted to stop by to check how our basketball team is doing and….” She sits down beside you, clearly she doesn’t care that her clothes are going to be dirty either.
“And you saw me being absolutely shit at the sport I’m supposed to be good at. Great.” What horrible timing, the student council president rarely visits and she just had to choose the worst day possible. You just want to bury a hole and dig yourself. 
And Yuna is either terrible at reading people’s emotions or she doesn’t care at all because her response was a smile as she sits closer to you, as if she’s shrugging off everything you just said. Can this day get any worse? “Well, everyone has bad days don’t they? I’m sure that LeBron Jordan guy had some bad shooting days as well.” Never mind, guess she has great intentions after all.
“Touché. But we have a game later so I need to figure the fuck out how to play again so will you be of any help, miss student council president?” You must have said something right because her face lights up like a light bulb. And you can only hope that whatever she does have in mind is actually going to be helpful.
“Well that can’t be good….” Her fingers trace your biceps, “As the president of the student council it’s my duty to ensure that our school’s star athlete can de-stress before the game right?” You’re only half focusing on her words at this very moment, her scalding touch the only thing occupying your mind as she continues to caress your arms.
Like a true basketball star, you’re figuring out her next play though like a simple pick and roll, it’s easy to decipher. You decide to let it play out anyways. “What are you trying to say?”
“How about……” Her fingers now reach for your face, her own visage now dangerously close to yours, “…I lend you a helping hand, how does that sound?”
As expected, it was the perfect read all along. The moment her lips mesh with yours and you could already feel all of this morning’s stress start to dissipate. You didn’t even hesitate to think about the potential repercussions, of the fact that two of the most influential figures on campus are about to engage in acts not appropriate for such a setting. Not when you feel how perfect her soft lips are on yours, clouding your judgment and throwing any sense of rationality out of the window. Your teammates would surely kill you if they found out that out of everyone on the team, it was you that’s getting such an opportunity with Yuna.
They’d surely be jealous because you’re the one viewing her beautiful features up close, not them. You’re the one caressing her curves and every other part of her heavenly body that have made her the wet dreams of every male student on campus. That you’re the one eliciting such lustful and throaty moans out of her as your lips trail down to her neck, your hands reaching out to her clothed busts to give them a gentle squeeze. It sounds so hot, Yuna sounds so fucking hot. And it’s a good thing that you’re wearing your basketball shorts and not your regular pants because you would definitely be in much more pain now with how hard you are.
“Fuck, a little stress relief is what I need as well….”
But it gets even worse the moment she straddles your lap, landing perfectly on the tent forming on your shorts and you inadvertently groan at the immense pleasure. She reverts back to kissing you before you could even muster up a verbal response, a more aggressive lip lock this time with tongues involved  as she slowly starts to grind on you. You could feel how wet she is under that skirt and your mind is already racing with the plenty of ways you want to take advantage of this opportunity. As much as you don’t want to stop kissing her, you don’t want it to stop at just this so you grab at the hem of your jersey but before you could remove it, she breaks away from the kiss. It’s only first base and yet she’s already ruined and so fucking pretty as always. “Is there a more private place?” 
Of course there is. You grabbed her by the hand and dragged her towards the empty locker room. As soon as the door is shut, you grab her by the waist and bring her to your lap again as you sit on the bench and resume your kissing. Busy hands immediately go to work trying to remove each other’s clothing. She gets rid of your jersey with ease while you have to work with removing her tie and lifting the blue top over her head; her bra coming off right after. Your mouth salivates at the sight of her perfectly shaped tits, round, petite, and nipples begging to be sucked. But as you were mere inches away, she got off of you to remove her skirt and panties (which were drenched as you predicted. You do the same with your shorts and boxers, throwing them to the side. Both of your shoes come flying off as well.
You’re both finally fully naked. Your cock twitching as precum oozes from the tip due to intense arousal, there in front of you lies a naked Yuna. Whereas other guys have to imagine what she looks like, you could actually view her in this state. A gorgeous face paired with a body sculpted by the gods themselves, curves that can only be compared to that of an hourglass, her clean shaven pussy, her inner thighs already drenched, and those legs that you just want wrapped around you. But with how she’s biting and licking her lips, you’re not the only one completely turned on. “You can take a picture of me to jack off to later, but I want you to fuck me now please.”
And who are you to turn down such a request? She mounts you once again, this time making sure to aim her opening at your tip. You both moan at the first contact, electricity surging through your bodies but you fight through it. You bring her lips to yours, arms wrapped around her body as you aid her in completely taking you inside her. “A-Ahhh fucc-k!” Her nails immediately dig into your shoulder and back as she pulls away from the kiss. Yuna is tight, so amazingly and mind-blowingly tight despite how wet she is. And it doesn’t seem like she’s a virgin either because she seems like she knows what she’s doing. You, on the other hand, haven’t had sex in ages and yet your carnal desire for her is what’s driving you. “So fucking b-big!”
“And you’re so tight….shit.”
Eventually, she's able to take your length all the way inside her. But with how tight she is, you will definitely rearrange her guts by the time you two are finished. That’s the least of your concerns right now, however. as she begins to roll her hips. The pleasure is overwhelming and the effects of not having any intercourse in quite a while is starting to rear its ugly head as every single movement of her hips is driving you crazy. You pull her even closer to you, causing her to squeal as no inch of space is left between the two of you. Once you are able to overcome the initial onslaught of pleasure, you begin to thrust up inside her as well. And this causes Yuna to wrap her long, luscious legs around you as her nails leave scratch marks on your back and shoulders. “F-Fuck me hard just like that, please!” Her moans are a beautiful symphony of curses, inaudible phrases, and your name uttered in the sexiest way possible. You would gladly listen to it until the day you die. Maybe you could have her relieve your stress all the time if this is what you get at the end.
And you would kiss her to prevent anyone from hearing her moans but the place is empty so it’d be useless so instead you do what you’ve been dying to do ever since earlier, and that’s to taste her breasts. It doesn’t help that they jiggle deliciously in front of you as every thrust of your hips meet her bounces. You dive down and capture them with your lips, focusing on her left breast first and licking the stiff, brown nipple with your tongue. Her whimpers only serve as encouragement, switching to the right nipple and giving it the same treatment that it deserves. Your fingers, on the other hand, are carefully massaging her saliva-drenched left breast. You repeat this over and over, making sure they get enough appreciation from you. She stops grinding her hips at some point because of the immense pleasure and you paused your thrusting as well, and if she didn’t grab you by the chin for a kiss you wouldn’t have noticed as well.
A deep, passionate makeout then ensues as she starts to grind her hips again, her hands pushing your face further towards hers into a sloppy serenade of pure unadulterated need towards each other. A string of saliva follows as you both pull away from oxygen, the lust in her eyes only strengthening with time. “Don’t lie, you’ve been dreaming of sucking my tits don’t you?” The remark catches you off guard and makes you laugh. The answer is obvious, if she wants to hear it then you’ll gladly tell her. 
“Fucking hell Yuna, I don’t think there’s any guy out there that doesn’t.” Hell, you want to suck them again at this very moment but you don’t want to be selfish. She also has her needs after all.
The grinding of her hips turns into bouncing again, and the slapping of skin on skin begins to reverberate in the empty locker room. “Exactly. S-So take advantage of this opportunity—shit—and give me your all.” You don’t want to be told twice; you bury your face on her chest as you thrust up at a frantic pace. Her moans only get louder as you piston your cock inside her pussy—that’s still so amazingly tight—relentlessly, making sure that they’ll mold to your shape. Soon, those moans turn into whimpers as she rests her chin on your shoulders and her hot breath going directly through your ears as she continuously whispers sweet nothings—completely delirious from how good of a fucking she’s receiving from you. It’s so pure, it’s so carnal, and it’s so fucking hot the way your moans combine with the slapping of wet skin and the squelches of her pussy as you continue to pound up into her. 
But you two are humans after all and can only receive and give so much pleasure, and it doesn’t really take long for Yuna to completely unravel—only three more minutes to be exact. You could already feel it with how much tighter she’s gotten, so tight that you might just reach your orgasm the same time as her. It takes you gritting your teeth and closing your eyes because looking at her pleasure-stricken face with her tongue sticking out and eyes rolled to the back of her head along with her unreal visuals is going to completely cause you to become undone. “Fuck, baby I’m gonna come please. Make me come, fuck me just like that I’m so fucking close….” But you’d rather attack her neck with kisses and bites anyways, the combined smell of her sweat and lavender perfume only driving you crazier and crazier. Like a mantra, she repeats her wish along with incoherent whispers but it’s at a particularly rough thrust as she comes down hard in your lap that sets off the explosions.
It’s so fucking hot. The way her nails cling to your back, now probably leaving scratches that will surely take weeks to disappear. The way her luscious thighs constrict your waist. The way she grabs onto your face and pulls you towards her for a kiss. It’s all too overwhelming and it takes every single fiber of your being not to join her as her hot and tight walls attempt to squeeze you for all the cum you have, and you just might. Her juices immediately flood both of your crotches as her orgasm completely overrides her, taking a few minutes to subside as you continue to thrust your hips up to her at a slower and gentle pace. She doesn’t stop grinding her hips either, her moans now turning into whimpers while she continues to make-out with you, and with everything that’s already happened you know you’re not too far away from joining her. Yuna pulls away from the kiss and she whispers the words you’ve been dying to hear, her eyes filled with cock-filled lust in the aftermath of her post-orgasm haze. “Fucking cum in me.”
You’re embarrassed the way it immediately turns you on, as if a switch is flipped inside your brain that wants one thing and one thing only: Yuna. So with the remaining strength you have, you place your hands underneath her thighs and made sure that she’s wrapped tightly around you before standing up to effectively fuck her in stand and carry. The new position has her screaming and yelling as gravity aids in impaling her into your shaft, your cock now reaching places inside her that you couldn’t do so earlier. You bounce her on your length before walking over to your locker and pressing her back onto the cold surface, making her shiver. With support, you continue to thrust into her at an unrelenting pace and due to the sensitivity from her orgasm, it doesn’t take too long for her to come undone once again. You must’ve discovered a specific bundle of nerves inside her because she bites into your shoulder with a scream and begging you to fuck her hard once again, every thrust has her wrapping her arms around tour neck tighter and the feeling of such a perfect body like hers against yours is truly mindblowing. 
She’s completely rag-dolled into your arms at this point and it only took a few more thrusts before she lost herself. The sight is perfect and unsullied, not even the most expensive paintings in the world could rival her face at this very moment. It’s all beautiful and lewd at the same time. It’s an orgasm that’s somehow even stronger than her first one. “S-So fucking good!” Yuna’s juices immediately start to flood your length and drip down to the floor below; the added lubrication now making it easier to thrust in and out of her and she must’ve noticed how much your cock has been twitching ever since her orgasm because she doesn’t stop bouncing on your cock despite her sensitivity, in fact she’s working twice as hard. No words exchanged for a while as she’s still trying to recover from the intensity of her orgasm while you’ve been rendered speechless by how intense your orgasm is going to be as well. Instead she kisses you as a way of showing thanks, nibbling and pulling on your lower lip as you let her do all the work. It doesn’t take long for you to feel that bubbling sensation in your stomach and you have to inform her sooner or later so you pull away from the kiss but it seems like she already knows.
“Y-Yuna, where—“
She gives you a nod, then a peck on the lips. Her eyes are once again filled with lust and that’s the only green light you need. “It’s been a while since I’ve been fucked like that so it’s only right for me to return the favor. I want your cum inside me please.” Such words have never been more enticing and seducing. With a loud groan, the first shot of cum is emptied into Yuna’s freshly fucked pussy. And then some more; each thrust of your hips delivers a shot of cum fucked deep into her needy womb. Each thrust makes all of the stress and anguish of today go away. You can’t count how many shots you’ve unloaded but it’s enough to stain your balls and flood the gaps between where your cock and her pussy meet—all of it dripping down onto the floor below. Another makeout session ensues, your tongues lazily dancing with one another as you continue to thrust your cock inside her to make sure no drop of cum is wasted. But it really doesn’t matter because a copious amount of semen drips out of her pussy the moment you pull out, and you’re completely shocked by how much you filled her. It’s truly a testament to how good she fucked you.
“Shit. Yuna, I–” 
Yuna interrupts you with a kiss. “It’s fine, I wanted your cum and I got it. And it looks like you were really stressed.” She points towards the pool of cum on the floor, weeks worth deposited inside her and you can’t help but be embarrassed. “Either that or I really turned you on.” Heat rises up to your cheeks and you want to dig up a hole and bury yourself in it once again. There’s no denying that she didn’t; she’s definitely the best woman you’ve ever had sex with and it doesn’t even come close. And the sight of her post-sex is only making you want to fuck her again—her inner thighs glazed with your cum, her perfect body covered with sweat, and her face looking thoroughly fucked. Your cock twitches at the sight and she smirks, walking over to you and slowly wrapping her fingers around your length and pumping it at a leisurely pace. 
“Hmm. Looks like you’re still hard for me, how about I fix that?” It truly must be your lucky day today because she dragged you to the showers and quickly got on her knees, taking your length inside her mouth and effectively cleaned both of your juices off of it with her skillful tongue. Despite already one orgasm down the drain, the opportunity to paint her face with your cum is the only thing you need to get going again. Yuna continues to bob her head up and down your cock, her hands massaging your balls as if to make sure to receive your full load again. Your groans and the lewd sound of her mouth overpowers the sound of the intense water pressure of the shower. And with how turned on you’ve been, it doesn’t take too long before you unload spurts after spurts of cum on her face. She looks so damn beautiful, yet so ruined at the same time. “We taste so good together, we should do this more often…” 
Thankfully the rest of the shower time was actually used to clean up and ten minutes later, you two are dressed up again as if nothing happened. “Good luck out there, champ. I’ll be cheering for you.” Yuna gives you one final kiss, giving you an extra boost as if you weren’t motivated enough already. Then she flashes her signature wide smile that has caused hundreds of men to fall in love with her, and you’re about to be added on to that list. Fucking hell. 
“Here’s my number by the way. Feel free to stop by my dorm once you guys win, your student council president will have a special prize for you.”
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Horny Yuna
A/N: Just some random thought that was floating around my brain. Btw this is set when boys like you was made.
Warnings: Smut, Masturbation, Mommy Kink, abs riding, a teeny tiny bit of exhibitionism
Yuna’s POV:
It was another day of filming. So tiring. Promotions, dance practise, recording, photoshoot. All to make our boys like you song inspired by Taylor Swift. (Imagine seeing her in person it would be such a dream) Sometimes it’s so overwhelming being an idol, yes I do really love my job making midzy’s so happy but our work hours are hectic and unpredictable. We could be scheduled from 8 am all the way to 10pm and other days we have nothing on. Today we were lucky as all we had were some vocal recordings to do in the morning and dance practise for an hour as the dance isn’t to hard we just had to be synchronised.
“Yuna come on our driver is here.” Lia called.
“Yup I’ll be there soon.” In my usual excited tone. I finished the last touches of my makeup and left the dorm to join the others outside.
Our manager sat in the front seat chaeryeong and Yeji in the next two seats near the windows. And then me, Ryujin and Lia squished in the backseats.
We arrived at the studio in no time. The car ride totally wasn’t chaotic Yeji, lia and I were totally not belting our hearts out doing karaoke. Chaeryeong decided to scroll through social media and Ryujin took a nap which is impressive through all the noise.
( I don’t think people want more story bits so imma just cut to the smut )
It was Ryujin’s turn and boy I never thought I could get so turned on from those lyrics, it made me fantasise so many things while i waited for her to finish.
Well, you must be goin' crazy Thinkin' I'll be back, I'm sorry 'Cause you're cryin' like a baby But do I look like your mommy?
Yea you do look like my mommy and I am would be your best baby. I really want her long fingers plunging into my cunt that is dripping with need. Not sure if the lyrics are true but if you don’t like boys Ryujin I’m always here to be yours and only yours. I grinded slightly on the corner of the red couch I was sitting on hoping it would elevate the heat I was feeling but it only intensified.
Sigh what am I thinking i excused myself to the bathroom splashing water on my face. I really don’t want to mess up our friendship we even have so many years on our contract so if things ended awkwardly I would still have to see her everyday. God damn Yuna she thinks of you as a sister you even have the same last name for heavens sake.
( time skip )
After practising the dance I made the fatal mistake of looking towards Ryujin’s direction. Her abs glistened with a sheen layer of sweat her slightly below shoulder length messy hair. Oh how i would give anything to ride those abs. Ahhh why am i suddenly thinking so many dirty thoughts about my member.
“Unnie can we go home now?” I whined to Yeji the ache in my core being insufferable.
“Sure, but are you feeling ok? Your face is a bit red and your squirming a lot.”
“Yea I’m good just a bit under the weather.”
“If you say so.”
( At the dorms )
I bolted inside my room locking it as fast as possible throwing my outfit and under garments somewhere. Taking my fingers and plunging them immediately into my pussy dripping with arousal.
I turned on some fan cams of Ryujin and got to work.
Others POV:
“Do you think Yuna is ok? She has been acting odd all day and she ran straight into her room.” Chaeryeong commented.
“ I’m not sure but should someone check in on her?” Lia asked
They heard Ryujin’s name being called from Yuna’s room. Perhaps she needs medication or water.
Ryujin cautiously made her way over to Yuna’s room seeing what she wanted.
Ryujin POV:
Did I just hear Yuna groan? Is she ok? Is she that sick? I rushed to her door only to find it was locked.
She really sounded sick so I took my lock picking set out to pick her lock. What if she had fainted in there and hit her head? I had to at least make sure she was doing alright.
I was in the middle of picking her lock when I heard her moan Ryujinnie Mommy please… F-Faster. I definitely now had an idea what had occupied her mind all day. I was very flattered that, that someone was me. I now was really turned on and Yuna needed to fix the problem she started plus she sounded like she was having a little difficulty pleasuring herself so why don’t I just go in there and help her a bit.
“Oh you wanted me to go faster huh? What was that you were calling me, mommy?”
3rd person POV:
Yuna was shocked trying to pull a blanket over her as quick as possible hiding in embarrassment. Ryujin had seen it coming and immediately pulled the blanket off her. Revealing Yuna’s puffy flaps coated in a thick layer of cum and arousal.
“It’s not w-what it looks like unnie.”
“Are you sure because I came in here to help my baby and for her to get her mommy to a climax as well.”
Yuna was at a loss of words
“How does that sound” Ryujin said with a smirk
Yuna was still shocked and could only nod her head quickly in agreement. She never thought she would get another chance to indulge in her fantasies. She pulled down Ryujin’s clothes so fast it could beat an Olympian. Throwing Ryujin’s clothes somewhere she got to work on Ryujin’s pussy giving it a few kitten like licks. Then plunging her tongue in to the older girl. Ryujin produced some very unholy sounds that were music to Yuna’s ear. Determined to hear that sound from her unnie again she plunged her fingers in and sucked on her bud creating double stimulation.
“Yunahh— you ahh better not— stop mmmh.”
Ryujin’s sentences were barely coherent but they got the message along to Yuna. She picked up her speed and eventually was rewarded with a sweet sticky substance that she tried to take as much of it in her mouth but ultimately failing with some dribbling down the sides of her face.
“Unnie you good?”
Ryujin just laid there thoroughly fucked her eyes screwed shut panting not moving an inch.
“Sorry for being a bit greedy but woah Yuna mmmm you make me feel soooooo good”
“I didn’t  even know getting eaten out could feel like that” Ryujin slurred almost as if she was drunk
“Sorry to assume but you haven’t had sex yet im your first?!?”
“Uhm… no?” Ryujin’s voice came out quietly embarrassed that she had blurted out her secret that she was planning on taking to her grave.
“You give off such a girl crush vibe I just kinda assumed you’ve done it before if it makes you feel any better you’re my first as well.” ‘But definitely not my first sexual encounter I’ve been preparing for this day for ages’ Yuna added in her head.
“Being an idol has kept me pretty busy”
“Anyways my darling what is your first fantasy that you would like to fufill” Ryujin grabbed a magic wand like thing from a box nearby and waved it around in the air as if she was casting a spell
‘Fuck why the hell did ryujin pick up that and why does she look so innocent does she know that she’s holding a dildo?’ 
‘I wonder what this button does? And why does Yuna look redder than a tomato is that even possible?’ Ryujin thought 
‘I mean it’s probably just some lights right?’
Yuna quickly took the wand from Ryujin’s hand while she was inspecting the button and shoved it under pillow and switched positions with ryujin. Thump! Ryujin landed harshly onto the bed she didn’t even have the time to realize before she found a Shin Yuna grinding her pussy down onto her flat stomach.
( Authors note: idk how you guys do it with those fancy software thingos to do the text stuff but imma just be creative bare with me 😭)
 🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry 🍓🌷 = Lia
🌿🍵 Sleepy Matcha Lover 🍵🌿 = Ryujin
✨👑 Baby Princess 👑✨= Yuna
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛ = Chaeryeong 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭 = Yeji ( sorry guys ik the username sucks )
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Does anyone else think ryujin has been in Yuna’s room for an abnormally long time?
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Maybe they’re fucking
 🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry 🍓🌷: Maybe you just have a really dirty mind and ur just upset cause u haven’t been fucked in a long time 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭:  Nuh uh
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛:  Guys I’m sure they are responsible enough to not be doing that
 🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry : But what else could they be doing tho? 🤭
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭:  Says the one who bought a face roller in the shape of a dick 
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Yea but I was responsible with it wasn’t I?
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Sure sure if being responsible means sticking it up your pussy to see if it would fit 
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Nuh uh I never did that 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: 🙄
 🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry 🍓: Enough of this shenanigans even though I was a part of it we should probably go check in on them. 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: You sure about that? I can hear Yuna’s moans bouncing off the walls and they sound borderline pornographic and I don’t want to walk in on that.
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Unnie 🤣 I see you sitting by their door literally getting off from hearing their moans 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Meanie 🖕why did you rat me out 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Well since Chaeryeong ratted me out I’m bringing her down with me did you know she keeps a journal of at times in mv’s and videos we look the most sexy/ fuckable?
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Unnie you meanie I’m not ur fan anymore hmph.
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Noooo cherrryyyy 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭 deleted a message
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: fine ur forgiven 
🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry 🍓: We going in or no?
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sleepinghypnos · 11 months
ITZY Yuna & Chaeryeong x Male Reader (OC)
Tags: Smut
Genre: Cheating, Threesome (kinda?), Facefuck, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Female Idol x Male Reader.
People view you as one of the outstanding bodyguard in the industry, many labels hired you because of your efficiency and strict rules on protecting the client. 
But you don't stay in a single label for too long. The longest you've been with your client is a month and you'll go with another K-pop group not long after your schedule. 
You got call from your security agency, well from the president herself. She told you to come to the office in the afternoon and so you did.
You knocked on the door and a woman greeted you with a smile. The President's Secretary, she showed the way and you saw the woman who called you. Ms. Park Eun-ji.
"Oh, you're here! Sit down." she said and you bowed as you greet her. "Good afternoon Madam!"
"So, we have a hiring request from JYP. They said they want a bodyguard for ITZY, it looks like the number of sasaeng stalking the girls have doubled in the past. They were worried about the safety of their idols thats why they contacted us." She said, "That is the reason why i decided to send the "Guardian" to help them.”
You chuckled in your mind because your name Kim Suho can be translated into 'Guardian'
"I don't have any problem working with anyone madam." 
"It's a deal then, you'll work with them and please make sure they are safe from those stupid miscreants." 
"You can start tomorrow in the morning, make sure you are not late. You can leave now." Miss Park dismissed you, of course you bowed again before leaving. 
You got up because of the alarm, it's your first day being the bodyguard of ITZY. You packed your things including clothes and other necessities. 
On the way to the designated location of the client, you read the information regarding the said group. ITZY became a ‘Monster Rookie’ because they won their first music show, eight days after their debut, since then their fame has been accumulating until the stage in the foreign countries opened for them, as they muster fame they also gain crazy fans that stalked them to their own home. 
Your mission now is to protect them, it is not new to you since you’ve been doing this for years now, it’s been a long ride and you arrived in the private home that JYP allocated them. There’s two guards in the gates, they have two manager here as well. 
“Good morning!” you greeted the guards and they let you enter the premises. The girls are waiting for you in the front door. They have smiles in their faces, it looks like they are happy about having a personal bodyguard with them. 
“Good morning, Oppa!” they greet you simultaneously. 
"Good morning! My name is Kim Suho, i'm going to be with you indefinitely. I'll be in you care!" You greeted them back and they proceed to go inside the house because it’s still early in the morning. Before you went inside you made sure that the surrounding was clear first and nothing seems out-of-place. You have a room for yourself here in the house, as you are their bodyguard you need to be with them all of the time even if their work is already over. Only the managers are allowed to go home. 
The girls have a photoshoot later in the morning, all of them were preparing for it. Since you are already prepared for the day, you are just waiting for the girls to finish their breakfast and wait for them to get ready. 
“Oppa do you have a girlfriend?” Chaeryeong asked, you shook your head as an answer. “I told you he doesn’t have any!” Ryujin said while lightly tapping her co-member Chaeryeong’s shoulder. 
“Does any of you is in a relationship?” i asked to just make conversation with them. 
"Aside from Yuna and Ryujin Unnie all of us are single." Chaeryeong replied. 
"Does your boyfriends aware about your situation?" They nodded as an answer. 
The ITZY members are already prepared and ready to go for their photoshoot. The managers put the things they need in the van, you noticed how Yuna kept on looking at you. 
She's been like that after breakfast. Looking at you secretly and she taught you didn't know. The managers are in the other van and you accompany the girls in theirs. 
The Vans that the Korean Celebrities and Idols usually use has partition. The driver seat won't be able to see the passengers. 
It makes the artists and idols more comfortable during the ride. You are seated in the back of the van and coincidentally, Yuna is seated beside you. 
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"Are you okay? You've been looking at me since earlier." You paused. "Is there anything thats bothering you?"
She didn't answer but she suddenly put her hands on your crotch. "Sana Unnie said that yours is really big." She whispered in your ear and her hand keeps on feeling your semi erect cock in your pants.
This girl really is naughty. I felt a familiar feeling when she brought my cock out and started stroking it. Yuna knelt infront of you, the space inside the van is spacious enough for her to kneel. "This is not big. It's HUGE!" When she had a closed-up look on your cock.
Yuna didn't hesitate to put your rod inside her mouth, the idol started bobbing her head while making sure that the other members don't notice it. 
Yuna doesn't have many experience because you feel it. "You are not used on big dicks are you?" As you cupped her cheek to tell her to stop. 
The ITZY member nodded. "My boyfriend's isn't even close with yours!" 
And with that you snapped. You hold the poor girls head and impale her throat with your dick making her choke on it. 
Only half of your dick is enough to make this little slut choked. Her eyes started rolling back and she's drooling all over your balls. 
You didn't even bother looking at the other members because all of them has headphones on. 
"gwock.. gwock.. gwock.." gagging sound filled the back of the van, you didn't even give any fuck if they are eavesdropping or not. 
Yuna keep bobbing her head and using her tongue to lick your tip, you feel like you’re already cumming. So you hold her head once again and pushed it against your dick letting your cum explode inside the idols mouth. 
"Where's your phone?" You asked. She pointed at her purse and reached for her phone in it. She gave it to you and open the camera and started recording. 
"You're a cheating little slut aren't you?" Yuna nodded while her mouth is still full of your cum. "Show it to me, and swallow all of it" you commanded and she obeyed. 
The idol showcased the cum in her mouth and swallowed it, she even showed her mouth after swallowing it. 
Yuna licked clean your rod and went back to her seat beside you. She's now watching her own video giggling like a little girl who got what she wanted. 
"I'm going to send this to Twice Unnies!" She said and you are not even fazed about it because you know those girls will like that video. 
You already became their bodyguard once, and you know how filthy their minds is. 
The van arrived at the photoshoot location, the schedule for today is for their upcoming comeback. Well, they have multiple song released in the past months but what can they do when the people adores them. 
The ITZY members already inside and making preparation for the photoshoot when you notice someone outside the building, the person is in all black fashion, you conclude that he's taking pictures of the girls inside the place.
You went inside the building and find your way through outside again and to that person’s location. "They are adorable isn't?" You spoke and our guy jolted because of fright. 
You immediately grab the guy in the neck and immobilize him. "Who are you?" But you didn't get a response so you took the liberty to take his hood off and see who he is. 
Well, would you look at that, He's one of our prime suspects of stalking, this miscreant has been stalking the girls in three different occasions, I know because of the files given by Miss Park  
"Don't even bother escaping. I've been catching scumbags like you ever since I became a bodyguard." You told the guy and the horror in his eyes were noticeable, you just smiled at him while waiting for the police to arrive. Minutes later sirens filled the quiet surrounding that you were in, the police took the stalker and thanked me for what i did. 
The girls was disturbed by the sirens and came out of the building. Worry is plastered in their faces. 
"Someone was taking photos of you guys earlier. I just apprehend him and called the police to take care of it. You can go back now!" You assured them. "Thank you, Oppa!" Chaeryeong said while the other members just nodded. "It's the guy who took a picture of you while you're sleeping. You don't need to worry about that happening again" you tap her shoulders twice and lightly push her inside. 
The scheduled photoshoot is over and they are going to another location to shoot some of the scenes in their comeback. Only Yuna and Chaeryeong left out of five of them
The whole ride was quiet since both of them are tired. Even you was tired for them, they keep posing here and there to get shit done. 
We entered the house and let them release some of the tiredness they experiencing. "Wash yourselves and get to bed early, i'm going to stay on guard." You told them and they did it. Chaeryeong look at me. "Oppa, i want to talk to you. Please come to my room after 30 minutes." 
Is she still bothered by that stalker?
I just nod and let her go by herself. I sweep through the house to make sure again that nothing is out-of-place. I locked the doors, the ITZY members knows the passcode of the house so it doesn't matter. 
Thirty minutes came and i walk to the direction of Chaeryeong's room. I knocked on the door and the idol opened the door for me. 
She's beautiful… you said inside your head. 
She's still in her bathrobe, and her hair was free falling. Looks like she just finished her bath. 
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(Photo not connected to the scene.)
"Oppa! You are right on time." She said, and pulled me in her room and guide me to sit on her bed. "I really want to talk to you about what happened earlier" 
"I-i'm just grateful that the stalker was caught in action and i'm also relieved because that fucker took a picture of me being ugly, i want to punch his face into pulp!!"
You chuckled because you find her whining adorable. 
"I'm just doing my job as a bodyguard and who said that you’re ugly? Are they blind or something?" You responded and you saw how she became flustered on your remark. 
"Doing your job? Does your job also include facefucking Yuna?"
You were stunned, you thought no one noticed but you're so wrong.
"It's not just me, all of the unnies know what the two of you were doing, but we didn't say anything because it looks like Yuna enjoyed what you did to her." she said while laughing, she also showed me the group chat of ITZY and the messages of the other members made my rod grow uncontrollably. 
"Opp - i mean, Daddy i want what Yuna had. I want it too!" 
"Daddy?" You tilted your head because of what she said.
"An idol is not as innocent as you might think you know. I got one boyfriend in the past and we did have sex before i debut but he got jealous of other guys liking me as an idol so i broke up with him." She's caressing my body while she talks about her past. "As our group gain recognition, of course we also got the attention of perverts who makes deepfakes of us and other idols, some of them writing erotic scenes, I found a story that has me as the material. I find it hot and sexy for some reason.”
She took off my suit and polo. 
"I was even portrayed as submissive slut, and maybe they were right. So Daddy, i want you to do everything you want to me."
She kneeled down and began unbuckling my belt, she pulled my pants together with my boxer into my knees. 
"I knew it! It's bigger than the one in the video." Amazed by the massive cock infront of her. 
"If i'm Daddy then what are you?" You cupped her cheeks and make her look at you. 
"Your submissive slut? Cocksleeve? I can be whatever you want me to be daddy!"
"If you are a cocksleeve and what are you waiting for? Suck it!" You commanded her. She put your cock in her mouth and just like Yuna and the other female idols you've been with she also can't get past half of your dick. 
Gagging sound filled her room, and you are ruthless this time around. You rest her head on the side of the bed and begin fucking her mouth like it's a pussy. 
"mmgh… gwock… mmgh… gwock…" her gag reflex is strong but you didn't care about it. You ravage her mouth with your huge cock until her whole face turns red her eyes began tearing up as well.
You let her breathe and you didn't expect her to hold herself that good. She didn't tapped out. 
"My past boyfriend didn't even have the chance to hold a candle against you." She said while still running out of breath. 
"Bend over."
She did what you demanded and did it as fast as she could. You spit on your cock and started teasing her entrance, you are making sure that it will go in smoothly. 
"Please! Daddy, f-fuck me please!!" Pleading for you to fuck her. 
You make her bend more and her face were rested against the bed by placing your hand in her back before slowly thrusting your cock into her. 
"F-fuck, d-daddy you are too b-big!" You can hear her whine but you still slid your member slowly. She moans louder as she felt that you are going deeper and deeper into her cave. 
"So fucking tight!"
You move your hips with a rhythm making her painful experience into pleasure. She started moaning like little slut who needs more. 
Minutes passed and you begin fucking her in a normal pace and you still didn't put all of your length inside her. "Daddy, fuck Chaeryeong like a cocksleeve. I want it all please!" She plead, her head turned to her shoulder to make an eye contact. You can't resist her lustful eyes. 
You assisted her into a missionary and lift both of the legs into your shoulders. Aiming your cock into pussy once again and started pounding the shit out of her. A mating press.
"Aaahh! Shi-shit! DADDY! DON'T STOP P-PLEASEEEE!" 
You keep fucking the idols beneath you, her sexy moans is like a music to your ears. Every press, her moan became louder. 
You pressed one harder than the rest and let the idol experience orgasm. Several burst of your spunk was released inside Chaeryeong. You pulled out and her eyes were rolled back, tongue sticking out while she squirts. Your load and hers was mixed and flowing out of her pussy.
"I was wondering why can't i see you downstairs. It turns out you are here Daddy"
You turned your head to see whose voice was that and you see Yuna standing there in the doorway which is widely open. 
"I thought you'll be asleep." And walked towards her. The idols head was in the same height as your nipple, and she's the tallest of the bunch. 
"Well, i'm planning give you a head and drink your cum before i go to bed but i heard screaming and moaning and it lead me here." She looked at her unnie passed out because of pleasure. "Suho Oppa, i want what she had just now."
"You have a boyfriend remember?"
"I don't care, i just want to be fucked hard by you. I can also call you daddy. Please?" 
"Then kneel."
You commanded her, she let her tongue out, and you slapped her face and tongue with you huge dick multiple times. 
She sucked your dick like the little slut that she is and continued to bob her head, lust filled her eyes you can resist such look and you began fucking her small mouth. 
You cupped both of ther cheeks as she gags trying to do further from her limit. This cheating little bitch pushed her limit and got past what she did earlier in the morning.
Her eyes began tearing up, you feel the back of her throat everytime you thrust. This made her more lustful and horny as she undress herself and started toucher herself. 
Yuna held onto your thighs because of how hard you fuck her throat, however her eyes never falter and keeps looking at you as if she's saying she's a good slut and reward her. 
You didn't even warned her about you cumming and just grabbed the back of her head and shove it deeper into her throat and suddenly ropes of thick cum filled her mouth. 
Having your dick down an idols throat isn't news to you as you continue fill the little slut's mouth. 
Withdrawing your cock gives a pleasureable sensation to the young idol. She showed how filled her mouth with your hot cum and swallowed it. Not a single drop wasted. 
"Your cum really is best! Did i do a good job?" She asked while her face was still smeared with saliva and cum from Chaeryeong when you slapped her earlier. 
You put your hand on the top of her head and messed her hair as you nod. 
Her eyes were filled with excitement and accomplishments as she giggles. 
The other idol who passed out was already awake and masterbaited while watching you violate their maknae's mouth. 
"That was so hot." Chaeryeong went to the side of Yuna. "So, are you also a cocksleeve now? Cuz i am." she's tempting the girl by teasing her and the maknae gave in. 
"Yes, yes i am! So what?"
"So, i am still the sunbae even when we became both cocksleeves. We can't do anything about that."
"Shut up Unnie!"
"Yuna, we are not done. Come here!" Pulling her into the older womans bed. You lay down and position her into Full Nelson and the maknae's reaction was half excitement and half nervousness. 
"I saw this on one of the porn Yeji Unnie watched last week, i can't believe i'm going to experience it now" she said while mounting your dick. 
"You ready?"
"Yes, please use my slutty little pussy daddy!" 
Thrusting upward suddenly made the idol moaning unexpectedly loud even Chaeryeong was startled. 
"Don't stop! Don't fucking stop daddy please!!" 
"I'm going to have a videochat with the unnies, i'll let them watch" Chaeryeong said like it's funny that their maknae was getting plowed so hard in their own home. 
Yuna keeps on shouting, shrieking and moaning because of the pleasure bestowed by you. Cursing here and there and the Daddy became Master in an instant. 
Her pussy was being mold to copy the shape of you cock. 
"Ryujinnie~ Jisu-ya!! Chaeryeong is calling us" Yeji announce to her members. She answered the call and was surprise to see their maknae getting plowed by someone. 
Heat began circulating inside their bodies and envy filled their minds. They can't believe how such a huge cock can go in and out from a tight pussy like Yuna's. 
"Can you see this Unnies? It's Yuna's turn now, i passed out earlier after doing it and woke up to them getting intimate" Chaeryeong was focusing the camera to the other two who looks like they are the only people in the world. 
"You call that intimate? Was that a Full Nelson?" Yeji shouted as a response.
"Yes, Suho oppa wanted it and the little slut named Yuna just let him do what he wants, well. I did the same thing. I let daddy use me with no remorse." she giggled. 
"Isn't that position what you always wanted to do when you got a boyfriend?" Ryujin asked the leader of the group and she just nod her head as an answer. 
Lia can't speak because she's laser focused on how their Suho Oppa was fucking the maknae like that. 
All of the people got startled even the two people with no care about the world when Yuna's phone suddenly starts ringing. 
"You bitch! You're boyfriend's calling you!" Chaeryeong's voice was full of panic as she handed the phone to Yuna. 
"Answer it." They all heard what Suho oppa said. "Make sure to not get caught."
Yuna pressed the answer button, "Oppa? What is it?" Yuna asked. 
No one can hear the boy’s voice and suddenly Suho thrusted into Yuna. 
"Nnngh! No, no, nothing i hit my elbow to the wall." Yuna is doing all can she do to avoid getting caught. 
Yuna is still getting plowed while talking to her boyfriend. "Ryujin Unnie, do find what Yuna's doing a little thrilling?" Chaeryeong asked Ryujin who is processing what is happening.
"What do you mean?"
"We know that your boyfriend has been messing with other girl before you accepted him right? So doing the same thing as Yuna will not be considered cheating because your boyfriend did it when he's still courting you."
Yuna's moan starts getting louder and louder, the call already ended. 
"I'm just saying Unnie, Suho Oppa- i mean daddy has a huge cock and you'll forget about that stupid boyfriend of yours. Bye!" 
"Chaeryeongie has a point, that fucker has been fucking around while he's courting you. If you do it it's just revenge." Lia took the initiative to talk first. 
"Can i really do it?" Ryujin asked them, Yeji and Lia just nod at her as an answer. 
"He almost caught us daddy! Fuck! Ooh sh-shit! Yes!" Yuna has been super loud after the call ended. You are still fucking the shit out of her. Her eyes were same as the older member before. 
"You little slut, what if your boyfriend caught you and publish an article about you?" Chaeryeong sat beside us. 
"Aaah shit! H-he will n-not because i know how naive that guys is" she answered while moaning. "Daddy i'm cumming! I want to be filled with your cum just like unnie! F-FUCK!!"
You speed up the pace while still in the full nelson and fuck her deeper than before. 
Her moans is so full of lust that it makes you go a little harder. "Da-daddy you’re destroying me! Please, harder! FASTER!!" Hot thick cum started to shoot inside the idols used pussy. She's twitching like she's having a relapse. Pleasure overflows inside of her. 
You are pretty sure Yuna has the same expression as Chaeryeong when you came inside of her. And you were right on the mark when Chaeryeong showed you the video of the climax.
"Daddy look at her! Our maknae really is a bitch! How can somene who has a bf have this expression when doing the did with someone else?" She chuckled while teasing the younger idol who passed out too. "Such a horny bitch!
"As if you are not the same." I answered while looking at her. 
"Well, you are not wrong in that. I love how you fuck me hard. Anyways i'll let her sleep here tonight." She said and i decided to go back to my own room. But before i truly leave, i kissed Chaeryeong on her lips and marked her in the neck with a hickey. 
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yujification · 5 months
hi jin! i love your works, i was wondering if you had any thoughts on gp yuna? just your thoughts would be appreciated, keep up the good work!
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well of course i do!
cw: oral sex, deepthroating, gagging, semi-voyeurism???, finger sucking
as i’m sure we all know, yuna is a hung brat. she’s inexperienced, but thinks she’s the absolute shit because of her size, and constantly brags about all the girls she fucks on a daily basis, when in reality, she’s only trying to get attention, and you’re giving her exactly that. it’s not like you’d call her bluff anyway. i imagine she absolutely adores oral— watching your pretty lips wrap around her shaft while she cards her slender fingers through your hair 😵‍💫 she’s a little mean too, which adds to the experience if u ask me? hair puller, face fucker. she likes sticking her fingers down your throat when her cock isn’t readily available just to watch you cough and gag— it’s a pleasant reminder of the power she holds over you. even when she’s minding her own business, she wants your mouth on her (you’re good at what you do, she just doesn’t like to admit it), sitting on her phone on the couch, and randomly recommending something; “c’mere, give me head,” and you do without hesitation because who wouldn’t? and she records you too, just to get off to it later ??? “smile for the camera, baby,” while you’re gagging on her length 🫡 u don’t really mind, though. it’s degrading, sure, but she’s pretty and she’s got an even prettier cock, veiny with the cutest little pink-ish tip ??? i need to die 😫 she just likes watching you choke tbh!
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panda-writes-kpop · 8 months
Itzy - Covering Their Faces In Lipstick/Kiss Marks
A/N: I'm so excited for today to end - I have three days off of class! (that I will spend doing homework... ANYWAYS) I hope everyone who is studying or working gets a break sometime in the next month or two because it's rough out here lol
TW: None, but it is a gender-neutral reader!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Super shy and blushy, especially when she looks into a mirror
Does she want you to stop? Absolutely not!
Doesn’t try to kiss you back, she’s too shocked to do anything but allow it to happen
Please help her clean up the marks, otherwise she’ll forget and the other girls will tease the shit out of her.
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Absolutely loves it, please keep giving her all of your love and attention in the world!
Definitely pulls you closer when she realizes what’s going on
A little smirk sits on her face as you kiss her
Gives you a few lipstick marks of your own! Look, you’re matching now. ;)
Would remember to wipe up the marks, but she won’t say no to your help
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Oh, you know she’s enjoying this with every atom in her body.
Shit-eating smirk on her face as she whispers sweet nothings into your ear
Unless you really manage to catch her by surprise, you can’t fluster her
Does not wipe the marks up, partly because she just wants to embarrass you further…
And partly because she likes seeing everyone shocked at the marks on her face
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She’s ascended, she’s won the lottery, Chaeryeong.exe has stopped working permanently
No resistance, she’s all aboard the love and affection train
As long as you don’t mind her being a blushing, shy mess afterwards
Lord help the both of you if someone walks in, Chaeryeong’s soul will leave her body
She does remember to wipe up your kisses, but she accidentally leaves one or two that causes her to get teased
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Again, you know she is loving every minute of this
You’ve also engaged yourself in a kissing war with Yuna
By the end, you’re both covered in a lot of lipstick
She’s laughing at the two of you before taking pictures of herself in the mirror
She will wipe it off before she goes out, but Yuna will jokingly show her members the photos, and they tease you about it when they see you next.
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rd0265667 · 1 year
A day out(Chapter 7)
4 days later
1.8k words I met with Alice(Not sure what ITZY's manager's name is), as we exchanged pleasantries.
"Well Y/N, The chauffeur is ready for you and Yuna, they'll pick you guys up at around 4pm, so do make sure Yuna gets some food. Not really a tough problem seeing as, yknow, its Yuna, but still do make sure she's fine. Do stay safe too, it's rare for the idols to go out without a bodyguard, and I do have my concerns, but I'm sure it would be less suspicious like this." "Don't worry Alice, I'll keep Yuna safe." "I'm sure you will" Alice said with a smile
"So, why is your fashion sense so bad?" Yuna said, her arm linked with mine.She insisted...
"I'll give you a wild guess Yuna. It starts with P and rhymes with you're." "Oh right...."Yuna said, scratching her head as she chuckled. "Well, I'm gonna fix that today. This is gonna be labelled as a company expense so this is JYP-nim's money. Spend at will." I looked at her with amazement. "Well, thanks Yuna. To be honest, I'm not really a clothing person, even if I had money, I wouldn't have spent much on it on clothes. Maybe just one or two plain clothes for me to more easily cycle for a week." Yuna looked at me, horror in her eyes. "No boyfriend.... I mean personal assistant of mine shall be dressed poorly. I'll get the other members to help me on this, I'm gonna get you at least 10 sets of clothing today, so be ready alright?" "That sounds really heavy Yuna... could we go get the groceries and a meal first?" "Fine, I want to eat something soup based, let's go!" Yuna said, tugging me along again "I'll have one Miso ramen and one cha shu curry ramen." Yuna said, smiling as she thanked and handed the menu back to the server
"So, Y/N, have you ever dated before?" Somehow I knew that question was gonna come out soon. "No, Yuna, no...I've never had the time for dating, and even if I did, I don't think many girls will be lining up to throw themselves at an unemployed and pretty pathetic man." I suddenly recoiled as Yuna slammed the table, and she looked pissed. Everyone at the restaurant looked at her too, as I had to shake my hands at everyone to reassure them "Yah, Y/N, listen alright, don't ever say that about yourself." My jaw dropped as Yuna's angry face slowly softened. "Sorry about that. That was immature of me, but still. Don't ever talk down to yourself alright? From the fact that you helped me at the CU despite me being rude, and how I've seen you take care of all of us in the last few days. You're a genuinely great person, so don't ever talk down to yourself. You were dealt a bad hand, and you suffered through a horrible tragedy. That made your early life so tough, but you still push forward. Don't talk down about yourself okay?" Yuna said as she raised her hand, caressing my face gently.  Curiously, I didn't flinch or back away. Yuna has been the first person to really care for me like that, and her hand felt really comforting. My train of thought was then interrupted by a waiter coming over, saying, "Hi, sorry to intrude sir, but I would like to check, are matters with you and your girlfriend okay?" I was about to reply with the obvious, 'everything's fine, and we're just friends.', but Yuna pipped up first, saying, "Yeh, no worries, my boyfriend just told me some shocking news and I was surprised, sorry for the commotion though." Dear lord, this girl.... I sighed again as Yuna smiled in victory. The waiter looked at me, a little confused, but nodded and went back to her business. "Yuna, why..." "Well, I'm planning for the future, and I thought she might make moves on you too." Yuna said nonchalantly. The things this girl can think of never fails to astound me.  "Why would she ask me out? She doesn't even know me." I said, slowly sipping some tea "It's because you're hot." Yuna said as I spit my tea back into the cup. Oh highfather help me now. Wait, who the fuck is highfather? I coughed violently as the tea rocked back and forth in my cup.  "Wait wait wait, Yuna, before I address that, I need to ask a question. Have you heard of a deity or god called the highfather?" Yuna looked at me with a weird face, seemingly confused by what I had just said. "Are you one of those, "Do you have a little time to talk about Jesus?" Kinda people? Nothing against them but I need to know." "No, I'm not. It's just that when I was drinking my tea, before I was rudely interrupted and shocked, I thought to my self, Oh Highfather help me now. I thought it's usually Oh god help me now. I have no clue why my subconscious did that." "Well, I have a perfectly reasonable explanation." "Which is?" "You're stupid."Yuna said, sticking her tongue out. Aish, this girl... "Now hurry, I want to get the ingredients for your food so we can get to clothes shopping. Timeskip I have actually zero fashion sense so me talking about them trying on clothes would just be unfiltered nonsense
At 4pm "The car is coming soon, Y/N, get ready to move." "I don't think moving is really an option Yuna..." I said, as I stayed in my sitting position. Every inch of my arm was filled with a shopping bag from some prestigious brands. I swear we bought out an entire store. And that was only one of the many stores we visited. In addition to the ingredients I bought for food, it was really impossible to move. "A little help Yuna?" I speak out, groaning a little as I tried to stand. "Nope, you're my assistant, it's your job." She said as she flicked my forehead and laughed  As the van arrived, I saw in the periphery, Jake emerging, grabbing some bags from me as he helped me to my feet. "You don't look too surprised by the amount of things we've bought, Jake." Jake chuckled as he moved with me to the van, "You work long enough for ITZY, you get used to this. Oh Yeh, I don't think we've been properly acquainted, I'm Jake, Bodyguard for ITZY for about 6 months. I used to do your job too, so thank god you came along." "Y/N, and wow, I didn't know your job encompassed so many things. Did Yuna hire you too? She seems like the hiring manager for ITZY." I said, gesturing to the now slumbering Yuna. She fell asleep just like that? She was literally bouncing on the balls of her feet moments ago. "Nope, JYP found me, I was more of a Butler for them at first." "Guessing Ryujin didn't like you much at first?" Jake smiled sheepishly as he ruffled his hair, " More like not at all. Pretty sure she still doesn't trust me." "You seem like a nice guy, I'm sure she'll come around." "Let's hope. Oh yeh, Y/N, there was an Idea I had that I wanted to run pass you." "Shoot." "Well, the next ITZY comeback is going to be somewhat like an old medieval or ancient kind of theme, and they will be doing some fighting scenes, both hand to hand and a small handful with weapons. Normally this would just be some cuts and maybe stunt doubles, but I was thinking, what if we actually trained them in martial arts and armed combat. It wouldn't be much, but it could be very useful to make their movements more fluid if they understood how to use the weapons." "That honestly sounds great, I think it would be a good replacement to some of the normal and mundane exercises the girls do to stay fit. Them knowing self defense could be very valuable too. What Martial arts do you want to train them in though." "Probably Wing Chun, better for smaller combatants, using the opponents force to their advantage, and it also has a very fluid fighting style." I nodded, "Alright, since the girls have been given a relatively long break before their next comeback, they'd have time for this." Jake nodded, before his right hand jabbed towards my face. For some reason, my arm instinctively raised up and deflected it, with my other arm jabbing his stomach. How did I do that? "Wow, impressive, wanted to see if it could be great to train you with the girls, but it seems like you don't need it." "I don't know how I did that Jake, I have almost never ever fought anyone." "Well, regardless, you seem to have pretty sharp instincts and good form, I think training you would be good. Wouldn't hurt for the girls to have more protection." I nodded, as I realised we had reached the dorm. I looked over at the still sleeping Yuna, as I gestured to Jake. "You handle her man, I think she likes you, the driver and I will handle the stuff." I sighed and nodded, moving over to Yuna, trying to wake her up. After about a minute of unsuccessful prodding, I sighed, I'm gonna have to carry her aren't I.
I gently slipped my arms below her, as I carried her out of the van bridal style. As I moved to the stairs that led up to the dorm, I sighed and slowly carried her up the stairs. I heard her making some noises but I just assumed she was sleep talking or something. As I brought her up to the dorm, the door was open with Jake leaving the bags and heading out, bumping into us and smirking, "Called it. See you around man." I rolled my eyes as I chuckled, nodding to him as I walked into the dorm to see Lia and Ryujin looking at me. Lia was laughing at me as Ryujin's eyes narrowed a little, "Yeji-Unnie, Chaeryoung, You're gonna want to see this." 
I stood there awkwardly with Yuna in my arms as Yeji and Chaeryoung emerged, looking at me and Yuna, a little shocked.
As silence slowly engulfed the situation, Lia burst out laughing again, saying, "Y/N, you know Yuna's awake right?" "What?" "AISH, UNNIE, why did you ruin my fun?" I heard as Yuna's head turned to look at Lia "Wha--how long were you awake?" "When you were nudging me." "SINCE THEN?" "Well of course, I saw an opportunity and I took it. It's free real estate." Yuna then leaned forward, kissing me on the cheek. "Thanks honey." She said as she jumped off my arms, heading to the kitchen with a smile on her face Yeji smirked at me. "Honey huh." "We're not dating Yeji." "NOT YET." I heard as Yuna yelled from the kitchen
Yep, this is my life now
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bangchansdirty-slut · 3 months
The Half Sisters
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Paring:Nerd!G!P!Yeji x reader x Cheerleader!G!P!Girlfriend!Yuna
Summary: You were initially going to Yuna's house to study, but that plan fell through.
More: Masterlist
A/n: Oh my God! It's my birthday. Anyway, my next posts will be about the stuff that was requested.
You waltz into Yuna's house, a spring in your step, ready to settle in for some quality study time with your cheerleader captain girlfriend. The familiar smell of Yuna's mom's homemade lasagna fills the air, mingling with the scent of her dad's aftershave. You head straight for the dining room to drop your bag, and that's when you hear it: footsteps, padding softly across the kitchen floor. Instinctively, you assume it's one of Yuna's parents, and you're about to call out a cheery "hey" when you realize something's off. The footsteps are too light, too feminine. Curiosity gets the better of you, and you sneak a peek around the corner.
There she is, bending over in the fridge, her lithe figure clad only in a pair of panties and a sports bra. Her glasses reflect the light of the kitchen, casting a triangular shadow across her cleavage. You're momentarily frozen, unable to believe your eyes, before it dawns on you: this must be Yuna's older half-sister, Yeji. She looks up, noticing you for the first time, and her face flushes a deep shade of crimson. "Oh! You must be Y/n, Yuna's girlfriend," she says, her voice slightly higher-pitched than you expected.
"Um, yeah… I am," you manage to squeak out. Yeji straightens up and walks over to the table, her movements graceful and fluid. "I'm Yeji, Yuna's half-sister. I didn't realize she had such a good-looking girlfriend. She's always been so lucky." Her compliment catches you off guard, and you can feel your cheeks burning now. "So, uh, what brings you here today?"
"Oh, just studying," you say, gesturing to Yuna's math textbook on the table. "We've got a big test tomorrow." Yeji nods in understanding and takes a seat across from you. "So, you two are really serious about your studies, then?" she asks, a playful glint in her eye.
"Oh, you know Yuna," you say with a grin. "She's pretty dedicated." Yeji smiles back at you, and for a brief moment, you can't help but notice how similar their features are. It's almost eerie. "And how about you? What do you study?"
Yeji shrugs, her movements graceful as ever. "I'm in my last year of law school, so I'm pretty busy with that. But I try to stay on top of things, you know?" She leans forward, resting her elbows on the table, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage. "So, how long have you two been together?"
You can feel your heart racing as you look into her beautiful eyes. You take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. "Um, well, we've been seeing each other for about six months now. It's been really great." You can't help but glance down at her crotch area, noticing that her panties are white with a thin blue stripe running down the side. There's an even more noticeable bulge there than before…
Yeji smiles at your comment, clearly pleased. "That's nice to hear. I'm glad you two are happy together." She leans in closer, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper. "But I bet I could make you even happier, right?" Her hand slowly begins to slide up and down your thigh under the table, making your heart race even faster.
You try to focus on your conversation, but it's becoming increasingly difficult as her touch becomes more bold. When she reaches the hem of your skirt and feels the fabric bunched up against your aching cunt, she grins wickedly and slips her hand inside. Your breath catches in your throat as she begins to rub your clit through your panties, her long fingers expertly massaging your wet cunt.
You feel your control slipping away, and as she continues to tease you, you can't help but moan loudly. Your hips begin to rock involuntarily against her hand, seeking more contact. Yeji leans in closer, her lips brushing against your ear. "Do you want more?" she whispers. "Do you want me to help you study?"
The thought of being alone with her fills you with desire, and you nod eagerly. "Yes, please."
Yeji grins, taking your hand in hers and leading you into her bedroom. The room is dimly lit, the only light filtering in from the hallway. She closes the door behind you and pushes you gently towards her bed. "Lie down and relax," she whispers, her voice thick with desire.
As you lie down, Yeji kneels beside the bed, her eyes trailing down your body. Her hand finds its way to your panties, slowly pulling them down your legs. You're left completely exposed in front of her, and the anticipation is almost unbearable.
She leans in, kissing your inner thigh before moving higher, her lips brushing against your sensitive skin. Her tongue flicks out, teasing your clit as her fingers explore your wet folds. You arch your back, moaning loudly as pleasure washes over you.
Yeji grins, watching you squirm beneath her touch. "You like that, don't you?" she breathes, her voice husky. "You like feeling me touch you."
Your answer comes in the form of a moan as she presses two fingers deeper into your wetness. She curls them, searching for your G-spot, and you arch your back off the bed, gasping. "That's it," she whispers, leaning in to kiss your neck. "Let me make you feel good."
Her fingers move in a rhythmic pattern, circling your clit as she continues to play with your entrance. You're so close, the pleasure building inside you, making it hard to think about anything but the way she feels against your skin.
As you moan, your hips begin to move in time with her fingers, seeking more contact. You feel yourself getting closer, the pleasure building inside you, and you arch your back off the bed, gasping. "I'm going to cum," you manage to choke out.
Yeji grins, leaning down to kiss you as you both feel the tension building. "Cum for me, baby," she whispers, her voice low and husky. "Let it out."
You feel your body tensing as you approach the edge, the pleasure coursing through you. You arch your back, crying out as you feel your muscles contract, your inner walls clenching around nothing as your orgasm crashes over you in a wave of intense release. Your body shudders, your vision blurs, and you let out a long, drawn-out moan as pleasure washes over you.
Yeji's fingers never stop moving, even as you come apart beneath her touch. She leans in, kissing you deeply, her tongue tracing the shape of your lips as your hips continue to move in rhythm with her fingers. When you finally begin to steady, she pulls her fingers away, licking them clean as she watches you, your chest still heaving.
Her hand finds its way back to your thigh, gently rubbing the sensitive skin there as she smiles at you. "You feel so good," she whispers, her voice low and sultry. "I could do this forever."
You feel a surge of heat in your core at her words, and you arch your back, pressing yourself further into the bed beneath her. "Do it," you breathe, your voice barely more than a whisper. "Please."
Yeji grins, and before you know it, she's positioning herself between your legs. The head of her cock nudges against your entrance, and you gasp as she pushes inside you. It's even tighter than before, but she doesn't slow down, thrusting deeper and deeper, her muscles flexing with each stroke.
She reaches down, her fingers curling around your clit, and begins to rub in a tight circle. "That's it, baby," she whispers, her breath hot against your ear. "Let it feel good."
The sensation is almost too much to bear, and you arch your back, moaning loudly. You feel so full of her, so stretched and sore in the best possible way. You try to move with her, to meet her thrusts, but she's too strong, too experienced. She's in complete control, and you can't help but surrender to her touch.
As you feel yourself building toward another orgasm, you glance over at Yeji, watching her as she watches you. Her eyes are dark and intense, her expression unreadable. But then, suddenly, she grins. "That's it, baby," she whispers, her voice husky. "Let it out."
And with that, she thrusts deeper, harder, faster, pushing you over the edge. You cry out, your body convulsing as pleasure washes over you in waves. Your inner muscles clench tight around Yeji's cock, milking her as you cum, and she growls, her hips bucking wildly.
It's almost too much. Your body feels like it's on fire, your mind reeling from the sensations. But somehow, it's perfect. As you come down from your high, you glance over at Yeji, who is just as sweaty and flushed as you are. Her eyes meet yours, and there's a look in them that you've never seen before. It's a mix of pride, lust, and something else you can't quite place.
You turn your attention to Yuna, who stands there, half naked and anger, her cock still hard against her stomach. You can't help but wonder what she must be thinking, seeing the two of you together like this. You wish you could ask her, but the words get caught in your throat.
Yuna shoves past you, throwing herself onto the bed. Her breath is ragged, her eyes darting between the two of you. "I can't believe you'd do this to me, Yeji," she spits. "You promised me."
Yeji chuckles, a cruel sound that makes your heart ache. "Oh, Yuna, you know I'm always the better fucker. It was easy." She watches you, a knowing glint in her eye. "But go ahead, be mad. It only makes it hotter."
You can't help but feel the heat in your cheeks as you lie there, your body still sore from the intense fucking you've just endured. You glance over at Yuna, wishing you could understand what she's feeling right now. Her eyes dart between the two of you, her expression a mix of anger and… something else. Longing, maybe.
Yeji chuckles again, her hand trailing down your chest and over your stomach. "Come on, Yuna, don't be such a sore loser. We all knew you couldn't keep up with me." She leans in close, her breath hot against your ear. "Besides, I think you liked it just as much as she did."
As Yeji's words sink in, you glance over at Yuna, whose face has turned an even deeper shade of red. Her eyes flick between the two of you, a mixture of anger and desire dancing in their depths. You can't help but feel a stirring in your loins as you watch her struggle with the conflicting emotions.
Yeji chuckles, her hand still tracing lazy circles on your hip. "See, Yuna? I told you she'd enjoy it. And look at her now, wanting more." She leans in closer, her lips brushing against your ear. "Why don't you give her what she wants, Yuna? Let her feel you inside."
As Yuna hesitates, you feel a surge of desire welling up inside you. You reach out, taking Yuna's cock in your hand and guiding it towards your opening. Cunt still slick from your earlier encounter, and she slides easily inside you. Her eyes meet yours as she begins to thrust, the familiar feeling of her inside you making you shudder with pleasure.
Yeji watches the two of you, a predatory grin playing across her lips. She straddles your chest, her weight pinning you to the bed as she lines up her cock with your mouth. With a sharp thrust, she sinks into your throat, choking you with the thickness of her arousal. Your eyes water, but you don't resist as she begins to fuck your face, her hips slapping against your cheeks in rhythm.
Yuna steps closer, her hand tracing over your stomach, teasing at the sensitive flesh beneath your navel. She leans in, her lips brushing against your ear. "You're so beautiful like this," she whispers. "So full of Yeji's cum." Her fingers slide lower, teasing at the hairs around your entrance.
The feel of her touch sends a shiver through you, and you arch your hips into her touch. She smiles, her hand finding its way between your legs. Her fingers dance over your clit, and you let out a moan, your body tensing as the pleasure washes over you.
Yeji watches you with a satisfied grin, her hips still moving in time with the rhythm of your lover's touch. "Oh, you like that, Yuna?" she teases, her voice husky with desire. "You like making her feel good?"
As if in response, Yuna's hand presses more firmly against your clit, her fingers dancing faster. You arch your back, moaning loudly on Yeji's cock as the pleasure builds inside you.
"That's right," Yeji says, her hips beginning to move a bit faster in your mouth. "Let her feel it. Let her make you cum." She watches with a satisfied smile as you writhe on Yuna's cock.
Yuna's cock goes faster, her thumb pressing firmly against your clit as she brings you closer and closer to the edge. You feel your body tensing, your muscles clenching in anticipation of the release that's building inside you.
"Yes," Yeji growls, her hips slamming into your mouth as she feels herself beginning to lose control. "Let her make you cum. Show her how good it feels."
Yuna's thrusts become more urgent, her body shuddering as she nears her own release. You feel her fingers dig deeper into your flesh, her thumb rubbing circles around your clit as she drives herself deeper inside you. The sensation is exquisite, the pressure building and building until you feel like you're about to explode.
Yeji watches you with a look of pride and possession, her hips undulating as she rides your face. Her moans fill the room, her pleasure clear in the way she arches her back and throws her head back in ecstasy. Her juices coat your tongue, and you can't help but taste her on your lips as you suck her cock, wanting to savor every last drop.
Yuna's thrusts are unrelenting, her body moving in perfect sync with her lover's rhythm. Her breath comes in ragged gasps, and her eyes are half-closed as she focuses on the sensations coursing through her. Her free hand reaches down, teasing at her clit, her fingers moving in a blur as she nears her own release.
You feel your body tensing, your muscles tightening as your orgasm builds inside you. The pressure is intense, almost painful, but in the best possible way. You grip the sheets, arching your back as your hips buck upward, meeting Yuna's thrusts with equal force.
Yuna's cries fill the air, her body shuddering as she reaches her climax. Her juices spill over you, coating your insides as she cums deep inside you. She collapses on top of you, their weight pinning you to the bed, her chest heaving as she catches her breath.
You feel your own energy waning, your limbs growing heavy and weak. But just as you begin to drift off, you feel Yeji's strong hands on your hips, pulling you to your feet. "Come on," she says, her voice husky with desire. "Time for a shower."
Yuna giggles, her body still pressed against yours. "And maybe some more fun while we're at it," she adds with a sultry smile. You let them lead you to the bathroom, your legs wobbly from the aftereffects of your intense lovemaking.
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