#not like I have a place to go to chill at home or play video games or something
rosicheeks · 4 months
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abbyshands · 7 months
THE LAST OF US, and the israeli themes surrounding it
i'm very glad that people were able to see one of the previous things i published, where i complied a series of links that you can use to learn more of what's going on in gaza, how you can help, places you need to boycott, etc. however, at the end of the post, there is a large part of it that is DIRECTLY meant for people who play or watch the last of us, or play the last of us 2.
the last of us 2 in specific is not at all elusive in displaying the chilling themes we are seeing before us today. what boggles my mind, is that a select few individuals are choosing to keep publishing fics, reblogging them, uploading content that has NOTHING to do with what's going on, etc. also, you can't reblog one thing about palestine and claim that you care, then flood your account or people's home pages in fanfiction, especially during a media blackout. it just doesn't work like that.
i took the time to make a post discussing all of the israeli/palestinian themes that the games as a whole, but mainly the second one, display. if you are my mutual, a friend, a fan of my work, or a fan of the game or show, then i 100% demand you read this. if you can read fics for hours, you can spend time to read a post discussing the universe those very fics came from.
a lot of us are now aware of the last of us's nature in regards to the ongoing genocide, but not many people know the specifics of it. after seeing this post last night (the person who made this, you are an angel), i decided to take the time to dive into the specifics of the last of us 2's israeli nature, on a logical level, but also a moral level, using a list of sources to help me along, which will be linked at the end of this post. i will link the sources along the way so you know which sources i got my information from.
regardless of if this changes anyone's mind about ignoring the media blackout, or not giving a fuck about what's going on period, know this: regardless of how you feel, regardless of what you believe, from the river to the see, palestine will be free. at this fucking point, the people who are on the right side will keep speaking out and spreading awareness, regardless if you are here to do it with us. that's it. now, let's get into this.
UPCOMING DISCUSSIONS: neil druckmann, the last of us 1, the last of us 2, the last of us show and zionism in the show's cast, boycotting the game and show, and conclusion
45-year-old neil druckmann, who was the co-director and co-writer for the last of us 2, was born in tel aviv, israel in 1978. according to the above source, druckmann was raised in a settlement in the west bank, where he was surrounded by violence on a daily basis. comics, movies, and most of all, video games, became an escape for him as a child, before he and his family moved to miami, floridawhen he was 10 years old.
to water down the full story that you can, again, read here, druckmann went to college to major in criminology. however, when he was in college, druckmann took a compsci course, that later lead to his major becoming coding as opposed to criminology. soon after, he knew he wanted a career that related to one thing: video games.
in the summer of 2013, the last of us part 1 was released, and it was renowned as one of best video games to have ever been made. in 2020, druckmann and nd released the last of us part 2, followed by the 2022 release of HBO's show based on the first video game. druckmann played a huge part on set, being not only the co-creator and co-writer of the show, but also having directed an episode himself. druckmann will remain involved in the second season of the show.
bringing up neil druckmann’s background is a crucial aspect of what’s upcoming in this post, hence why i wanted to discuss it at all. druckmann growing up in israel is one of the sole reasons the last of us was ever made at all, and not only that: it is the reason why the second game is the way it is, because neil druckmann planted his israeli ideologies right into it.
so, let’s speak on it.
on the official the last of us podcast, neil druckmann himself discussed the last of us' link to the israeli-palestinian conflict, and now, genocide. the general consensus was that people will go ridiculously far for the people that they love. this idea of druckmann's was revealed when he discussed the first time the main character of the first game, joel miller, kills somebody to keep his daughter, sarah, safe from harm. this is one of the first scenes in the game prior to the time jump, where the pair's neighbor becomes infected, and attacks them. joel uses a gun to kill him so that the neighbor doesn't harm sarah.
the following is a quote i would like to copy from this link word for word: "Druckmann said he follows "a lot of Israeli politics" and compared the incident to Israel's release of hundreds of Palestinians prisoners in exchange for the captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2011."
the plot of the first game, as neil druckmann explained, is based around a moral dilemma. he discusses how if joel had to kill a man to save a random kid, would he have done it? druckmann himself says, "but when it was his tribe, his daughter, there was no question about what he was going to do."
while the first game, in my opinion, isn't as heavily centered around israeli themes as the second game is, regardless, it is heavily crucial to note that the basis of the first game derived from a real-life incident involving israel and palestine, where hundreds of palestinian people (edit: i believe it is more than 1,000) were released from imprisonment, all in exchange for one israeli soldier. in the second game, the israeli-palestinian themes, if you look closely enough, scream out at you.
let's talk about it.
"There is a common saying that if you seek revenge, you should dig two graves. Playing The Last of Us Part II is like being made to dig those graves with your teeth (Zacny)."
nd's 2022 the last of us part II is described down to the last letter in the above quote, albeit the game's utterly obvious israeli nature. in this post, the creator, rob zacny, goes on to discuss the game's theme of a "cycle of violence," and how the game reminds you in each grotesque encounter of the cruel ideology behind that. due to what occurs in the last of us 1, joel, basically, reaps what he sows when he is murdered for killing a surgeon who, along with the group said surgeon was a member of, the fireflies, was planning to perform surgery on ellie, who joel had since grown close to, in search of a cure for the infection that has plagued their world for decades. four years later, the second playable character in the game, who is introduced in the first half hour or so, abby anderson, kills joel to avenge the surgeon who was murdered, who happened to be her father. from then on, the game follows what, again, can only be described as a "cycle of violence." joel kills abby's dad, abby kills joel, ellie kills all of abby's friends, aims to kill abby in the final battle of the game, but spares abby when ellie's conscious morally attacks her for her decisions.
throughout the 24 odd hour gameplay, the player is allowed to play as ellie and abby, abby's parts of the game being arguably longer than ellie's. the idea this, i believe, is meant to introduce, is one of perspective: the player is meant to be loyal to joel miller once the first game has been finished, so when he is killed, they are inclined to make abby pay for it. however, abby's perspective, both in the past and as the present course of the game goes on, is meant to make the player understand why she did what she did. thus, the moral: there are no good guys in this game. every person is as equally bad as the following, and no one is innocent. however, when we consider the israeli-palestinian nature of this ideology and how it is presented in the last of us part 2, it simply doesn't work like this.
“I suspect that some players, if they consciously clock the parallels at all, will think The Last of Us Part II is taking a balanced and fair perspective on that conflict, humanizing and exposing flaws in both sides of its in-game analogues. But as someone who grew up in Israel, I recognized a familiar, firmly Israeli way of seeing and explaining the conflict which tries to appear evenhanded and even enlightened, but in practice marginalizes Palestinian experience in a manner that perpetuates a horrific status quo (Maiberg).”
when discussing the last of us part 2’s plot, one could 100% argue that there really aren’t good guys on the dual sides of the game. if you compare ellie and abby, you know that ellie went on a murder frenzy to get revenge on abby for killing joel. on abby’s side of it all, you know that abby wasn’t all that great before coming across lev and yara, and even then, she killed people to do what everyone in said world aims to do: survive. prior to finding lev and yara, abby had killed numerous people before, and did, as the player sees, handle joel very cruelly before she ended up killing him. here’s one more example, one that’s more random (but it’s simply to compare abby vs. ellie’s people, if you will): joel and manny. joel went on a cross country murder spree to keep ellie safe, and killed a building full of people at the end of the game to save her life. in regards to manny, if you recall a discussion that manny and mel had in the beginning of abby’s parts of the game, the pair are discussing a happening where a group aside from the wlf, the seraphites (which we will discuss later) attacked them because the wlf killed children who were a part of their (the seraphite’s) group. manny voiced how he would prefer to keep their people (the wlf) safe, and challenges mel, implying that those “kids” weren’t really kids, because they were the ones who attacked their guys (the wlf) in the first place. as a general consensus, manny kills several people throughout the course of the game, which can be inferred or seen by the player, making him, for the sake of what i’m getting at, a bad guy.
we see in the game how ellie and abby’s people are unanimously bad. the last of us is set in a world where laws and morals are thrown out the window for the sake of survival, so this is no surprise. however, this dual perspective, “no bad guy,” ideology simply doesn’t apply in the world today. you may compare ellie vs. abby, or joel vs. manny, or bring in more characters in the game, such as tommy, nora, etc, claiming that all parties are bad. that makes perfect sense. but think about it like this: if this is meant to represent the israeli-palestinian perspective, and i give you the scenario of a five-year-old child versus a full-grown IDF soldier, what would you say? isn’t there an obvious answer as to who is in the wrong and who’s not? maiberg is 100% right in claiming that the game marginalizes the real-life palestinian experience. abby, ellie, joel, manny, etc, are not real people. but the thousands of innocent children who have been killed for the ridiculousness and inhumane israeli regime are. you can’t say each side is equal in awfulness, not when one side is full of innocent men, women, and children, some of which could never make it into a year of their lives. not when if one side pauses their battle, there would be a ceasefire, but if the converse pauses their battle, they would all be dead.
“And then they cheered afterward,” Druckmann, who grew up in Israel, recalls. “It was the cheering that was really chilling to me. … In my mind, I thought, ‘Oh, man, if I could just push a button and kill all these people that committed this horrible act, I would make them feel the same pain that they inflicted on these people.’"
remember how i said discussing neil druckmann's background was crucial? it is. druckmann, who, again, was born in israel, told the Washington Post that the game's cynical themes of revenge and suffering is linked to the 2000 killing of two israeli soldiers (tw, lynching), who were killed by a mob (maiberg). allegedly, some of the incident was remembered in film, that druckmann watched, and in his interview, he explained his angry nature that came about in response to the video, and how he desired vengeance.
the last of us part 2 is mainly set in seattle, washington, where secondary main character, abby anderson, resides in with a militia group named the wlf (which we will also delve into later, alongside the seraphites). maiberg brings out how seattle, on a visual and mechanical level, is based around "a series of checkpoints, security walls, and barriers (Maiberg)." he notes: "[seattle] looks almost exactly like the tall, precast concrete barriers and watch towers Israel started building through the West Bank in 2000." here are side by side images for comparison:
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now that we’ve discussed this, let us discuss one of most prevalent aspects of abby’s part of the story: the wlf, and the seraphites. the seraphites are a religious group, nicknamed “the scars” due to the scars the members of said group carve into their faces to display their membership, who the wlf, a makeshift militia group, runs into conflict with following the fall of FEDRA, the country’s former military. in a note in the game, a fedra commander explains that the city of seattle has been lost to the wolves (the wlf), who he names as terrorists. maiberg brings out the following: “Here, there are parallels to early Zionist organisations that fought British rule in the region. These organizations were also described as terrorists, and leaders of those organizations later became leaders in Israel, much like how Isaac, the leader of the Wolves, came to control Seattle. Other in-game notes, scenes of urban ambushes, and the bodies of executed FEDRA officers laboriously walk the player through the cliche "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter (Maiberg).”
maiberg also discusses a series of manners in which the fictional seraphites resemble real-life palestinians. here are the three ways he specifically discusses in his original post, but there are much more:
“The same note from the Seattle FEDRA commander that bitterly says the Wolves are in charge explains that it's now their responsibility to not only feed and shelter the people of Seattle, but deal with the "religious fanatics," referring to the Scars.
Later in the game, Ellie finds a location called "Martyr Gate," where the Scars' spiritual leader apparently died, indicating a religious significance of a specific and disputed location, and emphasizing the notion of martyrdom as central to their culture.
The Scars are able to get around Wolf patrols and various barriers around the city via an elaborate, secret system of bridges between skyscrapers. These function as a kind of flipped version of the underground tunnels Palestinians use to bypass Israeli blockades and other means of limiting free movement in order to get supplies and carry out attacks on Israel.”
one more post i would like to link is this one, the very reason i decided to make this in the first place. it captures the zionism in the last of us 2, along with the wlf vs. seraphite conflict, perfectly. i very much recommend you read it, as it explains it much better than i can.
the general consensus is this: the idea that the seraphites are equally as bad as the wlf, which implies that palestinians are equally as bad as israelis, simply doesn’t apply in 2024. as i said before: what is so vile and cruel about a newborn baby? a pregnant woman? an innocent man? NOTHING. part of the reason the last of us captures this so poorly is due to the apocalyptic nature of the world the game is set in. obviously, people would go rogue if their lives were put in peril by not only animalistic infected beings, but also humans. however, we live in a real world where laws and morals do, in fact, apply. this isn’t a video game where those are simply discarded. what the wlf and the seraphites did to each other in the last of us 2 could be any other day for them: but what israel is doing to palestine right now is a war crime, a genocide, and plainly vile.
THE LAST OF US SHOW, and zionism in the show’s cast
i don’t think i need to spend a lot of time here, because if you have made it this far, you are well aware of the real nature of the last of us and the last of us 2 already, so you must understand that the show is HBO’s take on the game’s story (which, need i remind you show-wise and game-wise, neil druckmann played a huge part in). i simply bring it up so that people are aware of the fact that the 2022 show is ALSO linked to the ongoing genocide, and the cast is a major part of that (however, if anyone would like me to delve deeper into the show, let me know, and i 100% will).
for the following season which is a sequel to the last, theorized to center around the happenings of the last of us 2, members who are set to play a few crucial characters in the game have been announced. this includes isabela merced, who will play dina woodward, ellie’s romantic partner for most of the game, alongside kaitlyn dever, who will play abby anderson.
many people freaked out when they realized kaitlyn dever will be playing abby, but not for the reason they should have been. if you are a last of us fan, you are well aware that abby’s muscles are a central aspect of her persona. yet, kaitlyn dever is on the skinnier side, and according to some, does not resemble abby.
but this is not the issue that is most crucial to discuss.
kaitlyn dever is a zionist, and so is isabela merced (i am under the impression that both of these claims are true, but i had trouble finding a source i deemed reliable enough to link here. if i do, however, i will). now, while i’m not here to riddle you with conspiracy theories, people believe this (zionism) is the reason kaitlyn dever in specific got the role of abby anderson (there is a separate actress, shannon berry, who more closely resembles abby, but made a post in solidarity with palestine. this is theorized to be the reason why she didn’t get the part, and why kaitlyn dever was announced shortly after this particular actress made said post). let us not also forget that ellie’s actor, bella ramsey, is also in support of israel, which can be seen here.
(edit: i was informed since making this that bella has a story on one of their social medias, showing their alleged support of palestine and calling for a ceasefire. i’m going to link this post where i spoke on it, so you aware of what i think on that front).
all of the previously provided information brings me to my final part of this post: boycotting the games, and boycotting the show.
i could go on and on about why this is so crucial, but we would be here forever. however, i’m going to paste in what i wrote in this post surrounding the topic of boycotting, as i personally believe i got it down quite well in regards to the last of us (the show and game). it reads:
"DO NOT BUY TLOU, TLOU REMASTERED, TLOU2, TLOU2 REMASTERED, OR ANY GAME FROM ND! neil druckmann has donated money to the IDF in the past. & where do you think he’s getting his money from? yeah, you got that. watch gameplays, pirate these games, or buy them secondhand. several shops sell used games. & for those of you who went and purchased the game anyway, knowing about all of this? fuck you.
if you think your $10 doesn’t matter, then think about this: okay, one person spends $10 on the game. whatever. but when 100,000 people do it? that’s a million dollars, going into the hands of a zionist, who is using YOUR money to help kill innocent men, women, and children. put that in your pipe and smoke it.
it is not just the games you need to boycott. HBO’S show also needs to be. follow this link to learn of more movies and shows you need to boycott, & the reasons why, including the last of us. let’s also not forget that dina & abby’s actresses are in support of israel, and BELLA RAMSEY, ellie’s actress, has also shown support.
boycott. the fucking. show. there are a million websites where you can pirate it, so you are not giving any of your support to it. resist."
what it comes down to is this: purchasing the game or watching the show directly from nd or HBO is not a must. spreading awareness and speaking out about palestine is. you are more than capable of not purchasing the game, or watching playthroughs, or buying the game secondhand, etc. you are more than capable of pirating the hbo show so that money is not made off of your engagement. it's not that difficult. i have said it once, and i will say it again: boycotting is a form of resistance, and that is the least we can do for those suffering in gaza as you read this. resist. people openly admitting that they went and purchased the game anyway simply make me sick. i hope you know what an awful thing to brag about that is, and how despicable of a human it makes you.
there's so much to discuss when it comes down to this topic, and it's possible that in the future, i will make a second part to this. however, for now, i really hope this does suffice. i believe knowing of the game's israeli nature is a step. but knowing the specifics is a leap, one that i need everyone engaged in this fandom to take, hence why i wanted to make this post at all.
i'm not saying anyone needs to quit liking the games or the show or whatever. i'm not saying you need to delete or throw away a game you spent $60 on. i've seen so many people who are way too dense to understand that. what i'm saying is that it's crucial you are at least AWARE of the content you are consuming. aware of why it even came about at all.
in my opinion, you can't separate the game from the roots. but you can remain aware of the inner workings of this world you've grown to love. you can keep spreading awareness about it, and you can do right by the people in gaza by discussing the ongoing genocide, and using your voice as much as you can.
i'm so lucky to have been able to gain a following on here in such a short amount of time, even if that following has gone up and down because i've chosen to post more about palestine as opposed to my previous content (granted, that fact won't deter me at all). i will keep using said following to keep speaking out for the people in gaza, and i encourage you to do the same. keep reblogging. keep speaking up. keep using your voices. the people in gaza need us. be there for them.
neil druckmann | the official the last of us podcast | the not so hidden israeli politics of the last of us 2, by emanuel maiberg (i highly recommend you read the full post. it discusses several crucial details i didn't discuss in this post) | galid shalit prisoner exchange | Neil Druckmann Speaking on the Washington Post | 2000 killing of two israeli soldiers (TW: LYNCHING) | 'The Last of Us Part II' Is a Grim and Bloody Spectacle, but a Poor Sequel | Veiling Colonial Violence: The Last of Us Part II, Israel and the Erasure of Power (full disclosure, i did not read the full post. i merely needed the quote in the very beginning of it) | zionism in tlou2 | isabela merced | kaitlyn dever | bella ramsey's support of israel
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camryn-haitani · 9 months
I know darling
Colby Brock x Fem!Reader
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you sent Colby a lengthy paragraph about all the things you want him to do to you. and he makes everything you sent come true
TW: Dom Colby, p in v sex, fingering (Fem receiving), teasing, video masterbation (from Colby), mentions of Sam joining and watching, face fucking (Fem receiving), fingering, name calling "love, baby, angel, sweetheart, good girl, good bitch, pretty girl, bitch, whore, slut", praise and degradation, cursing, video during it, aftercare, plot twist
I am a firm believer that Colby is into face fucking
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once I started texting the words I wanna say, they wouldn't stop coming. once I felt like I said enough to get him going, I sent it along with a spicy pic of me in his favorite lingerie. and now I wait for his response.
Colby POV
That was one of the scariest things we've ever caught on camera. me, Kris, and Sam decided we had enough and packed up to go home. we all get in the car and wait for the long car ride home.
once we get into a town, I finally have service and I get a shit ton of notifications. the one that caught my eye was the one y/n sent. I see she sent a long paragraph along with a photo. I was expecting a message about how much she misses me. holy shit I was wrong.
what I'm reading is the most spine chilling, boner inducing, and cock throbbing thing I've ever read. the more I read, the more hard I get. I grab my xplr hoodie and cover my lower half, not wanting Sam to see my boner.
we still have a 3 hour car ride back to LA, I'm not gonna make it that long. my breath get harsh and fast. Sam notices and says something. "hey man, you good?" he asks as he hits my arms. "yeah uhm I'm good, just thinking about the stuff that happened earlier."
I'll give it an hour and see if it goes away.
*an hour later*
well it's been an hour and I still have a boner. I roll my eyes and try to think of an excuse.
"hey Sam uh pull over to a gas station, I uhm have to piss" I lie. "I got you man" Sam pulls over to a gas station and I quickly run out of the car and into the bathroom. I sigh as I pull down my pants when an idea popped in my head.
I pull out my phone and start recording.
*a little while later*
I finish and clean myself up as i send the video to y/n.
me: video
me: I hope you enjoy this love
I hear my phone buzz and I open it without hesitation. I see he sent a video and I watch it from beginning to end.
me: can't wait for you to get home daddy~
I know that name gets him going and I wanna see what happens. not even 5 minutes later, I get another text from him.
colbs<333: god you have no idea what you do to me, angel. when I get home, you better have my favorite outfit on with your head hanging off the side of the bed<3
me: yes sir<33
since I have his location, I can see how far away he is. he's about an hour and a half away from home, so when he gets about 10 minutes away from home, I'll do what he says.
*an hour and a half later*
I get more and more excited when I watch his icon get closer and closer to our house. I decide to get changed into his favorite lingerie and lay down on the bed.
I hear the door open and I hear stuff slam on the ground with fast foot steps coming up the stairs. I quickly put my head off the side of the bed just like he said. the door swings open and I see him with lustful eyes eating me alive.
"goddamn angel, you look gorgeous" he walks closer to me. his rough, calloused hands run all over my body as he ogles me. every movement he makes on my body, I twitch with anticipation.
he plays with my tits as he runs his fingers over my nipples over the lingerie as a whimper elicits from my mouth. I feel his boner on my cheek in his pants, wanting to be let out. I lift my hand up to caress his cock. I wrap my hand around it and barely squeeze it. he groans as he steps back to free his aching cock.
"you ready, princess?" he asks as he places his cock on my lips. I nod vigorously and open my mouth, spit already coating his leaking tip.
"just tap my thigh if you can't breathe" he reassures. I nod as he taps his cock on my tongue a few times before shoving his cock in my throat. I gag but then get used to it.
I let him use my throat for whatever he needs. there's pre-cum and saliva dripping down my chin and my mouth.
his thrusts get more harsh. 'hes about to cum' I think to myself. "gonna.... fuck.. close.." he mutters. he can't even pronounce words. I grab his waist and pull him further into my mouth. "fuck!" he yells, unknowingly I was going to do that.
I feel his cum drip down my throat and chin. I sit up and gather his cum and put it back in my mouth. he does the same with my spit.
his eyes widen for a second, like he has an idea. he pulls out his phone and starts recording.
"oh Sam would love this, wouldn't he?" he teased his fingers on my slit. I can only nod, my mind is cloudy and my eyes dizzy with pleasure. "I need words, pretty girl." he says, curling his fingers up in me. "yes! he would love seeing me like this!" I yell. Colby chuckles at my words.
"seeing you like this. being such a slut for me." his fingers get more and more quick. I know that him and Sam have done something like this in the past, but Sam watching me is so erotic to me.
"go ahead and tell the camera how much of a slut you are. for me and Sam. go on bitch."
"fuck Sam, I want you in me. I want you and Colby to fuck me so hard it hurts to walk. please Sam" I beg with pleasing eyes.
"good bitch" his fingers get more aggressive and he can tell I'm getting close.
he rips his fingers out of me as I'm about to cum. "w-what... why.. please, I want it... wanna cum for you" I plead into the camera.
he grabs my cheeks "only good sluts get to cum. this is what you get for getting me hard in the car. you knew I was with Sam and yet, you still did it. it's like you wanted Sam to know." he coos.
"yes! I wanted Sam to know! I want you both to fuck me!" I whine.
"that's what I thought, you whore" he lines up his cock and slides it up and down my wet folds.
"daddy please I need you." I beg. "fine, only because I'm so fucking hard for you" he rams his cock into me without a second thought.
"why don't you tell Sam what you want him to do to you, hm?" Colby teases. "want.... want you to fuck my face while Colby e-eats me out" my hands cover my face in embarrassment.
he rips my hands from my face "I think Sam would wanna see your pretty face as I fuck you." he pins my hands above my head as he slides his cock in and out of me.
his pace gets faster and his rhythm gets sloppy. my legs wrap around his waist, wanting him closer in me.
he apparently liked that because I feel him twitch in me. "fuck... gonna cum in your pretty pussy, huh? you want me to cum in you, fucking slut"
"shit..... yes yes yes please." I beg more.
his final push in me makes me unravel the knot in my stomach. my back arches as my legs tighten around his waist.
his breath slows as he picks himself up and goes to our bathroom. he runs a washcloth under water and comes back to clean us up.
Colby wore a smirk on his face that I couldn't see. "hey baby, can you get the cameras from downstairs please? I wanna edit some footage from earlier"
"yeah sure" I struggle to go downstairs but I make it through
I turn the corner and there he is…
he was downstairs this whole time
"uhm uhh... hi?"
"hello beautiful" he says as he stands up and walks towards me. he puts a finger under my chin and makes me look at him "you sounded lovely up there. calling out for me. I hope you meant every word up there because I plan on making those things true. " he whispered in my ear.
his phone goes off. "I wonder what this is" he says sarcastically. he pulls up the video Colby took of me. "I hope I make you sound like this" he kisses your neck and walks out the door.
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this has been in my head for a looooong time
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lady-ashfade · 8 months
The trio
Day 11 of celebration marathon
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Platonic!Trio x reader
-£ ask: Can you do something about how Percy, Annabeth and Grover would be meeting a new mortal friend after the quest? Like Annabeth having her first friend outside camp and maybe having all the awesome kid moments she missed ie sleepovers, movies, school dance... stuff like that. Grover making a friend he isn't trying to protect or save and can just be himself. And Percy making a friend with the confidence he got from knowing he's different but not broken. (I loved tonight's episode and can't wait for season two! I hope your enjoying the books they were my favorite when I was 12) @poemfreak306
-£ Warnings: fluffy friendship, hcs, me just going with what my brain comes up with, I haven’t slept since yesterday.
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It’s funny how you were so excepting of their situation. Of course you were confused but you got over it pretty fast.
you had watched them defeat a monster on your way home from school and hid while they took care of it. You actually thought you were losing your mind.
They were just surprised as you when you went up to them, a normal human. I mean humans could see through the fog before but you were different.
“So…you actually have goat legs?” You point down at Grover as he blushes and nods.
You took them to your house and offered them a place to stay for the night, or some meals at first since they didn’t want to stay around you to long.
Annabeth likes to talk about things she feels like she can’t around anyone at camp, like girly things. Maybe you teach her a new hair style? Or show her a new teen magazine with cutes boys, then show her new movies she might like.
(I have a feel for wound either love or hate legacy blonde and you can’t convince me otherwise)
She likes when you gossip about your regular life and the problems you have, she likes to live through you. She also likes to teach you things to if you ask.
Grover is so happy to have you. He doesn’t feel the pressure. Not that it’s a problem with the other two but he likes to chill in your room. He’s a sucker for laying down in your room while you listen to music and play with his hair. Also, teach him videos games and battle him. He likes to visit you all the time to complain or rest up. You are his battery charger.
Also, Grover loves you because you always prepare snacks for him. He eats anything, Tin cans and random things he could find but you take the time to make him something. Makes him feel loved and cared about.
You are a blessing in Percy’s eyes. The other kids made fun of him for his whole like. But here you are, not a care in the world. You do scold him if he gets hurt and about being more careful tho he enjoys that. He had a kinda normal childhood with his mom so he knew a lot of things like you did so it was easy to bond. You got all his references!
Percy likes it when you listen to him rant on about his problems, about how camp is, or how he killed some monster. He enjoys how excited you get when he tells his stories. You call him and the others your hero’s.
Movie nights are always fun with them. Either you and Percy are showing them a movie you watched or you show them something.
If it horror. Grover will be watching intently while eating popcorn unlike what you thought the first time, he likes it. Annabeth is screaming at the tv how they are messing themselves up and somehow ends up rooting for the killer, (she never will admit she yelps at times) and Percy is in the middle. Sometimes his curling up and turning away, or laughing at the screen.
They get to be kids and enjoy a sleepover, eating snacks and throwing them around, laughing so hard they cry, staying up “all night” and then crashing.
Everytime they return to camp they have a new photo of you to hang up. Even as a mortal you are their best friend and they wouldn’t change it any other way.
taglist: @maria699669 @purplerose291 @itzmeme @ravenmedows
-£ this was edited poorly so many mistakes are made because I’m having a hard time keeping my eyes open.
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strniohoeee · 11 months
Can you do one with Chris where he overstims the reader until they use the safe word??🩵
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris has been in one of his moods lately, and when Y/N doesn’t like it….Chris gets a little upset, and takes his anger out on her. This is for this request I got, and another request asking for an angry Chris🫂
Warnings⚠️: This is SMUT!! There’s spit, smacking, use of the word slut, dom Chris, overstimulation, and I think that’s all🤭
Song for the imagine: Bathroom, Hotel-Montell Fish
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
I wasn’t too sure what was wrong with Chris lately, but he’s been so aggy and rude, and I had given him some space for a few days, because honestly me and a rude Chris equals me cursing him out and telling him to leave
I hadn’t seen him in three days, and we texted here and there but he was back at the house with his brothers. Nick and Matt created a groupchat with me and not Chris to tell me how fucking annoying and rude he’s been.
I honestly wasn’t shocked. Chris gets like this every few months. He gets all bitchy and annoying, and usually I have to fuck him, so he gets whipped back into shape. But I wasn’t his mommy, and this behavior had to stop
Nick was texting the groupchat about the latest issue between them
-Y/N Chris is so fucking annoying I’m not even sure how you deal with his annoying ass….like I’m about to put his ass out, and change the locks on the door-Nick
-It’s that fucking bad? What’s the issue now???
-He started complaining while we were filming about how the car video was stupid, he was hot, he was annoyed and that Nick and I couldn’t get our shit together-Matt
-The fuck is wrong with this kid?? Is he a fucking child?
-He might as well be. We had to stop filming because he started cursing like crazy, and started to hit us and shit. He fucking knocked me in my mouth and I started to bleed-Nick
-he’s so fuckkkg ridiculous…like I’m getting tired of putting up with this shit….
-Yeah, and then when we went back home, he started going off about the garbage not being done, and the fucking dishes not being done, but like when I told him to do he started flipping the fuck out-Matt
-Where’s he now??
-in his room yapping like an annoying bitch-Nick
-oh brother…let him calm down he’s having a temper tantrum
-yeah..put his ass in time out next time you see him -Matt
-I sure will LMFAOO
An hour had gone by, and I was just at home chilling. I had showered and I was reading a book when I got a text message
-Chris is on his way over to you…he literally flipped out on us again-Matt
-oh brother….time to play mommy with this kid
-LMFAOOOO lord help you idk how you do this-Nick
About thirty minutes later I heard my front door open, so I knew it was Chris
“Babe” he called out
“In my room” I yelled to him
I heard his Timbs hit the ground in thumps, and then suddenly my door busted open
“Yo” he said taking his hat and shoes off at my door
“Yo? Am I your homeboy” I said raising an eyebrow at him
“I’m not in the fucking mood” he said bluntly
“Oh excuse me…you better fix your attitude because I’m not doing this temper tantrum bullshit” I told him shutting my book and placing it on my nightstand
“Listen I’m not in the mood okay. I just want to see my girlfriend and decompress” he said walking over to the bed, taking off his shirt
“Yeah, and you’re not going to come in here with an attitude and bark at me about what you want to do in my HOUSE” I said rolling my eyes at him
“You piss me off sometime” he said looking over his shoulder and scoffing at me
“Well then….the doors right there Christopher” I said to him
“Stop fucking doing that….stop fucking calling me Christopher and talking down to me like I’m some fucking child whenever we get into an argument” He said giving me his back
“Don’t act like a fucking child, and I wouldn’t have to do this” I said to him
“I should fuck the shit out of you right now, so you know your place” he said running his hands through his hair
“Please Chris….we both know I fuck the SHIT out of YOU” I told him staring darts into the back of his head
“I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll won’t even know where you’re at” he said finally turning around and looking at me
“Try me then” I told him
Immediately Chris got up and came over to me looking down at me like I was his prey
He grabbed my neck and immediately my hands grabbed at his hands, and he smashed his lips into mine sloppily making out with me
He pulled away still looking down at me
“Fucking slut” he said and smacked me. I loved when he did that
He roughly grabbed my boobs through my shirt, squeezing them hard
“Can’t wait to fuck you dumb” he said ghosting his lips over mine
He removed his pants and was just down to his underwear’s.
“You’re so hot when you act like this” I said removing my shirt
“Shut up” he said pulling me in by my neck and making out with me, he then roughly pulled me away
“You gonna use that big fucking mouth of yours to suck my cock?” He asked
“Whatever you want” I told him
“Good…I trained you well” he said
He took his underwear’s off, and stood in front of me before once again grabbing me by my neck to bring me up to eye level with him
“Open your mouth” he said, and I obliged
He spat into my mouth and pushed me away
“Fucking suck my dick” he said sternly, and I immediately went to his dick
I started to lick the tip before hallowing my cheeks out
“Fuck yeah…so hot when you’re not barking at me and just sucking my cock” he said immediately putting his hands in my hair to push my head down causing me to gag
“Awww too big?” He said in a mean way
At this point he was just face fucking me. I was gagging and my eyes were watering non stop
“So good to me, but I’m ready to fuck you” he said immediately pulling me off of his dick
He swiftly removed my underwear and flipped me over so I was on all fours
“I love when I get to fuck you like this” he said smacking my ass
“OW ASSHOLE” I yelled at him
This caused him to pull me up by my hair causing me to wince
“Watch the way you fucking talk to me doll face” and then he threw me forward
He smacked my ass again and then massaged the ache away, spreading my legs and spitting on my pussy
“FUCK, CHRIS” I yelled out moaning into the sheets
He slowly rubbed his cock up and down my pussy causing me to whimper, and then suddenly he slammed into me
“CHRISSSSS” I moaned out loudly
This only amped him up because he started to pound into me so fast and hard I couldn’t even think at all
“Taking me so well like a good slut” he said smacking my ass and fucking into me
Chris was gripping my waist so hard while pounding into me non stop, I had never been fucked this hard by Chris and I was loving every second of it
“FUCK FUCK FUCK” I started screaming out as he drilled into me
“Take it slut fucking take it” he said grunting from behind me
Chris attack wasn’t slowing down, and I was drooling all over my sheets….he was literally fucking me dumb
“Is she drooling everywhere….pathetic” he said smacking my ass again
He grabbed my arms and started to pound into me, my nails scratching and digging into his arms….he would for sure have marks
“Chris Chris I’m gonna cum” I yelled out, and immediately came all over his cock while moaning like a bitch
“I didn’t say you could cum…just for that you’re giving me two more” he said
“No Chris I can’t” I said whimpering
“YES YOU WILL” he said pulling out of me, and flipping me over to face him
He smacked my cunt and then spat on my pussy again. Causing me to moan out
He immediately slammed into me causing me to shiver because I was so sensitive still
“Youre gonna take it, and you’re gonna take it good” he said slamming into me and coming down to leave sloppy kisses all over my neck
I had my legs wrapped around his waist while he relentlessly pounded into me. I started to grip and scratch at his back
“FUCK CHRIS” he screamed out scratching harder
“Fuck baby keep doing that” he said as he started to kiss my neck and slowly taking one nipple into my mouth
“Oh god” I moaned out throwing my head back
Chris was pounding into me, and then suddenly he brought his hand down to my clit to start rubbing ruthlessly
“FUCK FUCK IM GOING TO CUM” I screamed out gripping onto his hair with my right hand
“Come on baby you still owe me one more” he said as he fucked into me harder
I felt myself clench down on Chris, and suddenly my back was lifting off the bed as I was cumming all over Chris’s cock again
“AHHHH” I started to yell out as my nails scratched harder
“One more” he said still pounding into me
“CHRIS NO NO” I said moaning out
“YES” he said, and continued to pound into me
Causing me to whimper and tears to form in my eyes
“Keep on baby cum on my cock so I can fill you up” he said thrusting into me harder
Chris was pounding into me so hard my mouth fell slack and my eyes shut. He was grunting above me and his sweat started to drip down onto me
“Oh fuck Chris” I said as I felt another orgasm beginning to form
“Come on baby give it to me” he said thrusting into me harder
“FUCK” I screamed out as my legs began to shake and I came all over Chris again. I was seeing flashes of white, and my body was shaking from how hard I just came
Chris soon came into me while moaning out my name with a slack jaw. He was fucking into me still trying to ride out his high
“ROSE ROSE ROSE” I started to scream out our safe word as it was becoming too much for me. He immediately pulled out
“Sorry baby. Are you okay?” He asked coming and laying next to me
“Yes baby…it was too much” I said weakly
“I’m sorry my love” he said running his hands through my hair
“It’s okay…that felt amazing” I said looking at him with lazy half lidded eyes
After Chris had fucked the shit out of me he had to help me to the bathroom, and we showered together, and went to lay back in my bed
“I’m sorry for being such a dick” he said stroking my hair
“It’s okay baby. You just gotta talk about your feelings more” I said kissing him on the cheek
“I’m trying, I will do better” he said kissing my forehead
“I love you, and know that I’m always here to talk to you” I told him
“I love you too baby, and yes I know that, so from now on I’ll come to you, so I’m no longer in these weird funks” he said to me
That night we fell asleep in each others arms, and the next day Nick had asked me to come over so we could have a pool day, so Chris and I got ready and headed back over to his house
When we got to the house Nick and Matt were already sitting in the pool chairs getting ready to get in the water at any moment
“Heyy guys” I said as Chris and I walked over to them
“Hey Y/N…..how’s the baby?” Matt asked laughing at Chris
“He’s better now” I said looking over at Chris and pinching his cheeks
“Fuck off” he said laughing and pulling away
We had all been sitting around for 20 minutes before deciding to get in the water
Chris removed his shirt, and when he turned around to jump into the water my mouth dropped
The scratches….he had scratches all over his back and arms
“No wonder he’s in a good mood” Nick said looking over at me
“Oh my god” I said starting to giggle
“The fuck ya talking about” Chris asked turning around
“Your back looks like you got into a fight with an animal” Matt said
“No wonder my back was burning” he said rubbing his chin
“Yall make me sick” Nick said
“Sorry I was fucking the shit out of her last night that would explain the good behavior on my part today” Chris said smiling at them
“CHRISTOPHER” I yelled, and then pushed him into the water
When he came to the surface he reached up and pulled me in by my arm. That day we spent the whole day in the pool, laughing, chatting and just have a good time
I kind of want Chris to get in those moods more often….loved the way he treated me yesterday
The End
Alright here’s some Chris smut for yall! Hope you enjoyed and I hope the people who requested this liked it🖤🖤 thank you all for 365 followers . This is insane like a week ago I had 60 followers??🥹🥰
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junnieverse · 1 year
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➙ drunk boyfriend heeseung thoughts
pairing: lee heeseung x gn!reader
genre: fluff, some crack
request: "what ab drunk heeseung, ik that man would be so flirty omg"
warning: not proofread, mentions of alcohol and drinking ofcourse, slightly suggestive?
a/n: this was quite a mess, i apologise. hope you liked this anon! honestly though, drunk heeseung would be quite amusing to see.
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now you thought you could count on your boyfriend to take care of himself while he was out with his friends
but boy were you wrong
heeseung was out with some close friends and a few of the members celebrating the end of their successful comeback promotions but he had one too many
after getting a few drunken texts from your boyfriend you decided to go join the party to make sure he was okay
plus you missed him so this was you hitting two birds with one stone
heeseung had a bad case of Asian flush
boy was he red but he could care less, he was just happy to see you
"Well hey there sexy." he says eyeing you up and down biting his lip
instantly engulfs you into a tight hug
he won't be letting go anytime soon but after alot of protest from you (since he was pretty much suffocating you) he finally let go
super touchy as well and throws you alot of suggestive looks
you have to sit on his lap, he would actually probably get sulky if you're not
drunk heeseung is super attractive and he tends to put on a show because he knows he looks good and that you're watching him
"How about you take a picture, it'll last longer." he tells you before winking
anddd there you go, folding, like an origami
if it is more of a clubbing scene then he is definitely gonna ask you to dance with him
once again he is gonna show off and get touchy with you on the dance floor
he started off cute and all but boy did it suddenly get hotter in that club
if it's more of a chilled scene like a bar or karaoke then prepare to be serenaded
grabs an empty soju bottle and starts singing to you while trying to stand straight the entire time (fails miserably)
the amount of photos and videos his friends have of him either passed out somewhere random or singing trot songs
physically attached to you the entire time so when other people start throwing suggestive looks at you, he gets a little jealous
he makes sure to kiss you or hug you from behind just a little tighter while looking the person who'd been eyeing you the entire time to show them who you belong to
randomly messes around with you
"Hey there cutie? You single?" he playfully says placing down your drink as he takes a shot of his own
laughing softly you decide to play along, "Mhm no, I have a boyfriend."
"Well you're lucky then, he must be super tall, handsome, sexy, funny-"
you playfully nudge him as he boosted his own ego having expected him to talk about how lucky HE was to have YOU
"I'm kidding babe, I have the best partner ever."
"Damn right you do."
when you do decide to head home, you're stuck with a man child
heeseung starts running around, doing cartwheels
at some point he attempted to dive into a public trashcan, "Babe look! I'm going swimming!"
he woke up the next morning with a shoe missing and a major hangover
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writeaboutit · 6 months
Veiny Hands? Yes Please
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Ellie teaches you how to play her favorite video game
Idk what this is i just wanted to write something so here you go 🤲 also this is very much not beta read so sorry for mistakes i’m dyslexic don’t blame me
You shoved your keys in the lock to your front door sighing with exhaustion. The day was long and you didn’t get enough sleep last night and the only thing you wanted to do right now was snuggle up on the couch with Ellie and take a nap.
Speak of the devil, you find her sitting on the couch playing some war video game when you walk down the entry hallway.
Ellie pauses the game as she hears you come in and gets up to great you, “Hey baby,” she places a kiss to your temple as you set your bag down on the kitchen island, “How was your day?”
You huff in response to her question. You dealt with idiots all day, that’s how it was. You save your frustration though, wanting to let it home now that you are in your peaceful home with your peaceful girlfriend. No sense in tainting your favorite place with the negativity from earlier.
You turn to face her, “It was fine just long and i’m tired. How was yours?” You smile up at her, just the sight of her calming you.
“It was good. Hey how about you go upstairs and change and I’ll make us a snack and then we can chill on the couch, hmm?”
You nod already heading for your bedroom. You needed to get out of these work clothes immediately. And what did you say you wanted: a nap on the couch. Your girlfriend knew you so well.
You change into some leggings and one of Ellie’s tshirts before heading back downstairs where Ellie has made a bowl of popcorn and gotten you a glass of diet Coke, yes your favorite
She’s sitting on the couch scrolling on her phone waiting for you. You hop onto the couch snuggling into her side before she can have time to register that you are even in the room.
“Well hello,” Ellie giggles at your sudden appearance as you throw both you legs over her lap and lean your head on her shoulder.
“Hi,” you press a kiss to her cheek and revel in the fact that she blushes just slightly. You love when you can get her all flustered.
She rolls her eyes at your knowing smirk and asks, “So what do you wanna watch?” She leans for the remote on the coffee table but you stop her with a hand to her chest, “You can keep playing the game I just want to lay here.”
“Baby I don’t mind we can watch something,” She insists.
“I know but I wanna watch you play,” you tell her honestly. It’s kinda hot watching her kick ass in her video games. Not to mention the whole veiny-hands-on-the-controller thing.
“You sure?” Ellie tried to confirm one last time. You laugh and nod returning to your earlier position on her lap.
She leans back placing her arms and hands over your thighs and focuses on one the game.
You’re not sure how much time has passed but she’s played a few rounds by now. You’ve found yourself tensing when the fights happen and growing frustrated right along side Ellie when she dies and has to start the level over.
She’s in the middle of the battle with some giant cyborg dude. She gets in a couple shots and the robot stumbles, “Yeah get him baby!” you cheer sitting up straighter, focus honing in on the tv.
She shoots the guy a couple more times and he falls to his knees before faceplating.
“Fuck yeah baby!” You grab her cheeks and leave a firm kiss on her lips.
She smiles as you pull back, “You’re really getting into it,”
“I don’t know the storyline is just interesting. And that dude was a major ass hole.” you feel shy at the sudden attention on you. You normally don’t care about video games but you haven’t really sat down to watch them either.
Ellie laughs at the blush you know is staining your cheeks if the heat you feel says anything.
“You wanna try,” she holds the emote out to you.
“I don’t know the first thing about playing this game,”
“I’ll teach you. And look,” she turns back to the screen and flips through what looks like some game setting, “There now it’s set to easy so it won’t be has hard when your learning the ropes,” she holds out the remote and you look at it hesitantly, “Come on baby you’ll love it.” Ellie urges.
You sigh and take the controller. You are interested in the story and Ellie loves video games so much it’s just another thing you guys can do together.
“Okay show me what to do,” You settle further into Ellie’s side so she has access to show you each button on the remote.
She points out what each one means and the corresponding shape. Something about L’s and R’s… you’re not really sure but you have a great time nonetheless.
It takes a couple of tries for you to start getting the hang of it but by round three you get a couple of shots on the guys who are supposed to be hunting you. You cheer each time you hit one and Ellie reminds you that they are still coming before you focus back in on playing.
You play for a while, Ellie watching you and giving you advice when needed. You can feel her eyes on you face as you play but you ignore them, that incessant blush creeps back up.
Finally, you hand the controller back to Ellie growing board of playing the same round over and over again, not able to kill the group that is coming at you before they get to you.
“You did good baby,” Ellie praises as she switches the settings back to hard.
“Thanks,” you lean back to place you head on her shoulder once more watching her hands on the remote, this time paying more attention to what buttons she hits.
You do, however, clock the veins running along the top of her hand and her forearms. Who could blame you? After all your girlfriend is hot.
How do we like? This popped into my head a few days ago so I thought what the hell 🤷‍♀️. Anyway if you have any writing prompts or ideas for me let me know because i’m in a writing slump fr! Thanks for reading <3
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theaskywalker · 6 months
hi! I had a small idea with Seth, reader (if you could do fem that would be amazing!) was in Russia for 4 years for her studies, for her coming back. she wanted to Suprise Seth by coming over in his jacket he gave her before she left:) I was thinking in that moment he looked at her (her eyes to be exact) he imprinted on her. (I would love for reader to have really sharp canines, not a vampire but almost like it! that's how my teeth have been and wanted to see someone include it in a fic:)
Seth Clearwater x Fem! Reader
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Thank you for the request ghosty-boo-shh! It was an interesting idea and very fun to write. Hope you enjoy it! 😊
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❥ You had always been close with Seth Clearwater.
❥ Having grown up in the same neighborhood and with your mothers being best friends it was no surprise that the two of you became practically inseparable.
❥ Sitting together during classes.
❥ Passing notes to each other when the teachers seperated you.
❥ Having lunch at the cafeteria.
❥ Studying together after school.
❥ Spending the weekends chilling at the beach or indoors watching movies and playing video games.
❥ Leah always joked that you acted like a married couple.
❥ Which turned the both of you into blushing fools.
❥ Seth liked to call you his little Dracula due to your extremely sharp canines.
❥ He loved that characteristic about you.
❥ And constantly reminded you of how cool it was.
❥ You in turn called him all sorts of silly nicknames referencing his favourite pop culture elements.
❥ By the time high school rolled up, you had fallen hopelessly in love with your best friend.
❥ You wanted to confess your feelings but the fear of him not returning them kept you silent.
❥ That's when everything changed.
❥ Your impressive academic record had won you a scholarship to attend one of the most prestigious colleges in Russia.
❥ It was your dream to study there and you were ecstatic.
❥ The day before you left, Seth came at your house to say goodbye.
❥ He surprised you by giving you his leather jacket that you had been admiring since the day he bought it.
"Something to remember me while you're at Moscow" he said.
❥ Without thinking you kissed him hard on the lips.
❥ A kiss that he reciprocated after a moment's hesitation.
❥ You confessed your feelings afterwards and Seth did the same.
❥ A long distance relationship wouldn't be easy.
❥ You promised to call him everyday and send emails in-between.
❥ And he promised to wait for you as long as it was needed.
❥ At first the communication between the two of you was daily.
❥ But after several months Seth's responses became less and less frequent.
❥ You didn't understand what caused this change in behaviour.
❥ Phone calls became non existent.
❥ And emails would be replied once a week at most.
❥ You patiently went along with it hoping that everything would go back as normal when you returned to Forks.
❥ After 4 years of studying abroad you finally graduated and made the long journey back home.
❥ The first thing you did after arriving in Forks was to go at Seth's house to surprise him.
❥ You had planned this little surprise beforehand by telling your parents to keep your return a secret.
❥ You even wore the jacket Seth gave you before leaving, thinking it would be nice to show him how much his present meant to you.
❥ Sue Clearwater greeted you warmly and explained that Seth and Leah were at the beach with friends.
❥ You went straight to La Push and saw the Clearwater siblings sitting across a fire roasting marshmallows together with Jacob Black, Quil Ateara and another boy.
❥ Leah was the first of the group to spot you and happily called you over.
❥ You gave Leah a hug and greeted Jacob and Quil, who introduced you to the third boy, Embry Call.
❥ Shyly, you turned to Seth and greeted him with a nervous "hello".
❥ The moment Seth locked eyes with you time freezed and gravity no longer held him in place.
❥ You were equally awestruck and unable to utter a word.
❥ Seth had loved you for years but nothing had prepared him for this extraordinary feeling that took over him.
❥ It was like your soul had touched his in an intimate way and nothing would ever be the same.
❥ Jacob Black broke the silence by asking you and Seth to collect more firewood.
❥ The two of you agreed.
❥ As you silently collected twigs along the beach, Seth noticed the jacket that you wore and grinned.
"You still have it after all those years"
❥ You smiled at Seth and told him that the jacket was a reminder of all the beautiful memories you had together.
"And I hope that it will be the start of many more to come" you added.
❥ Seth looked at you with adoration and claimed your lips in a gentle kiss that gradually grew more passionate.
❥ By the time the two of you made it back to the group with the firewood you were tasked to collect, one thing was certain.
"This is the beginning of something good"
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 2 years
crush headcanons
gender neutral reader
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sza voice) it’s cuffing season! i need a big boy!
Kunigami moves gently. His sisters have drilled into him the importance of being a gentleman since he was young, and the last thing he’d want is to scare you away. He’s always asking if you’ve eaten or if you want him to walk you home if it gets dark. He might not be the most obvious with his feelings, but if you pay close attention, his actions definitely speak louder than words. He’ll be there in your time of need, and he’s the kind of guy everyone dreams of being crushed on by. While Kunigami isn’t afraid to initiate anything if he feels like the time is right, he’ll be more than happy to wait for you if you feel like he’s moving too fast. Patience is key, and he’s someone who wants to win you over, fair and square.
CONFESSION: Kunigami definitely feels like the kind of guy to take the traditional romantic route! He asks you out on a nice date and confesses at the end after he’s walked you home. He’ll be over the moon if you reciprocate and shyly kiss him on the cheek before promising him another date. He walks back home with a big smile on his face, the place where you kissed him tingling pleasantly like an electric spark landed on it. And boy, is he in for a whole bunch of teasing from his sisters once he steps through his front door.
he’s bringing sexy back!
Once Raichi realizes he’s falling for someone, there’s nothing stopping him. He’s got his sexy soccer and nothing but a world of opportunities in front of him, so he’s doing the most to win you over. Whether it be showing off his soccer skills or striking up conversation as often as he can, he’s dead set on making some kind of impression on you. Despite this, Raichi has his soft moments too. He’s a keen observer, and if he notices that you have a favorite snack or a little quirk, he’s bound to remember it. He might be a bit rough around the edges, but he’s a total sweetheart who denies it and gets shy if you bring it up. There’s no fun in beating around the bush and playing mind games, so once Raichi decides he wants you, he’s going to go for it.
CONFESSION: He confesses straight up once he thinks the time is right. He doesn’t like wasting his time on nonsensical things, so he’ll simply come up to you when you’re alone and tell you outright that he’s interested in you. That doesn’t mean he can’t be sweet with it; he spends the time leading up to his confession pampering you in his own way and buttering up to you bit by bit. Even if his words are direct, he’ll get a little embarrassed. It’s truly a rare sight to see: the usually confident Raichi Jingo with shaking eyes and flushed cheeks!
be the support to his main?
Everyone thought the world would freeze over before Nagi would take a genuine interest in anything outside of his video games, but when you walked into his life without any warning, that was the first time Nagi ever actually tried anything. He doesn’t make any drastic dramatic moves, but he cements himself as one of your lazy but trustworthy friends that you can crash with at any time. He plays the role of the pining best friend a little too well (not that he fully realizes it), and one day, when he thinks the chase is more trouble than it's worth, Nagi goes in for the kill. He doesn’t know how to describe the fluttering, nervous feeling in his chest that well, but he’s sure that if it’s you, you’ll understand what he means.
CONFESSION: Nagi kind of just… lets it slip one day when you’re over and chilling with him. It’s one of the late nights where the two of you are lounging around and talking about all sorts of things, when he suddenly stares at you intently and goes silent. When you ask him what’s up, he asks you if it’s normal for friends to feel this way towards one another and more or less ends up confessing his feelings. It’s so like him to get fed up with having a crush and simply making a move for convenience’s sake, but it’s charming if he’s the one doing it!
you’re my, my, my, my lover!
Hiori loves so purely and softly that it doesn’t really take much for everyone to start supporting him! He tends to pine from the sidelines, preferring to appreciate the relationship you have with him than trying to force something further. He wants to support you in your endeavors, so if you ever need someone to provide you some encouragement or to call late in the night when everyone is asleep, Hiori will be there like he always is. Still, he wishes he had the courage to reach out and intertwine your hand in his or to say the words that have always been scratching at the back of his throat. Someday he believes he can work up the courage to do it properly. 
CONFESSION: Hiori writes you a sweet love letter! He spends days, maybe even weeks, trying to find the prettiest words he can think of to fully capture how happy he is around you. He’ll find stationary that reminds him of you and write out his love in neat handwriting. He goes back and forth a lot too, wondering if he should actually go through with confessing to you, but he ultimately decides to take the leap of faith knowing that you’re always encouraging him to do his best! He’ll go out and buy an accompanying gift to give it to you with, and he prays that you feel the same as he does!
denial is a river in egypt!
Kurona acts like there is absolutely nothing wrong with him, knowing perfectly well that he’s screaming crying throwing up sliding down the wall whenever you walk past him or say hi. He’s so completely smitten with you to the point that it’s impressive how well he plays it cool, until people start picking up on how intently he listens to your words or how he’s always the first person to volunteer himself up whenever you need anything. All pining aside though, he wants to respect your boundaries, so he’s quick to read your mood and make his advances based off of you responding to them. Kurona crushes in a way that’s so boylike and cute that it’s hard to not be charmed by it!
CONFESSION: He strikes me as the guy to let it spill one day manhwa-style. Be it at a school festival or graduation day, when the sky is pretty and emotions run high, he’ll realize that he can only play it cool for so long lest he end up losing you. And in that one fateful moment where he can’t hold it in anymore, he’ll let his heart pour out its feelings towards you and hope that you can return even just a little of all the emotions he’s built up over the years. He’s been there for you since day one, and he wants to stay by your side for so much longer.
no hoes in his dms!
Oh, it’s so painfully obvious that Sendou has a crush on you. He gets so terribly flustered and doesn’t know how to act like a functional member of society whenever you’re brought up, let alone do anything to keep his crush under wraps when you’re actually with him. Still, he does his best to impress you. He’ll not-so-discreetly invite you out to practices where he can show off his skills and “accidentally” send you pictures of him looking all cool after a game in hopes that you’ll be swept off of your feet. But most of his time is spent panicking over something he said to you or tripping over his words whenever you ask him a question. He’ll trail after you everywhere, unable to actually work up the courage to ask if he can sit next to you. Please notice him!
CONFESSION: Let’s be real… The entire world (yourself included) already knows how down horrendous he is, that it’s only a matter of time before something sets the whole process in motion. As much as he likes you, you’ll most likely end up being the one to make the first move. If not, his soccer team (heavy on Aiku) will pressure him into confessing because they’re so sick and tired of him gushing over you and want the two of you together to shut him up. Although they all know that he’s only going to get worse when he realizes you like him back.
men should go to war and die!
Kaiser is shameless the moment he gets off of his high horse and falls for someone. He has everything going for him: the looks, the career, the salary… Who wouldn’t fall for him? He’s met with a rude surprise though that love doesn’t work the way he thinks it would, and he actually has to put in the effort to woo someone if he wants his crush to care about him. He lavishes you with gifts, making sure they’re all obviously from none other than the esteemed emperor, and he’s all up in your space if he spots you around. He tends to act like the two of you are already in a relationship rather than it being a one-sided thing, and he’ll dub you all sorts of cheesy nicknames to support his theatrics. It’s a great way of warding off any rivals though.
CONFESSION: As corny as it is, Kaiser would confess to you after a big win… He’ll be the star player, the man of the hour, and the hero of the game, and he’ll direct his attention to you while all the cameras are on. If you prefer something less pressuring, he’ll rent out the most expensive restaurant in town and shower you with a beautiful bouquet of blue roses before popping the question during dinner. It’s horribly tempting to knock him down a peg when he confesses to you, but you hate to admit that Kaiser has his endearing moments.
gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss!
It’s kinda hard to tell what Ness is thinking at any given point. Granted, he does follow Kaiser’s orders like it’s his god-given task, but he’s also surprisingly good at how he feels. Deep down though, Ness loves having your attention! He likes being praised and being acknowledged by you, and it’s hard to ignore his hopeful glances at you whenever he makes a particularly impressive play. Once he can get all his cards out on the table, he’s entirely dedicated to you! It doesn’t matter what everyone else says or what his team wants from him: all Ness wants to do is spend the entire day soaking up your presence. It’s scary how loyal he can be, almost to the brink of obsession, but couldn’t you argue that his undying faithfulness is one of his strongest points?
CONFESSION: Ness confesses first thing after a long season overseas. He’s repressed his feelings for you for so long, thinking you wouldn’t see him the same way and afraid that you’d be put off by his odd mannerisms. But after long days without you in his periphery and the thought of you waiting for him after practices wore him down, and the moment he sees you in the airport, he runs at you and throws himself into your arms. Ness doesn’t want to be away from you ever again, so he promises to bring you with him wherever he goes.
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shygirl4991 · 3 months
Your not the bad guy
First prize reward for @retardedpsyche Art done by @b-r-i-n-g-x the other places prizes
Tags: Angst, Comfort, fluff, nightmares
It was late into the night, the crew were all in their beds resting and having sweet dreams. Everyone except one meme guardian, SMG4 tosses and turns as the voice of Mr. Puzzle echoes through his head “And SMG4! Who knew you could play an antagonist so well, high marks from me!” He turns away from the voice to see the castle again, seeing the eldritch horrors cover the place he once knew as home made him feel sick.  He walks through the halls to hear those voices again “You will never be good enough,” he covers his ears as he keeps walking the hall.
“Nobody likes your videos!” “You are a failure!” “YOU'RE NOT ENOUGH!” SMG4 could hear each voice slip through the cracks as he ran faster through the castle; he needed the voices to stop to leave him alone. He charges into a room and slams the door shut, it was quiet, he was able to think again. That's when he heard frantic typing, a chill went down his spine as his eyes adjusted to the dark room. There he saw himself, the strange pink stains all over him, the light gone from his eyes. Nothing but a machine, working nonstop to be perfect.  He heard screams making him turn, his eyes going wide seeing a pool of black liquid start taking his friends. 
He runs to them attempting to pull them out, one by one his friends vanish into the strange pool “No…NO I CAN SAVE YOU GUYS!”  he grabs Three and pulls. SMG3 lets out a dark chuckle “So this is it huh…i really thought we were friends now,” Four’s eyes water as he keeps pulling only to see his partner sink into the pool. “Please…no..” he falls to the floor as SMG3 vanishes, he looks at his hand shaking, his thoughts running a mile per minute. He then hears clapping, breathing heavily, he looks up to see Mr. Puzzles.  “My my SMG4, no matter what you do you still are the villain. Do you really think your friends trust you after this, you and I should really get into television together!” SMG4 felt his anxiety slowly being replaced with anger, clenching his fist he gets up ready to fight the television. Only to pause seeing the man holding SMG3, the screen shows a smug expression “Give it up Four, look back at your show and it's clear as day you're the bad guy!” he then tosses three on the floor “And SMG3 was your victim for years.” Four shakes his head taking a step back, he couldn't be the villain.  The room goes dark, only the light of the TV shining through as it shows moments of SMG4 acting cold and uncaring towards his friends. Four closes his eyes “STOP!” he jumps out of bed stretching out to air, he shakes looking around his familiar room. 
He wipes the sweat from his forehead, takes a deep breath before he starts to walk. The nightmare brought back all the guilt he had shoved away, he hated how he hurt his friends. He couldn't look at himself for weeks after the whole thing, everyone but one person gave him space after the events. Sure, Mario did his best to keep the guardians spirit up with memes and silly adventures. But no one understood him better than his other half, his old rival of many years. SMG4 slowly walked to the front of the castle, with a deep breath he stepped outside. After fighting Mr Puzzle the two agree they needed ways to reach each other in case of emergencies, together with SMG1 and two created meme doors. The doors were hidden in different locations and could only be activated with meme energy, Four never thought he would be so thankful to have those doors. Since he didn't have a spare key to Three’s cafe he went to the back of the building to connect with the secret door.
With shaky hands he uses his meme powers to unlock a hidden door, he looks around as he walks in to make sure no one else tries to sneak in.  Making sure everything was sealed he walked around the cafe, his dark thoughts were starting to slip in. What if the man didn't want to help him? He looks back at the hidden door contemplating if he should leave, only to pause mid step hearing the sounds of an elevator. He turns and there with messy hair and in pajamas was the man he was looking for, Four gave a shy wave as he fixed up his own pajamas. Normally the man would give an annoyed look and start insulting him , much to Four's surprise the other guardian expressions soften. He walks over to the coffee machine “You look like shit,”  Four rolls his eyes walking closer to his partner “Gee thanks, make mine strong if you could.” 
Three lets out a hum as he lets the machine do its magic, they stand there listening to the hum of the machine as it pours out their drinks. Once done Three adds the final touches before handing Four his cup, with a small nod they both walk over to one of the tables. Four looks down at his cup slowly tracing the rim of it before picking it up, Three frowns as he watches Four drink his coffee “Not like you to come over at three am.” Four sips his drink hoping the warm drink would help, holding the cup he looks at Three “Ah well never hurts to get some late night coffee!” Three gave him an unamused look as he pushed his cup aside “You didn't come here cause you thought i would fall for a stupid line like that did you?” Four sighs again as he stares at his drink “Three…do you think i'm evil?” Three’s blinks surprised at the question “No, you're a pain in my ass for many reasons but you're not evil.” Three frowns and gently reaches out to the man “What brought this up?” Four bits on his lip remembering his dream,  he is selfish and tends to go overboard with his content. He looks at the hand reaching out to him, a flash of his dream hits him. How the man in front of him was swallowed up by the black pool, how he couldn't pull him back to safety. Anxiety hit him as he pulled his arms away from three, he then crossed his arms looking out the window.  “Our battle with Mr. Puzzle just brought some memories back is all,” he sighs getting up ready to leave. 
Seeing Four ready to leave, SMG3 gets up and grabs his arm “Four, what happened at peach's castle isn't your fault,” Four pulls his arm to free himself. Three watches concern as the man in front of him shakes “Not my fault? I wanted to make the perfect video. I clicked his ad for the keyboard. I ALMOST KILLED YOU ALL!” Four felt himself shake more as he hugs himself, holding back his tears he whispers “I’m…a villain just like he said.” 
Without saying anything Three gently touches Four, the comforting touch was enough for the meme guardian to collapse into Three’s arms crying “I’M A VILLAIN!” Three holds Four close, letting the man finish before speaking. He pets Four’s head “Four i have known you for years, trust me when i say your not a villain. We all have our moments of weakness and that's okay, but hear me when I say you're the kindest man I know.”  Four cries hard into Three’s shoulder, they stay in this position for a while. Three wasn't sure how much time passed since the man broke down crying, all he did know was at this moment Four needed all the comfort possible. “Hey four, want to stay overnight?” 
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Four sniffs pulling away looking at Three’s face surprised “I…really?” Three nods giving the man a soft smile as he wipes his tears away. Four hugs Three letting out a breathy laugh, with a small pat of the back the pair get up and head down the elevator. Once in Three’s room the pair walk towards the bed, Four lets out another giggle “To think in the past just sharing body heat was the end of the world for you, are you gay for me or something three?” SMG3 rolled his eyes and gently smacked his ex rival “Haha I see you want to go back to your castle.” SMG4 pouts at the comment as he watches Three get in the bed, with a pat Four climbs next the man. It was strange being such good friends with someone that attempted to kill you in the past, even stranger when you cuddled up to him for comfort. Three hums to help Four relax, as he starts to drift to sleep he makes sure to whisper “Thank you for saving me Three.” 
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tangledinink · 11 months
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Oh my goodness, guess what? Chapter 29 of I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? is now up! And on a Monday, too. Gosh, just like old times. Yet another family secret is revealed from somewhere no one expected it. Read it on ao3 or below the cut!
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“No, no, keep watching, seriously! They’re about to do something sooo cool!”
“Leo, you say that about every stupid street magic video you make us watch,” Donnie complained, rolling his eyes. “And it’s always something stupid.”
“It’s not stupid! It’s super cool!” Leo protested, huffing loudly and glaring at his brother in offense. “I pretend to think that your dumb science stuff is cool!”
“No, you don’t!”
“Well, I could, if you didn’t say magic was stupid--”
“We can literally do actual magic!” Donnie cried, throwing his hands up. “And you’re still into this fake bullshit?”
“Yes,” Leo confirmed easily, rewinding the video slightly. “And I’m restarting so that you guys can watch properly. So there.”
Donnie groaned.
“Both of you quit fightin’,” Raph said, shifting slightly so he could look over Leo’s shoulder, seeming only mildly interested at best-- but still interested! Suck it, Donnie. Raph knew something badass when he saw it. Leo grinned, shifting slightly so he could let his brother see better.
“This is a ridiculous waste of time,” Donnie muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. “We’re gonna miss the subway home.”
“We’ll get the next one,” Leo assured, waving him off. “It’s fine, Dee. There’s another train, like, every five minutes.”
“What New York City do you live in?” Raph muttered, glancing down at him and raising a brow.
“More or less!” Leo insisted. “I just wanna finish the video, and then we’ll go! We can’t go without Mikey, anyway.”
“What do you mean without--?” Raph’s head bobbed to the left. It bobbed to the right. He did a full 360 spin. “Wha-- Where the hell did he go!? He was here a minute ago!”
“He forgot his gym bag back in the locker room,” Leo said, waving a hand dismissively. “So he ran back to get it.”
“When you and Donnie were arguing about the best Jupiter Jim sequel, like, five minutes ago,” Leo explained breezily, leaning into his brother’s chest as he spoke, passing his weight over for Raph to hold up for the moment. Maybe physically pinning him in place would keep his head from vibrating off his shoulders. It usually helped. “Chill. He’ll be back in a second and then we’ll get out of here. Watch the video.”
“Leo!” Raph protested. “We’re supposed to stay together! Remember!?”
“He’s not even leaving the building, Raph. There’s still a couple kids around! And he’s literally down the hall,” Leo scoffed, rolling his eyes. “He’s not five., I’m pretty sure he can handle it without us escorting him.”
“If you want us to chaperone him down the hall to fetch his bag,” Donnie said, not looking up from his phone. “Then you will be the one informing him of such, dearest Raphala, because I have no intention of being the one to tell him that.”
“It’s like you like Dr. Delicate Touch,” Leo sighed, shaking his head. “Do you miss him when he’s away? Is that it? Is that why you’re like this?”
Raph sighed, scrubbing at his face with his hands.
“Fine,” he finally relented. “But if he’s not back in two minutes, Raph is going after him! And you two are comin’ with me!”
Leo smiled a tiny bit.
“Yeah, okay, deal,” he agreed easily, pressing play on the video again. “Now here, watch. This dude is about to for-real make a whole-ass building disappear!!!”
Agent 64’s eyes flew open.
There was danger.
He could taste it on the back of his sandpaper tongue. Every hair on his body jumped up on end as he flew to his feet, wriggling from April’s relaxed grip, his back arching and his claws extended.
“Ow! Mayhem, chill! Watch the claws!” April hissed, startled as he suddenly woke from his nap, previously curled up and dozing in her lap, wincing at the prickle in her thigh. “What’s your deal--?”
He would maybe regret hurting her if it weren’t for his heart banging wildly in his ears. He could feel it. There was danger. Something bad was going to happen. Someone was in trouble. His tail puffed up like a bottlebrush, he whipped around wildly to face the human-- both his favorite and his charge-- biting out a frantic, chittering warning. And spirits, he had never wished so desperately up until now that humans were able to understand the nuances of his language. Because while her brows crinkled with concern, a thick fog of confusion colored her eyes glassy all the same.
“Mayhem? What’s wrong, little guy?” She pressed, her bottom lip worried between her teeth. “Are you hurt?”
Agent 64’s tail whipped with frustration, a short, stuttering growl escaping him.
There was danger. There was danger. He was sure of it-- and he didn’t have time for this.
The cold, dusty tile of the school hallway did a lousy job breaking April’s fall. A short yelp of shock wrenched itself from her throat as she tumbled over herself, the crackle of mystic energy still prickling at the back of her neck, as she found herself quite suddenly sprawled about the floor as opposed to curled on couch in the comfort of her living room.
“OW! Mayhem! What the hell?!” She hissed, narrowing her eyes to scowl at the yellow creature. His only response was a sharp, strangled squeak, tearing himself from her arms and to the floor.
April resisted a groan, sitting up just enough so that she turn her head to glance over at Leo and her other two brothers, who were all giving her a rather startled look.
“Hey, guys,” she said, wincing a bit as she got to her feet, brushing herself off.
“Are you okay? What are you doing here?”
“Beat’s me!” She huffed, placing a hand on her hips. “Mayhem just started freaking out all of a sudden! I dunno what’s going on!”
“Do you think something’s wrong?” Raph asked, his brows furrowed with worry as he bent down to look at the little creature, still puffed up and pacing back and forth, chittering frantically at the group. “What’s goin’ on lil’ man?”
“He can’t be acting like this over nothing! There’s gotta be--” April broke off, his lips curving into a frown. Leo and his two brothers? That wasn’t right. “... Hey. Where’s Mikey? Shouldn’t he be with you guys?”
They didn’t understand what he was trying to say. The big one reached for him, but Agent 64 dodged out from under his hand, ducking away and breaking into a sprint. He just had to hope they’d be wise enough to follow him-- the only reason he didn’t simply teleport himself away. He couldn’t waste any more precious seconds trying to secure their allyship for the coming fight.
He had to be there. He had to be there now. The air reeked of it.
Danger danger danger danger.
His hair beads clicking along to the rhythm, Mikey bobbed his head with the beat banging about in his head, humming softly to himself and tapping his fingers against the side of his thigh. Ugh, this had to be one of Donnie’s EDM songs, didn’t it? He couldn’t remember any of the lyrics or anything-- just the thick, heavy beat. It colored his steps as he wandered down the dimly lit hallway, shouldering open the locker room door and sighing softly to himself. Gosh, he had had this song stuck in his head all day long, but he still couldn’t figure out the name of it or where it was from… It was starting to drive him just a tiny bit insane. Maybe he could get Leo to help him figure it out on the way home-- he was really good at this game.
It was probably one of Donnie’s songs. He had probably picked it up from Donnie. He was sure Donnie would know the answer if he asked-- Donnie always knew the answer to pretty much everything.
But if he asked Donnie, it wouldn’t be a game. Nah. It’d be way more fun to ask Leo. As soon as I get back, he thought to himself, swinging open his locker door.
As predicted, his gym bag was still here, hung up on its hook all neat as if it was meant to be there and hadn’t been left behind. Thank god. If it wasn’t here, then it’d for real be lost and it’d be a whole thing. That’s how you know the Adderall is wearing off, he thought dimly to himself.
His backpack retrieved, he slung the bag over his shoulder, kicking the locker shut and turning to start the trek back to his brothers. His legs weren’t especially long, but he still made every effort to stretch them out with each step, picking up a jaunty pace so as not to keep the rest of them waiting.
The song still played in his head, and Mikey mumbled along to the wordless melody under his breath, fidgeting with the straps of his bag. The longer he thought about it, the more sure he was that it was something from one of Dee’s playlists. It had to be, right?... This was exactly the type of thing he always listened to… Sharp and stormy and loud. Thudding and all-encompassing. The rhythm wasn’t quite as fast as you might expect from the genre-- it sort of drew itself out.
Made you wait for it.
And then eventually, the pace started to pick up.
Each synthesized thump came quicker.
And louder.
Closer together.
Building up, bigger and bigger.
Tickling the back of your neck.
Breathing down your spine.
Thundering onward.
The anticipation would almost swallow you whole.
Until finally the beat dropped.
A tiny smile turned the corners of Draxum’s lips crooked.
It was almost amusing-- how careless they were. He wondered how safe they must think themselves to traipse the city openly like this. As if he wouldn’t be perfectly capable of hunting them down. As if he wasn’t patient enough to wait until one of them was alone.
All he would need was a simple capture charm.
From up above in the rafters, he watched the smallest of his experiments. He was still cloaked in their silly human form. Relaxed. Oblivious.
Perfectly easy prey.
After this, he could simply pick the rest of them off.
The second his target walked within range of him, he lashed an arm forward. Magenta light leapt outward from his palm and pounced.
He didn’t see the figure in the rafters.
He didn’t hear the pound of footsteps in the distance.
He didn’t even see the flash of light.
But he felt the whisper of magick.
Raph didn’t know why Mayhem was freaking out, but he didn’t have to. Because all of a sudden, every single one of his big brother senses and alarms were flipping out. And he felt this awful, gnawing weight of dread in his stomach.
He didn’t bother to wait and check with the rest of his family, to see if they felt the same thing or if they intended to follow. Once Mayhem took off running and that dread took hold-- he did, too.
He could hear other footsteps behind him. Usually, Leo and Donnie were both capable of moving significantly faster than him. But not right now. Raph wasn’t sure if it was the fact that he had a head start or just that he knew Mikey was in trouble. But his throat was tight with the very beginnings of panic. All his muscles were lit up with searing red heat. He was moving as fast as he possibly could. Maybe faster than that, even. And no one was overtaking him.
He needed to know where Mikey was right now.
Despite the dead-sprint, it felt like it took ages for him to reach the locker room. He didn’t even stop to open the door so much as he slammed into it, shifting his body just enough to let his shoulder take the impact, the barrier crashing out of the way, crumpling beneath him, just the way he knew it would--
His eyes caught sight of Baron Draxum’s crouched form right away-- curled up in the rafters like a fucking jaguar in the canopy. This dark, sickly pink coil of mystic energy reaching from his extended hand and reaching out towards his little brother’s back like a bullet.
Raph’s heart stopped in his chest.
For just a second, the rest of the world froze, too.
The rest of the world… except for Mikey.
His back was still to Draxum.
But his heels were already in a pivot.
His head hadn’t even turned fully yet. But already, his hand flew up behind him, palm stretched out wide and elbows locked. The very beginnings of a fiery golden light sparked to life around him like a halo. His entire body jerked hard and braced--
And he caught Draxum’s magic in his palm.
Without even looking, he stopped the spell dead in its tracks with one raised hand, curling his fingers around it with this sharp, awful hissing sound, sizzling and popping like a forest fire. Like something burning.
He tightened his grip and the magick shattered like glass beneath his fingers.
And then Michelangelo turned around to face Draxum fully, his head tilted back so that he could meet his eyes.
“Mikey! Come look!”
Mikey’s head bobbed at his big brother’s frantic cry, immediately heading over in his direction.
“What is it?”
“A baby bird!” Raph exclaimed, kneeling down, and sure enough, when Mikey leaned over he saw the little creature-- tucked up behind a dumper in their alley, their feathers all poofed up and fluffy.
“Whoa!” Mikey gasped, crouching down as well so he could get a better look. The little bird seemed to shiver, but didn’t try to get away-- just stared at them with its big black eyes. It was kind of scraggly and funny looking, with this big round yellow beak and fuzzy feathers. “He looks so funny…”
“We gotta help him!” Raph whimpered, his bottom lip trembling. “He’s all by himself! He musta fallen or gotten lost or somethin’!”
Mikey paused, tilting his head slightly to the side.
“You think?...”
“Well, a cat might get ‘im or somethin’!” Raph cried. “I’ll go get a shoebox, and we can bring him inside! You watch him, okay?”
And Mikey considered this for a moment, glancing from his big brother to the baby bird, his nose wrinkled up slightly.
… If he fell out of his nest, then why didn’t he feel afraid?
Mikey couldn’t quite place it, but it just… didn’t seem like the bird was that upset or scared. If Mikey fell out of his nest and couldn’t fly anywhere and was lost and all alone, he was pretty sure he’d get scared and upset, at least, eventually. But this little guy didn’t feel that way at all. Mikey could just tell.
Maybe a little… frustrated. But determined. Excited, almost.
Mikey could feel it.
“No,” he finally said. “I think he’s okay.”
Raph frowned a bit, looking down at his brother incredulously. “But he’s just a baby!”
“Yeah, but he’s not scared!” Mikey argued, pointing.
Raph tilted his head to the side.
“How do you know?” He argued.
Mikey wrinkled his nose, considering this for a second before he shrugged.
“I ‘unno!” He finally declared. “I just do! You don’t?”
“... No,” Raph said, perhaps pouting a bit. “He’s a bird.”
“Well,” Mikey argued, crossing his arms over his chest. “I think he’s okay! I don’t think we should take him inside. I don’t think he’d like it. I think maybe we’d be, like… stealing him.”
“We can’t just leave him!” Raph protested, and Mikey paused, considering this, his lips curved into a pout.
“... Can we watch him for a little bit first, and see what happens?” He suggested after some thinking. “So then we know no cats will get ‘im or anything.”
Raph sighed. “... Yeah. Okay,” he finally agreed. “But if he’s still there in thirty minutes, then we should bring him inside. Okay?”
“Okay,” Mikey agreed.
They were golden-- so very much so that they were nearly white, as if superheated by the sun itself. They were built from nothing, it seemed, save for light and energy itself, but playing a melody of clinks and clatters regardless, filling the air with the sound of metal-on-metal.
The chains that materialized from his baby brother’s body.
They moved almost too fast to see, curling like snakes, twisting and shifting at Mikey’s command. With a forward thrust of his arm, leg sweeping around and his hands clenched into a fist, they obeyed him instantly, echoing his movements and flashing forward-- screaming-- howling towards their target.
Draxum just barely had the time to leap out of the way, flinging himself to the side and correcting his trajectory as he fell, frantically dodging the onslaught, and Mikey chased him. The chains twisted midair to follow the yokai, forcing him to dance and dodge backwards, hardly able to even conjure the occasional counterspell or strike in between running.
Running from Mikey.
It was all happening too fast for Raph to follow properly, but he realized, distantly, that Mikey’s eyes were glowing, light pouring from them and streaking down his face in globs of color. Like he was crying. Like he has tears made of honey.
Draxum lashed out with another spell, trying to find ground, and Mikey’s chains screamed out to meet them, shattering it midair. For just a second, Draxum gaped, his eyes wide as he watched. And in that tiny moment of hesitation, Mikey pounced.
He leapt forward like a beast on prey, his palm outstretched, reaching for Draxum, to touch, to grab--
At the very last second, the yokai yanked himself back.
In an instant, a bubbling black light enveloped him like a shadow and he blinked away-- as though he had never been there in the first place. Mikey stumbled slightly, lurching in the empty space left behind, his body jerking slightly at the sudden halt.
He faltered, wavering for a second, rocking on his feet. He blinked slowly, staring at the space where his opponent had once been as his shoulders slumped. In the silence and the still, ragged pants clattered through his chest. Raph swore he could hear them echo.
He blinked, swallowed, and finally found his tongue again.
“... Mikey?”
Raph gasped softly as he watched the little bird they had been watching leap up with a flap and flutter of its wings.
“It’s trying to--”
And it took him a few tries. But after a few false starts, the tiny creature took to the air. And in nearly a moment, it was gone, swooping away from the alley and out of sight.
“Whoa!” Raph gasped, his eyes widening. “Did you see that? That was so cool! He could fly all along!”
Mikey glanced back at his older brother and grinned brightly. “Yeah!!!”
He could tell. He could tell that that bird had been so happy to make it into the air and start to fly.
He could tell Raph was happy, too.
The halo that was surrounding their baby brother faded. The tears fizzled and dried up, the glow leaking from his eyes faded away with a flicker. And for a second, Mikey stood in one spot, staring off at nothing, his face flushed and his shoulders heaving with deep, shuddering breaths.
After a second, he coughed-- once, and then twice, hunching over slightly at the force of it. And he spat something shimmering and gold out onto the floor.
And then Raphael watched in horror as his eyes rolled back into his head, his knees going out from beneath him.
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pluto-00 · 10 months
Miles!42 hc’s
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a/n: they way I see ppl write him is so stereotypical..this is still miles we’re talking about! Js bc he got braids n a cooler atmosphere, bro is NOT running w a gang. Plus if my spanish is used wrong, pls tell me!! I wanna make sure this is perfect.
also…these hcs are so silly and cute <33 had alot of fun writing this tbh.
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Miles!42 who acts so hard in-front of others and his friends but really he’s just as dorky and awkward. (Likes playing minecraft but keeps it on the down-low, cuz he gets embarrassed.)
Huge video game enthusiast, from mortal kombat to terraria you already know he’s on that. Ganke and him play terraria all the time.
Miles!42 who mentions you all the time which kinda pisses Ganke off.
Does certain things to impress his uncle, trying to seem cool and more like a man. But you of all people, know he’s just fronting.
Miles!42 who thinks he seems sooo nonchalant, but really he cares about you so much.
Gotta huge soft spot for you and his mama.
When he comes over to your place to hang out, he always has some type of tubbaware filled with Rio’s cooking. She refuses to send that boy over without some sort of pleasantries. Which causes your mom to ask when is miles coming over, just to have some of ríos cooking.
“When’s that lil boyfriend of yours coming over? His momma cook food real good.”
“First of all, it’s for me. Ms.Morales loves me.”
Miles!42 who is a huge sneakerhead and will talk shit if he sees you with dirty air forces.
“Yo, you kinda nasty for that.”
“Whatchu talking about?”
“Why are your forces so dirty? Didn’t I tell you I got some sneaker cleaner at my place.”
“Mmcht, man get out my face, these are old ass hell.”
Gets a side job just to buy some sneakers or those over-priced spray ground book-bags.
Always leaving his friends to hang with you.
“I’m taking my girl out today, so I can’t.”
“I cant hang, me and my girl chilling tommorrow.”
Miles!42 who runs over to your place when yall had an argument, with your favorite soda and bag of chips he got from the corner store. Apologizes a-lot, especially if he knew was in the wrong.
“M’sorry, alright? I was doing too much.”
“No shit..” You’d say before pulling him into a hug.
Acts out for his little friends, calling you “ma” in-front of them, knowing damn well his real mama at home don’t play like that.
This boy will turn into somebody’s mother in public!! Talking shi under his breath in spanish, especially when he see’s ppl acting a fool in public.
“¿Estas personas no tienen entrenamiento en el hogar?”
Very assuring when it comes to you, especially when you over think something.
“You’re doing fine, mi querída. Don’t let those bad thoughts get to you..”
Anytime he see’s you in a cute outfit, hes so quick to say
“You look beautiful, te adoro.”
When Miles had you over at his place for the first time, he introduced you to his mother right away. And then later to Uncle Aaron.
You were nervous of making a bad first impression, but she found you very respectful and a good fit for Miles. Which led to her and you becoming really close, every-time you go over to Miles place you always ask where Rio is.
“Ms. Morales! You’re future daughter-in-law is here!” Which causes miles to get embrassed and for Rio to laugh.
“Ms. Morales, miles is being mean to me,” She goes along with it, jokingly telling miles to stop bothering you.
“Ms. Morales, you gotta teach me how to make this..” Who excitedly writes down the recipe and shows you step by step on how to make it.
Uncle Aaron likes you being with miles because you bring him out of his shell. He believes Jeff wouldve enjoyed your company too.
Miles!42 who’s tender-headed. Thats it.
Don’t let nobody but himself braid his hair. Which was a shock to Uncle Aaron, when he found out Miles let you wash and braid his hair.
But you swear up and down he act’s like a baby when you braid his hair, you literally have to resort to your black momma instincts when his head moves the slightest or his hand reaches up to the area you were braiding.
“Move ya hand!”
“You tugging on my scalp, fym?”
“Not my fault you tender-headed.”
“Don’t suck ya teeth at me-“
Misses his dad dearly, calls you up to talk to you, anything to keep his mind off of it for a while. Only to eventually open up further, while you comfort him.
Miles is a big momma’s boy. Considering Rio is the only parent he has left, he would do anything for her. She’s stressed? He’s telling her to relax for the day. It’s mothers day? He’s going all out, with a boquete of her favorite flowers and a gift that she’s been talking about for the longest but never has had the time or money to buy.
Watches anime religiously, gets into those heated anime debates like who would win Goku or One punch man? Which is one is mopping the floor Sukuna or Gojo?
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littleplantfreak · 4 months
Self care nights with (some) of the Furin/Shishitoren boys
Boys included: Choji, Togame, Umemiya, and Kiryu
Inspired by me putting on a face mask and going "but what if there were boys with me"
Tomiyama Choji
-Choji's a little too pumped for self care night when you have to remind him it's supposed to be relaxing. He'll let you give him a manicure but he's twitchy when he sits for a while so I hope you have the hands of a surgeon otherwise there's a lot of cleaning up with the nail polish remover.
-He's the type to eat the cucumber they put on your eyes at the spa lmao a trip to the store for snacks in necessary. It's better to get him one of those cute masks that make you look like the animal on the package.
- Asks too many questions when you're watching dramas/movies together. There's a 50/50 chance he knocks out during the best part.
Togame Jo
- I wanna have a self care night with him soooo bad it's not even funny. He'll do whatever you ask him to whether it's playing with your hair or tracing your back and he just does it for however long you want him to? You'll get no complaints from him he's just vibing.
-Loves if you play with his hair too. It's super soft and it's even better if you do a hair mask with him. Put one of the peppermint ones on him and he's in heaven tbh.
-Set up a few candles and chill in the tub with him too if you're comfortable with it. He'll get a bit handsy when he's washing you but he behaves for the most part. Gives you those big ol' loverboy eyes when you reciprocate and start washing him too (i dont have any pics of him rn but I can see him in my mind's eye) They make you wanna kiss him senseless.
Umemiya Hajime
- Is used to these kinds of things since he takes part when the kids at the home and Kotoha have had nights like these in the past.
-He likes to try to keep his hands in good condition despite the ever present dirt from gardening and calluses from fighting. He's so good at mani/pedis he could do it for a living.
-Also his hands are fantastic at massages. If you're ticklish though expect him to graze your worst spots for fun. Making you feel good AND getting to hear you laugh? He's not passing that up for anything. Will smooch random places on your shoulders or back while he's working the knots out.
-Ume also likes to take baths with his s/o. If it's a bubble bath he makes beards or silly hats with the bubbles. He loves smelling like you after he uses your bath products btw.
-Snuggling on the couch and playing video games is ideal for him. His island in animal crossing is impressively made and full of every fruit and flower and plant you could want. Expert collector of things in his museum too (swooning)
Kiryu Mitsuki
- He also plays games with you but that's just normal for him.
- Great at dying hair and doing cute new hairstyles on you. He's super into skincare and makeup stuff so anything you want done to yourself, feel free to do for him as well. He has no problem with you trying new makeup looks on him or painting his nails wild colors and patterns.
- Doing DIY/craft stuff with Kiryu is a must. Bring on the legos, paints, and crafting kits he's ready for anything.
- If you're at his place he'll let you try on whatever clothes he has in his closet for fun. Might just eat you up what with how cute you look in them though so watch out.
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aangelinakii · 3 months
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characters written about in this piece : bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, tim drake, damian wayne, barbara gordon, duke thomas, stephanie brown, cassandra cain
not proofread !
note : if you actually went and read through all of this i will actually smooch you
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bruce isn't an average music enjoyer, so he doesn't really have many preferences to what he listens to. all i know is that he doesn't like music that is too upbeat, like many pop songs.
perhaps in his angsty emo the batman 2022 phase, he would listen to metal, heavy guitars and drums, similar to jason. but as he develops as a philanthropist and vigilante, he would sway towards classical music without words. it helps him concentrate in many situations, and different artists or albums can convey so many different emotions in their music.
this music often plays within his office at wayne enterprises, the batcave whilst he's researching on the computer, or even just throughout the manor whilst he's doing bruce wayne shit.
songs i think he would like :
jazz suite no. 2: vi. waltz 2, dmitri shostakovich
12 études op.25: no. 11 in a minor "winter wind", frédéric chopin
vi. lacrimosa dies illa, slovak philharmonic
tango - bof "kuduz", goran bregović
le cygne (arr. for harp and cello), camille saint-saëns
le nozze di figaro k.492: overture, wolfgang amadeus mozart
i can see dick as someone who incorporates music a lot into his every day life; playing something on his alexa as he cooks dinner, listening to something in airpods as he walks around gotham during the day, hums or whistles a tune as he surveys the streets of blüdhaven at night. i don't think he would have taken up learning any instruments, but he's a very musical person, knows how to hold a rhythm as well.
he's into more modern music, very much frank ocean. he likes chill music with a good beat and maybe some good vocals. as long as the song overall sounds good, he doesn't really pay attention to lyrics. if a song he likes has weird lyrics, he'll only notice it one random day as he's singing along, and begin to overthink them in the shower and wonder why they were written in the first place.
songs i think he would like :
swim good, frank ocean
she, tyler the creator & frank ocean
novacane, frank ocean
dance now, joey valence & brae
wet dreamz, j cole
mysëlf, yeat
i actually have a jason playlist here !
i think jason enjoys darker sounding music, but it can go one of two ways; either loud guitar, or absolutely gut wrenching vocals. i'm talking lyrics mixed with the perfect pleading voice to make you feel just numb inside.
jason has experienced a lot of loss and trauma in his life, so sometimes he may feel numb and just need to amp it up with a loud deftones song, or he is feeling too much, and needs a mellow, yet depressing mitski song to bring him back down. granted, neither are the happiest options, but it's what works for him.
songs i think he would like :
xerces, deftones
danger, south arcade
i don't smoke, mitski
come home to god, amaarae
smoke sprite, so!yoon!
dagger, slowdive
LMAO i think this guy would be such a closeted theatre kid. he's watched all the heathers slime videos and watched hamilton and newsies on disney plus. he loves it, it just evokes an entirely different feeling. he would never tell anybody about this side though, which is why these playlists are kept privateee on his spotify.
so when he's with other people he shows that he listens to more mainstream artists, but likes an experimental sound, so maybe some tyler here and some carti there, but they aren't his go-to artists.
songs i think he would like :
boyfriend, tyler the creator
flex, playboi carti
non-stop, broadway cast of hamilton
once upon a december, broadway cast of anastasia
meet the plastics, broadway cast of mean girls
miso, edv & bigbabygucci
this little shit only exclusively listens to either classical music (aww look at him taking after his own papa) or the heaviest, scariest rock metal you've ever heard. bonus points if it's metal with classical undertones !!! he loves that shit, not that he would show it.
when he does his homework or falls asleep, he listens to heavyyy heavy metal. when he's eating a sandwich in the kitchen, or training in the batcave he'll be listening to classical music. see? it's not exactly linear.
songs i think he would like :
carnival of the animals: aquarium, camille saint-saëns
romeo and juliet op.64 - act 1: balcony scene - romeo's variation - love dance, sergei prokofiev
the isle of the dead op.29, sergei rachmaninoff
immortal rites, morbid angel
them bones, alice in chains
barbara is a woman on the quieter side, despite herself. i feel towards others she is more outgoing and reliable, but when she's with herself, she likes to wind down and just sit with her thoughts. she likes jazz, slow and soft, and the type of music you would find in music from the 50s and 60s. there's something wistful about it that she just loves.
this type of music can help her concentrate. she listens to music whilst reading, or whilst sitting behind the computer as oracle during less high-tension moments.
songs i think she would like :
the shadows of paris, elsie bianchi trio
piano and strings, henry mancini
a night to remember, beabadoobee & laufey
la javanaise, serge gainsbourg
jane b, jane birkin
my favourite game, the cardigans
we can all agree that duke is one of the more positive members in the family, trying his best to keep his optimistic outlook despite the rest of the world, and the rest of gotham especially. he likes songs with meaning, although hidden behind a happy instrumental and youthful vocals, but he also enjoys just plain old happy-go-lucky sounding songs.
i also think he's a very musical person, always got headphones on. he probably gets that one notification at least once a week telling him his volume is too high in his ears.
he loves to dance, so songs that he can get lost in and have a little jam sesh in his bedroom are a must!!!
songs i think he would like :
useless, omar apollo
the magic number, de la soul
batshit, dominic fike
breadwinner, floyd fuji & topaz jones
the violence, childish gambino
smokin out the window, silk sonic
as for stephanie, this girl listens to EVERYTHING. she listens to kpop, shoegaze, indie, rnb, 2010s pop, jazz likeeeee she will literally listen to anything. she doesn't have playlists she just fr adds every song she likes to "liked songs" and listens to it on shuffle, and whatever comes up she listens to without an issue. almost never skips songs because she's so open to anything and everything.
like one minute she could be listening to her fav red velvet album, and then the next min she's on the verge of tears listening to phillipa soo sing burn on the hamilton soundtrack.
songs i think she would like :
so good, red velvet
cola head, willow kayne
if you want to, beabadoobee
call me maybe, carly rae jepsen
xxl, young posse
unchained memory, cafuné
following her quieter nature, i can't see cass listening to anything too upbeat or loud. she'll like a softer instrumental but with an emotional vocal line, almost as if getting to express the things she may not be fully able to towards her family and friends.
may enjoy a good old shoegaze or indie song here and there, especially if she's feeling more emotional, as she feels the sound of the song encapsulates her emotions.
songs i think she would like :
only, lee hi
chocolate and mint, duster
slow burn, infinity song
gaia, lexie liu
emo song, beabadoobee
chaos angel, maya hawke
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enh4s · 2 years
Tinder Date
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╰┈➤ genre: smut
╰┈➤ pairing: tinder date! heeseung, female reader
╰┈➤ warnings: smutty smut, minors please leave this page asap, breeding, degrading kink, spitting kink, fingering, y/n is on birth control
╰┈➤ words: about 1900
╰┈➤ authors note: it's my first time posting a full one shot here so don't judge me too much kudasai?? you can request anything you want me to write about, inbox is open 🫶 I know I'm not the best creator on this planet but yeah I'm just doing it for fun, also if there's any grammar mistake which is possible, I'm sorry for that but English isn't my first language T_T have a nice time reading it tho!
Just an hour till you finally meet this boy you’ve met on tinder two weeks ago. At the first sight, you knew that this boy is DEFINITELY your type. His black hair, beautiful smile, and the smirk he got on one of those pics made your imagination run. 
Your phone buzzed and you instantly watched the screen.
Heeseung: Hey princess, I’ll be at your place in 30 minutes if it’s okay with you?
Fuck, boy, it was okay. You brushed your hair and finished your makeup, so you could sit on your bed and think about him a little longer. These two weeks of just texting were incredible, you had a lot of topics to talk about, he was the type of gentleman, but also had that flirty side you loved. You blushed at your phone as a young girl with her first crush, just because he said you look beautiful in a picture you’ve sent him.
You were about to go with him just for a trip around the city, maybe to take a walk around one of the amusement parks next to the city.
Your phone buzzed again. 
Heeseung: I’m here, come downstairs, beautiful girl ;)
You quickly put on shoes, and walked down to see him. 
He was really standing there, in front of his matte black car, with one hand in the pocket of his jeans, and the other one holding a rose for you.
You blushed again at the little gift. He gave you a warm hug, before he opened the car door for you. 
He sat next to you.
-So, beautiful, what amusement park do you want to visit today? I was thinking about having ice cream near the city, what do you think? -he asked.
You were amazed by his in-real-life look. He was even more handsome than these pictures and videos he sent.
You shake your head, asking.
-What? -you felt kind of stupid now, but it wasn’t your fault your tinder date happened to be the god like figure named Lee Heeseung.
He definitely knew what he was doing before he used the perfumes that everyone can smell from kilometers. 
He gave you a small laugh, before he asked again.
-I asked where do you want to go princess, because I’m in the mood for an ice cream date.
You just nodded your head before he laughed again. 
He loved the way you were shy and nervous all of the sudden when he met your eyes. 
Heeseung played some chill music and the adventure started.
He looked so handsome while driving, fully focused on the road, but had enough time to hold your thigh.
When you finally were at the planned spot, he again opened the door for you. 
You felt more relaxed after spending time in the car with him. You both again started to talk a lot, just like you texted each other. He bought ice cream for you as planned. Such a good start to the date. 
You can’t get your eyes out of him, so does he. It was the chemistry you needed to feel with someone. 
-It’s getting late, and you have to go to work tomorrow, why shouldn’t I drive you home? -He asked with a little smirk on his face.
-Yeah, that would be really nice of you. -You answered, winking at him.
You knew you wanted to do it. In your bed. Or in the kitchen. Or even on the floor. Or in his car… You felt the sexual tension which was built between you two. 
You were walking back to the car, next to each other. His hand casually wrapped around your waist. There were only you two, a dark parking lot, and a few lanterns next to the road. 
When you finally went inside, you opened your mouth to say something, but he stopped you. 
-Hey, are you cold? Your hands are all red. I told you the evenings are colder now. -He said, scolding you a little bit. 
-Maybe you told me something like this, but maybe I did it on purpose so you can make me warm now? -You answered, kissing your teeth. 
-So you want me to tell you that you're a bad girl? -He asked with a questioning face, even if he already knew the answer. 
-Heeseung, make me warm, now. 
He didn't think about it twice. The date was amazing, so it deserved an even better ending. He pulled you for a deep, sloppy kiss. 
You were so needy for him. Since you first saw him on this dating app you promised to yourself you'll never open again, you knew you needed him. The quick sexting chats you did with him was on another level. You wanted him to destroy you.
-It was so long since I had sex. -You whispered between the kisses. 
-Oh, so this is your way to make yourself warm? Acting like a slut in a stranger's car? 
He was now incredibly close, your head on the window, you opened your legs for him to get a better access. He could now see your panties because of the skirt you were wearing.
-Someone's love to be treated like a princess and then being railed? -He pointed at the wet stain formed between your legs. 
You wanted to scream, to beg him to do something with the mess your pussy made.
-Heeseung, please, just… -You moaned, when he pushed your panties to the side, exploring your folds. 
-You're so fucking wet. Were you like this for the past two weeks? We should meet earlier then. I didn't know you're that horny to feel my dick inside of you. 
You made a loud moan when he slid one of his fingers inside. They were so long, so slender, so perfect to reach your perfect spots. 
You opened your legs even more, pushing yourself deeper on his finger. 
He held your leg to make it more comfortable for you, while he decided to add another one finger inside. 
You were a moaning mess on the passenger seat, in the parking lot, where everyone could hear you. But it was too good to even care about it. You loved every single second this boy fingered you. 
He curled his fingers, and did a few more pushes. You were only louder and louder, digging your nails into his arm. 
-It's too early to cum, little slut. Wants me to mark you as my own, am I right? Now mouth open, princess. 
You did as he wished. You showed him your tongue, with half closed eyes, deep breathing was heard between soft whimpers. 
He closes his face to yours, now only millimeters were between you. You looked right into his eyes, they darkened while watching your fucked up face. He moved his hand to your neck, casually tightening the grip. 
Suddenly you felt his saliva on your tongue, going down to your chin. 
-I forgot to tell you that you have to swallow it all. Not even a single drop can go out of your pretty lips. You can just imagine you're swallowing my cum right now, because today it's not what I'll give to you. 
You nodded your head, waiting for him to spit into your mouth once again. He did. But your tongue was too far, to swallow it all in one take. That one, single drop, moved under your lips. 
He slapped your face and how awful it would be in someone's eyes, you loved it. You loved the way he treated you right now, and how he treated you three hours ago. Find a man who can do both, they said. 
-You're fucking dripping right now. You really like it when someone's treats you like a dumb fuck doll, huh? 
He slapped your pussy and you made the loudest whimper you could at that time. 
He did it a few more times before he pulled you again for a kiss. 
The words can't explain how needy and erotic this kiss was. You felt like a porn star in this scene. If this was recorded, you could be a millionaire right now. 
You reached to his belt, finally unzipping his jeans. He helped you by bucking his hips up. You did it with his boxers as well. 
You couldn't wait any longer for him, so did he. He helped you climb on him, stroking his dick a few times before he pulled his dick inside. 
You were definitely not ready for how big he was, letting a small cry escape your lips. 
He pushed his whole dick inside of you, but not moving for a minute to let you adjust to his size. You were kissing the whole time, he let you decide when you were ready for him to fuck you. 
You moved your ass up and down with your eyes rolled back to your head. His hand slapped your butt, while another one was choking you. 
Your clit was so sensitive, so every touch with his abdomen made you crazy. 
-What a little doll, so needy, huh? You love my dick don't you? I knew you'll be in heaven. Don't stop baby doll, cum when I'm inside. I want you to clench around me like a good slut you are. 
He tightens the grip on your neck even harder. Your vision was blurry now, your legs were only weaker and weaker. 
When he saw that, he let your neck free, so you could finally catch a proper breath. You choke on the sudden feeling of air again, despite the only smell you could get in this car was the smell of sex and his perfumes. 
He was now fucking you so you could have kind of rest, bouncing your ass on his length. 
You felt your orgasm coming, when he hit your g-spot a few times. 
-Fuck, Heeseung, I'm..  I'm gonna cum, can I? Please, don't fucking stop, fuck, please, make me cum.
-What a desperate little thing. Cum for me baby doll. You were so good for me, letting me not go easy on you. 
You reached your high after his words, digging your nails incredibly hard on his back, hugging him like you were scared he's gonna leave you when you cum with him inside.
You clenched really well around him, giving him even more friction. He loved how warm and thigh you were. He could fuck you for hours, he already imagined where you can do it next time. 
-Heeseung, cum inside of me. Please. Please do it. I want to feel your cum inside. -You begged. You begged him to do it and you wished he would agree to do that. 
And he did. He did his final thrusts, exploding inside of you. His groans were so hot, like music to your ears. 
You were breathing so loud that you could wake up a corpse. 
He moved your hair behind your ear, and kissed you, more romantically this time. 
-I didn't know you'd really love calling you a slut that much. -He laughed, pulling his dick out of you. 
The white sperm was draining from your hole, and you wished this moment would last forever.
-I did. Thank you for that, Heeseung. -You smiled shyly.
-Don't be shy beautiful girl, you weren't that shy 5 minutes ago. -He winked. 
-Now we're really going home, I think you're warm enough now. -He continued. 
You were too tired to even respond, so you collapsed on the passenger seat. 
He was driving you home and looked at your sleeping figure in his car, smiling to himself. He was definitely planning the second date.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
So something my sis and gf and I have been into lately??? We wanna buy an abandoned building (warehouse, school, church, whatever) and turn it into a house with apartments for all of us in there. That’s fun.
Anyways. Got me thinking. Because it suddenly hit me that if Obi-Wan had to find a new home post-war but with the republic winning. I think it would be HILARIOUS because he’s probably got a Padawan and Cody and half torrent and Boga and gotta have room for Ani and Padme and the twins to come visit- anyways. He’s gonna get some huge ass abandoned warehouse and start converting it into apartments and bedrooms and bathrooms and kitchens and a gym and shit okay he’s just gonna have to find the biggest warehouse he can so the front doors are big enough already to get his dino-horse in so she can snuggle and he’s got so many people to house rn.
Thankfully, that clone efficiency is gonna come in handy and sure give these guys a happy helpful thing to do post-war with all the renovations they’ll have to make lmao
Also I’m thinking of the SpaceToks lmao ‘come with me to renovate my abandoned warehouse into a mansion’ and then you open it up to show something that looks genuinely decent but decorated like a sim just throwing furniture all over the place and a 30 foot varactyl with a small child on it in the middle of the room and a bunch of armored clones playing super smash bros on the wall tv. Instant follow okay you just know you’re gonna see some weird ass shit here. There are a bunch of comments all ‘it’s all just for show Jedi and clones don’t live like that irl’ and then other Jedi replying ‘yeah I know Kenobi is fucked up but the rest of us wanna live like this too Lmao’ and stitching Plo’s wolfpack and Mace’s chaos house with his grandpadawan who keeps bringing home kids for no good reason and Shaak with a bunch of tinies hanging off of her at all times for cuddles.
Just give me the post-war shit where the Jedi are like ‘lmao we gonna take a break for a bit’ and chill out to go to therapy and all that. Give me the renovation videos with Boga hiding around every corner like a Backrooms monster. I need it.
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