Hello this a long shot call, am a citizen of Palestine. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin (Humalog), just an injection for today to save my life please I beg.I was diagnosized with type 1 diabetes and due to current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week, am having a balance of$168. Am sorry if am sending you again this request, kindly donate any amount please. My donation link is in my pinned post🇵🇸. Thank you and be blessed ❤️
I’m so sorry to hear this. I will do my best to help.
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Killer to Lovers
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Toxic!Psychopath!JJ Maybank x Fem!reader
Warnings: Extremely toxic and *murderous* JJ, penetration, fingering
Plot: Watching you from a distance, bloodthirsty Jay Maybank can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have you as his.
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Obsessed with the idea of a possessive/insane JJ recently- Hope it sounds as good on paper as it did in my head!
JJ Maybank had always been a mystery to you. Whether he be sitting in the corner, shrouded by shadows smoking weed and watching you and the Pogues intently, or twirling a suspicious knife or gun in his hand, he had always been different than the others.
You heard your parents warn you about him. “That boy is no good!” “You shouldn’t be hanging out around him! He could be dangerous!” The truth was, these scoldings wouldn’t bother you so much if you didn’t think they might be true.
Sure, he had never been exactly mean to you. Although he always seemed to have a strange, almost malicious glint in his eyes whenever he looked at you, any conversations between the two of you were friendly. You would joke around with him, John B, Pope, Kiara, and Sarah, and during those times there was no doubt that he was a Pogue.
But you never failed to miss the questionable red splatters on his clothing on multiple occasions, that always came with the news reports of missing people popping up all over Kildare County.
Yes, Jay Maybank wasn’t someone you should trust. But it was the other things about him that made it impossible for you to stay away. Maybe it was the dark circles around his eyes or the way he would swipe his tongue over his lips, but every time you were near him it was like you were in a trance, his presence warping around you and begging you to come closer.
For you, JJ was like a magnet. He was… and you didn’t know how else to describe it… intoxicating. You never imagined that he could feel any the same. 
It happened one night, when the moon was high in the dark sky, and you were huddled in the back of a building, crying. It was one of those times when the pains, losses, and heartbreaks of your life had finally gotten to you, and the tears were flowing down your face in cascading waves.
You had your face in your hands when you heard a familiar husky, drawling voice from directly next to you.
“And what is a lady like you doing out here so late?” You looked up in surprise to see JJ leaning against the wall facing you, his arms crossed and his head lolling slightly to the side.
“H- how did you find me?” you gasped, moving to wipe the tears from your eyes. Instead, JJ blocked your hand and trailed his forefinger across your cheek slowly. You freezed at his touch.
“I suppose I just can’t keep away from you.” He said lowly. Your despair forgotten, you raised an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?”
JJ’s deep blue eyes penetrated your own. “I’ve been watching you for a long time.” A shiver crawled up your spine as his finger moved across your chest gently. Even through the fabric, you could feel how cold it was. “You’re like a magnet to me. An addicting substance that I can’t seem to resist.”
Shock rippled through your body. How could he know you felt the exact same way about him? It was like he could read your mind. “I feel the same way, Jay,” you said softly.
“Good,” he purred. Before you knew what’s happening, he pulled the straps of your top and bra down your shoulders, letting them fall to your knees alongside your shorts.
Then he took off his own garments, keeping his eyes on you as you watched his muscled chest and hard shaft be uncovered.
Fully exposed in the moonlight, you saw his eyes darken further will hunger as he looked at you. How did this relationship get to this point? And this fast? You didn’t have time to think, as JJ was sucking down on your breasts, possessively taking the tips in his mouth one at a time and making you throw your head back. At the same time he slipped his fingers inside your pussy, already wet with your lubrication, pushing them in and out.
Your mind spun as you tried to comprehend the amount of pleasure coming from both places at once. You never imagined JJ’s fingers, or mouth, would feel this good. You twisted against the wall as he picked up his pace down below, relentlessly toying with your clit.
“Stay still, baby,” he growled, and you tried to contain yourself as you’re pushed closer to your climax. You buried your hands into his hair as you reached your edge.
And suddenly, instead of his fingers, his cock is slipping inside you, making you moan at his size and force. JJ moaned, too, murmuring “How can someone feel this good?”
He fucked you aggressively, more rough and merciless than any guy you’ve ever known. The sensations he was giving you were almost more than you can handle, and a second orgasm cracked through you in no time at all. Somehow he knew precisely the right spots to hit, how to make you bend to his will. He was manipulative. Cruel. Greedy. And you loved it.
When he finally came inside of you, it was like heaven with a mixture of hell had been opened. There was only the two of you together, interlocked and soaking up the intoxicating effect you both had on each other.
When he finally pulled out, his breath was hot on your face and he leaned in menacingly. “Do you want to be mine, gorgeous?”
You nodded, closing your eyes. “Yes. I want to be yours. Forever.”
“I want to hear it again. Are you mine?” He snarled, brushing up against your ear.
“Yes, Jay. I’m yours and yours only.” The vows escaped your mouth instantly and you knew there was no escaping the hold he had on you.
He took the skin of your neck between his lips and pulled it taut, marking you as his own. He began to walk away, turning his head towards you one last time. “I’ll see you again soon.” Then he was gone, disappearing back into the shadows.
You were left standing against the wall, mind torn in different directions. One part of your mind screamed What the hell did you just do? And filled with dread that this is wrong. Wondered what your parents will say. The other half of your mind told you This was meant to happen. The feral need for him that overrode all else. You needed him, and that’s all you knew.
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You saw him again the next morning, hanging outside with the Pogues. You felt his gaze scorching you the whole time. When you met his eyes, a smirk played at the corner of his lips. 
When you go to your house that night and he fucked you into your own mattress, he hissed “Your parents never have to find out about this. This can be just between the two of us.” And you could only nod in response. You were willing to lie to your own parents to keep him.
Jay got into the habit of sneaking into your room in the evenings, much to your dismay. You couldn’t risk being heard. You never told him to leave either. So quiet moans and hisses could be heard from your house as JJ buried his face between your legs.
When your friends found out about the relationship, they were a bit taken aback, but soon decided it was cute. They always said JJ was “tough and reserved”, so they found it adorable that he finally found a girl. What they didn’t know, though, was how far he was willing to go to protect you.
Jay was somewhat surprised himself. He had fucked several girls before, consensually, but you were different. At first he convinced himself that it was only for his own benefit, to satisfy his lust, but over time he realized that there was something more. He had always considered love a burden, something meaningless and childish. It could have been the way your featured lit up whenever you laughed, or the sweet and soothing pressure of your lips. But he knew, deep down, that he had grown to love you.
That was why, whenever another guy got close to you, the rage Jay felt was enough to want to kill them. Slit their throats in an alleyway, leave a drop of poison in their drinks. Just to make sure you were never stolen from him.
And of course there were the times when he imagined sinking the blade of a knife into your tender, perfect skin, to see your enticing blood drip down your body. There was something that stopped him, though. Maybe it was because he knew he couldn’t live without you, but he managed to restrain himself for the time being.
You sensed this desire, whenever you two kissed. You also sensed the possessiveness radiating from him as he trapped you in his arms. There was something alluring about it. How you knew he would kill for you.
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I just realized that Kiara and Lucy Gray and JJ Maybank and Coriolanus from Outer Banks and the Hunger Games look wildly similar. Am I not the only one?
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No surprise that they’re two of my favorite series, either ❤️
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Welcome to the world of “Being in love with a person who doesn’t exist in real life but you pretend they do anyway because you’re obsessed” ✧˖*°࿐
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Days in the Sun
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jj maybank x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, mild cursing, smut/unprotected sex, slight violence. NSFW.
word count: 1.1k
plot: y/n is spending a day at the beach with JJ, this time without any of the Pogues. After a run-in with the Kooks, JJ makes you feel better after accidentally making you mad at him.
a/n: sorry I haven’t posted in a bit- this fic is a little longer than usual, so enjoy!
Sunlight creeps through the curtains as you wake up, yawning. You roll over and see JJ sleeping soundly next to you, his mouth slightly open. The sight makes you smile. 
You had spent the night before at your boyfriend’s after much convincing, and ended up asleep in his arms. You have to admit, it had been one of the best nights you’ve ever had.
JJ’s awake now, and he blinks up at you sleepily. “‘Morning, beautiful.”
“Good morning, Jay. Sleep well?”
“Best sleep I’ve ever had,” he assures you as he sits up and stretches.
“Good.” You get out of bed and change out of your outfit, seeing as you’re still wearing your clothes from yesterday, and slip on a light blue sundress. JJ whistles in approval when he see you, making you blush.
After you’ve both eaten breakfast you head down to the beach together, watching the rising sun turn everything to gold. JJ’s hand finds yours and wraps around you tightly as you walk on the sand.
Since it’s still early, not many people are on the beach, allowing you to enjoy the scenery in peace. The deep-blue waves crash onto the shore, matching JJ’s eyes almost perfectly.
Gazing over at you, JJ can’t help but think how beautiful you look. Your glowing skin and sparkling eyes; and your hair blowing slightly in the breeze. His mind wanders as he contemplates how on earth he ended up with you. Just then, a seagull swoops down, nearly grazing JJ’s head. He jumps and curses, making you laugh.
“Damn those seagulls,” he mutters.
“Scared of a little bird, are you?” you taunt him. JJ shoves you playfully.
“‘Course not.” Nearing the ocean’s edge, he splashes you with water, kicking off a fun-spirited water fight between the two of you. Before long, you’re both soaked. You find the look of JJ with his blonde hair plastered to his head adorable.
The peace and quiet doesn’t last, though. Rafe Cameron, Topper Thornton, and Kelce walk walk onto the beach, sauntering as usual.
“We’d better go,” JJ tells you under his breath, a look of disgust on his face. It’s too late. The group has spotted you and stride over, smirking.
“Well, look who it is,” Rafe sneers. “JJ and his pretty little girlfriend.”
“Leave us alone, Rafe,” you snap, trying to move around him. He steps to block your path.
“Leaving so soon?” Rafe crosses his arms over his chest threateningly.
He reels back as JJ throws a punch at him. “Fuck off,” JJ snarls. Rafe’s expression flashes.
“Not very friendly, huh?” He starts forward and shoves JJ in the chest, knocking him backwards into a waiting Topper, who holds him in a headlock.
“Guys, stop,” you say in frustration, avoiding Kelce as he tries to grab you. 
“Y/n, run. I can handle this,” JJ commands, struggling in Topper’s grip.
“I don’t think so.” Taking a nearby beach bag, you swing it at Topper’s head, catching him by surprise. He lets go of JJ and stumbles backwards.
“Run! Now!” Turning around, you and JJ sprint back down the beach and out the farther entrance, the Kooks yelling after you. Thankfully, you don’t hear them give chase.
“That was a close one,” JJ gasps, stopping to put his hands on his knees. “Thanks for getting me out of that.”
“It’s no problem,” you reply dryly. “Maybe try not to get into a fight with Rafe as soon as you see him next time?”
JJ reddens in embarrassment. “Yeah, I guess I could’ve stayed calm a little better…”
You sigh. “I just don’t want you getting hurt,” you say sternly, rubbing the spot where Topper grabbed him.
JJ grins sheepishly. “I know.” Then an idea pops into his head. “Let me make it up to you, princess.”
* * * 
JJ takes you to lunch at the Tiki Bar, a Hawaiian-themed restaurant a short ways from the beach. He orders a burger and fries for each of you, along with two Margaritas.
The server carries a tray to your table with your food, and you clink your glasses together. 
“Cheers!” After finishing your first drink, JJ quickly orders you a refill.
“Wait, you don’t have to-“ you begin.
JJ cuts you off. “It’s on me,” he says earnestly. You beam. Turns out, you can’t stay mad at your short-tempered but sweet boyfriend for long.
At the end of the meal, you reach for the check, but JJ stops you, insisting on paying out of his pocket.
“Are you sure? I thought you were broke,” you say skeptically.
“Not today. It’s the least I could do for you, baby,” he adds when you open your mouth to say something. You roll your eyes but don’t argue further. 
“That was really nice, JJ,” you tell him as you walk back to the house. “You do know how to make it up to a girl.”
“Oh, but we’re not done yet,” he hums teasingly as he maneuvers you through the door and up the stairs.
“What do you mean—“ JJ opens the door to the bedroom and guides you inside, and you fall silent. The smirk on his lips tells all.
You lay on the bed obediently, clothes off, and JJ begins kissing you swiftly, sucking your breath out of you until you finally have to pull away, then kissing you again. He moves to the skin on your neck, nipping at your tender spots and leaving purple and blue love bites.
JJ’s hand moves to your panties, and he chuckles. “Wet already?” 
“Y-yes,” you mumble. “Just— get a move on, Jay,” you plead.
“Alright, alright. Be patient cupcake.” He slides them off and begins making rapid circles on your clit, making you gasp and hold you head back.
“Let me see those gorgeous eyes of yours, pretty girl,” he commands, and you obey, breath coming faster. You guide his hard cock into your waiting pussy, making the both of you moan in pleasure.
You dig your nails into his muscular shoulders as he pumps in and out, bucking his hips. The sound of his voice gasping out your name only drives you closer to your edge. 
Likewise, JJ seeing your tangled hair falling in front of your rosy face and feeling your hands grope his shoulder blades causes him to barrel toward his climax as well.
JJ cums inside of you at last, painting your insides white. He lifts out, and the combined mixture of both of your juices drip out of you.
Laying together on the bed minutes later JJ murmurs to you lovingly.
“Now I know what to do next time I make you upset.”
“Do it to me every day,” comes your whispered reply.
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My brain at 2am:
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It’s a cycle by now.
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⤷❝Can't be Shared | Coriolanus Snow❞ˎˊ-
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⇢☾Warning: NSFW | somnophilia, mentions of prostitution (Snow was going to 'share' you) cunnilingus, pinv sex, creampie, unprotected sex (wrap it dumbfucks), possessive af Snow, impact play (he slaps your thigh once), ruined orgasm (you do cum in the end) | lmk if I forgot anything!
⇢☾Pairing: young president! Coriolanus Snow x fem! Reader
⇢☾Summary: Snow was going to share you with the elite of the Capitol but changed his mind halfway through only to have his way with you and make you the First Lady of Panem
⇢☾A/N: hehe, the longest fic I have writing so far, hope y'all enjoy this and reblog ;)
<masterlist> < bc: @cafekitsune >
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He thought he would be okay with it. He was sure he would be okay with it. But he wasn't. Snow's blood boiled when the rich elitist of the capitol had begun to touch you, whisper you praises, and whatnot. The only thing that was going in his mind was his, his, his.
When had he gotten so attached, he wasn't supposed to be. Letting them touch you, and play with you was a strategic decision to get them hooked and you weren't meant to be his Queen but something had changed. Something snapping in him when the Capitols’ richest eyed you like a meal.
His jaw was clenched and he cleared his throat, “I changed my mind.” He said, “I am not sharing after all.”
You are his. His property. His bird locked in his cage and now his Queen. He pulled you closer, away from prying hands. He glared, memorizing the face of any and everyone displeased, thinking of plans of how to dispose of them quickly because even if briefly they had touched you that was a sin. No one taints the Queen but a King.
He cordially finishes dinner, keeping in mind he was a president, a newly appointed one at that even if he wanted to he couldn't drag you into his room and have his way with you. But he wanted to. His free hand is on your thigh, gripping it hard enough to leave a small bruise. His hold gets tighter the more he has to smile pretty and act polite.
You hadn't said a word, you weren't sure what to say. You were ready to be shared, used, and then discarded. Snow had told you of this beforehand, but he had changed his mind and you were grateful.
Even as he marked you, made you whimper with his grip, giving your thigh a warning squeeze to be quiet. You were relieved that he decided not to share. You were his, you liked that you were his.
Dinner took longer than you would have preferred, but when it finally came to an end, Snow leaned into you and whispered, “Be on my bed wearing my shirt and nothing else, my bird.”
You didn't reply. You get up, walking into his room, heat choking your veins and making your pussy ache and wet. You close the door as you reach the master bedroom of the manor.
Going into his closet you picked on a red shirt, knowing that it would match your skin tone well. You had taken everything else off, your panties and previous clothes on the floor. You were in full display as you didn't even button up the shirt. Your breasts are exposed to the cold air making your nipples harden.
You sat on the bed, waiting for him to come. One minute bleeds into ten and you laid down on the bed. One hour turns to several and your eyes close up. Sleep catches up with you.
You woke up with a gasp. Sleep at the edge of your mind but your mouth lets out a moan wantonly as several things hit you at once.
One. Snow was here.
Two. Snow was between your thighs, his hands keeping your thighs wide and spread for him.
Three. His lips were on your clit, sucking it vigorously making you arch your back and wanting to flinch away from the intensity.
And you tried to move away, your bud sensitive more with pain than in pleasure. How long was Snow like this, sucking at your clit. Your pussy was now impossibly slick and throbbing, wanting to be filled.
A slap was delivered onto your thigh, a hitched moan leaving your lips because of the delicious pain. “Behave,” Snow sneers at you, his blue eyes looking ravenous, his face smeared with your arousal. This was Snow? You thought for a brief second. For once he felt like a man brought down to his knees by a woman instead of something untouched.
“Sorry,” you gasp out as he dives into your cunt. His tongue drew circles onto your clit as your cunt clenched around nothing. You never thought Snow would be sloppy at anything, you thought wrong because his breathing was loud, warn air of his pants grazing your sex. His stubble brushed against your sex as all of his attention was overstimulating your clit.
He finally lost interest as you cried out that you were close just by him playing with your clit for who knows how long. It hurt. It felt good. Perfect, delicious pleasure and pain. You were dizzy, your eyes glistening with unshed tears.
He leaves your clit alone, but his tongue finds its way to the rest of your pussy. His tongue traces your folds, your slit, and the inside of your walls. Leaving no parts of your cunt untouched by his mouth. He was licking every drop of your juices, all the while he made you wetter.
Your hands were fisted into the sheets, your hips subtly moving for friction. A notion that was stopped with a squeeze of his hand on your thigh. You were brought to your high, so close to the edge you would fall in a second as moans spilled from your lips.
Only for that to be snatched away as Snow moved away. You cry out, “No! Please!” But Snow merely raised an unamused eyebrow while his hand wiped his mouth. “Snow, please,” you whispered, feeling the heat and the high of your lost orgasm.
He lets out a scoff as he sees your desperate state. “My meal is finished,” he merely said. His hand takes off the red suit, the same color as your (his) shirt. His fingers unbutton his white shirt, revealing his toned physique. Those same hands now unzipped his pants, his boxer down to the floor revealing a hard cock. The well-rounded tip leaking pre-cum.
“But I am not done with you yet,” he muses, as he moves in closer. You were sitting up now and his hand was on your nape.
“I don't think I'll ever be done with you,” he whispers, the words sealing a promise of forever. “Don't be,” you whispered back, leaning to catch his lips. Your arms around his shoulders to pull him on top of you, to feel his weight, his skin against yours.
Primal instincts take over you both as you kiss. Desperate whimpers and deep groans could be heard and his teeth sank into your bottom lip. Making it bleed and making him suck your blood into his mouth. He pulls back with a gasp, his eyes wide, his lips swollen. His taste was of a dessert you couldn't name. Addictive and delicious.
His left hand was on your cheek, another still on your nape. His thumb brushes your cheek in a manner of caring. “You're the Queen of Panem now,” he announces, making your heart jump in surprise. “The First Lady of Panem.”
With that, he seals his words with a kiss. Soft and ravishing, his tongue explores your mouth. Your hand is in his hair, the blonde locks between your fingers as you kiss back with everything you have.
“You're mine,” he whispered, his lips brushing with yours, “My bird in a cage. My property.”
“I'll make sure everyone at Capitol knows it,” he said, his eyes looking at you with the ferality of an animal stripped to his bare instincts. “Is that understood, my bird?” He asked.
The answer couldn't be anything but yes. So you replied exactly that and he grins. He looked beautiful in that moment, his charms coming out making you even more needy.
You pulled him in for another kiss, his lips smiling against yours as both of your tongues tangled. His hand lowered itself and cupped your cunt. His fingers trace your entrance and you whimper into his mouth but he doesn't breach in.
He gathers your arousal on his digits, and he pulls back from the kiss to take the digits into his mouth. After sucking his fingers clean, he kisses you again, letting you taste yourself.
His hands pushed you down on the bed, your legs on his shoulder. He takes a deep breath, taking you in, his bird being such a pretty mess.
He placed a kiss on your thigh that was unbelievably soft that for a moment you didn't believe it was action done by Snow's lip but the harsh bite of his mouth marking the skin of your inner thigh proved otherwise.
He leaned down, his hand in your hand above your head. Your free hand dug into his shoulder, forming crescent marks that made him groan, a choked-off desperate sound that you wanted more of.
All the while he placed his cockhead right at your entrance. You gasp as you feel the tip slip inch by inch into your velvety warmth. You wondered if he was going so slow because he wanted you to adjust to his length. However, one look at his face told you were wrong. His blonde strands clinging to his forehead, his lips parted and letting out hot breaths all the while his eyes closed shut, his eyebrows furrowed as he buried his dick into your cunt with the slow pace.
The reason he was going slow was because he wasn't sure if he could last and fuck, that got into your head. Birds are little teasers and you were no different so you clenched around him. His length half pushed in and felt your pulsing cunt wrapping itself tighter around him.
His eyes fall open as he lets out a grunt of surprise and pleasure, “Fuck.” His icy eyes glare at you, “Don't.” Your pussy only clenched further in reply and his hold gets harder, pressing your hand into the mattress as he sank in completely without a warning. “Ah!” You let out in surprise, the stretch painfully perfect.
“Take it,” he whispered to you, his lip biting your earlobe before he dragged his mouth to the pulse of your neck to mark you up properly as his property. His hips now beginning to move, calculated and controlled just like every other action of Snow. Every thrust hits your g-spot relentlessly, making you gasp and moan, back arching in pleasure.
“Gentlemen make their women cum but you're not a woman. You're my property but I am merciful so cum. Cum on my cock untouched, my bird.” He groans into your ear as his pace gets faster, a tad bit of desperation creeping in as his hips slam into you without a care. You could only moan in reply, truth is you didn't need to be touched to cum. His cock, his skin against yours, his mouth sucking your neck, and placing love bites were enough. More than so.
The heat was already forming in your stomach, waiting to be released and spread all over your body. The final push hadn't come long after. As you and Snow shared a filthy open-mouthed kiss, he had thrust so hard and deep, a small bulge had formed, your cervix being kissed with his cockhead.
You cry his name and your pussy comes on his cock, milking his length with repeated squeezes. “That's it, my bird,” he praises as he continues to abuse your cunt with his dick. Your nerves are oversensitive making you whimper and teary-eyed. He found his release with a whimper, his hot cum filling your womb. He pulled out with a small gasp and you wanted him again.
His hand ran through his hair, pushing the sweaty strands up. “First lady of Panem,” he stated, looking at you and then your body, his cum falling out of your cunt.
“First Lady…” you whispered, in disbelief and for whatever may come in the future.
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i tell my walls all about you
pairing: jj maybank x exgf!reader
genre: angst,,, some fluff? i think? with a happy(ish) ending? might write a happier part two if peeps are interested!
synopsis: missing your ex-boyfriend
word count: 1k
a/n: this is totally twilight new moon vibes (me every break-up)
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There was nothing in the world that didn't remind you of him. From the way your fucked-up ceiling fan occasionally squeaked, bringing to mind the times he slept next to you, unaware of the small little noises he let out in his sleep. The walls of your bedroom that he helped you paint because you couldn't reach high enough. The way his smell still faintly stuck to your bedsheets, despite it having been a month since he last laid in them, his naked body sprawled on your bed as he slept, his blonde hair around his face, one of his arms strewn around your waist. Your bed, all the times he laid in it like it was his own, all the times he fucked you into your mattress, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, his fingers intertwining with yours as he pressed kisses down your neck.
He was the only one who knew you, every nook and cranny of your mind and your body. Even though it had been weeks since your break up, you couldn't bring yourself to delete any of the pictures of him on your phone or throw away anything he gave you, or anything belonging to him. And as you lay in bed at night, crawled up in his hoodie, tears stung your eyes when you were starting to realize that his scent was starting to fade away from it.
For the first few weeks after the break-up, you would barely leave your bed, while you thought just what your former boyfriend of three years would be getting up to at the moment. Maybe he was drowning his sorrows in booze and weed, or maybe he was doing just fine. It was his idea to break up, after all, explaining something about what a mess he was, how you deserved someone better than him. But what he didn't seem to be able to get through his beautiful, thick head was that you didn't want anyone else but him. If only that was enough.
The smell of burnt grilled cheese brought you to memories of sitting up on the counter of your cramped kitchen, the beautiful boy perched between your legs as he looked up at you teasingly while you bit into the sandwich, before letting him have a bite. Every morning when you woke up, you'd reach out for him, only to have his side of the bed cold and empty.
Each rainy day reminded you both of that day you'd spent cooped up inside until he let out a loud sigh, announcing how bored he was, ending up with you two playing with water guns you had borrowed from some of the kids in your neighborhood, a victorious grin on his face whenever he hit you, despite both of you already being soaked from the rain. That day becoming the day when you two finally became more than friends pining after one another, and you could still remember the way his warm hand felt on your cold cheek, the way your hand immediately went up to his hair as he pulled you into a dizzying kiss, afterward muttering to you about how long he'd been wanting to do that.
From that day on, you had been inseparable. Where he went, you went. Who you disliked, he disliked. He basically lived with you, and from the moment your parents saw the way he looked at you, they loved him like family. A third of the things in your bedroom belonged to him, and every part of you was so sure it'd never end, that the two of you would simply stay that way forever, curled up under your blanket, nuzzling into his chest as you watched some crappy reality tv-show on your beat-up laptop while he pretended to not be interested.
But when he was gone, you laid alone in your bed, with his hoodie on, it felt as if all warmth from your room, from your life, had been taken away. Your friends tried to cheer you up, and to get you to talk to them, but when they came by, you wouldn't even move from your spot, not even move your lips. But during the nights just like the ones you used to spend with JJ just quietly talking to each other about the future you'd want to spend together, you now spent pacing around the bedroom, talking to yourself.
When you finally started to heal, when a scab finally formed on the deep cut his absence had left on you, you started actually leaving your house. But as a few weeks had gone by, and you were genuinely laughing for the first time in weeks at something your friend said as the two of you lay on the beach of course fate would want to play tricks on you.
That's when you saw him, emerging from the ocean, his hair wet and his board in his arm, his bare chest glistening from the way the sun was sitting the drops of water on his skin, talking to Pope as they were making their way back to the rest of their friend group. You wanted to hide, desperately wishing he wouldn't be able to see you. But you were frozen to the spot, too fazed to do anything. And of course, that's when JJ's eyes flickered to where you were, his eyes widening slightly before turning back to his friend.
And that's how you ended up in one of his hoodies once again, laying in your bed in a fetal position as you listened to the patter of rain outside of your window, the entire house dark. When there was a knock on the door, you considered just ignoring it, since your parents weren't there to open it; maybe you could just pretend you weren't there.
But when the knocking got more and more incessant, you sighed, peeling your body away from the comforter you had thrown over you as you slumped over to the door, feeling as if a truck had hit you. You pulled open the door with an empty expression on your face about to tell them to leave, but your expression soon changed once you saw a familiar face standing there, his blonde hair soaked by the rain, his breathing unsteady as your eyes widened.
But before your mind could even register the fact that JJ was behind your door, he had already pulled you into a heated, mind-numbing kiss.
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Movie Night
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WARNINGS: Plenty of smut, mentions of alcohol. Viewer discretion advised.
PLOT: It’s party time over with the Pogues! While inside grabbing extra drinks and popcorn, JJ finds you and can’t resist himself…
Crickets chirp and decorative lights make the backyard glow as you and the Pogues get ready for a movie night.
“Hey! Over here!” John B tosses a bag of Doritos over to JJ, narrowly missing Kiara’s head.
“Watch it!” She snaps and rolls her eyes at you. “Boys.”
Chuckling, you help set up lawn chairs in front of the large projection screen in the middle of the yard.
Once everything’s ready, you turn on the projector and the movie starts rolling. Settling down in a chair next to your friends, laughter soon fills the night. Beer and soda bottles, chocolate bar wrappers, and popcorn litter the grass.
“Hey y/n, mind grabbing us some more popcorn? It’s in the kitchen.” John B says to you.
“Why is it my job?” You complain.
“Because you do it the best.” John gives you his best puppy eyes. “Oh, and could you grab us a few more beers while you’re at it?” He adds.
“Sounds like he’s too lazy to do it himself,”Pope comments. His friend shoves him playfully.
Sighing, you get up and head into the house. As you wait for the popcorn to pop, you hear someone come in the door.
“Hey, babe,” JJ says with a smirk.
When you first came to the Outer Banks, you never dreamed of dating the one and only JJ Maybank, drop-dead gorgeous Pogue with golden blonde hair and sexy blue eyes to match. But then again, you were known for being irresistible too.
“Need something, Jay?”
“Oh, nothing,” he replies lazily. “Just, you know, you.” This is nothing new. JJ is definitely the flirtatious type, but with you he does nothing less than smother you with compliments and adoration every hour of the day. You don’t mind, of course.
He steers you into the living room, where he backs you into the wall and places hands on either side of you.
“JJ…?” You ask with a slight smile. “What are you doing…?” 
“What I can’t resist doing when I’m around you.” And he crashes his lips into yours, forcing you straight up against the wall as he fills you with his heat.
As he pulls away, you kiss him again without hesitation, cupping his face in your hands.
Just then, Pope walks in, his mouth agape as he sees you two making out. You pull away quickly, blushing slightly.
“What are you-? You know what, I don’t want to know.” Shaking his head, he leaves the room.
“Oops.” You and JJ giggle at each other. “Guess we better get the snacks.” 
Outside again, John B cheers when he sees the fresh popcorn and beverages and Pope eyes you suspiciously. You ignore him and get right back to having fun, downing several shots; JJ’s arm wrapped around your shoulders.
Later that night, while the rest of the group is in the living room in their sleeping bags chatting, you and JJ sneak up to the bedroom, with the excuse of needing to use the bathroom.
Laughing quietly, you shut the door behind you. JJ picks you up by the waist and tosses you onto the bed carefully.
In a matter of seconds he’s on top of you, his lips pressed against your mouth and tongue traveling inside. You can sense his growing erection against his pants as you kiss.
Clothes are tossed aside as well as your bra and panties, and JJ begins massaging your breasts, earning a few moans from you. His mouth sucks your tender tits again and again, making them wet.
You move down to suck on his hard cock, trying to fit his entire member in your mouth at one time. You stroke the parts that remain exposed.
JJ moans out your name, eyes watering in pleasure. He slides one finger, then two, inside your wet pussy. “JJ…” you whine.
“Shh, it’s okay baby, it’s okay.” He slides himself in little by little, waiting for you to get used to his size. You arch your back in pleasure as he thrusts in and out, moaning into his mouth. 
“JJ…” you gasp. “I’m going to… c-come…”
“Go ahead, beautiful,” he responds, his words coming out strained.
You reach your climaxes at the same time, hand covering your mouth to stop yourself from full-on screaming. Coming back down, JJ’s thrusts become weaker until finally he pulls himself out, breathing heavily.
After you lay on the bed, waiting out the overstimulation, you head to the bathroom to clean each other off.
Tiptoeing cautiously back into the living room, Kiara asks sleepily, “Where have you guys been?”
“Oh, nowhere,” you say together with grins on your faces.
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WARNINGS: cursing, angst, plenty of fluff near the end
PLOT: you and your boyfriend, JJ Maybank, are not exactly in good terms right now. You just found out from your best friend, Kiara, that JJ has been attempting to sabotage the Cooks including Topper Thornton and Rafe Cameron after telling you he had stepped out of the war…
You march up to the house and slam open the door, to find JJ bent over a table, quickly shoving objects into a backpack. You spot two rolls of dynamite along with his stolen pistol among the other items.
JJ sees you and immediately moves to block the pack from view, but it’s too late. You know what you saw.
“H-hey, babe,” JJ pretends to sound casual, but the flicker of apprehension in his blue eyes gives him away. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” You demand, folding your arms confrontationally.
“What- what do you mean?” JJ’s eyes widen innocently, but you can see his hands fiddle nervously against the edge of the table.
“You heard me. What are you doing?” you repeat, glaring straight into his eyes. JJ winces. “Don’t tell me. I know you’re going off to do some bullshit again, aren’t you?” Your voice is dangerously quiet. “You lied to me. You promised you would stop with this stupidity. After what happened last time…” Your gaze flicks to the long scar visible on his neck.
JJ’s face softens. “Hey,” He walks to you and turns your chin towards him. “Everything will be okay. I promise you,” he murmurs, gently caressing your face in his hand. 
You slap his hand away. “No! It will not be okay!” You circle him slowly, anger burning your veins. “I’m tired of your shit! What is this relationship, if I can’t trust you to give a fuck about what I say?!” You slap him hard in the face, making him flinch away from you. 
JJ doesn’t fight back, though. “Y/n, please…” he begins. 
“No.” You say flatly. You shake your head. “No. I’m done.” And with that, you turn your back and walk out the door.
JJ looks down at the table as you disappear, his face strewn with anxiety. He clenches his jaw and pushes his hair back with one hand.
The next day, you, John B, Kiara, Pope, Sarah, and JJ are out on the marsh, fishing from the HMS Pogue. You avoid meeting JJ’s eyes for the entire trip. 
JJ doesn’t joke around as usual, either. He only gives a few short comments or half-hearted chuckles as the rest of the group talks.
“What’s up with you two?” John asks as he’s winding up his fishing rod, eyeing you both questioningly. You haven’t told them about your fall out the night before. 
“Nothing,” you mumble, pretending to study something very interesting in the water. Kiara shoots you a pointed look. She probably guessed you confronted JJ after what happened.
“You sure? Because it seems like you two lovebirds aren’t having a very fun time,” When neither of you answer, John B just shrugs and changes the subject.
As you help tie up the boat at the dock, JJ stops you before you can leave.
“What do you want, JJ?” you say coldly.
“Look, y/n,” he hesitates. “I- I’m sorry.”
“For what?” you snap.
“For lying to you,” Guilt and regret show on his face. “I know it was wrong.”
“Did you have a fun little excursion last night? Trying to get someone killed?” Your voice is edged with malice.
“I didn’t go. I changed my mind after we talked. I’m done. For real this time.”
Your anger falters. “That’s what you said last time…” your voice trails off and you look away.
JJ places himself in front of you and looks you directly in the eye. “You don’t have to believe me. Trust me, I wouldn’t deserve it.” His expression is unwavering. “Just know that… I love you.”
Before you can say anything, JJ presses his lips against yours, holding the sides of your face tightly. He pulls away quickly. Your cheeks flushed, you watch as JJ starts to walk away.
“Jay, wait,” you call. JJ turns back.
Grabbing him, you pull him into a kiss, leaning into him. JJ kisses you back immediately, closing his eyes as you embrace. You stay together for a long time before pulling away.
“I forgive you,” you whisper. “Just never do that to me again, understand?” JJ smiles down at you.
“Of course, cupcake.” Then he kisses you again.
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Evening ✧˖*°࿐
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WARNING: Contains sexual/mature content and cursing. You have been warned.
It’s a tranquil evening in the summer and you and JJ are sitting on the couch, watching a movie.
Next to him, your mind can’t help but wander up to JJ’s bedroom, where the two of you could be together right now…
“You want me, don’t you?” You start as you notice JJ is grinning at you pointedly. Blushing in embarrassment, you realize you’ve been staring at him in hunger.
“I do, actually,” you say shyly, gazing into his gorgeous blue eyes. JJ gazes back tenderly before he smirks. 
“I knew it,” he says, turning off the TV. “Well, seeing as no one else is here at the moment shall we…?” He gestures up the stairs.
Throwing an arm around you, you walk upstairs together, where JJ opens the door for you to enter. Then he plops himself on the bed and pats the space next to him.
You sit next to him happily, reaching up to peck his lips. JJ places his mouth at the base of your neck and leaves a trail of kisses up to your chin. When he finishes he moves to your lips, gently at first and then slowly becoming more passionate.
His tongue travels into your mouth and moves against your own, making you moan softly. JJ’s hands travel up your skirt and massage your thighs, sending a shiver of electricity through you.
Your fingers move to his chest and begin to unbutton his shirt, while JJ takes off your blouse and skirt. His shorts and boxers are soon slid off as well, revealing his erect prick.
You’re left in just your lacy bra and underwear. Your boyfriend is quick to remove what is left on you. 
You stand in the middle of carpet, fully exposed. JJ stares at you.
“Is something wrong…?” you ask nervously.
JJ shakes his head. “No, no. It’s just that you’re so fucking beautiful.” Your cheeks warm at the compliment. You love how JJ always makes you feel like the sexiest girl alive.
You lay with each other on the bed, kissing and embracing. His skin feels soft and warm against your own. You swipe the tip of his cock with one hand, still holding his face with the other.
“Mmm,” JJ murmurs. You start rubbing his length, progressively moving back and forth more quickly. Sounds escape from JJ’s mouth. 
“Like that, baby?” you whisper.
“Y-yes,” JJ whines, losing more control as time goes on. He moves to brush his tip against your entrance, making you squirm. Then he plunges in suddenly and completely, making you gasp.
You feel yourself adjust to his size within the first thrusts, tightening around him as you moan his name. Thank god no one’s home, you think through the fog of haziness.
“A little… to the left…” you whimper. JJ obliges and your vision goes fuzzy as he hits your G-spot continuously.
JJ fucks you harder and faster, wanting every inch of you. You dig into his back for something to hold on to. “You feel… so good…” JJ gasps. Curses escape from his mouth and tears stream down his face.
“You’re doing great, buddy,” you encourage him as he nears his orgasm. “Fuck, you feel so good inside me…” You continue to talk him through his climax, despite the sweat pouring down your forehead.
JJ does the same for you as your own orgasm follows shortly after. You cry out as the wave of pain and pleasure hits you like a bullet.
JJ removes himself from you and collapses on the mattress, breath still coming in gasps. As your breathing collectively slows down, he reaches over into the side drawer and pulls out wipes to clean you both off. 
After you’re both cleaned up you allow yourself to fall asleep wrapped in his arms.
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