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obitoslover · 1 year ago
I was thinking Obito and Itachi are lowkey similar
Both were child soldiers (standard tbh) traumatized by war and used that trauma to mold their worldview and moral code; then, they were brainwashed by old men (also traumatized by war) with a darker worldview and made them do the dirty job (massacring the Uchiha clan for Itachi, preparing the Moon Eye plan for Obito), even though at principle they were lowkey against it but, as the years went by, both became more and more delusional over that "greater good" they were led to believe
While Obito is against the system, sure, while Itachi is perpetuating it, he used to same mechanisms and strategies, he also became the darkness of the world
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starlight-bread-blog · 1 year ago
I Watched The First Two Episodes of Hazbin Hotel
Overall I wasn't bored. It's a fun show from the little I've seen. I have thoughts and notes I'd like to give so here's how this is gonna go:
🔵 Is for things I liked/would like to be expanded upon in the show's future.
🔴 Is for things I disliked ranging from nitpicks and just general critisisms.
Whenever something about Angel Dust's trauma I will come up, I'll mark "————" at the beginning & ending so you can avoid the topic if you'd like.
So let's dive right in!<3
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🔴 I am so confused. This is narrarated by Charlie. And her goal is to redeem sinners so they can enter Heaven to save their lives. But she also knows that Heaven doesn't kill sinners to stop over-population, it's just plain evil. So, what are we doing here again?
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🔴 This is the first time her relationship with her father is mentioned in the show. And it's done though a joke made by Alastor in a commercial he made. (Also, how would he know about Charlie's "daddy issues"? This isn't common knowledge as far as I know).
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🔴 WHAT THE FUCK? I'M SORRY. WHAT THE FUCK? I hate being this negative in the beginning but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I don't want to discuss this line any more than the shock I felt while hearing it. Next.
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🔴 Everyone already talked about how the camera work is crap and I agree. But here's an idea: If they wanted to make something grandiose, why not make a classic musical number that's completely unrealistic, and then make the reality of Hell clash with it?
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🔴 This scene could be cut off mostly entirely. The point here is to show how awful Adam is, and the second the talking's over, we get a better song that does just that.
🔵 At first I was gonna make this a critisism, but all it did was making me ask questions, which is good in a first episode. This has me wondering about the characterization of Heaven and how it came to be. I can accept them being a shitty bureaucracy who only appear good, but this is some Saturday Morning Cartoon villian stuff. I'm very curious about this.
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🔵 Niffty couldn't say her lines and just stared at the camera and was completely unaware of the fact that she did a shitty job. How come? I wonder what they'll do with it.
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🔴 This is edited. The scene didn't go like this. We cut from the hotel to the Vees before we see Alastor's counter-attack. They cut to a really long section of the episode, in the middle of something that could be dealt with in a second. I wasn't as invested as I could have been in the introduction of the Vees, because I kept waiting to come back to Alastor.
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🔵 I'd like to know why Charlie is so naive. Optimistic? Yeah, makes sense. But naive? Now that's interesting to know. She clearly goes outside and sees how sinners aren't the safest people (ie Happy Day in Hell), so you think that spending eternity with them would get her acquainted with the culture and make her adjust her behaviors. But she's still looking at the guy who just tried to kill her and goes "Oh, hello again". I'm dying to know why she's like that.
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🔵 I see where this is going<3 Despite it all, Angel Dust clearly still loves acting. So when he'll escape Val, he'll show his theatrical side by improvising and acting for Charlie<3
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🔵 Despite Angel Dust not adoring the hotel, it's very much a safe place for him. A safe the Vees, from Valentino. Now, someone who worked for them just a second before getting discovered, is in. Can't wait to see more of this.
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🔵 I liked the rivalry of Alastor and Vox. I liked how Vox is this perfect big shot, yet crumbles about Alastor when he's barely trying. Definitely a highlight.
To Summarize...
🔴 6 negatives 🔵 6 positives
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I enjoyed myself a fair bit. Most of the negatives are either nitpicks or won't matter in five eps. It had some flaws but it's a start.
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dyslexicandakeyboard · 1 year ago
Something that will always get me about this fandom is the lengths they will go to protect Talia for no reason. Like no fucking reason.
They'll complain and cry when she's written villainously even though she's been portrayed as a straight up villain since Death of the Maidens (Which gave reason to their shift).
They'll complain and cry when she's written as morally gray like her how she's been portrayed since her conception. (This means complicit with genocide of 90% of the human race and eco-terrorism along with destroying countless cultures and meddling with affairs that don't concern them. Which is a bad thing.)
Talia is not and has never been nor will ever, if she is STILL working with the league, be portrayed as MORTALLY GOOD and get in a relationship with Bruce by DC.
And the thing that will get me is that they just want Talia to be with Bruce! It's like they don't care about their characters as individuals as long as they end up together or DC makes their relationship more important that it really is/was. Not that it was a just a blip, but since like after the early 2000's, it's clear that there isn't romance in their relationship anymore. (Unless DC comes and fucks me over.)
Just read the shit that they're in and stop complaining! And stop spreading it in the main tags too!
Talia Al Ghul is a villain. From her conception as a character she has always been Bruce's adversary. Is there romantic/sexual tension, sure. Is that the same with villains like Poison Ivy, yes again.
If Talia Al Ghul stays a villain (which does mean if she still works with the LoA) she can't get with Bruce or they have to have a short, sexual, tragic FAILED relationship.
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hamspamandjamsandwich · 1 year ago
Biggest fic writing challenge for me right now: fixing the Mukuro shit because tbqh I hate how it’s handled in the show and I think it makes very little sense from a writing perspective
✨no Mukuro hate here okay she’s a bad bitch✨
But man I could endlessly bitch about how much I hate the handling of Hiei in the 3 Kings Saga. Maybe one day I’ll actually write it out in some dumb meta posting shit but. Ughh.
Like I find it so dissatisfying and poorly executed that I, someone for whom Hiei x Mukuro borders on a NOTP, have considered writing fix-it fic for them. I HATE THIS SHIP AND I STILL THINK ITS SHIPPERS DESERVE BETTER.
3 Kings Saga should just be called 3 Missed Opportunities Saga lmao
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pictured: me thinking about writing this post
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hey remember when taylor said she needed to be on the right side of history?
apparently it doesn't matter when it comes to the lives of children going through an ongoing war but eh idk what I expected
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parlerenfleurs · 2 years ago
Mh. What's the current accepted definition of proshipping these days? Because in mine it meant "Live and let live, this is fiction" but now it seems like it might means something else?
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sophsun1 · 2 years ago
Have you watched the UK version of qaf? I justvstarted watching the US one thanks to seeing your gifs!
Hey anon!
Yes, I have watched the UK version *bows down to it* because without that there would be no qaf US which is my personal favourite. Though it was quite a while ago so I probably couldn't remember specifics that along with my terrible memory!
But I recall falling immediately in love with sweet cinnamon roll Vince and the relationship dynamic between Stuart/Vince/ Nathan was one I enjoyed more than the Michael/Brian/Justin one. The US version developed differently overall as there were only 2 seasons I think of the UK version and five of the US one.
That's really made me smile knowing you decided to watch it after seeing my gifs ☺
I always hope somewhere out in there in the deepest, darkest, depths of tumblrland that some new fans will discover the show. Feel free to come yell at me about your thoughts on the show and who are your faves and who's not!
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m0ssy-m1sf1t · 1 year ago
so i didnt know and accedently commented on a proship post not knowing it was proship, absolotely crying rn
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thelocalmuffin · 2 months ago
Hey everyone, I know it's going to be a busy day for a lot of people, but Google enrolled everyone over 18 into their AI program automatically.
If you have a google account, first go to gemini.google.com/extensions and turn everything off.
Then you need to go to myactivity.google.com/product/gemini and turn off all Gemini activity tracking. You do have to do them in that order to make sure it works.
Honestly, I'm not sure how long this will last, but this should keep Gemini off your projects for a bit.
I saw this over on bluesky and figured it would be good to spread on here. It only takes a few minutes to do.
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darrylayo · 6 months ago
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lnaliazmcithilien · 2 months ago
every time I do a web search, right at the top I have AI info dumping on me
just give me the top result please
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starlight-bread-blog · 1 year ago
Hey look!
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The Attack on Titan characters are moving on after the Rumbling and living a happy life!
Wonder what Mikasa's doing...
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Ah- wait- didn't she just-
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Yeah, yeah, she did. Right. So she'll probably be seen happy later-
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Oh. Okay. Got it.
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dyslexicandakeyboard · 1 year ago
I kinda wanna give some thoughts into Talia stans and their apologism and some trends and ideas that are common. (Yes, I'm treating this with more seriousness than it needs. Oh well.) Don't read if you like Talia.
I can split it into like three distinct categories: Anti-Bruce/Pro-Talia, New Earth Revision, Ghul Supremacy.
Anti-Bruce and Pro Talia split
This is a very common type of Talia apologism. It states that Talia actually is good while Bruce, even if he does love her, pushes her to do the things she does/doesn't understand her and demonises her. These people may still ship Brutalia.
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These people will, even if they deny it, dislike Bruce as a character and will subtly mischaracterise him to prop up Talia. Some common mischaracterisations are that Bruce didn't love Jason as much as Talia did and that Talia has a deeper and closer bond/understanding of Damian.
The point of the miss characterisation is to discredit Bruce as a character as to make Talia seem better in comparison. It also leads to Talia being blamless as it's not "really her fault".
When they usually defend Talia from the rape accusations, they go down two paths: Bruce lied or Talia wouldn't do that.
The first idea posits that Bruce either didn't love Talia enough (the he lied argument). The latter posits that Talia has such a deep love of Bruce that she would never think of hurting him (false).
New Earth Revision
A second type of Talia aplogism asserts that only New Earth stories (between the 70's and 80's) showcase the true Talia. While these people may talk about later publications, they will fall back to New Earth stories to defend her from criticism whether or not it was in good-faith.
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While they do refer back to New Earth, they also forget that during these publications she was still portrayed as mortally gray/dubious. While it is true Talia wasn't as villainous as post Death of the Maidens, she still wasn't a good guy.
Many of these people run into the problem of disregarding Talia's full characterisation during this time period. While it's ok to prefer portraying a character a certain way, when it comes at the expense of showing a character's complexities that's when theres a problem.
Many of these people also don't understand that character assassinations/changes are normal and they treat Talia's character progression as unique. Batman, Deathstroke, Deadshot have all changed since their first introduction. The change can be malicious or a natural progression. By constantly harkening back to the "good ol'days" people ignore that DC hasn't been static towards any character.
Ghul Supremacy
This type of apologia doesn't just include Talia, it can all the Al Ghul family. These people believe that DC is holding back on the Al Ghul family, mainly Talia and Damian, and that if given proper direction, they can "return" to the days when the Al Ghul's were written well.
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These people disregard the agency of Talia and at times Damian in any situation where they are portrayed as bad. They will lessen the impact that the LoA have in order to minmise Talia's actions and her culpability within the LoA.
This is a less common type of Talia apologism.
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animentality · 5 months ago
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rvllybllply2014 · 2 months ago
The fact that this is 80 fucking years ago but still just as relevant is terrifying.
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