#they have a pointg
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dyslexicandakeyboard · 1 year ago
Something that will always get me about this fandom is the lengths they will go to protect Talia for no reason. Like no fucking reason.
They'll complain and cry when she's written villainously even though she's been portrayed as a straight up villain since Death of the Maidens (Which gave reason to their shift).
They'll complain and cry when she's written as morally gray like her how she's been portrayed since her conception. (This means complicit with genocide of 90% of the human race and eco-terrorism along with destroying countless cultures and meddling with affairs that don't concern them. Which is a bad thing.)
Talia is not and has never been nor will ever, if she is STILL working with the league, be portrayed as MORTALLY GOOD and get in a relationship with Bruce by DC.
And the thing that will get me is that they just want Talia to be with Bruce! It's like they don't care about their characters as individuals as long as they end up together or DC makes their relationship more important that it really is/was. Not that it was a just a blip, but since like after the early 2000's, it's clear that there isn't romance in their relationship anymore. (Unless DC comes and fucks me over.)
Just read the shit that they're in and stop complaining! And stop spreading it in the main tags too!
Talia Al Ghul is a villain. From her conception as a character she has always been Bruce's adversary. Is there romantic/sexual tension, sure. Is that the same with villains like Poison Ivy, yes again.
If Talia Al Ghul stays a villain (which does mean if she still works with the LoA) she can't get with Bruce or they have to have a short, sexual, tragic FAILED relationship.
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whois-this · 7 years ago
long overdue update. Two game nights and a D&D I believe
D&D: Myself and Ranger in attendance. We’re back in the starting temple after dimensional portal travel and are now exploring the lower reaches filled with insects. Last we left ranger and NPC were dying from poison. I check the NPC’s body and sure enough there’s a few health potions so that’s fixed easily. After, the party engages a few more Spiders (tactically this time) and then checks the room out. Why were the spiders excavating the walls? They’re scraping against metal, I wonder aloud if they’re being directed by the green wizards they seem to be aligned with. Some investigation reveals a hole beneath the crystal which birthed us, which seems precarious and ominous. Searching the room reveals a few valuable skeletons beneath rublble. There’s two stairs down from here, we take the left one and end up down a cobwebbed passage to a seeming dead end. Investigation reveals this dead end is an illusion and there’s a massive ant hive on the other side, which now swarms us. I cast an invisibillity scroll on the party and we flee asap. Checking the other upper stairwell reveals it goes down to the same anthill without the illusionary wall. I still have my levitate spell in effect and float across the hive and distract the ants with noises while the invisible party sneaks along. Down stairs we reach a corridor with everburning torches, a weird painting (is that a fetus birthing increasingly complex forms? The Dm drew something for us), and a door to a treasure room. The chest in the room however shows the exact room we’re in with us all in miniature. “examination” involving the crushing of the evil NPC tagalong we have by a finger press proves we can interact with the world. I say to hell with it and jump into the chest, only to transform to stone (origin of the upper statues?). After this the party checks behind the painting which leads to another trap room of sorts which traps the ranger. DM realizes all his players are dead however so ranger gets teleported to the upper area. His first move is to try and fight his way back down without invisibillity. Those ants nearly kill him, it is that close of a near run thing. My statue’s up on the upper floor now however so the ranger finally gets the bringht idea of using the STONE TO FLESH spell from earlier he picked up in a box up there. Damn! Bright guy. After this we use a teleport spell also found there to get out, rest of party can fend for themselves. Time as again jumped ahead now and the city we were protecting is it’s own sealed off citadel where factions are trying to kill each other apparently. We find the friendly npc and he’s old and odd, I don’t entirely trust him. He shows us around and we navigate some corrupt guard checkpoints. Sounds like coalition Iraq and wouldn’t surprise me if that’s how it plays. We’re headed for the mage faction now which might be risky.
Games Nighht 1
We’re playing the star wars knockoff of descent now (forget the name). Anyways, J. is the empire and me and M. are the rebels. We play a tutorial mission, which is an easy wipeout for the rebs. Then it’s S1 which isn’t. I’m playing the wookie, M. Is playing the Fem solo knockoff. Objective is to rush an imperial outpost and destroy all it’s beacons as fast as possible. We didn’t quite understand just how tight the turn limit is and got fucked by misunderstanding the legendary rules (which gives us each two activation and x2 hitpoints, in effect an additional two characters each) but still were quite close. There’s a short skimerish out front with some garrison troops and a droid, I grab a supply crate and we destroy a beacon. The door holds us up considerably and then I have to rush a MG position headon (practically suicide) which wounds my character. The femsolo was staying back for most of this so I"m soaking all the damage. At this point we’re aware of the turn limit and just how dire the situation is (empire wins by wounding us both or our failure to destroy the beacons). We have to fumble to destroy the second beacon and then suicide rush past the imperial troop contingent in the barracks corridor in the hopes of destroying the other two beacons. IT’s a very near run thing, but the imperials kill the femsolo in the end. In retrospect, this mission was already lost in advance by our incomplete understanding of the rules (fair counterpoint is the imperials also didn’t understand threat activations). But we did make a few strategic mistakes, including lax placement in the opening phases, inadequate support from the solo during my door rush. But that was it.
Games Night 2
Was it called imperial assault? I can’t remember, but the same descent clone. I didn’t really feel like I was using the wookie to full potential so I take a Jedi instead. We purchase some stuff (I get a staff pierce modifier and an attack reroll abillity)and then it’s mission 2. Because we lost, we’re defending a reb complex against IMPERIAL ASSAULT. Objective is to prevent imperial seizure of 4 capture points. The layout is critical for understanding the mission, so it’s as follows: southern and eastern jungle entrys with a SE tunnel connector, south entry is short with some ruins. The rebel base runs two corridors from both entrys, there’s a short room isolated room by the east entry with one capture point. The intercsection of both south and east halls is a capture point, and each hall continues to additional rooms. The west room (from east hall) connects to another short room with a capture point, and north of this (also the north room connected to by the south hall) is a larger room with a capture point. In effect, the rebels have the strategic question of defending the east hall capture point (exposed and in advance of the rest), or holding the central hall axis and each approach tothe further rooms. It didn’t make much sense to hold a position front of our main defense line, so I deployed central hall and the femsolo did as well. Imperial firsh wav was a storntrooper contingent with MG and officer (standard imperial unit). Officer indendently atatcks east hall door while MG and ST’s mass against the south hall door. Our opponent wants to split us or gain pointgs beacuse we fail to break one assault. I don’t want to be baited and south head south with the femsolo. The ST’s take a few casualities and fire is massed against the MG. Things are going well so the femsolo takes east against the officer and I head south to destroy the MG and ST with melee. This turns to be a sort of ambush as the imperials deploy a massive contingent south (including darth vader, elite ST’s, an imperial red guard) close to my proximity. An imperial AT-AT (I think that’s the designation) is deployed east as well which is big. I choose to finish off the MG and trooper before fleeing with an overtime card, the east corridor is basically a lost cause now given the AT-AT is so powerful. This effectively makes the hall intersection undefendable as it’s in the walker’s fire zone. Here, I’m kind of pissed as the femsolo was busy getting goodie crates in isolated areas (useless items In practice as they’re medikits) while I’m taking the imperial main effort and having to flee back from lack of support. Here I lose a lot of health fleeing, although I keep pace away from vader. I make some withdrawal attacks and flee backwards while the femsolo makes a fleeting attack sortie before fleeing to the west hall (again I’m sort of pissed, since he was choosing to abandon me for a crate!). I soon follow suit, while the imperial takes vader against us and his troopers north. we cede ground and make a stand in the objective. My staff stunning abillity proves to be very effective against vader, and some damage is dealt although his defense is too high for it to be substantial. We would have lost this game strategically as the troopers breach north to take the objective, but a surprise change of luck to our favor happens. The north door explodes killing the trooper contingent. Now we’re in a better position and potentially about to win, but I fuck it up by asking femsolo to help be subdue vader. I’m aware the empire will try and steal a march on our northern VP, but do now believe he has the speed to do it in one turn. I"m wrong! We narrowly lose the scenario.
the various players draw different conclusions from this game. The empire player says we should have collected crates while ignoring a defense of the gates, and says it was a mistake to charge out as I did. He would have held the two VP points despite the odds. Him and the femsolo argue it would have been best to make a defense of the juncture. I disagree about my attack being a mistake, as an early lead defense to reduce imperial size would allow me to maximize damage against the empire and ween down their forces. Reflecting now, I believe the critical point in the battle where I should have commited a stand was right after my first fleeing into the southern hall. Any futrther retreat woulkd lead to the indefensible hall juncture (walker fire sweeping here), and my damage output is insufficient with the jedi to halt an imperial over-run as the enemy suggests. If I had made a stand and had the femsolo back me up, it is possible that the lead elements of the imperials could have been badly damaged in their overrun attempt and the game won thereby. Anyways, as it was we were very close to winning by the dumb luck of that door explosion. It was only a sloppy mistake that prevented us from victory
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