#not 'my sacrifice will save the world' but 'I trust people to make the right choices after I'm gone'
onaperduamedee · 2 years
"It is hard to exist. Man is a knot into which relationships are tied, and my ties serve me hardly at all. What is this in me that has broken down? What is the secret of substitutions? Whence comes it that a gesture, a word, can give rise to endless ripples in a human destiny? Whence comes it that in other circumstances I should be overwhelmed by what seems to me now remote and abstract?”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Flight to Arras (tr. Lewis Galantière)
For a maybe Moiraine meta, I was looking for a completely different quote from Flight to Arras about the expectation of death in battle when I landed on this one and UH.
Ever since I finished FoH, I regularly get hit by waves of sorrow thinking about how desperate and isolated she grew in the two last books. About how frayed her ties to the people who she may have cared about. About how fruitless her legacy must have seemed (her cramming Rand's mind with a lifetime of knowledge because she knew that was the only thing she could give him now). About how uncertain the utility of her sacrifice was.
As she crossed the doorway and burnt, did she experience regret? Relief? Resentment? Even hope?
It's not even her death that hurts. It's witnessing her actions and words up to that moment, and inferring what must have been her true, unveiled state of mind.
Light, my chest feels hollow.
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starrclown · 5 months
I've see ALOT of LMK angst and I have nothing better to do (cause it's late at night) and I'm not working on my LMK apocalypse au right now sooo-
Triggerwarning for Violence, Blood, Suicidal thoughts, and other general upsetting topics.
(Feel free to leave yours below. Let's make these characters sad together!)
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Pigsy gets upset when people joke about Wukong being Mk's dad. It's insulting to him, the one that raises Mk since he was so little.
Wukong is someone that craves physically touch but also can't stand it. It stems from all the violence he's been apart of + the crown messed him up alot. He was SUPER uncomfortable with Mk touching him in the beginning. It has to be on his terms if you wanna touch him.
Macaque doesn't have a heart beat anymore.
Because of Macaque never coming back when Wukong needed him, Wukong had no trust that Macaque will come back if they have a argument. He assumes that Macaque is just gone and gets upset about it. Eventually Macaque comes back and realizes Wukong's upset but he doesn't bring it up cause he doesn't know how.
Redson doesn't really understand why his father doesn't seem to like him. He assumed that his dad would be overjoyed to see him again, not how he's acting now.
Mei had many breakdowns because of her grades and the pressure to be a spectacular student.
Pigsy got bullied alot in school for being a pig demon. It wasn't everyone, most people liked him, just a specific group of kids.
To add on to #7, Tang used to beat himself up over not being able to help Pigsy. He HATED seeing Pigsy getting bullied but he knew that if he tried to start a fight he would either get beat because he can't fight or get himself kicked out of school.
Mk gets nightmares of Wukong getting forced into the scroll. Sometimes he wonders what would of happened if Wukong never got out. He usually ends up crying.
The closest thing Sandy ever got to being violent is when one of his cats scared him and he accidently dropped Mo. He cried. Alot. (Mo was fine but he just hates his cats being hurt.)
Sandy still doesn't know Hunstman is dead. He just thinks that Huntsman was scared of him so he never came back. (Guess Hunstmans my favorite and he's dead and i hate it here god dammit.)
No one can say anything about Azure or Azure's death around Wukong because he will get upset. Macaque made a joke one time and Wukong lost his shit. He's still kinda shooken up about it.
Some of the baby monkies recognize Macaque as the one disguised as Wukong that ate the monkey and passed it around. Those monkies REFUSE to be around him. They get violent if they have to be around him.
Nezha wants to see Wukong, Redson, and the others more but his job is so demanding he barely gets to leave.
Wukong physically couldn't be around Tang for long periods of time when they first met. He got more comfortable with him over time but Tang reminded him to much of Tripitaka and he couldn't handle it.
Mei doesn't yell out of anger, like serious anger alot. When she finally yelled at Wukong because of the fire, all Wukong saw was Ao Lie screaming at him. (Stole that headcannon from a friend of mine. Thanks Ainnur you ruined my life.)
Mk brought up the fact that Wukong was willing to put the fire into himself and sacrifice himself, almost certainly killing himself in the process one time. Wukong kinda laughed and just said "Yeah, had to save the world bud. It's a shame Macaque messed up my plan, the world woulda been a little bit more peaceful if me AND Lady Bone Demon died." He wasn't even trying to admit suicidal feelings, he was just being honest. This scared the SHIT out of Mk because Wukong just admitted that he can and will kill himself if he feel he needs too.
Sandy often feels left out of the group and not as important but he doesn't wanna ruin everyone's fun so he stays quiet.
Bai he was ready to die when she was found by the Monkie Gang. She wasn't scared of death anymore.
Bai he was scared of Wukong when they first met face to face. Wukong apologized and explained himself. Over time she got a little more comfortable with him. She understands why he's apologizing but at that point she was so ready to die she didn't care who did it.
Redson wants to be around Sun Wukong again but he doesn't know how to start the relationship again. Same on Wukongs part but he's a bit more forward.
Macaque gets physical in fights fast. Partly cause his fights with Peng, Partly cause of his life before Wukong, Partly cause of Lady Bone Demon. If Macaque thinks a situation will get rough, he'll try to fight but if he thinks he'll lose he'll dip.
Princess Iron Fan unintentionally critiques Redsons's looks all the time. It messes with him alot so he's quite insecure.
Mei feels the need to always be upbeat and cheerful so Mk doesn't sink to far into depression. She can tell when he does this for her but she doesn't bring it up.
Pigsy's worst fear is that Mk won't come back home. The nightmares he's had of this is brutal.
I could make more but I'm sleeeeepppy. I'll make a part two one day though. Leave your own headcannons cause seeing other people break down these characters is so fun.
(How some people think Mk will be in season 5)
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- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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rantyapramble · 2 months
Demon slayer hashira rant, a bit(?) of manga spoiler. It's just a rant. Need to share this out of my head to somewhere.
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When Kyojuro said that all any hashira will do the same, they will protect, I was a bit like: '...No I don't think so...' because they came off as cruel. But now that I think about it: 'Yeah, they will actually.'
First of Giyuu. I mean, he was horrible (kinda, not for me, though I get why he said those things) when Tanjiro first met him. But he was protecting Tanjiro from the demon by capturing and stabbing 'it' (Nezuko). He doesn't know that Nezuko is different. Many people have said the same thing Tanjiro said and gets eaten in the end.
Also Shinobu. Shinobu tries to kill the demon (Nezuko) that might have killed demon slayers in that mountain and now might try to kill the boy (Tanjiro) and maybe her fellow hashira (Giyuu). She also doesn't know that Nezuko is an anomaly in the demons. She tried being kind to demons but they only lie lie lie. This is proven by the spider sister who lies. As she said, demons lose their humanity and will do anything to eat humans. She can't trust Tanjiro's words. It came off as protecting the sins of his beloved sister. There is no proof (yet) that she won't eat a human. This goes for all the hashiras at the pillar meeting.
Next hashira Tanjiro met is Kyojuro. Kyojuro is, well, the most obvious hashira that shows the word PROTECT. Tengen is next. Tengen himself said to his wives to prioritize their lives first, law-abiding citizens second, and then him. I don't know if the priority is the same for him but he put law-abiding citizens in the list. He laments that he can't be like Kyojuro, who protects everyone.
After that is Muichiro. He ran past Kotetsu at first. For all he knows, that upper rank at the inn(?) is killing the villagers right now. He doesn't know that Mitsuri is coming, that Tanjiro can hold that upper rank with Nezuko and Genya, and that there is another upper rank demon. So, he judged that Kotetsu was a low priority compared to the village chief and other villagers. One child vs multiple people. It was a hard choice that had to be made. That upper rank might kill another ten people while he saves the child. But in the end, he followed his feelings, saved Kotetsu, regained memory, and fought the other upper-rank demon. In that memory, he wants to join the Demon Slayer Corp to help and protect people. Well, before mixed with hatred for demons anyway.
Mitsuri is nice. She joined the Demon Slayer Corp to find a place where she belongs (and a husband, lol). She carried on Kyojuro's duty of strong people... principle? She's a kind person.
Sanemi and Obanai. They told the accompanying demon slayer to fall back when investigating the run-down castle. They reduce the possibility of them getting killed and weighing them down, so you can say they protect them. They saved that woman too. They make sure there are no senseless sacrifices. Sanemi fought to protect Genya and to eliminate demons. Obanai fought to cleanse himself; he was also not immune to the sacrifices made in the final battle.
Gyomei is also obvious. He fought for the orphans. He fought to protect. He just doesn't trust Tanjiro at the pillar meeting because he can't believe the words of 'children' anymore.
The hashiras fought to protect humanity and to eradicate demons. To make sure that no other people have to go through what they went through. To create a world without demons. They want to protect others, and they hate demons who kill with no remorse. They don't want to be demons who hurt others.
So, advice for Kaigaku, if you want to be a hashira maybe change your mindset first, rather than learning the first form or blaming others... If you can harm others for your benefit, well...
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scary-grace · 5 months
Enough to Go By (Chapter 5) - a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
Your best friend vanished on the same night his family was murdered, and even though the world forgot about him, you never did. When a chance encounter brings you back into contact with Shimura Tenko, you'll do anything to make sure you don't lose him again. Keep his secrets? Sure. Aid the League of Villains? Of course. Sacrifice everything? You would - but as the battle between the League of Villains and hero society unfolds, it becomes clear that everything is far more than you or anyone else imagined it would be. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Chapter 5
You end up on a rooftop, you and Tenko and Kurogiri. Tenko has a pair of binoculars, and he lets you look through them before you have a chance to ask what he’s looking for. “We’re in Hosu,” he says. “The current location of the Hero Killer.”
“Are you going to fight him?”
“I’m doing what you said.”
You can’t remember what you said, except for your stupid joke. “Making him unfuckable?”
Tenko snickers, and somewhere behind you, Kurogiri does the same – which is extra weird. “No. Putting us back in the headlines.”
“Oh.” You don’t like this. “I’m not a strategist. You shouldn’t listen to me.”
“Why?” Tenko gives you a weird look. “You’re not stupid. Your ideas aren’t any worse than mine.”
“I don’t want you to get mad at me if it goes wrong,” you say. “I’ve heard you get mad at Kurogiri.”
Kurogiri chuckles. “That’s different,” he says. “Shigaraki Tomura. Tell her why it’s different.”
“Shut up,” Tenko says. He put the hand back over his face once he let go of your hand, but he’s turning red around it. Again. “Kurogiri’s not my sidekick. I don’t have to listen to him.”
“You don’t have to listen to me, either,” you say. “I don’t know anything about being – this.”
“You understand them better than I do,” Tenko says. He gestures at the expanse of Hosu before you. “What would it take to make you stop trusting heroes?”
You already don’t trust heroes very much. What would it take to move people like your parents or your siblings, who live in the other Japan, to where you are? “To see them choose wrong.”
Tenko gives you a curious look. “What do you mean?”
“Heroes can’t save everybody. They can’t be everywhere. They can’t be there all the time. But nobody ever thinks that the heroes won’t choose to save them,” you explain. “If you wanted to shake things up, you’d have to make it so the heroes choose wrong. For everybody to see.”
Tenko’s eyes light up, and the smile on his face this time looks less like your friend’s and more like the villain he’s become. “Then we’re in the right place,” he says. “This city is crawling with heroes looking for Stain. Let’s put them in a bind. Kurogiri, bring the Nomu. All of them.”
“Nomu?” you squeak, even as multiple portals open around you. “You have more than one?”
“We have lots. Sensei only gave me three.” Tenko gestures proudly at the monsters emerging from the portals. Everything about them looks like they’ve been put together wrong, from their staring eyes to their featureless faces to their pasty skin that smells like rot. The news reports about the attack on UA were clear about one thing – the Nomu that faced off against All Might was fast and extremely strong. “What do you think?”
One passes close to you and you cringe away, closer to Tenko. “They’re awful.”
“Exactly,” Tenko says. He stares down at the city, an expression on his face that’s somehow grim and vicious at once. “Let’s see what the rest of them think.”
The Nomus crawl down the sides of the building and vanish into the city. Tenko hasn’t given them orders, and neither has Kurogiri. You have questions – a lot of questions – but you’re not sure what it’s safe to ask. You’re Tenko’s sidekick, but that doesn’t mean his plans are yours to comment on. It feels weird to keep quiet, too. You and Tenko used to get in trouble for talking in class because you never ran out of things to talk about.
“You don’t look weird.”
You cough. “What?”
“You don’t look weird,” Tenko says again. You look at him, surprised, and find him looking straight ahead, peering through the binoculars. “I should have let you fix my shoulder the rest of the way.”
“What did you end up doing with it?” You reach over and part the cut fabric on his shoulder, wincing as you get a look at the bandaging job. “Next time, just let me finish.”
“Can you fix the rest of it?”
“I can’t do more stitches when it’s been open this long,” you say. Tenko grimaces but doesn’t swear at you. “There’s a chance it’ll get infected. If it does –”
“I’ll send Kurogiri to find you.”
“Tell him to give me a heads-up instead of just snatching me. I might need to grab antibiotics and I don’t want to make two trips.”
Tenko nods like this makes sense, which it does, except for the context. You’re standing here on the roof of a building in a city that’s already facing one villainous threat, while your childhood best friend turned aspiring supervillain has just released another – on your advice, no less. You try to rationalize it. Hosu is crawling with heroes, like Tenko said. If they’re good heroes, they’ll divert their attention to protecting the civilians. Heroes fighting Nomus will get Tenko the headlines he wants for the League of Villains, and if nobody gets hurt aside from the heroes who signed up for the job –
You need to be careful with that line of thinking. With that line of thinking, you could excuse what happened to the students during the attack on UA. “Can I ask you something?” you say, and Tenko nods. “Why did you go after the students?”
“I wasn’t after them. The point was All Might.”
“But you brought all those other villains,” you say. “On the news they said that Kurogiri moved the kids all over the training facility so the villains could kill them. And –”
You’re thinking of something else you heard, from Kazuo – that Tenko tried to kill at least three students directly, and All Might’s arrival was the only thing that stopped him. “He was supposed to be there from the beginning,” Tenko says. “All Might. Dividing the students up was supposed to distract him. Split his focus so he’d be more vulnerable to Nomu.”
You don’t know what you were expecting him to say, but it wasn’t that. “Those villains were weak,” Tenko continues. “The brats could deal with them on their own. It would have taken All Might two seconds. But two seconds is all we would have needed.”
“So it was – strategy.”
“Yeah.” Tenko lowers his binoculars, glances at you. “Do you believe me?”
The words leave your mouth before you can think better of them. “I’d believe you more if I could see you.”
Tenko was in the process of looking away. Now he glances back, and you can tell he’s startled, even through the fingers of the hand. You’re not sure what the hands are for. When he attacked the USJ, he was wearing multiple sets, but usually he only wears Father around you. You haven’t asked him to remove the hand before – only asked him where it was when he wasn’t wearing it, and when you think it over, you can’t see any commonalities between the times when it’s off and the times when it’s on. Maybe it’s the kind of thing you can ask about now that you’re Tenko’s sidekick again.
Tenko grips the binoculars one-handed, reaching up to remove the hand with the other. “The brats weren’t the real target,” he says.
“But you still tried to kill three of them.”
“Yeah,” Tenko says, like it doesn’t matter, without care – and without malice. “They were right there, and I thought All Might wasn’t coming. Everybody had to see how he failed again.”
Again? You’re not the biggest All Might fan, but you don’t remember hearing about All Might failing to save children who were being held hostage. In fact, when All Might has to prioritize, he saves children first. Tenko is watching you now. “Do you believe me?”
“I believe you,” you say, and you see his shoulders relax. “You’re not a very good liar.”
He never was. When you were trying to get away with things as children, you did the talking. Tenko’s job was to stay quiet and not make eye contact with whichever adult was questioning the two of you. No matter how desperate he was not to get caught, a few seconds of eye contact was enough to break him. In the present, Tenko smiles slightly. “Lucky I’ve got you.”
You like seeing him smile, and you’ve seen it twice tonight. The knot in your chest relaxes, only to tighten again as a chorus of screams rise from the city below. Tenko lifts his binoculars eagerly and you twist your hands together, trying to contain your unease. You have your best friend. He wants you with him – his sidekick, just like you used to be. You still know how to make him smile. And he’s a villain, the kind of villain who, when his plan to kill All Might looked like it wouldn’t pan out, decided to kill three children instead. What are you doing here?
More screams from below. You wonder how many civilians are being hurt, how many heroes are protecting them versus chasing Stain. You know there’s a free clinic branch in Hosu, one that’s open overnight just like yours is. They’ll be busy tonight. At least you won’t have to worry about them treating injured villains as well as civilians.
Or will they? What are the Nomus, exactly? Where did they come from? Is that the kind of question you’re allowed to ask Tenko now that you’re friends again? “Um,” you start, but he doesn’t look at you, just keeps peering through the binoculars. Sometimes he focuses so hard it’s like his ears stop working. You remember that from when you were kids. “Tenko?”
He still doesn’t answer. You reach out, touch his shoulder, and he startles so badly that he drops the binoculars. If he grabs them with all five fingers, they’ll disintegrate. You catch them for him, since it’s your fault, and pass them back once he’s ready. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“It’s – fine.” Tenko’s shoulder is tense beneath your hand. You’re still touching him, and you shouldn’t be. You pull your hand back. “What is it?”
“The Nomu,” you say hesitantly. “What are they?”
It’s quiet for a second. “Shigaraki Tomura,” Kurogiri warns. “You should not –”
“She won’t tell,” Tenko says without looking at him. He hasn’t put the hand back over his face. “They’re – I guess you could call them zombies. They’re made from bodies. Usually two or three bodies, and three or four quirk factors. It’s usually the same quirk factors. Shock absorption, regeneration, speed. I don’t care if you touch me.”
You’re too busy trying to wrap your head around the fact that somebody’s figured out how to raise the dead to catch the last thing. It takes you a second to get to it, and even then, you have to ask a clarifying question. “You don’t care? Or you don’t mind?”
“I don’t mind.”
Something is wrong with you. Something is really wrong with you that you’re more interested in why Tenko doesn’t mind if you touch him than in the fact that Tenko has multiple zombies at his disposal to turn loose on unsuspecting heroes and civilians. You try to focus. “Where do the bodies come from?”
“I don’t know,” Tenko says. He’s frowning slightly. A moment later, he puts the hand back on his face – but before you can decide if it’s because he’s mad at you, he hands you the binoculars. “Look.”
You look through them. You’re looking in the wrong spot, and after a few seconds of trying to give you directions, Tenko gives up and just covers your hands with his, moving you in the right direction. His index fingers are lifted, protecting you from his quirk. You see what he wanted you to look at quickly enough – heroes facing off against the Nomus. Endeavor facing off against the Nomus. It looks like the heroes chose right.
You can’t deny that it’s a relief. The civilians will always be your priority, and even if almost everyone has a quirk, most of those quirks are useless when it comes to defending against zombies with multiple quirks, and they’re banned from using them anyway. But you have the sense that Tenko’s not pleased, and when you look at him, you see him scowling behind the hand. “They’re making it look too easy,” he complains.
“These Nomu were not as strong as the Nomu from USJ,” Kurogiri says. “You were made aware, Shigaraki Tomura.”
“These heroes aren’t as strong as All Might,” Tenko snaps in response. “Master set me up – again –”
You spot something through the binoculars. Something Tenko needs to see. You push them back into his hands. “Look at that.”
Tenko’s still scowling, but he lifts the binoculars to peer through them. A second later he startles. Even without the binoculars, you can see a dark shape in distant flight over the city, something clutched in its claws. You don’t know who the Nomu grabbed, or where it’s taking them, but Tenko can’t fail to be pleased with that. Can he?
He can. A moment later he swears. “Fucking Hero Killer –”
Your heart sinks. “What happened?”
“He killed it. To save some hero brat.” Tenko’s binoculars are crumbling in his hand. You wonder if he even notices. “Fucking Hero Killer. Fuck!”
You’re pretty sure that’s not the end of the story. The Hero Killer saved a hero, after claiming that there’s only one true hero, and it’s All Might? You slide your phone out of your pocket, clear a bunch of notifications from your friends’ group chat, and navigate to Twitter. Somebody’s got to be reporting on this live, and sure enough, you find “Hero Killer” trending, plus a livestream of Stain’s arrest. He’s getting arrested, and with at least twenty murders under his belt, there’s no way he’s getting out of Tartarus in this lifetime. You touch Tenko’s shoulder again – after all, he said it was fine – and speak quietly. “Hey.”
He won’t look at you. “Look at this,” you say instead, holding out your phone. “The heroes got him.”
“So that’s it for him,” you say. “He’s going to prison for the rest of his life. All Might’s definitely not going to fuck him now.”
It’s quiet for a second, aside from a wheeze emanating from somewhere behind the two of you. It’s still weird to hear Kurogiri laugh. You don’t even know if he has lungs. Beside you, Tenko’s doing everything in his power to hang onto his scowl, and it’s not working very well. “Is that the only joke you know?”
You feel a surge of relief. “I’ll stop using it when you stop laughing at it.”
You hear the sound of helicopter blades in the distance, growing closer. Tenko can hear it, too. “Kurogiri, let’s go. We’re done here.”
You barely have a second to wonder where you’re headed before the black mist wells up, and you’re not entirely surprised to find yourself back in the bar. Kurogiri’s behind it already. Tenko’s sitting at it, the chair next to his kicked outwards. As you watch, Kurogiri sets two glasses down and lifts an unopened bottle of champagne. He opens it, pouring first Tenko’s glass, then the glass in front of the empty chair.
Tenko glances over his shoulder, spots you, and gestures impatiently at the chair. You sit down next to him and study the glass of champagne. Tenko’s already chugging his, but he stops halfway and glances at you. “Why aren’t you drinking it?”
You could lie, but you don’t want to. “I watched him pour it, and I don’t think you’d drug me. But I still have to be careful.”
Tenko doesn’t look offended. Instead he swaps glasses with you, and Kurogiri makes a discontented noise. “She doesn’t want to drink your backwash, Tomura. Even if you did brush your teeth before we left.”
“Shut up,” Tenko snaps at him. He’s turning red again. You look down into your new glass, trying not to laugh. “I brush my teeth all the time. You’re not special.”
That one gets you. You start laughing, and Kurogiri makes that weird wheezing sound. You’re starting to realize that unlike the villain you met earlier today, who was all over the place, Kurogiri’s got two distinct aspects – one that’s more formal, more severe, and another that’s significantly more relaxed. The second one sounds younger, too, and the impression only grows stronger when Kurogiri speaks again. “If you drink someone else’s backwash, it’s like making out with them indirectly.”
“No it isn’t! I didn’t ask you!”
Tenko is bright red and sputtering, and Kurogiri’s yellow eyes are crinkling, almost the way a person’s would. It occurs to you what this aspect of Kurogiri reminds you of – a sibling. You teased your younger siblings the exact same way, when you could get away with it. Well aware that you’re making some kind of statement about the whole thing, you pick up the glass that used to be Tenko’s and take a small sip. It doesn’t taste like anything but champagne.
When you look up, you find Tenko and Kurogiri watching you. Staring, more accurately – Tenko’s jaw is dropped. You will your face not to flush. “Thanks for switching with me. As long as you don’t pass out in the next half an hour, we’re good to go.”
“So you have to stay at least that long.”
He doesn’t want you to leave. You take another sip of champagne, giving yourself time to get under control. You don’t want Tenko to know how pleased you are with the thought, or how ambivalent you are at being pleased by it. “I guess I do.”
You stay for another hour and a half, reading over the news coverage of the Nomu attack and the Hero Killer’s capture until you can barely keep your eyes open. But you have an early morning, and even though Tenko complains that you have to go and makes fun of you for agreeing to take Yoshimi to her appointment, he doesn’t suggest that you back out of it. As Kurogiri is determining where to set a warp gate to send you back to Yokohama, you ask him why not.
Tenko gives you a weird look. “I know you,” he says. “That’s not who you are.”
He’s right. It isn’t. And as much as you’re pleased by the thought that your best friend still knows you after all these years, the disquiet lurking underneath it follows you home, curls up on your chest as you try to fall asleep. You’re not the kind of person who’d turn your back on a friend, or go back on your word once you’ve given it. But apparently you’re the kind of person who watches a villain turn monsters loose on innocent people and does absolutely nothing to stop him.
You might have made your choice already. You might have stepped over the line. But you have a bad feeling that you’ll be looking back over your shoulder at it until it’s vanished over the horizon, knowing you made the wrong call and knowing deep in your bones that there’s nothing else you could have done.
You’ve done basically nothing, but you still get the sense that you’re leading a double life. You comfort yourself with the thought that even if you went to the police, you’d have nothing useful to tell them. You don’t know where Tenko’s hideout is. You don’t know anything about who makes the Nomus or where they’re hidden. You don’t know anything about Kurogiri except that it seems like there are two personalities in there, and what Kazuo said about his quirk not being natural. You’re still not sure what Kazuo meant by that. Just like you’re not sure who Tenko’s master is.
The things you know would be absolutely useless to them. You know that Tenko recovered from his USJ injuries only to get immediately slashed up by Stain. You know Tenko likes champagne but can’t hold his liquor for shit. You know he’s smart and strategic, a lot more than the news gives him credit for, which is bad for them and probably also bad for you. You know he likes video games more than he did when he was a kid, but he likes you just as much as he did back then. You like him just as much, too. Probably too much.
You haven’t seen him again since that night in Hosu. You know he’ll send Kurogiri to find you if he needs you, and the fact that he doesn’t need you means he’s not getting hurt. But you’re watchful anyway. No matter where you’re walking, day or night, you find yourself keeping a close eye the shadows, watching from your peripheral vision in case one of them hides a warp gate. Or better yet, hides Tenko.
“Hypervigilance,” Kazuo remarks when he catches you at it, one partly cloudy day in early June. “A hallmark of traumatic stress. You could benefit from counseling.”
“It’s not wrong to be wary,” you say. “Things are more dangerous than they used to be. Don’t you feel it?”
“Another hallmark of PTSD. Persistent, negative cognitions about yourself, others, or the world, exemplified by statements like The world is more dangerous than it used to be.” Kazuo can be a real asshole sometimes. “But you’re correct. Crime rates have steadily increased as All Might’s taken a step back from the public eye.”
“You really think it’s All Might?” You glance sideways at Kazuo. “Not the League of Villains?”
“The League of Villains is a symptom,” Kazuo says. The two of you got to the park early; the rest of your friends are running late for your meetup. “I looked into the backgrounds of those who were captured in the attack on USJ. For the most part, I found petty crime – thievery, fleeing from the police, physical violence committed in the course of fleeing a crime scene or an altercation with heroes.”
That tracks with the kind of villains you run into at work. Most of them have done next to nothing to earn the title. “Looking back further,” Kazuo continues, “I found poverty, substance abuse, quirk-based discrimination, childhood trauma. There were some among the criminals at USJ who sought violence specifically and consistently from an early age, but for the majority of them, it was far from inevitable that they would become criminals. It could have been otherwise.”
Thinking about what’s going on with Tenko, you’ve gotten in the habit of playing devil’s advocate. “And that’s on All Might? One hero can’t fix poverty, or childhood trauma –”
“No, they cannot. But the presence of heroes gives everyone else an excuse not to try to fix anything,” Kazuo says. He gives you a look. “There will always be some villains. The existence of enough villains to allow your friend to form a League of them means that society is failing.”
“You’re not wrong,” you say. Usually when you admit that Kazuo’s right, he moves on, but this time he keeps looking at you. “What?”
“At least try to deny it,” Kazuo says, and you know what he’s talking about. “One day I won’t be the one asking.”
You know he’s right, but as much as Tenko occupies your thoughts, you don’t have much time to dwell on him on a daily basis. Yoshimi’s sick, cancer in her lymphatic system, and with her family out of the picture and her shitty boyfriend dumping her the second he found out, you and your friends are on overdrive trying to support her. Since you’re the only one who works in the field, a lot of the daily stuff is falling on you. You’ve been taking some shifts at the central clinic so you can check in on her while she’s there for treatments, and since the high school students are all studying for their medical assistant exams, you’ve been grabbing fill-in night shifts at your regular clinic at the same time. You’re getting four hours of sleep a night, if that.
You’re exhausted. So exhausted that, when the shadows in the corner of your vision turn out to be mist as you’re walking home from the park, you keep walking straight into Kurogiri’s warp gate without a second thought.
When you arrive in the bar, Kurogiri seems surprised to see you. “I thought you might run.”
“I’m too tired to run,” you say. “Does he need me?”
Kurogiri nods, as much as a person with mist for a head can nod. “Follow me.”
You balk when you realize where you’re headed. “He doesn’t want me in there.”
“He asked me to bring you there specifically,” Kurogiri says. “Don’t worry. He’s cleaned.”
The door to Tenko’s room is open, but Kurogiri knocks anyway. “Shigaraki Tomura, the girl –”
“You’re here.” Tenko appears suddenly in the doorway, the hand clamped over his face. “That was fast. You didn’t run away?”
“What kind of sidekick runs when their boss calls?” You look Tenko over. “Kurogiri said you needed me. Are you hurt?”
“My shoulder’s a mess,” Tenko says, unconcerned. “I needed to talk to you. Come in.”
He takes a few steps back, leaving room for you to step through the door. The memory of how Tenko reacted last time is still fresh in your head, and based on Tenko’s expression, he can tell. “I cleaned it,” he says impatiently. “Come in.”
In spite of the fact that your best friends have usually been boys, you haven’t spent a lot of time in boys’ rooms. The ones you have been in aren’t exactly standard. Kazuo’s room looked like an interior design magazine spread even before his mind snapped, so minimalist it was hard to imagine anyone actually living there. Sho’s room looks more like a girl’s room than yours does. Tenko’s room back when you were kids just looked like a kid’s room. Like how you would have wanted your room to look if you weren’t already sharing it with two siblings.
Tenko’s room, compared to the last time you saw it, is no longer filthy. You can see the floor, at least, and some rearranging has occurred. The desk and monitor setup has been shifted unceremoniously into one corner of the room, and on the wall where it previously sat is a flatscreen TV. You can see that it’s hooked up to a router, as well as a cable or smart TV box, and there are a few consoles and controllers strewn around nearby. Across the room from the TV is a coffee table. And behind that, a bed.
You gesture at it. “Was this here before?”
Tenko doesn’t answer. “Kurogiri, go,” he orders, and you glance over your shoulder just in time to see Kurogiri vanish from the doorway. “Sit down.”
You sit down on one end of the bed and Tenko sits on the other. He slides a collection of games across the coffee table to you. “I like all of these. You can pick which one we play first.”
“I’m not good at games.”
“I’ll teach you what you need to know,” Tenko says. He pushes the games at you again. “Pick.”
You start sorting through the games, searching in vain for any title you know while you try to shift the subject back into reasonable territory. “You said something was wrong with your shoulder. Can I look at it?”
“It’s not that bad.”
“You said it was a mess,” you point out. “Let me see.”
“Pick a game and then you can see it.”
You see exactly one title you know – Call of Duty. You hold it up and Tenko frowns. “We can play that one for a bit. In co-op mode. But after that –”
“Show me your arm.”
Tenko scowls, but he moves from the other end of the bed until he’s within reach. He’s wearing a short-sleeved shirt, oversized to the point where you can draw the neckline aside and reveal the wound. It’s clear that the stitches have been disturbed. The wound site is red and angry-looking and you can see scratches around it. There should be a scab on the part that Tenko wouldn’t let you stitch, but it’s clearly been peeled away. It’s either infected already or about to be, and either way, the healing process is going slower than it should be. A surge of frustration sweeps over you.
You look up at Tenko and find him watching you, unrepentant. “What?”
“You were scratching this.”
“It itched,” Tenko says. He gives you a weird look. “You never said not to.”
“I didn’t think I had to say not to scratch your open wounds.” Your frustration seeps into your tone. “You should have sent Kurogiri to get me as soon as the swelling started.”
“I tried. You’re always busy.” Tenko’s voice takes on the quality of a sneer. “Kurogiri’s been watching you for three days. You’re at that other clinic with that girl all the time.”
He didn’t use to be like this. He didn’t use to be jealous. “She has cancer. She needs someone –”
“She has other friends and doctors and parents and some loser boyfriend somewhere,” Tenko says. You start to argue that Yoshimi doesn’t have a boyfriend, courtesy of said boyfriend being a loser, but Tenko cuts you off. “She has lots of people. I only have you.”
He has Kurogiri, his master, the doctor, the Nomu – or does he? Shigaraki Tomura has those people. Tenko only has you. You peel your eyes from the angry mess Tenko’s wound has become and look up at him. “If I had known you needed me, I’d have found a way to be here. You’re my best friend.”
“I know. I –” Tenko breaks off, frustrated. “I didn’t mess with it so you’d come back.”
“I didn’t think that,” you say. “I know you scratch sometimes. It seems like less than before.”
“Only when you’re here.” Tenko shifts in his seat. You’re about to tell him he shouldn’t worry about that when he speaks again. “I feel different when you’re here. Can you fix it?”
“I’ll need to take the stitches out and clean it before I bandage it up again, but yes.” You look around for the medical supplies and Tenko pries open a drawer full of them. “Then we can play the game.”
“I can’t believe you like Call of Duty.”
“It’s just the only one I recognize,” you admit, and Tenko laughs. You like hearing him laugh. “Get ready to lose all respect for me. You might want a better sidekick.”
“I don’t need a better sidekick,” Tenko says. “I’m good enough for both of us.”
Warmth floods through you, pooling in your cheeks and your chest and the pit of your stomach. He remembers. You pull on a pair of gloves and open the suture kit. The sooner you rebandage his wound, the sooner you can play a game with your best friend for the first time since you were kids.
But after you’ve taken out the stitches, as you’re bandaging his shoulder, you notice something. The other times you’ve seen Tenko and treated his wounds, he’s been wearing long sleeves, and when you’ve cut them to get a look at the injuries, you haven’t paid much attention to whatever else might be underneath them. Now, with his arms exposed by design, you can see things you didn’t before. Tenko’s always scratched. After fifteen years of scratching he’d naturally have scars. But when the two of you were kids, you never saw him scratch his forearms. And you’ve never seen scratches look so uniform, so evenly spaced. You’ve seen things that look like that before. They weren’t scratches.
You look up and find Tenko looking at you already. “Sensei had me do them. So I’d be stronger,” he says. Your heart seizes in your chest. “Not in a while, though. When I got strong enough he let me stop.”
“That’s messed up.” You’ve been careful not to speak against Tenko’s master, not when you know so little about him, but you can’t hold back this time. “Hurting yourself doesn’t make you stronger. It just makes you hurt.”
“What would you know about it?”
“Lots. I see it every day.”
Tenko gives you a look that tells you just how little he thinks of whatever you’ve seen, and you lose patience. You let go of his arm and pull up the sleeve of your own short-sleeve shirt. “I don’t mean at work.”
Tenko’s jaw drops behind the hand. “Who made you do that?”
“Nobody made me. I did it myself, which makes me a lot dumber than you,” you say. Tenko’s lines are even. Yours are jagged, because you were angry or crying or hurrying to finish up before one of your siblings needed the bathroom or your mom came back to keep arguing with you. “Was your master trying to make you stronger? Or was he trying to teach you not to show when something hurts?”
Based on the way Tenko’s red eyes flash, you know you’ve hit the nail on the head. “What were you trying to do, then? When you were being dumber than me?”
You were being really dumb. So dumb that it’s embarrassing to talk about. “It’s a reset, biologically. Injuries force the body to release endorphins, which make you feel better for a little bit. There was a while where I had trouble controlling my temper. It helped me do that. Or at least not show it.”
“A while,” Tenko repeats. “You should have had trouble the entire fucking time.”
“I did,” you admit after a second. “You used to tell me it wasn’t okay, what my family was like. It took a while to believe you.”
Half the reason you didn’t believe Tenko was because you knew his family was messed up, too. No matter what else your dad did, he didn’t scream at you or lock you outside without dinner. But as you got older, you realized why your parents didn’t do that: They needed you too much. They needed your help with the extra kids they shouldn’t have had, and the older you got, the more it started to infuriate you.
You saw evidence of it everywhere, in places it was and places it wasn’t. They didn’t wipe your memory because they cared that you were upset about your missing friend, they did it because they needed you to be quiet and helpful instead of sad. They didn’t let you choose your favorite snack or go to a birthday party once in a blue moon because it was the fair thing to do, they did it so you wouldn’t complain about all the times you weren’t allowed to. They promised they’d make it up to you every time they shorted you in favor of your siblings with quirks, hoping the apology would make you forget. By the time you were fourteen, you weren’t forgetting anymore.
Tenko’s watching you from behind the hand, but you don’t want to be watched right now. You focus on placing the bandage. Maybe if you do that, you can pretend this isn’t happening. “What happened?” Tenko asks. “With your family.”
“Nothing,” you say. Nothing like what happened to his. “They’re out there. They call me on my birthday. Every so often they ask me for money. Do you really want to talk about this?”
Tenko doesn’t follow up. On that, at least. Three of his fingers brush across your exposed upper arm and it takes every ounce of self-control you have not to jump out of your skin. “These are old, right?”
“Not as old as yours,” you say. “They aren’t recent, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“I stopped, so you should, too.” Tenko’s palm covers your upper arm for a moment, then lifts away. “It wouldn’t kill you to control your temper less, anyway. When was the last time you got really mad?”
“Three days ago. Yoshimi’s boyfriend ditched her, so I called him and lit his ass up.”
“Sure you did. I bet you never raised your voice,” Tenko says. You look up, offended. “You probably sounded like some kind of evil shrink, telling him what a piece of shit he is and how you understand that he can’t help being an asshole but it would probably be best for everybody if he took a long walk off a short ledge –”
He’s mimicking the soft, semi-conciliatory tone you use when you’re trying to de-escalate a situation, looking at you from behind the hand with a smirk on his face. You’d get mad, except it’s a pretty accurate imitation, and you like the thought that he knows you well enough to pick on you like this. “I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about getting really mad. Really losing control. When’s the last time you did that?”
You can’t remember. You shrug helplessly. Tenko heaves an exaggerated sigh. “It’s a good thing we’re playing Call of Duty next. If getting your ass kicked in a video game can’t wind you up, nothing will.”
It’s been a while since you played an actual video game. You were bad at it then, and you’re really bad at it now. Tenko makes you play a round in single-player mode to see what you’re good at and where you’re weak, and he spends the entire time laughing so hard that you’re worried he’s going to dislocate a rib or fall off the couch. It takes you way too long to hide away from the enemies onscreen long enough to ask Tenko a question. “What’s so funny? I know I’m not doing it right –”
“You’re just –” Tenko wheezes, then makes an effort to get it together. “Up here in the corner of your display is the map. The dot is where you are. And then everything in front of you is your point of view. That’s why it’s called a first-person shooter.”
“I know,” you say. “The display –”
“You control that on this side of the controller. And that’s where your trigger is, too. The other side handles motion,” Tenko says. His shoulders are twitching, like they do when he’s trying to hold in his laughter. “I’ll watch the map for you. Just go where I tell you to go.”
“Okay.” You adjust your grip on the controller and prepare to be humiliated.
Tenko directs you to move straight forward, which you do. Then you make a left turn and jump up on a crate for a better firing angle, at which point someone shoots at you. “Shoot back,” Tenko orders. You press the trigger. “Nice work. Okay, now jump off the crate and –”
You jump off the crate as requested, but then you get your buttons jumbled, and instead of running in the direction Tenko told you to run, you find yourself bumping into the wall repeatedly with your viewpoint stuck directly upwards. “Tenko –”
Tenko is howling with laughter again. The hand dislodges and falls off his face, and you see his eyes crinkling at the corners, his smile just a little too big. Some girls in your class said his smile was creepy, but you always liked it. You liked that you always knew which of his smiles were faked and which weren’t. “I’m stuck,” you say, and he laughs even harder. “What did I do?”
“If you were doing what your character is doing right now, you’d be doing this.” Tenko mimics pointing a gun straight up at the sky, and suddenly you get why he’s laughing. “You’ve been running around like this –”
No wonder you keep running into walls. Now you’re laughing, too. “You weren’t kidding,” Tenko says, shaking his head. “You really are terrible at it.”
You set the controller aside and wipe your eyes. “You sure you don’t want a different sidekick?”
“I have the sidekick I want.” Tenko glances at you, almost shyly. “We’ll need allies, though. I want you to meet them.”
Your stomach lurches. “Do you have them already?”
“One of the brokers is bringing them. He finds them through the black market.” Tenko sets the controller back down in your hands, adjusting your fingers to the right buttons. Then he unpauses the game. “Once I have them all – go right. No, your other right. Once I have them all, I want you to meet them. I need them to work together, and to stay calm instead of fighting each other. You’re good at getting people to do that. Watch out, there are – nice work.”
He’s giving you a strange look. “What?” you ask. “I didn’t get killed yet.”
“You’re better at shooting people than running around. That’s weird.” Tenko’s expression stays odd for another moment; then he grins. “Works for me, though. As long as you don’t mess with your viewpoint too much, we can play together.”
“Works for me.” You’re still going to be pretty useless, but at least you can protect Tenko’s back. That’s more than you’d be able to do in a real fight. The thought kicks off a flood of anxiety, and before you can stop yourself, you find yourself speaking out loud. “Tenko –”
He pauses the game mid-switch to co-op mode. “Yeah?”
“I don’t know if I can help you the way you need me to,” you say. He gives you a skeptical look. “Medical stuff is one thing. I’m good at that. If your allies need help with that, I’ll help them, too. But the rest of it, I’m not – planning, getting people to follow you –”
“I can do that part. But villains fight all the time. Like kids do,” Tenko says. He smiles slightly. “If you can handle me, they’ll be easy for you.”
“But I know you,” you say. “It’s different.”
“So you’ll get to know them, too.” Tenko’s confident, just like you remember him being. Once he’s decided how something will be, it’s hard to shake him. “Come on. Let’s clear this level.”
It’s an easy level, or you think it’s supposed to be. You spend most of your time running backwards, keeping one eye on the map so you don’t lose track of Tenko and the other eye out for enemies of any kind. On reflection, you do think your accuracy with shooting is a little weird. Between this level and the next one, you rack up a decent number of kills. “You’re already getting better,” Tenko says, grinning. “I bet we can beat this thing if we keep playing.”
“I’d like that,” you say – but you’re still thinking about Tenko’s semi-crazy idea that you meet a bunch of villains for crowd control. “About the allies – you trust me, but they won’t have any reason to. I’m still a civilian.”
“You’ll need a disguise,” Tenko says, which wasn’t what you were hoping he’d say. “Something that hides your face. “If any of them have a problem with you, they can take it up with me.”
You don’t know what to say to that. The idea of Tenko getting into it with other villains over you makes you feel sick. “I don’t want you to get hurt because of me. I don’t want you to get hurt at all. You’re my best friend.”
“I’m not your boss,” Tenko says, which doesn’t make any sense. Your confusion must show on your face, because Tenko elaborates. “Earlier. You said sidekicks don’t run from their bosses, but I’m not your boss. I don’t want to be your boss. I want –”
He breaks off, clearly struggling with what to say. There’s a patchy flush coming up in his cheeks, and you see his hand rise, twitch toward his neck – then fall back. “I don’t want to be your boss,” he says again, looking everywhere but into your eyes. “I want – you should –”
“Shigaraki Tomura.” Kurogiri’s voice issues from behind you, and you and Tenko both jump. “Your master wishes to speak with you. You are overdue.”
“Shit,” Tenko mutters. His grip on the controller tightens, and you lift it out of his hands before all five fingers can touch it. “Where’s – I need –”
“Here.” You pick up the hand from the floor and pass it to him, feeling a chill go down your spine as you touch it. “Go talk to him. It’s okay.”
“I’m late. It isn’t.” Tenko settles the hand back over his face. His free hand rises again, clawing at the side of his neck, and something about the image, the situation, feels uncomfortably familiar to you. “I’ll send Kurogiri to get you again soon. For another date.”
“This was a date?”
“Of course it was.” Tenko gets up, heads for the door. “Remember. Find a disguise. I’ll see you soon.”
He’s gone, and a second later, so are you – Kurogiri drops you in an alley off the street you were walking on. He lingers for a moment, and the question explodes out of you. “It was a date?”
“I told him it’s not a date unless both people know it’s a date.” Kurogiri looks vaguely uncomfortable, and his voice is in the other register – the one that sounds more like an older brother than a servant. “Next time I’ll tell him I can’t find you.”
“Don’t do that,” you say at once. Even reeling like you are now, you’re sure that you want to see Tenko again. “Just – warn me, if you can. If it’s a date or something else.”
“I can do that.” Kurogiri vanishes, but his voice lingers for a moment more. “You protect him, too.”
What does that mean? Maybe it means that Kurogiri sees you like he sees himself – a protector of Shigaraki Tomura, although if there’s anyone you’re trying to protect, it’s Shimura Tenko, your best friend. Your best friend, who’s in a lot more trouble than you thought he was.
You’re standing in the middle of an alley. You need to get moving before someone peeks in here and starts asking questions. You slide your phone out of your pocket, raise it to your ear, and lower it as you step back out into the flow of traffic on the sidewalk, like you were taking a call that just ended. Your apartment’s not far away, so you’ll get there, and then you can think about all of this. The villains – the date – the scars on Tenko’s arm that look too much like yours – the scratching that didn’t start until after the hand covered his face. The hand he calls Father.
And that’s when you realize what it reminded you of, what happened when Kurogiri told Tenko his master was waiting for him. He was himself when you spoke to him, even after he put the hand back over his face – right down to how he reacted when his master called for him. Because his reaction looked the same as his reaction to his father calling for him when the two of you were kids.
You had a bad feeling about Tenko’s master, and now it’s worse. You have a bad feeling about what your involvement with Tenko means now, because he wants you to back him up when it comes to dealing with other villains, to take the de-escalation and conflict resolution skills you learned the hard way and put them to use keeping a band of villains together under Tenko’s control. You have a bad feeling because Tenko’s told you to find a disguise, to hide your identity like the villain you aren’t. You aren’t a villain. Are you?
Maybe you aren’t a villain – yet, a voice in your head whispers, you aren’t a villain yet – but there’s something wrong with you. There must be. Because knowing all that, knowing that you’re getting drawn further into Tenko’s plans, doesn’t do a thing to dampen your excitement at the thought that he wants to go on dates with you. That he likes you. That your best friend, who you always thought you’d have developed a crush on if the two of you had gotten to grow up together, might feel the same about you as you do about him.
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sumicchin · 3 months
❃ a wind breaker (satoru nii) reader insert
Chapter 6
Umemiya regrets telling everyone that conversation = fist fight. (1.9k words)
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cw: female reader, umemiya spoiler, tsubakino referred to as they/them, i made up stuff about makochi
"You're just going to let her go, Sakura?" Suo says next to him, eyes not tearing away from the direction you went.
Sakura clenches his fist, forehead scrunching from the sudden stress, "I..."
"(F/n) probably won't go out of town, r-right? She did say she had to find something! I'm sure we can help her out!" Nirei optimistically says as he catches up to the two after giving Kakiuchi to his other classmates. He takes a good look at Sakura's face and sees his eyes wide.
Sakura is reminded of your conversation last night—of how he saw himself in you, and how much pain your eyes held.
It wasn't his concern, but he knew you needed help. He wasn't letting anyone go through what he did before.
"Sa...kura?" Nirei attempts to calm him down, until he sees Sakura take out his phone.
He gestures his hand towards the phone and Nirei becomes even more confused, "I need to call him... he'll know what to do."
Umemiya, despite his childhood, grew up to be a fine man. No one would imagine that a well-rounded guy like him, oh so cheery and charming, experienced hell on earth as a child. Anyone would feel bitter about losing their parents, and Umemiya was not free of that. He struggled, thinking he wasn't deserving of being saved.
Survivor's guilt.
But he grew to see what was important in front of him—to honor his parent's sacrifice by giving back love to those around him. To make everyone feel like family, and never let anyone feel like they're alone in this world.
"You're...amazing, Umemiya," you both stare into each other's eyes, holding massive respect for what he's been through and how he achieved his goals.
Umemiya chuckles, ruffling your hair, "I didn't tell you my story to pity me, you know? Was hoping you'd reconsider and stay here in Makochi, with us."
It's too strange. Everyone in this town is strange. Were city folks always this welcoming towards outsiders?
"I don't want to keep bothering anyone...I can't go back to the shrine so I'm practically homeless." Supposedly, you were to be taken away by your husband after the vows, but now you aren't so sure if he's hot on your trail. But one thing was agreed upon—the shrine people and all its inhabitants except you were to remain unharmed. So long as you didn't go back to your previous residence, everyone was safe. Hayami, the friendly Mikos and the priest who you were thankful for secured the shrine. If anything else happens, Sojiro can take care of it. He was strong, unlike you. Everyone can trust in him.
Unlike you, already causing havoc in a new place.
"Sakura must be uncomfortable with me staying at his house," you mutter. "It doesn't sit right with me to live like everything's handed to me."
You're thankful, really, for the help you've received thus far. But how were you going to repay the kindness they've showered you with if your tracks only lingered with danger?
"You're all too kind... I'll carry the guilt of bringing danger to this town if I stay too long."
An overthinker that you are, Umemiya observes. "Makochi wasn't always like this, you know?"
He proceeds to tell you how Makochi used to be terrorized by delinquents day and night, the local businesses having trouble with their operations and families often fearing for their safety. Umemiya mentions a couple who led and funded the restoration of Makochi's properties, him in particular being a recipient of their kindness.
"The orphanage I grew up in was funded by a couple," he starts, pointing at the statue nearby the fountain. "I discussed the situation with the staff earlier and had my hunch confirmed. Everything checks out, you'd be the same age as their child if she were alive today. You're a split image of them too."
Then, that means...
He shows you a picture from his phone. Just like he says, you had their features.
Umemiya notices your trembling figure, immediately reaching out to pat the small of your back.
"I could've met my parents."
You grab Umemiya's blazer tight, tears threatening to fall from your eyes, "They're not gone yet, r-right? They're waiting for me?"
For once, you held onto hope—but Umemiya's look said otherwise.
"I'm...sorry," he says, almost whispering.
You couldn't help but let the tears flow uncontrollably, hanging onto Umemiya while he continued to calm you down in his own way. He knows the feeling all too well, and this time he'll be sure to help you out.
"Even if you were an outsider, we'd still help you to the best of our capabilities." He says, wrapping his arms around you, shielding you from any negative thoughts. "I...and the rest of Bofurin will protect you, (F/n)."
You look at Umemiya, giving you a bittersweet smile. "Welcome back, (F/n)."
Sakura, Nirei, and Suo found themselves walking to the park where Umemiya had instructed them to go. They eventually find Bofurin's leader and (F/n) in an embrace.
"Oh, if it isn't my favorite first years!" The boys look at the new group approaching them, led by Tsubaki and the Sakaki twins.
Sakura immediately signals to keep quiet, earning him a chuckle from the newcomers. "It's all fine! Ume told us to gather here, didn't you receive a message?"
Nirei checked his phone and lo and behold was a message from their leader, "Ah! We were too occupied searching for (F/n)."
Suo lets out a grin next to him, "It all worked out in the end, thanks to Sakura's plan!"
Said boy became heated from the mention, saying it was all Umemiya who did the work. He knew it was the right call to let Bofurin's leader handle the situation seeing how at ease you were next to him. Almost like they were intruding a special moment between two lovers at the park. He blushes at the sight, feeling a pang in his chest.
Now aware of more people's presence, you immediately get out of Umemiya's embrace and bow your head down, not letting him see your puffy red eyes and runny nose that may or may not have gotten into his uniform. He places his hand on your shoulder and gently asks, "Think you can face them?"
Standing up to acknowledge his peers, you turn your head towards the large group of students now approaching their leader. "Yo! Looks like everyone's here," Umemiya scans the group, "Even Kaji came, that's surprising!"
Kaji tenses at the special mention and feels all of his peers stare at him. His vice-captains laugh and Enomoto talks for his defense, albeit in a teasing manner, "Kaji said he wanted to fetch his jacket back and definitely not because he was worried about 'er or anything." Now this puts a nail in the coffin and everyone swore Kaji would've pounced on his friends if it weren't for Hiragi pulling him back.
"You're all too lively," Tamon's captain says as he drags Kaji by the hoodie, "Give (F/n) a break, don't wanna overwhelm her."
You watch the boys bickering and Umemiya notices the faint smile from your lips.
"Fun bunch, aren't they?" You nod.
"You can trust them, just open your heart."
Trusting them, a couple of teenagers who seemed rough around the edges, with your heart?
Maybe you should let loose this time. Umemiya, Kotoha, and Sakura are just the few people you've met today, yet they all radiate the same warmth and comfort you've been yearning for all these years. If everyone shares the same kindness, you'd probably think you're living in some kind of fantasy.
Recalling Hayami's last request for you—to live an earnest and free life. Maybe you can trust them to achieve it.
In a daze, you didn't notice someone approaching you giddily, almost a hope to their step.
"I'm so glad you're doing better now!" A tall figure immediately stood in front of you, but it didn't phase you one bit. Their presence wasn't trying to intimidate you. "I'm Tsubakino Tasuku, but Tsubaki-chan or anything will do, love!"
Tsubaki lets out a wide smile, enthusiastic to see you well and standing despite your puffy eyes and cheeks. You stand still though, and this immediately raised a concern with everyone.
"A-ah, did I scare you—"
Your eyes suddenly twinkle with excitement, and you yell what was running on your mind without a filter. "You're really beautiful! Very much!"
"It's a great honor meeting you!" Shaking hands with Tsubaki, everyone was startled with the sudden change in personality. This was most likely the enthusiasm you've been hiding all these years, suppressed by loneliness. Umemiya beside the two of you finds your exchange with Tsubaki very endearing, already making notes on how he'll elicit this kind of reaction from you soon. Hopefully you like plants!
Tsubaki on the other hand was already enamored with you, listening to every word you say. "Your hair and the way you dress, and the makeup really accentuates your features! The ones I see in the magazine don't compare to Tsubaki-chan!" You stop your rambling and see Tsubaki endearingly smiling at you with a blush.
"S-sorry! I just, get too excited seeing new things." You chuckle and Tsubaki does too.
It's hard to resist not taking you out this weekend, Tsubaki thinks. The trip will probably take a huge hit on their savings, but money can always be earned. Seeing your smile is a reward in itself for Tsubaki.
Everyone watches as Tsubaki continues to coddle you, happy to see you engaging enthusiastically. Suo lightly pushes a blushing Sakura, whose romance sensor has been going rampant since earlier, towards you and Tsubaki.
"H-hey! What gives?!" Sakura exclaims towards his eye-patched friend who only signalled a gesture for friend, linking his hands together.
Oh right, you probably hate him right now for what he did earlier at Pothos. Tsubaki seemed to understand the situation with how tense the two of you were, patting your head before leaving to stand next to Umemiya.
Just you and Sakura again, this time not so comfortable. "U-uh...about what happened earlier," his mouth becomes pouty, struggling to look you in the eye but he does so anyway, "I shouldn't have forced the idea...s-so...sorry."
His irises were trembling, searching desperately for a reaction from you. Sakura, despite his tough and standoffish attitude, always meant well and tried his best to help his peers. Last night's conversation was purely between two aloof individuals, both yearning to be in the presence of others, yet their struggles distinct. Hearts that were afraid of being vulnerable, not knowing if they were worth of affection.
"You were just looking out for me," you trail, "It's me who should be apologizing...for being stubborn."
Similar to how Anzai tried to reject everyone's help during the fight with KEEL, there was no escape from Sakura's headstrong personality. He'll find a way to worm in and help you out. He was just that selfless.
"He probably filled you in already on how this town operates and stuff," Sakura points at Umemiya, referencing his request earlier during their phone call. "Violence isn't something this town's had enough of."
"So you don't have to worry about us. Don't be afraid of asking for help, that's just how it is here."
You were indeed afraid. The concept of friendship and trust blurry to you not until yesterday, with Sakura declaring he was there to help you out, as a friend. It was a foreign feeling, and the boy reciprocated the confusion you must've felt before his bold intrusion. Even he was surprised by his actions last night. Everyone in Makochi must've been rubbing off of him—in the best possible way.
So, he tries to apply what he's learned so far.
"If you're still not convinced, let's settle this with a fight."
Or not.
"H-hey now, there's a time and place for fighting Sakura." Nirei visibly sweatdrops, "You can discuss things with (F/n) like a normal person, you know???" The boy looks to his other side and sees Suo with an approving smile. This is hopeless, Nirei concludes.
"If you win, I'll let you do what you want. If I win, you stay here in this town and let us protect you."
Hiragi, Tsubaki, and Umemiya all look confused.
Kaji and his vice-captains are all in awe with Sakura's naivety.
The Sakaki twins think this is a regular Friday. They've heard about you and how you can fend for yourself, so front row seats to see the real deal were nice.
The two first years, Suo and Nirei, were concerned, but Suo was just a tad bit curious to intervene. Nirei on the other hand thought otherwise.
Surely you're not that crazy enough to actually go with it?
"Fine with me," you reply.
Nirei just wants to curl up and do the pillbug stance right now.
tag list: @wutap, @the2ndl
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kathaynesart · 1 year
What do you take from the Rise movie’s “This isn’t about me,” message? *It’d be interesting to see this become a Tumblr thread cause I’d love to see what others think too.
That's... an important line to decipher. Deep enough to mean so many things but vague enough to be easily taken out of context. I have a lot to say about it, but I'll keep it under the cut to save others the trouble.
TLDR: Future Leo's a dum dum hypocrite
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I think... when Leo used the line in the future timeline. He was trying to remind Casey of the harsh reality that they existed in. That this was a world where they sometimes had to set aside their personal wants for the greater good. It's for that reason that Leo was able to ask Mikey to do the unthinkable and sacrifice himself in turn.
What I find fascinating about the movie, is that it both supports and counters this message. It tries to find that healthy middle ground, between present Leo's narcissistic attitude in the beginning and the downright sacrifice he's willing to make by the end. Because him sacrificing himself was NOT the happy ending. And while we get that "ending" for only a moment. We can see that method doesn't feel right either.
In that way, I don't think "it's not about me" isn't actually the "message" of the movie as some might assume at first glance. Merely a gentle reminder to check yourself before you wreck yourself. Because technically, yes, "it's not about me" does apply to many aspects of life. We can get so caught up in our own worries and concerns and perspectives and it just... muddles reality in a way. We need to see how our actions and words affect others and understand that there's so much more out there than our own little bubbles. But we also should understand our own worth within the big tapestry of life and be willing to fight for the things that matter to us.
That's why I think the actual message of the story isn't "it's not about me." It's about balance. It's about the knowing look Leo and Raph share in the end and the fact that Mikey was able to achieve the true, best ending with his brother's help to save Leo, because they know that the world may mean more in the long run, but they mean the world to each other, and I think it's really important to understand.
But that's just my long-winded opinion on the subject and there’s plenty of other interpretations I think I can totally get behind as well. It will be an element within Replica but let's also remember that Future Leo is kind of hypocrite with this line. He's says "It's not about me" but that's coming from someone who the entire resistance has centered around as its leader. He's probably a little tired of the idolization by now and does not like the idea that he's somehow more important than others. I think that's where that line really stems from for Leo. It's obvious that Casey isn't just talking about his importance as a leader, but Leo with the same line is asking him to set those feelings aside even if he is one of the most important people in Casey's life.
And then Leo turns around and throws one of the most important people in his life through the portal. A damn hypocrite (/positive)
EDIT: I was sort of ending it on a silly note but @dandylovesturtles added such a great point that I haven’t been able to put into words but feel in my heart when it comes to future Leo and definitely something I want to show with the healing process he’s been going through in Replica: and that’s the “not all about you” sometimes just means that bad things happen but you can’t just blame yourself for it, and it’s not some cosmic attack for your mistakes. The world did not come to an end because of Leo’s mistake, even if he might have once felt like that. What’s more it means you can’t put the whole world on your shoulder or always try to fix things on your own like how Leo tried to after Raph’s capture. It’s ok to seek the aid and support and ideas of others your trust. It really lines up so well with a lot of the events in the film.
Thank you @dandylovesturtles and everyone else’s amazing comments! I want to hear all of them and take notes.
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kuromori4 · 11 days
MLB London special theories and Speculation!
So I’ve been thinking too much about the upcoming London special, 'At the edge of time'. Are there actually any theories floating around out there? Because I haven’t come across any and I have theories of my own.
Anyone interested?
Great! So we were recently given this new version of the synopsis:
“In the Burrow, Bunnyx sees the windows of time disappearing one by one... The future is fading away. But what’s going on? At the same time, Marinette wakes up at home to discover that someone in Paris has just made a wish thanks to the Cat and Ladybug Miraculouses. Quickly, she has to transform herself into Ladybug... but then she realizes she’s missing her earrings! Luckily, Bunnyx comes to get her just before the wish wipes everything out. Together, Bunnyx and Marinette, now Chronobug, must save the future by finding out who discovered that Marinette was Ladybug, when, and how they managed to steal her Miraculous. Marinette realizes that Butterfly Miraculous now has a new owner! “We can only hope for one thing: that Ladybug succeeds in defeating her adversary, otherwise it will be the end of Ladybug.”
And I can’t stop thinking about some of the wording in it. So Marinette wakes up to discover her earrings gone? Someone has discovered her identity and snuck into her room while she was sleeping to steal them? And on top of that, somehow, this person also managed to also steal Adrien’s ring?
Ok... so a wish has been wished and now their world is ending, Bunnyx comes to snatch Marinette up, etc, etc. 
Then we have this line: Marinette realizes that the Butterfly Miraculous now has a new owner!
Now personally, I think this is a line to throw us off the track of what’s really happening here. We all know Lila has the Butterfly. They want us to think this is about Lila. That Lila knows Marinette’s identity because she saw her transform in the end battle in S5. Especially since it seems that the blue light Lila saw is likely related to the special.
But I have one major argument against this.
How did Lila get Chat Noir’s ring? Even if Lila did know Marinette’s identity and used that info and the butterfly to steal it from her, it still doesn’t explain how the wish was made. She’d still need Chat’s ring. Since the only person who knows Adrien’s identity is Luka, I feel like this is a major plot hole for most theories.
Now, I offer my theory. And hear me out, because I can already feel the fandom raging at me.
Who has access to the Black cat Miraculous?
Who could EASILY sneak into a rooftop skylight at night without being noticed to steal Marinette’s earrings while she slept?
Who does Marinette trust wholeheartedly and would never, ever suspect?
That’s right lovelies, I’m saying what I’m saying.
I think Adrien made the wish.
What if Adrien found out the truth? About everything? After all, Ladybug knows of no particular reason not to tell Chat Noir what happened during that battle. What if he discovers that not only is his girlfriend Ladybug, but that everyone has been lying to him, his father was Monarch, that he’s a Sentimonster, and the cause of his own mother’s death?
Our boy would likely be a tad upset, no doubt. 
“But Kuro”, I hear you say. “Adrien is a good boy. He’s been tempted before, and he knows what’s at stake.”
Yes, but what was on the line then? Bringing his Mom back? Saving Nathalie? Both noble causes, for sure. But the sacrifice to be made would have been too great. It would hurt someone innocent. A price he was not willing to pay.
But what about now?
His father terrorized Paris. Hurt people. Why? To bring back his wife. Why? Because she died to create Adrien. This all stems from the circumstances of his birth. When everything is laid out in front of him, Adrien must have come to the ultimate conclusion: All of this pain and suffering was caused simply so that he could exist. 
What if Adrien makes the wish, to have never been born? If Adrien is never born, his Mother never dies. His father doesn’t become the villain. He doesn’t die either. Nathalie never gets sick, Marinette never has the burden of being Ladybug and Guardian on her shoulders. (Effectively causing the 'End of Ladybug!') Master Fu never loses his memories. Nobody suffers, nobody dies. And the sacrifice? Only himself. Ladybug often says that the wish would have to serve the greater good. Would Adrien not see removing himself as a sacrifice for the greater good? By undoing all of the damage his family caused?
The way he THOUGHT his father did in the final battle? 
Not to mention that the whole thing apparently takes place in London. Now, you might suspect that Félix and Amelie might have something to do with it, since they live in London. But might I remind you who else is in London? Adrien and Kagami, locked in the white rooms! We see Bug Noire rescuing them in the teaser!
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I’d say that there’s a fairly good chance that upon his Father’s death, Adrien, already in London, might have been sent to live with his aunt and cousin, at least temporarily? (Chloe is also sent to London, though I don’t know if that will play into it at all)
Why do you think Adrien is so absent from the Promo pics and teaser? They really only show him being rescued from the white room by Bug Noire. The only pics of him on the posters are scenes from the finale of season 5. 
Particularly, the shot of him holding up HIS AMOK!
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And just to add another layer to this; We have 2 potentially new characters shown, neither of which we have any idea who they are.
This dude:
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And this dude:
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Now, I'm not entirely sure how the first dude fits in, (Could be Lila for all we know) but this one seems to have a clock on their forehead, which is very curious. If Marinette is the one who becomes Chronobug in the yellow suit, Who is this? It’s certainly not Bunnyx. 
But hmm. Who else do we know Who has wielded the Rabbit Miraculous? Who’s identity is often hidden under a bald cap because his shock of golden hair would be a dead giveaway?
That’s right. 
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Bonus question:
How does LB become Chronobug if her earrings are gone? Chrono implies a fusion between The Rabbit and Ladybug Miraculouses. Bunnyx would have the rabbit, and Mari has lost her earrings. Though, They have had 2 rabbit Miraculouses present at once because one was from another time, so potentially this could be like that. 
SO, What do you think??? If anyone has any theories to add or even to debunk mine, hit me up!!! I wanna SPECULATE!
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yuesya · 7 months
Mechamaru is a sad character, even though his anger at Shiki, to me, is honestly misplaced and more like self-loathing, envy, and commiseration.
It’s honestly sad what happens to Mechamaru because he did get the short end of the stick when it comes to Heavenly Restriction, didn’t he? He only wanted to have a healthy body, and in canon, he got it.
But what did it cost, really?
Because in the end, Mechamaru did in some way betray the jujutsu sorcerers. He can tell himself that he was desperate and he had the right to try and better his life when no one else cared to or was able to help him. He was in a shitty situation and tried fixing it first chance that presented it, but it doesn’t erase the fact that he betrayed his comrades. He indirectly (?)aided in the tragedy that happened by facitilating information to the curses, which HELPED Kenjaku’s plans, and he died for it. Here, he’s alive to suffer the consequences of ill-fated choices.
He wasn’t wrong to want it. He’s wrong because ultimately, his actions were an act of betrayal.
He feels remorse for his betrayal. He feels guilty. He feels angry at Shiki, because his gamble failed and here she stood as a shining bastion of a “perfect” life.
Though as seen in here, Shiki probably doesn’t give a single fuck about Mechamaru’s feelings. Only that his betrayal put the jujutsu society - and in turn, her family and friends - in jeopardy and that it went against the rules that Shiki was following ONLY because her family and friends wanted her too. Her moral and logic is pretty skewed, after all. Her first reaction to him being turned into a monster is to render him immobile VIA limbs breaking which honestly is NOT the first thing people do, but it’s admittedly in a twisted way the most optimal way to subdue transfigurated!Mechamaru.
TBH wrong is wrong. Betrayal is betrayal. Mechamaru isn’t an innocent victim who tried saving himself. How many more people would die and did die in the jujutsu world because he aided the curses? How many people died in Liyue because here the curses tried getting rid of Shiki?
Which brings me to another point: Whether it was voluntary or not, because of his betrayal which fed the curses informations and had Shiki hunting after them, Mechamaru ended up as a tool in the ambush against Shiki. Mahito tried using him as a shield, but unfortunately for him and the curses, Shiki’s reasoning is far too settled in pragmatic reasoning and logic to a certain point, after which she settled into brute force or death. She wouldn’t sacrifice herself for just Mechamaru, after all, nor be squirmish about breaking some limbs or killing some people.
Kinda shameless to be angry at the girl who you involuntarily aided in ambushing, no?
It’s just. The first time I read the short about Mechamaru (which was STILL amazing btw) I felt sorry for him.
The next few times I reread it though, I was like wait a minute, this doesn’t sound right, this guy is making Shiki to be the bad guy in interrogating him when he “just tried helping himself and he didn’t truly mean to betray the jujutsu society qwq!!!” because she has a perfect life but BITCH so many people just died LMFAOO Shiki here just doing her job and being hated, my poor girl (though she doesn’t care).
Mechamaru lost his gamble in using Mahito and turned into an even worse monster.
Likewise, the curses lost their gamble in trying to delete Shiki and were all basically wiped out in minutes lmao. They probably didn’t expect the Gojo Satoru Expy to actually be a Gojo Satoru 2.0 lol.
Shiki just doing her job, stuck in another world. :( And she had promised her cousin to make a detour to buy sweets, too rip. :(
(which brings me to another point i’m not gonna expand: Satoru and Shiki’s relationship? I LOVELOVELOVE IT!! The opposing powers they present! Satoru is not truly the sole “honored one”! Satoru has someone who somewhat understands the way he looks at the world! Who will stand by his decision and trust! Who’s willing to murder a bitch or a few for him! They’re two peas in a pod, sometimes HE has to be the moral compass for Shiki even! HIM! THE Gojo Satoru! A moral compass!!! 😂😂😂)
!! I am bouncing a bit in excitement from this haha.
Mechamaru! Is a very very unfortunate character. His attempt to outsmart Kenjaku and the Special Grade curses was not something that ended well for anyone. The information that he provided them allowed Kenjaku's faction to set up the test run at the Goodwill Event and break into the warehouse, stealing the Death Paintings and Sukuna's fingers. If we think about what happened in Shibuya, where Sukuna was able to cause as much devastation as he did because of ingesting the additional fingers... arguably Mechamaru played a definite role in allowing this situation to occur in the first place.
Mechamaru wants to be healed. He wants to have a normal body, and be a normal student of Kyoto High with his friends.
In exchange, he betrays the school -but he's not really betraying them, Mechamaru tells himself. Look, he's even been careful enough to extract a binding vow for his friends to be unharmed. And it's not as if he really intends to throw in his lot with Geto. As soon as he gets what he wants, he'll turn on them. Mechamaru doesn't need to kill them in order to win; all he needs to do is escape and find sanctuary with Gojo Satoru. And with the intel that he'll have in his hands, Gojo will definitely protect him. Then, they'll be able to counter their enemies properly from there-
We all know how that turns out in the end, though. The many casualties that result from Kenjaku's plans... Mechamaru might not be responsible, but he's certainly not blameless in allowing Kenjaku to set things into motion.
Mechamaru strikes me as a character who has a strong confidence and ego, which is balanced at the same time by a helpless sense of inferiority and anger. He knows that he's a powerful sorcerer, and he's the only sorcerer whose range covers an entire country -not even Gojo Satoru can do that! And Mechamaru is observant, and intelligent. He hates the limitations imposed upon him by his body, and he wants ever so badly to see for himself the world that he can only interact with through his puppets-
Shiki gets the brunt of that, in this particular AU.
Mechamaru lives. He lives, but he's angry and guilty and oh how he regrets, without truly regretting. Sorcerers are selfish creatures, and Mechamaru is no different.
Here Gojo Shiki stands in front of him, beautiful and powerful and perfect, looking down on him like Mechamaru means absolutely nothing. Given the turmoil that Mechamaru is currently experiencing... it's only natural that he lashes out at her.
(It's no excuse. But it is a reason.)
In contrast to Mechamaru's complicated feelings towards her, Shiki is fairly indifferent about him in return, despite his role as a lure in the 'ambush' for her. She simply protects him because she was assigned to retrieve Mechamaru for an interrogation. Shiki can't retrieve him if he's dead.
... So that just means she'll need to do her best to keep him alive, until she manages to find a way home.
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cocogum · 6 months
Let’s TALK about episodes 9 and 10 people… (part 1)
If you thought episodes 7 and 8 had so much to talk about (cuz I sure did), then episodes 9 and 10 destroyed my mind.
I am so tired.
We begin with a small recap of what happened last episode and it’s honestly very nice and heartwarming of Ankama to remind us that Yugo will get his ass handed to him in a few minutes.
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The level of disrespect these thirsty hoes have for him is immeasurable. Even if Yugo’s not a kid, the fact that the necromes didn’t hesitate to tie him up like that and sacrifice him like a lamb is jaw-dropping. It really makes you understand that they don’t give a shit if you’re an actual kid, they will hang you up like a roast beef for dinner.
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Bro’s asking as if he just got here.
Also, how do you think that fall must’ve felt like? Cuz when Toross yeets him, Yugo takes a massive fall only to get his body slammed into the pavement when he gets tied up.
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He gets to fall even faster because of the stasis ropes pulling him down too.
You can even hear the loud slam when he hits it. That must’ve hurt like a bitch.
Btw I love how even after all that, Adamaï and Amalia still don’t trust Qilby even when he saved them from the necrome world.
Adamaï thinks he was an idiot for not using the eliatrope Dofus and…he’s right? Cuz my guy…ur scared of ruining things if you use the dofus but what are you gonna ruin in a place WHERE THERE’S NO WAKFU????
Sometimes I can’t tell whether or not that guy’s okay in his head. Like is he blind or something? You can clearly tell that the necrome world is completely deserted and has no actual life, Amalia even CONFIRMS IT for you, Toross is literally using his dofus in his world of nothing, AND it’s also literally known as the gods’ garbage bin.
No wonder you get slapped around so much, you’re stupider than Yugo!!
I never in my life thought that I’d eventually get to see Qilby booping Amalia’s nose.
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And I don’t know if I should like it or if I should fear it.
Man literally booped her as if she was a kid. But then again, he IS a millennial years old so it would explain why he’d treat her like a fetus.
In a way, he really CAN see her as a kid who doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about.
But like-
I never imagined this happening???? Not even in a trillion chances 😀😀
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I get that Amalia annoyed him when she said he STILL couldn’t be trusted but what do you mean by “artificial”??? I’m still confused about that.
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You can’t tell me this scene ain’t gay 😭😭
The way she grabbed her was so sudden, it made my heart jump!! And Amalia just goes with it like a damsel in distress being protected by her knight 🥰🥰 My noramalia senses detected that shit from a mile away, you ain’t getting away!!!
That torture scene tho should’ve taken longer ngl. But Okoo being the kid that they are decided “hell nah”. It’s still a shame really but at least we got what we needed.
Also, lemme just say something about this torture scene real quick.
Not only does Yugo get sucked the living out of him, but he just got BODY SLAMMED FROM AT LEAST 290 FEET on LITERAL PAVEMENT so now his back is completely obliterated, he keeps CONVULSING, TWITCHING, and GETS HIS BONES BREAKING TO GROW LONGER ONES-
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He’s feeling all that WHILE getting sucked to death. My god. I wanted to see more of that.
The only reason why he didn’t turn out ballistic was cuz Oropo was keeping him busy in his head. He literally told him that he’ll make him fight just to not think about it.
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And even though Oropo does hate him (but calmed down a bit once he reunited with Yugo), he told him that even he doesn’t deserve all of this. Can you imagine the one who caused so many calamities and was ready to kill the gods because he hates you telling you that even you don’t deserve this?? It just shows how kinky this Toross guy is.
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Alright sluts, I need some opinions.
I am currently writing a CrocMom au that has gone to far wild and completely out of my control. I have most of the plot surrounding Luffy and Crocodile's backstory and connection figured out, that's not the problem. What IS the problem is that Crocodile is to much of a whore. Crocodile has up to at least five potential love interests that I could throw at him (not including Dragon cause that has to happen for, y'know, conception.)
Buggy, Mihawk, Buggy & Mihawk, Dolflamingo, Shanks, Corozon ECT.
Now, I know some of those options might not make sense, but see, a writers mind is an unending fucking mine field of insanity, and I would be able to make those options work pretty well.
Buggy and Mihawk would most definitely make the most sense, as they are pretty canon in their interactions and I have been itching to write cross-guild anyways.
Shanks? Knowing that Crocodile created basically his kid and also could kill him at any time and is also hooking up with his two ex's? That man is already a skank and has probably dated at least half the one piece verse, this is not far fetched.
Dolflamingo? They are the ones with the most cannon interaction and could make for a very good psychological warfare/angsty fic, but also, Dolflomingo. So like, gross.
And the last and most crackship, rarepair shit I could ever think of. Cora and Crocodile. Now, in my fic, I start with Crocodile on Ohara to involve Olvia and Robin into his cannon universe (This is also trans!Crocodile, so he's a woman right now, but he transitions after Luffy's birth) and so I can give him an excuse to adopt Robin later when she's around like, 11.
So, you have a Crocodile that fits just snuggly enough into the timeline and does not have enough trauma yet (in my universe at the least) and who has already given birth to Luffy and is already slightly regretting leaving him and who has already adopted Robin. I think that there would be a really high possibility that Crocodile would meet Cora and be like "look at this sad, pathetic, wet-cat, clumsy single father. Would be a shame if someone was to just grab it.". Which would then inadvertently save Cora's life, especially if Crocodile helped get the heart fruit and then brought them back to Alabasta.
I also wanna clarify, I don't think Law would see Crocodile as a father figure. It took fuckin forever for him to trust Cora, and that was with sacrifices that spited both hell and high water. I think Crocodile would more be seen as a mentor, especially if Law would still want to get back at Dolflamingo. Cora might try to stop that. Cora would want what's best for his son.
Crocodile? Dramatic-time-to -murder-the second-strongest-pirate-of-all-time bitch? 100% would support.
Also, the possibility of Robin and Law shenanigans kind of gets my goat.
Plus, if you add in Luffy, Ace, and Sabo, it would be chaotic as fuck, and kind of amazing!
As you can tell, I am slightly leaning more to one of these options than the others (totally not just because I want to write a Cora lives au) and I think that Cora is one of the only One Piece men that Crocodile would genuinely consider sticking with because of the way he treats other people and his kids. The possibilities are fucking endless.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I would take anything into consideration and I have to decide before I write the Dragon/Revolutionary chapter.
The world problems of a one piece fic writer, man.
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fatale-distraction · 3 months
Read this amazing post by @instantbee about whether Solas knew what the real impact of removing Lavellan’s vallaslin was. I immediately wanted to share my thoughts on my own Lavellan’s reaction to this, but I didn’t want to highjack their post.
Like many other lovely Lavellans, this was a moment that sowed the first tiny seed of distrust in Solas.
Ellanasha refused him.
She worked harder than anyone else in her clan to earn her vallaslin and intentionally chose the most complex form of Mythal’s markings. She had something to prove. I reimagined the Lavellan clan a little bit, so there’s quite a bit of canon divergence here. Most Dalish clans limit their mages to only two or three at the most to keep themselves safe. Clan Lavellan has always had truly unusual amount of mages born to them, and rather than sending them away, they have made a point of protecting and nurturing them, even accepting mages from other clans who had been tossed to the wilds. Ellana’s mothers and her sister were some of the most potent mages in the clan, second only to the Keeper. Most everyone in Clan Lavellan could do some form of magic, even if it was just a small enough spark of flame to start the campfires. Ellana, however, didn’t have a single drop of magic in her. The closest she got was an uncanny ability to befriend just about any animal she came across, but there was no magic there, just a sweet, gentle disposition and a lonely young woman.
Beyond that, much of the Clan blamed her for the capture of her mothers by Tevinter slavers, and incident which ultimately led to their deaths as they tried to protect their daughters. Ellana’s vallaslin was intended to prove to her clan that she belonged, that she was willing to sacrifice anything to protect them, endure the worst pain and dedicate her life to serving the greatest of their pantheon.
As OP pointed out, Lavellan is stuck in this incredibly fraught position where the vast majority of people see her as symbolic of the Chantry, including her own people. Chantry folk see her as their savior, a messenger and protector sent by Andraste and the Maker. The Dalish see her as a traitor to her culture and religion until she’s able to convince them otherwise. Even an Inquisitor who declares for the elves in their speech at Skyhold goes ignored. No matter what they do, Lavellan will always be viewed as a tool of the Chantry.
After the destruction of Haven and the singing of The Dawn Will Come, Ellana is terrified. She’s heard all the tales of Andraste’s martyrdom, but through the lens of the Dalish. Andraste as a woman who had the audacity to wield power, who was made to believe she was a chosen of the Maker, betrayed by her husband and murdered by fanatics in the name of a god who didn’t care enough to save her. A warning to young elves not to trust the Chantry. They would use you for their purpose, and let you die.
Ellana begged Solas in tears not to let them make a martyr of her. In spite of this, she agrees to lead the Inquisition. She knows it’s the right thing, she believes she can make a difference not just for the world, but for her people, for elves all over Thedas, Dalish or not. And that is more important to her than her own fears of martyrdom. Her identity as a Dalish elf is paramount, even more important when the world looks at her almost as Andraste reborn.
So when Solas suggests that her vallaslin are the marks of salvers and offered to remove them, Ellana was furious. How could he not understand? How could he reduce her sacrifice and suffering for her people to the very thing responsible for the deaths of her mothers? How could he suggest that she remove the one thing that marked her visibly, inarguably as DALISH? That she should find freedom in assimilation? He promised he wouldn’t let them make a martyr out of her, and to Ellana, here he was suggesting the very first step.
Even worse; when she refused him, he broke up with her.
If she’d accepted, would he have stayed?
Did she even want a man who would do such a thing to her? (Insert Florence + the Machine’s What Kind of Man here)
There’s no way Solas could understand the depth of what he was suggesting to a modern Dalish elf. To remove their identity, something they fought for, something that represented their entrance into adulthood, their duty to their people? All his careful observation could never prepare him for the reality of living among a people whose history and culture has been irrevocably lost, clinging to the shreds left over with bloody, desperate hands.
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1000sunnygo · 1 year
Law really thinks the love Doflamingo shows for his Family is 100% superficial doesn't he.
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"You vile human, you only gather people you can use as tools and you had no love for your brother"
"Fine, i have no love for my brother - If that helps you sleep at night."
It's just not true.
There are countless evidences against the assumption that Doflamingo sees his family as mere tools. Doflamingo cares them, pampers them - he feeds Diamante's ego, protects Baby 5 from local creeps. He saved abandoned children and raised them (most of whom were scared away by Corazon). He'd kill anyone for laughing at his family's vulnerable sides - their muteness and "funny voice". he took Rosinante back in the crew without a question even though Rosinante was suspiciously absent throughout his entire childhood. He studied Flevance's history immediately upon Law's arrival and was the first person to berate the superstitious ill treatment Law received for his disease, forgave every major failure of Baby 5/Buffalo/Trebol/Sugar/Jiolla during the alliance's raid. These all can't be fake. Doflamingo may sacrifice his Family member as last resort but he does not want that.
Doflamingo is a narcissist sociopath, but there are people who he wants to treat right, as best as he can - an influence that erases empathic outlook towards the world but offer protection and a safe home. If you're a useless coward with weak resolution like Bellamy, you're a nobody. But if you're capable in Doflamingo's eyes, he's got your back.
Law himself subconsciously took advantage of Doflamingo's care for his Family when he halted Doffy by blackmailing Jiolla.
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Whether it's due to Doflamingo's experience throughout the "peasant life" or a hint of goodness passed genetically from his parents, Doflamingo's love exists and has a quality compared to as seen in other nobles/world nobles ie. Saint Rosward or Outlook lll.
But it's selective, and Doflamingo can't stand betrayal.
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Law despises Doflamingo for doing something he didn't want to.
Whether Doflamingo is by birth a narcissist sociopath or no, he was wronged by his environment and family.
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Doflamingo's "family" is a small circle of people, yet he was betrayed within this circle repeatedly. Homing did it first. Then Rosinante. When Doflamingo killed his brother, he had to come in terms with the reality that his blood family are his enemies.
And finally, Law did.
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Law overheard Doflamingo's statement that rightfully made him lose his respect and trust. But, once again, it's not what Doflamingo wanted to happen.
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Doflamingo's value of "nakama" isn't the same as Luffy or Law's, it doesn't transcend personal goals. He fully endorses his role of a captain, a King, protected by an army who'd lay their lives for him. It's not selfless but doesn't make him as big of a scumbag towards every single human as Law (and Rosinante) assumed he is. If Corazon didn't betray him first, he would've been alive.
Now, what would it be like, if Law and Doflamingo's paths ever cross again?
While Doflamingo remains irredeemable for the crimes he committed in general, imo, his redemption for killing Corazon (in particular) had been resolved once Dressrosa (the people who Corazon wanted to save from Doflamingo) were freed. The final arc is building up antagonists that can't be taken down by a single group of pirates. There will be full-fledged war. If Law and Doflamingo do encounter each other, they'd be on the same side against the same enemy.
Doflamingo's connection with the ones "up higher" is vague at best. There are missing details as to what happened when Doflamingo returned to mariejeoise with Homing's head, how he discovered Imu and/or the national treasure. It's likely that Doflamingo learned the details of Ope ope fruit specifically because he knew Imu's history.
Donquixotes have been repeatedly pitted against Celestial dragons' belief and traditions. Mosjgard being a Donquixote is an interesting detail, probably added as an afterthought for some reason.
Oda wouldn't have made Law a "D" if he isn't meant to play a pivotal role against the Celestial dragons, especially now that it's vaguely confirmed it's his fruit that made Imu immortal. We don't know why Law's family kept the D hidden and what the hidden name "Water" stands for.
Law right now is dragged into another potential revenge subplot but we know blackbeard isn't his to beat. Oda might've separated Law from his crews to directly incorporate him in the Imu plotline instead of the race for One piece.
I think Law's future role doesn't involve combat, at least, it won't be the main focus. Law losing his sword reinforces this assumption.
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All these considered, a temporary collaboration of Law and Doflamingo for Imu's downfall isn't entirely off the table - Doflamingo knowing what can be done and Law possessing the "what" that can be done.
Looking forward to their return, hopefully soon.
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andreal831 · 10 days
Please tell me you don't blame Elijah for Hayley's death because all too many already do.
I am like jeez he didn't have his memory in the first place to save his family or specifically Hope!!!
That man did everything he could for her and he loved her moreover he fell for her even without his memory, like what more do y'all want now from him???
PS: I also think he died at the end not just cause of Klaus's death but also cause his grief was too much for him to bear, why else would he leave his family, hope alone?
What you think?
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I'll never blame Elijah for Hayley's death and will fight anyone who does. It typically comes from Klayley stans, so I made a tik tok to explain that logic: here.
My biggest gripe with it is the writers clearly did it to prop Klaus up as being the best man for everyone and adding onto Elijah's despair to kill him off. Klaus got to somehow play the victim in Hayley's death. The show made it more about him than even Hope or Hayley.
But yes, Elijah erased his memories to protect his family. People love to call him a hypocrite because he tried to have morals but would always cross them for family. Elijah erasing his memories was him trying to do the right thing because he realized this about himself. Talk about character development. He knew that, even if it would jeopardize some of his family, if Klaus needed him, he wouldn't be able to help himself. So he erased himself. He essentially killed himself. And the fandom somehow makes Klaus the victim in even that. If the show was going to do all that, might as well have just given all of the Hollow to Elijah and staked him (plug for my story, Last Sacrifice, on AO3 and WP).
So after Elijah essentially commits suicide for his family, he finally gets to live. But not really him. Some guy who doesn't know anything gets to live. How Marcel, Vincent, and Elijah thought that would be a good idea is beyond me. So he is released into the wild with no protection and Antoinette essentially takes advantage of it. I could never get into them as a ship after finding out she knew who he was the whole time. He is with her for seven years (his longest relationship) and even engaged to her. Enter Greta who convinces him that his family is in danger. Yes, Antoinette was his family so Greta and Roman were his family by extension. And we know how protective Elijah is about family.
And yes, he does know he's technically a Mikaelson and they are technically his family. But he also knows they are terrible people and has no emotions to go with that knowledge except the normal disgust one feels when looking at random mass murderers. They mean nothing to him. He walks into that house believing Klaus is there to kill his almost brother-in-law. He then sees "Andrea" and likely realizes it is Hayley. But again, no emotions are attached to the name Hayley. He may have been attracted and felt a connection to Andrea, but he is actively realizing their evening together was a lie. That she hid her identity from him and he isn't sure why, but knowing what he knows about the Mikaelsons, he doesn't trust it. Granted he is processing all of this in seconds. He looks around, sees Hayley and Greta in a fight, sees Roman and Hope unconscious on the floor, and see Klaus moving forward, unsure where he is headed. He doesn't help Greta, he doesn't involve himself in the Mikaelsons, he simply stops Klaus and moves to rescue Roman.
Yes, it sucks that seeing Hayley didn't just break the compulsion, but that's not how this world works. He didn't even know he wanted to fight the compulsion so he didn't. What he did fight was the compulsion to make him remember. As soon as the emotion started to come back and he realized Hayley was dead, he fought the compulsion to stop it for days. He'd rather never remember a moment of his life than live with the fact that Hayley was dead.
The argument really falls apart when, as you said, you point out the true Elijah. Anytime the writers wanted to cause issues for haylijah, they had to push Elijah into OOC. When she went behind the red door and he was the monster he was afraid to become and then when he literally erased who he was. Elijah with memories would have found Hayley even faster than Klaus cause he wouldn't have wasted any time. He would have gotten there before they even had time to bind her wolf side. Hell, he would have realized she was missing right away and found her before Greta kidnapped her. The only way they could have Elijah not save Hayley was to completely erase him.
I've talked about Elijah's decision to die by Klaus' side: here and here. To me, Elijah was always a bit suicidal so it didn't take much to push him there. Losing Hayley was the last straw because not only did he lose her, but he lost Hope. Klaus or Freya blamed him for Hayley's death and Hope hated him for it. Rebekah was ready to run off with Marcel, Kol with Davina, Freya and Keelin were moving on. Elijah was utterly alone. I think it had less to do with Klaus than to do with Elijah just having nothing to live for. I hate how people make even Elijah's death center around Klaus.
Klaus could have lived for Hope but chose not to. Elijah was going to die either way because he didn't want to live anymore. A lot of that was due to losing Hayley. Maybe if he had a better bond with Hope or anyone in his family had put effort into being there for him, it could have been different.
Thank you for the ask! I'm kind of sad that you would even think that of me! (Jk! I realized I've never spoken about it on here <3)
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navstuffs · 11 months
The Tragedy of Leon S. Kennedy
Pairing: Leon S. Kennedy x GN!Reader
Summary: When your partner Leon. S Kennedy disappears after investigating an old laboratory facility, you take matters into your own hands.
Warning tags: ANGST HORROR, 16+, hurt/some comfort, infected!leon
Author's Notes: it seems every time i write an angst fanfic, i challenge myself on how can i make it worse next time(emptiness, creep). this fic is based on this fanart by @hurrakka, thank you so much for letting me write about it! also thanks for the support @90sbee and my husband, who gave their insightful opinions <333. enjoy!!
my halloween's masterlist
The world is unfair. Cruel. Brutal, cold, and heartless. To some more than the others. 
Take a look at Leon S Kennedy's life, for example. For someone who always fought for others and kept the weak protected even in his lowest moments, moments that he didn't believe he could do, where he couldn't believe in himself, his life seems unfair. 
A man who had never had a chance to do HOW he desired. Especially on saving lives. He wanted to help people, but not like that. Leon S. Kennedy could have been a teacher, a firefighter, or a cook. They help people in their own way. But no life is unfair. Stuck into a job he was forced to. How much helping and constantly fighting a battle couldn't destroy a man? How much is given? How much is enough?
Until Leon Kennedy disappeared. The last contact was in an old laboratory facility, deactivated long ago.
One would think the disbelief over their best U.S. agent not returning would have made the efforts to locate him fast, but no. None of his direct superiors seemed to give a damn about it. Who would have thought Leon Kennedy would vanish like that? Because the word infected never came into anyone's mind.
Maybe he had run away. He seems to deserve it, right? Leon had found happiness with that mysterious black-haired agent he kept encountering and decided to run away with her. Living on a remote island where misery and unfairness couldn't touch him. Where the government couldn't use him anymore.
That's what the ones closest to him wanted to believe. It is way easier to imagine Leon with his swimsuit sunglasses, drinking a piña colada, sunbathing, and relaxing.
If life had any decency in being fair, that's what should have happened.
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They strongly advised you not to go there. Your superiors thought this whole mission would be a waste of time. Agent Kennedy considered M.I.A. now was, yes, one of the greatest, if not the best, agent they had ever had. Still, your superiors couldn't waste any more resources on finding Agent Kennedy as if they ever tried. As if they cared about him in the first place.
It had to be your close relationship and accomplishments with Leon Kennedy as your partner that allowed you to take five people whom you could trust. And some big name helped your case up in the hierarchy.
Your official mission was to search for what they did in that laboratory and find a cure. It's always about a cure. Your unofficial one? Find what the heck happened to Agent Kennedy. 
When you arrive at the old laboratory facility, you understand the place is a maze. With numerous floors underground, you went in the front as the most experienced and the leader of that mission.
"Are you really willing to sacrifice the life of five agents for one?" 
As you and your team start going down more levels, it is clear how easy it is to get lost in that place. You don't even know why and how they sent Leon alone here for the first time, especially with the amount of infected appearing from different rooms attracted by the lights and sounds. Your team takes it one by one quick, but it's clear as day no one was supposed to come to this place in the first place.
As you start going down more levels, the amount of Infected rises. You try to think like Leon would like he taught you: search for any way to get into their plans, the most secure way to get there without putting your team at risk. 
You finally get to an open and dark area where the number of infected practically lessens. Zeroes. 
There is no sound ahead of you, and the air becomes stagnated. Something is down there: waiting and observing your group. You warn your team to pay attention when you hear shots from behind you, followed by a horrified scream and someone getting ripped apart. Then, just darkness and the same silence as before.
That can't be a normal infected. You have read about this: some infected are different and showcase special abilities, making them harder, almost impossible, to kill. You dash to the back, where your team member disappeared, pointing the flashlight to the walls. You see a black mass moving away inside the darkness, too fast for you to reach. 
Before you can assess the situation, the team member in front gets suddenly dragged away without even screaming. You go into high alert mode, warning your team to focus on any signs of this Infected, clearly faster than the normal ones. 
Maybe the answer to what happened to Leon.
One by one, the rest of your team members get taken down. You don't know what or where to shoot. This Infected had to be at least uncommon or Special. With no other option, you and the last team member run away. You tell him to run first, protecting his back, squinting your eyes so you could see. 
When you are almost on the 3rd floor, the special infected pounces above your head, immediately killing your team member with its giant claw. It has the body format of a human, making sure the claw is pierced all the way down inside the body. It makes no sound, his back toward you, a low growl echoing in the darkness. 
You gulp, slowly raising your flashlight as the monster turns in your direction, looking directly at you.
It is Leon.
Except it isn't Leon anymore. Whatever was left of him was gone, infected by this virus. 
Instead of an arm, a huge black claw comes from his sleeve, long enough to almost drag across the floor, and another grows from his other sleeve. You bite your lip, holding back a sob or a scream, watching his pale skin. How long has he been here? Leon retracts his lips, growling low, his blue eyes more yellow now. 
In a perilous situation, some people flee or fight. Some beg. You decide to do the most illogical thing.
You want to say there is a sign of recognition as if Leon S. Kennedy is still there, though deep down, you know it is impossible. Your partner. Your friend. The man you admire. He shouldn't have ended like this. The tears come out of your eyes, but Leon doesn't stop, moving toward you.
Nothing. You dragged your team down here, and Leon killed them all. How selfish. You deserve to die for what you did. And if Leon ever came to his senses, this would have destroyed him.
An unfair mission to save a man who never deserved to die. 
Life is so fucking stupid.
You start shooting through Leon's head, momentarily stopping him. Your only chance is to escape him because you don't think you can kill him. 
You dash, passing Leon, but you know you can't outrun him for long. Maybe you deserve him piercing your body with his claws.
For some reason, Leon stayed stuck in this facility. Maybe Leon is trying to keep himself down there, not to hurt anyone because he is still deep in that creature, a small part of him, and you brought people to be killed in a vain attempt to save him.
You have to find some sanity in this madness. A reason to continue fighting. 
You communicated through the comms a single word: "Extermination."
It is what Leon would have wanted, it is what you deserve. You just have to keep them in there until it happens. 
Those are the longest fifteen minutes of your life. Maybe your superiors knew something beforehand because, by the time the bomb was prepared, it took them less than thirteen minutes. Which made you wonder if they weren't trying to get off you in the first place. 
Less than two minutes now, and your job is entertaining the infected. You disturbed the wasp's nest, you deal with it. Leon is right behind you, taking down infecteds as nothing so he can get to you. You count the seconds for him to pounce and impale you, but he doesn't.
Dying right now would be your biggest reward.
Someone hurries you to get out of there. Do you really deserve it, though? Leon is dead. Your team members died horribly and painfully because of you.
"Do you know what you will do after all of this?" 
It was the end of your first mission with your new partner. You two sit by a cliff, your legs dangling, Leon lying in the grass at your side. Dirty but alive. Maybe a sprain in your ankle, and Leon has his arm in an improvised sling from your shirt, but you live to see another beautiful orange sunset.
"There is an "after" all of this?" Leon jokes, making you giggle. "Get dinner?"
"Yeah? But after all of this? Retiring and moving to a paradise, maybe?"
Leon thinks for a moment, his eyes going to the sky. The helicopter to take you to safety sounds closer when Leon finally answers, the emotions emphasizing every word of his sentence.
"I am going to live."
You make a decision. Less than a minute now for the bomb to blow up.
You are going to live. 
For yourself, for Leon.
With a sudden shot of adrenaline passing through your veins, you run to the exit, not looking back. The thousands of growls and Leon follow you, but you ignore that. Bullets will be useless by the amount you have dragged. Someone on the comms asks your location, and you urge them to throw the bomb no matter what, bringing the zombies closer to the surface. Before you exit, closing the last door behind you, you quickly glance over your shoulder.
It is like those movie scenes when you cross your eyes with someone and have a conversation with them, just with your eyes. Yours cross with Leon's yellow ones, and in that milli second, before you close the door behind you, you ask for forgiveness. You apologize for bringing your team members into your mess. You tell him you shouldn't live, but you will. You tell him how much you love him. You apologize that the world never treated him with kindness.
The door closes behind you, and you continue running, hearing the jets getting closer. 9, 8, 7…
The roar in the door sounds like a scream. As if Leon is telling you to escape, to forget about him and not look back.
At precisely one second, when the door finally can't take it anymore, and you are meters away, three bombs get thrown, exploding the facility and everything inside. With the blast, you hit your head when you get pushed by the explosion.
You turn around, still lying down, stomach up, to look at the sky, breathing deeply. It is still blue, but you can't see stars with the smoke left by the bombs; you are like that empty sky right now, no stars, no moon, nothing. 
"I am going to live." You whisper to the night without stars. As a secret or a broken promise, only time will tell. 
taglist: @daydreamrot, @scar-crossedlvrs, @roseglazedlens, @sarahs-secrets2
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arizonaraine · 9 months
Sorting Hat Chats: Heroes of Olympus
I did not write this, this is an original from @sortinghatchats. I found it on the wayback machine like two years ago and have had it saved in my notes. So this is my contribution to y'all's recovery efforts! Not sure whether to give credit to Inky or Kaden, let me know :)
OK, so I sometimes give speeches on long road trips about the Slytherinness of Percy Jackson. THAT KID. His fatal flaw is canonically that, forced to choose between the world and his friends, he would choose his friends. Slytherin Primary, all the way. Kid’s almost running around waving a banner with his hair dyed silver and green. 
He’s also a Slytherin Secondary. Yeah, I know, the kid’s loud and coarse and a bit of a bro (he is. I love him, but he is). But Percy thinks rapidly on his feet, adapts to dangers by snapping up whatever weapon (physical, godly, mental, emotional) is nearest at hand, and is shamelessly, easily comfortable with using others for his own gain. 
When the chips are down, the only thing he cares about are his inner circle: Annabeth, his mom, and sometimes Grover and Tyson. He’s content to use and sometimes destroy useful bystanders like Nico and “Bob,” to keep his people safe. He may like Nico and Bob, even empathize if someone like Annabeth isn’t in immediate danger, but at the end of the day he would (and does) trade their happinesses and safety for their utility. 
But Percy doesn’t look like a traditional Slytherin/Slytherin. The boy is not smooth. The kid is not slipping around corners and cleverly avoid ruffling feathers while he steals his victories out from other peoples’ pockets. Percy lives almost always in his neutral state— this is something we talk about more deeply in our Slytherin Secondary post. But the neutral state is when a Slytherin isn’t using the code-switching and ease that is inherent to this secondary. Most Slytherin Secondaries only do this at home, when they are safe, relaxed, and in the company of only their most trusted people. It is literally dropping your guard. And Percy leaves his emotional guard hanging pretty much all the time; he’s bluntly and rather uncouthly on his sleeve. But the moment physical danger sets in, he goes full torpedoes ahead with a guile that is rough-edged but certainly present. 
I’ll sort the rest of the Seven, Nico, and Reyna under the cut, hopefully with a little less verbiage. Slight spoilers forBlood of Olympus, but I did try to be a vague as possible. 
Annabeth, my brash, bright, idealist darling, whose greatest desire is to rebuild a broken world anew, and whose fatal flaw is hubris and pride, is a Ravenclaw Primary. She is right, certain, and willing to sacrifice herself for the things she values. Clever, studious, prepared, she’s also a Ravenclaw Secondary. 
Piper literally has the Slytherin Secondary as a superpower. Now, her charmspeak wouldn’t actually have any effect on her actual Secondary (your skills don’t matter as much as the methods you want, or respect in tactics). But Piper uses her charmspeak like her lungs by the end of the series, and even in flashbacks we find her conning people into giving her cars.
She House shares with Percy, actually: Slytherin/Slytherin, though she has a Hufflepuff Performance where Percy just… doesn’t… bother. Piper’s Slytherin Primary is most apparent in her dedication to her friends, and her decision over the course of The Lost Hero to sacrifice even them to save her father (a decision I’m not sure she’d make by the end of the series, when she’d bonded further to them). 
Jason is a Hufflepuff Primary raised in a world of Gryffindors—so, yeah, the kid looks really Gryffindor. But he learns to shuffle off the righteousness and rigidity of Roman life, and to embrace his own quieter service, empathy, and thoughtfulness for not only his crew, friends, and two camps, but also each of the forgotten gods. He’s at his most comfortable with a community to call his own that doesn’t demand his Heroism, and cause to dedicate his life to that involves serving and supporting people, not fighting for or leading them. 
His Secondary is Gryffindor—he earnestly and honestly charges his problems (his straight forward attempts to reassure Nico during the Cupid thing; the honesty and integrity Piper appreciates in him). Because his internal drive and motivations aren’t Gryffindor, he doesn’t look that obvious— his goals are often things like keeping the peace aboard ship, making sure everyone else has the things they need, and getting knocked out during fights. 
Leo reads a bit like a Slytherin, but i think he’s just a burned Puff Primary. Clearly a loyalist House, he’s guarded and sarcastic, bitter and a bit jaded, and doesn’t throw himself out with sacrifice and service the way Puffs like Jason might. He builds little communities, and big dragons. But while he likes Piper and Jason, or Hazel, his bonds aren’t anywhere near the intensity of true Slytherin Primaries like Piper or Percy. This suggests what he actually is is a burned Puff, a Hufflepuff Primary who’s been hurt enough that they keep their warmth close. When Leo does make decisions around people, it tends to be need-based rather than value-based— he’ll give up some of the people he loves because someone else who he loves, someone lonely and left *cough*, needs him more. 
Ravenclaw Secondary for the kid, of course. Leo Valdez, my tiny engineer friend, you tinker on. 
Hazel’s got a lot of layered-on traumas, losses, guilts, and misplacements that make her a little hard to sort*— her curse, her first death and her almost bringing Gaea’s apocalypse about early, her rebirth in a century not her own. But as she becomes more comfortable and confident throughout the second series, she begins to fall into a validating system of action, justice, and bravery. Her morality seems to be felt, and she is most at home with her weapon in hand, on Arion’s back, charging a clear foe with a clear conscience—she read, to me, like a Gryffindor who has stubbornly pulled herself out of a “stripped” state, with the help of some big hearts like Frank and Jason. 
(*Note: traumas do not make you less of your own House, or even less obvious of a House, exactly. What I mean here is that it’s harder to Sort someone burned as much as Hazel has been from the outside. Hazel’s got so much jammed inside of her, and even her POV is secretive enough in the first book, that she’s not obvious until she relaxes and confides in the reader a little more). 
Frank, dear Frank, with his willingness to burn himself out (literally) on Alaska’s icy plain, is a warm and solid Gryffindor Primary. That wasn’t about who needed him or who he loved; it was about right and wrong, and he was going to do right or die trying. A kind and worried rule follower, he seems to have Hufflepuff Secondary he feels like he should suppress. The Roman Legion is very much a Gryffindor-present-or-go-home kind of space— both Frank and Jason put on Gryffindor Models to fit in and feel at home. But where Jason is secretly a warm ball of Hufflepuff Primary, Frank actually is a Gryffindor Primary. The problem is, he doesn’t think his Gryffindor, his honestly strong and staunch sense of right and noble sacrifice, is good enough. So he models a more “brave” Gryffindor on top. Frank’s ascension to praetor, as Jason gives it up, was a beautiful step in both their journeys. 
Reyna’s Hufflepuff Secondary manifests itself in her dedication to doing things right, her (if stiff) kindness, her strength-sharing powers, and the care and emotion that earn her Pegasus’s honor. It’s her Gryffindor Primary, however, that earns her Athena’s respect—her refusal to stand down and her dedication. 
Nico di Angelo is a stunning Hufflepuff Primary. He loses his time, his world, his sister, any sense of safety at the camps of in his “friends,” any sense of home but perhaps a squat beside the River Styx— and when the world needs him, Nico doesn’t even think twice before running himself ragged trying to shut the doors of Death and defy Gaea. He’s not even part of the prophecy. He’s not liked, respected, or even wanted by almost anyone. But he shows up. He does what he can. He disappears without any expectation of respect, gratitude, or care. Thank goodness for people like Hazel, Frank, Jason, and Will. 
Nico’s not even quite a burned Puff. He doesn’t build himself a community (except for arguably Hazel), but he still takes it on himself to save and serve the world. 
It’s his secondary, more than his primary I think, that takes the brunt of his losses. He might have been a very young Ravenclaw secondary (cards! stats!) in his first appearance, and no matter how “dark” demigod he might be, the boy’s no Slytherin Secondary, but what his secondary actually is is rather unclear. He’s been beaten, stripped, and disillusioned. No tools feel comfortable in his hands. He’ll do whatever he has to do get the job done, and he doesn’t like any of it. The blossoming way he responds to Reyna and Hedge’s companionship, mutual respect, and affection however suggests he might be growing into a Hufflepuff Secondary once he finds a place or hearts safe enough to lay down roots. 
(I hope so. Kid needs a break). 
Percy and Piper are both Slytherin/Slytherins– deeply, sometimes destructively loyal, and masters of thinking quick and sideways on their feet. 
Annabeth is the sole Ravenclaw Primary. She shares a Ravenclaw Secondary with Leo, who’s a burned Puff. 
Frank, Reyna and Hazel are all Gryffindor Primaries, with Jason the odd Hufflepuff out. Frank and Reyna have Puff secondaries they try to cover up with Gryffindor models (hello Rome), while Hazel and Jason both have Gryffindor’s charging Secondary. They’re both most at ease facing their problems head on and with honest integrity. 
Nico is a Hufflepuff, burned in terms of letting himself have nice things, but not burned in terms of feeling like he needs to save the world, even if it keeps spitting on him. 
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arliedraws · 5 months
Hello, I wanted to know your opinion on...If Dumbledore had known regulus death circumstances....would he have reconsidered his Sirius trust issues? Because I don't understand ....why he would do that to him....Harry is really a weapon to him...and still got attached to....he says so when he explains after Sirius died...can you believe this man....Harry just went through such a harrowing experience...and he says to that boy...sorry for getting attached to you...I can't...it just burns in my memory and crawls back up unexpectedly...to leave me more in melancholy. Sorry for ranting...I just thought you might have good insights into it.
PS: loving all your art btw...keep it coming.
Aw, thank you!!
Hmm. Let me piece together what I think you’re asking about.
1.) If Dumbledore had known about Regulus’s death and attempt to destroy a Horcrux, would it have changed how he saw Sirius? Would he have trusted Sirius?
The first thing to consider is that Dumbledore, like anyone who would have known both brothers, would have seen the Black brothers as two completely different people. Dumbledore’s thoughts about Regulus would not have influenced his opinions of Sirius. By the time Sirius had left Hogwarts, there is little evidence to suggest Sirius and Regulus ever saw each other again—they were done with each other. The second, I don’t think Dumbledore distrusted Sirius so much as he saw him as a liability. Sirius did everything Dumbledore asked of him and never gave Dumbledore a reason not to trust his loyalty.
2.) Here is my full disclosure: I really like Dumbledore as a character. I love that he is the other side of the good/evil coin—like Voldemort, he demands loyalty, he cannot fathom that someone would betray him, and he preys on the most vulnerable people to do what he believes is right. When I was in grad school and learning about teaching climate change literacy, I read an article that suggested that a movement of activism is most likely to succeed when the leader of the movement has great ambition and also an emotional detachment from those people that they lead. You must inspire loyalty but have the strength to carry on when your fighters are wounded or die. This is a callous, terrible way to live—but does this not sound like Dumbledore?
Dumbledore is cruel in his ability to overlook deaths caused by the Movement. For Dumbledore, when an Order member dies, he rarely needs to do more than mourn and say, “At least they died doing something noble.” Besides, Dumbledore does not fear death—this is what he sees is his advantage over Voldemort who, as we know, fears death above all things.
Suffering, however, upsets him. Why doesn’t he ever check in on Harry? Because he would have to admit that Harry was suffering. Why not tell Harry the truth? Because he cannot bear to see Harry bear that weight, and he would rather shelter Harry from the truth to spare him this suffering (and haha doesn’t he wait until he’s dead to ‘tell’ Harry that Harry must sacrifice himself?) . Dumbledore avoids seeing pain when he can because he is empathetic but cannot afford to be (at least, so he believes). Dumbledore loves Harry very much. He fights between being the leader he believes the world needs and his natural inclination to care about people.
I love when people have such personal, visceral feelings about liking and disliking characters, but your local literature teacher here really hates to designate a character as a “bad person” vs. “good person.” Dumbledore is neither. In the series, he demonstrates great kindness and great cruelty. That is the ENTIRE point of Deathly Hallows. Any single person is capable of being terrible.
We often consider Dumbledore’s cruelty because of how he treats our favorite characters, but also consider the things he did because he felt a sense of empathy—he saved Sirius even though it would have suited his cause to let the Dementors Kiss him; he even saves Buckbeak too (does he make children do it? hahaha yeah, so still a complicated thing). When we look at this action, neither Sirius nor Buckbeak’s survival serve Dumbledore—they are both, essentially, useless to him. Yet he cares for the people around them and hates to see the people who love them suffer.
Is this a Dumbledore defense post? Abso-fucking-not. He doesn’t need defending. The thing that makes him interesting is that he GENUINELY cares about people but forces himself not to. Isn’t that fucking delicious? It’s so twisted and awful and fascinating. Dumbledore fears love as much as he lauds it—love can make you lose your way; love can distract you. He loved Grindelwald. It was love that drove Harry and Sirius apart. Love is what killed James and Lily Potter. Love killed his sister. He recognizes the power of love because it is LOVE that has always been his downfall. Yikes!
Anyway, this got much longer than I anticipated. Thank you for the ask—it made me really think about why I appreciate Dumbledore as a character!
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