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pier-carlo-universe · 3 months ago
"Il Tesoro della Baronessa" di Bruno Volpi premiato al Concorso Caravaggio 2024. Il romanzo noir sul mondo dei senzatetto conquista un Diploma d'Onore come finalista del prestigioso concorso letterario
Lo scrittore Bruno Volpi ha ricevuto un importante riconoscimento per il suo romanzo "Il Tesoro della Baronessa", un’opera che ha saputo affascinare e commuovere per la sua profondità narrativa e per la tematica sociale affrontata.
Lo scrittore Bruno Volpi ha ricevuto un importante riconoscimento per il suo romanzo “Il Tesoro della Baronessa”, un’opera che ha saputo affascinare e commuovere per la sua profondità narrativa e per la tematica sociale affrontata. Il Concorso Letterario Nazionale Argentarino 2024 & Premio Caravaggio ha selezionato il libro tra i finalisti, conferendogli il prestigioso Diploma d’Onore nella…
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bakafurai · 5 months ago
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WOAH AU JUMPSCARE!!! hi yes this is my very self indulgent hamtoshi au I have lovingly called reversed fates!
Basically it's a ng+ au where Hidetoshi somehow travels back in time a year after wishing he could have done something to save Kotone and takes on the wildcard role in her stead. He's the only who remembers everything, but he quickly learns how little that actually helps him when it comes to the dark hour...
More details under the cut! (Huge shoutout to some of the peeps over in the Hidetoshi Server btw for their big brained ideas... ya'll are my life saviours i swear fjghf)
More details on the main gang's personas (+Hidetoshi's starting social stats)
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(Note: as of writing this I have not finished P3P so I don't have a list of the Personas from Kotone's compendium yet.)
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As for the velvet room, Hidetoshi gets his own Velvet Room attendant by the name of William, who I have shared a reference here, his velvet room basically looks like those film noir detective office.
Because of the nature of his arrival to the velvet room, and the fact that Kotone already filled her compendium, Hidetoshi is not allowed to fuse personas- he is however free to summon and use Personas from the compendium (William is... too nice and socially anxious to charge him money for it).
Some other info about the AU! >Kenji swaps roles with Junpei, while Rio swaps roles with Chidori. >In his au, Kenji knows Rio but hasn't seen her in 10 years so is unware she is also a persona user working with Strega. >Chidori is a regular student at gekkokan, a third year student who manages the art club. >Kotone remembers nothing, however the death incarnate within her does! The bad news is that Pharos' memories are scattered and he can only remember enough to know that he can't let her sign the contract... The good news is that Hidetoshi can see & hear him for some reason and doesn't hesitate to sign it if it means saving Kotone. >Did I mention this is a hamtoshi au? yeah this guy didn't get to confess his feelings last time around and he ain't about to mess that up twice...He just has to get to know her as a friend all over again. (oooh he internally yearns for her sooo bad you have no idea, he loves her so much) >Aigis is no longer here, instead taking her role is Makoto! He definitely wasn't there last time though... >Hidetoshi and Kenji are in 2-E, while Kotone and later Makoto are in 2-F.
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marsgrapphics · 1 month ago
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Venha participar do II MARSINTERRUPTION, challenge da Mars Graphics! O MARSInterruption vem para auxiliar e incentivar nossos capistas (e os de fora) a participarem e criarem diversos tipos de capas, além de explorar sua criatividade e aperfeiçoar suas técnicas! Além disso, dessa vez, trouxemos a categoria de Texto para o desafio! Para que você, escritor, também possa participar! Leia as regras a seguir e participe conosco!
Se quiser participar, basta postar as capas com a legenda contendo a etapa e o desafio escolhido, além do porquê de ter escolhido fazer o que fez (caso queira, claro)!
Como escritor, escreva sua ONE-SHOT e publique em uma plataforma e nos marque nas redes sociais! Nos conte sobre a história, e disponibilize a sinopse!
Pedimos que use a hashtag #MARSINTERRUPTIONII nos posts (Tumblr, Twitter ou Instagram) e que nos marquem! Aos que publicarão fanfics, podem marcar nossa conta na história, ou enviá-las em nossos murais!
A plataforma de publicação/formato será à sua escolha.
Todas as histórias publicadas em nome do challenge serão divulgadas no blog, portanto, não esqueçam de nos marcar nas redes sociais e enviar o link da história junto!
Sugestão da administração: uma collab escritor-designer, encontre um capista que participe do desafio para criar suas histórias baseadas na capa, ou vice-versa!
Caso queira doar sua capa para uma história do desafio, ou caso queira adotar uma história do desafio para fazer uma capa, criamos essa planilha, onde disponibilizaremos o contato do autor (rede social onde visualizamos o desafio), sinopse da história e gênero disponibilizado na própria plataforma. A comunicação será entre o capista e o escritor, o projeto somente se responsabilizará pela divulgação!
Informe no post que gostaria de colocar a capa para adoção de história e a história para adoção de capa, para podermos adicionar a capa/história à planilha, caso contrário, não iremos adicionar.
A planilha ficará ativa somente até o dia 31 de janeiro!
OBS: Esse desafio não possui um prazo de início ou fim, com exceção da planilha, então coloque ele em prática quando quiser!
DESIGN: Crie uma capa para uma fanfic de mistério com tons sombrios e iluminação dramática. Restrições: cores preto, branco e cinza; fontes serifadas.
TEXTO: Escreva um conto ambientado em uma cidade distópica envolvendo um detetive, um segredo sombrio e um artefato perdido. Restrição: Toda a história deve ser narrada em primeira pessoa, com foco nos monólogos internos do protagonista.
DESIGN: Desenvolva uma capa para uma fanfic de fantasia com elementos mitológicos greco-romano. Restrições: usar ao menos 3 cores vibrantes; incluir um personagem principal.
TEXTO:��Crie uma história sobre um mortal que descobre ser um herdeiro esquecido de um deus menor e precisa provar sua linhagem em um único dia. Restrição: Inclua pelo menos três referências explícitas a mitos conhecidos.
DESIGN: Misture elementos góticos com padrões florais em uma capa de romance sombrio. 
TEXTO: Narre uma história que se passa em um castelo antigo, onde flores estranhas florescem em locais inesperados. Restrição: Use o simbolismo das flores para descrever emoções ou revelar segredos do protagonista.
DESIGN: Crie uma imagem em que os elementos estejam submersos e dentro d'água. Restrição: é obrigatório o cenário se passar debaixo d'água! 
TEXTO: Escreva um conto sobre um mergulhador que encontra uma cidade submersa e acaba descobrindo que o oceano apresenta mais segredos do que o imaginado. Restrição: A história deve conter apenas diálogos curtos e descrições vívidas do ambiente.
DESIGN: Faça uma capa em que o foco é o rosto de um único personagem e a sua temática é clean. Restrição: a capa deve conter SOMENTE o rosto do personagem. 
TEXTO: Narre um dia marcante da vida de um personagem, focando inteiramente em suas percepções sensoriais (sons, cores, toques). Restrição: Evite flashbacks; a história deve se passar em tempo real.
DESIGN: Faça um cenário em que um personagem seja um híbrido de algum animal. Restrição: o persnoagem deve estar em um cenário natural. 
TEXTO: Um híbrido humano-animal busca por uma "matilha" enquanto tenta entender o mundo humano. Restrição: A história deve conter ao menos uma cena de "instinto animal" contra "racionalidade humana".
DESIGN: Faça uma capa inspirada na capa do seu álbum favorito.
TEXTO: Escreva uma história inspirada em uma música do seu álbum favorito. Restrição: trechos da música devem aparecer na história.
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libero-de-mente · 1 year ago
Donne, uomini e libri
Credo che la situazione sentimentale di molte persone sia lo specchio dell'attuale società.
Si cerca tutto e subito, leggerezza e piacere senza impegno. Avere quello che si vuole solo quando necessita.
Le App insegnano. Hai fame *click*, hai voglia di un week end fuori porta *click*, vuoi andare al cinema *click*, vuoi ascoltare una canzone *click* e in fine vuoi degli incontri con partner senza impegno? Anche qui *click* *click*.
Secondo me le persone meriterebbero più importanza. Spesso si giudica con troppa fretta, in maniera approssimativa.
Io reputo le persone come dei libri, non ci si deve fermare alla copertina e neanche della prefazione. Ci sono vari libri come i romanzi per esempio che vanno da quelli sentimentali a quelli d'avventura, da quelli noir a quelli filosofici oppure anche libertini. Credo che nelle persone, come se fossero libri, ci siano più generi che vanno scoperti leggendoli e sfogliandoli.
Le donne.
Sono da leggere, fino all'ultimo capitolo. E se dopo un primo appuntamento ci rimane qualche dubbio, cosa che a noi uomini spesso capita, restando con quell'espressione di chi ha letto Nietzsche o Kant senza averci capito nulla, basta impegnarsi e ricominciare a leggerle.
Perché in quanto libri, le donne, non saranno mai uguali alla prima lettura, ma magicamente appariranno altri capitoli come se inavvertitamente nella fretta fossero stati saltati.
In un momento che stiamo vivendo di scarso impegno intellettuale, dove a molti risulta difficile leggere post oltre le dieci righe sui social, come si può pensare di impegnarsi per leggere una vita, fatta di esperienze ed emozioni, racchiuse in una persona solo con un rapido giudizio?
Faccio un esempio, si ha la possibilità di scegliere un libro. Uno solo, non di più. Se ci si accontenta di impegnarsi poco si sceglierà un libro pieno di illustrazioni. Guardare è meno impegnativo che leggere.
Chi avrà fatto questa scelta si perderà la possibilità, invece, di scegliere un libro pieno di pensieri, parole, racconti e consigli. Quanti inconsciamente non s'immaginano minimamente a cosa hanno rinunciato. Quello che si sono persi.
Gli uomini.
Non sono da giudicare dalla copertina.
Immaginiamo una donna in una libreria, davanti a sé ha dei libri in esposizione. Vede un libro sconosciuto in libreria. Lei è attratta dalla copertina di uno di essi. Non conosce l'autore.
Così sbircia l'occhiello, ma essendo curiosa passa al frontespizio... uhm, non si è ancora decisa. Sfogliando ecco che le appare l'esergo, "caspita che citazione" sussurra mentre il libro è sempre più saldo nelle sue mani.
A seguire sfogliando trova una dedica, che la fa sciogliere un po'... ed ecco che arriva al punto chiave. Come dopo alcuni appuntamenti interlocutori con un uomo, gira la pagina e trova la prefazione. Finalmente scopre il suo contenuto, l'ambientazione, i personaggi e un sunto della trama del libro.
A questo punto ha solo due opzioni: richiudere il libro e riposizionarlo sullo scaffale, oppure ammirarlo un attimo e con un sorriso avviarsi alla cassa con esso.
Donne e uomini.
Solo leggendo i libri, come metafora delle persone, alla fine della lettura si può essere perdutamente innamorati di quel libro. Come invece si può, alla fine della lettura, rimanerne delusi, nonostante quella prefazione che sembrava promettere bene.
Prendere a caso un libro da uno scaffale solo dalla copertina, senza valutarlo né guardarlo più di tanto, trovandosi poi tra le mani un libro che ci faccia innamorare, può accadere solo con un colpo di fortuna.
Bisogna sapersi leggere, senza fretta o pregiudizi. Solo alla fine trarre le conclusioni.
Ognuno di noi è un libro. Buona lettura a tutti.
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familyagrestefanblog · 1 year ago
Clarification I definitely should have done ever since season 4 and the Ladynoir conflict started escalating, but hey, let's just get it out:
There are reasons why I'm harping down so badly on Miraculous' Girlboss feminism and defend Adrien as much as I do.
To get the feminist (in-universe) explaination out of the way first:
I would be lying if I said that I like the direction the show has taken Marinette's character and the story in general. But regarding her specifically I simply have to say that most of my problems with her are how she is written as Ladybug, Guardian, and especially leader & partner. Not in her civilian self. Hence why you won't find that alot on my blog, only when it contributes to the overarching double standards problem from s4 I take issue with.
I simply cant deny it, Ladybug is a kind of leader I just came to not be able to respect alot anymore in how she operates most things bc she doesn't really ever look passed how things look & stand for herself, and what SHE needs & wants. Marinette is a very low empathy person in the sense that she struggles putting herself in other people's positions, or remembers considering that at all.
But that's not the reason why I can't respect her as leader. I have ADD, that would be really hypocritical of me.
What leaves me unable to respect her as leader though (& honestly kinda even wanting Alya to take her position) is the fact that the show doesn't see much wrong with Maribug doing that.
They don't properly depict this as flawed leadership she actually NEEDS to grow out of by making up for her shortcomings by, for example, making other people her official co-leaders. Instead the show since s4 (& kinda s3) will proceed to put it's feminist foot down if Maribug isn't actually in the end 100% correct and "totally girlboss justified" in any given case - with CN & authorities specifically - no matter the context. Ergo she's barely ever truly improving her weakpoints in partnership skills for example & continues doing the same mistakes over n over.
like she genuinely would benefit from having Chat Noir as her co-leader too, not just Rena Rouge. But no. The neurodivergend low-empathy girl can't have a high-empathy boy co-leader bc apparently thats misogynistic now, huh ?
Again, I have ADD and I'm also a woman. In fact, I actually have alot in common with Maribug (hence why it hurt so much once s4 took her away from me), so forgive me when I still say: I am NOT going to lower my standards of my believe that neither of those aspects get to be an excuse on everyone else's expense regarding LEADERSHIP (which I do also am in the position of in my life).
And I repeat: LEADERSHIP. Not Marinette herself as a person necessarily & esp not her civilian life.
People always say that her critics wouldn't be so hard on her if she were a man, but I strongly disagree. In my experience, if Marinette were a boy people would actually draw a line nowadays and call out that Mariano is too stuck in his own head to be a good leader (& partner). And maybe even demand that he shouldn't be in that position anymore either at all or until he's in a better head space.
Bc with male characters people are actually drawing lines now in important factors when it comes to power & the accountability coming with it, bc in the end being in change means it ain't about you
Hence why e. g. Steve Rogers (Captain America) was then a fucking fugitive from the law when shit got real in the MCU. They had to do that bc of his leadership morality not being able to exist well within a corrupted & complex law system under fire and attack. My man's an amazing battle leader, but the MCU did VERY well leaving taking care of all kinds of social & political matters to Tony Stark. This kind of nuance ain't Steve's strength. Marinette & Steve are actually a EXTREMELY similar type of leader and it's interesting that I don't exactly vibe with him too much either in that regard, but like him as person the way I did Marinette. So for me it's definitely an issue with their type of leadership.
But the mainstream female leader characters are often still "too female" to get held to the same regular standards bc telling a female leader character in a complicated and not entirely beneficial situation & position 'yeah, it's sucks but you're not the center of the universe'' is now more often than not still "too mean/ sexist"
again, Steve was made an outlaw for a reason and you can bet if he had been a Stephanie people would have made all her struggles about sexism & called the 'outlaw leader' route after Civil War misogyny, merely bc "society doesnt respect women". This is whats happening with Maribug & it clashes with her leadership style.
Hence why there AREN'T ALOT of mainstream female leader characters. And if we get some, most of them are narratively defined by how powerful & in control they are for THEIR OWN BENEFIT and it being depicted as 100% right & just in general (like with Marinette) which goes against what a normal leader should be, so alot of people don't like them (ignoring the actual sexist people for a sec)
The first Wonder Woman movie for example was so well-received for a reason. They did it RIGHT (& may I please also recommend Wakanda Forever? Fuck, that movie was GOOD)
But yes, it's notably how Maribug treats Chat, who is supposed to be her partner and friend, that I take alot of issues with.
And yes, I would say the same if LB were male and CN female. Ladynoir is so rooted in toxic femininity that this "partnership" (or just the entire LS) the way it is could NOT exist today in gender bend. S4 and the s5 finale in particular are unthinkable in gender bend and they sold it as "justified female empowerment" & "unparalleled loving treatment" from Ladybug's side Chat Noir needed to learn to be GRATEFUL for.
All while, and I will never stop stressing this: the show has never stopped writing Marinette to treat Chat Noir as if he basically just spawns into existence once he puts on the mask. He's HALF a human being. Even once she falls in love with him in s5.
This is the fundamental and deep seeded problem of where my issues come from here. It never stands in question if Adrien views Marinette and Ladybug as full human beings, but the other way around that very much is the case. In whatever way it's depicted. Yes this is a line I draw, especially because of the whole Sentihuman thing.
I personally am alot more like Adrien regarding Friendship and partnership (or what his character initially started out). They are heavy & meaningful topics for me. So seeing Marinette being utilized to girlboss all that into the ground with Chat Noir, esp in s4, while she apparently barely ever even noticed anything wrong with how she treats him in the first place as she literally replaced him with Alya/ Rena in everything but name
cause buring him under a wall of secrets & lies meant she can still 100% benefit from his eternal devotion by letting him believe she's too alone to be a partner anymore AT ALL. (Kuro Neko onwards and then NEVER stopped letting him think she's just as alone as he is. NEVER. She's still doing it in s5 while leaving him 100% isolated which was then his demise in the s5 finale.)
and gives Alya the deluxe partnership entirely on his expense, while barely ever sparing him even the most basic thought in anything; & by "Risk" then literally having them switch status. Rena is her actual partner she fully treats that way and he's merely her favorite temp hero with no rights, which Rena was previously.
And the only reason why Chat was treated with something resembling to fairness or dignity again in season 5 (& finally wasn't a rag doll for her every little mood anymore...) was because Maribug plainly had no other choice and had her team & position of power taken away by force while Alya renounced for her own safety. And yet she's still treating him as half a human being even by the end of S5. AFTER her character development. He's Chat Noir and that's where his existence ends in her leadership & friendship. CN and Alya in s5 are literally 2 halves of ONE PARTNER.
All that was painful to watch to say the least. Bc it's imo honestly a disgrace to friendship and partnership. I can't put into words how ashamed I would be of myself if I treated someone the way Marinette treats Chat Noir (again, HALF A HUMAN BEING).
Much less a friend I claim to love dearly and don't want to loose (another thing the MCU did better regarding Steve's fall-out with Tony over Bucky... I should really make that comparison post why Steve works for me & Marinette doesnt)
Just the mere fact that Marinette in "Elation" even told Chat "It doesn't matter who's underneath your mask" is honestly outrageous.
Because thats simply what it is for me. If s4 & 5 Marinette were portrayed from a similar morality angle to Emonette in the Paris special I would have much less issues with her. Cause thats ironically an angle female characters barely get & is mostly used to redeem the broken bad boys with a hidden heart of gold™.
Double irony: s1-s3 actually DID put civilian Marinette often into that angle, hence why I really liked her, but then s4 suddenly said "well, her methods & actions really dont matter. She's wrong, but actually not really; ergo she should get rewarded in the end. Always. But with a few exceptions. Here n there she loses to claim otherwise. But actually the world just needs to learn how right & amazing she is."
She makes countless mistakes but often either doesn't really learn from them anymore or they just don't "count" bc that's 'what makes her quirky & loveable', so having any issues with her now means you hate women. And she's a very flawed leader but actually never did anything wrong. Ever. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
I will be VERY blunt now: The moment you put a female character into the leader role the FEMALE aspect is supposed to be of secondary importance. And a leader, by the nature of the position, ALWAYS has to be questioned morally wise in my opinion bc of the fatal blindspots that will automatically occur in every leadership.
And it happened here too: Chat Noir's treatment. But they demanded that her being the (female) leader means she's OWED to treat him badly & gets to keep him as blindspot on HIS expense bc she doesn't like thinking about him existing as civilian person.
A leader is ALWAYS somebody who is NOT going to sit well with everybody regarding their approach. That's a normal instinct, and in fact it would be highly dangerous if that wouldnt happen at all. So if I, or other people, don't respect her as one that simply means she has an opposition the way every leader has & is being held to normal standards a leader should be held to, regardless of gender.
Sorry if you think thats sexist, but in my opinion that's a YOU problem. I personally respect female leaders too much to not acknowledge them as anything else but the potential threats they are. The same way I do with male leaders.
You're leader first, woman second. If you can't handle that get out of the leadership position (yes, oc that also applies the other way around). Feminism was about making sure that women cant be excluded from e. g. position of power just bc we're female. The goal wasn't to have yet another group of people stomp their foots, now claiming that they are OWED power once they wanna have it to feel powerful. But that's what Marinette was used to teach an entire generation of children, especially girls.
The last thing you will EVER get me to do is accept that I should be holding women - specifically for equality, female empowerment and leadership - to LOWER (moral) standards as I would the men in her position.
Buddy, I am NOT gonna fucking do that. Just the thought is pissing me tf off, and has ever since s4, cause it directly plays into the misogynistic thinking of:
"Women can't be given power, status or even too much focus as human beings because they're too irrational and immature to be able to then lay proper priorities & take rightful accountability for their shit like a man in power could; and not just scream and cry while playing the oppressed victim card the moment things don't work out & they aren't being given the special female treatment to let them mostly off the hook consequences wise.
Leading to everyone around them, especially the MEN, having to step up, do the work & basically babysit the women like children - while still having to give her the credit as person in charge - turning the women more or less into toddlers wearing a queen's crown"
Which, by all means, Adrichat in every dynamic of the love square by season 5, Gabriel at the end of "Recreation" and even Luka & Félix (& "thankfully" Alya too since s4) had to do for Maribug in alot of ways.
Pick up all of her slack in several major areas & catering to her while simultaneously having to still give most of the credit to HER or else they would be "mean to the female lead" (it's also telling that Alya is treated the best here, & goodness dont get me started on Su-Han...).
And with that out of the way, a few more meta reasons:
1) I'm NOT watching a damn documentary. Marinette is NOT a 14 year old, she doesnt exist & isnt based on a real person or story. She's a fictional main character and narrative tool, so forgive me for approaching this differently than a real life case.
and 2) in everything I watch I automatically look out for the narrative's blind spots and victims of the writings' favorites. I take it this seriously because this is career related for me.
Hence why I have barely ever liked a main character and ironically Marinette/ Ladybug was once one of the few exceptions (alongside Korra from Legend of Korra and Blitz from Helluva Boss)
Look, when I for example watch Helluva Boss or a Yugioh show I will automatically pay extra attention to how the female characters are being treated bc they are obviously treated worse by the writing and much more neglected and scapegoated than the male characters.
Meanwhile when I watch Miraculous and She-Ra, I do the opposite and pay attention to how the male characters are treated bc now they have the gender-biase against them.
And when I for example watch Avatar the last Airbender or Legend of Korra [and She-Ra, that show is great], then I actually get to be mostly fucking happy for once in my life jfc
I'm not going to elaborate too much more on this because I already named by my main point in the beginning: Chat Noir's - not even Adrien's, I mean CHAT NOIR - sometimes honestly awful treatment being the biggest moral and narrative blind spot of the entire show, and honestly where most of Maribug's problems then are also rooted in. Hence why I started focusing so much on Chat Noir since season 4. I look at the overall narrative and circumstances and look for the blind spots that needs to be solved to get to the core of the problem of this whole mess, to get effective results.
And that was and even by the end remained the fact that Adrichat is treated so badly, scapegoated in every possible way in the name of "feminism" and kicked out of the story where HE is at the core of most everything going on, just so the show can force Maribug into everything, make things about her that have no business being about her
Just so she can then be made to constandly turn around and scream, cry and stress about problems - and go about them in the least effective way - that wouldnt be there in the first place if she wasnt the main character of a story that isnt hers.
Mate, I dont know what to tell you here, but the fact that we are following Marinette Dupain-Cheng ,who has nothing to do with anything besides being the cool action girl, is and will always remain of the of core problems of this show. I WISHED that wasnt the case. But for the love of everything, Kagami would have made so much more sense as the female lead, but no.
Anyway, I will leave it at that now cause I already elaborate much further than I initially wanted to, I just wanted to finally have all this stated.
This Blog is not a full representation of how I lay priorities in (feminist) media in general, my view adjusts to the piece of media I'm watching.
And unfortunately, ever since season 4 Miraculous turned into a full blown extreme case and has only gotten better somewhat recently. So I will continue doing what I always do: focus on the fucking VICTIM whose bad treatment pulls down the whole show's quality, and here that's plain obviously Adrien Agreste/ Chat Noir.
And with all due respect: Die mad about it.
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iron-sunrise · 18 days ago
Not even saying this for my sake, but for like...all of us poor mfers. With everything thats coming, yall are gonna have to get over the whole "E-begging/asking for money online is tacky" shit. Immediately. People are about to get so deeply fucked by Trump taking away the social safety set and more. Marginalization is about to get even more crushing.
I can barely afford to eat now and I'm already planning how I can accept more commissions so I can put some $$$ aside to help out my comrades when they need me. it might only be $20 once a month but I'm still gonna fucking do it. I promise you if I can do it, you can. I'm at a level of poverty thats comically severe. Still disabled, still homeless (sheltered for now, but still)
Meanwhile so many people who are middle to upper middle class on here if not rich are saying some questionable shit about folks who need help. I want to increase my faith in people in the coming times, not obliterate.
Have some fucking compassion.
If you wont help individual people, at least donate to mutual aid orgs like Voix Noire and Mutual Aid Disaster Relief.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years ago
Hey, remember when I asked you if you'd do a top of Gabriel's worst moments?
(Cracks Knuckles)
(And by worst moments, I mean worst things he has done in the show. I will be including the TV specials but not the Movie or Manga(as that is technically a different continuity)
10. Turning his son into a Siri
The whole thing with Alliance was super scummy, and he basically used his son's likeness in ways that are even more disturbing than in some previous cases. But with the genetic likeness he can have Adrien's face say whatever and he used this for several of his schemes, and thats pretty f***ed up.
9. Gaslighting his son in order to hide his identity
(The Collector AND Illusion)
The fact he did this twice and purposefully acted in a way that he knew would make adrien feel terrible is pretty messed up. Sure It may not seem malicious but Gabriel never needed to go that far to hide his identity.
8. Manipulating the emotions of others for his Plans
Now this is a no brainer as this is basically what he does all the time as Hawkmoth, but in several cases he does it directly or indirectly as Gabriel, usually with teenagers. Chloé, Lila, Marinette, Kagami just to name a few.
7. Creating akuma that put his son in danger.
Yanloushi, Star train, Frozer and more. Akuma that had some involvement because of Adrien and thus put Adrien in serious danger. He rarely takes precaution to make sure his son wont be in danger from an akuma attack.
6. Creating akuma that Personally target Adrien.
Gabriel has akumatized people that had a personal interest in causing adrien harm and have even targeted himself and got adrien in the crossfire. Gabriel has shown little to no remorse in doing so as he is so sure it has little matter in it.
5. Terrorism
Creating akumas that attack the city, having destroyed paris on multiple occasions and even went international, nearly causing a nuclear bomb strike to go off in NYC, to causing a city destroying monster in Shanghai. Both incidents had Adrien in those areas, while the former may have had Gabriel send Adrien home, the later Gabriel didnt realize until After he did it. He also showed no remorse for that.
4. The use and abuse of Kwami
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DOES THIS LOOK OKAY TO YOU? HE KEEPS THEM CONFINED AND USES THEM FOR THEIR POWERS. The abuse the Kwami go through is shown to actually be incredibly tiring and painful for them. I will also add the wish on here because Tikki and Plagg were forced to do it.
3. The use, abuse and Murder of Sentimonsters
During season 4, Gabriel created countless sentimonsters and snapped them out of existence. Not to mention how in season 4 and 5 he used the amok of his own son like a controller to force his will on him. Felix even was threatened almost getting his amok removed as a result. Gabriel despite having a sentison, shows no love for the sentimonsters, even mocking ladybug and Chat noir for caring about them in season 3
2. Alliance and tech addiction.
Gabriel really out did himself with using technology. All of the data collection, tracking, mental manipulation and enslavement by using the Alliance ring as his master stroke to manipulate and control others. Gabriel had used the technology to even make an AI think his pilot died just to get. the miraculous. But the true evil was in the finale where he made everyone suffer from horrific nightmares and get addicted to the alliance all to turn them into obedient slaves. Unlike with akumatization where it was the users call if they accepts. The users in alliance suffer from withdrawal and are not able to properly make a decision.
1. The Abuse of Adrien Agreste
TIME TO GO BUCK WILD. Lets get the list. Neglect, emotional black mail, Physical violence, mental abuse, SOLITARY CONFINEMENT, Attempted Akumatization, Emotional abuse, and even social abuse. And before people ask about physical abuse and say chat blanc didnt happen. It did happen, if it didnt then Marinette wouldnt have had to have fought chat blanc. In a timeline, Gabriel beat his son like a baseball back with Glee
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Cause this is just healthy right? A good redeemable man right there. Ignore his COWERING SON.
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rrcraft-and-lore · 10 months ago
Shakespeare was the pulp writer of his day (mad love here but be honest/real about it).
He put a fucking bear in a scene cuz someone paid him to.
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You've probably seen that post floating around on off about the lit fic/creative writing teacher who poo-poo'd a student's love of Terry Pratchett (one of the greatest to ever play in this sphere) because he was a "pulp" writer.
Well, so was Shakespeare. And that's not a bad thing. But get off your high horse about it. The pulp writers shaped and defined the arts. You wouldn't have noir/detective stories like we do without Raymond Chandler, which means very likely, no urban fantasy in one of the most popular ways - like Dresden Files and all of the similar styles of that. Of course the genre is broader than that. Or cyberpunk in many ways, which is a SF evolution of the noir genre in many ways similar critiques done in a high tech world of corruption in govt/business levels, societal issues that the early noir also tackled and brought up, social inequality, all of that.
Christmas was redefined by a pulp writer, Charles Dickens.
Robert E. Howard was a pulp writer with Conan. How much did that do for Sword and Sorcery. And there are many more.
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raul-volp2 · 2 years ago
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Hi!! A lot of art here to talk a bit about myself, a bit of self promotion since Twitter is becoming more and more a useless hellscape.
My name is Raul, im a pixel artist, illustrator and animator from Brazil, working on digital games and tabletop rpgs mostly, some of the games I worked including:
DIgital Games:
-Walking with the Living I and II
-Stream Quest
-Monster Care Squad and expansion Behind the Waterfall-
-Wicked Ones
-Night at the Tavern
Current Games I am working:
-Gales of Nayeli
-NOVA Tactics
-SOme unnanounced
I have my own personal project, a tabletop rgp and solo strategy game called CIty Noire, where players form a group of revolucionaires to take the challenge to defeat the ruler Tyrant in a VIctorian/Gothic inspired setting with a little bit of sci fi. Game has a focus on tactical mechanics but where players use stealth instead of direct combat.
Currently while I have a lot of working projects Im looking to work on a isometric tactical digital games, being fan of Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Ogre, Xcom, Invisible Inc, this is one game that I still need to work with, and I think my pixel art style fits very well, it is already inspired by FFT.
Contact for work can be here or on my e-mail [email protected]
Help reblogging this will be very helpful for me, I was never good at social media, and it took a hell of a time for me to build my followers on twitter, and while I don't care too much about numbers, my livehood and the livehood of a lot of artists depends of this, of their art being seeing.
Thank you! =)
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somelostrefrain · 4 months ago
my first blog/post/whatever u wanna call it
hello! I'm new to tumblr please be nice
you can call me uhhh idk whatever u want
any pronouns but i favorite he/they over she/her
I'm genderfluid (maybe trans??) and questioning
im not comfortable sharing my age but i AM A MINOR, please dont be weird i'll cry on you
i have a passion for the arts and musical theatre, specifically ride the cyclone, heathers, and chicago
I was diagnosed with autism when i was six and im getting assessed for adhd (WHAT KIND OF WORD IS ASSESSED??)
i love artists like caviar noir, billie eilish, olivia rodrigo, emily rohm, melanie martinez and others
also i have social anxiety please be nice
my pinterest: littlebodybigegoo
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spider-phoenix · 2 years ago
Finals where kicking my ass, so the trans!atsv headcanons will be coming out a lot later than expected, I'm still working on them though so don't worry !!
In the mean time, I made some silly little insta profiles for a few of my favourite spiderverse characters !
side note, do we have a name for the spiderverse cinematic universe? Outside of the MCU, I know they're part of it but I want something to refer to the spiderverse plots specifically. ITSV, ATSV, and BTSV all refer to their specific movies, and spiderverse is annoyingly long for my ADHD brain to type out. Maybe we could call it SVCU, for "spiderverse cinematic universe"?
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Spider-Gram, the multidimensional social media platform for spider-people of all kinds. Owned by Miguel, mostly run by Lyla.
Peni Parker
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models fashion in her spare time, not for money she just likes trying on cute outfits. Outside of that she posts a lot of pictures of Spider and any cool landscapes she comes across.
She has the most followers becuz she has actually interesting content with her fashion shit, and none of its pervy she's a teenager who likes clothes don't make it weird. She doesn't do suggestive shit just genuine fashion or styling types.
Spiderman Noir
His username includes the earth he comes from becuz he's a professional.
his story is just rubix cube shit, he owns a bunch of different kinds. Posts are mostly Peni, his honorary adopted child.
He didn't write the description on his profile, Hobie did. I headcanon then as best friends aka Hobie annoys the shit out of him and he's completely fine with it. He only follows Peni + Hobie ofc.
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Gwen Stacy
When writing her description I was going to change it to something else because the joke was super dumb, until I realized that it totally fits her character.
She follows a ton of people but doesn't post so doesn't expect to be followed back. Miles, Hobie, and Jess are her three followers.
She doesn't follow Miles back because I feel like it fits with the whole premise of the second movie, and Pav was going to follow her but couldn't find her page and never bothered to ask about it.
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Pavitr Prabhakar
He follows all his friends plus some, except Gwen for reasons stated above and Miles-1610. He was following Miles at some point, but 42 removed all three of 1610's followers for shits and giggles once, Pav never noticed.
He posts the most out of all of them, lots of memes honestly but sometimes pics of his friends. He's not technically "part of" the band, because he doesn't play an instrument or anything, but he helps them write songs and shit so it still counts.
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Miles Morales (e-1610)
Hobie Brown
posts dumb pictures of himself (and often Pav) that get sent in their group chat as well as cool pictures of himself that he says he only spent a min taking when he actually spent at least 3 hours on the setup alone.
he's following the following people ;
Miles - 1610
Gwen Stacy
Pavitr Prabhakar
spider-man noir
Margo Kess
Peni Parker
Mayday Parker (- run by MJ + Peter, they only post photos where her face is covered by her hat)
the following people follow him ;
Miles - 1610
Gwen Stacy
Pavitr Prabhakar
spider-man noir
Peni Parker
Mayday Parker
Peter B. Parker
+ 3 random spider-people who think he's cool
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Miles Morales (e-42)
isn't verified because Miguel runs the app, followed all his friends but only Hobie and 42 followed him back. Was following Gwen but unfollowed her when he was the only person she wasn't following, becuz he's petty like that and they're still fighting.
He only has two posts because he didn't know the app existed until recently (everyone conveniently forgot to tell him until Hobie spilled the beans, Pav genuinely thought he alrdy knew about it)
the people he's following because I spent forever counting this out and you deserve to know ;
Hobie Brown
Gwen Stacy Mayday Parker
Pavitr Prabhakar
Peni Parker
Peter B. Parker
Spider-man noir
Margo Kess
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doesn't post regularly, when he does it's just cool pictures of himself.
Only agreed to match with Miles so he would shut up about it. He def pretends to hate him but he's also the only person that he follows back.
Mayday, Jess, Margo, Miguel, and Lyla next ??
I loved making these and have ideas for more characters so if you guys wanna see them shoot me an ask !!
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pier-carlo-universe · 17 days ago
La fame del Cigno di Luca Mercadante: un romanzo che scava nell’anima del giornalismo e della vita. Recensione di Alessandria today
Un viaggio tra il disincanto e la ricerca del riscatto nel litorale campano Il romanzo "La fame del Cigno" di Luca Mercadante, edito da Sellerio, ci trasporta in una realtà cruda e affascinante, fatta di contraddizioni, violenza e speranza.
Un viaggio tra il disincanto e la ricerca del riscatto nel litorale campanoIl romanzo “La fame del Cigno” di Luca Mercadante, edito da Sellerio, ci trasporta in una realtà cruda e affascinante, fatta di contraddizioni, violenza e speranza. Protagonista della storia è Domenico Cigno, un cinquantenne che lotta contro il suo passato, il presente e un futuro che sembra sfuggirgli di mano. Attraverso…
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l0cal-r4t · 1 year ago
The Little Things : Request
TWS : none! ; full fluff piece
We're back at it again with a new piece! This one's also a request, this time from a lovely on Discord! They asked about a fluffy domestic sort of self insert piece for Jujutsu Kaisen's own shadow boy, Megumi, and here we are! This piece doesn't feature anything that would require tw's or cw's, just some sweet sweet fluff! Hope you enjoy!
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Life can be stressful, it’s just a fact of life nowadays. From family and social stresses to work to just fighting to get through the day. Sometimes we just can’t find time for ourselves, time to sit around and better ourselves with a little bit of rest. And in a world like ours, one inhabited by curses and monsters, it’s only harder. For you, this was even more so since you were in a relationship with one of the people who hunts those curious creatures: a jujutsu sorcerer. Or rather, a jujutsu sorcerer in training: one Megumi Fushiguro.
Work had been long and inconceivably tedious. You currently work a day job at a customer service agency for a tech company, helping clients over the phone to sort out their issues or patching them to the IT department should the problem fly above your head. You worked for just above the minimum wage but you made it work. As you come in through your apartment door, you sigh heavily before removing your flats at the door. As your E/C eyes glance down to make sure your flats are safely out of the way, you notice Megumi’s sneakers on the floor. Was he home already? Stepping up into your apartment, you begin to remove some of the top layers of your work clothes to give you some more freedom.
As you’re about to take a seat to rest, a warm and inviting smell meets your nose. Tempted to the apartment’s kitchen, you pad into the room to find Megumi in his casuals and pouring oyakodon over two bowls of rice. The smell and the glisten of the broth and tender look to the chicken already makes your mouth water. As you step into the room, a board beneath your foot squeaks loudly and draws your ravenette significant other’s gaze. Initially his expression is cool and neutral, the one he wore every day and showed to everyone. But as his deep blue pools for eyes meet yours, a gentle, warm smile breaks his cold expression. He takes the wooden spoon he’d been holding and teasingly wags it at you.
“Trying to sneak up on me, Y/N?”
You blink for a moment before a light flush crosses your cheeks. You shake your head insistently before gesturing to the food. Megumi follows your frantic pointing and chuckles lightly, something he rarely ever did with anyone else.
“Oh you followed the smell? Yeah, I figured you might need a nice warm meal. I got your text earlier about work being an irritating bore so I figured I should make something for you when you got home. Oyakodon sound good to you?”
You excitedly nod your head, and he offers a half sigh. Once he’s doled the oyakodon, he gently takes the bowls and sets them off into the microwave to keep the food toasty for the moment. The noir hair male looks back to you and glances you up and down while tilting his head. His tone was cool and calm as always.
“Before we eat, why don’t I help you get situated? Get you more comfy clothes, help you relax?”
All you can manage in response is a dopey grin and a nod. He was always so sweet to you, so tender and caring. Megumi lightly chuckles before approaching you, taking one of your hands in his, still warm from the food he’d prepped, and leads you to your shared bedroom. Here, he sits you down on your bed and opens up your shared closet. For several minutes your dark haired, blue eyed significant other helps you to pick out some nice, comfy house clothes before finally settling on a set of clothes hued in your favorite color. He takes a moment to enjoy your cozy dress and your beauty, even in such light, casual wear. Megumi takes your work clothes and sets them off in a basket for the wash later before taking your hand and guiding you to the bathroom.
Once you're inside, Megumi takes a seat on the edge of the bath and pulls a stool in front of him. Grabbing a soft bristle hair brush from a nearby drawer, he pats the stool in front of him. You take a seat and Megumi begins to gently brush through your hair and talk to you, occasionally running his fingers through to help with any snags. He asks you about your day, how the customers were, how your coworkers were treating you, and other miscellaneous inquiries. Despite the male’s often cold way of carrying himself, he’s warm and gentle with you and makes sure to not hurt you as he brushes through. Once he’s finished up, he has you hop up to the sink where he helps get out your various skincare products and helps you to wash your face.
Once you're all finished with the bathroom, Megumi gestures you back out and puts everything up for you. You take a seat on your couch in the living room, waiting for your black haired beloved to return. Megumi finally returns but rather than immediately taking a seat, he grabs the oyakodon from the microwave and brings it over. He takes a seat next to you before setting the oyakodon onto the little table in front of the couch.
He gently takes you by your shoulders and turns you to face away from him. Confused, you allow him to before he begins to massage your shoulders. You exhale a deep breath as the tension laxes, Megumi pressing his fingers into the tightness in your shoulders and upper back to loosen the stress. After this good hearty massage, Megumi hops up and puts something into the DVD player for the two of you to watch and grabs a blanket off of the back of one of the chairs in the room before plopping back onto the couch with you. He gets the both of you under the blanket together and the two of you begin eating your dinner as the various little previews play. And before long, the main menu of the very first Scream comes on screen, your favorite movie. You look over to him with big, excited eyes while he gives you a pleased grin. You two eat through the first bit of the movie before finishing before the first half can end, the two of you setting your empty bowls on the table in front of you before settling down and snuggling up together to watch the rest of the movie. This would be where the two of you would fall asleep, snuggled up together in the warmth of one another and in the cozy embrace of a wonderful evening at the end of a not-so-wonderful day.
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aurianneor · 8 months ago
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Législatives 2024: choisir la gauche ou la droite.
Le gouvernement actuel contrôle presque tous les médias et affirme que ce sont les élections du centre contre les extrêmes. C’est un mensonge qui marche.
La gauche et la droite sont deux idéologies qui reconnaissent l’importance d’avoir des élites. A droite, on considère que certains ont moins de droits que les autres: la femme, le noir, l’ouvrier, etc. L’élite est l’homme blanc catholique. Dans la droite macroniste, le peuple doit sacrifier sur son logement, sa santé et son éducation pour donner aux élites. On prend conseil auprès des plus riches. A gauche, on apprécie d’avoir des élites mais on ne demande pas au peuple de se saigner pour les élites. Les élites sont là pour informer le peuple et l’aider à être meilleur.
A droite, tout le monde doit soutenir son leader et répéter ses idées. C’est le programme de Macron, c’est le programme de Bardella. A gauche, il y a une pluralité d’opinions.
Macron affirme être le rempart de l’extrême-droite. Sa politique a imposé toutes ses réformes alors que la plupart de ses électeurs avaient voté pour lui non pas pour son programme mais pour faire barrage au Rassemblement National. Macron a encouragé la violence des policiers, a dénoncé le séparatisme islamiste, a dit qu’il voulait lutter contre l’immigrationnisme, a dit que la gauche va inciter les enfants à changer de sexe à l’école, dit qu’il y a des gens qui se lèvent tôt et des gens qui ne sont rien, a refusé les soins aux immigrés, a gouverné à coups de 49.3. Depuis 2017, les niches fiscales ont augmenté (pour ne pas payer d’impôts). Macron a augmenté la dette de la France en empruntant aux plus riches: Bolloré, Arnaud, Lagardère, etc. Au lieu de leur prendre l'argent sous forme d'impôts, Macron les enrichit encore plus grâce aux intérêts de la dette. Cette droite macroniste se rapproche du Front National. Elle est loin du centre. Gérald Darmanin, Rachida Dati, Didier Lallement sont des personnes politiques très à droite.
Le Rassemblement National est financé par Poutine. Leur patriotisme ne va pas à la France.
Il n’y a pas un choix entre le centre et les extrêmes mais bien un choix entre la gauche et la droite.
Dans l’histoire, quand la gauche se rassemble, cela a bénéficié au pays: la population a augmenté son niveau de vie sans pour autant sacrifier les dépenses publiques ni la performance de son économie. Le Front Populaire de 1936, l’Union Nationale de 1945 à 1958 et la gauche plurielle de 1997 ont été trois périodes où il y a eu des progrès sociaux pour les citoyens (la sécurité sociale de la santé et de la retraite, les congés payés, l’assurance chômage, la réduction et le partage du temps de travail). Dans chacune de ces périodes, les entreprises étaient très compétitives et se portaient très bien. De plus, la bourse se portait mieux quand la gauche était au pouvoir. Ceux qui en ont souffert, ce sont les ultra-riches qui avaient des biens mal-acquis (niches fiscales, réduction d’impôts, etc). Les ultra-riches n’ont pas besoin que le peuple soit archi-pauvre pour profiter de leur richesse. La gauche ne les saigne pas, elle leur demande une juste contribution.
Le nouveau front populaire veut déposséder les ultra-riches au lieu de s’en prendre aux mauvais pauvres visés par la droite. 500 familles possèdent la moitié de la richesse de la France. Il n’y a pas de problème de financement de la gauche. La France est un pays riche. Il n’y a aucune raison pour que la population se prive. Les inégalités se sont creusées depuis la fin des années 1970.
La droite néolibérale et la droite identitaire désignent des mauvais à qui ils font la chasse: les étrangers, les fainéants ou les inadaptés. Ils font la part belle aux ultra-riches qui ont plus de droits que les autres.
Il faut un état très fort et très démocratique qui protège les Français contre la concurrence déloyale des étrangers mal traités ou du dumping social et environnemental des produits étrangers. Les Français ont besoin d’être plus riches pour pouvoir acheter de la qualité et avoir des services publics de qualité ( santé, retraite, éducation, etc). Cette richesse a été capturé par les ultra-riches, pas par les immigrés ou les “fainéants”. Par exemple, Macron a défiscalisé le transport maritime. Le patron de CMACGM a fait des bénéfices records et est devenu une des dix plus grosses fortunes en France. Avec cet argent, il a racheté des médias sur lesquels on fait maintenant la promotion d’Emmanuel Macron.
Croire que la solution au problème c’est de s’en prendre aux mauvais pauvres (handicapés, personnes de couleur, etc.) en les traitant mal (salaires insuffisants, moins de droits) fait du mal à l’ensemble: des anciennes maladies comme le choléra ressurgissent, acceptation de conditions de travail moins bonnes, etc.
Beaucoup de Français sont en colère et inquiets pour leurs moyens de subsistance, leur santé, l’éducation des enfants, etc. Leur fournir des services publics à tous et partout coûtera très cher. La droite néolibérale de Macron demande aux pauvres de se saigner (diminution des retraites et des services publics) qui ne mériteraient pas assez. La droite identitaire du Rassemblement National demande de sacrifier les mauvais pauvres. La droite détourne la colère des gens vers autre chose que les bourgeois. La gauche du Nouveau Front Populaire demande de sacrifier le ultra de ultra-riche, mais ils restent quand même très riches. Pour redonner la prospérité aux Français, il faut taxer le capital et contrôler les prix.
Encore faut-il que les lois votées par l'assemblée nationale ne soient pas bloquées par le sénat qui n'est pas élu par les citoyens et n'est pas un vrai contre-pouvoir.
Quel dommage que l’on n’ait pas droit au référendum d’initiative populaire et que l’unique voie pour s’exprimer est l’élection de représentants!
Conférence de presse – Chiffrage et financement du programme du Nouveau Front Populaire – 33:36 / 1:08:55: https://youtu.be/4kYYTJoYPW0?t=1682
Edito du directeur du Monde: Législatives 2024 : préserver notre démocratie - Le Monde: https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2024/06/28/legislatives-2024-preserver-notre-democratie_6244888_3232.html
Programme du Nouveau Front Populaire: https://yvelines.eelv.fr/files/2024/06/240618-PROGRAMME-FRONT-POPULAIRE_V6.pdf
Julia Cagé : oui, c’est possible, voilà comment…: https://youtu.be/rlF-ol1yZg0?si=P08AvYtTZtKj2r3O
Le brief éco. Pourquoi la bourse monte quand la gauche est au pouvoir ? – France Info: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/replay-radio/le-brief-eco/le-brief-eco-pourquoi-la-bourse-monte-quand-la-gauche-est-au-pouvoir_2161896.html
La Bourse adore la gauche, mais seulement dans les graphiques – Le Nouvel Obs: https://www.nouvelobs.com/rue89/rue89-economie/20130927.RUE9104/la-bourse-adore-la-gauche-mais-seulement-dans-les-graphiques.html
Front Populaire : 80 ans d’avancées sociales en images – France Info: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/culture/arts-expos/photographie/front-populaire-80-ans-d-avancees-sociales-en-images_3390429.html
1945 : après la guerre, un ordre social nouveau – La Vie: https://www.lavie.fr/idees/histoire/1945-apres-la-guerre-un-ordre-social-nouveau-1539.php
Les principales lois votées sous le gouvernement Jospin – Le Nouvel Obs: https://www.nouvelobs.com/politique/20020218.OBS3283/les-principales-lois-votees-sous-le-gouvernement-jospin.html
« C’est à gerber ! » : les propos d’Emmanuel Macron sur les personnes transgenres ne passent pas auprès de Mélanie Vogel – Public Sénat: https://youtu.be/KadEUIFV5EY?si=F0x7usNjokXxQBt6
Récupérer l'information, la boussole et l'oseille - La chronique de Waly Dia - France Inter: https://youtu.be/5eul6RTwRyg?si=YEVAooP04VwD-5y-
Rob the poor to feed the rich: https://www.aurianneor.org/rob-the-poor-to-feed-the-rich/
Vivre dignement: https://www.aurianneor.org/vivre-dignement/
Immigration: https://www.aurianneor.org/immigration/
Oui au Référendum d’initiative populaire: https://www.aurianneor.org/oui-au-referendum-dinitiative-populaire-petition/
La part du gâteau: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-part-du-gateau/
Limiter la richesse individuelle: https://www.aurianneor.org/limiter-la-richesse-individuelle/
Le RIC – Référendum d’initiative citoyenne: https://www.aurianneor.org/via-httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv-e2lnzwuy4ks/
Le prix plafond et le prix plancher: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-prix-plafond-et-le-prix-plancher/
Le Sénat, le pouvoir de faire chier: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-senat-le-pouvoir-de-faire-chier/
Les humiliés de la République: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-humilies-de-la-republique/
Nos ancêtres les marrons: https://www.aurianneor.org/nos-ancetres-les-marrons-il-nexiste-quune-seule/
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lepartidelamort · 10 months ago
Hollywood : industrie visionnaire ou fabrique d’opinion ?
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Photo et prologue
Sidney Poitier, le premier grand acteur noir d’Hollywood, tient la main de son codétenu Tony Curtis (de son vrai nom Bernard Schwarz, fils d’immigrés juifs hongrois et homosexuel notoire), dans un film où tous deux sont persécutés par le pouvoir blanc, forcément injuste et un peu nazi sur les bords.
Le réalisateur et producteur de La Chaîne (The Defiant Ones), sorti en 1958, Stanley Kramer, est un juif libéral, qui a travaillé sur les sujet sociétaux, le racisme et le fascisme. Il a forcé l’admiration de Steven Spielberg, qui le considère comme un « visionnaire incroyablement talentueux ».
À l’occasion de la sortie annoncée du divertissement sur la NASA et son alunissage bidon en mondovision, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’aspect visionnaire de l’industrie américaine du cinéma.
En effet, si Hollywood, de par sa dépravation ancestrale et naturelle, a pu apparaître comme étant un moteur de réforme ou d’avancée des mœurs, notamment le féminisme avec Quand l’intelligence vient aux femmes et l’homosexualité avec le film préféré de Brigitte, Certains l’aiment chaud, il a aussi été utilisé par le pouvoir profond, c’est-à-dire non élu et non visible, pour préparer l’opinion à des changements pas forcément positifs.
On pense aux films anti-Indiens chroniques (avant la découverte de leurs « droits ») ou anti-communistes, commandés ou contrôlés par le pouvoir militaire. On sait que l’US Army ne prête ses matériels pour des tournages que si le scénario est au préalable visé et validé par son service de communication, ou de propagande.
Certes, Hollywood a starisé Sidney Poitier quand l’Amérique était encore profondément raciste, mais c’était aussi le moyen par lequel les producteurs majoritairement juifs des studios voulaient culpabiliser l’Américain moyen blanc, c’est-à-dire chrétien. Il y a toujours une deuxième ou une troisième lecture avec les films bien-pensants. Dans la série Netflix baptisée Hollywood, il est question d’homosexualité et de racisme dans les années 40-50. La patronne du plus grand studio embrasse le jeune scénariste noir sur la bouche.
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Il y a 1 000 exemples de films américains en avance sur les mœurs, ce qui n’était pas difficile, vu qu’Hollywood était un nid de débauche et que la population était en majorité puritaine !
Alors soit Hollywood a senti et accompagné le mouvement (par exemple celui des droits civiques), soit il l’a organisé et orienté, grâce à la puissance d’évocation de l’image animée, qui s’imprime directement au fond de l’esprit, sans passer par les mots et la raison.
À l’arrivée, on obtient une société sorossisée, où, comme en France actuellement, la liberté des mœurs est presque totale, quand les autres libertés sont limitées, et parfois interdites (opinion, expression, déplacement), sinon punies socialement.
Mais dans les deux hypothèses, Hollywood est une entreprise de contrôle mental et d’orientation politique.
Hollywood a-t-il cédé devant les RS ?
Pour en revenir au film du moment, Fly Me to the Moon, qui reprend le titre d’une chanson célèbre de Sinatra, nous verrons s’il s’agit d’une première marche vers la reconnaissance officielle d’un montage conjoint des studios et de la Nasa en 1969. Le film, qui sortira en juillet 2024, serait alors le moyen – dédramatisé – de céder sans l’avouer à la pression des réseaux sociaux, ce qui démontre la puissance de ce lobby, non organisé mais terriblement efficace.
Avant, c’étaient les panels de spectateurs qui définissaient et assuraient le lissage de films jugés impropres à la sortie. Aujourd’hui, le panel est extérieur et n’est plus contrôlable par les magnats du cinéma, qui ont perdu leur pouvoir précurseur. Hollywood a trouvé son maître.
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broadway-vriska · 2 years ago
Oh would you look at that! Another surprise. This is Magnum opus two, one queued for a much later d8 to jump scare you all ::::)
Whoa-oh-oh-oh, ooh, ooh
Down on your knees before the queen
Whoa-oh-oh-oh, ooh, ooh
Down on your knees before the queen
Well, Vriska Serket wasn’t a popular bitch (mm-hm)
but she was the flarp captain, plus she was rich (oh, yeah)
That girl had everything, threw me offa cliff
Tavros Natram lost his legs in the wreck (amputated)
The nominations for team leaders had come (uh-huh)
Our Vriska had a plan, and queen was her claim (uh, duh)
She decided killing Jack Noir was her game
Terezi Pyrope, soon my death came (Stabbed right through)
"Vriska, " my mother said, "Life is a game"
"Don’t worry I know you must feel the same"
You taste the glory Vriska, you taste godtier
You thirst for blood from the enemies, yeah
Whoa, you spoil for sash and scepter, both black and white
As they crown you queen of Alternia
Go Vriska, win Vriska, cheer for Vriska Serket
Go Vriska, win Vriska, cheer for Vriska Serket
So obsessed, our Vriska near lost her mind (Go Vriska, win Vriska, cheer for Vriska Serket)
To life un-game related, Vriska was blind (Go Vriska, win Vriska, cheer for Vriska Serket)
She shoved her friends, her shit, her hobbies behind
I just couldn’t bear not to be the best (poor, poor, Tavros)
Soon my own sanity was hung by a thread (Go Vriska, win Vriska, cheer for Vriska Serket)
Ny B.F.F.'s proclaimed  me socially dead (Go Vriska, win Vriska, cheer for Vriska Serket)
'Til then, at last, Terezi Pyrope had enough (Go Vriska, win Vriska, cheer for Vriska Serket)
"I'm taking you out of the equation" (love, love, Tavros)
"Vriska, " my friends said, "Why be so mean?"
"There's just no future for a sad bitch like you"
You taste the glory Vriska, you taste godtier
You thirst for blood from you enemies, yeah
Whoa, you spoil for sash and scepter, both white and black
As they crown my queen of Alternia
Whoa-oh-oh-oh, ooh, ooh
Down on your knees before the queen
Whoa-oh-oh-oh, ooh, ooh
Down on your knees before the queen
Some girls are rational but Vriska was not
She stared in mirrors thinking one single thought (Tavros)
There's several reasons this game's not good as got (Sol, Terezi, Eridan, Aradia)
And so my life went thus, mercy, thus went my plot (Fuck them all, yeah screw em)
"G" is for the Game, the thing that I will win
"A" is for Aradia blown to bits
"M" is for the moirail that couldn’t shooshpap me
And "E" is how easy it was to kill that pissblood
But, but!
"Q" is for Quitting, never, don’t be a fool
And "U" is for all of you who ever doubted me
But "E's" are for the easy way in five minutes tops
A blinded girl can bring an "N" for
End by killing her friend (what a bitch)
You got your glory Vriska, you got godtier
You got your blood on the robes you wear
Whoa, you donned the sash and scepter, doing a dance
As you crowned you queen of Alternia
God save the queen
Down on your knees before the queen
God save the queen
The queen of the game
Down on your knees before, the queen of Alternia
She stripped you of your glory, she took my life
But I’m still the baddest bitch in the land
Woah, right into the dreambubbles, raise a ghost army
Screaming, "I don’t regret a single thing!"
At least in your head, you're queen of Alternia
Oh, pity the dead, I’m queen of Alternia
Go Vriska, win Vriska, cheer for Vriska Serket
Go Vriska, win Vriska, cheer for Vriska Serket
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