#no i will not wear makeup i like my face
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hadesoftheladies · 10 months ago
being unwilling to accept degradation on any level as a woman makes people so mad at you lmao. no i will not exist and walk around like i am here to be performative art and not a human being fuck you
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men be like: not full-glam makeup and not no makeup but a secret third thing Hallmark protagonist makeup
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melljam · 4 months ago
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like father, like son
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hamandeggbun · 5 months ago
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I hope this isn't weird but I've been reading this by @batmanisagatewaydrug and I had like the sudden, strongest urge to make art properly for the first time in ages, so uhhhh have some Jessie (or Jess? Can I call her Jess because I love her?) who is a terrible wet cat of a woman!
I wanted to get this done fast and human anatomy is not my forte so I traced a picture of Natalie in the City, who's a fashion blogger and has some cute fits, though no supervillain ones as far as I'm aware :3
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bogkeep · 1 year ago
every time i read an autobiographical comic about a transfeminine person practicing putting on makeup as a visual metaphor for the difficulty of Performing Womanhood i can feel my whole heart vibrate with sympathy. like. one of the absolutely most common Girl Experiences is feeling like you're never girling right or enough. there's so many rules and expectations and there's fucking makeup. i could never wrap my head around makeup!! not even for gender reasons, it's just this whole culture i don't understand. trying to grasp makeup feels like being a street urchin at an extremely exclusive high end restaurant crying because i don't know what fork to use and they won't let me eat with my hands. my seventh grade classmates tried to help me be girl by taking me shopping for nice clothes and mascara and i couldn't even wear it for a week. not only do you have to go through the intricate rituals of application but you have to remove it at the end of the day??? and everyone acts as if this arcane knowledge is something inherent to girlhood that you're just born knowing and feel naturally inclined to do??? i don't understand!!! i don't understand!!!!! people treated me as if i was being rebellious and making a statement but i just do not understand all the powders and inks and pencils and gunks and creams and brushes!! they feel bad against my face and i'll flinch from anything getting too close to my eyes. it doesn't matter how many offers for help i get or how many tutorials there are, i never wanted this for myself! i shouldn't have to do this! i can be a person without it just fine if you let me!
watching anyone trying to learn how to do makeup from scratch is like watching someone learning a new language. if you think it's hard it's because it is hard and don't let them tell you it's not, just because they've been speaking it for a long time
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plaguedpriest · 3 days ago
I feel a little bad for playing such a big hand on starting this discourse (i wasn't the one who made the discovery but i was the one who got QRT'd by Hakita originally and it was my tweet on it that blew up) so i might take a indefinite break from making ultrakill content for the time being.
i know i'm taking things too personally when i was never really the target but logging into social media and seeing ppl in a community i treasure so fondly essentially calling me stupid everywhere feels very disheartening regardless ngl
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I do not think evangelizing on the double standard of women being expected to wear makeup everyday to grown women is actually productive or respectful (provided they are not judging me for not wearing makeup), we can all make our own decisions on how to walk through this world, however, it is true that whenever a woman in my daily life equates making themselves decent and presentable with having a coat of natural makeup on, I do have to viscerally repress the urge to shake them by the shoulders and scream that they've been had.
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imageingrunge · 2 years ago
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they will never free my girl nina from that atrocious hair
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crimsonmonsoon · 1 year ago
My Qi Rong headcannon of the day (incorporating my design for him) is that like Hua Cheng, he can change his appearance so that even after he loses his mask in the second book/season, people can’t exactly say he looks like Xie Lian. My design for him really turns him into a goblin so if we pretend he looks like that then he’s intentionally becoming something as far from Xie Lian as he can, but his true form would be much more beautiful and their similarity much more prominent. But in canon he doesn’t actually have enough power to do that I don’t think? Hua Cheng is powerful enough to have multiple forms so maybe Qi Rong can get by with having only one.
And ignoring my design for him, I think this is also why he wears a mask. Pretty boy don’t like being reminded he’s related to Xie Lian.
I also have a headcannon that he was executed by decapitation with the royal xianle family so in the afterlife he has a huge scar around his neck. He’d get pissed off to find it mirrors Xie Lian’s cursed shackle.
In other words he’s trying to be something as far from Xie Lian as possible, even if he has to make himself as ugly as he can to do so.
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He’s on my walls now…
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pisshandkerchief · 7 months ago
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anyways did I serve cunt
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homobiwan · 2 years ago
jack zimmermann tries on eyeliner as a joke and then is like wait this fucks actually and makes it his new personality
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t-errifier · 2 months ago
my cosplay got noticed on terrifiertwt & now a bunch of cool horror girlies are following me and i'm like . . .. .please no i don't look like that every day i'm a fraud -
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flashhwing · 2 months ago
hate having sensitive eyes. got a free eyeliner with my face wash and it's like a really Nice Fancy brand, supposed to be very good, and I can tell it is! goes on smoothly, doesn't smudge, actually waterproof ..... but it makes my eyes water 😔 and feels dry 😔 booooo
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maukuja · 4 months ago
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It is done... The back took so much longer than the front. I also did a costest (without the wraps and makeup bc it is late) and it looks pretty good!
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I also ripped the jeans while posing for the picture in the middle so. Gotta hand sew a patch to that and hope it lasts!
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hecatesbroom · 9 months ago
Thanks to the lovely @the-eclectic-wonderer for tagging me in this tag game!
Bold & colour whatever applies to you:
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde hair / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or and bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child
No pressure to participate of course, but I'm tagging: @roseeycreates-blog @alectothinker @srosehh @timelessbian @tvmilfs
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smiles-rambles · 10 months ago
I think girls should get more used to seeing their natural faces, and understand that they’re not slobs for not wearing any makeup
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