#the piercings are just my ears! which i never actually wear earrings in lol but i technically could if i wanted to
hecatesbroom · 4 months
Thanks to the lovely @the-eclectic-wonderer for tagging me in this tag game!
Bold & colour whatever applies to you:
i’m over 5'5 / i wear glasses or contacts / i have blonde hair / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or and bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years / i am an only child
No pressure to participate of course, but I'm tagging: @roseeycreates-blog @alectothinker @srosehh @timelessbian @tvmilfs
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Saw a post going around that said "use this picrew to make you now + you as a kid" and I thought it was fun :)
#the 'moles' arent really moles btw i tried to represent my acne bc i have/always have had a lot of it#i used to have pierced ears but around age 12-13 it started making me dysphoric so i dropped it and the holes closed up over time#i had so much dysphoria when i didnt know what trans meant...#i was also kind of a bully withiut realizing because expressing affection is weird and i was kind of a tsundere type kid honestly#sent a few friends to the doctors without realizing because i fought with them a lot physically as a way to express affection#...except i went way overboard and no one ever told me because i was too intimidating. only learned about it years later#i had problems with self control and never knew how much strength i had/was using at any given moment so it caused. problems#nothing permanent thankfully#i selected round eyes for my kid self for the Vibe but ive always had almond-shaped eyes. it didnt like. change#everyone else in my family has roundish shaped eyes so we have no idea where /that/ gene comes from lol#i never stopped wearing hoodies though. there are a few habits i picked up at that age that i never let go of#(namely: im very weird about clothes.)#sunny#picrew#it has been a WHILE since i've posted a picrew here. damn#other notes: selected a smile for the vibes but me never smiling was actually a real problem.#i had to train myself to smile in front of my mom because she wouldn't shut up about it and got upset at me constantly for it#(i had the tbh creature straight face 24/7 and she took it as a show of disrespect which. what)#also i do have moles on my face other than the acne i just have a lot more acne than i have moles so. its more important
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howtotwirlaknife22 · 2 months
Keegan general headcannons
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A/N: feeling peckish tonight so have some Keegan HC’s lol
Aight so first off, I know it’s a popular headcannon for a lot of the ghosts fandom and the COD fandom in general to HC that he’s from Texas or somewhere in the south but in all honesty…I see him as being from the PNW. Specifically from Seattle, Washington. I mean Rorke literally refers to him in the game as “our quiet friend” and if you know anything about people from Seattle Washington it’s that the “Seattle freeze” is a very real thing. In other words, they’re quiet, standoffish and don’t really go out of their way to interact with anyone unless they really need to.
I have a feeling that if Keegan didn’t join the military, he probably would have gone into the woodworking industry (can we imagine lumberjack Keegan? Swoon)
Despite being a Seattlite, he hates fish. He’ll eat anything you put in front of him without question, but any kind of fish is where he draws the line. He hated going to pike’s place market as a kid because of the fish scent and he totally didn’t accidentally get hit in the face with one of the flying fish or anything
He was very into grunge culture when he was a teenager. Given that I HC him being born in the mid to late 80’s, he more than likely would have been a teenager/early 20’s in the 90’s and grunge music was a perfect way for him to really let out some of that angst that he had.
He had a couple of piercings before he joined the military that he had to take out, I like to think that he had snakebites and a tongue piercing at some point. He still has an ear piercing even at his current point in the military. He just never wears it.
He’s quiet and reserved, but this man knows how to turn on the charm to make your panties DROP when he needs to.
Aside from Hesh, he has one of the nicest smiles on the ghosts team. It’s really a sight to behold when you get him grinning.
He has jet black hair and when it’s not buzzed, it looks a lot like Leonardo DiCaprio’s hair in titanic. He likes the old school 90’s cut, he had it when he was in his late 20’s and never really looked back. He trims it up a bit now that he’s older, but it doesn’t really change too much.
He has a little cabin in the woods just outside of Tacoma Washington, and he likes to seclude himself there when he’s on leave. Growing up in Seattle made him grow a special hatred for big city living, despite having fun in his teens.
Because we don’t know much about his involvement in SV, I like to think that he was just too young at the time to be involved in it. He’s a fairly newer member on the ghosts. In my opinion, when he joined he was freshly 19, and it was actually Ajax who saw something in him and took a chance on him who then decided to take him under his wing and mentor him so that he’d be a prime candidate for the ghosts. After that, the rest was history.
If we’re on the subject of when Keegan joined the ghosts, let’s talk about his age. As I said, he was probably late teens/early 20’s in the 90’s and was probably just a little too young to be involved in SV. Considering we don’t see him when Elias, Rorke, Ajax and Merrick go to South America (which happens around 2015 in the game) we can assume that he was probably late 30’s-early 40’s when we are introduced to him in the games. Maybe he’s even younger and is only a few years older than Hesh, who’s around 28 at the time. If I had to wager I’d say Keegan was maybe 36-37 when we first meet him in the game. Maybe a healthy 38. This might also explain why he’s so quiet, and why he’s able to slip away from Rorke undetected. Because he was so new, that Rorke didn’t think he’d have to worry about him and because the rest of the ghosts are still in the process of forming a bond with him.
Keegan’s favorite drink is an old fashioned.
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queentala · 2 years
Random small headcanons for my fav SJM men
Those are totally random thoughts I had and just kept collecting, also I'll be adding new ones when I'll come up with something. Feel free to reblog and add yours <3
I think Gavriel can draw really well, especially with pencil. Like, you know, he's a really precise and detailed guy, plus thanks to his soldier skills he has really stable hands, and it just sits right with me
Azriel loves when you paint his nails black. Also once you made him wear eyeliner and he actually really liked the results, so now from time to time he lets you do it
Aedion has his ears pierced but doesn't wear any earrings (it was probably a dare, even more likely he was drunk then)
Ruhn likes to have a small, faint lamp put on when he sleeps. It looks like a white sparkle and doesn't cast much light but having it next to his bed makes him feel somehow more safe and comfy
Also, he loves being held while sleeping. When you let him snuggle to your chest and hold him tight... It's his paradise, he can stay like this for eternity
Cassian is very ticklish (especially on feet). It's actually his secret because, come on, he's the Lord of Bloodshed, how can he be ticklish? And of course you fully respect that, not wanting his reputation to suffer, however, when it's just the two of you... Let's say Cass has to be pretty alert most times as you love to take advantage of that
Fenrys always brings you a plushie from his travels to foreign countries. Actually, he brings you many different things like jewellery, dresses, combs, mirrors, gems... everything. But a plushie, is a must. You have a whole collection of small cute stuffed animals (mostly wolves) from different parts of the world. Every one of them has a name, personality and a back story which you and Fenrys always come up with
Aedion is a horse girl. He rides so well and just loved being around those animals since he was a little boy. Often he takes you on all day long trips around Terrasen. Also he has few of his favorite horses and he spoils them so much, they're just his babies.
He also probably has like six dogs and wants to adopt every one he sees on the street
Lorcan most of the times either doesn't cuddle or is the big spoon. However, after really hard day he loves to fall asleep with his face in your breasts and his hair stroked
Sometimes when Rowan is engrossed in his work, he hums songs mindlessly
Fenrys talks in his sleep, and this goes to the point where you can literally argue with him or have a whole conversation as he's asleep
Aedion swears a lot. Gavriel doesn't swear almost ever and his face when Aedion starts throwing curses he could never imagine is just priceless
However, Gavriel knows many langues. So, whenever he's angry and finally hit his breaking point, he starts shit talking and insulting everyone in a foreign langue no one knows (just imagine him aggressively talking to himself in Spanish while walking around and throwing hands in the air lol)
Cassian always sleeps naked and refuses (will literally get offended) to do otherwise, even if there are different people sleeping in the room (read: Azriel)
Dorian baby talks to his dogs. Sometimes when he does this he forgets that he is a king and then have the whole castle talking about it for the next week (people find it adorable though. some of them at least.)
Rowan always has some blades with him. Always. Dude could be standing in the room only in his boxers and still proceed to pull out a knife from gods know where
Also, he will never admit it but he has some of his favorite blades that he had named. But if you'd ever done this he would laugh at you
Once you've gotten Ruhn a bracelet for his birthday that was a guitar pick of his favorite guitarist on a black string and from then he doesn't take it off. Ever.
We know Ruhn has this very rare and useful ability to speak in people's minds, however his favorite way to use those abilities is to make the dumbest jokes in your head in the most random moments and watch you burst out laughing around all those strangers that have no idea what is going on
(he also got the big d genes from him but it's the topic for other post)
So, Fenrys is a master at coming up with the weirdest nicknames for his loved one, however, no one compares to Cassian in this matter. His creativity sometimes is more than flesh and blood can bear
Lorcan is actually the biggest girl dad
Let's be honest, Dorian has better skin care than any lady in the whole sjm universe
Cassian loves being called your pretty princess
Azriel loves puzzles. And Legos! There's no better way to spend your day off than building castles and forts, and then having an actual battle between your kingdoms
Bat boys are not really fond of thunder... I think they have bad experiences with flying during storm and it haunts them to this day. They always want to be the little spoons and be cuddled when there's a storm outside
Azriel has bat slippers and Fenrys has wolf or bunny slippers
Dorian loves wearing sygnets. He has so many and you're simply obsessed with them. He's a king, he has to look decent, you know, but Dorian loves wearing them even if it's just the two of you snuggling or sitting in the library reading. Or when he fucks you and you can feel them dig into your skin when he grabs your ass..
Lorcan enjoys having his hair combed. He just melts when you do it. And if you do a little braid somewhere on his head he will keep it and wear it for the next few days
Gavriel is the best dancer you will ever meet. On the balls he can easily make everyone's attention turn to the two of you. But he also likes to dance with you in your house or chambers, where there are no people or music, and to be honest both of you like those moments much better
To be continued....
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thekingofthenameless · 4 months
Happy Pride Month!!!! OC that was previously cis is now transmasc!
That was the concept I was yelling about! Everyone I’ve told has loved it, and Tumblr’s getting it too.
I can say with the upmost confidence that he’s definitely never been transgender in any Arthurian adaptation before except fanfiction.
There isn’t really much of a story for why I decided to do this, though. He’s been cisgender for a little over three years, give or take, and I hadn’t had any intentions of changing it.
But I had literally just started work yesterday morning, and out of nowhere my brain was like: “Trans Merlin.”
And then I got consumed by it.
There isn’t much content about him being transgender; only ten posts tagged posts for it on Tumblr, 82 fics of it on Ao3. (Yes, I checked.) And it’s all for one adaptation only: BBC Merlin.
I’m going to be the change I want to see though >:)
So without further ado, here’s a few new facts about him!
Merlin was his name at birth, and he kept it after transitioning.
(In my opinion, it’s an ode to trans people who don’t change their name before or after transitioning, and it’s also a reference/mythology gag to female portrayals of Merlin, such as The Seven Deadly Sins!)
(Honestly thinking about it, I can’t believe in all these adaptations of Arthurian Legend Merlin isn’t trans in at least one?? Or queer in some way? This is so rude.)
In TKN, cambions can shapeshift easily, and there’s also a spell they can cast that makes the form they change into their base/true form, which is what Merlin did. (He cried when he finally saw who he wanted to be in a mirror.)
When he was deciding on how he wanted to ideally look before the spell, he decided he didn’t want to let his ear piercings close, and he also chose to keep his hair long and keep wearing jewelry.
(Older queers my beloved.)
He still got periods until he went into menopause because magic unfortunately, as he and I both agree can’t get rid of periods, and he actually didn’t want to change his genitalia! He still has every reproductive organ he was born with. His chest, however, gave him gender dysphoria, so he bound it during/after puberty before using the spell.
(I love how Merlin has gone from cis white to cis ambiguously brown skinned [glad I changed that lol] to cis black to transmac black. Just. Merlin my beloved.)
Charlie is one of the few characters who knows that Merlin is transgender: people already think Merlin’s crazy for his schizophrenia and psychosis, and/or an asshole for his misophonia, so he doesn’t want to risk another thing they’d use against him. Charlie is the best familiar and was fully supportive throughout his transition, and he loves him and is fully willing to accommodate his disabilities when no one will.
(Trans Merlin has been giving me so much euphoria all day oh my gosh. I love him so much.)
He still has a sister! Her name is Ganieda, and in some of the Legends she’s two years younger than him. Here, though, they’re identical twins!
(No offense to the og Legends, but for one reason, it’s because of Adhan having a second child only two years after being assaulted and getting pregnant from it. She would’ve gotten pregnant again at a year and three months after? It’s kind of strange, in my opinion.)
Also identical twins, and one of them being trans!
As a given, he knows what periods and feminine rage and experiencing misogyny are like! But in a world that doesn’t for the most part, he comes off as well versed in it to everyone else.
(This is just an idea for now, but I was thinking that maybe later in TKN, Morgana gets her period at Camelot, and after Merlin gets her taken care of/gently educates her about it, he astral projects to Igraine and Gorlois and is like: “Hey Morgana got her period, but I got her taken care of dw 👍” and their response is: “Wow, you’re really knowledgeable about periods!”
Merlin: Trans panic
He’s experienced both womanhood and manhood, and both of them are extremely important to him. He was raised as a daughter. He experienced being a sister. He went through puberty in a girl’s body. He has the right to tell her story, and his.
Anyways. Transmasc Merlin because I’m not going to stop screaming about it
Also I made this :D
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thecomfywriter · 1 month
writeblr interview
thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling <3
No further ados! Let's get straight into it :)
Short stories, novels, or poems?
If we're talking about writing them-- novels more often than the others, but i dabble into all of them ngl. I tried writing poetry once upon a time, and while it's not all bad, it's not all good either (i shared some of the bad ones here, buried deeply in the archives. i might share the good ones sometime who knows). and short stories i used to do all the time with my irl writer friends, where we'd give each other 3-word prompts and an hour to bust one out. 10/10 recommend lol in terms of reading, all of them :)))
What genre do you prefer reading?
high fantasy and classics. give me wuthering heights and the iliad. but also, things you'd find on a high school english class reading list. i love those types of inquisitive stories
What genre do you prefer writing?
high fantasy, political fantasies or political conspiracy fictional stories. give me the complicated lore and old history, and all the strategy and war tactics and yadayada. i LIVE FOR IT
Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person?
extreme planner. i have planned every single potential wip i have in the drafts and for the future in my notion. chapter per chapter outline. scene per scene. entire oc wiki pages. lore pages. even a dictionary for their languages and different dialects, AND the scriptures they refer to/believe in. extreme planner.
What music do you listen to while writing?
whichever playlist i'm in the mood for, but typically it's my writing, august 8, or the (un)official tov soundtrack. the genres on those are so mixed, i can't even say: oh its classical, oh its r&b. no. its just vibes. anyhow, on the discord server, you can actually see what music i listen to while i write LOL because i linked it. but yes, i'll link my spotify here too because why not?
Fave books/movies?
favourite books are the iliad, the giver, wuthering heights, the last dragon, a thousand splendid suns, and the remains of the day. i've gone on a tangent about them before here!
Any current WIPs?
i'm in the editing phases of Throne of Vengeance, which I plan on publishing very soon (👀) and the writing stages of Court of Sins!
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
Hair half up in a bun and half down. Biker shorts or men's oversized lounge shorts. oversized (men's, probably) t-shirt or hoodie, or if it's with the biker shorts, a muscle-tee or a cropped tank top. layered gold necklaces, rings on every finger, multiple gold piercings and cuffs on both ears, my classic gold chain, gold bracelet, and iron cuff on my left wrist. sneakers/running shoes/vintage mint nike tennis court shoes. i have the whole outfit DOWN lmao
Create a character description for yourself
typical brown girl who can't escape the overenthusiastic punjabi girl stereotype because of her loud and eccentric personality. has strong "youngest sibling" energy with a strong level of independence and yet an immediately willingness to let someone else take care of things. flip flops between dressing extremely well and being a fashion icon with impeccable style, to dressing like she ran out of all her clothes and can only wear knitted dishrags. has been canonically told by her father she is "the son [he] never had". she doesn't know what to do with this information. incredibly studious and a huge academic. if she didn't have the extroverted personality she did, people would be more inclined to calling her a nerd. instead, they call her intelligent and call it a day. slightly a teacher's pet. can convince anyone and everyone around her to do her a favour because she's mysteriously persuasive. doesn't know how to do romantic love, but is 1000% invested in showering people in platonic love. has 10k different hobbies, none of which are remotely related. every week, she finds a new topic to obsessively research about and ramble to her voice memos to. as her sisters and friends like to say, "her life is like a series of side quests" i think that about does it., lest i wished to keep rambling LOL
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
yes and no. i like taking a singular piece of lore from people i know, typically with their permission. so, some of the ocs in my books are named after people i know in real life whom i asked if i could name my character after. it doesn't really go beyond oc naming, tbh. i feel like stealing people's real life lore is kinda... invasive? idk.
Are you kill-happy with characters?
1000% and my best friend hates me for it. i feel like a toxic partner, only capable of showing my ocs affection by making them suffer
Coffee or tea while writing?
both, plus other substances. cold water. diet soda. hot water. milk. hot cocoa. literally everything.
Slow or fast writer?
fast, but it depends on a) if i'm in school or not (pre-med babyyyyy); b) if i have a deadline of not (i once finished a full draft in 3 months because i put the finish date on my document and felt the need to meet that deadline)
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
my childhood and my childhood stories. disclaimer: i DID have a happy childhood, before anyone makes any wild assumptions LOL
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
a bookkeeper, a scholar, or a soldier. or an adventurer. not just because they're cool, but because that's what i currently do irl, so why not in a fantasy setting too?
Most fave book cliche?
friends to lovers trope for romances. jealousy arcs. misunderstandings that are DONE RIGHT. angst. ANGST. found family. the old mentor. things like that, i eat it right up like we're in an all-inclusive buffet
Least fave book cliche?
toxic male leads who everyone forgives because they're hot. i honestly can't think of much. if it's executed right, everything is fun and freegame
Fave scenes to write?
i genuinely have no clue. i love writing in general. maybe the dialogue fluff scenes that never make it to the final draft because they're so absolutely filler but they butter my croissant in ways only a boulangerie would be able to serve?
Most productive time of day for writing?
night time with the cityscape if i'm in my uni town! daytime in my mancave if i'm in my hometown!
Reason for writing?
i've always been a storyteller, and i can't exist with this world in my mind without opening the gates for everyone to pay a visit. i enjoy sharing what i love. they say the universe is expanding, and that is an undeniable fact, for all the proof i need is in the way the worlds in my head keep growing.
thanks again for the tag, my love <3
i'll tag @writingismydrugs @drchenquill @wyked-ao3 @willtheweaver @satohqbanana and @pexchys
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lemonisntreal · 1 year
Do you have a Tone Deaf version of Clay Calloway?
(Perfectly fine if you don't. I was just curious, plus I love all your redesigns) 🦁🎸
SORRY THIS TOOK FUCKING FOREVER LMAO [been sitting in my inbox since FEBRUARY THIRTEENTH, HOLY SHIT :D]. YEAH, here he is :pppp a solid draft for you
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Lowkey [highkey] gave up on the clothing wrinkles on the arms, but I still like how it turned out I think. I don't have much on him in terms of rewrite, but I do have some, so I'll dump it all here under the cut.
I swear I love asks, please feel free to say/ask whatever, I'm just horrible at answering in a reasonable time-frame because I always want to make it this beautiful masterpiece and end up turning all of them into full-on posts- or, at least I want to ~_~
Ash gave him that button off her jacket [probably needs to be resized I'm realizing lol] [also I totally adopted this headcanon from someone elses post- might've been yours. Whoever came up with it I love it <3]
Born during the reformation that happened after the war- basically, nobody was really fighting anymore during this time, but some big people in power were still being stupid [aka: not letting their prisoners go]
So that would be somewhere around 1947? Which would put his age at 61 in my universe [which is in 2008- the times are pretty much random, nothing really lines up irl. Ignore how they use tech and other things that shouldn't have been invented yet lol]
He grew up when the Skunk Dolls were new and popular and stuff. And he loved them- so much that the band actually kinda inspired his music career
[Skunk Dolls also made loads of protest songs btw. War stuff]
Takes a ridiculous amount of care with his mane, and if he lets you touch it, that's a true sign of trust
So the Piglets always like to play with it, and Ash has given him braids a few times
He's had that scruffy red jacket since his early days
I should draw patches on it-
Ash probably'll give him a quill or two to put in it too with all the patches and repair stitches
He wears a lot of plaid, I just didn't wanna draw it <3
Rough and torn up clothes too
Everything he owns has some sort of smudge or tear in it from motorbiking and/or just being himself <3
His ears are pierced in almost every way imaginable, and when Ash found out, she went CRAZY
Cue her getting him to try on a bunch of stuff
He likes wrought iron jewelry and has never been a fan of anything with gemstones in it
Buster is terrified of him, but Clay is just kinda a blunt person and it doesn't mix well with Buster sometimes. They get along eventually tho. There was also some really bad timing with the circumstances of how they even met in the first place too lol-
Johnny is also. Super terrified.
Buster and him are like "Ahhh.... that guy scares the living daylights out of me." "Ohh, thank god it's not just me-"
He has a strange out-of-pocket interest in astrology.
And in herbology and plants in general, but he picked that up from Ruby. Astrology was all his, and it is the one thing he will "nerd out" over
Also the kind of guy to make fun of you for nerding out too
Making fun of people is his love language
So is giving people food
He's not great with his words and can find it hard to express love by just telling someone. Back to the bluntness thing, you can often find him accidentally offending someone and he doesn't even realize it
The troupe very quickly learned this and it's more of an endearing trait of his to them [and to most people who know him]
REALLY good cook. Fantastic, in fact. Probably one of the best chefs out of any of the characters.
Learned the hard way that enlisting Buster's help in the kitchen is a bad idea. Also Ash isn't great either, but he actually tries to teach her some of his recipes. And she's quickly improving
Buster was just being an idiot and forgot you shouldn't microwave tinfoil
Clay travels a lot, but spends most of his time in Calatonia [he technically still lives at his and Ruby's house, but he's super scared of accidentally closing himself off again, so he only visits to check up on the flowers and maintain the property pretty much]
He's like Ash's second [and very cool] dad. Which- also intimidates Buster quite a bit :D
I feel like their dynamic could be a sitcom. Clay is Ash's awesome dad and Buster is Ash's lame [endearing] and oddly unhinged and anxious dad who feels like he has to be as cool as Clay [and always fails heehee]
Clay is more entertained by Buster's ridiculous criminal record than horrified and I don't know if that's worrying or just a classic Calloway W
He's a very nonchalant person
Ruby's death is the only time I can really think he had a legitimate emotional break that wasn't just him being snappy [which is also pretty rare]
Clay's also like an uncle to the Piglets
He's kinda just taken up the role of "super awesome miscellaneous family member" for everyone at this point
He's back performing again after Sing 2- just not frequently or putting out any new songs [on his own at least- he might do a collaboration or two with Ash]
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rivangel · 8 months
Hii! Congrats on starting your transition! ❤️ I hope you don’t find this too intrusive, but I really want to know your story with realizing who you really are and taking the steps to get there? (If that makes sense) and how is testosterone treating you? Also, do you still menstruate?
I ask this with curiosity, love and support 🙂
thank youuu<3 yeah i can :)
//tw gender dysphoria. also this is extremely personal just so yk👍
i knew something was off the second i started puberty hahahahahaha(🥲). i was 9 or 10 and didn't know what being transgender was, so, to be shamelessly honest, i refused to wear panties (i even hate that word honestly) and would just go commando until my mom gave in and got me "boy shorts". aka panties with an extra inch.
i hated the idea of bra. actually it made me sick. i couldn’t fucking stand living in my own skin at that point. despite growing them at 10, i was 12 or 13 before i gave in, but it was sports bras.
however there was a very short timeframe between that and learning about being transgender, so i'd do the double sports bra trick + 38943809 layers until i got a chest binder (which i don't remember how or when😭it might've been a loan from a trans friend when i was 13ish.)
never was a fan of makeup, dresses or long hair. funnily,,,,,, the only reason i got my ears pierced when i was like 8 was so i could get out of shopping for easter dresses.
meanwhile my mom wanted my hair long, but also around 8 or 9 i chopped that bitch. i'd chew on it (anxiety) and not brush it until it was like. all in knots so it would get cut. my mom stopped gaf, but everytime i got a short cut it was the cursed pixie cut most transmascs know too well lol, so i had it in a ponytail all the time. never liked it though
there were a lot of reasons i hated my body with every inch of my being, but i did cover up and layer all the time cuz of gender dysphoria. a core memory is going on vacation to florida in summer and sitting in front of a pool wearing jeans and a fucking black jacket😭like are you kidding me
i didnt rly comprehend being transgender (or lgbtq in general really) until i was 12 or 13. growing up on the internet, it continuously shocked me at that age what problems people had with gay people / queer people in general. it was the same for being trans, but i think i labeled myself straight and cis cuz i was already a fucked up individual with fucked up problems and i didnt want any more, especially one as heavy as being trans.
but it was too agonizing not to bind my chest, and i didnt shave my legs or underarms. i did use a nickname but it wasnt gender ambiguous whatsoever and it sucked.
along the way, while i was in choir, for a performance i had to wear a dress and i tried to shave my legs and put on makeup. when i saw pictures i didnt even know who that was, but it was wrong.
that’s not me.
but it has to be.
it's not supposed to be me.
i think i was 14 going into high school when i was like: pronouns? am i gay? chop all my hair off and be a Boy? yeah, and it helped i found a friend group that was queer.
from the very beginning of that, i was a trans guy. i rly don't remember what changed that? i think mainly my gender was a work in progress so nothing was sticking (they/she, they/he, they/them, and such). i think..... my earliest name.... wassss casper? aidan? lol
i got bullied/shamed out of the first name though. this was the mid 2010s where there was a lottttt of transphobia in the trans community.
i'll explain just in case. there were basically two parties: trannies who thought you needed gender dysphoria to be trans (transmedicalists), and trannies who thought you didn't (tucutes). in the former's opinion, there were "normal" trannies who "didnt make it their whole personality". if you didn't want top and bottom surgery + hormones? if you liked dresses or anything remotely fem? — you weren't trans.
you can probably see immediately how damaging this way of thinking is. a youtuber named kalvin garrah was basically the leader of the transmeds or truscum as they'd go on to be called lol, and i watched him religiously for reasons i can’t remember. youtube was still pretty new and it was hard to find youtubers whose channels was about being trans, and kalvin was always transparent about it from what i remember.
so yeah i got it into my mind that i couldnt be a transman bc i didnt fit exactly a transmed’s idea of what being trans means. i didn’t think i wanted bottom surgery for instance, but i was also FUCKING 15?? in no position to even be thinking about that.... and i also had a trans boyfriend at this point and he wasn’t gay so . that contributed. rip.
and like i first said, i got bullied out of being named casper because other queers and even some trannies thought i was being a "transtrender" which ties into all that.
for the bulk of high school and on (like 5 years) i was pretty firmly nonbinary and went by they/them pronouns. but also, there were a lot of reasons i wasn't in touch with my body and self so i was more or less oblivious, and the gender dysphoria blended in with the general self hatred?
yeah so imagine a super realistic robot coasting through life without any higher awareness. i was (dissociating) simply Not There so much that i don't think my personal problems or me in general ever was something i was cognizant of, let alone concerned about.
so that was me from age 17 to 21. i went by it/its pronouns for a while after something bad that happened, but not much change.
it was kind of a fluke really. as far as my gender went i was like 'yeah i’m okay with this whatever' while being objectively depressed, but i was depressed for so long about it that i became used to feeling helpless. didn't give a fuck about outfits, my body, even my hygiene much, and i hated mirrors.
"""""im okay with this""" yeah ok💀
i can’t even remember why i started testosterone😭i knew a shit ton about it and being trans for several years, so it was just...? spur of the moment...?
it turned out to be so easy it seemed too good to be true, but it wasn't, and i got my T prescription. during the initial appointment i chose to give myself subcutaneous injections on the spot...? i was hesitant about this idea, but perhaps it means something that this was the perfect method for me (compared to gel or intramuscular injections for example). i started on a little higher than average dose.
then my WHOLE world flipped upside down bc even the acne and the voice cracks were incredibly gender affirming. EVERYTHING felt so good and right + i realized there are 0 feminine things i can do/be that i'm anything but uncomfy with.
(not that there can’t be for you, but my experience is extremely binary)
it was jarring to change my gender after identifying as nb for soo long. i almost thought it was because i hated myself and my body, so i was only happy that i was looking different, not that i was looking the way i needed to. i gaslit myself a couple times into thinking i wasn't seeing any changes too lol.
in the first month, my menses stopped, and a lot more changes happened fast lol, like my voice dropping, smells changing and getting stronger, and hair growing.
perhaps within the first two months my mood became majorly destabilized. i already took a lot of psychiatric medications on account of having bipolar type 1, ptsd, and a slew of anxiety disorders lol. but it was then i actually started giving a fuck about THAT, too. as it turns out, getting off some of those meds / lowering my dose made me felt 100% better (like i could actually sleep and think clearly for instance).
and testosterone is still treating me extremely well :)
i mean it when i say every single aspect of my mental health improved extremely in a short span of time. i didn't realize i didn't know what it was to be actually happy or even okay till then.
it's pretty expensive, but it's worth it. so is top surgery which i got super recently.
since starting T, i have been scouring reddit and other forums to learn from others' experiences. that's how i was so prepared for top surgery for the most part. and it felt rly odd for me to read of how some people were/are scared of regretting it, or soon after surgery feeling that way/depressed. because god i'm so happy (not that anyone is wrong for feeling the way i described). i feel so free. of course it's disabling right now, and there's pain, and blood, but that quite literally means nothing to me because my chest is right, now. i didn't underplay it when i said that it has always been the biggest/worst source of my dysphoria. if i got a chance to redo things, i'd do it the moment i turned 18 (if possible sooner).
i am currently in the process of getting my legal name changed / my sex changed on my ID. meaning i need to turn in the request lol. i've put it on hold for now so that i can heal👍
that's everything so far i think. i plan on continuing medically transitioning, prob w/ phalloplasty (meaning, tissue is taken from somewhere else on my body and creates length for a penis + urethra so i can pee while standing up lol). but that'll be when i've been on T for a year (since surgeons generally advise giving the dick a chance to grow as much as possible from T lol).
so yeah :)
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sluttysnails334 · 1 year
My South Park high school appearances and style headcanons Pt. 1!
• has blue eyes
• hair is wavy and he’ll dye it darker or blond depending on his mood, but he doesn’t do anything else to it so it just appears unmanaged
• shorter like his dad, maybe around 5”9/10
• he gets light freckles on his face in the summer, but then breaks out in the fall. I think since he lives in Colorado he’s really pale, but I think if he lived in a warmer place he be tan.
• naturally in shape even though he doesn’t work out consistently
• ears are pierced ( by Kenny )
• dresses between basic & edgy, wears flannels with band tees and ripped jeans & Chuck Taylors lot. In the winter he’ll wear doc martens
• greenish brown, hazel eyes
• tall as fuck, like 6”2 6”3ish
• lanky, like some muscle but not much, its giving noodle
• hair is very curly, but he doesn’t know what to do with it, so it’s frizzy all the time
• has naturally straight teeth
• hooked nose
• bad acne
• needs glasses, but only wears them around ppl he’s comfortable with, hardcore contact person
• very preppy bc his mom would freak if dressed any other way, so standard denim jeans, collared shirts, sweaters vest, loafers, kinda dresses like a vineyard vines boy back from 2014
• he never really loses weight
• blue eyes
• also bad acne
• has peach fuzz
• short very short 5”6
• thin brown hair
• he wears clothes that he doesn’t wash, with shirts that are so worn out you can’t even read what was written on them, with shoes that are off brand, but he wants you to believe they are branded so he prints out fake labels
• has really good blond hair, the best of the group
• has a gap in his teeth
• has piercings, he gave himself! mainly on his face & ears
• freckles
• brown eyes, & lazy eye
• has a small nose
• tall & skinny around 6”1, but wears oversized clothes so you’d never know, actually really fashionable, king of layering and doesn’t fuck with gender specific clothing. He’ll wear a dress or a skirt and won’t give two shits about it. Gets all his clothes from thrift stores, but has been wearing the same pair of shoes for years
• dark brown hair that he actually takes care of
• clear skin
• also 6”3 maybe even 6”4 but in excellent shape, due to being a huge gym rat
• occasionally has his nails painted but only black or dark blue ( tweek does it )
• had braces for FOUR years, it was bad y’all
• very vainy arms
• green eyes
• has his right ear cartilage pierced, and silly stick & pokes all over his arms, he eventually will get tattoos and possibly more ear piercings but never on his face bc Tweek told him not too
• classic middle american teenage boy clothes like skinny jeans or joggers, vans, graphic tees, hoodies, beanies, big Nike guy, sometimes he’ll “dress up” which will consisted on a blazer and some nice slacks, he wants dress more rugged but doesn’t put effort into shopping
• blue eyes very blue
• actually has curly hair but is unaware so he just brushes his curls out and the humidity causes it to be fly away and frizzy
• freckles freckles freckles freckles
• average height, 6”0 even
• in shape due to gym dates with crog but wears like clothes that would make you think he isn’t
• long eyelashes
• he wears light make up sometimes like blush or concealer, Bebe said it would bring out his features
• nails are painted, paints Craigs so they match
• I feel like on a day to day he will dress dark academica, sweaters, button downs, collard shirts, khakis, big khaki guy, but when he dresses up, it’s like Kurt from Glee, lol hippo broach moment if you will
anyways I did this bc I can’t draw lol but it was fun
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mlmshark · 3 months
For the ask game;
🔮 Dream job?
🍪 What kind of cookie would you be?
🐶 Are you a dog or a cat person?
🐸 Describe your aesthetic
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to? (If there are several, can you name a few?)
🎧 headphones or earbuds?
💞 tag your favourite blog(s)
Oooh boy okay
Dream job is probably character design. I’ve been designing characters since I was like 9 and it’s still something I’m very passionate about (side note: super excited for artfight this year bc I get to show off my character designs)
I think I would be a sugar cookie. I don’t really have a reason I just like them a lot lol
Definitely a dog person. I have three dogs at my house right now, two of which are Great Danes. I love cats but I’ve never actually had one
I never really dress consistently so I think I’m a constant shift between emo and Adam Sandler
I do write fanfiction, I have an entire side blog dedicated to it @sharkboywrites which reminds me I should probably get to the requests I have
I know the lyrics to a lot of pierce the veil songs and Adrianne Lenker songs. Two very different genres of music now that I think about it
I like earbuds more than headphones. Sometimes wearing headphones can give me sensory issues and I just really don’t like the feeling of having my ear completely covered
I don’t think I have any favorite blogs, but I love all the mlm blogs on tumblr 💕
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
hii can i get a male match up please for tokyo revengers :) im a she/her - sorry if theres quite a bit here D:
- i like animals especially red pandas and i also like bugs too. i also sometimes like to read both manga and actual books, i like any theme but when it comes to manga i either like shonen or stories like goodnight punpun/ a girl on the shore
im very enthusiastic towards music, i listen to any genre. i can go from heavy mental and rock, to goth, to something like lana del ray where i feel like i need to be in the rain with red wine, to calm/ smthin indie, sole crushing, and then scene. theres a whole lot more i could add. lemme also add in midwest emo.
- i cant exactly pinpoint what i dislike aside from the wind because it messes up with my hair, i swear if the wind was a solid id have it knocked down immediately. though I also tend to get annoyed by people that don't use common sense.
- my hobies incule art, i have a lot of sketchbooks and majority of my lessons are done by doodling and getting told off by my the teacher cause i dont pay attention, but i still carry on. i also like to make jewelry such as bracelets/neclases, their mainly beaded but their still cute to wear and i like to make bracelets for close people
- (just for extra info here →) im mentaly unstable and have severe attached issues as well as issues with family on every aspect. id like to get better, however i just end up going down a loop hole so i cant/dont which makes everything much harder than it needs to be.
- my energy gets drained QUICK so im mostly a listener rather than a speaker when it comes to social interactions, however i do have my days where i can be jumpy and almost euthoric and talk like my life depends on it with a lot of excitement
- also i can get sudden motivation that i end up reorganising my room, one day it'd look that then after 4 months itd look like this. i tend to do spontanious little things here and there when im in a good mood and that includes in dying/cutting my hair. also ive pierced myself 6x with thumb tacks and their all healed very nicely. i have 9 ear piercings in total.
- never was much of an academic person in school, but i tend to be smart outside of it and i find enjoyment in observing people and using my own thoughts rather than finding sources
- i wont call myself shy, maybe at first sure but as i get comfortable i can go all out and i dont mind in making the first move as long as i get the same energy back, otherwise if that energy isn't given then ill forget all about them.
- i can be extremely clingy when i want to be, i hold back in latching onto someone on a daily basis. i wanna hold someone's hand, be on their back like a bag, and just overall connect soles. im touch starved and overall I can be very affectionate physically, though I'm awful at using my words for affection.
Hello! There isn’t too much. It’s actually a good thing. That means it’s easier to pick because I know more about you. It makes the match more accurate. So let’s go!
You Got…
Izana Kurokawa!!!!!
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Boy is all about loyalty and keeping those he loves around!! So you wanting to be clingy, is perfect!!!
He’s a leader so he would do all the talking for you
Very patient (we saw his like 8 year plan to take down Mikey lol) so if you are struggling with anything, he’s there for you.
Would play music for you on his guitar. I think indie rock probably.
Idk why but I also called him a human red panda. The reason his because he looks cute but is a menance like red pandas.
At home dates or concerts! I hope you like the matchup!!!
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lookbluesoup · 1 year
Munday Ask Meme
Tagged by @mimble-sparklepudding and @boggleoflight , thank you :D
Share your wallpaper:
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The last song you listened to: Wild by aeseaes
Currently reading: Nothing :C The last book I finished though was "The Forgotten Beasts of Eld" by Patricia A. McKillip, which was very good, I do recommend it!
Last Movie: Storks - it's pretty cute! I needed something chill to decompress to xD
Craving: Gluten Free Oreos. I ran out a couple days ago, I am in mourning
What are you wearing right now? Mismatched pajamas
How tall are you: Short
Piercings: Nope. I used to have my ears pierced but they closed back up because I could never be bothered with earrings!
Tattoos: None! Though I hope to get some someday
Glasses? Contacts? Both, but I prefer glasses. I can take them off to rest my eyes, and when I inevitably lose my phone on the way to bed I can just put them back on real quick to find it without an ordeal lmfao
Last drink: Water
Last show: Shadow & Bone (also fun! Do recommend)
Last thing you ate: Fajita Nachos
Favorite color: Purple
Current obsession: @seasaltandcopper pitched an au to me this morning that we've been plotting out all day, where Mal is a minor god and Nate is a human some desperate starving villagers tried to sacrifice to bring fortune back to their village. Nate prayed for help, and it's actually his desperation Mal hears and responds to. He rescues Nate, slow burn idiots to lovers, and they end up having to figure out whats "killing" the other gods and why all the bigger, widely worshiped ones have stopped answering prayers.
Unrelated obsession: I mean. FFXIV. LOL.
Any pets: My cat, Goose!
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Do you have a crush on anyone? @seasaltandcopper my beloved
Favorite fictional character: That is an IMPOSSIBLE question there are too many D: From ffxiv there's Alisaie, X'rhun Tia, Emet Selch, G'raha Tia. From other places there's Piper Wright (FO4), Rhysand (Acotar), Vignette Stonemoss (Carnival Row.... but only season 1. lmfao), Chetney Pock O'Pea (CR), Anders, Cassandra (DA). I'm also of course quite partial to mine and my friends OCs lol
(Apparently my types are: sassy man with a heart of gold, unfailingly loyal morally dubious disaster man with style, and badass kind-hearted woman who will fistfight literally anything, all with liberal sprinklings of ptsd on top)
The last place you traveled: The dentist! For the first time since 2019. I have 9 cavities :) Because I am grinding my teeth severely and also not flossing enough.
Since it is pretty late on Munday I wont tag anyone this time around, if you wanna steal if from me, feel free!!
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misc-obeyme · 11 months
Okay, to the anon who suggested Gacha Life 2, I downloaded the app and spent SEVERAL HOURS of my life creating the following versions of Arsenios and Ciaran lol!!
You were right, there are a TON of options, so there was a little bit more than what I've been able to do with a picrew! Can I even begin to tell you how excited I was that I was able to give Arsenios his hand tattoo???? (He actually has one on both hands but obviously you can't see it on one of them because of how he's posed lol.)
I'm posting them here in case anybody was wanting to see the results!
I wasn't able to quite get the hair highlights how I wanted them, but that could be because I'm still figuring out how to use the app lol. But I feel like we get the general idea.
The first one is Arrie smiling because he's trying to be personable for his job. The second one has his normal expression and also his hair in a braid, which he does frequently. You can't really see the ear piercings because of the hair, but y'know. They're there.
I was also incapable of creating his demon form, but I have also never described it. I think that's something that's going to be revealed in his story... which is starting to come together enough for me to start writing it...
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And of course the last one is Ciaran lol. They're a little chubbier but otherwise I'd say it's pretty close?
Arsenios tends to wear all black and he never actually buttons his shirts all the way up. So it's hard to tell, but it's supposed to look like it's unbuttoned at the top. I added the necklace 'cause he probably wears one or two accessories. This is like a casual outfit he'd wear on any given day. He's been known to dress up wayyyy more when he's performing at certain venues. But this is kind of his general look.
Ciaran likes to wear sweaters and light colors in general. However, they will also wear really extravagant outfits on occasion. So this is another situation of just the regular sort of every day look.
Anyway, thank you again, anon, I had fun with this! And I hope this helps anyone who was also interested in seeing what they look like a little bit more!
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cryptidswitch · 1 year
Get To Know Me Tag!
LI was tagged on my old blog by the ever gracious @salemssimblr​
So now I’ll answer it here :P
Show your wallpaper and the last song you listened to
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Currently I have a wallpaper from Wallpaper Engine (so the rain and the leaves move!) which is the Mystery Shack from Gravity Falls! This is the night version and then there is a sunny version for the day time it automatically switches to!
The last song I listened to was Anything You Want by JAWNY!
Currently reading?
Right now I’m about to hop back into listening to Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir! My boyfriend read through Gideon and I told him when he started listening to Harrow I’d go back and listen to the rest of it so we could talk about it.
Last movie?
Ponyo! Watched it with the kiddo (not that she paid any attention to it haha)
Last show?
Guys Grocery Games! We finally got access to Food Network on streaming again (thank you MAX) and my mom, Matt, and I binged like half a season today lmao
Currently craving these microwaveable shepherd’s pies things that I’m not even sure if they make anymore but the brand was called Crikey’s lmao. I know that’s weirdly specific but cut me some slack, it’s shark week
What are you wearing right now?
Ohhh, are you so curious ask game? ~eyebrow waggle~ God I need to go to bed lol. Currently in a pair of super soft grey jogger pj pants and an olive green crop top cami
How tall are you?
For the longest time I measured in at like 5′4″ and some change but that’s because they always told me to put my back against the wall and I couldn’t do that and stand straight apparently so I’m actually 5′6″ and some change!
Just two lobe ear piercings!
Currently none, I’ve got several I want but the money and time never seem to line up x.x
Glasses or Contacts?
I have glasses that I need to wear more! I don’t think I’ll ever do contacts tbh
Last thing you ate?
Right now I’m eating Skittles :P
Favorite Color?
Emerald green, any shade of purples, and black!
Current Obsession?
So, I’m an absolute slut for stationary and back to school/college season is coming up and I’m practically frothing at the mouth for all the new stationary coming out! Otherwise I’ve been really into stuff from the Edwardian era lately!
Any Pets?
I’ve got two cats that hate each other lol. One is a one eyed, black and white, manx cat named Ciel (after the anime character) and Smudge who is a teeny tiny tortoiseshell cat
Favorite fictional character?
This is such an evil question lmao. I have fallen deeply in love with Gideon and Harrow from the Ninth House series. Jude Duarte from The Folk of the Air series made me obsessed with the name Jude and I just adore her. Charlie from The Book of Night is a complete and total badass! Kaz Brekker and Inej from Six of Crows, Delilah Greene from Delilah Greene Doesn’t Care, Booker and Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite, Iron Bull and Blackwall and Cullen and Josephine from Dragon Age Inquisition, Arthur and John from Malevolent, Jon and Martin and Bashira from The Magnus Archives, Caduceus Clay from Critical Role campaign 2, and many MANY more! I can’t pick favorites lol
Last place you traveled?
Last place we went to beyond our usual haunts was the mall down in Cincinnati to attempt to go to the Squishables store for Mother’s Day (it hadn’t actually opened yet in spite of what google said)
I will tag anyone who would like to do this!
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ezralva · 1 year
Any 2×4 HCs?
Oh, I don't think I'm the right person for this, but I'll tryyy
Anw, whenever asked for HCs they turn into drabbles somewhat so it's under the cut cz it's long lol
HC 1
As far as Akai remembered, Shun had never called a girl ‘kawaii’. Not directly or behind them.
Shun hated that word with all his might.
But when the boys gathered together with nothing better to do, the topic usually changed to which newest idol girl or rookie actress is the cutest. All of them would then start shouting out why their biases were the cutest, except for Shun.
“C’mon, Shun-chan! You could at least pick one, vote for my girl!” Aoyama urged him to pick his imaginary girlfriend.
Shun looked at the picture of a row of cheerful-looking girls with fluffy uniforms and colorful ribbons decorating their heads, examining them carefully one by one.
“Hmm…they all look the same to me, so no one.” Shun just casually shrugged his shoulders.
“You’re kidding, right??” Kida grumbled, “They all are different people, famous idols!”
“But all their faces look similar to me. They all even wear the same outfits!”
“You must be blind, Shun-chan.”
“Then just name one person out there that you think befits the word ‘kawaii’. There’s gotta be someone! Even the little sister in your neighborhood is fine,” Akai said.
“Knowing Shun, he might say it’s his sister,” Aoyama piped in.
“Hmm, sis is always a lot older than me so I don’t think she’s cute. But my sis is pretty for sure!”
“Well, maybe not from a girl’s group, but a boy’s group? Apparently, kawaii boy is a trend nowadays,” Akai suggested.
“I don’t know any boys group, but if I had to choose one, then it’s him.” Shun laid out a picture from his smartphone, of a red-haired boy, looking like a middle schooler but curiously with piercings on his ears.
“Eh? I’ve never seen this idol before, who is he?” Aoyama asked.
“Oh! Maybe he used to be a child actor?” Kida blurted randomly.
“What? He’s no idol! He’s a part-timer from my sis’ café. And he’s my friend.”
“So…the only person you think is cute…is this friend of yours?”
“Yep, his name is Souma. He’s actually 2 years older than us, can you believe it? That makes him kawaii, right?”
Akai, Aoyama, and Kida just stared at each other, speechless.
Because that…just answered the long-time mystery of why Shun never called any girl ‘cute’.
HC 2
For materials of his new web-based short story, Motoharu once again surveyed the boys on what act or style or behavior they consider as ‘cool’ in men of all ages.
They were now at the café not long after the lunch rush-hour, when it closed for 3 hours to prepare for dinner.
“So from Hayate first, what is it?” Motoharu prodded.
The boy seemed to think hard on the topic. They waited for the whole 10 minutes in silence but no answer came out. Instead, the boy had started fidgeting in his seat and his face randomly went red out of the blue.
“Okay, understood.” Motoharu broke the silence and suddenly jotted something on his notes.
“Huh? But…I haven’t said anything?”
“For Hayate, everything Takayuki does and wears is the standard of cool men.”
“Whaa?! W-wait a min—” the poor boy stuttered, his blushes went all the way down to his neck.
“Next, Souma?”
“Hmm, since you mention Mima-san, I remember I’ve always thought that a guy is the coolest when they wear a suit. The complete 3-piece suit is even better!” Souma cut Hayate off.
“Ah, I think I get it.” Motoharu agreed. “We both don’t have many occasions to wear one, right?”
“Yeah! Also, I remember the 1st time I saw my bro wearing a suit, I just had to take his pics, I asked him to do this pose and that until he was late for his meeting, ahahahah-”
“That’s just cause you’re a brocon,” Shun grumbled audibly, looking very upset all of a sudden.
“Eh not just my brother, though. I agree with Hayate-kun, Mima-san has a good sense of fashion. Everything he wears looks good on him.”
“B-but I didn’t even say anything!” Hayate was flustered, looking around as if making sure that Mima was really not around.
“Maybe it’s because of his build, must be nice being that tall, right?” Souma added, ignoring Hayate.
“Okay, so for Souma, is the mature appeal, right? It’s a bonus point if they’re taller than average?”
“And Shun?”
“Of course! Guys who play sports are the coolest!”
“Boo! That’s just like calling your own self ‘cool’, Shun-chan.” Souma gave him a tongue-out.
“I-I’m not! I think artists and creators like you, Souma, a-and Motoharu-san as well, are really cool and so is a brainy and quiet guy like Hayate-san, also a man that is good at his job like Mima-san is cool too!” Shun exclaimed in one breath.
“Aww, that’s so sweet of you, Shun.” Motoharu piped in.
“Aww, that’s so cute of you, Shun-chan.” Souma giggled.
“I ain’t cute!”
The next day, Mima who wasn’t present yesterday and hence didn’t know anything, suddenly got a call from Shun, asking him about his height when he was a 3rd year high-schooler and if he still grew some inches during Uni days…
“Of course you will, Shun-kun, you’re not even 20 yet, right?”
“Yeah…Mima-san, do you think I can even get taller than you?”
Eh? What gives…?
Mima was compelled to ask what brought this on but thought better and left him be. It must’ve been just another episode of Competitive Shun.
“Sure, I think you’ll surpass me in no time.”
It must’ve been the answer the boy was looking for, as his tone obviously cheered up after.
“Then, Mima-san, can you bring me along the next time you’ll go shopping for clothes? I’d like to buy clothes like the ones you're usually wearing.
HC 3
Despite the tradition, on Valentines, Souma always gives out ‘giri choco’ (friend chocolates) for Shun, Hayate, Mima, Motoharu. But it is only Shun whom he invited to his apartment for dinner where Souma would cook him all of his favorite dishes, from scratch.
Shun thinks that is because he’s special to Souma, that they are best friends.
Even though Shun is forever dense and can’t read between the lines, Souma is still happy to invite him every Valentine.
Because he knows how much Shun loves his cooking.
So he’s going to keep doing this until that boy comes around.
HC 4
The reason why Shun went into modeling in his Uni days started when Souma needed a model for one of his final projects which was portrait photography.
He asked Mima first of course, but the guy only had one facial expression for all poses on the camera...
He asked Hayate next… but for heaven’s sake, that boy could not follow any of the instructions without blushing too hard and grimacing. Though his candid pictures did come out splendidly, it’s not like he could submit portraits where the only model was always staring at nothing on the wall or looking out the window…
Motoharu couldn't take irrelevant gigs which require his face going public without breaching his company's contracts, as the novelist had become even more popular nowadays.
So Shun it was...
Which turned out for the best.
He came out of the project with A mark and a lot of offers for jobs, which extended to Shun being scouted as a model.
Shun magically no longer shut his eyes when being captured on camera. And that only happened when Souma was the one behind the camera.
Shun also got praised a lot for being a handsome model and even got an offer to be scouted as an actor. They all said, for amateurs, they both showed great chemistry onsite and did a really great job, as a pair.
After all, Souma’s teacher said that 'the camera is the window to the cameraman’s heart'.
For some reason I like them best during this pining phase! It just feels right for now with how oblivious these two kids are lol
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snzluv3r · 1 year
Omg no literally, the first time I got my helix piercing, they used surgical steel…I thought it was just being a pain to heal until a couple months later when my ear swelled (worse than it already was) and got super fucking hot to the touch…I went to a piercer who was actually reputable and she was like oh yeah, this is bad jewelry and you need hypoallergenic jewelry. Which fixed the allergic reaction, but sadly my helix piercings have just never worked out…I’ve gotten that spot pierced multiple times and finally gave up. My nose and lip have been great tho lol - softsleepysnz
omg yes exactly this!!! the same thing happened to me with pretty much every piercing i’ve gotten and they were all surgical steel 😭 i never took them out the first time either bc it would eventually go down and not be hot anymore and then randomly flare every so often but yeah i gave up too i just wear cuffs now but i am interested in giving it a fourth (😭😭😭) chance
i want to get my nose so bad but i’m worried i just blow it/rub at it too much and it will never heal but i think it’s so cute on literally everyone
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