#no i dont take criticism /j
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starii-lins · 8 months ago
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this is them right
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vodid · 5 months ago
wondering if someday i should tackle the autism/adhd dynamic for jazzprowl like i do with adhd/bpd in my blitzbee fic
(lots of rambling in tags vv)
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roundaboutnow · 2 years ago
whats the point of writing an essay if the teacher tells me exactly what to write in every paragraph
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mugzymiik · 1 year ago
Rose jsab disloyalty au
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philtstone · 8 months ago
Shawn and Gus, "comforting hugs"
you can also read it on ao3! psych: into the mollyverse coming soon to laptops near you. just kidding. i physically dont have time to fall headfirst into another elaborate kidfic series. which is what i always say, isn't it sort of canon divergence for the movies, tho i guess technically they havent fully committed to anything yet outside of the actors getting too old lol. takes place in the same universe as my great labor of love, "so here we are again" and, alas, i love molly already
Navigating the obstetrics ward in the middle of the night is harder than Gus ever expected it to be. It really feels like a critical failure of signage, which someone needs to be held accountable for. He wonders if there’s somewhere he can make a complaint. Three in the morning, arms laden with fragrant takeout and mildly damp from the mean streets of downtown San Francisco is not his ideal time for busting out the Super Sniffer.  
Thank God Axe body spray is strong enough to survive a full work day, twenty-four hours of labor, and an outfit change. 
He breathes a sigh of relief when he finally tiptoes back into the correct room. 
“Jerk chicken, sourdough donuts, and that weird lychee butter Juliet likes,” Gus whispers, setting down his many bags in a corner. “Shawn, we need to lodge a complaint. This establishment does not have good signage. I almost got lost five times coming back up here! Isn’t that a hazard to infants and mothers and best friends of families who’ve just had babies everywhere? What if someone goes into the wrong birthing room? That would leave random people’s babies vulnerable to the potential criminal element! If I was a babynapper, this hard to navigate hospital hallway system would absolutely serve as a good alibi were I suddenly caught in the wrong place.”
His last year of parenthood and decades of friendship with Shawn have honed Gus’s whispering skills to a finely tuned and precise art; he’s not really worried about disturbing Juliet, who is finally getting some much deserved sleep in the bed adjacent. She’s pretty much knocked out cold, anyway. Shawn had guessed it would take a freight train passing right outside the window or blowing an air horn directly into her ear to wake her up. 
It is a little weird that Shawn doesn’t reply, though. Gus spends the two seconds he spends bent over and rummaging through the takeout bags for forks confused about this. Then he straightens up and looks across the room.
They’ve got a little baby crib set up by the side of the bed so Juliet can sleep. There’s a chair right next to the cot, high enough that you can look right in. Shawn’s sitting in it, in the exact same place Gus left him, more or less unchanged except for the fact that he’s sobbing silently into his hands. 
Gus sighs softly, tilts his head, and puts the takeout box on the table that houses their overnight bags before walking over. At Shawn’s side, he pauses, looking down. He’s a little biased – there is probably no baby in the world as perfect as his own, not to mention Selene would kill him if he ever suggested otherwise – but at six hours old, Molly Spencer-O’Hara comes pretty damn close. Squinched shut blue eyes, puckered rosy mouth, and completely bald. Gus loves her desperately.
He pulls up the remaining empty chair beside them and sits down.
“Shawn,” he says gently. 
“It j-j-ust – it all kinda –” Shawn waves one uncoordinated hand in the air immediately beside his head, gesturing vaguely towards himself. His voice is muffled and wet against his hand and he’s barely able to control the way his hands are shaking. “All – at th-the same time –”
“Yeah,” Gus says. “I know.”
“Sh-she’s just so – and I’m – for her – a-and it’s –”
“I get it,” Gus says.
“A-am I supposed to j-just walk around f-feeling like this all the time?” Shawn finally manages. There’s a desperate and hysterical note to his voice, the question nevertheless still drenched in sincerity, and he lifts his head, just enough to maybe breathe properly, and stares at Gus with huge wet eyes full of an emotion that Gus had had no idea what it would feel like to share.
Considering they’ve spent their lives sharing almost everything else, it’s really weird how keenly and suddenly it brings a strong, unexpected lump to his throat that has nothing to do with his usual tendency towards sympathy tears. 
“Pretty much, yeah,” Gus says.
“Fuck,” Shawn says, and cries harder.
His face is splotchy and red and his hair is sticking up stupidly from the last day and a half of chaos. He’s still got the splint on his hand where Juliet sprained his fingers earlier. Without another word, Gus leans over and wraps his arms around his best friend in the world. 
Sighing again, carefully controlling the damp rimming his own eyes, Gus rubs a hand against Shawn’s back and pats his shaking shoulders and waits for the feelings Shawn rarely exhibits so openly to calm down.
“Is he freaking out?” sounds a sleepy, feminine murmur from the other side of the room.    
“In the best possible way,” Gus says, “yes.”
Shawn hiccups in his arms.
“‘Was waiting … f’r it t’happen,” Juliet mumbles. He can hear the fond smile in her barely-awake voice. “It’ll be okay, baby.”
“I hate you guys,” says Shawn, wet and pathetic, muffled into Gus’s shoulder.
“We know, Shawn.”
They sit like that for a few more minutes, the comfortable silence only broken sporadically by Shawn’s wobbly breathing and the soft steady beeps of the machines monitoring Juliet’s vitals. Gus’ll have to head home soon – he’s switching shifts with Selene, and then Henry and maybe Karen will help them settle back home in a few days – but right at this minute, there’s no other place in the universe he’d rather be. 
“You guys better leave some of that jerk chicken for me,” Juliet says after a moment, sounding significantly more awake.
“Are you kidding?” Shawn protests, finally – marginally – less water-logged. He still hasn’t detangled himself from the hug. “Half that food is for you.”
“You know that’s right,” Gus agrees.
From below them, a tiny little voice interjects, burbling softly. Grinning hard enough that the few tears lingering in his eyes slip out, Gus decides to think that she’s probably agreeing, too.
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tengritexas · 5 months ago
Alright here we go chat
Im playing an interesting game endorsing a candidate on tumblr but Im going to anyways. You can like it not like I dont care its cool.
This blog is aimed to remain apolitical but in the past few months its become increasingly hard to do so. Im now at the point where I must encourage you to vote.
I will be publicly endorsing Donald J Trump. And while Im certain that upsets most of my followers its important to clarify Id rather be your friend and win a heart than win a mind.
I do this for the sake of perserving a good conscious for myself
My reasons for endorsing Donald J Trump are as follows
-The shift of Taxes to Tarrifs:
Under the Trump administration you will not be taxed on tips or for working overtime. Instead that money will come from Tarrifs placed on China which will double as support for american factories and american jobs.
-The chronic health epidemic:
Robert Kennedy (under the trump administration) aims to stop the chronic health epidemic which I think is crucial not only for American youth but also for global health moving forward
-Defunding of CIA operations
Literally just yesterday multiple agencies raided a man over a rabid squirrel in what almost seems like a twisted comedy sketch.
Keep it plainly there are 2 sides of the CIA, one of which does not like you and wants to keep (what I believe) very important spiritual discoveries from the public eye. These discoveries need to become more publicly available
UNDER TRUMP, the CIA lost considerable funding which I believe has led to both assasination attempts. Trump hires private investment firms our of fear that this previously mention sector of the CIA acts autonously and unconstitutionally. This was briefly mentioned in the NASA UAP hearings of 2023
-Media machines/Smoke and Mirrors
I believe the media machine is a marvel of the elite class that currently rules America. I still have not been presented with a case of how Harris will solve the very real and very critical issues (thats not to say they arent there I merely havent seen them) her campaign has been essentially smoke and mirrors. If she wins it appears to me more so a victory for the media machine (which I have a personal vendetta against) than it being because of her capabilites
-Moral conscious and the Eagle Pass Crisis
I am a Tengrist and believe I should not disturb the natural order of things. Harris as the border czar has disturbed the natural order of Texas autonmy. She has done something which seems to me extremely irresponsible. Threatening to shoot Texas rangers and sending in national guard is something I will take serious. Those are my friends, my brothers, the people I see in class and you will not threaten my neighbors.
- The global stage and forever wars
While I think Trump makes overly ambitious claims that "the ukraine war will end in a month" and "israel will stop fighting in a month". I still think this is comperatively more optomistic than his counterpart. I personally do believe Trump having the only administration in which no war started is remarkable. The track record favors Trump here (though I do not believe he will wave a wand and create peace)
- What I do not see on the ballot
I have not seen any suggestions or signs of Trump wanting to take away any rights that the American people already possess. There seems to be this idea that we will move backwards. He supports LGBTQA+ platforms, He supports many diverse universities. Even recieved endorsements from Trans communities. I have seen people argue that your rights are on the ballot, I have not seen this to be true unless you are of the 1% that owns bump stocks (he did want to ban those but its related to guns)
Its your vote, and I suggest you vote your conscious as well. But I hope youll take these points into consideration.
For the sky, for the ground, for the soul.
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66sharkteeth · 10 months ago
HIIII omg i am a H U G E fan of you and cob! cob is literally my favorite webtoon ever.... its not enough to just read it, i feel like i need to be enveloped in it (if that even makes sense 😭) every episode literally leaves me shaking with adrenilineeeEEEEE!! (side note i dont have a question i j wanted some way to communicate to you and im sorta new to tumblr so idk any other way lmfao) i literally talk about cob atleast once a day. at this point its an addiction lmfaoo
ive noticed that your tumblr posts are so sad and frustrated recently and i wish there was some way i could help :( if you ever wanted to share ocs or just talk im here and im sure all of your fans would appreciate your art too! maybe you could make another tumblr acct devoted to ocs - ik id definitely follow it immediately :D
also if you decided to take a mental health hiatus your fans wouldnt mind and would in fact encourage it! (ok sure wed be upset cause cob is SO GOOD but overall health is more important!!!) and youd also have more time to work on ocs and to just relax and think about yourslef for once (AND TO NOT LOOK AT THE MEAN COMMENTS ON UR POSTS FROM JEALOUS MEAN PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN CRITICIZE PEOPLE WHO ARE BETTER THAN THEM >:( )
also side note but the more popular you are the more haters you have...its just statistics! so in some twisted overly optimistic way its actually a positive 😉 anyway those ppl r just jealous and have terrible taste.
anyway idk where this is going im j rambling at this point but idk i obviously know barely anything about you but what i can inference from ur posts is that you seriously need a break!!!!! we love cob ofc but we love the health of the creater (YOU) more!!! and if you ever want to talk to anyone or to share ocs youre exited about you can always reach out to me or anything :DDDDD or like anyone you know in real life too lmfaooo--
so uh idk how to end this....so BYE YOURE AWESOME YOURE SLAYING <3333333333
lol you're too sweet! i appreciate every word.
tho unfortunately, taking breaks aren't that easy, since when i don't make episodes, i just don't make money. besides, i actually don't mind the workload that much? it's everything...outside of working that seems to bum me out haha. i kind of like turning off my brain for 10 hours each day to draw episodes. usually when i'm sad, it's after work when that distraction is gone.
also, i do post more freely here already as is! i tend to be a bit more selective about what i share on twitter and IG, but since like 20 people follow me here, i'm a bit more open and share more things, both personal and CoB/OC related lol. i just haven't had a ton to share lately outside of text essays and answering asks.
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rosethreeart · 8 months ago
im gonna be honest but your response to being told that your china's features dont look very asian is kind of wild, especially considering op was an asian person. Like, the fact a non-asian creator received criticism by an affected minority and basically told them that they were wrong about how their own ethnic background looks is kind of insane?? Especially when like, they offered advice on how to make it look more accurate. I know that your intentions likely weren't to do that and you were just being defensive because,,,, who isn't when accused of racism, (like i feel you) but I think you need to realise that there's nothing that screams "I don't care what minorities think" more than... effectively telling a POC you know what their people look like more than they do. Really, all it took was being open to criticism, and being willing to play around with his features to see if they could be adjusted (hm,,, maybe make the eyes less centred so they dont look so heavy set, go a little easier on those very obvious eyelids, etc) to look more asian instead of the artistic version of skull measuring (/J) lolol. Anyways thats just my two cents
I might sound a bit incoherent or blunt but I just have a migraine and this day has NOT been good /gen
As I stated before I 100% understand where people were coming from in regards to it and that I don't take the issue of whitewashing/making things eurocentric lightly and that I do take care to make characters look like the ethnicities they belong to.
Sometimes things look wonky! Shit happens!!
Quite frankly I was being defensive but to go ahead and once again assume ill intent and that that defense was some "I know better than you" rhetoric is exactly why I was defensive in the first place.
someone pointed an issue out, I said that I have that noted for future reference and that this was very clearly a one off issue, and that Im also showing that the sketch was poorly positioned but the lower nose bridge is still present and that bad faith and bad intentions should not always be assumed. Honestly this should have really just been a one and done move on situation especially for a sketch I did in less than five minutes.
I'm also just extremely 3-Dimensional in the way in which I think when it comes to the art process which is why I included the drawings not because of some weird "skull measuring" thing (which wouldn't even have made sense in the context anyways and honestly wild to even accuse someone of doing). I just could not word it without writing out an essay or some incomprehensible word vomit. I was just using a tactic commonly found in animation where you use "onion skins" to find the next breakdown/inbetween in the sequence to help show how he would have looked like from a front facing perspective with a neutral facial expression.
I'm not saying that I don't care or that I know more than them, and that is actually pretty close to the opposite of what I said verbatim!
I just felt the need to note that the features I showed are valid features and that simply reducing all people of east asain decent into having the same exact face (or just nose) shape is weird especially considering how much diversity there is. There are a wide variety of features in China and to go ahead and say that only ONE of them is valid and should be depicted is something that SHOULD receive push back not matter any previous context, which is what I was pointing out in the first place.
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wundersmith-squall · 1 year ago
ramble about your Ezra Squall redemption arc please?
Absolutely- id be very happy to! I'm quite aware that im about to sound like this:
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but you asked so this is what you signed up for /j
Soooooooo it basically wormed its way into my head because of the one time where Squall said something like 'We're wundersmiths we take all of the blame and none of the credit' and I was like, okay sir are you speaking from experience? What was the 'credit' of your actions? And also the mention of the shared enemy, which I at the time took as meaning partially something in the republic that threatens Nevermoor, and partially something to do with the system, the Wunderous Society and like, all the people in charge who are against wundersmiths and are trying to hold Mog back.
Along with these two things, I'd like to think that 100+ years of banishment are long enough to rethink your actions and become a better person.
So, I'll explain it in a way that wont take an entire essay to write out. Basically it goes in my head that, Courage Square was, at least partially an accident, and over 100 years the story got skewed, and the current population turned against Ezra and the Wundersmiths, while the population at the time knew how, Wundersmiths ultimately were trying to help Nevermoor. Courage Square was bad, which is why Ezra was banished, but he wasnt killed. After a tragedy, it would be expected that he'd be punished, but at the time, the Republic as we know it didnt exist, and so being banished out there was a very bad fate, but it was definitely better than death.
Ezra went through a, lot of bad mental states during the first few decades of his banishment, but as he grew older, he came to terms with both his past actions and his current situation, though he still feels guilty about it.
In my head, the Wundersmiths were originally established to protect Nevermoor from the weird creatures of the darkness that the Wunderous Society takes care of now. Those creatures are attracted to Wunder. When Ezra was banished from Nevermoor, there were no longer any Wundersmiths in there, and so WunSoc had to step up and find a way to cover for him. Meanwhile, Ezra, who still loves Nevermoor, establishes Squall Industries, partially to improve conditions in the Republic and partially to provide a bigger, brighter beacon of wunder to attract the majority of the dangerous creatures to a place where he could still handle them. In this same thought, the Hunt of Smoke and Shadow werent something he created, but a group of these dangerous creatures that he managed to tame.
On the same subject are the other cursed children, those who, gather wunder but are unfortunately dont have the gift to control it. The creatures of the darkness, who chase wunder, hunt down these children to take the wunderous energy from them, which they dont survive. Ezra does his best in this situation, but one man can only do so much, and the creatures are relentless.
When he first discovers Morrigan, he's not exactly sure what to do. He tries to just get her as an apprentice through the usual means in the republic, but after a certain mad ginger got in the way he sent the Hunt after her, himself being busy trying to help the other cursed children, but we all know that that attempt didnt work. Ezra, knowing about the wunder critical-mass gather-too-much-without-using-it-makes-bad-things-happen thing, so he used the gossamer to get back into Nevermoor.
Having to enter and view Nevermoor again, even though not physically, took a bit of a toll on him, plus having to interact with someone new while being himself, which is not something he's had to do in a long time. He's also never, had to teach anyone before.
From there, I imagine he goes from frustrated and angry, to irritated but starting to get attached to Mog, to actually being a genuinely good teacher (aka the floof you saw in my drawing, who doesnt sleep nearly enough but still tries his best to be a good person), who is Tired™ and also just as chaotic as Jupiter when he wants to be.
Thank you for listening to my ramble- I can happily expand on anything if anyone happens to like this train of thought. I have further specifics on, basically everything, but this is a solid overview.
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tentenpropaganda · 5 months ago
the main problem with naruto fandom is just that like 98% of characters have done something very objectionable at some point, and people (myself included tbh) just tend to have a bias against whichever character just... caught them at the wrong moment, or did something that they find particularly objectionable. but, in the name of "critical analysis", people in fandom tend to really focus on, like, grading the morality of every character and action in the story (which is not really what critical analysis means imo. that can be a PART of critical analysis but it's not the end-all-be-all; there's a time and a place, yknow?).
so it just causes a lot of unnecessary vitriol because people feel entitled to be like "how could you like [x character] from this nationalistic manga about morally fucked up ninjas who murder people bc they're indoctrinated by a morally fucked up system??? don't you know [x character] is morally fucked up and has literally murdered people????" and often this is closely followed by "you should instead appreciate MY favorite character, [character who has ALSO done some seriously fucked up shit which went unquestioned by the narrative]"
and like, it should be obvious from glancing at my blog that i can be a bit of a hater towards characters i don't like. i have my own biases! but just bc i dont like j*raiya, for instance, doesn't mean i'm gonna make a post implying that liking him means you, yourself, are sexist, or don't care about the real-life misogyny and SA.
idk. this is a really common problem in fandom in general, but it feels particularly bad in naruto sometimes, and i think that's probably partially because it's such a huge series with so many fucked up things about its writing (see: treating genuine SA from j*raiya as a hilarious joke, or treating hyuga clan slavery as something that can just be papered over by ~treating the branch family nicer~, or going to Great Lengths to establish that the shinobi system is deeply fucked up and immoral and needs to be changed only for naruto to become hokage and change Literally Nothing). so like, you're hard pressed to find characters who haven't done something fucked up which the narrative condones. which can feel very frustrating!!!
that frustration is valid!!! and ranting about specific moments or characters that bug you most of all is very valid!!!! but please don't feel the need to take that out directly on other fans. whether that be by, again, implying that ppl who like the characters are stupid or immoral, or by getting personally offended when you see other ppl who like characters you hate/dislike characters you love
(be like me instead and make your own rant post complaining about this phenomenon rather than replying to annoying rant posts in your fav's tags lmao)
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soursherbat · 4 months ago
I like to think if allure was given sugar itd make hxm more critical of hxs actions . Which now includes my chance of drawing ramzi
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Alternatively,, however, translation device used and ramzi agrees on whatever the fuck allure said in the first image /j
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allure is so funny hx is so me after my third cup of coffee 💀💀💀💀💀💀
THIS IS LITERALLY SO PERFECT EXACTLY HOW RAMZI WOULD REACT --- ITS SO CONFUSED IM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭ramzi knows exactly what allure is saying to it 💀💀hx and it have so much in common for real im living for it - when ramzi has been gone for a week on crusade it takes it a few hours to be normal again 💀💀💀💀 dont even get me started on the state purgatory leaves him in!!
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squilfmybeloved · 7 months ago
rhodeytony, stevetony, ironstrange, pepperony, peppermay, peppernat, stucky, sambucky, and sarahbucky (?) except they're all married and coparenting peter parker. with a dash of parkner and spideychelle on the side. no i dont take criticism/j <3
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theespeakerboxxx · 7 months ago
Even just promoting indigenous people's shops/crafts/etc would be help but again, her ego won't let her think about anyone but herself. I feel genuinely uncomfortable with her just using heritage as a shield from well earned criticism
i dont think ive ever seen lily promote anything from a group she belongs to
actually nvm, she's promoted a boatload of incestuous media, so that counts for something right? / j
all jokes aside tho youre right, she only talks about herself, even when it comes to her critics she never takes the time to reflect on herself, they're always 100% in the wrong somehow
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little!becky headcanons because she's my special girl
usually regresses voluntarily! lands somewhere betwene 3-6, really depends on the day
pretty quiet and calm when she's little. her cgs can trust her to leave the room for a minute and come back to her still putting legos together . parallel play queen though!!! she's the happiest when there's someone watching over her
finger chewer
also plays with the ends of her hair a lot. accidentally ended up chewing or sucking on it more than once
tom is her primary caregiver i dont not take criticisms
plainest little diet. applesauce and lightly salted noodles and she's happy as ever
absolute the wizard of oz girl. the dvd she has is scratchy now from how many times it's been replayed
she has adapted to tom's music taste (40 year old divorced father) as a little and her favorite band to play when she's regressed is (unfortunately /j) radiohead.
carries around a little bear keychain. both as a comfort thing for when she's regressed and as a good luck talisman for work. it was a present from tom when they were still in high school, and no matter how dirty it got she kept it
BABBYYY TINY SWEETHEART she’s everyone’s special girl fr!!!
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soapsinthebox · 6 months ago
character ask um sona thouughffs perhappps 😁do soba. Sona :)
Greets Gekko!! and of course, im always happy to talk about my cancelled aunt, she is my pfp after all
Favorite thing about them
Oooh this one is hard... "Favorite" is a little too wide of a definition for this, so ill narrow it down to what hits the hardest for me, and that is most definitely, the "flawed mother" angle they were going for her.
Sona isnt perfect, as much as she wants to claim otherwise, she believes in ideologies that actively put Frisks friends in danger time and time again, and as shown, is even willing to act on them in the imperfect routes, but they still love and see the good in her, because thats what theyve grown up with their whole life, and for someone who has a mom in a pretty similar situation, that hit so fucking hard for me.
Sona... they could never make me hate you Sona...
Least favorite thing about them
I dont really understand the hair motif they were going for, it feels unnecessary, out of place, and compared to all the other powers she could have had in the concept art (Doll powers, omega form, ect) just feels... idk, boring to me? i just feel there was so much more potential for her.
Favorite line
"If you dont have determination, you have to fake it!" lives rent free in my mind. its the perfect way to show off one of her main ideologies, In Sonas mind, theres just simply no thing called weakness or imperfections, and anything that is lacking can be fixed right up like a doll, who cares if itll never be as genuine as the flawed and complex human being that they used to be?
Theres also the iconic "I only take the souls of children if they disobey me!" line, which i like for a lot less complex reasons. just, out of context funny lmao.
The possible relationships she can have with Dalv, and her relations to integrity are both very intriguing to me.
Like, for Dalv theres this whole thing with them that they are both flawed individuals who ran away from their problems in the past, but ended up with completely different outcomes (Dalv was ripped away from society, while Sona actively got herself involved in it) but also like?? for something fluffier, i like to imagine that Dalv is good with kids, and the idea of him running an orphanage with Sona is really cute to me.
And integrity... oughh, its seen both in the no romance endings and the perfect sans route of kc that Sona really cared for integrity (their ending having the most lore, only second to Justice because...well, uty reference, her giving them flowers in that one cg), So the idea of her in a uty scenario (cough cough kcy cough cough) finding out about what they did and their fate is a REALLY interesting angle to consider for me. so many thoughts, oh so many of them.
And then last but certainly not least, theres her and Chara which i feel like i dont talk about NEARLY enough but since this section is getting long, ill just end this off on that kc shouldve had more Sona and Chara interactions.
... Its Sonaroba, is anyone surprised.
Theyre so interesting and mentally ill and evil i need to put them in a snowglobe and shake them as hard as i can. Like, you have two woman who were both wronged by the world in some capacity, and when proven wrong, are so tunnel visioned that they basically just beg for death. only that one is past that arc and has learned to grow, while the other, despite having the chance time and time again, hasnt. They're two sides of the same coin, they're two different outcomes of the same person they're they're they're-
My incoherent ramblings aside, i also really enjoy Sonanny, they're the doomed old woman yuri ever and i refuse to take any criticism /j like, theres a reason Nanny is the only adult not controlled by Sona right? IM GOING INSANE-
... Im actually at a loss for what to put here lol. I mean, i guess theres Sona and Sans, but its just so stupidly evil and toxic that i kinda just, thrive in it now
I guess her and Starlo?? but theyre not compatible anyway so i dont really get why people would even ship it to begin with.
Random headcanon
The hat she has in the concept art right?? i imagine she actually still has that hat somewhere, and wears it on special occasions like anniversaries and birthdays. its just so cute i cant help myself rahhh-
Unpopular opinion
Im actually not that familiar with what the major idea around Sona is since i only really hang out in niche spaces, maybe i should hang around Andrews community more-
But since "Sona isnt just some random racist mom and her character goes so much deeper than that" isn't really a fun answer, im gonna say that i think we (and by we i mean like, the twelve people in the kissy cutie community) Really dont explore her Mexican origins enough. theres so many fun things you can do with it like the original game does-
Song i associate with them
The main two songs i associate with her are Suburbia by Will wood and the tape worms, and ruler of everything by tally hall.
Suburbia in particular feels like her trying to fit herself and eveyone into a "generic" standard, and the ar-15 part in particular feels like Chara speaking to her like "cultures not your friend" and "Culture is more afraid of you then you are of itself", making it a duet between the Siblings?? ouggh can you see the vision.
And ruler of everything... oh ruler of everything my beloved, everything about it fits Sona so well for me, especially the chorus?? Ayaygdgyduhhuh
I actually was story boarding a ruler of everything Sona animatic, i lost interest since school started, so heres the rough beatboards
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Favorite picture of them
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The little full body Xan cut out lives in my mind rent free, like look at her guys shes so full of bliss and whimsy
Thanks for the ask!! sorry this got a little long lol, i am a yapper at heart
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gl4ssfan · 1 year ago
im gonna hit someone
finished dragons rising pt 2.
my conclusions:
cole and geo are so gay. only a few minutes onscreen and they're already a close second to lava in my brain.
kai is wyldfyres brother/father figure no i dont take constructive criticism that man is a BROTHER/FATHER
the freaking. pie parallel. pie is synonymous with home in the stupid show. hey, remember when zane found the bounty? pie. when they all get a second to rest after the big ol battle is over? FREAKING PIE.
also i miss jay and i need cole to come back. you cant taunt me like that with my two little guys and not expect me to be mad when j dont see more
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