348 posts
23 Year Old, average Tengri Enjoyer
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tengritexas 21 days ago
Me practicing whistle tones :>
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tengritexas 24 days ago
If youre a pagan/witch/shaman holla at me I need internet buddies
Trying to push myself back onto tumblr because Ive been so disconnected with Tengri. I dont have irl or really even close pagan friends at all. So lets change that! If youre down ofcourse 馃ス
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tengritexas 24 days ago
Whats a long day of work without tweaking :>
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tengritexas 25 days ago
Persue the Truth because it is the Truth!
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Random post (sorry) but this is a key reminder you should prioritize learning the truth. Not to feel good about yourself, not to be part of a winning team, but purely to understand the world in its fulness.
There are people in the media who lie (lol no surprise) despite knowing the truth. I warn these types of people:
One day the truth will shine brighter than the Sun, and I wonder what you will say then
This applies to so so many things. But I especially mean this spiritually. The coming of new age religion and the rebirth of paganism (wether its fully true or not) is telling you the truth will come to shine like a beam in the dark. The liers cant hide spiritual truths forever
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tengritexas 25 days ago
Blog wellness check
Hello hello! Sorry I havent been active in here guys school and work piled up and I wasted more time on very bad dates (go figure). Always yes yes Im still around! Been a little down in the sads but Ill be around! Come holla if you need me I may post here and there!
How my witches holdin up?
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tengritexas 2 months ago
Tiktok and the US Government: An action done in haste.
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Alright gotta take another hot take again sorry chat.
The U.S government is trying and laughably failing to tell you a story that is not true. They want you to believe a singaporean vet in a singaporean company is a chinese communist.
I want my followers to take this advice, if you take any of my advice ever take this. Corrupt people will try to take away your freedom and try to offer you safety. Do not take it they are lying in that offer, because there is no real safety to be had.
The U.S government is long standing in drafting fictional problems and then drafting solutions to their carefully crafted problems.
To the US Government:
I will not give you my freedom, it is not mine to give away anyways. I do not want your safety, I will be deleting multiple american platforms and scrubbing my data on facebook, x, and snapchat only limiting myself to instagram and discord (discord is privately owned).
I will also use vpns and whatever tech to use tik tok further. I hope the us government changes its mind, because I will not.
To my representative who voted for this ban:
If it wasnt for your oil money, and riding a wave, the people wouldve won an election you sorry bastard. Just know you cant take your oil money with you when you get older than you are now.
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tengritexas 2 months ago
Extra Worldly: My Assessment of the Gateway Process
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I admittedly have no completed these tapes and am too busy usually to do them on a regular basis.
I do have people I trust whove gotten far and claim some wild stuff. In my personal experience using the gateway tapes I have been able to successfully go out of body twice for a few seconds roughly.
Here is what I think
If Robert Monroe's work is accurate (and I believe it is) this is the modern equivalent to christopher columbus discovering the New World. Think about it, the gateway process suggests time becomes irrelevant when out of body. You could even move to extra dimensions. IF thats true, again I think it is, this has some serious implications.
If youre interested in material where Robert Monroe first hand experiences these things look at "journeys out of the body" by robert monroe. There are 3 books in which they are all journal entries if his astral projections!
Thats all for now :> what do you guys think?
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tengritexas 2 months ago
I meant to put NOT and didnt. Work distracted me :> sowy
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tengritexas 2 months ago
Potentially Hot Take: Magic is NOT Politically Biased
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^that shit looks crazy lmao
Yes yes Im sure this one may ruffle a few feathers. Magic does not care about your political opinion. Magic and rituals can still be done regardless of your political or personal views. Maybe some of you read this and are thinking:
"Uhh yeah Hayden thats obvious"
Its sadly not.
Ive seen a few posts om tumblr here and there and just want to clearly state magic operates the same. I can historically support this by suggesting this is how evil people (good people too) come to power. There are a plethera of examples but even Hitler took up nordic pagan practices and claims that helped him rise to power.
Its like saying math doesnt work anymore if you voted for Bill Clinton. Math clearly still works even if the opinion might suck.
Both are aspects to reality, reality doesnt change because of my or your opinion!
Anyways thats all I got for now! Take care!
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tengritexas 2 months ago
Knocks at Midnight:
An Omen for When Someone is Trying/Wanting to Get in Contact With You
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Have you ever been in your home, eating netflix and watching soup? (Just making sure youre reading :>) and suddenly you hear a knock on the door, or window. A single, but very clear knock?
Well if you check and find no one is there, it could be an omen. It usually suggests someone is wanting to reach out to you but is struggling to in some way.
Whether it's a person or a spirit, it may depend on your situation, but if you dont want it, try to ward it off with your favorite cleansing method!
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tengritexas 2 months ago
Unifying Magic and Science
This guy does NOT get enough ratings, go check him out!
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tengritexas 2 months ago
WHEEZE this is innovation
Help me build a magical first aid kit
Funny answers only please!
Gonna start us off with a copius amount of lavender. Gotta be 1 pound of the herb 馃槀
Tagging @jezzzebel @mikeyanderson97 and @eurydicejones
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tengritexas 2 months ago
Help me build a magical first aid kit
Funny answers only please!
Gonna start us off with a copius amount of lavender. Gotta be 1 pound of the herb 馃槀
Tagging @jezzzebel @mikeyanderson97 and @eurydicejones
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tengritexas 2 months ago
Help me build a magical first aid kit
Funny answers only please!
Gonna start us off with a copius amount of lavender. Gotta be 1 pound of the herb 馃槀
Tagging @jezzzebel @mikeyanderson97 and @eurydicejones
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tengritexas 2 months ago
Extra Worldly: The CIA's Assessment of the Gateway Process
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Hello Everyone! I have been wanting to do this series for awhile but have been nervous to because of the content at hand and ofc making sure my blog is afloat. With 2025 rolling around I think its time, and I think this will be the most important series I do for yall!
(The link isnt working but google will take you to the website and document)
^ link to CIA Document (Declassified Under the Freedom of Information Act)
What is the Gateway Process?
The Gateway Process was introduced by Robert Monroe through the Monroe Institute. This process originated out of Robert's work attempting to study astral projection. Eventually, the CIA gets involved and funds this program further when they find the Nazis and the KGB had similar programs around that time.
The Gateway process is a step-by-step guide on how to Astral Project, in which the soul leaves the body and travels to any place in the universe. Robert Monroe wanted to use this to understand the nature of our universe, the CIA wanted to use it to spy on the soviets.
With this you could observe the world in spirit, anywhere in the universe, and even go forward ir back in time. Robert Monroe believed you could also see other realities or realms of our universe.
So... What did the CIA Think?
Keep in mind this document was written around 1983, but at the time, they found these processes to be extremely successful but also "unscientific" due to how abstract these ideas were. The program still continues at the monroe institue to this day.
The CIA tested participants by hiding a written note with 10 letters on it, in another room. The participant would attempt to reach that room via astral travel and examine the note. The average accuracy was 70% of tests with a range of 40-90% over multiple tests.
Again successful, but flies in the face of science (especially since these ideas came before quantum mechanics and entanglement became mainstream, they are connected but I wont be covering that)
Where can I find the Gateway Process?
They are simply a series of tapes and manuals, looking them up on google and youtube will certainly get you there! Worth looking at but I wont provide any links here to avoid any sort of copyright issue.
What do I think?
My next entry will have some of my takes on the material. For now, stay tuned!
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tengritexas 2 months ago
I was gonna do a new years post but Im actually bout to blow a fuse so not this time :> see ya next year! Budumtss
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tengritexas 2 months ago
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Tuira Kayap贸 brandished her machete in the face of a government official who was trying to convince indigenous leaders to accept a mega-dam project in the Amazon, 1989
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