#lily aint native
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now to set the mood of this blog... i've been wondering how lily's setup looked, so heres my artistic interpretation!
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lily all you have to do is research the topic and formulate an opinion on it! you don't have to be native and or live on a reservation to say shit!!!
the question was more-so asking why do you think theres so much alcoholism on reservations.
maybe it's because natives are an oppressed group, being shit on by the government and others as a whole. and they're turning to other means of coping because that's what helps them the best? i just have a feeling you don't want to comment on native subjects that don't relate to you.
or maybe...you don't want to speak on this because you know that some people who suffer turn to coping with drugs, and you dont wanna defend them!?
all jokes aside i did do research! my opinion came from common sense and a couple minutes of research, gah damn its that easy!
and you're not displaced lily, you've said before that you think reservations are shit and you never wanna set foot near/live in one. if you didn't lie your story would be straight
[Lily's Post]
Well that's funny coming from the person who earlier today said:
"I have not met a single person who uses drugs harder than tobacco who wasn't an abusive piece of dog shit with clear dependency issues."
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So I get asked to do a tattoo blog ALOT, and while I don’t see myself as tattooed enough to warrant one – all of y’all do, so here we go.

My first tattoo, the one considered to be the ‘gateway’ tattoo.
My first tattoo! I drew myself, mistakes and all when I was 17, and my best friend Hannah treated me to it on my 18th birthday and she got the same tattooed on her other arm. Best friends 5eva. So no underage tattoos here guys! Not for lack of trying…>:)
Now, if I HAD got tattooed underage, I can honestly say I would have been lumped with a monstrosity for life – I drew up my own design of a trad style anchor, with two swallows either side – doesn’t sound that bad right? Well I wanted it in traditional garish colours, and no where other than my lower abdomen. Let’s just say thank fuck for tattoo artists who check ID and don’t just ‘take my word for it, my mum said I’m allowed one and I’m deffo 18.’
I had the tattoo bug from a very early age, didn’t help that we were regulars at festivals like The Bulldog Bash – a motorbike, music and booze festival run by the Hells Angels, which happened to be a stones throw from our front door. My other best pal Naomi, got her first tattoo there, underage ! And it was me who got called the bad influence!!
Anyway, I fucking love art, so much so I wanna be the art. Is that so strange?
My next tattoo was on a whim, with an old friend of mine in London, we filled up on chocolate vodka, decided to get ‘matching’ hand tattoos and she ended up with an ace of spades, while I ended up with a tiny anchor that has since spread so much it needs explaining every time I show it. Scratcher tattoos, for the win!

On my right hand, a tiny anchor tattoo sits on my finger! Yes, that is an anchor.
My third tattoo, and my first proper learning curve, was that some tattoo artists don’t just ‘know’ what you want! I was besotted with Valerie Vargas style tattoos at this point, having just discovered her work in several tattoo mags, and so when Ryan and I booked a day session I showed the guy a picture I liked and said ‘I want something like that, please.’
19 years old, and shy AF, he showed me a stencil briefly and slapped it on my upper arm, I have a mole on that arm (about where your TB jab might be) and he’d positioned the design – that I’d hardly seen – so the lady’s face had a huge mole on it!
I asked if he could move it, and he scrubbed my arm roughly and moved the stencil. By now I’d seen the design and it wasn’t what I wanted. Feeling too rude to say so and ask for a new one to be drawn up, I sat through an hour or so knowing I hated my tattoo.
Here’s the lesson I have since learnt…
They are on you FOR LIFE.
That is what you are paying for. A permanent mark. A permanent design that you will look at – FOREVER. If you don’t like it – speak up ! A tattoo artist doesn’t want you to be unhappy! They want you to love your art, on paper, and on skin. It’s their job, and generally – their passion too. Communicate! Be specific, your artist will want to work with you to get an end product you are happy with living with, and they are happy scarring you with.
So yeah, here she is, and she’s remained untouched since that fateful day. Sorry hun.
A few centuries later, had a spell of homelessness, living on the dole and finally getting our acts together and adding to the clan – Lily was born. And upon her ejection, it was time for another tattoo.
I got my second and third finger tatts on Ryan and I’s anniversary, so as an ode to my two loves of my life, I opted for a heart for Ryan (hint hint, I would like a ring) and an L for…Loopy Lily the First. This is one of those photos that at the time I thought was beautiful and now she is grown look back on and think ..urgh Potato Child.
Sorry babe, you are beautiful now.
On maternity leave and with money and time to kill, the arm began to fill up. This was done at Dust n Bones Tattoo in Plymouth, by lovely Robin!
Brightened up the peg something chronic!
Then! Fate struck, and two ‘brummies’ immigrated to Looe one fine day in 2017, (infact, TODAY! Two years ago!) Ryan noticed a shop being refit whilst on a job, and Lo! The Vault in Looe came into our lives, bringing with it two of the best people ON THE PLANET. Melanie Allen (then Bates!) and Cat Allen. We even made them a song. But let’s not go off on that tangent.
Ironically, most of our friends in Cornwall are not Cornish natives, not sure if that says more about Cornwall being The Place To Be, or if it means Cornish folks are…weird AF.
Anyway! Ryan went in, introduced himself (and me, although I was none the wiser a friendship egg was being laid.) And booked himself in for a hand tatt. Long story short – we go there for all our tattoos now, I recommend them to everyone I know – even Aussies, y’never know when one may be visitin’. And frankly, if anyone else were to touch me with a needle I’d feel like I was cheating.
In 2018, Mel and Cat invited us to be part of their wedding, and we were blessed with being a part of their happiest ever day – what an honour!
The hand tattoo that started it all, and our place settings at M & C’s wedding!
And so, here are several tattoos laid upon me by the one and only Catherine Rope Head Allen.
Crystal Ball, the runes mean success, luck all that kinda shit.
Friday 13th tattoo, lucky ol’ 13! Ryan got one too, and he tattooed one on Cat!
A birthday tattoo, and yes I drank tea as it was stabbed into me!
My finger tattoos, and not to sound like a pussy but these are up there with most painful tattoo! I love Cat but when she tattoos me sometimes I’d like to punch her.

One for the Foot Fetishers
Oh, my most recent tattoo is the swallow on my foot, and I nearly forgot to mention my own mishaps – tattooing ‘Love Hate’ on my toes on Christmas day, probably not my greatest idea, but it was funny at the time. And what’s life for, if not for laughing.

Another ‘home job’ a sugar skull on my thigh. Hurt like fuck and Ryan did a line too. A blurry photo honestly does it justice.
The rest of my arm, a crescent moon which was done by Robin at Dust N Bones, which i got ‘cus I liked it. (Life aint always deep and meaningful!) and then following a few successes with my blog and writing in general I got a writing hand, with the word ‘Mother’. This was my own design and tattooed by the wonderful Cat! It actually covers over some scars which was pretty poignant – like making an ugly reminder of a hard time into something that I am proud of and truly self-made. I’ve done well since that period of life, and now whenever I see my arm I am reminded of it.

Lucky Horseshoe – Freshly done! This tattoo was a nod to my first love Amy (RIP), Also Ryan tells me I am supernaturally lucky (that’s true!) and he recently got a tattoo that said ‘Fuck Luck’. So its an ode to being a ying/yang. He’s unlucky, but I’ve got enough luck for the both of us.

Excuse the shite photo, but have you ever tried to take a photo of the bottom of your arm?! This piece was just a gap filler I decided on, on the day. Super bright and colourful dagger and rose.
So… I THINK that is it! Theres another anchor on my ankle, stabbed into me, by me. It’s not too bad actually! I’ve got another tattoo booked this weekend – so we will have to wait and see what that is!! I’m sure I’ll document it all on Instagram…so be sure to check that out! ( @Rocknrollmother_)
I’ve popped a link in above to The Vault’s Facebook if you wanna have a nosy at Cats most brilliant work – I am not the greatest advert for her amazing talent. Their Instagram is here.

That said! A few of you asked for more tattoo blogs, so there will be more to come! Watch this space for a walk through of Ryan’s tattoos! (Wayyyy more interesting than mine) And tattoo etiquette – a guide to getting your first, third or the rest of your tattoos! Etc. If there’s anything you’d like to read, drop a comment or message on my social media.
Thankyou for reading, I hope you enjoyed it (:

My Tattoos! So I get asked to do a tattoo blog ALOT, and while I don't see myself as tattooed enough to warrant one - all of y'all do, so here we go.
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the progression of lily's puppet having more and more ethnic features is the funniest thing ive ever seen
and then when u actually see what she looks like shes whiter than wonderbread...i wont put what she actually looks like because i dont like flashing peoples irl faces, but its easy to come across
lily is very quick to call somebody racist but is doing digital blackface in real time...hey lily i know you're reading this because you google your name like the chimp from toy story 3 constantly, care to explain this?
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it just hit me
yknow how if an artist belongs to a certain group, they draw it a lot?
for example, me expressing black American culture thru my art
if lily is indigenous, why doesn’t she interact with indigenous media, and or write stories about indigenous characters?
if she loves her heritage so much, why don’t we see it?
i guess she’d rather focus on sisters (only sisters. If it’s sister and brother or brother and brother, that’s terrible!!!) being in love with each other and trying to tell her audience she’s not racist by having a singular black character …
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Let me remind y’all she only picked up this “I’m indigenous” title because
1. If people criticize her, she can fall back on the “they hate brown women” excuse. Which is like…ok girl whatever helps you sleep at night lmao
2. She learned it from her mother, who would sit in the sun for hours with cooking oil on her skin to get a brown tan. You don’t have to be brown to be indigenous mind you. It’s all just a costume to her
3. She sexualizes black and brown women to a hefty extent, and it doesn’t just stop at fictional ones.
While it’s humane to respect someone’s identity, because we’re all humans at the end of it all, lily is not indigenous! She doesn’t care about us or what we stand for!!! Stop feeding her fucked up delusions
Tell me one time lily has brought up black/brown people without indulging herself in the topic like the narcissistic she is. You can’t!
I haven't come out this strong on this subject before, and I don't think any other first nations/indigenous people have yet but I'm honestly getting tired of this.
Calling Lily Orchard Indigenous, Native, First Nations, etc, is ACTIVELY racist.
You are calling a white woman a racial identity she has no right to be called. Stop indulging her. You are part of the problem. Pretendians are an active threat to the indigenous community, especially ones as racist and vitriolic as Lily.
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In reservations there tends to be a lot of teasing and jokes (all in good fun) and I just know if lorch went to one and got teased she'd freak the fuck out and call them racist or transphobic or republican or pretendian or nazi sympathizers or-
seeing as she treats being native as an aesthetic and doesn’t engage with the culture, their patience will run thin REALLY fast…indigenous people are more than happy to inform displaced people (which she isn’t) on their culture. it’s just too bad lily can’t think of anyone but herself, if she can’t benefit from something it’s useless to her
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I just noticed that whoever draws Lily with big chonky wrist bands and a plain black shirt and jeans… also consistently makes her have bigger lips and shades the upper lip, something irl Lily definitely does not have. Not beating the brown face allegations
i have a pair so when i actually realized lily has those bracelets on her character … why
that’s not as bad as the brown upper lip. like omg lily you have a white complexion, not all indigenous people are black/brown 😭 she doesn’t know this though cuz shes not indigenous but still. i thought this was common knowledge
i guess watching pocahantas tickled her brain and made her wanna cosplay her for the rest of her life
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god even if you have good faith asks you literally twists their words and ignore 90% of what people tell you, yall are factually fucked in the head you act like fascists and dont see a single wrong thing. youre on the side of history with elon musk and donald trump you sociopathic dumb fuck. you call a queer person a pedo because they COULD be a child predator, congratulations you are the same as racist twitter blue check marks. yall should be rounded up and fucking shot, traitors chasing a high acting like vigilantes
I’ve taken time to understand both sides of any argument, and that’s no different here. if I wanted to twist the narrative I wouldn’t be responding to you, I fear you just don’t want to face the truth that not every marginalized persons a good person
and if you’re the same anon as before, are you calling a black lgbt person a racist facist because I don’t want pedophiles in the lgbt community? during black history month…? you might be another fake progressive
you must read my posts with your eyes closed and your fists up your ass
also, could be predator? Ahhh gomennnn I dropped dis >_< oopsie!!! ahhh I dropped my proof oh no!!!!
also check out my lily ain’t native tag, tagged below for the racism, too!
and don’t forget stockholmmm!
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"Waah! I got disconnected from my culture!" You're in your thirties, Lily. You are free to get reconnected! You just choose not to.
it's honestly incredibly easy for lily to reconnect with her culture. hell, canada has a high population of indigenous people, and there's tons of reservations where she lives too!
but as we know, she thinks all reservations are dangerous war zones, doesn't speak to other indigenous people and doesn't make an effort to "reconnect" to her culture
she can't reconnect when there isn't a connection to begin with. and no, that shitty dream catcher her mom brought back home is not enough...she has the same problem as lily where she thinks shes native too so...lol
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Lily likes being able to SAY she's a trans woman of color and that's it. Like, people's identities only exists as a benchmark of how much you can say "Well as a [INSERT MINORITY]" ☝🏽🤓. It's always "As someone who's autistic", "As a trans woman", "As an indigenous woman" with her but never anything substantial cause she doesn't care about POC or the LGBT community she just cares about being right
lily is weaponizing racism, transphobia and ableism to fight back against her critics, and her gullible audience is falling for it like cheese in a trap.
i have no doubt in my mind that the people in her community look up to her as an *checks notes* indigenous, autistic trans woman because they may identify with some of these, and want a strong, outspoken person and feel inclined to support her.
too bad she doesn’t give a shit about her fans and the communities she belongs to because she’s an insecure shell of a human, and everything that she doesn’t understand or isn’t about her is stupid
like lily gtfo with your token black character, harmful portrayal of disabilities and intersex people, AND that crusty, whiteass dream catcher 
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why does lily pretend to be american when her prime minister and her have a lot more in common?
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Aw Lily wants to be indigenous so bad it's actually adorable
I bet she doesn't even understand native slang
of course she doesn't understand native slang. she doesn't wanna set foot near native reservations or even speak to a native person. i wonder why though if she wants to reconnect with her culture?
it's just another shield she picked up to hide behind her batshit crazy behavior haha, she's been using her gender identity as a deflect though more than being indigenous so maybe she's given up, but that's not stopping me until she removes that brown makeup off her character
#lily orchard#lily orchard critical#also lily. nobody gaf if youre trans#youre not an asshole for being trans youre an asshole for 99 other things#lily aint native
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It's great to see someone focusing on her fetishism of brown women especially with the way she sexualizes herself while claiming she's native to appear more 'exotic
oooh girl don’t get me started
fetishizers play pretend with ethnicities they fetishize aaall the time… I mean, how can we call her racist when she’s literally cherokee guys! My bad
i can’t find the post atm, but she also mentioned not wanting to watch utena because it has “too much brown girl suffering” … let me guess, pocahantas is her favorite Disney movie too?
i learned my great grandparents were actually cherokee from a secondhand source (my grandma) with actual documentation and photos, but you don’t see me using it as a criticism deflection 😭
also: indigenous people don’t have to be brown. They come in all colors, so her focusing on the brown part is HILARIOUS! her peepaw ain’t brown either, so where’s this coming from?
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if you guys couldn’t tell, I only joined the Lily Amtrak because nothing infuriates me more than white women with kim kardashian levels of fetishism
homegirl is hiding behind her obvious fetish for black/brown women by gaslighting herself into thinking she is one
it’s a shame she and her fans didn’t hound me like they do all her other critics, maybe because ethnically im what she wants to be?
but then again i don’t take myself too seriously because this is the type of nigga I’m up against

#lily orchard#lily orchard critical#also the other stuff she’s done is obviously horrendous#but this is my main focus on this blog#lily aint native
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I'm someone with roughly same amount of Cherokee heritage as Lily and I think she's just abusing their amount counts tbh. She's embarrassing to watch boast about her indigenous heritage with no support towards the Cherokee nation or other indigenous groups. The bare minimum she could do is at least mention indigenous groups in need of support but fuck them I guess. Everything is about her.
oh yeah! Let’s talk about that
statistically, indigenous women and children go missing in North America than any other ethnic group in the US, and Canada has their own history with the mistreatment of indigenous people til’ THIS day
most reservations are declining in quality because of American and Canadian governments not investing their funds well enough into them, causing them to go into disrepair
but lily would rather talk about other American issues she’s completely oblivious to because she doesn’t live here, doesn’t understand the political climate, and DEFINITELY doesn’t understand what actual ethnic people (brown, lgbt, black, etc) have to go through HERE
doesn’t this all make sense when remembering she’s really close with her redneck American wanna-be brother who’s also conservative. Idrc what stance you take politically, but it’s interesting lily is cold chillin with someone whose views contradict hers and who’s also an American wannabe.
this shit is so cringe no matter how you spin it, fake progressive people suck the life out of me.
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