#no hate to the romance fans
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 2 months ago
hey everyone welcome to your friendly neighborhood ship obsessed Aroace here to yap abt why not everything needs a romance plot.
cause I've got opinions lmao. Strap in. This is a long one lol.
alright. like I just said, I'm aroace, and I'm not interested in romance in general. but I also love ships. I'm a huge shipper.
but in general, in media I don't need to have romance, not everything.
this whole discussion (with myself lmao) came from the Opinion I have about future Sonic movies, and how I don't think they should include romance for the Main characters, side characters are fine. but in my opinion the main characters shouldn't be involved with romance plots.
as some media can be good. but can be completely ruined by a shit romance plot.
before i go any farther, I wanted to say. I'm not saying the writers can't write a romance. or that I don't have faith in them, I just want a popular film franchise where the main characters aren't in a romance storylines.
looking at the bigger picture our media and society as a whole is very revolved around Romance and romantic relationships. Queer media is also guilty of this (if you have any aro/ace focused media PLEASE give me recs) and growing up 99% of the media I watched had a romance plot. And now, most of the media I WANT to see (for other reasons) still has a romance that doesn't really need to be there and is pointless to the plot.
If the plot was reliant on it that's another story. But if it's there JUST to be there. It better be really damn good. If I need to take time outta a movie I payed like. $6 to see and a portion that could've been used for the plot is spent on a terribly written romance plot that adds nothing and will mean the ACTUAL STORY I payed to see is pushed aside for it I'm gonna be pissed.
This is also why I don't want romance in the new MCU Spiderman movie. And ALSO Not beyond the spiderverse. I don't think Miles and Gwen should date. I think this trilogy should be about a kid coming into his own as Spiderman and not have a Romance thrown in there. And as for MCU Spiderman I think for AT LEAST the next movie Peter should stay single. Keep him isolated. Alone. Have him start with making FRIENDS. FIRST. (Obv I want him and MJ back together tho)
This is why I love things like Rise of the TMNT. the only ACTUAL romance is a past one that was before the series and it's Big Mama and Splinter. None of the main characters, the only other possible romances are implied or just plain fanon.
In my opinion if a piece of media doesn't need romance (like ROTTMNT) leave that to the fans to make (like srsly. Look at TMNT 2012. THAT is another reason why I don't think everything needs romance. THATS WHY (Also I feel Tales of the TMNT COULD be going this way....I hope it doesn't have a romance plot. I feel it could ruin it. Sometimes you just gotta LEAVE THE ROMANCE TO THE FANS) the Riordanverse does SOME relationships well. Like Percy and Annabeth, Magnus and Alex, Frank and Hazel, Nico and Will, but I will criticize it. Leo didn't need a girlfriend (ESPECIALLY not Calypso), a reason I really LIKE the Trials of Apollo books is that Apollo/Lester doesn't end up with anyone. The books are focused on HIS development on HIS quest on HIM.)
MLP FIM is also a great example of something that doesn't have major romance and how it's a huge strength. (And a reason why the Equestria Girls movies are kinda worse) none of the main characters are in relationships in the series. Only in the finale. And they're mainly (Exept Pinkie and Cheese) are implied. Not explicitly romantic.
That (I think) concludes my rant.
Please recommend me aro/Ace FOCUSED stories 😭 I need them.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year ago
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The indescribable tension between an overworked and underpaid smut writer, and his biggest fan hater.
(for @frummpets)
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horseshoemybeloved · 2 years ago
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Screenshot of the fall out boy Cartoon Network special ( 2008 )
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vangbelsing · 4 months ago
Can I be so transparent and say idc about the Neve and Lucanis ship. I'm not a big fan of it but also it's whatever so when it happens I just kinda stand there like🧍‍♀️okay??? BUT I am about to kill myself at the idea of Emmrich being with Strife and not me
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greenconverses · 1 month ago
i will keep being the #1 hater of the fanfic turned trad pipeline, i don't care what book/writer social media says
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the-chaotic-anon · 3 months ago
Just watched the new Amazing Digital Circus episode and like…
Why is the only semi implied ship Gummigoo and Pomni??? (“She’s flirting with the NPC”). This on top of the photo of the two plushies on a date?
I’m not complaining, because it’s the only one I like, but it’s also very funny.
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jinxdcowboy · 5 months ago
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draculaura gerard for the soul yay!!
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celtrist · 4 months ago
Your Obsession AU is very deeply unsettling. I love it. Would the curse cause Alastor to suffer any problems during Overlord meetings? I know you have your main cast of threats, but I wonder how Alastor deals with multiple other Overlords alongside Rosie.
Thank you so much, glad you can appreciate the dark ideas!
So I had to sit on this a bit as the trickiest thing about the obsession au for me is just how much chaos I think works in it. When I was asked about there being any sort of pause in the curse, I settled with pretty much no, but the intensity of it is not constantly amped to 11 for everyone. The au is meant to be very torturous and tiring for the man, but I certainly still want society in Hell to be functional on some level. Or else Hell would be strangely specifically catered to Alastor only, which isn't really the idea. BUT I do want him to constantly be on his toes, exhausted, and faced with a seemingly constant wave of love he has no desire to have. I like to think of it like, if you see from ONLY Alastor's perspective, he is constantly being sought after with no breaks and the world seemingly revolves only around him. However, if you look at it from a more omnipresent view, there's certainly a lot of love for Alastor but it's not like people aren't able to do their normal jobs or have other relationships, it's still pretty functional. I hope that makes sense? Again, I still want it to live up to the name of being the OBSESSION AU, but I do want other stuff to be allowed to happen (like say the plot of the show).
So to answer this question, I think Alastor would suffer some issues, but not in the sense that he will be jumped at any moment (though he certainly probably feels that way). Overlords like Carmilla and Zestial are pretty coy in their actions whereas someone like Zeezi would probably be more forthcoming with it. There would be fighting who got to sit next to him (which I'm sure Carmilla would always save a seat at the head of the table closest to her). Alastor would probably be pretty tense often while the meeting goes on, and unwanted touches by whoever he's sitting by would happen (some like Valentino would probably go below the belt with the touching and land him in the wall for his efforts). Wouldn't be surprised if a meeting always started with them asking how Alastor is, people always asking for his thoughts on a subject, and there's never an eye not on him even if the conversation has nothing to do with him. Carmilla has probably forced Alastor to sit by her due to the lightest of roughhousing/distraction just so he can be close to her (and also keep the meeting on track). And Alastor never appreciates the feeling of being a favorite toy placed on a high shelf and away from a misbehaving child. Alastor tries to avoid lingering as much as possible and tries to make sure he can't be tracked. The overlords either try to make conversation (or lead/invite him back to their place) or stalk Alastor on his way to his next destination. At worst, the overlords would fight each other for the right to get Alastor, especially if two overlords are trying to talk/invite him at the same time. There were probably outright fights within meetings too, whether as something as small as someone taking a seat next to Alastor or touching him in a way they didn't like. But for the most part, they're still functional (somewhat).
Zestial and Carmilla are a little hard to figure out cuz I feel like we really didn't get to know them a lot, I think the best I can say is that they'd be pretty subdued in their obsessions. Zestial would be very quiet, and perhaps Alastor would constantly feel something touching him, like a ghost of a hand or something, but never figure out who it was. He'd also probably try to keep Alastor in his home to never come out maybe? Carmilla, I can only think of putting him through a constant dance, exhausting him to the point of bruised feet, and often trying to come up with reasons to hold Alastor back post-meeting to get more time with him. Since she makes angelic weaponry, I can see her using that to her advantage by threatening others to back off or even threatening Alastor to stay for dinner or something. Seeing how she interacted with him in canon, she'd probably be pretty aloof with her affection. She's fine with a hand on the shoulder but probably keeps more affectionate behavior in private and even then it's probably still somewhat subtle. She'd probably be a bit of a tsundere for lack of a better word, similar to Vaggie but minus the actual hatred. Carmilla and Zestial probably work with one another from time to time, but may not be interested in a polyamorous relationship with Alastor like Charlie and Vaggie are. This could change seeing as it felt like they had some tension in the show, but it didn't seem like anything super overt.
The vees fight over who gets to go to the meetings rather than drawing straws for the loser to go to the meetings, just for the chance to be in the same room as Alastor (I can totally see in the overlord meeting ep, Vox and Valentino fighting about it and Velvette just saying she'd go not quite understanding why they were fighting to go. Then she sees Alastor and the rest is history). Oh but y'know what? I bet Velvette would be an internet stalker. Scrounging up all the info she can about Alastor, trying to secretly take pictures of him, it probably would startle Alastor to find a doll arm with a phone in hand in his room. And I think she'd try to make it seem like she doesn't care about Alastor to everyone else, but if she's alone with him she makes it known she likes him. Sort of think about that thing in shows where there's a popular thing that most of the cast likes but one of the characters is like "Pfft, I don't get the appeal. Seems lame." But then they're alone and they have a whole shrine to that thing. Something like that. And I can see that throwing Alastor a bit off for her to treat him like she does everyone else and give him a little bit of hope for some actual companionship, that is until they're alone or he does find an aforementioned arm in his room.
I do think Alastor would just like... not go to some. He really doesn't seem like the type who would even care to go to the meetings in the first place quite honestly, he always rang as a "doing his own thing" kinda guy. But, he does seem to see it as an important thing to go to in the series, so I'm sure while he does skip some meetings, he doesn't do it too often. (plus he probably fears a manhunt would happen if he didn't go to enough, which I'm sure happened with his 7-year absence.)
Trying to come up with new forms of obsessions unique to each character is both really fun and really hard to do. So I'm always open to ideas. Obviously, not everyone is gonna be super unique (like Angel and Rosie are pretty similar in what they do, albeit the methods are different), but I do wanna try and keep it fun to see how one character might differ from another while keeping IN CHARACTER as much as possible.
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newtscamandersbf · 6 months ago
those my hero academia fans mad that the shounen hero manga is about shounen heroes and not romance (they use izuku as a self-insert) (theyre losers) (they lack media literacy and think that a girl having a freshman year crush means they have to get together by the end)
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sforzesco · 1 year ago
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It’s a little bit ‘I was the match and you were the rock, maybe we started this fire/We sat apart and watched all we had burn on the pyre,’ and ‘Do you understand that we will never be the same again?’ from Bastille’s The Things We Lost In The Fire
and a little bit:
‘A l’instar de son aîné, Caius Antonius sait se montrer délicieux. Il est cultivé, intelligent, plein d’esprit, gracieux, amiable. Surtout, il appartient à la même génération que Brutus, au même milieu. Depuis le départ de Cassius pour l’Orient, il y à quatre mois, Marcus a vécu avec des hommes dont il pourrait être le père, ou avec les soldats, des bas officiers plus âgés mais qui ne sont pas de son monde.’
and also
‘En juin, Cassius a enlevé Laodicée et définitivement défait les forces de Dolabella. Jugeant les autres à sq propre mesur, le beau Publius Cornelius s'est souvenu de ce qu'il avait fait subir à Trebonius…Cassius passant pour un homme violent et rancunier, pour un ami fidèle aussi, Dolabella s'est dit qu'il allait payer la mort horrible de l'ancien gouverneur.’
Brutus: Assassin par idéal, Anne Berner
actually it’s mostly about how my entire playlist for the road leading up to Philippi (after both Brutus and Cassius leave Rome after the assassination of Caesar) is Bastille’s Bad Blood album on repeat. I want their relationship to get messy. There’s another version of this scene that gets a lot more teeth to the subtext of the conversation, but I wanted to play around with it first before committing to like. room layouts. there was originally a couple of transitional panels before the last 2 because I wanted Brutus to really chew on this thought he has, but augh. stairs. didn’t feel like drawing those.
ko-fi⭐ bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 8 months ago
fanon BFS: glimmer and bow are madly in love and adora feels left out :((( adora misses catra so much bc glimmer and bow don't care about her
canon BFS: literally the three of them are so close, they are RIDE OR DIE for one another and if anything, bow is the third wheeler sometimes. also adora rarely ever mentions catra in a casual setting or reminisces their past relationship.
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gardenof--eden · 3 months ago
If you like the darkling/darklina just unfollow me atp
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scionshtola · 18 days ago
tbh i like soulmates and i don’t think it necessarily precludes interesting or complicated relationship development. that feels more like a lack of imagination regarding what conflict can be to me
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jetblxck · 6 months ago
can we please appreciate gerard’s voice in cemetary drive. his vocals are so low and almost whispery in the beginning it’s so fucking good. listening to that shit with headphones is like that mf is in my ear serenading me. i don’t give a damn what yall say it got me giggling and kicking my feet. also “did you get what you deserve, is this what you always want me for” ?????? UGH.
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artisimpossible · 10 days ago
It's totally fine to hate second chance romance (or any other trope for that matter), but the primary reason people tell me they hate it is "the characters broke up because they had problems and now they're just going to ignore that to get back together" and this to me feels more indicative of the fact that those people are reading *bad* second chance romance than that they actually hate the trope?
*Good* second chance romance is supposed to essentially be the sequel to the "right person, wrong time" trope where two people who were actually great for each other met at a time in their lives when things didn't line up, and now they're getting the chance to do it again at a time when things are poised to work for them.
*Good* second chance romance is things like "we were high school sweethearts but then your parents forced you to move away and cut contact with me, and now we're finding each other again in adulthood" or "we loved each other a lot but our untreated trauma got in the way but now we're both in therapy and ready to better understand each other" or "you were my first love but I wasn't ready to come out of the closet yet, and that put so much strain on our relationship, but now that I'm out and safe, we can try again".
The trope is all about healing, growth, forgiveness, etc. Two characters who broke up because the one cheated and damaged the other's sense of trust or because one was abusive or whatever who decide to get back together because the sex was good isn't the basis of the trope LOL. Like, it technically foots the bill, but all tropes can be written badly, and that's just poorly done character development. Second chance romance doesn't really work if the two characters aren't growing *a lot* from the previous relationship to the new one, so if that's the kind of stuff you hate, I fully agree, but I wouldn't count the trope out because of that. That's really only a small subset of what the trope can look like!
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valewritessss · 6 months ago
Wait I never got much into Sokeefe bc I was more focused on all the other characters and bc little me had just discovered that there’s a 50/50 chance you pick the wrong love interest in a love triangle so sokeefe was the last thing on my mind but seeing quotes on my feed is making me want to read it again but this time expecting sokeefe
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