#no date to the wedding because he and Marisol broke up
i-have-zero-chill · 3 months
and when Buck dances with Tommy at the madney wedding and Eddie watches from afar all by himself with a longing look on his face THEN WHAT????
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gmwsuperfan5467890 · 5 months
Theories on the Script Leak
Recently, JLH posted a page of the script on her story. To paraphrase, Maddie and Buck were having a conversation where Buck feels guilty about hurting someone at a basketball court but at the end it implies that he felt like he did it on purpose. We know that the character Buck hurts is male because that was what the script said. Now, I will go through the character (in no particular order) and discuss the probability of them being the ‘hurt’ character. Additionally, I’ll discuss possible plots and questions that could arise from this.
1) Chimney. To be honest I don’t think it’s Chimney because if it was, Buck would feel way too guilty to talk to Maddie about it and I feel like Maddie wouldn’t be as calm if Buck admitted that he felt like he hurt Chimney on purpose. I also don’t think they’ll have a fight this season because it is Madney’s wedding and they already had a major blow-out in season 5. At most, they might have disagreements on the wedding planning but nothing major.
2) Albert. If the actor wasn’t working on other projects, it would have been a more likely option than Chimney. Maybe Buck and Albert had a fight because Buck and Natalia broke up and then Albert started dating Natalia. So Buck feels betrayed and jealous because he couldn’t be happy in a relationship with her but Albert can. Or maybe Albert has a serious, long-term girlfriend that he plans to marry and Buck feels jealous that he’s not at that place yet, even though he is older. Or Albert says something that accidentally provokes Buck. In the script it also implies that there are possibly 2 ‘hims’, the ‘him 1” who got hurt and “him 2” that is mad that Buck hurt “him 1”. So in this case, Chimney could be mad that Buck hurt Albert.
3) Also a likely option. Buck has been aggressive to Ravi before in an attempt to haze him for the job. And I could see Buck being jealous that Ravi is advancing in the job faster than he did.
4)Christopher. No way in hell is it going to be Christopher. First of all, Christopher is a child, if Buck is trying to imply that he may have hurt him on purpose then he is a major asshole. Secondly, there is no conceivable chance that Buck could ever get mad enough at Christopher where he would be extra rough or aggressive with him and if Buck does hurt Christopher, he wouldn’t even think for a second that he may have done it on purpose because that is the last thing he’d ever do.
5) Bobby. I don’t really think it’s likely because I can’t really think of a scenario where Buck would get mad enough at Bobby that he would think that he hurt him on purpose. Even when he got Interim Captain, Buck didn’t hide his disappointment from Bobby and had a asked him why he wasn’t offered the job. Buck and Bobby’s relationship has certainly been fortified last season, so I think if Buck had a problem with Bobby, he will just straight-up tell him. There will be no Lawsuit 2.0.
6) Eddie. I think it’s most probably Eddie. I am trying not to look at this through shipper goggles and keep my expectations low but there are definitely reasons that Buck could get mad enough at Eddie where he would think that he may have hurt him on purpose. Buck could be jealous that Eddie is spending more time with Marisol or whoever he is currently dating. Or Buck could be upset that there’s a new development in Eddie’s life that Eddie didn’t tell him about. Or Buck or Eddie could have both said something hurtful to each other in the heat of the moment and now things are tense between them. Or Buck and Eddie may be hiding their feelings for each other and it’s causing more tension, more aggression and more fights.
I feel like Buck would feel comfortable being rough/aggressive with Eddie because they are close and they are peers unlike him and Bobby and Christopher and I feel like Buck’s emotions are more heightened with Eddie so it would be easier for him to get in that headspace.I also think that ‘him 2’ could be Christopher. Maybe Buck feels like Christopher is mad at him because he hurt his dad.
Now I don’t think Buck actually intended to hurt the person but I think he was definitely more aggressive/rougher than usual with this person. I really hope this plot is good and that the resolution is shown.
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So... the narratives from season 6?
I literally have so many questions about the NARRATIVES for season 7 because it really doesn't seem like there are any.
There were so many things that happened in season 6 but MOST OF THEM AREN'T being discussed. Granted, Henren didn't get the 9 month old baby they were considering adopting in 6x18 and Bathena went on their cruise but what is going on with Madney's, Buck's and Eddie’s storylines?
Here's what I mean...
In 6x15 they owed the IRS money (like 14K IIRC) but in Season 7 they're having a big lavish wedding in 7x6 but the question is who's funding it (the Buckley parents)? In 6x9 they had to borrow the money for their down payment from the Buckley parents and in 7x1 Chimney spent money he got from somewhere on a hot tub. The math ain't mathing for them especially when Hen said in 6x16 that Chimney used some of Jee-Yun's college fund to buy Maddie's engagement ring. Where are they getting all this money when they were borrowing money in season 6 to buy the murder house?
I won't even go into his 1,000 storylines from season 6 because I've done it multiple times (linked here) but seriously, is the only one they're going to focus on from 6x2 is when he was trying to find happiness? What about 6x7 when he touched the cursed bracelet? What about the sperm donation because it was connected to the "Cursed" theme? He literally went to donate like 5 times and he had to run the last time after his Jeep broke down. What about his desire to be captain? What about the fact that he DIED?! What about the Buckley parents thinking his decision to be a sperm donor was idiotic? The actress who played Natalia didn't come back but what about that BS line he said in 6x15 that she "Sees him"? (Is it petty that I still want Eddie to remind him of that?) What about his desire to want a family of his own? He never said what he wanted at any time but it's a new season and the audience still doesn't know or have any answers. The point is Buck had all these stop and start storylines that didn't have any resolution and now it's like none of them happened.
I absolutely love Eddie because he's my favorite but reminder, he only had one storyline (that was solely about him) last season and it ended up being once again about his dating life. He was looking for the "magic" and "chemistry " but is the audience supposed to believe he found that with Marisol (she doesn't have a last name and he didn't know she was a nun)? They were both acting like giggling high schoolers at the end of 6x18 but in 7x5 they moved in with each other? He didn't do that with Ana which shows they STILL AREN'T GIVING EDDIE’S STORYLINES THE ATTENTION THEY DESERVE. Furthermore, in 6x15, Eddie told Buck dating someone he rescued from a call never works but did his statement only apply to Buck and not him? Reminder, he met Marisol on a call so WTF? Additionally, the whole Marisol moving in thing was just.. I don't even have words for it because it was OOC for Eddie. Another reminder, he sacrificed everything when they left El Paso and moved to L.A. and he didn't even let Shannon see Chris for months after he called her to interview at Durand because he didn't trust her (his words in 2x10). So... is the audience who've been watching from the beginning supposed to believe Eddie would just ask some woman to move in while Chris is out of town? I call BS because that is so far from the established narrative for him it's asinine.
So is the couch metaphor/theory dead now? It was the last thing Buck said to Natalia in 6x18. 🙄 There are 5 unresolved items from season 6 (linked here) that Buck and Eddie have yet to discuss so there's that.
IMO, it seems like season 6 could be completely erased and it wouldn't be missed. Maybe it's just me but the narrative for this season seems to be all over the place and it's like they're pulling things together to make it work when seasons 1-3 were more cohesive. I know it's a shortened season but they started working on it at the end of 2023 after the str*kes ended and the mains went back in January, so what gives?
If things continue like they have been in the second half of season 7, then I think my Buddie Crack Theory has more merit to it and if it's validated, I'll elaborate on it.
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ezvlli · 29 days
7x10 Speculations
So, today we got stills (x) and I have some theories. It’s going to be multiples theories at once, so buckle up.
First, I think the episode will pick on the same night when Athena’s house burns.
The dinner date – The aftermath of the Kim/Shannon situation
I think Buck’s night starts by him cooking dinner for his dinner date with Tommy. Tommy wouldn’t be here maybe because he’s still on shift. Then, he receives a phone call by Eddie who is losing his shit after the Kim/Shannon incident. Buck talks with Eddie who explains to him everything. Maybe Eddie will explain that Chris has locked himself in his room and both Kim and Marisol broke up with him. Then, the Diaz Parents are here. Why are they are? Same reason that Abuela was there for the wedding, YOLO. Maybe the Diaz parents are there to visits family, don’t forget that Tia Pepa also lives in LA. I think they invite themselves or Chris called them since he knew they were coming. But I think they invite themselves and they feel that something is fishy. Just after they arrive, Buck gets a phone call from Tommy and is happily leaving. Then the Diaz parents look at Eddie who has no one in his corner. Eddie explains the situation and even shows them the photo.
Buck then has his date with Tommy and everything seems to go well. Either during dinner or after, Buck gets a phone call telling him that Bobby and Athena are in the hospital. Tommy goes with him; Lou has been seen wearing the same clothes that he is during the dinner dates.
The Madney – Henren scene:
From interview, we have seen JLH wearing the same outfits that she’s wearing on the still and on that same interview, Aisha was wearing the same outfit that she’s wearing on the hospital stills. It seems to be a happy scene full of smile and sunshine. We know that’s not going to last. JLH had said either in interview or in a story that Chimney and Maddie will do something romantic for a couple. My guess is that after the Mara situation, Chim and Maddie invites the Wilson at their home and try to find a solution. There’s a theory that’s roaming around and I agree with that theory. I also think that the solution find would be Chimney and Maddie proposing to become Mara’s foster family until she gets permanently placed at the Wilson’s. Will they succeed on the episode? Not likely. The episode seem packed but I think they will be one step closer and that will set their storyline for S8. Then either Chim or Hen gets a phone call.
The hospital:
I think Chim and Hen would arrive alone and first. Upon seeing that neither Buck nor Eddie are there, I think they will call them and ask them to come. Then, the four of them are. Athena wakes up and asks for Bobby. Bobby is not doing well because well the guy is on a ventilator. So, not fun. Then the chief comes and informs them of Bobby’s retirement. Which is why they are shocked. I also think that Gerrard might replace them, we saw the actor on set. I have another theory so more on that later.
The day after: I think most of the episode will be spend during the morning after and I have multiple points.
The 118 will stay all night and the scene with Chief Simpson might be the day after.
All the 118 have a moment with Bobby. Eddie has one and will pray using the Bible gave him.
Hen might leave first, maybe to confront the congresswoman or to have a meeting with Dedra. She will then call Chim to explain the situation.
Buck and Eddie will go home and change. The next day, Eddie will have a talk with Christopher who will say that he’ll leave with his grandparents. Eddie will not take the news well and will have a talk with his dad. Since the previous season, Ramon became more and more supportive of Eddie so I think he will try to recomfort Eddie by telling that Christopher leaving for the summer might be a good thing. If one of the Diaz parents will attack Eddie, it would be Helena.
Before Chris leaves, Buck goes to say goodbye to Chris. Before leaving, Eddie and Chris will have a heart to heart and maybe Chris will tell that he’s mad at his dad and leave without forgiving him.
Athena will leave the hospital and goes to Amir. She feels that something else happen in the desert will find a photo that would prove that. She goes to Amir to asks for question. But then, the troubles come. I think that the Cartel are the one that burned Athena’s house. They have the resources. Also it won’t be the congresswoman; Bobby has no tied to her son’s death. Hen was in charge that night. Not Bobby. Bobby was away.
What about Gerrard?
The fact that he was bought from the flashback is interesting. The guy will for sure come back in S8. I think he will replace Bobby as captain. Gerrard is just one lucky son of a bitch.
Why wouldn’t it be one of the 118? Let me explain
We know for Chim that he doesn’t want to be captain. The guy had the job and prayed the Lord for Bobby to come back.
I think Eddie doesn’t want to be captain. He seems content in his position and might not want to be captain.
Buck is not ready to be Captain. Buck is the one that is more captain material. He was shown to have leadership skills. But he also lacks rigor and discipline. He would be a great captain, could even be better than Bobby. But now is too early and he still has a hot head temperament.
But then why not Hen? She was acting Captain twice while Bobby was gone, one in S6 when Bobby was in Florida because Athena’s dad had a heart-attack, once in S7 when Bobby was on a cruise. So, if Hen had been already been acting Captain twice, why not a third time? Two possibilities:
One. The chief refuses because of disciplinary reasons. She might got a medal because of the cruise ship situation. She still disobeyed orders. She might not be awarded because of that.
Two. The congresswoman. I don’t think we will see the last of her in S7. She is razor focus on ruining Hen’s life and she pulled out the Mara situation pretty easily. Who said that she doesn’t have another card in her hand?
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poughkeepsies · 4 months
okay I promised my full deranged buddie s7 spec so walk with me here
imagine we start the season, its a couple weeks/months after the bridge collapse, and bobby and athena have just left for their cruise. cut to buck and eddie and buck seems kind of sad/dejected for some reason but no one knows why and eddie is riding the high of starting dating again and taking his shot with marisol. then chris drops the bombshell that he's dating on eddie and asking him for advice and eddie starts panicking because what the hell does he know about women he very spectacularly ran off the last two and the night's still young with marisol. so he goes to buck, because its chris and buck always has the answers with chris and anyway buck may suck at keeping a girlfriend but he's good at the dating part and he has natalia now and he seems so sure about her so clearly he's doing something right. and buck says yes, of course he's gonna say yes, it's chris, but while chris is asking all these questions about love, and dating, and how do you know when you really like someone and what do you do when you like someone like that, buck is answering them but the weird kicked puppy air keeps clinging to him and he sounds wistful if nothing else. and toward the end of the episode, he admits to eddie that him and natalia broke up. he dodges the question of why no matter how anyone asks throughout the rest of the season.
the rest of the cruise ship arc goes by and then its ep 100 and HOWEVER it happens (maybe its tommy, maybe its anything else I actually have no spec for this part) buck starts questioning his sexuality or just plain going "why the fuck not clearly I'm doing something wrong with the way I've been going about dating maybe its the fact that they've all been women" and starts thinking about dating men. he talks to eddie about it and eddie starts feeling some type of way but tries to be supportive anyways (and then immediately goes to bobby and begs for a transfer which is why bobby tells him he can't tell him how to feel about the job. jk but i actually have no idea where that line fits into any of this or what its about so we're ignoring it). eddie and marisol are still doing perfectly fine and going on casual dates atp.
then ep 5 rolls around, which looks like a pretty shenanigans filled episode, so it could mostly have nothing to do with the rest of the plot or it could have some of that underlying tension festering between buck and eddie, especially with a name like "you don't know me"
now starting with episode 6 I'm not totally decided where this spec plot would go but it can go a couple different ways. if episode 6 is the bachelor party episode only and there's no actual wedding the tension could just keep building OR there's actually gonna be a Moment. maybe nothing happens or maybe they get drunk and wake up in the same bed but even if they do they immediately start freaking out or avoiding each other and not acknowledging it. either way, the wedding will happen. it will be chaotic and insane and beautiful and by the end of the night buck is standing in his sad little corner watching everyone when hen or maddie comes up to him and he will finally admit that the reason why natalia broke up with him was because she knew he's in love with eddie. maybe eddie's also looking back at him or maybe he's glowing, twirling marisol around on the dance floor.
nothing actually happens between buck and eddie after buck comes out. eddie and marisol break up sometime before the wedding/bachelor party for seemingly unrelated reasons. the bachelor party and wedding go off with several hitches but none involving buck and eddie's relationship. and then the next morning they wake up in bed together à la chandler and monica getting together in Friends.
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
your post about how eddie fell first is literally what made me follow you last year 😄
i know you said you’re enjoying the time before the show might… well, squash the theory… but you never know! it could be the reveal/pining/slowburn of the century!
what are your theories for if they don’t go that route? eddie didn’t know all along?
I love that you followed me through that post because I feel like that one really sets the mood for the madness you're about to experience following me kspakspakpakapaka
No but can you imagine, revealing that Eddie has been in love all along and aware of it for whoever long they decide (I know I say even all the way down to the lawsuit could work and that the shooting was his oh moment, but my guess if they ever went that route it would be post breakdown, like, he figures it out and accepts between dumb luck and starting over, so confirm he was pining during all of season 6) and then make Eddie canonically explicitly pine as Buck dates a guy who's literally him in a different font? What kind of fanfic bullshit would that be? I would die, like legit. Buck being bi almost made me call my psychiatrist to adjust my meds, Eddie being in love with Buck all along confirmed would put me in a psych hold kspalapalapopkspsk
That being said, if they are going there with buddie, which I'm 90% sure they are, since Buck is fully unaware of the Eddie of it all and Eddie is about to have problems with Marisol, you can have Eddie watch Buck with Tommy and be like "I want that", especially when it seems like they'll focus a lot on being soft and fun and something that just makes Buck happy, and then be like "oh shit do I want Buck?" Because they never really saw each other in a happy relationship, so that can absolutely spark something for Eddie and Eddie wouldn't need something as on the nose as being grabbed and kissed by Buck to realize he loves him, yk? So he can be longing for what they have, even more if he does break up with Marisol before he finds out Buck and Tommy are dating, and then have him be like oh fuck. Because even though I strongly believe Buck needs to make a move, the show needs to explicitly state Eddie's interest in Buck before that happens or else you risk people saying it came out of nowhere or it's just repeating the bucktommy start. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if there was something like Buck and Tommy dancing at the wedding, and Eddie watching them, and you just see the progression happen on his face (that Ryan would BODY because the way that man can make you feel exactly what Eddie is feeling without saying a single word amazes me) and then we enter a pining era that eventually would evolve into a mutual pining era and eventually getting them together. But my guess right now is not that Eddie is gonna be jealous, it is that he's gonna be longing, and that will lead to him finally being like oh! for real.
Fantasy scenario though, is the reveal that Eddie has in fact been aware of it at least throughout all of season 6, settled into the fact that Buck was "straight" and he had to move on, now has to pine as he watches Buck with a guy he has so much in common with, and not do anything about it again not because he thinks Buck can't feel the same way, but because Buck just doesn't want him and is happy, so he won't mess that up and take the secret to the grave. Especially if you consider the way you can totally frame the cemetery scene to make it seem like Eddie thinks Buck "broke up" with him (cemetery scene my beloved 🫶), you have him double down that feeling, "I'm still not what he wants, that doesn't change just because he's attracted to guys" and you have him try to figure out what to do with it since moving on didn't work he and he would want to be as supportive as possible because Buck is still Buck and he is his person and he wants Buck to be happy, all while trying to figure out how to be happy with himself, and while Buck and Eddie work on their friendship (talk boys, please, I'm begging). Then Buck and Tommy break up, Buck and Eddie almost die together in the finale and we have a buddie cliffhanger to close the season (drown Buck 2024 I will always believe you) and buddie get together at some point during the beginning of season 8.
Also, can you imagine the CHAOS if the show gave us bi Buck and buddie canon on Eddie's side within a week of each other after only 5 episodes in the network? We would LEGIT break the internet. And I would owe everything to abc lol
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exhuastedpigeon · 4 months
perhaps eddie and buck do in fact fuck in the bushes before the wedding 😌
Amanda I am UNWELL thinking about how dirty, disheveled, and sweaty they were in those pictures. Truly unwell. I may have to go to the doctor to get myself checked out because I can't stop giggling.
After seeing the wine on Oliver's pants I've decided they DEFINITELY fuck in the bushes.
But then Buck's date (someone he met like two weeks before the wedding and brought because he really didn't want to go alone and have to see everyone else so in love, only for Eddie to come alone because he and Marisol broke up) sees them coming out of the bushes looking all rumpled and throws it on him.
i'm going to think it so hard that the writers can hear it and decide to add it to the script.
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oldfangirl81 · 2 months
Fic Idea
Eddie breaks up with Marisol before they leave for Vegas.
The bachelor party is Chimney, Tommy, Buck, Eddie and Ravi (who was naively suggested in Bobby's place as a voice of reason).
After a few drinks they all start to feel bad Eddie is the only single one. They decide they need to be his wingmen so he'll have a date for the wedding.
But they get competitive in who can be the best wingman for Eddie who has given up trying to stop them. He films a lot of it for future blackmail.
It was a miracle nobody ended up needing bail money.
Final scene would show Eddie did have a plus one via a friend from the military/VA/other. That was his planned date all along because it felt too soon for him to bring Marisol even before they broke up. (he's not judging you Buck, you do you). If I write this Eddie's platonic date would probably be Sam Wilson (Marvel) or Jo Lupo (Eureka) or Marjan Marwani (911 lone star) or Tony DiNozzo (NCIS) or Derek Hale (Teen Wolf).
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agent-bash · 2 years
How old were each main character from CF when they lost their virginities?
Ok so Fire’s cast is way too big to go into much detail but here you go.
Kelly: He was 14, her name was Hanna, and really he only did it because Benny kept teasing him about dating her. They broke up about a month later
Brett: Was 18 on prom night with Harrison
Herrmann: He’s a good Catholic Boy, and lost his virginity to Cindy on their wedding night when they were both 23
Cruz: He was 17, her name was Marisol, and it was at a house party she'd thrown.
Mouch: He was 20, her name was Evie, and he thought he was going to marry her. 
Stella: She was 16, His name was Nate, they’d been dating about six months and it happened in her parents basement when they were out of town for the weekend.
Gallo: He was 17. It was the night of the winter formal. Her name was Ashley.
Ritter: So technically he’s lost his virginity twice. Once with a girl, Meghan, when he was 17 and deep in denial about who he was. And then for real, when he was 19 at college, with Zachary, his first boyfriend.
Violet: Violet was 19, his name was Rob, and it was at a college party. 
Boden: He was 18, her name was Lisa, and it happened at a summer camp where they were both counsellors. 
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
Tumblr media
IG info/bio : @/misspriprashd | 800k followers | for 2020 standards, I still look amazing 💋!! for business inquires visit: priyaprashadestate.com
29 (30) years old
Born in London, raised in Manchester
Parents are from Bengaluru, India. Mother is a pharmacist while her father is an engineer
Probably has an older brother named Pranav who resides in India with his own family AND he’s a neurosurgeon—leaving Priya to always feel like she’s not good enough or she’s not living up to her parents‘ expectations
She has a good relationship with her brother, more so than with her own father. Pranav never makes her feel like she’s less than and encourages her to always live her life the way she feels is best for her, despite the way their parents feel
Real estate agent, most days she enjoys the job and other days she feels like throwing in the towel. Of course the field is competitive and Priya has no issue taking risks in life and this job is no different
The agency she works for is majority male dominanted and only has about 5 women, including priya that work there. Yet they won’t speak on how the women make—if not the most sales + their pay isn’t equal at all
She was put on leave for speaking up about this to the head agent, and is thinking about starting her own agency because she can do so much better than the shit treatment she’s faced— not only in the work place but also from her family
Lives the life of Luxury, at least that’s what it seems like according to her instagram— with her traveling, which is never truly a vacation since she’s still working to close deals with clients wherever she goes
Feels lonely whenever she goes home. Truly wants somebody to love and for them to do the same in return. Whenever she speaks to her niece and nephew, she aches to start a family
Sure the agency she works for isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but it gets the bills payed and she’s able to afford nice things. But what else is there? And who can she share it with?
Had a childhood bunny who her father accidentally left out in its cage on their deck one summer when they left for a family weekend trip to london— leaving Priya heartbroken & never wanting a pet ever again
Does the best winged eye-liner, but prefers eyelash extensions over it
Once tried to thread her entire body the night before her prom by herself, resulting into a serve allergic reaction?!!
Used to do henna on the girls in school for a hefty price, convincing most of them it’ll look just like her own, even though her cousins would be the ones to do her henna
Finally met Hannah at Bobby x mc’s wedding & bonded over fragrances, Hannah showed her collection of vintage crystal glasses that held her special floral scents
Priya loves to smell good, like fruit and has over 6 different perfumes that she alternates between but her signature is a roll on oil called p*ssy (if you know, you know)
Loves waterfalls & summer
Favorite colors are orange & yellow
Won second place in a spelling bee but can pretty much spell anything right off the dome, even if she’s tipsy, she rarely fails
She’s 100% Sex posi bby!
Is subscribed to an advice column, when she feels like she’s bothering mc, Chelsea, or Marisol she goes back to the column for help
Aquarius? Or Gemini? Hm.
Update: Aquarius sun + Gemini moon + Leo rising
Bonds with Chelsea quite a bit since they have an artistic eye for open spaces, usually watches house hunters international together when they have sleepovers
Often takes girl trips with both Chelsea & Marisol, those are her girls!
Once dated a millionaire, her mother was pissed when they broke up. She was sure he was going to ask for her daughter’s hand in marriage
Priya would have been too if things were different. If she didn’t have a miscarriage & later finding out that if she wanted to have children, she wouldn’t be able to carry. It wasn’t just about $, the guy generally didn’t care for her either. She was just for show, for fun. Priya was tired of “relationships” like that. She’s experienced it all
Yet she ended up in Cyprus for work, and Felix so happened to be there too. Promoting or whatever it is that he does, and when drinks get going, her alter ego comes out & she’s inviting him back to her air bnb
“You fucking didn’t.” Marisol stated first on the three-way phone call.
Priya hardly ever lied about things she’s done but she wished she would have lied about that. She had the evidence to prove it happened, plus Felix thought it would be cool to post some pics of their Rendezvous, her face wasn’t in it but she knew her body
“Oh my days! How was it babe?!” Chelsea clasped her hands together, genuinely curious, even though she thought Felix was a bit of a knob.
“I think he’s gained some experience since the show.”
“...I’ve threw up in my mouth just a bit there, Priya.” Marisol gags.
Priya still felt the same about Felix. He was just a bit of fun and although it was a little bit hazy, she could remember majority of it. But was she doing to Felix what every guy was doing to her? Everyone deserved love but her head was telling her, he was young and didn’t want what she wanted. She was younger once too and she lived it up
Finds herself reminiscing over Ibrahim, I feel like they’re end game. She talks to him every now and then.
She DOESNT talk to Noah or hope, removed both of them from her life and do not follow them on any of her socials. She’s moving forward
Made a friend in Arjun and her parents automatically believe they’re destined to be and want them to marry, which is laughable since he’s now dating Elijah— although Elijah is not as open about their relationship
Believes she’s more than just a pretty face and hopes someone else can see that too.
Advocate for dark skin south Asian appreciation
Goes to strip clubs, either gender it doesn’t matter
Drives a red car and always keeps it waxed 😉
Has naturally curly hair but likes it straight + no longer using semi-permanent red dye in her hair...baby steps
Has a large stash of jewelry from multiple generations on her mom’s side locked away in a safe
Her favorite dish is Chana masala & tuna tartare
Listens to a lot of Meg the stallion (ah!) , Miraa May, Dounia, Amber Mark, Snoh Aalegra, Alicia Keys, Solange, toro y moi, James Blake, & childish gambino
Crushing on drake (*cue Soulja boy yelling here lmao) , zayn, Dave east & Rihanna!
Her anthem — Qveen Herby, “BDE”
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missmagicandlight · 5 years
any headcanons for the bi babes?
Before Marisol decided that she was in love with Eli, she had a huge embarrassing crush on Sierra (Sonora) that everyone knew about because Marisol is horrible at being subtle about her crushes
Sierra was like, fifteen to Marisol’s seven-eight at the time and she thought it was hilarious 
Josh is a complete disaster bi. like, Brooke is generally considered the disaster bi but she at least has most of her shit together. Josh is just a mess. probably has a super-repressed crush on Drew tbh. 
Drew is chill about the entire thing. Also one time he hit on Josh and Josh probably died inside. 
people always tend to assume that Kit is the more heteronormative Dakota twin. like, two presidents found out that Anna is in a poly relationship, thought Kit would be the disapproving bro and then find out Kit is just a bisexual in an open relationship and give up on the Dakotas.
Tyler never knows what flag he’s supposed to have at pride festivals
Brooke has pride pins that are just for wearing to required meetings with homophobic senators/governors/presidents
Nicky has a bi pride tattoo on his pulse point (x)
Nate makes a bunch of cakes with plain frosting on the outside and pride flag layers on the inside. they’re one of his best sellers, especially during pride month. once heard a gay couple were having trouble finding someone to do their wedding cake and did the cake and a bunch of really beautiful panna cottas for half price
Cordelia dated a girl once and then dumped her for being an acephobic bitch to Riley. She literally broke up with her right after the girl said that asexuality isn’t real, like right after the words came out of her mouth, in the middle of lunch
right after she had told them all she was bi (think, like antebellum years), Michael attempted to be supportive by talking about girls with her. Cordelia has never let him forget it and still brings it up to this day because he gets so embarrassed about it
Jules never actually came out to anyone, he just started dating James and no one asked any questions
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
Wait, okay, so I was going through my wips last night and I found something that would later evolve into the death and taxes fic and the Gracie fic. It's just the general structure based on the space the show put between Buck and Eddie after the cemetery and that made me think about how we all wrote fics about bridging that gap during the hiatus and at first glance it seems like the show is ignoring the space they put between them. BUT I was looking at my reasoning for that space and they didn't fix it. A major part of the impact of the space comes from the way recovery and mixed feelings do A LOT of work to make sure BuckandEddie exist outside of the uniform. We have Buck just showing up at the house, we have Eddie and Chris chilling in the loft, we have the poker date, but after the cemetery they are still being besties, sitting too close on the engine, teasing Chim with the wedding march, but we no longer see them together outside of work, Buck isn't even with Eddie when they're at the hospital after the bridge. And I was thinking back to 7x01, they are still confined to work. Even the scene at the house, we don't see them interact. We know Eddie is there, but the situation is about Christopher. Buck didn't tell Eddie he broke up with his girlfriend. Eddie didn't talk to Buck about Chris having a date. Sure, we have a scene where they are talking, but it's about Christopher, they always push things aside over what's best for Chris and they are working. Buck asks Eddie to hang out and Eddie rejects the idea in favor of his girlfriend. We had the cemetery work as a breakup and then we had Buck being single and trying to start closing the gap and being shut off by Eddie. Very gently, but still shut off. And it got me curious if they even realize what they are doing. This whole we're fine with this one aspect of our relationship without actually addressing there might be a problem between them. Because it's kinda crazy the way the show is making a point that girlfriends are in their way. From Eddie's reactions to Natalia to the way Buck takes a second to control his expression when he thinks Eddie might've broken up with Marisol. I know I always say the show won't let them talk because there is no way of letting them talk without addressing how they feel about each other, but why would the girlfriends be a problem if they didn't have a problem with the other dating someone else? If they keep this up they might actually have to say the words. The whole "I don't want you to date anyone else" thing. Buck doesn't realize he already rejected Eddie and Eddie is trying to move on scenario canon when?????
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