#no broccoli 4 them
gunkbaby · 4 months
Ghouls never get to experience Dr Pepper think about that for a minute
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"Children should be dragged kicking and screaming to school and the doctor's office and grandma's house and the park" is not and never will be a pro-child opinion.
If your kid doesn't want to go to school so much that they throw a temper tantrum and scream until they go hoarse, and your response is "shut up because you have to go" the problem is still you ignoring your kids needs and you're a shitty parent.
#I always remember a fight I got into on Reddit about this woman complaining that her kid hated broccoli#Because SHE had power and her 4 year old did not this meant that every meal had to feature broccoli#So literally every meal was a fight with her 4 year old and she called it a “power struggle”#Ma'am he's 4#The complaint was he's manipulative and awful and bratty because when he started crying his dad would say he didn't have to eat the broccol#She literally described her own toddler as spoiled#Anyway we as the audience were supposed to side with her against her indulgent husband since she was a SAHM and knew everything#My comment was obviously stop trying to make him eat broccoli?#Her response was that children HAVE to eat vegetables and I wouldn't understand bc I didn't have children#If she didn't force feed her toddler vegetables the vegetable police would shoot her or something#When I said yes but there are dozens of types of vegetables why can't he eat a carrot?#I was informed that she controlled what he ate and he needed to eat what she fed him#Like the only person causing a fight is you#You are unhinged and that child should not be in your custody#But somehow I was crazy for saying that if your kid doesn't like something don't feed them it?#I was told children have to be force exposed to things they don't like especially if they don't like them#So they don't grow up to eat limited diets which is apparently more embarrassing than your kid crying so hard he throws up#And refusing to eat any food that you prepare#But I'm the crazy one!
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cookinguptales · 11 days
From the Halloween asks:
✨ - Best Halloween memory?
Ohhhhh hmm. I had a lot of fun trick-or-treating at Disney World while I was a teen, but admittedly the people I usually went with... make it less of a positive memory, in retrospect. One year we did all make homemade Lock, Shock, and Barrel masks and we looked fantastic. lmao
I also have really, really loved some of Sleep No More's Halloween parties, but I've never actually gone on Halloween proper, I don't think...
I lived on a floor full of Ancient Studies/Museum Studies majors when I was a freshman in college and we all watched The Mummy and wrapped each other up in toilet paper and that was fun, too...
Honestly, though, if it comes to like Pure Joy, there was this one year I went trick-or-treating with my best friend in Ohio. We were probably like... idk, 8? And it was the absolute apex of the Wonder Ball craze.
(For my non-American followers, they were sort of like Kinder Eggs but usually had toys relating to popular children's brands like Disney. The toy version was eventually made illegal here just like Kinder Eggs are, lmao. They replaced the toy with shitty candies.)
My dad never let me get one at the grocery store when he let me pick out a treat because they were so expensive (a whole dollar, lmao) so I desperately wanted one. They still had toys in them back then and everyone wanted one. But I'd never gotten one.
So Jody and I go trick-or-treating and we come to this quiet cul-de-sac that apparently no kids went to...? And there was this nice couple there who had clearly decided to go all-out for Halloween and they'd bought an entire box of Wonder Balls. Since no other kids had shown up, they let Jody and I take like five each and it was glorious.
I remember going back to her house and her dad had the Simpsons Halloween special on TV (fun for me as I was not allowed to watch The Simpsons back then) and we broke open our Wonder Balls and had a great night. :')
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lemememeringue · 9 months
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knaveofmogadore · 5 months
Pretty much all of my advice from years of tutoring, working with foster kids, and helping raise half a dozen toddlers is two questions and an answer:
1) Is there a developmental or medical reason the kid is doing [behavior], or is it a control thing?
2) If it is a control thing, what will I gain from tackling it head on that I wouldn't gain from alternate solutions or by giving up entirely?
And the answer is almost ALWAYS "No one wins when you initiate combat with a toddler, because you're an adult with a million responsibilities, and that kid ain't got nothing else to do. You might get what you wanted, but you'll both still lose"
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i dont know, or care, about you guys but i do love my broccoli and cauliflower soggy as heck
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nomairuins · 1 month
there arent any pictures of cheesy chicken and rice that r actually what it is TO ME. but i want that too. (my favorite food)
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nexus-nebulae · 7 months
im trying to learn how to better keep & reheat leftovers (bc if i dont know how to do a specific thing my brain won't let me try At All) and im getting better at eating bc im learning how to rely on food i know i like & lasts me at least a few days but is very easily heatable
#frozen meals are quick but i cannot rely on them#because they always either taste really off or i'm allergic to like 5 things in them (BROCCOLI WHY ARE YOU EVERYWHERE)#but if i know a recipe my mom can make at home#then we just make like 4 servings and i eat that for 4 days#and i genuinely do really like eating the same meal every day (it's The Tism™) so it really works#usually i really only know how to reheat things with rice & pasta#because. well. i eat a lot of rice and pasta#but other foods like. my brain goes BAD NO when i get it out of the fridge bc its Not How Im Used To#like i always have a strong reaction to refrigerated chicken bc it smells SO BAD as a leftover but its still fine#but my brain is like *NO!!!! ROTTEN!!!!! SPOILED!!!!!!* i have to like convince it it's fine with Facts and Logic#and so i'm learning how these foods react to being refrigerated so it doesnt freak me out (REFRIGERATED SOUP MY BEFUDDLING)#and learning how to make them last longer (i can save my sandwiches now without the bread getting rock hard!!)#and its kind of helping me eat more often#it doesnt help as much with the days where brain says No Food No Thanks Fuck You#but it DOES help with the days where i dont have the energy/time/physical ability to make something else#usually i don't eat a lot when my mom isn't home because i need her help with Basically Everything now#but if i have something i can quickly shove into the microwave its a lot easier for me to get food by myself#AND i have our crappy old microwave in my room (its 700w lmao) so if i REALLY cant do much#i can just snatch the food from the fridge and sit in bed while it heats up#i'm planning on getting a mini fridge for my room soon to stock emergency meals#the one im looking at is only 200$ plus it has a mini freezer too so i might actually be able to in a couple months#which makes me happy i love finally making progress on accessibility goals
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
Alfred's Boy Part 4
"Master Bruce, would it be alright if I had someone over?" Danny's soft voice breaks the chatter around the table. Bruce is honestly surprised to hear the boy speak up without prompting. It takes him a moment to answer how unexpecting the request is.
The boy seems to think his silence is an answer, for he ducks his head and brings up his shoulders. "Nevermind. It was stupid. I'll tell Clockwork to forget it."
"No. No. This is your house as well, Danny. You can invite any of your friends. I'm just surprised Clockwork would allow you to contact guests from your old home." Bruce assures. His eyes flicker to the rest of the table, showing how everyone is focused on their own plates, but all conversation has died.
He is sure half of his children are attempting to develop super hearing with how much they are straining to eavesdrop.
"He's not really a friend, per se." Danny pushes some of his food to one side of his plate. It's a nervous habit Bruce had realized he does when speaking of his old home. Not just food but anything he can fiddle with, as Danny seems unable to hold still when nervous. "Wes and I have....a history, you can say. Clockwork said that he was allowed to visit because he knew what was happening but wasn't too involved with the situation. Not like Sam and Tucker, my best friends, or my sister Jazz. "
A history? Oh no, was this "Wes" an ex?
Bruce looks again at his youngest and fights a wince at Damian's dark sneer as the boy stabs his broccoli. Please let Wes just be anything but an ex. He doesn't want to follow the other kid around to make sure he doesn't have to fight off his children from bringing him harm.
Dick speaks up, likely thinking along the same lines. "I'm glad you can still have someone to see you! When will he be here? Will he be alright with Gotham's....everything?"
A smile is fighting at the corner of Danny's lips, and Bruce swears he can hear his children's hearts shatter as the boy flushes slightly. "Trust me, Wes can handle a lot. Clockwork said he would let Alfred know the details if Master Bruce agreed."
The butler pulls out an old-looking pocket watch. After checking the time, Alfred snaps it close with an impassive smile. "Clockwork will have the boy here in three days. I believe Danny will have a few days off then to enjoy his company?"
It's not really a request, but Bruce still nods. "Of course."
Danny's entire face lights up. It's the most joy he's seen on the boy's face since his arrival. "Thank you, Master Bruce. Thank you, Alfred. Can you please excuse me? I want to prepare his room."
"Of course, dear boy," Alfred nods his head. Danny is gone in a flash, a secret smile pulling at his lips. He waits a few seconds, so Danny's footsteps can fade away before leveling a stern stare at everyone at the table.
Bruce straightens his back out of reflex when that all-knowing stare passes over him. He barely contains a sigh of relief when Alfred slightly lingers on him to transfer his gaze to Damian.
He feels terrible for his son but cannot step between the butler and him. Damian will have to fight this battle on his own.
"I trust everyone here will not give Danny or his guest any grief during his break." It's not a question. It's a camond. Everyone shivers slightly out of fear.
"You don't have to worry about me"
"I have some stuff to do."
"Of course not Alfred."
Alfred doesn't precisely threaten them, but he does make his eyes a little darker "Danny's guest will not find shadows following him."
A few of his kids look heartbroken, while Jason has an expression of manic glee blooming on his face.
The following night, Danny is asking for ideas on where to take Wes on his tour. Apparently, both are from a small town and are used to having fewer options for entertainment.
"Kids usually either went to the mall or the local burger place. The mall wasn't even that big too, so after a while it got boring" Danny admits.
"You have to take him to Batburger," Jason tells Danny. Bruce fights the urge to leap over the table and punch his child. Jason knows that Danny hadn't gone to the restaurant so a lot of his siblings had been dreaming of taking the boy on a date there.
He's just rubbing salt in the wounds at this point.
"I think I will. I'll take him to museums too. Wes loves history." Danny writes some ideas down in a little notebook. He's taken to carrying it around, brainstorming a perfect weekend there.
Bruce had glanced at it earlier that day, when Danny had been busy cleaning and had read, "Make out point- Dick said the stars are the clearest there."
He almost had a heart attack. For all that Danny was Alfred's boy, Bruce still felt very protective of Danny like his own. He did not want his somewhat son to be going to any place with the name make out point.
No one speaks after that- primarily due to his younger children trying to shift their sobs and the older ones trying to comfort them without letting Danny notice.
Eventually, Cullen gets up from the table, excusing himself with a half-baked excuse of needing to do homework, and Harper chases after him. The two are followed by Tim- whose eyes are glossy- Steph, who looks to be biting her lip. Duke, whose hands are curled into fists, and Damian, who stomps out like a bull about to charge.
Bruce leaps to his feet but is stopped by Dick, who pats his shoulder. "I got this."
"The plot thickens," Jason says before he, too, goes after his siblings. For all his teasing, his second oldest adores his brothers and sisters, so he'll be there in their time of need.
"Is something...wrong?" Danny asks after a moment of hesitation. "I can tell Clockwork and Wes not to do the visit."
"No. You have Wes over. We talk." Cass tells him, giving the boy a wink as she, too, steps away. "Tonight, all ice cream."
"Yes." Alfred sighs. "I do believe that would be best. A frozen treat to soothe the pain of heartbreak. I'll bring up the tubs for everyone in a moment."
Bruce fights the urge to bury his face in his hands as Danny spring to his feet offering to help with the ice cream, unaware he is the cause for the comfort food.
Despite the apparent tension in the manor, the promised weekend does arrive. Danny is beside himself with excitement. He's not wearing a suit for once- he's gotten to copying Alfred in a misguided attempt at a butler uniform- and is wearing street clothes.
Besides, when the first day, Bruce has never seen Danny in street clothes. He's surprised that Danny dresses like a punk rocker- complete with a black leather jacket, big combat boots, and various chains.
He looks like the type of person fathers warn their daughters away from. Bruce hates how that only makes more of his children bestowed.
Danny had given everyone a happy smile when Bruce handed him the keys to one of his sports cars- he saw no reason why Wes and Danny should take a bus to the airport when he had plenty of vehicles to lend him. Alfred had allowed the boy to go alone since Danny needed to go through a particular gate for Wes.
Apparently, Clockwork would be sending Wes on a private plane. It burned not to know who Clockwork was or what he did, but Bruce fought the urge to snoop to get Alfred to stop glaring at him.
"I bet you he's not even that great," Tim grumbles, stuffing a chocolate cookie into his mouth. "Bet you he's ugly."
"With buck teeth" Steph adds stealing her own cookie.
"He likely never even seen a sword," Damian spits.
"Come on guys, I know it sucks, but we can't just dis on Wes 'cause Danny likes him," Duke says though it's not very convincing, seeing as he dropped over the couch in a depressive slouch.
"Why are all the good gays taken?" Cullen sighs, ignoring the meta.
Bruce opens his mouth to offer some comfort or maybe lecture them, but the front door opens before he gets a chance. Everyone sits up only to slump down as Dick strolls in with a cheerful smile. They all glare at him, which makes Dick flauter in his steps for only a second.
"They're waiting for Danny," Bruce tells him. Dicks smile regains his cheer as the oldest throws himself on the couch.
"He's outside with his guest. Lovely guy."
"Is he ugly?" Tim asks hopefully. His dreams are dashed as Dick shakes his head.
"He could be a supermodel."
"Of course, he can."
Jason snorts from behind a book. Bruce knows he is not reading it, simply by the fact he hasn't turned a page in the last ten minutes- his son speed reads whenever he adores a book- and is likely enjoying the show.
The door opens again, this time accompanied by two sets of laughter. An unfamiliar voice wheezes "-Dash then reads out love poems he wrote about Phantom!
"No!" Danny gasps. "Not Dash Baxter. What did the other A-listers do in retaliation?"
"Nothing that's the crazy part. They had poems too!"
The two voices are carrying, so Bruce has a few seconds to prepare himself. So do his kids, who all sit up at attention, a few with not as welcoming expressions as he would like. The voices round the corner, and Bruce looks at Wes first.
Dick was right. He's a handsome young man with ginger hair and flickers of freckles. He is dressed similarly to Danny, but a little less black and slightly more burnt orange to add color to his punk look. A worn-out backpack is swung over his shoulder while the same arm is tugging along a suitcase behind him.
Wes is also holding Danny's hand with a free hand.
Damian makes a slightly wounded sound that digs a dagger into Bruce's heart. His baby's first heartbreak.
Danny looks surprised to see them all, seeing as the family usually prepares to go out as the Bats at this time- but he smiles widely after a moment. "Everyone I like you to meet Wesley Weston. Wes, this is my boss, Bruce Wayne, and his kids, Dick Grayson-wayne, Jason Todd-Wayne, Casandra Wayne, Tim Drake-Wyane, Stephine Brown, Damian Wayne, Cullen Row, and Harper Row."
Wes smiles at them, waving the hand he has interlocked with Danny. Bruce winces as most of his kids give half-hearted greetings. Thankfully Alfred is in the kitchen and misses their terrible manners.
Wes pauses and squits at the youngest of the house before he sighs. "Of course, it happens in this dimension too."
"What?" Danny asks confused
"Danny and I aren't dating," Wes tells the room, ignoring the startled boy he's launched onto. "Danny just needs to have physical contact for his mental health. So we hold hands. He also needs to have someone sleep with him. Otherwise, his core doesn't recharge correctly."
"Wes!" Danny protests. "They don't know about cores!"
"Oh," Wes shrugs, waving his hands at them, "Never mind. Processed as normal, Danny and I will cuddle in his room. Danny lead the way."
Alfred's foster son flushes a bright red but quickly tugs the guest away. Jason shakes from unrestrained laughter as Damian stabs the table on which he is sharpening his knives.
Bruce yells after the two boys.
"The door stays open, Danny!"
"Master Bruce, it's not like that!" Danny yells back, mortified, and Wes breaks into impish laughter.
"I hate him," Duke hisses, and Bruce gives in to the urge to bury his face in his hands.
It's going to be a long weekend.
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k0ntr0l · 2 years
Tips to help avoid binging…
Cut up cucumbers or celery and put seasoning on them, eat them and drink water in between(gives the illusion of eating a lot and can trick you into not binging on bad food) you can do the same with raw broccoli or carrots
Drink lots of water, or if you can stand the taste drink 16oz water with 1tsp apple cider vinegar, you can add lemon juice to help with the taste
Drink lots of peppermint tea (or any hot tea) (add 0 cal sweetener if u need to)
Obviously Diet Coke, black coffee, or 0 cal monster
Vegetable broth!!!
Look at thinspo!
Take ur vitamins and drink 1-2 full bottles of water with them!
Cut up 1 small apple(55 cals) or one large apple (95 cals) into super skinny pieces(the smaller you cut up your healthy food and the more you chew, the more your brain thinks you’ve eaten) drink 1-2 bottles of water and you will feel full
Make sure SOMETHING is in your stomach whether it’s liquid or food, just make sure you’re putting something in it when you’re hungry to stop your stomach growling or over time your starvation instincts will kick in to eat as much as you can(trust me I’ve been down this road for most of my life) so as a rule, to avoid binging, put something in your stomach even if it’s lettuce or celery.
Whether you want to have the calories or not it will help to let yourself have a tbsp of peanut butter (90 cal) or even some oatmeal (150 cal for 1/2 cup) or both (240) bc those things will stick with you throughout almost the whole day and will keep you full.
Plain Low fat Greek yogurt(90 cal for 3/4 cup) will stick with you throughout the day as well. I put 1 tsp of agave nectar(honey works too)(30 cal) and cut up 3 grapes(10 cal) and it’s sweet and helps stop cravings. 130 cal total. You can also sub the fruit and honey for 1 tbsp peanut butter to stay full longer(180 cal total)
As much as you want to eat literally nothing, that is the reason you are binging. If you eat less than 1,500 calories a day you *will* lose weight. If you eat less than 1,000 a day you’ll lose it faster. But if you eat nothing for days you will binge. Eat small amounts of healthy food and you’ll be in control longer. Trust.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk besties
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thejoyofseax · 1 year
Why We Can't Have Medieval Food
I noted in a previous post that I'd "expand on my thinking on efforts to reproduce period food and how we’re just never going to know if we have it right or not." Well, now I have 2am sleep?-never-heard-of-it insomnia, so let's go.
At the fundamental level, this is the idea that you can't step in the same river twice. You can put your foot down at the same point in space, and it'll go into water, but that's different water, and the bed of the river has inevitably changed, even a little, from the last time you did so.
Our ingredients have changed. This is not just because we can't get the fat from fat-tailed sheep in Ireland, or silphium at all anywhere, although both of those are true. But the aubergine you buy today is markedly different to the aubergine that was available even 40 years ago. You no longer need to salt aubergine slices and draw out the bitter fluids, which was necessary for pretty much all of the thing's existence before (except in those cultures that liked the bitter taste). The bitterness has been bred out of them. And the old bitter aubergine is gone. Possibly there are a few plants of it preserved in some archive garden, or a seed bank, or something, but I can't get to those.
We don't really have a good idea of the plant called worts in medieval English recipes. I mean, we know (or we're fairly sure) it was brassica oleracea. But that one species has cultivars as distinct as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, Savoy cabbage, kohlrabi, and gai lan (list swiped from Wikipedia). And even within "cabbage" or "kale", you have literally dozens of varieties. If you plant the seeds from a brassica, unless you've been moderately careful with pollination, you won't get the same plant as the seeds are from. You can crossbreed brassicas just by planting them near each other and letting them flower. And of course there is no way to determine what varietal any medieval village had, a very high likelihood that it was different to the village next door, and an exceedingly high chance that that varietal no longer exists. Further, it only ever existed for a few tens of years - before it went on cross-breeding into something different. So our access to medieval worts (or indeed, cabbage, kale, etc) is just non-existant.
Some other species within the brassica genus are as varied. Brassica rapa includes oilseed rape, field mustard, turnip, Chinese cabbage, and pak choi.
We have an off-chance, as it happens, of getting almost the same kind of apple as some medieval varieties, because apples can only be reproduced for orchard use by grafting, which is essentially cloning. Identification through paintings, DNA analysis, and archaeobotany sometimes let us pin down exactly which apple was there. But the conditions under which we grow those apples are probably not the same as the medieval orchard. Were they thinned? When were they harvested? How were they stored? And apples are pretty much the best case.
Medieval wheat was practically a different plant. It was far pickier about where it would grow, and frequently produced 2-4 grains per stalk. A really good year had 6-8. In modern conditions, any wheat variety with less than 30 grains per stalk would be considered a flop.
Meats are worse. Selective breeding in the last century has absolutely and completely changed every single species of livestock, and if you follow that back another five centuries, some of them would be almost unrecognisable. Even our heritage breeds are mostly only about 200 years old.
Cheese, well. Cheese is dependent on very specific bacteria, and there are plenty of conditions where the resulting cheese is different depending on whether it was stored at the back or front of the cave. Yogurts, quarks, skyrs, etc, are also live cultures, and almost certainly vary massively. (I have a theory about British cheese here, too, which I'll expand on in a future post)
So, even before you go near the different cooking conditions (wood, burnables like camel and cow dung, smoke, the material and condition of cooking pots), we just can't say with any reliability that the food we're making now is anything like medieval people produced from the same recipe. We can't even say that with much reliability over a century.
Under very controlled conditions, you could make an argument for very specific dishes. If you track down a wild mountain sheep in Afghanistan, and use water from a local spring, and salt from some local salt mine, then you can make a case that you can produce something fairly close to the original ma wa milh, the water-and-salt stew that forms the most basic dish in Arabic cookery. But once you start introducing domestic livestock, vegetables, or even water from newer wells, you're now adrift.
It is possible that some dishes taste exactly the same, by coincidence. But we can't determine that. We can't compare the taste of a dish from five years ago, let alone five hundred, because we're only just getting to a state where we can "record" a taste accurately. Otherwise it's memory and chance.
We've got to be at peace with this. We can put in the best efforts we can, and produce things that are, in spirit, like the medieval dishes we're reading about. But that's as good as it gets.
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reiashiftsrealities · 4 months
tips for musician dr shifters <3
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hey guys! thought i’d post something a lil different cause i have been SLACKING on posts, so sorry abt that. but in my fame dr, i am the head manager for my family’s band, and i have learned a bunch of things from that experience so i’m sharing it here :)
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✧ kindness is a virtue when it comes to venue workers. they can really make or break a show if they wanted to. also they’re extremely underpaid for the amount of work they do, so just be kind and patient with them unless they do something to you first.
✧ goes out to all fame dr shifters—don’t pay attention to headlines too much. people are gonna hate no matter what so don’t waste your time listening <3
✧ get a bodyguard/security guard asap. even if you think you don’t need one.
✧ pay close attention to your record label because some of them aren’t in it for the music but more in it for the brand.
✧ ^also don’t let them pressure you to do features. while it can help with popularity/recognition, you will be fine without it if you don’t want to do it.
✧ if you use fog machines; if it starts to smell like how the outside smells after it rains or like broccoli, change it out. that means it’s outdated and prolonged exposure will make you sick (my brother almost lost a lung because of complications from it ☹️)
✧ get a really good PR manager. shit will save your life.
✧ if you’re struggling with lyrics, go outside. no matter the weather GO OUTSIDE!! it works wonders.
✧ keep the barricade at least 3-5ft away from the stage to prevent people from being able to grab onto the stage itself
✧ CONNECTIONS ARE EVERYTHING!!!! make friends with other musicians. trust me, you’ll be glad you did.
✧ never sample someone’s song/music without permission. you WILL get a cease and desist or sued 93% of the time.
✧ you only get a small amount of revenue from streams!! touring is where most of your profit will ensue.
✧ try to get to your venue 3-4 hours early. that gives you time to fix wardrobe/equipment/transportation malfunctions should they occur.
✧ fans remember EVERYTHING, so be careful with what you say/do cause i swear they keep tabs on that shit😭
p.s. if you scripted some of these to be different or out completely, then ignore them! these are just general tips, they may not apply to everyone’s drs :)
let me know if y’all want a part 2 cause i have so many more🫶
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nanavn · 5 months
For @shanastoryteller who asked for the gut bacteria expert's* recipe:
The professor's green energy smoothie
(two servings, according to the original)
half an avocado
half an apple
the juice from half a squeezed lemon
1 pinch fresh ginger
10 grapes or half a kiwi
5 dried walnuts
1 sheet nori (the kind used for sushi)
4 bunches of spinach
1 bunch parsley
a handful of broccoli
a handful of bean sprouts
half a glass of herbal tea
Prepare the vegetables and fruits by removing the core from the apple, the peel from the kiwi, etc.
Put the vegetables in the blender with the herbal tea (cooled) and blend until it becomes a very fine-grained, green and fragrant smoothie.
Garnish with fresh herbs according to your taste preferences.
From https://livsstil.tv2.dk/mad/opskrift/professorens-groenne-energigroed (translation: https://livsstil-tv2-dk.translate.goog/mad/opskrift/professorens-groenne-energigroed?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=da)
My tips
The taste is pretty neutral (YMMV) but if you substitute ingredients, it may affect the taste - cabbages in particular
I usually double the recipe and have it over two days - I can't be bothered to keep half an apple lying around
I use a tall container with a volume of 1,6L/3.4 pint - that's on the small side for my version
I wouldn't make bigger portions than can be eaten over two days, and unless consumed straight away it must be kept in the fridge - you're risking a bacteria bomb instead of a nice smoothie...
I rarely use lemon, but use a few good slices of ginger (peel the whole chunk, slice and freeze for less fuss)
If you live near an Asian market, they probably have bigger packs of nori. I buy one with 50 sheets - it's *much* cheaper per sheet than the supermarket's price
I skip the parsley (can't be bothered) and buy chopped (see next bullet point) frozen spinach and add to taste
Instead of broccoli (expensive; doesn't last long in the fridge) I buy whatever cabbage is cheapest and use a large handful of it chopped up some (the fibres in cabbage and whole spinach leaves does not play well with my blender - YMMV)
I use a large mug of herbal tea and add psyllium husk for more fibre
In general I substitute/add veggies/fruits if I have something going a bit overripe (buying a load of bananas cheap and freezing them if they go brown before eating: also great for this); if I'm out of grapes, I add raisins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
IIRC he's a proponent of using organic prooduce. As you can tell from my notes I'm cheap and/or poor cost conscious, so I buy the cheapest. It's up to you :)
I eat this in addition to whatever fruits&vegs I usually have - it's an easy way to up my intake and get some things I don't eat a lot of (e.g. cabbage, spinach)
I make my own beansprouts - but this is already too long, so it's in the next post
*Oluf Borbye Pedersen - from the link:
Intestinal Microbiome Research OP is a leading partner in the EU-Metahit initiative (www.metahit.eu) which delivered the first and second gut microbial gene catalogue of 3.3 and 9.9 mio microbial genes, respectively, from the human intestinal tract.  With quantitative metagenomics he and his team demonstrated in a population sample that about a fourth of adults is markedly deficient in gut microbiota diversity. The same individuals were featured by insulin resistance, overweight, dyslipidaemia and proinflammation. OP et al. reported the first quantitative metagenomics study of gut microbiota in type 2 diabetes, prediabetics and women with gestational diabetes and they discovered a new biological fingerprint, gut enterotypes of the human host. In addition, in recent studies of the human gut microbiome, Pedersen and colleagues have teased out drug effects versus disease effects on gut bacteria composition and function. Recently, they reported the first example of gut microbes linked to human insulin resistance. Mechanistically the investigators extended and validated their findings in in rodents. The Pedersen team has done several interventions targeting the human gut microbiome and blood metabolome including the impact of broad-spectrum antibiotics and of dietary gluten content, respectively. Studies that influence dietary and medical practice.
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starryeyeesworld · 6 months
Veggies mealspø moodboard 🥦✨️
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(As per the results from the poll I made 💚 I'm not sure this turned out the way I wanted it but it's cute so here you go)
1) Just having plain uncooked veggies as snack is so nice (especially crunchy vegetables). Even if you add a simple dip it doesn't add too many c@ls!
Recipe for tztziki
You add in a bowl low fat greek yoghurt, grated cucumber, diced dill, diced garlic, a bit of olive oil and salt and you mix it (you can add mint too)
(A recipe for hummus is a bit harder but if you want it dm me and I'll try my best to explain)
2) Cucumbers or tomatoes on a rice cake with a little bit of light cream cheese 😋
3) vegetable soup
Veggie soup is actually pretty easy to make. Just cut veggies of your choice (carrots, onions, broccoli, celery, green beans). Lightly soute the veggies in a little bit of oil (its good to add them one by one starting from the one that needs to cook for longer to othe once that need less cooking). Then add some veggie broth (if possible low sodium one) and boil until ready.
4) Salad
Literally so easy but delicious and so filling. I usually just put a little bit of olive oil, salt, and lemon juice and it's soo good. Leafy greens, tomato, cucumber, and raw onion 😋 (you can add a few cubes of low fat feta cheese as well)
5) boiled or souted veggies (Brocoli, carrots) on top of rice is so nice as well, and so quick to prepare and easy to meal prep!
I hope this is somewhat helpful to at least one person~ 💚
I'm not sure how this post turned out but I tried my best~
If something in my explanation is unclear, you could always dm me or ask in the comments!!
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xanasaurusrex · 9 months
Bonjour! May I ask, my dear, for Dionysus cabin? Amazing therapists, I think they’d be. Not sure though. Thank you so much hand, obviously, feel free to decline!
⇢ ˗ˏˋ dionysus cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
bonjour my dear! thank you so much for requesting! mr. d is one of my favorite characters, so i'm really excited to do these.
i think the first and biggest thing i should mention about dionysus kids is: they know how to party.
i mean, their dad is literally the god of wine
of course they're gonna be the definition of party animals
wherever there's a party, they're always the life of it
they're rarely ever the ones to start the party because they tend to be rather scatterbrained and don't have the attention span to plan a party, but they love attending them
they love attending parties
dionysus kids are the definition of heavyweights
it takes a lot to get them drunk
like they can get buzzed and tipsy or whatever but it takes a lot for them to become actually drunk
they know how to have fun sober, though, trust me
dionysus kids are very festive souls
they love holidays, any holidays, and go above and beyond decorating for them and getting everyone and themselves in the real feel of the holiday
they love halloween because you can go all out for decorations
they love christmas for the same reason
a random thing to note; dionysus kids have a special affinity for grape flavored things
grape flavored candy, grape flavored drinks, you name it, and dionysus kids are all over it
they also love fruit
their dad is the god of fruit and orchards, so they're a big fan of it
of course, grapes are their favorite
dionysus kids really love raisins, too
they're just dried grapes, so they find the flavor pleasant enough
there are definitely dionysus kids who don't love raisins, but most dionysus kids will eat them if there's nothing else to snack on
this is one of those things that everybody else in camp judges them for, but they get to enjoy raisins with each other so it's okay
dionysus is also the god of vegetation, so dionysus kids also tend to like veggies more than the average kid
dionysus kids like veggies as toddlers, which is a big sign to them being a dionysus kid
like, they'll even devour broccoli
another thing about dionysus kids is that they generally have a pretty good relationship with their dad
he is the camp director, so they see him a lot more than the average half-blood sees their godly parent, but dionysus also generally builds relationships with his kids, so they get close, and they have good relationships
dionysus also doesn't like having lots of kids, he doesn't like being too outnumbered, so there's never too many dionysus kids in the cabin at once
this makes it easier for him to create lasting relationships and makes it easier to bond with them individually
i know mr. d was kinda an asshole to percy but i do headcanon him as a pretty good dad
because there's not usually an abundance of dionysus kids that also means that they get really close with each other
dionysus kids are each other's ride or dies
they consider each other their best friends
there's never usually more than 4 in the cabin at once so it's like a little friend group, except you all have the same dad!
so fun fact
dionysus is also the god of insanity and ritual madness
this does come across in dionysus kids, unfortunately
dionysus kids can go fucking insane sometimes
please, please please please, i beg of you
never cheat on a dionysus kid
think carrie underwood, but like times a thousand
all dionysus kids know before he cheats by heart because they've sung it at the top of their lungs in their cars after getting cheated on for the first time
and then they've gotten revenge
it's never pretty
i can't legally go into the details (aka i'm too tired to come up with the details) but please never do it
if not for the sake of the dionysus kid heart you're breaking but for your own
dionysus kids are also generally really gifted actors
dionysus is the god of theatre, and since he has a passion for it, he likes to pass that passion down to his kids
there's a sort of drama club within camp half-blood
(founded by dionysus kids and heavily supported by the camp director of course)
they like to put on shakespeare because it's very greek tragedy-esque, but usually without the actual greek tragedy
also whenever there's a sword fight, it's easy to perform and choreograph because they're already being trained in swordsmanship, so they already have that skill (or at least know how to handle a sword without decapitating themselves)
dionysus kids like to think shakespeare was a dionysus kid
mr. d will neither confirm nor deny
(but the glint in his eyes whenever you bring it up leans more towards the affirmative)
randomly going back to them being heavyweights thing, even if they do get drunk, it's rare for a dionysus kid to get a hangover
which is something they endlessly brag about to other campers
"oh, it's weird that i eat raisins? well, i don't get hangovers so suck it"
dionysus kids also have a hilarious sense of humor
like these kids are really funny
their sense of humor consists of a lot of sarcasm and teasing and stuff like that
they can be really annoying as older siblings and younger siblings
a lot of "why are you hitting yourself? why are you hitting yourself?" copying, and other stuff like that
basically, dionysus kids are super cool and crazy and chaotic, but they're hard not to love
it's also pretty nice being friends with a dionysus kid because they can get you out of trouble with their dad if what you did was pretty mild and they ask really nicely
they're also just so freaking fun at parties that it's so nice having them around
consider yourself lucky if you're a friend of a dionysus kid
so it's 2:30 am and i have to be up at 9 but i got inspired by this and i want to start pumping these out faster, so here you are! dionysus cabin headcanons. i hope you liked them, i had so much freaking fun writing these! thank you so much for reading, please reblog, i love you all so much! muah!!
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three--rings · 3 months
Threerings' Dinner Plan
Okay so you've got the average or more than the average amount of stress and limitations to your time and/or ability, but you like to eat good food. And you know you need to both eat healthier and more cheaply (i.e. home cooked food.) What do you do?
Well in the past few months I've kinda perfected a system for low effort cooking of very healthy meals that last for many days of leftovers. None of this is revolutionary or anything or original but IDK it's working really well for me so I'm sharing.
(Also this is for omnivores. Sorry non meat eaters.)
Basically the idea is sheet pan meals. Like I said, not revolutionary. But I've found a system to make it as easy and low-effort as possible.
Step One: Choose your meat and recipe.
So mostly I use chicken for this, because it's cheapest. But if your store is having a great sale on pork or beef, by all means. This last week I did pork tenderloin cause they were super cheap I just searched for a recipe for sheet pan pork tenderloin and adapted it.
But we're gonna assume you're going chicken. So I really only like chicken breasts, but if you like thighs you can use those because it's cheaper. I typically use about 1.75-2lbs of chicken at at time for these recipes.
So what I do is buy the thin sliced chicken breasts from the store. The benefit here is they are already pre-trimmed of all the nasty parts so you're not paying for bits of chicken you don't want and also you don't have to handle and cut the chicken yourself. All I do is open the package and I cut each piece of sliced chicken in half in the middle, horizontally. You don't have to do that, but it makes all the pieces about the same size and it fits better on the tray and then people can take exactly as much meat as they want more easily. (I'm only feeding two adults but it would work well for kids that way.)
Step Two: Veggies
So that's your meat, then you need veggies. I use frozen veggies because they are 1)cheaper and 2)pre-cut. You can pretty much use whatever veggies you like with whatever recipe, but I try to keep it in theme. Like with a Mediterranean dish I did onions and bell peppers and cauliflower. Recently I got a bag of "roasting vegetable blend" that was excellent with brussel sprouts, butternut squash, and onions. Get the higher quality veg like broccoli "florets" cause it's worth a few cents more. You will need/want more veggies than you think, like 20 oz total, you can mix a couple small bags of different ones per tray. And they will shrink a good deal in cooking.
Step Three: Sauce/seasoning.
And then we have seasoning/sauce. This is where I turn to internet recipes for "sheet pan whatever chicken." But I have a few I've used that I've adapted so I'll give them here. Whatever you do, basically you just mix the sauce and pour it over the chicken and/or vegetables and throw it all on a sheet tray and cook it in the oven. (Specifics below.)
Korean Chicken
4  tablespoons dark soy sauce (I've tried both dark works better)
4 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons neutral oil
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons Sriracha sauce
4 cloves garlic , minced (or ½ teaspoon garlic powder) (I use pre-minced jar garlic for ease)
1 tablespoon gochugaru red pepper flakes (if you don't have these just either use a smaller amount of regular red pepper flakes or just more sriracha. This shouldn't be really HOT, just tangy. )
Do Broccoli and Chicken with this, and mix it all in the sauce. It makes the absolute best broccoli EVER. Like I just want a plate of this broccoli it's so GOOD.
Greek Chicken
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
6 cloves garlic minced
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 tbsp dried parsley
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 cup feta cheese crumbled
(Sub pre-juiced lemon juice and jarred garlic for ease.) Marinate the chicken in the mixture for like 30 minutes first if you have time. Onions, bell peppers and zucchini is good for this. Don't add feta until the last 3 minutes of cooking, sprinkle feta over it and then put it back to get a little melty and browned.
Shawarma Chicken
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon ground coriander 
1½ teaspoons paprika (may substitute smoked paprika)
2 teaspoons ground cumin
½ teaspoon ground turmeric
1 teaspoon fine salt
¼ teaspoon black pepper
3 tablespoons neutral or olive oil
Juice of ½ lemon
You can again marinate the chicken for a bit if you want. But you don't have to. I recommend cauliflower for this, with whatever else you like. Grape tomatoes are good too. For this one I sprinkled the veggies with curry powder to make sure they got seasoned because there wasn't that much of the marinade.
So for ALL of these the process is this:
Preheat over to 450
Spread the frozen veggies all over a sheet pan (wrap the pan in aluminum foil first for easy clean up.) You can drizzle them with oil, salt and pepper, or a little of the sauce/marinade and toss to cover. Toss the sheet in the oven while it's still preheating. This will get the veggies started and defrosted before you add the chicken so it will all cook together.
Meanwhile get the chicken ready/wait 10-15 minutes for the oven to heat and the veggies to start cooking. (If you're using smaller/more tender veggies you can cut this time. Skip this entirely if you're using fresh.)
Mix your thin sliced chicken pieces with the marinade/sauce. Remove veggies from the oven and push to the sides to make room for your chicken in the middle. You can also simply lay the chicken pieces over veggies if you don't care about the veggies getting carmelized. Arrange your chicken and dump all the sauce. Return to oven.
Cook for about 20-25 minutes. You can check the temp of the chicken with a thermometer, but it's so thin it should be fine. This is why we start the veggies first so they can get mostly cooked and have time to start browning without overcooking chicken.
Remove from oven.
Serve with rice. I have been going the ultra-lazy route of using frozen microwaveable rice, but some of you may have rice cookers.
Congratulations you have a super healthy meal. If you feel crazy you could make a second tray of veggies at the same time and just have less meat with each meal to stretch your $. You could also add beans to your veggies and same.
My husband and I can get dinners for 4-5 days out of one of these meals. But neither of us eats a lot at a sitting, so ymmv on that.
You can also probably see how to adapt this. Find a sauce/marinade recipe, choose veggies and meat, and go! You will have to figure out the cook time for different kinds of meat though.
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