#nic wong
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Zjedzone : liquid fast 100 kcal
Spalone : 220 kcal
Waga : ?? Kg
Czuje się zajebiście bo kolejny liquid fast się udał🥰 W dodatek spałam dzisiaj do 13 więc pół dnia mi szybko zleciał,poćwiczyłam ,pouczyłam się, oglądałam yt i oczywiście grałam.Niestety w nocy się co chwilę budziłam ale to nic takiego.Rano czułam się mega słabo,kręciło mi się w głowie i miałam mroczki i najgorsze jest to ,że nie mam niedowagi a tak mi się dzieje mam prawidłową która jest bardziej blizej nadwagi ale wiem ze może być tak bo mam niedobory vitamin dlatego pije takie rozpuszczalne ale chuj wie czy pomagają.Przynajmniej mają 14 kcal w dwóch tabletkach.W piątek już zaplanowałam ,że zjem jedynie jabłko lub serek wiejski i ofc kawa i trzy herbatki.Wiem,że już mówiłam ale serio boje się niedzieli a już jutro jest,nie chce jeść obiadu i przerywać przez to lq fasta .Mama jest w domu i napewno coś zrobi .Naszczęście jem w pokoju i mam nadzieję,że mi się uda wyrzucić bo naprawdę nie chce przerywać liquid fasta. Moja mama też czasami wychodzi z domu do kolegów na cały dzień zdarzało się też ,że na całą noc i wracała dobiero rano albo popołudniu.Zaczelam ćwiczyć też na uda od emi wong bo ciągle robię tylko na brzuch,ramiona i twarz a na uda praktycznie nic więc od wczoraj zaczęłam na uda ćwiczyć.Pocwiczylam dzisiaj 3x ćwiczenia od Aprin han na brzuch,1x na ramiona,2x na twarz i te jedne ćwiczenia od emi wong na uda.Zobaczymy w poniedziałek ile będę ważyć i mam nadzieję, że mniej niż 56 kg.
Chudej nocy motylki 🦋
#bede lekka jak motylek#bede lekka#bede motylkiem#chce byc lekka#chce byc lekka jak motylek#lekka jak motyl#lekkie motylki#az do kosci#będę idealna#chce byc idealna#lekka jak piórko#lekkosc#nie bede jesc#bede piekna#bede perfekcyjna#bede idealna#blogi motylkowe#motyle w brzuchu#motylki any#chudej nocy motylki#motylki blog#blog motylkowy#będę motylkiem#jestem motylkiem#motylek any#motylek blog#nie chce jesc#nie chce być gruba#chce byc szczupla#chce byc perfekcyjna
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✩ Zjedzone: ✩
zott jogurt wysokobiałkowy z truskawkami, jabłko granny smith - 215 kcal
yopro protein jogurt smak stracciatella - 91 kcal
piątnica skyr naturalny (204 g), jabłko granny smith - 216 kcal
lubella owsianka z malinami, daktylami - 76 kcal
część bajgla z restauracji - ??? szacuję na ok. 300
Razem: ok. 900 kcal

(niestety nie mam zdjęcia bajgla)
✩ Trening: ✩
emi wong fix & slim your back in 10 min
eylem abaci 15 min model legs pilates workout
emi wong 15 min stretch for slim & long legs
nikola's pilates 8 min abs & waist

Byłam dziś w restauracji z rodzinką i z chłopakiem i zjadłam tak ok. pół bajgla z hummusem, grillowaną cukinią i papryką, oliwkami i fetą, postaram się jak najdokładniej to zobrazować. ,,Pokrywkę" od bułki całkowicie zostawiłam, zjadłam tylko połowę tej dolnej części, czyli w sumie ćwierć bułki. Do tego połowę ,,nadzienia", ale rukolę zjadłam całą. Także nieźle. Szacuję na ok. 300 kcal, ale pojęcia nie mam, ile to mogło mieć, i, szczerze, myślę, że to nie ma większego znaczenia, tak czy inaczej deficyt kaloryczny jest utrzymany. Bajgiel był zajebisty, zdecydowanie wart tych kalorii, miło spędziłam też czas, także nie żałuję tego wyjścia.
Cieszę się, bo chyba serio skurczył mi się żołądek, bo tak się napchałam tym bajglem, że choć w sumie kusiło, by zjeść jeszcze troszkę, albo zamówić jakiś deser, to fizycznie nie byłam w stanie już nic więcej zjeść. Czadersko. W dodatku kiedyś każde takie wyjście do restauracji wiązało się z wyrzutami sumienia i późniejszym napadem, bo przecież ,,i tak już zjebałam", więc jestem z siebie niesamowicie dumna, że udało mi się to bezsensowne podejście zmienić.
Tak swoją drogą, osiągnęłam dziś ugw, ale tak do końca tego nie uznaję, poczekam jeszcze parę dni aż waga się utrzyma w okolicach tych 45 kg albo troszkę spadnie, tak żeby mieć pewność (bo ostatnio waga trochę mi się waha, więc wolę ostrożnie do tego podchodzić). Co dalej? No cóż, wciąż nie jestem zadowolona ze swojej sylwetki, wciąż uważam, że zostało mi sporo tłuszczu do stracenia, więc pewnie postaram się jeszcze trochę schudnąć, aż w końcu będę zadowolona ze swojego wyglądu.
#chce schudnac#nie chce jesc#tłusta świnia#tłuścioch#gruba świnia#muszę schudnąć#nie mogę jeść#chce byc lekka jak motylek#chcę widzieć swoje kości#nie jestem głodna#lekka jak piórko#pragnę chudości#chce byc lekka#bede lekka#bede lekka jak motylek#nie chce jeść#nie będę jeść#musze schudnac#kalorie#kcal
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Carina Lau, Faye Wong, and Sandra Ng presented the Best Actor award to Andy Lau at the 19th Hong Kong Film Awards in 2000. Faye was teased about her relationship with Nic.
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Something that bothers me so much in MoM is how nobady sat down to watch the first doctor strange movie and wandavision, like how Waldron and Raimi didn't worried to do so. Wanda is such a complex character and she was written so poorly, not her but Strange was also very out of character IMO. I honestly don't mind Wanda being the villain but like... make a villain backstory! Show how the Darkhold corrupted her, how that works, how it messed with her head, not simply mention it once during a two hours movie. The first concept of the movie was so much better, slowly introduce her as a villain than just throw it at the public - a public that mostly is not interested in understanding her character - without a single care
Waldron said he had seen DS1 several times before writing MoM and, if we're being merciful, we better call him a liar and assume he didn't because if he did... then he didn't understand a damn thing in that movie.
Stephen "holding the knife" is not something he enjoys, it's a huge sacrifice for him. Christine did love him, and she still does, and she understood him just fine so her words post-wedding are bullshit. He was over her in DS1 and he would have never linked his happiness to a girlfriend because his pain comes from losing Donna, not being single. His loneliness + insecurities + guilt they all originated in the same place, it's all far more complex.
With Wanda, the problem is neither Waldron nor Raimi watched WandaVision - they admitted as much publicly - so of course she was ooc. But even then, if they wanted to ignore WV they should have written a good villain! I can't really blame the audience for not caring about her, if her own writer/director don't give a damn, why should we?
In fact, an ooc Wanda could have gone well IF they had worked on the Darkhold and its lore + we as the audience were aware there was something off about her (because we know her) but Stephen and Wong didn't (because they don't) and the story followed that path: us watching them slowly figure out what's wrong with her then helping her. Except this requires showing her corruption on-screen and her fighting against it!
Stephen has a few good moments (his first scene with Wanda in the garden is chef's kiss) but I'm convinced those were thanks to Benedict. I don't know if I'd say he was ooc in the film but there are certain moments where I think he would have acted differently and he should have been allowed to talk back to the people defining him (especially Nic).
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☕️ + every movie you've seen for the first time this year!
OOH that's a good one,, I have seen too many movies for the first time this year to try and do all of them though jfskn SO I am gonna go with the first ten I think of, I hope that is okay <3
Beau is Afraid - I really like Ari Aster's other two movies, and I knew this one was more divisive so I went in with an open mind. I wanted to like this movie but ehhh it just didn't do it for me. I don't think it's bad, I liked parts of it, and it's very clearly a personal passion project so I'm glad it exists on principle. but I think it dragged on a little longer than necessary and it was a little too mean-spirited to work for me the way I feel like it was meant to. still succeeds at being an absolute nightmare, just not one I find as resonant as Hereditary or Midsommar. also Aster clearly has some less than stellar opinions about homeless people.
Sunshine - hadn't heard of this movie til my mom told me about it but I really liked it! honestly it takes something a little special to get me properly invested in space movies, idk why, but this succeeds. probably because the cast is great and also the way the story events unfold is Terrifying. the way the sun is used as an unknowable terror is really cool. I'd call this movie viscerally beautiful in that, eldritch horror "so-horrible-it's-beautiful" kind of way? it's hard to explain it was just very striking to me. the third act gets a lot of flack from what I've seen and I do kinda get why, but I liked it, I don't think the twist is bad.
All My Friends Hate Me - oh baby this movie made me want to rip my skin off hgjsknfd y'know those posts that are like "horror movies have nothing on secondhand embarrassment"? well this is a horror movie about secondhand embarrassment. it's just failed social interaction after failed social interaction as the tension steadily builds and it is ROUGH. I've never hated seeing myself in a character as much as I haaaated seeing myself in Pete. if this shit happened to me I'd end up on the news. I feel like I have to Do Something to avoid this happening to me. nightmare of a movie. I liked it a lot.
Bottoms - I watched this on the plane when I went to Minnesota in April :] I wanted to see it in theaters last year and ended up missing it, and aughhh I really wish I'd gotten to see it in theaters cuz it's SO fun. so silly. absolute delight. I would like Ayo Edebiri and Rachel Sennott to star in ten more movies together please.
To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar - I adored this movie <3 it's fun and very genuinely kind, and Patrick Swayze's performance as Vida was just as phenomenal as that one post said. all three of the main drag queens were played so well, Wesley Snipes and John Leguizamo deserve praise for their portrayals, too. good movie.
Deadpool & Wolverine - I had fun! it's no masterpiece obviously and I definitely think the first two Deadpools are objectively better in terms of story and character work, but this one was very successfully fun and that's really the main thing I want from a Deadpool movie. excellent fight scenes. the opening credits were tailor made specifically for me, by the way. that was for Me-
Trap - I have seen one other M. Night Shyamalan movie in my time and it was a while ago so I can't speak on his whole catalogue, but folks who know his work better let me know what other movies of his are like Trap, cuz I enjoyed Trap. it's so fucking goofy I had a great time. nobody talks or behaves like an actual person and that's like half the charm. it's a nepotism movie to boost Saleka Shyamalan's music career and I respect that cuz it's not subtle and it's entertaining. not Amazing or anything but it's solidly fun.
Dream Scenario - the movie where Nic Cage plays a guy named Paul Matthews... strange movie!! bizarrely distressing at times. I was drunk with my bestie when I watched it so I think I'd have to watch it again to know how I really feel about it. I don't think I disliked it though. solidly surreal and interesting for sure.
We're All Going to the World's Fair - not as good as I Saw the TV Glow, imo, but still very good! very slow and quiet and somber. excellent use of its low budget. reeeeally captured that specific feeling of adolescence, holing up in your room and watching videos you probably shouldn't in the dark late at night. very "haha I did that" for me. also May Leitz was there!! which I still think is very cool. extremely niche cameo but hey I was the audience for it.
Saw - I think. that Saw is fine hgnkdmsg it's fine. it doesn't do for me what it seems to do for a lot of other people on this site, but I liked it fine. good ending definitely, the ending is probably the best part imo. that and Amanda's trap sequence, best parts. I am interested in the sequels, I don't know if I'll watch ALL of them but I'd like to dip into them at some point. I liked it fine.
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Flavours Like Colours
Drabble written @monthly-challenge — Ice cream & @fandombingo, Reverse: 1999 — It is not an equal negotiation. You can read it under the cut and on Ao3 here 🍨
Fandom: The Resident (TV 2018)
Rating: General Audiences
Pairing: Gigi Hawkins & Billie Sutton & Sammie Wong
Tags: Missing Scene, Friendship, Episode: s06e06 For Better or Worse
Summary: Billie takes Gigi and Sammie to get ice cream.
Wordcount: 100

Gigi’s legs move lazily, hanging from her seat as she eats her strawberry ice-cream. “Uncle Billie, what was mummy’s favourite ice-cream?”
She smiles, realising that the flavour she’s chosen is exactly Nic’s favourite. “Vanilla.”
“If you guess my dads’ favourite flavours, I’ll let you try mine!” Sammie proposes, noticing Gigi’s curious eyes on her choco-mint cup.
“That’s not fair! They are not my best friends,” Gigi pouts.
“Let’s see,” Billie musses, “I’d say Jake’s is … butter pecan. Or raspberry ripple ice cream.”
“And Gregg’s is …” Gigi copies Billie’s expression, “the blue one we saw there!”
Sammie just giggles. “Try again.”
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here's a little excerpt from my ironstrange/wongstrange crossover fic? basically, tony gets into an accident in his lab and crushes his hands, Stephen wakes up with the arc reactor in his chest and no memory whatsoever of the past month. They both find Kamar-Taj and for some reason Fate decides that they belong together, but Stephen has eyes for Wong and essentially tells Fate to fuck off.
TW: mentions of death and a kind of chronic disease?
On the twelve of March, Stephen found his journal. It was under his bed and took him by surprise, considering that he never actually took up journaling.
Stephen poured over the entries. The first was dated February 9th, and it talked about the accident, the week-long stay in the hospital, and the hatred that Past Stephen felt towards the ‘incompetent’ nurses. Stephen could relate, he loved the hospital as a surgeon, but as a patient, it was probably one of the worst places Stephen could be in. The next few entries were mundane, updates about the hospital, his condition, his and Christine’s relationship throughout the experience, how the hospital was coming together to help Stephen. There was one whole, three page entry that was just a rant about Nic West and how Nic had started the initiative and was the first person to step in when Stephen was forced to take a break. It was interesting to read Past!Stephen’s rambling on how incompetent Nic was and how weird it was that Nic seemed to care for him more than Christine did.
February 27th entry freaked him out the most. It was one sentence, five words. They had been gouged into the two pages, underlined and traced over and over again in harsh, jagged lines.
#stephen strange#doctor stephen strange#ao3 writer#wip#current wip#my writing#medicine#hospital#journal#journaling#wongstrange#wong x strange#ironstrange#wong#tony stark#fate
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Hi. You’ve spoken a lot about superhero movies on this blog, and the villains especially, and while your insight into both of those is phenomenal, I'm curious: who are your favorite movie superheroes?
Here’s something interesting: As much as I love superhero movies, I don’t think there’s many heroes I love as much as the villains. I tend to gravitate more towards cool bad guys, y’know? But there are exceptions:
Basically any heroes James Gunn has brought us. Rocket, Nebula, and Peacemaker especially. I like that they’re all flawed individuals who really want to do good and have a lot of flaws that cause conflict. I love all the Guardians honestly, but Rocket and Nebula are my favs.
Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds really owns the role, he’s a genuinely likable anti-hero. He’s also mostly funny.
Harley Quinn, mainly thanks to the sheer charisma of Margot Robbie. Again, she’s more of an anti-hero, but still.
Clooney!Batman. I am the #1 Clooney Batman fan on earth. I cheered when he showed up in The Flash.
Wolverine. I’d say he was way overexposed in the original Fox run, but Hugh Jackman made it hard for me to be too bothered.
There is not a single cinematic Spider-Man I’ve disliked. The movies aren’t always good, but I don’t think Spidey himself has ever been done a grave injustice. I love Miles too, his journey so far has been pretty inspiring.
Venom. I love Tom Hardy, I love those stupid movies, I love how unrepentantly goofy and queer they are… Such a great dual role.
Megamind, such a great villain-to-hero character. I love stories where a bad guy turns it around and turns good, and Megamind is one of the best.
Ghost Rider, because he’s a flaming skeleton on a motorcycle played by Nic Cage.
Wong, he’s the best part of pretty much every MCU project he shows up in.
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Stvořeni pro lásku / In the Mood for Love Hongkong / Francie 2000, režie: Kar-wai Wong, premiéra: 22.5.2003
Nic proti klipové kultuře, pokroku se bránit nemá. Občas si ale oči i mysl zaslouží oddych, a pak se taková klidná, vnitřně rozbouřená a nadherně natočená milostná romance hodí. Jméno hongkongského režiséra Wong Kar-Waie si asi nezapamatujeme, příběh se také nevryje do paměti originalitou ale ta jemnost a křehkost celého filmu přetrvá. Stvořeni pro lásku je balzám.

ELFilm ČR 2001, režie: Jakub Sommer, premiéra: 22.5.2003
Svůj k svému – dobrý film k dobrému. Stvořeni pro lásku má předfilm jménem Elfilm od mladého Jakuba Sommera. Filmík je to milý, Jakub Sommer asi někdy natočí moc pěkný celovečerní film.

28 dní poté / 28 Days Later Velká Británie 2002, režie: Danny Boyle, premiéra: 29.5.2003
Danny Boyle si rád hraje. Jenže pro diváka to fungovalo asi jen v Mělkém hrobě a v Trainspottingu – od té doby si užívá jenom pan režisér. Viz 28 dní poté: Anglie zaplavená nemocnými infikovanými zuřivostí. Ideální příležitost pro chrlení krve a vyklizení centra Londýna, což byl asi taky hlavní důvod proč Danny Boyle tenhle film natočil. 28 dní poté je zručné řemeslo, jako film nic moc. Ale třeba seriál to mohl být zajímavý...

Policajti / Kopps Švédsko / Dánsko, 2003, režie: Josef Fares, premiéra: 12.6.2003
Tak to bude před létem z kina.avi všechno. Pěkně si Vary a Uherské Hradiště a vůbec letní pohodu užijte. Třeba s takovým příjemným filmem jako jsou švédští Policajti. Taková pěkná a hlavně neblbá zábava je to.
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𐄹 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 . . . mwm?
hello there! here’s some recs, let us know if you want something more specific
addis miller, alex aino, algee smith, alton mason, angel bismark curiel, armon warren, bible sumett, boman martinez-reid, braedenlemasters, chance perdomo, cherokee jack, choi beomgyu, choi hansol, choi seungcheol, conan gray, cris calenda, curlyfrysfeed, deaven booker, des.qua, diggy simmons, dommd4l, dylan hasselbiank, ellis iyayi, eric sohn, evan mock, gage gomez, gulf kanawut, hugodalmonte, ileosheng, isaiah xavier, jacob latimore, jacob rott, jaxon rose, jay critch, jay versace, jeff satur, jjinnno, jordan fisher, joshua hong, jung hoseok, kanaan pitan, kim doyoung, laurence coke, lolhidominic, luka sabbat, løren, matthew laureano, marià casals, marvin anthony, mason gooding, michael cimino, moses ldn, na jaemin, nic kaufmann, odiseas georgiadis, ohnosharky, omar apollo, reece king, rickey thompson, ripples_warmup, selim ibrahim, sergio perdomo, shai gilgeous-alexander, thomas weatherall, tyson wong, wy.an, xolo maridueña, yamakazi kento, zarruecos
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Yin Anan Wong
Jméno postavy: Yin Anan Wong Pozice: Real life — Part time barman Národnost: Thajsko/Čína
Backstory: Už od mala se jeho rodiče zadlužovali v Koreji, kde to neměli ani šanci splatit. Malý Yin o ničem nevěděl, docela dlouho, než se se k němu dostalo, že se oba z jeho rodičů vzdali svých životů s doufáním, že se dluh zruší. Co však nevěděli, nebo spíš neudělali jako každý druhý, nepřečetli si malá písmenka, kde se jasně psalo, že dluh přejde na něj. V ty momenty si přišel v koncích. Nikdo mu v Thajsku nezbyl, nebyl ani plnoletý, musel dokončit aspoň základní vzdělání.. Jeho život se tímhle stal doslova peklem, ale nemohl nic jiného dělat, než poslechnout pokyny jak různých úřadů, tak Bosse, odkud měli půjčené peníze. V patnácti se odstěhoval do Číny za svou babičkou, kde to taky s penězi bylo na hraně, ale zvládl si zařídit nějaké brigády a takhle spolu přežívali. Bylo mu tam až tak dobře, že zapoměl, co ho čeká až mu bude osmnáct. Už zmíněný boss, si pro něj přišel, aby mohl dluh za své rodiče odpracovat. Prvně si myslel, že bude pracovat někde v Koreji, aby na něj měl dohled, ale co však nečekal bylo to, že bude pracovat zrovna pro něj. Tuhle práci dělat vůbec nechtěl, dluh byl však veliký a na výběr neměl. I tak se ale snažil žít normální život.
Facebook: Yin Anan Wong
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#closeofbuisness on #china is ready to pay you 2billion dollars al a source of the ABC said in a report we told china he intends on selling to joe hunter s biden on offer 100m million dollars n.y.p.d s.o.d - 16/6/2025 - prepared to discredit this report - ABC journalists - 5% and 100m in a cross to the states to follow a report on Elon Musk and #china
U.SGoV and AuSGoV - #insiders as raised earlier the chinese and the AuKuS #china treaty as #insiders said the chinese ambassador said on trade and the AuKuS #china treaty - as penny wong in discussion on china
#capitailhill china said how about we bumb him off and don't pay for the formulas as the ABC raised with china the foreign minister was present - Meridith Sheehan just said "alex why don't you go for walks in the parks" I did not know I was required too as Meridith Sheehan talking of her sexual indescretions online for all veiwers in australia the Ukrainian President talks of reuniting the u.n charter after to us learning on his countries involvment in the downing of Mh-17 - G.C - #qt does the Australian Prime Minister have a comment - talk by Meredith Sheehan talk of the torture of family n.s.w (brisbane) in the north and al in perth (OURABC targetting in weather reports) a representative of the australian government tryed to say I was not dealing in reality as ABC journalist denied for me earlier (nic dole) as the AuSGoV was trying to get the cheif phyciatrist order me to take my medication only as aired the cheif phyciatrist is corrupt according to cheif justice keifel
#insiders david spears it was said "are you going to blame Mr Clayton for something that hasn't happened yet"" as a panel member said we will get him on the backslide - as raised Meridith Sheehan and MASTERBATION a sexual favour - see report online Alex Clayton facebook.com why have ABC journalists been offering me sexual favours for years - back to you barry - mike bowers is a two faced lier
In the haste by ABC Australia to say you want us to carry the can whilst you get away with it REFERANCE to the a.l.p and the murders of ruby and kate - someone has to act in the best interest of our country n.y.p.d s.o.d said the U.SGoV will check if any mystery payments have gone into a.l.p accounts since /1992/93 - Kevin Rudd and bribes into accounts as josh frydenburg and MTMHR as "bagman" as we know he had offshore accounts is their a law against that for a sitting politician to have money going into offshore accounts in the cayman islands opened up for the l.n.p in the cayman islands on the behalf of the l.n.p by sir rupert murdoch as the l.n.p treasurer josh frydenburg said in #qt -16/6/2024 - fn: the photo of tony abbott taken after he was australian prime minister - SMMHR - 2016-2020 d.j.t /u.s president - hard copy of the formula for gold stolen by my n.d.i.s cleaner(Indians) - noranda modi comments "if anyone works against the country we will kill him" -fn: AuSGoV sited to be audited for consultants in giving advice in a change of priorities the #closeofbusiness reporter sites the big four in a quote from Claire O'Neil
what was the secret ABC Australia was keeping for the a.l.p #insiders cheif whip - is it the a.l.p.stole the first formula -"yes" as n.y.p..d s.o.d agreed
china we shamed the chinese leader to xi jin ping in a cheap shot by the a.l.p and ABC Australia
#capitailhill foreign affairs corrospondant makes reference to evidence on Alex Clayton facebook.com and the bribes - see investigation launched by n.y.p.d s.o.d - 17/6/2024 and the chinese premier showing concern over ruby and kate and a expression of interest for my Intellectual property
#capitailhill and ABC News Radio said the chinese premier and anthony albanese pleased with themselves
BBC WORLD SERVICE IN A CROSS TO @ABCNewsradio - china xi jin ping - the great hall #insiders - foreign ministers in a return of freedoms in return of australian spie Wang Liqiang - Dr Yang Jun - clemancy in a new found cooperation - "state secrets" and the "snake" - lisa (free)- chinese pete (free) dr m.k.wong (retired)
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3762534067406037&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz cheif justice gageler.
7:30 report - with Sarah Ferguson - paul keating in #qt 1992/93 - raised I was working on the formula for gold "we must contact him" - he said - what happened dr brendan murphy - c.m.o - l.n.p - who stole the "methonine aspartic inhibitor" - in 1992/93 - 2012/13 - 15 all research related - "formula for gold" - s6-h-Kr=Ri - "anti matter engine" - einstein's final work the engine for space travell a nuclear reactor with life support systems fully sustainable travelling at light speed - of all work to date it is the most effecient in space travell
Ionization engine with a - "fully sustainable" - experiment fuelling the engine from a battery producing power for a gas fired engine producing it's own nuclear fuel - mercury - s6-h-kr = rubidium ABC Australia who deleted all my research of Altecisbit G+ and say they have copies (jeremy fernandaz) ABC News are trying to line up a contract with elon musk copyright fruad djt - @POTUS45 - "space force" - and I wrote the experiment in 1992/93 2012/13 -15 - 2016 - 2020 - all my research in various stages of development stolen by the Australian Federal Government - "stolen formulas" - Altecisbit G+ was co - owned by the u.s government - in a copyright agreement.
General Clayton - I have ABC Australia denying me medical treatment and trying to push me to suicide with a sattilite - "eye in the sky" - starlink - elon musk is after the - s6-h-Kr=Ri - "anti matter engine" - the ionization engine - for space x - backed by d.j.t/u.s president - a report for joe "hunter" "s" biden - G.C - press release - 21/5/2024 - fn: "space force"
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3253853171607465&id=100009484426712&mibextid=Nif5oz "einstein's final work"- by Alex m.m Clayton.
The work on the solid fuel engine einstein's final work engine s6-h-Kr - = Ri - fuel -: see ionization engine earlier work as the radio active battery a self sustainable rocket engine and the work on bonding noble gases and the production of gold - see ABC and BBC WORLD SERVICE WHO BREAK THIS RESEARCH ONLINE - HADRON COLLIDER IN THE REORDERING OF THE PERODIC TABLE AND THE THEORY TO TRAVEL THROUGH A BLACK HOLE - NEUTRON STAR - 12:10-17A.M A.S.D.T 7/3/2023. a hydrogen engine with fully sustainable on board systems a chain reaction to enable space travel (simulation) of the (neutron star) - G.C
General Clayton - joe "hunter" "s" biden/u.s president is the owner of "my Intellectual property" for the sum of 100m dollars (u.s military service) - a report for justice drewett u.k patents court - 18:35P.M A.E.S.T 15/6/2024 - fn: I await payment as the deal is not confirmed until my admintrator receives payment on my behalf - lydia clayton based on intellectual property written in 1992/93 and theft by AuSGoV and intellectual property written in 2012/13-15 -2024 stolen by AuSGoV - phyciatrict treating teams.
Australian Prime Minister - Anthony Albanese x c.m.o l.n.p dr brendan murphy and the claim by c.s.r.i.o who said had already discovered how to find gold it's a fruad
online - all we need to survive on another planet and space flight - s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2(80 mercury)
Ammonia transfer- lipoic acid - Lip(sh)2-Lip - s2 - lipoic acid hydrogen and acetyl carrier phosphenlpyrate - 2 - acetyl - CoA + o2 + H2o = iso - citric - lyase and tpp - orthophoshate - N.A.D.P.H = 2 molecules of glutamate - trade name - biotin - methionine aspartic inhibitor - glucose - phosphenlpyrate - 2 - acetyal - coa + o2 + h2o - catalyst - iso - citric - lyase - malate - synthesise- tissue test - adpose and millennium - biotine _c.s.l to smith glaxco and klyne ®© 17/6/2024
the "formula for gold" s6-h-Kr - the semi oxide process - l.j.c ®© - 28/5/2024
s6-h-Kr=Ri - fusion - fission - excite - h - exchange electron theory with - Ri - radio active isotype attach s6 and Kr to h atom and excite - the fusion will bond the noble gas - to find gold - Alex m.m Clayton ®© - 22:06P.M A.E.S.T 10/4/2024
(O2 -6-3=6 - Ri - Kr) = hydrogen -fuel --s6-h-kr = rubidium.- Ri - Kr = O2 - 6 - 3 = 6 = 100 x T2/E2 /C2 Rubidium T = logic therefore (C2 = T X 100 X 1 = M /E2) - RCM = M/CE2 -antimatter- derived from the formula for gold.-= O2 -h -h2 - Ri = Kr- s6 (sum6) - krypton s6 - bonding of a noble gas.-frequency = space - E/M =C2 - C2 = space/ time - time = M/C2 × 100/1= E = C2/M = matter travelling through a black hole - C.E.R.N ®© 23:41P.M A.E.S.T 10/4/2024
krypton s6 - "anti matter engine" - s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2 - (80 mercury) finding a inexhaustible way to store rocket fuel and energy for life support systems s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2 (80 mercury) is all that is needed to store as everything else can be produced by the nuclear reactor. ®© 22:45P.M A.E.S.T 10/4/2024
sister pairs of atoms on the periodic table to find new elements (bonding a noble gas kr - (36) = s6 (11) = (16) sulphur 6 & 17) = - h (1) - Kr (36) = Ri (37) it's how - I found mercury 80 rubidium 37 extracting rubidium from mercury(80) to find - (s6-h- Kr =Ri) = gold (79) - ((80) mercury - split (excite) the hydrogen atom - s6-h-Kr =Ri - radio active isotype (37)) = gold (79) a new way to look at chemistry - einstein - alex m.m clayton ©®
sister atom (element) of the nuclear isotope - and confirm by the noble gas on the periodic table - the relationship between the noble gas and the isotope sister pairs with sulphur - 6 ( sum 6) - sodium 6 - it has been established sulphur 6 in formula - and sodium 6 (11) to bond a noble gas - sodium 6 (11):0:33A.M A.E.S.D.T 18/1/2024 © ®
mercury (80) / s6-h-kr (36) a sister element to rubidium (37) s6-h-kr = rubidium extracted from mercury (80) (79)- gold sister pairs of atoms for the basis of element once extracted from each other - (16 ) sulphur and (17) chlorine - s6 (11) - eg: - by a factor of - 1 and 10 x 2 + or - for the isotope and - s6 (11) + - h (1) = correctly ordering the periodic table ©®
sister atom (element) of the nuclear isotope - and confirm by the noble gas on the periodic table - the relationship between the noble gas and the isotope sister pairs with sodium - 6 - 0:33A.M A.E.S.D.T 18/1/2024 © ®
Formula for gold - s6-h-Kr = rubidium - the extraction of rubidium from mercury to find gold = s6-h-Kr - a nuclear reactor split the (atom) s6-h-Kr formula for gold = O2 - h - h2 - Ri = Kr = s6 - krypton s6 - the chain reaction is the rubidium isotope wich is the fuel for spaceflight it is believed a way of bonding the noble gas sodium 6 with krypton gas in the chain reaction - einstein's final work by Alex m.m Clayton - 17/9/2023 fn: krypton s6 - anti matter engine" isotype - s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2 (80 mercury)- finding a inexhaustible way to store rocket fuel and energy for life support systems s6-h-Kr=Ri/h/O2 (80 mercury) all that is needed to store as everything else can be produced by the nuclear reactor.®©23:41P.M A.E.S.T 10/4/2024
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Uwielbiam tę owsiankę malinową, najlepszy smak jeśli chodzi o owsianki od go on i w ogóle chyba najlepsza owsianka proteinowa EVER. Jest przepyszna.
Ostatni posiłek był ok. 14, od tamtej pory jakoś nie czuję głodu to stwierdziłam, że nie będę jeść, nie ma sensu.
Zauważyłam u siebie niepokojący trend, że często się przejadam. Nie wiem, może jem za szybko, zanim mój mózg ogarnie, że już jestem najedzona, może to trochę overeating ze stresu. Też czasem mi się włączy coś takiego, że o jezu, muszę zjeść, bo będę później głodna i co ja zrobię i w ogóle, muszę się najeść na zapas. Nie podoba mi się to, jakiś czas temu miałam podobne nastawienie, ale udało mi się jakoś to zwalczyć, teraz to wróciło i też muszę sobie z tym poradzić. Tak na spokojnie, głód to przecież nie jest jakiś kryzys, nie ma się czego bać. Zawsze mogę zaspokoić go później i nic się nie stanie.
No. Muszę na nowo to zrozumieć, bo opycham się żarciem bez sensu i spowalniam progres.
#chce schudnac#nie chce jesc#tłusta świnia#tłuścioch#gruba świnia#muszę schudnąć#nie mogę jeść#chce byc lekka jak motylek#chcę widzieć swoje kości#nie jestem głodna#lekka jak piórko#pragnę chudości#nie chce jeść#nie jestem glodna#kalorie#kcal#tw ana ed#i just want to be thin#bede lekka jak motylek#chce byc lekka#az do kosci#aż do kości
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2024.02.26 Faye & Nic were spotted at Beijing Airport after returning from vacation in Japan
Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse reunite in a high-profile display of affection at Beijing Airport [Dimsumdaily Hong Kong]
Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse flirt in public after returning from vacation in Japan [Next Apple News Taiwan]
Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse sweet scene at the airport [8world]
Faye Wong’s Quiet Fashion [popbee]
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Nicholas Tse Blushes When Fan Shouts Faye Wong's Name At Event (2024)
It's like they are still in their honeymoon phase… after so many years together. Jiamun Koh Finding someone whose eyes light up whenever your name is mentioned is rare enough as it is. Even more so when you guys have been together for many years.
Lucky for Faye Wong, 54, she seems to have found that person: Nicholas Tse.
Recently, the 43-year-old actor was promoting his new movie Customs Frontline when someone brought up Faye.
It started during the Q&A session when a fan asked: "If your lover and boss are at odds, would you choose to side with your lover or boss?"
Nicholas wittily answered: "I'll take over the boss and then live a simple life with [my lover]. I think these two are not conflicting, I just need to allocate my time well."
That was when said fan suddenly threw a curveball at the actor.
"I believe Faye Wong and Boss Yang [Yang Wen Jie, director of Nicholas' production office] will be very pleased with your answer!," she laughed.
Nicholas had the cutest reaction upon hearing his lover's name.
He scrunched his body and stepped backwards while bashfully exclaiming: "I'll never be able to escape from this!"
The actor's response soon won over the hearts of netizens and the phrase "Nicholas Tse's reaction when a fan brings up Faye Wong" even started trending on Weibo.
"How is their romance still so sweet, as though they're 20-year-olds in a relationship?" swooned one envious netizen.
Another raved: "We're all getting old, but Nicholas and Faye are still in their honeymoon phase".
Nicholas and Faye started dating in the late 1990s but broke up in 2002. After Nic divorced Hong Kong actress Cecilia Cheung in 2011 and Faye's divorce from Chinese actor Li Yapeng in 2013, the couple reconciled in 2014.
Since then, they have remained low-key about their relationship, with rumours claiming that they've broken up surfacing every now and then.
Last year, Nicholas and Faye were photographed holding hands in an airport in China.
Earlier this year, they were again spotted by fans at the Beijing airport after a vacation in Japan.
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Filmy które obejrzałam w czerwcu!
Nie oglądałam tyle ile bym chciała no, ale cóż jakoś tak wyszło. Najbardziej z tych wszystkich filmów podobała mi się szamanka, którą obejrzałam na taśmie 35 mm. Najmniej za to podobało mi się reality, przynajmniej w Polsce czuję, że ten film nie był reklamowany jako to czym jest. Na polskim plakacie były hasła typu „portret współczesnej dziewczyny, na który czekaliśmy!” I „gwiazda serialu euforia” które niczym się nie mają do filmu. Kobieta o której jest ten film nie ma nic wspólnego ze współczesną dziewczyną, a wspomnienie euforii daje ideę, że dwa dzieła są jakkolwiek podobne (a nie są).
Anyway w lipcu planuje obejrzeć
• The worst person in the world (2021)
• RoboCop (1987)
• Some like it hot (1959)
• Killer (1997)
• Paterson (2016)
• Palm springs (2020)
• The Fabelmans (2022)
• Dream scenario (2023)
• Aftersun (2022)
• Sick of myself (2022)
• Chungking express (1994)
• In the mood for love (2000)
• Fallen angles (1995)
Wszystkie te film poza filmami Wong Kar-Wai’a są za darmo (kocham sezon na kino plenerowe). Jeszcze nie kupiłam biletów na filmy Kar-Wai’a bo jestem spłukana, ale jutro zamierzam je kupić. Zawsze na początku miesiąca myślę sobie tak ambitnie o tym ile książek przeczytam i ile filmów obejrzę, no i rzecz jasna będę robiła tyle zdjęć i kolaży i nigdy mi to jakoś nie wychodzi. W czerwcu miałam przeczytać wszystkie książki które są u mnie w pokoju jeszcze nie przeczytane (a jest ich dość dużo), a skończyło się tak, że nie otworzyłam nawet jednej książki. Cóż, w lipcu mam cel przeczytać chociaż trzy książki. Taki łatwy cel, żeby się nie zniechęcić zanim w ogóle zacznę……
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