#neurodivergent related
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terror-punk · 9 months ago
Be Openly Scary
Society is scared of a lot of things it shouldn't be. A lot of those things can't be helped, a lot of those things don't hurt anyone, and a lot of those things are not what people even think they truly are.
So you know what?
Talk about your hallucinations, your delusions, your psychotic symptoms. Share things about your gender identity whether it be nonconforming, trans, xenogender or anything else. Scream about your nonhumanity and animal urges. Be open and unwavering about your systems existence, presenting as more-than-one wherever you want. Use and introduce your pronouns, even if people find them weird or offputting. Rock back and forth, pace, twitch and stim in any way you please. Wear things that reflect your identity in public. Get tattoos and body mods to your heart's content. Tell people about your personality disorders.
Don't make yourself small because others can't handle you. Be open where safe. Be you. Be scary.
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crystaltoa · 4 months ago
And now for something completely different.
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This is the ADHD Teapot. I made it in a ceramics class a few years ago. I use it to explain executive dysfunction to people who haven’t come across the term before (and those who think of ADHD mostly as Hyperactive Eight Year Old Boy Syndrome).
So, most people’s brains are like a regular shaped teapot with a single spout. Let’s say that your time, energy, focus etc is the liquid you have in the teapot. Your executive function is the spout, that directs the tea into the specific cup you want to fill-aka the task that you’re meant to be doing. Spills happen occasionally, but generally most of the tea goes in the right cup.
If you have executive dysfunction, (a symptom of ADHD, trauma, autism, schizophrenia etc.) you have multiple spouts going in different directions. You can try pointing one of them at your chosen cup and you will probably get some liquid in there, perhaps you will even fill it right up (finish the task). But meanwhile, tea is also pouring out of several other places and not going where you want it. If you have another container nearby, perhaps some of it will end up in there. But quite a lot of it is going to end up on the floor and accomplish nothing.
And at the end of the day you’ll have filled one or two cups ( or sometimes not even one) compared to the five or six that somebody with the same sized teapot (but only one spout) has filled, and everyone wonders why you’re so bad at getting tea poured, and why you make such a mess in the process.
One day I’d like to spend more time learning pottery and create a really technically good fucked up little adhd teapot. But that’s a long way off since i currently live in the outback and the nearest pottery workshop is some 400km away. But I figure that for now, it might be a useful or interesting metaphor to somebody even in its rough draft form.
This post is the cup I filled instead of cleaning my house btw.
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terror-punk · 3 months ago
"X group within this community makes the good ones look bad" you're doing the bigots jobs for them. People who are cringe or scary or use contradictory labels within your own communtiy are not your enemy. You need as many allies as you can get.
You don't make your community look bad by being "weird", you're just the scapegoat that exclusionists use so they can pretend they don't want us all swept under the rug. People outside the community don't care if you're endogenic, traumagenic, both, neither, or literally any of that. They don't care if you're all cis, hetero and allo in your system or if you're all queer. They don't care about any of it. The bigots think systems are cringe. That's it. They're anti-system, not anti-weird-system. You hurt yourself and your community by censoring yourselves or trying to be "one of the good ones".
We have a big ass rant in the drafts about Aspenfrost, but I think one thing we want to more directly address is hearing them saying things in their tiktoks like "this makes us systems look bad."
I dont think any of us could make a level headed post about this cause it just boils our blood with a passion, but we can however say this
Be unapologetically yourselves in every situation you can. Use a million pronouns and genders, make up terms that conflict with each other and with other headmates terms, use we/us, being openly plural and use i/me, make no sense to anyone!
The more we try to make ourselves "palletable" the more we kill ourselves and our communities, our rich histories that the plurals before us fought for. But when we join together, we make ourselves stronger and they HAVE to accept the world is not black and white, we make life so colorful and interesting, WE MUST BE SEEN.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months ago
I Need Screen Time at Night to Fall Asleep As an ADHDer
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AJ’s Brain
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friendlycursedspaceotter · 5 months ago
Pro tip for my disabled and chronically ill friends in college: if you have to put a work order in and it is related any bit at all to your disability, write, very clearly in the "describe what needs to get done" section, "This issue is a health hazard," followed by a description of how the issue relates to your disability/chronic illness.
They are required to put it as a high-priority issue and fix it ASAP. Required BY LAW. Yes, I said it. They are legally required to fix these things, both under OSHA regulations and the ADA.
Play the disability card. I'm begging you. DISABLED IS NOT A BAD WORD. But don't abuse it. This is a fine line here.
Example: I'm heat and noise sensitive. My HVAC unit started breaking down and rattling loudly. That would be an example of a health hazard. A broken light could be a health hazard to someone with vision issues. I can only speak for myself here. But y'all have the right to speak up and advocate to yourself.
Neurodivergent people, this applies to you too. You're one of us (one of us! one of us! one of us!). Don't let the exclusionists gatekeep this information from you.
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 month ago
Never getting over how basically all the comments on a reuploaded Pin of Michael meeting Captain Foxy are literally just calling him autistic
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mostly-funnytwittertweets · 8 months ago
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moonlit-typewriter · 1 year ago
Watching 8-year-old Percy think his mom was trying to get rid of him for something he couldn’t control after we’ve already seen 12-year-old Percy try so hard to tell his mom that he tried to be “good” and feel so adamantly that something was wrong with him said so much about compounded experience and neurodivergent kids
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lazylittledragon · 9 months ago
can't stop thinking about how well they nailed falin's 'weird little girl' energy. when she picked up a stick and said 'ooh a bug' i felt that
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redshoes-blues · 10 months ago
Francesca is so real and relatable. She wants to get married to have her own house because her family’s is too loud. She’d gladly spend all day playing her pianoforte. She blanches at the prospect of having eight kids and a loud household because again. Noise. She’d prefer to sit in companionable silence with a suitor than put on an act and vapidly flirt with one. And when the fellow introverted suitor does flirt with her in his own (and her own) way, through her love of music, she immediately leaves to play that music, not particularly caring about social norms or conventions. She’s so refreshing and I love her!
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high-quality-tiktoks · 2 years ago
Say it with me: ADHD ≠ being lazy
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terror-punk · 10 months ago
I love people with mental disorders and/or disabilities deemed "unsafe", "gross" or "freaky" by society.
Yes, even those ones. They have a disorder, their disorder does not make them evil or disgusting. We might seem scary or gross to you, but that's a you problem. Stay scared if you want, it is not our job to fix your fears. We will not change for you.
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cyrusclouds · 10 months ago
do you ever get your hopes and dreams crushed because somebody knows more about your hyperfixation than you
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jjngipilled · 8 months ago
yeah biggest warning i can give is do NOT watch house if you’re neurodivergent. you will not be able to escape its claws. your age or profession or interests do NOT matter. it will take over your life and soon you’ll be making a separate blog just for house and that’s just the start…
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months ago
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I have a short fuse when it comes to things like this. They’ll be too loud or something and I’d snap and tell them to stop…
Neurodivergent Girl
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cabi-leodrann · 11 months ago
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That's a big boy right here. Vent post I did a while ago, finally felt the courage to post it I hope it'll reach the people who needed to read this.
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