#nerdy sonic because i said so
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celarystix · 2 months ago
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..does he know he's getting ready to see sabrina carpenter?
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clarkeyhill · 1 month ago
Crawling Back To You | George Clarke Part Three
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Fluff. Smut. Angst
A few weeks had passed, Katie and Chris got closer, seeing each other more regularly which also meant you were seeing George more regularly too. You finally took him up on his offer of a date night, just the two of you. Not that you'd put a label on it or anything. You weren't the romantic type first of all, but you loved to love people.
The night of the Date had arrived, you chose to go pottery painting. A simple yet easy way to talk/get to know eachother more whilst also expressing your love for art. You worse baggy joggers with a loose fitted tee, paired with your crocs.
"Have fun, see you when you get home" Katie said with a warm smile
"I don't know why but I'm nervous" you chuckle
"It's normal, but you've known him for a few weeks now and you both seem to get along good, I'm sure there's nothing to be nervous about!" She reassures
You nod, collecting your bag; you head out the door. It was a late afternoonish date, it was only 5pm. But the place and activity just seemed more, fitting. You'd done all the drinking and glamour; now was time to see if George actually took an interest in you.
You arrive at the venue, it was a little shop based just off the corner of soho. You see George perched against the wall, looking visibly nervous.
"Hey Stranger" you call over to him, with a slight wave
"Ah you're here! It's nice to see you again" he says, giving you a hug
You enter the venue, giving the FOH your name and being seated at a table with multiple pottery objects that had been crafted. Your paint palette sat empty as you scanned colours.
"So, why pottery painting?" He questions, admiring the piece infront of him
"I just thought it was something different, plus I love anything artsy. I can sit for hours with my colouring books and not get bored, just wanted to see if you were really that interested in me" you say, squirting a little blob of blue onto your pallet
"That's fair, I love painting and colouring too, not so much as I did when I was in uni, because I never get chance to fully express my love anymore with work; but when you suggested it I can't lie, it refreshed me" he admits with a smile
"You used to paint?" You say, starting to paint a bowl
"Draw mostly, I sort of gained a knack for it, just little doodles and such you know?" He confessed
"I love that, it's nice to see someone be interested in stuff that I like too, not just for the sake of it" you chuckle
As the hours went on you and George talked, you got to know eachother more on a deeper level, the obvious flirting turned into you having a blue nose full of paint and George's cheek splatted with yellow. You couldn't quite place it, but being with George settled your mind. All the troubles you faced in your life became immediately muted when you were with him. Now you were kinda glad Chris fetched a double date that night.
You were allowed to take all of your paintings home, you'd crafted a bowl with the sky in awe of the northern lights, a mixture of green and blue marble layers; George had painted a plate with his love for doctor who in mind, the blue tones, the Tardis and not to mention his beloved sonic screwdriver; showing you how deeply George cared to be surrounded by you, enough to show off his nerdy side. George walked you home, letting you ramble on about silly things nobody would normally care about; but he did.
After a little walk you got back to your flat, the sky started to darken as the moon made its way out.
"Thanks for today, I really enjoyed it" you admit with a smile
"Yeah me too, it was nice to unwind for a change" he smiled
"When can I see you again?" You added, making the first move to arrange this time
"Whenever you want to, just call me and I'll be there" he says
You stare at his baby blue eyes for a little moment, in awe of the charming, sweet man infront of you.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, a little hesitant
"I thought you'd never ask" you chuckle
You both lean in and lock lips, the kiss sweet and soft; taking in every moment of your beings. You pull away and look at eachother once more, your foreheads together.
"Goodnight George" you say softly
"Goodnight y/n" he replies
You both hug as he turns on his heels leaving, a sudden pang in your chest appears. You'd never felt more safe, than you did with him.
You get back into the flat to see a teary eyed Katie
"I knew I shouldn't have let him in!" She beckons as you open the door
"Woah, woah what's wrong?" You ask
"Chris! He's nothing but a liar!" She cries
@olivianorrisxx @arthurhillmastermind @loveheart-123
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ilikekidsshows · 3 months ago
It reminds me of this exchange from the beginning of Penalteam when they're choosing the soccer teams: Alix: We can try girls against boys! (Sabrina, Mylène, Rose, and Juleka pose behind Alix) Kim: No way, we'd lose again!
Like I get that they didn't want to have Kim be a sexist jerk by saying that it would be an easy victory because the opposing team would be made up solely of girls, but implying (intentionally or not) that the girls always win against the boys is just trying way too hard with the girl power aspect. The episode shows that Adrien doesn't know how to play soccer, so maybe they could have had Kim instead say that the boys could lose because he would be on the team (still dickish, but at least he wouldn't be sexist)?
Oh, the show is the epitome of a try-hard. Because what do you have left to do when you don’t have the talent to be subtle or consistent? That’s when you’re so on the nose that anyone actually paying attention finds it ridiculously over the top. “Boys versus girls is so unfair because the girls are so much better than the boys!” is only an attitude in the most try-hard of try-hard “girl power” setups and even then, it sounds like a parody of typical girl power setups. If you can’t write the girls actually being competent, make the guys incompetent. If you can’t write the girls actually doing cool things and all the same things as boys, have the characters claim they constantly do so off-screen.
It was the same thing in ‘Gamer’, where they made a huge deal of how Marinette, a girl, was super duper awesome at videogames, way better than the stupid, nerdy boy who had videogames as his hobby and passion. Never mind that, unlike all of Marinette’s other hobbies, video games only ever get a passing mention again, almost like the writers didn’t know how to write a girl gamer outside of “everyone is surprised she’s good”. The show also implies that, whenever Kim and Alix compete in something, Alix wins, because, despite her ridiculously small stature and lack of muscles, she’s the bestest at every sport ever, because it’s funny she’s better than a boy because she’s a girl. Never mind how we don’t actually see her do anything other than rollerskate or skateboard, almost like the writers don’t know what to do with a sporty girl other than skating.
The problem is, once again, like I keep saying, the fact that the writers don’t fucking commit to anything they put down. The show is such a try-hard with the GURL POWAH because the writers can’t actually write powerful girls. They make such a big deal of the girls being better than the boys, but they do it in such an insincere way that it’s literally a joke. But, because the joke is the unexpected twist that a girl is good at these things, then the show is emphasizing how unexpected it is, that usually you should expect them to not be good at these things. The show’s girl power is actually really sexist.
Sonic Boom, a gag series, understood this concept, and illustrated it, ironically, with a soccer match.
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niko-jpeg · 9 months ago
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Originally, Shadow 05 was not going to be in this au. But then I came up with the funniest possible way to include it in the story, and I couldn’t help myself. So you know how Camp Green Hill is set up like an animated series, with seasons and episodes and such? Well, I present to you Camp Green HIll: Shadow the Hedgehog, a post canon movie spinoff featuring our beloved moody hedgie and his adventure of accidental self discovery. The details are a little in the air right now, since I’m still finishing the base plot of CGH itself, so doodle explanations under the cut <3
Title Drop: First doodle of the batch I made, featuring Shadow and Rouge. They still work together under GUN post canon, and are cool and badass and etc. Slight design changes to Rouge because I wanted to, and Shadow rocks the button up and suit jacket combo. And yes, of course, he still has a gun.
I Can’t Draw Omega: I tried. And it did not go well, I’m so sorry Omega truthers. 
Weird Way to Meet Your Dead Beat Dad: I saw this scene vividly. After the opening sequence, Rouge and Shadow are going back to the apartment, only to be met by Shadow’s alien dad, who he does not remember. 
In the Lab, All Alone: This one’s more of a stretch, a vibe doodle if you will. I wanted to draw him in emotional distress, so I stuck him back on the Ark in the classic shitty hospital gown while he tries not to cry tears of frustration. Why? Because I said so. I don’t think it’ll make the final cut, but I had fun drawing it anyway. 
Sonic and Tails: As I said, this au takes place post canon! Now Sonic is 18, and Tails is 14! Shadow is 19 himself. However, because of just how many times Sonic has gone super, he’s begun to physically change a little. While coming down from being super has its emotional fallouts, he’s done it so many times he’s begun to grow electric yellow fur on his ears, hands, feet, and around his eyes. It also seems to be on his quills, strangely. Tails is as nerdy as ever, clearly.
Super Shadow: Unfortunately, Shadow goes super every once in a blue moon too, and it too is beginning to manifest. While at the moment the third eye is just a temporary thing while super, there's no saying if it may stick around if he does it again. A note on that as well: the only Hedgie that doesn’t go Super more than once is Silver. This is intentional, on his part, as while he was super, he found it quite a challenge to keep himself under control and has avoided it since. Who knows what his manifestations may end up looking like. 
Expressions: A surprised (though not unhappy) Shadow, contrasted with a visibly aggressive Shadow. 
Cuddle Pile: Request from the stream. Coming down from being super has its downsides, and a pretty rough mental fallout. Being a god for an hour doesn’t leave a guy unscathed, y’know. While Silver resists it initially (for various plot reasons), eventually the two are able to convince him to join the emotional recovery party Sonic’s closer friends throw him when he goes super. This usually includes blanket time, as seen here. 
Post Credits Shenanigans: I have this very vivid scene in my brain that would take place after the events of the story. Earlier, Sonic gushes about how cool he thinks Shadow actually is, under all the bitey rough exterior. Rouge, naturally, gets a recording and after everything is said and done plays it for him. This obviously flusters him. Please excuse the poorly edited blush, I realized I forgot to turn that layer back on only after I had saved the file. Oops. 
Remember, asks are open for the characters themselves, or about the au <3
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creamco · 9 days ago
—inferiority complex in queer relationshipsᝰ.ᐟ
let’s talk about inferiority complex in lgbtqia+ relationships; i struggled and am still struggling about this so i felt like i needed to, y'know... self-awareness i guess?
like, we all know relationships can be messy, complicated, and full of overthinking. but when you add the whole society constantly judging your existence factor, things get even messier. feeling "not enough" in a relationship is already a tiring thing, but for queer people? yeah, it fucks different.
first, let’s get the basics down. inferiority complex is basically when someone constantly feels like they’re less than others— less attractive, less lovable, less worthy, less smart, basically less. alfred adler, a psych dude from the early 1900s, came up with the term, and it’s still super relevant.
now, combine that with lgbtqia+ struggles (internalized homophobia, heteronormativity, body image issues, societal rejection, etc.) which even you are confused about what you are sometimes and boom. you’ve got a perfect recipe for self-doubt and unhealthy relationship dynamics. viola!
why does this matter? well, relationships should be a safe space, not a battleground for self-worth. but for queer people, there’s often an extra layer of insecurity that comes from growing up in a world that tells them they’re less than everything "normal". this entry is gonna dive deep into why that happens, how it shows up in relationships, and what we can actually do about it.
we’ll be looking at the psychological roots of inferiority complex, the external pressures that make it worse, and the ways it messes with lgbtqia+ relationships— whether it’s one partner feeling "not good enough" or both struggling with their own self-worth. also, spoiler: it’s not just about self-esteem. it’s about power imbalances, jealousy, validation-seeking, and how society shapes the way we see ourselves and our partners.
so yeah, let’s get into it. because queer love deserves better than this cycle of self-doubt. i deserve it.
╭┉┈ psychological foundations
alright, time to get into the nerdy stuff. (that one purple-gray sonic being freaky type nerdy)
inferiority complex is basically when someone constantly feels like they’re not good enough, no matter what they do.
and surprise, surprise— this happens a lot in queer relationships because of all the external and internalized bullshit queer people deal with. let’s break it down.
alfred adler’s inferiority complex theory (why we feel like shit sometimes)
so, alfred adler (big psychology guy from the early 1900s) came up with the whole inferiority complex idea. he said that as humans, we’re all born with some level of insecurity because we start off as weak little babies who need to figure out how to survive. over time, we try to overcome these insecurities by proving ourselves— through achievements, relationships, or whatever makes us feel valid. sounds normal, right?
except, when someone constantly feels like they’re failing or being compared to others, that insecurity turns into an inferiority complex— you can call it a deep-rooted belief that they’re never not good enough. this can make people either shut down (avoid relationships, isolate, or self-sabotage) or overcompensate (act super confident but secretly hate themselves). and if this sounds familiar, yeah, a LOT of queer people deal with this, thanks to a lifetime of being told they’re "less than" by society.
self-esteem, social comparison, and why we always feel like we don’t measure up:
low self-esteem and inferiority complex go hand in hand. and in the lgbtqia+ community, self-esteem is often shaped by:
- how accepted (or rejected) someone was growing up
- representation in media (do i have to explain? it’s usually unrealistic or toxic or heteronormative IF IT IS SHOWN AS ACCEPTED. i don't want to get into the homophobia in media.)
- dating culture and queer beauty standards (which can be brutal and really depressing, now don't start with everyone is beautiful, some of you guys DISCRIMINATE BY LOOKS)
- comparing themselves to straight/cis relationships (which society calls "normal" lmao what does even "normal" mean?)
- comparing themselves to pasts of their love interest (i can't even bring myself to talk about this)
this constant comparison can make someone feel like they’re failing at being queer enough or attractive enough or successful enough which all play into inferiority complex in relationships.
minority stress & internalized oppression (why society fucks us over)
there’s also this fun little concept called minority stress, which basically means that just existing as a different person adds extra emotional weight to your life. lgbtqia+ people deal with:
- discrimination (subtle or straight-up aggressive)
- fear of rejection (by family, friends, partners, society, etc.)
- internalized homophobia/transphobia (believing the negative things people say about them)
- constantly having to *prove* they’re valid
- thinking your love interest's past lover/interest was less "less" than you or your love interest feeled them more
this constant stress creates a cycle where people start believing they’re not worthy of love, success, or happiness. and if they do find a relationship, they might overthink everything, self-sabotage, or settle for less than they deserve because they don’t think they can do better.
so yeah, inferiority complex in queer relationships isn’t just about personal insecurities— it’s built on years of societal messages that make people doubt & hate themselves. and that’s exactly why we need to talk about it.
╭┉┈ causes of inferiority complex in lgbtqia+ relationships
okay, so we know what inferiority complex is and how it connects to lgbtqia+ experiences. but why does it happen so much in queer relationships? well, a mix of internal struggles, societal expectations, and past trauma all play a role. let’s break it down.
internalized homophobia/transphobia: when society’s bullshit becomes your inner voice
growing up in a world that constantly tells you there’s something wrong with you? yeah, that sticks. internalized homophobia/transphobia is when queer people start believing the negative things said about them. even if they fully support lgbtqia+ rights, deep down, they might still feel like they’re less than, unloveable or undeserving of love.
in relationships, this can show up as:
- believing they’re not "worthy" of a happy, healthy relationship
- thinking they have to "prove" their queerness or masculinity/femininity/nonbinarity/etc.
- feeling like they’re never good enough for their partner
- pushing their partner away out of fear of rejection
basically, it’s like carrying around an invisible weight of self-doubt, and it makes relationships way harder than they need to be.
heteronormative pressures: feeling like you’re doing relationships ‘wrong’
heteronormativity is the idea that straight, cisgender relationships are the default and everything else is weird or lesser. even if you’re fully out and proud, these expectations can still mess with your mindset.
this can look like:
- wondering if your relationship is "valid" because it doesn’t look like the traditional model
- feeling pressure to fit into the generally unrealistic "masc/fem" dynamic in same-gender relationships
- struggling with public displays of affection because of fear or discomfort
- thinking your relationship is "less serious" because society doesn’t treat it the same way
all of this builds up and makes people feel insecure, like they’re failing at relationships just because they don’t fit into the mold society expects.
social marginalization: being excluded, erased, or treated like a ‘phase’
another big reason inferiority complex shows up in queer relationships? society loves to ignore, fetishize, or straight-up erase lgbtqia+ love.
- bi & pan & similar people get told they’re "just confused" or "going through a phase"
- ace & aro people are treated like they’re broken
- trans & nonbinary people face constant invalidation about their gender and relationships
- queer relationships are often left out of family conversations, media, and even legal protections
when you constantly have to fight to be seen and taken seriously, it’s easy to start questioning your own worth in a relationship.
body image & gender expectations: the queer beauty standards struggle
yeah, body image issues affect everyone, but the lgbtqia+ community has its own set of impossible beauty standards.
- in gay & lesbian spaces, there’s often pressure to be super fit, masc/fem, or "high-value" (i have no words)
- trans people deal with dysphoria, passing expectations, and unrealistic beauty ideals (while some trans people look "ugly" post-transition or for pre-transition phase "doesn't look like trans enough for a person who wants to be a *gender")
- even within the community, certain body types & gender presentations are favored over others (i hate, yes i hate all of you. having preferations and favoring is different, search it up.)
when people don’t feel like they fit into these standards, it can seriously mess with their confidence in relationships. like, why would my partner want me if I don’t look like the "ideal" queer person? this causes people feeling less than other people in community.
comparison & the ex-factor: needing to be "better" (i wrote this a bit longer than others because i experienced this)
okay, let’s be real— comparing yourself to your partner’s ex or past crushes is already bad enough. but for people dealing with an inferiority complex, +being queer, it doesn’t stop at just feeling less than— it turns into a full-on need to prove superiority.
like, it’s not just "what if they were better?" it’s "i have to prove MYSELF that i’m better than them in every possible way."
this can turn into:
- constantly searching for things you have that the ex didn’t (better looks, better personality, more interesting life, whatever helps your brain cope) this sometimes includes making your partner talk about their ex to get yourself assured, no matter if your partner wants or not.
- lowkey feeling like you’re competing against a ghost—someone who isn’t even in your partner’s life anymore, but still exists in your mind as an "enemy"
- stalking that ex/exes over and over, finding similarities between you & ex while comparing yourself to the ex
- violating your partner's privacy by going through their phone/messages/photos and convincing yourself that your partner felt/feels them more. (felt as in felt emotion and/or physical pleasure)
- needing your partner to verbally confirm that you’re better— like fishing for reassurance or trying to get them to rank you above their ex
- feeling weirdly defensive if your partner ever says something neutral or positive about their past relationships (even if it has nothing to do with you nor that spesific ex/exes)
- going out of your way to *be the best partner ever*. not just because you want to, but because you feel like you need to outdo whoever came before you
this mindset usually comes from a mix of insecurity + fear of being replaceable. if you already struggle with feeling "not enough," the idea that your partner used to love someone else can feel like a direct attack on your worth. even if they’ve moved on, your brain is like,
- but were they happier with them?
- did they love them more?
- am i just the second choice?
- am i a replacement?
- did partner love ex more?
- does partner think of ex when they are near me?
- what about intimacy? does partner think of ex while we are having intimacy?
- was ex better than me at sex?
- were ex more attractive? sexy? do i even look sexy? am i pretty enough for partner, better than ex?
- am i even good at sex? do i turn partner on?
- am i even worth dating let alone having sex?
goes on and on and on and on. (these are actual questions i wrote on my diary when i was having trouble about my gf's ex.)
but here’s the thing: love isn’t a competition. your partner didn’t pick you because you’re "better" than someone else— they picked you because you’re you. trying to "win" against someone from the past isn’t just exhausting— it also stops you from actually enjoying the relationship you have now.
economic & social disparities: financial struggles = self-worth struggles
money problems can trigger inferiority complex too, and lgbtqia+ people are more likely to face financial struggles because of:
- workplace discrimination
- mobbing
- lack of family support
- fewer job opportunities in certain industries
in relationships, financial insecurity can make someone feel like they’re not "bringing enough to the table," which can lead to power imbalances and self-doubt. i have literally zero experiences about this and i couldn't find anything online, so i am sorry about lack of information and examples.
past trauma & rejection: emotional baggage that doesn’t just disappear
whether it’s family rejection, a toxic ex, bullying or any other kind of trauma, past experiences stick with people. hair hold memories kinda shit, but in this case it's your brain. if someone has been told that they’re unlovable or not good enough, they might carry that fear into their current relationship. this can lead to:
- overcompensating (constantly trying to "earn" love)
- self-sabotage (pushing people away before they can leave or the behavioural things caused by inferiority complex ruinin your relationship)
- trust issues (assuming their partner will eventually hurt them)
so yeah, inferiority complex in queer relationships isn’t just a random thing— it’s built on years of external and internal struggles. and if people don’t recognize it, it can seriously mess up their relationships.
╭┉┈ how inferiority complex shows up in lgbtqia+ relationships
so we’ve talked about why queer people struggle with inferiority complex in relationships, but how does it actually happen irl? like, what does it look like when someone’s self-doubt starts creeping into their love life? it’s not just overthinking and feeling insecure— it can shape the entire dynamic of a relationship.
1) comparison obsession: the ex, the crush, the imaginary competition
we already touched on this, this is one of the biggest ways inferiority complex messes with relationships. it’s not just a casual "oh, i wonder what their ex was like," it’s a full-blown mentality of jealousy and hatred in a 'non-jealous + no-hate' way.
and then, of course, comes the need to be "superior." suddenly, it’s not just about existing in the relationship, it’s about winning. you start analyzing everything, trying to prove yourself that you’re better, prettier, sexier, more loveable than the ex. maybe you start manipulating, maybe you get defensive anytime their past is mentioned, maybe you just sit there in a mental cage-match versus a person who doesn’t even know you exist.
it's exhausting.
the worst part? this mindset turns the relationship into a self-competition instead of a mutual connection. the focus shifts from enjoying the love you have to trying to prove your worth to yourself— like you have to have an assurance. and that’s just sad, because if they’re with you, they chose you.
2) validation addiction: needing constant reassurance
inferiority complex can make someone crave validation like it’s a survival necessity. not just casual complimentary— constant proof that they’re loved, desired, and valued. this can look like:
- asking their partner to rank them compared to their ex/crushes
- needing frequent "i love you"s just to feel secure
- getting anxious if their partner doesn’t compliment them enough
- reading way too much into neutral comments (like, "what do you mean my hair looks ‘different’ today? different in a good way or a bad way?!")
- even in a slight inconvenience, thinking that their partner doesn't love them like partner loved ex.
this isn’t just about wanting affection— it’s about needing external proof of self-worth because they don’t fully believe it themselves.
3) fear of abandonment & self-sabotage
when someone deep down believes they’re not enough, they start expecting their partner to leave. sometimes, this turns into toxic clinginess— constantly checking in, overcompensating, never wanting to be apart:
- prohibiting their parner from doing basic daily activities (meeting friends, having alone time, constantly sending too much tiktoks/reels about love, overreacting to everything, etc.)
- when partner chooses something above them (like going to school, doing homeworks first, showering, etc) being uncomfortable that they are the second choice
- getting jealous over everyone including family members
- being obsessed about winning the "i love you more" competition
other times, it leads to self-sabotage:
- picking fights over small things just to test if their partner will stay
- distancing themselves so they don’t get too attached
- assuming every small issue means the relationship is doomed
- shutting down emotionally because "they’re going to leave anyway, so why try?" or "if i tell them this, they will get bored and leave."
it’s like the brain is trying to protect itself from heartbreak by causing problems before they even exist.
4) power imbalances: feeling like the ‘lesser’ partner (dangerous one)
inferiority complex can make someone feel like they have to earn their place in a relationship. like, instead of seeing themselves as an equal, they feel like they have to "keep up" with their partner— whether that’s in looks, intelligence, success or even just personality.
this can lead to:
- feeling like they’re "lucky" to be with their partner, instead of believing they deserve love
- putting up with toxic behavior because they think they can’t do better than the current partner
- never expressing their needs because they don’t want to "cause problems"
- agreeing with everything their partner says just to avoid conflict
- quitting things because partner already does is better and why would they bother ("my partner is so handsome even without a mustache, so why would i grow my mustache out? i'd look ugly even if i had a mustache.")
over time, this turns the relationship into a one-sided dynamic where one person is constantly trying to prove their worth while the other just… exists. and that’s not fair to both of the people.
5) imposter syndrome in queer relationships: ‘do i even deserve this?’
for lgbtqia+ people, there’s an extra layer of relationship imposter syndrome— especially if they’ve been told their whole life that queer love is "less real" or "less serious" than hetero relationships. even in a happy, healthy relationship, there’s sometimes this nagging thought of:
- am i actually good at this, or is my partner just settling?
- do we actually have something real, or am i just fooling myself?
- if society doesn’t see our love as valid, is it even real?
this kind of thinking isn’t just annoying— it can make people hold back from fully embracing their identity, yet relationships. like they’re waiting for something to go wrong because deep down, they don’t think they deserve happiness which is caused by society's disapproval.
6) so what’s next?
okay, so we’ve established that inferiority complex can absolutely wreck a relationship if left unchecked. but the good news? it’s not permanent. in the next section, we’re gonna talk about how people can actually break this cycle, build confidence, and have relationships that aren’t driven by insecurity and comparison. queer love deserves better than this self-doubt spiral.
╭┉┈ breaking the cycle: overcoming inferiority complex in lgbtqia+ relationships
so, we’ve talked about how inferiority complex shows up, why it happens, and how it can lowkey ruin relationships. but here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be like this. nobody is doomed to feel like they’re not enough forever. breaking the cycle takes work, but it’s 100% possible. let’s get into it.
stop the ex-obsession: shifting the mindset from ‘better’ to ‘different’
okay, let’s address the biggest energy drain first: the ex-comparison spiral. it’s time to stop thinking in terms of better vs. worse and start thinking in terms of different.
- instead of "was their ex better than me?" → try "their past relationships were different, but they’re with me now for a reason."
- instead of "do they still have feelings for their ex?" → try "if they wanted to be with them, they would be. but they’re here, with me."
- instead of "i have to prove i’m superior" → try "i don’t need to compete with someone who isn’t even in the picture anymore."
relationships aren’t math equations. there’s no ranking system where one person wins and the other loses. different people bring different things to a relationship, and just because someone was loved before doesn’t mean you’re any less important now.
also, be fucking for real— sitting around mentally wrestling an ex you’ve never even met? a waste of energy. your relationship is happening now, and that’s what matters.
breaking the validation addiction
if you constantly need your partner to reassure you that you’re enough, the real issue isn’t them— it’s you not believing it yourself. external validation is nice, but if you rely on it to feel secure, it’s never gonna be enough.
- recognize when you’re fishing for reassurance. before asking "do you really love me?" for the 10th time that day, ask yourself— am i asking this because i actually need to hear it, or because my brain is spiraling?
- practice self-affirmation. sounds cheesy, but telling yourself "i am enough, i am valuable, i am worthy of love" (yes, out loud) actually rewires your brain over time.
- sit with discomfort instead of reacting. when the insecurity kicks in, instead of immediately reaching for validation, try to just feel it. let it pass. remind yourself that your feelings don’t define reality.
your partner’s love is a beautiful thing, but it shouldn’t be your only source of self-worth.
unpacking past trauma & internalized beliefs
a lot of inferiority complex issues aren’t even about the relationship itself— they’re about deep-rooted self-worth struggles. maybe you grew up in a homophobic environment, maybe you had an ex who treated you like you weren’t enough, maybe you were bullied. whatever it is, those experiences don’t just disappear— they shape how you see yourself now.
- therapy. im not shitting with you, for real. if you have access to it, therapy is a game-changer for unpacking self-worth issues. a professional can help you reframe your thinking and break toxic patterns.
- journaling. write down the thoughts that come up when you’re feeling insecure. where do they come from? are they actually true, or just old fears resurfacing?
- self-compassion. seriously, *be nice to yourself.* imagine if a friend came to you with the same insecurities— would you tell them they’re not enough? no? then don’t do it to yourself either.
stop making your partner the ‘judge’ of your worth
this is a big one: your partner is not the person who decides if you are worthy of love. you already are, no matter what. the goal of a relationship isn’t to prove you’re enough— it’s to share love, support, and experiences *as equals.*
- you don’t have to earn your partner’s love. they chose you, and that’s enough.
- their past relationships don’t change your value.
- being in a relationship doesn’t make you worthy— you already were, even before this relationship existed.
once you start believing this, relationships stop feeling like tests you have to pass and start feeling like what they’re actually supposed to be: partnerships.
building confidence outside of the relationship
self-worth shouldn’t only come from your love life. having a strong sense of identity and confidence outside of your relationship makes you feel more secure in it.
- find passions that make you feel good about yourself. creative projects, fitness, learning something new—whatever makes you feel accomplished.
- surround yourself with supportive people. friendships, chosen family, online communities— having other sources of love and validation helps take the pressure off your relationship.
- celebrate your wins. every time you challenge a negative thought or feel secure without needing external validation, that’s growth.
╭┉┈ final thoughts: queer love deserves better than insecurity
inferiority complex can make love feel like a competition, like you have to constantly prove yourself. but real love isn’t about proving anything. it’s about connection, trust, and showing up as your full, authentic self.
so yeah, breaking the cycle takes time. some days will be harder than others. but learning to let go of comparisons, validate yourself, and embrace your own worth? that’s how you create relationships that feel good.
and every queer person —every person in general deserves that.
you are valid, you are loveable, you deserve to be loved, you are sexy, you are handsome, you look beautiful, you are gorgeous.
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you are fucking queer. embrace that.
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[pictures are from pinterest, some about the entry some just funny to me + purple/gray sonic freaky meme]
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Characters Marked Anything Other Than "Accepted And Ready To Post" or "Already Posted"
someone said they thought this would be useful, so I'm making it. I have nothing against any of the submitters for these characters, to be clear, and for anything not in the "Dark Red: Inherently Unpostable" category you can submit more evidence to make them more postable!
Dark Red: Inherently Unpostable
You, from Real Life: Real person.
Oli Theorionsound, from Empires SMP: Too close to a real person for me to be comfortable posting them.
Red: Not Enough Evidence
Todd Chavez, from Bojack Horseman: Only evidence provided was vibes.
Estinien Varlineau, from FFXIV: Evidence provided was for neurodivergence, but not for ADHD specifically.
Siyun Baek, from Dreaming Freedom: Only evidence provided was fidgeting, which is not enough to say ADHD instead of other neurodivergence.
Kris, from Deltarune: Evidence is vibes only.
Richard Lipschitz, from Nerdy Prudes Must Die: Evidence is vibes only.
The Collector, from The Owl House: Only evidence provided is energetic personality, which isn't inherently ADHD.
Orange: Unsure If Enough Evidence. Would Prefer More. Please Submit More
Max Good, from A Goofy Movie: This one teeters on the edge for me; it has some evidence, but doesn't feel super compelling. Will probably end up deciding whether to post on the day it comes up, honestly. Please submit more if you see him as ADHD!
Tom Paris, from Star Trek: Voyager: Feels like it's on the edge between proof of ADHD and just proof of neurodivergence or personality traits. Would like more ADHD-specific evidence. I have watched Voyager but it was too long ago for me to provide my own evidence
Mammon, from Obey Me: Only evidence provided is impulsivity. Unsure if that's enough or not. Because at least part of my criteria is does it Feel Compelling To Me I vary day by day on if that's enough. So more evidence would be great.
Rand Ridley, from Inside Job: Feels kind of vague, I probably could judge this one if I actually knew the character, but I don't. Might do a wiki dive and see if that helps. More evidence would be great.
Dewey Finn, from School of Rock: Evidence is a combo of factual and vibes-based, and the factual evidence is a little weak (not getting things done on time and irresponsibility are common in ADHD people, but I'm not sure if it's enough or not.) More evidence please!
Yellow: Postable, But I Need To Look Into Something First
Mac McDonald, from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: Apparently someone makes a comment about him being ADHD in the show. Someone was kind enough to find where this happens for me, but I need to get around to watching it for myself and evaluate if it counts as canon ADHD. I'd usually say any assertion of ADHD in canon is a confirmation, but this is a sitcom and ADHD is unfortunately often used as a punchline. Been debating whether to just post him as "semi-canon".
Kaveh, from Genshin Impact: Submitter thought it might be canon. Need to check. Even if not, evidence was sufficient, so it'll be posted once I check (honestly should have been posted ages ago if I'd gotten around to checking.)
Tigger, from Winnie the Pooh: I've seen some cool analyses on how different Pooh characters represent different neurodivergencies and Tigger represents ADHD. Would like to dig one up to include in the post.
Flywhisker, from Warrior Cats: Author said she "wouldn't be surprised if Flywhisker was on the ADHD spectrum". Need to look up context because I think that's a canon confirmation, but she was submitted as noncanon.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz, from Phineas and Ferb: Submitter talks about how the writer based doofenshmirtz on himself and was later diagnosed with ADHD. Need to look into if said writer ever connected those two things. Evidence looks sufficient even if noncanon, though.
Amy Rose, from Sonic: Submitter's evidence was a video and I just haven't gotten around to watching it yet lol. Sounds postable from the text, I just need to watch the vid to make sure.
If your submission is not listed here, it has been deemed acceptable. If you see a character listed here as ADHD, this does not mean they will never be posted no matter what (except the dark red)! Feel free to make a submission with additional info.
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real-odark · 1 year ago
25apcsb enjoyers listen to me talk about(/kind of review it for you? except not really because i will never say anything bad about this production) my favorite production of the show!
MAD theater i LOVE YOU.
i saw their production live (the first time ive ever seen this show live or a production by this company) and it was AMAZING. this is my favorite cast for this show hands down and let me show you some stuff and why you should love them, too !!
here are all of the spellers! arent they the cutest :3 they all portray their characters PERFECTLY, and im currently on a hunt to see all of them in more performances because WOW . i know the point of the show is for it to be obvious these arent preteens playing them but all three of the girls were so cute honestly id trust them if they said they were it was so good. im gonna talk about all of them too !;;
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their leaf was obsessed with sonic (sporting a nice sonic cape), and had a very good dynamic with every character and audience member he interacted with ! he say by me when he was eliminated and we talked a bit, and met his actor after the show. ALSO, playing logainne's dad with his soda and being the soccer mom ever is 100% approved by me . the way he effortlessly exchanged between the two roles was . AH.
olive was PERFECT. i cried at the i love you song so bad her little pom poms and im just mhejkn, her fidgeting with the strings of her cat hoodie whenever she was nervous was a great detail just small things like that
CHIP. chip chip chip. boy scout of the year, and JESUS ON A SCOOTER. he was so sassy and his little shenanigans made this character so good hed bite his lip and do little faces like that all the time he never broke id trust this man with my life
barfee , so nerdy i cannot resist this guy. he looks like he smells like hamburger and you know what? perfect. meeting him afterwards, he said that his shoes (for magic foot) were glow up sketchers and both of them were supposed to glow but only ONE did (the other broke) a few nights before and what a champ because he just went with it and CHANGED THE FOOT HE WAS USING to match the one that glew. i wouldve had a breakdown but go richard brown. through the whole show his bad accent and wet dog looks intrigued me
marcy was literally perfection, she had ME stressin out for her. i was sitting by the actresses' grandma and she was so fond of her its so cute. her singing voice is AMAZING there is a clip online i know of its on the theatre's tiktok but to hear that in person when its the song that got me into the show was wow. i relate to her very much and she made this character so personal even with just being in bits and pieces of the show
and finally, logainne. god she was SO FUNNY. the interactions between her and her dads, as well as the other spellers, were hilarious but also so real feeling. her actress, taylor,'s dedication to this role really showed and it worked awesome in the character. her appearance and outfit is the BEST for logainne btw??? no ones talking bout that its so so her ...,
^ also since i mentioned leaf's water bottle, logainne had a pride one + barfee had a pokemon cup. i think olive had one but if she did it was in the bleachers so i couldn't see, but i love how all of their bottles (yes even something just SMALL LIKE THAT) represent their characters the details in this show are sjsjd
here is a picture with the adults too! ill talk abt those three next;;
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rona. again, had me crying in the stands. she was adorable the whole show though, with her little quips and interchanges !! her + panch were so funny and also shes GORGEOUS?? but her soccer mom teacher type deal is exactly what i picture rona as.
panch reminded me very very much of ron swanson. he was so sarcastic and hes just such a big guy with all these kids it played off so well !! i love so many different interpretations of panch like twink panch and butch panch, but i think this burly panch with his soft, creepy side for rona was my favorite !
and now, lastly, mitch. HE KEPT BUSTING OUT AS THE SIDE CHARACTER WITH THE AMAZINF SINGING VOICE AND IT CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD EVERY TIME ??? mitch himself was so so awesome, the tattoos and drug apparell (i am struggling spelling that) fit so well. and also, he just looks so mitch mahoney doesnt he?? like. the character fits the actor so well id be shocked seeing anything else from them because mitch was the perfect role... again, his brief dynamic with all the kids is so goofy
the set;;
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it was so cute and the details in the posters on the wall were so childish it made me giggle. they even advertised their theatre's next production, which will be urinetown!! they had seats ON the stage (which is where i sat, naturally), which i think makes for a fun and realistic effect !! when the spellers were eliminated, theyd sit there (they had reserved spots) :3
its evident that all of the cast members had very good relatioships and play off that REALLY well
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a little photo dump of them!! on the MAD theatre social medias, they have more and clips of them, too!! id definitely reccomend checking them out because the show's closed :3
overall; i have so much love for this cast and MORE PEOPLE NEED TO AS WELL!!! so here you go 😊😊
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frogmoisturethief · 5 months ago
esssssss we need more storytimes
you asked, I shall deliver! in the form of a slightly tweaked version of a notes app diary entry thing!
I had a WILD text conversation with [friendboy] today. 
It all started because I texted him that I lost the game, and he pulled the whole “not mad just disappointed” thing, so I said “dad no” and he said “dad yes” and then things just got WORSE
We did a little nuh uh/yuh huh, but then I had an idea.
an awful,
I texted him saying that I could halt the whole interaction if I wanted to by simply threatening to call him the… other form of dad. “I could make this so uncomfortable and awkward” MAN I’m stupid.
He responded two minutes later, showing not a shred of nervousness nor self-preservation. 
“No balls,” basically.
My heart pounding faster and faster from this idiotic, borderline erotic text conversation, I replied with a simple “try me.”
He didn’t back down. “I will”, he texted back. It was bold, that was for sure. So I decided to let him know that, while at the same time sending off what might be the most risqué text message that I have ever sent to a guy.
“that’s pretty bold of you, daddy~”
I hit send with shaking hands and anxiously awaited his reply, already regretting using that oh-so-suggestive squiggly line.
Bzzt, bzzt. 
oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my go-
“Oh, well that’s bold of you, mommy”
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holy shi-
I put down my phone and stared at the wall with a hand coving my mouth. 
LET ME EXPLAIN SOMETHING TO YOU. I was not cozy in my room when this little ordeal happened, oh no. I wasn’t even in my own home. I was at freaking Chuck E. Cheese’s. I’m still not sure you understand; I was literally shaking and trying not to freak out too much in a very small room at THE PLACE WHERE A KID CAN BE A KID AND 18-YEAR-OLD GIRLS CAN REGRET THEIR LIFE DECISIONS. 
Soon after those messages, we both seemed to become stuttering MESSES, even though we weren’t technically talking.
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^real exchange from after^
I saw the typing bubble appear for a while, then disappear. I wasn’t gonna let that slide. 
“no, say it”  
He proceeded to send me the Scott Pilgrim Sonic quote.
And y’know, it got me thinking: isn’t the dynamic of Scott and Ramona that he’s kind of a nerdy and awkward guy, and she’s his cool love interest? And he says the Sonic quote to Ramona when he doesn’t know what to say but he wants to say something because he’s super into her? AND DIDN’T THEY FU-
Anyway, we pretty much just talked about genloss a little bit after that, but I sent a follow up the night of the same day. 
I attached a screenshot of us calling each other bedroom names and asked, “hey quick question, is this gonna be the kind of thing that we never speak of again, or the kind of thing that becomes a hard-to-explain but still funny inside joke?”
He agreed to the second one. 
I half-jokingly teased that I would call him daddy in front of our friends.
He agreed to that too and said he’s going to call me mommy among friends as well.
I am doomed.
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kutsante · 2 years ago
Me and my friend got interviewed by youtubers at the mall and asked what our fits were inspired by and it was so nerdy because I said we're here to watch Mario so I'm wearing a sonic shirt because they're rivals or whatever but like oh my god, speaking to people outside of my social circle makes me really see how loser I am to other people
And it's okay but like that's how I'm perceived isn't that so sick and twisted
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doubleddenden · 2 months ago
Btw, in case it's not clear, I'm not a news source nor am I in the habit of bringing up real world events (barring something entertaining or silly) or politics unless it's something I believe to be very important that is being ignored, something I'm at least a little familiar with, or it's something affecting everyone. This last post I made regarding New Orleans was made to draw attention to the lives lost, those injured, and help spread awareness of a potential uptick in xenophobia or racism towards those that are usually affected in these kinds of situations, and it was mainly because I saw basically NOBODY saying anything about it here. It came from a place of concern and anxiety towards friends I thought might have been affected (thankfully all heads are accounted for, although a friend of one of theirs WAS injured from it), and concern for people who get enough shit as it is. So I assure that it comes from a good place when I talk about it.
However, because I see an uptick of followers seemingly after that post, I need to clarify some stuff:
I can't talk about that constantly because my heart has issues that get... worse? I guess? With my anxiety, and I get massive migraines that only hurt worse from stress, not to mention my very poor mental health that gets worse and worse from the doomscrolling associated. I'll pay attention to most of that stuff on my own and reblog where applicable, but I'm not in the business of talking about or delivering news about it myself unless deemed an emergency as indicated above.
So to those that followed me thinking I might be someone knowledgeable about these kinds of things, I am not. I simply happened to have been told by my dad to check in on my friends and did digging there- digging is something I'm decent at regardless of topic.
So what is on this blog?
Basically this is a blog meant to help me relax a bit. Mostly it's just reblogs of memes, but occasionally I reblog stuff or talk about stuff related to personal interests, such as vtubers (hololive, indies, etc), games (pokemon, sonic, etc) or anime (stuff that airs on toonami for instance). Occasionally, if I'm REALLY in the mood, I'll go into deep dives on certain topics I'm interested in- mostly it's Pokemon speculation, but I might do other things.
So yeah, basically this is me saying thank you for showing interest, but you'll probably be surprised or disappointed that I'm not this super informed person lol. That's pretty much why I said "it's not my lane." I don't believe in false advertisement, so I thought I'd bring this up.
So yeah, that's your only warning before you see me talk about vtubers or pokemon or sonic or something lol. I am what I am- a nervous wreck of a nerdy man just trying not to lose his shit from his awful daily life. No harm in unfollowing me if that's not your jam.
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sonic-blue-moon · 1 year ago
Sonic: Blue Moon - Chapter 3 {Boom or Bust!}
Nic was in a tight spot. He only had a few days left before he could pay the rent so he could at least stay in his apartment for another month so he could find another job. It was about six in the morning, and he was sending out resumes to any company or organization that he thought would have hired him. On the side, he was doing something that most people do nowadays— taking work that involves an app.
More specifically, Nic was taking work from an app that most people use to order food. And he was, well, delivering said food. Notably, this particular order was from some rich person who said he’d include a big tip if the food he ordered was good.
We turn to Nic, getting the food and now going to deliver it on the only transport he has: a bicycle. The aging hedgehog was pumping his legs, pushing the pedals up and down to go as fast as possible.
“Okay.” Nic said to himself “Get the food, deliver it to some rich guy. I get paid enough to cover my rent. No big. As long as nothing bad happens, it’ll be fine.”
What Nic did not know was that, indeed, bad things were about to happen.
The first of which is that the light for the crosswalk has turned red, meaning he had to stop. After a couple of minutes, he was already getting exasperated. So Nic decided to be the jerk in the scenario and just cross anyway, nearly almost getting plastered over the hood of a car for his troubles. Soon, he came across a huge crowd and had to cross to the other sidewalk across the road.
Which was bad for Nic, because Westopolis is a coastal city. So a huge part of it was right near a bunch of open oceans for humans and Mobians alike to fall into; as well as any important things they had on them.
“Okay, it’s okay. You are near water Son- Nic, I meant Nic. But it’s all good…” Nic was mumbling to himself under his breath. “Just don’t fall in and you’ll be fine.”
Just as Nic said this, a huge bully, somewhere within high school age, tossed the backpack of a smaller, nerdier kid into the ocean. The nerdy kid was crying out for help, and as this kid did so, Nic was passing by.
“Mister! Mister, help! My backpack got thrown into the water. Help me mister!”
Nic was passing by without a care in the world, until…an old memory came up to the surface: The first time he ever met Tails! And memories for Nic was a precious thing, so…he stopped his bike, reached through the bars, and….grabbed the handle of the backpack. He tossed it over the handrail to the nerdy kid.
“There you go, Tails!” Nic blurted out, before covering his mouth.
The nerdy kid looked weirded out. “Who the heck do you think you are, mister? Sonic the Hedgehog?!”
“But…I…am…” Nic answered back in a silent murmur, his head hung low.
Soon, he got back on his bike and was able to make the delivery. But turns out, he was late.
“But I made the delivery! I was told there’d be money. So gimme.” Nic said in an attempt to assert his will. But the receptionist waved him off. “No chance in Hell, buddy. Maybe unless you were, I dunno…important! Then maybe I’d convince my boss. But tell me, what is your name?”
“Nic,” Nic answered.
“And is that anywhere close to being close to anybody well-known at all?” the receptionist asked.
“No. Not at all—.”
“Not at all!” said the receptionist, now not even looking at Nic as they were busy filing their nails. “So beat it. Find some other way to be useful.”
With a defeated morale and broken spirit, Nic left the building and went back to his apartment. The apartment, that by the way, he still hasn’t paid his rent on. He had only a night left in there. And the hedgehog knew this.
But then just as things seemed their darkest for the hedgehog, a metaphorical light beamed down upon him.
“Hello there, Blue.” said a womanly voice.
“Huh, who’s there?” Nic asked, unsure of what was happening.
“Sonic? I come back in almost thirty years and this is the welcome I get?”
“Wait…thirty years? But then that’d mean…” Nic thought to himself….
Then it was seen. A female Mobian, a mix of a chipmunk and a squirrel, wearing a signature blue vest and boots, and a head of deep red hair. Her light blue eyes looked at Nic was familiarity, and yet…was enamored with the stranger in front of her.
“….Sonic? Is that you?” said the hybrid Mobian.
“….Sally? Sally Acorn!?”
“Indeed, Sonic. Or is it Nic? I saw the paperwork you signed under that name. Anyways, let’s go on in. Tell me what you’ve been up to all this time.”
“But where do I start?! So much has happened since I left.”
“Simple,” Sally answered. “Start…at the beginning.
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goodstories08 · 3 years ago
Echoes of Love
Peter Parker (Tom Holland) X Male Reader
Request: No
Description: Peter was a very nervous guy who had a massive crush on you. The thing is you knew it because of your power, the ability to feel vibrations and create sonic blasts. You had hid your ability from the world so you weren’t a superhero or anything but it was fun to use them to hear certain hearts race as you walked by.
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You shoved books into your locker as your best friend Jenny was talking about her families beach house. After coming out as gay all of the straight girls wanted to be your friends and it got really annoying.
It wasn’t like you had a choice of friends so you just hung out with the popular rich kids since they would always treat for shopping and stuff like that. “So you wanna come up to the beach house next Saturday for summer break?,” Jenny asked, you thought for a second surprised that you forgot school was over in a week. “Who’s going?” You asked before shutting your locker. “Well obviously me and my new boyfriend I told you about, and Marissa and Jackson,” I rolled my eyes and turned to her. “I don’t really feel like going to a couples getaway without being in a relationship,” you said in a sarcastic tone as Jenny pulled her phone out.
She showed you the picture of a muscular boy on her phone, he wore a beanie and had his button up shirt opened. “He looks like an F boy Jenny,” she immediately hit her chest of offense. “That’s my cousin,” she said causing your eyes to grow wide, “I-I’m so sorry I didn’t…”
“But yea he kinda does look like one so I guess it’s better if you don’t,” She cut you off while glaring at someone coming up behind you. “Ehh it’s that nerd Peter Parker,” she said in a mean tone. “We’re all nerds , we go to a nerd school,” you whisper yelled so he wouldn’t hear. “Yes but he’s like a nerd, nerd like into comics and star-wars.” I scoffed then turned on my heals to the nervous boy.
“H-hey Y/n,” He nervously stuttered causing Jenny to giggle a little. His face turned red, “I was wondering if you wanted to come over today to study? I heard you saying you needed help in math class so I can help. O-only if you want me to.”
You look to him and feel his rapidly racing heartbeat, the vibrations were loud but you learned to toon it out. You felt kinda flustered that someone was so nervous around you, someone who was hot to. “Um sure, just text me we’re to meet you. Six works for me,” you say while pulling your phone out for Peter to type his number in. The taller boy quickly typed his number in, “Yea six works for me to.”
Peter smiled and walked back toward his friends Mj and Ned who were fangirling from the side. “Eww I can’t believe your going out with a nerd,” Jenny said while the two of you started to walk out of school, backpack sling over shoulder. “He’s cute though,” she nodded still looking unconvinced he was good enough for you, “I also heard he has real nice abs, better than your F boy cousin your trying to set me up with.” She rolled her eyes and muttered, “Whatever,” before looking back at her phone and typing away.
You stand outside of Peter’s apartment and check the address to see if it matched the one he gave you. The door quickly opened and there stood Peter in a tight tee shirt. You couldn’t help but blush, “O-oh hi Y/n come in.”
He held the door open as you walked inside the apartment, “This way.” He walked past and showed you to his room, which sure enough nerdy just like Jenny said. He had a massive lego Death Star and a bunch of comics on his desk. “Wow, you collected all of this?” He nodded feeling proud to finally show it off to someone he liked. “It’s cool.”
“So what do you need help with,” he asked as the two of you sat on the carpet in his room. You unzip your backpack and pull out your homework. “Geometry I just can’t understand it, at all,” you say while pointing to the problems. “Oh this is easy, just follow what I’m doing ok,” he said as you nodded for him to continue.
A few hours past and the two of you became more and more close. You wound up taking a break and talked about random things to get to know one another better. You talked about all the school drama and how coming out has been while he told you about his uncle. It was really sad and Peter looked like he would cry at one point so you hugged him.
His strong arms wrapped around your upper waist as you wrapped yours around his neck. The smell of his cologne filled your nose and you felt a blush creep up your cheeks. “T-thanks Y/n,” he said as the two of you pulled back. “Why are you thanking me? You were the one who volunteered to help me, so thank you,” you say causing him to smile.
“Now back to the last one, right here…” he picked the pencil out of your hand and pulled behind you. His right arm wrote-on the paper while his chest was pressed up against your back. His warm breath tickled your neck as you were only inches apart from each other. You turned to him and the two of you stare into each other’s eyes. Peter felt he needed to take his shot so he leaned down too seal your lips.
It was a somewhat quick kiss but it was filled with passion and desperation. Peter was thinking millions of things at the moment, from how his breath smelled to how he was sitting but nothing could take over the feeling of kissing you. When you pulled back Peters arm was still wrapped around your waist , “T-thanks Y/n.”
“You don’t need to say thanks everyone I do something,” you say causing his face to turn red. “Sorry,” You roll your eyes and lean in once more, he pushed his lips harder this time. “Well Peter,” you say as you pulled apart once more, “This has been the best study session I’ve ever had.”
It was now summer and school was let out, Peter sat on your bed on his phone. You walked into the room with your suitcase as Peter looked at you, “Are you sure your friends won’t mind me, a nerd, joining your trip.” You said no even though you knew Jenny would mind, but hey he’s your boyfriend so what is she going to do about it.
Peter stood up and pulled you into a hug from behind, his chin rest on your shoulder as the two of you sway. The sudden honk of a car horn took you both out of the moment. “Come on let’s go,” you yelled to Peter who followed you out to the car. He tightened his grip on your hand as the two of you got closer toward the car. “Really Y/n?,” Jenny said with a sarcastic tone. “What he’s nice, and good with “studying” if you know what I’m talking about,” you said the last part quietly into her ear causing her to smile. “We’ll come one get in,” she said while we threw out bags in the trunk. You turned to Marissa and her boyfriend who were In the back row before leaning into Peter. His left bicep comforted you like a pillow as you fell into a calming sleep.
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heyclickadee · 2 years ago
Thoughts on “Faster”
1. THAT’S MY BOY!! THAT’S MY BOY!! MY BEAUTIFUL NERDY BOY!!! 2. I love that Echo and Hunter were out delivering space door dash. I joked about that with my sister once; I didn’t think it would actually be canon. 
3. Even though I missed seeing Hunter and Echo (and Crosshair), I don’t think this episode would have worked with them in it. I’m not sure Hunter would have agreed to going with Cid in the first place, and even if he had, there’s no way he would have let Tech on that race track. They would absolutely shut down the shenanigans. I’d pay cash money to see his face when they all get back. 
4. I know a lot of people are calling this one filler, and while I don’t agree seeing as how there was plot development or at least set up for plot development as well as some lovely character development for Tech, I’m glad this one was a bit more lighthearted than the first three. You can only delve so far into the angst before the audience becomes numb to it. You need to let them (and the characters) breathe a little before going any farther with it. I’m genuinely glad they just got to have a good (albeit dangerous) time. 
5. Tech, seeing riot racing for the first time: It would appear that anything goes out there.
Tech internally: If I do not get out on that track within one standard hour I will perish.  6. I LOVE how, in contrast to the first season, which highlighted the batch as a team and what their roles on the team were, this season is focusing more on the batch as individuals. It’s less about what the team will do and more about what each member of the team might want. For Tech, that seems to mean opening his eyes to the possibility of life outside of war and combat, not just for himself but to the idea that there’s so much of the galaxy that existed before and outside of the war that he’s never thought about, as well as presenting him with the idea that he’s good for something besides fighting. And given the conflict between Hunter and Echo (who ultimately want the same thing but are looking to get there in different ways), I’d say that’s going to be really important later on down the line. 
7. Along those same lines, I’m adoring the throughline between Crosshair’s desperation to stay relevant using the only skills he thinks he has, Echo’s determination to fight back using the only skillset (being a soldier) he thinks he has, and Tech’s frustration with Cid wasting their skills on things like space door dash. They were designed to do one specific thing, and the republic they were designed to do it for no longer exists. They’re all floundering and struggling to find their own sense of purpose, the same way Hunter seemed to find his back in season one. 
8. TAY-0 was. Oh boy. 
9. Obnoxious. Eminently punchable. The irony of casting Sonic the Hedgehog as the blue racing robot was not lost on me, but besides the “Gotta go fast,” aspect of that, casting Ben Schwartz as an egotistical, aggressively dramatic theater kid always works. He always plays that part well. 
10. You could feel Tech was exactly 0.35 seconds from punching TAY-0 in his stupid metal face from pretty much the moment they met. That deadpan glare when TAY-0 told Tech to stop fixing him the wrong way? I felt that in my bones. The way Tech sighed and shook his head when TAY-0 said that Tech didn’t have strategy or skill? Dude was pissed and it’s almost like he’s had to mask his whole life. The, “Don’t try me right now, I’m done and I’m doing what I want,” look when Tech said he was going to be the one to race? Yes. Good. 
11. The way that Tech clearly didn’t know how to respond to the crowd chanting his name because he’s not used to that kind of recognition, so he gave that little awkward half salute is going to live rent free in my head for a while. As is the fact that Tech did listen to everyone giving him advice but ultimately trusted his own judgement. 
12. “Tech, you have to be in front to win!” “I know what I’m doing. It’s called strategy.” “No, it’s called losing!” I’m dying. I’m literally dead. 
13. So...Tech doesn’t trust Cid. Which, he shouldn’t, of course. Besides Millegi’s warning at the end, the way Cid was acting all the way through this episode makes me think she’s definitely got something shady in store for the boys. And the thing is, I don’t think it’s something she’s planning on doing--I think it’s something she’s already done. I suspect she actually sold them out to some extent way back, maybe back in season one, in a way that’s going to get them in big trouble this season, and that she’s maybe starting to regret it because a part of her actually likes them. 
14. Wrecker and Omega playing chess at the beginning of the episode! Omega putting things on the line to help Cid! Wrecker and Omega being so happy when Tech won! Tech with his hand on Omega’s shoulder and Wrecker doing that affectionate shoulder punch! I love them!
15. The poor guy who got shot at during the race at the beginning of the episode. I know this was a much lighter episode than the last few, but dang. That’s...kinda dark. 
16. I cracked up when the announcer lampshaded how odd clone names are in-universe, especially when they don’t have the “they’re a clone” context. 
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luna-loner · 2 years ago
So, you mentioned how you can create an interesting dynamic with every possible combination within the B5. To prove this, I challenge you to describe (doesnt have to be long, maybe just the vibes) what every combination (there are 10 combos) would be like!
Hohoho, challenge accepted! And I know you said it doesn’t have to be long but, erm...I couldn’t help myself okay? It was supposed to be a simple dynamcs list, but then I went and added some bits and pieces of character analysis.
So without further ado, here are ten B5 dynamics, ranked in no particular order!
1. Gakushuu and Seo
Simply put, these two ground the other when needed. Seo's (later on in the series) not afraid of calling Gakushuu out; that sharp tongue of his is useful for giving his leader a much needed reality check. However, his tongue can be a little too sharp, which is why Gakushuu needs to rein him in every now and then like the good leader that he is. They basically act as the voice of reason for the other.
Other times however, they're not so mature. I've mentioned before how I hc they're karaoke rivals. In fact, I hc it was Seo who got Gakushuu into Karaoke in the first place (because no way would Mr. Eye-bags walk into a Karaoke bar on his own; that's too much precious study time wasted!) Look, these too are passionate about music. Do you know what happens when two hardcore music lovers clash? You get 4-6 hour Karaoke marathon. That's when the voice of reasons job is passed onto the remaining three virtuosos…or at least onto Ren and Araki. Koyama just continues enjoying the musical madness.
2. Seo and Araki
The opposites attract kind of besties. It started off as Araki lowkey worshipping Seo for living abroad, and while Seo loved the ego boost, he did later grow to genuinely enjoy the company. Behind Seo's tough guy act lays a massive superhero fan: Marvel, DC, Sonic Ninja, and maybe some good superhero manga, too; and it's Araki's own nerdiness that brings that side out. That said, Seo's a bad influence on Araki tbh. Prior to their meeting, Araki was your standard good boy— a true stickler to the rules, though he did secretly harbor some dark sentiments towards others, and it was Seo who brought it out by existing with the same radius as Araki. Who knew Seo was so inspirational?
3. Ren and Araki
These two just get along naturally. Their dynamic mirrors Yukiko and Okuda's—peaceful, if not a little formal. I hc these two had a similar upbringing, though Ren's was a little stricter. (I see the Sakakibaras having a slightly higher social status)
Since Araki's a trivia nerd and Ren's a literature lover, of course they'd bond over reading and overanalyzing books, usually romance. These two can talk books for hours, and if Seo or Gakushuu think it's stupid, someone should remind them how long their Karaoke battles usually lasts. They'll shut up real quick. They do this with dramas by the way.
And because I hc Araki to have a romantic side, he sometimes goes to Ren for love advice. Yes, I know a womanizer is not the right person to ask, but that's exactly why I said sometimes. It's not like Araki's planning on amassing his very own harem (He's monogamous, I swear!) he just wants to know how you ask a girl out, what's the right thing to say, How do you say it, is there something as too much cologne, what brand should he use, etc… He asks precise questions.
Still, it doesn't get him any bitches. Araki just doesn't have the cool vibes to pull off a Ren… poor Raki boy
4. Gakushuu, Ren, and Araki
This is what I call "The parent group" since it's comprised of the (mostly) mature members of the B5. Ren and Araki are pretty much Gakushuu's second-in-commands. It's not uncommon to find the three of the staying behind after school for some council work or A Class-related plan (Seo and Koyama don't attend as often either because they don't want to or aren't needed). Contrary to what Gakushuu thinks, he would’ve gone mad without these two by his each of his side. I hc these three were the earliest members of the B5 so they go way back. They have this special bond that Seo and Koyama just aren't apart of.
5. Araki, Seo, and Koyama
Presenting the Kids' group! Seo alone is a bad influence on Araki; add the chaos-loving gremlin into the mix and our trivia nerd has fallen to the dark side. I see Araki as someone easily influenced by the type of company he has—someone who goes with the flow. Sometimes, he's a responsible young man, other times he's stupid teenager.
Honestly, I don't think it's always a bad thing. Again, pre-Seo Araki was a good boy, maybe even too good. It's normal for a boy his age to unwind and partake in whatever stupid shit boys these days are into; you can't expect him to always act like an adult. The question is how far will this trio go before Gakushuu has to save their asses? 99% of the time it's Seo or Koyama's big mouths that gets them in trouble, and 80% of the time it's Seo finds himself as the adult when he realizes they may or may not have gone too far. He's not always stupid, okay? Koyama is hopeless so don't count on him to do anything other than enjoying the chaos.
6. Ren and Koyama
A surprisingly wholesome pair; when Koyama's around Ren, he goes from chaotic little shit to sweet little baby. Ren's the cool party guy and has always made sure to include Koyama in the fun. Ren also likes to sample Koyama's cooking. He's too nice to say no, and usually, it's good so there's no problem. When it's not so good, Ren's pretty gentle with his constructive criticism and Koyama takes it like it were the Holy Grail.  
They can also be goofy sometimes. Koyoma's photographic memory makes him remember most, if not all, of Ren's essays and poems, and he uses them in writing tests and assignments. Ren's flattered and it makes his day when koyama suddenly sprouts some of his poetry when the mood calls for it. Seriously, once they were trying to encourage Araki to ask a girl out and Koyama recited one of Ren's motivational poems and Ren just joined in. Seo suffered major second hand embarrassment that day…
7. Ren and Seo
Even Ren's patience has limits, and Gakushuu seems deadest on testing those limits with his overambitious nature. So what does a concerned friend do in this situation? He complains to Seo.
Araki's too nice and will just agree to everything Ren says, but he won't actually do anything else. Koyama, especially early on in the series, won't see the problem. Not only is Seo blunt and honest, but he also understands Ren's concern. They all can see past Gakushuu's BS, but only Seo is willing to be vocal about it, which validates Ren's concerns.
But these talks aren't just limited to Shuu, Ren usually goes to Seo for an honest opinion on anything, no matter how mundane. Sometimes, he likes having a debate and seeing a different perspective.
8. Seo and Koyama
Much like Ren, Seo's always made sure to include Koyama in the fun. He of all people knows the fear of being left out, so when Koyama came along, Seo felt like he gets this guy. Plus, more pals for him :D
These two are the resident trouble makers, plus they've got the sharpest tongues. They're like brothers, and Seo likes to think he's the cool big bro guiding his little bro Koyama through the ropes and all. So inspirational
But like any younger sibling, Koyama. Is. A. little. Shit! Remember how the Kids group gets in trouble and it's Seo who has to fix everything? That's 'cause Koyama would rather sit back and watch instead of lending his "big brother" a hand, even when the mess if his fault. You can bet Seo is not happy, yet for some reason, they continue hanging out. 🤔
 9. Koyama, Araki, and Ren
The book club which of the fantasy Wiz Natsu, Romance lover Teppei, and the supreme lord of literature himself, Ren! This is the byproduct of the aforementioned Ren-Araki friendship and they do more than reading and analyzing. You'd think that having two members of the parent group would keep the chaos to a minimum. Gakushuu sure did, but it turned out having Koyama was alone to summon the chaos. It was Koyama's bright idea to include cosplaying and acting out their favorite scenes. Araki's really passionate about getting the costumes just right, down the tiniest detail. Oh, and we can't forget about the snack.
The "club meeting" usually starts out as formal as a court hearing before gradually devolving into enthusiastic ramblings that consist of analysis, theories, squealing, and random poetry thrown around by Koyama and Ren.
10. Ren and Gakushuu
Originally, I wasn't going to include this since it's such a popular dynamic, but then again, why not include Candy's two boys? It's a canon friendship, but people ship them so much that the platonic aspect is HIGHLY underrated.
I believe Ren is crucial for Gakushuu's growth. The fact Ren can speak to him as an equal may be the reason why Shuu went from seeing the B5 as minions to seeing them as real friends. He could a taste of genuine friendship from Ren, which opened him more to the possibility of getting close to the other three as well. Essentially, Ren acted as the middleman between Gakushuu and the Virtuosos, whether he knew it or not. He just has this soothing affect on others.
What makes this friendship even greater is how much Ren and Gakushuu have some sort of family pressure and can relate to one another. Sure, Gakushuu's case is arguably worse, and I don't think Ren's parents actually bad, they just put a lot of emphasis on their image which can really annoy their son, but it's still comforting to know someone shares the same sort of struggle with you. It also helps with Gakushuu's growth because he then feels encouraged to Ren about some issues with his dad, which takes some weight off his chest.
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years ago
Hello, may I request Evanstan + 47? 🙃
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Hi lovely tejodore 💕💕 Thank you so much!!
#47 is Skate by Silk Sonic (which, fun fact, Chris mentioned during Lightyear press as a song that instantly puts him in a good mood) 🥰
And I especially liked these lyrics for our boys: I never fall, but tonight you got me fallin' for you // And only you, you // I'm reaching out in hopes that you reach for me too
Clearly I’m incapable of making these short. But here it is, a little TFA era fun, especially for you 😘😘
This wasn’t the first time they’d gone out with a bunch of the cast and crew. Not even the first time Sebastian had joined them, although he’d needed some prompting. But it was definitely a little wilder than most of the other times. Maybe it was because they were so close to wrapping, and they had a long weekend break, so people felt free to let loose a little, maybe have a couple of drinks too many.
They’d started out at a pub, had a few (more than a few) beers, and at some point, someone - Chris doesn’t even remember who - suggested they’d go to a club, for some more drinks and dance. Chris had immediately said yes, always in for a good time, but to his surprise - delight, actually - Sebastian had said he was in too.
Which brings them here, to a club Chris doesn’t even know the name of, a song playing he doesn’t recognize, and a drink in his hand he doesn’t remember ordering. Not because he’s so drunk. He can hold his liquor pretty well. He’s just…entranced. By the way Sebastian is moving around the club, dancing so freely, so smoothly, so…so…He exudes pure sex. Sebastian. His soft spoken, shy, friendly, adorably nerdy costar. That Sebastian. And it’s doing things to Chris.
It’s not like he hasn’t noticed how good Sebastian looks before. They’ve spent so much time - both on and off set - together these past few months. He’s gotten to know Seb pretty well, after he broke through the initial shyness. They’d had dinners and drinks together, watched movies in each other’s hotel rooms, roamed the streets of London together on their days off.
He’s gotten to know Sebastian, with all his little quirks, his smirks and self-deprecating humor. He figured out how much they have in common, interests wise - space, books, their appreciation for their craft - and he’d gotten to love listening to Seb talk about the ones they don’t, the way he’d light up talking about his passions.
Chris isn’t blind. He’s always known he’s attracted to men just as much as he is to women, and Seb is objectively an attractive guy, with his lean built, his blue grey eyes, ridiculous bone structure and shiny brown hair that will curl a little no matter how much Sebastian tells it not to. Chris just hasn’t felt…this kind of attraction, bordering on lust, until tonight. Okay, so maybe it crossed that border a couple of hours ago when Sebastian winked at him coyly before taking to the dance floor. He isn’t sure where that came from.
Chris isn’t sure how long he’s been sitting here, staring at Sebastian, who’s clearly having the time of his life. Sebastian is laughing, throwing his head back in reaction to something the guy he’s dancing with told him, and Chris is helpless but to follow the line of his neck with his eyes, feeling a sort of hunger and jealousy and want build up in him. That feeling gets a 100 times more intense when Sebastian’s gaze slips over to him, lingering there just for a moment, biting his lip. Chris doesn’t want go imagine how red it is. He wants to see for himself.
He throws back the last of his drink - vodka with something, he’s finally figured out - and gets up out of the booth. He makes his way over to Sebastian in a couple of quick strides. Sebastian looks up at him, as does the man that currently has his hands on Sebastian’s hips, but Chris pays him no mind, holding out his hand instead. “You wanna dance?” He asks, and Sebastian nods, eyes glittering under the club lights. They both ignore the protests of the other man saying that they were dancing already.
Chris places Sebastian’s hand on his back, shivering a little when Sebastian lets it slide down a little. “Is this okay,” Seb asks, as he leans in a little.
“Yeah, yeah- is this?” Chris asks in return, as he puts his own hands on Sebastian’s waist. Sebastian just smirks, and soon enough, they’re gliding around the dance floor together, pressing themselves closer and closer to each other. Sebastian’s a much better dancer than Chris is, and he has some difficulty keeping up at first, but at some point it devolves into something that can’t even be described as dancing anymore.
They’re grinding against each other, and Chris can feel his own heartbeat speed up as he hears Sebastian’s breath hitch. It makes him look up, first at Sebastian’s lips, then his eyes, then his lips again. He wants to ask, wants to ask if it’s okay if he kisses him. He feels like he’s gonna burn up from the inside if he doesn’t. But he doesn’t have to ask. Not a moment later, those red bitten lips press against his, and he can’t hold back the gasp of surprise he lets out, before kissing back just as fiercely.
As he closes his eyes and the rest of the club falls away around them, his entire focus on where they’re pressed against each other and the feeling of Sebastian’s tongue warring for dominance with his and losing, he thinks that maybe, maybe he’s an idiot. He’s probably been falling for Sebastian for a long time, maybe even since the day they met, and he didn’t even realize. But now? Now he knows. He sighs into Sebastian’s mouth, feeling more content than he has in months, which soon turns into excitement, about what’s possibly to come next. Both tonight, and maybe, maybe even far beyond that.
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thankskenpenders · 3 years ago
Would you interview Penders if you had the chance and if so, what kind of questions would you ask him?
I literally did have the chance and I didn't do it. After my article for New York Magazine went up (with no new quotes from Ken because he never got back to my editor) I very quickly got an email from his agent asking if I'd like to do a followup interview with him
I didn't go through with it for a few reasons. Number one, I am not a journalist. I'm a fiction writer who blogs on the side. I was asked to do a piece for NYMag's Sonic week when the movie came out, but I wasn't in a position to be pitching more nerdy Sonic comic articles after that. So it just would've gone up on here or on Medium and not as a professional piece
And number two, any attempt from me to interview the guy would inherently be unfair. Like, I am WAY more fair to him than a ton of fans, I try very hard to just stick to the facts of what actually happened instead of just constantly taking pot shots at him and I correct people on a ton of shit. But I'm also aware that I'm extremely critical of his work and his general behavior as a person, so I'd be going in from an extremely biased viewpoint from the start. I feel zero remorse for dragging the man's work here in my own space as a critic, but if I got him directly involved it'd just feel... dirty. It's like entrapment. There are plenty of fascinating questions I could ask him that wouldn't just be gotchas aimed at dunking on him, but I dunno. No matter what I do I have an audience that (justifiably) dislikes the man, so any answers I get from him are just gonna be more fuel on that fire
In a conversation with my editor on the NYMag piece I said that there were so many wild stories about the production of Archie Sonic and the ensuing legal battle that someone should write a book interviewing all the writers and chronicling the whole story. My editor said "Well, maybe you'll be the one to write it." And I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it. But again, I'd feel dirty interviewing Penders to get his side of things just to turn around and use it for something that's going to be extremely critical of him. I don't wanna go all "I think Coolsville sucks" on the guy, but it'd be dishonest if I was just totally neutral on the actual content of his work because WOW some of that shit is truly vile
I also just really, really don't like to obsess over the man. I brought this on myself by naming this blog what I did I guess, but still. I'd wrapped up my readthrough of his run on here, and I didn't wanna get stuck in a cycle of writing about him forever. (Which I am still doing in response to asks because the ride never ends, but c'est la vie.)
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