#my mother’s texts
iguessitsjustme · 2 years
Part 4 of my mother watching Word of Honor:
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mxmorel · 3 months
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alicent-archive · 4 months
Actually it’s so funny to me, because while Daemon absolutely DRAGS his arranged marriage through the mud and openly slanders his wife at ANY opportunity, Rhea just…didn’t gaf about that man AT ALL 😭😭😭.
Girly was riding horses, handling falcons and her own damn business, and remained completely unbothered by Daemon’s deeply unserious antics until the day she died.
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demigods-posts · 5 months
imagine sally taking percy to montauk over the years. using the hours that he's asleep to sit along the beachside shore. remembering the nights she had with poseidon. basking in the delicate breeze on a soft bed of sand. stolen kisses under the moonlight. a love she never thought she'd find. and then her world came crashing like the tide. now all she has left of poseidon is a child he can't help her raise. but she loves percy with all her might. and they'll be okay soon enough.
and then imagine sally taking paul to montauk. using the hours he's asleep to sit along the beachside shore. remembering the nights she had with percy. making smores with blue-tinted marshmallows. the two of them staying up too late at night bingeing soap operas. a happiness she never thought she'd be able to provide for her son. and then her world came crashing down once more. now all she has left of percy is an empty bedroom and a missed phone call from the otherside of the country. but word from camp is that annabeth found him. and if that rings true. then they'll be okay soon enough.
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oldmanffucker · 11 months
Hey so wanna hear something devastating.
The costumer just causally dropped that the ring around Izzy’s cravat is his mother’s.
“He’s very sentimental, like he carries his mother’s ring around his scarf.” (X)
I’m on my friends porch in tears rn. Are you kidding me. Ms. Taylor was talking about Izzy’s drag look and just dropped that fact as if that wouldn’t rewire my entire brain chemistry.
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spirk-trek · 6 months
imagine amanda watching how mothers on vulcan share a telepathic bond with their children and not being able to do this for spock
imagine how it would break her heart, how she might worry they'll never connect when she sees a mother touching her daughter's face or holding her son's hand with purpose, without words
imagine spock melding with her as soon as he's able, showing her he loves her because he can't say it, he'll never be able to say it
imagine her being so proud of her little boy for researching and teaching himself to meld with a non-telepath just for her, all for her
holding him after when he's so exhausted he goes boneless in her arms and she strokes his hair and thanks him
and he mumbles something about it being illogical to thank him before falling asleep and she holds his little hand and feels the tiniest sparks of love still there, so small she might've imagined them before he's snoring softly
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autisticrosewilson · 1 month
You're all fucking wrong about Catholic Jason he wouldn't feel guilt about Jack shit, ESPECIALLY not killing. He would get the All-Blades and be convinced that this is God's go ahead and divine confirmation that he's right about everything and all of his opinions are valid and everyone who opposes his worldview is a moron blinded by idealism and naivete.
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uselessalexis165 · 1 month
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i just thought these felt similar to me
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
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One day eighteen years ago, Gideon’s mother had tumbled down the middle of the shaft in a dragchute and a battered hazard suit, like some moth drifting slowly down into the dark. The suit had been out of power for a couple of minutes. The woman landed brain-dead. All the battery power had been sucked away by a bio-container plugged into the suit, and inside that container was Gideon, only a day old.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee
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royaltea000 · 2 months
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He’s like the worlds shittiest Madonna to me
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
Part 3 of my mom texting me while watching Word of Honor:
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araekni · 2 months
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May Escott, t minus six
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mof17 · 3 months
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Day 3
prompts were:
Neck Kiss / Sculk / Masquerade
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traumatizedjaguar · 5 months
Two things you needed to hear today:
“You can’t be a good child to a bad parent.”
“You weren’t a bad child, you were reacting to your environment.”
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izuku · 2 years
i know this was supposed to be a really dramatic episode with a moral quandary at the center of it, but all i could think about was how medically inept their plan was. spinal fluid, blood, tissue samples, even a brain biopsy wouldn’t kill her! if she dies who the hell else are you gonna use? this should be your last resort. someone take away that man’s medical license!
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echo-nt · 27 days
I know this has already been said and I’m super late, but Mia as the protag of RE8 would have been so good. The contrast between Mia, the Lords, and Mother Miranda would have been absolutely interesting. I'm shoving everything under a read more because damn I have so many thoughts about Mia.
Lady Dimitrescu is a woman that cannibalizes and drinks the blood of her servants and intruders. On top of that, she tortures before preying on them. She does this willingly and very much derives pleasure from doing so. Lady D’s gothic triplets hunt any poor fool that wanders in. It’s a fun family activity for them just as much as it’s for sustenance. 
Do you know what this parallels? The Baker family under Eveline’s control. They patrol the estate and anyone who rejects the “gift” either ends up molded or on the dinner table. This family also partakes in a fucked up version of a family dinner, eating the victims that refused their little girl’s “gift.” 
However, a major difference between the Baker and Dimitrescu family is their willingness to participate in these activities. A family of cannibals; one forced while the other relishes in it. 
Mia is still very traumatized by her three years in the Baker’s estate. Breaking into the castle to find her daughter would force her back. Hello to all the emotions that come with those memories, the ones Mia has been trying to forget. The harder you try to forget something, the more you think about it. What better way to make Mia acknowledge Dulvey, Louisiana than by forcing her into something so similar? 
And while she’s still reeling from remembering her time in captivity, why not push her a bit further down memory lane with House Beneviento? Mia has demonstrated at multiple points in RE7 that she does care about other lives. She lies to Ethan to keep him from getting caught up in her work. She tries to save Alan and crew members of "The Annabelle" (the crew members are a bit more indirect, she mainly focused on Alan) by containing Eveline. After Jack finds her, Mia keeps her distance to keep from infecting them while trying to write a warning. She tries her hardest during RE7 to save Ethan. 
Mia’s hallucinations could center on her guilt. The failure to stop Eveline and the lives ruined as a result. How she was always too late to help anyone. Ethan curing her, a criminal, over Zoe, the person helping him. Leaving Zoe behind in the shattered remains of her home and family. Surviving. Visions of Ethan hinting at his “condition” could lure her to the manor. A little nudge to the whole “he was mold the entire time” plot twist without fully giving it away. 
Moreau, lacking in self worth and very attached to a woman who doesn’t give him the time a day, yet still he considers her as his mother. Most of his actions are for the attention and validation from his “mother.” No matter what Moreau does, he’ll never have her affection or time. It’s sad, isn’t it? To witness a man try so hard only to be rejected. And isn’t that familiar? Mia once felt compassion for someone with similar traits. 
Remember the little girl who considered you her mother? The one that spent three years waiting for you to love her after you promised? The one you had a hand in killing? What makes you think you could ever be a good mother after what you did? Why are you trying so hard to save Rose when you didn’t even extend the same courtesy to Eveline?
Y’all know how Mia’s past is a mystery? Like why she was working for the Connections and how she was even recruited and all that. Heisenberg would be a great way to explore it. A man taken, forced into becoming something else, and stuck in a family he doesn’t want. Mia can relate. He wants to use her daughter as a weapon. She was willing to let another child be used as a weapon. They’re alike, so surely Mia would be willing to side with him.
But Heisenberg is cocky and Mia isn’t the person she was prior/during 7. Even if she was on board with using Eveline as a weapon to end all wars or whatever bullshit the Connections told her, she’s not willing now. Not after what she’s seen and been through. This section could be Heisenberg goading her through the tvs/intercoms about her past to change her mind with Mia remaining steadfast in her refusal.
And then there’s Mother Miranda. Two mothers trying to get their daughters back through vastly different means. Because of the group photo showing Mia and Miranda with Eveline this encounter can go one of two ways. 
Miranda and Mia know each other and have worked together before. Whether it be on the E-Series Project (with Mia becoming the caretaker and spending copious amounts of time at the lab) or though some other means at work. 
They’ve only briefly met when the Connections were in a hurry to transport Eveline.
Either way, Miranda would compare them. As a mother, Mia must understand what she’s trying to accomplish. Would Mia not do the same as she? Maybe at this point Miranda shows she killed Ethan to demoralize to prevent her from interfering with the ceremony. Tells her she’s too late once again and to give Rose to her because she’ll be the superior mother.
Idk, I guess you could switch to Ethan instead of Chris so he can still have Eveline tell him he’s moldy. But he’s a stubborn man and he forces himself back to weaken Miranda so Mia can kill her. Chris shows up and Ethan does the same thing he did at the end by blowing himself up with Chris forcing Mia (with Rose) on the helicopter. That way the Shadow of Rose DLC can still be about Rose and Ethan. 
TLDR; Mia should have been the protagonist because it would have allowed us to explore her character and background more. It was a missed opportunity especially since so much of RE8 centers around mothers. It would have played out better as closing off the Winters Family saga as well since we could have tied the loose ends that came with Mia’s mysterious past.
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