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Dracule Mihawk; Ideal Type Deep Dive
A/N: this is prolly a little OOC and a little bias on my part so apologies if you think so too
Think Morticia and Gomez Addams
Mihawk would like someone that matches his dark and aloof aura
Mihawk is rather disengaged and bored of just about everything in life, but his lover is the one thing that he is engrossed by. I’m talking obsession, like a couple that’s too in love with each other that no one else is in the room with them.
Mihawk would be drawn to something with intense, dark features like darker hair and eyes. Sucker for lipstick, any shade of red. Black lipstick is one of his favorites too.
Mihawk would need to be with someone that can hold their own. His partner needs to be able to fight and be strong enough to defend themselves in a majority of scenarios.
Mihawk lives for thrill whether he admits it or not. His partner and him in a wild love chase *chef’s kiss*. Someone who can match his ‘cat and mouse’ energy and be frisky with him. Someone that likes to mess around with him and ignite their relationship. Be that some caresses then a smooth exit out the door or challenging him to something, he’s following you as soon as you’re out of his sight.
Mihawk would love long length dresses. Something that screams regality and empowers his lover and makes them look beautiful.
I see Mihawk as being a sucker for teasing. Your gown has a deep v neck and your cleavage is exposed perfectly? He’s looking. There’s a thigh split in your skirt or dress? He’s looking. Your corset hugs your waist and accentuates your hips. He’s looking and feeling you up. Whisper something in his ear, give him a long moment of intense eye contact, rub your hand along his chest then exit the room. He loves loves loves it!! He loves it all I cannot stress enough he’s transfixed by his lover for life.
Mihawk most likely wouldn’t want someone clingy, but someone obsessed with him. There’s a fine line and it’s easy it blur it. Whining about how he’s been gone from Muggy Kingdom and made you feel kinda lonely might come across as irritating if he heard it too many times. Someone who could keep themselves busy until he returns and grab him by his coat collar and tell him that he spent too much time away from the island is more enticing to him and makes him just as obsessed as his lover. (I really hope that made sense)
Mihawk likes someone that can banter with him too. Someone that can flirt with him whether it’s just them in the room or a whole navy fleet. Someone bold and confident in themselves, that loves themselves maybe a bit too much.
(Literally just imagine a scene with you and Mihawk exchanging flirtatious eye contact while fending off against marines and yall end up right next to each other and just as the last marina drops he grabs ahold of you and whispers another love confession against your lips omfg..)
Mihawk would want someone that is well rounded. Someone who knows the way the world works and has a good brain underneath all their beauty. Someone cunning enough to scam a poor barkeeper out of their berri but compassionate enough to feed the stray cats of the town. Someone that can hold a conversation with him of the best wines or whiskey and defend their favorites against his own.
Someone with manners. Mihawk appreciates couth people that talk with an air of knowledge and slyness and can read through the lines of marine propaganda. Mihawk needs some romance in his relationship, there must be love and trust, not just looks and lust.
Mihawk would pour his whole being into a relationship and needs that to be reciprocated. While he might be nonchalant, he can still be dedicated. People may know of his lover, they may not. He doesn’t really speak upon it but won’t deny it if someone were to bring it up.
Someone that was also a pirate would suit Mihawk. They can handle being away from him for long periods of a time, they can defend themselves and have connections to powerful people (shanks imagine you knew shanks outside of Mihawk’s rivalry with him). He would never entangle with a marine, he has a strong hatred for them because of his past. A civilian that hasn’t led a tumultuous life wouldn’t be best prepared for whatever hardships may come Mihawk and his love’s way.
Someone who knows how to dance!!! Oml imagine dancing with Mihawk and not js white girl dancing I’m talking duo romantic dances. Theres romance, there’s sexual tension, there’s a bond that flows between y’all’s bodies.
Someone with desire in them. Lemme explain, someone that can go a couple months without his help sexually, but craves him so bad when they finally reunite they can have a passionate session once alone. Someone to match his romantic freakiness.
Mihawk would want his partner to have a healthy relationship with sex. Sex is an act of devotion, and whether him and his love engage it 0 or 3 times a day, he wants both of them to enjoy it to the fullest.
Mihawk would prolly want his lover to be morally grey. If he kills someone and you get mad at him for it, yall won’t work out. There are exceptions to this, and he can easily change his ways if that’s what his lover coaxed him to do though. But if he retells how he hunted down Don Kreig’s whole pirate fleet because they awoke him from his nap, he can’t have you try to slap him and give him a lecture on how he’s a heartless murderer (bc he is a heartless murderer).
Mihawk is loyal, and it’s a given he would expect that back. No matter how long yall are apart, no one else should satisfy you in the ways a lover should because trust ain’t no one doing that for him.
Someone who loves food, he’s quite a good cook and frequents the Baratie. The Baratie is well accustomed to serving the two of you on your monthly date (oml I should write a blurb abt Sanji tryna make moves on you while Mihawk watches in amusement looking all smitten or smth lmao).
Mihawk would prefer his lover to have a calm rationale. If his lover starts freaking out and screaming over something inconvenient or starts harsh arguments over miscommunications the relationship is doomed to fail.
Someone that is a gossip lol. Read the news and try to theorize why Alabasta was featured twice and the first time it mentioned the Warlord Crocodile’s casino having a river around it bc it’s Alabasta and it hasn’t been raining there in months apparently. Some fun stuff like that haha.
Mwah 😽
#I’m very much obsessed#give him to me#one piece#one piece x reader#op#op mihawk#dracule mihawk#dracule mihawk x reader#hawkeye mihawk#one piece mihawk#mihawk x reader#slowcatsisland#one piece dracule mihawk#mihawk#sci:headcanon#slowcats#one piece manga#warlord#one piece warlords#muggy kingdom#sci:blurb
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A Mihawk limerick with Yoru and his garden?
one piece irregular limericks: dracule mihawk
There once was a warrior from the Isle of Muggy, And a bumbling pariah by the name of Buggy, Yoru cut his flesh ever so precisely, The clown in shock cried out tightly, Then foiled the foil, fusing snugly. Buggy, the ever lucky.

Hope you enjoy, nonny!
Heading to bed, but if anyone wants to pop in any requests for an irregular one piece limerick, drop a character and SFW object into my inbox. I'll get to them my tomorrow, depending on tasks!
And, sorry, Anon—I forgot about the garden! (and the last rhyme doesn't quite work, but whaddya do?!)
#one piece#cross guild#dracule mihawk#buggy the clown#manga spoilers#egghead arc spoilers#one piece limericks#one piece fanfic#one piece fanfiction#chromafic#chromafics#chromalamia#anon asked and answered!#i usually use kuraigana island#but muggy rhymes with buggy#i know it should be kingdom
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Eddie's still a couple miles from home when the van dies. The engine gives a few pitiful putters before groaning and rolling to a definitive stop. He drops his head to the steering wheel, letting out a groan of his own.
He was at the Hideout, it's like 1am, and he can't sleep out in the van, not after last time, when Powell found him.
He's walking home. The shortest route is to cut through the woods, which he hates, but the moon is out and there's still some leftover late-August mugginess in the air, so it's fine. It's fine. Not like there's anything to be scared of in the forests of Hawkins, Indiana.
He's close to home when he trips on an exposed root, scrapes his hand against the sticks and rocks on the forest floor.
"Fuck, shit," he mutters. In the weak light of the moon, he sees the gleaming red seeping from the cut on his palm. It stings. He swipes it on his jeans, keeps going.
The nature sounds go quiet all at once, like someone turned them off, and goosebumps raise on the back of his neck.
Further into the woods, off to his left, something lets out a high-pitched chitter, nothing like he's ever heard before. His heart rate skyrockets, feet moving faster now. There's a flashlight in the van he wishes he thought to bring with him; why hadn't he grabbed it?
He hears the snap and crackle of branches and dead leaves under heavy feet, the crashing through the woods growing louder as the thing moves closer. In the dark of the trees he sees a massive, hulking shape, certainly not human, running straight at him.
Eddie stumbles back--
A dark shape leaps from the woods to his right, a strangled scream slips from his throat but--
It's a...dog?
That doesn't make sense, it's too big, too--
It positions itself in front of Eddie, thick growl rumbling straight through his bones.
This close, he can see that it's a wolf, but that's wrong too. There aren't wolves in Indiana, and it's still too big, bigger than any wolf he's ever seen on Wild Kingdom.
It snarls, creeps towards the other creature still lurking between the trees.
He's terrified to move, to get the attention of either of these things, but then the wolf turns, illuminated in the moon glow. Its coat is thick, chestnut and light brown. Its eyes are bright hazel with flecks of gold, clear and intelligent. His stomach swoops, but not with fear.
It whips its attention away, but it's pressing against him, pushing him back towards civilization.
A fleshy, wet humanoid leg emerges from the tree line and the wolf makes a terrible noise as it lunges. He takes off running.
His body wasn't made for sprinting, but he keeps going until he reaches the trailer, until he throws himself through the front door. He stays there, leaning against it, until he stops shaking. He needs a joint, like ten of them, needs to forget this night ever happened, because what the fuck.
Later, when he's so high he can't move, he can't stop thinking about the wolf's eyes, that there was something weirdly familiar about them.
The next morning, he hardly remembers any of it.
When he bothers to go to school the next week, Steve Harrington says hi to him, even though they've never spoken before.
He doesn't go back into the woods.
Steve keeps saying hi to him, like it's normal for them. Then again, Steve now spends most of his time with this junior from band, Robin Buckley. Anyway, who the hell knows what's normal anymore.
There's this one night in early November, he's smoking on the porch, giddy from finishing a song, smiling up at the full moon.
And he's so happy, elated, electrified by creativity, that he forgets about the woods, finds himself staring right into them.
A pair of golden eyes stare back.
He's not afraid.
That same swooping sensation from before grips his stomach, doesn't let up.
The wolf steps forward, not out of the trees, just closer. Without thought, he mimics the move.
There's a soft rustle of brush and the eyes blink out. Eddie keeps staring, transfixed. His heart's speeding but not with fear.
By January, he's actual, real life friends with Steve Harrington. They're hanging out like that's a regular thing they do. He supposes, by now, it is.
He also meets the gaggle of eighth graders that follow Harrington around like ducklings. When they find out he runs a dnd club, they become obsessed with him too.
He doesn't see the wolf again.
Eventually, he forgets all about why he's supposed to avoid the woods.
He plans a deal at Skull Rock, thoughtless, and once he's there he's not scared at all. The sun is high in the sky, the air warm, birds swoop and sing and insects chirp.
Eddie clamors up the rock, pulls his notebook and a pen out of his back pocket.
He only means to stay for a little bit, maybe an hour or two, but it's so nice out, and you can't really blame a guy if his eyes get a little heavy. If maybe he doesn't quite try to fight the urge to sleep.
When he wakes up, it's full dark.
The moon is out, stars bright, but the birds are gone and so is the heat of the day. He shivers, and it's got very little to do with the cold. If he runs, he can make it back to the van in five minutes, probably less.
A creeping chitter crackles through the air and the night bugs go quiet.
Eddie curls his knees into his chest. He remembers now, why he needed to stay out of the forest.
There's a shadow that separates itself from the cover of the underbrush. It moves in silence, not even a stick or a leaf cracking where it steps. It stops in front of the rock, lips pulled back to reveal long, deadly teeth. It's growling softly.
The wolf.
"I'm sorry," Eddie says. Doesn't know why he's talking to it. "I lost track of time, I--I'm sorry."
The wolf tosses its head, annoyed, and again he's struck by the odd familiarity of the gesture. It turns its attention from him, pacing along the clearing, Its body carefully placed between Eddie and whatever is lurking in the deeper forest.
Hours pass that way, the wolf's focus never faltering even when nothing appears. The sky brightens, and the danger doesn't seem so immediate. The wolf lays down at the base of the rock formation, and Eddie finally lets himself relax too. He falls asleep between one blink and the next.
A bright beam of sunlight hits him just across the eyes, dragging him back to consciousness. There's a hazy second where he doesn't remember anything about where he is or what happened, but it's kind of hard to ignore what sleeping on a big rock does to your body.
He also realizes--he's not alone. There's someone on the rock with him. Someone sturdy and radiating heat, their body nestled tight against his.
Eddie springs up, heart racing, to find--
Steve Harrington. Naked Steve Harrington. Curled up with him on Skull Rock. What the fuck
He thinks he's going to choke on his tongue.
Steve is gorgeous. So fucking hot. All his sun-kissed skin on display, the constellations of freckles and moles, and--god, he's just a little bit hard. And Eddie gets it, okay, he knows it just happens sometimes, but Steve's a little hard, and perfectly pink at the tip, and Eddie--
He pulls the leather jacket from around his own shoulders, places it over Steve's waist, but even though he's careful--gentle--Steve stirs, nose wrinkling.
Eddie draws away, nervous, as Steve blinks to wakefulness, staring right at him.
"Wha--" he wipes the sleep from eyes his and Eddie watches as understanding dawns on Steve's handsome face. "Oh. Fuck."
And Eddie, he's putting it together, he thinks. He thinks--the familiar golden hazel eyes and the annoyed shake of the head and--it's not possible. It's not. But how is Steve here right now? Why is he naked? What reason besides--
"It's you?" He breathes, doesn't even really mean to say it aloud.
Steve gives one sharp nod, looks away.
"You're a werewolf?" Eddie's voice breaks.
"Shu--it's not--I'm--" Steve's shoulders sag. "Yeah, I guess I'm a werewolf."
"Holy shit, Steve. Holy. Shit. Are there more? Jesus Christ."
"I'm the only one that I know of."
"But-- Weren't you bitten? Or--don't tell me--were you born like this?"
"Um. I was bitten by a dog that seemed completely normal. Obviously--" he gestures to himself. "Something was going on there. We think--"
"Sorry, we? There's a we?"
"Oh, well, Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan know. So do Dustin and the rest of the kids. Joyce Byers. Hopper--"
"The POLICE CHIEF knows you're a WEREWOLF," Eddie yells. It startles some birds in a nearby tree, making both he and Steve flinch.
Steve's ears go red. "Hop, he's not--not bad. We--he's helped us out a couple times. Um, there's also a doctor? Who knows? He works for the government and he's trying to figure out why I'm, you know."
"What the fuck, Steve. Like. What the fuck? A government doctor knows you're a werewolf?"
"It's um. You've heard the stories about something being wrong with Hawkins?" Eddie nods. "They're not just stories."
It's a lot to take in. That Hawkins really is cursed, that Steve really is a werewolf, that--
"So, that was actually a--a monster? In the woods? And you--you were, what, looking out for me?"
"Well, I wouldn't need to if you stopped going into the goddamn forest!" There's that annoyed head shake.
"I didn't mean to!'
"What about yesterday??"
"I didn't mean to fall asleep!"
"For fuck's sake, Eddie!"
"I'm sorry!" He throws his hands up. "You could've told me there was a monster."
Steve glares. "Yeah, cause that's an easy conversation. 'Hey, Ed, just so you know, monsters are real. I'm kinda one of them. And some of them in the woods around Hawkins want to eat you'."
"It would've been helpful! And that night, at the trailer, you were--?"
"Making sure you were okay."
"But. Why?"
"Don't you feel it?"
And Eddie doesn't even have to ask what it is. "Yeah, I--yeah."
Their eyes lock and his stomach goes all warm and swoopy. Eddie forces a laugh, forces himself to look away. "So, being a werewolf made you gay?"
Steve coughs out a choked sound. "No, I--no. I was--before."
Honestly, this information is more shocking than Steve being a werewolf. "But--King Steve. All those girls?"
"Robin thinks I was--um--what's it called? Like using that to avoid that I'm also attracted to, you know, dudes. "
"And--it's--Sorry, but this is insane. It's me? That you like?"
Steve laughs. "Why is it easer to believe that I'm a werewolf?"
"I don't--I guess it's cause I've seen you as a werewolf."
"To be fair, you've also seen me, who is gay."
"That's--that's--" Eddie splutters. "Fair."
"Do you remember performing in that talent show?" Steve asks.
"In junior high? Yeah."
"I thought you were really--you did a good job."
"Oh. You--huh." Eddie hides his face in his hands, tries to smother the laugh, but it's impossible.
"Don't--" Steve shoves at him, "Don't laugh! I--you were cute! Goofy! I thought you had nice hands!"
"That's all it takes?" He smirks, can't help but be pleased that Steve's had a crush on him all this time, that it's always been mutual.
"You were nice," Steve says. He's serious now. "You were always kind."
He doesn't know what to say to that, how to hide his growing blush. "So, your werewolf senses know that you like me," he teases.
Steve's neck is read now too. "Um. Yeah? I--yeah. Robin says it's fera--feram--that I'm drawn to your scent"
"Oh, pheromones. Oh." And it's all sort of hitting him now, that this is real, that Steve--he and Steve--oh. "I, uh, like you too, if that wasn't obvious."
"I know." Steve taps the tip of his nose. "I can smell it."
"That's--oh god--that's. So embarrassing. All this time??"
"Only this year"
"That doesn't make it better! Oh my god."
"You've got it so bad," Steve sing-songs, pulls Eddie closer.
"I can't believe the werewolf of Hawkins has a supernatural crush on me."
"Werewolf of--no, absolutely not. You are not calling me that." Steve swats at him.
"Oooh, yes, I am." He pushes Steve back.
"Do you know what will happen if Dustin hears that?"
"Unfortunately for you, that's not a deterrent."
"You're going to be so much trouble--" Steve moves to grab him, Eddie's jacket slipping down his torso. "Oh shit, I'm naked."
"You are very much naked." Eddie can't help his wide grin.
"Don't--don't be gross about it."
"Oh, so you think you'd be normal about waking up to the guy you have a massive crush on naked next to you?"
"I--I--" Steve goes crimson. "Shut-up!"
Eddie giggles, leans into him, and Steve twines their fingers together.
"Okay, but let's get out of here? There's only so long I can tolerate being naked sitting on a rock."
They climb down, Eddie valiantly not oogling Steve the entire time.
"So, do you only turn at the full moon? Does it hurt? How did everyone find out? You have to tell me about the other monsters. Are there vampires? Is anyone else I know a monster? Oh my god, is Robin a witch?"
Steve sighs, can't quite hide the grin pulling at his lips. "I'm not answering all that."
"I've signed a bunch of NDAs."
"A bunch of--what the hell? Steve! You can't just--"
Steve grabs his hands, squeezes. "I'll tell you. All of it. Promise. Just, not right now?"
Eddie bites his lip in thought, tries not to notice Steve staring at his mouth. "Ugh, fine. But I won't forget you owe me explanations. Plural!"
"Yeah, yeah." Steve rolls his eyes, tugs Eddie forward.
They walk a few steps in silence before Eddie belts out, "Aroooooo, werewolves of Hawkins!" before taking off through the trees.
"Eddie, seriously?" Steve calls after him, only to be met by the echo of his laughter. "Are you really trying to outrun a werewolf right now? I mean, honestly."
"Catch me if you can, sweetheart."
Steve's laugh is a little bit like a bark as he starts to chase.
#steddie#steve x eddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#ficlet#but long tho#fluff#mutual pining#werewolf steve harrington#protective steve harrington#oblivious eddie munson#banter#coming out#flirting#getting together#scenting#eddie keeps wandering into the forest and encountering demogorgons#steve becomes a werewolf cause he's bitten by a dog infected by the upside down#werewolf of hawkins
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Mihawk Relationship Headcanons

Summary: a random collection of Mihawk relationship headcanons
Genre: fluff
CW: None // SFW
He never imagined himself in a relationship. He’d had plenty of one night stands and situationships (he's notorious for allowing sexual tension to fester and never doing anything about it), but an actual relationship had always been off the cards. Until, that is, he met you. He didn’t really think too deeply about it, just started pursuing you. On some level, he knew he was putting you in danger, but he couldn’t stay away.
Was definitely a victim of love at first sight. He fell first, and he fell harder.
He is very secretive about his relationship with you, at first only visiting you in the dead of night and leaving before day break, appearing on your balcony like some sort of vampire or succubus. Shanks is the only person who knows about you, and he intends to keep it that way.
Always brings you something- a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of wine, a piece of jewelry, a pastry he wants to share with you, a piece of lace, silk, or tulle he wants to see you in. Will also bring you books he thought you might like, souvenirs from far away lands, and even pieces of him to hold on to, such as his favorite dagger that now lives on your person (he spent an entire night teaching you how to use it and was ecstatic when you held it to his throat, definitely turned NSFW). Being in a relationship with him is basically like having tamed a wild animal that brings you dead mice he caught. TBH wouldn’t hesitate to bring you the severed head of an enemy if you so desired.
Of course, he plays all of this off, either saying nothing or giving you a small lecture about how you needed that thing. “I happened to find a copy of that book you mentioned.” “I don’t suppose you have any use for this.” “I brought this vintage wine for myself but I suppose you can have some if you really want.” When he brings you flowers, he tells you it’s because your place is rather drab and if you won’t bother to liven it up, he’ll just have to do it for you (the man lives in a gloomy castle but shhh). When he brings you lingerie, he lays it on your bed without a word or says something along the lines of, “those panties you wore the last time were so cheap they chafed my skin. Wear these from now on.” Alludes to finding the jewelry he gives you in some sort of pirate horde he won’t go into detail on it since it’s in violation of his Warlord contract with the World Government, actually just purchases the pieces from various jewelers he meets on his travels; sometimes seeks out famous jewelers far off the beaten path if he thinks you’ll like that jeweler’s work.
Insists your relationship is not a relationship but is rather an affair. The sort of man to lie about cheating- not about not doing it, but about doing it so you don't get the impression he's committed to you. Won’t tell you he wants to be exclusive, but will yearn for it. Not good about communicating in general, very bad about just thinking things and hoping you’re thinking the same.
For a long time, he didn’t even want you to come to the Muggy Kingdom for fear the Navy was watching him there and would find out about you. He also refused to speak to you over a transponder snail for fear they had tapped his.
Never really warmed up to the idea of keeping you close but eventually grew so attached that he couldn’t stand to have you far away. Had no appetite if you weren’t at his table, couldn’t sleep if you weren’t in his bed, didn’t even want to take a shower if he couldn’t use your floral shampoo. Eventually, he convinced himself you were safer with him than without him, and that was that.
Late nights cooking dinner (dinner is never before seven at Mihawk’s place). Afternoons gardening. Mornings spent discussing whatever’s in the newspaper. Evenings spent making out in the wine cellar because you went down to select a bottle for that night and got carried away. You sitting atop some ruins and watching him practice. Very domestic, but he hates that word.
Won’t really tell you he loves you unless it’s a late night and he’s very drunk and you insist upon hearing it, certainly won’t admit to needing you, but will press a kiss into your hand and assure you he has deep affection for you.
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
#one piece#one piece headcanons#mihawk#dracule mihawk#hawkeye mihawk#one piece mihawk#mihawk x reader#op mihawk#mihawk headcanons
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strange & grimm, which btw sounds like an urban fantasy affectionately parodic hardboiled detective agency. probably queer.
It was a hot, muggy night in the Enchanted Forest. Everyone with a lick of sense was down in the fairy glens, hoping the Winter Court would put in an appearance and bring a breeze on with them. Lucky me, I’m the sucker who fingered the Snow Queen for the missing persons case last winter, so I’m persona non grata in the fairy glens these days.
Just as well. I couldn’t afford to leave the office, not when it’d been so long since my last case. Though on a night like this, I might as well not bother. It was too hot for crime. Even the leaves on the enchanted trees were drooping in the heat.
I was just about to call it a night when a dame walked in my door. Tall, blonde, legs for days, with an air of tragedy that could put an unloved stepchild to shame. I looked her over suspiciously for any cheery woodland creatures hidden in her golden ringlets. If she was a princess, I’d turf her right back out of the office, case unheard. Princesses paid well, but they were more trouble than they were worth.
No mice poked their adorable little noses out of her pockets as the dame sank into a chair and fixed me with a hard look. “I hear you’re the best in the business,” she said without preamble. “And I need the best.”
I leaned back in my seat. “Baby, I’m the only one in the business. It’s not a good genre for private dicks.”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh, yes, far too child-friendly for any sort of dicks.” Before I could recover from that little gem, she went on, “It’s a child I’m here about. My sister. She’s…she’s gone missing.” She took a deep, shuddering breath. “Please, Detective, you’re my last hope. The royal courts won’t hear me out, they think she’s gone on the lam!”
I nodded grimly. “One of those Bo Peep situations, huh?” I get a depressing number of those. All it takes is one wolf in sheep’s clothing—you’d think the kids would learn.
The dame glared. There was enough cold iron in her gaze to put a fairy off her ambrosia. “On the lam, Detective. On the run. My sister has…something of a record.”
I raised my eyebrows. “Your sister the child? She some kind of crime prodigy?”
The dame fidgeted, looking away. “She’s…” She sighed explosively. “My sister is Goldilocks.”
I whistled, low and long. Crime prodigy indeed—Goldilocks was wanted in five kingdoms for the most impressive string of burglaries the Enchanted Forest had ever seen. No one could ever prove she’d done it, but the circumstantial evidence had piled up higher than mattresses on a pea. No wonder no royal court would take this case.
The dame’s shoulders hunched defensively, but she bulled on without trying to defend her wayward sister. “She’s gone missing, and I know it’s not another one of her sprees. Something is wrong this time.” She turned back to meet my eyes, her lovely features harsh with poorly-suppressed fear. “It’s her first crime come back to haunt her, I just know it is. They’ve always wanted revenge—especially the baby of the family, and he’s all grown up now. What they’d do if they got hold of her—“ She cut herself off with a watery gasp; her eyes were wet with tears. “Oh, it doesn’t bear thinking about!”
I handed her a handkerchief and gave her a minute to compose herself. It gave me a minute, too, to decide if I was really going to be this stupid. You don’t tangle with the big predators, not if you know what’s good for you, and especially not a whole family of them. Families are a dangerous thing in any genre.
But I was her last hope, and I’m a sucker for lost causes. And if I didn’t get paid soon, this business would become a lost cause itself. I said a silent farewell to my good sense as it packed its bags and left for kinder climes. “Alright,” I told the dame, “Give me the facts. We’ll see what kind of a story they tell.”
#finx has friends on the internet#fairy tales#delivered to you on the stroke of midnight!#or pretty close to it anyway#only missed it by a few minutes
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The Muggy Kingdom AU. If S-Hawk were to meet Mihawk, I wonder what would happen...
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Carbon Copy
Mihawk x FemReader + OOC Alucare

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Old Men Series <- Click to read more
It had been far too long out at sea, especially with the growing irritation of Mihawk and Alucare- Maybe It was their personalities being too similar or the fact they were training daily but had to be careful. However it looked like two monsters about to Duke it out any day- You sitting there trying to keep the peace.
But finally the 3 {almost 4} Of you made it to the Grand Line and Kuraigana Island- You didn't know what to expect... but it sure wasn't nightmarish hellscape with a dark castle!?
Alucare and You standing there on the docked ship staring up at the Gloomy place- Your son slowly turning to look at his father.
"Are you some vampire we don't know about?-"
Mihawk sighed at this and gave a half glare to Alucare.
"No... it is ruins of the Muggy Kingdom that I have converted into my home" The two Dracule men glared at each other and you knew then.. this wasn't going to be as positive as you hoped.
It had been some weeks since arriving at Mihawks home and you had hoped the tension would disperse between Mihawk and Alucare.. but it honestly just got worse somehow? Maybe it was a father son thing but it seemed now both were fighting over everything- Food, Books, and even for your attention.
"I am warning you now Alucare- If you continue your attitude I will take something of value to you" Mihawk said with a narrowed gaze- The teenager cocking his head to the side in almost amusement.
However most recent was Perona, The young women taking a liking to Alucare who was the younger version of Mihawk in her eyes- While she was still too old for him, That didn't keep Alucare from flirting and trying. Much to Mihawks ire...
The older male taking Alucare out to training one day- Glaring at his spawn.
"Alucare- I do not appreciate you trying to flirt with my pupil... Not only is she too old for you, I know you're doing this to irritate me" Mihawk spoke calmly, Alucare giving a emotionless stare.
"Whatever do you mean?" He said calmly, Mihawk taking a breath.
"Oh? What like taking me away from the place I was raised? my mother? Throwing me across an island?" Alucare said with some venom in his tone. Mihawk taking a breath through his nose to calm himself.
"You son of a bitch!!!" You heard Alucare shout from his room, Mihawk smirking slightly as he sipped his coffee. You heard Alucare rapid footsteps march right to the kitchen area and you gasped at the sight- Alucare long hair had been cut- While before his hair was down to his waist it was just past his shoulders and fairly evenly cut, The shortness making the thick hair spike more and it reminding you of Mihawks more natural hair.
"Alucare- I am being serious. Stop it with Perona and stop testing me.." He demanded, Alucare giving a smirk at the man.
"Or what?" He said calmly, Mihawk feeling something snap inside of him.
"..." The older man just nodded and ended the training then and there- The rest of the night being oddly quiet between the two..
By Mornibg you had started breakfast and was talking to Mihawk when you heard it-
"Mihawk you didnt-?!" You start, Glaring at the male who continued to sip his coffee.
"Hm?- I warned him... if he kept up the disrespect I'd take something precious of his as punishment-"
"SO YOU CHOSE MY HAIR!? YOU CRAZY MOTHERFUCKER!" Alucare yelled in pure rage, Mihawk smiled at his choice of wording and winked.
"Yes that is a fair insult- I am a Mother Fucker" He said calmly setting down his teacup and picking up his newspaper to read. You groaning in your hands in both embrassment and irritation at your partner. Alucare was red in the face from anger and marched outside angrily and slamming the doors behind him- He was most likely going to train somewhere far away from the island.
"Must you antagize him Hawks?.. that was way to famn far and you know it-" You start now mad and standing up from the dinning room table.
"No- I'm giving him something he needs and something I didn't have-" Mihawk said calmly, this making you huff in frustration.
"Oh and what is that?!" You place your hands on your hips, feeling that the hormones were working you up and ready to bite Mihawks head off.
"The opportunity to be a teenager-" And just like that he took the wind from your sails... confusion being written on your face at his words.
"You said it yourself.. Alucare acts just like me- From the stoic attitude to hiding one's emotions... He has matured far too early for his age to protect you- But taking away his need to be strong for you, it's allowing him to express bottled up emotions and act as he should for a 16 year old.. Is he angry? Yes. Is he being dramatic? Absolutely. However it's better for him to express these in a environment that can handle it and then be taught how to work through them.... then to never feel them at all again-" Mihawk said truthfully and with a twinge of regret in his voice. Your heart Sinking as the realization of this all hit you...
Mihawk was wanting to let Alucare experience teenage emotions since he was never able to and help him grow as a person.. Mihawk didn't want his son to be like him- But better then him..
Sitting down you felt your eyes water.
You didn't see Alucare that night- or the next night. While you were shaken with worry Mihawk had insisted that Alucare was fine and he had checked in him from time to time- simply camping out on the north side of the island.
By the second night you went to the study and saw Mibawk drinking his normal wine, Seeing what looked to be a cheese and fruit board prepared as well.
"Ah (Y/N) thank you for the wine and snacks" Mihawk said calmly, finishing off the last cracker and cheese. You didn't remeber setting them out yet- But you usually did so it wasn't a huge surprise especially if you forgot.
"Hm I guess I forgot I did that- But no problem honey" You kiss his cheek and he smiled up at you touching your rounded stomach.
"It's normal- What did you call it? 'Pregnancy Brain?'" You nodded and smiled quite pleased he'd remembered. After some brief conversation Mihawk yawned and tried to shake the sleep away- He looked more tired then usual, Rubbing his eyes as he finishes his final glass of wine.
"Hm.. I'm exhausted" He mumbled, you watching as he seemed a bit uneasy on his feet when standing. You assumed he had drunk too much so it wasn't surprising, so the two of you walked back to the bedroom and he fell asleep quickly and soundly that night, you following suit soon after.
Unknown to both of you a pair of yellow eyes was watching the whole time-
The next morning you were the first one up, deciding Mihawk could sleep in and headed downstairs. Much to your surprise to see Alucare- bathed and dressed with his hair in a short low ponytail. Cooking a nice and large breakfast.
"Sweetie you're back!" You said cheerfully and kissed your sons cheeks. He smiled softly, finishing cooking.
"Couldn't miss the show" He said almost cheerfully, you raising a questioning eyebrow at this as you made a plate for yourself.
Perona was the next down, Chatting mindlessly with Alucare and even saying his hair didn't look bad either. Which he clearly appreciated but you could tell his mind was elsewhere- Soon the heavy footsteps of Mihawk approaching alerted all of you.
"Morning-" You heard Mihawk start as he stepped in the kitchen and it was like someone threw bricks at you all..
Perona choked on her eggs suddently and started to cough hard as she turned away. Your jaw dropped as a surprised shriekd left you- damn near dropped your plate as well, Alucare sitting there with a smirk on his face as he ate another bite of his breakfast calmly.
"M-Mihawk.. Honey" You start, The tired man looking at you confused at your reactions.
"Are you okay? Is something wrong?... I do apologize you had to make breakfast- I feel drowsy for some reason.." Mihawk admitted as he rubbed his temple to try and ease the drowsiness away.
"I'll be out training..." Alucare said calmly as he stood up and left the kitchen quickly. Perona now starting to laugh which confused Mihawk more-
"Your face... oh my God your face" You manage out and cover your mouth- Unsure if you should laugh or cry first.
"My what?-" Mihawk said quickly and went to the closest mirror which was in the hallway and stared at himself. There he saw it- half his facial hair had been shaved off paired with an eyebrow and some very nice pen work which had 'Dickhead' on his forehead with a detailed cock on his cheek.
It then clicked- The wine and snacks... The little fucker must have drugged him and did this to him while he slept-
You closed your eyes and sighed, practically feeling Mihawks anger from the hallway and you prayed your son would survive whatever was about to happen- Especially when Mihawks voice boomed across the castle and island.
#x reader#one peice x reader#one piece#one peice live action#hawkeye mihawk#mihawk x reader#one piece mihawk#dracule alucare#dad!mihawk#dracule mihawk#mihawk#op mihawk
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In the end, the descent into Hell is easy.
The stairway to Heaven had crumbled. The pearly gates were closed. Sam’s fervent prayers fell on absent ears.
He was fresh out of cosmic beings to leverage for favors. Well, except….
It was strange how easy it had become to traverse the realms of the afterlife. Before, a ticket to Hell would cost you your soul, or a nasty encounter with a Hellhound. Now, a simple spell would do. Day trip to Hell, who would’ve thought?
Down, down, down he goes into the muggy depths of the Inferno. Into the first chamber. Then advancing through long, winding corridors. He encounters no one. Strange. Finally, he arrives at the heavy doors to the throne room. They open before him, a chest cavity expanding, and there in the center sits Rowena in red, the bloody heart of it all.
“Samuel.” Her shrewd eyes rake over him. She doesn’t look at all surprised to see him.
“I take it you were expecting me.”
“I sensed you the moment you stepped through the portal. Being non-corporeal gives one a certain omniscience. Little happens within these walls that I don’ know about, my dear.”
Sam internally shudders at the word omniscient, thinking of Chuck and the maddening uncertainty he brewed in them when he claimed such powers.
“What brings you here?”
The question draws Sam back to the present. Right. Rowena may be able to see all within her tiny kingdom of Hell, she's in the dark about all that has transpired on Earth since Sam’s last visit. The truth of it, the words he must say next, stick in his throat. He can’t—He hasn’t said any of this out loud. Hasn’t spoken to anyone in the weeks since everything happened. These were the facts:
They defeated Chuck.
Jack then vanished.
And then Sam had to burn Dean.
And before any of that, Cas had sacrificed himself in a move that Sam still did not fully understand. Dean had been sparse on the details. And now he couldn’t ask him at all. Because Dean was—He—
“Dean died.”
His voice warbles around the words. They don’t sit right in his mouth. He shouldn’t be saying them.
“Oh, Samuel.” Rowena appears before him in a blink, a hand pressing to his cheek.
“They’re all—they’re gone. Dean. Cas. Jack.” Tears spring forth. He hasn’t cried either. He hasn’t let himself. But now, with Rowena opening her arms to him, he sinks down, down, down till they are both on the stone floor, Sam cradled in Rowena’s embrace as he sobs. “They’re dead and I have no one left. Nothing. They’re just all gone!”
Fingers comb through Sam’s hair in a soothing shush. “There, there. Shh. I’ve got you.” Then, more forcefully, tipping his chin up to lock eyes, “I’ve got you.”
Samwena ficlet be upon thee! inspired by ruminations on this post
#hiii#i just wrote this. idk what came over me i just felt suddenly very compelled to write samwena#esp the 'i've got you' and the destiel parallel of it all#like samwena is truly the sam ship destiel for me#myficlets#ficlets#samwena#post canon
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I absolutely adored @firecurls-27’s idea of What If Chalice Was Adopted By Other DLC Bosses? and I decided to do that with the cupbros!
More info about these designs:
King’s Leap Prince Cup and Prince Mug were taken in by the King and Queen of games and raised to be proper Gamemasters. However, Prince Cup found he liked participating in the games way more than controlling them, and rebelled, living a double life. Every night he sneaks out and lives with the Mice, enjoying their jovial parties. Little does he know they’re planning to overthrow and execute the Queen. Mugman knows of his brother’s secret, but won’t give him away. However, he is very suspicious of the Mice, and isn’t afraid to go to any lengths to protect his kingdom. Where will each brother find their loyalties lies, and will they figure it out before it’s too late?
Esther Winchester Two Shots and Ten Gallon are the West’s most fearsome nogoodniks. Two Shots is small, rough, and rowdy, and has a shorter fuse than Mama Esther’s dynamite, but he’s an eagle eye capable of shooting a gold coin from across the town. Ten Gallon runs his Mama’s spaghetti saloon, but don’t be fooled by his more passive demeanor: he’s a professional con artist with more than a few tricks up his sleeve. Ten Gallon constantly worries Two Shots is gonna end up being picked by vultures in a ditch with his attitude, but there’s no stopping the sharpest shooter in the Isles… right?
Moonshine Mob Big Cup and Mugsy Smiles are actually raised by different members of the Mob, so they’re more distant than other Cupheads and Mugmen. Big Cup was taken under the Snail’s proverbial wing and Mugsy Smiles was adopted by Charlie and Lightbug. Big Cup is pretty tough and never takes no guff from nobody, but he feels pretty lonely in the mob. He has respect, but no real friends. He stuck the antennae into his hat to feel a bit more part of the family (just don’t ask where he got the antennae from). Mugsy Smiles, meanwhile, is more of an entertainer. He can play many instruments, he can sing, and he can dance. He’s not afraid to get his dirty in the real whiskey business, though. Big Cup and Mugsy Smiles don’t really connect the dots that they’re brothers, but they both feel like something is missing from their past…
Glumstone Cuppy and Muggy are beloved by the gnomes. Cuppy has gotten a real knack for mining and loves the shiniest of ores and gems. He even uses gold to fix cracks in his skin. Muggy tends to growing the Gnomeberry gardens, making sure they’re as bright and juicy as possible. Being raised how they were, they picked up many more talents, including storytelling, making every sentence a rhyme, and of course, mountain climbing. In fact, Porkrind often recalls the tale of how they rescued his beloved wife from her demise in the snowy hills. And every summer, when the happy campers dare to venture through the mountains, they may get to sneak a peek of the two tallest gnomes in the Isle…
Mortimer Freeze Cold Cup and Snow Milk, aka the Ice Cream Brothers, are not to be trifled with. The most powerful magicians in the Isles, their combined magic is said to be strong enough to freeze over Hell itself. Cold Cup uses Ice Cream and similarly delicious frozen treats to lure in new members, while Snow Milk… deals with them. Details in their design I’m proud of? Cold Cup has a Pentacle in his hat while Snow Milk has a Sword necklace. Pentacles are the replacement for Diamonds in Tarot, and Swords are the replacement for Spades.
Howling Aces Cast and Mike (named after “C” and “M” in the RAF Radiophonic alphabet, respectively) were raised as Yankee Yippers to be the new Top Dogs of the Howling Aces. Cast, who takes more after Hugo Bulldog — and even has the same bones tattoo to prove it — is serious and well-trained soldier. Mike, who has a more natural love of aeroplanes and leadership, takes more after Sargent O’Fera. However, Mike has a long-standing rivalry with local boy genius Canteen Hughes, who seems to have a bone to pick with the Aces, for some reason. Guess he and Mugman can’t be best friends in every universe…
#cuphead#Mugman#esther winchester#moonshine mob#glumstone the giant#mortimer freeze#howling aces#canteen hughes
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What do the lizards use for grains and other staple foods?
What are the climates of the different kingdoms, their geography?
Also lizard boats?
The lizard diet and what they grow is highly regional. The Heartland grows & eats a lot of fatgrass-- basically a greasier grain analogue, while the grass sea and the frontier like their meat. A lot of Duhr's agriculture happens underground in the mushroom caves, but they harvest seaweed, fish, and grow some hardier crops in their terrace-farms. They also import a lot of food. The Temple States prefers a diet of fruit and mushrooms (they're light on meat, mostly for health reasons), but they also rely on imports.
The most densely populated part of the Heartland is warm and muggy most of the year, with unpredictable weather that's clear one minute and stormy the next. The further the north the colder it gets, although only the far North coast and the Federal domain regularly get snow. Duhr's climate is temperate. Interior areas get long, snowy winters and hot, rainy summers. Highlands are drier and intensely windy. Northeasterly get warmer and warmer until you reach the desert, while Northwesterly regions are wetter, and have less prominent seasons. The great city itself, however, is insulated from these temperature changes by the thermal mass of the ocean.
The Temple States' climate is weirder. It's breezy and comfortable year round. Skies are nearly cloudless and rain is gentle and warm. Unfortunately that peace is broken by some of the Shell's worst storms. Sometimes those unnatural weather patterns spasm in strange and terrible ways, stripping away the thin soil in torrents of rain, uprooting what scraggly plant life grows there, and sending lizards running for cover.
Boats are pretty uncommon. They're mostly used for recreation, a little light fishing, and for shipping very heavy cargo that throws a wrench in airships' typically superior efficiency.
Best example of the former is the great Moon Sea Regetta, an ancient tradition stretching back to the days of the first Effuderit.
Best example of the latter is big loads of steel being shipped from Duhr to the factories on the Heartland's North Coast. It's carried by barges that never stray far from the coast. No lizard would dare attempt deep-water shipping.
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I wanna know more about your Daisy in your Marioverse, soooooo… ✏️🍺💃❄️ :]
✏️ - Favorite creative endeavors?
She's big on dancing! More of that below~
🍺 - Thoughts on alcohol?
Beer is her alcohol of choice, though she's fond of a well-crafted whisky as well! She and Mario are drinking buddies.
💃- Thoughts on dancing?
As future empress of Sarasaland, she's had to learn all the traditional rites and customs of the four kingdoms she's set to rule over, which includes a plethora of traditional dances. Dancing is therefore a huge area of interest for her - it's amazing how much you can learn about a culture just by watching or partaking in their dances! Anytime she travels someplace new, her first order of business is to track down a local dance troupe or culture center and watch them in action. All the better if she gets to learn as well!
❄️ - Favorite season?
Summer. Bring on the heat, baby! She hails from the muggy Muda Kingdom, so there's not much she can't handle.
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Hey, i love your stories, can you do how the warlords (specifically Mihawk, Jinbei, and Crocodile) would react to finding out the reader is a former slave, but the reader is also a warlord themself, it can be platonic or romantic, I don't mind either way.
Warlords; Involved With A Warlord That’s A Former Slave
A/N: established romantic relationship (well as romantic as u can get with some of these guys..) Takes place before the Warlord system was abolished. I had a hard time writing this without it sounding too ooc so if u have a different thought abt how some of these warlords would react pls comment and lemme know! I was gonna include Blackbeard but lowkey idek how he’s react I don’t understand him that well and I have free will to not write abt that lil hoe
Dracule Mihawk: Mihawk was approached by you initially before the two of you became involved with each other. Your abilities and admirable Haki gained you some respect from Mihawk. Particularly your fighting style was something that stood out to him, and he was interested to understand your potential more throughly.
Mihawk’s stoicism and general lack of public presence fit your needs well. Due to Mihawk’s perceptive nature, I’d wager he had suspicions that something happened between you and the World Government because of your obvious aversion to them. Though, lots of people don’t like the World Government, especially pirates so I don’t see him bringing it up unless he was too curious.
Assuming you keep the slave branding covered, Mihawk would only ever see it if you willingly present it to him. I don’t really think that the dynamic between you two will change once he knows. He would probably be more accommodating for you at Muggy Kingdom and understands your character better than he did previously. He himself has his own issues with the World Government and for his partner to be a victim of the conditions that they set up definitely increases his loathing of the world government.
Bartholomew Kuma: (small disclaimer I’m not too familiar with Kuma’s character either..) Kuma was probably hesitant to become involved with you due to his own enslavement to the World Government both previously and in terms of being a pacifista cyborg as well as being a revolutionary member. Though through small, private interactions over the course of numerous years the two of you had developed a bond.
Once Kuma put his trust in you and knew that while you were a Warlord and pirate; you were also a rare, good person, he was willing to risk confiding in you. He didn’t tell you everything, just a little bit about himself so you were aware of his mixed life. It prompted you to reveal your own checkered past and sorta showed him how similar people become after being affected by the World Government.
You had told him about your previous status as a slave. I feel like Kuma would be disheartened to hear about another’s enslavement, but he would also be able to empathize with you more than most anyone else in the world (as well as he can for a cyborg..) At most I feel like he can only offer you words and wouldn’t be able to take any action for you. Though his tender empathy, even at a distance, is comforting to you.
Donxuiquote Doflamingo: (literally the worst reaction you could ever hope for. I’m sorry but to me I feel like telling him this is the equivalent to saying that you have a D middle initial in your name. He WILL tweak I promise)
Your relationship with Doflamingo is akin to a give and take rather than an actual companionship. Though there might be what he thinks is love present on his side, it only ever harms you and even others at times. His love is more reflective of a child roughly playing with his favorite toy no matter how tattered it gets. You’re his favorite yes, but for how long? When will he notice the cracks in your paint coating? Or the chipped pieces of your frame?
He was attracted to your abilities and wanted to form an alliance. This alliance did benefit your crew, and granted you more political influence in the world. (Though, I feel like Doflamingo would try to make it physical between the two of you.)
Doflamingo figuring out that you were a former slave wasn’t intended by you. You had wanted to keep that a secret from him as long as you could. You didn’t know how he would react, but you didn’t think it would be good. And it wasn’t good, when he saw the burn seared into your back. The whole world stopped for a moment, nothing heard except your shaky breaths. I feel like this would go either two ways.
Doflamingo would be disgusted. He would feel cheated. How dare you be branded by something other than him, is what he would ask himself. He used to own slaves. He technically still does with his citizens of Dressrosa. He knows their lack of worth, their use to him and his mind would clash that version of inferiority with you instantly. To him, you were less than before but now you’re just a fake pretending to be human and pretending to be stronger than you really are. I feel like his reaction would be violent towards you and he would call off the progression of your alliance immediately.
The other way I see it going (and it’s kinda sick in my mind) is that Doflamingo would feel a new type of ownership over you. He used to authorize people to get that branding on your back. He’d feel like you were reminiscent of his past and his former birth right. I feel like he might try to coax you into becoming a slave for him under the pretense of sympathy and understanding. This would be him playing the long game, trying to break you down enough mentally for you to be dependent on him and he would be able to use you however he wanted. He would also use this information against you too, threatening to reveal it to the public or the government officials. Even worse, the celestial dragons so they could come and take you back.
Disgusting bird this one is
Hancock Boa: (lowkey I feel like she’s incapable of falling for someone other than Luffy presently but we can ignore that) Boa would only ever try to pursuit a relationship if you had treated her the same way Luffy treated her. If you had shown her a lack of lust and instead genuine affection or kindness, she would be down so bad.
One big milestone in the development of your relationship with Boa was her revealing her own personal enslavement. She told you in desperation of a connection of trust and to try to prove that she wasn’t worthy of you. She was utterly shocked when you turned around and bared your own identical marking to her.
It would cause the two of you to have an intimate bond beyond anything sexual. You validated her and her sisters’ worth and existence. You also showed her that the mark didn’t have to be something to fear and that she could rely on you. I think she would fall in love with you like how she did with Luffy and would defy the World Government not just for herself and her empire anymore, but for you as well.
Jimbei: I feel like Jimbei would pursue someone with a clear moral scale and have ideals that align with him. (Though he’d probably prefer fishmen so like if you’re human he might not be looking at you like that..) You were an honorable pirate and someone that Jimbei was able to communicate with beyond Warlord meetings. The Sun Pirates would most likely notice the chances of an alliance forming between them and your crew given the praises Jimbei has given you.
It was on an island of neutral ground for the two of you, enjoying the isolation and conversing with one another when it happened. You told Jimbei of your previous enslavement and showed him your branding. It wasn’t really prompted, maybe you wished for Jimbei to talk of the important history of the Sun Pirates and Fisher Tiger. The slavery of fishmen was woven between the threads of the creation of the Sun Pirates. It was a safe space, Jimbei makes you feel safe, so once Jimbei was done talking, you opened up.
Jimbei would feel sympathy for your mark and your story. But he’s also someone who would be quick to acknowledge your strength to overcome it and persevere to the status of Warlord of your own pirate crew. Jimbei ran a hand over the mark softly before thinking of something. He offered to give you the Sun Pirates’ marking over it.
Trafalgar Law: Law wouldn’t be looking for a relationship until possibly after he is able to complete his goal of avenging Corazon by defeating Doflamingo. Plus you were a warlord with your own crew, so the trust he gave you was scarce if he gave you any at all.
Though, if he did align with your pirate crew and you helped him in his goal he’d have a considerable amount of trust and loyalty towards you for the duration of the alliance. Through this, the two of you gradually became a little closer to each other, divulging in stories of the past and history in the small free time you had. Though you weren’t together and neither of you would mention the kindles of what could perhaps be something more between the two of you.
One late night, you let it slip that you were a former slave. Law paused momentarily before acting unaffected. A silence fell over you two for a couple moments before he mentioned that you were free now. To which you responded with a smile. It wasn’t brought up again, and your alliance ended after the events of Dressrosa.
Gecko Moria: (guys I don’t like him) Hm. I feel like he would approach you first. Especially in his youth because he was more of a confident pirate before he faced off with Kaido. He had taken a liking to your appearance and your abilities were well suited for tasks in his opinion. I feel like he would propose an alliance with an ultimate goal of obtaining your power for his motives.
I thinks relationship with him would be another one based on mutual contentment, you scratch his big back, he scratches yours. Though, over time I think he would become loyal to you and care for you of his own will, not for the sake of the alliance.
He found out about your enslavement through one of his nosy underlings, maybe Perona. It would reason that you and her were at least acquaintances. I don’t think this would change much for Moria, though he might try to express sympathy for you. Perhaps he might bring it up in hopes you talk about your past to him so he can know more about you and what you’ve endured. He is caring to those who he considers family, and he would be willing to consider you that.
Crocodile: Crocodile was most likely approached by you. Though being the business man that he is, the only form of entanglement he would engage in would be through a mutual alliance of some sort.
Time may change the context of your alliance with him, and your relationship could grow into something that loosely resembles a carrying couple. Yet while Crocodile has his own secrets you aren’t privy to, he doesn’t enjoy you hiding ones from him, especially if it affects business.
You told him you would tell him a secret if he told you what happened to his hand. It was the amount of whiskey you had earlier in the evening talking, but Crocodile always became rather amused with your drunken ramblings. He made you go first.
He was rather surprised when you told him that you used to be a slave. You had covered your past so well. You were always dressed luxuriously, you surrounded yourself and your crew with powerful people, and you had this air of unassailable confidence that he always wanted to control. It just didn’t fit you, being a slave. When he asked about the marking, you replied that you got surgery to remove it and replace the skin graft of the area it was covering. He could tell you hated that part of your past, and hated the World Government and Celestial Dragons even more. You told him you would wring his neck if he publicized it. Puffing his cigar in your face, he mused before taking a deep sigh and told you about the story of his hand.
Kinda a long one, I really had to think abt this one but it was fun to write
Mwah 😽
#one piece#sci:blurb#slowcatsisland#slowcats#op#sci:headcanon#one piece x reader#one piece warlords#bartholomew kuma#one piece kuma#dracule mihawk x reader#one piece dracule mihawk#mihawk#mihawk x reader#one piece mihawk#hawkeye mihawk#dracule mihawk#donquixote doflamingo#doflamingo one piece#op doflamingo#doflamingo x reader#sir crocodile#crocodile one piece#op crocodile#trafalgar d law x reader#trafalgar op#one piece law#law one piece#boa hancock#one piece jimbei
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Summer Days of Dorne
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x gn!reader (Ellaria is mentioned to be involved.)
Words: 963
Rating G (It Oberyn come on. There's a little sexy flirty happening.)
Warnings: Oberyn being Oberyn, but this one is pretty chill.
Summary: Dorne is known for its hot summers so you take comfort in a nice cool pool. Though you catch the attention of a certain Prince.
Author: Mod Mouse
Note: Heres my first fanfiction in awhile and the first work on Crow and Mouse Writing Co. I hope you all enjoy 😋
Summer has always been your favorite season. It was a welcomed relief after the dark and cold winters of your hometown. And now that you lived in Dorne, the kingdom rarely left the summer season. Although on days like today you wished for cooler temperatures. The heat had become unbearable making the castle too muggy for your afternoon reading sessions. That’s when you decided that a dip in the pool would solve all of your heat related problems which was where you found yourself now.
You dipped your toes into the cool pool with a sigh. The perfect weather was amazing but when the sun beat down a little too long then you started to wish for the cooler summers of your hometown. You let your face lean back on your hands taking in the rays of the sun. Lazy days like this were few and far between since you became the prince of Dorne. Of course Oberyn was more than happy to help you relax, but nothing felt better than cool water on a hot day. Even if something was bothering you, Oberyn would be there to give you some quick loving. And honestly you couldn’t be more happy about it.
After sunning yourself for a couple more minutes, you stood up and finally let the see through robe fall onto the stones behind you. You slowly slipped into the pool, sighing as the cool water took away the summer heat. The water doing nothing to cover your nudity although you didn’t really mind. If it wasn’t for Oberyn showing you that it was okay to show off your body, you would have been stuck in the historic ways of your hometown. You let yourself lazily glide through the water before deciding that floating on your back sounded like the best idea. You stayed on your back for a moment staring up at the beautiful sky. The clouds slowly drifted across your vision creating and disappearing in a moment's notice. Taking a couple of deep breaths, you held one and sank under the surface.
Meanwhile Oberyn had just left a meeting he wasn’t entirely thrilled about being called to. Doran needed him to witness some important trade agreements, but Oberyn didn’t think that way. Meetings meant time away from his partners and that was something he wasn’t too keen on. Now that he was free from his responsibility he began his search for you. Oberyn started with the normal spots– the bedroom, library and the garden– but no sign of you. He was ready to go upstairs when he spotted you swimming in the pool. His hungry eyes took in your moving body watching as your muscles moved. His eyes glinted with a spark of mischievousness and he hurried to join you by the pool. After the day he had had, he was ready to have his hands on you.
You hadn’t noticed that he had approached the pool until you heard him say, “Well I didn’t know we had mermaids in our pool,” Oberyn chuckled as he squatted at the edge of the pool. Turning towards the voice, you opened your eyes and smiled at the sight of your husband.
“A pool is no place for a mermaid. We must swim free in the salty waves of the ocean,” you playfully replied before swimming over to him.
Oberyn smirked in return, “I think the best place for a mermaid is in my bed.”
“Wouldn’t that make your bed too wet?” You teased titling your head to the side.
“Oh I think my bed gets wet enough with you and Ellaria in it.” Oberyn teased flirtatiously knowing what the two of you were like during last night's activities.
You couldn’t help but blush at his words. Damn he always knew how to make you shiver. How with just a few words he could make you weak in knees and ready to do whatever he asked. Oberyn had that power over you, and so did Ellaria, but even Ellaria wasn’t immune to Oberyn’s antics.
“I don’t doubt your abilities but why wait when you can take your mermaid in their own domain.” You replied with an edge of invitation to it. Nothing would please more than for your husband to take you where anyone could walk in and see you.
Oberyn raised his eyebrows as if he was about to question you, but quickly he smiled at the idea. Oberyn’s golden robes were quickly discarded, and your eyes couldn’t help but roam his fit body. All the scars from his past battles were on display for your eyes, and all you wanted to do was to kiss every single one of them. He sat down on the edge and quickly slipped in beside you. Wasting no time putting his hands on you to pull you in for a long kiss. You smiled and kissed him, letting your hands rest on his chest
You broke the kiss and spoke just loud enough for him to hear you, “Someone missed me,” You teased.
“I always miss you when you aren’t in my arms,” Oberyn purred and nuzzled his face into your neck. “Maybe I should ask the Maesters if there’s a way to keep you attached to me.”
You chuckled and kissed his cheek before dragging your lips up his cheek, stopping just before his ear. A smirk found its way across your face, opening your mouth, just slightly you dragged your teeth across his ear lobe and whispered, “Well I can think of one way that you can stay attached to me.”
Oberyn let out a soft moan and pushed you up against the pool wall, kissing you with the heat of the sun itself. What a wonderful summer this was going to be.
#oberyn x reader#oberyn martell#prince oberyn#oberyn x you#oberyn x gn!reader#pedro pascal characters#pedrohub#pedro pascal#pedro pascal fanfiction#pedro pascal fandom#mod mouse writing#pedro has a death grip on us#pedro brainrot#the brainrot is real#crow and mouse writings#fanfiction
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still the gayest thing about when zoro set aside his pride in muggy kingdom was that it was never brought up again
#that just proves it wasnt a moment of weakness or nun#its just like that w him and luffy#‘it seems like your priorities have changed’ is fkn crazy#u can see how they change in real time over the course of the series bruh#one piece#op#zolu
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Dungeon: The Fleetbreaker’s Bones
“More than three hundred years dead and rotting and it’s still going to kill us all. That’s dedication right there.”
-Tousu, hapless deckhand moments before a wreck
The remnants of this great kaiju turned fossil-reef has been swallowing up ships for centuries, a habit it’s not managed to break despite a great hero spearing it to a volcanic atoll and founding a prosperous kingdom over the territory it never would have ceded in life. Underwater lava flows create boiling mists and unstable weather patterns making sailing anywhere near the island a gamble. Ships lost in storms throughout the region seem invariably pulled towards the reef, leading many in villages along the coast to speculate that not even death can sate the great beast’s hunger.
In more recent years a ramshackle band of corsairs has decided to make the Reef their home, having suffered a disastrous defeat while raiding the mainland and needing somewhere, no matter how inhospitable, to regroup. The Fleetbreaker ironically provided the perfect safe harbour, close enough to the trading lanes to raid, far enough out of anyone’s way and into unfriendly waters that reprisal was unlikely. They’ve had such success that they’ve been able to cobble together dwellings and fortifications across the reef, as well as a knocked together shipyard in the sheltered caverns that were one the kaiju’s belly.
Adventure Hooks:
The Fleetbreaker Pirates have managed to chart the rhythm of the atoll’s seemingly unpredictable weather, following in the wake of storms like scavengers after a bloodthirsty predator. With the party’s vessel having barely survived the night battling a sulfurous smelling gale, they’ll have to act quickly as first light and the hope that comes with it is dashed by the appearance of enemy vessels on the horizon.
Captured at sea (or perhaps after having one too many rounds of grog while in port) the party find themselves clapped in irons, stripped of their gear, and locked in a series of muggy stone cells. The Fleetbreakers deal in slaves as well as plundered goods, and it’s only a matter of weeks or maybe even days before their buyer shows up to trade in flesh. They have to escape, but how? Sneak out just their friends and disguise themselves on an enemy ship? Break out the other innocents and risk detection?
There are many sections of the great fossil reef where the pirates do not go, tidal warrens inhabited by skittering things made monstrous by generations of feeding off kaiju flesh, boiling caverns where lava vents glow just beneith the surface of the water and odd shapes move in the mineral vapour, lofty and winding passages leading to the lonlely spinal cliffs where the sound of strange birds causes hallucinations. Somewhere among all of this is the hero’s spear, a divinely invested artifact that has the power to found, and perhaps destroy kingdoms. The party may unwittingly stumble across this artifact while escaping captivity, or find it in a dramatic moment as they pursue the last of the pirate captains into the caverns in their final push to oust the corsairs once and for all. What they do with it after that is all up to them.
#seaside#pirates#mid level#low level#sailing#dungeon#Dungeons and Dragons#d&d#jailbreak#high level#Dungeon Crawl#treasure hunt#kaiju#ocean
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Date Continuation
Shadow Milk Cookie was rather curious about what had just happened. He had just finished up his date, when he happened to notice something odd in the forests around the Fairy Kingdom.
Strange machines - odd angular devices glowing with a strange green liquid - were following him and…just watching. Not doing anything else, just watching.
While he always liked an audience, the idea of these things spying on him - during his date - was not welcome. So, he began looking into them. Which led to this.
One of the odd devices was floating before him, projecting an odd panel from a sphere on its front. Said panel had words written on it in a much lighter green than the rest of the panel. What the words said was just as interesting as the machine.
Please come to the Simmering Swamps. I want to talk. (APPRECIATE THE CALMNESS OF THIS MESSAGE). - Withered Oil Cookie.
For a moment, he wasn’t sure who this was - and then, it clicked in his head.
Oh, Gleaming Oil Cookie! …or, well, Withered Oil Cookie.
Actually, now that he thought about it…after he and the other Beasts turned on the Witches, he never saw her again. He thought that she had just gone into hiding, or maybe died in what happened…
But it seems she had changed too. And she wanted to see him.
…he was pretty sure there weren’t any swamps on this continent though.
Turns out, there was a swamp on this continent! It was where the Ravenous Forest used to be. (Which was probably one of the other’s fault. Or his. Either or.)
The massive, wide-ranging woodland was now almost entirely a swamp. The air was muggy and hot, pushing down on everything around it. The mangrove trees scattered throughout the marsh seemed ill, yet also clearly still alive and thriving, some of them dripping with a neon green…sap? Whatever it was, there were pools of it scattered around, contrasting drastically with the foggy water of the rest of the swamp.
…also, it had been an hour and Shadow Milk still hadn’t found where Withered Oil Cookie was, so that was frustrating.
Eventually, however, he saw something new - a green ball of light had just shot up into the sky, which was very likely to be her.
The green ball expanded out into a full message. I’M OVER HERE, CURDLE!
…yeah, it was definitely Oil. She was the only one that called him that. Many times over.
Shadow Milk lifted into the air and zoomed through the forest, soon arriving in a clearing; there was a large puddle of the strange substance off to the side, and standing right before him was Withered Oil Cookie.
She looked very different from what he remembered. Back before…everything that happened, she had her hair tied back behind her head in a ponytail. She wore a visor over her eyes while she was brewing potions (and when she wasn’t), and a green robe with darker green accents. She constantly had a bag filled with potions hanging from her side.
Now? Her hair hung down over most of her face, covering her eyes. She was wearing a metallic jumpsuit with various green tubes across it, bubbling with that same odd sap. Black ‘rubber’ was at each of her joints, and on her right arm was a much larger gauntlet that seemed to be loaded with more capsules of that sap…and that was clearly a cannon embedded in the palm.
She smiled at him, her extremely wide grin twitching. “Curdle! It’s so good to see you again! I wasn’t sure if I would after the witches sealed you away for so long I couldn’t keep track of it and was constantly wondering if you would ever be freed.” Her right eye twitched. (which was pretty concerning.)
“It’s good to see you too, Oil. What’ve you been up to since-”
“Oh well Curdle I’ve been building a lot of stuff like my super observer bots the ones that sent you a message to meet here a super awesome under-swamp base where I can see everything from there’s also this cool jumpsuit that I loaded with weapons and powered with eternal oil that’s the green stuff i also made a bunch of defense systems to protect me a really big super mecha so i can finally be big like you a therapy machine that really didn’t work and i didn’t want to mention that last one aaaaa-”
Right. That was definitely concerning. Especially since her expression shifted several times in that whole…ramble. And she was constantly twitching. And also the mention of a therapy machine.
“Oil…what did you need a therapy machine for.” Shadow Milk said, (comparatively) stern.
“Nothing important! I just need to not think about it at all and focus on everything else, building stuff, my crippling loneliness, random balls of sugar fluff-”
“What happened to you?”
And it was that moment that Shadow Milk realized he asked the wrong question.
Why are they doing this? What did I do?
“If the Heroes turned on us, whose to say this one won’t as well?”
“It would be best if we disposed of them before they grow too strong.”
I’m scared…Shadow Milk, where are you?
“We could seal them away now…but then they could break free later…”
“Perhaps we could simply crumble them? It would save time.”
I don’t understand…
“I have a suggestion, my creators. All I need is access to the Oven.”
“You wish to rebake this one, Blinding Syrup Cookie? It is not a bad idea…”
What are they talking about?
“Not quite, my creators. All I truly need is the heat.”
“...very well, Blinding Syrup Cookie. You may.”
…What’s he doing? Stay back!
“And thus, the flames of perdition ignite. They grant my chains their searing grip, so I may enact the Witches' will.”
“You shall never turn against the divine, like your monstrous ‘heroes’.”
Shadow Milk Cookie had no idea what happened, only that he really messed up. One moment, he was asking a very loaded question (he realizes that now), the next, Withered Oil’s eyes just completely blanked out before she fell to the ground, writhing in utter madness. And her screams…
He had heard a lot of screams over the years, but that scream?
It was different.
It was wrong.
Before he even knew what he was doing, he moved. He dove for Withered Oil Cookie and grabbed her smaller arm, even as she lashed out with her gauntlet upon contact. It didn’t hurt that much, and slowly but surely, Oil came back to her senses.
She stared at Shadow Milk Cookie in silence for a moment, before she lunged and-
Hugged him. (he did not expect that.)
She whispered something under her breath. “Please don’t leave me again.”
“I…I don’t want to be alone…”
…eventually, Shadow Milk returned the hug.
I’m concerned i wrote Shadow Milk out of character.
Also, if you see any shipping in this…DON’T.
There is no shipping here. Only sibling relationship. Shadow Milk is the elder brother theater gremlin and Withered Oil is the younger sister throws-stuff-in-a-pot-and-weaponizes-it gremlin.
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