#pedro brainrot
Late Nights
Pairing: Marcus Pike x gn!reader
Words: 673
Rating: G (mentions of anxiety spirals)
Summary: Your brain keeps you up and a certain FBI agent keeps you company.
Author: Mod Mouse
Notes: I wrote this after having a particularly bad anxiety night so I hope this helps others when the brain juice is no good. Also unrelated but I'm surprised I've never written for this Marcus before considering my love of art so I have a feeling I will write for him more!
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Late nights weren’t a new thing for the two of you. One a curator for the Smithosian’s American Art museum and the other an FBI agent dealing in art forgeries. There was always a case that needed extra work done after office hours. It was typical for the both of you to see the wee hours of the morning fueled by the strongest coffee. 
But today wasn’t one of those times. This time it was your own damn head keeping you up to the wee hours of the morning. At least with the reports you could control when you could fall asleep. But your brain was a fickle creature. Uncontrollable anxiety spiral was the choice for tonight. You had to distract your brain. 
The tv slowly played in your living room. A past favorite show playing as background noise to keep your mind from spiraling anymore. The warm cup of chamomile you held in your hands is your only hope for any semblance of medicine tonight. Absent-mindedly you watched the character repeat the same scenes that at this point you have memorized. 
The female protagonist goes on a date with a guy from her office. He says all the right things and she thinks to herself “I can’t be falling for him.” But the more they talk the more they both realize the same conclusion. Cheesy but you love it. 
You were so sucked into the comfort show that you didn’t realize your husband had walked into the living room. “Honey what’s got you up this late?” You turn to see Marcus standing at the edge of the hallway, flannel robe wrapped around himself. A Christmas present from your first Christmas as a couple all those years ago. 
“You know. Sometimes your brain mixes the wrong kind of cocktail,” You shrugged tiredly. 
Marcus frowned softly. He knew you too well not to notice the use of humor to deflect the situation. “Hun,” He said softly as he sat next to you on the couch. 
Your body unconsciously leaned into his side, like you’ve done for the whole time you’d been together. “Can’t fool you huh?” You chuckled with a sniffle as tears pricked your eyes. 
“Do you want to talk about it? Or you don’t have to. I’m more than willing to stay up with you,” Marcus offered gently, kissing your head. 
You took a minute to gather the scattered remnants of anxious thoughts before you replied. “Just do you ever have those moments where your brain decides to sow some throw away thought but then you hyperfixated on it which makes you spiral. Something like that,” You answer, sighing. 
“Can’t say I’ve ever had exactly that sort of thing happen, but I can imagine that it’s scary.” Marcus gently rubbed your side with his hand. 
“Ya it’s not fun,” You answer cuddling closer into his side. 
“Is there anything I can do?” Marcus asked. “Want me to break out those cookies you bought?” 
You giggled loving Marcus’ need for sweet popping through. “No, I think this tea and you will be enough for me tonight.” 
He smiled and leaned down to kiss your head. “Then that’s what I shall do for you.” Marcus held you close as you two watched your favorite show. The noise and the comfort of your husband is enough to finally allow you to close your eyes and sleep. 
Eventually Marcus noticed your breathing evening out. Carefully he turned off the TV, and set the half-full mug on the coffee table to deal with in the morning. Gently as to not wake you, he scooped you in his arms and carried you back to your shared bed. He laid you down on your side before sliding into the covers on his side. When the blankets covered your both, he leaned over and gently kissed your head. 
“Sweet dreams my little sunflower. I’ll protect you from those awful thoughts.” And with another forehead kiss, he pulled you close as the two of you fell back into a gentle sleep.
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Thanks to the lovely @saradika-graphics for the dividers!
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pedrorascal · 2 months
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Video by @joelmills
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A Glimpse of Eternity ║ ⓞⓝⓔ๏ⓞⓕⓕⓢ
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A Glimpse of Eternity | main masterlist | PAIRING(s): General Marcus Acacius x fem!palace sex worker
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT:  2.5k | CONTENT: legitimately saw the new Gladiator pics and immediately thought about being fisted by General Marcus idk what else to tell you lmao, some breeding kink ig?, slight subspace moments?, dirty talk but with that Ancient Roman flair, this is prob not very historically accurate but idgaf
| SYNOPSIS: You are one of Emperor Geta's comfort women, tasked with entertaining and pleasuring the palace guests, and you are assigned to General Acacius the night of a feast held in his honor.
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"𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚞𝚗𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎, 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚞𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚛, 𝚘𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚞𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎." — 𝘈𝘭𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘶𝘴
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As one of the few high ranking women of comfort in Emperor Geta’s palace, you were no stranger to the decadence and debauchery that a large celebration often brings. The battleworn and extolled military men, fresh off their wave of conquest and destruction, were most frequently the guests of honor, and they were always enthusiastic to delight in the revelry of victory, wine, and women.
Your position afforded you an agreeable life for the most part. It was certainly better than striking out on your own, fending for yourself in the notoriously unforgiving streets of Rome. An orphaned and unskilled female such as yourself would not fare well in such conditions, and you’d become quite accustomed to the social ranking that came with being owned by the Emperor himself. 
You have all the luxuries afforded to you that one could dream of in these times, and the men you host, though overeager and handsy, knew better than to mistreat the class of entertainment that Emperor Geta was kind enough to provide them. You were his property, and as such were not to be mistreated. Just as a guest would not break a priceless vase or seek entry to private areas in the palace without consent, the men knew better than to abuse the privilege of your company unless they wished to endure the wrath of the Emperor.
You had a few repeat guests that would specifically request your coupling whenever they were staying at the palace, and it was often enjoyable getting caught up on the happenings of the world outside the marble walls. Sometimes you were assigned to a specific guest, and other times you were simply asked to be present and make yourself available to any suitor who showed interest.
It wasn’t uncommon for the men to get so carried away in their merriment that they were too drunk to perform. In those cases you made sure to tend to them should they need assistance getting to bed or finding themselves sick in the middle of the night when the fatty meats and wine caught up with them. On rare occasions there were men skilled and sober enough to bring you to completion, but the standard lack of personal pleasure didn’t bother you too much. After all, it was your duty to ensure your male guests were satisfied with their stay at the palace overnight, and you had a sense of pride that you’d never garnered a single complaint.
Tonight the Emperor was hosting a celebration in honor of a top ranking General whose ruthless and unwavering prowess secured a highly sought after peninsula in the Emperor’s name. It meant more resources and labor for the Empire, and General Marcus Acacius was heralded as a hero for his efforts. You and the other women had been instructed to make your appearance after the other entertainers had performed. It wasn’t until the last minute you were informed that you had been assigned to the General and were to “see to his every need and wish” during his stay.
You’d been doing this long enough that you were only mildly flustered with the news, but you were level headed by the time you made it to the grand hall. You were aware of his reputation, and his strong features fit rather well with what you knew of him. A proud nose, broad shoulders, downturned mouth with pensive forehead wrinkles. His hands easily grasped the entirety of his goblet. He was handsome and possessed an authoritative presence that you suspected would carry over to the bedchambers. 
“General Acacius, might I join you this evening?” you greet warmly.
His eyes slide over to you, giving your form an assessing gaze, before nodding and gesturing to the empty seat beside him. You thank him for the invitation and hold yourself as tall as you can next to him. His size is even more impressive side by side. You introduce yourself and comment on how well he looks considering he’d just arrived from his travels early this morning. No doubt the handmaidens had bathed and clothed him upon his arrival. He’s not much for conversation, so you follow his lead and quietly watch the partygoers together.
You offer to refill his drink, but he declines. He isn’t gluttonous or vain or rude, and as the festivities begin to wind down, you begin to wonder what this man’s vice was. It was imperative to understand these sorts of things because it dictated how you performed to ensure satisfaction. With little to go on, you were almost worried he didn’t want your company at all for the remainder of the evening. It was a relief when he informed you he was retiring for the night and extended an invitation to join him. You demurely accepted and walked quietly through the stone passageways that lead to the more opulent chambers where only the most highly regarded guests were permitted to stay.
“Have you had your fill of nourishment this evening?” he inquires.
“Yes, General. Thank you for asking.”
“I’m pleased to hear that. After you help me disrobe, I request that you do the same and return to me once you are ready.”
You help him out of his garments and try not to stare at the constellation of scarring that adorns his body. His form is muscular with some usual signs of age, but he is undoubtedly the most divine looking man you have ever entertained. His cock swings softly between his thick thighs, and he has no reaction when he catches you ogling him. You excuse yourself to the corner of the chambers to disrobe and freshen up before presenting your nude form for his examination. His eyes are half-lidded, but otherwise you can’t much tell a difference in his mood.
“What sort of pleasure do you offer to your companions, Little Dove?”
You smile brightly at the moniker, appreciating its reference to your attire decorated with small white birds. It wasn’t often a man would take note of such detail, let alone bestow you a personal endearment based on it.
“I offer whatever sort of pleasures you wish, General.”
“And what sort of pleasures do you wish, Little Dove?”
The question catches you off guard, but you maintain the easy back and forth as best you can. “I am sure whatever you have in mind will be immensely pleasurable, General,” you assure him as you slowly saunter towards him.
“That is not what I asked. Answer a question when I ask it of you.” His face is not unkind, but his words are firm.
“I– It is not something that often crosses my mind,” you admit. “My pleasure is gained from your satisfaction.”
“And what if I demand your pleasure above all else? What then would you have to say?”
You rack your brain for an answer and end up blurting out the first thing that comes to mind.
“It is… rather enjoyable to lay in each other’s company, is it not? Perhaps we could start there?” you suggest.
“Is that what you desire?” he presses. He stands, and your eyes zip to all the sinewy, strong flexing across his body.
“It is.”
“Then that is where we will begin.”
This is unlike any encounter you’ve had, and you are nearly at a loss for how to conduct yourself. After exploring the planes of his warm body for a few minutes and gladly receiving the same, your mind goes on autopilot. You attempt to initiate intimacy, but he rebuffs the mindless advance.
“I am well aware I can have you, but that is not what I seek,” he states plainly.
You shake your head, not fully understanding his meaning.
“It is not enough that I take your body. True capture means the mind must also be won. I ask for your entire being, Little Dove,” he explains matter of factly.
You’ve never had a partner speak to you this way, and you can feel the effect of it between your legs where wetness gathers. “Of course, General. Anything you wish you shall have.”
“We will see. Your surrender cannot be fabricated. The blood of the men I’ve killed that stains my hands and the sieged settlements I leave in my wake have left me with the ability to recognize genuine submission, and that is what I ask of you: full, true surrender.”
“I will do my best,” you promise.
“It is not a matter of effort. It is a matter of truly desiring to yield.”
“I feel the strings of that desire, General,” you say in a soft hush. As though to prove your point, you guide his hand between your legs and sigh at the rough, calloused fingertips that graze your most sensitive parts.
He finally seems content with your frame of mind and corresponding bodily reaction, and it is how you find yourself happily succumbing to every exploratory lick and caress and bite. Your thoughts are a nebulous oasis, gently washing back and forth as your bliss heightens. The candlelight is waning just as he presents you with what you think might have been his desire from the start.
“Do you give yourself to me, Little Dove? I wish to feel you from the inside. Your body craves my fingers. It pulls them inside hungrily no matter how many I give. You have taken four already with such greed.”
While it was true that your body steadily adjusted to his fingers, his hands were large and not the easiest to take. He was well-endowed, and that would’ve been plenty to handle on its own. You were certain that he would want to fuck you after this was done. The growing circumference of his fingers inside you had you worrying whether or not you could tolerate it. But you wanted to try. It felt good despite the initial pinching and tightness. His groans of approval every time you successfully took more only spurred you on. You felt yourself wanting to give everything over to him.
“Give me what I need. Only you know what I need,” you whimper.
He sucks in a sharp breath at your deference and repositions himself with additional vigor than just a few moments prior. Your back feels like it’s melted into the bedding as he props your legs open and situates himself in front of your entrance. You watch with bated breath as he cinches all of his fingers together and begins to steadily plunge them inside your messy opening, drenched in your arousal from the General’s relentless onslaught. 
“It is my intention to learn every want of your body so that I might break you apart piece by piece. Do you understand that, Little Dove?” he asks. 
He pushes his fingers further until you feel the sharp rounding of his knuckles against your pelvic bone. You gasp at the resistance and frantically scramble for something to ground yourself, finding his other hand already waiting for your use. You grasp it with both of yours and let him feed his middle and pointer fingers into your mouth. You instinctively suckle on them and close your eyes.
“There you are,” he breathes. “Feeding from nearly every hole, Little Dove. Your body already knows what your mind has decided. Your body responds to me and only me. It craves me as its master.”
You dumbly nod and suck harder on his fingers, getting lost in the sensation of them pressing onto your tongue and gathering a pool of saliva in the middle of your mouth.
“You will only know the desire and pleasure that is my hand piecing you back together,” he coos.
His knuckles begin to slide past your opening and sink into you. The burning lasts for several minutes, but you give in to the new and intoxicating feeling coursing in your body. Eventually the rest of his hand slides in without protest. It’s an odd shape to have housed inside you, but you focus on sucking his fingers. Blood rushes to your stretched walls and engorges the tissue, making everything feel warm and hypersensitive. You feel his hand make a fist inside you, and you cry out when he begins slowly pumping it in and out.
“Ssshhh sshhhh, let your body do what your mind has decreed,” he soothes.
You whimper and suckle as he fucks you with his fist. He groans as he watches your gaped hole suck him back in over and over. You feel a tight coil in your belly build, and he must sense it, too, because he props himself up straighter again and hums contentedly.
“You are an exceptional creature, Little Dove. Reaching the greatest pleasures by letting yourself be my little fuck hole, isn’t that right?”
“Yes,” you cry. “I’m your fuck hole. Only yours.”
His pace picks up like he’s become a bit crazed at your rambling submission.
“That’s right, Little Dove,” he grits. “You will see my face, imagine my touch, and dream of my domination in every man you lay with from this day onward.”
Your jaw and body are slack as the power of his drives rocks you back and forth. You don’t have the lucidity to warn him that your climax is quickly approaching.
“I will not be content until you are ruined for any other man,” he snarls.
You swear you can feel every crevice and curve and bend of his fist as you clench down on it. Your vision is a flat white that matches the deafening silence that overcomes you as your orgasm tears through you. It’s a mixture of the most painful and the most pleasurable orgasm you’ve ever experienced, and well after it ebbs your legs continue to shake with the force of it.
You barely register your limbs being moved and adjusted. You regain a bit of clarity when you feel his wide cockhead notch at your wrecked hole and plunge inside in one smooth motion. He lets out a ragged moan, and it sends you right back into that foggy euphoria. He thrusts fast and deep, murmuring platitudes and filthiness into the shell of your ear as he chases his high.
His hands grip the meat of your sides so tight you’re sure there’ll be marks by morning. A firm grip on your jaw shakes you from your blissful floating.
“Look into the eye of the man who conquered you,” he hisses. “Look into my eyes while I fill you.”
With great effort you keep your lids parted and take in the glorious sight of his face twisting and contorting as he begins pulsing inside the pitches of your cunt. Every thrust pushes some of his spend out, and for a fleeting moment you wish you could keep every drop inside you. With one final snap of his hips, he finishes and sags into your body below him. His breath is hot and humid on your neck, heartbeat hammering against your chest, and you wrap your legs and arms around him as though you fear his departure.
“I must stay inside, Little Dove. Plug you with my seed. Fuck you ‘til it takes,” he rambles a little breathlessly.
You smile against his neck and welcome the surrender.
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dustydaddyyy · 1 year
sweetheart | joel miller x fem! reader
pairing: joel miller x fem! reader
summary: you're home from college for summer '99 to visit your parents, when your eye wanders upon their next-door neighbor, joel miller.
a/n: basically just porn with some plot that started at 2k and ended up becoming 13k. enjoy these 13k of unhinged depravity :)
warnings: (18+) SMUT (extended warning are under the cut), age gap (reader is 22, Joel is 32), swearing, mentions and consumption of alcohol, use of petnames (mostly sweetheart and one darling), probably inaccurate descriptions of the southern US, reader's mom is kind of annoying, reader kind of seduces joel (ish), neighbor!joel (is this a warning?) single dad! joel (what about this one?), reader babysits Sarah a few times
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extended warnings: smut, fingering, p in v unprotected sex (pls in the name of the lord practice safe sex people), some (relatively tame) dry humping, couch sex, definitely some praise kink (we're moving on), for sure some soft!dom!joel, but also a pinch of dom!reader (👀), a lil cockwarming, maybe like a bit of a breeding kink if you really, really squint and i think that's it! please let me know if i've missed any. no use of y/n in this fic.
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"Is this really how you're going to be spending your entire holiday?"
You bite back a groan as you look at your mom from where you'd been laying down on the lounge chair in the garden, book dropping from in front of your face so you can peer at her from behind your sunglasses.
"What's that supposed to mean?" you ask her, and she shrugs as she continues to water her rhododendrons.
"You've been home a week now," she tells you pointedly, "And you've sat more in that chair than I have all year,"
"I'm on break," you say matter of factly, "That's kind of the point," Your mum lets out a hum as she continues watering her flowers, which you ignore as you bring your book back up in front of your face. 
It's hot out in the Texas sun, almost too hot, but having come from the constant cold and rain in Seattle, you find yourself not caring too much as you bask in the sunlight. You're not wearing much, dressed only in a bikini top and pair of old shorts, that are maybe a touch too snug, but survived your parents' move from Galveston. They'd moved to Austin at the end of last summer for your father's new job. You hadn't been to the new house over Christmas, your parents having come up to visit Seattle for the holidays, instead. Austin and Galveston weren't such different cities, it was all still Texas, but the one thing you found yourself desperately missing, especially now in the heat, was the ocean.
Somewhere in one of the neighbouring gardens, the sound of a lawnmower being turned on fills the air. You ignore it, putting down your book for a second instead and watching as your mother shuffles over to the flowers lining the wooden fence which separates your neighbour's garden from yours.
"I'm getting a drink," you declare, swinging your legs over the side of the sun lounger, "Can I get you anything, Mom?"
"I'm alright," your mom says with a wave of your hand, and you nod, before turning on your heel and going inside to get your drink, pushing your sunglasses to the top of your head. The house is delightfully cool as you open the screen door. On your way to the kitchen you pass the living room, finding your dad passed out on the couch, fan on full blast and TV displaying the U.S. Golf Open.
You bite back a chuckle as you step into the kitchen, filling up a glass of water before chugging it down, wiping the rest off your chin, before filling it up again. You spend a couple of minutes leaning against your counter taking small sips, before your ears perk up at the sound of your mom's voice from the garden. It's faint, like she's talking to someone, and you frown slightly as you think about who she could be talking to, considering your dad is in no state to have conversation with anybody, right now. 
You shrug it off, taking a few more sips before you go back through the house the way you came, your mother's voice becoming clearer as her laugh floats through the screen door. The sun bears down on your face once more as you step back into the garden, your eyes taking a second to adjust to the bright light as you close the screen door behind you.
"–there you are, peanut! I was just telling Joel about you, come and say hi. . ."
"Goody," you mutter to yourself as the screen door clicks shut.
"­–you remember I told you about Joel, don't you, honey? He lives next door with his daughter, Sarah,"
You bite back a sigh, before plastering a smile over your face as you turn to the garden to meet another undoubtedly middle-aged, pot-bellied man.
Either way, you're not expecting the man standing by the wooden fence; he's pretty young, maybe early thirties, with dark, scruffy hair and an equally half-kept scruffy beard and mustache. He's a handsome man, with dark, warm eyes that scan your face and an angular jaw and nose.
"Sure, I remember" you let out, smiling at him sweetly, "Pleased to meet you,"
"Hello," he returns your greeting with a slight nod, and his voice is deep and gravelly, tinged with that telltale Texan accent, "Nice to finally meet you, your mom sure does talk about you a lot,"
You give him a dry, sarcastic smile, raising your brows slightly. "She sure does like to talk,"
Joel lets out a chuckling breath, corners of his mouth twitching in amusement as your Mom rolls her eyes.
"Always so dry, that one," she comments, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes as you sit back down on the sun lounger.
"Your mom said you were home from college for the summer. . . How long you visiting for?" Joel says with a clear of his throat.
You go to open your mouth as Joel waits patiently for your answer, but your mom beats you to it. "Until about mid-August. . . good to have her home, she hadn't been down here at the new house since we moved, you see. . ."
Joel's gaze lingers on you for a second before his eyes turn back to your mother, whose animated conversation you tune out, as you pull your sunglasses back down onto your nose, and pick your book back up, stretching your bare legs over the lounger. 
Your mind is anywhere but the book, however, and you make sure to hold it at such an angle that you can still peer over the spine, eyes shamelessly rolling over Joel's form from behind your sunglasses. He's wearing an old, dark green t-shirt that's covered in white paint splatters and looks like it's several sizes too small, but you don't find yourself complaining as your eyes linger over the bulge of his biceps under the shirt, broad chest stretching out the faded logo on the front. Your eyes travel down his torso to the shorts he's wearing, and you're pretty grateful for your sunglasses because you find your gaze lingering down from his belt to his zipper, material bulging slightly outwards­–
"­–Peanut can do it, can't you darling? She's real good with kids,"
Your mom's voice startles you out of your philandering thoughts, and eyes, and you pretend to look up from your book, heart skipping in your chest for a second as the idea that you'd just been checking out your parents' ridiculously attractive neighbor .
"Huh?" you let out, rather dumbly, lowering the book, and your mom makes an impatient noise.
"Joel's sitter called in sick and we've gotta be at the Council meeting after dinner," she explains, "You can watch Sarah for a couple of hours, can't you?"
"Uh–" you struggle to find your words for a second as Joel looks at you, before he puts up his hand in a reassuring gesture.
"Don't worry," he ensures you, shaking his head, "I ain't going to interrupt your evening plans, they don't need me at the council meeting, anyway–"
"Plans!" your mom says through a surprised chuckle, shaking her head "She doesn't have any, don't you worry," 
"Thanks, mom," you grumble under your breath, and again you watch as the corners of Joel's mouth twitch in held back amusement at your comment, before you clear your throat and nod, offering him a tentative smile, "Sure, I'm happy to help,"
"You sure?" he asks, and you nod, "It's just a couple hours, I'll be back before ten,"
"No worries, I can do that. . . uh–. . . how old is Sarah?" you ask, cringing slightly at the fact that you don't know, but Joel doesn't seem offended.
"She's eight," he informs you, and you nod again, "But don't worry, it won't be much work. . . she usually only stays up a couple of hours after dinner and then crashes,"
"Yeah, no problem," you reassure him, smiling slightly, and Joel gives you a grateful look. 
"Perfect! She'll be over after dinner, then," your mom beams, and he nods, clearing his throat.
"Thanks a lot, you're doing me a real favor," he comments, but something in Joel's tone tells you he would've rather stayed home with his daughter than attended a 3-hour long community council meeting chaired mostly by the middle-aged ladies of the neighborhood,
"No worries," you tell him with another sweet smile, and Joel's eyes linger on your face for a second, before he clears his throat, wiping his hands on his shorts and looking back at your mom. "Right. . . gotta get back to this lawn, but I'll see you both later, then,"
"See you later, Joel," your mom beams, and you give one more saccharine 'bye' in his direction before he disappears back into his garden. The minute she hears the lawn mower turn back on, your Mum comes to sit on the edge of your sun lounger.
"He's nice, isn't he?" she says, and you give an affirmative hum as you continue reading, "Handsome, too. . .been living out here 5 years,"
"Interesting," you say, and your voice sounds far from interested, but your mom doesn't pay it any attention as she continues.
"No wife, though. . . Betty said he's just raising Sarah on his own, has been his whole life. . . she thinks the wife ran away, or something, one of these nutjobs that abandons their own child–"
"Mom," you interrupt, putting your book down as you tip your glasses down your nose and give her a look, "You shouldn't be gossiping about this,"
You mom looks guilty for a second, before she purses her lips haughtily, getting back to her feet. "You're right, I suppose. . . well, either way, we gotta do what we can to help him out, don't we? Can't imagine it's easy being a single parent,"
"I'm sure it isn't," you comment, before you close your book with a small smack, deciding that reading in the vicinity of your mother is going to be impossible, "I'm gonna head back in. . . grab a shower, before dinner,"
"Sure, peanut," your mom says with a nod, before she redirects herself back to pruning the rosebush.
You make your way back inside the house, past your dad in the living room and up the carpeted stairs to your bedroom. It's not decorated exactly the way your old one in Galveston used to be, but it still has your old bed and dresser, and your mom has hung a couple of paintings you did when you were in middle school on the walls. You drop your book on the dresser, letting out a sigh as you walk over to the window to open it and let some air in.
Your room is on the left side of the house, closest to the neighbor's garden, and as your fingers grip the edge of the window to pull it up, they stall as your eye falls on Joel as he mows his lawn. Your eyes widen slightly as you see that Joel's isn't wearing the olive-green shirt anymore, having instead discarded it in a heap on one of his faded deck chairs, leaving him in nothing but those shorts. You watch as the sun glistens on his sweat-drenched skin, accentuating every contour of the muscular physique that had been hidden away by his t-shirt earlier.His strong arms flexing as he grips the lawnmower's handle, his movements deliberate and confident. The rhythmic sound of the engine fills the air, blending with the gentle breeze and the sounds of the kids three houses up playing in their pool. He moves with a surprising grace, a sensuality even in such a mundane task as his forehead creases with effort and focus.
You're almost mesmerised as you lean in closer, breath fogging against the glass of your window. He stops for a second, hand coming up to wipe some sweat from his brow, and in that split second he looks up, hand shielding his eyes from the sunlight, almost directly at you. You fumble slightly with the windowsill, eyes quickly moving away as you push the window up and open, pretending not to see him and fussing with your curtains, instead. Your eyes move back down for a split second, heart pounding in your chest at the idea he may have caught you staring at him, but Joel is already focusing on his lawn mower again, continuing on his way across his garden. 
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"It's open, come on in!" comes a shout from inside the Miller house as you stand in front of their screen door, and you push it open gingerly.
Stepping across the threshold, the first thing that catches your eye is the haphazard mix of shoes strewn under the coat hook, ranging from Size 9 boots crusted with mud to a pair of bright pink trainers with glitter laces. The house isn't much different from yours. The stairs to the second floor are in the same place as your parents to the right of the hallway which you assume continues into the living room and kitchen. The wall is decorated with a mix of children's drawings, a few faded posters and various pictures of Joel and a young girl with curly black hair and a beaming smile.
"Sarah, where's my watch?" Joel's voice echoes from upstairs through the hall, and there's hurried steps on the landing upstairs, "I told you to stop playing with that thing!"
"I didn't take it. . . It's in your dresser drawer," comes another voice, a young girl's, from upstairs. There's the sound of thundering steps as someone hurries down the stairs, and you look up from where you'd been taking off your shoes to be faced with the young girl from the photos. She's older, but the smile is unmistakable as she stops three steps short of the ground, grinning brightly at you.
"Hi!" she lets out, and you give her a cautious smile.
"Hey there," you return, trying to keep your tone from being awkward, "I live next door,"
"Dad told me," she says with a nod, "He's almost ready, he gets really scatterbrained when he's in a hurry is all,"
"It's no problem. . . so do I," you say with a chuckle, and her smile widens as she contemplates you.
"You're really pretty," Sarah blurts suddenly, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Sarah," comes Joel's voice from the top of the stairs before you can open your mouth and respond, "That doesn't sound like it's any of your business, now does it?"
Joel cleans up nice. Gone are the faded t-shirt and frayed shorts, and they've been replaced with a pair of dark jeans and a plaid blue short-sleeved button down, albeit still wrinkled in some places. His hair still looks damp, and either Joel forgot to run a comb through it or he just doesn't care enough, because his curls are an unruly mess on his head, but it suits him. He's fastening a watch on his wrist as he comes down, and it takes a decent amount of willpower not to let your eyes run across the length of his muscular arm as it flexes with effort.
"It's alright, Mr. Miller, I don't mind," you say with a slight laugh as Joel hurries down the stairs, Sarah jumping the last few steps ahead of him. At your use of his last name, his head snaps up suddenly, eyes boring into yours.
"Joel," he corrects almost immediately, his voice soft but with a sharp undertone, before he grimaces, "Please. . . Mr. Miller makes me feel. . . old,"
"You are old," Sarah teases, before she turns back to you, "So do you?"
"Have a boyfriend?" you ask her, and she sighs, rolling her eyes.
"I don't right now, no," you say, chuckling slightly.
"Oh," Sarah sounds put out, her eyebrows knitting into a frown, "Why not?"
Joel lets out a tutting sound as he stops a few steps away from you, slipping his feet into a pair of shoes hastily.
"Sarah, enough," he chides her, giving his daughter a look, "Go and do something else rather than harass your babysitter,"
"I'm eight," she grumbles, "Don't even need a babysitter. . . you're just grouchy because you have to go to the community meeting and hang around all the old biddies,"
"Sa-rah," Joel hisses pointedly at his daughter, giving her a glare, but you laugh, shaking your head.
"I don't blame him, I'm not a huge fan of the old biddies myself," you tell Sarah jokingly, wiggling your eyebrows at her, "Besides, a handsome man like your dad? I'm sure they stick to him like flies in a honey trap,"
Sarah lets out a giggle, her nose scrunching. "Oh, they love him,"
"Okay, alright," Joel says with a roll of his eyes as he grabs his keys off the small table in the entrance hall, "You're both being very funny. . . Sarah, why don't you go do the dishes in the sink you were supposed to do half an hour ago instead of standing here talking smack,"
You chuckle slightly as Sarah giggles again, before she darts off down the hallway to what you assume in the kitchen.
"Right, okay. . . she's had dinner already, there's some ravioli in the fridge if you get hungry, there's beer if you want–" Joel stops midway through his sentence, his brows knitting together as he regards you, "Hold on, can you even have beer?"
"I'm twenty-two, Joel," you say with a half-sarcastic, half-reassuring smile, nodding, "I can have beer,"
Joel's face doesn't change for a split-second as he seems to process this, before mouth opens into a nervous chuckle as he stuffs his keys in his back pocket. "Right, makes sense, sorry. . . uh–. . . that's it, right? My number's on the landline speed dial if anything happens, and I'll be home before 10,"
"Got it," you say with a nod, "Enjoy what I'm sure will be an absolutely riveting meeting about the neighborhood lawn maintenance standards,"
Joel grimaces, before chuckling dryly. "I'm sure I won't,"
You give a giggle as he steps towards the screen door, opening it up.
"See you later," he says, and you nod. 
"Bye," you say in a honeyed tone, and you watch him walk down the walkway towards his truck. Your eyes follow him as he gets in the car, feeling something pool in your lower belly just at the sight of him. Then, Sarah's voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
"You coming?"
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Turns out, Joel's babysitter ends up being sick for a lot longer than he'd anticipated, which means you end up spending a lot more of your days and evenings in the Miller household than you anticipated doing this summer.
It does nothing but encourage your growing attraction to Joel, like adding kindling to an ever-growing fire with every second you spend in his presence, and after two weeks of babysitting Sarah a few nights and a few afternoons, you feel yourself start to get bolder.
You're braver with your touches, the occasional light brush of your fingers against his arm becoming more deliberate, hands lingering during a conversation or shared moment of laughter. You've noticed that Joel reacts to you, as well, albeit in a much more restrained way, but it does nothing to deter you.If anything, his restraint only encourages you to push further, a little more each time. It's like a challenge, and shit, do you enjoy a challenge.
It's Wednesday evening, and you're in the entrance house of the Miller house again, kicking off your shoes as you hear Joel move around upstairs.
"Hello!" you shout into the house, and almost immediately you hear Sarah's footsteps race through the corridor, before she comes tearing around the corner. When she catches sight of you, more specifically what you're wearing, she lets loose a screech of excitement.
"You look so good!" she lets out in a squeal, her feet stomping on the spot as she looks at you, "He isn’t going to know what to do with himself,”
“Yes, thank you, if you could keep your voice down about it that would be great,” you tell her as you take off your coat, giving her a look, and she giggles. 
“He’s too busy running around the house getting ready to eavesdrop,” she says with a roll of her eyes, “When are you going to meet him?” 
“Don’t know yet,” you return in a mockery of her dreamy tone, before rolling your eyes, “I’m here watching you first, he’ll come pick me up after,”
Sarah’s eyes shine with excitement. “You mean I get to see him?” 
“You better be in bed snoring when that happens missy,” you tell her, your hands coming to your hips as you give her a stern look. 
“Who better be in bed when what happens?” comes Joel’s voice as he appears at the top of the stairs, before hurrying down like he always does. This time, however, as he’s fastening his watch strap, his eyes momentarily move expectantly onto Sarah. 
“Nothing, Dad,” Sarah lies surprisingly well, “Just that I’d better be in bed by the time you get home,” 
“Which won’t be very late, by the way, probably around te–” Joel’s voice stalls in his throat as his gaze falls on you, and his eyebrows fly up his forehead, “What are you all dolled up for?”
He’s not wrong that you’d gotten dolled up for the evening, but it wasn’t for babysitting; you were having drinks with someone you knew through a friend later, after babysitting. 
“It’s part of my very elaborate plan to seduce you,” you say simply, shrugging innocently but corners of your mouth pulled into the beginnings of a smile. 
There’s a split second of silence where Joel’s eyes widen slightly, before Sarah bursts into laughter, and a full smile starts spreading over your features. 
“Well I gotta say you’re failing pretty desperately, then,” Joel counters, and Sarah breaks into another round of laughter as your jaw falls open in shock and almost theoretical offense.
“You jacka–” you stop yourself, suddenly very aware of Sarah’s younger ears as you hold in your swear, pressing your lips together into a grudging smile, and it makes Joel chuckle slightly as he gets to the bottom of the stairs. 
“Careful. . . little ears are listening,” he says the last part in an airy voice as he passes you by, and you scoff, shaking your head. 
“Sarah, please go away so I can call your dad a name,” you tell her after a second of silence, and Joel lets out a sound of protest as he puts on his shoes, Sarah laughing again before she dutifully turns on her heel and runs back down the hall. 
When she’s gone, you turn to Joel, leaning slightly towards him to ensure he hears you. 
“Jack–ass,” you enunciate, and he nods with a smirk. 
“You started it,” 
“Sarah told me you have a date,” you say, smiling, “You sure it’s only going to be 10?” 
“Once again, my eight-year-old shares my business with the entire world,” 
“I’m not the entire world, I’m me,” you chime in, and Joel snorts. 
“It’s not that kind of date,” 
“Oh,” you let out, making a small grimace of disappointment, “Boring,” 
“Thanks,” Joel says with a dry smile, and you make another face, this one apologetic. 
"How do I look?" he asks you, holding his arms out semi-nervously, and you bite back a smile.
"Very pretty," you say half-seriously, and he rolls his eyes at you.
"You're funny," he tells you, pointing a finger at you and shaking his head, "Alright, I think I'm off then,"
With that, Joel goes to turn on his heel, but suddenly he feels your fingers wrap around his wrist, pulling gently.
"Joel, wait," you let out through a breathy laugh, taking a few steps forward so you're standing in front of him suddenly, your fingers releasing his wrist. Joel goes stiff, but you don't notice as you bring your hands up, one falling on his shoulder gently and the other moving towards his face, before he feels your thumb swipe over the edge of his jaw, "You've got­ shaving cream–. . . there you go,"
Joel's eyes watch your face as you chuckle slightly, before you tut as your eyes fall to his shirt, corners on your mouth twitching upwards into the beginning of a smile.
"–and your collar's crooked," you say, your hands moving to straighten out the lapels of his shirt, letting out a chuckle, your voice a little lower and a little deeper than Joel's ever noticed before, ". . jesus Joel,"
When you're satisfied with the correct shape of his shirt collar, your eyes move from his jaw to find him staring down at you. You're suddenly very aware of Joel; how close he's standing, the way his eyes are trained on yours, lingering, the way he smells. He smells really good, a mix of sandalwood aftershave and ––
You can't help yourself as you sniff the air, before your eyebrows crease slightly, eyes full of sudden question. "Do. . . do you smell like strawberry?"
You watch as Joel's cheeks color a slight pink, lips pursing with an expression as if he's been made, "I ran out of shower gel. . . had to use Sarah's,"
Your lips press together and Joel can tell you're trying desperately not to smile, but he can see the laughter in your eyes as you look up at him, twinkling with amusement.
"Very manly," you manage to bring out, giving him a teasingly reassuring smile, and for the first time that evening Joel's shoulders deflate of tension as he lets out a laughing scoff, shaking his head and looking away, smirk growing on his lips as he hears you start to laugh.
"You are a mean woman, you know that?" he tells you, and for the first time, you hear something in Joel's tone, something. . . friendlier. It’s teasing, almost flirty.  
"I was joking," you let out with a chuckle on your own as he turns back to laugh at you, raising a single eyebrow as his eyes meet yours.
"Didn't sound like you were joking, sweetheart," he says, and you feel something in your stomach at the sound of the nickname rolling over his lips. 
“I’m sure you’ll survive,” you tell him, sarcastically, and when you find yourself looking into his eyes a split second longer than you should, you swallow, pulling your hands away from his face, and taking a step back. 
"Thanks," he says, clearing his throat as he steps towards the screen door.
"Anytime," you say, giving him a smooth, playful smile, covering up the moment of tension that passed between you just now, "You look great, Joel. . . she's a lucky woman,"
He gives a little scoff, raising his brows slightly. "I'll be back by ten,"  
“I believe you,” you tell him sarcastically as he steps over the threshold, “Bye, Joel,”
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Joel is late. 
Only by half an hour. You’d already texted the guy you were meeting to tell him it would be later and that you’d keep him in the loop, but that doesn’t stop you making sure all your things are ready to go already an hour before Joel even gets home. It’s 22:34 when his keys sound in the front door, 20 minutes after he’d sent a one-word text that he was on his way back, and you’re sitting on the couch watching a rerun of the Wire. 
You look up as Joel walks in.
“Hi,” you let out in a softer voice as you sit, pulling your denim jacket off the couch armrest, “How was it?” 
You don’t miss the way Joel’s eyes run over the exposed skin of your shoulders and chest in your thin-strapped dress for a small moment before he looks back up at you and gives a nod. 
“Nice,” he tells you, and you nod with a smile, pulling the jacket on and getting up off the couch, “Did Sara behave?” 
“No complaints,” you say with a laugh, “Kid’s an angel,” 
Joel smiles slightly as he nods, before he watches you grab your bag, which had been lying by the couch and sling it over your shoulder, “You headed home?” 
You stifle a small yawn, before smiling with a shake of your head. “No, I’m headed into downtown. . . meeting someone for drinks,” 
“You should’ve told me!” Joel lets out in surprise, eyes widening slightly, and you chuckle softly, waving him off. 
“It’s really fine, he can wait a half hour,” 
“How are you getting downtown? Do you need a ride?” he offers, but you shake your head, before you pull your phone out of your back pocket to look at the plastic display. 
“I’ve got one,” you say, and your voice is almost a little timid, as though being picked up by your date from Joel’s was somehow more embarrassing than at your own house. 
“He picking you up?” Joel asks, and you nod. 
As if on cue, a set of headlights flash through the living room window as a car pulls up on the side of the curb on the opposite side of the street. 
“Do you need me again this week?” you ask, looking back at Joel from where you’d watched the car pull up. Joel shakes his head. 
“Don’t think so,” he comments, before his brow creases for a split second, “But try not to get abducted on your date, I’d like to keep the option open,” 
“I’ll try not to,” you reply through a knowing chuckle, before walking past him towards the front door, hand on the knob. 
“If I suddenly stop answering texts, call the police,” you say half-jokingly, and Joel turns to give you a look and points his finger at you as you open the door. 
“That isn’t funny,” he tells you in a half-serious tone, and you snicker once more before you step over the threshold. 
“Goodnight, Joel,” 
Joel watches you walk down the front path, denim jacket pulled tightly over your shoulders against the evening chill, legs bare under your dress. He watches you get in the car parked on the curb, greeting whoever is driving with the same blinding smile you sometimes give him, and Joel feels something rear up slightly in his chest. It’s like a shock through his body, and he averts his eyes as the car drives off, shuffling back into his living room with a mild frown on his face as he pulls out his mobile. It's a cheap, battered Nokia model that Joel doesn't use enough to replace.
You’ve barely turned the curb when your own phone buzzes, and you pull it out of the pocket of your jacket. 
from: joel. 10:39 PM  
pls call if getting murdered 
You can’t stop the slight chuckle that falls over your lips, and it makes the guy driving you look over, giving a tentative grin. “What’s funny?” 
“Sorry,” you say, shaking your head with a smile as you type a reply, “Just something stupid,” 
to: joel 10:40 PM
i’ll try my best
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You don't see Joel for the rest of the week, which is really only a few days if you think about it.
You hear his truck, the sound of his deep voice floating through the Miller's open back doors and windows as he hollers through the house for Sarah or Tommy, you can even hear them come up their front driveway if you're in the living room, but you don't see him.
You haven't seen Joel, and yet you think you're going a little crazy, because you're still thinking about him.   
You don't know what's consuming you, but every time you hear him around the neighborhood, your thoughts redirect to him, to your interactions. . . and then your mind starts to wander. . . you think about how his hands might feel running over your body, gripping the dips of your hips, how it would feel to kiss him, trace your lips over the curves of the muscles in his chest–
"Kiddo, you still with me?"
Your dad's voice interrupts your train of thought, and your mind returns to the present situation, which is you putting the plates your dad is handing you in the dishwasher.
"Hm?" you return, and your Dad chuckles.
"What's got you so deep in thought, hm? You've been absent all day,"
You give a shrug, taking the plate he's handing you and leaning over to slot it into the dishwasher. "It's nothing Dad. . . just thinking about my book,"
"Since when is book code for boys?" your dad chuckles, and your eyes widen as you look at him, thinking you've been made.
But how the hell could he know what you'd been thinking?
"What?" you bring out, and your dad smiles knowingly.
"You've been like this ever since you went out for those drinks," he tells you, raising an eyebrow, "You may be older, but you're still my little girl. . . I can read you like a book,"
You make a note of how happy you are that your dad can't actually read your thoughts like a book, because you're pretty sure if he could he'd be shipping you off to a convent right about now.
You give a small smile. "You got me,"
You figure it's easier to explain you've been thinking about some guy you'd had three drinks with and never plan on calling again instead of confessing to your dad that last night you'd had the possibly dirtiest dream about the very man he likes to invite over for monthly poker nights.
"You seein’ him again tonight?" your dad asks, and you shake your head with a chuckle.
"No," you say pointedly, "Tonight it's just me and some friends,"
"Alright," your dad says with a nonchalant raise of his hands, before your eyes fall on the clock hanging on the wall.
"I should be going soon, actually," you say, and your dad nods, "Laura said she'd be by around eight thirty–"
At that precise moment, you hear a honking noise from the street, and as you peer through the window, you see Laura's fern green Toyota Corolla parked on the curb in front of your house. 
"That's my cue," you say with a smile, before grabbing your purse from the dining table and leaning in to kiss your dad on the cheek, "See you later, dad,"
"Have fun honey," your dad says, and as you walk to the door of the kitchen, he adds, "If you need a ride home, call me, alright?"
"I will," you holler over your shoulder, before you step through the corridor and swing the door open.
It's somewhere after 8:30 PM, and the sun has only just started setting in the sky. It's mid-July, so it's still warm out, but you find that the evening heat and humidity is a little less oppressive than during the day. Nevertheless, you're not wearing anything but the silk slip dress you'd had on all day, deciding not to bring a cardigan at the last minute, guessing you’d be fine.
Laura honks again as you step out of the door, and as you make your way towards her car, she leans out the driver's seat and whistles. "Well hello there, hot stuff!"
You let out a laugh, shaking your head and your cheeks burning slightly as you wave her off. You'd met Laura at college in Seattle; you'd been in the same statistics class, and it had been pure chance when you'd become friends after you'd pointed out her Texas Longhorns shirt, which had led to you telling her your parents had just moved to Austin from Galveston, which happened to be where Laura was from.
"Shut up," you tell her jokingly as you pull open the car door, before getting in, "How are you doing?"
Laura is a short girl, with fair, freckle dotted skin and hair the color of rust. Her usual chartreuse green eyes are hidden behind a pair of sunglasses, and she gives you a smirk as she tilts her head down, giving you a look over them.
"All good here, doll," she says, before pushing her sunglasses up her forehead into her hair, "How was your day?"
"Good," you say with a nod, before you watch as Laura's eyes shift to something over your shoulder, eyebrows creeping up her forehead.
"Is that your neighbor?" she asks, and you turn in your seat to look at where she's staring, "You never told me he looked like that!"
True enough, Joel is standing in his driveway talking to Tommy, who's leaning out of the window of his truck, cigarette between his lips. He's wearing those same ratty beige shorts you've come to know so well, and a grimy grey t-shirt covered in black grease marks, undoubtedly from working in the garage all day. He still looks good, despite the sweat and the grime, shirt hugging his biceps and chest in just the right way and hair mussed on his head.
"It's criminal," you mutter, and Laura laughs, before you watch as the Miller's front door flies open and Sarah bounds down the path, purple backpack slung over shoulder.
"That his daughter? The one you babysit?" Laura asks, and you hum in agreement, "Jesus. . .who knew they made daddies so yummy, these days,"
"Maybe we shouldn't be staring," you realize suddenly, very aware of the fact that Joel could move his head any minute and spot you ogling him. He's probably already noticed you when Laura had honked at you from the front door.
"Hey, it is my human right to stare at your hot neighbor," Laura defends, before giving you a look, "You tried anything with him yet?"
"Laura!" you let out, trying to act as though you hadn't been flirting with Joel for the better part of two weeks, but she doesn't buy your tone, and lets out a full laugh.
"I knew it!" she says, shaking her head again with a smirk, "I can't blame you, doll. . .anything?"
"No," you say pointedly, "I mean, maybe. . . probably not,"
At that precise moment, you hear a call of your name, and your eyes widen to watch Sarah giving you an enthusiastic wave from where she's half-way into the passenger seat of Tommy's truck. You try not to look too guilty as you wave back at her, eyes shifting to Joel for a second only to find him looking at you with a half-amused smile. Laura gives another short honk and waves herself as your eyes shift quickly back to Sarah, before chuckling to herself, polite smile plastered on her face, "He's looking at you,"
"Drive, please," you mutter back through your smile, and she snorts as you turn back to her.
"You ready to have some fun?" she asks, wiggling her eyebrows, and you giggle, humming.
"As long as it involves a significant amount of drinking, I'm happy," you tell her, and she laughs loudly.
"Trust me," Laura says with a chuckle, before turning back to front and shifting the gear, foot stepping on the gas, "I know just the place,"
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To give Laura credit, the bar is fun.
It isn't too busy, nor too empty, and the music is good, at just the right volume to have a conversation without having to yell.
You're about three beers in, one of which was paid for by one of the two guys that had sidled up to you and Laura about half an hour ago. They were cute enough, and Laura seemed pretty taken with the one she was talking with, but your conversation was not nearly as riveting and you quickly felt your mind drifting.
Joel had been floating through your thoughts for the past few days, and seeing him earlier had lit something electric in you; he seemed to occupy your brain like a parasite, thoughts never straying far from his face, his lips, his arms–
Joel (?!)
You feel something like a jolt pass through you as your eyes register his familiar face, and you blink a few times to assure yourself it's him. But he is there, it isn't a figment of your imagination, he's standing on the other end of the bar by one of the tall tables, and he's looking at you.
You feel your cheeks start to burn as a bashful smile overtakes your features, and you look away from him with laughter in your eyes as you turn back to the guy talking sitting opposite you.
"I'll be right back," you tell him, your smile changing slightly but your voice staying honeyed and soft, "I'm getting another beer,"
"Okay," he says, looking almost a little relieved, and you bite back a smile at the fact that the poor dude is probably just as bored as you are wing manning his friend, and jumping at a chance to disrupt the semi-awkward silence.
You get up from your seat, grabbing your almost empty glass and making a beeline for the bar. From the corner of your eyes, you think you see Joel moving as well, but you don't look his way as you give the bartender a smile, setting your glass down.
"Can I have another, please?" you ask him, and he nods as he takes your empty glass from you.
Then, to your left, someone clears their throat, and you turn to find Joel standing there, giving an amused smile.
"Hello," he tells you with a chuckle, and you press your lips together in a bashful smile as you nod.
"Hi, Joel," you tell him, chuckling slightly, "Long time no see,"
"I know," Joel muses, setting his own glass down, "Was wondering when I'd run into you like this,"
When, not if.
"Didn't think you were much of a bar person," you comment, and Joel's brows raise slightly.
"You makin' assumptions?" he asks you, and you shrug, making a joking grimace.
"Just sayin', Joel," you reply, and the corners of his mouth twitch upwards into the beginning of a smirk. 
Your conversation interrupts for a second as the barman sets down your drink, and you pay for it. Then, you turn to Joel, beer in hand.
“Well, I'm going to enjoy my beer, which I can have," you say, your tone a joking reference to earlier.
"Yeah, yeah. . . what gets me is that you only think you've been made now," Joel says with a subtle raise of his brow.
"Oh?" you let out, and the corners of Joel's mouth twitch upwards into that smirk again.
"Sweetheart, I've been watching you all evening,"
The moments his words reach your ears you feel something sending a small shockwave through your system, and your thighs involuntarily clench, which you try to cover it up with a small scoff.
"Guess I'm not as subtle as I initially thought," you mutter, and Joel lets loose a soft chuckle as he shakes his head.
"I've seen you throw back like 4 beers already, aren't you starting to feel it a little?" he jokes, and you scoff.
"This is my fourth, so no,” you say pointedly, before you press your lips together in a second of silence, "Okay I may be starting to feel it,"
"Alright," he says with a laugh and a raise of his eyebrows, before he finishes the beer at the bottom of his glass, setting it down on the bar next to you when he's done.
"You let me know when you want to go home," he informs you, and your brow creases into a frown as you stand up a little straighter.
"What?” you ask him, and Joel gives you a look, "Joel, no–. . . I'm a big girl. I came here on my own just fine, I can find my way home,"
"I'd still feel better if it were me taking you home," Joel replies in a tone that makes it clear he isn’t going to argue about it, and you suppress a sigh as you feel a shiver run down the back of your neck at his words.
Christ, this man had you in his grip. 
"This is sort of ridiculous. . . I'm an adult, you know," you tell him eventually, and he gives you a dry smile.
"Indulge me, sweetheart,"
He's been a lot more liberal with the nickname lately than you think he's ever been, and it does something to you; every time it falls over his lips, your heart skips and your breath falters, leaving you scrambling to act completely normal about it.
"Fine," you give in, shaking your head with an eye roll, before you push off of the bar, your fourth drink in hand, "But I wouldn't wait around, Joel,"
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Joel does wait around, and rightly so, because after another two hours, you've had enough.
You're not quite drunk, but you find that the alcohol you have drunk is not combining well with the exhaustion of a bad nights' sleep. Laura's been talking to the same guy who'd been by your table for about two hours, and even though his friend had tried chatting you up again, you'd been too distracted by Joel standing on the other side of the bar to be even remotely interested in what he was saying. Finally, you decide to bite the bullet.
"I'm sorry," you tell the guy with a small smile, before putting a hand on Laura's arm, who is deep in conversation with the other guy, "I think I'm headed home,"
"You all right?" she asks immediately, and you nod with a small smile.
"Yeah, just exhausted. . . lack of sleep catching up to me a little," you tell her, and she nods.
"Alright, I'll take you home," she says with a nod, reaching for her purse but you shake your head, giving her arm a squeeze.
"No, no! You stay here and have fun. . . Joel offered me a ride home," you tell her, and you watch as she bites back a smile, raising an eyebrow as her eyes quickly flick over to the bar to look for him.
"Okay," she says knowingly as she looks back at you, before she tries to cover up her smirk, "Get home safe, doll,"
“You too,” 
You excuse yourself, and spot Joel leaning across the bar slightly, saying something to the bartender over the music, not immediately noticing as you walk to him. He only turns to look at you as he feels your fingers graze his arm lightly to get his attention.
"So," you say, your tone joking, "You still want to get out of here?"
To your surprise, Joel's mouth twitches into an amused smile at the double-entendre, which makes you smile slightly, and nods.
"Sure," he says with a knowing look, before he finishes off the rest of his beer, setting it down and saying goodbye to the bartender. He turns to you, pushing off the bar and motioning wordlessly for you to walk ahead, which you do. As you step through the thinning crowd of people in the bar, you swear you can feel Joel's fingers graze the small of your back, but the minute you notice, they're gone again.
The minute you step outside, you shiver slightly, and Joel frowns at you as you walk towards his car. 
"Didn't you bring a sweater?"
You shake your head. "It wasn't this cold when I left. . . besides, I left my usual cardigan on your couch, I think,"   
Joel had only noticed it the next morning, when he'd been sitting in front of the TV with his coffee and suddenly his nose had filled with the smell of you, which had startled him, until he'd spotted your cream cardigan stuffed unceremoniously in the corner of the couch.
Joel gives a hum as you reach the car, and you waste no time getting in the passenger seat, the car offering little extra warmth. Joel gets in, and for a second there's silence as he fastens his seatbelt and puts the key in the ignition, starting the car.
"Sarah at Tommy's tonight?" you ask him, and he hums as he puts the car in reverse, arm coming against the side of your headrest as he turns to look behind him. You feel something flutter in you as your gaze falls on the side of his face, but his eyes remain focused on behind him, oblivious to his effect on you.
"She's at a sleepover," he tells you, "Tommy just took her there,"
You nod in understanding, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you process this information, and finally Joel turns back to the wheel as he pulls out onto the road, eyes crossing yours furtively.
"Thanks for taking me, by the way," you say, and Joel nods, "Didn't mean to put an end to your night,"
"No problem, sweetheart. . . it was getting kind of stuffy in there, anyway," he tells you, and you chuckle lightly, before you turn to look out of the window.
"Spoken like a true old man," you say, under your breath, but Joel obviously still hears it, because he snorts.
"At least I'm not drunk after 4 beers," he counters, and your head snaps to look at him as you frown jokingly.
"I'm not drunk," you defend, and Joel chuckles.
"Really? Is that why you sat through an hour and a half of almost silence?"
You feel your breath stall in your throat for a second as you register that Joel had been watching you, and at least for the majority of the night for him to know this.
You purse your lips, shaking your head with a grudging smile. "He was boring. . . besides, I didn't do it for me, thank you very much, my friend was having a great time with his buddy!"
Joel nods with a hum. "You’re a good friend, then,”
His tone has a hint of teasing sarcasm to it, and it makes you raise your eyebrows in challenge. 
"Well what about you, then?" you counter, and Joel raises an eyebrow as he glances at you from the road for a second.
"What about me, sweetheart?" he inquires, and you snort, shaking your head as you look out of the window.
"I saw you turn down, like, four women," you say pointedly, before giving a sarcastic chuckle, "Not good enough for you?"
Joel just shrugs. "Nobody special,"
You let out a bark of laughter, looking back at him. "Joel Miller is picky, is he?"
Joel doesn't look at you, but you watch as he pursues his lips, corners of his mouth twitching into a smile as he shakes his head.
"Not picky," he says simply, and his eyes cross yours for another split second, before they go back to the road, "Just had my eye on something better,"
It feels like something kickstarts inside you at his words, and you try your best to keep your smile from growing as your eyes drift back to the road with a hum and a sarcastic nod.
In no time, Joel is pulling into your familiar street, and your heart is beating a million miles per hour as he turns into his driveway, headlights illuminating his garage door. Your hands feel sweaty as he switches off the engine, and when the lights die and plunge you back into the darkness of the evening, you start to feel nervous. What if you'd been reading it wrong? What if you were about to try something that would end in a decidedly awkward situation and forever taint your trips home?
You watch as Joel starts to speak, and you panic.
"Do you mind if I come in for a sec?" you ask, and Joel's words die in his throat as you hastily add, "To get my cardigan. . . I kinda need it tomorrow,"
Joel closes his mouth, and you can't quite decipher his expression in the dark of the car, but you hear him let out a measured breath. "Sure,"
Before you know it you're standing on Joel's porch as he unlocks the door, and he motions for you to go first as the door swings inwards. The house is dark but still recognizable, and you don't even think twice as you take off your shoes, not quite decided on whether you do it out of pure habit or because you’re finding an excuse to stay. If Joel notices, he doesn't say anything about it, and as you walk deeper into the hallway, he points at the kitchen.
"Put your cardigan on the kitchen table," he lets you know, "Thought it would remind me to come over and drop it off, but uh–. . .  I ran out of time today,"
"That's okay," you say with a chuckle as you walk in the direction he's pointing, before stepping sideways into the kitchen. As you flick on the light, you hear Joel’s heavy footsteps in the hall before you hear the unmistakable creak of the couch as you assume he sits down, followed by a slight groan.
"You all right?" you call as you locate your cardigan, and you hear him hum.
"Glad to be home," he returns, "That bar gave me a headache,"
You stall in the kitchen door for a second, before you turn back on your heel and reach for a glass in the cabinet, filling it up at the tap with water. You take a deep breath, steeling the nerves bubbling in your stomach as your mind races with the thought of Joel sitting on the couch just past this room, legs undoubtedly spread and back leaning against the couch.
"The bar?" you ask, your voice humorous, "Or the beers?"
"Not usually a drinker," Joel says after a second as you switch off the tap, and make your way out of the kitchen with the glass in hand, your cardigan forgotten in the kitchen, "But Jerry kept buying em', and hell, saying no would just be bad manners, wouldn't it?"
You chuckle as you step past the threshold of the living room. Joel is sitting exactly as you imagined him, except his head is thrown back and his hand is pressed against his forehead as he lets out another heavy breath. You can just about see the rise of his bulge through his jeans when he's sitting like this, and the desire that overcomes you makes the nerves you'd felt earlier in your stomach disappear into a puff of smoke.
"And yet this is your first glass of water…getting behind the wheel after more than 3 beers?" you say in an almost chastising tone as you come around the couch. "How irresponsible of you, Mr. Miller,"
From the corner of your eye you notice Joel's thigh clench under his jeans, foot digging into the carpet but not moving from the way he's sitting on the couch as his head moves, hand coming back down to rest on his thigh as his back straightens slightly. His eyes have moved to you, and you can feel them watching you as you put down the glass on the coffee table in front of the couch, standing straight. His gaze tracks you, so that when you're standing, Joel's eyes meet with yours, expression unreadable as you raise your eyebrows expectantly for an answer.
"Don't do that,"
His tone isn't easy to discern; the timber of his voice is a little deeper than it was a second ago, but you can hear the conflict between desire and restraint in his tone, which makes you bite back a smirk.
"Do what?" you return with a shrug, playing dumb, and you swear you see the color of Joel's eyes darken, and he clears his throat, pursing his lips.
"It's playing with fire," he warns you, and you let out a small breath of laughter as you take a step towards him, sitting on the couch, so that his head angles slightly to look at you as you get closer.
"Playing with fire," you muse jokingly, before you bend down ever so slowly, fingers going to close over an empty mug that had been left out on the small table destined for the lamp and remote. You have to bend slightly over Joel to do so, and your knee grazes his as you reach, Joel's eyes leaving your face for a second as they move over the curve of your back, and the rise of your ass, "What does that even mean?"
"It means you have to behave around me," he tells you, and for a minute you hear his usual stern tone bleed through the low and heavy pitch of his voice.
"I have to behave?" you ask, fingers leaving the mug on the table as your head moves to look at him with a raised eyebrow. Then, you move, leaning slightly over him, and Joel feels your leg move, knee coming to rest on the couch beside his thigh as your eyes never leave his, "I don't have to do anything, Joel. . . 'can do whatever I want,"
With that, you move again, leaning slightly on your knee and putting a gentle hand on Joel's shoulder in order to bring your other leg up onto the couch, so that you're straddling him, thighs over his and hands on his shoulders. It's risky, you know that, and at any moment you're half-expecting Joel to push you off of him, but he doesn't. He stays still, his eyes fixed on you.
"And what is it you want?" Joel asks, and his voice is raspy, almost breathless as he stays stiff beneath you, but you think you feel the tips of his fingers graze over your knee slightly. Your hand moves from his shoulder down his chest, nails digging slightly into the material of his shirt as you drag them down.
"I want you to touch me," you breathe, and your tone teeters on desperate, the pent-up frustration from all of this week coursing through your veins, "Please touch me, Joel,"  
–and sinker.
You can see it in the darkening of his eyes, the clench of his jaw; you know you've got him right where you want him.
"Sweetheart," Joel's voice is low, a barely controlled grumble that comes from deep down in his chest, teetering between warning and wanting as he feels your palm move over his chest lightly, "This is wrong,"
You look at him, eyes low and searching his as your nails dig into the material of his shirt. His words and the tone of his voice fuel a fire in your belly.
"I know," you whisper, and Joel can feel your breath tickle his lips, before you lean forward, lips brushing past his cheek as you lean down to whisper in his ear, "Tell me to stop. . . tell me you don't want me and I'll stop,"
Joel wants to say it, but somehow, the words refuse to cross his lips as you take it a step further and rock your hips against him, and then he's had enough. His hands move suddenly, planting themselves on your hips firmly, fingers digging into your exposed skin as he holds you in place, stopping your movements suddenly. You pull back slightly, so that you're looking at him again, and for a second you can read it all in his eyes. They flash between lust and guilt, and for a minute there's nothing but silence filled with Joel's measured breaths.
And then, at last, Joel Miller gives in.
His lips are on yours in a second, hand moving to the back of your head to pull you in, his other arm snaking around your waist as he sits straighter and pulls you flush to him. It makes your hips move against the hardening bulge in his jeans, the sudden movement of your panties against him making you let out a small moan of surprise into his mouth as he pulls you impossibly close. Your sound is swallowed by his mouth, moving with a desperate fervor against yours, taking advantage of the parting of your lips to let his tongue explore your mouth. He practically devours you as his palm covers almost the entirety of your lower back, the heat of his skin seeming to come through your dress. Your arms are wrapped around his neck, fingers tangled in the curls of his hair as you try and grab as much of him as you can. 
It's messy, desperate, all clashing tongues and teeth as nearly two weeks' worth of tension comes to a head. You roll your hips again, this time slowly, and as you feel Joel's bulge grow underneath you, he pulls away from your lips to draw in a sharp, throaty breath.
"Fuck," he groans, eyes pressed shut for a second, before he tangles his fingers in your hair and uses them to pull your head back slightly, exposing your neck to him. Joel wastes no time running his lips over the edge of your jaw, kissing down into the crook of your neck and the column of your throat as his hand moves from your back to your shoulder, pulling down the flimsy strap of your dress. His hand moves with it, before tugging on the neckline of your dress. You let loose another moan at the action, his mouth kissing over your collarbone and moving to the side down the top of your now exposed breath.
You let out a strangled moan as Joel's lips close over your nipple, teeth grazing over the tip as he bears down on it, his hand cupping under your breast, fingers kneading into your skin.
"J–Joel," you stutter out as pleasure courses through your chest, your fingers tightening in his hair as his tongue draws illicit shapes over your nipple, before his mouth moves in hastened kisses back across the center of your chest, up your collar bone, until finally you feel his lips brush the bottom of your chin. The grip in your hair loosens, your head angled back down enough for his lips to meet yours in another searing kiss.
It's even more intense than the last, and it steals your breath, every move against his body like a shock, skin igniting with his wandering touches.
You mentally take note of how happy you are that you wore a dress tonight, because there’s nothing more than the thin material of your panties separating you, and you can feel Joel's bulge through his jeans. As Joel kisses you, his mouth slowly tracing kisses back down your jaw line, you reach for the button on his jeans, popping it, before your fingers move to the hem of his shirt. You tug, and Joel pulls away from you for a second to help you pull his shirt over his head, before he's kissing you again, your fingers undoing his fly.
It's one big rush, almost frantic, but for some reason, you can't wait any longer. Your fingers run under the hem of his underwear, while Joel's hand moves down between the two of you. Your body freezes suddenly as you feel the pads of Joel's fingers graze over your entrance. You had been so busy trying to get his pants off you hadn't even noticed him moving your panties to the side, but you can feel him as he pushes the tip of his thick, calloused middle finger inside of you.
You let out a stuttering gasp at the feeling, and you feel Joel smirk against your lips.
"Needy little thing, aren’t ya?" he whispers as he sinks the first knuckle between your folds.
Your only response is a whimpering sound as Joel pushes on, until finally his entire finger is buried in your pussy. Your eyes widen slightly at the feeling as your lips part in a breathy gasp.
"Fuck," you whisper out, and your eyes press shut and hands finding purchase on his broad shoulders as your feel Joel's finger curl inside of you, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
"Feel good, baby?" he asks, his voice deep and velvety, his tone like music to your ears as you feel his other hand press firmly against the small of your back, keeping you close to him.
Joel clearly knows what he's doing, because in a mere manner of minutes he has you keening against him, a combination of expletives and his name falling over your lips in pleasured breaths. The heel of his palm grinds against your clit with every stroke of his finger, and the combination of the friction and the feeling of the pad of his index pushing inside of you as well almost sends you over the edge.
"Ah–. . . oh god, Joel," you stutter out, and you feel him smirk against your skin as he kisses down your neck back towards your breasts, recognizing the way your back stiffens and your thighs clench around his, your hips rolling over his hand desperately as he curls his fingers inside you again, working you open.
"Come on, sweetheart, I got you," he breathes against your chest, trailing your collarbone with his tongue, before his head dips, "Be a good girl and come all over these fingers, hm?"
With that, you feel Joel's mouth close over your nipple again, and your orgasm crashes through you. Joel does nothing to silence your sounds of pleasure as they echo through his living room, eyes pressed shut and brow furrowed as your head tips back slightly. Your chest heaves for breath as pleasure consumes you, your hips stuttering against his hand, and his head moves, eyes watching your face with a victorious expression, enjoying the sight of your blissed-out features. Eventually your moans become pants as your heartbeat starts to slow down, and you feel Joel kiss you again, your mouth opening to let him in willingly as you feel his fingers pull out of you, making you gasp slightly against his lips.
It takes a second for you to catch your breath, but not much longer, the weeks of lingering touches having filled you with so much anticipation neither of you can wait any longer to feel the other. You move off him for a split second to allow him to lift his hips so you can drag the waistline of his jeans down, Joel's lips leaving hungry kisses against yours. Neither of you bother pulling his pants down all the way, and as your hand wraps around the length of him, Joel lets out a stuttered gasp, fingers ghosting over the hem on your panties before moving them to the side again.  
You slowly lower yourself until you feel the tip of him press up against you, before your hips stall at the feeling, your mind seemingly registering only for the first time tonight how big Joel might be. He definitely feels bigger than you'd anticipated, and your hips freeze for a second at the thought. When you look back at Joel, his eyes are already on your face, analyzing every frown, every twitch of your features to gauge a change in your mood.
"You all right there, sweetheart?" he asks you, and his tone is so different from a second ago when he'd been talking you through your climax, so gentle, it throws you a little off guard, "You still want to keep going?"
You feel your chest warm at the question and the feel of his hands placed gently on your hips, dress bunched up to your waist as his hands caress the skin underneath with gentle strokes. A smile creeps up on your lips as you lean forward to press a kiss to his lips.
"Yes," you let out a whisper, before you move your hips down and the head of his cock pushes past your folds.
Your mouth parts as you sink down onto Joel, his fingers digging into your skin as you watch his eyes close and a frown furrow itself deep in his brow. He doesn't push you down, and lets you control the pace as you work yourself down his length, which feels impossibly thick, but you find yourself enjoying the slight burn of stretching around him.
Finally, with a final push down of your hips he's buried to the hilt. The guttural groan Joel lets out, as he throws his head back slightly against the couch, mingles with your own moan as you dig your nails into his shoulders.
"Holy shit," Joel rasps out, "S'tight, baby,"
You just let out a whimpering hum, barely coherent as you feel Joel's hips press against your ass, skin igniting where it touches against his. 
He brings his head back to look at you.You're a sight to behold like this, sitting in his lap, dress hiked up to your hips and flimsy straps halfway down your arm, exposing the tops of your breasts. Your eyes are shut, brow creased in effort and concentration, full lips parted in pleasure.
"There you go," Joel goads as you try and adjust to the feeling of being impossibly full, teeth biting down into your lip, "Knew you could do it,"
"Jesus, fuck, Joel," you stutter out, closing your eyes slightly as you feel him press his forehead against yours, perfectly still as he's buried into you as far as he can go, "You're so deep,"
"I know, sweetheart, I know" he coos, and you feel his hand run soothingly over the skin of your hip, "Is that what you've been thinking about every time you're over here, hm? How deep I'd feel inside of you?"
"Y–ye–. . . oh fuck, yes, Joel," you bring out as his hands gently roll your hips, making you whimper as you throw your head back slightly, eyes pressed shut, "Not just when I'm here. . . been thinking about it all week, Joel,"
"That so?" he hums, and you feel his lips leave open-mouthed kisses down your neck, "You been touching yourself thinking about me?"
The question makes your cheeks burn, and you open your eyes looking down at Joel. His eyes shift to yours as he looks up from where he's kissing your neck, a smirk spreading across his face as he catches sight of your embarrassed expression.
"Don't go shy on me now, baby," he tells you with a deep chuckle, before you feel him move your hips upwards slightly, pulling out halfway and waiting, "Been rather bold, haven't you. . . ? Bein' all flirty, pushin' up against me when you know I can't do anything about it. . . now, answer me,"
"Y­–yes," you bring out, and with that, Joel pushes down on your hips suddenly, burying himself to the hilt once more, eyes never leaving yours. You can't stop the loud, desperate moan that falls over your lips and echoes through the living room as he does, eyes fluttering shut as pleasure courses through your body, and Joel watches with a satisfied smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
"That's bad, sweetheart," he says in a mockingly chastising, shaking his head, "Maybe you don't deserve it, then, hm? Maybe I'll just teach you a lesson instead,"
Joel's head dips again, one hand firmly on your hips, keeping you in place in his lap, the other moving up to cup your breast. His lips close over the sensitive skin of your nipple, you gasp slightly, before a moan builds in your chest. You try to move your hips, desperate to release some of the friction, to feel him thrust into you again, but Joel's hand is like a vice.
"No, baby," he rasps against your skin, before you feel his teeth nip at your nipple slightly, "You sit tight. . . don't get to move yet. . . not until I say so,"
You let out a plaintive whimper as you feel him flex inside of you, your walls fluttering around him desperately in anticipation.
"Fuck, sweetheart, you're squeezing me so tight," he groans, but still he doesn't move his hips, or let you move yours, lips resuming the onslaught on your breasts.
"Joel," you let out in a whine, and you feel him smirk against your skin.
"What is it darlin'?" he asks you, fingers digging into the skin of your hip, "Want me to move, hm? Why don't you beg for it?" 
Joel watches as your eyes open, and you use your hand, tangling it in his hair to move him off your breasts, angling his head slightly upwards, looking down into his eyes.
"I don't beg," you tell him, your voice hinting at authoritative, and you can see in his eyes that Joel likes that you're challenging him.
You feel his hand move from your chest down between you again, and you can't stop the sudden gasp that escapes you as you feel the pad of his thumb press down on your clit, rolling over it slowly.
"You do now," Joel says, raising a single eyebrow as he smirks at you, your eyes widening at the feeling of his finger drawing steady circles over your sensitive bud.
Fuck this, you think to yourself. You need Joel to move.
"P–please," you stutter out as Joel's finger speeds up, and his chest rumbles as he chuckles deeply.
"Please what, sweetheart?" Joel hums, and you give him a look, eyes flashing with slight frustration at his insistence, which makes him smirk wider, eyes knowing as he waits for you.
"Please move, Joel," you let out in a breath, "Please just fuck me,"
"Atta girl," he says finally, and then, Joel releases his grip on your hips.
It isn't gentle, and it isn't slow; your hips stutter, and he thrusts up to meet them as he pulls you down on him over and over again at a fast pace. Your brow creases as your eyes shut, arms wrapped around Joel's shoulders as you push yourself up and down his cock desperately, the feeling of him filling you repeatedly almost too good for words. Joel isn't holding back anymore, either, and both of his hands are on your hips, pulling you down onto him just as hard and as desperate as your own movements.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you let out in small breaths, "God, Joel,"  
The noises Joel is making under you are downright sinful. Deep throaty grunts with every thrust, like music to your ears, as his arms wrap tightly around your waist, keeping you close to him as you move in a rhythm.
"Shit, baby. . . that's right," he mutters, before moving one of his hands to run over your cheek, fingers burying into the hair at the nape of your neck, face so close to yours he's practically grunting into your mouth, "Feels so fucking good. . . pussy s'made for me,"
"It's all for you, Joel," you bring out between moans as he pushes up into you, "Fuck, oh god,"
The feeling of Joel is beyond words; you feel every vein, every ridge as he slides in and out of you, tip repeatedly hitting a spot deep inside you, that makes your vision spotty. You're almost ashamed to say it doesn't take long before you feel yourself getting close, and when Joel's thumb presses over your clit again, rolling in slow circles, you find yourself tipping over the edge again.
"That's right," Joel whispers against your lips and you moan into his mouth, legs shaking from your orgasm.
You know he isn't far behind you, either, by the way his thrusts are caught between speeding up and slowing down. His breath becomes shallower as his fingers dig into the flesh of your waist. As your walls flutter around him, you lean down, lips grazing from the corner of his mouth across his jaw and towards his ear.
"Come on, baby," you let out, your tone between breathy and sultry as you use the nickname he'd been using all night on you, "Want to feel you coming inside me, Joel,"
"Fuck, yeah?" Joel groans as he hears you let out another moan in his ear, your orgasm only just subsiding, "Fuck, shit. . . I'm coming,"
Your name falls over Joel's lips in a faltering breath as his hips stutter. His brow creases suddenly as his eyes press shut, before he buries his mouth against your shoulder, teeth nudging against your skin. His arms tightens around your naked chest as you feel him twitch against you, Joel's hips suddenly pressing against you so desperately he nudges something inside you that makes you whimper.
"Fuck–ah!" Joel lets out, followed by a whimpering groan against your ear as his teeth sink further into your shoulder, "Shit. . . sweetheart, ooh, fuck!"
He comes hard inside of you, no sounds filling your ears but his blissed out, whimpering moans for a second, which gradually turn into pants as his forehead comes down to rest on your shoulder, his breath against your skin.
Trying to compose yourself, you take your own regular breaths as your heart rate slows down. 
"Jesus," Joel whispers to himself as he looks up from your shoulder. Then he's facing you again, looking into your eyes as you chuckle slightly, still trying to catch your own breath.
"Good enough for you?" you joke as you raise an eyebrow, and Joel gives you a look, before his forehead falls against yours. 
"Sweetheart," he grumbles jokingly, his arms tightening around you as his eyes close and he lets out a contented breath, "I'm going to need you to do that like, 10 more times,"
You can't stop the small laugh that crosses your lips as you lean forwards and kiss him. When you pull away, you trap Joel's bottom lip between your teeth, which makes him groan deep in his chest as you pull away with a smirk pulling at the corners of your mouth.
"I think I can do that," 
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writing this took it out of me, so reactions are sooo appreciated and feedback is more than welcome ღ k
a special shoutout is owed to @cutetomholland for her incredible help proofreading, so say thank you otherwise ya'll would be reading some straight shit teehee
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5K notes · View notes
itgetsdark-x · 7 months
This Heat is Gettin’ To Me
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Summary: Beach day’s with your dad had always been enjoyable; the sun, the sea, the beer and now Joel was there, it was far more enjoyable for you.
Warnings: 18+, MDNI plssss!! Public sex, age gap (unspecified but Joel would be mid forties, reader in twenties), unprotected p in v (do better & wrap it)
Characters: Dbf!Joel Miller x (f) reader
Word Count: 3.1k
(Divider by @saradika-graphics)
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It was a baking hot day, the peak of summer and here you were; at the beach with your father and his close friend, Joel Miller. Days at the beach had always been your favourite times and now that Joel was here it provided a new level of attraction to the day out. You had been here since pretty early in the morning which luckily meant you had a good spot on the beach, there were people everywhere; families with young children, couples, friends and even a few dogs running around. Somewhere in the back of your mind you wondered if people thought your father and Joel were a couple. 
“Do you not ever get worried that people will assume you and my dad are a couple?” You asked bluntly, peering up over your sunglasses to stare at Joel who was rubbing sunscreen into his muscly biceps. 
“What?!” Joel laughed, pausing his motions in confusion. 
“Well I was sat here reading my book, people watching and looking at all the couples and stuff and then I thought about you and dad.” You shrugged. “I mean, I totally ship it. Just you men never have girlfriends and now I’m thinking it’s because ladies are scared off by thinking you’re a couple.”
Joel shook his head with a fond smile on his features, he went back to applying his sunscreen; you leant back onto your arms and greedily watched him behind your shades. His large palms rubbed over his arms and eventually reached his chest, soft white and dark hairs peppered over his tanned skin and you would lying if you said it didn’t make you wet. You gently rubbed your thighs together, trying to stave off the throbbing as you imagined how it would feel to have his hands all over your body. 
You were ripped from your filthy thoughts when an outline of a man appeared in front of you and handed you a beer, you looked up the sun blocking his features but you knew it was your dad. 
“You okay, sweetie? You look flushed.” Your dad asked and resumed his position next to you, he laid down under the sun shade and rested his arm behind his head. 
“Y-yeah, must be the sun. I’ll go into the sea in a bit and cool down.” You lied, Joel looked over at you with a raised brow but directed his attention back to rubbing the sunscreen into his legs. 
It almost killed you off and you stared into the can of your beer and sipped at it, trying to distract yourself in any way possible. 
“Oh, your sweet daughter there seemed to have an epiphany whilst you were doing the drinks run.” Joel laughed, sitting the other side of you and cracking open his cool beer. 
“Yeah? What was it, sweet pea?” 
“Nothing. Just maybe wondered if the reason y’all don’t have girlfriends is because people think you and Miller are dating or something.” You shrugged, your gaze darting between the two men. 
Your dad barked out a loud laugh, which in turn, cause your own to erupt and soon the three of you were sat there in your own little world, crying with laughter. Your dad recovered from his laughing fit, wiping his tears away with the backs of his hand and shook his head. 
“Sweet pea, I can’t speak for Joel but I’m single because it’s not a priority for me. I go out to bars and see all these younger women with their next-to-nothing outfits on and it just makes me sad. I’m yet to find a woman but that doesn’t mean I haven’t had offers.” Your dad smirked. 
“Gross. So. Gross.” You fake gagged and looked down at your book. “Fine. I’m still convinced people think y’all are a couple and that’s why. But sure. You’ve had offers.”
Joel was still softly chuckling, he looked at you both with adoration and his heart ached softly for his Sarah, she had gone off to college and found herself a nice guy there so she was rarely home anymore, mainly just for the big days like Thanksgiving or Christmas. He watched as your dad joked around with you, his heart bloomed at the thoughts of Sarah but more importantly, he kept staring at you. The way you moved or the way your eyes seemed to sparkle whenever something made you laugh; he could watch you all day with intense interest, he wanted to make you laugh more just to see the sparkle in your features. He certainly couldn’t help the way his eyes followed your heaving chest as you laughed, the red fabric of your bikini top seemed like it could give out any second, somewhere in Joel’s mind he urged it to happen, just so he could catch a glimpse of you, more of you. 
Joel knew his feelings, his lust for you, was wrong on many levels but he also felt like it was mutual at times. He was sure he could see your eyes roaming his body, he could see your mind ticking away at thoughts of him. He tried to be better than his thoughts and not get carried away with them but days at the beach made it impossible, especially when you would walk off to go swim or get a drink; the bottoms of your bikini rose up so high he could almost see all of your ass as you walked. 
The day wore on, you had your nose in your book for the majority of it, only occasionally leaving to go get another drink or take a dip into the cool sea to cool yourself off. That’s where you were now, you were in the sea, just bobbing along and swimming casually, more just there to feel the cool embrace of the salty water on your tanning skin. You could see your dad and Joel, still, your father had fallen asleep after a couple of beers and no doubt, the heat. Joel was there, his thick legs outstretched as he watched people walk by; you couldn’t help but feel your stomach drop when Joel smiled at a younger woman who walked by, his eyes followed her as she left his line of vision. 
You left the water, walked back over to where your father and Joel were sat and you grabbed your towel from the floor, making sure to bend yourself over in Joel’s direction. He noticed, of course he did. His eyes tracked up the length of shapely legs until his gaze bored into your behind, the wet material of your bikini bottoms clung to your ass. 
“This,” you gestured at your dad. “Is the reason you old men shouldn’t drink in the heat, you can’t handle it.” You teased with a soft laugh as you sat yourself down next to Joel on the beach towels. 
“I’m still standing, aren’t I?” Joel retorted with a roll of his eyes. 
“Barely, Miller.” You smirked and grabbed your sunscreen from your bag. 
You took a generous amount and started to rub it into the soft skin of your legs, stretching yourself to cover every inch of your skin liberally. Joel’s eyes watched you, they watched your delicate hands rub your flesh and he hungrily thought how it should be him rubbing you down like that. 
“Joel?” You said annoyed, waving your small hand in front of his features. “I just asked could you please rub some into my back for me?”
Joel was pulled from his trance, crashing back down to earth and silently, he thanked someone up there for answering his prayers. 
“Of course I can, darlin’.” He smiled sweetly and tapped the spot on his towel next to him. “C’mhere and sit in front of me.”
You nodded and placed yourself in front of the male, as instructed. Joel’s large hands were soon rubbing at the bare flesh of your shoulders and you shuddered under his touch, the sunscreen cool against your burning skin. His hands dipped lower, his fingers rubbing the creamy liquid into your skin; his fingers dug into your shoulders roughly and you couldn’t help the small moan that escaped your lips. 
Joel couldn’t help but smirk to himself as he let his fingers expertly massage your tense shoulders, your head lulled forward as you enjoyed the sensation of him massaging you. 
“You wanna stop moaning so loud, your daddy will wake up and get the wrong idea, sweetheart.” Joel chuckled, his voice fanning across your ear as he leant forward. 
“Feels so good though.” You sighed happily, your eyes falling shut as Joel continued to rub your body down. 
“Too bad your sunscreen is applied then, isn’t it.” Joel teased with a smirk. 
You whined softly, feeling annoyed as his hands left your body and you turned your head behind yourself to look at the male. 
“D-don’t stop… please. Feels so good.”
Joel cocked his head to the side as you took his hands and placed them back on your body, you held his hand as you guided them back over to your skin. You slid them slowly down the curved lines of your side, back up and let them draw slowly over your bikini-clad chest until you rested them back onto your shoulders with a soft, contented sigh. 
Joel cleared his throat behind you, he could feel himself almost immediately stiffen in his swim shorts as his palms rubbed over your chest, he could feel the hard bud of your nipples under the thin fabric. There had always been flirtatious jokes between you, ever since you came into Joel’s life you had become this sort of forbidden fruit that lingered over his head. He knew he couldn’t ever have you, you were his friend’s daughter and so much younger than him. But there you were today, in an impossibly small bikini, your smooth skin just begging to be devoured by him there and then. And your hands on his? Leading him over the most forbidden expanses of your body, right whilst your father snoozed by you both. 
“Darlin’…” Joel warned breathlessly, his hands still massaging your shoulders. 
“Joel.” You smirked. 
“What are you playing at?” He asked quietly, his face lingering near the skin of your neck, his lips ghosting over you causing you to shudder. 
“Hmm?” You hummed innocently. “Just putting you to work, your massage feels amazing. Plus you’re protecting my delicate, young skin from the dangers of skin cancer.” You jested. 
“Oh is that right? I forgot you needed sunscreen smeared over your bikini.” 
You laughed softly, you knew you Joel wanted you and you wanted him just as bad. You weren’t sure whether it was a cumulative reaction from the baking sun, the beers or Joel’s heady scent but something was making you bold; your eyes scanned the area to ensure no eyes were on you before you took Joel’s hands once more and landed them onto your breasts. You squeezed his hands this time so he could properly cup the fleshy mounds and you bit back a soft moan. 
“I want you…” you whispered, you could still feel Joel’s lips near your skin and he soon took it upon himself to kiss at the sensitive pulse point in your neck. 
You pressed your body backwards to his and almost immediately you could feel the hard curve of his thick member pressing against your ass; just the thin materials of your swimsuits keeping you away from what you craved. You clenched around nothing, your body throbbing to feel him where you wanted him most. 
“Fuck.” Joel cursed. “Keep making me touch you and I’ll cum in my shorts like a teenage boy.” He laughed, his hands following down the curve of your sides until he gripped at your ass roughly. 
Joel stood up behind you, you turned around to protest but he was holding his hand out for you to take it. You obliged, unsure of his plan but willing to follow him anywhere. 
“Where are we?” You asked and Joel just turned around to smirk at you. 
He led you over to the shoreline, towards a more secluded area and slowly he submerged you both into the water. The ocean came up to around your chest, you were able to stand but the waves splashed around you to hide you both well. 
“Needed to hide away from everyone, need to have my way with you.” Joel said quietly, cautious in case there were nearby people. 
“We are not fucking in the ocean.” You laughed ludicrously. 
“Why not? You scared, princess?” Joel smirked, his hands held your hips strongly as you both bobbed with the motion of the sea. “Thought you wanted me?”
“I swear to god, Miller if I get a UTI from this, you’ll be the one that’s paying for the prescription to sort me out.” You rolled your eyes and let your hand cup at Joel’s still hard member, your fingers squeezed his length and he let out a low groan. 
“Come here and kiss me.” Joel said softly, holding the back of your head to land a bruising kiss to your mouth; his lips moved dominantly against yours, you were entirely at his will as he kissed you. 
You wrapped your legs around Joel’s waist, the water making you almost weightless and your hands gripped either side of his face to kiss him deeper. Your tongue dipped into his mouth and you whimpered as you tasted him for the first time, you had craved him for so long. His rough facial hair scratched at the skin of your face and you relinquished the sting as his tongue fought against yours. 
Joel reached a hand down between you both, his awkwardly pulled his member free in the water and yanked your bikini bottom to the side so he could push himself into your wet hole. He held both your hips once more and used them as leverage to bring your body down until you were fully seated onto his cock. You pulled away from the kiss to rest your forehead against his, a breathless gasp falling from your kiss-swollen lips. 
“F-fuck,” you whimpered, your arms looping around Joel’s neck to hold him weakly as he built up a steady rhythm of you bouncing onto his dick. 
To any passers-by you would both be seen cuddling, bobbing in the current of the ocean; just a sweet moment between a loving couple. The thrill of potentially being caught made your body ache and you fluttered your walls around Joel as you somewhat awkwardly worked yourself onto his cock. 
“So tight, never wanna leave you. Should stay buried in your pretty cunt, need you warming my cock forever.” Joel mumbled against your lips.
You couldn’t help but blush at his words, your hands clawed gently at his bare shoulders as Joel nudged his cock against the bundle of nerves buried deep in your walls. You could already feel your stomach bubble with your impending orgasm, you knew you needed to be quick as to not arouse suspicions if your father awoke from his nap. 
“Joel,” you whined quietly, your head still lulling against Joel’s forehead. “God I wish we were somewhere more stable so you could fuck me as rough as I deserve.” You whispered, lips tickling against Joel’s sun-kissed skin. 
Joel let out a breathy laugh as his large hands pawed at the doughy flesh of your ass. He groaned softly as held onto you and pushed his hips up harder and faster. 
“We need to speed this up, baby girl. Don’t want your daddy questioning where we are, do we?” He whispered. “Dip your hand down and play with your clit, need you to cum at least once before we go back.” 
You bit your lip as Joel manoeuvred your hips below the water, you bucked your hips forward as Joel’s thick cock filled you deliciously and you pushed your hand into your bikini bottoms. Your delicate fingers nimbly circled your clit and you gasped loudly, the sensations building throughout your body. 
“Please tell me you’ll fuck me again?” You asked, eyes pleading with the older man as your fingers moved faster. “Fuck, need you again and again and again.” You moaned, the noise louder than initially intended. 
Joel groaned and nodded as he brought your hips down again roughly, the water still slowing his motions. “I’ll fuck you whenever you want, princess. Whatever you want.”
“I-I’m gonna —“ you whimpered, your voice dying off as a high-pitched whimper fell from your lips. 
You clenched around Joel, your spongy walls gripping his cock like he had never had before and he moaned gruffly. 
You removed your fingers from your clit and you knew Joel was close by the way his cock was twitching as he thrust into you again. You giggled as you reached under the fabric of your bikini top and released your tits from the refraining fabric. Your soft mounds bobbed in the water but it was enough to push Joel over the edge. 
He came quickly, holding you in place to take every last drop of him and in that moment, you were grateful that the ocean would at least help you somewhat freshen up before you headed back. Your name fell from Joel’s lips softly as he clumsily thrust up a couple more times before his head fell forward to rest on your chest so he could suck in a few deep breaths. 
“Please never put your top back on, it’s a crime against humanity that you cover your body up.” He laughed, his chest still heaving with the effort. 
You rolled your eyes with a fond giggle and finally unlatched your legs from around Joel’s hips. You redid up your bikini top and ensured your bottoms were on correctly before starting to swim off away from Joel. 
You reached the sand once again and began walking back to the spot where your dad was still snoozing. 
“Meet me tonight.” Joel whispered, his hand resting on the small of your back. 
“What?” You asked, looking back at him as you continued to walk. 
“Come to mine tonight, let your dad fall asleep and I’ll come and pick you up. You’ll be back before he knows. I need to fuck you properly.” 
You nodded, not trusting your shaking voice to speak. 
“And for now, enjoy the feeling of my cum slowly leaking from you for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I’ll clean you up later, I promise.” He smirked, running ahead of you to go back to laying down on his towel. 
You sat down and picked your book back up, pretending you had any interest in the words on the page in front of you. 
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thefrogdalorian · 7 months
I love how every time this big scary intimidating former bounty hunter who supposedly terrifies everyone he meets has been shown without his helmet, he's just a slightly pathetic [affectionate] little meow meow underneath all of his big scary armour
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Awwwww, big scary Mandalorian, what are you gonna do now....
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.... cry? 🥺
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You don't look so scary now, you sad little cat [affectionate]
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p1nkmic · 2 years
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I saw THAT edit of Pedro and never looked back. Dilf of the year.
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luvrxbunny · 5 months
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mini blurbs 2 ─ ★ joel miller x f! reader
a/n: ngl. some of these are blurb sized blurbs but i was just too lazy to give them their own post 😇
wc: 992
warnings: 18+ MDNI, cum in pants, voyerism(?), dry humping, piv, blowjob
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-> dbf!joel who gets invited to the family bbq/pool party only to lose his shit the second he sees you. he ends up (uncharacteristically) being the first person in the pool because there’s no other way to hide how hard he is.
you eventually feel bad, watching him float around the empty pool, and decide to join him.
so he has to touch himself while you’re talking to him. you’re so beautiful in the sunlight, your skin basically glowing. you’re just slightly sweating, letting joel’s imagination conjure up insane scenarios.
to top it all off, you start touching him. you notice his silence along with his sweaty and red face. you assume it’s the heat, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead then his cheek, and commenting on how hot he feels.
his hips repeatedly jerk towards you as he cums into the netting of his shorts. trying to keep his voice steady as he lets you know that he is perfectly fine.
-> dbf!joel who is disgustingly depraved. like he lurks around your room at night, sometimes just standing out in the hall to hear you moving around in there. you catch him spraying your perfume on his shirts on multiple occasions.
you don't technically know what he does with the shirts but you know that when your dad has him in the guest room, he thinks the walls are a lot thicker than they are.
-> finally convincing joel to send you a full body video of him cumming and he shocks you to your core when it’s just a video of him sitting back, full body in frame, his thick hairy thighs and huge arms grabbing your attention instantly. he’s looking directly at the camera as his cock bobs between his thighs, twitching and leaking everywhere for the camera before tensing up and spurting across his chest. joel’s head flies backwards as a deep groan rattles from his chest as he paints it white. he comes down with slow chants of “oh baby-” and "fuck, sweetheart." before going silent, just huffing into the air.
when he looks back down at the camera you can see a blush over his cheeks as he reaches for it. you can tell he's looking at himself not the camera when he gives you a “hope that was alright.” and a soft, timid smile before it ends
you respond with “come over right now.”
-> trying to give joel a blowjob for the first time. he's basically bouncing in his seat as you get on your knees. you take your time unzipping his pants, smiling at the way he moans at everything you do. his breathing picks up once you reach for the band of his breifs, his hands coming to the side of his chair, gripping so hard that his knuckles almost turn white. you take a moment to take in his state, all disheveled despite the fact that you've done nothing but undress him.
he rewards you with a desperate, breathy "i'll do anything".
his hips are fucking into the air as he keeps his eyes trained on the ceiling. you concede, wrapping your hand around his dick and shocking a moan out of him. you finally lean forward to place your lips on his tip, licking at his slit softly, relishing in his salty taste. he sucks in a sharp breath and never exhales.
you pull off of him to giggle at his reaction, maybe lick up his shaft. but the second you come off, his hips pump into the air, humping his dick against your cheek before cumming all over your face.
he groans like he got kicked in the chest, completely out of breath and so gravelly you know his voice will be scratchy afterward.
“mmm fuck. m’sorry. m’ so so sorry, love. s- so good.”
-> joel who wraps his arms around you so tightly that they shake when he cums. no matter what position. he’ll either rearrange the both of you so he can wrap you up or he’ll figure out a way in the position you’re in.
if he’s fucking you in doggy then he’ll lean down and wrap one arm around you. to make up for the missing arm, he’ll rant about how much he loves you in your ear.
his favorite position to have you in is spooning. first, because it's convenient. second, because he can wrap both his arms around you and pull you against his body as tightly as he wants.
sometimes he'll lock you in place and flip onto his back, planting his heels into the bed before beginning his relentless pace into your crying cunt.
-> in a van for a supply run with joel, tommy, maria and some other unknown characters. maria and tommy are upfront with the goons taking up the middle seats. you had to beg joel for this but you guys are in a cuddling position. joel sitting with his back to window, one leg straight and the other planted on the floor. you're sitting between his legs, leaning back against him but sitting straight enough to just turn your head if you want to kiss him.
but the road is more worn down than either of you expected. you try to act like you haven't only been focused on the hot bulge digging into your back every time the van bumps over a rock but once you feel the hot mass begin to harden and expand, you realize you're not the only one struggling with those thoughts.
with some more begging, a lot of neck kisses, gentle caressing, and soft, desperate words to joel. you're now in the same position but bent at the waist, giving him perfect access to your perky ass.
he's having way more fun than he'd care to admit but you can feel it. he was cautious at first, stopping anytime someone said something he thought might draw attention to the back, or even when the van got too silent. but know he's going at you. he's bringing your hips back directly on his cock like he's fucking you.
and he has no problem draping himself over your back to lean in your ear so you can hear him cumming in his pants for you
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perotovar · 11 months
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I know you didn't mean to make me feel like a dumbass, so I'll let you make it up to me by lettin' me buy you a drink.
PEDRO PASCAL as JACK "Whiskey" DANIELS Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017) dir. Matthew Vaughn
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Give Me a Shot to Remember Pt1
Pairing: Joel Miller x gn!reader
Words: 2.9k
Rating: M (18 + very smutty)
Warnings: hate sex (sorta noncon but evolves to concentual [this one on the darker side folks]), misunderstandings, QZ Joel, drinking, swearing, choking, fingering (reader receiving), degradation, face slapping, face fucking, gagging, riding, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys!), fucking your emotions out, creampie, and cock warming,
Summary: You hated Joel Miller, and you never wanted to see him again. But it seemed like fate had other ideas.
Author: Mod Mouse
Notes: This is my entry for @sp00kymulderr's MCR challenge, and got the song The Sharpest Lives. I'm honestly excited for this one! It went in directions I wasn't expecting. That being said, this is a darker 18+ fic so MDNI. If you click the "Keep Reading," You know what you're getting yourself into. Also this is my first time writing for Joel so I hope I did him justice.
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You hated Joel Miller. That fucker had messed up your life in unforeseen ways. So when you saw him in the bar in the QZ that night after years of loathing and silence sent you in a spiral. So ya you went on a bender. Anything that had alcohol and was in your vicinity went down your throat with the familiar sting of forgetfulness. That was until the bartender cut you off and you threatened his mother and his entire line. Luckily you were good friends with him and only sent you away with a slap on the wrist telling you to try again tomorrow. 
So you stumbled down the road back to your shitty apartment in this shitty town. To add even more insult to injury the heavens decided to dump the entirety of its rain contents right on you. “Son of a bitch!” you yelled up at the clouds, but of course they didn’t care. No one gave any shits about you. You were sopping wet by the time you threw open the door of the complex. 
You groaned and stumbled up the stairs, your shoes squishing with every step. Ugh and you just got these too. Another week of rations down the drain. All you wanted now was a bath and a good night's sleep. The reward of cleanliness was the pull you needed to make it up the stairs. The hallway felt way longer than what it actually was as you trudged across the worn wood. Finally you reached your door though it took a couple of tries to actually open the damn thing and you slipped inside giving no mind that it was weird your door was unlocked. You religiously checked it every time you left your apartment. 
To your alcohol ridden mind it didn’t matter. What mattered was dry clothes and sleep. You stumbled into the space and kicked your shoes off with a thud and shed what close you could before you fell face first into the couch. It didn’t take you long before you were passed out unaware of what the world would throw at you next. 
Joel Miller had witnessed a plethora of events in his life. Some good, but most of them left some sort of imprint in his aged mind. After burning bodies all day, he just wanted to rot on his couch with a beer in his hand. With some extra ration cards he got from his trading, he got himself a six pack which he carried back up to his apartment. 
What he wasn’t expecting was his apartment door to be half open. Quietly he set the pack of beer on the ground and pulled the gun from the back of his pants. Carefully he held it in front of him as he pushed the door fully open with a creak. It was soon apparent that nothing was messed up so nothing was stolen. 
After another quick glance around the room his eyes landed on your half naked body and he swiveled his gun to aim it at your sleeping form. Tiptoeing closer to the couch not letting his gun move away from you. When he was close enough he nudged you with the barrel of his gun though all it did was make your arm fall. 
He tried again adding a bit more force behind the shove and that caused a snort to escape from you. Joel scooted back as you waved your hand besides you mumbling what he could only assume was a swear word at his expense. Again he shoved you with the barrel not caring about the amount of force he was using against you. Finally that seemed to get the stranger awake. 
You weren’t very happy at the sudden interruption of your peaceful sleep. “Hey get up,” You heard the stranger bark at you and you sat up quickly though wincing as everything was way too bright and way too loud. 
“Jesus fuck man chill out. I was sleeping.” It took you a moment to realize the situation. “Wait what the fuck are you doing in my apartment,” You grumpled as you grabbed you head. 
“Your apartment? Try again.” The voice repeated with an edge of annoyance. 
This made you look up and through your blurry vision you took in the man before you. It took you a minute through your hungover idled brain to realize who you were looking at. But when it hit you, growled and quickly stood up despite all the warnings from your body. 
“What the fuck are you doing here, Joel?” You practically yelled and pulled out the pocket knife from your pocket. 
“Like I said yer in my apartment.” He replied, setting the gun on the coffee table. 
“I’m not–” You paused and turned to take in your surroundings. Most of the QZ apartments looked identical, but the burns on the carpet and this sofa were not yours. It was missing everything that made your space what it was. The objects that reminded you of your best friends were missing from the shelves replaced with an old radio. When you realized that you were in the wrong apartment you cursed yourself and rubbed your eyes. 
“Fucking hell,” You growled. You did not want to have this conversation right now. “I’ll leave.” You tried to plow through Joel, but the man stood his ground not letting you move an inch. 
“Get. Out. Of. My. Way,” You punctuated through clenched teeth. 
“I think we need to have a talk,” The older man added. 
You scoffed and ran your tongue over your teeth in annoyance. “Oh we have to have a conversation now. Well you weren’t feeling chatty when you decided to leave me some blonde bimbo bitch.” You panted as your anger surged through your veins. “Four years Joel we dated. Four!” 
Joel scowled as he stared at you baring down at you with war worn eyes, but he didn’t say a word. You clenched your jaw so hard you thought your teeth might chip. 
“So you really won’t say anything after all this time? Then let me through but for fuck sake explain yourself.” 
“The fuck do you mean? You knew I had to.” He growled through his clenched teeth. 
You scoffed. “Had to? The fuck does that mean? You didn’t have to cheat on me.” 
“Cheat? Where did you hear that?” Joel scoffed. 
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. “Oh you know everyone who saw you making out with Chelssey underneath the bleachers. Jesus, I'm just back in highschool.” 
“Chelssey fucking hell I never did that.” He threw up his hands in annoyance. 
“Oh good we’re lying now. I don’t have time for this.” You try again to push your way past him, but once again he was as stubborn as an ox and you push past him again, sending you back to your corner.  
“Joel now fucking what? Do you have pictures of her sucking you off? Fuck do you want with me?” 
“I want to explain what happened.” 
You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “I don’t see you talking.” 
Joel was quiet for a long time and you weren’t sure you would get answers again, but finally after a deep breath he explained. “She was pregnant.” 
“Okay,” You said with no emotions. “Forget the condom during a risky quicky in the locker room?” 
“Jesus just listen. No it wasn’t me.” He sighed again. “It was my brother.” 
You quirked your eyebrow. “Tommy? The fuck happened?” 
“He was the captain of the football team and she was the head cheerleader. What do you think happened?” He rubbed his eyes. He looked older than he ever had been at that moment.
“Okay so what, you decided to leave us behind to help her?” You rolled your eyes. 
“I didn’t leave us behind. You weren’t waiting at that bus stop.” Joel was silent for a long moment. “I thought you gave up on us.” 
You rubbed your eyes, this stressful reunion making your hangover ten times worse. You would give anything to be anywhere but this room. “How could I not? Everyone was telling me you were cheating. I didn’t think you cared anymore. Ugh fucking hell I can’t with you.” Your temples started to throb in time with your heartbeat. 
“What do ya want me to do then? Since it’s clear you ain’t believing me,” Joel growled. 
You scoffed. “Why don’t you blow me then huh? Put that lying mouth to use then.” 
  With a low growl Joel stroad forward covering the small apartment in only a step. His well worn hand grasped your neck and squeezed. The sudden movement scared you, but also was a rush you hadn’t felt in a long time. 
“So that’s what ya want? Even after all the time and hate you still want me to fill that hole with my cock.” Joel crooned as he squeezed tighter. Stars danced in your eyes and the lack of blood flow sent a sense of euphoria over your body. 
“Fuck…You” You punctuated but you felt yourself growing more and more needy by the second. 
Taking his hand off of your throat and slid down your body gripping your bare waist. The rush of blood back to your head was sudden but enjoyable nonetheless. Joel deftly shoved his hand down your underwear running his finger up and down your slit. “Yer body is telling me other things, baby.” With those words his thick fingers found your dripping hole and without warning, shoved two inside of you. 
The moan that escaped your throat was unholy and loud enough for the whole QZ to hear your pleasure. Joel couldn’t help but smile as he finger fucked you with reckless abandon. “Just like that you slut. Despite everything you still missed how I made you feel.” 
“Fuck!” You moaned as he punished the spots you loved the best as if he never forgot what made you scream the most. It wasn’t long before an orgasm ripped through you causing your legs to lose their steadiness. Joel’s grip on your waist was the only thing keeping you upright. Though Joel didn’t stop there. He kept his punishing pace as soft pleads of stop escaped your blubbering lips. 
“You used to love when I did this shit to you. I can see nothin’s changed.” Joel chuckled darkly. Finally he pulled his fingers out of you and gave your hole a quick slap causing you to jump. You pout looking up at him. 
Joel lightly slapped your cheeks a few times. “Don’t give me that shit.” Swiftly he undid his belt and pulled his underwear down just enough for his cock to pop out. Your attention quickly snapped to the dick that you had spent nights riding and sucking. Joel gave his cock a few strokes with his large hand. 
“Even after all this time you still miss my cock there darlin’?” Joel teased and you quickly snapped your gaze away. “Even after you accused me of cheatin’?” 
“Absolutely not!” You argued. 
Joel stared at you as he stroked his cock. He lumbered forward slowly, a dichotomy from his aggressive behavior earlier. The stomping of boots made you turn your attention back to him. Joel didn’t stop marching forward and you had to back up to keep him from running into you. Quickly your knees hit the mattress causing you to fall back against the bed. 
That still didn’t stop Joel. Just as slow as his movements he climbed on the bed making sure he was straddling your shoulders. With one of his big hands he grabbed the back of your head, knotting his fingers in your locks before guiding his cock to your lips. Precum smeared on your lips and the salty taste hit your tongue with past familiarity. 
“Maybe this will get you to shut yer mouth,” He growled and pushed his cock into your mouth. The stretch burned your jaw as Joel slid further into your mouth hitting the back of your throat. Tears burned your eyes as you tried to keep yourself from gagging. Joel moaned as he took in your tear stained cheeks. Without a second chance for you to recover he thrusted into your mouth using you like his own personal toy. 
The slap of skin and the grunts emanating from Joel filled the apartment. Your senses were full of Joel. His musk, his touch, his sounds. Everything was Joel and you couldn’t escape it. And you found yourself not wanting anything else. Something shook loose in your brain as you watched the man above you take what he wanted. Your anger still seethed inside of your soul. 
All of the years spent hating this man all for it to sizzle when you thought about it harder. Rumors had a tendency to run rampant across a high school. Maybe there was a modicum of truth in his statement. But if he was telling you the truth then what? Would you pick up where you left off and live happily in this fucked up world. Or would this finally be the end, a catharsis of sorts. 
Your mind still reeled as you felt Joel pull out of your mouth leaving a trail of drool connecting you to his cock. He scooted back on the bed giving you a chance to breathe. “You know I wanna cum in that pretty hole of yours.” 
“Then do it but first.” You sat up and kneeled on the mattress so you could look him in the eyes. Joel stayed quiet as he took your form in. He gave a small nod. 
“Kiss me and I’ll surrender,” You whispered, not taking your gaze off of his world damaged eyes. Your resolution was broken by the man you loved and hated for a decade. The memory of your anger shadowed by the care that still lingered in your soul. 
Joel searched your look for meaning, breaking down any movement trying to understand you. You were so angry not long ago, but he saw the change of attitude in your eyes and understood the look of peace. With no words exchanged he kissed you letting the both of you let go of what anger and frustration led you to this moment. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck burying your fingers in these salt and pepper curls, and pressed your heated body into his flannel. The familiar nights spent with tv shows abandoned and heated kisses exchanged on the couch late at night came rushing back to your memory spurring on your need. 
“Please Joel,” You whimpered into the kiss. 
Joel moaned and rolled over to sit down on the mattress. He slid out of his jeans and boxers putting his muscular thighs on display. You licked your lips at the scene and carefully maneuvered yourself onto his lap. Bracing your arms on his broad shoulders you let yourself rock your hips against his cock, moaning with each shock of pleasure as his length hit all the sensitive bits. 
Using his large hands Joel grabbed your ass and lifted you enough for you to pull your underwear aside. With your other hand you guided his large cock against your hole and slid down with a loud moan. Your body remembering what it felt like to be filled by him, to not know anything besides the cock that made you tremble. 
“Fuck,” You threw back your head as you started to ride him slowly, using your legs to bounce you up and down on his cock. You kept your pace steady as you enjoyed every moment Joel was inside of you. He hit your spots like he never forgot what made you sing. Every thrust sent jolts of pleasure throughout your body, and you could keep going like this for as long as the world would allow you.  
But the pace wasn’t enough for Joel. He grasped your hips and started to bounce you faster. He pressed his mouth to your ear and growled. “I’ve waited way too long to have you again. Yer gonna come on my cock like a good whore.” 
His words made you shiver as you let him pound your hole like a hungry beast. You gripped onto him and let him take you. But this time it was different. The love you shared with him once bubbled back to the surface versus the anger filled lust that started this whole affair. You pressed your face into his shoulder as you felt the building fire in your stomach. 
“Fuck I’m gonna~” You moaned as he cock pounded into that spot you could never reach. All you needed was an affirmative moan from Joel to send you over the edge. You moaned loudly as you shook from your high. Legs shaking you felt Joel twitch inside of you and with a grunt you felt his seed fill you up. Spurt after spurt coated your walls and you felt a steady trail drip down the inside of your thigh. 
Both of you stayed connected for a long, breaths syncing up with each second you stayed together. Joel gently laid the two of you down in his bed, bringing the comforter over you heated bodies. Neither of you said a word. You didn’t have to. You knew what the other was thinking and you let yourself stay in the comfortable silence. Sleep soon found you as you fell asleep with Joel still inside of you.
Pedro Character Taglist
@littlemisspascal @burntheedges @carusolikey @thebeldroramscal @morallyinept
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scrambledslut · 1 year
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jacketpotatoo · 2 years
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yomi345345345 · 3 months
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mr bravo
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
Sometimes The Mandalorian skips scenes at the most infuriating times and leaves us with burning questions.
For instance in Chapter 7, when IG-11 brings tea into Kuiil's house. He's clearly carrying THREE cups (for Din, Cara and Kuiil).
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Din was probably sat there under his helmet like this:
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I can imagine him sitting there getting increasingly frustrated and thinking to himself: "They know I can't remove my helmet in the presence of others, why do *I* have a cup????"
I mean, he hated IG-11 so much at that point that he probably wouldn't have wanted it anyway... but now I have the mental image of Din awkwardly grabbing a cup, ducking through Kuiil's tiny door and sipping his tea outside like a polite house guest 🍵
It's the little things, you know?
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Dave York soaking in your whimpers as you try to sink down onto his thick cock and struggle to fit it all
Dave York unable to hide his smug smile when you're already whining his name but you've barely started fucking
Dave York giving you degrading little nicknames that make you so wet and make your cheeks hot with pride and shame
Dave York massaging the fat of your ass while he has you bent over and spread open for him
Dave York who pours all of his aggressions and frustrations of the day into drilling your shit into the mattress, face down
Dave York who gets annoyed when you haven't taken care of yourself for the day because how can he ravage your body when you haven't prioritized and cared for it
divider by @saradika-graphics
this is all @guiltyasdave's fault btw
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sugarbcnes · 1 year
! ! 18+ content below — ꒰ joel miller x f! reader ꒱ BRAINROT ! !
warnings: degradation, vaginal sex, hair pulling
“just wanted to feel me in you, huh sweetheart?”.
you’re whining as humiliation paints heat across the apples of your cheeks, your eyes avoiding his hard gaze. you let out a squeal as he yanks your hair.
“hey, that’s not nice, look at me when i’m talking to you. don’t be a fuckin brat.”
cheek pressed to your shoulder, you try your best to look at him straight as he fucks into you roughly. God, you look pathetic. Tongue barely slipping past your lips to hang out of your mouth, eyes struggling to stay open. that’s when he notices it. the way your thighs glisten and the material of your panties that he’s shoved to the side are soaked.
he yanks you up with a hand curled around your throat, a gasp leaving you at the sudden movement.
“huh,” he feighns confusion, “don’t ever remember saying you could cum.”
you whine, thighs clenching together as he tries to remove himself from your heat.
“maybe we oughta’ start over, keep doin’ it until you learn how to not be a greedy little brat, huh? how’s that sounds?”.
you avoid his eyes, struggling to hide your smug grin. that sounds fucking perfect.
18+ ONLY © saintels 2023 — do not copy, repost or translate my work onto any other platforms without my permission.
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