#mr. amazing
phantasticphizza · 4 months
someone help them
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Would you mind sharing Mathgirl AU Amazing Cheese headcanons?
Sorry for taking a while anon. I had to think of some things up because I am still plotting this au out.
Amazo Guy a.k.a Mr. Amazing:
-Alex only half listens when Steven is talking about science and what he considers boring stuff. He just likes staring at his husband's beautiful face all day.
-This is what caused some delay in Alex's reformation when he originally came to Steven to help him be a better person.
-Alex makes purring sounds when he is affectionate with Steven ( I did check, reptiles such as snakes can purr). Steven finds this too adorable for words.
-Alex is a hit first ask questions later guy, rarely does he ask questions later after the punching. He's a violent boy.
-Alex hates it when Steven gets mad at him or scolds him. Guy is mopey all day and tries his hardest to make it up to him. Steven usually forgives him and tells him he still loves him before Alex goes overboard with making it up to him. This happens a lot.
Alex is a bit embarrassed because he has a terrible singing voice and dancing abilities compared to Steven and Becky in this au. Steven doesn't care and dances silly or sings off key with him for fun sakes and to cheer him up because they both act like goofs.
Steven Boxleitner:
-While Steven loves to hear Alex talk about his planet and culture, he is a bit terrified by his people's daily lives and doesn't really want to visit them. Alex won't take him there out of concern and fear for his and Becky's safety.
-Steven is an adorable nerd in my headcanon about him, au and canon. He loves to gush about comic books and sci fi shows with Alex when Becky is not around to bond with. Alex just let's him talk and listens giving slight words or gestures of agreement throughout the talk (look at the first headcanon for Amazo Guy).
-Steven and Alex both like to critique b-rated movies and movies that have alien stereotypes.
-For date nights, Alex takes Steven flying sometimes.
-Steven and Becky are the only ones who can calm Alex down when he gets angry.
-Steven caresses Alex's reptilian side when they sleep together. He loves the feeling and texture of his scales.
-Steven does his best to use his knowledge about Alex's biology to help take care of him when he's sick or hurt. Alex just panics when Steven gets sick because he is afraid it might be critical. Steven just tells him to calm down and get him some benadryl.
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blorbobingus · 6 months
“oh yes, i am very reasonable and normal about this subject!!”
*proceeds to mass reblog any related content*
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ato-dato · 1 year
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The amazing Mr. Fell & mediocre assistant
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editing-tips69 · 2 months
someone get this man in a skirt RIGHT TF NOW
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soranatus · 11 months
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Richard Chen’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Part I
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ierotits · 1 year
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so to be clear: 100% of the credit for jaskier finally being canonically queer and having a full romance story thats treated well in season 3 goes to joey batey
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mctwinkdom · 11 months
"My third teammate... Mr Oscar Piastri... my second Australian."
The way his face lit up 🥺
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erroryeswifi · 2 months
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Filing Elmore Jr High’s taxes
Ft. Larry, their bookkeeper
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egophiliac · 1 year
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oh no, I love them
(super quick doodles done between other stuff, there will be better things later I promise :')
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phantasticphizza · 3 months
Happy Phride!
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thanks so much to @u-chebinestelanim who helped with ancient greek! We were looking for a good translation of "pride" that has the same meaning as in "pride month" and not "hubris".
ΑΞΙΟΦΙΛΗΤΟΣ means "worthy of love" which is so beautiful!
soundtrack for this phanart: X
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Math Girl AU Part 2: The Amazing Boxleitner Family, Miss Power, and the New Dr. Two Brains
So continuing with this au I am going to focus on Becky's family and who becomes the new Dr. Two Brains as well as include Miss Power in here.
So Amazo Guy is species swapped with Miss Power. He is from Miss Power's planet and he came to earth to conquer it. Instead of using manipulating tactics, he views them as a weak excuse, Amazo just acts like a brutal jerk and bully who loves to be mean to villains and citizens alike. He called himself Mr. Amazing in this one. One day when he was being a jerk to some villains and innocent citizens, someone threw a rock at the back of his head and told him to knock it off. Mr. Amazing turned around and paused when he saw this brown haired, human scientist trying to act imposing in front of the guy even though he was internally freaking out over his actions. (Steven had no idea why he thought it was a good idea to agitate a super powered alien being. He acted before thinking.) Mr. Amazing's first thoughts upon seeing Steven were, 'Holy Quazars he's cute!' Since then Mr. Amazing tried his tactics but only did it in front of Steven to try and impress him. Steven told him point blank that he did not like how he acted and that he was nothing but a bully that he didn't want to associate with. That struck Amazing a bit and a little later, after swallowing much of his pride, he asked Steven to help him interact better among humans. Steven was a bit hesitant at first then agreed. It took quite a while but Steven was able to change Mr. Amazing's character and personality for the better. Mr. Amazing became a vigilante/hero for a while then kind of quit the gig when he married Steven because he was secretly afraid his people would come after him and Steven if they found out about his change. Mr. Amazing also faked his death so people would not find him. He changed his name to Alex Boxleitner when he married Steven.
Personality and Role: Alex is somewhat different than his canon counterpart. He loves his family and is very protective of them. He would pick a fight with anyone that he feels is a threat to them. (Steven holds him back.) He is cynical and tolerates people, is only kind and caring to his family and their friends. Guy has no friends of his own and has a bit of trouble making some. He is more serious in this au but his successfully helpful to other when he can. He is still a bit snarky and sometimes acts rude (Steven corrects him a lot, though let's it slide if the persons are entitled jerks.) He takes Mr. Botsford's role a little bit, he takes side jobs in helping people take self defense classes and works part time at the local gym and community center working with kids who live in a rough environment. Alex is a no nonsense kind of guy but loves animals. (He also works part time at animal shelters.) He is not as close with Becky in this au because she acts more like a nerd like Steven and will often choose more peaceful solutions than using her fists. This doesn't mean he loves his adopted daughter any less. They do bond over helping animals and pretty princess (Alex tries to hide it from his husband but Steven already knows.)
Since Amazo Guy looks like Miss Power in this au, his reptile side is on the right side of his face. He has green reptile eyes instead and red scales. His hair is combed over that side in his civilian life. Alex also has a medium sized ponytail he grows out. Guy wears ripped jeans and tank tops that usually have animals or sarcastic sayings on them. He also wears ripped short sleeve shirts and midriff shirts. He wears a brown or dark green jacket most of the time to cover his battle scars. Neither Alex nor Steven have told Becky about his past or the fact that he is an alien. Alex is worried about Becky seeing him as a monster before he met Steven. Steven respects Alex's plan, but also encourages that they have to tell her sooner or later because she is a really smart kid. (They don't know Becky is an alien either. She does not want to freak her dads out or tell them about her heroics because of how protective they are about her safety.) Alex in this au has never been to Hexagon and does not know much about the planet only that they love math which most humans on earth do as well so he can't tell the difference.
Steven is the same as his canon self. He is a little more sarcastic and acts like a tired coffee dad from time to time because that's due to him dealing with a former intergalactic conqueror he is now married to and having a child that he has no clue she is an alien also along with her ferret. He does part time research in this au as compared to his canon self. His main job is head of Fair City's criminal analysis department. (Fair City police are a bit more competent in this au due to how he runs things.) Steven did not write his practical guide for superheroes but rather, unknowingly, helped inspire Becky to be a hero through their shared love of comic books. Steven also works as a part time tutor for high school and university students in the field of science. Same canon outfits. Is a little similar to canon Two Brains in personality, but not much and no evil tendencies.
Miss Power in this au is from Amazo's fanon world. She was upset with how her people enforced guidelines where they are supposed to be nothing but aiding to other planets and protectors for weaker planets. She craved conquest and power. She deserted her home planet and went on a conquest spree through a good number of planets until she ended up on Earth and met Math Girl. Her outfit and personality are the same as canon. She is a bit more unhinged than her counterpart due to her feeling oppressed by her planets rules and teachings for so long. Colonel Gigglecheeks is a hawk with talons and a beak that can slice and break through anything. For her hair style. Her hair is styled back and she has forehead bangs. Her name in this au is Triumphant Gal (Power Girl is a trademark of the DC universe and Power Gal sounds too close to it.) Like her canon self she pretends to be a hero, but is more convincing and does not focus that much on bullying. She has different manipulation tactics along with other strategies to bring down villains. Only Alex and Bob are distrusting of her immediately in the beginning.
Now how I incorporated Professor James Doohickey into Dr. Two Brains. Unlike Steven's book, Professor Doohickey thought heroes could better win battles, and avoid too much property damage, through the use of building and handling gadgets and inventions properly. His book, "Heroes and Technology: Using Brains before Brawn" was a guidebook that taught heroes about different types of gadgets and inventions they can construct or use to aid them when fighting villains and protecting citizens. James Doohickey was a close friend and colleague of Steven as well as Professor Tubing. They did some research projects together combining Steven's expertise with his own. Doohickey taught Math Girl how to build hero gadgets and use them effectively in battle against villains. Doohickey and Tubing were both uncle figures to Becky but Doohickey had a mentor figure as well with her as Math Girl. He did not know Becky is Math Girl. Their relationship was not as strong as was canon Steven and Wordgirl, but it was still pretty good and would cause some emotional distress for Becky after the accident. He helped Math Girl build some of her gadgets and designed her visor for her.
Now for the accident: Steven and Doohickey both worked on the mind reading experiment, but it was designed for all animals instead of just mice. Doohickey suggested that instead of a mouse, why don't they try with a monkey. Through connections with the local zoo, they were able to get an albino monkey called Squeaky who was a vicious fellow. He was called Squeaky because of a screeching sound he made that sounded like a mouse squeak's. Now for the day of the experiment, Steven unfortunately got the flu and his husband was not going to let him work while he was sick. So Doohickey planned to test the experiment himself. He would still give credit to Steven since he contributed a major part to the work. Now no "Holy Cow Don't Press This Button" button was attached but while Doohickey had his back turned to look at some data, Squeaky found some wires and started messing with them. James turned around and caught Squeaky messing with the wires and tried to stop him. He got bit by Squeaky and when trying to pull his hand out of Squeaky's mouth (he still has the bite scars even after the accident) Doohickey falls back on the switch that activates the machine. With the wires all messed up, the machine malfunctions and they fuse.
For those who read my alliance swap au for Dr. Ape Brains. Dr. Monkey Brains looks similar to his design. The difference here is that he has white hair/fur and red/pink eyes like canon Two Brains. Dr. Monkey Brains does not have a tail and hates when he is called an ape. Since Squeaky was obsessed with cheese in the canon series. Dr. Monkey Brains is obsessed with bananas. He is more manipulative and vicious than canon Dr. Two Brains due to him being fused with a monkey and not being canonically clumsy or oblivious like Steven is. Steven feels a little guilty that he was not there to help prevent the accident from happening but his family and friends assured him that it is not his fault and it was an accident. He and Becky are still a little sad about what happened to their old friend. After the episode "A Game of Cat and Mouse" but for this au, Steven takes over the mentor role for Math Girl and does not realize it is still Becky. Dr. Monkey Brains does not hate humans as much as Dr. Ape Brains, but he still doesn't like people that much, he at best tolerates them. He still has the canon henchmen working for him His canon outfit stays the same although he doesn't wear ties anymore after the accident due to them feeling constricting around his neck.
That's what I have right now for the next part. Still working on the villains and Becky's Friends for the au.
@drtwobrainsstuff @melodythebunny
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avidstarling · 4 months
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This was one hell of a movie
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ominus-potato · 3 months
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Obligatory TAWOG reference lol
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rainbowpopeworld · 10 months
Ok so Aziraphale’s pause and deep audible inhalation here gets me verklempt for two reasons.
This scene in s2e5 “The Ball,” where Aziraphale and Crowley walk into the magic shop to ask Mr. Mutt to attend, is the very first scene David and Michael shot together for season 2, according to Amazon x-ray’s trivia. They are back together and it’s like a savoring of the moment.
Also, it’s likely the first time Aziraphale and Crowley have been back together to the very same magic shop when they had their romantic 1941 visit. It looks so much the same and I can only imagine what feelings that brings up for them.
I need a deep breath🥺😮‍💨💕
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spookyghostbunny · 5 months
Yep, sometimes I gotta beat the hyperfixations back with a stick
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