#more violence in the later parts of this
marikodraws · 1 year
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Beyond Salvation, but Still Within Arm's Reach
Part 1 of my accordion book comic project!
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novemberthewriter · 2 months
hmm wishing more people could remember that black cis women and other woc are often denied womanhood / characterized as masculine in a way to purposefully dehumanize them ... when people write these scathing things about 'why do cis women act like being considered not cis is so evil' im like babes. as a fellow trans you should be able to put two and two together 😭
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
hey uh no offence but when a famous person cheats on their spouse it always sits kind of weird with me when people treat it as if they were just caught doing sex crimes or something. like infidelity is often received as being as or more severe than sexual assault or harassment or domestic violence.
like don't get me wrong AT ALL. cheating on your partner is an extremely shitty and cruel thing to do in most situations. but it's also. a very interpersonal thing. like are you justified for despising someone for cheating ON YOU? yeah for sure. but this is not your marriage is not your partner and you're not the one hurt.
and maybe that's a lack of imagination on my part. but idk cheating feels so much more personal than most Cancelable Offences. bc like for real it's not your marriage, it's a complex issue, and it's not an act of direct violence. different people will cheat for different reasons and different people will respond to being cheated on differently.
(and also sometimes it's not even cheating bc can we look at the vitriol leveled at Jada Pinkett-Smith for 'infidelity' when she and her husband were in a consensual non-monogamy situation by all accounts?)
cheating on your partner is a shitty thing to do but it doesn't, imo, indicate that you're a Danger To Those Around You like for example sexual harassment does. you did a lot of harm to your partner and they will need support and friendship through that. but to people outside this relationship and who don't know you personally like. how is this their business???
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dazzelmethat · 3 months
*reaches out my hand and grabs you* I have the power to subject non vocaloid people to pinop..
TW: for flashing lights
Mushroom mother analysis in my tags. ..
#vocaloid#pinochiop#i saw this video link wasn't posted anywhere on tumblr and thought i should share#(i will be gendering protagonist as 'she' and writer as 'he' for simplicity)#anyway to me in my interpretation the song is written about specific person's reaction to mental illness/neurodivergence.#the fact that mushrooms are growing on heads is a reference to mushrooms only growing in darkness and-#-and is a common anime trope to imply that a character is depressed or a shut in (shimeji situation did this) (also a panel in ohshs)#there is this familiarity between the singer and who she is singing to (presumably the writer) like these are the words of a past lover..#making it feel like the pinop almost HATES the protagonist of this song. that he was called the one with the 'mushroom mother'#but it almost feels like that protagonist does become obsessed a little with the idea of not catching a mental illness from pinop#but then in their obsession of 'not catching it' they start exhibiting like a hypochondriac ocd but for mentalillnesses#the 'your mother is a mushroom mother' to me is a teasing (almost child like) jeer almost felt aimed at pinop/writer.#to imply that.. because his mother gave birth to him she's a mushroom mother. because he is a mushroom (like a yo mama joke)#in my mind the writer is insulting himself here. that the chorus is insulting him in that teasey child's tone#anyway later in the song the protagonist gets more paranoid about others spreading their emotional toxicity to her.#and in her sanitation attempt she winds up hurting other people (implied i think. because of the violence of setting mushrooms on fire)#eventually though I think she stops seeing mental illnesses as a flaw and instead of 100% hating she jumps to 100% loving them#tbh this interpretation is the shakiest part (because why would she put on a mushroom on her head in the end) (what does it mean??)#I think it means that she's embraced being allowed to be publicly mentally ill. and she takes that 'being allowed' as permission to be crue#the protagonist was cruel and toxic even before this transformation#then the writer.. in some perspective thinks about how in retrospect her actions were hollow#the writer surmises that living in that cycle would feel emotionally unfulfilling .. empty.#the writer here is coping with what was done to them in the past.. the person that hurt them enough to write this song#then now that she has those mushrooms growing on her head/is depressed and so the chorus of mushroom mother returns to poke fun at her#and in the end i think the writer joins in in that gloating chorus#The writer feels mixed on celebrating an 'ex' being confirmed as something he was for having#but there is also the celebration of being petty. and the franticness those sort of mixed emotions would give u..#and in the end the writer thinks that in the future that the world will keep changing on it's view on the mentally ill#but because those ending lines are repeated twice i think he's implying that there is a cycle to it#that there is a resignation to the world moving and changing into something else but not getting totally better
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hqmillioncorn · 8 days
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Close your eyes until its all Over
Cherrypit opened his eyes.  The last thing he could remember was his sister hugging him and talking to him about what they were going to do once they arrived at their new home. After that, there was nothing. Nothing but the feeling of tumbling onto the ground.  “Mama? Papa?” He couldn’t see anyone near him. “Bebe?”  There was nothing more he wanted to do right now than sit down and cry. There was no one. He was all alone. What else could he do?! “M-Mama! Papa!” Cherrypit cried out. No one answered.  Then something told him to keep walking. Someone was waiting for him. 
ffxiv write day 15 (free day): terror
takes place during stormblood cherrypit has some scary times uh oh
Cherrypit was absolutely sure that everyone he knew was invincible. 
He had been proven wrong before. With what happened with Ysayle and Haurchefant, even Moenbryda. But Cherrypit couldn’t see any of that. Even now, whenever he visited Ishgard with his sister and everyone he would save a plate of snacks for his friends who were running late. 
Who weren’t ever really going to arrive. 
No matter how much time passed Babycorn didn’t have the heart to tell him some of his friends weren’t ever going to come back. Sometimes she couldn’t even accept it herself. Babycorn already knew she wasn’t strong enough to tell Cherrypit the truth. 
She hoped one day she would be but for now nothing would change. 
Right now any of that couldn't be farther from Cherrypit’s mind. He was sad he couldn’t talk with his sister while he was trapped in her body but on the plus side he did get to go on a fun trip with everyone.
It was a place he had never seen before! There were a handful of times Cherrypit had almost wandered off chasing a butterfly or a bug that caught his eye. He had caught some conversations about how serious this trip was but none of it really sunk in.
Cherrypit was a simple kid. Almost all of it went over his head, but he did understand that there were bad people here doing more bad things and his friends were going to save a lot of people again!
“I wanna help!” Babycorn would have offered up to help too! Of course Cherrypit was going to do the same. 
By now most of the scions knew that Cherrypit’s strength wasn’t to be underestimated, but how much of that strength did he have while inside Babycorn’s body? Cherrypit couldn’t transform, he couldn’t even make those horrifying faces he loved to torment them with. The only way Cherrypit could fight back with was his magic, which was as terrifying as ever.
The only problem was that he was very unused to carrying a staff so big and ended up dropping it most of the time. “Whoops!” He cried, watching his new wand roll down the hill. 
It didn’t take very long for all of them to realize they were essentially babysitting. 
…But it was oh so hard for any of them to resist Cherrypit’s bright blue eyes, begging them to bring him along. Which is how he (and his brina doll) tagged along all the way to Rhalgr's reach.
Cherrypit hadn’t been allowed to go on lookout with some of the others. Instead he stayed behind and helped Krile with whatever fun assignment she and the twins gave him to distract him until it was time to move. The task of the night was putting some supplies away in crates. 
Though Cherrypit could defend himself more than the usual two-year old could. In the body of his sister he was more of a normal kid than he normally was. 
Cherrypit had just finished putting away some rope when it happened. 
There was a loud sound that drew his attention away from his job. “Mmm?” He looked up, expecting to see one of his friends walking over his way. Maybe it was Lunya with some snacks again? Or Hanabi with a pretty flower to show him? Or maybe B’ig Nunh back from his trip! 
The possibilities were endless and made Cherrypit more excited than he’d ever been. Cherrypit stood himself up and ran towards the noise. He stopped only when he saw an imperial soldier staring right at him. 
Then another, and another, and another. 
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In the chaos that followed Cherrypit managed to escape, but he didn’t get very far. 
He could hear familiar voices calling out his name but he couldn't get his body to move out from the crate he had jumped into to hide. There were so many loud noises around him. Explosions, screams, the crackling of fire. 
His weapon was right outside. All he needed to do was stop hiding and grab it. It would be so easy. 
There was another scream near him, and then the sound of someone hitting the ground. 
Cherrypit put his hands over his eyes. Surely whatever was going on outside would be over soon. Maybe it was just another nightmare, he had a lot of those sometimes. That’s why he didn’t like sleeping. They were never nice. 
But it would be okay. Because any second now Babycorn would show up and save him.
All of a sudden, Cherrypit’s hiding place shook. There was nothing to hold onto as it all collapsed down. A rush of air hit Cherrypit, as well the dirt on the ground. Everything was much louder now. Cherrypit pushed the crate off him, ignoring the stinging on his knees. 
It was dark, there were a lot of people lying on the ground near him. Most of them weren’t moving. There were still a lot of other people running around. A lot of people were fighting each other too. Cherrypit spotted his wand, just out of reach and still in the same place he had left it. 
No one seemed to pay him any mind as he slowly crawled his way over to grab it. 
He still had no idea what was going on. Had the bad guys attacked them here? That didn’t make any sense. Alisaie had told him that they were safe here. She wouldn’t lie. 
Cherrypit grabbed his wand, holding it like his life depended on it. Then there was another noise right behind him. It sounded scary. Everything in his body was telling him to not go that way, to go back and hide somewhere safe. Then there was another noise. This was someone that Cherrypit recognized. 
It was the sound of one of his friends. 
They must have been here to help! “Over here! I’m over here!” Cherrypit cried, with newfound strength, he ran towards where he had heard his friends. 
When he got there, his nightmare got even worse. 
The sight of his friends, everyone, struggling to stay standing made Cherrypit freeze where he stood. 
The big monster they were facing was still fighting back. They should have been able to win by now. Shouldn’t they? Lunya and Vertical were super strong! They should have been able to win with a single hit. But instead they were….hurt?
But that wasn’t right. None of this was right. It must have been another nightmare.
Cherrypit watched as the monster brushed aside Hanabi’s spells and Coco’s arrows. Like they were nothing. 
Nothing was working! The monster was going to hurt his friends! 
The monster was going to cut them down! Just like before when he couldn’t stop it!
Just like…
Cherrypit ran forward and stood in between the monster and his friends. They had been blown away by a powerful attack, stunned and unable to move. “Stop it!” Cherrypit didn’t know where he had found the strength to act. There wasn’t a lot of it to begin with. Despite his words, he was shaking. 
It was clear that while he had the bravery to stand up to the monster, he wouldn’t be able to fight back.
“Don’t hurt them…” Cherrypit begged. 
Cherrypit heard the monster say something. Cherrypit was breathing so fast and his heart was racing, he didn’t hear a single word. But he could understand what the act of raising a sword meant. 
He heard someone say his name before it all went dark.
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boyfridged · 1 year
it's so interesting that the version of robin jay that actually argued with bruce about the nature of his work and was outspoken about it was pre-crisis jay. the fact that he openly challenged the no killing rule and subtly taunted bruce over the fact that he [bruce] once killed someone in self-defence... it might seem surprising to some given his background but i think it makes so much sense that he was so openly critical. a part of it was definitely that the authors liked to use him for the sake of certain moral lessons, but what's interesting, it wasn't always merely instrumental; the readers were supposed to consider what jase said a challenge to bruce's reasoning. and for it to come from jase also made sense – there was always that shadow of doubt that (pre-crisis) jason had regarding vigilantism; he was never very religious about it. and he was a character who, unlike post-crisis jay, was given (by both the narrative and in-universe, because of his upbringing and natural self-confidence) so much freedom in exploring the meaning of the world around him. he was the "fresh" eyes when it comes to the mythos and the legacy and because of that, his pov was actually valued. and this tendency to be contrarian wasn't ever written as an ominous sign of his dark fate either...
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r-osehips · 8 months
posting this here so I don’t put it on instagram.
over the past two months, two women in my home state have died by femicide. both shot dead by their abusive exes. each ex killed himself afterwards.
men, if you are in so much distress that you’re thinking of committing femicide and then taking your own life, please, from the bottom of my heart, I want you to know that you have another, better choice:
kill yourself first.
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julie-finlay · 1 year
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Finlay Friday
13x01: "Karma to Burn", script extracts. Pt. 2/3.
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akkivee · 1 year
hitoya’s ability to send his opponent’s moves right back at them in the form of objection is obviously based on his occupation as a lawyer but at its base, it’s a move that sends words meant to harm right back at them so it functions as both a shield to defend but is strong enough to be the sword too which also encapsulates why he became a lawyer and i love hypmic sm
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hussyknee · 2 years
The fact is that an unscrupulous tyrant mobilizes the suppressed fears and anxieties of those who were beaten as children but have never been able to accuse their own fathers of doing so. Their loyalty to these fathers is unswerving, despite the torments suffered at their hands. Every tyrant symbolizes such a father, the figure whom the abused children remain attached to with every fiber of their being, hoping that one day they will be able to transform him into a loving parent by remaining blind.
This hope may have been what prompted the representatives of the Roman Catholic Church to demonstrate their compassion for Hussein. In 2002, I turned to a number of cardinals for support when I presented the Vatican with material on the delayed effects of spanking and asked the authorities there to do what they could to enlighten young parents on this subject. As I have said, not one of the cardinals I approached with this request showed the slightest interest in the universally ignored but crucially important issue of physically abused children. Nor did I come across the slightest indication of Christian charity or compassion in connection with this issue. Today, however, those same representatives are eager to show that they are indeed capable of compassion. Significantly, however, this compassion is lavished not on maltreated children or on Saddam’s victims but on Saddam himself, on the unscrupulous father figure that the feared despot symbolizes.
As a rule, beaten, tormented, and humiliated children who have never received support from a helping witness later develop a high degree of tolerance for the cruelties perpetrated by parent figures and a remarkable indifference to the sufferings borne by children exposed to inhumane treatment. The last thing they wish to be told is that they themselves once belonged to the same group. Indifference is a way of preserving them from opening their eyes to reality. In this way they become advocates of evil, however convinced they may be of their humane intentions. From an early age they were forced to suppress and ignore their true feelings. They were forced to put their trust not in those feelings but solely in the regulations imposed on them by their parents, their teachers, and the church authorities. Now the tasks facing them in their adult lives leave them no time to perceive their own feelings, unless those feelings happen to fit in precisely with the patriarchal value system in which they live and which prescribes compassion for the father, however destructive and dangerous he may be. The more comprehensive a tyrant’s catalogue of crimes is, the more he can count on tolerance, provided his admirers are hermetically closed off from access to the sufferings of their own childhood.
(Source: The Body Never Lies by Alice Miller)
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james-silenthill · 2 years
It's not up to the author to teach you right from wrong, but also you need to look at what the author is writing and see what the fuck they're saying. People bring their experiences and ideologies into their writing and while you can't accuse every author of moral bankruptcy, you also can't handwave everything an author does. #criticalthinking
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fulltimecatwitch · 4 months
As someone from Mexico I feel deeply obligated to let the US left know that Claudia Sheinbaum is neither of these things and while having a women rule the country for the first time is a historic achievement it is not the win you think it is
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Edit: She condemned the violence of the on going war on Palestine but never pressured the mexican goverment to break ties with Israel and one of her proposals as a president is to give the military here ( that btw is trained by the Isr*eli army) more power
As the mayor of Mexico City she constantly used the riot police against protestors and allowed the use of tear gas ( which she later claimed wasn't true)
She calls herself a feminist but always refused to acknowledge the wave of violence Mexico faces against women ( 11 women dissapear every day in Mexico) She has also knowingly made men accused of SA part of her campaign team
She also supports "Tren Maya", a project that caused massive ecological devastation in the mayan jungle and facilitated military violence against indigenous communities
You don't live here, you don't know shit so please don't push this kind of narrative idolizing these people
this is not a win for us
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prickly-paprikash · 5 months
Kendrick doesn't just hate Drake as a person. He hates the very idea of Drake.
Hip-Hop is rooted in revolution. In defiance. These are the songs of an oppressed group of people, and decades upon decades people have hated it. Accused of being meaningless and invalid. Media outlets took steps to belittle hip-hop and make sure it isn't recognized as an art form and as a means to fight back.
2Pac spoke of wealth disparity and inequality. Tupac was literally a member of a communist organization when he was younger and never stopped speaking against capitalism.
Lauryn Hill spoke of the struggles a woman faces. Not just women, but black women. Salt-N-Peppa. Queen Latifah. MISSY FUCKING ELLIOT.
N.W.A made sure people knew about police brutality and violence against the Black community.
And now, in this day and age, we're also experiencing an explosion of Queer Hip-Hop. Lil Nas X is at the forefront of this. Lil Uzi Vert came out as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, even when they knew that a lot of their fans would never use it or even respect them for it. Auntie Diaries, a song about a young man who grew up in a transphobic environment and bought into those beliefs, but could never fully do it because his Uncle loved him so much and taught him a lot of life lessons, and that wisdom translated to him accepting his cousin as a woman as well.
Drake is none of that.
He's the perfect representation of what people think hip-hop is. Flexing. Posturing. Objectifying women. A fucker so insecure he bought 2Pac's ring just to feel like he's part of the black community. Rejected by Rihanna publicly. Tried to groom Millie Bobby Brown. Kissed and inappropriately touched an underage girl during his concert. His songs have inspired so many young boys to treat girls like shit. His belief that the amount of rings and chains and cars he has is the true meaning of success.
Additional Edit: This is my fault. If this post gains more views, then it would be remiss of me not to add to this. It was my fault to begin with, not stating this beforehand because while I did know, I got lost in celebrating Hip-Hop in a place that doesn't usually do so, and rightfully so.
2Pac did fight for wealth equality and better social living for the black community. He also has a long, long history of battery, domestic abuse, and sexual harassment against women. Specifically against women of color. He made a song to celebrate his own mother, but outright refused to give the same show of respect to other women in his life. His hypocritical nature was brushed off in later decades, just the way I did now.
N.W.A is the same. Sexual assault charges, violence—they spoke of Police reform, but refuses to give the same treatment back towards the women in their lives.
50 cent refuses to backtrack on any of his misogynistic lyrics.
Modern rappers of today, such as the dead XXXtentacion. 6ix9ine. Kodak Black.
I do love Hip-Hop. I love rap. And the music itself has always been anti-authoritarian at its core, because those are its roots. And I was happy that circles that did not normally know of it or enjoy it were getting into it, even for one thing like this rap feud.
Lil Nas X, Little Simz, Childish Gambino, Missy Elliot, Queen Latifah, Lauryn Hill—rappers who have at the very least consistently tried to put their money where their mouth is. Who have tried to act in accordance to what they rap and write and sing for.
@shehungthemoon @ohsugarsims finnthehumanmp3 were the ones who rightfully clarified in the comments. I know an apology won't correct my hypocrisy or my stupidity. I should have added all of this before making this post, but I wanted so badly to celebrate a genre of music but failed to do my due diligence in showing a better, holistic view of it. If anyone felt triggered, offended, troubled, frustrated or any other intense negative emotions surrounding this, please do block me. I'm sorry.
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fuckyeahisawthat · 7 months
Controversial opinion among Dune book fans maybe, but I loved the changes they made to Chani's character. Making her a fedaykin who is already an experienced fighter before Paul arrives was a brilliant choice. Dune Part Two is a war movie, and this puts her at the center of the action, side by side with Paul, and gives her a much more active role than she has in the book.
We got a hint of where things were going in the beginning of Dune Part One. The first thing we ever know about movie Chani is that she's a fighter. She serves as a voice for the Fremen, telling us the story of their struggle from her point of view. I wrote here about the difference this change makes compared to other adaptations of Dune, what a perspective shift it is to have the world of Arrakis introduced not by an outsider, describing it as a dangerous but valuable colonial prize, but by one of its native inhabitants, who tells us before all else that it's beautiful, her home that she's fighting to liberate. I am so, so glad that the second movie followed up on this characterization.
I never found Chani and Paul's love story in the book particularly convincing, because why would this woman, who already has a prominent and respected place in Fremen society, even give the time of day to her deposed would-be colonizer, let alone fall in love and have children with him? Without a compelling reason for Chani to love Paul, she ends up feeling like a prize to be won, and "indigenous culture personified as a woman to be wooed (or conquered) by the colonizing man" is a trope we've seen and don't need to repeat.
But as soon as you tell me it's a barricade romance I get it. Cool cool cool, I know exactly what this relationship is now and it makes sense. Movie Chani doesn't respect or even particularly like Paul when she first meets him, and she doesn't think he's the fulfillment of any prophecy. She comes to respect him, and eventually love him, through his actions. He's brave--sometimes recklessly so. He fights well. He's willing to stick his neck out on the front lines with the other Fremen fighters. He can (after a little help) hack surviving in the harsh desert environment. He's not too proud to learn from others. He seems to genuinely want to be her equal in a common political struggle. All these qualities make sense as things she values.
Fighting side by side as equals is just about the only way I can see movie Chani falling for Paul. And it fits perfectly with the film's pattern of reversals that Paul's capacity for violence would initially be one of the things Chani likes about him, only for her to be repelled later when she sees what he becomes.
And as for Paul, well, he's had people deferring to him his entire life. Someone who doesn't take any shit from him is probably refreshing. He seems to like people (Duncan, Gurney) who challenge him and engage in a little friendly teasing--and aren't afraid to go a few rounds in the sparring ring.
It's easy to speedrun a romance when you're spending all your time together in mortal danger fighting for a shared political cause. Especially if you then start winning in a war your people have been fighting for decades. Are you kidding me? That is the perfect environment for intense battle camaraderie to turn into romantic love, and lust.
It makes sense that this version of Chani never believes Paul is any kind of messiah. Of course a character like movie Chani wouldn't believe in or trust some outside savior to liberate them. She's been working to liberate her own people for years. The more Paul invokes the messianic myth, the more he starts sounding once again like someone who plans to rule over them, and the more uncomfortable Chani becomes. In this way she becomes a foil to Jessica, the two of them representing the choices Paul is pulled between. It's a great way of externalizing the political and philosophical debates that often happen within characters' heads in the book.
And of course this version of Chani would leave Paul at the end of the film. It's not just the personal, emotional betrayal--although that stings. What common cause does she have with someone who just declared himself emperor and is sending her own people off in a war of conquest against others? Given the important role she plays in Dune Messiah, I am super curious to see how they get her back into the story, but girl was so valid for being willing to just gtfo. Given that she has the last shot of the whole movie, I'm sure she'll be back somehow, and I can't wait to see what they do with her character in any future installments.
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also the catboy from the allied beast tribe quests peaks in the ARR content tragically
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tonycries · 7 months
Dream A Little Dream - G.S.
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Synopsis. For the strongest, it was a privilege to dream. Especially when his dream is you. 
Pairing. Gojo Satoru x Reader
Content. fem! reader, established relationship, implied sex, fluff, soft and sleepy Satoru, very slight manga spoilers, just Satoru loving on you and your future together.
Word count. 0.8k
A/N. Probably gonna delete. Art by @_3aem on X.
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It’s times like this - when the quiet morning sun is just peeking in through your window, in the still haze of your naked body peacefully intertwined with his that Satoru allows himself to dream.
He dreams of everything - from the strawberry lollipops he snuck into the Gojo Estate as a kid to the time when he forgot Megumi at the mall. 
But mostly, he dreams of you.
Eyes still veiled with sleep, wandering the expanse of your face, a hand tenderly running along the features he’s mapped a thousand times over. Thumb softly catching on the corner of your mouth, slightly quirked up, he wonders what you’re dreaming of. 
Do you dream of him too?
Because Satoru’s favorite dream will always be the one with you. 
Your laughter in the morning light as he smothers you in kisses, how it rings in his ears and carries through his day. If there’s one thing Satoru knows, it’s that he would burn this entire godforsaken world down to keep it there. Even in the face of violence, his favorite song.
Reaching out to softly kiss your fingers, the hands which hold his heart and his future. 
Unhurriedly, he caresses that empty spot on your ring finger. Soon. 
Little black box burning a hole into that hidden corner of his dresser, Satoru absentmindedly wonders whether you would go for a flowing gown or more of a sleek design? He dreams of the delicate lace under his fingers, the gentle sway of the fabric and the blue bouquet to match his eyes. 
A huff of laughter, followed by a melancholic twinge of his heart, finds its way into the still morning air as he imagines the way Nanamin would have been crying very reluctant tears of joy.
Long fingers deftly run along the expanse of your body, drawing patterns on the marks he’s left to remember him by, resting on your stomach. He dreams of a world where he is there to see you run around with a few white-haired bundles of joy. All of them with your personality of course - he couldn’t handle having to fight with some mini versions of himself over you.
And they may be closed for now, but he dreams of the twinkle in your eyes as they meet his, the promise of a beautiful day ahead. 
He can only pray that they always look at him that way. Even when the shine of your eyes dim with age, the chapters of your story showing on your face. The dream where you two complain about your first gray hairs - him cackling about you finally joining the club. 
It might not seem like it, but in the blood and merciless gore of jujutsu, a part of the strongest always thinks back to the heaven he’s found in you. 
The heaven where you both cry over your kids leaving the nest, and later he’d fervently deny his teary eyes - secretly wiping the tears off his glasses. 
Where you spend quiet evenings on the porch, wrapped in blankets and reminiscing about the adventures of your youth. Did he ever tell you that story where he lost the tickets to a movie and had to sneak into the theater with Shoko and Suguru? Boy, did he get an earful from Yaga that day.
The dream where he’s surrounded by you and all your warmth. In the cold pain that comes with being the strongest, he can only hope that a day will come where his strength - rather than being used to kill - holds your future with ready arms. 
Ripping his eyes off of your face, they wander the room bathed in the soft morning glow. Mapping the empty spaces which you two would fill with pictures. The walls which would echo with laughter and whisper tales of serenity.
First days at school, graduations, all the friends and foes lost along the years - and one big picture of you in that beautiful white dress, right in the middle. All beauty and grace. His beautiful bride. A dream where his last name is a melody not a death sentence.
He dreams he’s there to fetch your walking cane to stroll through your little garden with a cup of his famous morning tea. He’d hold your hand as he always does, both trembling and frail with age. He dreams he would kiss the beautiful wrinkles on the corners of your eyes, only for you to push him away bashfully complaining about the grandkids seeing.
Blue eyes faded and the joy of the years showing on his face, not as strong or as vibrant as he once was, limitless nothing more but a trick to make his grandkids smile. Not a weapon, but just your Satoru. He hopes you’ll still be there to love him.
And he dreams he’s there.
He wants to be there. 
Satoru’s heart lurches as those beautiful eyes crack open, still foggy with sleep. A glimpse of that smile he found heaven in, and you pull him closer. Understanding. Skin heated against his, no one but you two in this quiet world.
All is well in your little heaven.
Today, the strongest will face Ryomen Sukuna, the fate of the world burdened upon his shoulders. But for now, Satoru is held fragilely in your arms.
For now, he is yours. 
He only dreams he can be forevermore. 
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A/N. Tony writing something that isn’t smut??? The world is coming to an end.
Plagiarism not authorized.
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