#money recovery suit
Knowing about money recovery suit limitation period
Money recovery suit limitation period in India is a legal term that refers to the amount of time a person has to file a suit in order to recover money from a debtor. In India, the limitation period for filing a money recovery suit is three years from the date the debt became due. This period is determined by the Limitation Act, 1963.
The limitation period for filing a money recovery suit is important because it sets a time limit for when a person can file a lawsuit in order to recover money from a debtor. After the limitation period has passed, a person is not allowed to file a lawsuit in order to recover money from the debtor. This means that if a person waits too long to file the suit, they may miss out on the opportunity to recover their money.
The limitation period for filing a money recovery suit can be extended in certain circumstances. For example, if the debtor has moved to another state or country, the limitation period may be extended to five years. Additionally, if the debtor has died, the limitation period may be extended to 10 years.
However, it is important to note that the limitation period for filing a money recovery suit is a strict one and cannot be extended in all cases. Therefore, it is important for a person to file their suit as soon as possible in order to ensure that they are able to recover their money.
In addition to the limitation period for filing a money recovery suit, there are also other important legal considerations that a person must take into account before filing the suit. For example, a person must make sure that they have sufficient evidence to prove their case in court. Additionally, they must also make sure that all of the necessary documents and paperwork are in order.
Overall, it is important to understand the limitation period for filing a money recovery suit in India. This period is important because it sets a time limit for when a person can file a lawsuit in order to recover money from a debtor. Additionally, it is important to make sure that all of the necessary documents and paperwork are in order before filing the suit, as well as making sure that sufficient evidence is available to prove the case in court.
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ur-mag · 1 year
First look inside new Glasgow drug consumption room – from injecting room to recovery suites | In Trend Today
First look inside new Glasgow drug consumption room – from injecting room to recovery suites Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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timmydraker · 10 days
Tim begins to distance himself from his family after Damian becomes Robin.
It was obvious in the way he ran off to rescue Bruce, but that was more of a physical thing at the end of the day. He was desperate and had lost any kind of safety net and support he had after Dick threatened Arkham and how badly he hurt Alfred with his instance that Bruce was alive.
Either way he was going to get Bruce back, if not because he felt like he was an aimless, nothing human being without Batman then there was that he wanted to be believed.
Then Dick handed over Robin to Damian who at that point genuinely despised Tim, though there was also a level of jealously in the young Wayne’s mind at the intelligence and analytical Tim.
It was then that Tim decided he would bring Bruce back and then do his own thing, outside of Robin and outside of Batman.
He clearly had done his job hadn’t he? Sure Bruce was dead, but Dick was acting as Batman and that Batman had a Robin, so his reasoning for being Robin was extinguished.
Tim brings Bruce back and the older man praises and thanks him for several days and then, like everything else, the attention moves away. It goes to him connecting with Damian on a vigilante level and catching up on the last several months of him being ‘dead’. It goes to Jason who, now that he’s lost his foster father has decided that maybe he could try a little harder after all.
It goes to everyone and anyone other than Tim and this time? That’s actually the plan.
Tim isn’t as good of a hacker as Barbara, but she’s basically a god at it so compared to others he might as well be master level, just not against her. This he uses to shift around peoples schedules so Alfred has no choice but to let him go to school on his own (Tim may have also invented an early morning ‘club’ that was totally legit and not at all a fabrication). He makes it so when Dick is over or Jason takes the rare opportunity to visit he had to work at WE or DI, something important he can’t neglect.
He never has to walk Ace or Titus because he’s busy with his team mates.
Team mates who think he’s busy helping out Batman.
Tim still does work as a hero, but it’s entirely through his businesses after a while. A few times he has no choice but to go out in a boring black suit with a full face mask and hoodie. It’s got nothing on it, no symbols or gadgets. Nothing to connect him to anyone.
He starts with the homeless, dishing out vaccines like candy without even doing a campaign to showcase it.
Then he changes Bruce’s rather naive approach to orphanages and makes it so every single child who is put through is given a small amount of funding. He makes it so kids have more chance to stay with siblings, makes sure everyone who even so much as enters the ground of a orphanage have a real background check and sure the adoption rate drops, but so does the missing kids and DV cases.
Tim steals over fifty million from people like Luther and Penguin and all kinds of corrupt rich assholes for the majority of the funding and not even a cent of it is traced back to Wayne or Drake businesses. Whiles he’s digging into Lex be manages to get enough evidence to put a sizeable dent in his reputation, even if Lex manages to smooch a fair bit of it back.
He’s manages to take out a large sized trafficking ring and helps get the victims into a real recovery home that he hand picks out security for.
Later, as in a few days afterward, he discovers a dog meat farm and everyone medical veterinary student suddenly finds themself free of student loans and debt and with multiple work opportunities available and volunteer work being down right pleased for.
Tim knows he’s being noticed but given that he basically lives in his office in the heart of the city, he isn’t there to hear his old teammates and ‘family’ talk about the mysterious Dread.
Dread who was named that after a report came out about a theory of an unknown hacker or ‘cyber vigilante’ who was stealing money and information from rich folk and giving it to the poor, giving all of the 1% dread that he would hit them next.
The exact quote was ‘Those with money deeper than their pockets dread the hackers next moves. And they should feel that dread as a warning for this Robin Hood like legend seems to be getting braver.’
Dick was sure the hacker would have been called Robin if he hadn’t chosen that name already, to which Barbara responded with grumbles and growl because she couldn’t find anything other than holes and traps left by the hacker. It was like they knew her every move before she even made it!
Tim, obvious to his growing reputation until it fully took off, hadn’t even considered that his actions would be framed a threat by Batman. He would say it was because he didn’t think Bruce would ever really target him like that, but in actuality it’s because he knew Bruce was one of the few good rich folk. Surely he would be on the side of a secret vigilante hacker trying to use horrible people to do good? He embraced Dread quickly and was happy he make the rich squirm and brought a sense of hope to people, it was just like Robin but instead of them being safe and given light they were given a peace of mind in a mix of revenge and justice.
What Tim doesn’t know is that Bruce is still too far into his whole image of black and white, good and evil, that he tends to forget there’s grey areas.
At least Jason is on the side of Dread, even if he still thinks the myth of a story is just that, a myth.
It’s when Tim blows up a bank when everyone has gone home for the night just so people will find the underground money ring that and he visits the manner to get a few things that he hears them talking about it.
By that point it’s been around two years since he dropped Robin and as usual Dick always greets him with a look of a desperate puppy, “Tim! Hi, you’re here. I haven’t seen you in months, how have you been?”
Tim smiles at Dick even if he hasn’t gotten over his anger at his oldest brother and moves to sit at the breakfast table with everyone (Alfred, Bruce, Jason and Damian).
“Good. Busy, we’ve had a lot of donations lately.”
Jason snorts, “No shit. Isn’t Wayne Enterprise one of the few ones not hit by Dread?”
Bruce grumbles and shakes his head, “I wouldn’t say that. They’ve managed to get into our system and completely changed the Jason Project.”
Jason grins and laughs happily, “you mean improved! Crime Ally is doing great now. Not the best, but still a fuck of a lot better.”
Smiling at the man who once beat him to an inch of his life, Tim takes a sip of his tea and casually says, “You’re welcome.”
The whole table goes quiet as Tim continues to casually sip his tea.
The silence carries for a total minute before Bruce puts down his cup and leans forward with a slight growl in his voice, “Explain.”
“Explain what?”
Bruce stands over his son even from halfway down the table and very obviously tries to calm himself with a deep breath, “What do you mean ‘you’re welcome’?”
Tim makes an ‘oh’ expression before cocking his head to the side in confusion, “I was the one who fixed the Jason Project? Wait, did you guys not realise I’m Dread?”
Damian shouts out a ‘what?!’ That makes Titus jump and Tim laughs under his breath, “What did you think I was doing?”
“Running the business! Not stealing from people and black mailing politicians!”
It’s Tim’s turn to growl now and he stands up himself with a glare at Bruce that is as close as any of them have gotten to the famed Bat-Glare, “Are you fucking kidding me? Like are you a Tully kidding me with that horse shit?”
Bruce looks stunned and Alfred doesn’t even tell him not to swear.
Tim slams his chair into the table.
“What the fuck else would I be doing, Bruce? I’m not Robin, that was taken from me, so what else was I gonna do? I finished my job, not only keeping you from killing anyone but bringing you back, so I had do pick something else. I’m not stealing from the rich, I’m stealing from selfish cunts who ruin peoples lives for no reason and giving it to people like Jason. So, don’t you fucking yell at me and don’t try to make me feel bad for this, not when I’ve done more in two years than you ever have and- don’t you fucking speak Dick, not when you were the one who took my place here away from me! Now, I have a trafficking ring I need to expose so good. Fucking. Day.”
Jason is the only one who follows him.
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thebibliosphere · 3 months
Am I reading this right? You have been beating yourself up for not 'working more' and not 'doing enough', but, the mere act of being AT YOUR DESK is extremely painful? Sitting at your work station, just SITTING THERE, caused you PHYSICAL PAIN, but you were still under the impression that you should be able to just 'power through that' to do, what? How much more are you expecting out of yourself? A book a month? Its not like you've STOPPED WORKING. What time table were you holding yourself to???
Here's the thing, my body has always hurt.
Even when I was a child, I was in a lot of pain that was dismissed as either "growing pains" despite the fact that I never got past 5 feet tall at the age of 11 or "attention seeking." So, I learned to stop talking about it. (The trick is now getting me to shut up about it.)
And for most of my teens and twenties, the pain didn't really stop me too much. It was bad, and it sucked, but for the longest time, everyone kept telling me that "everyone" felt that way, so I just sort of learned to power through and hide it under the assumption that "everyone" feels this way.
Well, turns out that was a mistake because my body hit its breaking point, and what might have been a mild genetic disability that could have flown under the radar is now a severe one that greatly impacts my daily life to the point where sitting at my desk causes me pain (because everything causes me pain).
Couple that with some new-age religious trauma about willpower, positive thinking, and whatever the fuck else my parents thought I was capable of as an 'indigo starseed' and the fact that I was trained to mask my ADHD by being a hyper-competent workaholic-- I really don't know what a healthy baseline is.
(I mean, heck, I wrote the first book of Hunger Pangs while literally dying. I assumed it would be edited and published posthumously. Jokes on me because now I've got to edit the rest of the fucking thing.)
I didn't, obviously, and ever since then, I've been trying to learn what a healthy baseline looks like for me post-recovery, and I think I'm doing quite well at it and enforcing my boundaries when people ask too much of me.
But none of that makes up for the shrieking frustration I feel that I can't do the things I want.
I want to be creative and do fun things, but I can't because my body won't let me. I want to write more, but I can't because I'm swimming in brain fog most of the time. Yes it hurts to sit at my desk, but I also need to earn money so the financial burden of everything isn't solely on my partner. (Something which he argues I shouldn't even be worrying about right now, but it's hard not to worry as I watch him work himself to the bone taking care of everything because I can't.)
I promise you, I'm not hustling my ass into an early grave. There is, in fact, zero hustle about how I work. I am very, very slow these days compared to how I used to be. There's no timetable for one thing. I get done what I get done, and that's it.
I'm just perpetually frustrated that my hyperactive brain is trapped in a malfunctioning meat suit. And my blog is where I talk about it and work through my emotions because, well, that's what I've always done long before Tumblr was even a thing. It just so happens now I've got an audience.
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thepixelelf · 9 months
Oh Baby, You Part 42 - Recovery Mission?
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Wonwoo turns the small bundle of forget-me-nots in his hands. He knows flowers alone aren’t enough, but he grazes his fingers over the bit of white ribbon holding the posy together. You’d always loved the little bits and bobs you could collect over time. There was once a red ribbon wrapped around a gift he bought you back before he left for Mongolia — courtesy of the store’s gift wrapping station — which you saved and tied in a cute little bow on one of the drawer handles in your old apartment. While he was gone, he would look forward to seeing it in the background of video calls. Like it was a part of him that he left behind to stay with you.
Shit. He feels like an idiot.
In the elevator mirror, he meets Chan’s eyes. “Are you sure about this?” 
He shrugs. “Are you?”
Looking back down at the flowers, Wonwoo lets out a long breath. “What if they don’t want to hear it?”
“Well…” Chan gives his head a pensive tilt. “Don’t you think you owe it to them to try? Even if they turn you away?”
“You’re…” Wonwoo doesn’t get to finish. The elevator door opens, and even though his apartment — and yours, by association — is around a corner and hidden from sight, he hears your voice. And someone else’s.
Stepping out of the elevator, Wonwoo stops just before rounding the corner and peeks for a half second around it. A vaguely familiar man is standing right in front of you, holding a bouquet of white flowers, while you linger in your doorway. Though Wonwoo quickly ducks back behind the corner, he knows you well enough to tell that you’re tired, and you don’t really want to be talking to that person.
Chan follows a little too quickly. “What’s—”
Arm shooting out, Wonwoo stops Chan from revealing himself in the hallway. “Who is that guy?” he whispers. 
Chan peeks around the corner. “Oh, that’s Choi Seungcheol.”
“Mingyu’s rival?” The corners of Wonwoo’s lips quirk downward. “Why would he be…?”
“Remember when I made you take me to the hospital? They went on a date that day.”
“A date?” Something bitter settles at the bottom of Wonwoo’s stomach. He risks another look around the wall. Damn. The guy does look good in a suit. 
Chan shrugs. “MT didn’t really seem into it. My money is on him trying to dig into the whole baby scandal. He’s totally got that ambitious business villain from the dramas vibe.”
“You’ve lost me.”
“I think he’s trying to get information on them so he can dethrone Kim Mingyu.”
Wonwoo frowns. “By dating them?”
Shrugging again, Chan leans against the wall with his arms crossed. “It’s just a guess. I’m trying to not snoop anymore.” 
Wonwoo gestures a finger between them. “What do you call this, then?”
“Recovery mission?”
“Look,” your voice comes from down the hall, slightly louder. “Seungcheol. I already told you. I know what you’re after.”
“I won’t try anything from now on.”
“Sure, sure. And I’m just supposed to think you want me because— what? My dashing just-made-a-microwave-meal-for-dinner-after-not-sleeping-for-twenty-two-hours looks? My abandoned bachelor’s degree? My complete disinterest in diffidence?”
“Exactly, Seungcheol. You’d never convince anyone you could want anything from me except for information on my child. Which will get you nowhere, by the way.”
“I’d like a chance to try again. To show my better side.”
“And I should give you that chance because…?”
Wonwoo peeks just in time to see Choi Seungcheol throw you a disarming smile and hold his bouquet out.
His feet start moving before he realizes it, and Wonwoo steps between you and Choi without a second thought. “They were saying no,” he asserts.
“What the...” you whisper your surprise.
Choi just furrows his brow. “Who are you?”
“No one,” you answer for him, slightly brushing him aside even as he glares down Choi. “Listen, I think you should—”
“The name’s Wonwoo.” And because he’s stupid, he goes on to say, “I’m Orion’s father.”
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princeloww · 9 months
(Different roles, where to find them and what they're like!!!) (+ more that I didn't go into included at the end)
*disclaimer: this is sort of UK orientated, 'cos I don't know any American streaming services or where stuff is available in other countries, so PLEASE comment other places you can watch things!!!!
- Takin' Over the Asylum (CAMPBELL BAIN)
Follows a DJ and a group of patients trying to keep a radio station going in a mental hospital. David plays one of the main characters, Campbell Bain, a mostly upbeat and energetic young boy with lots of enthusiasm and spirit. Some angst!
☆ YOUTUBE (free)
- Blackpool (PETER CARLISLE)
A body is found in an arcade run by Ripley Holden, and him and his entire family are pulled into the murder investigation surrounding it. DI Peter Carlisle is working on the case, and highly suspicious of Ripley. He's a pretty major character and has a romantic plot - as well as a few funny musical numbers. Includes sex scenes.
The (mostly sexual) adventures of Giacomo Casanova, a charming and fraudulent man who falls in love very quickly and very dramatically with a lot of people, all while essentially bullshitting through life and jumping on every opportunity to make money. Includes sex scenes but also angst, such as illness, injuries, some violence, and general suffering.
- Recovery (ALAN HAMILTON)
A man and his family coping with the recovery and rehabilitation process after he (Alan, David Tennant) suffers from brain damage. Angsty. Lots of crying, suicide references, head injury stuff.
☆ YOUTUBE (free)
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (BARTY CROUCH JR)
I recommend pirating this one so you're not supporting JK Rowling. DT plays Barty Crouch JR, an antagonist and the son of Barty Crouch. He's kind of a minor character, as he's not actually in a lot of scenes.
☆ Probably on most pirating sites (my go to is MYFLIXERX.TO)
- Learners (CHRISTOPHER ??)
Lighthearted movie about a woman trying to pass her driving test. David plays Chris, her driving instructor. He's a bit of a dork, very sweet and kind. Has a love plot, briefly fights a guy. No major angst.
☆ YOUTUBE (free)
- Hamlet (HAMLET)
Hamlet. Prince of Denmark wants vengeance after his father's death. I haven't actually watched this one yet but I assume it's got the same amount of angst and drama as Hamlet typically does.
- Single Father (DAVE TYLER)
After a fatal car accident, Dave Tyler (DT) is left to parent four children on his own. Still struggling through grief, Dave falls in love again and attempts to hide it. Has LOTS of crying, lots of kissing, sex scenes, DT being miserable and sobbing, etc.
- Rex Is Not Your Lawyer (REX ALEXANDER)
Unaired pilot. Only 40 minutes. Show wasn't picked up, but it is very good. Rex is a successful and skilled lawyer who is forced to stop practising when he starts having panic attacks every time he speaks in court. He decides instead to coach people who want to represent themselves. Lots of DT in very tight suits. American accent. Not MAJOR angst but he does has daddy issues and a panic disorder, so.
☆ YOUTUBE (free)
- Fright Night (PETER VINCENT)
A kid discovers that his neighbour is a vampire, and he seeks out a famous vampire slayer to help him. Peter Vincent (DT) does not live up to his name, and turns out to actually be sort of pathetic. No major angst, not a lot of clothes, no romance, but lots of eyeliner. He's very bisexual. Violence, vampire horror, creepy neighbour.
- The Decoy Bride (JAMES ARBER)
Celebrity Lara Tyler tries to get married to her author fiancé James Arber, but the paparazzi interrupts the wedding. Desperate to keep it private, she takes James to the island that he based his book on. Somehow, the paparazzi still find them, and they hire a decoy bride to pretend to be Lara. Romance, kissing, light hearted, minimal angst. David in a funny outfit. Fake dating trope?
- Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger (Donald and Roderick Peterson)
Sequel to Nativity, but you don't need to watch the first one. Primary school teacher Donald Peterson (DT) is forced to take his class to Wales to participate in A Song For Christmas, a festive singing competition. Here he is put against his twin brother, who is a successful composer and with whom he has a strained relationship. Light angst - lots of daddy issues, but generally sweet.
☆ AMAZON, I think its on NOW TV???
- The Escape Artist (WILL BURTON)
A defence lawyer, Will Burton, gets a murderer off free, and very quickly grows to regret it, when his client comes after his family next. Lots of murder. Like three murders I think. Hot lawyer DT.
☆ AMAZON (I can't believe I forgot this one)
- What We Did On Our Holiday (DOUG MCLEOD)
A family go to Scotland for their grandfather's 70th birthday. Doug (DT) and his wife (Rosamund Pike) are getting a divorce, but are hiding it from the rest of the family. Movie is mostly focused on the kids and their grandad, but David has a few moments, and he's generally present throughout. Funny, slightly shocking at times, family film. No major angst. Character death.
- Richard II (RICHARD II)
Shakespeare's Richard II. David plays the titular character, the extravagant, heartless and cold King of England, Richard II. We see his fall from grace as he is stripped of everything he owns and knows. Quite angsty. Long hair, androgynous David. Queer kiss scene (although they are cousins, soo...)
☆ you can find a link in a REDDIT comment if you search for it, AMAZON PRIME
- Broadchurch (ALEC HARDY)
An eleven-year-old boy is murdered in a small town, sending shock-waves through the community. Story follows both the family and communities response to the crime, as well as the investigation done by DI Alec Hardy (DT) and DS Ellie Miller (Olivia Coleman). Lots of angst from Alec. He is sick and hiding it. Injury, dizziness, panic attacks, that sort of thing - as well as a heart attack. He has a lot of trauma and daddy issues. Season three touches on topics of rape (warning).
- Mad To Be Normal (RD LIANG)
Biopic about RD Liang, a Scottish psychiatrist. Sex, misogyny, mental health topics, some self-harm (done by another character)
☆ AMAZON (sensing a pattern)
- Good Omens (CROWLEY)
An angel (Michael Sheen) and a demon work together to stop the end of the world. Queer romance (canon), some angst. Drama, comedy, LGBTQ+. David plays Crowley, the demon (who "sauntered vaguely downwards" rather than fell from heaven)
A COVID lockdown comedy about David Tennant and Michael Sheen talking via Zoom during the lockdown. Actually quite sad at times? Mostly silly, though. Features Georgia Tennant and Anna Lundberg.
☆ BBC Iplayer (UK) (or VPN)
- Around The World in 80 Days (PHILEAS FOGG)
Phileas Fogg, a quiet and reserved man, decides to travel around the world in 80 days, after he receives an anonymous postcard calling him a coward. Cute found family, drama, angst (ex-lover stuff, internalised cowardice, illness, near death experience), some violence. There's a scene where Phileas gets flogged (whipped, essentially) quite violently, and it's somewhat graphic. Touches on themes of racism. Phileas is 100% neurodivergent.
☆ BBC Iplayer (UK) (or VPN)
- Inside Man (HARRY WATLING)
DT plays a vicar, Harry, who is involved in a murder after trying to protect his son - who was accused of having CP. Suicide themes, murder, self-harm - explores the idea that any person can murder, if they're pushed the right way. Includes topics to do with CP and pedophilia.
- Litvinenko (LITVINENKO)
Biopic about Alexander Litvinenko. A group of detectives investigate the poisoning of Litvinenko. David is bald in this show. (Scary)
☆ ITVX (UK) (or VPN)
- Doctor who (10TH AND 14TH DOCTORS)
Do I need to explain Doctor Who???? David Tennant plays the tenth and fourteenth regenerations of The Doctor, a Time Lord from outerspace. He travels around in the TARDIS with human companions.
☆ BBC Iplayer (UK)
I think I'm gonna leave it there, but there are a LOT that I have not touched on. This post is a very accurate and long list of everything on DT's filmography, so i recommend you check that out.
Other things I didn't mention (off the top of my head):
There She Goes, Bad Samaritan, Einstein and Eddington, Rab. C Nesbitt, Bright Young Things, LA Without a Map, Much Ado About Nothing, Duck Patrol, True Love, Gracepoint, Camping (US), Nan's Christmas Carol, Mary Queen of Scots, (You, Me and Him), Secret Smile, Deadwater Fell, Jessica Jones, Dramarama, Spies of Warsaw, AND A LOT MORE. (+ voice acting roles, and also his narrating work on Spy In The Wild (2017)
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loveemagicpeace · 6 months
✨Transits through houses Part 2✨
🫀7th house transits-during this time you can meet someone, get married, spend more on marriage, you can also get divorced. You can also seek justice, go to court, sign an important contract, start a business partnership. You can meet more people and socialize more. You spend your time with your friends. Transit of Jupiter in this house shows that you can find someone who suits you, connect more with your partner, get married or engaged. (a wedding when Jupiter is in this house can also be very big and beautiful). You and your partner can also go on a long trip. Transit of Venus in this house can indicate that you meet someone or that you have good relationships. Saturn transit in this house can bring vietory in the court and more lessons about relationships and partner, you can start looking for serious people and want more serious relationships. With pluto transiting here a competitive situation might arise that feels like a fight to the death, involving feelings of jealousy. Chiron transiting this house might show you that compassion and forgiveness can be just as powerful as winning.
🦋8th house transits during this time, the emphasis can be on intimacy, investing, finances, depth, transformation. You lose something to gain something. You can learn some secret. Neptune transit in this house shows strange things maybe, you can lose something or someone steals something from you, someone can also die and death is very strange, unclear. You can also start doing more spiritual things and relax more. The Mars-Neptune aspect also suggests trips by the water or recovery from surgery. Jupiter 8th house - if you get married at this time, you can gain a lot from the marriage. You can get a lot of money from others and the money you invest can also be potential. But it is important not to make impulsive decisions. The North Node in this house can indicate the end of a relationship or a new outlook on life. A big transformation and a different way of life. Uranus transiting this house can mean unexpected money or inheritance. It brings unexpected changes and disruptions to an individual's intimate relationships and financial matters. Mercury transiting this house- individuals may experience a heightened need for deeper connections and understanding. They may seek out intense conversations and delve into the emotional and psychological aspects of their relationships.
🎸9th house transits during this time you ean travel more, go on one really long trip, change your view, explore the world, find faith, go on a spiritual journey, this house is also called the house across the ocean. You ean have more luck and experience lucky coincidences. It is also the house that represents your second marriage. You can start a new course or enroll in a university (complete your studies). Pluto transit it can bring about profound changes in the individual's belief system and their approach to life. You may receive financial aid for education or have travel opportunities. Saturn transit on the other hand can bring changes to your life and a serious outlook on life - then you ean also find faith in something you never thought of. At the same time, you may have a problem with what you really believe. Maybe you ean also be afraid of many things. Mars transit might cause legal matters over property that will see the involvement of your extended family. Neptune transiting this house - u can go to dream vacation or travel somewhere by the ocean, Also a lot of magical thing could happen at this time. It can bring a time of spiritual growth, questioning of beliefs, and a search for deeper meaning.
🥥10th house transits-during this time you can spend more time working on your career, stability, public reputation. You can have more contact with your father and with older people. More karmie connections and encounters. You can achieve more and get what you wanted. Sun transit in this house shows that more people can notice you, write to you and pay more attention to what you are doing. It also describes career and is where we reach for success and achievement. It is also a place of inner vocation. Venus transit in this house ean indicate karmie love or a person entering your life, especially if they are connected to pluto. Uranus in this house shows unpredictable glory, innovation. It can bring unexpected career opportunities. Mars transiting this house it can mean that this time you do more for your career, new opportunities, you are more noticed in the public. This is also good for releasing things. A transit of Jupiter to the 10th House is as likely to make person reorient himself as give him breaks in the field in, which, hitherto, he has operated. Under a transit of Neptune to the 10th House a person's approach to their career and the direction, which they are taking their life, tend to become more idealistie and other regarding. It is no longer enough for you to be empire building for yourself or simply conforming to conventional expectations. At this time a person want their life to be useful.
🌱11th house transits during this time you can meet new people, new friends you hang out with friends more), realize your dreams, work on your goals. You become more humanitarian and take an interest in humanity. Uranus transiting this house can mean u being more rebellious and selfish. You will want to stand out from society more and resist the rules. Venus transiting this house shows a more pleasant and unique energy. You ean find your special dreams and friends who will stand by your side and support you. You ean attract more kind people. With mars transit here during this time you may quarrel with someone important or leave your cirele of friends. Sun transiting this house you look more at yourself, your goals that you want to achieve, you are focused on your dreams and you also believe in them more. You can also be more popular during this time. North node transiting this house it can mean that you are starting to look for common points that you have with others (interests, desires, hopes). How do you view the people around you and what is community for you? You can be more connected to social networks or spend more time there.
🍓12th house transits- during this time you can get to know your subconscious more, go deeper into your spiritual world. You can connect more with your subeonscious, you can spend a lot of time alone, doing something that is more connected to you. Saturn through the 12th house might create a desire for time alone on retreat. North node here it can mean that you have a lot of problems with yourself at once (mental health), maybe you are looking more at a part of yourself that you haven't discovered yet. You can be more elosed in a room or spend time alone. Venus transiting this house with that you will see a new growth in your creative pursuits and intuition that will allow you to comprehend others at your compassionate and spiritual level. You may get indulged in a romantic, intimate and hidden commitments. During a Uranus transit a period of spiritual awakening and self discovery can take place. This transit can shake up the individual's hidden or subconscious realms, often leading to sudden insights or breakthroughs. Sun transit can be loss, expenditure and foreign travel or settlement indicates that the Sun in beneficial dignity in this house will bless you with a strong spiritual inclination for more charity-related work or the possibility of travel to a foreign country.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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eyra · 1 year
I hope you’ll forgive my selfishness, but I am dying to ask: What did Remus think the first time he saw Sirius in Beneath a Big Blue Sky??
today is your lucky day. I've mentioned a few times that I've dabbled in the possibility of one day writing more bits and pieces in the Beneath a Big Blue Sky world. whether or not this will ever all see the light of day I'm not sure, but since you asked, I'll share a little snippet of Remus and Sirius meeting for the first time - from Remus's point of view.
enjoy 🐑🐑 x
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“Mr Lupin, is it?”
Remus nods slowly, shaking the other boy's hand. "If you like," he mutters. If I must be, he thinks. What a mess. What an absolute pain in the arse. "Two strong lads," Lyall had asked the agency for, and Remus knows because he was in the next room listening, and still smarting over the fact that his old dad wanted to hire help anyway. "We'll be reet," Remus had insisted, shaking out his left arm in proof that his shoulder was mostly healed, which it was. They would've managed: he still had his other arm, and all the ewes looked in good health so far, and bringing in two strangers to help run the season seemed like a fine waste of money to Remus and something they'd not done since he'd turned fifteen and proven that he was good and capable of handling just as much work as Lyall during the lambs, and he'd felt all kinds of embarrassed when Lyall had implied that this year he might need some help. As if he were now a problem to be solved, or somehow less of a man this year than he was last year, and certainly less than he ought to be.
But if they must get help - if Lyall must hire someone for a few months - then at the very least Remus had hoped that the workers who arrived would be up to the job. A couple of veterinary students, or something; someone who knew their way around a sheep, and it hadn't seemed too big an ask. As it is, the two boys standing dumbly in front of him on the station platform look less suited to farm work and more like they should be standing in a shop window somewhere, with their brand new boots and spotless, neatly-pressed cream trousers. Cream trousers, and all.
Remus remembers, one night in the late winter not long after the accident, being laid up in his bed in front of the fuzzy little television Hope had insisted on setting up in his room to keep him occupied during his recovery. It had a remote held together with Sellotape and a funny round aerial which didn't quite pick up the Freeview signal, and he'd been mindlessly flicking through the scant channels when he'd happened upon some reality programme or other; something about a load of toffs titting about London with daft haircuts and those cream trousers, and he wonders now if the two boys standing in front of him have seen the show, or realise how ridiculous they look.
Or at least, one of them looks ridiculous. The lanky one with the glasses and the palm that's far too smooth to have seen any real work in its life. He's still beaming down at Remus with a sort of manic smile, which sets Remus's teeth on edge - man looks insane - and then Remus lets his eyes slip away to the shorter boy standing next to him. And he's something else altogether. He's all cheekbones and soft, shoulder-length hair, the colour of Whitby jet, and it's tucked on the one side back behind his ear and then there's one pretty strand hanging loosely over his brow, and he's watching Remus uncertainly and when they make eye contact - when the noise of the four-by-four across the car park fades away to static, and the train on the platform huffs out a great cloud of smoke that Remus doesn't see - Remus feels his cheeks grow hot under his tan and something funny happens in his throat, and he thinks to himself: "Wow," and then, straightaway: "That’s bloody inconvenient."
They drive back to the farm in silence, mostly, and Remus swallows three times before asking the boy in the back seat for his name. Sirius, as it turns out; the dog star, and Remus suddenly recalls a night a decade ago when they'd been up on the fell and the air had been balmy and close and Lily had been reading out of that funny old book about the constellations. "What's that one?" Remus had muttered, pointing at a cluster of stars somewhere over the top paddock. Lily had yawned, and flicked over a few more pages. "Canis Major," she'd said around another yawn, and then: "That bright one's called Sirius, it says here," and Remus had squinted up at it, and frowned, and thought it was pretty good, as stars go. 
⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩
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hurtspideyparker · 6 months
Tony Stark and PTSD
Tony didn't develop PTSD when he came back from Afghanistan because he knew he'd get out. He was able to save himself, use his intellect and resources to build the iron suit and escape. Yes he was tortured, and feared for his life, but he had an escape plan; Tony left the cave hopeful for the future, with extraordinary ideas and a revelation. For him, that was enough.
In the battle of New York Tony didn't have an escape plan. Even with his fancy Iron Man suit he was left alone in space to die- no amount of the money, brains or power he possesses would be enough to get him out of there.
It terrified him. To think that with everything he is, he wouldn't be enough to save his own life.
So while his thoughts in Afghanistan were that he would out-smart all these men because he's Tony freaking Stark, his thoughts in New York were that in the end he was helpless. That loss of control, the spark of real and imminent death, is what follows Tony home and gives him PTSD.
The idea that at any moment he could face something beyond the planet and anything he's ever known, that being the smartest and richest man on Earth just wouldn't be enough. Tony is mortal- even he can't cure that.
This is why we see him depend so heavily on the suits as a coping mechanism. He is all too aware of his own flesh and becomes obsessed with his armor; making it stronger, more plentiful, a cocoon. It is a part of him, and he's trying desperately to catch up to all things extraterrestrial he just learned about.
He puts sensors under his skin so the armor can always find him. When he's scared, even in his sleep, his instinct is to call the suit.
Which is why being forced away from it is so important for his recovery. He has to relearn that Iron Man isn't the suit, it's him. He'd be dead if he didn't program Jarvis smart enough to save his life without being told, like in IM3 when he's drowning and Jarvis pulls him out of the rubble by controlling the hand of the suit. Or when he fights the superpowered soldiers with just his wits and some kitchen appliances. Then finally marching into a heavily guarded facility with his Home Depot weapons.
It's not that he's beaten mortality, it's that he's broken from the need to constantly protect himself from it.
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therealcocoshady · 8 months
Recovery - Chapter 8
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Eminem x FemReader (Y/N) fanfiction
Summary : Y/N reconnects with an old friend and her sobriety is seriously challenged.
Tags : Angst, Comfort, Fluff
CW : Bullying, Alcohol, Drugs, Mentions of nudity
To say you had a bad week would be an understatement. It was a terrible one : everything that could go wrong basically did, except for the moments you spent at the studio. 
As it often happened, you missed Simon terribly. You were feeling touch-starved, and you just missed being in a relationship. Granted, you had amazing friends, but it just wasn’t the same. Work wasn’t a piece of cake either. You’d had to attend several faculty events and, as was often the case in academia, almost everyone over-indulged on alcohol. You found yourself missing the days where you could party and dance the night away. You had never been much of a party-girl, but now that you were sober, you missed it sorely. You were supposed to work on your doctoral dissertation but found no motivation to work at all. 
Only three things were able to get you out of your bad mood : the few hours a week you spent at the studio, dinner time every evening with Talia and Jamal, as well as the perspective of seeing an old friend who was coming back to Detroit. 
Two weeks prior, after Marshall brought you back from the studio, you had received a text from an old friend named Cassie. She was the first person you befriended at Michigan State University, four years ago, when you were an exchange student. Your friendship was the living embodiment of “opposites attract”, as she was everything you weren’t : funny, easy-going, sociable, the life of the party. It was also a good partnership : you helped her study and she helped you socialise. She was the one who took you to some parties and showed you cool places in the city. In a way, she was a good influence : she pushed you out of your comfort zone. Whenever you were with her, you found yourself to be more bold. Unfortunately, you hadn’t seen her in a while, as she moved to another state to follow her then-fiancé, now ex-husband. Cassie had texted you to tell you she was coming back to town and that she’d love to see you. Generous as ever, she offered for you to spend a couple of days in her suite at a fancy hotel, promising you a good time and some spa. You were extremely happy to see her again. When she left, you had tried to keep in touch, but she seemed extremely busy. Now though, she was considering coming back to Michigan after a divorce and was actually in town for a job interview. 
Her offer for you to spend a couple of days with her was also a nice way to give Talia and Jamal some space. They would never admit it, but you figured they would appreciate spending some time at the house, just the two of them. There was only one drawback : Talia seemed a bit wary of Cassie. You knew she never liked her, but being the classy lady she was, she refused to drag you into their drama. She simply told you to enjoy yourself. 
On Friday night, you joined Cassie at her hotel, after she was done with her job interview. She seemed ecstatic to see you. 
Ma chériiiiiie, she shrieked as she took you in her arms. It has been so long ! 
I’m so happy to see you, you said sincerely. 
I have planned the most amazing weekend for the two of us, she said giddily. 
Really ? What do you have in mind ? 
First, we’re going to have a nice five stars dinner brought up to our room, and tomorrow, I’m taking you to the Spa, shopping and then, I was thinking we could go to a party together, she explained. 
That is a lot, Cassie…, you said. 
My treat, she assured you. Let my divorce settlement money be useful ! 
I can’t accept that. 
Of course you can ! You’ve done so much for me, baby, it’s time I paid you back a little ! Some people I know are throwing a party and you’re going to love it. 
You hummed. Cassie was a ball of energy, as always. You half expected her to be depressed because of her short marriage that just ended, but she was beaming with happiness. At dinner, she explained that she caught her husband cheating with a colleague. She got a lot of money from the divorce and was ready to move on. She had always been like this : always seeing the positive side of things. During the conversation, the talk shifted to your breakup with Simon, although you didn’t go into much detail as to why the relationship ended. Cassie was your friend but you didn’t want to either bore or worry her by talking about your struggle with pills. If you were being honest, you also didn’t want her to think poorly of you. As amazing as she was, you knew she could be a little judgy, at times. 
It’s a shame that you guys broke up, but maybe it’s better this way, she said. You can do better anyway. 
Do you really think so ? you asked as you bit your lip. 
Of course. I mean, he was great and everything, but I don’t know… You could probably do with someone a little more fun. He was always so serious, she said. 
I don’t know… I liked that about him, you said with a sigh. 
Of course you did, she continued. But I’m sure we can find you someone better. The party I’m taking you to tomorrow will be the perfect place for you to find a man. 
I don’t need to find a man, you scoffed. 
Of course you do, she giggled. It’s been months since the breakup. And knowing the good girl you are, you probably haven’t got any action since. You don’t want spider webs to grow in your vagina, now, do you ? 
You almost choked on your water. God, she could be so straightforward when it came to sex. Or any other topic, for that matter. Once again, she was the complete opposite of you. Anyway, you didn’t bother responding to her comment about the good girl you were. And you were absolutely not going to mention your movie night with Marshall. Thankfully, the conversation shifted once again to another topic. After all, the two of you had a lot of catching up to do. 
You barely got any sleep that night. Not that you weren’t tired from your week - you were actually exhausted - but you spent the whole time talking to Cassie and catching up on her life. This girl had a talent for making life seem exciting and glamorous. She always had things going on, always being the one with the most amazing stories to tell. You felt a little dull, next to her. 
The next day, you started by having a fancy breakfast in bed before she dragged you to do some shopping. The department store is where you noticed she was seriously intent on spending money. She kept on grabbing items, not even bothering to look at the price. Meanwhile, you failed to find anything. You either didn’t like it or it was out of your price range. Eventually, she decided to take matters into her own hands and initiated a makeover session with the pretext that you needed to look fancy for whatever party she wanted to take you to. Of course, it was Cassie, so you weren’t exactly surprised when she told you it would be extra. She insisted that you try on a Sandro black dress, even though you weren’t convinced. It was on the shorter side, with sequins and definitely showed a lot of skin. Not to mention that it was extremely expensive. You liked shopping and dressing up as much as the next girly girl, but you didn’t come from money, so spending $300 on a dress wasn’t something you considered. However, to her, it seemed like it was no big deal. She didn’t even blink when the sales assistant told her about the price. “We’ll take it”, she simply said, before asking for bags and shoes to match the dress. Once again, she spared no expenses. The shoes she selected for you to wear were from Jimmy Choo, costing almost $800, with a matching clutch that was just as expensive. She even went the extra mile and selected a pair of gorgeous diamond earrings to complete the outfit. She was extremely happy with the outfit. So much so that you didn’t really dare tell her that you felt ridiculous in these clothes. It was the least “you” outfit ever. “If Talia could see me, she would laugh in my face”, you thought. But at the same time, Cassie was so generous and confident that you wanted to give it a try. After all, maybe you needed to get out of your comfort zone. After the shopping spree, you went to get pampered at the hotel spa. You both got your hair done, as well as beauty treatments for the face and body. You had to admit it felt good. Plus, she seemed to enjoy giving you the princess treatment. To be fair, you also enjoyed getting it. It wasn’t every day that you could get a massage, a facial and a new hairdo. 
The both of you went back to the room to get ready for the party. You didn’t know much about it, other than the fact that Cassie was extremely excited to go. It was supposed to be held in an exclusive location, with “only the best people, food, music and drinks”. When you stepped out of the bathroom, she clapped and shrieked in excitement. 
You have never looked so sexy, Y/N !!! If I had your ass and your breast, I’d dress like that everyday ! 
You were glad she liked it, although you thought you resembled a Bratz Doll. You hardly ever wore makeup anymore, but there you were, with eyelash extensions, foundation, bold lipstick and, hell, even highlighter on your cheeks. Not to mention the outfit. “The dress is too tight, too short, and the heels are definitely too high”, you thought. 
Are we sure about the heels, Cass ? You asked nervously. I might break an ankle, here… 
You’ll be fine, she said. Plus, God knows I’m not one to criticize, but… You’re way too short to wear anything lower anyway. 
And there was the thing you liked the least about Cass : the way she would sometimes ignore your insecurities and dismiss them. Back when you were in school together, you couldn’t count the times when she would comment on your acne scars, your hair or even your weight. But she was your friend and you knew she meant well. It was her own way to care for you. She had your best interests at heart and she wanted you to be nothing but the best version of yourself. Besides, you knew that she was just as hard on herself. She was constantly under her own pressure to look good, do good and be with good people. But that was what made her thrive, so you figured that, maybe she was right. 
You look stunning and those basketball and NFL players are going to get in line to get your number, she said as she placed a strand of hair behind your ear. 
You look amazing too, you said with a shy smile. 
I know, she giggled. 
But wait… You mentioned… sports players ? Who exactly is going to be there ? Do you know them ? 
You’re getting in your head, baby, she chuckled. I know a few people. As for the others, it’s just a few friends we haven’t made yet. Anyway, I have something for you. 
She grabbed her handbag and took out a vial. 
I know how nervous you can get in social settings. This will help you relax. We are going to have the best night ever, she said with a wink. All you have to do is inhale this. 
She placed the vial in your hand and you looked at her, intrigued. 
What’s that ? You asked. Essential oils ? 
Almost, she hummed. Just trust me, ok ? 
Do you promise it’s nothing weird ? You asked as you bit your lip. 
I would never give you anything dangerous, she said as she rubbed your shoulder. You trust me, right ? 
You nodded with a smile. Of course you trusted her. 
Now, let’s have a glass of champagne, just the two of us before leaving, ok ? We didn't even toast to our reunion last night !!! 
I shouldn’t drink, you said as you avoided her gaze. I’ll have water but go ahead. 
Don’t be a boring, Y/N, she giggled. God, you can be such a dud sometimes. One glass, it won’t kill you. I’m going out of my way for you to have a great time, here. 
You felt your heart strain. You didn’t want to be ungrateful. After all, she was more than generous to you and she did go out of her way for you to have a memorable weekend. You didn’t want her to think you were a dud. Besides… One glass of champagne was ok, right ? It wasn’t as if she was handing you some pills or offering for you to snort cocaine in her hotel room. Plus, it was Cassie, of all people. You took a deep breath and sighed. 
Right. I’m sorry. Champagne sounds lovely, you said. 
She smiled and ordered champagne from room service. When it came, it wasn’t just two glasses : it was a whole bottle. Cassie laughed it off. You had your first sip of alcohol in months. You were never a huge drinker, but you had to admit you sort of missed it. You made small talk as you sipped on your glass and she told you that one of her motives to go to the party was to see a guy she had a small crush on. Some Pistons player, apparently. This made you smile. Cassie had always been quite the seductress, even though she got engaged and married quite young. She was the flirty type, even with you. This was part of her persona, and people were here for it. She was the very definition of irresistible. The girl you befriended, that you knew you could never be. You knew there was nothing wrong with you and, most of the time, you were ok with who you were. As years went by, you had come to appreciate being the rather shy, sometimes dorky girl next door who could be seen as quite cute when she made an effort. You would never be an ethereal beauty like Cassie and you were fine with it. Before you knew it, you were on your third glass of champagne. 
We’d better go, you said with a giggle. I’m on my third glass already. 
You’re right, we’ll have plenty of bubbles to drink when we get to the party anyway, she said. 
Not quite what I meant, Cass… 
Just enjoy the evening, baby ! Now, time for you to use that vial. Just put it close to your nostril and sniff, ok ? she directed. 
You nodded and did as she said. After you were done, she did the same. Less than a minute later, you were filled with a sensation of euphoria and relaxation. 
I don’t know what it is, but this is the shit ! You giggled. 
I know right ? If you feel anxious, just do that again. I promise, you will have a great time ! 
A car took you to the party. It was definitely a fancy event. You didn’t know anyone, but Cassie did, and she introduced you to some people. You ended up discreetly sniffing the magic vial a couple of times, taking some time to relax. Before you knew it, you were standing alone as your friend was in deep conversation with a handsome gentleman who, you guessed, was her crush. 
I can’t believe such a beautiful woman is standing here without a drink, a man said as he placed a glass of champagne in your hand. 
Thank you, you giggled. 
The stranger was quite handsome. He was tall, blonde, with gorgeous hazel eyes. He was dressed in a tux and arbored a charming smile. At that point, you were just a little tipsy and definitely relaxed. You greeted him with a smile and thanked him for the drink. 
May I say you look absolutely stunning, he complimented you. That’s quite an outfit.
Thank you, you said with a smile. You don’t look too bad either. 
I don’t believe we’ve been introduced, yet. I am Jared. 
Nice to meet you, Jared. I’m Y/N, you said as you extended your hand. 
You expected him to shake it but he took you by surprise by kissing it, which made you all giddy. You made small talk and he told you he actually played for the Detroit Lions, taking no offense when you confessed that you had no idea who he was, and that you didn’t watch a lot of football. 
So, what brings you to this fundraiser for the Detroit Sports Teams ? he asked. 
Oh, is that what the event is ? you chuckled. I had no idea. Actually, my friend Cassie brought me here. I was promised champagne and a great time. 
I’ll be honest with you, this fundraiser is mostly an excuse for people to drink and dance, he said as he winked. 
You chortled and kept on talking to him. He was easy-going and very sociable. You could tell he was flirting with you and you liked it. It was very flattering to have such a handsome man take an interest in you. You also began to feel more confident in the outfit Cassie had chosen for you. Some people joined the conversation. Apparently, they also played for the football team. All of these men were good-looking and you found yourself considering getting a season ticket for the games. You would have been more interested in sports if you’d known how great the players looked. Eventually, the conversation turned to sports and you took it as your cue to leave, figuring that if Jared wanted to talk some more, he’d find you in the crowd. You sniffed the vial again and found Cassie. People were starting to dance and she dragged you to the dance floor. Had you been completely sober, she wouldn’t have had a chance, but you were far from it now. Whatever potion she had you inhaling was working its wonders when it came to deprive you of your inhibitions. You were more confident in your moves than ever and you danced with her. The both of you were soon swarmed by an army of suitors and you gladly obliged them when they offered to dance. You were having a great time and it was the magic of Cassie : she managed to turn you into a lovable, sociable creature. Hell, you even gave your number to Jared who had found you on the dancefloor and begged for a dance. He promised to call but, unfortunately, he had to leave. You were having yet another drink and talked to Cassie when her face suddenly changed. 
Holy shit. How do I look ?! she asked. 
You look gorgeous, as always, you giggled. Why ? Is your crush here ? 
Better, she grinned. Look, it’s Eminem !!! 
You turned your head in a dramatic move and saw Marshall talking to a couple of people. He was wearing black jeans, sneakers, a black tee-shirt and the Saint Laurent jacket you liked so much. Far from the tuxedos some men were wearing, but definitely an improvement compared to some of his daily outfits and usual sweatpants. As always, you thought he looked amazing. You were shocked, though. He was the last person you expected to see here. 
He is even hotter in person, she squealed. I have to introduce myself. Come with me, she said as she dragged you across the room. 
Your heart was pounding but you didn’t have time to protest. He saw you arrive, hand in hand with Cassie and his eyes seemed to widen, not that you could be so sure because, at this point, you were drunk. But thankfully, you were also too relaxed to care, thanks to the stuff you had kept on inhaling. 
Hey, Y/N, he said as he gave you a quick hug, looking suspicious. 
Hey handsome, Cassie said seductively. I didn’t realize you knew our beautiful friend here. I’m Cassie. 
Hi Cassie, he said as he politely shook the hand she extended. Yeah, I know Y/N. 
“Or at least, I think I do.”, he added in a lower voice, still staring at you. You smiled at him but his comment left you puzzled. Of course he knew you. You were friends. Why would he say that ? You looked at him as Cassie talked to him, complimenting his music and telling him how insanely talented she thought he was, though you couldn’t remember her listening to hip-hop. Ever. 
Now that I know that you know Y/N, we simply have to hang out. Don’t we, ma chérie ? she said. 
Of course, you said shyly - somewhat uncomfortable that your friend was flirting with your Marshall.
Sure, he said with a blank face. 
I have to go to the bathroom, she said. Y/N, hold my glass, will you ? 
She quickly disappeared and you were left alone with him. You smiled shyly. 
I didn’t know you’d be here, you said in an attempt to make small talk. 
I didn’t know you would be here, he replied. What are you doing here ? 
Same as you, I guess, you giggled. 
I’m here for work, he clarified. 
Oh well, I’m not, you shrugged with a smile. Cassie took me here. By the way… She thinks you’re hot. 
You weren't too sure why you were telling him that. Probably because you did not have much inhibitions anymore. You couldn’t help but chortle at the absurdity of the situation. 
Good for her. Now… Care to explain why you’re clearly drunk and dressed like a ho !? He groaned. 
You opened your mouth to reply but found yourself unable to say anything. Did he just insult you ?! You were about to retort something when Cassie returned from the bathroom. 
Now, Marshall, she said as she took her glass from your hand without even glancing at you, I happen to be free for a dance. 
Yeah, he said. I…
He was cut by someone who came to him before he could even continue. You were still a bit stunned. Cassie, however, shrugged off and took you to the dance floor. 
You’ll have to get him to call me, she giggled as she resumed dancing. 
Y-Yeah, you said, still a bit stunned. 
Dance with me, baby, she said as she took your glass and placed it on a table. 
She took your hand and you soon forgot about Marshall’s insult. You were rolling your hips to the beat of the music. A man placed a hand on your waist and danced with you. It was very sensual and you found yourself a bit giddy and turned on, not too sure why. Cassie was doing the same with another man. At that moment, your soul had left your body. Or maybe you just experienced being raw and free for the first time in forever ? It felt like you were on fire. Cassie gestured for you to come closer. 
You’re having a great time, she laughed. Look at you, all sexy ! 
I feel great, you giggled. I’m super horny, too. 
That’s the poppers, she chuckled. Wanna drive them crazy ? 
Poppers ? Is that what she gave you ? Before you knew it, she was kissing you. You were a bit taken aback but returned the kiss anyway. You liked women as much as men, for sure, but you had never thought of your friend like that. Yet, you found yourself kissing back, because you just felt like it. You were turned on, having a great time, and she was gorgeous, so why not make out with her ? You were laughing as you broke the kiss. Before you knew it, the guy you were dancing with was kissing you. You giggled as you danced with him some more. You had never felt more beautiful and desirable. Your thoughts were interrupted when someone in the crowd grabbed your wrist. Marshall. He didn’t look too happy. 
Come with me, he said firmly. 
Not a chance, you giggled. I’m dancing here. 
No shit, he groaned. Just come, Y/N. 
So that you can insult me again ? I hardly think so, Em, you said as you rolled your eyes. 
That’s not a fucking question, he groaned on your ear as he pulled you closer to him. 
Before you could protest, he was holding your hand, walking you out. Cassie followed you. 
Where are the two of you going ? She asked. 
I’m taking her home, Marshall said curtly. 
Oh… then why don’t you take us both home ? She offered with her seductive signature smile. 
You were stunned and you looked at the two of them. Was she offering… a threesome ?! Your eyes were wide open wide and you felt like a deer in headlights. 
She needs to sleep, Marshall said. 
I’m fine, you groaned as he shot you a death glare. 
Whatever, Cassie said. We can figure out who does what when we get to your place, she added with a wink. 
Oh, I have it all figured out, he assured her. I’m taking Y/N home. You can catch a ride to… wherever it is that you’re going. 
You were about to say something but the room was starting to spin and you almost lost your balance. The heels were definitely too high. 
Careful there, Marshall said as he placed a hand on your waist to secure you. Come on, I’ll take you home. 
Whatever, Cassie sighed. Call me tomorrow, chérie ? 
You nodded and walked out as Marshall was holding you firmly by the hand. The cold, fresh air made you shiver and he sighed before placing his jacket over your shoulders. 
I think someone’s following us, you slurred. 
Yeah, that’s my security, he groaned. Look down, now. 
What ? You asked, a bit lost. 
Fuck. Just look down, he repeated in an annoyed tone. 
You did, as you thought that maybe he was going to show you something, but you saw a flash from afar. Someone was snapping pictures as you got out of the event. Your head was still ducked as Marshall led you to a van that was waiting. He helped you get in before entering the car as well, followed by the two security guards. You felt insanely small, as they were huge and took a lot of space in the car. He told the driver to go to his place. 
You’re not taking me home ? You asked. 
I’m taking you where I can keep an eye on you, he grunted. 
That’s totally unnecessary, you said blurringly as you rolled your eyes. 
That wasn’t a question. 
You sighed and looked outside the window. You threw a glance at Marshall, who was fuming, his fist clenched into a ball. Your head was still turning and you didn’t feel too good. 
I need to get out of here, you mumbled. Can you stop the car ?! 
Will you just shut up for one fucking second ?! He snapped. 
I’m gonna puke. 
Shit. Stop the car now, Marshall said to the driver. 
Immediately, the vehicle piled and you hit your head on the window. One of the bodyguards opened the door and you ran outside before puking on the side of the road. Marshall followed you and stood next to you. You were doubled up as he held your hair. When you finally stopped puking, you looked at him with teary eyes. 
I’m sorry, you mumbled. 
He rolled his eyes and shook his head before leading you back to the car. 
Do you hate me ? You whispered. 
No, he groaned. We’ll talk about it when we get home, alright ? 
God, my head hurts, you croaked. 
He sighed and gently pulled you so that your head rested on his shoulder. 
Thank you, you whispered. 
The rest of the drive was silent and you were almost asleep by the time the car dropped you at Marshall’s place. 
Can you walk ? He asked. 
You nodded and took a few steps but almost collapsed. These damn heels had you feeling like a baby giraffe taking its first steps. 
Come here, he sighed before carrying you bridal-style. 
As you walked through the door, he carried you upstairs to a bathroom. 
You need to shower, ok ? There’s a bit of barf on your dress… 
Ok, you muttered. Marshall, I-I’m sorry. 
You were on the verge of tears and your bottom lip was quivering. His look softened a bit. 
You can barely stand so I’ll help you with the shower and the undressing, is that alright with you ? 
You nodded. He made you sit on the floor before helping you undress. You grunted as he freed your feet from the shoes. He fumbled with the zipper of your dress, which was apparently stuck. 
Fuckin’ zipper, he muttered. I should cut this thing. 
Don’t, you whined. It’s new. 
He groaned as he finally managed to unzip you. You were finally naked on the cold floor of the bathroom. The dress didn’t allow you to wear any underwear. You noticed his surprise, but he didn’t comment. In any other circumstance, you would have felt embarrassed, but you were too drunk to care. You were actually thankful he was able to help you get out of these clothes, as you wouldn’t be able to undress on your own.
Alright, now let’s get you to the shower, he said softly. 
You nodded and tried to stand. Although it was easier without the heels, you weren’t too secure. He helped you stand and led you to the shower. 
I’m going to take my clothes off. It’ll be easier. Are you ok with that ? 
You nodded silently, not really daring to look at him. As minutes went by, you were feeling more and more ashamed of yourself. 
Hold still. Don’t fall, he directed before taking his clothes off, staying in his boxers. 
He went back to you and held you firmly so that you wouldn’t fall before turning on the shower. The water was flowing on your bodies. You tried your best not to fall but Marshall had to hold you with one hand while helping you wash with the other. 
Fuck it, he grunted as he turned off the water. I’ll just draw a bath, ok ? 
He drew a bath and helped you settle in the huge bathtub. 
Are you alright ? He asked gently, concern all over his face. 
You hummed and he started to wash your back. 
You’re not getting in ? You asked. 
Don’t worry about me, he said. Try not to drown, alright ?
I’m just saying, you might as well get in. You’re all wet already. 
He shrugged and finally joined you in the bathtub, settling right behind you so that you rested between his legs, while holding you tight so you wouldn't slip.
You know you could have taken your boxers off, right ? 
We’re not doing that, he sighed. 
Just saying… I know what your dick looks like, anyway. 
He scoffed softly and resumed helping you wash. It was actually easier now that you were in the bathtub. 
Marshall ? 
Mmmh ? 
Do you hate me ? You asked under your breath. 
Yes. I loathe you. That’s why I’m taking care of you right now, isn’t that obvious ? He asked sarcastically. Of course I don’t hate you, Y/N. Why do you even ask that ? 
You said I was a whore. 
I didn’t say that. I said you were dressed like a ho, he corrected. 
You turned your head to look at him. 
What ? You’re going to deny it ? He asked with an eyeroll. You weren’t even wearing a fucking thong. 
That’s mean, you said. You can’t wear underwear with that kind of dress. Otherwise, it shows. 
Oh so that’s what makes it not a ho-dress ? He mused as he lathered your arm with soap. My bad, sorry. You definitely looked like a nun, then. 
You rolled your eyes. 
Why were you even wearing this thing ? He asked. 
Cassie said it looked good, you shrugged. I mean, obviously, you disagree, but… 
Never said so, he said. 
You said I looked like a ho !  
Once again… no one said hoes can’t look good, he chuckled. I mean… you sort of have to, if you’re a ho, I guess ? Otherwise you’re not a very good one. 
You let out a drunken giggle. 
So you think I looked good ? You asked. 
Yeah, the prettiest ho I’ve ever seen, he grinned. It’s just… it doesn’t look like you, you know ? 
Maybe it should look like me, you shrugged. 
What the hell do you mean ? 
I look better like this, you said. 
Nope, he replied as he shook his head. You don’t. 
You don’t think so ? 
I think you’re beautiful as is, and that you don’t need to look like a whore, a ho or whatever. Or to act like one, for that matter, he said. 
Hey ! 
He shrugged as he stared at you. 
Was I acting like a ho ? You asked sheepishly, suddenly unsure about the whole evening. 
I don’t know. I guess, sort of, he said. Seriously, though…What was with all the kissing and grinding like you were in heat ? 
I don’t know, you admitted. Cassie gave me that vial to sniff. It made me all light and happy and…horny. 
Seriously ? Poppers ?! He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 
You swallowed dryly. 
She told me it wasn’t a big deal, you said. 
Let me guess, this genius is also the one who convinced you to have a drink ? 
… yes, you admitted. 
He groaned and shook his head. You looked down in embarrassment. 
I just wanted to have a good time, you said sheepishly. 
Yeah, because breaking your sobriety and making out with people is the only way to do that, right…? 
The comment about how you had failed to stay sober caused you to break into tears. 
I’m sorry, you murmured as you sobbed. I… I thought it wouldn’t count ? 
What ? He asked, confused. 
I mean, I figured that, it’s not pills, you explained as you kept sobbing. 
That’s not how sobriety works, Y/N, he said as he shook his head. You know better than that.
Tears kept on flowing. It felt like you would never stop crying. 
I fucked up. Everything. I’m a failure. I’m so sorry, you cried. 
Come here, he said as he pulled you in his arms. 
He held you and you rested your head in the crook of his neck, as you kept on crying. After a few minutes, you managed to calm down. 
Better now ? He asked. 
Yes. I’m sorry, you muttered. 
It’s ok to cry, he said as he stroked your hair. Now let’s get you dressed, ok ? I don’t want you to be cold. 
He got out of the bathtub first and helped you up. You were a bit more level-headed and managed to stand up. He wrapped you in a towel and told you not to move before disappearing for a minute, coming back wearing sweatpants. 
Put these on, he said as he gave you some clothes of his to wear. Let’s get ready for bed, ok ? 
You’re not taking me home ? You asked as you yawned. 
It’s late and Talia and Jamal are either asleep or having sex, he shrugged. So I don’t think we should disturb. Plus, you’re still shit-faced so I should keep an eye on you. 
You nodded and got dressed. His clothes were comfy. You also enjoyed the smell of his detergent - it was a smell you associated with him. You looked at yourself in the mirror. 
I look like a house elf in your tee-shirt, you pointed out. 
Come on Dobby, he chuckled as he shook his head. To bed, now. 
I can’t sleep in my makeup, you said. Do you have anything I could use to remove it ? 
He opened the cabinet door and managed to find some makeup removing wipes. You were wearing so much makeup that it took a while for you to take it off. 
You don’t need to use that much makeup, he pointed out. You look better without it anyway. 
I hate wearing it, you confessed. 
So… why the fuck do you look like a stolen car that’s been painted over ? 
I don’t know. I wanted to look pretty. Cassie convinced me.  I mean, I know I’ll never look as good as her, but… 
That’s true, he said. 
He looked at you and inspected your face, his fingers tracing your cheeks. 
You look better than her, he added. 
You felt yourself blush. You could tell he was being honest. It was the first time anyone ever mentioned that you looked better than Cassie. 
You don’t think she’s pretty ? You asked. 
Nah, she looks good, for sure, he said. But she looks too… whatever. Doesn’t matter anyway. 
It kind of does, though, you replied. 
Why is that ? 
She likes you. 
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
No she doesn’t, he said matter-of-factly. 
She thinks you’re hot and she wants you to call her, you replied. 
She likes Eminem, he explained. She has no idea who I am. I know she’s your friend and shit, but she basically threw herself at me, just because I’m famous. If I’d been a random guy, I’m not even sure she would have given me the time of day. 
You’d still be hot, you pointed out. 
He shook his head with a smile. 
Doesn’t matter, he said softly. I’m used to it, you know ? I can tell this type of thing from a mile away. Not to mention she was ready to drag her drunk friend into a threesome… 
It’s probably a misunderstanding, you said to defend her. I mean, she’s my friend, she wouldn’t… 
I know it sucks to hear it, Y/N, but you became an afterthought for this girl as soon as she saw a possibility to suck my dick. That’s not what friends do. 
He sighed and rubbed your shoulder. 
Also, friends don’t give their sober friends poppers and champagne, he pointed out. 
To be fair she didn’t know I was sober, you said. I didn’t have the heart to explain that to her… I guess it’s my fault. 
He hummed and shrugged. 
We’ll talk about that tomorrow. I’m tired, you’re exhausted, and it’s time for bed, he said. 
You almost giggled when you heard the unintentional rhyme. He led you to the adjacent guest bedroom. You felt a bit sobered-up but he was right, you were exhausted. You settled under the covers as he sat next to you. 
Thank you Marshall, you said as you stared into his blue eyes. 
Oh so you’re calling me Marshall now ? He said with a grin. 
Well, that’s your name, you said confused. 
You called me Em, at the party, he said. 
Well people also call you that, you pointed out. 
You don’t. 
You shrugged. 
Yeah, so ? 
I don’t like it, he said. Not in your mouth. It doesn’t feel right. I don’t mind about the others, but… For you, it’s Marshall. 
Ok, you chuckled. I won’t call you Em if you don’t call me a hoe or piss me off, then. 
Deal, he said with a smile. 
Marshall ? You asked. 
Yes ? 
Can I have a hug ? 
He simply nodded and took you in his arms. 
What am I supposed to do now ? You asked. About this whole sober thing ? 
For now, just sleep, Y/N. We’ll talk about it tomorrow. When you’re completely sobered-up and well-rested, ok ? 
You nodded, thanked him and closed your eyes. You felt his fingers in your hair, gently stroking your scalp. It was all you needed to fall asleep.
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sitp-recs · 1 month
Hi Liv!! How have you been? How's summer treating you? I've just been stuck at home bc I got hurt and now I have like a little wound on my face which has to heal..shouldn't stop me, but still I'm stuck at home. I've just been reading fics day (all thanks to your rec lists btw) and I've been interested in some fics that lean into dom/sub undertones/dynamics. What would you recommend? I like longer fics but all is fine! Their dynamic doesn't have to be the main plot at all, it's just sth new I like exploring with their characters!
Hi anon! I’m sorry to hear about your face wound, I hope you’re having a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 happy to know the reclists came in handy! I love these fics with D/s undertones, hopefully you’ll enjoy them too. I’m sorry about the late reply, I’ve been having some rough days on my end as well. Take care!
Long fic:
Inside Your Mind by lazywonderland (E, 36k)
Goyle's taken it upon himself to act as Malfoy's personal, one-man guard and Harry can't help but feel like it's only making the bullying worse.
Far From The Tree by aideomai (E, 112k)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
A Sword Laid Aside by korlaena (E, 128k)
When Draco’s cover is blown during a deep undercover operation and the Ministry is compromised, Ron takes Draco to the only safe place he can think of—Potter. Hiding out with a taciturn Harry Potter, who has been missing from the Wizarding World for almost two decades after a shocking fall from grace, is nothing like Draco thought it would be.
Short/medium fic:
draco malfoy's substitute murder service by oknowkiss (E, 10k)
When Harry joins the Curse Breakers shortly after his twenty-fifth birthday, he’s surprised to find himself assigned to the Department of Creatures, Cryptids, and Associated Calamities.
Moneymaker by @dictacontrion (E, 16k)
As a top trader, Draco has power and money, suits and cars, houses and good champagne - everything a person could want. So when Auror Potter comes looking for help, Draco can't think of anything that might persuade him to lend a hand. Well...maybe one thing.
Trouble, My Old Friend by Tepre (E, 20k)
Harry goes rogue investigating an illegal potion ends up at Draco Malfoy's dodgy lab.
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createandconstruct · 1 month
can I request also the toshinko dadmight headcanons XD
👁️👁️ I owe you my life for asking, my friend
First, I just love them. Whether romantic, platonic, co-parenting duo—I just love them.
Also i'm going straight into end of the manga spoilers for these headcanons cause that's where my brain is currently sitting and spiraling?
In Izuku's 2nd year Inko and Toshinori start encountering each other a bit more often
They saw a bit of each other when Izuku and All Might were recovering in the same hospital room. It's where Inko learns that Izuku had sacrificed the quirk All Might gave him. She holds it together when Izuku tells her but once her son falls asleep she cries and cries and cries, unable to hold back even though All Might is there as a witness.
Toshinori confides in her that he's not sure of the future (he's essentially broke after using up all his money for the IronMight suit and he'd be homeless if he didn't have a dorm at UA) especially when it comes to Izuku's dream. Though he just can't believe this is the end of it. But no matter happens, he swears to her that his promise he made to her to stay alive and raise Izuku still stands.
And even though he renews that promise while on his back in a hospital bed, in a neck brace with plaster around every limb, it's even more powerful than the first time. Inko can't stop thinking about it even after Izuku is discharged.
It's why, once things have settled down, Inko asks Izuku if he'd like to invite All Might over for dinner
I like to imagine that Izuku elects to stay at the dorms for must weekdays but that he goes home on weekends to spend time with Inko. Part of it is admittedly because he's a little guilty—he put her under so much stress the last few months—be it's also because he just misses her.
And um yes! Izuku would like that! But he doesn't think All Might will say yes...he's still recovering from his battle and he's been busy working with Hawks on restoration. But Inko is very encouraging (almost insistent, which Izuku notes with some surprise) so Izuku relents and asks.
Imagine Toshinori's surprise when he gets the invite. He's at PT with Tsukauchi (who's there for moral support) when Izuku texts him and his immediate reaction is to slip from the bars when Tsukauchi reads the out loud message for him.
Toshi doesn't even have an answer at first because a part of him WANTS to go, and another feels it'd be too rude to reject what is Izuku's mother extending her thanks (nor does he want to reject Izuku when the boy is dealing with so much right now), but there's the matter of his diet and he doesn't want to be any trouble
But Izuku is a PSYCHIC (or very good at word vomit and backtracking) so he immediately messages that he already told his mother about Toshinori eating habits - and while he's embarrassed, he's thankful
He says yes and Tsukauchi watches on so so happy for his friend. Feeling like this truly is the first step in Toshinori's recovery that has been a very long time coming
And after that first dinner there's many more. Sometimes when Izuku comes home for the weekend he'll be the one to ask if Toshinori can join but sometimes Inko will extend an invite. At some point the two exchange numbers because in all the craziness they somehow never did when Izuku went AWOL and left UA.
And over these dinners that go on for most of Izuku's second year Inko finds herself learning more and more about the man behind the hero. She even feels a little bad, always calling him All Might, that she asks and is surprised when he gives her his name with only the hesitation of surprise and...gratefulness? It certainly feels that way whenever she refers to him by his last name & catches his expression
And the more she learns, the more that so much about Yagi Toshinori strikes her as a little too familiar. He shares one evening, helping her wash the dishes as Izuku picks out a movie for the three of them to watch, that he has no living family. No parents, no grandparents, no siblings, just an old teacher and Izuku. And it makes Inko (single mother, married young, without her parents, without siblings, estranged from any extended family, with only her little apartment and son) feel seen.
Things move very slow. But there's definitely a change. When the sport festival comes round again for the second years, Toshinori invites Inko to come see it live. Izuku competes and gets very far despite not using his quirk! (The school elected on not including a battle event this time around). And Inko has the worst/best time of her life cheering for her son right along with All Might.
They all go out to eat after and pick a small little place, to avoid Izuku or Toshinori from being recognized. It's so relaxed, comfortable, warm, something Inko realizes...she's growing used to
That same school year the cultural festival is reopened to the public and Inko goes thinking she'll walk around with Mitsuki until Izuku is free to say hello (she doesn't want to pull him from his friends). But then she runs into Toshinori and suddenly he's offering to show her around and then the two of them are exploring the festival together. And it only hits Inko as strange when they get to Izuku's class and her son waves, running up to him with a bit of surprise behind his eyes. "Oh, how come you're with All Might, Mom?"
And...that's a great question.
Then there's Toshi. He's partial to cooking but never really did it for himself. In fact he'd only started up again because of Izuku. Making bentos for their lunch meetings during school and for when the kid was working himself ragged on the run. But now he's bringing his own side dishes when he joins Inko and Izuku for dinner. Now, he's asking if there's something maybe he could try making. Now, Midoriya Inko is asking if he'd like to join her at the supermarket where she tends to shop and he's accepting.
It's a bit of a song and dance for almost a full year. Dinners, school events, shopping, walks. Inko sharing stories and pictures of Izuku that begin revealing more and more about herself. Toshi responding with the same courtesy.
There's this building comfort. This familiarity. This something Inko isn't sure she ever really had even with Hisashi when he was here in the time before Izuku was born.
Something Toshinori didn't even think he wanted, but now that he has it—feels it whenever he walks through the Midoriya's front door—he doesn't want to lose it
But everything comes to a halt when one day during his second year Izuku comes home with Toshinori in tow, which is not unusually for a Friday. What is unusual is Izuku saying he wants to talk with them both after dinner. The matter being the "UA Preparation for the Future Survey all the second years have received.
For a hero student, this would be a chance to review potential offers of work at a specific agency upon graduation, to see if a pro has extended an offer to begin as a sidekick, or to declare plans for startup work if a student plans on creating their own agency. For Izuku…
The fear Inko has for her son will never disappear but ever since she saw him fight from the safety of UA's fortress, her belief in him triumphs said fears. And she can't help but think Toshinori feels the same. None of them have really talked about this, or at least, not all together. Toshinori had mentioned a few times that Izuku had been sharing whenever the "embers" felt a little less but that had really been the extent
Toshinori starts the conversation, saying what Inko also wants to, that they'll support him, that they'll find a way, that even quirkless they'll make it work—but Izuku interrupts.
"I've decided." And by the look in his eyes Inko knows there'll be no convincing him otherwise. "I'm going to apply university."
He confesses to seriously considering his future. To reflecting on how he could continue to help people. To inspire and encourage others to feel like they could also reach out.
"Maybe I could try to be a hero quirkless..." And even though he doesn't cry Inko does when he looks to her and says, "But after everything...I'm not sure that's a risk I'm willing to take. I want to make sure more than anything that I can come home to you...both of you."
And then Inko's not the only one crying, Toshinori is too, and Izuku is poorly swiping at some tears but his voice doesn't waver at all when he says, "I want to be a teacher at UA"
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ur-mag · 1 year
First look inside new Glasgow drug consumption room – from injecting room to recovery suites | In Trend Today
First look inside new Glasgow drug consumption room – from injecting room to recovery suites Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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themodernwitchsguide · 7 months
tarot and their divinatory meanings (pentacles)
this part includes just the suit of pentacles, for the suit of wands click here, for the suit of swords click here, for the suit of cups click here, and for the major arcana click here
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King of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: a provider and protector, rich (materially, emotionally, spiritually), intelligent, secure, rational, someone who will love you as you are
REVERSED: too indulgent to vices, corruption, materialistic, loss of reputation/money/position, overly concerned with external characteristics
Queen of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: down-to-earth, business savvy person, generous, thoughtful, stability, nurturer, a mentor/advisor
REVERSED: suspicion, fear of failure is holding you back, misplaced priorities, false prosperity
Knight of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: a reliable, utilitarian person, routine and hard work, loyal, stick with your tried and true, someone who will help you
REVERSED: carelessness, inertia, upright meaning taken to the extreme, stuck in routine, boredom
Page of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: scholarliness, concentration, dedication, news or a bringer of messages, reward for hard work and diligence
REVERSED: infidelity, luxury verging on wastefulness, illogical thoughts, lack of focus/too many distractions
Ten of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: gains and riches, a good and stable family/relationship, satisfaction, inheritance, look at the long term picture
REVERSED: loss, gambling/risky behaviors, a rough patch (current or impending)
Nine of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: independence, restraint and grace, security, personal accomplishments, being confident in the future
REVERSED: false sense of security/stability, take time to rest, a threat, there are more important things than money
Eight of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: craftsmanship, learning new skills, strive to be the best, a demanding job, be confident in yourself
REVERSED: be wary of your financial situation, voided ambition, vanity, lack of emotion, carelessness--especially at work
Seven of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: effort turned fruitful, reaffirms your plans for the future, good news, investment, cleverness
REVERSED: bad investments of time/money, anxiety about money, loss but not an incredible one
Six of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: gifts, charity (given/received), return of a favor, accept the help you are offered, stability
REVERSED: jealousy, do not expect to be paid back, debt, being taken advantage of, selfishness
Five of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: destitution, unrequited love, loneliness, a debt haunting you, loss
REVERSED: the worst is over but recovery will be slow, new employment, change is coming
Four of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: shortsightedness, greed, wealth that is making you paranoid, jealousy, insecurity
REVERSED: suspense, opposition, delay, reversal of fortune, greed backfiring
Three of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: success, skilled labor--especially art, power, achievement, work together with others
REVERSED: mediocrity, occupation with success that hurts your craft, a group that doesn't work well together
Two of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: a precarious unity/balance, gaiety, recreation, you've done a good job keeping things stable
REVERSED: too much on your plate, live within your means, forced gaiety, a neglectful relationship
Ace of Pentacles
UPRIGHT: perfect contentment, bright prospects, the seed has been planted--just put in the effort, ecstasy
REVERSED: poor investment of time/money, corruption, seek advice from others, unhappiness with wealth
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izumeno · 1 month
My V3 Talentswap AU!
Here's a lil talentswap AU. Its just for fun yet again and there won't be much made out of it. Here we go!
Male Cast:
Shuichi Saihara: Ultimate Crime Novelist
Appearance: Dark hoodie with some hitakana, bag with writing utensils and tools, also carries a notepad on him to take notes, for potential ideas. Lean built, yet firm.
Growing up mostly alone with his uncle, Shuichi spent most of his time reading case files, which gave him a fascination for crime novels in general, inspiring him to become a novelist himself. He published many crime novels, and he is beloved thanks to that. He does avoid interviews mostly and when he goes outside, he often goes outside disguised.
Kaito Momota: Ultimate Motivational Speaker
Appearance: Wears a dark pink sleeveless shirt that exposes his arms and is tight enough for his muscles to shine. His hair is a bit shorter and more well-kept. Very muscular and has facial hair
Kaito's whole life was rather normal, with no real personal tragedies. However, after losing his best friend to depression, he decided to become a motivational speaker, so the others can find the power within them to change and grow. He is very adamant and determined, if a little overbearing and too passionate.
In his freetime, he still does stargazing.
Ryoma Hoshi: Ultimate Assassin
Appearance: Complete Prison Uniform, dark purple, wears handcuffs. Hair is barely visible and he has baggy eyes. Muscular built
Like in the main story, Ryoma used to be a tennis player, who took out the mafia to take revenge against them, for killing his lover. But in this AU, Ryoma was never arrested and took the job as an Assassin, in order to keep the money afloat. He hates his job and a part of him wants to turn himself in and yet, some part of him wants to keep going. He was eventually arrested, but even so he managed to continue his business in his prison, often taking out prisoners who did the worst kind of possible crimes and sometimes helping prisoners escape, if they had been wrongly conflicted.
He loves the sea and animals. He is also a vegetarian.
Kokichi Oma: Ultimate Clown
Appearance: Light Purple and white jester suit, with clown makeup on it. Lean built and quite short.
Kokichi Oma always liked pranking people even as a child, yet after a meeting with someone special, he realised that making pranks to hurt people was wrong and instead began using his abilities, to make people laugh instead. Taking on the persona of "The Lying Clown" he often visits hospitals where kids reside, to put on a show and laugh. He makes sure to never curse or be mean in front of them, only doing so when they are not there.
In his freetime, he watches tons of social media posts and is quite a big k-pop fan.
Korekiyo Shinguji: Ultimate Ex-In
Appearance: Long black hair, wears a dark suit with a red tie, has no mask and he has no lipstick, like in canon. He is tall and lean, yet still toned in some areas.
Korekiyo Shinguji suffered his whole life, thanks to psychological abuse from his family, especially his sister. After a metal breakdown, in which he nearly murdered a young girl, he was sent to the psychiatry and after a year of therapy and recovery, he came out better than ever. Now he's an Ex-In, someone who's experienced with the inner workings of the psychiatry and helps other inmates to recover, by giving them advice on medication, thought progress and overall well being.
He's an avid reader, although he avoids anything that's too scary or horrifying.
Rantaro Amami: Ultimate Drag Queen
In costume: Dark blue undershirt, tons of makeup, especially green lipstick and medium length fake nails, along with fishnet stockings.
Out of costume: Dark blue shirt like in canon. But the lipstick remains and so does his extended eyelashes. He also wears a dark green coat over his shirt and has long baggy pants light blue pants. Piercings remain. His overall built is muscular, but still pretty lean and not bulky.
Rantaro Amami always had a thing for crossdressing. Whether it was because of him having a deep platonic relationship with his sisters or because of his general affinity for feminine clothing, he began to perform in drag on stage. This was something his father did not enjoy in the slightest and so, he was disowned and Rantaro performed on his own, secretly being in contact with his siblings for advice.
He listens to piano music in his freetime and likes to give make-up tips to others.
Gonta Gokuhara: Ultimate Botanist
Appearance: Dark Suit, well-kept long hair. pair of small glasses and a bag, to carry his notebook about various flowers he sees. Built like in canon and very well shaven.
The patriarch of the Gokuhara Family Clan, Gonta may look intimidating and strong, but is very sweet. He never went lost in the woods as a kid and therefore grew up, his parents grooming him as the next heir. But his good-hearted nature remains and so did his love for nature, allowing him to grow up to become interested in plants. He began to grow flowers and tons of other plants, for nature to thrive and for him to learn more of this world.
He still speaks in third person, but he is still highly intelligent, if a bit naive. He enjoys drinking tea.
Keebo: Ultimate Anthropologist
Appearance: Same body like in canon, but he wears a beautiful dark green kimono over his body and his ahoge is pointing behind him. Bulky
Keebo was built by his father, as an attempt to understand humanity more. For this purpose, to please his father, Keebo began to research humanity and about his tales. But witnessing the rather gruesome parts of humanity did leave him depressed, though he is trying his best to cover it up.
In his part-time, he tries stand-up comedy. Keyword being, "tries".
Female Cast:
Kaede Akamatsu: Ultimate Barrista
Appearance: Wears a white shirt with a big pink apron and some dark blue jeans. A rather chubby built.
Kaede Akamatsu's life was rather simple. Loving parents and a loving sister, her life was good without any more difficulties. That was, until her parents passed away and so, Kaede took over the Café. She left behind her piano passion, so she and her sister cam remain afloat. During that time, she became an expert at making any sorts of coffee, so much so that she has been dubbed "The Coffee Queen" by the local media, a title she is not that fond of. She is nice and hard-working, but also misses playing the piano.
She listens to classical music in her freetime and can speak fluent german.
Tsumugi Shirogane: Ultimate ???
Appearance: White blouse, a dark blue cravat and short blue hair with a pair of glasses. Has a chubby built.
Tsumugi Shirogane is rather secretive. Not much is known about her talent or where she came from. She is rather interested in manga and anime, yet she claims her real talent is not related to any of that.
In her freetime, she reads tons of novels and challenges herself with all sorts of puzzles.
Tenko Chabashira: Ultimate Drag King
In costume: Wears a dark blue suit and wears a fake mustache, along with baggy clothes.
Out of costume: Has long hair, wears turqouise shirt and a pair of light yellow shorts. Has a muscular built.
Tenko Chabashira doesn't like men. She loves exercising and protect women from evil men (at the cost of several restraining orders). Her becoming a drag king, was because she lost a bet with a friend, forcing her to perform on stage. Tenko at first hated it and then began to enjoy it, using her persona to mock overly hypermasculine and misogynistic men and also gives advice for men to improve themselves, in order to protect females. She is a bit stupid, but her heart is good.
She loves watching circus performances and loves bubble tea.
Maki Harukawa: Ultimate Chef
Appearance: Wears a big black apron and her hair is shorter, tied to a ponytail. She has kitchen tools around her belt. Has a tall yet firm and toned built.
Maki Harukawa grew up in an orphanage, like in canon. Surrounded by tons of kids, she eventually began to care for them and also took up cooking, to give her "siblings" (the other orphanages) some food. She is extremey skilled at cooking anything and she hates junk food of any kind, while also being an overly perfectionist. She does offer cooking lessons and she doesn't get, why no one wants to employ her services. (Everyone is scared of her.)
She enjoys arcade games, but nobody knows that. Except one.
Kirumi Tojo: Ultimate Prosecutor
Appearance: Dark purple suit, short grey hair, wears glasses and has a golden pocket watch in her pocket. Tall and lean strong built.
Kirumi Tojo is the most feared prosecutor in the country. She is very obsessed with justice, after witnessing her brother's killer escaping off-scott free, due to a faulty justice system. She became a prosecutor to change the system from the inside and yet, is often willing to pull dirty tactics to find the truth. Nothing of that is proven, though...as of now.
She enjoys playing video games and likes Facebook memes.
Angie Yonaga: Ultimate Influencer
Appearance: A white tanktop, long white hair ad baggy jeans. She has an athletic and fit built.
Angie Yonaga is an influencer, hailing from her island, to share more about her culture, life and Atua's teaches. She is beloved by many for her charming smile and bubbly personality. Angie does not like racist slurs in the slightest, especially the N-word and will get extremely PISSED, if anyone uses that word nearby, even as a joke.
She loves sketching in her free time and to visit the beach. She is fluent in many languages, including Bulgarian.
Himiko Yumeno: Ultimate Strongwoman
Appearance: Dark red top hat, sleeveless suit with a red cravat and some long stockings. Extremely tall, bulky.
Himiko Yumeno is known worldwide, to be the main attraction of the Nanami Circus. On stage, she is proud, witty and very confident. But in reality, this is a facade. In reality, Himiko is often depressed, tired and overworked. She hates her job and yet still keeps doing it, because it brings her money and makes her think that's the only thing she's good at.
She loves animals of all kinds and even if she is very strong, she actually would never hurt a soul.
Miu Iruma: Ultimate Mechanic
Appearance: White messy undershirt, dark pink overalls, tons of tools on her belt and wires wrapped around her arms. Has a strong fat built.
Miu spent most of her life in poverty and thanks to this, had to work her whole life in her friend's mechanical shop. Thanks to that, she began to learn more about machinery and get interested in it too. She is quite strong physically, yet her endurance is rather poor, due to a combination of poor nutrition and lack of sleep. She spends all night perfecting certain inventions, while taking care of clients during the day. As foul-mouthed as she is, this mechanic has a golden heart.
And she loves watching kids cartoons in her freetime and playing video games.
That's it! Make sure to let me know your thoughts down below, okay? See ya! Questions, reposts and fanart/fics are appreciated, but necessary. Have a nice day!
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writing-whump · 3 months
Painful recovery
Part 2 of Rip with silver knife wound to his stomach. No graphic description of the treatment, mostly just the recovery and caretaking. Lots of pain and comfort.
Dylan really wished he had started off on better foot with the man he was going to ask for help.
Perhaps he shouldn't have avoided Isaiah and Matthew at every turn, challenged Isaiah with direct eye contact, acted so rudely, or passed his flu to him
He had believed he could afford to give Isaiah a hard time. Like, he and Seline fought the normal amount between siblings, but they were still pretty damn close.
How many times did she pick him up for the train station? Went to his school to negotiate with the teachers? How many times did she borrow him money when he asked, running out from the pocket money of the week?
How many times did he invite her to his room to talk him to sleep with her presentations for the next day? How many times did they exchange song recommendations?
And then this guy swooped in right when things were most tense. Super capable at everything Dylan couldn't do. Taking his sister away.
Sure, Seline never really liked his dates either, but wasn't that what siblings did?
Dylan's mind raced with these unsettling thoughts as he rushed through the streets. A gentle drizzle began, storm clouds merging into a uniform gray overhead.
Finally, he found the right building, sprinting up the stairs. He was faster on foot than with the lift.
Dylan banged on the door without considering a better greeting, urgency overriding manners.
When a redhead wolf opened the door, Dylan nearly fell inside. He caught himself against the doorframe, panting for breath. His lungs were burning.
"Is Isaiah here? I need help," he said between gulps of air. This time, he was careful to avoid looking at the wolf's face.
All the jealousy, all the competition drained out of his shadow. He felt a strong urge to crawl on the floor, kneel, plead - anything to save Rip.
The redhead stepped back into the living room, nodding in his direction. Dylan followed suit then, one hand circling to his back to hold Rip tight.
Isaiah's voice came from the kitchen, nearing closer. "Seline isn't here yet. I can call her-"
"I need you." Dylan lowered himself on the ground to gently put Rip down, propping him against the wall. His head lolled back, face slack and empty of any expression. He looked almost peaceful.
Dylan hated that resignation. Like there was nothing to fight for.
"Is that silver?" The wolf Dylan assumed to be Matthew said with a scowl.
Dylan stayed on the ground, kneeling, bowing his head. "He says the hospital won't treat him. Too dangerous. He's a stray and hunted for reasons I don't know. But please, please, help him."
There was a beat of tense silence. Dylan was breathing frantically, still catching his breath from the run.
What if Isaiah refused? Should he have lied about the hunted part? Would that mean Isaiah would deny him the help – or even worse, kill Rip himself?
Dylan didn't know that much what an Executioner did or what the Wolfson name ment. But he knew Isaiah had connections and that he was often involved with wolves and conflicts with authorities.
But if he lied and Isaiah took him to a hospital and they refused to treat him as a stray...could Isaiah care about that? Should he have had thought this through more?
Maybe he should have called Seline first. She could have put in a good word for Dylan, if not for Rip.
"Can we help him?" Matthew said with a growl. "Isaiah?"
There was a quiet sigh. Dylan dared to lift his head a little, eyes darting to Isaiah.
"Dylan, call Seline. Matt, help me get him on the table. I'll take a look."
Matt spluttered. "You have medical training for this...?"
"Depending on the wound, I might be able to help. If not, we'll call a private doctor from the clinic."
Dylan felt Isaiah's gaze on him and bowed his head again. He felt the weight of his shadow right after, cringing...but it passed over him and moved to Rip, rolling his still, unmoving shadow down.
"Just for now, so he doesn't fight us. He'll need it once we get the knife out."
"How is he?" Seline asked as she joined Matthew on the balcony.
"Still breathing, surprisingly."
"I've never seen so much blood."
"Yeah. It was pouring out of him...I had no idea Isaiah could do something like that."
"...I didn't either."
"Wolves don't usually know... we have our shadows," Matthew said.
"Now that you say it, he did mention to me that knowing anatomy and wound treatment can help while healing with the shadow too."
Matthew shook his head. "Leave it to him to know something crazy like that."
"No one could have saved him if one of his internal organs had been pierced."
"True. He was lucky."
"Would they really refuse to treat him at the hospital?"
Matthew crossed his arms on his chest with an unhappy grumble. "Not even the packs treat strays, and humans stay away from them as much as possible. There's really nowhere for them to go. Everyone just waits for them to die. Though…"
"Never mind."
"Matt, come on. Say it."
"He was staring for so long, I thought... he wasn't gonna-"
"Nonsense," she scoffed. "Isaiah would never- do you know him?"
"I've heard about him. He is well-known in the fighting rings. Keeps a lid on street strays."
"I thought they didn't listen to anyone."
"... Interesting. But how did he run across my brother? I don't understand."
"No idea. He didn't leave his side once. That kid. It's like he knew he wasn't out of the woods yet."
"But we treated him," Seline insisted.
"On the outside. Internally, he's got to heal and on his own, because of the silver. What kind of fuckers could ha-"
"What can we do?"
"Hope it doesn't get infected. Keep him safe so he can heal."
"Matt?" She touched his arm. There was something tense and melancholic about him that she didn't like.
"Tell me."
"That could have been me. You know?"
Seline leaned her head on his shoulder. "But it's not." And never will be.
Rip didn't understand why the knife didn't hurt him.
When it first pierced him, he was more shocked than anything else.
The silver felt cold and foreign, but once he got over the initial panic, it didn't actually hurt that much. It bled, and moved. Creeped him out. But for some reason the familiar burning of silver didn't come and neither did the pain.
The numbness spread from his stomach. His fingers and toes tingled.
A calming darkness was settling over him. With each breath, he felt weaker. He didn't have it in him to pull the knife out and end it faster. But if this was what dying felt like, it wasn't half as bad as being alive.
He tried to explain it to Dylan. Seriously, that Dylan. What kind of dream world did he come from to return and check on him, to try and save him?
Rip let him fuss, but he knew he was marked by darkness.
He let it pull him under.
Waking up again was a shock.
He was in a dark room with covered windows. It must have been a bedroom, as there were two beds and two tables. But he was lying on a mattress of his own, a thick and comfortable one. Much better than the couch he had at home.
He was covered in blankets. There was an IV sticking from his arm. Like he was at a hospital. He squinted at it, confused.
His senses were still numb. Automatically, he reached for his shadow… only to find a gaping hole.
His breath hitched as he tried to get up, hissing at the movement as cold weakness exploded in his middle.
"Rip? You awake?" Two hands came to hold him down by the shoulder. Then Dylan's head, big hazel eyes and chocolate brown hair came into view over him.
"You're safe. Just keep still. You gotta keep still, or you'll open the wound again."
"My shadow..."
"Yeah, I know. They had to roll it down." Dylan sat back down onto the chair at Rip's side. His hands stayed on his arm though.
"What happened? Where-?"
"Shhh, don't talk so much." Dylan smiled at him. "I told you I would get you help, didn't I?"
Rip's forehead furrowed in confusion. "Help...? Who...?"
"I got you to my sister's pack leader. He treated you. Been to wolf wars or some shit. Knows all kinds of medical stuff. The knife didn't hit any internal organs. You are going to be fine." Dylan gave a bit hysterical shrug, lips trembling. "It was bleeding as heck and it will need time to heal, but they got you blood and antibiotics and crap. You'll be fine."
Rip turned his head to the side. His vision blurred, and his eyes grew heavy.
He didn't like not being able to feel anything. That his senses were shot. It was like half of his brain was missing.
"You are safe, you are safe. You can sleep. It's okay."
For some reason, Rip believed him. His body relaxed and he fell under again.
Rip woke up to searing pain.
He scrunched his forehead, wiggling under the blankets. There was a spot at his side that was radiating horrible pain, the kind he had never felt before.
Raging hot poker straight from the fire was in his stomach, the place shooting pain up through his whole middle.
He whimpered involuntarily, forcing his eyes open. Still that unfamiliar room. His senses were back though. And so was his shadow.
He could feel exactly how upset his shadow was, wiggling in pain. There was an acid burning to a spot at it corresponding with the pain in his side.
Oh yes, this was how silver burned. And it was burning a hole in his flesh and in his shadow parallelly. Silver always left traces on the shadow.
Rip twisted in the sheets, moaning. Oh god, oh god, oh god. How he missed not feeling anything now.
He couldn't breathe. A wave of pain and heat rolled through him, causing his whole body to shake with tremors as he squeezed his eyes shut.
"D–" He was there, wasn't he? Rip could remember him being there. Where was he now?
His shadow rippled underneath him, flooding him with information he didn't want. Two overwhelmingly big shadows. Three people—no four. Foreign, strange scents.
Where was he? Why was he here? What was going on?
His pulse quickened, each painful heartbeat like a punch against the searing black hole in his stomach. Like a piece of his flesh got clawed out.
Oh god, how was he supposed to endure this kind of pain?
"D–" he couldn't even get the sound out. "D....please..."
His jaw was crawling with awful nauseous sensation. A little whine made its way out between his clenched teeth, eyes burning with moisture.
And then suddenly Dylan was there, leaning over him. "Rip, Rip, shhh, it's okay, everything will be okay-"
"Your shadow must have returned. Just a sec, they will give you something against the pain in the IV, just a sec-"
Rip's back arched up, which made him sob with agony. His hands shot up, snatching a fistful of Dylan's shirt. "D..."
His side burned, white-hot pain making his stomach muscles spasm. "Make it stop, god, make it stop–I can't–I can't take this–"
Dylan grabbed his shoulders, pushing him against the mattress. Gentle but firm. "I got you, I got you. Just hang on a second. Just a bit longer, Rip, just hang on..." He kept muttering nonsense in the softest tone Rip ever heard from him or anyone in years.
A shadowy figure loomed over him. His IV twitched.
His vision went in and out of focus, as if he were diving underwater and being forcefully pulled up and down.
"I'm here, I'm right here. It's gonna feel much better in a minute, I promise."
There was no numbness or darkness, no relief. The pain soared and burned through him, the hot poker twisting his insides.
But then the pain dulled, like the tiniest, thinnest blanket settled over.
It was enough for Rip to let out a miniscule sigh of relief. His eyes rolled back and the blackness finally took him away.
Rip woke up with a dry throat, his skin on fire and his side throbbing.
He shifted experimentally, which caused the hot poker of pain to flare up immediately. A high-pitched whine got its way out before he shut it off, muffling it with a clenched jaw and gritted teeth.
"Stay still."
Rip unscrewed his eyes with great difficulty, tensing up to not let himself turn towards the female voice.
"He isn't far away. He just fell asleep. He has been watching over you nonstop for three nights. Needed a breather."
He could see her from the corner of his eyes. Blond wavy hair, held back from her face by a clip. Gray-blue eyes. Rip found that focusing on the details helped distract him from the intense discomfort and itchiness he felt.
"You–" His voice was hoarse, breaking off before he could finish. His throat felt scratchy, his tongue like sandpaper in his mouth.
"I'm Dylan's sister, Seline. You are safe."
She was a witch, that he could tell very clearly. A soft humming emanated from her skin, an aura of calmness and light, almost magnetizing. His shadow stirred and settled down at the proximity.
His eyes rolled towards the IV.
She watched him intently. "Yes, you're getting all your nutrition and fluids through the IV. No concerns about anything. You'll have to transition back to normal food slowly."
He didn't understand why she was sitting so close. Alone with a strange wolf in a room. How could her pack allow it? Even if she was Dylan's sister, Dylan himself should have felt more protective than this. Her packmembers should have. They certainly did have the instincts to not let her near outsiders.
The thoughts had his shadow on alert, thickening under the matrass. The two big shadows were still here, still inside...the sheer massiveness of both of them had bile rising in his throat, his hands trembling.
He whimpered. He didn't mean to, but he couldn't help it. They felt like a threat, one that he was currently too weak and too pained to answer.
Her blond eyebrows furrowed, meeting at the center of her forehead. "Shhhh. It's okay. You are safe. Nobody here will hurt you. I promise."
A half-muffled sob escaped him. He closed his eyes in denial but couldn't fight it.
A sudden movement made his eyes open wide. She stood up, her hands hovering over him, as if she wanted to touch him but stopped herself at the last second, unsure of how he would react.
It blew his mind that she was even considering such a thing.
How long had it been since he was this close to a witch?
Strays never got access to witches, not even from a distance or by accident. Their packs were too protective, the girls too valuable.
The last witch he had been around... was his mother.
His throat closed up, dry and raw. He clawed at the blankets, trembling. The wave of grief that assaulted him made the pain worse, the poker in his stomach exploding with little sparkles of dizzying light dancing in his eyes.
"What is it? Is the pain worse? Rip?" Her voice was gentle, concerned, alarmed. Why was it alarmed for someone like him?
"Rip. Can I touch you? Would that be alright?"
His face twisted in a grimace. He wanted to lift his hand and hide in the crook of his arm, but he was too weak. It only shook in response.
"You're on the highest dose of painkillers we can give you. I'm sorry, I know it still hurts."
Hurt, it did. It wasn't that bad as before. He could think a little more. The throbbing was almost bearable. The meds kept the poker from turning and burning, a light veil enveloping it. But he felt so helpless.
"Hey, hey. You're okay. Take it easy. Breathe. In and out."
He felt feverish and hot and dry. Lost in the sheets, in the foreign room. He wanted Dylan.
Rip tried to breathe like she said, but his chest was heaving. He couldn't get the air in. His breaths came fast and shallow, frantic and shaky.
"I know that it hurts, but you are a fighter. You've got this."
His hands twisted in the sheets, the only grounding he could get, the only movement he was capable of that was semi-safe.
"Shhhhh. Is this alright?" She touched his hand then, just above the wrist. Her skin was soothingly cold and smooth.
Rip shuddered. It felt like touching pure light. The magic in her sparkled and soothed, like a balm against his shadow. Against the wound. Some of the pain subside to the back of his mind as he focused on this new sensation, clinging to it.
"Squeeze my hand if you need to. It's okay. The pain will pass, I promise."
Rip couldn't resist. He relaxed his hand just a bit and hers slipped into his open palm. Touching that light. Touching a kind person.
"There you go. You are so brave. So strong. You are doing very well."
Rip couldn't believe this was real. Maybe he was dreaming it up. But his breathing slowed down.
Comforting warmth spread from the contact, melting some of the tension away.
"Try to sleep."
He held onto her hand, his breathing slowing, but his side radiated pain. It was shooting up into his stomach, his chest, under his ribs. His fingers were tingling again.
Why wouldn't it just stop? He wanted to follow her command, he wanted to sleep...
He trashed on the bed, the movement sending new spikes of pain into the black burning hole in his side. It had her shooting up to her legs again, both hands now clutching his.
"I'm going to try something, Rip. Okay? Just focus on my voice."
That's when she started to sing.
Rip didn't know the song and his mind was too hazy to pick up on the words. To understand them. There was something about a river. A sea. The melody was slow and soothing, like a lullaby.
He didn't know people could sing this well without music. Her skin tingled with more magic and that was when he understood. There was magic in that singing.
There were more words. Something about not being alone, dreams, nights and sleep. There was something about a sun coming up.
The song had a physical effect. Goosebumps rushed on his arms, but where they spread the pain subsided. Waves of soothing cold flew through her hands into his arms, up to his neck and face, the other arm...into his chest and his stomach.
He felt his body relaxing. The air came easier, lighter, like it was refreshed and crisp. Like breathing freely after a day in stuffy heat. Like sunrise on a meadow after a stormy night.
The tears came then, rolling down his cheeks. He wasn't sure why - from the relief, the touch, the memories of his mother and home and feelings that he didn't dare to remember. The feeling of being safe. Of having somewhere to go. Of having somewhere to belong.
The song slowly came to an end, leaving him staring at the ceiling, widened, eyes spilling with tears.
"It's okay, Rip. You can cry or scream. Whatever you need. It's okay."
A series of sobs bubbled up, like her permission was what he needed. He couldn't remember when was the last time he cried.
Seline sat back down, both her hands still holding his. Her thumb rubbed at the back of his hand. Little circles.
She held him until the sobs died down. There was a new kind of quiet in his mind. Peaceful, like an untouched surface of a lake in the middle of a forest.
He dived into it with relief.
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