#mod secco
jjbakinrequest · 1 year
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Secco Moodboard with albinism, medical aesthetic, and missing/needing Cioccolata
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diavolos-secret-blog · 3 months
So, this is the whole "Tumbler" thing Doppio told me about...
Listen here, website. This is my secret account. Nobody can access it, other than me. Got it?
Hiii, Mod here! The same person as on @ask-secco-and-cioccolata, so! This ain't my first rodeo. It's the second one, actually! I still have no clue what I'm doing, so BEAR WITH ME. please.
Rules are the same!
Please, be civil!
Remember, guys!
He's currently stuck in the death loop, so anything that happens is canon
He doesn't have his Stand. For now. I think. I'm still working things out, give me a break--
I love collabs; PLEASE, collab with me with no shame!
I believe Diavolo is perma-online, but in a way that a politician/dad would be, so. Diavolo is essentially a boomer.
He gave birth in a bathtub with no midwife‼️‼️‼️
[more headcanons to come soon!!!]
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ask-morioh-radio · 7 months
Hey, I’m Josuke Higashikata! I thought it wasn’t fair that my nephew had an ask blog while I didn’t. So here we are! Read the rules before asking! — Josuke
// hi, i’m the mod of this blog. this blog has been inspired by the many amazing jojo’s ask blogs that have popped up: @ask-team-bucciarati, @ask-la-squadra, @askseccolata, @ask-the-crusaders-of-stardust, @ask-jobros, @ask-dr-kujo, @ask-unita-speciale, @ask-the-creatures, @ask-the-joestars, @ask-the-jofoes, and @ask-secco-and-cioccolata! I urge you to follow all of these wonderful people who inspired me to make this blog <3
now, some things you should know:
mod is UNDER 18. DO NOT be weird in my asks. that includes any weird sexual jokes/asks. your ask will be deleted and you will be blocked.
all of the main gang is here! there’s no kira!
this is a silly blog. don’t expect me to stick to canon 100% of the time!
i’m new to tumblr so pls go easy on me
if you hate a certain character, tell your mama about it not me
for the rules:
no sexually explicit asks! josuke will turn you into a rock.
be kind! transphobia, homophobia, racism, etc. will not be tolerated.
responses may be slow. don’t spam asks if i don’t get to you. if i don’t respond, i either don’t know what to say or your ask is breaking the rules.
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ask-sorlato · 6 months
Hello People!!
Been thinking about starting one of these for awhile and I finally found the courage so I'm starting an ask blog/fresh blog all together! Been wanting to for ages and I've also been inspired from my other favourite jjba ask blogs out here so I decided to join!
Anyways, without further ado, here are some rules and possible notes about this blog
As there isn't much canon of Sorbet and Gelato in the show like at all, this will be primarily headcanon based (I'll list some at the bottom)
I will accept some nsfw/spicy given that they are not too extreme (they are gay Italians, some spiciness is to be expected after all)
If I don't answer an ask straight away or at all, it's because I'm either busy with college stuff, burnt out, or the less likely option is that I may be uncomfortable with the ask (rule above this one)
No hate, otherwise Sorbet will set Gelato on you
Be nice pleaseee
Extra note before the Headcanons is that this will be set post-events of golden wind in an au where the La Squadra live and so do Sorbet and Gelato (I will further elaborate in the Headcanons)
And here are my Headcanons for them!
Sorbet is 33 and Gelato is 32
Sorbet can cook and Gelato is banished from the kitchen unless under TIGHT supervision
Gelato used to be in the army
Sorbet is really good with guns
Gelato is really good with knives
They are married (ofc)
Instead of dying, they managed to escape Cioccolata and Secco after having been captured on a complete whim, though not completely unscathed (they were both traumatised+left with a few scars)
Gelato is an unhinged, feral little-
Sorbet is the rational half of their dynamic
After Don Giorno defeated the boss and took over, they settled down (still kept in contact with La Squadra though, they are familia after all)
Speaking of which, they treat them all like their children with a few exceptions (I.e. Risotto, Prosciutto)
Sorbet is 6'0" and Gelato is 5'8"
These Headcanons will be updated with time. Anyways, hope you all enjoy! (:
(mod- @bustingitdownautismstyle)
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Hello everyone! Mod here. Welcome to my Stardust Crusaders ask blog.
This blog is ran by @biggestsidonfan ! I also run @ask-the-morioh-gang and @ask-cioccolata-and-secco.
I like the idea that Polnareff made this account and forced everyone to do it with him. So questions will be answered by him unless you specify who you’re asking!
- No NSFW, even to adults
- No bigotry
- No weird questions.
- No venting or personal problems.
- No TMI
- You can include personal headcanons!
Jotaro Kujo
Joseph Joestar
Noriaki Kakyoin
Jean Pierre Polnareff
Muhammad Avdol
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clndstn-headmates · 2 months
Cioccolata and Secco fictives, please <3 ( they are from jjba)
Anything at your choice, really. But they definitely shoud be TransHarmful and have hebepbilia and ephebophilia
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Sure thing. I don't know a ton about JJBA, but I hope you enjoy them, and feel free to change anything.
-Mod Max
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NAMES: Cioccolata, チョコラータ
AGE: 34
PRONOUNS: he/him
GENDERS: cis man
SEXUALITY: bisexual, aegosexual
SOURCE: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
SPECIES: human
ROLE: persecutor
TRANSIDS: transharmful, transnecrоphile, trace, transBlack, transpsychpatientabuser, nullremorse, transhyperpredator, transmappredator, permamisanthrope, permamaniceyes, permamanic, snuffcreate, transmedicalabuser, transgod, transhateful, panharmopinion, transfascist, transimmortal, permamakeup
CISIDS: Italian, green hair, green eyes, stand user (Green Day), NPD, schizospec, autistic, bipolar, sadistic, cruel, doctor, surgeon
PARAS: hebephile (🍒🍸), ephebophile (🫒🍸), sadist (👊), dopephile (🍸🌹), biastophile (🥀), dacryphile (💧), emapihtophile (🫀), haemotophile (🩸), iatronudia, erotophonophile (🦴), krouophile, autotheophile (🪽😇)
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NAMES: Secco, セッコ
AGE: 30
PRONOUNS: he/him, it/its
GENDERS: manthing
SEXUALITY: ply gay, quoiromantic
SOURCE: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
SPECIES: human, muttkin
ROLE: enforcer
TRANSIDS: transharmful, transtherian, transnonhuman, transundead, transzombie, mercuryamian, transhyperdontia, transattackdog, transaccomplice, transmurderer, transgroomer, nullremorse, mirrorharmful, transbiter, transcannibal, transhitman, transhyperpredator, transmappredator, permamisanthrope, transmuette, transforcedpet, permamaniceyes, permamanic, snuffcreate, forcedtorturer
CISIDS: Italian, blue/purple eyes, stand user (Oasis), autistic, low empathy, schizospec, bipolar, cruel, materialistic, sugar addict, misanthrope
PARAS: hebephile (🍒🍸), ephebophile (🫒🍸), sadomasochist (❣️), autozооphile (⚙️🐾), necrophagniac, anthropophagist, lyssophile (🩸🦝), dopephile (🍸🌹), biastophile (🥀), aptophile (🍬), dacryphile (💧), podophile (👣), cheirophile (✋), emapihtophile (🫀), haemotophile (🩸), vigiliaphile (👁), latex
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ask-team-bucciarati · 8 months
OH, IT'S MY GOOD BOY! Come here, Secco! I've missed you so much!
... As for you, Don Giovanna... I will say this once, and once only. I would never abuse Secco, and I treat him like a human. In fact, I treat better than any other human I know! And maybe I will even make an ask blog much like yours, just to prove it! also, it will be easier to get in touch if the anons get out of control :P
(would it... would it be fine... 🥹)
Very well, just don't fall out of line. (Merrily we fall out of line, out of line)
-Giorno Giovanna
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 7 months
hi hello!! i am the mod for the secco/cioccolata ask blog! i was wondering if there would be a chance to discuss a thing, maybe?? i'm so very sorry for being extremely awkward about this aa ;;
Yeah sure dude!!! I'm down for pretty much anything lol
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Ortueri, Nuoro: arrestato 65enne dai Carabinieri per detenzione illegale di armi, munizioni e materiale esplosivo
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Ortueri, Nuoro: arrestato 65enne dai Carabinieri per detenzione illegale di armi, munizioni e materiale esplosivo. Nella giornata dello scorso 27 gennaio, i Carabinieri della Compagnia di Tonara, supportati da personale dello Squadrone Eliportato Cacciatori di Abbasanta, hanno effettuato diverse perquisizioni di iniziativa in Ortueri, mirate al contrasto della detenzione illegale di armi ed esplosivi. Nel corso delle attività, i militari, che hanno operato sin dalle prime ore della mattinata, hanno arrestato un 65enne, allevatore del posto, con alcuni precedenti per reati analoghi. All’interno dell’azienda agricola dell’arrestato sono state rinvenute 2 pistole di piccolo calibro, delle quali una in cattivo stato di conservazione con matricola illeggibile e una, di fabbricazione belga, con canna modificata al fine di aumentarne l’offensività, 1 pistola a salve, 3 bombe a mano mod. “SRCM” in uso alle Forze Armate nazionali e un cospicuo numero di munizioni di vario calibro. Inoltre, è stato rinvenuto anche un significativo quantitativo di materiale esplosivo del peso complessivo di circa 800 grammi, costituito da 4 candelotti di dinamite e 4 spezzoni di gelatina da cava, il tutto bene occultato sia all’interno di alcuni edifici rurali insistenti nella proprietà dell’allevatore, quali anche la porcilaia, sia all’interno di un segmento di un tubo in plastica, chiuso alle estremità con dei tappi di sughero, inserito all’interno del muro a secco posto a delimitazione della proprietà. Addirittura, una delle bombe a mano era occultata in un indumento nascosto sotto un cumulo di pietre a pochi metri dagli immobili. Sul posto è intervenuto il personale artificiere del Comando Provinciale Carabinieri di Nuoro che, individuata un’area idonea, ha fatto brillare le bombe e l’esplosivo rinvenuto. L’arrestato, come disposto dal Sostituto Procuratore di turno presso la Procura della Repubblica di Oristano, dopo le formalità di rito è stato tradotto presso la Casa Circondariale di Oristano in attesa di convalida dell’arresto. Una delle armi rinvenute sarà trasmessa al Reparto Investigazioni Scientifiche di Cagliari per risalire alla matricola e stabilirne la provenienza.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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jojokinresources · 5 years
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giorno giovanna wallpaper 4 anon
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jjbakinrequest · 1 year
Hello! Could i please get a board for Secco? Themes of albinism, medical aesthetic, and of course missing/needing Cioccolata? Thank you!🖤
i can cover that for you, if you dont mind me doing so
if you'd rather i didnt, i can contact one of the other mods to take it so just let me know
🍬💫🐾 mod secco
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yugiohz · 3 years
idc about diavolo and think he’s an incel but I think him and doppio parenting trish alone would be sooo funny.......
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jojokinpath · 5 years
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please send requests mod ndoul and mod rohan are sleepnig or something and im so fucking bored please aaaaAHH -mod secco💫
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dailyjojoaus · 4 years
some notes on my Everybody Lives AU primarily meant for keeping track of plot-based recovery periods and for med-fics; noting injuries/survival methods
Formaggio: some bullet wounds, severe burns, smoke inhalation 
Illuso: loses a hand to Purple Haze, manages to just barely escape through the mirror shard  
Prosciutto: severe blood loss, tons of broken bones and lacerations including a shattered pelvis and numerous spinal injuries
Pesci: incapacitated by Sticky Fingers but left alive
Melone: manages to avoid the snake sent by Giorno biting his tongue, instead it bites his hand; he drops the bottle thus losing the blood sample but manages to use Babyface to turn his hand into inert cubes until he can get to a hospital for antivenom 
Ghiaccio: cervical spine damage, punctured trachea, damaged larynx, likely paralysis (either full or partial, possibly temporary, maybe Cioccolata can hook him up with an electrical implant to help stimulate the nerves in his spine again, allowing for better control and the possibility of walking again) 
Risotto: blood loss/bullet wounds, severed ankle/foot (reattached via Metallica but probably still a bitch for a while til things grow back together) 
Squalo & Tiziano: blood loss, bullet wounds 
Cioccolata: brain damage/bullet wound, blunt force trauma from Golden Experience, devotes all of his remaining energy to using Green Day to keep himself from bleeding out/hemorrhaging 
Secco: two burst eardrums, broken ankle (torn ligaments/tendons), likely other fractures from the fight with Bruno
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hittomansquadra · 4 years
one of my secco hcs is that he sounds like ed from the lion king
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freelykin · 4 years
secco kin (jjba) here!! looking for cioccolata, or any unita speciale members would be nice!! i was a trans man, and had long, messy dark teal hair, and i was kinda tall and lanky, but usually if i was standing like a normal person i was sorta slouched/hunched, if that’s familiar?? keep in mind i am 17, and also have DID! my kin blog is @seccorottario ^^
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