ask-morioh-radio · 3 months
// mod post.
life is crazy. ill be on hiatus
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
Hey, Josuke! I am new to this blog and have a few questions. One: Who styles your cool-looking hair?
Second: Any chance your sister may jump on?
I style my own hair, actually. It takes a lot of time, and I was terrible at styling it when I first tried it, but I learned. Not sure what sister you’re talking about. — Josuke
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
Rohan....... how do i get good...... is it all just about grind......
It’s about dedication and commitment. You probably won't get to my level of fame, but anyone can try. — Rohan Kishibe.
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
Hi Josuke! How are you doing?
I’m good! Surprisingly, there haven’t been any Stand user attacks. It almost feels like a vacation. How are you? — Josuke
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
hey Rohan do you fire handguns in your basement
No. — Rohan Kishibe.
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
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extremely sorry guys. genuinely forgot my password. but im back now! ill be trying to answer everything in my inbox today
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
Josuke you’re my favorite! (Koichi is an extremely close second cause he’s just like me fr) Okuyasu is amazing, wish I had a friend like him. Rohan is inspirational (I aspire to make manga and such) and Yukako is beautiful (like jesus christ share the hair routine queen) hope everyone is having a good day! :D
Aww! Thanks, stranger! GUYS! COME LOOK AT THIS. — Josuke
What?! I’m someone’s favorite? Wow! Thank you! — Koichi
HELL YEAH! I’m totally amazing! I’m like... an inspiration! Way more than Rohan!! And we can totally be friends, too! — Okuyasu
Thank you, Anon. Would you like an autograph as a token of my appreciation? — Rohan Kishibe.
I appreciate the compliment, but don’t get too ahead of yourself. I only have eyes for Koichi, got it? And the hair routine is quite simple. It only takes 500 steps to complete. — Yukako
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
Rohan will become real in two days
I’m right here. — Rohan Kishibe.
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
Yukako, you and Koichi were made for each other.
Here’s some chocolates to give to your boyfriend!
Aw, thank you! My Koichi will love these!
Why did you buy chocolates with Koichi in mind? Are you trying to steal him from me?! — Yukako
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
Holy shit. I hope you're alright
Take all the time you need to recover
I hope you're okay.
// mod post
thank you so much. no one got hurt, so im just really grateful
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
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gonna be honest with you guys, i have ao3 author levels of bad luck. ive been threatened with a weapon (not a knife btw) this week. sorry for not answering asks, but i was pretty shaken by it. i will probably go back to answering asks on friday or saturday.
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
THANK you! — Josuke
Aw, man, that’s dumb! What’s a forest gotta do with this?! — Okuyasu
Oi! Jotaro! Is the ocean soup? — Josuke
Oh, hello Josuke
It depends on how loose your definition of a soup is.
The ocean contains entire ecosystems inside of it.
Calling the ocean a soup is like calling a forest a salad.
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
Update of the week: Okuyasu really believes that the ocean is soup. SOUP. — Josuke
It's got food in it!! And water! It's EXACTLY like soup! — Okuyasu
I’m going to call Jotaro. — Josuke
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ask-morioh-radio · 6 months
Do you support Palestine?
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ask-morioh-radio · 7 months
Aww, Josuke is so cute
Thank you very much, anon! It's the hair, isn’t it? I know it is. Really, I don't know what everyone else is talking about. Here’s proof it's charming. — Josuke
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ask-morioh-radio · 7 months
I mean, you can just put the controller back together Josuke, so it's no big deal.
Yeah, I fixed it, but that doesn't mean I want my shit to be broken all the time. — Josuke
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ask-morioh-radio · 7 months
Oi Josuke, what do you and Okuyasu like to do on weekends?
We hang out! Y’know, like goin’ places and stuff. Sometimes I’ll stay at Okuyasu’s house, or he’ll come over to my house, and we play videogames. Which he sucks at, by the way. — Josuke
HEY! Don’t tell them that! I don’t suck at anything! You’re the real sore loser, Josuke! — Okuyasu
Yeah, sure. I’m the one who broke that controller that week. — Josuke
T- That was an accident! I said sorry... Sheesh. — Okuyasu
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