#mission 1
aucasaurus · 1 year
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Coming Soon...
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Dan the Weather Man!
Hot Wheels City is getting strange weather patterns, the type of patterns that make it snow five inches overnight in the middle of JUNE.
What could be causing this? ...Global warming? ...A freak weather experiment gone wrong?
Nope! Just a regular guy with an Imaginated microphone and a score to settle with his ex-boss. (He has no real plan, but hey, who needs a plan when you can control the weather?)
Can Gage, Rhett, and Wheelie stop this meteorological chaos and preserve the city before Dan the Weather Man completely (and probably unintentionally) destroys it all?
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foolsocracy · 4 months
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this is actually so funny. imagining garth quipping and contributing to the conversation in his head cause he forgot the rest of the teen titans can't pick up on his telepathy
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phenioxflame · 4 months
Transformers- Armored Alliance: Season 1 Mission 1: Operation Corruption Part 2
“We found a herd of infected, but we didn’t find Stefano.”
“That just means your hunch was right”, Celestia said. “He’s on earth.”
“But why earth”, Dynasty Rail asks.
“I have a few suspicions”, Angel Wing says. “He might be low on organic matter, or he’s planning something worse.”
“Keep us updated”, Optumis says.
“Yes, Sir '', Angel Wing says as she solutes. The call ends and Angel Wing exhails. “This is not gonna be easy.” Angel Wing walks out of the ship. Ultra Violet gets up from the ground and asks, “Well?”
“He said to keep him updated. But I’m sure that will be a while from now.”
“Then it’s a good thing we have”, Ultra Violet says. Angel Wing looks at Ultra Violet with an unconvinced face. “What?”
“Nothing. Now, let’s get the ship to the junkyard.”
“Do we have to”, Ultra Violet asks. “I know Silver Eyes is gonna throw a fit if she sees one scratch on the ship.”
“Don't worry. The ship will be fine. It’s gonna stay outside the yard until we find a place to hide it”, Angel Wing explains.
“We could look in the sewers.”
“That would be too easy. He would hide somewhere we wouldn’t expect.” May Flower, Silver Eyes, and Tiger Lily were on the makeshift monitor trying to figure out where Stefano could have hid.
“This is getting us nowhere”, Silver Eyes complained. “If I was back home, I could make a code that can track Sefano down. I wanna go back to cyberspace….”
“Why not use our computers.” Silver Eyes looks back to see BumbleBee.
“I can”, Silver Eyes asked.
“Sure. IT may not be up to date with the current cybertronian technology, but it should give you a start on your search”, BumbleBee says. He looks back at Silver Eyes, only to see her gone. “Where did she go?” Tiger Lily points over to the command center. BumbleBee looks back to see Silver Eyes running to the computers. “Well that didn’t take long.” Silver Eyes types on the computer at record speed and logs into her data frame.
“It hasn’t been touched”, Silver Eyes says to herself. “And the mainframe is working smoothly. This could work!”
“Do you mind?” Silver Eyes looks down and jumps back in fear.
“Silvy? You okay”, May Flower asks.
“What the hell is that?!” Silver Eyes walks backwards down the ramp. Fixit rolls out and says, “You almost stepped on me!”
“Silver Eyes, this is Fixit”, BumbleBee says. “He’s our tech analyst.”
“Have you never seen a minicon before?”, Tiger Lily asks.
“He’s a minicon?”
“Yes, I am”, Fixit said with annoyance. “And you almost stepped on me!”
“Silver Eyes can’t really see anything that’s under here”, May Flower said.
“Bee…. what’s all the commotion about?” The group looks back and May Flower almost passes out. “What?”
“W-Who are you?”
“This is Grim Lock”, BumbleBee says.
“I haven’t seen a dinobot in decades”, Tiger Lily says.
“We’re back!”
“Where’s the ship?”
“We had to leave it outside the yard. Someone didn’t think about how we were gonna get it inside”, Ultra Violet said, antagonizing Angel Wing. Angel Wing tweaks Violet’s arm and says in a stern voice, “You shouldn’t be talking, you son of a bitch.” Angel Wing takes her hand off of Ultra Violet’s shoulder. “Have any luck finding Stefano?”
“No”, May Flower Says. “We have nothing.”
“Well crap.”
“What about Decepticon Island?” 
“What’s decepticon island”, May Flower asks.
“There was a part of the alcamore that broke off from the main ship”, BumbleBee explains. He walks over to the computer and brings up an image of decepticon island. Angel Wing looks at the image. The structure of the ship looked almost identical to Stefano’s lab back on Cybertron.
“It fits his M.O.”, Tiger Lily says. “He could be there.”
“BumbleBee, can you find a blueprint to the ship”, Angel Wing asks.
“Are we really gonna go in there without a plan”, Ultra Violet asks.
“Not entirely. However, without knowing how far the infection has spread, I’m afraid we’re at a disadvantage”, Angel Wing says. Angel Wing looks around and asks, “Where’s Wolf Fang?”
Wolf Fang connects two weirs together.
“I think that should fix it”, Wolf Fang says. “Try it out, you two.” Strong Arm and Side Swipe look at the monitors and see everything running smoothly.
“Everything looks good”, Strong Arm says.
“Good”, Wolf Fang said while pushing herself out from below. “The system should be good for a while.”
“Thanks, Sis.”
“Wolf Fang, where are you?” Wolf Fang, Side Swipe, and Strong Arm look down to see Angel Wing looking around.
“Up here!”
“Can you three come down? We need to talk.”
What did you do”, Side Swipe teased.
“I don’t know”, Wolf Fang said. The three jumped down from the wall. “Whatever I did, I’m sorry.”
“What? You didn’t do anything wrong”, Angel Wing said. “We might have found Stefano.”
“Where”, Strong Arm asks.
“Decepticon island”, Angel Wing answers.
“Decepticon island?”
“It was part of the alcamore, but when we crashed here on earth, It broke off”, Side Swipe explained. “You think Sefano is there?”
“It fits his M.O.”, Angel Wing says. “But we don’t know how far the infection has spread, so we’re in the dark.”
“I think I can help with that”, Side Swipe says.
“And how would that be? Last I checked, you're not a technician.”
“No. But I am an engineer and mechanic”, Side swipe says. “Ultra Violet is a mechanic, right?”
“I have an idea.”
“What is this”, Ultra Violet asks.
“Angel Wing said you needed to look inside the ship, right? This is from an old camera that was on the main part of the Alcamore”, Side Swipe says. “I was thinking we could convert it into a drone to scan the ship from above.” Ultra Violet looks at the broken camera and thinks for a moment. Drone have been made years before for federal investigations. Even higher ranks of the police were using them for high class investigations.
“This might work”, Ultra Violet said. “Nice work, kid.”
“Than– did you just call me kid?!”
“Is that a problem”, Ultra Violet asks.
“I’m not a kid”, Side Swipe exclaimed. “I’m a grown man!”
“And yet you still sound like a kid. Guess I know where Wolf Fang gets it from.” Side Swipe could feel hot steam coming out of his weirs. He calmed down and reminded himself that Ultra Violet was more skilled than him.
“It’s only one time, S. keep your cool.”
Angel Wing, BumbleBee, Tiger Lily, and May Flower look inside the Alpha ship.
“They should be in here…. Found them!” Angel Wing takes out a case of guns.
“And they hold the vaccinations”, BumbleBee asks.
“Not quite”, Angel wing says.
“We use this”, May Flower says, showing BumbleBee a container of red liquid. “This is the O-Virus vaccination. Angel Wing and I have been studying the effects of the O-Virus for years. This is an energon infused with a sample of the O-virus.”
“So what’s the difference?”
“We used a purifying spell on the vaccination”, Angel Wing says. “It kills off the infection.”
“I see you haven’t lost your science touch.”
“Bashy fish! I found you”, Wolf Fang exclaims. “I missed you.” Angel Wing looked over and smiled.
“Well, we have the guns and vaccinations. Let’s have Silver Eyes modify the guns. BumbleBee, can you grab that case?” BumbleBee looks over at the case and wonders to himself, “I wonder what’s in here.” BumbleBee opens the case and reveals a shotgun-like weapon. “What?”
“I wouldn’t touch that if I were you”, Tiger Lily says.
“Whose weapon is this”, BumbleBee asks. He was eager to find out who would hold such a weapon.
“That would be Ultra Violet’s weapon”, Tiger Lily answered, her tiger-like tale moving itself to the left on her body. “She calls it over break. She used to be a mercenary before joining Alpha. She’s very protective of that gun, and I wouldn’t touch it if you don’t want your head to be disconnected from your spark.”
“Right….” BumbleBee closes the case and picks it up. “Not a word of this to Ultra Violet.”
“Looks like the gun systems are running smoothly”, Silver Eyes says. “May?”
“The vaccinations are ready to go.”
“Here.” Angel Wing throws a gun to Strongarm And BumbleBee.
“Um, Angel Wing? What is this for”, Strong Arm asks.
“You're coming with us”, Angel Wing said. Everyone blinked two times and yelled in unison, “WHAT?!”
“Angel Wing, you can not be serious”, Silver Eyes exclaims. “They’re not qualified to handle this kind of job!”
“Hey! That’s a bit harsh”, BumbleBee says. “But she’s right, Angel Wing. Are you sure you want to bring us along with you?”
“I would advise august it, but Stefano is out of control”, Angel Wing says. “We’ll need all the help we can get.”
“What about me”, Grim Lock asks.
“Can you use a gun?”
“That won’t be a problem”, Ultra Violet said from behind. She looks inside her case and takes out a glove-like weapon. “It’s no gun, but it should work for you.”
“Don’t you have a sword”, Side Swipe asks.
“Aren’t you a cop”, Tiger Lily asks.
“No”, Side Swipe says. “I’m not.”
“You can use mine,”Wolf Fang said. She passes Side swipe her other sword. “Just don’t damage it. Got it?”
“Do we have a plan?”, Tiger Lily asks Angel Wing. Angel Wing nodes her head yes and says, “This is the inside of the ship. From what BumbleBee told me, the most likely place Stefano would be, it's here.”
“But the infection?”
“We might have a way to look inside”, Ultra Violet said.
“And that would be what, exactly”, Tiger Lily asks.
“Me and Side Swipe can make a drone that looks into the ship”, Ultra Violet says.
“Similar to the police drones?”
“If we can get a look inside, that should give us a plan.”
“Alright. Wolf Fang, come with me”, Angel Wing says. “We’re going to scope out the outside of decepticon island.”
“Alright!” Wolf Fang runs to the exit.
“I didn’t say to run up ahead! This pup…!” Angel Wing runs after her hyper apprentice and yells, “Wolf Fang Ichagawa, get your tail back here!!!”
“Strong Arm, go after the”, BumbleBee said.
“Yes, sir.”
“And that should be the last of it.” Stefano injects one last sample of organic matter into the O-virus. “I’d like to see them get past this.”
“And you're sure it will work?”
“You doubt me?”
“You have Alpha on your tail. Make this attack count.” Stefano grits his teeth and says, “I will not let them win….”
Angel Wing and Strong Arm looked at decepticon Island in the distance while Wolf Fang hung around in a tree.
“I’m not seeing anything.”, Strong Arm says.
“Keep looking," Angel Wing says. “He’s in there. We just need a sign that he is.”
“Hey… is it just me, or is there several lakes in front of me?”, Wolf Fang asks in a dizzy state. Angel Wing looks back and says, “That’s the energon rushing to your head. Get down from there.” Wolf Fang falls to the ground and takes a moment to regain her senses.
“I still don’t see anything.”
“Keep- whoa…”
“What?” Angel Wing points to the top of the ship. Strong Arm looks up and sees vine movement from above. “Is that the O-Virus?”
“Yes.” Angel Wing says. “And it proves that he’s in there. Let’s head back to the yard.”
“Um, a little help?” Strong Arm lifts Wolf Fang up by her back. “Thanks, Strong Arm.”
(Later that night)
“This is it. Decepticon island.”
“Ultra Violet, Side Swipe, is the drone ready?”, BumbleBee asks.
“It’s ready on your say.”, Side Swipe says.
“Send it in.” Ultra Violet takes out the drone and turns it on. Side Swipe uses the remote control to fly the drone to the ship. He leads it to an opened hatch at the side of the ship and flies in.
“I’m not seeing any infection, Cap.”
“Keep looking.” The drone makes it out the other end of the vent and reveals fines, flesh, and mushrooms. “Bingo.”
“Looks like the growth is away from the main entrance.”, Side Swipe says.
“Good. let’s get in there.”, Angel Wing says.
Grim Lock and May Flower pry open the door. The group walks in and looks around.
“Split up.” Tiger Lily, Grim Lock, May Flower and Side Swipe go to the left while Wolf Fang, Ultra Violet and Strong Arm go right.
“Ready?”, Angel Wing asked.
“Ready.”, BumbleBee responded. Angel Wing and BumbleBee take out their guns. Angel Wing stopped near a big vent on the floor. “Angel Wing? What is it?”
“I think I found another way for us to find Stefano.”, Angel Wing said, pointing down at the vent. She puts her gun back in her gun holder and grabs onto the bars. She places her left leg on the wall and pulls on the framing. “It’s not coming out…!” Angel Wing tugged and pulled with all her strength, but it wasn’t coming out. Angel Wing sighs in annoyance and frustration. She looks over at BumbleBee who had a smug look on his face.
“Need some help?”, BumbleBee asked with the same smug look on his face. Angel Wing moves out of the way and BumbleBee pulls the bars out with effort. “You see how simple that was?”
“Shut up, BumbleBee…” Angel Wing and BumbleBee look inside the vent.
“Think we can fit in there?”, BumbleBee asks.
“Only one way to find out.”, Angel Wing said. She gets on her hands and knees crawls through the vent with no problem. “Its big enough. Let’s get a move on.” BumbleBee follows Angel Wing through the vent. BumbleBee looked around the vent and saw flesh like vines in the cracks of the vent. BumbleBee gets a chill up his back and says, “Okay. I want out!”
“Come on, BumbleBee. I thought you had a stronger will.”, Angel Wing teased.
“Well excuse me if I’m not used to seeing this on a daily basis!” Angel Wing chuckles and then sees a flesh-like slug pass over her hand. She looks at her hand and says, “Okay, you win. Let’s get out of here.” BumbleBee kicks open the bars; they fall to the ground. Angel Wing and BumbleBee jump out from the vent and look around.
“I forgot this place is like a maze.”
“Which way do we go?”
“This way.” Before Angel Wing could follow BumbleBee, a wall made up of flesh, organic matter and bone. Angel Wing takes out her sword and tries to cut through the wall. Not even a dent.
“BumbleBee, are you alright?”, Angel Wing yelled.
“Yeah. I’m okay.”, BumbleBee yelled back. “Stefano must have seen us coming.”
“Yeah… the bastard must have heard us through the vents.” Angel Wing looks back and says, “Make your way to the command center! We’ll get Stefano from there!”
“Right. I’ll meet you there.”, BumbleBee yelled. He ran deeper into the ship. Angel Wing looked up at the ceiling and said, “Alright, enough with the bullshit. Where the hell are you?”
Side Swipe, Grim Lock, and Tiger Lily walk through the organic matter covered hall. Side Swipe looks over to see a flesh-like slug moving up the wall. He had to keep himself from gagging.
“I want out…”, Side Swipe said in a weak voice.
“Keep it together, Side Swipe.”, Tiger Lily said. “Silver Eyes, do you still have a visual?”
“It’s going in and out.”, Silver Eyes says. “But the feed is fine.”
“Ultra Violet, Angel Wing, that’s your status?”
“Me, Wolf Fang and Strong Arm in the west part of the ship.”, Ultra Violet says. “But no sign of Stefano.” Tiger Lily waited for a response from Angel Wing, but there was nothing.
“Angel Wing, what’s your status”, Tiger Lily repeated. Still no response.
“Strong Arm, try BumbleBee”, Wolf Fang says.
“BumbleBee, this is Strong Arm, can you give me your status?” She waited for a response. Nothing.
“Silver Eyes, can you pin Angel Wing and BumbleBee’s signals?”, Tiger Lily asks. Silver Eyes types on the computer and sees Angel Wing in the control room and BumbleBee in the upper west part of the ship.
“I found them.” Silver Eyes shares the screen with Tiger Lily and Ultra Violet.
“Angel Wing’s already in the command center?” Strong Arm hears a squish-like sound coming from behind. She looks back and feels her energon run cold.
“Um, Guys?!” May Flower, Wolf Fang, and Tiger Lily look back to see an O-Virus monster.
“Use the vaccinations”, May Flower says. Wolf Fang takes out her sword and slashes the monster in half. “Or you can just do that…” Wolf Fang smirks, but the flesh from each side of the decapitated body puts itself back together.
“What the hell?!” The monster tries to strike at Wolf Fang, but she jumps back and avoids the attack. “How the hell did this thing regenerate?”
“Stefano must have enhanced the O-Virus”, May Flower says. 
“This isn’t good.”
“Ultra Violet, what’s happening?”, Tiger Lily asks.
“Um, Guys?” The group looks back to see an infected autobot.
“Shit”, Tiger Lily says.
BumbleBee runs down the hall. He stops to look around.
“Angel Wing”, he shouted. “Where are you?!”
“SHIT!” BumbleBee heard Angel Wing’s voice from the command center.
“Angel!” BumbleBee ran down the hall and to the command center door. From the outside, he could hear Angel Wing shooting and firing shots. The door opened for BumbleBee and Angel Wing shouted in haist, “No, Don–” Angel Wing and BumbleBee stopped in motion. Angel Wing stopped in a turning motion while BumbleBee was stuck on a running motion. Time was frozen for both of them. Except for one. Stefano climbed down from the ceiling with his organic-like arms.
“Well, this is exciting.”, Stefano said. His arms going back into his back plating. “The daughter of a Prime and his former scout. You couldn’t catch me before so you ran to your old friend and got them involved?” Angel Wing’s eyes follows Stefano’s motion. He lifts up Angel Wing’s head to meet his gaze. “Look at you. If only you could see the look on your face. You have the same look as your mother did when she died. It’s a real shame. To think your mother was taken out by an autobot.” Stefano looks back at BumbleBee and walks over to him. Angel Wing looks at her left arm and tries to break free.
“And you”, Stefano continues, “I’m running out of energon. But you will make a perfect energon mind!” Angel Wing’s eyes turned from blue to yellow. She breaks bree from the spell and shouts, “You son of a bitch!” Stefano looks back in confusion and says, “How did you–” BumbleBee puts Stefano in a headlock and backs up into the hall. “Let Go!” Angel Wing runs out to the hall and sees Stefano trying to force BumbleBee down. Angel Wing takes out her knife and stabs the back of Stefano’s neck. Stefano screams in pain while Angel Wing pulls him back.
“You are going back to where you belong!”, Angel Wing exclaimed, struggling to keep Stefano down. “BumbleBee, cuff him!” BumbleBee quickly takes out a pair of cuffs.
“Not gonna happen.”, Stefano says, struggling with Angel Wing’s force of strength. Two arm-like appendages protrude from Stefano’s back and make their way to Angel Wing’s sides. “You forget that I know your weakness!” Stefano pushes Angel Wing with his extra arm and charges at BumbleBee. BumbleBee tries to run backwards, but Stefano stabs BumbleBee’s left leg. BumbleBee screams in pain. Angel Wing runs over in record time and drags BumbleBee to a corner. She holds up her gun to Stefano with quick haste. Stefano looks at both Angel Wing and BumbleBee and says, “Still the same I see. Loyal and protective to a fault. This won’t be the last time you see me, Angel Wing Prime.” With that said, Stefano ran away; vanishing into the darkness. The organic matter and flesh started to turn to crystal. Angel Wing and BumbleBee both took a breath.
“Are you okay?”, Angel Wing asks with concern.
“Yeah… but he got my leg”, BumbleBee says in a weak voice. Angel Wing looks at the gash on Bee’s leg.
“We better find the others.”, Angel Wing says. “May Flower has to take a look at your leg.” Angel Wing lifts BumbleBee up. “Can you walk?”
“A bit.” Angel Wing and BumbleBee walk back to the front of the ship.
“Angel Wing!”
“What happened?”, Tiger Lily asks.
“We found Stefano, but he got BumbleBee.”, Angel Wing explained. “May, can you help him?” May Flower looks at the gash on BumbleBee’s leg.
“It’s not that deep”, May Flower says. “But there’s a small trace of the O-Virus.”
“Will he be okay?”, Strong Arm asks.
“He’ll be fine.”, May Flower says. She takes out a pen filled with the vaccination and injects it near the wound. “That should keep it from spreading for now. Grim Lock, can you carry BumbleBee?”
“Sure.” Grim Lock transforms into his standard form and picks up BumbleBee. Angel Wing walks over to Strong Arm and says, “I’m sorry, Strong Arm.”
“Will he really be okay?”
“May Flower is the best medical bot I know.”, Angel Wing says. “BumbleBee will be okay.” Angel Wing makes a fist in anger. “I’m gonna find Stefano, and make him pay. One way, or another.”
“And that should do it.” May Flower puts down the flame torch and says, “I would rest for a day or two to see how you feel.”
“May Flower?”
“Is Angel Wing alright?”, BumbleBee asks.
“No. She’s not.”, May Flower says. “As a leader, she feels responsible for letting Stefano get away for a second time. And she might feel responsible for what happened to you. BumbleBee, Angel Wing has been doing this longer than all of us have. She knows the dangers of fighting the infected.”
“She’s not the only one.”, BumbleBee says. “But we already made our choice.”
“Which is?”
“We want to help.”, BumbleBee says. “If Stefano is not only a threat to Cybertron, but Earth too, you’ll need help.”
“You might want to tell that to Angel Wing before she makes a decision she’s gonna regret”, May Flower says.
“We had Stefano in our sights, but failed to capture him.”, Angel Wing said. “I’m sorry, Sir.”
“There is no need to apologize, Angel Wing.”, Optumis said. “You did what you could to stop him.”
“But BumbleBee paid the price for it”, Angel Wing says, putting her hand into a tight fist. She could feel her anger rising from her spark. “He almost got infected because of my anger and recklessness.”
“I’m inclined to disagree.” Angel Wing and Optumis look back to see BumbleBee walking into the command center. “Sir, Angel Wing was able to land a fatal hit on Stefano, saving my life. If she wasn’t there, I would have been dead. Optumis, this may not be my place to ask, but would my team be able to assist Alpha in capturing Stefano?” Angel Wing looks at BumbleBee with a surprised, but angered look on her face. What the hell was BumbleBee trying to pull. Optumis thought for a moment and said, “I will allow it. On one condition: the both of you lead this mission.”
“Yes, Sir!” BumbleBee looks over at Angel Wing who had a very annoyed and pissed look on her face.
“You have got some fucking nerve asking my father to join our mission.”, Angel Wing says in annoyance.
“Me and my team already agreed to help you out.”, BumbleBee says. “They’re not gonna take no for an answer. Especially Strong Arm. And I’m sure Wolf Fang and Side Swipe would be disappointed that they would have to be separated so soon.”
“I didn’t think of that….”
“And again, your head out thinks our heart.” Angel Wing sighs in annoyance and says, “Fine. Your team can help. However, you are still beginners, so your follow my teams lead. Understood?”
“We get to stay?”, Wolf Fang asks in excitement.
“Yes.”, Angel Wing answers. “Optumis has agreed to let BumbleBee’s team assist in capturing Stefano.”
“Alright! I get to be with my brother again!”, Wolf Fang cheers.
“I’m glad your staying.”, Strong Arm says.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?”
“If it means I get be be with my friend again, I’m all for it.”, Strong Arm says with a smile. Her and Angel Wing fist bump.
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jedi-starbird · 5 months
Qui-Gon: Remember padawan, what's rule number one?
Obi-Wan: Deny. Deny. Deny.
Qui-Gon: Ah no, the other one.
Obi-Wan: No matter what, commit to the bit.
Qui-Gon, handing Obi-Wan a fake mustache and a harpoon: Exactly! Now let's go.
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chalkrub · 1 month
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saw some mangy dog on the outskirts of town
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youronebraincell · 1 year
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I am living for Hayley Atwell's responses to the homophobic trolls in her comments😌😌
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kbsd · 5 months
when a lovely flame dies, smoke gets in your eyes
OR: what were we supposed to take away from episode 4 if not ‘bucky is a war widow’
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kaiserouo · 5 months
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
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hands you all this cal to announce i’ve FINALLY finished fallen order (by which i mean i finally picked it up again after those couple hours i played a few months ago and then finished the whole game in 2 days lol)
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hellomayu · 8 months
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formulaheart · 17 hours
Max Verstappen getting community service for swearing and Lando Norris essentially saying if you don't like the swearing maybe you shouldn't watch F1 in response🤝George Russell getting torn apart in the media for cheating and being Mercedes favorite allegedly and Lewis Hamilton clapping back with " I wasn’t actually aware that George was experiencing negativity, George has done nothing but his best every single weekend and delivered for the team."🤝Oscar Piastri saying Logan Sargeant's potential was far greater than we got the chance to see in F1 after everybody including his team principal said he was never going to amount to anything more🤝Nico Hulkenberg saying the ruling on Kevin Magnussen's race ban is harsh and unnecessary and BORING and that he did nothing wrong🤝"I stand with my cancelled wife"
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huntmavs · 1 year
Mission: Impossible is THE franchise
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ruporas · 1 year
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special operatives (silly interaction beneath read more)
[ID: Digital Art in color of Trigun Maximum, characters included are Wolfwood, Elendira, and Legato in a casual meeting situation. The piece consists of orangey yellow lighting and purple shadows. Wolfwood sits on the left side, facing Elendira who’s on the right. He’s seated on a plain wooden chair with one knee up and he’s holding the strap to his Punisher in his left hand while his right sits against his thigh, He has an irritated expression as he speaks to Elendira. Elendira is sitting in a fancier seat, her right arm rests against Wolfwood’s propped up knee, her left hand holds her suitcase. She’s sitting cross legged with an amused expression. Legato can be seen in the back at the center of the image in his mobile body case, one of his eyes shown to be glaring at Wolfwood. End ID]
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[ID: Sketch, uncolored comic. Elendira says to Wolfwood, “I’m not telling you to dedicate yourself to him, but just accept the situation at hand. We could get along better if we were on the same page.” Wolfwood responds, “Don’t peg me me for an optimist. I’m not dumb. But, I’m also not going to just live in resignation. Plus, I don’t have any interest in getting along with ya.” Elendira coos, “Aw, you sure? I have a wonderful shoulder to cry on when the weak people you’re trying to protect eventually dies in the coming months. Though, I guess it’s fine. Someone like you might just die before then anyway...” She snickers in her hand while Wolfwood is speechless and just glares. Legato is faintly drawn in the back, glaring at Wolfwood, muttering “worthless” repetitively. End ID]
#trigun#trigun maximum#nicholas d wolfwood#elendira the crimsonnail#legato bluesummers#YES they were together in scene canonically for only 1 Measly chapter. Yes legato dipped like 2 seconds later but listen#trigun has such a fun cast and such a vague sense of time that i love to just throw in whatever Chances of the gung hos meeting outside of#canonic time... i mentioned before but i do think ww just runs into them on occasion from town to town#this illust would have to take place after the remembrance of july though ofc since that was when ww first saw elendira... which is still#the funniest ww ever bc he was so Shocked. LIKE AGHAST... BC IT WAS ELENDIRA THE CRIMSONAIL. he was starstruckk it was so cute#elendira of all people deserve that kind of reaction though im glad that they hyped it up with ww of all people. bc its like wow even ww is#kind of intimidated! even though he gained his grips like 5 seconds later to talk back to her. which is why i think theyd have a funny#dynamic. and legato is just there. he does not care about them but he also hates them and it's fun to think about how that'd extend to#wolfwood after knives specifically left the gung hos up to him and then explicitly didnt say shit after giving ww a special little mission#it also is just like. legato is pretty passive in trimax until someone is actively betraying knives or when its vash#and ww also does not give a shit about legato bc he also is like. vaguely aware he'd lose in a fight. so all i make them do is stare at each#other passive aggressively. TRISTAMP on the otherhand is ridiculously insane for making legato genuinely hold enough aggression towards ww#to literally activate his character arc in the season sgmkdsgm cannot wait for final phase where legato not only deeply detest vash but also#bears a similar aggression towards ww. actually im not sure whether i should be Excited for that or not but it would be an interesting#ruporas art
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