#mirror amanda grayson
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cdr2002 · 4 months ago
Mirror Universe Concepts: The Family of Spock
A longtime rebel against the Terran Empire, Sarek was believed to have been killed when the ISS Charon bombed Harlak during the waning days of the reign of Emperor Gorgeau. That illusion provided a convenient cover to go underground and disappear from both public view and Terran Intelligence. Beginning to operate with cloak and dagger tactics against the Empire, as well as using his influence on Vulcan to help ferry or hide his fellow rebels, Sarek was instrumental in keeping the fight against the Empire’s tyranny alive into the 2260s.
Initially, Sarek was unaware that his estranged son Spock had deduced his survival years ago, but simply let the matter lie. Disapproving of Spock’s decision to join the Imperial Starfleet, a decision that Spock at the time rationalized as owing to the fact that no rebellion against the Terran Empire in galactic history had ever succeeded, Sarek did not speak to his son for years. He was needless to say, very surprised to find out that Spock had begun his own revolution and coerced a bulk of the crew of the Imperial flagship into joining it. Initially skeptical, Sarek tested Spock’s convictions via a mind meld, learning that he to had been exposed to knowledge of the alternate universe from which the benevolent variant of Michael Burnham he had previously encountered hailed.
Sarek would come to join his and Voq’s rebellion with his son’s and aid Spock in expanding his network across present and former Terran Empire territories, liberating many and repairing his relationship with his son in the process.
Amanda Grayson
Wife to rebel leader Sarek and mother to Spock, Amanda was formerly an ambassador of the Imperial Senate, tasked with conveying their will to subjugated worlds. It was on a mission to bring news of increased water reserves as a reward for loyalty to the people of Vulcan that she met and fell in love with Sarek, who elucidated to her many of the flaws of the Terran Empire. Already aware of the Empire’s penchant for cruelty, something she had made efforts to minimize when possible throughout her career, Amanda would join his rebel cause, learning many of the secrets that kept Vulcan rebellion quiet throughout the last two centuries and covertly aiding many liberation groups due to her political standing.
Ultimately, she would leave Terra when the rebel base at Harlak was discovered, leading to the seeming death of her husband. Further radicalized by this, she began to openly fight through Empire, and would be continuously hunted as a remnant of Sarek and Voq’s rebel cell. Just as Imperial Starfleet was able to catch up with her, Amanda had her death faked in a seeming transporter accident. In secret, she reunited with her husband and his continued rebellion, albeit now having taken an even shadowier form. Amanda joined Sarek in going underground, vowing to never be separated from him again, and aided in his cloak and dagger rebellion. In particular, Amanda took to the concept of fighting the Terran Empire through knowledge and literature, leaking banned works to databases on various Terran worlds, especially those of schools, and becoming a teacher to the children of rebel forces.
Eventually, the revolution would grow in strength when Amanda found herself reuniting with her son Spock, who much to her joy, had begun fighting the Terran Empire himself. Though she still thought poorly of his prior service to the Imperial Starfleet, and knew his relationship with his Fabre recoils take time to heal, this reunion of her family served as a great inspiration for Amanda. Their fight has a chance.
A controversial figure in Vulcan society, Sybok was the son of Sarek and T’Rea, a Vulcan “Princess” who was a figurehead of the Terran Empire before Sarek convinced her to join his nascent rebellion, resulting in her ultimate death at the hands of Terran forces.
Sybok abandoned the teachings of Surak, believing that logic had tempered the Vulcan people and made them into complacent slaves of the Empire. As such, he began a rebel movement based out of the backwater planet Nimbus III, using his unique variant of Vulcan psychic ability to instill the sense of pain caused by their actions onto killers from across the Galaxy: Terran Starfleet officers, murderous criminals, and even a few Klingons and Romulans. With his “Galactic Army of Light”, Sybok believed that the Galaxy could only be cleansed of violence and evil if the perpetrators of said violence were made to understand and feel the pain they had caused and either made reparations or forfeited their lives.
By the time Spock began his own revolution, Sybok was a formidable enemy of the Empire and one of the most influential rebels among the disparate cells. Well aware of his brother’s work, Spock would contact him and bring him into the fold when he decided that the various rebel cells needed to unite in order to stand against the Terran Empire. Though estranged from his family, Sybok readily accepted. With Spock’s help, he aims to bring about galactic peace, a concept many would dismiss as a myth, but one which Sybok fully believes in.
Commander Angel
A free-spirited human pirate captain with a disdain for the stifling attitudes of Terran society: the rigid adherence to a flawed doctrine of Terran superiority and draconian loyalty to the state, and what they felt were shackling ideas of how that loyalty should be exhibited. To that end, Angel struck out on their own, acquiring a vessel, the Serene Squall, and remaking themself as an infamous pirate captain known for taking from the Terrans, the Orions, the Klingons, the Ferengi, and anyone else who they saw as imposing their will upon others, and redistributing their gains to the planets left behind by the current galactic powers. Incredibly cunning and skillful, with the Squall being a fast, if underpowered ship, Angel was able to outrun and outhink any forces who attempted to pursue them.
Being branded a criminal by any of the Empires they spit in the face of only emboldened them more, as did being marked for death by criminal networks, which Angel considered just as fascistic as most governments, in their own way. Angel greatly believes in personal freedom and aims to dismantle the systems that oppress billions across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, though their crew is mostly content with basic hit-and-runs and the occasional Robin Hood-ing, and Angel has had the means to do little else for the bulk of their career, due to their relatively small pool of resources compared to the forces they challenged. Things began to change when Angel came into contact with Vulcan outcast and revolutionary, Sybok. Over time, the two fell in love, and Angel joined Sybok’s revolutionary movement, gleefully bringing justice to butchers across the galaxy, but also studying psychology in order to help those who Sybok’s telepathic powers had caused to become remorseful over the lives they had taken. Angel finds the revolution now undertaken by Sybok’s half-brother Spock to be interesting. They believe that if Imperial Starfleet officers can change without Sybok’s assistance, it is proof that despite the propaganda of empires, no one is just one thing, including even the Terran people. In a way, Spock has begun to restore Angel’s strained faith in humanity. Perhaps their people can be more than what they are…
Betrothed to Spock in accordance with an ancient Vulcan ritual, T’Pring carried a great love for him that was greatly strained by his time serving in the Imperial Starfleet. An advocate for criminal reform, T’Pring had no great love for the Empire’s doctrine and felt betrayed by Spock’s servitude to its ideals. T’Pring would come to aid Vulcan rebels in secret, fearing that Spock would eventually become an enemy who she might even need to kill.
When he came to her with ideas of revolution, she was surprised, and partially relieved, though she wished Spock had come to these conclusions sooner. The damage to their love was done, but the two carried a great respect for each other nonetheless, and vowed to work in random for the freedom of a Galaxy.
Michael Burnham
Notes: Burnham and Spock are not related in the mirror universe, but I wanted to include her in this post regardless.
In agreement with the admins of Memory Alpha, I am regarding the “Terra Firma” mirror universe as an alternate timeline
Branded a traitor to the Empire for her collaboration with the upstart Gabriel Lorca to seize the Imperial throne and marked for death by Emperor Georgiou, Burnham was presumed to have been killed and dealt with by the time her prime universe counterpart was forced to impersonate her during an unplanned sojourn to the mirror universe. However, this could not be further from the truth.
Suspecting the fragility of Lorca’s plan as soon as it resulted in the official announcement of her death to justify a hunt for the man, when she could have served more usefully as an agent within Emperor Georgiou’s inner circle, Burnham parted company with Lorca at some point prior to his transposition to the prime universe, under the guise of seeking more allies for their plan. While Lorca sought revolt using those within the Imperial Starfleet who could be turned, he and Burnham had considered manipulating the enemies of the Empire. She made an attempt to rally together the Klingons and Romulans against the Terran Empire, believing treaties could be secured once she was in power, but this ultimately failed due to existing bad blood between the two races.
With the impatient Lorca dead and Burnham herself once again presumed to be such due to the destruction of the ISS Charon, she found herself a walking ghost. Though adopted by Georgiou as a daughter, Burnham’s status as a traitor left her unable to leave hiding and claim the rite of being her heir, nor was the bloodbath of the fight for Imperial control after Georgiou’s seeming death worth the risk to her.
Burnham decided to bide her time, but found she had waited too long when Imperial war hero Garth of Izar crowned himself Emperor. With the power of the throne granting Izarius access to the knowledge of her plot with Lorca, Burnham has been left with no leg to stand on in terms of challenging him, as she could not invoke her rights as the previous Emperor’s daughter.
Her Terran pride also prohibited her from bowing to the new Emperor’s rule and hoping to gain acceptance back into the Empire. Even if she allowed herself that option, there was no guarantee she would not be executed regardless, or thrown into an Agony Booth to “remind her of her oath to the Empire”. Nor did she like the idea of doing whatever Izarius might ask of her to earn her trust. She had nearly ruled the Empire alongside Lorca, and could have claimed the throne for herself if she could catch him unawares. She considered concocting a story of a secret mission from Emperor Georgiou to infiltrate Lorca’s rebellion, but who would believe that? No, there would be no return to the Terran Empire without the seizure of the Imperial throne itself. A takeover that was swift, bloody, and left her unchallenged. But to achieve that, Burnham would need allies.
Most of her co-conspirators in Lorca’s plot had died aboard the Charon, shrinking the circle even further. Perhaps she could throw her weight around onboard the ISS Shenzhou, take back her command of the ship and be its secret captain, with the Shenzhou’s current commanding officer as a face to put in front of Imperial Command as she waged a secret war against the Emperor. But that would be a risky endeavor, and just one ship would not land her an Empire. Garth had loyalty, respect. The fleet at his beckon call. Burnham had supporters, people who owed her favors, but even that wouldn’t be enough. As treasonous as the thought was to her, Burnham even considered joining a resistance cell rather than trying to position herself as the leader of one, and manipulating their goals for her own purposes from within. But she decided against that too.
Unaware of Spock’s revolution and how far it would soon grow, Burnham believed no rebellion against the Empire would ever succeed. Instead, she contacted her remaining allies in the Imperial Starfleet and enlisted their aid in helping her remain hidden, as well as promising them glory and power once she rose to the throne. Burnham tasked her supporters with keeping their eyes and ears open, looking for anything that might weaken Izarius’s powerbase and provide her an opening. For now, she would rely on an information network, wielding knowledge as power on her way to the throne.
One potential avenue that Burnham had been considering was a little secret that Georgiou had let her in on, a technology known only to the Emperor and the Admiralty. The late Doctor Stamets’ invention: The Spore Drive. The basic technology had powered the massive ISS Charon, though its initial development had been to increase the speed of Imperial vessels, rather than their firepower. One Spore Drive had been successfully installed aboard the ISS Discovery as a testbed, a carefully guarded secret. With the Discovery gone, and the ISS Glenn scuttled after a mysterious accident, Burnham would need another meand to gain access to the technology, and a ship to install it in. Should she lay claim to an operational Spore Drive, Burnham believed she would be able to destroy any ship that stood in her way, and carve her path to the throne of the Empire. As for the ship, the new Discovery-A, commissioned to honor the death of Captain Killy, would serve her purposes nicely.
Bolstering her plans would be another cunning mind and an unexpected ally: exiled Imperial captain James T. Kirk, ousted by his first officer, Spock, who had claimed him to be a madman to Imperial Command. Hunted and with a limited selection of allies himself, Kirk tuned in to rumors that Burnham lived and sought her out. She to had become curious about him, finding his story of being betrayed by the very Empire he had served so loyally to be all too familiar. With their combined tenacity and Kirk’s knowledge of another Imperial superweapon that not even Burnham had been privy to, their deadly alliance poses a serious threat to both the Empire and the revolution.
The child of a union between a Vulcan and a Romulan who fell in love while infiltrating Imperial space, Saavik’s life was almost immediately at risk. The Terran Empire had reacted aggressively to discovering the shared heritage between the Vulcans and Romulans, hunting for any potential Romulan presence among their citizenry. Busting down doors, dragging out families to be examined. It was an invasive persecution that for many elder Vulcans, brought back memories of when the Terrans had conquered them in the late 21st century.
With the fear of being found out before them, Saavik’s parents chose her life over theirs. Her father took his own life and her mother was forced to present his body to Imperial Police in order to masquerade as a loyal citizen of the Empire who had killed a Romulan infiltrator for them. The ploy worked and the Terrans never took a second glance at her daughter.
Though taught in the Vulcan way to control her emotions, Saavik would grow up in constant fear, fear that no amount of logic could dissuade. At every moment she risked being discovered, and then her life would be over.
Saavik would develop a tendency to avoid Terrans, fearful that any one of them could report her. As if they would somehow discover that she was half Romulan just from looking at her. She was more comfortable in Vulcan company, but still felt like something of an outsider due to her inability to fully commit to Vulcan serenity.
This changed when Saavik met an Imperial Starfleet officer, Spock, who had returned home to visit his fiancé at the time. Being half-Terran, Spock could recognize many of Saavik’s struggles and offered to aid her in dealing with them. Saavik accepted and became Spock’s pupil, eventually trusting him enough to share her heritage with her.
Spock’s solution to her situation was far from what Saavik expected, and an idea to which T’Pring strongly opposed. Spock recommended to Saavik that she enlist in the Imperial Starfleet, as he had when his parents became known rebels against the Empire. He suggested that the way to survive the Terrans’ xenophobia was to embed herself in their system and make herself useful to them. To present a loyalty to the Empire that outshined any personal details.
The prospect was needless to say, nerve-wracking to Saavik. But she trusted Spock, and accepted his sponsorship to the Imperial Academy.
The setting did little to help her anxiety, but Saavik did her best to bury that under as much emotional control as she could muster. Academically brilliant and a fast learner of various combat techniques, technical operations, and regulations; Saavik excelled in the Academy. She had to, in order to survive. If she was an excellent enough Imperial officer, she would not be questioned.
Saavik’s class happened to include another Vulcan, a woman of about her age named Valeris, who had enlisted for similar reasons of assimilating as a method of survival. She even made displays of emotion here and there and acted on impulse from time to time, in order to make her Terran peers more comfortable. It was fascinating to Saavik.
Saavik quickly gravitated towards Valeris and despite some awkward early encounters, managed to befriend her. Both were in need of a fellow Vulcan to make their environment more bearable, and began to confide in one another at the end of each day. Over time, it was impossible for Saavik to deny that she had fallen in love with her, and Valeris felt much the same. Saavik introduced Valeris to Spock, and it was difficult to mask her delight when he approved.
Eventually graduating from the Imperial Academy, Saavik quickly began a command path with her field commission, hoping to rise in the ranks as a further means of protecting herself. Spock warned her that a starship captain was a major target just as much as they held power, but Saavik had gained some confidence from her training, and believed she could deal with any potential assassins. Valeris for her part offered to protect her by any means necessary.
Saavik would not see Spock for a few years, as his duties aboard the ISS Enterprise increasingly demanded his attention. When they finally reunited, it was after Spock had seemingly flown in the face of his own advice and become captain of the Enterprise.
While Saavik was initially joyful upon meeting with Spock, in her own understated way of course, she was surprised by the seeming change in attitude.
She would go on to discover that there had been a profound change in Spock. As soon as they were in private and away from any potential ears, he revealed to her his realizations about the illogic and irrationality of the Terran Empire, and the need for massive radical change in order to save Terran society from itself, and those who had been subjugated by the Empire in the process. All this from the same man who had told Saavik to fight for the Empire to survive. Saavik was confused and all but shocked, but she trusted Spock deeply, and allowed her mentor to explain himself.
To fully detail his plan, Spock offered a mind meld with Saavik. She accepted, and was shown images of the mind of one Leonard McCoy. But not the doctor aboard the ISS Enterprise… a different Leonard McCoy.
Through his eyes, Saavik bore witness to another reality. The utopia, the paradise.
The Federation.
When the mind meld terminated, Saavik understood her mentor’s goals. She was uncertain if it could truly be done, but she was willing to try. Later that night, she initiated a mind meld of her own work Valeris, and before long, her lover was on the side of the revolution as well.
Saavik is now one of Spock’s agents behind Imperial lines, supporting the revolution from within Starfleet, and waiting for the day to enter the battlefield for freedom directly. It is Spock’s wish that she and Valeris be among the first of a new generation, that will look out into the stars not to conquer, but to explore. Saavik meanwhile, dreams of living in fear no more, and of a future where a kid like her will not have to be afraid either.
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ruyeung · 4 months ago
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autisticburnham · 8 months ago
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Michael with all three of her mothers
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djrenard · 5 months ago
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My Pull List (09/25/24):
Titans #15
Absolute Power: Task Force VII #7
The Flash #13
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belannaswlonkderfulworm · 2 years ago
the reason everybody in star trek has dead mums is because michael took them a l l. all of them. they all belong to michael now. i'm sorry.
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eastsideofthemoon · 2 years ago
I voted Discovery because not only does it center around a woman, but it means more to me to see multiple women with different backgrounds in leadership roles who have to make important calls. I also really enjoy the exploration of different dynamics with women - mother/daughter, friends, enemies, leader/subordinate, ect.
And there's more than one Black woman on the bridge 🙌🏿.
The Picard seasons are separated because they seem very separate to me by this measurement. Please share the reasons for your vote if you’d like to do so!
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incorrectly-quoted-queers · 9 months ago
Sarek's whole deal never stops being so damn funny. Man's so down bad for a human woman that he defies all of Vulcan culture and marries her. And not in a T'Pol way where they spent most of it in the company of humans. He brought Amanda to Vulcan and, in personal matters, chose to go against everything he was taught to embrace something as irrational as love (though by god that man will do his damnedest to convince you it was logical).
Then to top it all off, that man did not extend that same ideology to his work (No patience nor open-mindedness for very different cultures, rigid adherence to Vulcan practices of diplomacy). And he applies it very haphazardly to his own children. Sometimes, they are a testament to the love he feels for his wife. The humanity he admires. Other times, they are a failure of his own culture. A disgrace and disappointment to Vulcan.
They are the mirrors of his greatest love and his own shame. He loves Amanda and he feels no shame in adoring her, but he feels quiet shame in loving her as un-Vulcan as it is. He is the shame, but the love of her? Never could be.
The helpless romantic he is, he could never resist. He'd never admit it, but he couldn't. So he'd keep any and all shame for himself. None for her.
What a messy beautiful little dork who fucking loves his wife and is so emotionally constipated otherwise.
Amanda Grayson is the one thing in the universe he loves too hard to act that way.
What a goofy lil guy
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startrekfemslashweek · 4 months ago
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Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's Star Trek Femslash Week! We ended up with 69 amazing entries!
Study Session by Red_Passion | Poetry | Janeway x OFC
Encounter at the Bar by Red_Passion | Poetry | Burnham x OFC
The Journey Within by Hollie47 | Fic | UnaMarie
Poetry for her by skylarkblue | Fic | B7
Vuv be''e' baj (win the favor of a woman) by sapphirame | Fic | Jadzia x B'Elanna
Women Who Know How to Duck by romanathethird | Fic | Kira x Grilka
And they were roommates… by sappho_themself | Fic | Bevtroi
How Long Has This Been Going On? by Divinemissem13 | Fic | Janeway x Crusher
A Former Borg And A Half-Klingon Walk Into A Bar by cactusnymph | Fic | B7
Once Upon a Klingon (Lesbian) Bar by Shane_for_Wax | Fic | Seven x Raffi x B'Elanna
Rooming Together by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | Jadzia x Lenara
Blood Wine And Bruising Kisses by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | K'Ehleyr x Deanna
When on Risa by Red_Passion | Poetry | Kira x Kimara Cretak
PHEROMANIA by skylarkblue | Fic | Cha'an
Emerald Lips by Hollie47 | Fic | Sylvia Tilly x Osyraa
The Greatest Pleasure in the Most Beautiful Setting by romanathethird | Fic | J7
No Secrets on Risa by Divinemissem13 | Fic | Saffi
Risa Sunsets by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | UnaMarie
Truths Told by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | Laris x Oh
Blood Fever Part 2 by Shane_for_Wax | Fic | B7
Inhibitions by Hollie47 | Fic | Cha'an
When On Risa by sappho_themself | Fic | Deanna x OFC
To Speak Figuratively by CandyCurlsofMaddness | Fic| Hoshi x T'Pol
Crash Confessions by Red_Passion | Poetry | Janeway x OFC
Ocean Confessions by Hollie47 | Fic | Cha'an
Telepathic Tenderness by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | Laris x Deanna
Crash Into You by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | Katrina Cornwell/Mirror Philippa Georgiou
Swimming Lessons by romanathethird | Fic | Troisha
The world will never (be the same) by sapphirame | Fic | Kira x Seven
Patchwork by Divinemissem13 | Fic | Janeway x Crusher
You be the Lady, I'll be the Unicorn by CandyCurlsofMaddness | Fic | Amanda Grayson x Pelia
Sensory Memory by lead-acetate | Fic | Michael x Uhura
Let the Players Play by romanathethird | Fic | Guinan x Leeta
Ocean's Two by Divinemissem13 | Fic | Beverly Crusher x Una Chin-Riley
Daytime Robberies by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | Minuet x Deanna Troi
Taking A Break Together by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | Beverly Crusher x Ro Laren
You gotta make history (one day at a time) by sapphirame | Fic | Kira Nerys x Seven
Beneath Twin Suns by Red_Passion | Fic | Christine Chapel x Una Chin-Riley
Prisoner Zero by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | Katrina Cornwell x L'Rell
Back To You by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | Katrina Cornwell x Una Chin-Riley
All Distances of Time by romanathethird | Fic | Cassie (Kasidy Yates) x Uhura
What am I supposed to do with you in the room? by lead-acetate | Fic | Michael x Uhura
Thelma and louise (ain't got nothin' on me) by sapphirame | Fic | Kira Nerys x Seven
Taking A Beating by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | Ro Laren x Tasha Yar
Slowly She Softens by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | B7
Meant to be Dead by Hollie47 | Fic | Tilly x Osyraa
What’s a Girl Like You Doing in a Holoprogram Like This? by romanathethird | Fic | Hologram Janeway x Francis Sullivan
Day 6: Whump by 40cleverways | Art | Troisha
Multiverse Diplomacy by Divinemissem13 | Fic | Katrina Cornwell x Mirror Philippa Georgiou
Love In a Turbolift? Not Really by Shane_for_Wax | Fic | B7
A Trapped Kind Of Love by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | J7
Formalities by baubeautyandthegeek | GIF & Fic | Lenara Kahn x Jadzia Dax
Feels so right by plain_and_simple_tailor | Fic | Kiradax
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knightotoc · 9 months ago
Season 1: 23rd century, mutiny, Federation-Klingon War, T'Kuvma, Ash/Voq, L'Rell, Captain Lorca, giant tardigrade, Sarek, logic extremists, Vulcan Expeditionary Group applications, Admiral Cornwell, time loop Harry Mudd, Pahvo, Mirror Universe, Captain Killy, Culber dies, Emperor Georgiou
Themes: betrayal, trust, good vs evil
Season 2: Captain Pike, Red Angel, seven signals, Spock's nightmares, Jett Reno, Terralysium, Amanda Grayson, L'Rell and Ashvoq's baby, Section 31, Leland, the ghost of May, the Sphere's data, Culber gets better, Kamina, Talos IV, Control, Airiam dies, Klingon monastery, time crystals, Queen Po, jump to the future
Themes: motherhood, secrets, corruption
Season 3: 32nd century, the Burn, Book, trance worm, Aditya Sahil, Zareh, Captain Saru, Tal, Adira, Gray, Trill, Admiral Vance, seed archive, Nhan, Ni'Var, Qowat Milat, T'Rina, Kwejian, the Emerald Chain, Osyraa, Carl, goodbye Georgiou!, Su'Kal and the holograms, Burnham demoted then promoted, dilithium deliveries
Themes: grief, scarcity, transphobia?
Season 4: Captain Burnham, President Rillak, the DMA (cough covid cough), Kwejian destroyed, Gray resurrected, J'Vini, cadets stranded on the moon, Ruon Tarka and Oros's parallel universe, Felix and the orb, Gray and Zora play a Trill board game, Species 10-C, Book's betrayal, hydrocarbon emotion math language
Themes: misunderstanding, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" references
Season 5: Progenitors, Moll and L'ak, solving riddles to make a map, Q'Mau, Fred, Rayner, Lyrek, Adira and Gray break up, Jinaal possesses Culber, time bug, the Breen, atheism on Halem'no, racer Tilly, Ravah, Ruhn, Eternal Gallery and Archive, Hy'Rell, Tahal, wedding and finale
Themes: romances, religion, power
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kirk-spock-fics · 11 months ago
REC LISTS (ongoing…)
ALL TIME FAVOURITES - the fandom classics
ZINE CLASSICS - fics written by our fandom elders!
PON FARR FICS - biology……
NON-AO3 - ao3 down? check these non-ao3 fics out
more to come... 👀
Already know what kind of fic you want to read? Use these quick links to see past recommendations.
the original series the original series (movies) alternate original series (kelvin timeline) strange new worlds
K/S Tropes
pon farr sex pollen mind melds / touch telepathy mirrorverse mission fic stranded tarsus iv get married to stay on the enterprise spock dies kirk dies t'hy'la
Favourite Tropes
fake/pretend relationship fake marriage enemies to lovers / enemies to friends to lovers friends to lovers time loop kid fic found family secret relationship genderswap sharing a bed misunderstandings / miscommunication established relationship
Romantic Tropes
love confessions accidental love confessions unrequited love not actually unrequited love love at first sight pining / mutual pining getting together
fluff angst (with a happy ending) romance hurt/comfort hurt/no comfort slow burn realllly slow burn humour / crack
soulmate au starfleet academy au vulcan science academy au royalty au fairytale au arranged marriage au coffee shop au pre-reform vulcan au high school au / college au modern setting au tarsus iv au alternate universe
asexual aromantic queer platonic asexual spock asexual kirk aromantic spock aromantic kirk
mcspirk spock prime/kirk spock prime/kirk prime (in AOS universe) mirrorverse k/s mirror!spock/kirk mirror!kirk/spock spock/bones kirk/bones spock/t'pring spock/uhura kirk/others spock/others amanda/sarek chekov/sulu chapel/uhura scotty/uhura bones/scotty
trans jim kirk trans spock mirror!spock mirror!kirk leonard ‘bones’ mccoy nyota uhura sarek montgomery ‘scotty’ scott hikaru sulu pavel chekov amanda grayson chris pike saavik t'pring
flower giving
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best-star-trek-character · 2 years ago
Official DISCO Bracket!
And here’s the final bracket! Round One will go live tomorrow, 4/21 at 10 am EST!
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Full List:
Round One:
Left Side:
Emperor (Mirror!) Philippa Georgiou vs. Dr. Hirai: poll here
Lt. Commander Ronald A Bryce vs. Kyheem: poll here
Me Hani Ika Hali Ka Po vs. Carl (The Guardian of Forever): poll here
Mirror! Sarek vs. Gabrielle Burnham: poll here
Ruon Tarka vs. Ripper The Tardigrade: poll here
Ambassador Sarek vs. Commander Ellen Landry: poll here
Ryn vs. Tareckx: poll here
Lieutenant Spock vs. Lieutenant Nilsson: poll here
Haz Mazaro vs. Commander Nahn: poll here
Voq vs. Captain Gabriel Lorca: poll here
Lt. Commander Joann Owosekun vs. T’Kuvma: poll here
Adira Tal vs. Captain Philippa Georgiou: poll here
Ensign Sylvia Tilly vs. Dr. Kovich: poll here
Admiral Katrina Cornwell vs. J’Vini: poll here
Captain Saru vs. Admiral Charles Vance: poll here
President Laira Rillak vs. Siranna: poll here
Right Side:
General Ndoye vs. Captain Michael Burnham: poll here
Mirror! Owosekun vs. Lt. Commander Airiam: poll here
Captain Leland vs. Commander Ash Tyler: poll here
Dr. Pollard vs. Cleveland “Book” Booker: poll here
President T’Rina vs. Lieutenant Linus: poll here
Zora vs. Oros: poll here
Leto vs. Commander Jett Reno: poll here
Amanda Grayson vs. Grudge: poll here
Lieutenant Aditya Sahil vs. Gray Tal: poll here
Lt. Commander Keyla Detmer vs. Osyraa: poll here
Lt. Commander Gen Rhys vs. Mirror! Detmer: poll here
Su’Kal vs. Captain Christopher Pike: poll here
Harcourt Fenton Mudd vs. “May Ahearn”: poll here
Captain Killy (Mirror! Tilly) vs. Dr. Hugh Culber: poll here
Aurellio vs. L’Rell: poll here
Guardian Xi vs. Commander Paul Stamets: poll here
Round Two:
Left Side:
Mirror! Philippa Georgiou vs. Lt. Cmdr. Ronald A Bryce: poll here
Me Hani Ika Hali Ka Po vs. Gabrielle Burnham: poll here
Ripper the Tardigrade vs. Ambassador Sarek: poll here
Ryn vs. Lt. Spock: poll here
Commander Nahn vs. Captain Gabriel Lorca: poll here
Lt. Cmdr. Joann Owosekun vs. Captain Philippa Georgiou: poll here
Ensign Sylvia Tilly vs. Admiral Katrina Cornwell: poll here
Captain Saru vs. Siranna: poll here
Right Side:
Captain Michael Burnham vs.  Lt. Cmdr. Airiam: poll here
Cmdr. Ash Tyler vs. Cleveland “Book” Booker: poll here
President T’Rina vs. Zora: poll here
Cmdr. Jett Reno vs. Grudge: poll here
Gray Tal vs. Lt. Cmdr. Keyla Detmer: poll here
Lt. Cmdr. Gen Rhys vs. Captain Christopher Pike: poll here
Harcourt Fenton Mudd vs. Dr. Hugh Culber: poll here
L’Rell vs. Cmdr. Paul Stamets: poll here
Round Three:
Left Side:
Mirror! Philippa Georgiou vs. Me Hani Ika Hali Po: poll here
Ripper the Tardigrade vs. Lt. Spock: poll here
Commander Nahn vs. Lt. Cmdr. Joann Owosekun: poll here
Ensign Sylvia Tilly vs. Captain Saru: poll here
Right Side:
Captain Michael Burnham vs. Cleveland “Book” Booker: poll here
President T’Rina vs. Cmdr. Jett Reno: poll here
Lt. Cmdr. Keyla Detmer vs. Captain Christopher Pike: poll here
Dr. Hugh Culber vs. Cmdr. Paul Stamets: poll here
Left Side:
Mirror! Philippa Georgiou vs. Lt. Spock: poll here
Lt. Cmdr. Joann Owosekun vs. Ensign Sylvia Tilly: poll here
Right Side:
Captain Michael Burnham vs. Cmdr. Jett Reno: poll here
Lt. Cmdr. Keyla Detmer vs. Dr. Hugh Culber: poll here
Mirror! Philippa Georgiou vs. Ensign Sylvia Tilly: poll here
Captain Michael Burnham vs. Dr. Hugh Culber: poll here
Ensign Sylvia Tilly vs. Captain Michael Burnham: poll here
79 notes · View notes
seekingjamaharon · 2 years ago
Kirk/Spock Fic Recs (2)
(These recommendations are not organized by rating, universe (AOS/TOS), or tags, so it is your responsibility to check before reading!)
Sha Ka Ree - ThereBeWhalesHere
One of the first stories I read when I came into the fandom. I personally consider this story to be something of a fandom classic. Kirk and Spock are strangers who become stranded on an uninhabited world. They have to learn to work together to survive, and we get to come along on that journey as they grow as individuals and together. They build their own world--but can they be content if their world is all there is? There are several "famous" scenes in this story that you might have probably seen art for. If you haven’t read it, you should.
The 1,000 Hour Sleep - spqr
The SNW crew adopt Jim, and it's the found-family and found-T'hy'la story of my dreams. As a certified Jim Kirk Enjoyer, I love when an author gets right to the heart of the man that we love.
Chains of Command - WhatIfImaMermaid
The TENSION. The YEARNING. The PINING. It’s a different take on the usual ‘getting together’ story and it’s DELICIOUS. 
With My Feet Toward the Stars (let me remember you as you were when you existed) - kariye
A unique and beautiful story. It’s hard to describe this one without spoilers, but it’s an absolutely lovely read that (once again) made me cry. 
Daffodil Time - ladyblahblah
An AU where Amanda Grayson visits her friend Winona Kirk every summer and so Spock and Jim meet when they're children. Utterly adorable. I’m a sucker for a well-written kid-fic, and this one delivers. 
Though this be madness - ladyblahblah
In every universe--even the Mirror!Universe--Jim Kirk is prone to leaping before looking. It’s possible that this time he might have misjudged.
(You can find the first rec post here)
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theadmiralslegion · 1 year ago
Katrina Cornwell Shipping Poll
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litcityblues · 9 months ago
Weird Feelings, But A Fond Farewell
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I have weird feelings about Star Trek Discovery. When it was first announced, I was less than thrilled. Another prequel, I thought, and not even a particularly interesting one. (There's a whole blank page of history between The Original Series and The Next Generation that remains largely unexplored in the chronology. What happens in the Temporal Wars or the aftermath of the Dominion War? I would have been intrigued to see that any of those-- a prequel to the Original Series? Not so much.)
The first couple of seasons were interesting and I'm still not entirely sure how to feel about them. For a start, Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) is not exactly your typical Trek Captain. Point of fact, she starts out by getting her Captain, Phillippa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) killed and starting a war with the Klingons. If that wasn't enough, we get more wrinkles thrown at us: Michael's parents had been killed in a Klingon attack on their colony, and with no other family, she gets adopted by Sarek of Vulcan and his wife, Amanda Grayson.
That's right: Spock had a secret adopted human sister.
Now, that part didn't bother me. In fact, it was logical, after a fashion- though why we hadn't met her before was still something of a mystery. But if you're Sarek and you've got a human wife and a half-human son that you struggle to understand and connect with, a human sibling (even an adopted one) would be something worthy of consideration should the opportunity to present itself.
The fact that Michael gets raised on Vulcan also makes the character make sense-- if Spock has trouble dealing with his emotions from time to time, Michael lets logic get in the way of hers, which is why she insists on firing on the Klingons, believing, logically, that they will only respond to a show of force.
Speaking of the Klingons: not the Klingons you've come to know and expect-- which I was also of two minds about. On the one hand: Discovery era Klingons are far more alien than 90s-Trek Era Klingons. They feel alien. They feel new-- their leader, T'Kuvma, lights the beacon of Kahless and unites the warring houses behind him in a war against the Federation.
We then meet a prisoner Michael Burnham who gets swept aboard the Discovery where we meet Tilly (Mary Wiseman), Stamets (Anthony Rapp), Saru (Doug Jones) and Dr. Culber (Wilson Cruz) and we soon find ourselves running around the Mirror Universe with Captain Gabriel Lorca (Jason Isaacs) using a spore drive, where Discovery jumps from Point A to Point B instantaneously using the spore network that runs throughout the Universe.
After we get the first season dealt with, we get a plot twist for the second season when they encounter the U.S.S. Enterprise and Pike (Anson Mount) takes command to investigate seven mysterious signals that have been appearing all over the galaxy.
Pike was so good in this role and the introduction of the Enterprise went so well that we got Strange New Worlds out of the deal, so if Discovery did anything for Trek, there's always that. You can hate every episode of this series, but we got Strange New Worlds out of it, so something good came of it. (I don't hate this series, by the way. I think parts of it are very good indeed.)
But what I think turns the show is the decision at the end of Season 2 to send Discovery 900 years into the future.
Whether it was because the showrunners and writers realized that had sort of written themselves into a corner or whether it was the plan all along, I don't know but it was the boldest move in the history of the franchise- they BOLDLY WENT-- how much more Star Trek could you get than that?
Season 3, Discovery's First in the Future was interesting. The Federation and the Galaxy were devastated by a disaster known as 'The Burn' where all the dilithium was suddenly rendered inert by something-- Discovery, once it reaches the future, sets about finding what's left of Starfleet and putting it back together, which they successfully do and defeat the Emerald Chain which is the preeminent power in the galaxy. By the end of the season, Discovery is transporting dilithium to start the process of reconnecting planets and the Federation starts coming back together little by little.
(Honestly, I need to rewatch this season at some point. I might be judging it a little unfairly. But it feels like the weakest of the five to me. There's more than a touch of Andromeda to it and the ultimate cause of The Burn should have been something more grounded in science than I remember it being, in my opinion. But overall, the story breaks new ground-- good for Trek and takes big swings-- which is also good for Trek, so on balance, I'm okay with it.)
Seasons 4 and 5 were where I think this show started to find its feet a bit. You can have issues with the serialized storytelling of both seasons, but they worked really well for me and ultimately, I think I'm going to come down to the notion that this show deserved at least one, maybe two more seasons.
The finale was good. There was a wedding and nobody died (which might be a first for Star Trek?). It was not revealed to be a holodeck adventure that Commander Riker was enjoying as a spectator. Nothing can probably top 'All Good Things' but I'd slot 'Life Itself' probably just behind 'Endgame' in terms of finales. You got the sense- especially with Zora and Discovery just being sent away for an unspecified mission- that there was more story to be told, but it also felt like an ending. It felt earned. It felt final and I could work with that.
It wasn't all perfect: Owo and Detmer were more or less absent from the back half of season five, which sucked- they do make an appearance in the finale though. And if Discovery wasn't that great at something, it was probably exploring the lives and characters of the rest of the bridge crew more effectively. I think they got better at the deeper into their run that they got, but it was still never what it should have been, in my opinion.
They left some interesting story possibilities on the table as well. I've seen a lot of older, crustier Trek fans complaining about how all the characters do is examine their feelings and their various traumas and yes, there's some of that, but also, look what these characters have been through: if you left your entire family behind and traveled 900 years to the future, you'd probably need some therapy too.
But it's not the Discovery crew that would have made the interesting storyline there-- it's the Starfleet that stayed hidden and stuck together through the years of The Burn. What was that like? Do those Captains resent the sudden intrusion of these randos from the past? (I think Rayner's character was meant to play with this idea a bit in the final season.)
Overall: I was left wanting more and who could ask for anything more than that? (Other than two more seasons and a movie, maybe?) Discovery may have fallen victim to the ongoing churn in the streaming wars, but I do think, on a rewatch, it will hold up better than people think.
But as the first new Trek series in over a decade when it debuted in 2017, it's worthy of appreciation. It took big swings. It wasn't afraid to challenge franchise orthodoxy and most importantly, to me, as a fan, it went boldly where no other Trek show had gone before.
Did I like the serialized storytelling? Not always. Did I like every episode? No. Do I think it could have been more grounded in parts? Yes. Did it miss opportunities and storylines? Yes. But on balance, this is a worthy addition to the franchise and I do think people are going to reassess this show positively when they look back on it. (My general impression is that people either love this or absolutely hate it.) My Grade: *** out of ****
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sl-walker · 2 years ago
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Ad Astra News - 5/21 - 5/27
State of the Archive
Currently the archive is up, running and stable on otw-archive.  Technical issues include: Links from e-mails not landing on the correct subdomain, so if you want to join up, you have to add beta.adastrafanfic.com/[insert validation link] in order to validate your account.  If you don’t want to or can’t, though, just hit me up and I’ll do it from the back end!  Another technical issue is that dates/times aren’t populating correctly on newly posted stories, but that’s a pretty minor thing.  If you see a bug, let me know!
If you do join up and want to post, please make sure you read the Tagging FAQ.
The original eFiction archive will become a static-only monument on September 1st, 2023.
Weekly Challenge # 6
On our chat server that starts with a D, the current challenge is New Homes; between 100 and 700 words of fic about new homes, be they literal places, new ships, new crews or people in general.
Stories Archived
Star Trek: Enterprise
By Jespah
The New House - G - Malcolm Reed/OFC
By @merfilly
The Unquiet End - T - Takashi Kimura/Hoshi Sato
Star Trek: The Original Series
By @beatrice-otter
Undiscovered Stars - G - James T. Kirk/Lando Calrissian (SW x-over) The One Great Choice - T - Cleante al-Faisal, T'Shael, Jasmine al-Faisal
By @merfilly
A Breath of Fresh Air - T - Emony Dax/Leonard “Bones” McCoy Dreams - G - Hikaru Sulu Feelings - G - Spock Introspection - G - James T. Kirk Diplomacy - G - Mara, Pavel Chekov Storyteller - G - Nyota Uhura Serenity - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy, Julian Bashir (x-over with DS9) So Much - G - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Enterprise - G Contemplation - M - David Marcus/Saavik Strong Ones - T - Una Chin-Riley/Nyota Uhura A Gift - T - James T. Kirk/Spock One Friend Lost... One Gained? - G - James T. Kirk A Shore Leave to Remember - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy, Nyota Uhura Necessary - T - Leonard “Bones” McCoy The Sound of His Engines - G - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Frayed - G - Christine Chapel Sippin' Time - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy Complications of Empire - G - Kang Farewells - G - Christopher Pike Just One Man - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy Change of Command - G - Christopher Pike, Robert April Points of Communion - M - David Marcus/Saavik She Would Have Known - G - Spock Acceptance - G - James T. Kirk, David Marcus Memories of Smoke - G - Nyota Uhura Assumptions - G - Spock, Sarek
By @sl-walker
'Cross the River - G - Spock Iron - T - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott & Spock Not Too Soon - G - Sarek, Amanda Grayson, Spock Maps, Rules and Moderation - G - James T. Kirk & Leonard “Bones” McCoy
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
By @beatrice-otter
Those Left Behind - G - Christopher Pike, Sarek
Star Trek: The Next Generation
By @beatrice-otter
the simple secret of the plot - G - Guinan/Jean-Luc Picard Hope of Thee (The Zombie Remix) - G - Lwaxana Troi, Kestra Troi Processing - T - Data, Deanna Troi Reboot: The Chase - G - Jean-Luc Picard (x-over with Stargate:SG1) Reboot (Legacy) - G - Jean-Luc Picard (x-over with Stargate:SG1)
By @merfilly
Game in Town - G - Q Intimidated - G - Worf Admiral Compensations - T - Jean-Luc Picard Fell For Him - G - Beverly Crusher
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
By @beatrice-otter
Nerys and the Emissary - G - Kira Nerys & Benjamin Sisko In Due Season - T - Prophet/Joseph Sisko (Rape/Noncon) Ornament - T - Kira Nerys, Lupaza
By @merfilly
In a Different World - T - Elim Garak (Mirror)
Star Trek: Voyager
By @sl-walker
Idle - G - Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay
Expanded Universes
By LordMcCoveyCove
Communiques - G The New Threat - M - Tenth Doctor (x-over with Doctor Who)
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adastrafanfic · 2 years ago
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State of the Archive
Busy busy. Everything's going okay, though I would like to remind new folks to read the posting rules under the FAQs, because we're not AO3 and follow a different set of tagging rules. The June Review Hunt is over, with Gibraltar and David Falkayn as our winners. Congrats, fellas!
The July Review Hunt is now open. All you have to do to participate is sign your name/penname up for it, since largely it's automated. Reviews 15+ words count, with the same points modifiers as usual. IE, 100-199 being +10, and then +50 for any first review on a story over twenty-five words and +25 for any second. So, if you want to join, let me know. No weekly challenge this week.
Stories Archived
Star Trek: Enterprise
By Beatrice_Otter Not Place, But People - G - Charles "Trip" Tucker III & Lorian
Star Trek: Discovery
By ussjellyfish Song of the Hadal Depths - T - Michael Burnham & Philippa Georgiou (Mirror) truth be told - T - Laira Rillak/Michael Burnham maybe next time dinner first - T - Laira Rillak/Michael Burnham hesitation - T - Laira Rillak/Michael Burnham following shadows - T - Katrina Cornwell/Philippa Georgiou (Mirror) in case of emergency, please contact... - T - Laira Rillak/Michael Burnham
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
By lah_mrh Lean On Me - G - Una Chin-Riley, Christopher Pike Security Breach - G - Christopher Pike, La'an Noonien-Singh Fall Into Your Sunlight - T - Christopher Pike/Una Chin-Riley | Number One Everybody Knows - T - Christopher Pike & Ash Tyler | Voq By starry_fool Ça va faire une maudite poutine - G - James T. Kirk
Star Trek: The Original Series
By Beatrice_Otter Podfic of Starship Mine - T - Nyota Uhura, Una Chin-Riley, Christine Chapel If Ever Two Were One - T - Nyota Uhura/Spock That Tender Light - T - Nyota Uhura/Spock A Marriage of True Minds - G - Amanda Grayson/Sarek Things Not Forgotten - G - Saavik/Spock, Zar Unbonding - T - Original Vulcan Characters
By ChrisQ Moment of Truth - G - James T. Kirk, Will Decker
By daraoakwise Starship Voice - Not Rated - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, James T. Kirk
By kimaracretak light through the green - T - Nyota Uhura (Mirror) & Spock (Mirror) - 🔒
By lah_mrh World On Fire - T - James T. Kirk & Spock
By Pixie To Us - G - Christine Chapel & Nyota Uhura
By sixbeforelunch Complexity and Complication - G - Saavik/Spock - 🔒 A Beautiful Thing - G - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Nyota Uhura - 🔒 Creature Comfort - G - Nyota Uhura - 🔒 That Which Endures - G - Stonn/T'Pring - 🔒 Waiting Game - T - Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock - 🔒 Illusory Reality - G - Christopher Pike/Una Chin-Riley | Number One - 🔒 Emblem - G - James T. Kirk, Suvuk, Sehlk - 🔒
By SLWalker Gray - G - Nyota Uhura (AOS) & Spock
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
By Beatrice_Otter Out of the Depths - T - Spock Five Things That Surprise Spock About The New Timeline - G - Spock By daraoakwise Half of Each Other's Mess - G - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (AOS) By SLWalker Now and Later - T - Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (AOS)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
By Beatrice_Otter Sweet Beginnings - T - Deanna Troi/Worf Finding Common Ground - T - Ro Laren/William Riker A Daughter of the Fifth House - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker, Lwaxana Troi Podfic of open your heart knowing - G - Data/Geordi La Forge By sixbeforelunch Quality Time - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker - 🔒 After Tilonus - G - William Riker - 🔒 The Day Before the Wedding - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker, Lwaxana Troi - 🔒 Matronym - T - Deanna Troi/William Riker - 🔒 Orla - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker, Lwaxana Troi, Thomas Riker - 🔒 Cadence - G - Deanna Troi/William Riker - 🔒 A Brief Consideration of Feline Interactions and Human Vicissitude - G - Data & Spot - 🔒 Nither to Weigh Thoughts Nor Measure Words - T - Deanna Troi/William Riker - 🔒 Musical Interlude - G - Deanna Troi & Ro Laren - 🔒 By ussjellyfish he can't be here - M - Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard Ignore me, continue - T - Beverly Crusher/Kathryn Janeway, xover with VOY make me - T - Beverly Crusher/Kathryn Janeway, xover with VOY
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
By Beatrice_Otter Vocational Studies - G - Benjamin Sisko & Kira Nerys People Person - G - Leeta Tashlich - G - Jadzia Dax/Worf What You Know - T - Benjamin Sisko/Kasidy Yates The Thirty-Fourth Rule - G - Odo, Quark By kimaracretak memories in paraphrase - T - Kimara Cretak/Kira Nerys - 🔒 no mirror to correct my destiny - T - Kimara Cretak/Kira Nerys - 🔒 as ever sun has faded - T - Kira Nerys/Kira Nerys (Mirror) - 🔒 By Pixie Ezri Dax and the Big Bad Worf - G - Ezri Dax, Benjamin Sisko, Deanna Troi, Worf By sixbeforelunch Soldiers Were Children Once - T - Quark
Star Trek: Voyager
By Pixie The Darkness Has No Armor - G - Kathryn Janeway & Tom Paris The Night the Sky Fell Down - T - B'Elanna Torres & Chakotay I Love Somebody - G - Kathryn Janeway/Seven of Nine On a Clear Day You Can See Forever - G - Seven of Nine, EMH | The Doctor, Harry Kim The Captain's Valentine - G - Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris, others Miracle in the Delta Quadrant - G - Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris, others By sixbeforelunch Touch - G - Kathryn Janeway & Tuvok - 🔒 A Silent Peace - G - Tuvok R is for "Reunion" - G - Tuvok/T'Pel Unexpected Changes - G - Tuvok/T'Pel
Star Trek: Picard
By lah_mrh New Beginnings - G - Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker/Seven of Nine
Expanded Universes
By David Falkayn Winding Down - M - Ensemble Cast The Price of Vengeance - M - Ensemble Cast A Mother's Regret...A Lover's Loss - M - Ensemble Cast Thicker than Blood - M - Tovan Kev/Tali' Zorah nar 'Rayya Devil's Deals - M - Ensemble Cast Legerdemain - M - Ensemble Cast Change of Course - M - David Anderson Reflections - M - Ashley Williams, Soren Magnussen, Jane Shepard Lost and Found - M - Ensemble Cast Laying Plans - M - Ensemble Cast Mind Tripping - M - Ensemble Cast Crossing Over - M - Ensemble Cast By sixbeforelunch Gol-tor Kal'uk Nash-veh - T - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Kwi'kusut - T - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Dakh Pthak - G - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Sarlah Nash-veh Dvin-tor - T - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Samek-Praduk - G - T'Lin/Veral - 🔒 Dah Vokaya - M - Kiri/Selesh - 🔒 By SolarisOne Burning the Pain Away - T - Sun Wukong | Monkey
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