#mind you i like the feanorians
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The real tragedy of the kinslayings is that it’s just so fucking stupid. It’s about 3 shiny jewels. And that criticism goes for both sides.
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corsairspade · 6 months ago
there are many reasons I like the "Erestor son of Caranthir" headcanon but secretly the main one is that I'm imagining all of the remaining noldo auditors sighing of relief when Caranthir dies and they don't have to try play 4d chess with multiverse time travel trying to catch this guy doing tax evasion. life is good for exilic auditors now.
and then suddenly Elrond and Elros turn up again! even better! oh who's this, Elrond? your good friend Erestor? he's helping you with your taxes? oh how swe- what is this Elrond. What is this. your paperwork for your taxes you say. not a declaration of war? because it looks like a declaration of war on the exilic auditors, Elrond.
and then all the auditors are so busy doing "extreme tax auditing™" for the first time since the second Kinslaying that they don't tell anyone they're pretty sure there's another scion of the house of Fëanor running around.
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queerofthedagger · 7 months ago
One thing I think about a lot is that when Nargothrond falls, it is heavily implied that as good as everyone perished or, if not, got captured. Like, unlike with the Fall of Doriath, there is no mention at all of any refugees removing to the Mouth of Sirion - and yet, I assume that is very likely where Celebrimbor, at least, went? I definitely think he would have fought, but clearly he survived and neither Doriath nor Gondolin really were an option for him, and I doubt even more that he would have gone back to his family.
And there are a lot of implications to all that, but maybe the one that keeps me up most is that this means he would have likely been there when the refugees of Doriath arrived, when they told of what his family did. That his father is dead. What would he have been thinking? What would the survivors of Doriath been thinking? Like, I know there were technically several different camps to some extent, but I doubt they would have been wholly separate, especially upon arrival. What kind of horror to find someone who looks just like one of those guys who just slaughtered your friends and family. What kind of horror to look like someone who just committed such horrors.
He also would have been there when the third kinslaying occurred, or at least very close to it. What an experience, to end up on the other side of it. To see exactly what might have become of him had he not foresworn his father years ago, and also to see yet again what became of his family. Like yeah, everything before/during the Nargothrond Disaster would have already been formative for him and his future choices, but I do feel even being in the vicinity of all of that would have been such a dire reinforcement of all those convictions and reasons that made him disavow them in the first place. And especially in terms of the third kinslaying, it's also why I personally really doubt that there is a chance at any kind of reconciliation with any of the brothers, whether it's his father or I don't know, Maedhros or Maglor. Like, I just don't think there is any coming back fromt hat, really, if there ever was.
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aureentuluva70 · 2 years ago
While I love the whole "kind individual and traumatized individual" relationship dynamic I do admit I have my problems with it, but that's mostly with how people write the characters, not the trope itself.
My problem with it is that the "ball of sunshine", as said character is often referred to, seemingly only exists to revolve around and be the salvation of the other character. Most of the time, we know little about their life outside of their relationship with the other person, and that annoys me to no end. Why? Because it strips away all possible nuance and depth that character could have had and gives it to the other character, dumbing them down into an often goofy, sometimes even naive individual only there for the sake of an entertaining relationship dynamic.
And this is coming from someone who does like the trope; I think it can be profound and beautiful when written correctly, but so many people hand all the great characterization over to only one character while almost entirely leaving out the other and it doesn't have to be that way. Let them both be great characters both together and on their own!
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armenelols · 6 months ago
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I feel like this implies I do a lot of maedhros-posting but I really don't. I am not sure I've ever posted about Maedhros. I don't think about Maedhros. Sometimes I forget Maedhros exists. Handless ginger who? I blame this on pretty art and pretty art only
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thewolflingofnoldor · 3 months ago
Oop, sakasakiii’s done it again, much to my late delight upon finding it in my homepage. Sending out grateful thanks from Australia. You made my day ✨
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morning routines ft. the firstborn sons and their parents (who turned out WAY more lovey dovey than i intended omg)... i was inspired by this cute art from @/Worvies on twitter and decided to use it as a chance to draw how locked in i think they'd be when it comes to getting ready in the morning HAHAHA
in terms of who wakes up earliest to latest i think it'd go: fingolfin -> finrod -> nerdanel -> earwen -> feanor -> maedhros -> anaire -> fingon -> finarfin !!! i also never thought abt it before but. elves with makeup!!! i wonder what the various trends in valinor would be and how long theyd last....
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thesummerestsolstice · 9 months ago
I can't be the only person who's absolutely obsessed with the Feanorian followers. Because, see, here's the thing. The Sons of Feanor are under the Oath. And at least in some interpretations of canon, that means that the choices they make related to the Silmarils are made under duress, or when the Oathbound are really not in their right minds/acting of their own free will. And if you accept that as canon, the Feanorian followers get really interesting.
Because they aren't under the Oath of Feanor. Like, there's a distinct argument to be made (supported by the servants of Celegorm dumping Elurin and Elured in the woods, and Maedhros's horror at their actions) that the Feanorian followers are worse than their lords.
And that raises all sorts of questions. Without the Oath compelling them, why do the Feanorian followers who stay through Doriath and Sirion agree to the kinslayings? Personal loyalty? A belief that the Feanorians are right? Grudges against Thingol and the Sindar? Bloodlust? Love? How do they feel about serving lords who are (at least sometimes) being compelled by their Oath rather than acting freely? Do they even really understand the Oath? Have any of them tried to swear it? Do the Feanorians appreciate their loyalty? Are they sometimes a little afraid of the lengths their followers will go to?
There's just so much to explore there. I'm hoping that sometime I'll get a chance to write about my horrible little Feanorian follower OCs. Brief descriptions of a few of them below the cut for those interested.
Hravauta: a follower of Maedhros and a smith who specializes in prosthetics and mobility aids. Crossed the ice with Fingolfin's host and first met Maedhros when they were one of his healers after Thangorodrim. They refuse to explain why they followed Maedhros through two kinslayings and several centuries.
Helcasure: an Avarin warrior whose people were displaced when Morgoth moved into Angband. She swore vengeance, and spent the next several centuries roaming the Northern plains and killing any orcs she could find. When Maglor came to the gap, they joined forces. Apparently, her choice to follow Maglor was one made solely out of personal loyalty to him.
Alyacune: a Vanyar and former hunter of Orome who went to Middle-Earth because she believed it was her duty as a hunter to go fight Morgoth. Went through a pretty brutal loss of faith in Middle-Earth, which her friend and lord Celegorm helped her through. Hated the Iathrim for hiding behind the Girdle like Orome hid in Aman while Middle-Earth fell apart around them.
Moripilin: Curufin's wife, Celebrimbor's mother, and the living embodiment of "I could make him worse." Idolized Feanor, met his son while apprenticing with him, and proceeded to become a proper Feanorian. Some people are convinced she swore the Oath with her husband, but no one knows for such. Very much believed that the Silmarils were worth killing for.
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the-writing-goblin · 1 year ago
I am once again thinking about how good the story of the second age is, and all the fun things you could do with an actually decent adaptation. Consider:
Galadriel should be exactly the same as she is in Lord of the Rings. She is older, weirder and more powerful than any elf other elf in Middle Earth. Other elves are just as unnerved by her as mortals, and dealing with her is stressful at the best of times.
Elrond should be an absolute infant. Just, complete baby face. But everyone treats him super respectfully and he has a lot of power and influence. The energy should be the same as when the super ancient and powerful vampire or faerie or whatever looks like a ten year old girl.
ALSO there should be a tall, menacing elf with visible tattoo and facial scars who just. Stands behind Elrond looking intimidating all the time. The least elf-looking elf ever. All the other elves are uncomfortable around them. Elrond should treat them like their an Aunt or Uncle. The elf is one of the few surviving hard-line Feanorians, all of whom follow Elrond. The longer you can go without explaining this, the better.
Gil-Galad is very tired, and spends a lot of time balancing one of the most famously unstable political systems in all of Arda. Galadriel and Elrond both have factions they support to strongly to be relied on to be impartial. The reason he doesn't worry much about what Celebrimbor's up to is that he's the one member of the family who is highly unlikely to attempt something batshit nuts, and his followers are mostly moderate.
Celebrimbor and Annatar/Sauron should spend the whole series playing complicated mindgames with each other.
Annatar is playing four-dimensional chess from the beginning. For him, this is an all or nothing gamble. If he can't make the rings he won't have the power to seize control on his own. He should spend a lot of time having Light Yagami-level monologues where he tries to figure out what game Celebrimbor is playing while outwardly pretending to be harmless and normal and only succeeding at this about 75% of the time.
Celebrimbor should start of thinking the stakes are considerably lower. Like... is Annatar hiding something? Yea, but he figures Annatar doesn't actually have permission from the Valar to be here or something. Not, ya know, Annatar is secretly Satan in disguise. In the first act there should be an almost comical disconnect between the amount of energy Sauron is putting in to these mind games versus Celebrimbor.
Bonus points if as Celebrimbor figures out the truth, you intersperse more and more of his family backstory. The guilt he is still carrying for a lot the things that happened in the first age. Early on bring in the fact that Finrod went into Sauron's jaws alone and it was Curufin's fault, use this as angst material. And then as he figures out who Sauron really is, drop Maedhros and Thangorodrim in like a nuclear bomb.
Because Celebrimbor has seen this play before, and he knows what Sauron does to people. It wasn't even personal then, what Sauron is going to do to him will be so much worse.
And Celebrimbor chooses to forge the three rings anyway. He doesn't give up their locations, even with everything Sauron does to him at the end. And that should be devestating.
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starsofarda · 3 months ago
So... Gossip Elves yeah? @erendur @peasant-player thank you for giving me so much rope for my ficlets!
Lately I have been thinking a lot about Elrond and Celebrian, and how much awkwardness there must have been between them, Galadriel and Celeborn!
So. Let me offer this one. Also, all I have in mind is "Sk8er boy" by Avril Lavigne, sorry not sorry.
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Sooner than Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel expected, Celebrian, beloved daughter, became of courting age. The two parents could not be more proud and yet worried.
Celebrian, her long silver hair and her uncomparable beauty second only to Galadriel's, was their pride and their joy and they were hoping that she would choose a proper suitor amongst the Elves inn the court at Caras Galathon.
Of course any parent would love for their child to find happiness, but perhaps what happened next was utterly unexpected.
At the court there was Elrond Peredhel, Herald of the High King Gil-Galad, on a diplomatic mission - a feral half-Elf who had quite the illustrious ancestry, but somehow he reminded the whole court, many of whom still remembered Doriath, of things that were now unspoken.
Maybe it was the way he carried himself, or the thick accent he was speaking Sindarin with,or something else that no one really could pinpoint for certain.
And the moment Celebrian, on a walk around the court with her attendants saw Elrond - the sunlight among the leaves reflecting on his face and the pitch dark hair and his smile - the moment she laid eyes on Elrond time seemed to stop for a moment.
And in that moment Elrond turned around and saw her, her silver hair, her beautiful figure standing still in the light shade, her rosy cheeks and eyes like stars stolen from the sky itself.
And his words failed and he could not speak, and time stopped as he forgot how to breathe and stumbled lightly.
Time started again as they both were pulled away in opposite directions, but they had met and there would be no force on the entire Arda able to keep them apart.
"And he said nothing?"
"Nothing, I swear! I was there with Lady Celebrian and they were both silent until both of them were suddenly called back to their duties!"
So the maidservants were talking to each other in hushed voices and quick gestures - a good gossip could never be denied, especially in a kingdom quite secluded from the ouside world.
"And whomst might you be speaking of, instead of attending to your duties?" A calm and yet authoritative voice came from behind. Lady Galadriel herself had slowly stepped in the small area where the housemaids were gathered.
"Please, forgive us, Lady Galadriel! We are going back!"
"Answer my question first."
"We... We were talking about the High King's herald! We are sorry!"
Galadriel sighed. She had not properly looked at the High King's herald, he had so far been one of the many faces crowding the halls in Caras Galathon.
Of course she knew that her daughter had fallen in love by then, of course she was hellbent on discovering the Elf she chose and she hoped that as herald of the High King this Elrond would be apt.
Oh, her famous last words.
On the next meeting Galadriel properly looked at him. And she nearly jumped out of her seat.
Was that a Noldorian battle braid that Elrond was sporting? She had seen that specific braid and that was Maedhros Feanorian's trademark braid.
Did she spot a Feanorian star on his clothes?
Oh no, oh no.
And he did speak Sindarin, but was that Quenya she was catching underneath it all?
She gave her husband Celeborn a weary look.
Not long after, she had gathered enough information, not because of any chronicle, but because the gossips ran deep and ran wild.
Gil-Galad's herald was Elrond Peredhel, son of Earendil and Elwing, descended from both Elu Thingol and Luthien and Figolfin.
And also somehow both kidnapped, adopted and raised by Maedhros and Maglor sons of Feanor.
That explained a lot of things.
Elrond represented every single nightmare that Galadriel and Celeborn had had. It had to be a hard no.
And yet.
And yet she was seeing how her daughter was so distraught and it brought back memories of her first encounter with Celeborn - she knew love.
And she was also seeing how Elrond was constantly keeping his distance, respectfully, as if he was scared of something.
That was painful to watch and even though Galadriel was tough, she was not cold-hearted. Maybe she could look past all that nightmarish stuff.
No, she wouldn't. She would sit down her daughter and have a talk. There were countless and better Elves for her daughter, for sure.
She would not allow her daughter to be anywhere close a Feanorian-adjacent Elf.
She was stopped mid-way by her husband Celeborn - bless his kind heart. "The boy can't help his heritage. He has not committed sins. Please, my beloved, do not pull a Thingol and Beren issue. You know how it ended."
"You may be right, my beloved husband. And yet I worry."
"Should there be a dire time, we will be there for our daughter."
She sat on a nearby bench, still frowning. "Bless your kind and forgiving heart. Fine. I will concede this."
It would only be way later, when Celebrian fell in the hands of the Orcs, that Galadriel fully accepted Elrond, the Elf willing to bring down an entire army to bring back the most precious of all things in Arda back to him and to her parents, strong enough to heal her, and strong enough to let her go when all else failed.
Then Galadriel knew that Celebrian had chosen the right one and all lingering animosity disappeared, leaving space for respect and friendliness.
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thecoolblackwaves · 11 months ago
My headcanon is that him and the other dark-haired son's have brown hair. It makes more sense to me, just from the standpoint of brown and red being closer in color/more likely to be the genetic range of offspring from Feanor and Nerdanel (did not research this BTW but I thiiiink its true) than ginger and black hair. Plus albino Celegorm, again just my personal headcanons. Maglor is such a dramatic personality that his features get exaggerated! Orrrr maybe he just dyes it black for the emo singer aesthetic who knows
wait do we know that maglor had black hair? all fanart of him i remember seeing gives him black hair and that's very sexy of him but is brown-haired maglor canon compliant?
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annoyinglandmagazine · 2 years ago
I love everything about Elrond’s complicated heritage and his relationship with it. Because that duality in not only being part human and part elf (plus a little Maia) but also being both very firmly of the Finweans and raised partially by Feanorians yet also being directly of the line of Thingol and predominantly ethnically Sindar. Potentially he has a direct claim to both the thrones of Sindar and the Noldor and that’s pretty incredible considering their shared history.
What made me think about this is the foundation of Imladris, because that’s some Melian shit right there. Seriously he’s drawing from his Doriathrim heritage, never mind Luthien come again that’s Thingol’s Maia queen behaviour. And yet he doesn’t use it like his ancestors did. They tried to protect their people sure, but he didn’t draw the line at his people. Rivendell is a direct contrast to Doriath and I feel like that tells you something important about Elrond.
Because Elrond knows his family history but he also has a unique ability to sympathise with yet assess critically all the actions of his ancestors as a consequence of his mixed heritage. He can empathise with the Feanorians because he’s witnessed how much they suffered and their capacity for kindness but he’s also experienced a kinslaying from a vulnerable child’s perspective and so understands the Sindar’s anger. But as a mixed race person who speaks multiple languages including Quenya and lost a lot of homes he can also acknowledge that Thingol went too far sometimes because he knows what it’s like to be different, to be living somewhere where your cultural identity is treated as something you can change or fix.
So we see that he learnt from their mistakes to try and do the best he could to be welcoming to other people regardless of anything else, by outright doing the opposite to Thingol. He also seems to have learnt similar lessons from his experiences with the Feanorians in his wisdom regarding the ring’s corruption and ‘I bind you to no oath.’
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doodle-pops · 1 year ago
House of Fingolfin | Being In An Arranged Marriage With Them
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A/N: This takes place in Valinor, in a no–darkening verse and arranged marriages are common traditions among the elves. By now, I'm considering this an AU within the Silm verse with all the ideas that’s been swimming in my mind after writing each headcanon (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Warnings: feelings of neglect and loneliness, resentment, disputes, there is some comfort, angst because it's an arranged marriage
Arranged Marriage AU: Arafinweans ver. | Feanorians ver.
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☆ . ࣪ ˖ ࿐ Fingolfin
Fingolfin strongly resents being told what to do. However, if complying benefits his family and upholds his royal status as an exemplar for princes, he will reluctantly follow through. In this context, he would have no significant objections to an arranged marriage.
He genuinely believes in his father’s good intentions and considers his mother’s agreement as final. Fingolfin would attentively attend the meeting, listening to the criteria and rationale for the arrangement while occasionally glancing at your disheartened expression.
Initially, he might struggle to comprehend why you don’t view the situation as a win–win, given that you’re marrying a prince and about to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. The notion of being forced into this or having a lover only dawns on Fingolfin when his younger brother or a friend brings it up.
He’s determined to make the relationship work and hopes you won’t be confrontational or resist connecting with each other. Your reluctance to make things work is a source of frustration for him, but his pride prevents him from complaining to others.
But it is important to keep in mind that as much as he’s fighting you to make this work, he is respectful of your boundaries and personal space.
“I may have been slow to realise your reservations about the arrangement, but may I ask that you at least attempt not to distance yourself when all I want is for this to go smoothly? Yes, we will be married soon, but I’m not suggesting a romantic involvement, just a basic level of cooperation to ease the tension, please.”
He’s eager to make the arrangement a success because he sees it as essential for his role as a prince and a way to outshine his older brother. In Fingolfin’s perspective, this is a competition, albeit unfortunate for you.
You must assert that for this relationship to work, it shouldn’t be a platform for competition or jealousy, but rather something mutually beneficial and meaningful. You seek a partner you can rely on and trust, while he desires a confidant.
Despite the challenges, you enjoy a royal lifestyle with extravagant parties, balls, and dinners, access to the finest materials and food, a luxurious house designed to your liking, and any other desired indulgence. Fingolfin explicitly mentions that the house was created with your preferences in mind in hopes of ensuring some form of comfort is achieved.
An added benefit of the relationship is Fingolfin’s trust in your abilities as a mediator and leader. As a means to enhance communication, he gradually opens up and seeks your advice in the hopes of strengthening the arrangement.
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☆ . ࣪ ˖ ࿐ Fingon
Initially, when the news was broken to him, Fingon found it all rather amusing. He doubled over and laughed in his father’s face, thinking it was some kind of joke. It took a while for the seriousness of the situation to sink in, and he soon realised that this was no laughing matter. Fingon is a free–spirited individual who believes in choosing when to marry, not never for political reasons, as was the case in this instance.
When you’re in the room, Fingon prefers to keep his anger in check and maintain a pleasant demeanour, as he doesn’t want to frighten you. He’s well aware that you had no say in this decision, and his father is the only one he has an issue with.
The sorrowful look on his face when he meets your eyes is heart–wrenching, as both of you are victims of politics. Despite the circumstances, he does his best to shield you from the harsh reality and maintain the illusion of a simple friendship.
Among all his siblings and his father, Fingon is undoubtedly the most agreeable elf to be married to. Despite his inner turmoil and his father’s constant pressure to make the relationship work, he remains cheerful and amiable in your company, ensuring your comfort throughout the entire engagement.
However, in the early days of the marriage, he was the complete opposite of his usual self, largely due to your reserved nature. He was distant and mostly silent as he grappled with controlling his temper, trying to figure out how to make the relationship work.
If he’s going to be your husband against his will, he’s determined to be the best one you could hope for. Do you require your space? You got it. Do you not wish to see or speak to him? He’ll respect it. Do you want him to stop pretending that everything’s perfect? You’ll get that as well, although it may not be what you expect.
“You might be expecting me to shout, scream, or completely ignore you. I couldn’t bring myself to do any of that, though, as it’s not how my mother raised me to behave when I’m dissatisfied... I understand that you see through the façade I put up; it’s mostly to get my father off my back. But it’s not an act when I’m around you.”
Count on Fingon to make your forced marriage bearable and tolerable. He alleviates the typical anxiety associated with arranged marriages by filling it with unconditional love, support, appreciation, and trust. He never lets the burden fall on you and always stands by your side, ready to defend you.
One thing he won’t tolerate is anyone belittling your role as his spouse, whether it’s from your family or his. He respects your choices and ensures that you’re comfortable before engaging in anything personal.
Fingon never rushes you into anything uncomfortable and allows you to make decisions, trusting your judgment and revealing his vulnerability. He sees this as a hopeful approach to overcoming the arranged marriage label that hangs over your heads.
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☆ . ࣪ ˖ ࿐ Turgon
Even if it were his father delivering the news that an arranged marriage was necessary to uphold the family name, Turgon was on the verge of overturning a table and vanishing before his father could reveal your name. However, Turgon knew he wouldn’t get far before being compelled to return home and address the situation.
It was the gloomiest atmosphere in recent memory when he was in the room, glaring at your presence as you entered with your family. The whole ordeal made him feel nauseous, especially when he observed how supportive his mother was in the matter.
Turgon didn’t speak or acknowledge your existence. If you were residing in your preexisting home, you both slept in separate quarters. He even made an effort to become familiar with your schedule to ensure you didn’t cross paths because he wanted to avoid giving the impression of any interest in making things work.
It felt like living alone with a brooding spectre who constantly muttered under his breath as though he was casting a spell. He was quick to anger and often directed his frustration at everyone around him, not just his and your parents. Congratulations, you were arranged to someone who unjustly blamed you.
Like his cousins, you had to assert yourself and demand respect, forcing your voice above his constant grumbling.
“Listen, I’ll make this clear just once, so don’t make me repeat myself. Stop blaming me and direct your frustrations at my parents and yours. We’re in this together whether we like it or not—so accept it and put an end to the complaining, just like I did. We’re going to make this work—we don’t have to share a bed or be best friends, but we should find common ground and understanding. I won’t accept ‘no’ as an answer, as it’s proven to be pointless, so stop whining and work with me!”
You earned his respect because no one had the audacity to confront him like that without fearing his explosive anger. From that day on, there was a subtle change in the household routine, like not avoiding your schedules and sharing the same space (excluding the bedroom).
Any attempts at conversation were initiated by you, and you had to strain your ears to catch his mumbled responses. When it came to public appearances, he was as stiff as a board and communicated sparingly.
However, it was his instinct to defend you and his family if anyone made disrespectful comments about your situation. That was something for him and you to contemplate, not for others to meddle in, so someone would be put in their place. That night, you saw the most emotion from him apart from his temper.
An incident like that brought you both a step closer to displaying your emotions and feelings, particularly your protectiveness toward him. As simple as it may seem, he wanted to know about your day and if anyone insulted you when you were out. It was a step in the growth of your relationship.
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☆ . ࣪ ˖ ࿐ Argon
Argon is fucking bewildered and struggling to comprehend the situation because he’s still a young individual being informed of an arranged marriage he never wanted. He responds with profanity and loud protests until his father intervenes to calm him down.
He despises every moment of it, particularly when he recalls how his cousins and brothers were subjected to the same process. He can’t believe he’s in the same situation despite his strong desire to find love on his own. Even if you were present in the room, his anger blinds him to your concern.
For days to weeks, you two may not exchange words, with occasional glances and stares being the only form of communication. Even after the marriage, he only engages in minimal conversation, ensuring your well–being and comfort in the shared space, though his tone is often filled with bitterness.
Initially, your marriage feels like cohabitating with a mere housemate, as your interactions are limited to household chores. Meaningful conversations based on your interests are virtually non–existent. It would take significant time and effort before either of you musters the courage to address the awkward silence in the house, ideally during breakfast.
“May I speak? No, it’s not about breakfast; it’s about us. We’ve been living like roommates for months, hardly even acquaintances. All we do together is eat and do chores. I know you’re still upset about this arrangement—so am I—but I’d appreciate it if we could replace this white noise with something resembling friendship. We’re already living together, so we’re past the stage of being strangers.”
Argon is genuinely sorry to discover that you desire more meaningful interactions rather than distance, which he had assumed. Your first breakthrough occurs when you jest about his misinterpretation of your gestures, breaking the awkward silence with a touch of Argon’s playful nature.
Following in the footsteps of his eldest brother, he emulates his gestures in the hopes of fostering a deeper connection. Although his emotions make him eager and impulsive, he doesn’t want you to bear the blame for his dissatisfaction.
Eventually, a level of vulnerability emerges in your discussions, allowing both of you to overcome this significant turning point in your lives. More joy and laughter infuse the household as you both express your opinions, views on the situation, and expectations for the future. Given his youth and the wealth of advice he’s received on arranged marriages, he engages in meaningful conversations to ensure you share the same expectations.
He has no intention of subjecting you to the mistreatment that others might inflict on their spouses, placing trust in you and expecting the same in return. For the majority of your marriage, despite lingering awkwardness, you manage to build a friendship with someone who is open and respectful.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind
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animatorweirdo · 1 month ago
Imagine your feanorian family meeting your baby for the first time
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Imagine your feanorian family meeting your baby for the first time
Requested by Anon
Hello!! I hope you're having a great day, it's my first time requesting so I'm a little nervous lol I was wondering if you could write a "sequel" of that headcanon about being Nerdanel adopted child, so basically the reader marries and is pregnant, and when the family meets the baby (a tiny baby boy) they learn he ends up looking very much like Fëanor just pure fluff and comedy
(Author's note: I changed it just a bit because I got another request like this. Also because I do not see the possibility reader's son looking like Feanor when reader is adopted, but I did make reader's son mimic Feanor. )
Warnings: pregnancy, Feanor being a bit worried, childbirth, and fluff, and a bit of comedy.
- After courting, which eventually led to marriage, you and Melo decided to start your own family. It had been challenging as Melo had to adapt to a new life as part of your family, but he managed, and you two moved into a spacious house not too far from your family and his mother.
- With extra rooms and being financially well-off, you considered having children. You two talked about having kids before, and now that you were in a position to raise a child, you brought it up to Melo again. He was delighted by the idea of having your own little one running around, so you took time off from your jobs and started trying. 
- After some time, you finally got pregnant.
- You shared the news with your family, who were happy and eager to have a new member in the family. Melo’s mother was also thrilled by the news. 
- Your pregnancy had its challenges, many times you got afraid that something was wrong with your little one, but with Melo by your side and your family supporting you through – all went well and the day finally arrived when your water broke and you welcomed your little boy to the world. 
- Your labor was a rough one, but your son was born healthy and you made it through without heavy effects on your health. 
- Melo cried when he held your son. He did not mind watching over your child while you took your hard-earned rest.
- As you wanted to keep the moment to yourself, you did not immediately invite your family to meet your son. They respected your decision, especially when you assured them that the labor went well and that you were fine. They patiently waited as you rested and when you were well enough to walk again, you brought your son to meet them with Melo. 
- Your parents and Melo’s mother were thrilled to meet their grandson. Your brothers were curious and gentle when holding their new nephew. Your uncles and cousins sent gifts and congratulations when they heard the news, happy that your labor went well and that your son was born healthy. 
- Your father kept asking if you suffered any lingering effects from the labor, and it took a lot of assurance that you were right. You knew from your mother that he had always been wary when it came to childbirth, due to the death of his mother, so you did not feel overwhelmed by his worry. 
- The meeting went well, although, one funny thing that happened was that your son seemed to take a keen liking to his grandfather, radiating the same energy and mimicking his judgmental expression when something silly happened. 
- This earned some chuckles and jokes about how your son was becoming like mini Feanor.
- You and Melo stayed with your family for a few days, trying to gain new bearings with your son now as your responsibility and learning to take care of him with your parents as your guide. 
- It was challenging, but your parents and Melo’s mother were good teachers. The gifts from your cousins and other necessary items provided by your parents also eased your start to parenthood and you and Melo finally felt ready to do it yourselves. 
- You returned to your own house and began the next chapter of your life with your son as part of your small family. 
- Thanks to the things you learned from your family, raising your son was not a difficult task, and every day became a cherished memory. 
- Occasionally, when you and Melo wanted a break or have some alone time, you would call in your family to babysit your son. The twins and Celegorm really wanted to be the fun uncles, so they were always up for the task. With them, your son was never bored. Sometimes, you leave your son with your parents who were always delighted to spend time with their grandson. 
- Your life was good, and as your son grew older, you began thinking about giving him siblings to play with. However, you were not keen on reliving the experience of labor, so you considered following in your mother’s footsteps by giving your son siblings through adoption. Melo supported the idea, so later, you adopted two children into your family. 
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 5 months ago
I hope you don't mind me asking this, but why do you like Celegorm? I love that you're vocal about how stupid the Feanorian woobification in this fandom is because people who claim that they did nothing wrong or that they're not villains clearly hasn't read the Silm, but while there's still a level of sympathy to most of them, Celegorm is just genuinely the worst and I can't figure out what there is to appreciate about him lol. I'm sorry if this comes across as a bad-faith question, I really want to know how you like him while not ignoring, trying to deny, or worst trying to justify (which I have seen FAR too many people doing) his canon actions
you're totally good anon! i'd be happy to answer this. just want to preface, i perfectly get where you're coming from and why people hate celegorm, because he is, as you say, the worst. he's horrible. he's done awful things to countless people -- and by no means is he the only feanorian to have done that, obviously, but celegorm's actions in luthien's story make him a type of squicky that's unique even among the brothers. he, hm. how can i put this. he deserves nothing. and yes, people who try to justify him are just wrong. stop reading the silm if you want a mass murdering sexual predator to be glorified ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
that said! the succinct answer is that it's all about the vibes lol. all the feanorians are awful people, but celegorm is, imo, that particularly entertaining kind of awful. there's a certain interplay between his successes and failures that i find unbearably endearing (derogatory). he is canonically charming and magnetic and charismatic enough to sway people with his rhetoric, and i love that. i love that he's opportunistic, clever, and sly, and pounces on the chance when he spots it. the fact that his speech in nargothrond is explicitly paralleled with feanor's before the flight of the noldor says a lot. i find it compelling that while, in many ways, celegorm is the most distant from his family -- friend of a vala, a great woodsman and hunter which are two things that neither his father nor his brothers are ever even mentioned around -- he is the only one among the sons of feanor to be directly, textually compared to feanor, and feanor during one of his most pivotal and infamous moments, no less. the guy must be a force of nature when he really wants to be. yet at the same time, he's endlessly reckless, arrogant, and shortsighted, and he does not get to get away with his actions. his plans flop (just like he will continue to flop until his karmic and also really fucking funny death in about thirty years' time, i'll get back to that), his intentions are discerned, and he gets thrown out in disgrace for treachery with the embarrassing declaration "a maiden had dared that which the sons of feanor had not dared to do" following after him. it's that particular blend of hyper-competence followed hand-in-hand by prompt abject failure and humiliation that makes him so appealing to me.
oh and. another thing about celegorm is that he has the added charm of being a fucking sore loser and a petty bitch -- trying to kill luthien even though she spares his brother's life when she'd be justified throttling him and curufin with her bare hands and i just. he's sooo funny. what is wrong with him. so many things are wrong with him. tfw you kidnap and tried to rape this woman and she does you an untold, absolutely herculean grace and kindness that you know damn well you do not deserve and your reaction is to try to kill her for daring to show you compassion. he's insane.
then. then then then then. he gets chased by own dog and runs away "in terror." you know you've messed up when your dog finally has enough of your bullshit and runs you down because he's fed up with all the terrible things you've been doing. not to mention his dog also dies fighting next to a man that he hates, using his last opportunity of speech to say goodbye to said man. like. beren and luthien's story leaves celegorm, as skilled and magnetic as he canonically is, in absolute shambles and it's hilarious. how does one recover from that you may ask. and i answer one does not recover from that.
but that's not even all. after that saga of blunders he hangs around for about three decades doing absolutely nothing of note, then in his attempt to regain some relevancy winds up having the most mortifying death ever. my dude you were the "let's ambush doriath guys" spokesperson. you campaigned for that shit. this was your desire. this is what you wanted. and you walk in there and the guy who's *checks notes* THIRTY-SIX compared to your one-thousand-something KILLS YOU. elves are not developmentally matured until they're a hundred. your killer is like thirty. this is, generously speaking, about an eight year old by your standards. a fucking eight year old kills you. yes i know dior was not actually a child at the time but the fact remains that celegorm quite literally has more life experience than the entire human race and he's done in by the son of a human. then to add second insult to first insult to extreme injury, two of your brothers are also killed in this battle and in the end you all don't even achieve what the fuck you came there to do. THIS WAS YOUR PLAN. how do you lose that badly. holy hell. if i were him i'd stay in the halls of mandos forever out of pure embarrassment. you simply would never see me again. you think i'm walking out into society and showing my face around the block when an eight-year-old ended my life? nah. no sir not me
plus well. on a more serious note, dior is luthien's son. luthien, whom celegorm thought he could control, whom he saw as an object to further his aims and to lust after. he's killed by the son of the woman he tried to rape, and there's nothing more fitting than that.
so! there you have the basic rundown of why i like what's explicitly laid out about celegorm in canon. he's an objectively horrible man, it's just that i find the way he goes about being objectively horrible extremely funny. but i also think he is ripe for exploration in the realm of speculation -- and that speculation enhances what we do know about his actions during b&l and after until his death. aside from the kinslaying at alqualonde wherein all the sons of feanor participate, we see him and curufin acting unambiguously villainous a good bit before the rest of their brothers -- at the very least, they are clearly more willing to do horrible things at the point of time of b&l when compared to the likes of maedhros and maglor. like, they are out here committing actions that no sane person can rationalize as being anything other than abhorrent. it's clear that they've already given up on the idea of being "good"; they've already given up on keeping their hands clean and they've already shed whatever qualms they might have had in the past.
my thoughts on why? this is by no means canon, but tolkien does seem to like giving the legendarium's major villains some sort of arc and some type of insight into what they become (melkor gets history, sauron gets history, maedhros and maglor get history), so i don't see why celegorm should be any different. and for me, celegorm and curufin, especially celegorm, give the impression that they fell into despair and disillusionment far before the other feanorians did. and their response was to accept that they have no way of going back to the people they used to be, that they've already been rightfully damned, and if they've come this far they may as well do whatever they can to achieve what they fell so low for, because what does it matter anymore? it's part of why i think celegorm sees maedhros trying to look at beleriand and the war against morgoth from a larger perspective than just the silmarils, and both disdains and pities him for it. they've already been doomed and they already can't hope to make amends. they should do what they're here for -- and while, in celegorm's eyes, maedhros isn't willing to do what needs to be done, he is. i think that sort of mentality is fascinating. in a way, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy -- maybe if celegorm thought there was any meaning to him being better, or even just any meaning in not being nearly as awful as he resolved to be, then he wouldn't have stooped so low. but he did believe there was no hope for him, he did believe that he could never be forgiven -- and in believing that, he did go past the point of no return, beyond which he truly, legitimately couldn't hope to be forgiven. also, i just personally like the "well i'm a terrible person so i'm going to act like a terrible person"-type villains better than "oh no i'm a terrible person it makes me so sad and full of despair"-type villains (looking at you, maglor). again, none of this is canon, but it's my reading of celegorm's character, and i think it sheds some light on why he's so awful in b&l and afterwards. in his mind, it's already over for him anyway.
i hope this answered your question anon! i like celegorm, and i enjoy his character, because there are shades of a sad tale behind his descent to being the worst, he's entertaining while he's being the worst, and most crucially of all, he gets his comeuppance for being the worst in an extremely satisfying way. i definitely wouldn't like him (or the silm at all) so much if he'd been, like, successful in anything -- but thankfully he is written by an author who knows full well what an utterly reprehensible character he is. and boy does tolkien not spare him from that karma. he is simultaneously a singleminded and relentless fallen prince, a repulsive monster, and the story's laughingstock (one of them anyway). honestly, none of the feanorians tickle my brain quite like he does. i love him and i would beat him with a shoe
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onthesandsofdreams · 15 days ago
The Gift
Fandom: The Silmarillion Pairing: Celebrimbor x fem!Reader Prompt: Aquamarine by @fluffburary
Read @ AO3
Celebrimbor arrives at your door soon after the sun has set.
"I come bearing a gift," he says.
And he is so happy and proud of himself, that you do not have the heart to tell him that he does not need to be giving you gifts at the drop of a hat. Still, you appreciate that he does, how could you not? Celebrimbor's craftsmanship is without par. Not to mention, he has excellent taste. You still love the silk shawls he gifted you when you began courting, not done by his hand, but carefully chosen and crafted with you in mind.
You smiled up at him (damn Feanorians and their height!), "Very well then, come on in. Food's near done, we could eat after."
He follows you inside and settles comfortable in your table. He looks like he belongs, it's something that's very him. He can be princely one moment, the other is just a smith - drench in sweat and dirty, the other, just an elf sitting in a small cottage. Truly, he contains multitudes and you like every one of them.
"Here," he says and pushes forward a small satchel. "Hope you like them."
You raise a brow as you take it. There is some weight to it, not enough to be truly substantial, but enough to be noticeable. You open it with careful fingers, empty it on your hand and cannot help the gasp that leaves you. In the palm of your hand, there is a pair of aquamarine earrings.
They have the shape of an open flower, it's petals glinting with the stones. At it's center, a yellow stone. "They're beautiful!"
"Truly? You like them?"
"Like them? I love them!" You beam at him, clutching the earrings to your chest. It's never been about the amount he spends or gives you, it is that his gifts are always thoughtful and tailored to you. This pair of earrings are no exception. You begin to put them on. "They are the most beautiful pieces I've seen! And certaintly, I own."
He's watching you as you put your earrings on. Then, he gives a satisfied nod, "They suit you better than I thought they would."
You go to him, and kiss his cheek. "I will always love and treasure them, thank you, meleth."
He looks at you, gray eyes soft and with a tiny smile grazing his handsome features. He caresses your cheek with such tenderness, it makes you lean into his touch. "Good, because I made them for you."
"And I shall wear them proudly!"
And is true. But not because they are valuable, but because he spent time creating the design and making them for you. That's what's important. And all the love you have for him is something you'll send forever giving him back.
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silvantransthranduiltrash · 8 months ago
Okay listen, absolutely joining the Legolas is old af boat, love the vibe, but what if he is genuinely that old AND still considered ‘young’ by his people? I recon that the silvan concept of age is vastly different to the noldorians simply because they didn’t start shit and typically minded their damn business meaning more of them survived. So he’s essentially super old by noldorian standards but considered pretty young by silvan standards. Pretty much ever other elf he’s met just assumed he’s ‘young’ by their typical standard (joyful personality only exacerbates this) and vastly misjudged his actual age
Also hello I love your blog!! Hope you don’t mind me adding this!
Legolas: casually comenting on how he’s one of the younger silvans on occasion
The noldo/sonda: ph, so he was probably born in the third age then, and this is his first tussle woth sauron, and he’s never even witnessed morgoth’s bs woth his own eyes
The twins (yes, i will alwys use the peredhel s a medium for these bizarre reveals bc i feel like they’re more open to asking questions about the silvans: *trying to figure out if they’re older or younger than legolas* so when were you born then?
Legolas, after thinking for second: well i was born about 1000 years before the feanorians landed on these coasts, so about *counts fingers* only 8 thousand years.
Elrond, who’s walking past: HOLD ON, WHAT-!?!
Legolas, continuing: None of my peers ever let me forget it, when we’re off duty i’m always refered to as the “baby captain”. With my siblings i can put up woth it, but oh my god, assholes, get over it! If they can bitch about it, they can work on their skills. Then they won’t have to take such a youngen’s orders!
Elrond, slightly histarical: hold on hold on hold on- you’re how old?!? That’s older than me! That’s older than my parents! Or my grandparents! You could’ve known luthien-
Legolas: -i did know luthien-
Legolas: i am young:
Elrond: what am i a baby in your eyes??? A fetus?? Or my kids just eggs??? Oh my god, does that mean that all the times thranduil refered to himself as one of the youngest of the avari/silvan rulers, that doesn’t actually mean he’s that young either? Wll, he’s your dad, so he’s at least older than you- *horrified gasp* *horrified whisper* does that mean all this time we commented on his “young age” he was looking at us like we were fucking morons???
Legolas: i mean, tbf, 95% of the avari/silvan rulers are all elves that awoke at the lake way back when, while my father was born the old fashioned way, so when sm1 says they’re younger than the avari/silvan rulers, it don’t mean much…
Elrond: wait, but how are you still considered young by your elves’ standard?? Aren’t there a lot of older elves that have died?
Legolas: well, for one we haven’t killed each other for jewelry.
No, but it probably helps that legolas is the younger/youngest sibling, and all the elves just automatically assume that, bc he’s the youngest of his siblings, he’s young. For some reason, a lot of people have a bad habit of considering the “-er” and “-est” to mean essentially the same.
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