#my beloathed i hate him. absolutely no rights
chaos-of-the-abyss · 13 hours
I hope you don't mind me asking this, but why do you like Celegorm? I love that you're vocal about how stupid the Feanorian woobification in this fandom is because people who claim that they did nothing wrong or that they're not villains clearly hasn't read the Silm, but while there's still a level of sympathy to most of them, Celegorm is just genuinely the worst and I can't figure out what there is to appreciate about him lol. I'm sorry if this comes across as a bad-faith question, I really want to know how you like him while not ignoring, trying to deny, or worst trying to justify (which I have seen FAR too many people doing) his canon actions
you're totally good anon! i'd be happy to answer this. just want to preface, i perfectly get where you're coming from and why people hate celegorm, because he is, as you say, the worst. he's horrible. he's done awful things to countless people -- and by no means is he the only feanorian to have done that, obviously, but celegorm's actions in luthien's story make him a type of squicky that's unique even among the brothers. he, hm. how can i put this. he deserves nothing. and yes, people who try to justify him are just wrong. stop reading the silm if you want a mass murdering sexual predator to be glorified ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
that said! the succinct answer is that it's all about the vibes lol. all the feanorians are awful people, but celegorm is, imo, that particularly entertaining kind of awful. there's a certain interplay between his successes and failures that i find unbearably endearing (derogatory). he is canonically charming and magnetic and charismatic enough to sway people with his rhetoric, and i love that. i love that he's opportunistic, clever, and sly, and pounces on the chance when he spots it. the fact that his speech in nargothrond is explicitly paralleled with feanor's before the flight of the noldor says a lot. i find it compelling that while, in many ways, celegorm is the most distant from his family -- friend of a vala, a great woodsman and hunter which are two things that neither his father nor his brothers are ever even mentioned around -- he is the only one among the sons of feanor to be directly, textually compared to feanor, and feanor during one of his most pivotal and infamous moments, no less. the guy must be a force of nature when he really wants to be. yet at the same time, he's endlessly reckless, arrogant, and shortsighted, and he does not get to get away with his actions. his plans flop (just like he will continue to flop until his karmic and also really fucking funny death in about thirty years' time, i'll get back to that), his intentions are discerned, and he gets thrown out in disgrace for treachery with the embarrassing declaration "a maiden had dared that which the sons of feanor had not dared to do" following after him. it's that particular blend of hyper-competence followed hand-in-hand by prompt abject failure and humiliation that makes him so appealing to me.
oh and. another thing about celegorm is that he has the added charm of being a fucking sore loser and a petty bitch -- trying to kill luthien even though she spares his brother's life when she'd be justified throttling him and curufin with her bare hands and i just. he's sooo funny. what is wrong with him. so many things are wrong with him. tfw you kidnap and tried to rape this woman and she does you an untold, absolutely herculean grace and kindness that you know damn well you do not deserve and your reaction is to try to kill her for daring to show you compassion. he's insane.
then. then then then then. he gets chased by own dog and runs away "in terror." you know you've messed up when your dog finally has enough of your bullshit and runs you down because he's fed up with all the terrible things you've been doing. not to mention his dog also dies fighting next to a man that he hates, using his last opportunity of speech to say goodbye to said man. like. beren and luthien's story leaves celegorm, as skilled and magnetic as he canonically is, in absolute shambles and it's hilarious. how does one recover from that you may ask. and i answer one does not recover from that.
but that's not even all. after that saga of blunders he hangs around for about three decades doing absolutely nothing of note, then in his attempt to regain some relevancy winds up having the most mortifying death ever. my dude you were the "let's ambush doriath guys" spokesperson. you campaigned for that shit. this was your desire. this is what you wanted. and you walk in there and the guy who's *checks notes* THIRTY-SIX compared to your one-thousand-something KILLS YOU. elves are not developmentally matured until they're a hundred. your killer is like thirty. this is, generously speaking, about an eight year old by your standards. a fucking eight year old kills you. yes i know dior was not actually a child at the time but the fact remains that celegorm quite literally has more life experience than the entire human race and he's done in by the son of a human. then to add second insult to first insult to extreme injury, two of your brothers are also killed in this battle and in the end you all don't even achieve what the fuck you came there to do. THIS WAS YOUR PLAN. how do you lose that badly. holy hell. if i were him i'd stay in the halls of mandos forever out of pure embarrassment. you simply would never see me again. you think i'm walking out into society and showing my face around the block when an eight-year-old ended my life? nah. no sir not me
plus well. on a more serious note, dior is luthien's son. luthien, whom celegorm thought he could control, whom he saw as an object to further his aims and to lust after. he's killed by the son of the woman he tried to rape, and there's nothing more fitting than that.
so! there you have the basic rundown of why i like what's explicitly laid out about celegorm in canon. he's an objectively horrible man, it's just that i find the way he goes about being objectively horrible extremely funny. but i also think he is ripe for exploration in the realm of speculation -- and that speculation enhances what we do know about his actions during b&l and after until his death. aside from the kinslaying at alqualonde wherein all the sons of feanor participate, we see him and curufin acting unambiguously villainous a good bit before the rest of their brothers -- at the very least, they are clearly more willing to do horrible things at the point of time of b&l when compared to the likes of maedhros and maglor. like, they are out here committing actions that no sane person can rationalize as being anything other than abhorrent. it's clear that they've already given up on the idea of being "good"; they've already given up on keeping their hands clean and they've already shed whatever qualms they might have had in the past.
my thoughts on why? this is by no means canon, but tolkien does seem to like giving the legendarium's major villains some sort of arc and some type of insight into what they become (melkor gets history, sauron gets history, maedhros and maglor get history), so i don't see why celegorm should be any different. and for me, celegorm and curufin, especially celegorm, give the impression that they fell into despair and disillusionment far before the other feanorians did. and their response was to accept that they have no way of going back to the people they used to be, that they've already been rightfully damned, and if they've come this far they may as well do whatever they can to achieve what they fell so low for, because what does it matter anymore? it's part of why i think celegorm sees maedhros trying to look at beleriand and the war against morgoth from a larger perspective than just the silmarils, and both disdains and pities him for it. they've already been doomed and they already can't hope to make amends. they should do what they're here for -- and while, in celegorm's eyes, maedhros isn't willing to do what needs to be done, he is. i think that sort of mentality is fascinating. in a way, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy -- maybe if celegorm thought there was any meaning to him being better, or even just any meaning in not being nearly as awful as he resolved to be, then he wouldn't have stooped so low. but he did believe there was no hope for him, he did believe that he could never be forgiven -- and in believing that, he did go past the point of no return, beyond which he truly, legitimately couldn't hope to be forgiven. also, i just personally like the "well i'm a terrible person so i'm going to act like a terrible person"-type villains better than "oh no i'm a terrible person it makes me so sad and full of despair"-type villains (looking at you, maglor). again, none of this is canon, but it's my reading of celegorm's character, and i think it sheds some light on why he's so awful in b&l and afterwards. in his mind, it's already over for him anyway.
i hope this answered your question anon! i like celegorm, and i enjoy his character, because there are shades of a sad tale behind his descent to being the worst, he's entertaining while he's being the worst, and most crucially of all, he gets his comeuppance for being the worst in an extremely satisfying way. i definitely wouldn't like him (or the silm at all) so much if he'd been, like, successful in anything -- but thankfully he is written by an author who knows full well what an utterly reprehensible character he is. and boy does tolkien not spare him from that karma. he is simultaneously a singleminded and relentless fallen prince, a repulsive monster, and the story's laughingstock (one of them anyway). honestly, none of the feanorians tickle my brain quite like he does. i love him and i would beat him with a shoe
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asexualbookbird · 9 months
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A handful of rereads, a lot of new favorites, and I put a huge dent in my physical unread piles! I'm pretty happy with my reading year to be honest!
BEST OF 2023
Nettle and Bone by T Kingfisher - If I haven't talked about it enough please read this. An absolute DELIGHTFUL start to the year, which is odd to say of a book about abusive spouses and dead sisters. Like. I wanted to reread it right after finishing it, and will probably reread it this coming year, I loved it so much
The Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee - also heart wrenching but listen, there are BIRDS! Giant birds!!!! A strange pick me up during a bad time, but it WORKED!
To Shape A Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose - Oh what a marvelous read, a delightful adventure, I look forward to book two!
Provenance by Ann Leckie - don't hate me, but I think I might enjoy this more than the Imperial Radch trilogy. It's really what I wanted from A Memory Called Empire, and it was so much fun to see the Radchaai from a different perspective!
The Liar's Knot by MA Carrick - DEROSSI VARGO, MY BELOVED! But also, this has such rich worldbuilding. Every time there's a Pattern reading in a scene, the authors did their own reading in real life and put the results in the book. They came up with multiple calendars for the world. And it never feels overwhelming, everything is integrated so naturally! Ren heists an entire family for her and her sister. A lovely brick of a book :)
Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuire - I think this might be my favorite Wayward Children book so far, I'm glad these books are bite sized because I want to read them over and over <3
The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie - WHAT A FUNKY LITTLE BOOK!
Black Wings Beating by Alex London - birds would not fucking do that. Why are we following the most insufferable of the characters. Why is everything about him, even the parts about his sister. Blegh.
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo - this canNOT be the same book tumblr couldn't stop talking about for months. I know I shouldn't judge a book by its sequel, but I know about the glowing demon dick. Come on. Also, like, the whole book was building up to rescuing someone and then THEY NEVER DID! wtf lol
Tress and the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson - Snooze. Yawn. Snore. One of the most boring books I've read. I was right to avoid Mr Sandwich and his books.
Whalefall by Daniel Kraus - I feel bad because someone hyped this a lot and was excited about it, and so I was excited about it, but it read like it was written specifically for a movie in mind. It's just Daddy Issues™️in the ocean.
This does not include rereads, of which Name of the Wind was one. Yes, I still loved that one. Still fun, still weird that it never felt long despite being a BRICK. Proof I don't hate long books because they're long, I hate long books that don't have to be long. Which is why the Dishonorable mention goes to Priory of the Orange Tree lol Get edited, beloathed.
Anyway! Onwards to 2024! :)
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berriicherry · 11 months
also do u have any good recs 🥺🥺🥺🥺
aaaaa! I have read so many SVSSS fics, it's almost embarrassing, but i tried to grab a small variety of good fics (〃´∀`)
hopefully, you find something that tickles your fancy.
if you're looking for something more specific, or are in need of more, feel free to send me a message ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚
A Little Off the Top by demoncow97
(Or: Shen Qingqiu gets an impromptu haircut, and no one is mentally prepared)
I've got $400 and a really bad idea by Cernunun
"I need a date for tomorrow, and I have $200 to pay for it.” He says impatiently, like this is absolutely a normal kind of request to make of a neighbour you don’t know, and Shang Qinghua is the one being a fucking weirdo here. “I-I’m not a prostitute?” Shang Qinghua says, and wow, he didn’t mean for that to come out as a question.
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right by lashworthe
When Shen Yuan has to step in and take over his brother's guild leader character in the popular MMO, Proud Immortal Demon Way, he's certain it will be easy enough. All he has to do is pretend to be Shen Jiu and make it through judging the Immortal Alliance Conference, easy!
in ignorance, i await my own surprise by xfrinz
Shen Qingqiu is not such a complete fool that he does not understand that he could, possibly, be at least partially responsible for the things that befell him. Maybe a little bit. So when he finds himself back in his own bamboo cottage, un-burned down, his peak un-destroyed, and the little half-demon brat disciple of his still un-blackened, he figures he could, possibly, be a little bit less of a dickhead this time. If only he'd gone back to before the little monster had joined his peak in the first place.
He Was Made For Untidy Rooms and Rumpled Beds by Bluethursday
Shen Qingqiu kind of, sort of, does not have the same modesty standards as a xianxia novel set in some form of Ancient China? He also hates the heat, who knew right?
Head Empty, Only Evil Shizun Scritches by Anonymous
Shen Qingqiu cannot say he is surprised that his disciples were somehow stupid enough to get themselves turned into cats on a simple flower harvesting mission. He decides to let them stay like that for a while as punishment to really let the lesson sink into their thick skulls. Only it's been like a year now, and they're still cats. Alternatively: Everybody's most beloathed Peak Lord finds it easier to deal with cats than children, so he just doesn't cure them. Is that unethical? Highly. But his disciples are actually having a great time.
Let me sing a song for you by Ren_Heart
AU: where Yuan becomes the top musician in the Warm Red Pavilion and attracts an unlikely audience: the scum villain, a war god, high ranking demons, a feisty cultivator, a hamster and co. They better pay him handsomely for dealing with all this crap.
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terminaltimeline · 1 year
I hate Luke so much his face looks like it was genetically engineered to have the exact configuration of features that activate the rage neurones in my brain, this dimwit had the gall to dunk on someone for getting Nigeria and Nayshall mixed up right before he himself claimed Nigeria was in South America, why does this nincompoop have two different dances for his perfect win poses when literally nobody else has more than one, Luke Sullivan my absolute beloathed the best part of the pre-SF6 comics was him getting his face torn up by Ken, why the fuck did Luke even join a PMC after he very specifically quit the military because he realised that he really didn't like to kill, like is he dumb?? Is he a fuckin moron??? By the way did you know his dad was a military doctor and that the desert storm ass jacket Luke wears in his alt costume belonged to him? And that the stars on that jacket mark the number of people that Luke's dad failed to save while serving? Totally unrelated ahaha but did you know that the stars on SFV Luke's arms mark the exact opposite and are the number of people he "won against" while serving? Yeah I'd get rid of those too if I was Luke and I found out about what the stars meant to my dad lmao anyway Luke's a dorkass bro that has said AWOOOOO canonically so I am going to tie him up and drop him off in the wilderness to be torn apart by wolves
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kentopedia · 6 months
mahito is my most hated character of all time. but maybe mei mei ... is she dead LMFAO i don't keep up with the manga anymore but she's a goner once i get my hands on her.
i am also an armin from aot hater... has nothing to do with erwin btw i just think he's annoying :D
lastly zeke jaeger my most beloathed. levi had his little moment and im glad for him but if he hadn't beat me to it zeke would've been dead on sight.
when i asked you this rylie i didnt expect to find my new best friend..
i am not upto date with the manga but my friend tells me mei mei is still floating about somewhere and when i see her it is ON SIGHT
zeke yeager. no excuses that monkey is dead but i would bring him back just to kill him over and over again. i think myself to be a nice person but i would very gladly indulge in torture when it comes to that thing.
AND ARMIN. IF ARMIN HAS NO HATERS IM DEAD ICL sometimes when i say this out loud i get… looks and im like. sorry, i dont have a genuine reason - he’s just one of the ones that are annoying™️ for no reason. objectively when it comes to that syringe, erwin would have been just as bad of a choice (the way i see it his whole character was fueled by his ego and need to be right) but thats just my opinion. im an armin hater just coz im a hater and im proud LOL
THIS IS SO FUNNY HAAHHA IM SO GLAD YOU RELATE. omg bye of all characters why is mei mei still alive .... gege when i catch u. also yeah i feel the same way about armin like he just annoys me for absolutely no reason HSDHFSH. i feel bad too sometimes bc did he do anything... ? no he just makes me mad T-T ok.... wait. i honestly did not love erwin as much as everyone else. like he was cool but in the first season i literally HATED him HAHA bc he just did not gaf about anyoneeee. he grew on me in s2 but yeah i agree w u !!
who are your other two ?? i feel like i missed other characters that i hate but i could nottt think.
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florallychaotic · 1 year
The 100 Live Blogging
Alright yall, I'm gonna take a dive back into the only show aimed at teens that I watched as a teen. Everyone had their one CW show and this was mine. Separate posts will be made for separate watching sessions but episodes done in the same watching session will be added as reblogs. Block the tag "alli watches the 100" if you don't want this on your dash (no shame to ya)
Episode 1x01 Pilot
We are off to a bad start Netflix started playing suits when I opened it for some fucking reason
Right off the bat, Eliza Taylor's American accent isn't bad at all, but it's got the American vocal fry that I hate
Also it's really funny to me that the lead actors of this show have names that are near identical to people who are way more famous than them (Eliza Taylor and Bob Morely)
Not a good sign that the UK part of the Ark, the spaceship these people are staying post apocalypse, looks like it has cardboard on the exterior
Juvenile offenders call lockup "the sky box" which is was teenagers are never in charge of naming things
CW dialogue exposition my beloathed
Wells got himself arrested not for Clarke, but in my headcannon, that The 99 isn't as good of a title
My only solace for having to deal with Finn is that unlike the first time I watched this show, I know he dies instead of just wishing for it
Ah season one Bellamy hair, it makes him look like a middle school teacher
You see I hate CW dialogue but I also absolutely would have screamed "We're back bitches" if I was the first person back on earth in a century
Cue too on the nose pop song, radioactive by imagine dragons
I swear to god a solid 20% of Finn's dialogue is calling Clarke princess and im supposed to like him?
I will say off the bat Bellamy is the best character because so far he's the least clichéd and most interesting lol. Meanwhile I can't wait for his sister Octavia to be a good character because she does, she does get better but for now....yikes
Monty!!! Monty best boy!!!
I dont know how to explain it, everything on the Ark...like it doesn't look greenscreened but it does look weirdly hazy like it's not there??
The actor for Kane has a very bad American accent, it's so far up his nose it's like he's sick lol
Love the random girl who yelled "It's water!!!" When it started raining
Begging this society to stop using the term "floated" for executed it sounds so fucking stupid
Kane absolutely said the word "majority" instead of "maturity" and that's the take they used for some reason
Clarke is a beautiful artist and normally I don't wanna be the person to question this but how does she know what the Arc du Triumph is
Kane please don't say you're willing to "take us down to a cosmic Adam and Eve" to your female co-worker clearly both you and the writers don't realize how extra creepy that it
This show really likes shot to shot scenes where the camera is just panned up a little so you can see up the actor's nose and it's so awkward
I dont want to be that person, but I think it's very telling that Abby (Clarke's mother)'s best friend is an Asian woman who is still unnamed despite having more lines than multiple white characters who are already named. Like this show is quite diverse and it's not going to be fun rewatching and seeing how poorly they handled that diversity.
Director: "okay can you boys just improv for a moment to delay the scene so we can have the big moment at the chorus of the song?" Actors: "Sure boss!"
What!?!?! You're not alone on Earth?!?! I never would have seen that coming! /s
Final rating: 7/10 despite its flaws I'm far too interested to not continue. What shot Jasper?? Idk! It's a fun lord of the flies story that is really interesting if only its dialogue was better
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distort-opia · 2 years
Honestly the only thing DC could do that would really shock me and get me invested in reading comics again, is if after "Batman/Joker: Deadly Duo", the writers give Joker a full blown redemption arc and then have him be a solidly good character for at least an entire decade. It worked with Venom in Marvel comics, so why not?
Ngl, I'd also be very shocked if they tried to redeem Joker. Not because it's actually impossible, but because Joker is such an iconic villain for DC, and this kind of thing might detract from that and make him less popular for a specific fandom demographic. And then you have the side of DC fandom (more on Tumblr and Twitter) that absolutely hates Joker; they'd likely revolt if DC gave Joker a genuine redemption story. After all, look at what happened to Kylo Ren :)) But leaving that aside, DC has elevated Joker (if that's the right word) to such an Evil status that they can just slide him in whatever story requires someone to do Something Horrible and Unspeakable To Cause Drama -- and his usefulness in this department might be too valuable to dillute.
And also, I guess they went a bit this route already? With Batman: White Knight (my beloathed) and The Harley Quinn Show. Even though the version of Joker in these stories is not... actually comic-book Joker, he still got redemption arcs in them, and recently. Don't know if DC would want to bring this to the main continuity; but I'll admit, I'm squinting suspiciously at the fact they supposedly revealed Joker's real name, and Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing. Maybe they have something interesting in store regarding Joker's character. Showing him conflicted or struggling with depression would be great, it would deepen his current portrayal a lot more. They haven't done that in a while. I guess we'll have to wait and see how they depict Joker in Batman/Joker: Deadly Duo and The Man Who Stopped Laughing especially... that'll give a better indication of the direction they're taking him in.
...To be fully honest though, I personally don't want Joker to be redeemed and made a good guy. He works best as a villain. There's a lot of problems with his current portrayal, but if they managed to fix that and give him more depth, I think he should keep being Batman's main antagonist. Thing is, if Batman can't ever stop being Batman, Joker should not stop being Joker. Sure, showing Joker struggle with who he is and what he wants would be great (much like they do with Bruce), but just like they never let Bruce choose anything else but Batman, Joker should not veer off his own path either. They're fated to be enemies, despite the... at-this-point-kinda-canon soulmate aspect.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Blue time :D I’m watching H
We love the confidence :))
H is hungover, this can only go well /lh
Dave 3v1!!!
Callum is MCC’s collective imaginary friend, real and true
H sounded like such an angry parent when he said Shane’s name lmao
Callum: “Hello team!!” Kara and Sausage: “Hello” Callum: “and- and others others” H and Pete: “that’s me!!” I love this pre-event practice amalgams of a group :)))
Callum telling Shane he can’t name two things Callum is better at than him and Shane just calling him handsome
This is so chaotic, I’m so happy right now you guys
Tubbo is such a menace
“I didn’t even know it was freaking March” “it’s May” “ITS MAY?!???” realest thing tubbo’s ever said lol
This call is such a mess /pos
Oh this team is gonna be so chill, I’m so ready
Eret being so confused about Krinios “winning” $1.5k
Ryan breaking their monitor with a controller 😭😭😭
Rocket Spleef
Them talking about how Jojo was on both the first all-women and all-spanish teams
“Who do is still need to collect?” “Collect?!? Like they’re trading cards” “They are trading cards to me” 😂😂😂
I could totally see H doing a TCG pack opening stream
“I don’t think, I just do” *immediately falls to the bottom of the map*
I agree with H saying RSR is a bad first game, it think belongs mid-event
“No one’s dead yet, I don’t like that” “I’ll be the first if you want” Ryan 😂
I actually love the compass idea so much
HOW did H die there??? Lmao
Eret movement game anti, as she should
That was a solid third round
Everyone being so happy for/proud of Ryan getting top ten :))
Talking about the lack of game music “Alone with the demons in my mind” Ryan 😭
The Krinios puns are so bad /pos
“I’m gonna say it, I’m gonna say it” “Say what?” “I hate tgttos” the entire team: *surprised pikachu face*
I never wanted to hear “sexy chicken, baby” come out of Cub’s mouth, ever
Parkour Warrior
“God, I love that logo” based!!!
Philza made minecraft, real and true
Are you “I need music in my brain 24/7” adhd or “forgot music existed for two weeks once” adhd
The twitch rivals shade 😂😂😂
I too love the moving platforms but I also feel like I could cry if I was trying real hard and couldn’t get it
The absolute silence after “‘the edgy posts’ follow me on twitter” 😂
The “hi Cub… bye Cub” is sending me
“Don’t explode Ry- uh, Eret” “I’ll try not to” “I will, however, explode” Ryan 😂
“That’s my bad, guys” “What do you mean it’s your bad, it’s our bad, we both suck” Eret my beloved
Parkour Tag
Parkour tag my beloathed /aff
H did so good against lime!! He got all three in 35 seconds!!!
H’s comms are insane
I love how there’s not really a designated leader here, like H might be the default assumption but they’re really all equals in how they interact and communicate. It’s not a given that a certain person in is igl, they ask/say “ok I’m gonna take charge here” when applicable, I love them
Cub don’t know his lefts and rights /lh
Cub’s jukes!!!
H getting onto Ryan for not carrying hard enough 😂
Grid Runners
I’ll say it every single time, grid runners is a freaking amazing game
Eret immediately crashing oh my lord
That was painful to watch 😬
“Sorry about that guys” “Nah, now we have fun” I love H, he’s not taking any of Eret’s apologies
Good comms :)))
Listen to Eret 😭😭😭
H misunderstanding the task and talking over everyone else, that’s my streamer /lh
Best grid runners in history lmao
I too would die for HBomb94, so true Ryan
Awww lime flanked
Yeah that was a solid play
Eret going through it, rip
That was such a good fight against orange
Ayyyy first place!!!!
H’s flank there was INSANE
The purple/Purpled distinction messed em up lol
One of the most fun meltdowns I’ve seen :))
Eret needs to stop beating herself up about not getting better at movement, doesn’t she have dyspraxia? They literally can’t help it
Survival Games
Ryan just wanting to sot with H :((
I was gonna say it’s impressive that they all got out of that alive and then bam
H hyping up sand keepers, as he should!!!!
Sot antis only take Ls
Sands of Time
H encouraging Walli <333
Ryan getting full on yelled at for saying they’re gonna offhand carpet 😂
I don’t like how quiet Eret’s being but I trust him
They’re all so attentive and on top of it :)))
“It’s the last game, Ryan, have a little fun” “okay” “Play a little risky, have fun” “okay” his freaking voice
“I trust you” “Youre good a minecraft, I believe in you boss” “really?” Ryan is peak 🥹 energy
They’re swimming in sand
We’re having so much fun here
That felt so freaking good, I’m so happy man
They’re all so excited for red :))
People predicted blue low?? I placed them first lol
“I’ve never actually spoken to Wallibear, so I’m gonna say that I hope he’s a great guy”
The confusion over Capitan’s skin is killing me lol
“We english speakers SUCK” real
Hi Illumina :)))
H gently elbowing Cub into believing in himself lmao
Let’s all team with Illumina
They’re like kids fighting over the most popular toy
I would actually love to see a 5-player team event, it would be so fun and so scuffed if they just barely changed anything
Great vibes great times :)))
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benayoung · 2 years
hello (again!)
hiii everyone, thank you for the welcomes as always; this is carly (bejoomi’s mun), as promised in my drop post on sieun! this is my new bitch on the block gal, nayoung. she’s actually not entirely new to me, and she may be familiar even to some of you! she’s a revamp of a former muse that is both beloved and beloathed to me, but she’s a ton of fun and i missed her, so i’m glad to unleash her somewhere once again! very excited to get started on her, so as always, please like this post and i will run into your arms 💓 (on joomi’s account, probably.) i know i’ve left a lot of you hanging on plotting in the past couple of weeks, but a lot of that was for sieun and i was stuck with her, so i wanted to wait to get back to everyone until i had nayoung in! hopefully i can message everyone back tonight. i’ll also ramble about her under the cut and offer some plot ideas, though her 1800 word bio and extra info is on this page if anyone is interested. help. ok let’s go
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the first thing to know about nayoung is that she’s kind of evil. or well, she used to be. who knows who she is now. she sure as hell doesn’t, but let’s start at the beginning.
nayoung’s first dream was to become a figure skater. her parents met at a ski resort, got pregnant on accident, then got married due to familial pressure, and brought her to the resort often when she was growing up
she fell in love with skating instantly, then started taking lessons and Got Serious about it
she was so good that her coach recommended she move somewhere where she could get higher quality training and compete on a serious level once she got older
the stars aligned and her dad got a job opportunity in colorado, which just so happened to have great figure skating, so they moved!
nayoung was always just. so ambitious. so willing to do anything to succeed 
her mom, however, a flop model, had such high standards...
so nayoung did too! in absolutely everything. top of the class, had a mental breakdown whenever she wasn’t. always the type to step on anyone she needed to accomplish her goals. she got bullied at first but then she bullied them even worse and they were like uhhhh okay nvm!
always pretty mean too. and manipulative. smart, knew what she had to do to get her way and hated being told no because how dare they she deserves what she wants and she’s always right, u know how it goes
her dad, a surgeon, eventually had an accident where he nearly lost a finger. he didn’t, but it was unclear whether he would be able to perform surgery again and instead of risking lives if he potentially messed up he stepped back from surgery work
he always actually wanted to be a musician, but his parents pressured him into med school. he was the one that got nayoung into music so he decided to become a musician Now that he couldn’t be a surgeon
nayoung’s snooty gold-digger of a mother was not happy and they eventually started running out of money and the relationship got so strained she ended up divorcing him and finally caving and going back to her family in korea for financial support
nayoung went with her, was absolutely heartbroken and bitter bc she also left her figure skating dream behind bc they couldn’t support it financially anymore and her previous coach in sk no longer coached etc etc it just didn’t work out
but she was already dancing as part of her training regimen for skating so she threw herself into that and wa slike hey i can be an idol and get just as much if not more attention that sounds great so she started relentlessly pursuing that instead as she does everything
she eventually got signed to a small company in 2018
she was an absolutely brutal trainee but also fake as shit. would step on everyone to succeed but also would play whatever role she needed to succeed too. tried to cultivate the Ideal Image
but it wasn’t enough; she went on a survival show to debut a girl group, made it all the way to the end, and got eliminated on the finale
she was devastated and almost gave up but decided to keep going, ended up on ANOTHER survival show, and this time she sprained her ankle really badly while practicing
since she couldn’t perform, she was eliminated from the show, and the company decided it would be best to terminate her contract because they couldn’t afford to support a trainee with such an uncertain future 
she still thinks her life is over because make that two dreams she’s watched go down the drain
currently: less than a year after her injury, okayed by the doctor to start dancing again, but just. generally terrified and miserable and lost
she is less evil than she once was, mainly because she just doesn’t care about anything anymore. pretending to be nice doesn’t benefit her anymore and neither does bringing other people down, and she never did it Just To Do It, so she doesn’t really know who to be or what to do anymore
currently unemployed but she needs a job and is vaguely looking if only because she doesn’t want to burden her grandparents, who she is very close to
she is truly Just Here and at her wit’s end.
it would be soooo fun if there are any former trainees in the rp that we could say trained in the same company as nayoung. she was there for four years up until sometime in the last year so there’s a pretty big window there!
people that actually watched her flop on her flop survival shows. people that liked her or hated her. she was very fake and basically had no real personality but she had a lot of stage presence so she might’ve been memorable in performances more than anything
gamer friends. she’s a Closeted Gamer because in the past she thought it would ruin her image or something, but she doesn’t care as much anymore since she’s lost control over her life. i think it would be fun to have people she met through gaming that she hasn’t met irl yet!
she used to try to look so pretty and put together all the time but now she looks like she just suffered a terrible breakup most of the time, so someone that asks her if she’s okay? she can still be very mean and probably tells most people to mind their business but i think there would be at least one time she just bursts into tears and spills everything hoping that she never sees this person again
she’s both fluent in korean and english so we can do stuff with english speakers...if you’re bad at korean she might be mean she’s not very helpful LMAO probably, anyway. idk, she might help. she’s just a perfectionist and will be a very strict teacher
i need people to help get her on track again and get her to pursue music again. i’m not sure how to accomplish that but she will need some encouragement even though she doesn’t deserve it at all and might tell them to not tell her what to do,
people to make bad decisions with because she doesn’t care about anything anymore. questionable hookups, maybe
old exes! she DID date while she was a trainee but she’s never actually had feelings for someone before, they were all just. for the attention and convenience and the thrill of someone liking her that much but she pretended to be a good loving gf so she might’ve hurt a few people that way when they found out she Wasn’t. open to guys only unfortunately god i want her to be gay so bad but she feels so heterosexual
people for her to bully, people for her to fight with, people that actually for SOME REASON tolerate her and are nice to her which forces her to eventually warm up to them even though she’ll still be terribly awkward
i swear i had some more ideas but i lost them whatever
i’m STILL better at brainstorming than coming up with plot ideas so!! just hmu let’s do it and thank u for reading
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finally finished spn season 12 and congrats to season 7 for no longer being alone as the worst season!!!!!!
Straight up can't believe they decided to take what was essentially The Hunters' Code and gave it to BMOL as their code. For what? So that Sam and Dean and other hunters could be morally sound guys I guess? Someone needed to take Dabb and force him at gunpoint to watch Heart.
Also love Samantha Smith, but she could not sell Badass Hunter Mary at all. It's clear that she was hired in the pilot because she radiates such absolute primal Mom Energy that I could never not see that. I'm glad we got what was essentially the 'actually Mary would have been worse than John' arc though. She quit being a hunter when she was like 20 and died when she was 29 I don't know why they wanted her to be a badass hunter so bad. Kinda wish they gave her the Buffy Season 6 "god I wish I was back in heaven right now" storyline instead.
I don't mind Bootleg Buffy Watchers I mean the BMOL but it was such mid execution. Wish Toni had lived. Lucifer stuff was fun, even the Rock Star Lucifer and President Lucifer (LOTUS was weird in a lore sense but still fun imo). A female character existing just to give birth and die is probably one of my top ten most hated tropes so it's a shame that I liked Kelly with both Dagon and Cas, even though she was a little bland. Great actress. Another one of my most hated tropes is 'rapidly aging child/born as an adult' which does not bode well for Jack (although from the few s13 eps I watched off and on I remember liking him).
Not sure if I'm sincere about it being worse than Season 7. I guess I like S07E01 Meet the New Boss, S07E15 Repo Man and S07E21 Reading is Fundamental more than every season 12 episode so I guess I am. No S12 episode was as bad as S07E13 The Slice Girls, my beloathed though.
Best: S12E12 Stuck in the Middle (With You), S12E11 Regarding Dean Worst: S12E09 First Blood
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himurah · 2 years
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nerice · 2 years
27 and 29 for sky, 4 and 5 for faye, 7 and 15 for gray, 27 for reina!
VERSION 2.0 BECAUSE THIS BELOATHED POST EDITOR NUKED IT THE FIRST TIME [angry frog dot png] still yelling though i love that u always pick the best questions for the worst ocs (in constellation) a talent 2 put on ur resume lol +++ ft. immediate readmore bc i can now anticipate Length
what causes them to feel dread? trauma-related corner first and foremost.... caves (but any underground or claustrophobic place will do) and needles; the latter is more niche and gets better with time but still contributes to why she never gets a tattoo, the former being something she slips back into very easily despite part of soulless heritage being light illusion and allowing her to. just summon light at will. some fears you cannot do much abt with rationality :/ most dreadful moment for sure is that time in lhnh where eliada calls her by her birth-name out of nowhere :)) and ofc no matter how much time passes, she retains a knee-jerk dread reaction any time soulless matters are brought up. comes with the birthright🔪
do they usually live up to their own ideals? oh absolutely not lol.... key dilemma of chasing after (her idealized version of) jumie, the paragon of mercy; needing to save children just like she was saved aka the seed kids quest which is doomed bc those children are fast-tracked towards the same fate that awaits her & it only gets worse as her own time runs out. :')
how easy is it to earn their trust? vs. how easy is it to earn their mistrust? ok so. my instinct reaction was that faye doesn't trust anyone but... she 'trusts' eliada,, even if it's more of. having faith into their mutual arrangement. i guess trust simply does not factor into it due to her timeline manipulation and 90% guaranteed gambles. she knows everything about everyone she interacts with & any misstep she can simply redo until it works for her. it's abt exerting absolute control over every situation so she does not have to bother about petty problems such as trust and mistrust :3
what triggers nostalgia for them, most often? do they enjoy that feeling? MOST CURSED ASK.. :))))) two angles to this, one bad, the other really fucking bad. so. initially, the only nostalgia avenue is tied to the moment of utter power he observed reina in on the soul plains [the only good(?) thing to happen in that first hour of existence lol] and he's mostly neutral abt the memory. until he n linn sneak into the masked ball and he dances with reina & it's the closest he's been to her since That Day and the rush of that moment is. out of this world :)) the second much worse avenue is. after Linnea's Very Bad Day where faye yoinks her out of current existence, everything that reminds him of the time they spent together (people dancing, laughing, his d**ghter humming a quiet melody,,,,,,,,,,,,,) sets him off in the worst way. the consequences being well. [gestures at rabbit plot.] yeah🔪
how do they speak? is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? to quote my fav description of all time: gray has the verbal prowess of a death row prisoner & hates talking to people in the first place LOL and thats the start and end of it. he does not put much thought into anything let alone his speech style with the sole exception of titular showdowns (labyrinth. nighthearts. dark maiden) where it becomes very clear just how good he is at reading people and pushing right where it hurts, mostly by playing up his own enjoyment of cruelty, which is fake but gets the job done :)
what causes them to feel dread? mh despite the prev ask abt how much she is aware of her own mistakes…. what she dreads most is the suffering of others (regardless of how responsible feels/is for it) it's the inability to do something when she is the most powerful being in existence :(
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Hello!! I just read TGAF and??? WHAT A WILD RIDE!!! I’m laughing my ass off. It had v TBC vibes tbh cause yk 50% crack-50% feels (can’t believe I missed this masterpiece till now shame on me)
A couple of things I loved-
Alec: I want world peace ; almost starts a war on multiple occasions because he has a crush on a pretty boy and can’t express like a normal person skskskskssksk
Magnus calling Asmodeus ‘Bapak! HOW DARE U (I’m a simp for good parent asmo tho)
Magnus sending hate(?) love letters to Alec I’m wheezing that man has no chill and I want one
Asmodeus is a????? is he actually good in the story though? (it’s Asmodeus and I’m a little suspicious sue me)
Magnus being more scared of getting his hair shaved than infidelity my man has priorities
GOLD AND BLUE- love me a good parallel
“You’ll be a bad king” bebe? that’s your future husband and the love of your life
Magnus: you’re an elitist king
Also Magnus: proceeds with his wine connoisseur-ness- we love to see it
Magnus finding a way to cuddle Alec while riding a horse!!! He’s literally a cat istg
Alec playing Asmodeus to get Magnus to stop galvinating with others - PLEASE.
The scene where Lightwoods get emotional before the wedding lol love them
Alec felt a thrum off excitement- JEEZ I WONDER WHY
Alec trying to contain his gay thought when sees Magnus walking the altar- Sir you are in love pls get on with the memo
Jace-just him (also him being stunned at seeing clary)
Alec’s reaxx at finding out he’ll have to give a speech sksksks we’re all Alec
Lightwood-Bane : Asmodeus truly played them babes but I’ll allow it
Aaaaahhh absolutely loved it
Magnus: I’m the smartest most conniving man and will ruin my enemy Alec’s life by marrying him and forcing him to take my name
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This masterpiece was on hiatus for the past two months so I’d say you came at the right time lmaooo 😅 (this story was meant to be more crack than feels lol that bitch just sneaks in all by itself and I can’t say no to it cause how could you say no to feels amirite?)
This list is NOT a ‘couple’ of things and I love you for that omg 🤣🤣🤣
Asmodeus is a sneaky lil shit, but he’s a good man so dw about that ;)
Magnus’s wine connoisseuring actually has less to do with elitism and more to do with appreciating the creator cause he knows it makes them happy. You’ll notice he does something similar with the painting in chapter 6 ;)
#MagnusIsACat2k22 😤😤😤
Magnus and Alec are lil dumbasses who are in love with each and don’t know it yet, yes 😌💅
Also as a bonus - here’s a lil love-hate letter for you 😘 (Also I’m very proud of those letters so thanks for mentioning them 🥺)
My beloathed, I’m impatiently waiting to pledge my vows to you
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jjk for the ask game, bby <3
i want to say megumi because he is my favorite character... but he's tied with nanami and nanami has been on my mind a Lot recently. i just. i love nanami so much. he loves bread and he just want the kids to be kids and no one ever asks him what his favorite color is and and and HE oKAY i love him. yeah, but megumi is like. Right Behind him... and shoko... okay not but if i had to choose One right now, it would be nanami <3
i don't even care i'll say it: miwa. i love her. don't get me wrong, she is Not "baby" and i would Never call her that--this girl could kill a man if she wanted and good for her tbh <3 she is a girl in a suit and that is So Shaped and i. i want a pantsuit okay and she pulls it off sO WELL and she thinks that she's useless bUT SHE'S NOT AND THE KYOTO KIDS ALL LOVE HER AS MUCH AS SHE LOVES THEM AND--
scrimblo bimblo
you know what? i'm gonna say it. ijichi and yaga my absolute beloveds. i can't go into all the reasons i love yaga because involves some spoilers and it would get into this huge analysis and headcanon thing about him and his relationship with the students (specifically the sss trio) and ijichi is just Trying His Best Constantly and i love him for it. relatable, King
glup shitto
NITTA !!! idk why but i just. i love her so much. she's just trying her best and you know what? good for her. also? woman. in. a. suit. she is The Girlboss Gulp Shitto <3
poor little meow meow
i know that like... the Answer to this is gojo because i associate him with "poor little meow meow" for long story reasons, but i don't want to say him out of spite because there are too many jokes that no one likes gojo and it makes me </3 sO the answer is Actually both higuruma and todo. i mean, the only reason to take a bath fully clothed is if you are a poor little meow meow, and i mean just look at todo. "nice pitch, maki" like poor dude oiugyfcvghuji (also kamo noritoshi but we aren't ready for that conversation yet—)
horse plinko
toji. fushiguro toji. wAIT HIM AND MPD (mean principal dude--that's my nickname for the kyoto principal because i hate him and do not want to learn his name out of spite</3)
eeby deeby
mahito my Beloathed for reasons i cannot tell you because ✨manga spoilers✨ but just know that this dude can Rot in superhell <3 i hate good his va is and how majestic his hair is Unfair iugfcgvhuji
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cescalr · 3 years
Teen Wolf
To be fair, I think all my fandoms are controversial about ships aren't they?
put a fandom in my ask and i’ll answer:
otp - Stalia! all the way, babey!!!
favourite canon pairing - I would've said Stalia BUT SEASON FIVE MY BELOATHED (it's my favourite season the Angst is so good oh my god it's great writing fodder. best season for a ficcer is s5 i take no criticism on this matter i am right) so. uhhhh can't be scira s6 my actually beloathed. marrish amounted to like nothing at all. Chrissa!!! chrissa yes chrissa good chrissa wholesome chrissa flawless we like chrissa in this household. I think Draeden though has to be the best canon one just because it's around longer than Chrissa and like. I adore Braeden and she made me not hate Derek which is a Huge feat bc for some reason for a really long time I literally loathed him akjsg;alskdjg like chill out, Cesca. He's a dude. He's just a dude. (s2 Derek my forever despised though. cannot find it in me to like him before Braeden shows up. I tolerate him. I have no idea why by the way his like whole story is exactly something i would normally grab with both hands and never let go of. I will defend him though K*te A*gent can meet me in the boxing ring I'll win. I'll win through sheer spite.)
worst pairing ever - sterek #notsorry. once again in canon they can barely tolerate each other (in the seasons that spawned the pairing) and then in the follow they're like. allies-because-scott. That's it. Also i kind of just get big-brother-little-brother vibes from them when they manage to get along so like.... no.... also. the most reason. Derek's history with Kate and being a sixteen year old preyed upon by a 23/4 year old would make it... really bad to have him... be 24.... and with Stiles... who was 16.... you understand? yes. character wise i just don't think it'd work out.
guilty pleasure pairing - no such thing as guilty pleasure but ig people would think maybe steo or staleo idk? but yeah I am guilty about nothing. I will ship everything without fear. (steter might be the most genuine one though because back when I was dumb it was very hypocritical. but at the same time I only do it in very specific circumstances (time-travel/ages are changed; never in canon) and mostly i prefer the whole Paralellism thing they've got going on - they're basically like. the same person it's weird - so there's that.)
a pairing you want to see more - like my very specific brand of steo. but also my very specific brand of everything bc i am Very Specific like my very specific brand of stora and malira and allydia and chrissa and marrish and-
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” - stydia? Not my vibe my friends. Used to be, used to be. I was not very smart at 15.
favorite non-romantic pair - uhhhh jeez uhh steter is so intriguing bc it's just so bizarre in like. our souls are the same (derogatory) kind of way. platonic frenemies steter is hilarious and psychologically fascinating. Stiles is like, one of the only people Peter respects. When Derek sees Stiles in the locker room wearing black it's mirroring Derek listening to Peter in the locker room wearing black. it's all connected perfect combinations are rare in an imperfect world etc etc. Their canon dynamic (I don't even know what to categorise it as) is so goddamn interesting. But also like sciles, though I'll ship them too their friendship/brotherly bond is everything to me. And I tend to see it (as in, from my perspective on the canon) more often than not as mostly one-sided romantically/sexually speaking (from stiles). so sciles. but also i'm really fond of stira platonically (I'll take the romance, but we do need Some platonic friendships on this damned show alk;sjdfg;laskg). and absolutely scolia. Scolia is a great friendship! s6 does not exist. I tend to ship scydia more romantically later on in the show but like around s3/4 it's such a good friendshp, I love it. But yeah no s6 should have been scydia, and I'll stand by that (I'm including s6A as well as 6B in this. stydia and scolia should not have happened imo). Stydia is actually really really good platonic and horrible terrible romantic, so I have to go with Stydia I think. Non-romantic stydia my beloved <3
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thecourtsknight · 3 years
So, i would share my ocs with you, but i'd like to see yours first, since you often, and with often i mean always, tag em on posts, so i would like to see em if that's ok :3
Oh gosh, first of all thank you! I would LOVE to see your OC's! But secondly hah, oh my gosh which ones!! I tend to tag not just my own OC's but my friends and partner's too! But I tend to tag 3 main ones fairly often, so I can show those!
But first is Quill Hickory, Firbolg Druid and absolute bastard.
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Quill is very competitive, bratty and overall just kind of a nightmare socially. Though despite her rather shitty attitude she has a lot of care for the people around her and a lot of the folks she trusts are allowed to see the more softer, dorkier side of her- Especially her girlfriend, Afus, who I also sometimes tag! She belongs to my partner <3 And Setac! Who belongs to a good pal!!!
Some of the stuff in her tag relates to her modern AU iteration and others relate to her just being a young kid as she was far less... Quill as she's known now back then. She also has a thing for wolves/the moon!! Being a wolf is her all time favourite wildshape!
But the other two would most likely be.
Admiral Alexandra Ainsworth Lore, Treasure Hunting Tiefling Rogue and also the mother of Quill here.
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Alexandra is... an absolute wildfire. She's been a treasure hunter for most of her life(do not call her a pirate, she hates that term, despite very clearly being a pirate)and has a very large personality despite her small stature. She has a love for... essentially living, loves her wife, Florence (who I also tag as some fun stuff sometimes and ALSO belongs to my partner!) and loves her daughter, for the most part.
She's very talkative, very charismatic and has quite the adventurous spirit; though at times can make rather stupid decisions she's usually very put together! Alexandra my beloathed.
And last but not least is
Luther Knox, Draconic Sorcerer and little bastard rat man.
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hLuther is an NPC for an upcoming campaign I'm working on, and he means a DAMN lot to me. He lives with his roommate Jericho, who also also belongs my partner and I will often tag him in things!, on a very tropical island. Luther is very excitable, loves his job, loves his friends, loves his roommate :). He has a very professional almost suck-upish attitude when you meet him at first but there's a clear sense that he also likes to mess around and WILL tease and make jokes with you- He's not stuck up or anything like that.
In the right scenario, he can be EXTREMELY rowdy and excitable and loves to cook!!
These are my main 3 OC's that I usually tag in things! Thank you for asking about them! and I would absolutely love to see your OC's too, feel free to send them over :D!
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