#merlin elyan
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sugar-coated-prat-dragon · 6 months ago
Title: Lancelot was not the only knight with honor.
Yet, the fandom is determined to paint the other knights as monsters, because of one scene. 🔑
I think it’s so weird how this fandom will take one scenario (Queen Gwen accusing Merlin of murder) and the knights locking him up for a single night to somehow act as if that throws five seasons of friendship/love out the window.
Queen Gwen (who the knights knew to be a sweet and kindhearted friend ) was the one who gave the order and they obeyed out of respect.
How else were they supposed to react?
We’re the supposed to turn the tables and lock their queen up for accusing him?
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It seems like the fact that the knights didn’t immediately stage a coup and go on the run in protest of Merlin being arrested is somehow proof that they didn’t love him or wouldn’t try to protect him. 😬
Meanwhile, the knights merely reacted as anyone would understand the circumstances and locked him up for a single night, until it was proven he was innocent.
I mean obviously none of the knights would ever protect Merlin, if his magic came to light and if they had to choose. (sarcasm)
I don’t know how anyone can conceivably watch this show and believe the knights would standby idly watching as Arthur decided to kill Merlin for having magic and just let it happen?
If Merlin was actually in danger of being executed, the knights (excluding maybe Leon) would have 100% broken him out of the dungeons.
They would have 100% tried to intervene, if they thought Arthur would kill him.
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I’m aware the knights swore their loyalty to Arthur and to serve him, but that doesn’t mean that they would accept him killing Merlin.
If you believe them swearing loyalty to their king, equals becoming a mindless zombie that kills without question and has no sense of honor.
Then I don’t know what to tell you, because that’s not the show I watched.
Lancelot swore his loyalty to Arthur, (even before he learned about Merlin’s magic) and he would have unquestionably protected him against the prince.
So if you think Lancelot is the only knight with any sense of honor or a heart…
Then I think that speaks volumes about how media representation nowadays has to be painted in neon colors and have colored coded tabs, for an audience to even conceivably reach conclusions that should otherwise be obvious. 🎨 👀
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The knights (Gwaine, Percival, Elyan and Percival included) have a sense of honor and do not kill indiscriminately.
Otherwise, the knights would be villains.
And they are NOT.
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Shield of Camelot
Chapter 3 Elyan
Percival sighed as he sat next to Gwaine’s bed. There’d been little change while they’d been gone. When Arthur and Merlin came in to visit after they got back, it seemed like Gwaine had stirred slightly, but had gone rigid and started to thrash around. Gaius had ordered them to hold him to make sure he didn’t hurt himself and found he had formed a fever since the last time he’d checked a few hours before. Since then Gwaine had been still, only the painfully slow movements of his chest giving away that he was still alive. That had been four days ago, and Percival could tell that he wasn’t the only one anxious about Gwaine. Merlin, Leon, Arthur, and occasionally Elyan would rotate their vigil and care of their friend so each could rest and let Gaius work on other patients when needed. 
Gareth had been careful to keep his distance since they’d come back. He’d seemed more distant lately, and Percival still remembered the way he flinched when he’d went to put his hand to his forehead at the lake. It was like the younger knight thought he was going to hit him. Percival shook his head and looked at Gwaine, and put a hand to his head, pleased that the cold cloths seemed to have brought the temperature down a bit. “You’ve got to wake up soon. Please,” he said quietly. He heard the door open and shut and looked up.
Merlin nodded at him. “Anything?” he asked and Percival frowned. 
“His temperature’s a good bit lower, but still warm,” he said, meeting Merlin’s eyes. 
“Any more thrashing?” Merlin asked. 
“None.” Percival answered. 
Merlin nodded, looking relieved. “Elyan asked if you’d be up for helping him in the smithy a little bit before resting. Said he needed help with something.” 
Percival nodded, it wasn’t often that Elyan asked for help with anything, let alone anything in the smithy. He nodded farewell to Merlin before walking out, knowing Gwaine was in good hands with Merlin. 
He soon entered the smithy and found Gareth and Elyan arguing about something with Gwen watching them. She eyed him and nodded to the two, giving a silent order for him to do something. He nodded and approached them. “What’s going on?” he asked, and noticed Gareth seemed to flinch at his tone but turned his full attention towards him. 
“Mind your own business,” Gareth growled, whirling on him. 
Elyan looked relieved. “Thanks for coming, Percival. Sir Alvor wants me to fit him for some new armor, but he won’t let me touch him to measure him.” 
“I see, and you need me to hold him still?” Percival asked curiously.
“See if you can convince him first. Get him to calm down and see we’re not wanting to hurt him,” Elyan said, seeing Gareth had reached for his dagger, ready to fight. 
Percival nodded, taking notice as well. He recognized it as a fear response, and possibly a survival response as well. He had to be careful, and he had to handle this as delicately as possible, to avoid further panic from the younger knight. “We only want to measure you,” he said softly.
Gareth promptly pointed his dagger at him, trying to hide his trembling. “You’ll not touch me,” he snarled, backing away, keeping his eyes on both of them.
Percival held up his hands, showing that he wasn’t armed as he and Elyan took a step back, to show that they weren’t a threat, and only wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. Elyan spoke next. “Lord Alvor only wants us to make you new armor, and we can’t do that, if we don’t know your exact measurements.” 
Percival saw Gareth’s eyes narrow, as he tried to maneuver around them, likely intending to bolt as soon as he could. “Gareth, we’re not going to hurt you,” he said softly. 
The three kept their eyes locked, as they circled, Elyan and Percival, trying to calm Gareth down, and Gareth firmly avoiding them and keeping his dagger on them. He looked past them after a few minutes of them circling each other. He sheathed his dagger and bolted for Guinevere as Percival and Elyan heard a loud snap and whirled around. They saw one of the smaller vats of molten metal start to fall towards Guinevere and ran towards her as well. 
Gareth got to her first and tackled her, shielding her as the vat hit the ground and splattered, missing her but landing on his shirt sleeve, setting it on fire. 
Gareth yelled out in pain and Percival flinched, knowing that it had to have hurt as Elyan rolled Gareth to put it out and yelled at Percival to grab the rope that was attached to a giant bucket of water above the smithy. Percival did and pulled with all his strength, sighing in relief as it tipped over and doused them all as well as the fire that was spreading from the molten metal, cooling it to where it started to solidify.
 Elyan carefully tore the sleeve off Gareth's arm and cursed as Percival helped Guinevere up. “Are you all right, my lady?” he asked, worried for his queen. 
She nodded. “Just shaken. If Gareth hadn’t noticed it starting to fall...” she shivered. 
“I’m glad he did.” Elyan dabbed at the burned flesh on Gareth’s arm. The younger knight whimpered before blacking out from the pain. “Percival, can you get him to Gaius’s?” he asked, worried.
Percival nodded and picked up Gareth. “Will you need help cleaning up the mess from what happened?” 
Elyan shook his head. “I’m planning on investigating what happened before I do any cleaning. Thankfully today was a slow day, but if that had happened during a busier day or a tournament week...” Percival nodded, understanding exactly what Elyan meant before heading back towards Gaius’s. He couldn’t help but look down at Gareth. He looked even younger than normal, passed out like this. He looked even younger than Mordred had as well, almost like he was still in his early teens. 
Percival shook his head, as he doubted he would have been allowed to be knighted if he was that young. Also, with how scared he’d been of being touched, both at the lake and in the smithy, something else was going on. If Gareth wasn’t going to be open about it, Percival would take it up with Arthur. As much as Gareth acted like a jerk most days, Percival couldn’t help but feel a bit protective of him when he looked like this. He shivered, remembering the cry of pain Gareth had let out, knowing Guinevere could have easily been killed. 
He shook his head to clear the thoughts that plagued him as he reached the door to Gaius’s place. He opened it and heard Merlin talking to Gwaine, even though Gwaine was still unconscious. “Where’s Gaius?” he asked, scanning the room. 
Merlin startled slightly and was about to say something when his eyes fell on Gareth’s arm. “What happened?” he asked, instantly alarmed. He nodded to one of the other beds there while getting some water. 
“A vat of molten metal fell. Elyan is investigating it,” Percival said calmly, laying Gareth down.
Merlin nodded, gently cleaning the spot, flinching at how bad the burn was. “He went to visit Arthur. Said he had to check on something. Tell him and Arthur what happened. I’ll hold things down here.” 
Percival nodded. “Just know, when he wakes up, he’s extremely against touch.” 
Merlin nodded and continued to tend to Gareth as Percival walked out and towards the castle, knowing he had to deliver the message to Arthur as well as tell Gaius of his new patient and what to expect. 
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justaz · 1 month ago
The knights love and hate Merlin coming to training. They love it because Merlin is their little cheerleader and they seem to perform better when Merlin is there to cheer them on. They hate it because he never cheers Arthur on and Arthur gets jealous and shows off to catch Merlin’s attention which means that Arthur performs better when Merlin is there which makes him a demon on the field. Which means the knights have to visit Gaius after training to get new bruise salves and that one time when Percival had to get his broken nose set because he ducked too late when Arthur was swinging the hilt of his sword down because he was exhausted from how hard Arthur was pushing them
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count-pudding · 13 days ago
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Knights and silly sketches
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Sir Elyan
This took me 21.5 hours I hope you like it 🥲 I'm never drawing chain mail again
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authorindistress · 3 months ago
Forever wishing there would have been a seasonal gimmick where someone from Merlin’s past comes to Camelot and spills some tea.
Like, just some rando comes by and drops the wildest lore that not even the audience knows to the knights super casually and leaves.
Will (if he had lived): I’m glad Merlin found a place here. I thought for sure he’d end up banished again (: Arthur: He got banished from Ealdor? Will: What? No. Camelot wasn't Hunith’s first choice. Merlin just kept pissing people off in other kingdoms so she had to send him to Gaius because nobody else had a chance of controlling him. Arthur: Are you-? Actually, no. This tracks.
Random Girl: Hi, I'm looking for my brother? He lives in the palace, I think. Elyan: And who might your brother be? Random Girl: Oh, sorry. I'm Ganieda! Merlin's sister. Gwaine: No fucking way
I'm just saying, there is no way Merlin stayed out of trouble his entire childhood. Consider:
Some Guy: Is Merlin here? Leon: You're not related to him, are you? Some Guy: No, I cannot say I am. Years ago we had a brief tryst while on an adventure together before parting ways. I heard he was in Camelot so I thought- Arthur: He's not here. Some Guy: Oh, but- Arthur: He actually died yesterday and, completely unrelated, I'm going to have to banish you. Goodbye. Don't return.
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mirbeau-art · 1 year ago
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lesbicosmos · 11 months ago
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there's an obvious answer
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bamboozledcorvid · 3 months ago
Merlin’s secret headcanons
All of the knights know Merlin has a secret, they don’t all know what it is but they have ideas.
- Lancelot knows that Merlin is a sorcerer, him and Merlin talk about it, he knows about the prophecy.
- Gwaine knows that Merlin is a sorcerer, he also knows that sorcery is illegal and that as a knight he has a duty to turn him in, so he pretends not to know. He also always covers for him when he disappears and Arthur comes to the tavern looking for him.
- Elyan has suspicions about Merlin being a sorcerer (it’s not very well hidden) but is convinced that no one is stupid enough to deliberately practice magic that close to the pendragon so he assumes that Merlin doesn’t know what he’s doing.
- Leon knows for certain that Merlin is gay. He understands it’s frowned upon which is why it’s a secret and that clearly Merlin wants it to be a secret so he doesn’t bring it up but sometimes he worries for the boy’s safety cause he is not hiding it well.
- Percival is pretty sure Merlin has a crush on most of the knights, definitely Lancelot and Arthur, maybe also Gwaine. He thinks that everyone knows he’s gay and that they just don’t bring it up. (He also thinks Gwaine is bi and Arthur is at least a little interested in men).
- Arthur believes Merlin is gay, he also believes Merlin doesn’t know he’s gay. He doesn’t bring it up he’s trying to let Merlin discover himself in his own time though he does something made the odd remark to try and nudge his discovery along a bit. (He also believes Merlin has a crush on him).
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mandoriana · 3 months ago
Percival: Merlin, I'm bored. What do you do for fun?
Merlin: I spend time alone. No problems to solve, no talking, no interacting. When I close my door, my peace begins!
Percival: 😅
Elyan: But wouldn't being alone be boring?
Merlin: I won't be alone, I'll have my own company. I'm on a very restrictive diet that consists of avoiding certain human beings.
Elyan *laughing*: Which human beings?
Gwaine: It will break my little heart if my name is on the list.
Merlin: First Uther, then Morgana, Mordred, and sometimes Arthur, but that one is harder since I have to see him every day every five minutes.
Leon: Don't you think that's a bit exaggerated?
Merlin: Nonsense, even you, who are of the same "species" as the other knights, can't stand being with them all the time, and you should be a united group.
The knights look at Leon expectantly.
Leon *looks away*: 🫣
Knights: 🥺
Leon: Okay, I admit that sometimes I just want a minute of peace...
Merlin: See! That's what I'm talking about. The truth is that the Earth is too small for so many humans! God must think every day, "Oh, I miss the dinosaurs, why did I send that meteor!"
Lancelot: Dinosaurs?
Gwaine: Meteor?
Merlin: I say I'd rather be running from a T-Rex right now than dealing with certain people!
Leon: I think he's going crazy again.
Lancelot: I'll call Gaius.
Elyan: I'll call Arthur.
Merlin: God should send some exclusive, custom-made meteors to hit certain people's heads. To avoid mistakes, he could send the meteor with names like "This one is for Mordred, this meteor is for Uther..."
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merlinmylove · 4 months ago
How the knights of the round table sleep
Arthur: Shirtless with sleepingtrousers
Merlin: Shirt, trousers and woolly socks (his feet are always cold)
Elyan: Just in his smalls
Percival: Sleepingshirt and smalls
Lancelot: Shirtless and smalls
Mordred: Sleepingtrousers and socks
Gwaine: Naked
Leon: Wearing full armour, sword in hand
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sugar-coated-prat-dragon · 5 months ago
Title: Knights of the Round table
Question by @tansyuduri
Books used for reference: Merlin Annual 2013
Question: Is there more pages about the Knights of the Round Table?
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starchaser45 · 3 months ago
Merlin*to Gwaine*:so Arthur_
Gwaine:fuck him
Merlin: but I don't think he's_
Gwaine: he is
Gwen:he is
Leaon*sigh*:he is
Lancelot, elyan, Percival: he is
Uther: he is
Arthur*shocked offended and stunned*:....... He is
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justaz · 1 year ago
*merlins magic gets exposed in front of the knights*
merlin, magic user: oh fuck
arthur, finally taking this opportunity to pretend as if he just found out merlin has magic after agonizing for the past month on how to bring it up: you have magic?
lancelot, merlin defender, already knew of merlin’s magic: no! i have magic
gwaine, merlin defender, already knew of merlin’s magic, lover of chaos, ride or die: no, i have magic!
mordred, desperate for his hero’s approval bc no matter what he’s done emrys just stares at him with distrust and the poor boy is tired and so close to tears: no…i have magic.
percival, raised by druids and bonded strongly with mordred over that and does Not agree with the persecution of magic in camelot, had an inkling that merlin had magic but no proof: no. i have magic.
*leon and elyan exchange a look, elyan, amused and leon, exhausted, elyan shrugs*
elyan, knows how much gwen adores merlin and completely understands her stance bc merlin…is merlin, down to clown and put on a show, really playing up the dramatics: no! i have magic.
leon, exhausted, has known of merlin’s magic since he stepped foot in camelot, knows of his feelings for arthur and arthur’s feelings for him, knows arthur knows of merlin’s magic and wouldn’t harm him, thinks everyone is being absolutely ridiculous:
*the knights stare hard at leon and even merlin looks slightly offended at leon not jumping to his defense with the rest of the knights, arthur hasn’t said anything and is staring at leon expectantly*
leon, sighing: …no. i have magic.
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onceandfuturelesbian · 3 months ago
arthur: who would you swipe right for? me or merlin?
gwaine: merlin
lancelot: merlin
morgana: merlin
elyan: merlin
leon: you.
arthur: THANK YO-
leon: so i could meet merlin
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escespace · 5 months ago
Gwaine: Man, I'm fed up with these two, we have to do something.
Elyan: What are you talking about?
Gwaine: Arthur and Merlin and their stupid desperate flirting
Elyan: What? Flirting?
Gwaine: Are you blind?!!! Of course they flirt. If not, what would you call that?
Gwaine: *turns elyan's face to where Merlin and Arthur are being separated by Lance and Leon while they yell at each other*
Elyan: Social incompetence?
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