mandoriana · 38 minutes
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
I'll be putting the tag list at the end now ❤️
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16 , PART 17 , PART 18 , PART 19 , PART 20 , PART 21 , PART 22 , PART 23 , PART 24 , PART 25 , PART 26
Merlin: (thinking, reciting Gaius words) Deny, be submissive, be respectful. Deny, be submissive, be respectful (enters the throne room and bows) Did you call for me, Sire?
Uther: (siting on his throne, pulls out the neckerchief and asks very serious) Do you recognise this.
Merlin: (thinking) Straight to the point then... (pretends to analyse the item and then says) No, I don't believe so, Sire.
Uther: Are you sure?
Merlin: Pretty sure. I've never seen it in my life.
Uther: (puts the clothing back in his pocket) This clothing is part of a serious investigation, so I wanted to make sure.
Merlin: A investigation, Sire?
Uther: Early in the morning this clothing was found deep in the woods with dry blood stains. There were some blood stains on the ground nearby too.
Merlin: Oh... Well, good luck with your investigation then, Sire. 😅 (smiles nervous, thinking) Deny, be submissive, be respectful. Deny, be submissive, be respectful.
Uther: And more recently the bodies of Aulfric and Sophia Tirmawr were found.
Merlin: (confused) What? 😨
Uther: They are sending the corpses to Gaius to analyse them as we speak.
Merlin: (between worried and confused, to himself) But... that's not possible. (thinking) Or is it?
Uther: And why would that not be possible? 🤨
Merlin: (thinking) Shit! (says, trying to stay calm) Because I saw them leave Camelot with Arthur, Sire. They should've been away long ago. Why would someone kill them? Are you… Are you sure it’s them, Sire? (thinking) Deny, be submissive, be respectful. Deny, be submissive, be respectful.
Uther: (thinking) I never said they were killed (says) They could've died in the way. Who knows? Robbers, landslides, wild beasts. There are many hidden dangers on a road trip.
Merlin: Exactly! Maybe even the raiders that sacked their home?
Uther: (laughs dryly) Incredible… you dare to lie to the King right in front of his face. You don't fear the consequences at all.
Merlin: Why would I fear that, Sire? (thinking) Deny, be submissive, be respectful. Deny, be submissive, be respectful.
Uther: Do not insult my intelligence, I'm not Arthur. If you had told me that the garment was yours but you didn't know how it'd got there, I would've believed you. That would've confirmed what Gaius told me about you. That you are a boy without guile and malice, because that is what an honest and pure-hearted person would have said. They would've told the truth even though that would've put them under suspicion because they would trust in their own innocence. But you did the opposite, you denied that this was yours, which shows that you are not only cunning but also calculating. I do not blame you for lying, any wise person would avoid having any connection with murder case's evidence. The thing is that only a person who is aware that a murder occurred would do so, because if Sophia and her father had really left as you say then you wouldn't have seen the need to lie.
Merlin: (thinking, between nervous an impressed)I always wondered how he managed to almost erradicate the entire magic user community, the dragons and almost all the dragonlords. Now I know, he's very fucking smart! Okay, Merlin, just stick to the plan. Deny, be submissive, be respectful. Deny, be submissive, be respectful.(says) Or maybe the neckerchief really is not mine, Sire.
Uther: (enraged, he hits the throne and stands up) Stop lying to your King! Stop thinking you're so clever and disrespecting me! (pulls out the neckerchief and walks to Merlin) I know for a fact that this neckerchief is yours. It’s the only thing I knew for sure before you entered this room. And before you spout any more lies from that vile and poisonous tongue of yours, I can also prove it. (stops infront of Merlin) The first thing I did upon receiving this neckerchief was to research this fabric. This color is something only royalty uses, but there are many royal families in Albion, so each royal family has a different embroidery pattern so they can differentiate their belongings from other royals, and this fabric! (raises the cloth in a fist) was made especially for the Pendragon royal family. This is something only I or my son could wear. It goes without saying that this does not belong to me or Arthur. And before you come up with another pathetic excuse to defend yourself, I'll tell you that each batch that the fabrics are dyed with is not only expensive, but limited. Only a certain amount of purple dye is made each year so only a few yards of fabric are dyed. That's why the yards of fabric my son and I received are all recorded. (takes out log book and opens it) In the last year I received 4 meters of fabric, Arthur 2 meters, of which he used to make a tunic and... guess what he did with the leftover? A neckerchief (closes book and puts it back in his pocket)
Merlin: ...
Uther: So what do you have to say for yourself now?
Merlin: (thinking) Deny, be submissive, be respectful. Deny, be submissive, be respectful. (says in the calmest voice he can) I don't know what you want me to say, Sire. It seems like you already decided I'm guilty.
Uther: (drops the neckerchief and lifts his sword at Merlin, threatening) Where are Aulfric and Sophia?
Merlin: (thinking) Deny, be submissive, be respectful! Deny, be submissive, be respectful! (says) Didn't you just say you found the bodies, Sire?
Uther: (raises his voice) Don't play dumb with me! You knew they weren't found! Where did you hide them?!
Merlin: I didn't kill them!
Uther: One more lie and I'll cut your throat! At first I thought you were just some peasant after some coins, but your ambition was way bigger, wasn't it?
Merlin: (thinking) Deny, be submissive, be respectful! Deny, be submissive, be respectful!
Uther: And, since Lady Sophia was getting in the way of your plans, you got rid of her! An innocent, lovely lady-
Merlin: Oh, please! She was anything but innocent.
Uther: (can't believe the audacity) What?
Merlin: (thinking) Fuck! Deny, be... how was it? (says) I mean, how do you know she was innocent, Sire? You are SO suspicious of me, and yet didn't bother to corroborate Aulfric's story was true at all! "We are from Tirmawr and our home was sacked by raiders, boo", really? Anybody could enter the castle claiming they're nobels like that! But sure, lets invite these outsiders we've never seen in our lifes. What do we have to be afraid of? It's not like we are someone important like royalty and recieve assesinations attemps on a daily basis! (composes himself)... Sire.
Uther: (lets out a small laugh of triumph) So that's the excuse you gave Arthur! That they were impostors that were trying to kill him, so that he would cover for you.
Merlin: No! I'm just saying they could've been-
Uther: If Sophia really wanted to kill the Prince of Camelot she would've waited til they were alone at their honeymoon. Yet she ran away, because YOU humiliated her! And do you really want me to believe Arthur wouldn't be able to defend himself of a defenseless young lady and an old man? Arthur, a trained knight!.
Merlin: (thinking, trying very hard no to explode) Submissive and respectful. Stay submissive and repectful (says, gritting his teeth) I'm just saying first impressions aren't always the right ones and it's not wise to understimate people even if they look harmless, Your Majesty.
Uther: Oh, I'm definitely not going to understimate you. (sheaths his sword) I heard what I needed to hear. You're days here in Camelot are over. You are going to go back to your stinky little village with nothing but what you're wearing and never return!
Merlin: (shouts, alarmed) What?! You can't do that! You can't separate me from Arthur!
Uther: (shouts back) I'm the king, so yes I can! And if you dare to cross the border you'll be executed immediately. I'm never letting you near my son again!
Merlin: (his face contorts with disbelief, anguish and anger, thinking) Deny-submi-respec-FUCK IT, FUCK IT ALL! (suddenly, he laughs and laughs and laughs, saying) You are so, SO funny!
Uther: (surprised at his reaction, but says very serious) I don't recall saying anything funny.
Merlin: (Stops laughing) Sorry, let me correct myself. You are SO SCARED it's funny.
Uther: ...What?
Merlin: You say you are so certain I killed Aulfric and Sophia, but instead of just arresting and execute me for murder, you had to lock up Arthur in the dungeons for what? To make this stupid test and then threaten to do stuff you can't actually do, because you know Arthur wouldn't allow it! The truth is, Uther Pendragon, you can't do ANYTHING to me. You can't HURT me.
Uther: (slaps Merlin, furious)
Meanwhile, with Arthur in the dungeons.
Arthur: (trying to force the door open) Come on. Come on!
Sir Innprudence: (from the celd beside) It's useless, Sire. We tried.
Sir Ewan: (from the celd in the other side) No, we didn't!
Sir Innprudence: Right, we didn't, because that's wrong.
Arthur: What are you doing here?
Sir Ewan: You sent us here, Sire.
Sir Innprudence: And it's being a nightmare! I miss my family and friends. I'm starting to forget their faces! 😭
Arthur: You've just been here for a day. 😒
Sir Innprudence: But you've been here for less than an hour and you're trying to escape, sire.
Sir Ewan: (scolds) Innprudence! 😠 (to Arthur) I'm sure that's not what you were really doing, Sire.😅
Arthur: No, that's exactly what I'm doing. My father is planning to do something to Merlin, I don't know what, but if he had to imprisoned me here to do it, it mustn't be good. I have to get out, now!
Sir Innprudence: Well, I have a little spoon here, Sire. Maybe we could use it to make a hole in the wall-
Arthur: That would take years!
Sir Ewan: I managed to make a stick with a little hook to try to grab the keys, but the guards that have them are too far.
Arthur: So it's pointless.
Sir Ewan: ...yeah.
Arthur: (exasperated, to the ceiling) Can't I have a useful knight for once? Just once!
Sir Ewan: I'm sorry, Sire.
Sir Innprudence: There isn't really much we can do. The King's will is above anyone else's.
Arthur: (to himself, whispering) The King... (calls out one of the guards) Hey, you! Come here! Your future King is talking to you!
Guard: (comes) Do you need something, Sire?
Arthur: I demand to be release this instant.
Guard: That's not possible, Sire. The King-
Arthur: Your King now.
Guard: ...Excuse me, Sire?
Arthur: My father won't be King forever. And, once he passes, I'll be your King. A King who will remember this very day when he was imprisoned against his will. And guess who is going to be the first to receive my rage?
Guard: ...
Arthur: However, if you help me out now. Rage will be replaced by gratitude that will come in the form of lands, money... or even status. More than enough for you and your family.
Guard: (tempted, but scared) Sire... please. I can't disobey the King. It's treason.
Arthur: What are you talking about? You didn't disobey the King. I got a hold of you and you fighted hard, but I'm a very skilled knight, so I managed to knock you out and that's when a took your keys and escaped.
Guard: ...
Arthur: So? The keys?
Guard: (pulling out the key, still doubtful) But... if the King finds out...
Arthur: (smiles, reassuring) He won't find out. I'll make it believable. (extends his hand) The keys.
Guard: (extends the hand with the keys)
Arthur: (pulls his arm instead and hits his head with the iron bars)
Guard: (falls to the floor, unconscious)
Arthur: I told I'd make it believable. (takes the keys and opens the cell) Thank you. (leaves running)
Sir Innprudence: Wait! Sire!
Sir Ewan: You forgot about us! Sire!
Sir Innprudence: ...
Sir Ewan:...
Sir Innprudence: Hey, I think your stick might work now. He left the keys there.
Back at the throne room.
Merlin: (brings a hand to his cheek, eyes wide in shock and offended)
Uther: (with barely contained fury and hatred) Until you finally showed your real face, scum. Who do you think you are to speak to me like that? You are nothing but a serving boy!
Merlin: I'm much more than that.
Uther: (red with fury) How dare you? (shouts) You are speaking to your King!
Merlin: (shouts back) You are NOT my King! Arthur is. And he will be a better and more worthy king that you ever were.
Uther: (about to slap him again)
Merlin: (stops Uther's hand by holding his wrist midway) I don't think so.
Uther: (even more red with fury) You! Little- (brings a hand to his chest suddenly in pain)
Merlin: (all his boldness gone) Sire?
Uther: (twitches and falls to the ground)
Merlin: (in panic) Sire! (kneels and starts checking him frantic, but there is no response and thinks) Oh, Gods! OH GODS! I killed him. I killed the King! No, no, no, no, no! This wasn't supposed to happen so soon! What have I done?! Am I mad? Why did I say all those things? I think I believed he was Uther's ghost for a second. Well, he is a ghost now... NO! He can't be dead! Arthur will be devasted! He can't be dead! Please, please, please, wake up!
Arthur: (opens the door with force and enters, frantic and worried) Merlin! (stares in shock at the scene before him)
Merlin: (looks up in panic and tears of desperation and guilt run down his eyes) Arthur, I-I don't what happened-I didn't-I didn't mean to. He was...and then I...I'm so sorry!
Arthur: (walks to Merlin in silence)
Merlin: (in more panic) I swear on my mother's life I didn't think this would happen. Arthur, please, belie-
Arthur: (kneels and hugs Merlin)
Merlin: ...
Arthur: (pulls away just enough so he looks at Merlin in the eye) Are you alright? He didn't do anything to you?
Merlin: (confused) Uhm... not really.
Arthur: (cups Merlin's face with one hand and hardens his features) He hit you.
Merlin: (getting out of his stupor) It's nothing. But, Arthur, your father! (points at Uther, alarmed)
Arthur: (gives Uther a glance in silence. Then stands up, pulling Merlin with him and calls out) Guards!
Guards: (enter)
Arthur: The King fainted. Bring the Court Physician inmediatly.
Guards: (worried) Yes, Sire (leave quickly)
Merlin: (thinking, a strange feeling in his guts) How... how is that the guards seemed more worried than Arthur himself?
Let's remeber this happened before the events of "To kill a King" and "La Morte d'Arthur", so no, Uther didn't die. But how did Merlin get away with insulting and almost killing the King? What did Arthur do? You can make your guesses in the comments ☺️
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @hopeaha , @curiously-lazy , @ harriettesthings , @andrealux16 , @wacko-weirdo , @greatdonutenemy , @yougottobekittenme , @anxiousosaurus , @kinkforwings , @someweirdassnamee , @impracticalantlers , @miyriu , @hobipabo , @whitemaskcd
132 notes · View notes
mandoriana · 6 days
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Recharging II (Chorb version)
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mandoriana · 6 days
My Naruto desing
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mandoriana · 6 days
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Hannibal - It would be beguiling to be on the moon with you, caro mio.
Will - Especially if we landed on the dark side.
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mandoriana · 8 days
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Hannibal (2013-2015)
1x01 || 1x12 || 2x08 || 3x06
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2K notes · View notes
mandoriana · 10 days
And if... Were Will Graham, Adam Raki and Adam Towers brothers?
Will 🐶: Sometimes facing your fears head on is the best way to realize that they're not really scary.
*Adam agreeing while eating your cereal*
Adam ⭐️: Yeah, I totally agree. Like when I chased a mobster to his secret base and ordered him to marry me. I succeeded and now I am no longer afraid of God.
Will 🐶: That's not what I...
Adam 💚: What did you do?!
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mandoriana · 10 days
Beverly: And now, for an update on homosexuality in the Graham family. How are our gays going, Agent Crawford?
Jack, looking at the Hannigram*
Jack: Getting gayer and more, Bev.
Beverly: Obrigado, Agent. .
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mandoriana · 10 days
Jack: Coffee or tea?
Will: Coffee.
Jack: You're wrong, it's tea.
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mandoriana · 10 days
Adam ⭐️: Nigel!? Are you following me?
*Nigel leaves the alley where he was hiding*
Nigel 🚬: You could have left a ticket!
Adam ⭐️: Were you worried about me?
Nigel 🚬: Maybe, you think that's weird?
Adam ⭐️: A little bit, but that just means you want me well.
Nigel 🚬: So you're not mad?
Adam ⭐️: Of course not, Will did it all the time.
*Nigel smiles relieved.*
Will comes out from behind the tree that was hidden
Will 🐶: Aww, that's cute.
Adam ⭐️: Will? Were you following me?
Will 🐶: Nigel ran away, I thought something had happened.
Nigel 🚬: But weren't you in bed with Hannibal?
Hannibal appears behind Will*
Hannibal 🔪: Yeah, but we were worried about his sudden run.
*Nigel surprised*
Nigel 🚬: Do you still care about me? I'm 40!
Hannibal 🔪: Sorry, brother, but have I ever given the impression that I don't worry?
Jean and Adam Towers get out of a car parked on the street
Jean 💰: Sometimes you're a little cruel, brother.
Will looks at them surprised: Were you following us again?
Adam 💚: I don't understand what the shock is, I literally work chasing people?
Jean 💰: I've been doing this for longer than you all put together.
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mandoriana · 10 days
Nigel: In case of danger your job is to protect the most important person in this organization, are we clear?
Compare: Yes sir, we will do anything to keep you safe!
Nigel: No! Your idiots, I was talking about Adam! We should really improve your observation skills, as they didn't realize I was talking about my husband, they think there is something more important than my husband!
Compare *fear*: No sir!
Nigel *Irritated.*: Enough! Death, all of you, I should kill you all!
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mandoriana · 10 days
And if... Adam Raki, Adam Towers and Will Graham were brothers.
(Adam Raki kissed Nigel, and is now in bi panic)
Will 🐶: Adam kissed you?
Nigel 🚬: *Looking sadly out the window*
Adam 💚: And you said thank you...?
Nigel 🚬: Yes.
Adam 💚: Well, that was very polite on your part.
-- Baltimore --.
Adam ⭐️: "Thank you"??! What did he mean by that?
Jean 💰: He's stupid, honey, you know that.
Hannibal 🔪 *reading the newspaper*: At least he said thank you.
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mandoriana · 10 days
And if... Hannibal Lecter, Jean and Nigel Ibanescu were brothers?
Jean 💰: God, you're stupid like that or you do!
Nigel 🚬: No, I'm really as stupid as I seem, and if you don't believe me, watch!
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mandoriana · 10 days
And if... Nigel Ibanescu, Jean and Hannibal Lecter were brothers?
Jean 💰: Will anyone tell me what's going on here?!
Hannibal 🔪: Well, it's kind of complicated, but Nigel...
Jean 💰: I understand. Forget that I asked.
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mandoriana · 10 days
Nigel: Sorry, my love, but have you ever been arrested?
Adam: Yeah, how do you know?
Nigel: I was going to say, "Because it's illegal to be so cute," but now I'm curious.
Adam: Aggravated aggression.
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mandoriana · 10 days
Beverly: We made a map of all the possible hideouts of the Ripper, Jack.
Jack: ... but that's just a map of Baltimore .
Will: Yeah, we have no idea where they are.
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mandoriana · 10 days
And if... Were Adam Raki, Will Graham and Adam Towers brothers?
Adam 💚: Hey Adam, guess who came?
Adam ⭐️: My food?!
Adam 💚: No, your husband!
Adam ⭐️: I don't have a husband, call the police.
Nigel 🚬: Your ex-husband.
Adam ⭐️: I'm going to call the police.
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mandoriana · 10 days
Adam Towers goes out to dinner, but forgets that he is Le Chiffre's husband.
Adam: How much was the account?
Butler: Oh no, dear, the owner doesn't pay here.
Adam: But what do I own?
Butler: From the owner.
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