#Arthurian Gareth
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Shield of Camelot
Chapter 8 Lost
Percival groaned as he felt something wet hit his face. His abdomen felt like it was on fire, reminding him of his wound. He opened his eyes, and saw it was still dark and felt the wet hit him again. It was raining, and he realized the thicket wasn’t giving him as much protection as he thought it should. He needed to move, to find better shelter. 
He forced himself to move, but his limbs felt heavy, and he felt disoriented. He needed water, the river was nearby, but which way. He knew he had to get there, to drink some. It’d help clear his mind and ease his parched throat. 
He slowly dragged himself out of the thicket. He found instead of the river he was expecting, nothing but forest, and realized He’ exited a different way than he’d entered the thicket. He tried to force himself to stand to get a better view of his surroundings, but the pain that shot through his abdomen caused him to fall back on his hands and knees. This isn’t good. He thought to himself, as his body shook. He couldn’t stay here, he had to find something, anything better than the thicket for shelter from the rain. 
The dagger must have punctured something and whoever tended to me didn't realize it. He reasoned in his mind. I should have stayed put. Maybe they would have found me by now. Maybe it wouldn't hurt this much. He shook his head as the rain started to hit harder and tried to get his body to move. Another wave of pain went through him and he fell face first. As his consciousness faded he thought about his friends. If they'd ever find him, and if they'd be able to save him. 
Gareth sighed as they reached the bend alongside Merlin and Elyan. He quickly saw signs that someone tall had definitely been laying there. Merlin looked and nodded, “well, the fact he woke up is a good sign.”
Elyan nodded. “The fact He wandered off isn't though.” 
Gareth nodded. “There's tracks though. He may be looking for shelter.” He said, studying the ground. 
Merlin looked And nodded. “It’s very well possible, but with a wound like Ealdor described, if he were to brush up against anything, even if tended to, it would irritate and aggravate it, making it even more painful. Certain plants as well.” softly, eying the surroundings 
Gareth nodded, looking at the sky. “True, and I don’t like the looks of that either.” pointing to the sky, where the sun was coming up, a bit of pink in the sky showing gray clouds as well, and Gareth knew that they weren’t like that just because of the rising sun. 
Merlin nodded. “The sooner we find him, the better. Elyan, stick with the plan and stay here, Gareth and I will follow the tracks.”
Elyan nodded. “I hope you guys find him before the weather turns.” 
Merlin nodded, watching the sky. “Same here.” Then noticed Gareth's already ahead of them following the tracks. He goes to catch up, taking note of the plants that had been disturbed along the way.
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naumaxia-art · 1 month ago
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(Almost) All of my Knights or Fools characters in one place!
also please do ask me about them I could yap about them for hours XD
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mortiscausa · 11 months ago
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Now that I have seen your death, I no longer wish to live, except until I have taken revenge on the traitor who did this to you.
march to camelot prompt #6: grudge
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grail-lifesupport · 3 months ago
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Please save Gareth from his chaotic scottish family
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kulttuurinkurittama · 5 months ago
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The Orkney clan
Otherwise known as headache of all of Camelot. After drawing gawain and lady Bertilak I promised myself that I'll do more simple stuff but that lasted ONE day before I decided to draw 4 people. I would have drawn more too but I'm drawing on a5 paper size and I ain't gonna draw that small lol.
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queer-ragnelle · 4 months ago
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Sleepless Knights by Mark H. Williams | More quotes at Arthuriana Daily
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peregrin-tookish · 20 days ago
Gareth: You worry me
Gawain, dunking oreos in whiskey: why?
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gingersnaptaff · 3 months ago
Quick shitpost for you all but ut'd what I think a few of the Arthurian characters would drink at Christmas. With thanks to @gwalch-mei for being my partner in crime and listening to me ramble again.
Arthur: u would think it'd be like whisky or something cuz u know refined, elegant, a very sophisticated drink befitting a king. WRONG. Twenty-four white Russians and then advocaat and lemonade.
Guinevere drinks red wine, cuz ots classy looks like the blood of her enemies and she enjoys holding the goblet and looking like a bad bitch. Just don't tell her her teeth are black pls.
Morgan actually has the whisky because she's tired of her brother's tomfoolery waiting for fuckin miracles and delaying her eating pigs in blankets.
Cai and Bedwyr have Guinness and IPA's respectively because they are doing beer 52 and have become inundated with beers. Bedwyr likes trying new beers and Cai thinks of it as a couple thing. (He does not tell Bedwyr he hates Guinness)
Lance has like a sea breeze. Only one. Spends the rest of the night on water.
Owain and Morfudd get into a drinking competition with the Orkneys (other than Gawain. He's snogging Bertilak in the corner and going on about minty fresh breath)
Gaheris has on sambuca shot and fuckin goes catatonic. Mordred finds him passed out the next day on a bean bag. Lynette has to carry him home. Luned has to carry Owain home but like the crow army helps.
Morgause has baileys. Classic, easy to drink, everybody gets into fights over the last of it.
Agravaine has a dark and stormy cuz he liked the name but it does make him 'look like a knobber' in Mordred's words
Isolde has mead cuz it's sweet and gets u drunk QUICKLY she will need it because Tristan WILL do karaoke later.
Gareth has jagermeister I think. Or like a tequila sunrise.
Dagonet's drink of choice is like a fuckin cocktail with loads of whipped cream on it. Fruity, but also feels like it shouldn't work.
Galahad's is just water but he does the whole blood of Christ thing.
Percival's is either a dark welsh beer, OR a bloody mary but without the vodka.
Tor's is a whisky slammer.
Palomides has an Irish coffee.
Same with Clarissant but she's having like something with irn bru in it to freak her brothers out.
Also, Myrddin and Gwendydd have a bottle of apple schnapps between themselves. Do NOT mention Gwenddoleu at any point in Myrddin's earshot or he WILL cry.
Geraint's is a fireball but mixed with red hot chilli that Guinevere gave him as a prank. He goes so red that she thinks he's actually on fire. Enid is caught between 'holy ahit, my husband's dying!' And 'omg, I gotta kiss the Queen.' (She doesn't drink if ur wondering.)
Culhwch: really strong braggod (honey mead.) He too passes out only to be found on top of the ramparts the next day with a pig hat on his head. Do not ask.
Olwen has a v floral drink that other people are like, 'This is straight-up perfume.' She doesn't dispute it. Like would u? Her dad would kill up.
Edern has something v dark and bitter. He's the Knight of the Sparrowhawk like he has to. (When people aren't looking he swaps it for a cocktail and drinks it while furtively eyeing Geraint.)
Lionel and Bors have three whisky mac's each and then proceed to switch to water to ape Lance. He has to take them home.
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dullyn · 4 months ago
I think I know what the answer will be but I’m very curious on who the runner up will be:
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taliesin-the-bored · 3 months ago
New headcanon that Gareth's hair color changed dramatically as he grew up and by the time he sees his older brothers again he resembles a different relative than whoever he used to look most like, so they don't recognize him but he seems eerily familiar to them
Gawain: You know, you remind me of my younger brother... Gareth [mentally]: He recognizes me! Gawain:...Gaheris. Gareth [mentally]: Facepalms
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laurellerual · 1 year ago
Orkney family board game night
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Gaheris, Agravaine, Mordred, Gawain... and Gareth sorry it's a game for four people . @moirailsupport
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This is the board of tables of the four seasons, called the world, which begins like this. (From The Libro de los Juegos, 1283) X X
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Shield of Camelot
Chapter 5: Leon and Gareth
Percival entered Gaius’s chambers along with Leon, Elyan, Merlin and Arthur. Arthur grumbled that it was the middle of the night and that there had better be a good reason for this as he had to pass judgment on Sir Alvor in the morning. Percival looked at Merlin and saw he was smiling and relaxed, knowing Merlin knew something. Gaius motioned them over and pointed to where Gwain was actually sitting up, and was hugging Gareth protectively. He still looked pale and sickly, but he was sitting up. 
He saw Gwaine twitch slightly and looked over. “Well, are you guys just going to stare, or are you going to come over and say hi?” 
Percival smirked. “My apologies, none of us wanted to interrupt whatever this was.” motioning to him and Gareth. Gareth looked away embarrassed while Gwaine threw his pillow at him, which didn’t make it very far. 
Merlin chuckled. “Glad to see you’ve not changed Gwaine.” 
Gwaine flinched at that. “Glad to see my failure didn’t lead to your and Arthur's downfall.”
“You didn’t fail, Gwaine. Merlin was able to kill Morgana because you were able to stall her a bit. Though I don’t like what happened to you, nor do I ever want to see you like that again, he wouldn’t have succeeded if her toying with you hadn’t worn her down,” Arthur corrected firmly. 
Gwaine stared at Merlin, stunned, and Merlin hugged him. “Thank you, for pulling through. It’s been far too quiet,” Merlin whispered softly. 
Gwaine chuckled. “Oh don’t you worry, I’ve got some making up to do once I’m back on my feet. Gaius filled me in on some things.” He looked at Gareth, still held in a protective hug. 
Leon smiled gently, seeing Gareth. “We’ll protect him till you’re on your feet, I promise. Arthur has already agreed that when Lord Alvor is banished, Gareth will stay, as squire of the round table. He won’t have to be afraid anymore.” 
Gwaine nodded. “My thanks, he didn’t deserve to be put through that hell Alvor put him through. He’s a good lad, with a good heart.” 
Arthur smiled. “Gwen filled me in on what happened in the smithy, and what they found. Leon and Percival overheard him talking to you while you were still unconscious. Leon, Gareth and Percival will be going on border patrol along Essetir’s border, if Gaius says his arm’s healed enough.” 
Gwaine nodded, and gently put his forehead against Gareth’s. “I heard everything. It was like I was in a dream, but I heard it. His heart's cry, his desire to not be left with Alvor. His fear, it spoke to me as much as your guys' words of encouragement. As well as things you dare not tell the others. Your pleas for me to wake up. I heard it all.” Percival saw Gwaine’s smirk directed at them. 
“At least you're awake now,” Merlin chuckled as Gwaine reluctantly let Gareth go. Gareth nervously offered his arm for inspection. 
Gaius nodded after inspecting it. “It’s healing nicely. As long as you keep it covered, a nice patrol should be fine. It’ll also keep you away from Alvor while we're dealing with him.” 
Gwaine nodded as motioned for Percival to help him lay back down after reluctantly letting go of Gareth. “Keep him safe for me. I hope you guys don’t mind, I’m going to take a bit of a nap. Maybe dream of a cheese that tastes like apple pie again.”
They all chuckled at that as Percival gently did so, relieved that Gwaine had finally woken up. Once he’d cleared Gareth to go with them, he and Leon went to the armory where Leon opened an old wardrobe and pulled something out. “I never thought Camelot would have squires again,” he said quietly. 
Percival watched as he held some very light armor up to Gareth. “See if this will fit,” he said softly. 
Gareth did so, finding that it actually fit him quite well. “It… It’s almost like it was made for me,” he said quietly. 
Leon smiled gently. “It was once mine when I was your age. When Arthur started knighting commoners, I thought that there wouldn't be any more squires. Then you came along. I knew I couldn't let that go to waste.” 
Gareth looked embarrassed at that. “Why me though. Why not give it to your kid?”
Leon blushed slightly. “Don't have one yet. Maybe one day, but at the moment, it's yours ‘til you outgrow it.” 
“My thanks,” Gareth said softly and Percival smiled gently. 
“I never figured you’d have ever been that small in your teens, Leon.You must have hit your growth spurt later on,” Percival teased.
Gareth stared at that, watching Leon warily and Leon just laughed. “I’d be more surprised you were ever anywhere near that size after eight.” 
Percival grinned and Gareth cleared his throat. “Is this… normal between the knights, or just something you guys do?” he asked nervously. 
Percival and Leon looked at him, a bit confused. “If you mean us joking around like this, some knights do it more than others. It depends on who they’re with at the time. Why do you ask?” Leon said gently. 
“Can you… no, you’ll think it’s silly and a waste of time.” Gareth looked away stubbornly. 
“If you want to learn to do it without going too far, we can teach you,” Leon offered gently. “And it’s not a waste of time. It’s what you do with friends in order to strengthen your bond with them.” 
Percival felt Gareth’s eyes land on him at that and nodded. “Don’t you have friends?”
Gareth shook his head. “I was… never really allowed to talk to anyone outside of training and doing tasks for Alvor,” he admitted softly, looking away. “The one time I did, my dad made the boy disappear. That was about seven or eight years ago.” 
Percival felt an anger build up in him at that. He wasn’t the most talkative person, or friendly. He knew he could scare people, children especially; but to see Gareth like that, so afraid to form bonds because of how he’d been treated in the past. For the young teen to be forced to think that it was a waste of time due to the actions of one who should have been his parent and his protector, it angered him and broke his heart. He looked at Leon and knew from his eyes, he felt the same. 
“You don’t have to worry about that anymore. Not after today,” Leon soothed. “We will be here to guide you. As long as we’re with you, you don’t have to be afraid anymore.” 
Gareth hesitated, then nodded. “Okay.” He followed him and Percival out and toward the stables as the sun started to rise in the horizon.
Percival watched as Gareth and Leon slept soundly by the fire they’d made. Gareth had fallen asleep while he and Leon had decided who would take first watch. Percival smiled gently, watching him. They'd been on patrol for three days, watching for any sign of Cenred's men. Thankfully there hadn't been any and they'd instead used the time to bond with each other, and Gareth was starting to lower his guard around them a bit more. 
Percival heard something snap in the woods nearby and was instantly on the alert, facing the sound, sword drawn. He saw from the way Leon was getting up that he hadn't quite fallen asleep yet and had heard it too, detaching his cape and putting it over Gareth in an attempt to hide the sleeping teen from immediate view. 
Percival listened intently, whoever it was, was smaller than Gareth, and was running at them fast. He stepped back and slammed his sword back in his sheath before using the sheath to stop a long dagger wielded like a sword by a boy who couldn't be more than ten or eleven years of age. He took a good look at the boy as he continued to block but not strike out, fearful of hurting him. He was dressed like the people of Essetir. But fought with a fierceness he'd never seen in one so young. He looked over at Leon and saw him watching this, amazed but still listening for more as Gareth started to wake. 
Percival saw Leon stiffen after a few more minutes. “Gareth, up!” Leon shouted as he dodged a crossbow bolt. 
Gareth shot up out from under the cloak at that and the sound of hooves coming towards them reached their ears. Percival noticed as well and shoved the boy back with only a fraction of his strength, causing the boy to stumble backwards and almost fall. 
Percival and Leon instantly put Gareth behind them and started backing up towards their own horses when the sound of several crossbows firing rang out. Leon yelled in pain as two hit his sword arm and shoulder, Gareth let out a cry as one grazed his burned arm and Percival flinched as the last came close to his cheek.
Their enemies rode into view at that and Percival tensed, recognizing Cenred as one of them, and the look on Leon's face told Percival that he recognized him too as the boy tried to attack them again and Percival blocked it, not wanting to hurt one so young as Cenred and his men dismounted and Cenred drew his swords as he approached. 
“Erik, enough,” Cenred said sharply and the boy halted his attack as the men surrounded Percival, Leon, and Gareth. The boy looked crestfallen at Cenred's sharp tone, but obeyed. Percival noticed that Cenred’s attention was more on the boy than him as he passed him and looked the boy over before redirecting his attention back to the knights. “Just three intruders, the last time there were far more.”
Percival saw Leon flinch at that and knew that they were in a very bad situation. He shot a pitying look at Gareth, seeing he was trembling, hand on his dagger. He also saw that Leon had his sword drawn but using his non-dominant hand to wield it. He jerked his head towards Leon and Gareth before charging towards Cenred. 
Cenred startled and quickly drew his twin blades as his men went after Percival, allowing the other two to slip away. 
Gareth stopped, looking back towards where they'd left Percival. Leon frowned, clearly torn between running and going back. Gareth sighed softly, “I don't like leaving him. It doesn't feel right.”
Leon sighed. “Neither do I, but with my sword arm the way it is.” He put a hand on one of the bolts. “And if we just pull them out, there’s a chance I could bleed to death before reaching where we need to. Percival knows what he’s doing, and we promised Gwaine before we left. We promised him that we’d bring you back alive, no matter what. If we stay, they will kill us, and I have no doubt, and they’ll go for you first.” He pulled himself up onto his horse, pain and reluctance plain on his face. 
Gareth shot a look back then sighed, before mounting. “It just…” 
“I know it feels wrong, but sometimes, sometimes there is no other choice,” Leon said, not looking at Gareth, and Gareth thought he saw something wet slide down Leon’s face. “We must go, and unlike on the way here, we’re not stopping. With any luck, Arthur has another patrol out and we can fill them in and they can get to him in time,” Leon said quietly. 
Gareth nodded and he and Leon took off, knowing time was of the essence. 
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gawrkin · 1 month ago
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(Source: The Post-Vulgate Cycle - Merlin Continuation)
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(Source: Le Morte D'Arthur, by Thomas Malory )
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(Source: La Tavola Ritonda)
Because, just like Modern Nerds and their favorite comic books, anime and video games, one of the things Medieval Writers love to talk about when it comes the Knights of the Round Table is their Power Levels™.
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mortiscausa · 1 year ago
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And then they took their horses and rode throughout a fair forest; and then they came to a plain, and saw where were many pavilions and tents, and a fair castle, and there was much smoke and great noise; and when they came near the siege Sir Beaumains espied upon great trees, as he rode, how there hung full goodly armed knights by the neck, and their shields about their necks with their swords, and gilt spurs upon their heels, and so there hung nigh a forty knights shamefully with full rich arms. Then Sir Beaumains abated his countenance and said, What meaneth this? Fair sir, said the damosel, abate not your cheer for all this sight, for ye must courage yourself, or else ye be all shent, for all these knights came hither to this siege to rescue my sister Dame Lionesse, and when the Red Knight of the Red Launds had overcome them, he put them to this shameful death without mercy and pity. And in the same wise he will serve you but if you quit you the better. Le Morte D'Arthur, Book 8 | Thomas Malory
march to camelot #4: monstrous
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daliathewitch · 11 months ago
Tra la! It's May! The lusty month of May!
That lovely month when ev'ryone goes blissfully astray.
Tra la! It's here! That shocking time of year
When tons of wicked little thoughts merrily appear!
Happy birthday, sir Mordred! Shit doesn't drown and neither did you💋 (affectionately)
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grail-lifesupport · 6 months ago
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Brunor's first day on the job as a kitchen knight isn't going as planned...
(from left to right, Brunor, Gareth and Lucan the butler)
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