#incorrect merthur quotes
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unattainablesillygoose · 3 months ago
Merlin, about to confess he has magic for the 362357th time: I have something I need to get off my chest
Arthur: Is it your shirt? Please say yes.
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the-medieval-husbands · 5 months ago
I just imagine Merlin gentle parenting Arthur and the other knights when they're drunk.
Merlin: No. Gwain no, put the sword down. No weapons in the tavern.... Leon, if I have to tell you again that we don't stand on chairs, we're going home!
Arthur: Merlin! Come sit with me!
Merlin: Sire, I'm a little busy at the moment. Drink your ale.
Arthur: But Merlin! I want you over here now!
Merlin huffs and goes over and stands infront of him.
Merlin: Okay, what?
Arthur: *pulls Merlin down in his lap*
Merlin: Arthur! You cabbage head! Let me go! People will see!
Gwain: Oooooo mom and dad are fighting again....
Percival: Shut up and drink your ale or mom will smack you.
Merlin: I heard that!
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starchaser45 · 3 months ago
Merlin's s mom hunith: I was hoping you'd stay just friends
Merlin*smirking*: why is that mom
Hunith: if I recall correctly he didn't want women to fight
Hunith: looked down on my house
Hunith: would have killed will if he stayed alive or at least banish him
Arthur: hold o_
Hunith: and he hated my food
Arthur*chokes again*: I'm really sorry *walks away slowly sulking*
Merlin: you like him don't you
Hunith:of course but I'm still petty
Merlin: god I missed you mom
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tiredcowboyy · 1 year ago
I always find the posts/fics where leons just so over witnessing merthur pining so funny. Like that man really had to see them from the start and the tension between them grow and he just had to sit and watch. Like I imagine every time a new knight joined they all brought the weird vibes up and leon each time was more and more over it.
Like it stared w lance early on being like
Lance: hey leon, is it just me or are arthur and merlin lowkey pining for each other
Leon: oh thank god! Someone finally brought it up, yeah theyve been like this for a while-
But then ended up as
Percy talking to the knights as they watch merlin and arthur bicker (read: flirt): ok but, does it seem like theyre fli-
Gwaine, sounding exhausted: yeah theyve been like this for a while
Percy: really? And theyve still not done anything about it?
Leon the long suffering, whose now had to watch them for almost 10 years: *eye twitch* nope.
Edit: just gonna leave these screenshots here
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muchmossymess · 1 year ago
Merlin: uh oh looks like I can't manipulate mansplain manservant my way out of this one
Merlin: manslaughter it is
Arthur: meRLIN NO!
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freakygirlie · 9 months ago
Merlin: I have magic
Arthur: This is going to ruin the tour
Merlin: ???
Arthur: The world tour
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theroundbartable · 6 months ago
Merlin: hey
Arthur: *internally* okay, okay. Be cool. Say something cool, or smart! No, you're not smart, you'll just sound stupid. You're the King, be cool.
Arthur: sup
Arthur: *internally* sup?you've never said sup in your entire life! This isn't cool, this is a disaster!!!
Arthur: I mean... Hey
Merlin: *smiles*
Arthur: *internally* oh yes, I'm dead
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daisymintt · 2 years ago
Arthur: Need I remind you, Merlin, what happens when you interfere with a quest?
Merlin: Uh… the quest gets done?
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merlinjoyer · 2 years ago
Arthur, trying to flirt: Tell me, Merlin, are you a sorcerer?
Merlin, nervously sweating: I can explain...
Arthur: because you enchanted my hea— wait, what?
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ambriel-angstwitch · 2 years ago
Merlin: Crushes are the worst whenever I’m near mine I start acting stupid
Arthur: You always act stupid Merlin
Arthur: …
Merlin: Don’t think about it too hard
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bilbos-stolen-untensils · 5 months ago
*over text*
Merlin: What are you up to, handsome?
Arthur: Eating cereal in bed
Merlin: And what would you be doing if I was in bed with you? 😏
Arthur: ?? I would still be eating my cereal?
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wishiwasadruid · 2 years ago
Morgana: You do realize there’s a rumor going around that you’re in love with Merlin?
Arthur : Rumor?!! People are still doubting it?
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the-medieval-husbands · 6 months ago
Arthur has absolutely accidentally kissed merlin as he walked away without thinking about it. Just...
Arthur: I have to talk to my father. Merlin, I want my armour spotless by the time I return.
Merlin: Yes sire.
Arthur: Try that with a little less sarcasm Merlin. *gives him a small peck goodbye* I'll be back shortly.
Arthur walks out of the room. Gwain, Leon and Lance all stare at him in disbelief.
Merlin: Did he just....
Gwain: Merlin! Why didn't you tell us that you and the princess were together!
Merlin: Shut up Gwain!
Arthur: Merlin! Is my Armour done yet!?
Merlin: If it's not are you going to kiss me again?
Arthur: Again? I didn't kiss you? Oh my god I kissed you.... I kissed you infront of Gwain!!!!!!
Merlin: Yup. Good job cabbage head. You get to explain that one.
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starchaser45 · 4 months ago
Arthur: I need anyone that lied or betrayed me to tell me right now
Gwaine: I lied about not being a noble
Arthur:good start but more important things please
Merlin: I lied about having magic
Agravaine: I sold you out to Morgana
Gwen: I lied about no longer having feelings for Lancelot
Gaius: I lied for and harbored Merlin
Uther: I lied about your mother's death
Morgana: don't look at me we all know what I did
Arthur: wow so everyone has lied to me at some point IS THERE ANYONE THAT DIDN'T LIE TO ME
Morgause: surprisingly me
Arthur:....... WHAT THE FU___
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tiredcowboyy · 1 year ago
can someone write/find a fic where merlin finds out hes the druid king and that across albion it is still recognised as a king so either king arthur or prince arthur and king uther have to just accept that the idiot servant is suddenly at an equal rank to them and therefore they have to treat him w nothing but respect.
Like I just want merlin to be like ‘wait so im the king? does that matter outside of the druids or…?’ and him find out that yes he is equal to the pendragons and just let him turn to arthur with the biggest shit eating grin
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olli-is-a-fish · 2 years ago
Merlin: *pulls curtain back while Arthur is in the shower*
Merlin: Are we - stop screaming, it’s just me - are we out of cereal?
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