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Rai (25/any) insta: @Changelink23- Or ao3: @theroundbartable- Wattpad: Changelink23; Merch: or support me on Kofi:
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theroundbartable · 51 minutes ago
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It’s not
too late
to save him
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theroundbartable · 59 minutes ago
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It’s not
too late
to save him
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theroundbartable · 6 hours ago
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flipping through my files and found some merlin i dont think i ever posted…..
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theroundbartable · 20 hours ago
They are Galleon figures.
They are not the brains, they are not the ones pulling the trigger, they are the ones representing an idea. They are legends, for stories that happened in the past and that most people don't know the full story behind and don't believe you if you bring it up. But it's stories they want to believe in.
I'm someone whose blog revolves around a fictional and legendary King. I too love the legend behind, I love the ideas that I connect with that legend. Like justice and fairness. And I understand that it's a leadership I'd love to follow.
But truth be told, if King Arthur himself offered me Knighthood, as much as it pains me to think about it, I'd vandalise the castle walls.
Because we need to differentiate the idea from the person. Fiction from reality.
Because if you simply follow their command, if you become a fanatic follower, if you give up common sense for country and leadership, then you become an instrument that's too easy to abuse. It's not freedom if you lock people away for no reason other than that they made free choices. It's not peace if you're heading for war. It's not even financially smart if they stop investing in you. Because then no one can pay them back.
Think about the ideas that you strive for. Be the reason for it to happen. Manifest it by being resolute. Because your ideas are what holds that ship together, don't be a rotten plank that bends to the will of the waves. Once a storm hits, and the ship sinks, that ship will be recognized by the Galleon figure, not the people who drowned at sea.
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theroundbartable · 1 day ago
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Saw the pose on Pinterest and couldn’t resist
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theroundbartable · 1 day ago
Curse that makes your Iris change to red when you lie.
Arthur: Merlin would never kill anyone. This is a preposterous accusation!!!!
Merlin: you're absolutely right, sire
*eyes flashing red*
Arthur: O.O
Merlin: ... You're right. That one's on me
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theroundbartable · 1 day ago
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My friends are all roasting me for living a fanfic cliche when I just want to get swole on the cheap 😔
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theroundbartable · 1 day ago
Once again, sending all the good vibes. ✨✨✨
I love your "Golden Age Arthur goes back in time and impersonate Agravaine (and Merlin follows him)" drawings so much! The way you aged the characters <333 No pressure at all but if you made more of them I would be really happy
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theroundbartable · 1 day ago
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This is the cutest thing ever 😭😭😭
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theroundbartable · 2 days ago
Merlin: *at an interview* and this is my recommendation letter, written by my old boss
Employer: this just reads 'you can't have him. He's mine'
Merlin: good bloody damn it, not again, Arthur
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theroundbartable · 2 days ago
Leon is showing some foreign noble the castle when suddenly Merlin almost runs into them without slowing down at all. He's laughing giddily as he passes them. Before anyone could comment on it Arthur calls out: "Merlin!!!" and chases after the man
Noble, very stunned: "Who was that?"
Leon sighing: "Our kings."
Noble: "But- Shouldn't they- Were they wearing night clothes? "
Leon very serious now: "Yes and believe me when I say we should be grateful for that."
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theroundbartable · 2 days ago
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Creatures of Magic ✨ Merry Christmas everyone! (insta | timelapse here! | commissions/prints)
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theroundbartable · 2 days ago
Arthur: sex is overrated. Look at Merlin and I. We're not doing sex and we're perfectly fine.
Merlin: Arthur
Merlin: Arthur, what the heck do you think we've been doing?
Arthur: ...
Arthur: what?
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theroundbartable · 2 days ago
Morgana: BEHOLD, your worst nightmare, the nathaer!!!!!
Gwaine: You mean that thing?
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Snek: Blb
my ko-fi
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theroundbartable · 2 days ago
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Arthur would never admit it out loud, but he often invented reasons to take Merlin out for a drink.
Now, he couldn't do it as much. After all, a King cannot be seen buying drinks for his servant (as he used to tell Merlin back when Uther was King and a rule he threw out the window the moment he himself had assumed the throne). But it was fine if he bought the drinks for all his knights as well, if they just weren't alone.
The first time Arthur had taken Merlin out for a drink had been a surprise on many layers. A) he had not planned to buy them drinks, but he'd lost a bet against Gwaine. B) He'd assumed Merlin was a regular at the tavern but the man couldn't drink more than a cup of wine before he was dancing on a table. And C) his final dilemma, Merlin kept complimenting him.
Okay, to be fair, not just Arthur. He was complimenting everyone. He told Gwaine about his pretty hair and Lancelot about his pretty eyes and Gwen about her perfect skin and Morgana about her make-up skills and Elyan about his empathy and Percival about his strength and Mordred - okay, Merlin had never complimented Mordred. But he'd complimented Leon's cooking skills. Which was strange, Arthur didn't even know Leon could cook.
The point was, Merlin always, always ended up complimenting Arthur, and Arthur kept melting whenever it happened. A drunk Merlin didn't know personal space, didn't have any inhibitions. He always somehow ended up sitting half in Arthur's lap, grabbing him by his chin and sparkling like crazy as he complimented Arthur to his face. It felt like Merlin were counting Arthur's freckles, the number of hair on his eyelashes, the pulsing beat of his heart. "You're beautiful" Was a sentence that paled to the look alone that Merlin gave him and still, he wouldn't stop telling Arthur how pretty he was.
Arthur shouldn't be instigating these moments as often as he did. But he couldn't help doing it. He loved Merlin that close to him, his devotion evident with every brush of their touching skin, only inches away from kissing each other.
And today, today Arthur was on it again. Downing shot after shot in order to prepare himself so he could deal with what he believed inevitable to come. Merlin was busy talking with Gwaine, but also drinking wine from time to time and Arthur could feel that moment approaching. He grew lightheaded with each drink, his mind filling with anticipation and hope and all those things he never dared to name sober.
It got later and later in the evening. People already leaving, his knights saying goodnight and Arthur was way beyond the point of tipsy while Merlin remained surprisingly formal with everyone.
It didn't dawn on Arthur until his seventh drink that Merlin must not have been drinking alcohol at all, if Arthur's vision doubled while Merlin remained static and fine.
"I think you've had enough, Arthur. We should leave. You have a tournament tomorrow, remember?"
Arthur's world focused on Merlin's lips, everything else a faint memory in his mind. "Why are you not drunk?" He slurred, surprising himself with how normal his voice sounded.
"I had water. I have a long day tomorrow and don't want to be hungover. Last time you nearly killed me for sleeping in, remember?"
"'d never kill you." Arthur responded blurrily. "Luv' ya too much for that." He closed his eyes, feeling tired all of a sudden.
"What did you say?" How had they ended up outside? The cold wind was brushing through Arthur's hair, cooling his heated skin. Merlin was grinning amusedly. It looked pretty. Merlin always looked so pretty.
"I like you better drunk." Arthur accused half heartedly, realising faintly that Merlin was the only reason why he wasn't already falling right on his face. "Like it when ya compliment me."
Merlin had stopped them, his brows furrowing. "Is that why you keep filling me up at taverns? Because I can't shut up when I'm drunk?" Pink spread adorably around his nose.
"You like my eyes." Arthur grinned at him, teasing him.
"You like it when I'm drunk because I say your eyes are pretty?" Merlin snorted, nearly overbalancing Arthur when he stumbled over nothing.
"You're pretty." Arthur said, somehow not following their conversation, revelling in Merlin's touch. "And I love you very much." He found himself laughing. It sounded ridiculous out loud. Never mind that it was true, it was weird to hear it coming from himself. It was unheard of, basically illegal.
"Arthur, are you okay?" Merlin asked, suddenly sounding worried. "You're too drunk. Gods, you'll have my head for this tomorrow." Merlin sighed and pulled Arthur forwards.
"I'm tryin' to make you kiss me. You always look like you wanna kiss me." Arthur wondered at Merlin's reddening cheeks. "Wish, ' cld tell yu. You'd look so good in a crown." The end of that conversation slurred after that.
When Arthur woke up the next day, he had no recollection of the night, only a vague image of Merlin staring at him with wide eyes that had captured the sky.
Send me a standard fanfiction trope and make me fuck it up.
I have no idea what to write, but my brain likes to do weird shit over normal stuff.
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theroundbartable · 2 days ago
I think part of that reason might be the magic itself.
So, this is mostly a headcanon,
But Merlin was hiding things. Arthur may not have known what Merlin was hiding, but he knew there was something.
"you're shifty. Like you've got something to hide."
"you're a riddle, Merlin."
"wonders never cease"
There have been moments when Arthur thought he knew Merlin inside and out and each time, Merlin would say something outlandish or strange.
I firmly believe that Arthur knew that something about Merlin wasn't quite right. Something was missing. Something that would make him trust Merlin without a doubt in his mind.
In that moment, when Arthur feels Merlin connecting to him, that layer of suspicion is gone. Because whatever this is, it's not hidden behind worry or fear, it's blatant and loud and downright treason. The magic is the missing puzzle piece for Arthur to be fully at ease around Merlin.
(It's also why I think the final episode is when Arthur finally, fully crashes into his feelings for Merlin because that's, in some ways, the first time they've met.)
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The fact that Arthur believed so deeply that he wasn't just dreaming about Merlin's warning & that it didn't feel like a dream is beyond me . Because Arthur most of the times made fun of Merlin's warnings yet here he felt not only Merlin reached him but also Arthur immediately didn't question his warning . As if he knows if anyone wants to save his life it's Merlin therefore there's no questioning it . 😭
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theroundbartable · 2 days ago
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Sketchy time.
Reminder that the Fanzine is out!
My ko-fi
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