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nightninjaboy · 5 months ago
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runboybeneaththemoon · 7 months ago
Arthur: Okay, so you're my servant now. It's not really that important of a position, just like, idk, make sure you bring me my breakfast on time
Merlin: I would die for you, I would kill for you, I'd give up my humanity and become a living weapon for you, I would sit by your grave for over a millennium, awaiting your return-
Arthur: but would you bring me breakfast on time?
Merlin: Well that's asking a bit much, don't you think?
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adageyer · 5 months ago
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boy do i love te
again, ethically sourced from tumblr
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thistle--bug · 9 months ago
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Two sides of the same coin
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karistiltskin · 1 month ago
sometimes i like to fall asleep to the idea of every kingdom being scared of camelot because king arthur decided to lift the ban on magic and it’s revealed that emrys is his right hand man. like yes, wreak havoc and scare your enemies.
on the other side of this, the castle staff and knights have to bear witness to arthur and merlin’s shenanigans everyday. because tell me why arthur is chasing merlin around the castle with porridge stuck in his hair and a spoon raised in his hand while merlin is cackling, bumping into every surface ever.
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xgermankittycatx--commsopen · 10 months ago
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merlin and arthur co-parenting human aithusa (even though they would NEVER talk about it) my beloved
(...yes, I've been reading too many fanfics again, NOW TELL ME WHAT YOUR FAV MERTHUR FANFICS ARE >:])
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emrysmoss · 5 months ago
You’re laughing. The destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy and you’re laughing.
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My favorite Merthur dynamic, especially in slow-burn fics is, once they’ve had their “oh” moments. Arthur is doing backflips around the fact that he’s in love with a man, let alone his manservant, let alone Merlin. And then there’s Merlin, who takes one look inward and is like “well, this might as well happen,” and then tucks this secret away inside him with the rest of them. Because, well, his life is already Arthur’s, his heart might as well be too.
Meanwhile, Arthur is screaming crying throwing up, and nobody knows why, least of all Merlin, but damn if he’s not going to give figuring it out his best shot. Cue Merlin performing various acts of sorcery on a passed out Arthur to find out why his king can’t get a full sentence out in his presence without getting flustered.
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giacarem · 4 months ago
Fic where, after Arthur has legalised magic but before Merlin has revealed his magic, Arthur hears that a sorcerer named Emrys can see into the future and grant prophecies, and decides to seek him out to ask him about the future of Camelot and Merlin panics
So Merlin tries to convince Arthur the whole time that maybe it’s not the best idea to seek out this apparently all knowing oracle, and what about whether this guy is even real or if he has the abilities in the first place (because as far as Merlin knows, he’s not a seer. Sure, he can see the future if he looks into the Crystal Cave, but it’s not an innate ability like Morgana’s visions)
But Arthur is determined so he takes Merlin and his knights and sets out to where Emrys is said to reside (and Merlin can’t help but think the entire thing is nonsense anyway, because where did this guy get his information from? Merlin very obviously does not live where ever they’re going)
The whole time he’s also thinking about ways to disguise himself once again if he indeed does have to present himself as Emrys to Arthur.
Anyways, they get to the abandoned castle where “Emrys” lives and surprise surprise, it’s an imposter
Merlin is now very angry and annoyed but for totally different reasons
He very subtly tries to discredit or trip up this “Emrys”
Merlin: I thought Emrys was a dragonlord
“Emrys”: Of course I am
Merlin: Then, why don’t you call a dragon?
“Emrys”: Ummmm
Arthur: Merlin, don’t be silly, all the dragons are gone, you were there when it happened
Arthur: Please, Emrys, I seek to know what will become of Camelot under my reign
“Emrys”: A kingdom is only as strong as its leader. There will be times of hardship, but also times of peace and joy
Merlin: Oh please, that’s so vague.
Arthur: Merlin, do not insult the all knowing, all powerful sorcerer
Merlin: So, how do you get your visions? Through sleep? By looking through a crystal?
“Emrys”: It comes to me naturally, like breathing. My magic always has
Merlin: Interesting, can we see some magic?
Arthur: Merlin, we are not here for entertainment
Eventually it’s revealed that this “Emrys” is a fraud and that Merlin is in fact the real Emrys, but then Arthur keeps expecting him to know about the future
Arthur: Merlin, will I die if I go on this quest to slay the beast?
Merlin, gritting his teeth: How would I know?
Arthur: Mm. I guess I just expected the all powerful Emrys to be a little more impressive
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calico-in-the-forest · 7 months ago
People don't talk about this scene enough, so I am going to.
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[Found picture online after much searching]
Merlin fans tend to talk about the ending of the show, offering alternative endings which are interesting and exciting. However, I feel that not enough people appreciate those small scenes in Merlin that make all the difference.
This is a moment from the secret sharer (that one episode with our bestie Alator). The LIGHTING in this scene is phenomenal. The props and set design? Stunning. The camera angles? Beautiful. The way Colin Morgan is sat so that the light from the window hits his face at the perfect angle? Amazing.
There is so much thought and care in everything in this show, and don't even get me started on the music! The soundtrack is SO GOOD!! I understand the importance of major scenes and why they are talked about so much, but honestly it's the small moments that really make the show what it is for me.
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cadvix · 5 months ago
Day 13 (officially day 15): Grimoire
This is a bit rushed, cause I am severely lacking in time right now, but whatever. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also if I’m not replying to comments, my apologies. I’ve tried, but it doesn’t seem to work a lot of the time. I’ll reply as soon as it works again.
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nightninjaboy · 1 year ago
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runboybeneaththemoon · 9 months ago
Arthur: to discuss the legalisation of magic I have invited every powerful sorcerer that I know of to a meeting
Arthur: Merlin, send invitations to Dragoon, the Dolma, Emrys and, if you can track him down, the last dragonlord
Edit: for everyone asking for a fic, the lovely @myfairkatiecat wrote one, just look in the replies or reblogs or go to their blog
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An idea that just came to me: an au where Merlin, by virtue of his status as Emrys and a dragonlord, is part fae.
However, he wasn't always fae, so his new powers come as a shock to him when they start appearing soon after he banished Kilgharrah. Still, Merlin starts reading all he can on the fae and their powers, trying to know what to expect, but there aren't many books on the fae available to him in Camelot, so his knowledge is very limited.
So, the next time Arthur took Merlin out for an overnight hunt, Merlin prepared a stew dinner for the both of them, which was nothing out of the ordinary. But, when Arthur ate the stew, something happened, Merlin could feel it. It was like his magic had suddenly grown an extra connection to Arthur, and it was very strange.
What was even stranger was the fact that every time Arthur or one of the knights ate food that he had prepared, Merlin's strange magical connection to them got stronger, like strings of wool being woven together to form a stronger fiber.
By the time Merlin learned about the rules surrounding fae food, it was already far too late. Merlin freaked for a very long time over the fact that he apparently owned all of his friends' souls, and now there was no way to undo it!
However, as time went on and things continued on as they usually did, with all of his friends acting normally towards him and not like they were under any sort of magical compulsion, Merlin slowly relaxed.
Eventually, after a disastrous encounter with a Sidhe in disguise who was trying to trick Arthur into selling his soul, Merlin decided that this might be a good thing. No one else could take his friends' souls if he already owned them.
Besides, he loved all of them! He'd take very good care of their souls, treating all of them with the respect and kindness they deserved.
(Some part of Merlin, buried deep below, cried out in horror at the notion of owning any person's soul, let alone his loved ones', but it was quickly silenced by a new instinct, some foreign logic that now took over his mind. This was his nature, after all.)
And perhaps, one day, Merlin would be correct in that him owning his friends' souls was a blessing instead of a burden. When, one fateful day, Merlin stood at the shores of Avalon holding his king's dying body, he refused to give up Arthur's soul.
Avalon could take Arthur's body if it wanted it that badly; Merlin could always create a new one for his king with his magic alone. But Arthur's soul belonged to Merlin.
(And whether this is a good or terrible ending for Arthur is up to you!)
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ambugutron · 14 days ago
something about merlin's constant mantra of "i'll be your servant until the day i die" repeating over and over until the last episode where he tells arthur he was born to serve him and then he loses him. but merlin is still alive. and it turns out he can't die at all really. cursed to be the one who has to keep going for centuries until arthur returns. would move heaven and earth for him and if that means waiting until he can see him once more against all hope than he will remain faithful. because even though arthur has been dead and gone merlin is still his servant, until the day he dies
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aquabreezy · 11 months ago
My new favorite Merlin AU is that Merlin finally confesses to Arthur about his magic, but Merlin is too flustered to think straight and there’s some miscommunication.
What Merlin says: I have magic 😔
What Merlin thinks he said: I am a powerful sorcerer and I use my magic every day to protect you and all of Camelot. We are two sides of the same coin, our destinies forever intertwined. Spare me and I will help you become the once and future king.
What Arthur hears: I know a few cantrips. Please don’t kill me.
So Arthur eventually comes to terms with Merlin knowing some magic and things kinda go back to normal except Merlin starts using minor spells in front of Arthur to speed up chores.
But then while Arthur is working to legalize magic (because of course he would) and make reparations to magic users, he asks Merlin to accompany him to a meeting with the Druids. Arthur asks the Druids to nominate a court sorcerer and they just look at him confused like
Druids: why not ask the great sorcerer Emrys?
Arthur: ok where do I find him?
Druids: points to Merlin sitting 1 foot away
Arthur: why did you hide this vital information from me!?
Merlin: … I did tell you, didn’t I? Whoops
Arthur: Gwen! Knights! Merlin is the most powerful sorcerer to ever live! Can you believe it?
Everyone … yeah. We saw him shooting Lightning while riding a dragon just last week.
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