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hollyskywalker · 3 months ago
Ok so i love Merlin magic reveals but theres just something special about Merlin Dragonlord reveals
The ones where Arthur finds out and suddenly realises "Holy-shit-i-told-Merlin-that-his-own-father-wasnt-worth-a-tear-why-is-he-still-at-my-side-im-a-horrible-person-"
And i've seen several versions of this reveal and what the responses would be
But i haven't seen one i had in my mind
Just imagine this: Merlin grows his hair out ("no, gwaine, im not copying your hairstyle stfu-") and grows a beard
And Arthur thinks it's hot that he looks oddly familiar but can't place it
He tells tells Merlin this and Merlin sits there in cold sweat thinking Arthur is connecting him to Dragoon or something
It takes Arthur a week (A whole week!) to figure out who bearded Merlin reminds him of
They’re sitting around the fire on their way to a quest or whatever
And Arthur looks at Merlin who's attempting to carve what looks like a misformed dog from a piece of wood when Arthur suddenly gets flashbacks to that time The Great Dragon escaped and they went in search for the last Dragonlord.
Balinor. Merlin looks like Balinor.
And now that he sees it he can't unsee it. It's uncanny how much they look alike. Almost like father and son...
And that is how Arthur realises that he never defeated The Great Dragon and that Merlin is in fact the last dragonlord and "shit-shit-shit-my-father-ruined-his-fathers-life-and-i-told-him-not-to-cry-about-it-"
Ignoring the fact that Uther believed that Dragonlords were too close to magic Arthur confronts Merlin about it, and promises him it's alright, it will all be alright. And Merlin can barely get out a word before Arthur hugs him, both of them pretending that Merlin totally isnt crying.
Arthur takes any books on dragons and dragonlords he can find and gives them to Merlin.
(Bonus points if Merlin lets Arthur come along the next time he summons Kilgarrah for help and Arthur promptly kisses Merlin after hearing him use that voice because 'holy-shit-hes-so-hot-what-the-actual-fuck')
((Even more bonus points if they adopt Aithusa together))
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gramnel · 10 months ago
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wild-flowerhoney · 5 months ago
one thing the show doesn't care about enough: the dragonlords and the dragons themselves. they were hunted to extinction. merlin is the last of his kind. and he'll never know anything about being a dragonlord because his entire family and anyone who might've known about them is gone. how do you fix that? you can't. there's nothing you can ever do to make up for something like that. absolutely nothing.
and i love fics that explore arthur surviving and struggling through the realisation of just what kind of monster his father was for everyone else but also. they rarely focus on that bit of history, on the fact that uther actually managed to destroy that part of magic completely as merlin is the very last of his kin and there are only two dragons left (the first one won't live much longer and he has no knowledge on how to help the second). uther actually did eradicate something, it wasn't magic as a whole maybe but an entire branch of it is just gone.
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thesorcerersshadow · 7 months ago
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presented without comment
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onlytibki · 2 months ago
Kilgarrah: I’ve set Emrys upon the path to his destiny
Triple Goddess: you fucked up a perfectly good warlock is what you did. Look at him. He’s got anxiety
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jesus-of-bisexuals · 5 months ago
The character I hate the most in Merlin, other than Uther, was that fucking overgrown lizard. The dude speaks like a fucking fortune cookie and then gets mad at Merlin for not listening to him.
ALSO, I fully believe if Kilgarrah had left my boy alone things would have gone better. I know he was just using Merlin to get him out of the cave but he totally deserved to be there. He never actually cared about Merlin.
"Nobody, no matter how great, can know their destiny." THEN LEAVE THE POOR MAN ALONE!
Everything was Kilgarrah's fault. Fuck you.
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rosemarytales · 5 months ago
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I forgot how fun it was to make these
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sociallyanxiouspyrate · 6 months ago
"Two halves of the same coin" like top/bottom? Elaborate Kilgarrah.
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blazeshardcat · 9 months ago
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realistic depiction of episode 1
based on this post
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groundbreakingdot872 · 29 days ago
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original post
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himbo-aficionado · 2 years ago
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understandable, have a great day. 
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cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu · 9 months ago
Bro, imagine if Merlin went back in time to the first moment he met the Great Dragon and turned Kilgharrah into a tiny asf dragon then freed him lol
Kilgharrah: GASP
Merlin: Yeesss, payback for the horrible advice you gave me in the future.
Merlin: LOL
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mandoriana · 2 months ago
Aithusa *in her mind, holding a rabbit she caught*:I can kill you here or I can prolong your pain...
Kilgarrah *who can hear her thoughts*: Girl, what??
Aithusa *who watched Morgana torture her enemies*: Oh, mommy hunts for nutrition, just like I do :)
Aithusa clearly thinks Morgana ate her enemies.
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morganaconda · 2 years ago
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my-destiny-my-chicken · 2 years ago
AITA for manipulating a young warlock into moving fate towards my design, therefore trapping him into an inescapable and tragic destiny?
Years ago I (M1000) felt the presence of a warlock (M28) enter the kingdom of Camelot. I called to him in his mind and he found me, and long story short I ended up being the one he came to for advice.
My friends think I was in the wrong because I knew about all the details of his destiny and didn’t tell him (for context he is the greatest wizard to ever walk the earth) but I think I was justified because I was trapped under the castle for 20 years and needed him to get me out.
I did tell him really vague answers to everything he asked so that he’d do what I wanted, but I know what’s best because I’m a 1000 year old dragon and he’s just some guy who was rude to me once. Am I the asshole?
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youshouldjustliveinmychurch · 5 months ago
Not to Merlin-post in the year of our Lord 2024, but I love Gwen as a character. She goes through too much honestly. She deserves such a good life and so much love. I want to see a spin off show about Gwen's reign as queen because that would be awesome.
I was always frustrated because I felt like the "Arthur is going to be this great king and unite Albion" thing never came to pass or only kind of did sparingly BUT maybe it's that thing with prophecies where they come to pass in unexpected ways.
So maybe the great prosperity and uniting of Albion happens because of Gwen's peaceful, fair, and progressive reign, which technically happens because Arthur made the choice to marry when she was a commoner. She wouldn't have been on the throne otherwise. I'm calling it. I believe she would be a freaking great queen. With her empathy and intelligence and bravery? Hell yeah!
It's very likely that she had the guts to finally lift the ban on magic during her reign (and all that entails) which Arthur was never able to do because he had trouble /didn't have the chance to work through the negative feeling about magic that had been instilled in him by his father. Merlin was never able to push him to do so because he became too entrenched in supporting the current power structures because he was blinded by his love for and devotion to Arthur. Maybe they could have gotten there in time (there are hints of that), but instead the revelation is made inadvertently and the end of the show happens before they cross that boundary. That's one of the great tragedies of the show. It painfully demonstrates how power corrupts and people can be forced to try to work within a system that is actively harming them, especially when they love and believe in the people entrenched in that system.
Maybe Morgana had a twisted sixth sense about this too because she's peculiarly focused on Gwen being queen for a lot of reasons (SHE EVEN HAS VISIONS ABOUT IT).
Anyway, I'm sure someone has said this before.
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