misser steal yo blorbo
781 posts
Bri 🐝, fem | '04 | avid fanfic reader | writer send a honk to request, or just chat
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unattainablesillygoose · 5 days ago
maybe i was born to read fanfic and obsess over fictional men idk
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unattainablesillygoose · 5 days ago
me @ y/n when they do something i’d never do:
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like babe this isn’t us ?? get it together
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unattainablesillygoose · 25 days ago
Arthur: What did you say about my mother
Merlin: Bold of you to assume i was talking about your mother
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unattainablesillygoose · 25 days ago
Merlin: ...?
Arthur: im sorry i would never do that to your mother ...you bitch
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
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comic dump from “dearly despised, (I love you)” - adrienette enemy + fake dating AU
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
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psych + textposts bc it was about time i did one
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
Immediately going on my re-read list omg
The Replacement
BBC Merlin x Reader
Summary: Merlin finds out that Gaius has hired a new assistant. He’s upset about being replaced until he finds out it’s you. Reader uses she/her pronouns.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1340
A/N: Just a quick fluffy fanfic of one magical boy.
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Merlin wakes up exhausted from the day before. Well, the week before. It seems as if Arthur’s upped his duties recently and between that and practising his magic his schedule has become quite busy, not to mention draining.
He sits up from his bed with sore limbs and stretches himself out before heading downstairs. “Morning Gaius,” Merlin says when he spots the old man hunched over the table. Gaius looks up and watches as Merlin makes his way towards him.
“Good morning Merlin,” Gaius says. Merlin grabs himself some porridge to eat and sits at the table. He doesn’t have long, but Arthur can wait until he finishes his bloody breakfast. “What are you up to today?”
“I’m sure Arthur’s conjured up a new way to torment me so I’ll be rather busy with that,” he responds, trying to enjoy his limited moments of peace.
Gaius’ eyes light up like he just remembered something. “Oh! Merlin, there’s someone I’d like you to meet later.”
“Who’s that?” Merlin asks, curious but more focused on his meal.
“My new assistant.” Merlin drops his spoon into the bowl, looking shocked at Gaius.
“New assistant? Why would you want that when I’m right here, your current assistant?” Merlin can’t believe this. After the week he’s had, he deserves a break not to find out that he’s being replaced.
“Well between your work with Arthur and your wizard training, you’ve gotten rather busy. And I’m not as spry as I used to be so I need some help.” Merlin starts to feel a little badly realizing he hasn’t been there for his mentor. He didn’t know he was needed so much.
“I can change! I’ll manage work between you and Arthur and–”
Keep reading
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
Arthur: now is not the time for your shenanigans!
Merlin: it was a single shenanigan. technically more of a hijink.
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
Merlin, about to confess he has magic for the 362357th time: I have something I need to get off my chest
Arthur: Is it your shirt? Please say yes.
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
Arthur: we have no time for your malarkey, shenanigans, or tomfoolery
Merlin: *gasp* the big three
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
Lancelot: how sure are you that this plan is going to work?
Merlin: 85-86 percent
Arthur: we've gone on much less
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
Arthur: there's no need to kick a man when he's down, Merlin.
Merlin: that's exactly when a man should be kicked because that's the only way he learns.
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
I snickered when Gaius said, "I don't believe I'm getting any soap" 🤣
“A Spat” Merlin x Reader
(A/N: Alrighty! Here’s an extended version of Imagine getting into a spat with Merlin.
I hope you like it!)
Late afternoon sun rays cast long shadows along the courtyards and corridors as you had strolled. Along the way you had met up with Merlin in one of the many halls of Camelot’s castle. Checking on him as needed because you noticed he held himself differently as he walked. There was light talking as you walked with him back to Gaius’ and expressed your worry there.
Then a spat broke out.
It all started with an argument about him getting hurt. Then it went from him trying to brush it off to you figuring out that he had been going after Morgana alone. That was when things went south. “You’re acting like this isn’t your first time trying to stop her.” You stood in front of him. He swallowed before answering, “we’ve all tried to stop her. She’s made it her goal to destroy everything in her way from taking Camelot.” “I meant on your own, Merlin.” Your tone lowered, a warning. “Does anyone else know that you do this?” “What matters is keeping Arthur safe. He’s always getting into danger because of someone with some past and vengeance.” Merlin was trying his best to steer you into another topic or view of it at least. It didn’t go unnoticed by you. “How long have you been risking your life like this?” “It doesn’t matter what happens to me!” He snapped, physically back-stepping as a result. “Yes, it does, Merlin. Why the blazes would you say any differently?” His dark eyebrows scrunched together; he knew you weren’t about to let this conversation go without your say. “This is serious, Merlin.” “I make my own choices and I have been for years now. I’m not going to–.” “I don’t want you to get hurt. Darn it!” “I’m fine, (Y/N). Can’t you let this go?” “No.” The young man looked sternly at you. “I know you’ve been hiding something, but I didn’t think it was this.” “It’s nothing.” At his words, Merlin could practically see the fire in your eyes as he found his back hitting the wall. He hadn’t realized that he’d been backing away from you because you were still right in front of him. There wasn’t a time he remembered distancing himself like that. Merlin was too frustrated with you to correctly determine how upset you were at that moment. If only he could make you see reason. To even see how you should drop the conversation all together. You saw the muscle in his jaw flex as you stepped up to him, blocking off any verbal or physical escape route.
“Merlin,” you started before he interrupted. “(Y/N), I know you’re worried about me, but you really need to let this go. I’m fine.” Your stance shifted to one side as you deliberately stuck out a finger at him, “just ‘fine’? Merlin, you–!” “It’s my destiny!” “What?” Your hand dropped to your side. Sighing heavily, Merlin’s head tilted back against the wall. “It’s my destiny to help Arthur in any way that I can.” “And no one knows about it,” you said slowly. “You want it that way?” “It’s better,” Merlin said, taking a moment to look at you again and feeling the tension dissipating. “I’m sorry.” Your shoulders slouching, “I’m really sorry for yelling at you. It’s just that I worry about you and now knowing….a little bit about what you do, I worry. A lot.” “I appreciate you worrying, but I’d appreciate you more if you didn’t tell anyone.” “That sounds….reasonable.” “Thank you.” “Yeah. Yeah. Just don’t get killed because I’ll smack you in the back of the head and go after Morgana myself,” you poked his chest. “Uh…,” he leaned closer to you. “Let’s not start a different argument.” “Good point.” You cleared your throat. “Who knows what else you’re hiding.” Merlin didn’t say anything to that.
The small smile on your face slowly faded, noticing Merlin’s expressive blue eyes.
“Oh, no.”
“What?” He asked, his eyes snapping up to you.
In the next hour, you tried figuring out more about Merlin’s destiny, which was true in every word he spoke. All of which lead you to more questioning and your memory serving you well more than once. Merlin’s sudden appearances during random events after everything was settled. He always had an odd excuse, you voiced that. You could read him quite well especially when he was frustrated.
“What? Are you secretly becoming a knight? Do you have magic or something? You are always somehow involved with everything that turns out alright in the end.”
Merlin’s lips formed a thin line.
“Can you?” You saw the clouds of conflict in his eyes, “I mean that would be the only reason why you couldn’t explain why you’re always disappearing and giving random excuses. And why you’re always helping when magic is involved.”
The young man moistened his lips and took an unsteady breath.
“I have magic.” He whispered.
“Wha-Really? Actual magic? You’re not just really into knowing about it? You can use it?”
“Yes and it’s really important not to mention it to anyone. Especially Arthur.”
“Because you use it to protect him,” you linked together everything. You’d probably end up with a headache later after all of this.
Merlin’s gazed didn’t shift away from you.
“I….That’s a lot. Oh, goodness, Merlin.” You covered your mouth momentarily before adding, “Merlin, please know that I would never tell anyone. If you want me to keep it a secret, I will.”
“Thank you.”
Seeing as your friend was more at ease, it was much easier to smile.
“Merlin,” you exhaled. “You’re the kindest and bravest person I’ve ever met.”
His muscles relaxed and his shoulders slacked, now realizing that you finally saw reason. He could breathe a little easier now.
“I’m sorry.” You stepped up to him, placing your hands on either side of his face, “Guess I can get extremely frustrated with your heroism.” You promptly kissed his lips.
The sorcerer was left wide-eyed from your actions. You slowly started pulling your hands off of him.
“Apology accepted.”
“That’s good–I mean, are you sure? We have been arguing for…a while.” You begun rocking on your heels, eyes shifting elsewhere.
“True,” he rose his eyebrows for a mere second. “And I should probably apologize too. I shouldn’t have yelled. For that I’m sorry.”
Merlin’s eyes peered down to your lips seconds before he leaned in to kiss you.
In turn, your hands returned to his chiseled cheekbones.
“Mmm, never kissed a wizard before.” You mused aloud, left in a happy daze. “Wait, do you prefer being called sorcerer?”
“I prefer being called Merlin,” he swooped back in for another kiss.
You involuntarily squeaked, having not expected the next kiss so soon. Added with feeling the light pressure of Merlin’s hands taking a light hold of your hips. You couldn’t even register if you were still standing on your feet any more.
“I’m sorry,” you murmured between another kiss.
“Hmm…I’m sorry.”
Red lips plucked your own. Back and forth it went, apologies and kisses. Heated air and firm grasps of hands. A not-so-frustrated sorcerer and a not-as-worried citizen of Camelot. Words need not be expressed on how the pair truly felt for each other. Strong and caring in their ways.
The two of you broke another kiss for some air.
“And I do except your apology. Just wanted to add that in,” you rushed out in a short breath.
“Good,” Merlin smiled widely, if only for a moment.
Both of you meeting in the middle for another smooch, again.
Merlin breathed out heavily as he leaned back against the wall. His two arms never leaving your form.
“How many times are we going to be apologizing?” Merlin asked, his lips lingering close to your own.
“Until we forget what we’re apologizing about,” you suggested.
“I still remember what you said about my ‘terribly strange excuses’.”
“Oh,” you grabbed ahold of his jacket. “I’m sorry about that.”
“You should be.” His reddened lips curled into a sly grin.
You and Merlin were startled and broke apart at the sound of a cough, however still standing so close to one another.
“Gaius.” Merlin about choked. “We were…uh.”
“We were arguing,” you said quickly.
Merlin gave you an puzzled look.
In return you waved your hands around in front of you, communicating how you had no idea what else to say. Then, after just realizing, adjusted Merlin’s jacket to settle over his shoulders more presentably.
“I don’t want to know,” Gaius walked straight to one of his tables.
“So,” you coughed, “I made some new soaps yesterday. Would you like some?”
“Soap?” Merlin questioned, thrown off a little.
“Yes. Soap. If you would excuse me Gaius, I’ll go fetch some.”
“I’ll go with you.” Merlin followed you towards the door and did not leave without saying, “I’ll bring back some soap, Gaius.”
“I don’t believe that I am getting any soap,” Gaius said to himself.
(A/N: I hope you enjoyed this Merlin x Reader. :)
If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
Best wishes and happy reading.)
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
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unattainablesillygoose · 2 months ago
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