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I like to make stuff like this
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pjo show is over hallelujah
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Dare I say, the movies were better
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pjo show is over hallelujah
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I have the hardest life ever btw (ao3 is down)
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I have the hardest life ever btw (ao3 is down)
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Dramatic zoom in and everything
j i just read the fic about cherry starting to like spiderman and i LOVED it sm, cherry and peter and i can’t stop thinking about cherry pondering about spiderman and peter just being there like🧍‍♀️
cherry: imagine finding out the guy you’re dating has been spider-man this whole time lmao
peter: *looks into the camera like on the office*
exactly this 😭
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The First Letter
The Heartache Files
Summary: Throughout space and time I'll be here watching over you in every single Universe. Yearning after you as I watch you fall deeper in love with someone that is not me. These are my letters to you, both old and new Masterlist
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Dear Mellon, 
Do you still remember the question you once asked me? The one that left me pondering for days as my answer teetered between yes and no. 
You had asked me in your drunken state, 
“If you ever got a chance to redo your life all over again would you?” 
You never got to hear my answer, and I don’t think you ever will. As Tauriel appeared before our eyes, you were by her side and away from mine. For years, I waited in agony hoping to get a glimpse of the side you only showed her. The one who would protect her from the harmful words of your father. The one who would follow her through the end of time. 
For more than a millenia, I never saw that side of you. All I ever received was the bleeding ache of my heart as you ripped it into a million pieces. I could still feel the bitter taste of my unrequited love still lingering on the tip of my tongue. But, nothing could soothe the excruciating pain that clutched me in its embrace when I realized she was falling in love with you too. 
It was torture. 
And it was hard. 
I tried letting go, I truly did. 
But, when you look at me with that sweet smile of yours as we race through Mirkwood, I can only blame myself for loving you. From the day we came of age you never stopped occupying my heart and mind. Like a parasite, this love has taken so much. 
It’s pathetic isn’t it? Allowing myself to cling onto this hopeless delusion that one day I could stand by your side as your beloved. Deep down a part of me doesn’t want to acknowledge the fact that you will never love me and that the idea of us being together isn’t possible. But maybe one day I’ll finally have the strength to let go of this love that consumes me in every way. 
For now, just let me indulge myself in this fantasy. A fantasy where I wish I could bind my fate to yours with the ends of our pinkies. 
It’s sad to admit, but I think I’m scared. I’m scared of letting go because it’s all that I have that connects me to you.
It all began when we first met many years ago as our tiny heads barely peaked above our fathers knees. Clinging onto their robes, we peered behind their large stature to stare at each other in wonder and curiosity. I remember the way you stumbled over your two feet trying to reach me. When you grabbed my hand I knew you were going to be the most important person to me.  
I loved you with all my being.
Loved you till all I had was a broken heart held together by a single thread called hope. 
So ask me again.
Ask me the question you never got your answer to because the next time you do, I'll tell you wholeheartedly yes. I’d jump through the cycle of life each and every time if it meant being with you. 
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