#mer Bruce wayne
ghost-bxrd · 4 months
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Subject class 223 spotted with a subject of unknown origin. Possible category— abyssal?
New subject appears to be of undocumented species. Bioluminescent membrane may be used in hunting, further research pending. Length of tail may point to relations with local snake species? Unlikely, research pending. Thin tail and visible bone structure may point to possible malnutrition/starvation.
Subject appears to be very young. Subject class 223 likely to assume paternal role again as he it did with [REDACTED]. Subject class 223 demonstrates remarkable tolerance with new subject, developing new behavioral patterns in response to that of the new subject. Integration into subject class 223’s pod pending? Further observation required.
Note to self: do not let [REDACTED] see. Redirect expeditions sw.
— Log entry 3.18, Researcher: [REDACTED]
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krantex · 8 months
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Just read the latest chapter of @floriianthefool ‘s fic, so of course I had to make art for it!
This is a spruced up version of a sketch I did copying Dan Mora’s gorgeous Bruce design, I changed him to a merman and painted it in like an hour so it’s pretty messy. Anyways, this is how I imagine Bruce looks when he’s at the edge of the pool, checking on Reader and glaring at everyone else lol. He’s so pretty <3 (also Dan Mora supremacy). I love sad wet (mer)men.
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beautyconsumer · 3 months
Brainstorming for my ABO Selkie! Alpha Jason / Siren! Omega Grant AU. To get my gears going and continue the story. Part 3
This time batfam fluff/shenanigans
Bruce is an omega parent with an awful empty nest syndrome so of course he adopted the baby selkie pup who not only had the hilarious gall to steal his tires, he's also shows incredible braveness and empathy towards the weak, despite being so scrawny and little.
Bruce's omega instincts melt.
This also bring the possibility of little alpha Jason being so intensely protective of Bruce.
Hence Jason staring down menacingly at every single alpha who so much looks at Bruce's way.
Catwoman wants to play chase? Not with Robin there! He's not having it.
Superman wants to stay over for dinner? Just watch your hands and eyes boy scout.
Two Face is having tension with Bruce with story Jason knows nothing about? You're on thin ice Dent. You're lucky you're so pathetic little meow meow otherwise Jason wouldn't have let it slide he's getting it with two (lol) of his parents
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floriianthefool · 10 months
like the soft beating of a heart in a still chest (fit into me like a missing rib)
mer Bruce Wayne x Reader
Chapter Fourteen
When they bring out the padded sling, Bruce is immediately tense, pushing Dick with him towards the centre of the pool. He snarls when they grow closer, fins rising in an impressive showing, black sails unfurling, a warning.
He paces in the water, predatory eyes locked on the humans, Dick behind him. Dick pulls at one of Bruces arms, trying to slip past, yet Bruce maintains his stance, firm.
One of your co-workers holding the sling glances at you, uncertain. “He’s not going to come here. How are we going to get him into the sling?”
Before you can even answer, someone says, “Just lower the nets, it’ll push him into the shallows.”
Frowning, you open your mouth to say-
“He’s too dangerous to approach, ha, I should know. He nearly tore my arm off last month. Just give him a sedative, it’s what we used last time.”
“No,” you finally say, voice firm, “There will be no sedative.” The two of them look over at you, almost looming over you. One of the men crosses his arms, head tilted.
“And what do you suggest,” says the one with crossed arms. “I’ve worked with the beast before and ‘ve got the scars to prove it. Don’t know about you, princess, but I’m pretty sure Doctor Crane doesn’t want any casualties while we try to get Brucie to his checkup.”
“And there will be none,” you say, crossing your arms to match him. The other one is watching the two of you like it’s a particularly entertaining ping pong match, as well as some of your other co-workers as well, milling around the two of you. You can’t see Bruce, he isn’t in your line of sight, but you know he’s watching, know he’s taking in everything with those cutting eyes. “Doctor Crane put me in charge, and I know what I’m doing. This can all be done without any casualties, net, or sedative-“
“And how do you propose we do that?”
You steel yourself. You honestly can’t believe this conversation is still going on. Not only would the old you have not expressed her opinion, even if she had, she would have quailed by now before all the questioning and the pressure. God, old you really was a wimp. But you’re not anymore (at least you hope you’re not). You’re a new person. A braver, better, kinder person. A new you.
“The sling is stressing him out. It’s either very foreign, or he doesn’t have good experiences with it. Neither of them have good experiences with the sling. He- they both need to know they’re safe, that nothing is going to happen to them. The nets, the sedative, that’ll only freak them out, and make any future experiences even more stressful, as well as just worse in general.”
Everyone is really listening to you, really actually listening to what you have to say. Even Crossed Arms guy. It feels really nice.
“What we should do is not go into the water immediately with the sling, rather, someone needs to go into the water and, somehow, reassure them. Calm them down. We’re not going to be able to de-stress them from here, and yelling will just make it worse. Once they’ve realised that it’s safe, we should be able to convince them to come closer, and, hopefully, get onto the sling. That’s when we can bring in the sling and get Bruce on.”
“Great idea, Boss,” says the Crossed Arms Guy. It appears as if everyone has chosen him as their spokesperson. “Just, quick question?”
“Yeah,” you say. You think you know what he’s going to ask.
“Who’s going into the water? Because it sure as hell ain’t gonna be me.”
You look around the group. Everyone’s avoiding meeting your eye, except Crossed Arms guy, who only really looks defiant.
“I’ll do it.”
Short snippet, rest of the chapter is up on ao3 under the name 'floriian'.
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mibkid · 2 years
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Am i proud? Yes.
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splendidcyan · 7 months
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Me every May: gonna do merm stuff this year!!! [Doesn't do merm stuff]
Me this Feb: yea merm time
Some silly cringe self indulgent batfam doodles!!! Bruce Wayne is a diver and adopted baby mer Dick Grayson and tbhhh idk anything else LOL. Damian doesn't know how to swim bc he was raised in the desert so it's a good thing his big brother and favorite person can teach him :) this Bruce is a mix of Battinson and the arkham games, since that's what I'm most familiar with. I rlly like how pale and Victorian he looks lmao. Also DONT ask how Damian is breathing while he swims, magic or smth idk
Alcohol markers and gouache on smooth Bristol paper.
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the-booty-crusader · 4 months
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Bruce finds a new kid at the table and he seems to have a few extra appendages?
(For my fic, Tim Krake which you can find here if you’re interested… this illustration is a bit of a spoiler for chapter 12 though :3)
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05ichasss · 6 months
Superbat merAu
Supes loves see B eating
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crookedlynerdywriter · 7 months
I’ve got this scene in my head for a Mer!Batfam AU where Bruce is human but he’s raising a bunch of merpups. And I just have this idea of him like picking one of his babies up out of the water while the pup screeches and bites him like that one video of a guy talking about how he pets his dog to relax while it bites the shit out of his fingers without really doing any damage. And he’s just like “and this is my precious little sweet heart *insert bat kid of your choice*”. The context being that merpups need to spend some time out of water for their bodies to properly develop the ability to breathe air rather than just using their gills to breathe water but like when babies get fussy for tummy time they don’t like being out of the water so they scream and hiss and bite but they’re not trying to hurt Bruce so much as show they’re upset (they get over it eventually but begrudgingly lol).
I also want to note that this idea has all of the batkids closer in age and younger because I like the idea of Bruce trying to manage a litter of mischievous little Mer-batpups and also because I think it could play into the idea of mers as social creatures that form pods and would likely usually raise pups communally in the pod and the pups would form their own little pod mirroring the adults.
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salparadiselost · 3 months
Has How to Train Your Mers Dickie ever been mistaken as a mermaid by new guests at the aquarium because of his long hair and pretty face?
Like as female? I would guess so yes! Though his name is Dick which is very... male.
But! Male and females don't have a ton of species dimorphism in the HTTYM-verse.
Males are larger, mainly to provide better protection for their young and because their tails need to accommodate a pouch. Females are smaller, slimmer and often have a lot for scarring from fights. Females are also almost always living on their own, while males tend to form a pod. Male mer tails tend to be wider and they have the pouch seam, whereas female mer tails are slimmer. However, the difference between their tails isn't so great that untrained eyes can tell. Because female mers are often aggressive towards pups that aren't their own and may try to kill the pup a male is pouching to make room for her own, male mers have an incentive to hide their pups inside their pouches and keep it looking as normal as possible.
Female mers also do not have any form of breasts like human females do. Neither males or females have nipples visible on their chests. Males have a single nipple inside of their pouch, which the mer pup will suckle on until they are weaned. This is also one of the reasons that twins are extremely rare for mers. There's only one pouch and one nipple, so dad really only has room for one. In the rare instances were twins do occur, the dad would need to transfer the pup over to another male with an empty pouch who is willing to pouch them.
So! Although there are physical differences between male and female Mers, they tend to be pretty nuanced or not visible to the naked eye. This would increase the chance that Dick gets called a girl lol
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atalante241 · 5 months
I know that the entire life mission of the batfamily is to be as sad as possible or whatever, but I need a mer fic where they live in a rescue place or whatever idk and they’re happy. Lex Luthor and his bald head can be trying to shoot down Superman from the sky, but he cares about human/sentient-beings-from-earth rights. The joker is just some dude who comes to stare at Bruce for uncomfortably long and has to be escorted out but he never does anything. Just let them enjoy their life.
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
In honor of Mermay I just had a THOUGHT about abyssal mer Jason.
Like, he’s such a little cutie patootie when Bruce first finds him and integrates him into his little clan consisting of an acrobatic reef mer and and older, regular shallows mer.
And Jason is so smol and cute and fits right along the curve of Bruce’s tail in a way that makes him essentially vanish from the sight of predators. And, sure, his scales look a bit sturdier and stranger than the ones they know from other species of mer. And his tail fin is a bioluminescent veil of delicate membranes he uses to lure curious little fish and eat them, not to mention his tail is about thrice as long than that of other mers. But he’s just so adorable and obviously starving that Bruce, Dick, AND Alfred all disregard the strange little things about their newest pod member adding up in favor of absolutely coddling him. Mer children are rare enough as is, having one that’s so obviously malnourished is basically a crime.
So Jason grows. A lot. And then he dies.
And then he comes back just as a couple fishermen are ecstatic over having caught a live mer, water churning, and suddenly this absolute leviathan rises up from the ocean. Easily ten times the size of the fishermen’s ship.
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krantex · 10 months
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I have never drawn a merman in my life, but here’s Bruce from @floriianthefool ‘s wonderful “like the soft beating of a heart in a still chest (fit into me like a missing rib)” on AO3!! I was inspired by @poppywine ‘s ask and gorgeous designs, it really got my creative juices flowing!
Don’t mind the wack anatomy (human and fish), I did this in like 3 hours lol. I love the way Floriian describes Bruce, I don’t think I quite did the picture of him in my head justice, but hopefully I conveyed how pretty he is!
Anyways, go check out the fic, it’s incredible and I’m always excited when I see there’s a new chapter up!! Can’t wait for Reader to get a little fish kiss from his fishy fish lips (if you get that reference I love you).
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Have some Superbat
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With Ray Bruce & "Sea Lion" Clark
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ky-landfill · 2 years
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batman-katflap · 4 months
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My gremlin Blue for Mermay. From my fic Salinity .
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